TITE OMAHA DATLY BEEi JTBIDAY. JUNE 7. 1805. SPB01RL NOTICES. AilTcrtlnc'tiicnU far Ilirse rnliinitis "Ml li takrn mill 1SIUO p. in , for HID t-tt n.iimill until H | i. in. tot the morning anil sumUj illtlan. AclTtrll er , by rcqi-estlne n nuiiiliercil clicclti ( nn luivo nn fr nililrrmrd to n numbered letter In euro of 'I ho lleo. An- MITS su nilifrcosfd "III Ito ilrliicroil upun I KSdlliltlon ( if the clicck niily. Jliltcs , 1 J ! ic n uuril , first li.scitlun , la n word lieri.'iftcr. NotliliiR tiiUeu fur liMtlmnUOc lor Unit IniiTtlon. ' lii'so luUiTtUciiicnts tntut tun cniiircu * tltoly. SITUATIONS WANTED. COMITTHNT , KNPURinNrCP YOt'NO LADY ten rmphpr desires hilt dny employment , either tunpomry or peimincnt. Cnn handle c ir. pondrnca tnpldl ) , l t city references. Addieiut 'Competent , " 1TJJ C.tpltul nve. A Mi'Jl ' 8" WANTED to ALE HELP. WANTKD. l.COO MI'.N TO WRITK Mi : TODAY for the receipt ( nlnolutcly live , In plain nealed cm elope ) which cured mo of nervoui debility , nxhuilf.cilllallty , etc. Addreaa C. J. Wnlker , lwx 1,311 , Knlamazoo , Mich. 11-M1S3 The Ilnwka Nurncry Co. , Milwaukee. Win. n-M7i-J10 ! CUI1AN ritKCICLCH. I'URU AND MILD. EC. ll-181-J2t _ _ " i WANT"rinu SAMI i.is HANDRU YOUR frlendi < ir nelKhhors. Hcnd A. 1' . \\Vd , Per fumer , Wood ine. . Detroit , Mich. . IOC for C trial hollies Satin-Scent Perfume * , mvlve offer lo y-'i. 1I-M512 7' _ _ WANTID. SMALL OONC URN PAYINO FAIR \MiB"S wants llr t-cl s < lratiKlitnmnn ; nlio wood encraxer. Stale WUK'IH exp c ed. Ad dress R Ilee. ) ! . 11-MiOJ 13 " WANTKD , HAI.UHMAN. ON COMMISSION. AC- ( | unlnt > d with Oimh 1rw TB. Adiln-M. ; nt- Inff experience. It Cl , lire. II M70 ! D' ARU YOU IIONIIST. KOIIRR , INDUSTRIOUS ? H HO , enKiigo with u ( or l.VJJ. $300 n month , JS.COO n tear ; you can in.ik" It raxy. nix liourn a ildy uur aKi'ti'H ' do n t complain of Imrd times , Whv ? They uio making money nelllne our IVrfeet'on Ulxh Washer ; the only practlc.il family wnsher mnnufurtuud. WUSIICH , dries and | K > ll he3 illshra perfectly In two minutes , no experience ncce * ir > . a child of S operates It enxlly ; cheap and durable , weight , thirteen poundMj made of anti-runt shuet Btecl ; capac ity , 100 iiloc'-i , J110JO for ItH eiiu.il ; every fam ily "iints one ; sou don't lm\c to cum an ; ns pirin ns penplu Know you h.ive It for wile they nenil for n dish wa h'-r , caih iis nt' territory protected ; no competition ; wo fur nish sample ( nelKhx nix pounds ) In nice ca e to Inily iiK'-nt1 * ' " ' "ke orders with , one agent mill a 12115.1 first ten da > H Addn-ns for full particulars perfection Mfg. Co. , Uiiglettood. III. O MlA - ! A MAN OR LADY TO MANAOI3 DIHTRI1IUT- Ine camples , soap * . pnecl.iltlc3 , books , do tor- renpondliiR. Send Syltiin Co. . 727 Woodward , Detroit. Mich. . lOc for eet of hample * , re- cH\e offer to you. C MM1 S LADIES WANTING FIRST CLASS GIRLS call Scandinavian V. W. Home , HIS Cnp. nve. C MS29 10 * GIRL. TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 2111 South llth. C M l 9' WANTKD. COOKS. DINING ROOM GIRLS , chambermaids , porters , cle\ator boss , etc. , at Chicago Employment llureau , 131J Douglas Ftreet , room't 4'S ' and 47. Telephone , 1311. r. H. Slewnrt , Mgr. C ( > CO-11 GIRL TO I o'cTENERAL lIOUaIw67llC IN small family. 8218 Ornnt. C-MMO 7 * WANTED. A LADY NOT UNDER 33 OF ED- uc.itkm and ambition , nnc having had experi ence nn teacher In public siliool prcfeired , fern n lempornry but lucrallve posllloii. Call per sonally Friday morning nt 1) ) o'clock. R. II. Newton , room 12 , Crelghlou block. C-C32-C * WANTKD. A MATRON ; A KIND , STRONG woman to have Iho care or a home fir desti tute children. Address It G7 , lleo olllce. C-C89-8 * JFOR RENT J10TJSK3. HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , DARKER I1LOCIC D 125 HOUSES IN ALL , PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis compiny , 1M3 1'arnjm. D 420 HOUSES , UENEWA & CO. . 103 N. 15TII ST. D 127 II. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA D-M12S rC8 FARNAM STREET. W. M. Roger ) , 132.1 Fa : nam street. D 123 roil KENT DESIRAULE HOUSES. rooms , 211 S. 21th t > t. m 7 rooms , 4205 Cumlng St. , 123. 7 rooms. ! > . ' 6 N. 2/th u\o. . ! 2.i 54 t rooms , 4X ! > 7 Cans t > l. , JU. 9 looms , 4U27 Davenport St. , 510. 5 rooms , Z420 Jackson St. , > S. 6 rooms , 3213 Prnlt nt. , $7. Bee Fldcllly Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam at. D-431 FOR RENT FINE NEW 10-ROOM HOUSE , G2 N.Mt.h at. 11. T. Clarice. 219 Hoard of Trade. RENTAL AGENCY C2J SO. ICTH ST , D-727 roil RENT AT UELLEVUE , NEAR 11. R depot , a line 10-ruom house , tine KioumH obundanl fruit ; alto 4-room collage. Henry T. Clarke , No. 219 Hoard of Trade , Om.ilia. nr W. H. Ilelz. llellcvue. D 730 VERY DEsTllAULE FURNISlfED IIOUSE , close In. J , II. Sherwood. 4JJ N. Y. Life. } D-S31 TKN-ROOIJi'MODERN HOUSE , CLOSE IN G-room cottage , city \\atu , sti.ro building , 13) ) : 1'a.nam. L. S. SKInmr , agent , 31J New Yorli LI to. D-MS.'l ID-ROOM IIOUSE. MODERN , LOCATED 2J1 Douglas. W. F. Clark. D MII5G-JU * TWO 9-ROOM HlliriC HOUSICS. 1339-11 I'AllI' ' uvcnue , facing IHnvom patk , nearly new hnrd wood tinlsh ; that class modem con < \enlences. Inquire 1116 South :2nd street. 1J-M329 FOR RENT , PLATS NEWLY CLEANED , PA pered nnd painted at northeast corner llth nm Howard , H5 n month. Inoulro room 314 Firs1 National lank building. DI21-13 6 AND 7-ROOM FLATS. WITH RANGE AND all modern conveniences ; awnings , screens un ' janitor service. Call at corner Hat. 701 S. 16t ! < stj from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. George Clouier. D M5J4 J-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. DETACHED , beautiful lawn ; shnda tieed. COS South 2btli. Apply to J , H. Parrolte , Douglas block. D-MG1' ' ) 17 TWO COTTAGKS , ONU FURNISHED ; MOD- orn. SOii So. Mill Et D-C15 8 roil RENT. A COMPLETELY FURNISHED house , bc.iutlfully located , convenient to bubl- ne-s. For particulars Inquire otj , . B. Skinner , room 310. New Yoik Life. D 1S ! ) TOR RENT. FINE COTTAGE. 11ARN. LARGE lawn , on car line. It. C. Patterson , Ramg'hlk to- D-1J7 2 ELEGANT 6-UOOM COTTAGES JUST IIUILT , jr..r ! > u. Fidelity Tiust company , 1702 Tainani. D-642 ELEGANT 9-ROOM MODERN DITTACIIED houee , S16 S. 31st nve. Fidelity Trust com pany. 1702 I'ntnnm street. D 013 FOP. RENT. FOR THE SUMMER , A FUR- nlshetl house of * o\cn rooms and laundry , on c.ic line , near Ilanscom parK. Addrc n R 4S. lleo. D MOW 7' Tmfii > ROOM"COTTAGE WITH GARDEN , s. E. Cor 2nl ! and Clark St. Inquire 1313 Jackson - son St. D CC8 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. J10.W. 19 AND CLARK. Inqulie 122 Clarlc. U-Mi-t' _ flUXKM 1 lOUSi : , ALI. MODERN. AND PAIVT of { multure for sale , ! ,2A ) Poppleton A\e. D-6IJI-9' _ RENT. JULY AND AUGUST. rT'lT- nUthtj. 1 oitso.uth largo lawn , mar Ht. M.ir > ' & nve , Address R St ) . IIe. . D MC71 BRICK , MODERN. KEYS KOI Capitol ove. , ndjtfiilns D M67C 12 * FOR RENT. A IIAND.sO.ME. NEWLY FUR- niched ' ttage , only 6 blncKrf from ixwlolllce. Only Ilisl-chiss nppllcnws considered No chil dren. Address R 51 , Be D-MC379 MIOOM"MODERN COTTAGE EAST FRONT , fine lavMi. full lot , lioautlfnl home for pniall fumlly. 3C2 N. 4ilh. rent , K5.00. D-GJl lOlt BENT SOOMS. NICE SOUTH 1'RONT ROOM. WELL FUR- nlnhcd. pi hate family. Call : il ! Ca-u BL E M433 DOl > CiE. 'i-MfT PURNISIIED ROOM. 02 * S. 15TH STREET. E MI07-J1J' NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. &r ; x-ni A\ : U M318-S * ron Rn.vr. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms. GO ! S. 13'Ji. K 816 J)2 FURNISHED ROOM , HATH , j. 19U FARNUI. UJTC * IIOUSEKEEWNG ROOMS : CONVENIENT , cheap , cool , Ulec lann. 2iill St , Mary's. E M573 7 * LOCATION CONVENIENT AND UOPMS WELL hnl. lth or without tnurd ; lln" shade > 3 ruruam , U-MCil 1S 3TTJKNI8HED ROOMS AND B OA.RD inn nosn. N2 > HARNEY. MU : FURNISHED rfaom with IvarJ ; t-i.Ci-lal rate * li > * . "nlj"n' | ' . ' } , siTc"biv > m 3. WITH rx- c : itnt U a. etc. IOS N Ht . , - . , , . TCI ? RENT STORES AND OFFICES DESK ROOM WILLIAM J. WKLSHANH. 331 llonrd of Trade. 1-M587 rorfuKNT , THRE"E"BTORY AND RAS"KMKNT brick st'ire building , 100J Knrnnm rtreet. Lai go elexnlor ; flrst-cliuis condition , suitable for nny kind of builn" i. R iT > nnhle trrmi. Inquire room 311 first National bank building. t HO- ' . : roil RKNT-THK 4 STORY RR1CK I1CILDINO , ! ( IO Farnnm street. This building has u lire- proof cement basrnent , c itnpleU1 meant hent- im ? fixtures , water nn nil floors , gas , cte. Ap ply nt the nince of The Hee. 1 910 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. M TO 1 > A DAY. At > - drnM the Ilnndy Il-ater Co. , S31 New Yorl : Life bldg. , Omaha , Nib. J 913 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. FOR HI MMER MONTHS , PUR. nlshcd house of 0 or 7 looms , wnh 5Bid nnd simile I roes. Ad.lrni roum 210 , Isl Nat Ilk. bl.U. . K-.M07I 7 RENTAL AGENCY. O. G. WALLACE , RENTALS , 512 11IIOWN blk. L-M 05 STORAGE. STORAGE , FRANK EWERS , 1211 HARNEY. Mu. T STORAGE I1UILDING IN OMAHA. U. H. KOV. bond wniPhoiif' ; household goodi stored ; lowest ratLS. 1013-1015 Lenvcnworlh. M43i ) ITOVES STORED DURING SUMMER. TIM * 900. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M437 APIPIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO . 9T1I & Jones sts. General storage and forwardlms. MI jS WANTED TU B1TX S or CLOTHING. anxTS1 rritNisn- . ats nnd shoes. S. Arnsteln , IWi Douclas ctrect. Omnhn , Neb N M7M JS I'ANTIID TO Ilt'V GOOD DRIVING IIORSH , not lee sm.ill , BTitle nnd fairly B m l sp'iil , or will tnki1 a home for Its lto"pniT. ! tcjponsllilo pirly and good caie taken. Address It 51 , Iee ! office. N-IMI-0' _ [ ANTlTl ) . TO I1UY 'Oi MAKC IJICYCM3 TOR caih , mate imke , time used and prli-e Ad- dreis R 69 , Ilee. N-6M-7 * Toil SALli i'URNITURE. 'Oil HAI-n-ON ACCOUNT Of RI3.MOVAI. TO New V.tk , will nell all the fuinllure , carpels , ntc . lit n Id-room house cheap. Call al 6ot B. zulh n\e. O-M433 OR SAI.H IJY A FAMILY MOVING OUT OV tliu city 1 Andrews double folding bed writing desk pattern , I Gnrlnnd range , 1 chlld'u play tent In Us tecond fceann , 1 hard coal slo\c , Milcndld heater. Addrcs * R 51 , Dee ollli-e. M GOING TO MOVU AND 1'VK GOT TO Bell a cook 6to\e , n bedroom sel , and some odd pieces of furnllure. The > 'll l > cheap for cash. Cor. 15th and Uurdel'e. O CCVC FOR .HORSE-S.WAGONS.ETO IRST CLASS FAMILY 1IORSI2 AND TINT tilmeton. S30 Soulh ! lst. 1' MOW 7' riNH GENTLU THAM AND CARRIAOK .nrmlro Llnlngcr , Mctcalf. Co. 1' W3-10 * , S'ILL-IJRID : FAMILY OR IIROOD MARI : . 125 W. Unaulre 2il2 Nnr. 2llh SI. P 6il-9 * TDK , VIGMAN : PIANOS , rmiDGKPORT ORGANS. \\oodbrldge llios. , 117 S. lilh. Qlll 1ARDWOOD COMniNATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chas. It. Lee , 9th und Douglas. run STANDARD CATTLI : co. , AMIS. NUM. , has 400 tons good baled hay to sell. Q M4I3 OR BALK. A PUT DECR. 1NQLIR12 AD. IJrandles , lloston Slore. Q-M6D1 CUBAN FRECKLES SOLD ERYWHHRE , , BC Cjl&i iliI ! OR SAI.K , PREMIUM HKGIrfTKRrH ) JERSEY cow , very line. 11. C. 1'atteraun , Rinw blk Q MM7 9 'OR SALE. LARGE SPECIAL ORDER MUSK ljx , with J100 table , full orchestral atlnrli- menli ; Just new. nt half price. Parlies going to Europe. Adolph Mejer , music otoic. Q MCOG 9 CORN FOR SALE , THE STANDARD CATTLI Co. , Ames , Neb. , ha\o 2J.i ) bushels good , Bound , dry coin to sell , which cm b loader mid shipped as desired from their clevulo ; at Ames , Neb. Q-M695 WANTED. USE OF HORSE AND BUGGY FOR thn keip through June and July ; best of care Address R 47 , Bee. R-C41-6 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium , Sth ) ear at 119 N. 16th. S413 MASSAGE. iiA'i'Hb. KTO. MADAM SMITH. 002 S. 13TH.2D FLOOR. ROOM magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , sulphurlne nnd sea baths. T M573-S * MOST COMMODIOUS BATH PARLOUS IN city. Mme. llowell. 31S & 320 S. loth , tlmioiighly piuctlcul chiropodist and manicurist attendant. MADAM LA RUE. 1G17 HOWARD ST. MUS. DR. LEON. ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric bnlh pailoii , restful nnd refreshing. No. 41 ! North lllh slrcet. T MGOI 8' MASSAGE. MADAME 1JERNARD. 1121 DODGE. T M039 Jy 4 UATHS. TURKISH BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-1U , Ilia bldg. LADIES' UATHS , C FOR J3. MME. POST. 319W S. 15. 730 PERSONAL. TIIH BELLI : TPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. street.U U 383 VIAVI CO. , 340 11EK BLDG. ; HEALTH HOOK free ; homo treatment ; lady attendant. U441 B. HAAS , FLORIST. PLANTS. CUT FLOWERS , llamiuet , hall , residence and grave decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 77C. U M4I5 RATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 310VJ S. IVTII. CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH 13C FOR CC. PLEDGES NOT REDEEMED OR EXTENDED tiv June IS v\lll be sold at auction. Kifd Mohle , 15I7',3 Farnam. _ U M2I3 II PR 1 V\TI n IOM E FOR LADIES DURING tlnemont ; babies nduplol or otherwlxo provided for. 2031 Chailes all eel , Omaha , N b. UMItllELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED , 316 , No. IClh. Jas. Henderson. U 3S7 J 27 BARGAIN. 12 CABINET PHOTOS. 12 DAVIE3 , 113 U IClli Btrcot , opposite Boston Mure U MW9 30 WHO WANTS TO DONATE AN ICE BOX TO the Y. W. C. A. , room 10 HP" building The 12th street No.ind.iy Host Is nlsj much 111 need of n two-hole oil stove. Will not norm- one Int-rested In Ibis work respjnd ut once , leav ing same al 613 S. 12lh slrcel ? U MGK S IT TRAVELS EVERYWHERE. WHAT ? ClnrKi's Purr Rye Whisky goes lito families to euro In enses of sudden slcknesi. In bottles tles , at the dealer * . U M63) 7 AT'TTTvATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos , jewels , blt * > cles , etc. Husln'Si strictly conll'liiitlal. ' Address I'oatr Ilin' H > x 32J. U M"OJ _ _ C. M. O. 1IIART. SI. D. . HAS RESUMED practice. Piactlce limited to dlsenson of Iho fkln. Odlce hours b > rpcclal apiulnimenl. Tel. l.SIJ. 127 S. 2Jlh st. U MIOJ n HAVE "YOUR OLD CMIPETS MADE INTO rusj ; any slzo ) ou wish. 1321 L < avenwoith street. U MTuS J0 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 3U N. Y. LIKE , loans at ! < > w lalvs lor thnice security in Ne- bcsKa nnd Iowa laima cr O imha city property , W4lti MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAIIA leal cttatv. Brcnnan , Low & Co. . Puxton blk. WH7 MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAIIA REAL ESTATE l per c'nt. W. II. Melkrl , lit Nat. Ilk bldg. W413 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH \ propelly. Pldelli ) Trust cumpany , 1702 Farnam. INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. , 10 WALL ST. . New York , offer any part 1'JO.OOO ' tastuu In- Vfklor's namc < , vvho have muney to Inveit , just complld.Yrlto for partli'uHr. * . W-M303 J25 UANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY rrcpeity , W. Furnam.Smith & Co. . ttl ) r.iinam. WI5J MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. r. DavU Co. . 1M5 Farnam it. W431 * CITY LOANS. O. A. 8TARR. H5 N. V. I.IFK. WtM LIFE INSfilANCi ; I-OL1CI1M WJANED ON or bouiht. F , O. Chccncy , Kun aj City , Mo. C\PIT\U IJ.CM.OOl ; SURPLUs JtOO.CWt U. K. Mi-rtLOKc Truu Co. , New Y il I" r o p r rent I un * on city i > roi riy aptlr to Puwy A Thoinar , tcent * . roira .01 l'l ; t Nat 1 uii.W LIJjW W -Z3 Diffuse HeSIp ! ( f'vs * W / In this way- When you sceJiow Pearline % Y/C * jf/y las helped you , tell others pd let it help X Vtv / ' ' them. Where a womar js trying to do < x ' "I/'t 'N\ housework in the oldjiwrd-working , rubbing way , it's actual charity to tell her about Pearline. Perhaps she uses it for scrubbing , washing dishes , etc. , but can't believe that in v/ashing clothes it can save so , ich work and wear without doing harm. Your personal experience might convince her. That would help Pearline , to be sure but think how much more it would help her , by saving time and strength and real money. Peddlers nnd some unscrupulous gro. T77" 'fl" * ccrsvill tell you "this is us peed as" _ _ , W Cirl. C or "the same as 1'earline. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled . if your grocer sends you r.n imi tation , be honest send it tack. 440 JAMES 1'VLE , New York. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. IONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- lure , pianos , horses , uagons , or any kind of chattel security nt lowest possible rates , which you ran pay bach nt nny time or In nn/ amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , Room 4 , Wllhnell block. X43I . 1) . HADDOCK , 11OOM 427. KAMGE ULOriC. X135 1ONIV TO I JO AN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fled Terry , 43) Ilamge blk. X45G IONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , \\nBons , vie. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goodn ; strlilly confidential , jou can pay the lonn off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So. leth Ht HtX470 X470 BUSINESS CHANCES. UDAN FRECKLES , Tim ONLY CIGAR , EC. Y1S4 J21 'Oil SALE MY LOAN AND JEWELRY HUSI- ness. Fred Mohle , 1517V4 1'arnam. Y-M891-J11 M I'OH A GOOD PAYING MANUFACTURIng - Ing business ; must be solil at once. Addiess H PS , Bee. Y 1,93 12 * TO nn WEAK in MlsER MILE Slrenglhcn the weakened sjslem vlth < 'laik 'H 1'uio Hjo Whisky , the greatest tonic known. Always in Imttlcs. At ilenlers. Y MG9S 7 FOR EXCHANGE. 'AHM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOUUI. for stock of hardware or Implements. Knox & Hlsscr , 37',4 I'carl St. , Council Bluffs. In , ZI17J23 STORY BRICK IIOTKL. MODERN ; TRADE ciiuity for land. Ames , 1017 Farnam.A . A MG3I S ON BUSINESS STREET , riltST-CLASS PROP , crty ; good Improvements , trade equity for clear property. Ames , 1C17 Farnam. Z-MC3I 8' JOOERN niOHT-ROOM HOUSE. CLEAR , full lot ; on Nlnteentli street boulivanl. want smaller place between IHirt und Lrtavenwm th. niRhtrenth nnd Twenty-setcnth. Slrlngei & Gue , Frenzer block. J5 MC4u 7 * WANT CLEAR REAL ESTATE AND SOME cn h for a complete stock of clothing and fur nishing Roods , \alued at $10,000 00 Address It W , lleo. / MGIO 11 XR TRADE , A SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT nrid cash for a stock of hardware and stoves. W. V. Stoetzel. . 52 039-11 FOH HALE M.aali ESTATE. ABSTRACTS , THK BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 15S BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARM ) sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker lllnck. Ri : ISO MPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surpilse sou , If taken with in 2 weeks. J. It. Sherwood , 423 N. V. Life. RE-139 1AROAINS , SAI.H OR TRADE IN CITY I'UOl'- crtles and farms. John N. Frcnzcr. opp. I" , o. HI3 101 SNAPS , 6 TO C MILHS FROM OMAHA I' . O. 40. 80 or 120 acres , Improved , $30.00 per acre ; 200 acres. J35.00 per acre ; 250 acres , $40.00 per acre ; G 10-acro tracts. J75.00 to J100.CO per acre. Must bo sold. 910 N. Y. Life bide. RK 402 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. L. RE-MS-J7 * 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , 3G2 N. 40TH , only $3,700.00 ; great bargain. Iin M700 HOMnS ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Garvln llros. , 210 N. Y. L Ri : 463 CITY WATER. GOOD HOUSn. 5 ROOMS , IVt > oo cash , balance $30 00 to J40 0) each 3 months , 6 per cent Interest ; price , $1,000.0) Ames. 1C1 Fainatn. RE MG33 8' NKAT 5-ROOM HOUSE , CLOSE CARS. $80000 easy pajments ; Interest C per cent. $77" > 00 cash. Ames , 1017 Fat num. RE MC33 S * CORNER , S LARGE ROOMS ; LOT SMALI neir cars , } 2M 00 cash ; bal.ince enxj , Into-fs C per cent , price , $950 00. Ames , 1617 Fninam RK-MG33 8 lU'NDRIJD AND FIFTY CASH. DALANCI easy , Interest C per cent , buys best 6-ro > m house In Omaha ; price , $700.00 Ames. 1CF Farnam. Rn-.MC33 S FOR SAI.n. AN IMPROVIID HASTHRN NK lirasKa farm of 32 > ) acres. Is now rulslnR an Immense crop ; terms cash. W. F. Stoetz * ! , 1st door So. of P. O. nu-070-ll I HAVH SnVHRAL DUSIRAllLi : SMALL farms for rain , situated near Dls Arc , county neat of Pialrle county. None but Rood In dustrious peiple need npply. For further In formation address U. F. llelne , Dls Arc. Ar kansas. Iin SI7W 0 B102CLE& . M. O. DAXON. 402 N. 16TII. 461 van-oil nicYci.is. THK FINF.ST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. , S23 N. 16th street. 4CO STHRLING IIUILT LIKU A WATCH. WF.ST- cm Electrical Supply Co. , 1315 Howard sticet 463 sni : TIII : VISHILI : HALL IIKAIUNGS ON Relay Special. Will Bainum Bro. . 120 N. Filh. 407 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. , 11G S. 13th street. 4C3 A. U DEANIJ & CO , WHOLESALE AND RE- tall ble > cles. 1116 Farnum street ; bicycles sold on easy payments. 4 i WESTERN BICYCLE S. GFN CO..2I1C CL'MINQ 479 MANTELS , GttATjSb AND TILES. WOOD MANTLES. GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , \cstlljulpH and large Hours , write for catalogue. Hilton Rogers & Sons. Omaha. 471 PASTUKAGE. WE HAVE 100 ACRES OF BLVE GRASS PAS. turu for horses , botrd fence , sprlnff water ; Barton & Phelpa. Gllmore. Neb. , or A W. Phelps & Son. 107 N. Y. Lit * bldg. . Tel. 1031. 47S-July ! PASTURE. CATTLE & HORSES , T. MFRHAY. 503-J15 BLUE GRASS , SPRING WATER ; II. H. IIAR- dcr & Co , Bee Lulldlnff. 2J1 NOTICE I. THE FNDERSIONED , WILL TAKE In horses and colts to pasture , feed and caio for the jcar round In Howaid Co. . Nebinska. WMcli this paper for particulars by the 10th of June. 1313 , Charles Gans. By Gco. G. Gans , foreman , 1 * . O. box 136 , St. Paul , NebMM311 M-M3-11 UNDERTAKERS AND EMU ALMEK3 II. K. HURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1018 Chicago St. , telephone 94. 47 * SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO , TEL. 10CO 473 SI. 0 MAFL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM , er. 1117 Fainatn st . telephone 22S. 471 U. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER. 013 S. 16TH ST. 471 HOTELS. IIOTKL BARKER , 13TH ANt ) JONES ST3. 73 ruoms nt fl SO per day 30 rooms nt JtOv JKrtnv. . Special rates in comnurd.il lrn\elfr . Room and boaid b > wcik or inonih. Frank Hlldlteh , manaser 47 $ AETNA HOUHi : ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. IJth and Dodeo. Rooms by day or wvek. 479 DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 43)4 nuntttte S'M-JJO- DRESSMAKINO IN PRIVATE FAMILIES. I'll anJ tle cuuruntuvd. AdJrrn It > 3. ll e. 63S.J' PUMPJ A.\i > WINDMILLS. J II. rtOYDE.V. VUMPS AND WIND MILIJJ. ill fcmds fl pump repitrlne. I ave orderi wuli Chur.'b'Il ' Pump Co. Telephone Mi COAL ) . T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL ofllce to 20'J S ICth St. , Brown block. 476 A GOOD THING PUSH IT ALONG. MAY BE the latest slam ; phrase , but that's just what we're doing wllh SHERIDAN COAL. 8.000 tons * old In Omaha last yenr We Rle you 5 000 His. of the best WyomltiR cooking coal for $4 5) . Victor White , mur. , 160J Farnam st. Tel. 127. BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN Mt'TFAL L. K B ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , nl n)9 leJcetnable. 1701 Farnam st. NattlnKcr , Sec. 4SO HOW TO GET A HOME OR SEPUHE GOOD Intcrst on sa\nfrs. Apply to Omaha L. K B. Ass'n , 1701 Bee Bide. G. M. Nattlnger , See. 4S1 MEDIUMS. WHOEVER SEES THIS , AND IS IN ANY trouble , send a stamp to the only Rreat clnl" \oynnt and medium , for free ndvlcc. but ask no questions , don't be humbURged by trnl l * Inff fakers , Inrateil for > ears. I never fall Wm. ( larneld , MD Cth n\e , DCS Mrtnes. la This offer three wieks. 62211 * CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL , PAPER HANGING. HOt'SE Klgn painting , brick woik. plnstorlnc ; off. R. 1 , Barker blk. ; tel. 733 ; shop 913 N. 2tth st. 431 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y LIFE M I1J MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F GELLENBEC-K , BANJO AND IfUltar teacher. 1911 Oass street. M 10D TUTORING IN HIGH SCHOOL STFD1ES DFR- IMK' the summer nt 2323 Farnam sttevt Jessie Towne. M707 9 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELEPTRICAL ENOINKKIIS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and mntor plants nnd nil kinds of ele < trlcal construction Western Elec trlcal Supply Co. . 1515 Howard si 432 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 st 4S3 DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MOKANt > WILL GIVE Pill- nto lessons In dancing , at their home. 2306 IJoclRe stteet , dutlng the bummer. 223-J23 LO = T. LOST JUNE 4 , ON PARK AVE. SOUTH OP Jackson , pair eyeglawses. Return J II. Mans , 2Sth nnd Woolwotlh. List C90-C * LOST. WHITK AND ATTI-LOW SETTER HITCH nnmeil "Duiik , " rcwnnlr return tn J Lennox , 527 So. 21st avenue. Lost M703 7 * FOUND. TAKEN UP , ROAN PONY WITH WHITE face. Walt M. Victor , 3034 Lnll : stieet. Found MCH 7 DENTISTS. DR. I'AUti. DENTIST , 2020 HURT ST. , 437 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 71 } N. 15 431 ! Lawyers and solicitors. SUES & CO. OMAIIA , Neb. Atlvico KHEB. RAILWAK TIME CARD Leaves IBURLINGTON & MO. RIVER lArrlves _ OinuhalLiilonDepot _ , 10th . _ Maimn Stii.l Omaha fO:15am : Denver Express. 7. 9.10am 4i3pm : Ulk. HUls. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:0 , pm 4.3Jpm Denver Express 4:05iim : b:46pm..Nebraska : Lucal ( except Sunday. . 7:4jpm : 8lJum..Lincoln : Local ( except hunuav ) . , llun ; 2:45pm..Fast : Mallfor Lincoln ) dally. . . . leaves ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON S. Q.IArrlves" Oinahal Union Depot , loth & Ma on Sis.I Omaha 4:43pm : Chicago Vestibule 9:50am : 9Warn ; Chicago Express 4Ui > m 1 : Mpm..Chicago nnd St. Louis Express. . 8:0uam : ll:3ium : Paclllc Junction Local 5.30pm . . . . . . . . .Fast Mall. . . . . . 2:4.pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & faT. PAUL.Arrives ( OmahalUnlon Depol. IDlh & Mason Sis f Omaha C.COpm Chicago Limited 9.30am HilCam..Chicago Express ( ex.Sun..j ) _ . . b.OOpni Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOUTHWUarN.Arrives ( OmalmlUnion Depol. 10th * c Mason Sts.Omaha [ ll:03am : Eastern Express & :3upm : 4:00pm : Vestlbtiled Limited 9:40am : 0.50am Mo. Vnlley Lota ! lO.SJpm 64Jpm ! Omaha Chicago Special 2ltum Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & . PACIFIC. .Arrives OmahnlUnlon Depot , 10th U Mason Sta. | Omaha ll:00am : . .Atlantic Express ( ex Sunday ) . . . 5J5pm : C.Sopin Night Express 0:35um : 4:30pm : . . .Chicago Votlbultd LlmlU-d. . . . 1.3Cpm WEST. J" „ CtWpm .Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sun.l5r33an ; IMOpm Colorado Llmllcil 4:00pm : leaves ! C. . ST. P. . M. & O. ( Airives Oninli.il _ DepptiiJlh and Webster Sts. | Omaha 9.25am..Nebraska Passenger ( dally ) . . . . Sil'.pm 4:30pm..Stoux : City Expietsiex. Sun..11 Mam C10pm ; St. Paul Limited 10.35am Leaves ; ' . , n. a MO. VAI.LH1. ( Arrives _ pmahalDepot.15thnnd Webster Sis. ( Omaha . Fast Mall and Express . 4 : " > 3pm 2:10pm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Man. ) . . 4.55pm 9 :05am. : . . Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . .10.30am _ 6jOpm. ; . . . . . . . . . ; StPanl _ _ I l presa . 1035am Leaves I K. C..S T. J A'C is. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th te Slason Sts. ( Omaha 8 50am. . . . Kansas ClTy'Diiy Express . . . . 6:30pm : 9l5pm. : K. c. Night Ex A'la U. 1' . Tron . 6:00am : Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha ] Depot. ! othnntl _ Webster 81s. | Omaha 10:40am St. I ulVJ5xpfe s C:00am 9:30pm : St. Louis Hxpress 6:0 : < pm 3.30pm Nebraska Local ( ex. dun ) . . . . 900am ! Leaves f SIOUX CITY ft. PACIFIC , lArrlves Omalml Depot , lth nnd Webster Sts. f Omaha YilOpm . St. "Pai4l'Irlmlteil . 10:33am : Leaves I SIOUX CITlVA PACIFIC. JAnlves mahaJUnlpn Depot , loll ) > t Mason Sts. | Omaha " " " " " sTsSamT. . . . . . .Sioux CIlylMssemfer. . . . IDiST.nm ; 3jpm . . . .St. Paill 'Limited . J2:25pm : Leaves I OmahalUnlon Depot , 101U & Meson 81i. | Oin.iliq 1000am ; . Kcnrni-r 'Express . 3l1m : S0pm : . Overland ' 'Vlyer. ' . S:3Jpm : 2OOpm.Beat'ce& ! Btrom5trC ( Kx. ( ex. Sun ) . 3lipm : 7:3ipm : . Pacllln KiVire J . nri : .ini 6ipm : . Fn t Mall . 4:10pn : ; ' " leaves \VATlASHaiiAlL"WAY I lA Onittl'tJnlon _ Dcpal , lOllt & Mason Sl , | Omahi " * . . "St. Ix > uU Ciinnon Ball . . 12 35pm President Piuliecl nl h Work. WASHINGTON' , June C. The preaMont Is devoting all his time to closing up the busi ness before him that must be attended to before lie leaves Washington , so that he may have a few weeks for recreation when he goes to Gray Gabion , The builnem now chiefly engrossing hla attention ls the filling of cabinet and other official vacancies and examination of charges against odlca holders. It. U the desire of tha president to fill all tbe larger olllcca now vacant before he goes away. Today he received a number of callers. Among the first was Attorney Gen eral Olncy , who remains. ! a short time. Shortly afterward Acting Secretary Uhl pre sented some business of the State depart ment and remained with the president for some time. Several congressmen aUo saw tbe president- AUIOS T READY FOR TRIAL Latest Addition to the Navy is a Queer Looking Graft. NLW RAM KATAHDIN A GREAT SUCCESS l'roinl r tn llrcnnio n I'nriulilnliU' Ailjtinct to tln < Vessels In Uncle S mi's Rap idly UrnnltiR Fleet of War hill ps. WASHINGTON , Juno 0. Naval odlccrs arc much encourage J by the reports which como to the Navy department of the ixrtormaucca of the MIII Katahdln at Hath , Mo. White no official returns have been received It Is known that the builders of the queer craft nrc mak- Ink private trials of engines ami boilers and machinery generally , nnd na far as they have proceeJod they nro said to hold out the promise that the ram will certainly exceed the speed required of her by contract seven- eon knots per hour. It was found on the rst trial that the cnslni's were not work- B off all of the steam which the boilers ould generate , and upon application to the cpartmcnt the builders of the boat were janted permission to change the setting of he valves so as to permit of moro steam asslng through the cylinders of the triple- xpanslon engine. This waa effected by Ue- aylng the cutting off of the steam to a latter iart of tl.o stroke. The benefits of this hange were manifested Immediately. The ureau of Steam Engineering originally ccommcnded a certain style of propeller to icct the needs of the peculiar lines of the ull of the boat , but yielded to the wishes of ho contractors who had a design of their wn which they believed would be more ffectlve. T'io first trial demonstrated the nodlclency of this propeller , and when the loted English naval constructor , Mr. liylos , he designer of the I'arls and Ne York , Islted the Hath works recently ; and was akcn on a trial trip on the ram he promptly londemned the propeller and recommended he very typo which had been originally btig- ; esteil by the etiglneerliiK bureau , longer In ho blades by six Inches thin the one In place , ut with narrow blades that would not pro lent a greater surface to the water. The iropeller of this style will probably be pat n place before the official trial and In con cctlon with the Improvements that have eon effected In the engines , It Is believed hat the boat will make at least eighteen mots or moro. Owing to her peculiar moJcl ho Katahdln would be very much retarded jy rough water such as she encountered on lier first trial trip , and be&ldct' , she was not inly carrying moro weight than Is required 'or a trla" trip , but she was down by the lead , and tbos obliged when driven to plow deeply Into the water , which , of course , Is ncompatlbtc with the attainment of any great degree of speed. These things will bo cor rected In the next trial and the builders will doubtless avail themselves of the provision In he contract that the boat shall be trleJ only n smooth water , because she was designed 'or hatbor u.so . alone. FOR TIIK OKUI.UGICAL SURVEY. \\ork for the KnsiiliiK Yenr llns Iloon I'ully AIui > | > "il Out. WASHINGTON , Juno C. Secretary Hoke Smith has approved the plan of operations for the coming fiscal year submitted to hlir. . by Director Wolcott of the geological survey , Out of a total appropriation of $515,490 for the survey $118,700 Is to bo devoted to geo- oglcal purposes. Jn the New England re- ; lon four parties will bo employed under 1'rof. N. S. Shalcr , 13. K. Emerson , T. Nelsor Dale and W. II. Dobbs. They will bo nl owed $7,500 for the year. In the Apalachlan region there will be seven parties. Two of these will be in Now York and New Jersey nnd will have $3,7GO. Three will examine t'no coal beds In Virginia , West Virginia , Tennessee and Alabama , having $ SSOO. A sixth will expend $1,500 In Georgia and Ala bama , and the seventh $3,000 In Maryland , Virginia and North Carolina. In what Is called the Atlantic coast re gion some work will bo clone In New Jersey and Pennsylvania by one party , and $3,000 will bo expended by another In work In the Florida phosphate beds. The Interior cf the Mississippi region has four parties. I'rof. C. Van Hlse will have $8,000 to Investigate Iron mines In the nortli. I'rof. T. C. Cham berlain will spend $3,000 In New York , Illi nois and Iowa In work on glacial reports. C. K. Gilbert will Investigate artesian well prospects In Colorado and Kansas and has $6,500. U. T. Hill has $6.000 for work in Texas. In the Rocky mournum region the Aspen mines of Colorado will be studied and a preliminary survey made of the min ing regions of New Mexico , Arizona , Colorado rado , Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and Montana. This will ccst $7.000. In the 1'aclfie coast region S. K. Dlller will use $4,000 on the coal and gold mines of Oregon. Three parties will have $8,000 to use In California. Eighteen hundred dollars Is allotted to keep up the petrographlc laboratory , $8,000 for coal Investigations In Washington and $9,500 for work In the gold fields of Alaska. In the division of liydrography there will be two parties , one In the east and another In the west , having respectively $2,800 and $10,000 to expend. The work consists of guaglng streams and examining the water resources of the country. In the mining resources division , a register of all the mines In the country will bo made nnd the work of mapping the mineral deposits will bo begun. For topographical graphical work the Atlantic region Is allowed $40,000 and the Central. ( Tlocky mountain and Pacific regions $30,000 each. On the surveying department preliminary trlangulatlons will bo made In Colorado , Oregon , Washington and Indian territory. TIII : LAND ( IRAMV. Another Important Itiilltv.iy Mult Itonchei HID Suir | ino Court. WASHINGTON , Juno C. The case of S. W. Carey and others , stockholders of the Houston & Texas Railroad company , against the pres ent management of that company and various other parties , Including the Southern Pacific Railroad company and C. I * . Huntlngton , which has been before the federal courts of Texas for the past seven years , has reached the United States supreme court on an appli cation for a writ of error to the circuit court of appeals for the Fifth circuit , made by the original plaintiffs. The basis of procedure Is the alleged sale of the Houston & Texas rail road In the Interest of the Southern Pacific. The Houston road wiu organized originally as the Galvcston & lied River railroad and received a grant of land amounting In the aggregate to 5,500,000 acres. The road was absorbed by the Southern Pacific and It Is alleged In the complaint that It was so manipulated as to reduce the value of the stock from SS cents on the dollar to 53 cents. The land of the company was sold under a foreclosure alleged to have been Irregular , and at prices which are stated to bo far below their real value. The plaintiff. * ask to have the decree for the sale of the lands net asldo and also pray for other relief. The decisions of the courts below have been against the plaintiffs. They claim they own $570,000 woith of the stock of the Houston & Texas road. Supreme Juilco * < i to Utirlc. WASHINGTON , Juno 0. U Is understood that with the exception of Justice Jackson all the Justices of the supreme court will go to their circuits during the present vaca tion of court. Justice rihlras left here before - fore the final adjournment Monday , and Justlcei Field , Drown and Gray liavo nlnce gone. Chief Justice Fuller and Justices Harlan , Drewer and White are still In the city. _ _ The Lnillrn. The pleasant effect ar.d perfect safety with which ladles may use the California liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs , under all conditions , makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article , look for the name of 'the California Fig Synip Co , printed near the bottom of the package. Mr < . llnck Hold for Trial. BUFFALO , N. V. , Juno 6. Mrs. M. T McMillan , alias Mrs. Mack , ot Hamilton Ont. , accused cf Belling contorfctt Unltec States stamps , was hold for trial yesterday In default of $5,000 $ ball cho was commlUei to Jail. > * _ > > iW * IAV > UA-iW * MARTIN HEWITT ftp 5ft- CHAPTER V. ( Copyrighted. 1VJJ , liy the Author ) We made our way to I > azattr , and It was over our dinner that He ltt put mo In full possession of the earlier facts ot this case , which I have st down as Impersonal narrative In their proper place at the begin ning. "Hut , " I said , "what of that nlmlcss scrlb- < ble you spoke of that Gerard made In the pollco station ? Can I sec It ? " Hewitt turned to where his coat liung be hind him and took n handful of papers from his pocket. "Moat of these , " ho said , mean nothing nt all. That Is what ho wrote at first. " nnd be handed mo the first of the two papers which were- presented In facsimile In the earlier part of this narra tive. "You see. " ho Raid , "he has begun mechanically from long use to wilto 'Mon- ulclir' the usual beginning of a letter. Hut ho scarcely makes three letters before tall- Ing off Into sheer tcrlbble. He tries ngaln and again , nnd although once there Is some thing very HKo 'que' nnd once bomethlng like a word preceded by n negative 'n,1 the whole thing Is meaningless. This" he handed me the other paper , which had been pi luted In facsimile "does mean something , though Gerard never Intended It. Can you spot the meaning ? llcally , I think It's pretty plain , especially now that you know ns mt'ch ' as I about the day's adventures. The thing nt the top left-hand corner , I may tell you , Geraid Intended for a bketch of n clock on the mantelpiece In the police station. " I stared hard at the paper , but could make nothing whatever of It. "I only sco the horseshoe clock , " I said , "nnd a fcort of second unsuccessful attempt to draw it again. Then there Is a horseslioo doited , but scribbled over , and then a sort of kite or balloon on a string , a Highlander , nnd well , I don't understand It , I confess. Toll mo. " "I'll explain what I learned from that. " Hewitt said , "and also what led mo to look for It. From what the Inspector told The loaves were examined liy ollklnl experts. mo I Judge the man to bo In a very curious state , and I took a fancy to BCO him. Most I was curious to know why he should have n terror of bread at ono moment and eat It ravenously at another. When I saw him I foil pretty sure that ho was not mad In the common sense of the term. AB far ns I could Judge , It seemed to be u case of aphasia. Then , when the doctor came , I had a chat ( as I have already told yuti ) wlU the policeman who found the man. Ho tel mo about the Incident of the bread with rather moro detail than I had had from the Inspector. Thus It was plain that the man was terrified at the bread only when It was In the form of a leaf , and nto It eagerly when it was cut into p eces. That was one thing to bear In mind. He was not afraid of bread , but only of a loaf. "Very well. I asked the policeman to find another uncut loaf and to put It near the man when his attention was diverted. Mean time the doctor reported that my suspicion as to aphasia was right. The man grew more comfortable and was assured that ho was among friends and had nothing to fear , so that when nt length ho found the loaf near his elbow he was not so violently tcrvrl- fled only very uneasy. I watched him and saw his turn It bottom up a very curious thing to do. He Immediately became less uneasy the turning of the loaf seemed to have set his mind at rest In some way ! This was more curious still. 1 thought for some little while before accepting tlie bomb theory as the most probable. "Tho doctor left , and I determined to give the man another chance with pen and paper. I felt pretty certain that If he wore allowed to scribble and sketch as he pleased , sooner or later he would do something that would give me some sort of a hint. I left him en tirely alone and let him do as he pleased. IIut I watched. "After all the futile scrlbblo which you have seen he began to sketch. First a man's head , then a chair Just what ho might hap pen to see In the room. Presently he took to the piece of paper you have before you. He observed that clock nnd began to sketch It. Then went on to other things , such as you see. scribbling Idly over most of them when finished. When he had made the last of the sketches ho made a hasty scrawl of his pen over It and broke down it had brought his terror to his mind again somehow. "I seized the paper and examined It closely. Now , Just see. Ignore the c'ock , which was merely a sketch of n thing before him. nnd look at the three things following. What are they ? A horseshoe , n captive balloon and a Highlander. Now can't you think of something those three things In that order suggest ? " I could think of nothing whatever , and 1 confcssesd as much. "Think , now. Tottenham Court road. " I started. "Of course , " I said , "that never struck me. There's the Horseshoe hotel , with the sign outsldo ; there's the large toy I nelzcrt the paper and examined It closely. and fancy shop half way up , where they have a captlvo balloon moored to the roof as an advertisement ; and there's the tobacco and snuff shop on the left toward the other end. where they have a life-size wooden High lander at the door an uncommon thing , In deed , nowadays. " "You are right. The curious conjunction struck mo at once. There they are , all thrW , and Ju t In the order In which onu meets them going up from Oxford street. Also , as If to conform to the conjecture , note the dotted horseshoe. Dtn't you remember that at night the Horseshoe hotel U Illu minated by two rows of gas lights ? Now here wa my clew at la t. Plainly , this man In his mechanical tketchlni , was following n regular train of thought and unconsciously Illustrating It O3 ho went along. Many people In perfect health and mental oumlr.c s do the taint thing If a pen and a pleco of paper l > o near 1'ho man's train of thought led him , In mem ory , up Tottenham Court road and further to where some dleagrpeablo recollection up let him. It was my biulnem to trace th" tr-Mn of thought. Do you remember the tea of Dupln In I'oo's itory , "The Murders In the Ituo Morgue" Mow he walks by hi * frleml'j ; IJo In silence for tome dlitanco and then uJdeuly breaks out with a divination of h ! noughts , having silently traced thorn from a fruterer with a basket , through paving stones. Epicurus , Dr. Nichols , the constella tion Orion and n Latin rcrm by a cobbler litcly turned actor ? Well , It wns iomc such task as this ( but Infinllely simpler , ns. . a matter of fact ) that was set me. This man begins by drawing the horseshoe clock. Hav ing doni' with that , and , will the horseihoa still In his mind , ho start. ? to draw n horseshoe - shoo simplyIt Is a failure , and IIP scribbles It out. His mind at once turns to the htir e- ehoo hotel , which ho knows from frequently passing It. nnJ Its sign ofM \ Jrts. Ho sketches that , making dots for the gas lights. Once started In Tottenham Court road , his mind naturally follows his usual route along It. Ho remembers the advertising capllvo balloon half way down , and that goes on hl > paper. In Imagination ho crosses the road and keeps on till he comes to the very no ttreablo Highlander outside the tobacconist's. That is sketched. Thus It Is plain that a familiar route with him was from New Ox ford street up Tottenham Court road At the | K > llco station \enttired to KUCM from this that he ll\ed somewhere near Sovcn Dials perhaps , before long we shall know If this was right. Hut to return to the sketches After the Highlander thcro Is Minicthlt'K at first not very dis tinct. A little examination , however , shows It to be Intended for n chlmnoy-pot partly courcd with a basket. Now an old basket stuck sideways on : i chimney by way of cowl is nut an uncommon thing In parts of the country , but It Is very unusual In London. Probably , then , It will bo In nome by-street or nllpy. Next , nnd last , there la a horse'B li"ad , and It was nt this that the man's trouble returned to him ! Now , \\hen one IOPS to n place nnd finds n horse there , that place Is not uncommonly u stable. And as n matter of fact , the basket cowl would bo much more likely to bo found In usa in a range of back stnbllng than ntiywhero olso. Suppose , then , after taking the direction In dicated In the sketches the direction ot Fltzroy square , In fact one were to find u range of stabling with a basket cowl visi ble about It ? I know my London pretty well , ns > ou are n arc , and I could remember but two likely btablo yatds In that particular part the two wo looked nt. In the second ofhlch you may possibly have noticed Just Hiich a basket cowl as I have been speak ing of. Well , what we did you know , nnd that we found confirmation of my conjecture about the loa\es you also know It was the recollection of the horse nnd cart , nnd what they were to tiansport. and what the end of It all had been , that upset Gerard as he drew the horse's head. You will no- tlco that the sketches have not been done In separate tows , left to right ; they have simply followed one another all around the paper which means preoccupation nnd un consciousness on the patt of the man who made them. " "Hut , " I asked , "supposing these loaves to contain bombs , how were the bombs put there ? llakint ; the bread round them would have been risky , wouldn't It ? " "Certainly. What they did was to cut the loaves , each row down the center. Then most of the crumbs was scooped out , the explosives Inserted and the sides Joined up and glued. I thought you had spotted the Joints though they certainly wore neat , " "No , I didn't examine closely. Lulgl , of course , had been told oft for a dally visit to feed the horse , and that Is bow wo caught him ? " "Ono supposes so. They lindn t rear- atigcd their plans as to going on with the jtttrages after Gerard's defection , liy the v.ay , I noticed that ho was accustomed to Irlvlng when I first saw him. There wan tin , unmistakable mark on his coat Just at the , mall at the back that drivers got who lean igalnst a rail In n cart. " The loaves were examined by official ex- lerts , and , ns everybody now knows , were otind to contain , as Hewitt had supposed. argo charges of dynamite. What became of oino half dozen of the men captured Is also well known their sentences were ex emplary. ( The end. A new story by A. Conan ) eye ! , entitled "Tho Exploits of Drlgadlor Gerard ; How the Urlgadior Slew the Irothers of Ajacclo , " begins tomorrow ) IlltS. CUItllHTT ATTl'lt .1 1)1 Witt E 'Irmly iKcllpM'H Hint Another M'cninn Una tin ) Pugilist II ) pgdtl/iul. NEW YORK , Juno C. A. II. Hummel of ho law firm of Howe & Hummol was asked yesterday If there was nny truth In the story that Mrs. James J. Corbott would sue icr husband for absolute divorce , but de clined to make any statement. Mr. Lake , the father of Mrs. Corbett said : "Tho case a In the hands of Messrs. Howe & Hummel. My daughter Is very III Indeed , and very nuch worried. She visited her counsel , Howe & Hummel , yesterday about the mat ter. I can't say If the suit has been com- noticed If not , It will bo. Jim Is quite cra/y , that Is certain. Ho has not been ilmself for some time. This woman , who will be named as the co-respondent , has got such complete mastery over him that ho does not know what ho Is doing. Ho brought lior to this city only a short time ago and they btald together In BOIIIO hotel 'for ' three weeks. I don't know the woman's name , Imt my daughter has told mo that she belongs - longs In Chicago. Mrs. Corbett has reFused - Fused to give me nny particulars about the CUBO , as aho said she docs not wish to pain me. " ASUUUY PAHK. N. J. , Juno 0. Pugilist J. J. Corbett was seen this evening nnd asked If ho had anything to 'ay regarding the separation of himself and wlfo. Ho paid : "If I lve | a thousand years , nothing shall cscapo my llpx tn regard to that mat ter. " Corbett , however , referred to the publication of the story ns premature. Mr * . lllacUliurir Cnlironili Tarty Will leave Omaha Monday , . June 10. For berths and full Information apply to Mrs. T. W. Illackburn , C31 South Thirty-first street , or Ilurllngton city ticket ofilco , 1321 Farnam street. I'rmldei't llurrlnon VUlt * WanumnUor. NEW YORK , Juno C. Ex-Prwldcnt Harri son left this city for Philadelphia today , tak ing the noon train on the I'unnsylvanla. Ho wilt be the guest of ex-Postmaster General Wanamaker for a day. Ho expects to ro- Eumo his Journey homeward tomorrow after noon and to reach Indianapolis Saturday night. It Is probable that General Harri son will top In Now York for a day during July whlto cnrouto to the Adlrondacka. Karl's Clover Hoot , the great blood purifier. gives freshness and clearneis tn the complex- ton and cures constipation ; 25c , 60c , $1,00. Sold by Goodman Drue Co. Miniiiirr 'lour * . The tourist rates offered by the Uurlloe- ton route for the tmmmer of IS'jj , are as attractive , In their way , at : the. resorts to which they apply. Practically , every resort In the country la embraced In the Uurllngton'H tourist ticket ing arrangements. The rates to the Yellowstone National park. Hot Springs , S. I ) , Elites Park , Cole , , the fishing nnd shooting ( -rounds of north * ern Wyoming are particularly low. City tfckct office , 1321 Farnam ttroct , KxcurAlon. Tuesday , June 11 , one fare for round trip ; minimum round trip rate $7.00 ; limit , 20 day * . To all points on the F. E. h M. V , It. H. lu Ncbraika , Wyoming anil Bouth Dakota , Ticket cffc ) HOI V'arnam itrcet. J. U. BUCHANAN , General Passenger A cent. summer TourUt llnUpU VU the WWih > Are now on i.ilc ; for folders giving routti. ratt , itc , , rail at Wabath ofQco , HIS Par * nam sliect.