Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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M iii.tfliiKu KVUUY"
JUIIMB or tiniicitiiTiQN.
} "mlly Itrt , OMlhjmt Hundj ) ' ) , OM Y ir. . . .1 J M
) i llv It.IIIK ! fumliy. On Ywr 1000
fttV M Ifllllft . . . . . . ' . . * > . . . . * . " '
niiri > > f > nfh J K
Hunilny Hi" * on V r J E ;
H'ilurd y Ih-o On * Yir '
AVt'kly llw. Onu Ti r *
N Mid Jill , fiu
J/f w Y-.rl. It" .m 11 H J IJUif
Wiulilnilun 1117 T Wiwt N W.
All Him ml H .n telullnir In n " " 'If'-
lurul rnfllLr l .ul 1 I * H'Ur wed Tu tl. . IWIlor
iti'HiNRMi umuns.
ll Ini-w Mti > r n < ) rfmUlnivei dimiM I1
. C. mi nv
i . TinJl rHi.lbMilwf
On .1 i l rnfi . rli.rku on. I p Miff"- unit in lo
Im inii'l rw5 ' < I" > Mllrr " ' Ul" w'P" " *
JIIR j.r.i : j-uui.imiiNd COMPANY
Hr\ri Mi.Nf : of r-iurr
( if UK'I m liuoh. ( n-iritiry "f TinII" rub
llnhlnir comr-my. lirlng rtulworn. . my * UiRt
Ihd mliinl rnimUr nf full nnd nomite | | ! * 9
Iho IMIly Moinbif , Itvinmit nnu 8 iul ) r J'1
Iirliilrd iluilnir llm nwmlli uf May , 1S , w
folpw | : . . , . . . - .
IB 910
8:18 :
19 Ml
i m
11 It Oil
19 is w ;
19U 19011 19 111
U , IS 121 . 19.5U
10 . 15. IM
tn |
iliilurtlnni fur nnnolj nnJ -luiii J
Nit Mill-It ' cawo
Pfllly nv ru ( 10,071
Dunm In Ixfnrimi ? HIM ) otiH Tlliil In my nr -
rn < - ' IliU 1 l diy "f Junt1 !
( B , nl ) N r. riil. : . Molnry I'
Onnihii hinj"n Tillliy rlnl ) . UH nu-ni
hern , hovvi'v or , all wi-ur Hlucklnpi and
Why cau'l I he ovvnt-ia of IhoVhlsUy
tniHl Hchk' Ilii'lr dllli'ii'iici'H in inlvatu
nti ollirr hiiHlni'SH men do ?
What ilhl Dun DhMiiMon ii-.slcn from
Iho pivcinim-nl illii > i'lniHhlp of the
Union I'm Illc Tor , 1110iiiV
Teller nny.s liu IIIIH no piunl-
driillnl aiuhllloiiH. In this ii'uprr ! Mr.
'IVlh'i Is in M'iy dlHlliiKiilHhfil nnniiiny |
Delis hns HnninlliH ! lo Hpi'iid In jail.
A lilg liuiil. ol' t\vo Kii'i'l ' lal volumes
\vll | donblli'SH bo Iho icKidl ol' his ac
( I'plnnrc ol' Undo Ham's howiilaJlly | and
how many iioojih1 claim to
have hud Intlnnito pi'iMonal irlalluns
vvllh i'\ci > KH'iil Hiali'sinan lint wait
nnlll nfli'i Iho man in iinostluii IH di'iid
hoforo loltiiiK Iho imbllc Knnu nl' Ihu
Onnilia on rhl lo put In a hid for the
location of hoaihinarluis of Iho Older
of Itallvvay ToloKiaphois Omaha Is
IIHK llciilly In Iho ( onlor of lliu union
nnij holds mil nnilvalcd altrarliotiH as
n lioailijnartoiH clly
AVi < call Iho alienInn ! of Mr. llryan
tn ( ho fad that Sonatni 'I'ollor of Cold
rtnlo , who HIIJS 1m Is a Hllvor man
ntlil a pnllliclai ! .second , yol has coiil )
deuce lluil an inloinatlnniil munolary
conl'ereiue v\lll he held \\llldn a year.
Tlio Nolinisl < ii maxlmiiin into ease
now KOCH lo Ilio federal supreme com I ,
where | t will languish lor al least ivvo
years. iSeedle-iS lu say II Is IIIM vvhoiu
Iho lallioads want II. AVe make Hie
prcdUIInn , lnn\e\ei' , Ilia ! the people of
Nchraska vvlll have icdiued I
rittes , ono waj or anolher.
Wo have heen uaillnj ; iiiillontly for
tlio Illial icpoil nf | he Slate Itolluf coin
nilsslon. The nilns ol tlm last ton d.ijt
liayn mde ; | ( lie piosiccls | of Inline use
fulness ( \ceedliiKly dull for the com-
inlsHlon. Hut that IH a piece of ail-
mlnlsliitllvo machinery with which tin1
proplo vv ill Klmlly dlsionsc. |
Several iienplo In lids vicinity foul 10
jleveil nnvv that Iho lieu c.ililnol tip
IHilnlinenls have lioen annonnced Tliej
< Uil nol \\titit \ tlmluaiil Heitetarishlp ,
| ntt ( hey vvotn yory U-ait'nl ( hat they
iltlKhl ho compelled lo umlerpi Hie mi-
lilotiHanlnoss of ileollnln a iiioshlcnthil
Invilallnn lo stuve tlio cmmliy with
Untlr tuU Ictt.
lllch families may cnntliuie lo tml | (
their chlldien In matrlaKo , init ( holt
Avoalth Is Immnl to ho tllstiUnited will
tliu uo.\t KonuraUdii. > \ ' may liny *
moro woallhy jieoplo In the i-mtnlt.v to
tiny than ever liofoto , Inti vvo nlt > o liav *
moro people of inodoutto fottnni's. Tin
foi-tmiuH that liuvo lusletl llnoo. KO
tlons mo liy no moans unmetons.
Ami now \M' are tohl on need author
lly that I'ncle .loo Sllde.\ \ wan unl.\ \
immlnated for luesldent hy the nllvei
iiH-u In otdor to wltlnltaw luU-r In fayoi
of u better man. Thta nuist bo cun
HoUnu for Mr. Slhloy. Unl then then
im Ui l o Ht'vorul other pioslilontlat i-an
UluoH ( ( put np only to ho Knocked ilnvvi
bufotv tlto ( ? ieat conventions moot.
Ki'adn.ite will soon lio. oi
Itla Va.Y Innno , WIKIU to rovolnllonUi
tlto woild. Ho has lutuu lolil liy hli
pvofosborH ami lustuu'tors oxtu-tly liov
to nut about to ilo It. After lie nhal
lu\ve \ spent nix inoiitliH trying ho \ \ - \ \
unileistaml why his IHIII'CH , IH.H devoti
themMi'lvoH to InfoimlnK ether peopli
Uo\v to unoluthmUo. tlm world ratho
than u-voluthmUo It thenibelves.
It U IntelofcliiiK to read about tin
Mist sums llio dllVerenl chinches ar
HpomlliiK uium homo mls.UouaNo
luu.i ; UKI > eiuli ihurvh ( lioiiKlil UH v\oil
van to be JmlKoil b.\ what It did fo
forolKiv mlt loiiH. Slowly hut suwl ,
the A nun lean rhurt'li Koers aio rem-hlm
the conclusion that the most piotltabl
Held for the Investment of inlssloi
luouoy U vlglit lu thole own
After lm\lug been rupmlhUiul jv ;
liU'Ko pait of his own p.uty lu hi
camllilivey for lo-olcetltin iw-Mayor lloj
kins of ( UilcaKO is pnlUnl ftoiu th
brink of oblivion to hwid th llllnol
tlele utlou to the puiposeil national fie
Hllvor ilonuK-nxtlo - tlou
i-ou\o llopklm
friends piobably tluiUKlit hn needed
\lndUiitluu Hut iiei.son.illiulkutlon
are KcnertUb' h.i\l thliiK < J to load Uovv
now DolIUcul uiuveuieuUvilk. .
The convention of Foil Omnhii Into n
inllllno ncademy wns nrned hy The Kee
when It was Ilrsl decided to lelocate
( lie mllltaii punl to what IH now known
UK I''url Ciook. 'Jhe lecent visit of Iileti
Ic'iinnt ( I'uneiitl Hcholleld tu Umuha IIIIH
en new Impetus to llio project and
placed U mote cunnpleitotiHly tlian evur
Itefore the people of thin clly anil state.
General Scholleld not only heartily ui > -
pioven the Idea , but atao enlarges npon
the oil lnal plan. Ho sti K' 'sls that an
acndemy al Omaha be made an adjunct
of Wet I'olnt UH a pteparalory school
for einlelH who ili-Hlie lo enter the
I'lillcd .Slnlet * inllilarj aeailomj , us well
as a military lialnln ; : .schnol for yoiinx
men who wish to anpilie military ills
ilplinu without KoliiK Into the le uku
army. The location of Omaha , In the
heart of the conllnenl , imiKcs this clly
easy of access to students fiom all the
Ir.uiHinlsslshippI legion , and I''orl ' Omaha
Is ailmhably adajiled lor a mllltaiy
training seliool. The Imlldln s ami
Kiounds are In londltlon foi Immediate
use , with only a few alleialloiis , and
thu pioxlmlij of olllceis ol the uvular
arni > al depatlinen ! headiitiailets and
al Foil ( Jtuolv would I mulsh tlio school
the hettl of mllllaiy Inslriiclois.
The cost lo the slate of Nebtaska of
malnlalnliiK smh an Institution would
In ; comp.iiatlvcly timing Its advan
tages cannel be oveieslimaled MIII-
lar.v academies have lloliiUhed in the
southern stales tor man ) joins , but the
West is sadly dellclenl In this ic-spect.
The Interview with ( ieneial Mandeison ,
whlth we pilnl flsewhere , embodies
convincing niKiimciils In luvor of the
proposed military school at Omaha
should enable onr delegation In confess
lo secuie the necessary le lslallon dtir-
Ini ; the mining session.
/ / ; / ; rjA'.iiiuhn / > ; ; c.s/a\ /
The canal bond decision banded down
by lln > district court will bo lead with
mote than oidlnaii Intoiobl by the clll-
xens of this county , \\blle Iho Judges
are at vailance on .several iinpoilanl
points they a ieu In denjIiiK Iho peti
tion for a mandamus lo compel llio
county commlsslonois lo subinll the
( anal bond pioposillon al a special elec
tion. That piactlially shelves the I'lalle
canal piojccl lor the piesent jear. Km h
a icMllt mlf'hl have been anllclp.iled
In view ol Iho lac ! that Iho act author-
l/.lnn tlio canal am ) piovldliiK for the
lamil lommlssion makes II dlseiellonaiy
on Iho pint of Iho county comml.ssloneis
lo II.\ ( hi- amount of the bonds to In-
voted. This beltiK line , the fommlssioii-
eis could have ll.vd that amount al
. ? ri.iMX ) Just an icadlly an al . .ixioiii ) ) )
.JudKo Amhiosu dollvois a very olab-
oiale opinion on all ( he points al H
site , while Judges Dulliu ami Kejso
( iilllen ! Ibeiiioehes will ) dealing with
only the main iiiostlon | of the proposed
mandamus and a few of the most Im
pm taut cells lei al ( jucsUons. A lovlow
of those opinions on our part would ho
supei lluous. .SullUe il to say Unit the
whole subject matter of the canal Inu
been politely leli.'K'aled bj the dUtliet
ImlKos to tlio supieme couit , whence It
caini ) lo Ibein , and ( hal liibnnat will
Inve to lake UH linn In wi calling with
tlio vaiiims piubleins and unia\elliiK
the haul kinds \\hlcli Iho -hlaluiv
has twisted Into llio i.iual bill Mean
lime Iho canal pnnuoleis will have lo
possess Ihelr souls In p.itlcmc.
Tin : TiiiiAmniY otn.n
Appielienslon lias been cxpicsscd in
home tpiaitoiH Unit bofotu the
nice ! bit ; of COIIKIOAH tlioie may
be anolher laid on the pild
icserve of the Iteasuiy which will
iiKilin deplete it. not , pel baps , lo the
extent which llio las ) raid did , but suf
ficiently to aKiilu nccohslialo a sale of
bunds In older lo icplcnish ( he leseive
Them does nol appear lo lie al piehoul
any substantial ground for snch a fear
ami It receives no eountenaneo wh.ilever
fioin lieasuri otllclals ( in llio conttary
the feeling alining them Is nndeinlood to
lie that Ilieio is not the least danger
of an ) attempt helm ; made In Unit dlree
lion. lint none llm loss It niti-d be ad
milled to be possible
At piesont the pilil losorve of the
tieasuiy Is but little slim I of Ihe $10. ) ,
IHMi.tnio maiU and thoto Is still duo I torn
Hie H.vndlcate width look tlio last bonds
* MHKIIHI | ! , which will iindonbledl.v lie
paid within the Hpecllled time , an Uu1
si mill ate has thus far kept ahead oi
Ihe conduct In UH paj meals to the tw
einineut. The fact Is ttolod Unit slnoi
Iho hihl bonds weie negotiated the tioas
un has lost but $ il,00t > , ( > o < i In pild
wlioioas In a little more than a inuntl
liiotodluK the negotiation of the loan tin
loss was ucaibj .VMKHi.OOO , paid out In
I nlted States miles anil
treanury notes. The muall cnmpaiutlvi
loss hlnoe Urn Ilrsl week lu IVhiuiuy U
U'K'a tiled an slioubiu that the s.vndlcali used all legitimate ell'mts In piotei-l
the liiasmKohl , hut it Is also uotei
tint the amount wUhdiawu IIIIH beet
Kie.iter than was reunited for oiilluai )
Imslne.sH ( Hiipo.s H. Tlil.s Is nol paitU-u
la ily slKultleant , Imwevei. and if Uu
\\ltlidiawals of Kold for redemption | mr
1 " *
posiis ilnriiiK the ii'iimlnhiK immtlis o
Um jiiuaio nut upon a liuwr
, tliiiu iluihiK the last four months then
1'iin lu > nn hciUrns Impahnii'Ut of the vi
Jj Ki'ivp. Uul the i-outrai-t with the svtull ,
iatovlll I'Npho Ui-tubi-f I ami vvlui
the i'Hoi-1 will bo whi-n thl piiitiH-tiun ti
thi ) tu-iibiirj \\Uhilra\\n proM-ntu ai
nuostioii Them will nllll hi
time bet'ote the as embUu > , ' of COU IOM
to largely ileplote the u-Hervo and i
eomlduailou formed for lids puipo i
easily foteo the > ; oveniiiient It
more bonds.
I'nder exlslinj ; eircnmstaiu-ej. then
eould bo but one motl\i > for n ralil in
the Uoiikmy sold u > orvo , that of com
pellliiK tlm tieasui ) to le.Mirt to aimtho
loan , ami 11 U haidl.v conculvable tli.i
any i-ombtnatlon wuld bo foi mod will
IliU ol > Jiti-i lulovv. . It would bo lei
much In the natiuo of u eon phai :
ti alust the KON inmenl to "enlist tin
mipport of reputable hankeis. The uc
U\u withdrawal of old from tln > tioaa
ur.v last \ wuami ilovyu to the time o
the tiKivouitmt with the hnuil-piuvhiikluj
syndUuto had au evi-uco or jUMtllK-atloi
In the tlmuuial coudltloiis , hut theie I
no siuh evi-uno now. While , tlieiefou1
in It la po * ihlo and even pmb.ible tin
u the j , > M withdraw .Us will bo bomewha
I hoavler during the uu\t six mouths thai
they have been iltirlnn the hint four ,
then > < loex nol appear lo he nny KOOI !
reason for iiipieheiullnK | that the re
HOMO will ho wrlotinly weakened. The
< | iieHtlou of protoellntf the treannry Kold
leseive apihiHt peilodlcal lalds ami the
danger of consplmeleH lo deplete It will
probably reeelve Ihe attention of the
The police department linn been vvllli
mit a la-ad now for more than two
mouths anil the foit-o Is hiroiiihiK more
domorall/ed anil illMUKiinlMul every day.
' and M-hoin-
I'olii-o ollleors aic plotting
IHK against ' * ' ! ' < ) lla > 1' " (1 against "ll > m-
burs of the polh-e commission Thoio is
a total lui'k of discipline and a super
abumlani-e of In.subordlmitlou. And yet
the pollu- commission liosllatcs and
shit Us ! ( . - < duly. Nol a move IIUK jot
been made lo secine a new i-hlef of po-
liee and no deposition IH Hhovvn lo dis
miss the men who are clouting dlwoid
and dissension In Ihe force.
What cxeUM' ran Ihe commissioners
give for llu-ll falluie to icorganlyo the
police ? Does Ihe commission piopoMto
filller away Ihe whole summer in doing
nothing and leave Ihe people at Ihe
meiey of foolpads , burglais and hem > e-
bicalvcisV _
M7//fA.17lfh\.1 ; 1I.WA 1' " > AMillA : ( K
'J'he Inlernallonal conference of nill-
way managers , lo be held In London
beginning -Inno ! it ( , pioml os to be a
most Inleicsllng gathering , whether erne
no It shall have any very Important
jiniclleal results. The r-hlef purpose of
Ihe conleu-nce appeals to be an Inter
change of views between the iiillvvay
men of various connliles repudlni , ' rail
ioi > d liL-llltle.s : and iv compailson of the
methods of management In
different countih-s. In Ihls w'ay theie
vvlll be ills.veminaled , II Is tlioiij. ! ) ! .
ainoii ) : inllway manat'er.s the world over
a mme Ihoionnh Knovvledte ol Ihe vail
oils systems , which Is believed lo be
most desirable In the Interest of the
pioKU-KS and higher development of this
vast Hpeal.lnj : of the conference
once Mi. Channcey Depew , who vvlll at
tend II , hiild In a H-ci-ut Inlervlevv : "Nol
a deli-Kale will attend , no matter how-
old or oxporlonei'd or egotist leal , who
will not leain hoint'lhliiK that will be of
Incalculable benelil lo him. We have
Ihe KH'iili'ht r.illioads lu the woild in
Aim-ilca. and I fed Btite Hint wo aio
wring to diSM'inlnale Iho lai osl pail
if Ihe valuable data Kl\ 'ii out al Ihls
confeionco , but I am nol as bipited as
lo s.iy that we hlitill mil le.un a jsienl
deal OUIM-IVOM" The pieshleul of the
Now VoiK ( Viilial expiessod the opinion
that the i I/unless will do much lo ad
vance railroad facilities over the woild ,
as well ns lo draw ralhoad men closer
In Iho bond of fellowship 1'iom a per
smial aciiualnlauco vvllh some who will
pi as delegates to the i onfoiem-e ho
know that "if Ihoio l * > ono Ililnc In HID
vvoihl thai they need It Is a he.itl end
collision with new ideas and systems
Hint will Uuock home of Iho old I'OKJ'
Ideas out of Iliolr lieads and open tholr
eyes lo ( lie egotism tlioy have In-Ill lo"
Umpiosllomibly liieie are many such
railroad men lu Iho Hulled Slates a
Mr. IVpovv heieln describes.
'I'lic I'm llu umllij ; cmiKiess will bo Iho
tilth , lint lu the picci-dlii ) ; coiiiiesse.i
theio lias been no Kouotal roinesoula
lion nf tlio i.iiboadh of llm Hulled
SIilCM ; , .so thai Ihe hc.ssmi ! lids jear will
POS.M-SS more than n.siial Inloiost for the
railroad men of tills country , many of
whom vvlll bo In attendance. Dining
Hie two jcar.s hlnro Iho meoliiiK of Ihe ninu'ii'fiH Iheii ! has been lonsldei
able coitospoi\deme \ bolvveen the vail
mis icpioscnlativcs thai cumin bo the
loiiKiess , and in lids way the icpoits
aio made up. Kor oxiimplii , a coitaln
ralhoad olliclal Is ulvcit a certain Mill
| ect to look Into. Ho does not lake his
own views , lint he wtlte.s lo all Ihe lead
hit ; men of Ihe win Id and Kols
their opinion , which Is compiled and
pi luted lu booU foi m. The session of
Iho fmthcomluK coupons will List two
weeks , but a cunMdonihlo pail of ( his
time will bo occupied with sl ht seeing
and lumpmllm ; and the reireseiitalives |
uf the mine than l00 ! Ameilcau uillvvays
who v\lll \ be In attendance will undoubt
edly bu loyally enleit.ilued
Secretary of Slalo Oluoy will not Hud
his new duties lot.nuoiuiis or o\aet-
luu than tbose of the otllce of altoiuey
general , and ho assumes them with
most Impoilant Intel national issues
awaiting holtleinont. Koitunately ho
has a gcucial if not an lutluiate knowl
edge of the uuoHtlmiH with which Ida
ilepiulmonl has lo deal and he Is en
tiiely familiar with the foreign pulley
of the pu-M-nl administration , MI that
he. Is far belter pu-pared to cany on
that pulley upon the Hues aheady laid
down than any one outside of the ad-
mlnlstiatlon cuuld possibly have boon.
It Is eommonh believed thai the presi
dent gives close pciHonal attention to
the hupoilant dlidomatlinueslluus under
dor consideration by the depaitmeut ,
and this IH iloiiblles.t tlio case , hut nee
the m-eielary of state IIIIH
lulliteiu-e In determining tlio of
the goveuunent and II IH more than
llkel.v that lu most eases the decision ol'
Urn president is based upon tlio ludg
mont of the head of the State depart-
Ono of Iho nnsetfleil nmtlor.s with
which ( lie now xeciotaiy will have lu
dual relates to the seal tUhory eontio
veusy. The atlltude of Ureat UiUaln lu
this mattet IH not uatlsfactoi.v and then' '
Is probability of fin ( her complications
that nia.v a xumo u M-iloim phase. Tht' '
i-o operation which tlio lulled Stale.-
had good > ea > > ou to a\pocl fiom llu
UillUh government for tlio pioteollou ot
the uoal has not been given to Un.
full e-Ment omitted upon ami the dlspo
sltUm inaulftMteil hy that goveinmeul
ban nut been allogotla-r lair uoi
friendly. ( > ur govorumont IH not dom
with this ipiuttllou anil will not ho until
a perfectly just arrangement U leai-hod
The voulioverHy botweou iSreal UiUaln
ami Venoxuela togardlug tetrltoila !
I nun.'i ' ot , lu which the Ignited iitaU >
hus taken n lively luture r with a de
hire to hcctuo an eijultahle settlement , h
u mailer with which this goveinm.'iii
must now umtlnue to emu-1-in itself
notwlthhtandlng the InilHpiMltlou shnwi
bj the UiUlih yovLHiiment to
our rljjhl tor tlo no TlilH Ruvoruinont
IWH iirotty iiIiTThly"uvowed H bollof Umt
the i-liihn 81-Ljtip l y Knuluml to turrl
lory IIKO ! oliOld l \ oiio/.ui-lii IH not
JiiHt mid ImjftiWiiU'iivoivd to pi'wnule
tlu > HrltlHh FivJiiiiiH'iit to submit tlic
nnitli'ito iirnHrotluii. Wo runnot lion
uitihly H-eeili' from thin position und It
miiy ulllnnUi'lT I'linihe tin to util Voue-
Hiii-la In H'pi'll\iUjj Hrltlrth oncruiu-hini'iit
upon the tcnltury of tlu > South Aniorl
ciiii rojiiiblli' 'J'liu fiiHt1 of i > xoiiHiil < !
Wnlli-r IN Htlllilo bo sotttod , though
fioni llu I | | > IWK HOU iniinlfeHti'd by llii1
KuMicli Kovt ilijnt this limy nol In
volve iiny < fiiilty \Vnllor IH to bi >
K'lvt'ii a oK'll dial and IT 'II nliull bo
nlioun that InJi'iHlico Iiux bt-on done him
( loiihllc.H.s Knuico will niiiko jUHt icimiit-
lloii. The liiMtinoclloii In ( Uibn may at
any Ilino ralno u dlj > loinatlo IHHIIO ,
liH In I InOik'iit cull ( or tlio watoh-
nl coiH't'in of thin Kovoininont , tlio
ani iia canal may buconio a HOIIICO
f Intoinallunal conlioMirny , and , In
hoit. on every hand Ihoto Iri tioinotliliiK
'iiianilliiK the ( onstant and otunoHt at-
MI Ion ol llio dlplomatlo dopailinonl ol
ho K"Noiiiiniiil. ! Thoio IH roawou to l > t -
otthat a very law majoilty of the
\iiiorloan poopu- have lltllo conooptlon
f \\hal Is ( omiirolioiidod In our liilor-
alloiml lolalloiis or of Iho xioal 10
ponslbllitlos of the dopailinonl which
oalsllh Ilioni
With repaid to Iho pending Issno.s the
iolloy or Iho adinlnlHtiatlon has boon
oohuod and \\lll mnloiililcdly bo ad
toioil lo. As to any conlrovorslos that
lay hoioaJtor II Is to bo o.xpootod
hat I hey \\lll bo licaloil In a way best
alciilak'd to hilnx tibont a jicaooful
nil honoiablo Hi'tlloniont , with tln > pin-
MISO al\\.iys Inlow inalntalnbig an
Amoilcaii jtolloy as lo the alfalrs of this
. 'ontlnont
MKN , I'llltNirilllK
The HprliiK'lleld Kopnblloan IIIIH boon
mlill.sliliiK a soilo.s of Intoii-sllnt ; aitl
Ii'.s li.\lt'\\lllK the Icci'llI M'.sslon of | | u >
ilassin hnsotls K' lHlaluu- . The liisl in
lieiits of Iho rolatlon of Iho
lo tholr onvlnunnonl. The
ouri IIOIIMC ol the loKfshitiuo , II .seems ,
no\od Into 11 now hall at Iho lime II
, \.is convened this year , n hall KOI
filled np and o < inlppidiili
very uonvonlonoo nml facility for cnni-
foit that Iho niembors could ask. Vei
ho iinallly ol the legislation onaeled
ins apparent ! } nol peieepllhly Im
no\ed "Tho III hi essential ol legl.-da
Ion , " says this icvlew , "Is that the
\\oiU bo ueUili'iiir. ' not that the Ic lrila
ir ha\e a i ( ) iloi ) | table Uiali 01 a dehl > ,
> r a COIIMMIKMII place lo to out and
iinoUo In , or llc | lles olIho dally ie\\s )
i.iper hand ) . \5vori \ Ihliij ; shoiild be
milt for thlj oiio essential ; that e\eij
nenibei miiyyiHlJ- | ) l\t > Ids atlonllon to
lie business , that there bo no nnieason-
ilili ) elViii I In bieaMiit | , ' or ll.sleiiln , thai
ill posslbli > be.doiil' to focus the IhoiiKht
il the inonibnj lo' ' Iho mallei In hand"
Xolu lllislamliii the advantaKOh
\\hlch Iho now qliailei.s hii > o ollorod ,
'oinplalnt Is limdA that the loKlslallifn
s cinde and | | in ' > lossly drawn , 'l'h
leaHon lor Ililtf , 'wo aie ( old , IH Ilia !
Ilieie Ih too lltllo lonipioheiiHlon of the
lollcac ) , Inipollanco and ma nllndo of
the \\oiK \ peilormed In the Nlalo house
Men \ \ liooiild diau tip ( heir pilvato
\\llh Kieal caio and \\oiild pay
a lm\or \\ell lo make Mire that all
was il hl , uheii they oomo to makv
lau foi other people hi\o no loKaul
lor picclslon , bcliiK content lo push bills
in any \\ay and lo trust In
lueU to ha\o them come out all ilKhl
in Iho end. This mil } bo pail ot the
xplanatlon , but It is only pail. The
carolehhiio.sH and incoinpoli > nco of thr
is diioclly bc otton by I he
c.iiolossni't.s of Iho conslitnenlHhoni
ho reine.senlH. When candidates foe
Iho h'Kislaltuo ate cho.son with sonii' '
icjiaid lo tholr ability as pros
pocllvo laumal.ois , and to their lutes
rity for tlio wife Keeping of ( he pnblli
tins ! consigned to lluilr caio , tluiio.lll
he MI mo hope of concontratbiK tholr at
tout Ion upon tliootK for which thej
aio eleeted Hut \\heu leKlwlalhe tick-
ela am made up of waul htilUors and
piofcssiuiml pulltlcianslm hoeU tht1
otllco inoioly toi ( ho inono > they ox-
pod to got out of It , all lhi < convonlonooti
anil faellllles lo bo obtained in Iho mat
Kotlll not maUo thum enact good
II Is the men , not Iho hall and tin
furnltiuo , that aio to Maine for our IOK
Islatho Ineompi'leiie.v and coiruptlon
Oho us honest legislators , am
then tlio people \\lll \ ladl.\ supply then
\\1IU all the labor saving utensils thai
may posslbl.beivo to niako their le lb
latl\o caioi'iv. moio aurooablo.
The Philadelphia Uecord pilnts a letter
torulttcu by a .lapanoso on inoor tr.iv
elliiu in this counliylio tileh to o\
plain the heautU'rf of the sln lo sllvoi
staudaid as ( ipeiatlUK In .lapau. " , la
pan , " ho sa.\s , "han the douhlo stand
aid , tluit U , free and unlimited colna i
of slher and Kold at tlio ratio of 1U to 1
Our hlher yon , althouKh tlio same li
quality , bUo and \\olght as tlio Amor
lean sll\er dollar. Is worth only alum
MI cents In Aiuilcai | money at presont'
Tito Kuld colu.lno ol'i.lupan , or latlior tin
fo\\ gold coins , tlmt aio htiucK oiV , au
nocos . ji y\omlun \ > In silver oi
UKi per cent , i > TUo polulhlch tin
\\ilter of the letter trlo.s to maUe 1 ;
thai thU Is t ho iidvantaKo of .lapai
lieeause Iho pvlto ot' labor , liaIm ; beet
thus ieall.icllticod . one half , althoUK'l
nomlnallunchitnKod. . o.\iiorlM h.nobeei
taillllatod and Impoith disoonraKod. Uu
ho admits hji.l the free silver people
plo have boon iK-iiyiiiK. that Indopondon
fioo udnaKc inl'Ou i slnvle sllvor stand
aid and that U.w.laboier la the clde
lo.ior by it. i"
The now pmvoHt of the l'nlvorcly ' | o
1'onns.vlvaula. Mv. v'h.ulc.s llaulbon
on lUsaundiiK hU ollioo folUnvotl the pie
codont locontly del b.I'levident I ow o
C'olnmbla colloxo by annoum-lnx tliu
ho Intended maKliu ; Iho Institution i
iKl ; of fHH > , tH.K > as u foundation in com
momoratlon ol' Ids father. It thuni
munlllcont endowments lo the heads o
our educational Institutions aio to bi' '
come coiniuon. U not customary , v\
\\lll MHin iwu'h u Condition whi-ro nun
but fnbuloutd.v rich men \\lll bo ollKlhl <
to the pic UUmle.of unlsersltles. Th
man who muUes the In tt oiler will b
given the pusldcntlul honor , u
ttuso giout gifts uro to boulcomoi
and tlioir donois npplnudcd , such an
outcome of tlio pntctlco would bo
Kicatly deplored. Possession of v\onltJi
should nol bo an objection to the candl-
dac.of . a man for the chief executive
position of u largo educational Institu
tion , but It onghl never to bo made
ono of tlio necoHHury uunlllleutlons.
Somxtor Tollor'rt thioat to boll the ic-
publlcan national ticket should the
paity fall to adopt u free Hlhor plank
In the national plail'oim need not dis
may any Nebraska lopubllcan to the
manor born. The honator lialls fioni a
Hllvor-piodnelnt : Htate , vvhoio $1 lit ) Bll-
vor Is the fond liopo of the multitude.
The senator did nol toll UH , by the uay ,
that bin peojilo are making u fair profit
on the output of the mines at the
piosent market value of nil vor bullion ,
and ho also omitted mention of the fact
that any advance Incident to u fieo
coinage law would moan that the mine
owners of Colorado would lake In a
fancy piolll on every ouncu ol sllvor
mined Of course the K-milor Is for
fioo and unlimited coinage without the
consent of any other nation on eailh.
Ono of the London newspapers thinks
the president of the t'nllod .Slates ou 'hl
to have k'lHino to no aoroad for the
pin pose ol pioniolbiK filondly lolatlons
with foreign nations \\'e In the United
.stales aio accustomed to leave that lo
our ex-presidents. If our London
irlemN aio really anxious ( o onleiluln
Mr. Cleveland they will not have to wall
M ) veiy IOIIK until ho will bo free to
accept their hospitality.
If lion ICdKar Howard thinks ho ran
avoid ( lie mllltaiy handle lo his name
by leslKiiliiK his place on the Kovoinor's
staff befoio his commission him in lived
ho will llnd hlni.solf mistaken. Men
have become colonels on smaller piovo
uitlon ( him ( his. Colonel Kd ar will
bo foicod lo ( airy Ids military title all
Iho rest of Ids Hie whether ho will or
Dr. I-jman Abbott lecontly called at-
lent Ion lo Iho significant tact that II Is
lately possible nowadays to toll Mom
homing or reading a sermon to what
denomination the pieacher belongs.
\Vh-il II Iho same should become line
as to Iho paily lo which political
spoakcis belong'/ /
Itellevilo college continues lo piospei
as the yoaiH to on. 11 Is destined to
bo ono of the leading educational Instl
liilloim of the vvesl. The ficalor
Omaha Is sine lo be a far lamed heal
of teaming , and we me now lajin the
foiimlatloiiK lor ( he onjo.\men ! of that
liajipy oslalo.
A l'ruHliiK tut i sully.
( lilriiK" TlniCH lltTiiM
No hospital Is cnnslilcrcil fully criilipcil | |
anil upiioliitcil thai ilucu not liavo a bicycler
'IlKll'll II III Illl Alllllll.
Wo ccilo In uomaii tlio bicycle anil the
lilnatiier ; hut wo iiialiil.iln Unit even a woman
on u wheel looks In Her If elm liavu an ea-
cert Nothing makes a woiunii look moro
womanly than to huvo a limn nlonn
kllfii ill liniiriivlni'I Inn : * ,
hi Louis lUpllliItt
Anntlier business barometer la national
bank circulation It f.illH when jiuslnebu U
ilinMi unil risen when II K < > a up At present
tliu ulrriilallqn la (101)1)000 ) ) InrRei limn It
was a > ear ugn , ami It ID still growing
'llm llomi of lliu Vrur.
WuxlilnKtuii Hlar
This U the Hum ot when the suenl
Klrl In white muslin ami pink illilinns lulls
us that wo can llnd n useful lusaon In the
lugenil she has Jut > t rrlliheil fiuin bomu stanil-
anl author , nml that li > out Ulmlneiia ami
hc1iiihiean | ( owanl cithern v\e may K'VU ' an
outuanl ami vlsllilo Kl n uf our pure anil
an cut Inwanl illsiiuelthin Ami then Blio t ; J
homo ami cmniiluliu that her molhor inakos
8itch a ilimt vthen hu la
iiili : lit lliu I'ti'ii hllviir ( niiu.
riill.iiklilil | ) Tlmra
The ( rco ullver faiiaHva : have luil the Huh
for soini ! yearn la I Ida tniintry wllhunt i
wull ihillnoil ISHIIO , a ill wllhnut crniuiUnl up
ponltlon nn thu | > ait ot lha ( rlanil of IHHICH
inunoy IHirliiK the liist ( ou iiiuiiUu Hie
iaaiiu has iieruina sharply ilellneil , anil al
though the organized mnveniint in : I onta
mono } Is yet la Us Infancy , there U a vUihlo
olih In tlio line blher rr.uu , an.I it U IIKuly
to bu linputont in lioth the i ' | iulilLau viu
ilomociatlo national coiivontlons u juar
lienco. _
I'rolurllon mill I'lotocllou.
Clilr.tKii Trlliiino
The Ohln rupnlilltans are In favor of "a
protective tariff , " an are all other repiili
Hearts , lint they no longer look upon the
McKhday tariff as the on I ) legitimate state
niotit of protottlan T\\n national ilofoati
have taughl them that the luutottliui cruui
may borlltun In otliororda and llmirta
So , v\hlto the couvoutlun doclaroil that Me
Klnley waa the "fuvorltu uou" f Ohio. uu >
pluilguil him us far as was In their powo
the vote of Ilia state Oolvgatlou for tht
presidential nomination next > ear. the ) illi
not , as they huvu dona In the past Indortio
that measure with v\hlth \ lit * numo la n\os
prointnontly Identified a nieaburehtcl
tallod to meet with popular tavur lu I8 l ) o
In 189J.
l.tonml Vl llitiiiu Ihn I'rlca uf Kcforui.
Chicago Tilltuiit
Popular Indignation rises , reforms are
made , then the Indignation dlhappeurn am
\\lth It the popular zeal for the reform It I
only the thief vhu U always vigilant U t
only the saloon and gambling liuuso bum
mers anil the criminal classes who nine
sleep ThU Is the danger toda > In Chicago
Yv'u have had out upheaval. The boodllug
stealing , pay roll stulllut ; tactlu * of the
Hopkins administration have beun ovpou'd ,
but already the iieoplo are settling don a
again , thinking that all U wull , und In thu
end the thieving , bumming rascals wll
smash the civil law 1C tlio people are not on
th watch The longer thotu ra i als are out
the moro desperate the > become The prab
lam ot good government will not ba solved
until good men are an faithful In watthlng
lha goveinmiiiit an the thlevoa and bummers
are vlijIUnt In watching their opportunities
to burglarize It
Ailvuiun "t liiliu < nt .
M O. Mulh.Ul , In Nurlli Aiuoil. an lUuiu
The aval age of'wa 8 In the I'nlted ' Stutu
has rUau CO imr ctiit bluca Mo , und at the
same llniu tliu uuumulatlon of urban wealth
par head has been 75 pir cunt more than In
the period dom 1S50 to 1S70 , width bliuus
that the rUe In wealth and the Increase of
wugud go almost h.uiJ In hand Hut the
farmer his tiBvurtlielesa a corri/spumllng / ad
vunlawe , for hU life U u healthier one the
stutUlIca of mortality shuuln that the
ilt. Uh rae In American cities , eapt.lally
ainuiiK children , Is greatly I" excesn of that
of rural districts The farmer may make
money moro sluwl ) . but ho has a safer and
lo g aglttitea life , and his children grow Ui
arcund him In allludiice and comfort The
census of IS'JO ho U that th United Slates
had 4Sb ! > ,000 furmera , th aggregate value ol
nhoso furms , cattle and Implements summed
up $15,9SJ.OOO , giving to each an avtrage
fortune of $ .l , ! > 0i , mcwt ot UIMO men having
btguu on a , capital ot a eoupltt of huii.lreJ
The number ot new , funiu ( .reatutl
kluc * 1M > U haa been it.5itO.000 , butlKl'itf Inlc
cultivation 195,000,000 aer n , and the reatoi
purl of till * woik has b in done b ) Kuropi an
kKtliri ) lu fait U tliL Inltol huua hal
no urban population or Industrie * vvhatevu
the advanto of ugncultuial mt rci'3 ' wouK
ba enough to rla m Ih aJmlra'ion ot man
kmj , for it has no parallel tu hlswry.
A Iiuy man alwBys hurries to dinner
The man who li aiUamcd of hli religion
uuelit to be
If wo liad better Blglil ov r > body would be
woallh cflniiol build any kind of
a liouic upon the rock
In time of revlvnl ( ho long prayers should
all bo made In the closet
A bird with bright plumage never finds
out Hint It hoe bUik fct t.
There arc people who en n't see anything
but povtry In the t\\i'iity-thlrd psalm.
Unlesa a man U first rich on Iho Inside
10 amount of money can K'VO ' him wealth
Thu scales they use In heaven don't Ktve
any inure weight to gold than tu common
fi .it niK I'trj.i'ir.
J'lilladolphia Uecord It In rather unkind
to ay uf u nun whru hr dim that he hate
to join the rre.\t majority 'Jhe clergy
would make u * bellpvc that bad , w liked men
are In the majority.
Chicago Tribune A Di'tntT clergyman
says "There are 10.UOO nifu goliiK to hell on
If his lliuiu ; urc auurate there
mutt bo several hundred thuusund men
whtelhiK their way to heaven.
Chicago DUpatch Hev. KovlnVuod > ldo
of I'lttsburK announces that "Christ wag a
l'ieibUrlan. " If that ulutimunt were true
and the Havlor were to rtturn to earth today
there probiibl ) would be another heresy trial
on the tai > U In thtirt oldir.
Minneapolis 'Irlbunr "I lie longer J study
the phenomena of nature , the more distinct ! )
do I see Uod In all of nature's operation * , '
fays Hautl 1'lctft , the great Swiss physicist
Kdlsun says "The exUtrnc. uf ( jed to my
mind , can almost be proved from chemistry "
It Is only ( hallow learning that leads to
atheism True ( science brings muu nearer lo
( Jod.
Ulolj4-einocrat' ] No wonder the vicar
Koneral road In low and subdued tones , and
In a voice so line "there'K naught that lives
twlxt It und silence " the decree from Home
deposing the vtnerublo archblshup It was
on act of necessity. In which what eeumul
to be cruel was only kind The old man ,
majestic In his early prime , grand In his late
maturity , and splendid even In his decay ,
had fallen Into a b-cund childhood fraught
with danger lo the church which he loved
so well , and there sevintd la be nollilng left
but to remove him from the sphere of eccle
siastical activities There are none who will
not wish liliu yearn of case ami retirement
with which to close his life of storm und
Kansas Oily Htur An Interesting rerc
many was tarried out In Montreal the other
day when the archbishop und three priests
walked through a new bank building , sprink
ling holy water und blessing Hie bunk It Is
pretuincd that the colony of American cash
iers , tellers and bunk clciks observed Die
proceedings with great Inltrest , and perhaps
reflected that the holy water should be re
served for the men who handled llm funds
at Paul I'loneer-l'resa 'I lie girl who was
tried by u church council In Smith Carolina
over a year ago ami condemned for working
In a telephone exchange nn Sunday , Is tu be
attacked again , and her perserutorti ure eii
deavorlng to have a new rule passed by the
Southern ubsembly making Sunday tulephuiu
service one uf Iho forbidden forms of labor
In the meantime the young woman Is pre
sumably drawing a well earned and net-did
.IM > n ini.n u IKK ,
Young Mr Thiirmun uf Ohlu vociferously
t.allH fur harmony and NWlnga a. large juicy
basu ball club
A Montana minister who upoku of thu
golden pavomenla nf heaven In to bo tried
fur heresy by a jury of sllverltes
The gay and giddy grand old man of Eng
land wears Jaunty gray clothes , wlillo hat
and walHlcoat and thu most aiimmur-llku nf
It will bo nnled with profound astonishment
mont thai In the lint of eminent Chliiigimns
mentioned for the cabinet vacancy the name
of Frank I.avvler was omitted
No Cuban revolutionary leader having been
killed olT within a week , It Is manifest 'that
the Havana correspondents do not fully up
prorlato thu respunslbllllleii of their peal
Kredcirli I ; Maxwell Homora , founder nf thti
San Krauclm o Argonaut , left his imllru uslatu
to Mlus Violet , daughter of II ( Iratz
Drown , who ran for vlcu president of the
Hulled Status on thu ticket with Horace
( Irouley In Ih72.
Itnswcll 0 llorr , who was nncu Michigan's
humorist In congress , promises to add to llm
galnty of the si-ason by iracldni ; a few Jok
at thu expense of Coin Harvey Mr llorr
lu one of these entertaining debatiiru who
refuse ! ) to take tlitlonlstu seriously
Captain U 0 Stuvena of Iliirllnglnn , la ,
relalua that he saw Uumiral Oriisham receive
his worst wound of the wai It was In a
buttle Just outside ot Atlanta , neai thu
Chaltahooi'huu river on July 20 , IHO I den
oral Urcsham was on Ida horsn about thirty
paies In the rear of'x Iowa brigade
when a mlnnhi ball struck him The general
was an honorary member of Crocker's brig
While the only Napoleon kept one eye
rlvotud on the enemy , the other peeled Itself
for the spoils of war I'rof Sloane says that
In the Venetian campaign Napoleon Imggud
oven thing of value ho could lay Ida hands
on and reall/ed In that campaign nt least
30,000Dull franca In rash , besides millions In
btoroa , all of which ho neglected to part
with Modern Napoleons lag wearily la the
rear of thu record
Mt Angele * Kxpress Wo can raise cher
ries In this locality us well we ( raker hands ,
Washington 1'ost It Is ssld that a Iloston
girl can bo nerj- bit us dignified lo a ulilrt
Sioux City Journal * Tliu niliniiakers In
Nebraska curry umbrellas nd wear rubber
boulf ,
Cluvelaud I'lalndeulcr U Is what n nun
knows he cannot get Umt lie feels most absu *
lute neid of
Detroit Tribune- The hand that rocks tht
crmllo can also scare the world out uf III
wits with a bicycle bell.
Indianapolis News Beimlor Thurston Is
for Mr Klnley for president. A prophet U
nut without honor , nave In his uwn state
1'hllaitelphla limes. Why shouldn't man
be ublo to gel u ny with a mug uf beer
when ho can knock Its head off with one
\\'nf hlngton I'ust The most tiresome
person In the world Is the Individual who
Insists on txplalnlng huw he cume lo lose
his money on the race track.
Atlanta Constitution The sidewalks ot
Atlanta are btglnnlng lo grow jreeu with
waUrmeluns All > ou need In Georgia now
Is u sharp Knife and un appetite
Philadelphia Hetuid Wife -'t liafe IL IM r-
feit dioHiu uf u boiinut Jlunbiind } on but
I'll bet II cost u ii'gulur iilKlitinuro of u
pi loo.
Huston J'osf Jnxpar ( 'Hcftir mid bin wife-
lire ojimliuilly ( iiiuirelliiK Jumpuppuf ,
they liuve dllCtiflil llieotleH 118 to vvliut
i mil yhould do to make the uthfi hupp )
Kllegonde lilaetter At the Cunsl You
huvu nuviMJ my daughter tit Hit * link of
> uui own life , fioni u watery nni\e , VOUIIK
man Muy 1 Infei fioni tills Unit ion huvo
Hie nieiins to t tubllsli u liuusebolu uf > uur
own ?
ChUiigu I'ust. "Old yout lust gill cook
well ? "
"She evidently thought o 'I'he Blzo of
my KiuteiH1 und butt hi its' bills show tlmt
she wus iiusxlunutc'ly fond uf ber uwn lookIng -
Ing "
lliooklyn Life Maud-That ntuplil fellow
piopoM.d lo mo lust nlghr HioUKbt to
have knuwn liefoii'hand Unit I yliuuld 10-
fimo lillil Marie IVrlnips lit ) did
Clilcngo Jteioid IMiyslclini-Orent
Hiotlt youiiK lady , you buy you hud cloven
dMifs of lit * ( K'uin , fem Hodu wnti is und
u limn Kiinilwlili ( 'un yon wonder why
you'ro sli k I
'I'lie billing l idy ( fifbly ) It innst Imve
been tin1 ham pundwlch , 1 support *
Hoiiu i vlllc Join mil WlgKlea-Whut a
luiky iiuiii Woggli'H la
WuKKlfH How oT
WlKKliN Wli > , lit' bail four iluiiKhti > ri > ,
and tln-y eveiy one eloped , HO ( hut hi * didn't
have to Klve any one of tlinni weildlng.
Wiisliliigton Him "Ho BinKIIVO you a
root leiejillun wlun yon tailed lust even-
Inn ? "
"I Hhould nay ulic , ill.I . , I'Miet nhu KUVII
nio n ( mini linf fun , thru ulic took MID lulu
tliu dining loom nml inailii mi' rat it water
In- miller tin eloitrlo fun Its' the coolent
H-I I'jillon 1 liavti Inn ) Mil * mnnmi'i "
New York Weekly MI H Million ( of mi-
ii'itjiln HKU-TI ) | < > unly tlilim tbal woiileH
miIn llu' wciMliiK linn It vvlll bn | iui >
tec lly honlhlo to Imve pioile | know Mlxn
Kohihiul ( vli limply ) -O ilou't vvuiry Tliny'll
Ihlilk > ou'iu lilH inolhei
Delinlt Free PHIHH "Amivliei II'M H l > -
peluhT" lniiilrtil | tin * ii'lniiii'il i Inljiimn , who
wan PO.-UIIK blins. If -is ) „ . mm pourtlnff
that liilKht wi Mli'iii Kill ? "
"Oh , no , " leplled hi * f i lend "Him Jollleil
him for Mix month * or inuic nml Coulixl him
al hint "
"Ah , " with ii Hyinimlhetle Hlh'li. "Him re-
Jei led htm. ilhl Hhe ? "
"Nol much Hhu imurled him "
Illl' MIHININtl Illicit.
Vagina I'ltM In ( 'lilrnKO lli-ionl
A bint nut In lliu iniii | ] | Irro
Ami thlH wau lliu MOIIK hit mini , ' to mo :
"O lltllc boy , awiikii mlm > (
Thu NIIII IH iilKh In lilt undue uklHi ;
Tlm biook'H ii-iilay la lint paHluin lot
Ami womli'inlli that thu llttln boy
II lovi'lh ilcaily inimith nut
To Hlinio UH tin linliini n ami joy ;
Tlm HTIIHH liutli Usm'H cool nml Mvvi'el
l''oi ' ( i mm ! lltllii blown baio fuel
Hi roine , O chllil , avvuko , nileu !
The nun IH hluh In the miiinlnif HPM | | ! "
Ho from tlm jiiinli'i iniipln Ireu
'I lie lilnl kenl HliiKlnir unto inn ,
Hut that wax vtil ) IIIIIK MHO-
1 ilhl not think f illil mil know
Minn VMinhl I nol hnvn IOIIKI-I Hli pi
Ami ilienmeil llm iiin'lmis IIOIIIH away :
lOInn wniihl I fioin my bi-il huvu h'iiit |
'I'o Kicel anolhei haiiy | | ilny
A tlay , of cam ami riilb ,
With hwiul roiiijmiilonHhli | of youlli
Tlm ilear olil filemln vvliluh you anil I
Know In lliu huiipy ymiiH ionu ; l j |
HUH In the innplo ran bn lieiinl
'I'lli innthof llm moniliiK blril ,
Ami Htlll Ibn HOIIK IH of llm day
That rumiith u'ei vvllb | | | | | | ( play ;
.Still of eai b plnaHant old time plain
Anil uf llm nlil lime filmnlH I know
Tilt * pool uhi'lu bill thu fiilllvu ilaue ,
Thu lot thu bruoU vvunl Hoamporlnv
Tlm mill , the lane , thu bellllouur Irou
That IIHIM ) to love to Hheller me
Ami all Ibdriu otbeiH 1 kmtw tliuii ,
Hut uhUJi 1 cannot know uKulnl
Ahm ! from yomlui inujiUi tieo
Tlio muriilni ; blul HIIKH | not In mil.
Hlnti woulil bin Khostly vuleti jiroloni ;
An evenliiK not a ninniln HOIIK ,
Anil ho vMiuhl tell of eaih dear xiiot
I lini'u soell ami ibeiUheil llu'ii ,
AH all fniKiiltlliK. not fnrijot
H > him who would liu joiinn iiKiilnl
C ) child , thu volio friiin jumliii lieu
Callcth to JIHI and not lo inn ,
Ho unlii ) anil know those frlendHhlpri nil
I would to Odd 1 could recall' '
e > ffffe& if- in our miui , that our custo
mers appreciate a good thing1 when they get it.
That StiiciciulmiCV'V SA1.L tiotvjck. . Many oJ- our patrons
receive tlieir salaries on the 10th aiul to K'lve tlioin a
ch.inee to hcnclit by this SWUIM'INC ; KKDUCTION ,
will let the Suits go at prices now in irkcil.
$2.5t > siir $ ; i.oosuirs $ a so SUITS STOU SUITS
$1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00
2 Big Tables to Choose From ,
Aiul urn .Harked Just One- Half the Original 1'rice ,
From $1 25 up to $9.00.
YuurMoucj'n WuitUor Hd'll Tra4u
Keliublc Clothlcrrf. S. NCor. . aiul