THE OMAHA DAJLLY BELnS ! SUNDAY , JUNE 9 , 1895. SPEG1RL NOTICES , Arttertlitmenu for llieie rolumni will lie tohrn nntll 1BI3O p. m. for the etenliiBiincl until 8 p. m. for tlio morulnR nnU Suncluy edition. Advertisers , tij rerjneitlnf nnmbcrcil tlieck , can Imve nn weri acldrrMcit to a cuinliered letter In euro of 'Hie llee. An- wr 10 nddreMed itlH be delivered upon trtientntlon of tlio clirck. only. Jlnten , 1 l-2c a nerd , llrnt Insertion , lo n mini bercnflnr. > othlnB twlceu for lifi thnn SOo for lint Interllou , llieio nclvrrtltcmcnti must inn cninrcu' lively. BITUATIONB WANTED. WANTED , SITUATION BY A HELIAHLi : . . ofllcc clirk. icfer- young man an l > o..k-kerper or cnccs Liven. Addiess box 133. I.liu'otn , Neb. ENGAGEMENTS IN FAMILIES 1IY tent dressmaker. O 10 , llee olllce. A -810 9 * WANTED M ALE HELP. WANTED , 1.000 MEN TO WRITE ME TODAY for the receipt ( uliMilitloly fice. Iti plain scaled envelop * ) which cured me of nervous debility , cxhaused vitality , etc. Address C. J Walker. lox 1,311 , Kalamazoo , Mich. H--M4J3 WANTED , SALESMEN. The Hanks Nuiscry Co. , Milwaukee. WIs , B-M7J5-J10' CUBAN FRECKLES , PURE AND MII.D. SC. WANTED. SMALL CONCERN PAYING FAIR wages wants HiHt-rhiMi ilruu litsniaii : also wood engiavor. Slalo wages cxpiciul. Ad dress II GO , Bee 11-M708 11 WANTED , SALESMAN , ON C'OMMIhSION , AC- qualnlcd with Omiih i groc is. AililrtMs , Kint- Ing expellence. R H. ll < . 1I-M.04 li' HALEMEN WANTED-J10) TO JI21 PER MONTH and expenses. Staple line. Position peim.inenl pleasant and desirable Addr < i with stamp King Mfg. Co. , C. 41. Chicago. H SALESMEN. J200 PER MONTH TO GOOD MEN to se-ll Aiotlc le - Mai him H for refrlgeiators. KUar.mteed 7"i p ( i ci'nt eluapi-r than lie , lasti a life-Mine , exclusive re > mi l given , write fen terms. Arctic Ice Machine fo , Cincinnati , O WANTED-IN OMAHA A BRK111T ACfOFNT nnt to leproscm the Safihiiiiril Account C'ltu pany of Chicago. Only thiwi- familiar with the Kafeguaid sistem of neumiits need apply. Ret- eirences rieiulii'd. Address Snfiguaid Accoiim Co. , Chlc.igej. B7f9 WANTED BY OCT. 1ST THREE FIRST class mganl/eis fur n society , to ive.ik the middle , noithwc l and wcstem stat's Oewd jearly Kaliny will ! B > paid to men who are now successful In nrRiinlrliiR lodges for the average society Addieis , Secretary , care Nilson ChcHinau te Co , 125 Fianklln St , Chi cago. 11 780 0 * WANTED THAVEMNO SALESMAN ' 1O SEM. musical merchnmllse on commission from n compute , comprehensive , llltiHtiated and de- scrlp'lve catalogue , for lust clasa jobbing house. Address , gl\lng leferenccs , The Win Tonk & Bro. Co. , 2"iU Wabash Ave , Chicago. B 779 9 * WANTED TUAVEI.IN'O SALESMEN TO SELL our celebrated brands of clgais to dealers Will pay salaii or iinntnlssinn Samtiles flee C. C. Guise A : Co. , 211 Randolph St. , Chjiago. WANTED PERSONS TO PHF.PAHE FOR THE approaching postal examlnatl ms for clerk carrier , etc I'nrtlculam and "pulnleis" free. National Correspondence Institute , Unshlngt in , U. C. 11 773-9 * SALESMEN 'IO DRUG TRADE. SIDE LINE , or otherwise. J. W. Knight , 217-22 ; Stale st , Haclne. WIs. H 748-9 * STENOGRAPHERS , BOOKKEEPERS , SAI.ES- men anil teachciH deslilnc positions In Tt MIK are Invited to address "The Te\as Hiislmss Bureau " JV Hudnall , pioprktor , Dullafi Tcx'aa. B-7'3-9 * WANTiro"ENliRGETJC FOLOCITOHS CAN cnslly establish n pleasint and permanent buslnesH In their own locallt > , wllh an In come of J100 00 per munth , selling Hlo I'm do , a very popular and fast selling aitlde IISCM ! In coffe'O making ; no experience Xcessny. W C. Shackelton & Co. . 19 Wubush avenue , Chl- cago. HI. H-S02 9 * AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN IN OUR RE- tall emler department , must be acquainted with the city , married man picfeiud , salaiv $13 W , call at e > ur ware re > ems after 10 a. m. Monda > . H. H , Newton , loom 12 , Crelghton block. U 790 9 * WANTED , YOUNG MAN OF ABILITY TO canuutHnru ] colc ! ct Alimt be well tecornmended Gooel terms. Apply Uuol , Bee , Council IlhirtH. B-M813 II ) WAJNTEU ii.MAl.1 , bEIO ? . ARE VQU IIONKST , SODUIl , INDUSTRIOUS' If so , engage with us for l a. > , PJO u month , $3GOO a > eai ; > ou can mnk It cnxy , six hours a ( lay. Our agents elo not complain of hard tlmen. Why ? They are making munoy selling our Perfection Dish Washer ; the only practical family washer nmnufnctureel , washes , dries nnil peillshes dlahes perfectlj In twu minutes no experience neccstary ; a chilli of 8 operates It easily ; clienp anil cluiablu , welKlit , tmiteen pounels ; made of anti-rust sheet strel , capac ity , 100 pieces ; J15.000 for Its equal , every fam ily wnnm one : > oti don't have to cam as , as soon ns people know > ou have It for sale they send for a dish washer , each uRent'K territory piotecteel ; no competition , we fur nish tample ( weighs six pounels ) In nice case to Inely nitents to take orileiH with ; one agent made 1214 S3 first ten days. Aeldiesa for full particulars 1'erfectlon MfB. Co. , Unslevvooel. III. C M424 LADinS WANTING I'lRST CLASS C1IHI.S call Scandinavian Y. W. Homo , 1C18 Cap. nve C MM3 10 * GIIIL. TO vo anNEHAi. iioustnvonic. sin South llth. C MO'il 9' WANT13D , COOKS. DINING ROOM O11U.S. chainbermnlds. porters , elevator bovs , etc , at Chlcnfro l niploynient lluicuu , 131J Douglas Btrpot , rooms 10 nnd 47. Telephone , 1311. K. B. Blewnrt , Mur. C dCG-H * AI.I. i.ADii.s HAVING A rnw nouns LIIR- uro each day should write me at once , regard. Inn pleasant home woik which easily p.ns ? IS weekly Thl Is no deception and will cer talnly pny you te > Investigate. Ileily | with etampcel envelope , Mrb. S , A. Stebblnn , Lau rence , Jllcli. (7753 ! ) ATTENTION 1.AD1RH , I HAV13 LRAIINRI ) OP a ve-ry simple ) home treatment which will read lly cuie nil female ellsurders. It Is truly naluix-'s own remedy , and I will Kindly send It free to any suffering woman. Address Mabel 13. Hush , Jollct , III. C707 9 AI Y MRAT COOK , J40.00 ; PASTIIY COOK , $ SlOi ( all round cook , } 3i,00 ; se'coml ccwk , chamlieimald , 12 ellnlng leiom Kills , flee fare. Open Sunday. Canadian Olllce , 1.22 DouKlus. C M7C9-11 VANTinJ-anu. rou TiinATiurAfTTiroui'i : must l > e KO d looking On. ' that can King ami elance preferred. Aeldress Hex IVii. Inntf Pine , Neb. C M7k 10 AVANTED , GIUI , I'OIl ORNHUAI. HoTisTr work ; must bo good plain cook. Cu'J s. 29th st. C M7k5 10 FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER HIX3CIC D 425 _ HOUSES IN ALL. PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. 1' . Davis company , 1505 Farnam. D 420 HOUSES , BENEWA & CO. . 10S N. 15TH ST. D 427 II. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAIlAT 1J M4.S _ FOR RENT DESIRABLE HOUSES. rooms , 211 S. 21th st , ( JO. 7 lexiins. 4.M5 Cumlng Bt. , ! J2. 7 rooms , KG N. 2th ; uvu. . JJ2 50. 9 rooms , 4907 Cats St. , > 10. V rooms , 4'.O7 Dnvcnpeirt st. , 110 , t > ICHJIUS , 344) Jackson st. } S , b rooms , S513 Pratt St. . (7. Bee Flelcllty Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam Bt. D 131 TOR HUNT FINE NEW 10-HOOM HOUSE. 62 ] N , 2iith st , H. T. Claike , 219 Hoard of Trade. D-C53 _ _ RENTAL AGENCY C20 SO. 10TH ST. D-727 _ TOR RENT AT BELLEVUE , NEAR R. 11 dciiot. n line 10-room house , tins grounds ; abundant fruit , also 4 room cottage. Henry T. Claike , No , 219 Bouid of Trade , Omaha , or W. H. Belt. Hc-llcvue. u-736 _ _ _ TEN-ROOM TlODEHN HOUSE ] CLOSE IN i B-iooni cottage , city water , sture bulMlng , 130s Fa.nam. L. S. bklniur. UBent , 31 Nev York Ule. D M921 1G _ 10-HOOM HOUSE , MODERN , LOCATED 2il Douglas. W. F. Clark. D M95ti-Jl > _ TWO O-ilOOM HHICK HOUSES. 1339-41 PARK avenue , facing Hanscom park , imiily new hard wood ilnlsh ; llrst class modern con vtnle-ncta. Inquire 1115 South 92nd street. . D M3J9 _ _ _ TOR RENT. FLATS NEWLY CLEANED. PA. prred and painted at northeast corner llth ane Howard. 515 a month. Inquire room 314 Flrsi National bank building. U4ZI-1 ! I AND T-IIOOM FLATS , WITH RANGE ANr all modern conveniences ; awnings , screens ane ] Janitor service. Call at coiner Hat , 701 8. u et. , from 10 to 1 ! and 2 to 4. George Cloustr. D MM4 I-HOOM MODKIIN HOUSE. DETACHED beautiful lawn ; shade tieeu. C" " > 5 South 3 > lh Apply to J , II , Parrotte , Douglas blo k. D M610 IT _ _ _ _ rwo corrAGES. ONE ruHNisai : Iio5 trn. tog Bo. 301 h tl l > 15 9 * _ FOIl RENT , A COMPLETELY rUHNIBHEl house , beautifully located , convcnUi.i to bu > l ness. For particulars Inquire of L. S. Sklnnci room 810. New York Ufe , D (18 s * _ FOR 11ENT. FINE COTTAGE , BARN. LARGE lawn , on car line. II. C. Patterson , Haing blk D-4JIT I ELEGANT t-HOOM COTTAGES JUST UU1L.T 122.50 , Fidelity Truit company , 17C2 Farnarr FOB KENT HOTJBE8. Conllnui3. UI.KUANTnOoM MODRHN' DCTACJinD home. Sl 8. 3W MP ntVllly Tnul tmn- pjny. 1701 I'mnurn ti tt. 1 > 613 THlinrMlOOM COTIAOK WITH ( JAIItlRX , 8. H. Cnr. Krd an ! Clark Pt. Inquire 1S73 Jnck- on fit. r > MS S-IIOOM HOUSU. AM. MODHUN , AND TAHT of furniture for xalc , 32:9 PopplMun Ave. D 1$4-0 I1IUC1C. MOUUHN KKYH SMI Caliltol live. , ucljo-nlnif -M676 12 * MOOMMOniitNCOTTAOi ! : : . EAST I'llONT. flnu luvvn. full lot , txMiutirul home ! for small family. SC2 N. < Mh , rent. 125.00 U-C91 I&IOIIV liniCK. 22.SW AND 06 KRRT THACIC. n e , 718 H. 13(11 ( , lit > our oun price , II. II Ccilo Co. , IQf. N'J5tli St. D-71C--J)6 NiW : 4-ltOOM COT 1'A It : COttNRU 30TII AND Hnhle-i Htucl , colliii , elMc'in , city \\iitrr only < COO. Inquire 1318 nunnm. n M715 a PLAT or 4 rl'iiMhiiuD on UNKUHNIH11no motni , Mry OeMrnMe , ch < np to light pally. Apply to ottni > r , O. Steel , 2101 1'leio1 * irre > t. U-736-U * - - roil itilNT , c-itooMMoiiiuN roTTAoij with large > nul. No. 1437 No. 10th st.D710 D-710 10' rou IIHNT , AT itiiAsoNAiiLif riitcn , MY rolile-nce , cor. 2llh nml St. Mary's uvo. , fur- nl hMl or imfurnlnhpil , for the Hummer , nr Ioniser. MlM. . HMIinnn. D-739 14- 1X-IIOOM COlTAUi : , 844 8. 21.41' jMMlpI I.KAKANT uKTAnino MODKIIN S-UOO.M house , hlce lawn , turn. Inquire 20)3 Pierce nt. n ivn IIOOM notrsi : , tio.03. iNcjumn is:2 Cliirls. D-MTC7 13" 'Oil HUNT S-ttOOM COTTAOn , CRt.I.An , wntnr clnflet , ncucr connection , 112 n month 2IJ3 1'aclllc ftie-ct. U7CJ 9 * Till UHNT-R-UnOM IlOUSi : , AM. XIODr.UN Improvements , linnl unn.l finish and all Inrse roonm. No 400 N 2irJ street. D M771 12 _ fiVw COTTAOI : con. SOTH ANDSAHI.RK ST. i-clhir , olHtern. rlly vvnli-r , only JI2.W Kmiulrr Sam'I Hum * . 1118 rnrnam. D 77i > 3 on HINT. ONI : IIIGHT UOOM norm : . 320 So 2Gilt xtreet , anil one ton rmm houxe cm 1'nrk nxenup. Iniiullc 1' . I1. Klrkemlnll. 110.J Ilarnoy nt. D 741-0 'OH HUNT , Nirni.Y rUHNIHIIIJI ) 7-HOO.M cotliiKe until AuKUst 1. Very ira onalil < < price- to mnn anil wife without children. CleKnnt locution only 5 blocks froro > U-Jiess center Aildrr'H S 4 Hce. 1) 742-9 'OS 1-AKNAM STIIRIJT. , V. M lingers , 13.H riunam itrect. D 120 .o\v iinNT. HrnriAi. TP.HMS POH NI\V clKht-rexmi mwlrrn house , or six-loom cottage , lifHt locution. Kood Ia\\ni , < > aBy wnlk to Inn Iness ci-nter. Inquire at 316 N. Y Life tjuUdlnn. D-7i,2 , 9 OH IUNT , IO-UOOM iiousi : , WITH AM. modern lmpro\cmentB. 2C3S Ilnmllton street , apply on premises. 1 > 801 9' .lODERN . TEN-ROOM HOUSES ON MOTOIl line for rent nt J2i.00 ) per rujnth I ! . II She-life , 432 1'nxton block. D 798 9 * S'ICELY rniNiSHEn HOUSI : , 6 ROOMS. Mini , sple-ndlil hlmde ; city water In house , die-up S"X)2 ) Rt. Mary's avenue U SOI 9 * HOOM COTTAOU , $400 , 1004 South 14th street. 1 inquire b2S S. 18th street. D M800 II r U it 111 oil ED B.OOM3. HCE SOUTH TRONT ROOM , WELL. PUR- nlshed , private family. Call 2412 Cass st , E M433 M3ASANT HOOM , 1919 DO13GC. U-MS97 HOOM. C26 3. 19TH STHEBT. E M107-J18' Ken BENT. iL.raANTLY : : FUHNisunn rooms 604 8. 13th. E CIS Jy2 _ .OC'ATION CONVENIENT AND HOOMS WEM. furnlshtd , Mllh orlthout board , line shade trees. 2.1)3 Painam. E MCS8 12 roil KENT. TWO WELL rUHNlSHED SE1'- aiate looms , conveniences. 2043 Dodge street E 723 9 : -U IlNIHItED HOOM. HATH , $3 ; 1911 r.vUNAM E 713 9' [ NICE rURNISIIED H.OOM8 I'OH MOHT hounkeeping. 1112 South llth. E 735 14 * xm KENT , ron A FEW WEEKS. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping. Ground lloor Ccntial. Hefeicncea required Aildre * C 3 llee. E m-747-11 * I.AHGE 1'HONT HOOM , WITH ALCOVE , nlcoly furnished , modern ; nlso parlor bed room. Buiitli exposuie , Hiiltablo for one or two gentle- mm ; ran URB parlor. 2)09 Cass. 12 7SC 9 * 1XH RENT , HOOMS SINGLE OH EN SUITE , reasonable tetniB to i > crmanent tenants Cull at 1717 Chicago Hlreet. E 7SI 9 * roil RENT , ROOMS FURNISHED OH 1'NI'ril- nlulietl , price % eiy low Call at 009 N. 18th E-783 9 IANDHOME , COOL. PARLOR AND HEDROOM furnished or unfurnished , bath , gas ; modtrr house , well loc.ited ; Kentlemnn and wife or twr ladles , board If dished , refeicnces C13 No-tli i0th. ! E-813 0' EXTRNISHED BOOMS ANDBOaBD THE ROSE , 2023 HARNEY , NICE PURNISHED rooms with board ; special rater to gentlemen V 204-J22 * DESIRABLE SUITE Or linQMS , WITH EX cellent table , lawn , etc 202 N. 18th.P . P M677 9 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 200 N. 19TI1 street. r M72S 21 TWO SOUTH HOOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE with board , private family : reference. 22H ( Douglas. r M7J7 14 FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board , gentlemen only. 714 N. 20th. 1' M719 9 * FIRST-CLASS HOARD AND ROOM AND SOME cash In exchange for new cabinet upright piano. Address C 8 , Hee. r 787 9 EAST FRONT ROOM , WITH HOARD. IN private family. S06 S. 2Cth. r 7i > 5 6 * rOH TRADE. A HUCKHOARD , HANP MADE almost new , for n phaeton or good drlv Im horse , will give difference ; state price. Addres1 C C. llee olllce. F MJ4 10 UIsEtJRNlBta.hI ) .KUOfllB TO BENX FOR RENT , FOUR ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished. 211 North 23d mrtvt. G-M734 10 THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED HOOMS all modern , cheap to right party. Addiess C 7 Hee. G 790 9 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE men or married couple. COO North 17th Htieet. G M800 11' FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THREE STORY AND HASEMENT brick store building , 1003 Farnam street. Large elevator , tlrst-class condition , suitable for any kind of business. Reasonable terms. Inquire room 314 First National bank building. I 420-12 FOR RENT THE 4-STORY HHICK BUILDING , 910 Farnam btreet This building lias a tire- proof cement basement , complete Bteam heat' Ing fixtures , \\ on all Moors , gun , etc. Ap ply at the olllce of The Bee. I 911) FIRST FtXXMl OFFICE HOOMS IXMl REN1 at 1613 Douglas , I rn-illi-ll AGEN1S WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN , Jo TO J10 A DAY. ADdress - dress the Handy Heater Co. , 831 New York Llf ( bldg , Omaha , Neb. J 913 AGENTS WANTED FOR LARGEST L1NI aluminum novelties , bar goods , tableware h America ; prollts Immense ; steady work , Fanipl lOe ; Illustrated catalogue free. Aluminum Nov elty Co. . 335 Broadway , New York. J WANTED. AGENTS. CANVASSERS. MALE OI female , something new In Hdles' shi-es of grea merit , big pay and e\ilusl\o sale guaranteed Addreis Manufacturers' Shoe Co , 435 Unlo : st , L > nn , Mass J WHY DO PEOPLE COMPLAIN OF HAHI times , when any vvomnu or man can mak from > 5 to 10 a day easily. All have heard o the wonderful success of the. Climax DIs Washer ; jet many are apt to think they can' maUo money selling It. but anvnne can mak money , becauce every family wanta one. On agent has made 1478.38 In the last three month ! after pa > lnx all expenses and attending to re ular business betides You don't nave t3 can vass , as soon an people know vou have It fo ale they send for a Dish Washer. Address th Climax Mfir Co. . 4 ! Starr Ave. . Columbui , Ohlc for particular * j I HAVE THE BEST AGENTS' ARTICLE Ot earth. Hend postal for particulars Nothlm like It. Credit to all worthy. Wanted b even tody. No fraud. Permanent gmwlm JiUslnMs for honest people. Theo. Noel Geologist , Chicago. J 7T4-'J _ AGENTS WANTED-TO SHOW THE NI3V . . . . , - ( wi ) ! . " " * " * I'1"1" : samples , 20c. O. E Mlckel. Haverhlll , Mas . J-772-6' WANTED , LADY AGENTS ; HYOKIA COR tet me the best sellers ; blgr prollls ; eas vvork. Catalogue free by tending to Weitei Corset Co. . St. Louis , Mo , j AGENTS EVERYWHERE. 8OMKTHINCI NE\\ no talking , cells at slglit , big profits Clrct lar free. Send lOo for sample In plush boi Novelty Introduction Co. , 207 State t. , Chlcagt J- WANTED. agents for name platen and nous numbers. l > ev led glass , gold lined , readabl In the dark ; llntst KTO.IS made ; samples fre < Dimslan Ifg. Co. . 221 6th nve , , Uilcngo. J WANTED-AGENTS TO 8KI.L THT : ONLY AI' ' Iintprlale anil anlstlo otllclal 4lh of July erne iiM-nt. patented. Sample. lOc , lllg protlt. .V Ernst , c.lgy eland. O , J M754 11 AOENTS MAKE tl TO 5 A DAY SELMN ( our houiehold rpeclaltles. circulars free. O n eral Ajrentu Supply Co. , tlnclnnatl. O. AOENTS WANTED. Continued. OENT8 , SEM. MARY JANE DISHWASHERS and get rich ; best made ; more void tl'nn all others ; only f3 ; rvcry family vvantn Mary Jane ; good profit. Purlnlon A Co , , Des Molnes , la , GENTS WANTED-rNEROETIC MEN TO sell goods hv rumple , nt home or travel. Easy IH Her , Liberal ralniy or good commission Addii' s with stamp , P. O Box 1103 , New Yoik City. J , 'ANTED , AC1ENT8 TO SELL HASH LOCKS and door holders , Sample sash lock free by mall for 2e stamp. Best teller * ever Invented. Heats weights. 112 00 a day. Write quick. Bio- hard & Co. , Box 77 , Philadelphia. J GENTS WANTED TO HANDLE STAPLE articles that pell like hot cakes everywhere ; exclusive tcrrliory iUen ; sampUs easily car ried , big prodls Diamond Cutlery Co . 58-62 Broadway , Ne\Y York City. J-781-9 * WANTED. AGENTS FOR OUR ASBESTOS clay cooking ware. Avagoa 13 to 17 u day. Pay every week. Central Supply Co , Cincin nati , Ohio. J GENTS WANTED. NEW WALL MAP U. R. nnd world , six ( rtt Ionic , eleven beautiful colors. No experience needed. You cannot make inonev in lcr Send Sic for sample or write Hand , MeNally & Co. , Chicago J \OENTS , CAN YOU VISIT STORES AND show our sign palntlnK machine to merchants ? Write quick. Stamp. Arc Co. , Racine , WIs. J 78S 9 IX ACTIVE , 1NTEI.LIOENT , RESPECTABLE an < l reiqnm'dMe m < n or women to sell pocket nitlcle , experience unnecessary , no communion , salarv , J1110 to jo 0V ppr week. Call room < C , Hotel Brunswick. J 807 9 * WANTED TO KENT. .VANTED-IIOARD AND ROOAI FOR MAN anil wife , not over $13.00 per month. Address R CC. Bee K 73S 9 , VANTE"D , FI'IINISIIED COTTAGE , FIVE on six rooms , modern , by July 1 Room 2oii , Hee. K-789 9 BENTAL AOiNCY. O. G. WALLACE , RENTALS. 312 BROWN bile. L MT03 STOBAGE. TORAOE , FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY. M435 1EST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U S , gov bond warehouse ; household goods stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. M430 1TOVES STORED DURING SUMMER. TEL. MO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. ACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. . 9TII & Jones sis. General storage and forwarding. WANTED TO BUTc iVANTED TO UUY GOOD DHIVINO HORSE , not too small , Kentle and fairly ROOI ! speeil. or will take a horse for Us keeping ; responsible party anil gooel care taken. Aeldresn H 32 , Hee ofllce. N-M4-9 * iVANTEI ) . SECOND HAND ROLLER TOP elesk address box C 2 , Uee olllce. N M749 10 FOB SAT.E b'TTKNITUKE. FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL TO New York , will sell all the furniture , carpetn , etc , of a 10-room house cheap. Call at Kl B. 2Cth ave. O-M439 FOR SALE HY A FAMILY MOVING OUT OF the city 1 Andrena ilouble folellns Lcel wrltltiK elesk pattern , I Garland range , 1 chlkl'tl play tent In Its second stasem , 1 hard coil stove , splendid heater. Address R 51 , Uee olllce. O-L61-9 * FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS to I * ell8io | ed of at low prlcen , Ktvlng up housekeeping , enquire at 4CJ So. 21th ave. O-ni-743-10 * - - - FOR SALE--HORSESWAGONSETC - - , , A FINE GENTLE TEAM AND CARRIAGE Inquire Llnlngcr , Metcalf Co. 1 > U9-10 * WELL-URED FAMILY OR IIROOD MARE , 23 00. Enquire 2712 Nor 24lh St. P--C71-S * K1RST-CLASS FAMILY HORSE AND FINE phaeton. KO South 21st. I' M7 3 9 * FOR SALE , TWO FINE DRIVING MARES ono re'Klstered Chltwoenl , 0 jer.irs old , sixteen hands high , weight 1,000 , one registered Saturn 4 > eais old ( by Ladd'H Counselor ) , foutteen hnndM , weight IDO ; Loth bright bay , well broke singleor double , will drive together Inside o tinea minutes. Address II 53 , care Omih.e Hee I > M722 9 * FOR SALE , A GOOD DELIVERY TEAM , and 0 sears old , weight l.UOO Ibs. , for J40.00 Address H C2 , Hee. P M721 9 * WELL-BRED FAMILY OR HROOD MARE ? oU 00. l.ncpjlreTU N. 24th street. P C71 0 * FOR SALE IttlSCKI.LANEOUS WEGMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT ORGANS , Wooelbrldgc llros , 117 S. 17th. QUO HARDWOOD COMI1INATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chas. H. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q441 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES , NEH. , has 400 tons good baled hay to sell , Q M442 FOR SALE. A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Urandles , Uoston Store. Q M094 CUDAN FRECKLES SOLD EVERYWHERE , 5C. Q184 J21 FOH SALE. PREMIUM REGISTERED JERSEY cow ; very line. H. C. Patteison , Rampe blk Q MC97 9 FOR SALE , LARGE SPECIAL ORDER MUSIC box , with JUKI table ; full orchestial attach ments ; Just new , nt half price. Patties golna to Europe. Aelolpti Meyer , music store. Q-MC90 9 A FIRST-CLASS ENGINEER'S TRANSIT FOR sale or exchange for good typewriter. Ad dress R C7 , llee. Q m-743-10 * FOH SALE. A C-TON WAGON SCALE , LAM- oreaux Hros. , 300 S. 16th st. Q 750-9 JERSEY COW WITH HUTTER RECORD finely bled ; great pet , registered ; very hand some ; must sell. Address C S , Hee. Q 793 9 * A GOOD HAHGAIN , A NEW HIGH GRADF wheel for sale , { 80.00. Inquire at 2606 Popple ton avenue. Q M811 10 MISCELLANEOUS. R YOU TIRED OF LATE FROSTS ANf enrly blizzards ? Posted on Uncle Sam' "Italy ? " Rich soil , no freeze , no sunstroke menlern cities , e.vtein advantages , perfect ell mate , lllus. S6-p.ige book 'Me. Why not sen today ? . J. K. Reynolds , San Diego , Cul.R THE GEORGIA PEACH CARNIVAL , A LUX. uilant exhibition of all fruits , July 1 to 20 1&95. at Macon , Ga. ; one fare for round trip sold July 5. Ge-o. W Duncan , manager. Theo. Ellis , adv. com Ii CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , HE liable business medium , tth jeurat 119 N. 16th S4I3 FREE TEST MONDAY HY THE GREATES1 cllrvojant and medium. Karbach block. 151 nnd Douglas. Room 50. . S 799 9 * M-ASSAGli , JtiATHb. XTO. MADAM SMITH. SOS S 13TH. 2D FLOOR. HOOJ 3 , magne'llc , vapor , alcohol , steam , sulphurln nnd sea baths. T M7CS 15 * MOST COMMODIOUS HATH PARLORS IN city. Mine Hovvell. 318 At 320 S. 13th , thnrouKhlj practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant T M813 Jll * MADAM LA RUE , 1017 HOWARD ST.T8C3 T8C3 J12 * MASSAGE , MADAME UERNARD , H21 DODGF T MC39 , ly 4 * TUKKlbH BATHS. TURKISH HATIIS. ONLY PLACE IN CIT\ exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 , Uee bids LADIES' HATHS , C FOR | 5. MME. POST. 319V S. 15. 730 PfcRBCJNAL. THE UELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TC order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. _ _ U-38J VIAVI CO. , 848 BEE HLDG ; HEALTH HOOK free ; home treatment ; lady attendant , U444 H. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS Banquet , hall , residence and crave decorations 1513 Vlnlon street. Telephone ; 7 < i. U M44i UATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 319 S. 11TH U731 CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH IOC FOR DC U184 J21 PLEDGES NOT REDEEMED OR EXTENDEE by Juno 15 will bo sold at auction. Fred Mohle 1517'i Fnrnam. U M243 15 PRI ATI3 fioME rOR LADIES DURING CON linemen ! ; babies adopted or otherwise provider for. 2 1 Charles stieet , Omaha , Neb. U-ME63J14 * UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED S16 , No. 16th. Jas. Henderson. U 3S7 J 27 HAHGAIN , 12 CABINET PHOTOS. I ! DAVIES 113 S ICth street , opposite Uoston Store. U MM9 SO A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY 1O LOAh on planoH , jewelx , bicycles , etc. Huslnet strictly confidential , Address Postoltlcu llo _ SM. _ _ U--M7U3 C , M O , BIAHT , M. D. , HAS RESUME ? practice. Practice limited to etlstnsvs of th skin. Olllcx hours hy special appointment Tel. 1.843. 127 B. Mill cl. f-M709 13 WANTED. HY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. A horse uml pheaton for the keeping , belt o care guaranteed. Apply 904 So , iith ave. u no 9 * PSllSON-AL. Contltrn . HAVE YOUR OLD t AHP T8 MADE INTO men ; any nice jou f rh. 1321 Leaven worth Mrefl. ! _ t U-M706Jt MEN AND WOMEN TAUGHT TO MAKE crayon portrait * In fin re hours at their homes i > y a new , copyrighted irnethenlj those IcarnlnR my method will be furnished weirk by me li > which they can earn IS.00 to 118 00 per week , Send for particulars II , i A. Grtpp , German nrt4M , Tyrone , Pn. U TTENTION I.ADIESIWEMMA" RUST DE- velope > r will enlatge > mir bust 5 Inchei. Guar anteed , Sealed Instructions 2c , or 24 page Illus trated catalogue- . by mall. Emma Toilet Uazar , lloMon. Mass. , i U ) O YOU WANT TcTLEAllN TO HE AN AStrologer - trologer , lo have a dellneietlon of yourself or n rilmrnnilt of your disease , If so write for In- forniatjon. Adelress R ett , Hee. U7fr ) 9 * TlIVATlf PLACE FOR LADIES DURING e'onttnemeTit , with good medical attendance P. O Box 471. U7M 9 * IUPEHFLOUS HAIR-WHITE FOR FREE IN- finmatlon how to remove hnlr permnnentlS wltlii'Ut slightest Injury to skin , superior to electric needle. Curtis Co , 180 32d ft , Chicago. U762 D * lAHHIAGE PAPERS FREE. I IIOTO OF YOl'll future wife eir liuohand , Be. Messi-ngi-i. Pelevskey , Mich . Box C'i2. U " 8 a * IIDDLE-AGED HACHELOR , IRREPHOACH- iihle character , solicits correspemdence with le- llned laely with honest Intentions. Objeict mairluge. No age'nts. Address Hex 912. Chi cago. U 770 U * HOW TIRED I AM. " WOULD NOT HE THE wall ( if the suffering Invalid If Claike's Pure live Whiskey were useel. In bottles always U-751-9 VANTED , LADY OH GENTLEMAN ; SMALL Investment and e > flce ! seivlces , ple.isint , paving business. 213 Dcuglas block , Omaha U 7S1 9 * TO NTH ) NY LOAN & TUVpr CO. , 31S N. Y. Lll E , loand at low rates lor choice security in Ne braska and Iowa fatms or Qiuiha cltv property. W4ltt , IONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. I' . Dav Is Co. , IMS Farnain st. W431 NVESTOHS DIRECTORY CO. , 10 WALL ST , New York , offer any part 100,000 eastern In vestor's names , who have money to Invest ; Just compiled. Write foi particulars. CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 613 N. Y. LIFE W430 , IFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , r. O , Chcsney , Kansas City , Mo. W433 IAPITAL , J2.000000 ; SURPLUS , $500,000 , U. S. Mortgage Trust Co. , New York. For C per cent loans on city property npply to Pusey & Thomat , agents , room 207 Flist Nat'l tunk bldg.W W 232 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxtoii blk. W447 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. U. Melkel , 1st Nat. Uk bldg. W448 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam. W449 , OANS ON IMPROVED A UNIMPROVED CITY propel ty. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W432 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any Kind of chattel security at lowest possible latcs , which you can pay back at any time nr In any amount. FII'ELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO Room 4 , Wlthnell blpck. X451 J. H. HADDOCK. HO.OM 427 , RAMGE HLOCK. r X433 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fled Terry , 43J Ramge blk. X45e5 MONEY TO LOAN ON FUHN1TURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc , , at lowest rates In city , no removal of gouds. 'strictly conlldentlal , sou can pay the loan oil at any time or In any amount. ' OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 1 COO So. ICth St. St.X470 X470 BUSINESS CHANCES. CUBAN FRECKLES. THE ONLY CIGAR , 5C Y184 J21 FOR SALE MY LOAN AND JEWELRY BUS ! nets. Fred Mohle , lJlf4 } Famam. M831-J14 tOOO FOR A GOOD A'AYING MANUFACTURIng - Ing business ; must be sold at once. Address H 58 , Hee. , Y 633-12 * A HARE CHANCE -TlfPROVED PHOPEHT1 ptvrH-rly CdxltO em noith 16th st ; five minutes walk from postotllce. Price $10000 cash. No tiade. Address H. , P. O. Hex S8 , Oinahi Y763 10 * WANTED-OENTLEMEN COMPETENT TO handle an entliely new business. Have > ou brains sulllclent to Induce parties to Invest em an absolute guarantee of not less than 23 per ce > nt monthly prollt ? Llbeial compensation. T. J. Clark , 215 Deal born St. , Chicago. Ill Y 777-9 * 'STAND NOT UPON THE ORDER OF GOING but go at once" unel buy a bottle * of Clarke's Pure live Whl.1 ( < ey. Every family needs nne for sudelen Illness. Y 732-9 SALOON IN ONE OF THE LEADING hotels In Omaha for Bale. Addiess D , 1802 Cum'.ng street. Y 744 U * RETIRED CLERGYMAN OF MEANS , LAHGI European and American experience , desire partner with $2,00000 to establish novel healtl Institute , Held unoccupied , Immense pitron.ige rich profits. Aeldress C 9 , Hee. Y SOI 9 * FOR SALE , CHOICE , GILT-EDGED. SMALL real estate mortgages , drawing 8 per cent In terest. Intere'st payable each six months. Ad dress C 11 , Hee. Y M809 10 * FOR SALE , LEASE AND FURNITURE OF R H. hotel , eating hemse and lunch counter , dolnB gooel business at Junction 5 , division H. H. free rent , transportation , freight , express , etc terms easy. Lock HDX 33 , OsowntonnleKan. . Y SOS 9 * FOH iXOh-ANGKH. FARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI for stock of hardware or Implements. ICnox & Rlsser , 37Mi Pearl St. , Council 1)luffs , la.Z117J29 Z117J29 I WANT CLEAR REAL ESTATE AND SOMI cash for a complete Block of clothing and fur nlxhlng roods , valued at $10,000.00. Addrus R W , Bee ? . K MOID 11 IXJII TRADE. A SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT nnd cash for a stock of hardware and stoves W. F. Stoetzel. Z-6S9-11 TO EXCHANGE. A. 1. CALIFORNIA FRUIT land , clear , for mdse , bojks and stationery . wall paper or queensware pieferred Address ' Hex 72 , Sioux City , la. Z 711 10 * WILL EXCHANOE MILLINEHY FOR HANOI 1512 Douglas street. Z M730 21 WANTED , TO TRADE , A GOOD , HEAV\ double- spring vagon , for a single wagcn Ad dress U W , Hee. K M720 9 * TO EXCHANGE , IMPHOVED CLEAR FLOH Ida propeity worth $ iWO , for equity In low farm. Box 578 , Vlillfca , la. 2738 9 * WANTED , G OR 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ge > od locittjn , for six clear lots , wnith $80 eiach ; will pay some adelltlonal cash for same Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st. Z M793 U GOOD 2-STORY HOUSE ON NORTH SIDE , TC traelo for cottage southwest , and will pa some cash for good bargain. Fidelity Trus company , 1702 Fa HIM in stitet. /f M793 12 FOR SALt. M.C.A.L , E ABSTRACTS , THE BYJION REED COMPANY \ RE 438 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM sale or trade , F. K. Uarllnf , Barker Block ( I i. KE- " " > ISIPHOVED GARDEN I'A'NDS ' NEAR OMAH/ at prices that will , suiprljw > ou. If taken will In 2 weeks. J. It. " Shef.wood , 423 N. Y. Life 3 , . f HE 159 BARGAINS , SALE OR TH'ADE ' IN CITY PROP eitlcs and faims. 'Bohrl J * . Frcnzer , oip P. O " RE 4C1 SNAPS , 6 TO 6 MIfES < FROSI OMAHA P. O 40. 80 or 120 acres. " Imp xived , $30 CO per acre 2eX ) acres , fW 00 per acii'j 230 acres , $4000 pe acre ; C 10-acre traft * ' . I ? * 00 to $10000 per acre Must be sold aiON.'Y. ' Life bldg. RE 462 7ROOMMOOERN COTTAOESC2 N. 40TH only $3.70000. gre.Jt ( bargain. _ IIE-M790 HOMES ON EASY .PATIENTS. SELL ANI buy lots , acres , tariffs. Dap In Bros , 2JO N. Y. L ' * 463 RE _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ 'ju | | _ FOR SALE. AN IMHROVED EASTERN NE biagka farm of 33) ) atr i. Is now raising u Immense crop , terois caali. W. F. Steietzel 1st door So. of P. U. i nE-670-11 _ r iiAVu SHVEHAii ' "DESIHABLE SMAL farms for sale , sltualcel near 101s Arc. count seat of Prairie county. None but good In elustrlous people need apply For further In formation address B. F. Uelne , DIs Arc , Ar kansas. RE M700 9 * $450.00 FOR A LOT IN WALNUT HILL , block from car and paved ctieet. Omaha lien Estate and Tliiet Co. , 211 S , 18th street 1UM733 10 FOR 8ALEi AT BED HeOClT PRICES , 100 FT Park ave. , corner tit-mint " , H.inscutn park , 1C ft , corner , same block e-nkt front , 50 ft I'ar nve. front , no of park , quick bujer get 11 bargain Call on or address The Byron Hee Co. , Omaha , or J. H. Sullivan , Drovers' Jour nal olllce. Chicago , ill 11 E HAVE YOU A CI.EAR LOT THAT YOt would llko to put In a * part payment for beautiful 6 or t room cottage ? We have Jus wlfit you want , and can make ) ou a splendl lurpaln , now Is the time to buy yourself lionui In Omaha. We * have hail more Inqulrlei far homes the last vveik than for any vvlthl u year. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnan REM792 13 $60.00 IN 6 MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BUI 44 acres on the South Florida frontier. K. U Honey , 1'unta dorcia , Florida , HE US13 U * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Continued , "OR BALI : , SPLENDID INVESTMENT. NEW liousc , 10 rooms , 2 bedrooms on flirt floor ; nice yard , clone to school * nmt tiuslnMs ; prlca lets than cost of Improvement , $2,00 $500 cuih , bal ance , $1504 per month i Interest , 0 p r cent ; tan rent house for $175.00 cash In advance for ono year , near 31st and Cats streets. Willis Yatca , agent , Eeiultable Trust Co. RE-7979 * BICYCLE ? . .I. . O. DAXON , 402 N. 16TH. 461 ICTOR BICYCLES. THE FINEST OF ALL blcjclea. Omaha Dlcjcle Co. , 323 N. Kill street. ITEHL1NG 11UII.T LIKE A WATCH. WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street SEE THE VISIBLE BALI. HEARINGS ON Relaj Special. Will Batnum Uro. . 120 N. lilli. 467 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO , 116 S , 15th til eel. 463 \ . L. DEANE & CO. , WHOLESALE AND RE- tall blcjcles. 1116 rnrnnm street ; blcvcles fold on easy pa > menls. 4" " > i WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO..2116 CUMING 470 MANTELS , OKATJb AND TILES. WOOD MANTLES. GRATES. TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large Doors ; write foi catalogue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha 471 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOOIA'i'ION. CHARES IN MUTUAL L. & I ) ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old. alvvaj * . ledcemable. 1701 Farnam Bt. Nattlnger , Sec 480 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interst on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II Aus'n , 1704 Bee Bide. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec 411 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4304 Hurdctte. 503 J30 * DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES Fit nnd style guaranteed. Address R 38. llee 63S-9 TJWDKRTAKiSKiiAJVJL ) EMBALMERS II. K UURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmcr. 1618 Chicago st , telephone 90 47J SWANSON & VAL1EN , 1701 CUMING , TEL. 10CO 473 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM- er. 1117 Fnrnam St. , telephone 225 474 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 16TII ST 47.1 PTTMPd AND WINDMILLS. ; H. BOYDEN PUMPS AND WIND MILLS , all kinds of pump repairing Leave outers with Churchill Pump Co. Telephone 613 M-1C3-J21 * , ART AND LANGUAGES. GKORGE F. GELLENHECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M 109 TUTORING IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES mm- Ing the summer at 2323 Furnum stieet Jessie Tovvne. M707 9 * ELOCUTION ONE MONTHS' SPECIAL course , e-ommonelng Juno 10. Shakespeare. Or- thoepy , Delsarto , Heading , Literature Lectures. Miss Fuller , 516 Kiubach bleick. M 7f4 10 * YOUNG FRENCH GENTLEMEN (19 YEARS ) of good family , will give French lessens ( no salarv ) In g < M l f imlly , some fnm ly leaving for summer preferred , lefeienres exchanged Ad dress E 1'y , 1614 N 18th stiect. M791 11 * MtiDICAL. LADIES' CHICIIESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( dlamonel brand ) are the best , safe lellablc1 , take no either , send 4c , stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles" In lettei bv leturn mill At druggists Chlchestel Chem ical Co. , Phil ideiphla. Pa. RHEUMATISM AND GOUT CURED HY Clark's Red Cro s Mineral Water , never fails cures sciatica and all kldnev , llvet and bladdi r troubles ; gm l monej to agents ; write for terms and pamphlet Fish Vaughan , genenl agents , 4loO CJottnge Grove avenue , Chlc.igo , 111. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL onice to 209 S 16th st , Blown block. 470 A GOOD THING I USH IT ALONGrMAY HE the latest slang phrase , but that's Just what we're doing with SHERIDAN COAL. 8,000 tons sold In Omeha last ve-at We give you 2010 Ibs , of the best Wvomlng cooking coal for $4 59. Victor White , nigr. , 1G05 Farnam 6t. Tel. 127. 411 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER , 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at $1.50 per day. CO rooms at $2.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. 478 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 479 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE ICO ACRES OF HLUE GRASS PAS. ture for horses , board fence , spring water , Barton & Phelps , Gllmore. Neb. , or A W Phelps & Son , i.07 N. Y. Life bldg . Tel. 105t 478-July 1 * PASTURE. CATTLE & HORhES , T MURRAY. 80S-J15 BLUE GRASS , SPRING WATER ; H. H. HAH- del & Co. , Bee building. 221 NOTICE I , THE UNDERSIGNED , WILL TAKE In horses and colts to pasture , feed nnd care for the 5ear round In Howard Cei. , Nebraska Watch this paper for particulars by the 10th of June , 1S93. CharUs Cans. By Gexj G. Gans , foreman , P. O. box 136 , St. Paul , Neb M .45-11 MEDIUMS. WHOEVER SEES THIS , AND IS IN ANV trouble , send a stamp lo the only great clair voyant and medium , for free advice , but ask no questions ; don't be humbugged by travel ing fakers , located for years I never fall Wm. Garlleld , 639 Cth ave. , Des Molnes la This offer three weeks. 622 14 * WANTED TO BOBi OW. WANTED TO BORROW $300 FOR ONE YEAR on Al collateral sucuilty. Addicas S 1. He ? M7C6 10 * CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORHILL. PAPEH HANGING , HOUSE sign painting , brick vvork , plastering ; off R. 1 , Barker blk. ; tel , 735 ; shop 913 N. 24th St. 431 SHORTHAND ANjJ TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE M 4J ELECTKUAL fc ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction Western Elec trical Supply Co , 151" Houaid st. 4S2 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 10 Ft 483 DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MORAND WILL GIVE PHI ate le sons In dancing nt their home 1906 Dodge street , during the summer. 223-J23 LO-T. FIVE DOLLARS \\ILL HE PAID POR THE return , In frnod conelltlnn , of cash bouk he - lonKlntf to Stienlev llaker. .1' S Navy , which was In trunk sold at I'nlon Pacific unclaimed bigKttge Fiile In October 1893. A. Trajnur , G H A , Council muffs , la. Lost 714 13 I/OST , GOLD-MOUNTED EYEGLASSES. LAST Friday nlxht on Lake 2'th 23d or Cass etieIs Will Under please return to H. T. Clarke 219 Board of Trade. S14 9 BUaiN.Bfe.d , .NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 710 N. 15 493 DENTISTrf. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 HURT ST , 497 IT'S JUST HERE in leprai'd to our block of PHAETONS , SUNREYS , CARFlAiES. No ono in the city shows a lar ger or fluor line of 1895 STYLES Nor sell for loss monoy. DIOlfcOND CARRIAGE CO. , 18th tind Hartley Sts. Opp. Court llous-o. NOTICE. Parties having goads In pawn with me will call ( or them within SO clays from May H , as I Intend to go out of business. FRKD WOHLB , 151714 Farnarn St. Bhow cases for * ale. HEROES IN BLUE AiND GRAY A Copy of the Vioksburg Ssntinel Issued Just Before the City's Surrender , PRINTED ON STRIPS OF WALL PAPER I'ussr Cut iiml Mule Steak Were Common Diet ( Iranl'H Muiiiluy Dinner Up to hclicduln Tlnir Other \\ivr Hecollcctloin. Thomas Heancy 1ms In Ms possession a copy of the most Interesting newspaper ever published In the world , says the Cheyenne Leader. It Is tlio Dally Citizen , published nt Vlclisburg , Miss. , and Is tlntcil July 2 , 1SC3 , the dny before Grant entered the beleaguered city In triumph. Though dated July 2 , the edition was Issued July 4 , the day following Grant's entry after the memorable siege. The paper for some time before the fall of the city was.published on the back of wall ; ) aper. The edition of July 4 , with the July 2 date line , ended the publication oil that class of paper. Published under dimcuUlcs , Its t > lzo was naturally small. It was four columns wide and eighteen and a half Inches long- . The margin at the sides varied In width , owing to the Irregularity of the cutting of the paper. At the bottom there was no space. Hvcn the wall paper had to bo economized and there was no waste of material. The paper was edited by Colonel J. M. Swords , whose name appears on the upper left hund corner. The sheet contains little except Incidents of a warlike nature occurring within the city , and a column and a half of "Yankee news from all points , " clipped from the Washington Star of Juno 21. The Investment of the city appears to have been close and perfect when It required twelve days for news to filter In. The paper contains much unconscious patl'os. The city's sad story of suffering and privation mny be read between the lines In the articles commending Individual bravery of confederate soldiers , Joking about dining on u cat dressed as a rabbit , Instilling hope for the southern cause In the hearts of the defenders of the city , claiming victory for the confederate armies everywhere , ix- corlatlng the trading citizens who were profiting by the exigency of the time to charge exorbitant prices for necessities of life. Everywhere there Is the same under tone of hopelessness allied with dogged de termination never to admit defeat. FIGHTING ON PAPER. One article. Intended to Instill fresh hope In the dispirited breasts of the soldiers within the city , contains a history of Gen eral's achievements In Virginia , H con cludes : We lay before our readers In this Issue an account of Lee's brilliant and succcsbful on slaught on the abolition hordes and show , e'en from their own record , how our gallant boys of the cavalry have fleshed their swords to the hilt with their vaunting foes and how each musket of our Infantry has told Its fatal leaden tale. Today Maryland Is ours , tomorrow Penn sylvania will be and the next day Ohio now midway , like Mohammed's collln will fall. Success and glory to our arms ! GoJ and "Ight are with us. Half a doyen different paragraphs tell of the needs of the population of the doomed city. One states that Hour sold for $5 a pound , molasses at $10 per gallon , and coin at $10 per bushel. Against these extortionate prices a bitter protebt Is made by Colonel Swords. The scarcity of food Is officially shown by the following editorial quotation : Wo arc Indebted to Major Glllesplo for a steak of confederate beef alias meat. We have tried It and can assure our friends that f It Is necessary they neeel have no scruples at eating the meat. It Is sweet , savory and tender , and so long as wo have a mule left wo are satisfied our soldiers will bo content to subsist on It. CAUGHT THE UAIiniT , TOO. There are two paragraphs of surpassing historic Interest. One Is that challenging the statement of General Grant that he would eat his Fourth of July dinner In Vlcksburg ; the other Is the reply of General Grant's army published on the enemy's press and with the enemy's tjpe. Ink and wall paper. The first paragraph reads : On DIt That the great Ulysses , the Ynn- koo generalissimo surnamed Grant , has ex- presseel his intention of dining In Vlcks burg on Saturday next and celebrating the Fourth of July by a grand dinner and so forth. When asked if he would invite General Jo Johnson to Join ho said "No , for fear there will bo a row at the table. " Ulysses must get Into the city before he dines In It. The way to cook a rabbit Is "First to catch It , " etc. At the lower right hand corner of the sheet about a "stick" of type was removed from the form by some union typo and the following reply to the Citizen Inserted , after which a small edition was run off : NOTE. July 4 , 18C3. Two days bring about great changes. The banner of the union floats over Vlcksburg. General Grant has "caught the rabbit ; " he has dined In Vlcksburg nnd ho did his dinner with him. The Citizen lives to sco It. For the last time It appears on wall paper. No more will It Imagine the luxury of mule meat and a : j'-nvvyei's aud solicitors. SUES & GO. Ue - s , OMAHA. Neb. Advlco FREE. RAILWAY TIME CAKD Leaves IHLRLING1ON & MO. RIVER ( Arrives OmahalLnluii IJeput. 10th & Maaun Sta.l Omuha lOlirmii Denver DxpTriTs ; 7. . . . u 4ijun 4.Cmi | Blk. Hills , Mont & Pueet SnU , Ex 4:0 : pm 4. jpm Denver l.xpirbs 4.0dpiu b.4u | n .Nebraska Local ( excel t SuiuUy : SlDam..Lincoln : Loeul ( except fcumluv ) .HuCum 2:43pm..Fast : MalKfoi Lincoln ) daily. . . . Leaves IcHlCAGO , 11LRL1NOTON 4 * c lAnlves OmahalUnlun Uepot , 10th ii Maaun Sia.l Omaha 4 45pm Chicago Vebtlbule 9.50am 9.50am Chicago Expicsd 4.15pm 7:50pm. : Chicago and St Louis Express . 8 UMIII ll:35am : 1'aclllc Junctlun Local 5 30pm . _ . _ . . .Fant Mall. . . . . . . . . . . .jiaeiini Leaves CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.IAirlves' Omaha Union Depot , luth i. Mason Sis.I Omaha e.OOpm Chicago Limited 9.30am ll.luain.v.ChlcagoExpresa ( ex. biin.l. . . o.uopm Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOIintU Erf'rN.IAiilves OmahalLnlon Depot , luth At Masmi Sis.I Omaha lliO'iam . Eastern Express . 53)urn ; 4,00pm . Vcsllbult.1 Limited . ti.lOam C.55am . Mo Valley Local . lu:3Jpm : 5.4'pm . . . .Omaha Clilcug * .Special . . . . 2l5J > m I ciivcs I CHICAGO. H I. i. I'ACH 1C. .Arrives . Oliiah.iU'iiicn Depot , 10th & Miuun Sla | Omaha _ _ EAST. _ _ _ " 11 onam . .Atlantic Express ( ex Sunday ) . . . 5,5pm : G.2 * > pm . Nti'ht Expnss . 9:35am : 4.30pm . . . .ChicagoVatlbulcd Llmltc-d. . . . 1.31pm _ _ _ _ WEST. _ _ 6 OOpm . .Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sun ] . 10 35ain j40pm. ! . Colorado Limited . 4.Wpm Leavea" ! C.TST. P , M & O. rArrlves" Omuhal D < pot. 15th anelVebster Sts. f Omaha 9 25am Nebraska Passenger ( dally ) . . n-Fpin 4.10pm. . . Sioux City Expicss lex. bun ) . . . ! ! 'Sun 6:10pm . St. Paul Llmlleil . 1" Jinin Leaves 5' E"ni"U)7 VALEEj'.vTrrlvea" Omalml Depot , I5lliand _ Webster Sis. I Onmhii 2 10pm . Fast Mall ana Express . . 4.r pm 2 10pm . . ( ex. Sat ) Wyo. Ex ( ex. Mull. I . . 4 55pm 9.05um . Norfolk Exireas [ lex bumisy ) . .lu:30am : 610pm ; . . St Paul Exprem * . . . . . .lQ.J3am Leaves" ! K C , bT J. " & CfTI ( Arrives OinalmlUnlon Depot , 10th * cMasun _ 8ta. | Omaha 9 50am . Kansas City Hay Expiesa . . . 5730pm 9:4pm K C. Night Ex Via U P Tr.m . CiOOain Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha } uyioi. I5th and W bster8ts. _ jOmaha 14 40am St. Louis Express C:00am : 9.20prn . St Louis I.'MIUSJ C.Otpm 3.30pm , Ntbiutka lx > cal ( ex Sun. ) . . . . 9 OOain Leaves" ! SIOUX CITY . PACIFIC."JArrlves Omahnl Depot , llth and Webstersj . _ j Onmha " ' 6.10pm _ St Paul Limited . . . . .10-36am Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lAnlves OmuhalUnlon Depot , 10th & Miiuun tila. [ Omuh.l _ 6.Karr , Slmix City Passenger Id.v.nm t3ipm ; St. 1 aul Limited . . .12S5pm : Leaves I UNION PACIFIC JArrlve * OmahalUnlon Dcjiut. loth & ilasonSt _ Jpmaha ff:00am ) : Kearney Expr us . 3:45pm : 200pm ; .Overland Flyer t.lipiu Z.OOpm.Heat'ce & Slrimsb'B Ex , ( ex , Sun ) , 3 * 5pm 730pm . . Pacific Expnss , . lOiUam C Upm Fast Mall. . . . 4.10pm fave l WAHASH RAILWAY. * | Arrwc " Omabc'eJnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Bt . | Omaha $ : Wpra. , St. " Louis Cannon'IJall. . , . , ,12.35pm rrlc n cfl kitten urg Boutticrn warrior * to Mich diet never more. This IB Iho l st vvnll paper eeJIllon nml In , excepting thli note , from the types ns we found them. U will bo valuable hcrenfter ft a n curiosity. WIND UP OP TUG \VAU. In the tatter part of the month of Mnrcti , 1SC5 , Washington saw many slRns of collapse - lapse of the rebellion , writes Nonh lirooks In the Mny Century. The confederate urmy appeared to bo Imdly demorullred , and de- sortora , who arrived constnntly In largo ntinibcia , reported that men from Alabama , Georgia , Florida and the Carollnas could not be expected lo have any heart In a fight which then eccmcd only for the dcfonso of Virginia , while their own states worn ovctrmi by the aimles of the union. During the month of Muich more than .1,000 de serters were received at Washington , and great numbers were quartered at Fort Mon roe , Annapolis , nnd oilier points nearer the lines , v\hero they were put to work In the quartet master's department or In the naval service. One curiosity of the times was a confed erate icglmetital band which had deserted In n body with Its Instiumcnls , nnd was al lowed to march through the streets of the national capital plajliiR union airs. This was ono uf tlio oddest signs of the final bieakup. People recalled a stoiy , told by Hooker , that when the union army scaled uml occupied Lookout mountain , n rebel sentry on duly on the crest of one of the most dlincult precipices saw our men pile up In solid mabscs over steeps which had been thought Inaccessible , and was so surpilseil that he forgot to run , but stood with feet rooted to the spot , watching the union force climbing up , and streaming past him , and driving the enemy far to the rear , until ho was left alone , n statue of amazement. He- coveilng himself at last he threw down his mubkct , stilpped oft his rcbel-giuy Jacket , stood on them both , ami , looking far olt to the sunny south , stretched out as a mn | > below him , bald , "How are you , southern confederacy ? " Hut notwithstanding such Indications of a collapse of the lebclllon , nt this \ery tlmo many noithcrn union novsHpapciii , led by Horace Grecley and others of his stamp , vvcie demanding that appeals should bo made to the southern people "to stop the flow ot blood nnd the wafeto of ticusmo , " and that some message should bo sent to the south erners "to terse that It will surely bo cir culated nnd so lucid that It cannot be mis construed or perverted , " by way of an In vitation to cease lighting. Curiously enough , the nearer the time came for n Html sur render , the more fervid was the demand for negotiation and appeal fiom the unreason able radicals In the ranks of northern iinlonlhtH. Hut all this was soon to end ; and while a small patty was nuking , "Why not negotiate ? " the downfall came. A FIGHTKK'S UnCOlU ) . Major General Alexander McD. McCook , who has recently been retired , was associ ated with some of the bloodiest battles of the war. He Is now at Denver , wheie he has been In command of the Department of the Colorado since 18S8. General McCook was born In Ohio on April 22 , lt-31 , and Is u mem ber of that famous family of watrlurs , "tho lighting McCooks. " He was graduated from the Military academy at West Point In 1SR2 , and was assigned to the Third In fantry regiment. Ho was engaged against the Apachu Indians In New Mexico In 1857 , and from 1SGS to 1&G1 was Instructor of In fantry tactics nt West Point. In Decem ber , 185S , he was promoted to first lieutenant. At the outbicak of the war ho was appointed colonel of the First Ohio Heglmcnt of volun teers , and In April , 1SG1 , wus mustering and dusburslng officer at Columbus. He com manded his regiment at the ( list battle ot Hull Hun , and received the brevet of major In the tegular army for his services on that occasion. On September 3 , 1SC1 , he wus promoted to brlgadlet general of volunteers , and commanded a division of the Army of Ohio In the. Tennessee and Mississippi cam paigns. For his service at the capture ot Nashville he was breveted lieutenant colonel In the regular army , nnd for services at Shlloh received the brevet of colonel , On the 17th of July , 1SC2 , he was made major general of volunteers , and was placed In command of the Twentieth Army cotps , with which he served at Pcnysvlllo , Stone. Hlver , Tullahonm and Chtckamatign. Ho was engaged In the defense of Washington on the llth and 12th of July , 1SC4 , vvns lu the middle military division from November , 1SG4 , till February , 1865 , and In command of Eastern Arkansas fiom the latter date till May of the same year. He received the brevet of btlgadier gencial of the regular army In March , 1805 , for services at Perrys- vllle , and at the same time was breveted major general for cumulative gallant serv Ices during the war. ' INCIDENT 0V Tim MODOC WAR. Edward Fox , who will be remembered by the old timers of Klamnth county as the cot respondent of the New Yoik Herald dur ing the Modoc war , was drowned on March I In the Swan river , Peith , West Australia. The name of Kdvvatd Kox became well known on both sides of the Atlantic during the Colcman Drayton-lloi rowe scandal In 1892 , says the Portland Oregonian. Fox acteel as one of the seconds In the duel that did not como off In Paris and furnished tha famous correspondence to a prominent Now York paper. Fox claimed that the publica tion of the letter was under the sanction of nonovve , which the latter denied. The llo was passed and the outcome of the dispute was a bloodless duel between Fox and IJor- rowe on April 23 , 1892 , nt Nlettvvport llalna , a seaside resort near Ostcnd. After firing two shots each at twelve paces they retired without shaking hands or passing the com pliments usual on such occasions. FOX'B ( list shot whistled by Ilorrovvo'u ear , whllo Horrovve's last bullet tore through Fox's frock coat near the hip bone , piercing : the coat In three different places and gracing hlb tiousers over his abdomen. Fox was not , as he has been dcscrlbeel , an Englishman and an ex-officer of the guards , but an Irishman and an cx-ofllccp of an English line regiment. The original family name was O'Shanagh , which means son of or descendant of the fox , and the clan was located In County Cavan. He was eelucated In England , and entered tlio army ns an ensign ut 18 years of age , spending most of his time In England or abroad. Ho was a b K , broadshouldered , deep-chested man. fully six feet tall. Ills father not being rich , and he being a younger son , ho was almost entirely de pendent on his pay as a subaltern , and hla tastes being1 expensive , he soon accumulated a very creditable amount of debts. Life became a burden to him , and ho was obllgjd to "sell out , " the purchase system being then In vogue In the Hrltlsh army. The "for tune" which ho la said to have brought to America , where he came after leaving the army , was the few hundred pounds sterling realized by the sale of his commUslori. Ho went straight to Wall street , where he lost ov ry penny of It , and bought a very valu able experience rather dearly. Hi had to do something for a living , and having met James Gordon Dennett , Jr , then ; a young man , and having pome literary abil ity , which he himself was unaware of until lie needed It , he became a reporter on the Herald Ho soon developed into a first- class newspaper mnn , and got the bes > t as signments on tli3 paper , both in New York : and out of town. Although a Inn vlvant , and having tlio cntreo to what Is called the "best society" In New York , IIP vvns not by any means , i dissipated man. Hut ho moved In a fatt Ct , ami , although lie earned a gooel sal.iry as a "space" man , he was always In need of money. Ills principal feat In Journalism vvns when he as correspondent of the Herald with Ger.tal Canby In the Modoc war. Ilennett vvant'd an Interview with Captain Jack , anil r > ux got It. Against the advlc' of Gen eral Canby and every olllcer whom he con sulted , ho determined to take lilt life In hla hand , and go Into tlio lava bdi. accom panied only by an Interpreter. 1I managed In somevvay that he never revealed te > con- vjey his pacific Intentions to the Indians : and to publish their grievances , and ho wn allowed to go In among H > crn , li'-ard ' Cap tain Jack's statement and publUlied It There was no doubt about the genulnene'i of the In Tvlew That was the origin of the eobrl- fjuet , "Modoc Fox , " which stuck to him for many years. I nmlllnff Aldermen Civ > n 11 Romt , CHICAGO , June 8. Over 2.000 resldenta of h'outh Chicago assembled In an open air mass meeting last night to d munce "boodlo aldermen" and protest against tlie action oC the Chicago city council In i * mg an ordi nance granting to the Calu i i lime Island railway a right of way thro ig : tie residence ) portion of that part of the town known aa the ' Kust side " Alderman Shepherd of the Tlilrty-thlnl ward wag denounced at a traitor and burned In effigy. Hesolutlons urging Mayor SwlA to veto the ordinance and to aid the clvlo federation "In getting at the root ot the great evil" v , ere adopted.