G THE OMAHA DAZLY BEE : WEDNESDAY ; JUNE 5 , 1895. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL * . Whtat Was Weak and Very Nervous Throughout the Day , CCRH OPENED AT A FRACTIONAL DECLINE OnU Were Actlvr , but Only Coinpirn- : tlrely Sinull lliulnc s Trunsnctcil In Uio J'rnvliliin Market 1'lrmncM Vint the IVnluro CHICAGO , Juno 4. Wheat was weak and fluctuating frequently within nervous today , lc range and closliiB practically nt the bottom , with a IOSB compared with ycstcr- Otiy's flnnl figures of l ic. Corn shows a decline of Iftc and onts or ' ,4c , while provisions show only n slight decline. Wheat opened very weak , with ecllcrs pressing their offerings at about lo decline from the closing of the day , with July nil the way down from 7S',4c to 77'c. ' . with liardly any buyers at over 77c. It took only a few minutes to tumble It to 77V4C and It was heavy for an hour and a half , al though It did not get lower than the lasl named quotation. After recovering slowly to 77Jc It had another dip to 77'lc am then rose In a hurry to 78 < 4c , with n sale 01 two as high as 78Hc. The recovery was duo to a report that the Indiana state croi report was out and gave the wheat condl tlon at CO. That was afterwards discovered to bo an Invention and the price fell off t ( 774o. ! The Interests maintained for thi most part In connection with the wheat was still reported about the damage to whea and the predictions concerning the weather Home showers of rain In this and ntljacen Btutcs cauced the opening wenkness. Tin utato of feeling was kept nllvo by pomi crop reports , which were from prlvati sources , claiming that the reported damagi was being exaggerated. The damage was however , very generally considered us belnt not only severe , but too well authenticate ! to bo doubted. It was at the snme tlmi ndmlttod that reports that mentioned gooc crop prospects were not necessary unlep : many counties , or at least parts of man ; counties , must have escaped Injury. Thi cabin news was against the market and tin northwestern receipts were heavy. Tin downward tendency was persistent towan the close , July touching 7tc ) and stopplni nt 77c. Corn was weak nt the opening and ns fa ns It alone wan concerned It had no dlspo sltlon to change In character. It was forcei to a temporary show of bullishness whll < wheat had Its early bulge , but no news uf fcctlnc corn could be construed othorwls than bearlshly. The receipts phew a fall Ing off , but the demand for cash corn I restricted to what conies from the eleva tors. July opened at from GHlc to 51c , am declined quickly to G0c. After n phar ] rise to ut'ic It dropped back to Blc , whlcl was Its value at the close , against 5U4c yes tcrday. Oats were active , but only a compara lively small business was transacted. Th feeling was a shade firmer In the cnsl market and the same was also notlceabl In June. The more remote months wer weaker , Influenced by the action of whea and corn. June ranged from 29c to 30T4c nnd closed at SO e. September started n from 23c to 2a/sc , declined to 20 c , an rested nt 23c. The provision market was firm early , I pplto of weakness of grain , but later fel the effect of the latter and lost the carl ndvance nnd something more. 1'ork fo July , which closed yesterday worth $12.C ( rose to JI2.75 , but left off at $ I2C2',4. ' Th September delivery also lost 7V4c. Lard n the close showed n decline of 2V4C and rib were practically without change. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheal 43 cars ; 'corn , 310 cars ; oats , 170 cars ; hogs BO.OOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articley I Oji.i. | Ul7lT. | LO.V. ) CloiJ. Cash quotallnns were as follows : FLOt'R Oull nnd unchnnged ; winter patent J3.70if4.00 ; winter strnlghls , JJ.2JJJ3.73 ; baker J2.OOJf3.25 ; spring patents , J3.S04f I.SO ; sprln utrnlKhts , J3.105f4.00. . WHEAT No. 2 spring. 77078c ; No. 3 sprlm 73O73Vtcj No. 2 red. 7CW7C'4c. CORN No. 2 , w4iiJO'icj ! No. 3 yellow. DOH CO'.ic. ' OATS No. 2 , 23',4Ci No. 2 while , 31V4li32c ; N S while , nominal. RYE No. 2. 63o. IIARLEY No. 2 , 62cj No. 3 , MffJlc ; No. nominal. FLAX SEED No. 1 , J1.4S'i. TIMOTHY SEED Prime , J3. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , Jl2.10ftl2.E I > ard , per 10) Ibs. , $6.D3ifli.S7'/i. ' Hhoit rlln sld < ( loose ) , JC.20jiC.25. Dry failed * houlilers ( boil $3.3715fi5.DO. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , JC.50 C lU'.i. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal Jl.IC'.j. SUGAR Cut loaf , unchanged. The following were the receipts and shlpmen today : On Iho Proiuoj oxclmnrn today the butfjr ma ket wnB steady ! creamery , 10J17c : dairy. 0 lllc. Keen , steady ; llXallkc. cbceao , iiulet ; 0 NEW YUIIIC tlKNKUAL M.VItl.UT. Closing Qnntiitloni on the Principal Coin nioilltlcit unit stiiploit. NEW YORK. June 4. FI.OUR-Rccclpls. H 4 0 bbls. ; exports , DOO bbla. ; miles , 10.200 pkg Market dull ; liuslncns only possible i concessions , but holders stood out field old prices. Clly mill palcnla , J1.83 MS ; winter patents , 14.00J.43 ; city mill cleat Jl. 1004.40 ; wlnler BlrulKhtt < , $3.7:04.13 : Mlnneso palenla , I4.CDUI.70 ; wlnler extmi. JJ.coO'J.Cj ' ; wl ter bakers , J3.-iW4.J5 ; winter low Krudes K 4 : J.05 ; sprlnit low Knules. J2.00W2.50. Rye lloi " - " ' > b Fpot weaker ; No. I red , hi nl ire and elevate 7tc ! ; alloat , SOSe : f , o. b. , " 9Hc. alloat ; No. northern , 83Ho ; No. 1 hard. KUc. dellven- Options opened weak under active Iliiuldatli due to iH'ller crcji news , ntmrnce of outside u iwrt npd heavier Liverpool slocliH. Then fi lawHl 'ii Hliarp ntxjn advance on rumora of bullish Indlnnn reikirl. reduced amount of whe on inmnaico and predlclloiiM of fumt In Ihe nort west tonlKht , which was later lost under r newed liquidation anil cloulHK prices showed 1 OHio net lo.isj No , 2 red. June , closed at 73'i ' July , 80 M6U8Uic , cloned at SU'.ie ; AURIII H ) 7-16eniHe. closed nt SOftc ; September , bl 1-K MMc , clokcil at 8Hic ; December , 8J 7-10ttS3'i closeil nt unoui ; yeiiuw , Mtu-ii c ; r > o. : wnile. _ 0'4c , i : llvered. Onllons opened weak , rallied on light car lot estimates nnd hie clearances , bul bro In the afternoon with wlirat , clo.slnB lo lowt July. D54 < JMHc , clo ed nt 5Vc ; Seiitember , K W-TUc. clo.wl nt S ic. OATH-Receipts , 14.4V0 bu. ; exports. 9 bi wiles. KI.UM bu. fllturiH nnd 6 , i > bu. sp. . Boot qulcl ; No. 2. Me ; No. 2 , delivered. 334ff3 ; No. : while. JOUe ; No. 3 while. 3Hjc ; tra while , 37O43c. Opllons quiet nil day , with raster tendency , rinsing He lower ; -lull's cloa at SJWc ; July. 33aaUc. closed nt 53c ; Septei ber. K % 33c chwe.1 nt 3Sc. HAY Hrmly held ; shliiiilnB. D0fio. ) LKATIIKR I'-lrmly helil ; lluenos Ayres. Us to heavy welKhu. SiyUcj acid , 21il24e. HOPS Oull ; slate , common to choice , old. Co ; 1(94. 4iSc ; coart , old , : r.cI I S31. 4 < ? Pc. IIIUKS Plrni ; wet halted New Orleans , Ircted. 45 to C6 ! ! > . , 6'sc , nominal ; Texas , i lecled. W to M lbs,7o , nominal ; lluenos Ayr dry. to 24 Us , , 15c , nominal ; Texas d S4 to 30 Ibs. . lOo. WOOL Klim ; domrsllo fleece. K02Sc. PHOVISlONS-lle f , quiet ; fumlly , tn.S0471L fxlia me , J8.60tj .ilO ; l ef hams. $19.0ti . llerf , dull ; clly , extra India mess , | 17.ufil , Cut menls. easy ; pickled bellies , ( UIJGV Plcklfd 'Shoulders , Si6\ic ; ptckletl hams , Hftif Lard , dull ; wesiem steam closed at t&SO , no Inal ; clly. J0.21 ; July clostd at JO.W. nomln tjrptemlier. JI.13. nomlnul ; rellned , sternly. Rt'TTKR KInn ; western dairy , 84jl3c ; we rrn creamery , 12Ulsc ; western mct"ry. SOIH Klirtns , ISo ; Imlintlun cn-nmery , llOUc ; sli dairy. Iliflie ; slate creamery , lie , ClIEfSlB-Steady ; slate laiur. t07c ; smi tUCr7 } > c ; part skims. IhfiSHc ; full skims , itjn lUKlS-Qukl ; Blnle nnd Pennsxhanlu. 13 ( UVc , western fresh , n' ' , tll3c ; noulhern , 11611 * receipts. 7,7m pkKS. TALI.OW-Dull. city , 4Xc ; eounlry. 4ic. Pirri(01.EUM-null ( : I'nltfd closed | I.4 b refined New York. S7.7J ; Philadelphia unit Ita more. I7.7J ; Phllailelphlu and llaltimoie. in bi JS.S ) . ItOHINSleaily ; strained , common ta ec ll.COfll.C3. Tl'RPKNTINn Quiet at M'iOMUo. MKeALS .Strady , American , I10.u0ti : 50. O per , strnnKj brokers' price. 110.50 ; exchai price. 110.50 , Lead , strong , brokers' pi Ice , 13.13 exchange urlce , } 3.Z7 < Tin. steady ; tUral 114.1C ; plates , quiet. Hneller. llrm ; domrs IJ.TO.saUs on 'change , 4 tons Junt tin , 114.23 COTTONSEED OlLr-filow , but lioldin Inil fcrrnt nml ton tolerably lndy at close ; smnll Jobbing deinnnd met nt nunlntltms ; pHine crude , ? :4e ; off mule , 2ltrMci prime summer .yellow , off summer vcllox , 26fJ26'tc ; yellow butler grades , ! Sc ; prime cunimtr white , not nuotcd , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * O.AIA11A DKNKUAL M.lltKUT Condition of Trndo nnd ( Jnoli\tloni o Hnplo nml I'nncy Produce. The receipts of cues nre lighter than they were n short time au , but the market remains about steady , Dealers report thnt' there ! > come fpcculallvc demand for bullcr nt low prices. The Mouldy mnikct la very qu'el. ' Hvcn good hcnH nro slow to move , while ducks , Rcrw nnd turlieys ure cxlrcmely dull. CJuolallons : KdilS-Cholce slock , lOc. . lIUTTKR-PackliiK mock , Be ; choice to fancy. lOSiISc ; enthered country. He ; scpnrntot creamery , Kc. LIVi : POL'LTTlV-Hens. CiiCUc ; rooslcrs. JO 4c ; fprlnif chickens , I2.IMQ4.00 per doz. ; ducks , CJJ'c ; Hirki'VH , C(57c ( ; ccese , fc. ViAI , Ch-'leo fnt , 70 to 101 11)3. , arc quoted nt Co ; larce nnd coarse , 4f5Uc. C'IIiiKi-Wlsinniiln : ! full cream. Oc ; Young Amerlriini , 10c ; twins , lie : Nebraska nnd Iowa. full cioam. 1'jc ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , Tj"c ; LlmburKer , No. 1 , lOc ; brick. No. 1 , lie ; Kwlss. No. 1 , 14c. HAY t'plnnd hay , IS.W ) ; mlilland , 18 ; lowland , t'.M ; rye slraw , $ . * > ; color innkes the price on Imy. LlKht bales sell Ihe bct Only top grades brlnt ; top prices. PIOUONS-Per dor. , Jl.COSI.50. VUCIKTAIILKS. The dcnmnd for Ihe more common kinds of Vegetables Is dull. Ilntne grown stork has to n irrat extent taken the place of that shipped In from Ihe south. Quotations : CAt'Lll'-LOWER-Houlhern slock , per crnle , } 2. ) . v ONIONS Ilermuilas. per crnle , Jl.COgl.CO ; Cnl- IfornJa , In sacks , per Ib. , 2c. prrrATOIIS Weslern slock , car lots , 70S80C- , small lols , 80'09'Tc ' ; new. per Ib. , 2c. OLD 11HAN.S Hand picked , navy , $2.20 ; Lima beans , per Ib. , DViftfi'tc. ( \\1I1IAOH On eiders , 3c. HPINACII Per bu. basket , 3..iIOc. RADlSIinH Per doz. bunches , 15r. ORHKN ONIONH Per dnz. bunches , CJJlOc. LKTTt'Ci : Per doSriSiSOe. . AHPARAOL'S Choice slock , on orders , 30S40o per doz. bunches. PIP. PLANT-Per Ib. , ? i lc. Ct'OtlMHKHS On orders , 40 j:0c per doz. PKAf On orders , per Vibu. IKIX. BOflMc. STRINO IlKANBOn orders , V4-bu. box , COc ; t-basket crate. SI. 2.1. TOMATOKS Hnrliln stork , per 6-basket crate. J4 ; Texas stock , per 4-basket crnlo , J2SI. WAX lIHANK-On orders , per V4-bu. box , 75c ; bu. b'Xi-s ' , J2.W. TKXAH .SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , 40iJOc. KIUT1TS. There tt'ere quite n Rood many strawberries In yesterday , counting receipts by freight ns well as by express. At the same time HhlpnlnK stock was rather scarce nnd some ordera from the country had to be turned down for the want of sulliible xock. llexirls | from shipping points Indicate n decrease In Ihe supply nnd n slronger market. In consequence good slock Is held hlxher here. There were n few cases of black raspberries In yesterday , but the supply wns so light thnt they bronchi high prices. Quotations : HTRAWIIKRRIKS-Cholce shipping slock , pet case of 21 qts. , (3.00. CIlHRRllCS Cnllfornln , black per 10-lb. box , J1.2J ; Roynl per box , Jl.W ) . OOOSHHIIRIUKS Per 21-qt. case , J2.f.O. HOUTHIJHN CHKRRIKS Per 21-qt. case , J2.25. ULAI'K RASPHKRRIiH-Oood slock , per 24-ql. case , } 2.0i ) . TROPICAL FRUITS. As the season advances holders of lemons nre less anxious to let them go , knowing thnt the eomlng of hot wenlher will undoubledly bring better prices. The shrinkage on , oranges this Inte In the nennon Is exceedingly large nnd Jobbers nre com pelled to ask good slrong prices In order to get out on them. Quotations : ORANOES Navels , iier box. tS.ZilJS.r.fl ; choice seedlings , per Irix , )2.2. ) > fl2 U > ; Mediterranean sweets. $3.20 ; fnncy St. Michaels , J3.2. ' , . LKMONS Rxlra fnncy lemons , 3GO size , J5.0081 S.W ; 3ni ) size , t5.60fcfi.00. I1ANANA8 Choice shipping stock , per bunch , J2.00i32.25. MISCKI.LANEOrS. PIGS Fancy , 13c ; choice , 1213c ; California , bags , 7c. IIONEY-Cnllfornla , 14013C. MAPLK SYRUP-aallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ; Illxby , B-gal. cans , (3. NUTS Almonds , He ; Kngllsh wnlnuts , sofl- shelled , 12c : slnndards , lie ; nibcrls , Sc ; Urnzll nuls. kc ; pecans , 9c. DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 5c per Ib. ; fard dales. 9c per Hi. CIDKH Pure Juice , per bbl. . J5. half bbl. , J3. COCOANUTS Per hundred , J4.00. AND TALLOW. o. green es , c ; o. 2 gretn hides , C'.ic ' ; No. 1 green raited hides , 7V4c ; No. S green sailed hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal cnlf. 8 lo lo Ibs. , 8fMOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 lo 13 Ibs. , 8Hc , N'o. 1 dry ( lint hides , 9 10c ; No. 2 dry Mint hide ? , S l9c ; No. 1 dry salted bides , Sc ; part cured hides. ' , ic per Ib. less than fully cured. PELTH ( Irecn salte.1 , ench. Brcen salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , t'ach , 5ffl5c ; dry shearlings ( siort wooled early iklns ) , No. 1 , each , 5JI10c ; dry shearling ) ( shorl wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , Cc ; dry Illnl Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pel pound , actual weight , S8c ; dry Hint Kansas am ! Nubrnfcka murrain wool pells , per pound , actual weight. 4QCc ; dry flint Colorado hulcher wool Pells , per pound , actual weight , 486Hc ; drj Mint Colorado murrlan wool pelts , per pound actual weight. 456c. Have feet cut off , ns It Is useless lo imy freight on them. TALLOW AND OREASE-No. 1 tnllow , 4Vifl , l',4c ; No. 2 tullow , 3 > 4fflc ; grease , white A , 4i 4'.ic ; grease , white 11 , 34c ! ; greafe , yellow , ai { ] He ; wens * , dnik , 2'4c ' ; old bultcr , 2Ifiic ; bees wax , prime , 17I20c : rough tallow , 2c. WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy. Cirr7c : nn ( light , 8iOc ; quarter-blood. 10tT12e ; seedy , burr ] and chaffy , 8Jiflc ; cotted and broken , coarse , 74 9c : cotted and broken , fine. CgSc. WOOL , WASHED Medium , loiTlSc ; fine , lllf ICc ; tub washed , 16T18c ; black. 8c ; bucks , Cc lag locks , : ffc ; dead pulled , C6c. FURS. FURS Hear , black , No. 1. large , J20.OOII2o.00 bear , brown. No. 1 , large , J"0002 > .00 ; No. 1 , me ilium , J16 ; No. 1 , small , J12 ; bear , brown , year lings. No. 1. large. JlO.Ooa'12.00 ; No. 1 , medium $8 ; No. 1 , small , SO ; lar , brown , cubs , No. 1 huge , J7 : No. 1 , medium , J5 ; No. I , smnll , Jl badger , No. 1 , medium , J15 ; No. 1 , small , J8.COI 10.00 ; bear , black , yearlings , No. 1 , large , J12.0M 15.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J10 ; No. 1 , small , J7 ; bear black , cubs , No. 1 , large , J6.00BS.OO ; No. 1 , me dluni , J5.00S6.00 ; No. 1 , small , Jl ; bear , black Montana nnd Rocky mountain. No. 1 , large HSWflM.OO ; No. 1 , medium , J14 ; No. 1 , small JJO ; bear , black , Monlnnn yearlings. No. 1 large. J12 ; No. 1 , medium. JS ; No. . small. Jj bear , black , Montana cubs , No. 1 , large , J6.30 No. 1 , medium. J1.50 ; No. 1 , small , S3 ; bear sliver Up. No. 1 , Inrge , J20 ; No. 1 , medium , J12 No. 1 , small , JS ; bear , silver tip , yearlings , Nc ' large. Jit ; No. 1 , medium , J8 ; No. 1 , small J5 ; bear , silver tip. cubs. No. 1 , huge , Jl.0oiftl.50 No. 1 , medium , COc ; No. 1 , small , LOc ; flshet No. 1 , large , JS ; No. 1 , medium , J6 ; No. 1 , small small , J29 ; fox , cross , No. 1 , larpc , J7 ; No. 1 medium. J3 ; No. 1 , small , J2 ; fox. red. No. 1 JI.CO ; marten , No. 1. large , J2 ; No. 1 modluir Jl.W : No. 1 , small , Jl ; mink , No. 1 , large , 605 Cic ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 35e : mini dark , No. 1 , large , C5c ; No. 1. medium. 40c ; Ni ' 1 , small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect hend nn 't feut. No. 1. large , Jl.OCXffS.OO ; Imperfect skim > r J6.005J7.00 ; No. Jl , Jimall , J5 ; _ otter , pale , No. ] s. s.In " dlum , 40o ; No. "l. small. " 25e ; " bfoaof slrYped , NoY' : large , 2oe23c ; wolverine. No. 1 , large , Jl ; No. : medium. 3 ; No. 1 , small , J2 ; wolf , mounlnli No. 1. large , J3 ; No. 1 , medium. J2 ; No. J2 ; No. 1 , medium. Jl.DO ; No. 1 , small , 75 < mu krnts , wlnler. No. 1. large , SQlOc ; No. medium. 9c ; No. 1 , small , 7c ; muskrnls. fal No. 1 , large. 4i6c ; No. 1. medium. 7c ; No. small , Cc ; muskrnt kits. 24j3c. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS , June 4.-WHEAT-At the openlr was slrong. but the market soon broke He. mal Ing a decline of fully 2c In a short time , recovery of IHGl'.ic took place subsequently , bi did not hold , and later th market was wen and declining , losing nil gained on the mil nn < l 'to more , and closing nt the botlom , 21 : N-low Ihe top ; No. 2 red , cash , SlWc ; July , 78' ' September. 77'4c. CORN Reports of rnln In the corn belt cnusi nn early decline of , ic for July nnd le for Hei temln-r. From the enily break there was a r nctlon of tic. but the market again became wcs on further reports of rain , closing ICHic belo yesterday ; No. 3 mixed , cash. 4S'c ; July. 48 4j4STtc ; September. 70c nsked. OATS Were nlso off on reports of rnln , d dining ' .ic early. A reaction of 4o followe bul the market eventually weakened nnd t-losi HW ? c below yesterday ; No. 2 canh. 28Hc ; Jun 2SSc ; July , SSic ! ; September , S9e naked. 1IRAN Ixwer ; cast track , 660 sacked , FLAX SEED Nominal , J1.40. CLOVER SEED J.V45. TIMOTHY SEEU-J3.00R4.00. lit HAY Acllve and nrm ; prairie , J3.50G0.70 ; llr olhy. J10.COfllS.00. rnirt side. Si ? 1IUTTER Slenily ; separator creamery. 15016 fancy Elgin , 18HO19C. EGGS Slmdy ; fresh. 10 Sc. LEAD-JJ.03 ; speller , J3.25. WHISKY-J1.25 for dlttlllers' finished goods. PROVISIONS Pol k. standard mess , Jobbln J12.75. I ird , prime sleam , ! 6.37'j ; choice , 16. ! W llucon , boxed shoulders , J6.2I ; longs , 16.87V4 ; rll W. ; J7 ; shorls , J7.12H , Dry snlt meats , boxed shin 0) . ders , J.V50 ; longs , JI.S714 : libs , J6.50 ; shorls 5.- RECEIITS-Klour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat. 47.C bu. : com. 11.000 bu. ; oals. 18.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 10,000 bhls. ; wheat. 19t bu. ; corn , 5.COO bu. ; oals , 6,000 bu , Hultlmore Grain .Mnrkels. RALTIMORE , June 4. FLOUR Steady , u changed ; receipts , 20,327 bbls. ; shipments , 11J bbls. ; sales , 1.125 bbls. . ill , WHEAT Unsealed ; spot and month. 78KC7S lit July , 79080c ; August , EOSMUc : SeptemlH SOUtffO'Ac : steumer. No. 2 red. 75 e76c ; l celpts. 1,100 bu. ; stock. 518.S bu. ; sales. K2. ( Lu ; southern wheat , by sample , lOQSlc ; sout Id rrn wheat , on grade. 76fl80c. III. ; CORN-Bojy ; fpot. S5 e55'ic : month. Hi Ik , uked ; July. Wc nsked ; rrrelpts , 19.013 bi shipments. 16.9J6 bu. ; stock , 29SI < bu. ; snb od. e.WW by. : soulhein white corn , U0 c ; toulhe Me. > ellow. OATS Quiet nnd steady ; No. I white westei od.W J7(13Sc , No , : mixed , 34fj3Hic ; rrcelpis , 8,243 bi ( lock. ll.ZM bu. ii : RYE-Dull ; No. 2. MC7tc ; ttock. 13,4i bu. ' I'orelcu fiimnrlul Aftiilri. ill IX3NDON , Jun 4. Oold U quoted at Buciv Ayres today at * X > ; MaJrlJ , liW ; LUtrao , 1 St. Petersburg. 54 ; Athens. 77 ; Romt , 104.80 ; Vienna , 103. liar elher has declined to 30'jd per nx. IinilLIN , June 4. The weekly statement of the Imperial Ilnnk of Germany shown the fol lowing changes , ns compared with the previous account : Cnsh In hand , decrease , M.Cftl.otfl marks ; treasury notes , decrease , 400,000 marks ; olhcr securities , Increase , 2ii.MO.000 marks ; notes In circulation. Increase , 32,820,000 murks. Ex change on London , 8 days' sight , , 20 marks 4i PARIS , June 4. Three per cent rentes. 102f SKc for the nccount. Exchnnge on London , 2if 21Hc for checks. STOCKS AND IIONOS. There \Vus n Slight IncreHjse In the Yoluino u ( iuiitfM : on 'Chiinse. NCW YOtIK , June 4.-Thcro was alight In crease In the volume of business on the Stock exchange today , nnd the speculation was heavy , nnd ns a result of the clay's transactions a lower range ot vnlues lisa betn established throughout , the greater part of the Hat. The tnnikct opened generally a fraction higher nnd the rnrly trading wna fairly active , with the result Hint during the ( list hour prices moved upward 1 per cent , exceptions were Sugnr nnd Mnnhnttnn , which fell per cent each , nnd Chicago & Eastern Illinois preferred , which oponeil 2',4 ' per cent lower. Aliout I n clock n piessure to sell wns manifested , which checked the upward tendency , nnd soon brousht ulwut n general renctlon. The selling movement became le s pronounced at noon nnd during the hour following there wns little movement , but be * twecn 1 nnd 2 o'clock there was n renewal or the selling and declines were mndc from the lop prices of the morning of from H to 2 per cent. Hfnvy blocks of United tnlea Rubber were thrown on the nmrkct In the afternoon nnd the stock , which had advanced 14 per cent during the morning ; broke 3'4 ' per cent to 44 , with a recovery at the close of 14 per cent , nmklng n n--t low of 254 * per cent. In the last hour there was n better tone to speculullon and In most nf the stocks trnileil In slight recoveries were made , while Sugnr ndvnnced 1H per cent from the low Iliruren of the < 1ny , losing 'A per cent In the final dealings. The market closed fairly steady , except for the ciinl Bhnrea. which were Mill under pressure In the final dealings. The transactions In bonds were somewhat larger tlmn on yesterday , nnd there appeared to be n general upwnnl movement. The miles were J1.881 WW. Atehlson fours registered were traded In nt 73M , , against 63 4 the previous quotation. The Evening Post's Ixjnuon cablegram says : The stock markets were quiet but llrm today. Consols mailc a record price. ! Wf& , It la com mon talk that they will BO to 110. American gold Ninds were largely bought , but chares were dull on New York prices. The Chilian lonn la out. The details are exactly as cabled. They were dealt In nt 214 premium. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Now York ex change today : The total pales of stocks today were 230 015 shares , Including : American Sugar , fiO.iOO ; To- bacco. 3.OIO ; AlchlFon , 11,000 ; Hurllnglon , 11,500 , Chicago Gas , 8,200 : DIslllllnB nnd CalllefcedliiB , O.MOj General Electric , C.SOO ; Louisville , New Allriny & Chicago , 8.COO ; National Lead company , G.SOO ; Northwestern , 4,700 ; Reading. 10,300 ; HocU Island. 4.000 ; St. Paul. 10.000 ; t'nlted Stales Cordage , 7,600 ; I'nllod Slntes Cordage preferred , 3:00 ; Untied States Rubber , 13,200 ; Wheeling * Jike Erie , 3,700. Now Yorc ! Jloniiv Alurket. NKW YORK. June 4. SIDNEY ON CALTv- Ensy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , 1 per cent. PRIMI3 MERCANTILE PAPER-2Vie3V4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Dull but sleady. with actual business In bankers' bills nt Jl.Wi JT4 t9 for demand nnd fl.87Qt.SS for sixty days. Posted rntes , JI.SS'iRt.SD nml | l.59'iifI.'JO. Com. merclal bills. $ I.R7 i I.S7'i. SILVER CEHTIFICATKS-G7jC7i4c. GOVERNMENT HONDS Steady. State bonds , Inactive. Railroad bonds , firm. Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows : 00 nimni-l.il Ames. HOSTON , June 4.-Clearlngs , J17,1I2,610 ; ba ances , Jl,458,227. RALT1MORE , June 4. dealings , 13,100,81 : 5 ! balances , JJ31.CI9. NEW YORK , June 4. Clearings , J122,439,56 : balances , J8.441.S13. PHII DELPHIA , June 4.-Clearlngs , J15.86I 421 ; balances. JJ , 194,001. ST. LOUIS. June 4. Clearings , J4.729.7S6 ; bn ant-en , J717.C75. Money , 566 per cent. New Yoi exchange , fXta premium. WASHINGTON , June 4-Tixlay's statement i the condition of the treasury bhowu ; Avallab cush balance , J1S3,71I,103 , ; gold reserve , JU'j,444,78 WASHINGTON , June 4. The comptroller i the currency has authorized the Lartdo Nation bank ef Laredo , Tex. , to UK In buraess ; capita J100.000 , CHICAGO , June 4. Clearings , J16.S08.00 Money , 4tf5i ! per rent for call loans and 5'fcC per cent for commarcial caper. New York f" change , ( a premium. BUrllnr exchange , posli rates , demand , JLB i ; sixty Jays , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET i IVi A Another Day of Lightj Receipts Finds a Steady Demnnd'for Etock. FED CVTTLE ALL' 'SOLD ' QU'CKiA Active Trndo nt Strong Prices Makes Itusl- nets Lively UnilrrOrittlrs Held l-'lrm Hogs tcniWir' ' , ctlvo anil lllijlicr Slicep Sternly. TUESDAY , Juno 4\ The receipts of live stock today were S93 cattle , 4,000 hogs. 248 sheep and 16 horses , as against 307 cattle , 1.0S1 hogs nnil no sheep yesterday anil 2,232 cattle , 5,400 hogs and 502 sheep on Tuesday of last week. The re ceipts for the week thus far are , 1,200 cattle , B.137 hogs and 240 sheep , as against 3,128 catlo , 16,818 hogs and 750 sheep for the cor responding two days of last week. CATTLE There wore thirty-seven fresh loads of cntle In the yards today , ns against seventeen yesterday and eighty-five on Tuesday of last week. The demand for fat cattle was fully equal to the offerings and there was a better feeling manifest. As a esult , desirable fat cutle soM nt good ; rong prices and. the pens were soon eared. One bunch of thlrty-nlno head ol 307-lb. steers sold nt $5 , the highest price f the day. The lighter cattle sold largely rom $4.4i ! to $1.70 , with some light grassy tuft at less than $1. Quito u string ol western steers brought $4.25. Cows and heifers were In good damanO M 'llrm prices , The liuyers generally lalmed that they were paying a HttU Igher prices than yesterday. The bulk ol 10 cows here brought from $2.75 to $3.75 Common canners and rough stock sold al bout steady prices. There were nol nough feeders here to make a test of the market. The feeder market remains It : ibout the came condition as already noted Dealers claim to have orders In hand , bul here ore no cattle to III ! them. The raltu f last week appear to have had a verj oed effect upon the feeder market , Ilcpre- entatlve sales : REEF STEERS. o. Av. Pr. No. * Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . . . .8 < $37S 1..11SO $4 00 15. . . .1112 $1 70 . . . . ! l.Vi 3 75 24. . . . 94 ! 445 1..1210 173 . . . . MR 373 38. . . . SSO 4 BO 24..T23 4 8D . . . .879 383 2..1055 4 CO 33..1307 GOO COW8. . . . . P80 1 r,0 , 1..1000 2 25 9. . . . 9S5 275 . . . . S.V > 1 r.O 2. . . . 8X ! ) 221 8. . . . 877 27.1 . . . . : M 150 1. . . , 840 225 1..10IO 273 . . . . S21 175 1. . . . 910 2 2. , . . . . ; > .r 310 . . . . Ml 175 3. . . . 786 223 1..1IIO 311 . . . . MO 200 6. . . . RBO 235 4. . . . 910 .121 . . . Sf.0 200 2. . . . TIB , 2 SO 1..910 32.1 . , . .1010 200 1. . . , 760 2 M 12. . . . 1)31 ) 3 75 . . . .970 2 CO 1..1100 250 M. . . . 957 375 . . . .102S 210 2..102.1 275 2..1245 400 . . . . WO 2 25 . . . .650 ISO 1. . . . 620 223 1..700 3 f 0 . . . . sm 200 i. . . . cio 2 ro , i. . . . STO 3 r , < ) . . . . 40i ) 200 2 , . . . f.t.l 280 1. . . . 900 3 50 . . . .492 210 2. . . . 670 280 2G..883 4 CO DULLS. . . . .1CM 210 1..12X ) 2 n 1..1230 201 . . . .1010 223 1..1MO 240 1..1IV ) 29.1 . . . .930 225 1..1170 240 1..10M 300 . . . .1262 230 1..1330 273 CALVES. . . . .290 2 CO 1. . . . 141 350 1. . . . 131) ) 421 . . . .143 27.1 1. . . . ISO4 M 1. . . . 110. 4 2.1 . . . . 2.W 300 2. . . . JKV 4 CO 1. . . . 1 ? ) 423 ! . . . . 330 350 1. . . . ISO 400 1. . . . 130 460 . . . .120 3 CO 1. . . . 170 400 1. . . . 170 6 0 > ) FEEDERS. i. . . . 533 280 23. . . . M5 300 1..9M 3 CO I. . . . 516 1 ! (5 ( 1.-7SO 32.1 6. . . . 883 3-10 500 2 SO 8..10CO 3 , 30 MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. springer J20 0) ' 1 c nnd c 129 V. springer 23 00 1 c nnd c 30 ( X c nnd c 23 OOi 1 milker 30 0 ( WESTERNS. WYQMINO. Ora , Hah\y. To. Av. Pr. 39 steers 1271 14 25 ' OOS There were fifty-four lends of hog" 01 ale , ns against flftan loads yesterday. Th unllty of the offerings vas Rood , there bi-ini ome choice loads and n Rood many light KOO < oadn of all weights. The demand wnH brMt he packers all wanUns hoa . nnd Ihe pens wcr lenred nt nn enrly hour. . , The prices paid wr rm on an uverage nnd.n , few loads nold per inps Go hlKher. One load of choice heavy hog inniKht $4.CO , which , wn.i lOc butler lhan nny hltiK yesterday. The..tull < of the IIOKJI on fal > rouKht $4,40fr4.45. Ilepiezentntlve miles : Vo. Av. Sh. l r. " ' , No. Av. Hh. Pr. 1 210 . . .JI10 9 282 80440 " 162 1TO 4 20 ' 71 203 80 4 40 174 2SO 420 SI 2 : SO 440 179 IfO 4 25 f,8 243 M 4 < IO TO 178 160 4 25 43 216 40 4 40 0 178 . . . 425 63 851 ICO 4-10 2 173 0 4 25 Cl 218 M 4 40 0 ISO 200 4 23 72 212 . . . 410 * 9 179 280 4 23 79 113 SO 410 5 18. ! . . . 430 78 ' . ' 27 200 440 9 184 . . . 423 61 241 . . . 440 1 191 ISO 450 77 232 160 440 1 12 40 4 CO 7 307 . . . 4 40 0 1(13 ( 80 4W S 161 . . . 410 4 177 . . . 430 3 263 . . . 440 4 270 40 430 14 SCO . . . 410 6 213 . . . 4 30 C 228 . . . 4 40 7 187 40 4 CO 71 197 WK ) 4 40 6 179 40 4 SO Cl 221 (9 4 40 4 203 . . . 430 73 242 ICO 4 4 ! , 4 212 40 433 72 221 40 443 3 207 120 43.1 11. ' 248 . . . 441 0 173 . . . 433 76 231 160 443 6 lt'6 ' 2SO 4 33 CS 219 200 4 45 6 245 SO 433 67 S61 ICO 145 9 212 280 433 77 235 do 445 39 217 40 135 83 273 120 441 5 212 240 435 75 250 80 4 45 3 300 4 SI . 8 267 80 4 45 8 200 . . . 435 57 267 . . . 445 3 S0 SO 4 35 71 243 80 4 43 1 S70 . . . 435 77 S31 ICO 44.1 1 220 . . . 435 71 237 . . . 445 IS Z08 ICO 4 37',4 ' 7 262 . . . 4 45 ; i 232 160 43714 4 3C3 . . . 443 13 198 160 4371,4 61 250 fO 447 ! ; g 212 80 440 74 582 160 450 to 231 40 440 CS S74 80 4 50 J4 2,18 . . . 4 40 5 21I6 . . . 4 M 4 214 . . . 4 40 . . CO 2o6 . . . 4 50 5 51 . . . 4 40 SO 237 40 4 W 67 214 40 440 CS 247 . . . 4 M -4 214 40 440 66 313 SO 4M [ 3 210 SO 4 40 53 309 . . . 4 60 PIQS. 18 SS . . . 200 7 Ill . . . 335 1C 95 40 2 W C 130 . . . 360 SHEEP There wns only one load of sheep hei and It wns consigned direct to a local packe : There was nothing offered on the market nn nothing upon which lo base quotation * , excel ihe feeling1 prevailing nmong dealers. It woul JO nnfe to quole the market ns unlvcrcnll steady. Fair to choice natives are quotable [ from 13 to $3.73 ; fair to good westerns nt froi [ 2 W to $3.50 ; common nnd stock shetp at froi 13 lo 5-15 ; Rood to choice 40 lo 109-lb. lambs i trom $3.75 lo $5.15. OIlICAliO LIVK STOCK. Prlcci for Choice IJcef Higher Actlvo Do iimml for Ilo s- CH ICAQO , June 4. CATTLE Prices for cholc beeves were higher than during the latter pal of last week , such cattle being scarce at th present time nnd In good demand. All othe kinds were slow at unimproved prices nn trrugsy cattle showed decided weakness. Sale Df dressed beef nnd shipping steers were on basis of from 43.75 to $5.80 , few felling qs hlK as $5.50 , nnd a large part of the sales were o from J4.W lo $5.23. Conrte , big entile , as we ns light , grassy utters , were hard to sell n from $5.05 to $5.10. Exporters nre doingver little this week , as the best American cuttle nr Belling frcm ' .ic to % c pfr Ib. lower lhan a wee ago. The slacker nnd feeder trade was agal dull , wllh sales mo-illy1 at from J2.60 lo f3.7i The large run of Teuuuuuiuile It hanl work ft sellers of native butchers' nnd cnnners' stuff 1 tlnd buyers , and price * rulill weak , cows , helfei and bulls selling at .irem $2 lo $4. It beln "calf day. " about 2.VW head were offered , un an active demand put prices up a lltlle , Bah rnnglng nt from $3 ta } U. < Texas cnltle move off slowly nnd prices were nil in favor of buyer 1IOOS There was BWTietlve genernl demnm locnl packers being pnrllcularly good buyer and mo l of Ihc suptMStas out of first hum long before noon. ISW ? closed ulendy , nr most of the transnctlcnH were at aUmt yesle : day's quotations , extia choice hogs telling up l $4.fcO. Fewer light hoi , wx coming forward , nr this hns checked llMigp nkness In such lot Ili-uvy boss sold nt fjf 1.35 lo Jl.W , mixed i . . " - iKhla at from J4.2o i from $4.35 to $4.65. rrLl v J ° IT t J4.DO nnd pigs at front I } . ito J4.20. SHEEP-Prlcts i ing at the advance yeslerday. but trade ftp : iw. Inferior to choli sheep sold at from | . _ w. J4.23 , chiefly nl and upwnrd. commoiq iwns selling around nnd 114-lh. westerns J5o. Yearlings sold i from $4.25 to J5. am Kilne lamba ut from to M. Prime nallve S rere worth from 14. " "Rec'clpis : Cnltle , 4 < -rt ; hogs , 21,000 heai sheep , ii.OOO head Kiin n Ultytinvn Mode. KANSAS CITY. JuW 4. CATTLK Recelpl 4200 head ; shipments , tKK > hend ; market stead Texas steers , 3.f'nt.tt Teins cows , J1.71fl3.2 beef steers , J3.WG6.W : native cows , J1.72U4.2 stockers and feeders. J3.23Q4.25 ; bulls , J12503.1 1IOQS Receipts , lt.V heail ; shipments. C head ; market tlrm to Se higher ; bulk of sale Jl 3564 55 ; heavies. J4.4M < 4 60 ; packers. J4.25O4.6 mixed. nwii4.W ! : Hltbts. J3. } @ 4.2S ; Yorkers , J4. ffl4.25 ; pigs. J2.00JJ-4.00. I SHKHP Receipts. 3.700 hend ; shipments , 7.C head ; market steady to slrong. New York l.lro Slock Market. NEW YORK , June 4. REEVES Receipts , C head ; no market. European cables quol * Ainei can steers at lOt/ll'ic , dressed weight ; t frlBcrulor beef at 8tiIUc. ! SHEEP AND LAMHH-Recelpts. 2.700 hea Iambs firm but not hither ; over C.OuO head u sold ; sheep , ordinary lo prime , t2.87UiW.75 ; yea lings , J2.7 [ > 433.tf'4i southern lambs , common prime J4 OOti6.7S. HOO8 Receipts , 2,300 head ; steady at J4.K 6.W. . Kt. Lout * I.lvo Stock. BT. LOUIS , June 4. CATTLC Receipts , 5.1 biad ; shipments , 700 head. Market steady lo 1 lower. Native shipping and beef steers. J4.U 6.H ; light to heavy butchers' steers , ja.tU/4.1 toc-crs and ( tedcri , JZ.Wa > .75 ; cows , : . _ 3.I fed Texas steers , J3.WG4.CO ; grnsscrs , J2.7C03.75 ; Ci > ws , J2.OOCt3.25. IIOQS Receipt * . 6. & head ; shipments , 1,300 head , Market ta up on top grades , others weak , Heavy , J4.4HH.OO ; packers , J4.33O4.50 ; light , JUS 04.40. | SHEEP Receipts , 7,500 bend ; shipments , none. Market firmer. Native muttons , sold J3.2ilJ4.23 , southwest , Ji.76q8.00j lambs , J3.Mf4.7j. , Mock In Record of receipts nt the four principal mar kets for Tuesday , June 4 , 15M : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . . . 83.1 4.TO1 2IS Chicago . 20.0110 4,509 17.W1 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,20) 10,410 3,700 St. Louis . 5,500 0,404 7.500 Totals . . 30.593 31.JCO M.44S WARM \VI\TMIU : : \SIII-LPKI , : > CORN Winter Whent Is In n Less PromlMnc ; Con- illtion Inluci'u Dolni Wo'l. WASHINGTON. June 4. The weather bureau In Us report on wenlher crop conditions for the week ended June 1 , says : The nrm wenlher has been beneficial lo corn , Ihc replanting ot which over the greater portion of the corn bell Is nlwut completed , nnd It Is coming up nnd doing well , Rcporls from the southern slnles In. dlcnle that corn In thnt section Is In exctllcnl condlllcn. In Ohio. Indiana. Michigan nnd southern Illlnoln corn would be greally benefited by rain. In Nebraska Ihe coin crop has grown well during Iho week , nnd Is In excellent condi tion. Wlnler wheat Is In less promising condl. tlon In Ohio , Indlnna , Michigan nnd Missouri nml rusl Is appearing In Illinois. It Is m-.uly ready lo harvest In Knnsas , nnd Is heading In Pennsylvnn.n and Maryland. Tobacco Is grow ing nicely In the Carollnns nnd planting Is pro. greasing fnvornUy In Kentucky , -Virginia nnd Maryland. In Ohio plants set out nre dying from diouth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Liverpool Mnrxetn. LIVERPOOL , June 4.-4:13 . - : p. m.-WHEAT- Spot , Millet ; demand poor : No. 2 rul , 0.1 'J'.id ' ; No. 2 red spring , 6s ? d ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 6s 2'4d ; No. 1 Cnllfornln , 5s 9Ud. Fulurcs openfd steady nnd unchanged nnd closed quiet , with June Ud lower nnd other months Vid lower ; business nbout equally dlslrlbtileil ; June , 6s 9id ! ; July , 6s 9 id ; August , 6s IDVid ; September. 63 10'id ; October. 6s mid ; November. 6s HHid. CORN Spot , dull ; American ntw mixed , 4s 9'4d. Futures opened dull , with near nnd dis tant positions iil lower nnd closed quh-t. with near positions WHid lower nnd distant positions lit 1 lower : business heaviest on early position * ; line , 4s 711 il ; July , 4s 7d : August , 4s 7Ud ; Sep- mber. 4s , Hd ; October , 4s 7il ; FLOUR Firm ; demand moderate ; St. Louis fancy winter ! . PROVISIONS llacon , firm ; demand poor ; Cum berland cut , 28 to M Ibs. . 31s ; shorl ribs. 28 II'S. , 3J : long clear , light. 38 lo 43 Ibs. , 33s ; loni ; clenr , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 31s 6il ; short clear backs , light. 18 ILs. , 33 Cd ; short clenr middles , heavy , ' Ibs. . 31s Cd ; clear bellies. 11 to 16 Ins , 33s Shoulders , square. 12 lo 18 Ibs. . 2Ss. Hani- : . shorl cul , 11 lo 16 lhs. , 41s. Tallow , line North American , nomlnul. Heef , extra India mess , 80s , prime mess , 62 Cd. Pork , prime mess , line western , Cls 3d ; western medium. 53s Od. Lard , quiet ; prime western , 34s 3d ; rellned , In pnlls 35s. 35s.CHEESE CHEESE Stendy : demand modcrnle ; flnesi American , while , 60s ; llnest American , colored , 42.t. . HUTTER Finest United States , 56s ; good , 4ls. ( COTTONSEED Oils- Liverpool , refined , ISs 3d. LINSEED 01I-21i < Oil. PETROLEUM Rrflnnl. 9d. .REFRIGERATOR 11EEF Foren.uarlers , Slid , hindquarters , CUd. HOPS At Ixindon ( Paclllc coast ) , 2 ! s. Stocks of breadsluffs In Liverpool : Flour , 53,000 sacks ; wheat , 1.3IO.COO cenlals ; corn , 12J.COO centnls. The receipts of wheat during the past three- days were 53.000 centnls , Including 23.COO Amer ican. The tecelpls of Ameilcnn corn during the past three day were 14,000 centals. I > Mci > nr Rln4)iiitno.c In Illinois. CHICAGO , June 4. The past week has gone to the opposite extiemi : from the week previous , nnd crops bavi- struggled under n heat averaging nhout plghty degrees dally , which < s from twelve to llftci-n degrees nlx > vo the nornml lempernlure. Rainfall has been veiy scnrco , only Ihe north , west counties having been favored sulliclently. nnil nil the east , central anil southern countie\ were practically diy , hence the average for tht state * was but n sprinkle. The sky was nearly cloudless during the entire week , nnd nnx- Imum temperatures extremely high nnd the wind boisterous. Where lain fell vegetation Is grow ing tln ly and small grain ? and meadows me giving excellent promlie , and corn , potatoes gardens nnd pastures nre much Improved. Where mln Is lucking , however , nnd that It much the largist poith.n of the stuto , small grains nnd meadows , gardens. , and potatoes are suffering fiom the heat ana drouth. Whent Is lecclvliift less damage from chinch bugs than previously , but rust has developed , nnd with the Hessian lly Is caub-ing damage. O.its ate heading shorl nnd nre lets promising. Rye Is short and the heads poorly filled. Fiull prospects still nre ex cellent In the southern counties , nnd nlso for tree frultH In the central counties. Cherries mo being maike'ted In the southern counties nnd are ripening fast In the central pnitlin. A good gen eral rn\n would w-llhoul doubt materially change crop conditions , but lhtk liny crop will be small. CofTvn NEW YORK , June4. . TOFFEE-Opllons opened dull nl unchanged prices to 5 points de cline , ruled exceptionally sluggish throughout the session , wllh snles confined lo Iwo lots. Eu ropean markets equally ( lull nnd fcalurelest * . closed dull nt unchanged prices to 5 points lower , Fiilcs , WO bags , Including : June , JI5.W ; July. JI4.70. Spot coffee. Rio , dull ; No. 7 , J16 : mild , quiet ; Cordova , J18.2o < i19.00 ; sales. nM bags Mar- acalbo , iOO bags Savanllbi and 160 bngs Central American ; warehouse deliveries from New York yesterday , 2 6,000 bags ; Ntw York stock today 203,720 bngs : United Stales Flock. 207,828 bags , ntloat for the United Stated , 2'3.noo bags ; total visible for the United Slnles , 550,8"S bags , again : ! 293SSi bngH last year. SANTOS , June 4. Finn ; good average Panlos. JIB Si : tcelplB , two days , 4,000 bags ; stock 148.000 baps. HAMUrUO , June 4. Dull , unchanged lo lit lower ; sales , l.OCO bags. RIO 1)E JANEIRO , June 4. Rio , nrm ; No. 1 Rio , J17 ; exchange. 'J 7-1Cd ; receipts , two days n.O O bags ; cleared for lhf > Unllrd Slnles , Iwt days , 32,000 bags ; cleare < l for Europe , two days. 6.K-0 hags ; stick , 227WO bags. HAVRE , June 4. Opened dull , ' .it lower ; nl 12 m. , dull , unchanged ; ill 3 p. m. , dull , un changed ; closed dull at ! if net decline ; sales , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ Woo'Mitrkot. ST. LOUIS , June 4. WOOL Firm nnd higher , with an Improved demand ; Missouri , Illinois , fnncy combing , 14 ? c ; combing nnd choice , H'.Je ; medium , IS'AUWic ; coarse nnd braided , 13ViW 13sic ; light tine , 18c ; heavy fine , 9c ; Kansas nnd Nebraska , medium. UGlScr light line. 7Cf c ; heavy line , 6fCc | ; Texas , Arkansas , Indian terrl- lory , etc. . fall and spring , medium , 12fil3c ; coarse and low. SlilOc ; light fine , 9B10c ; heavy fine , 6Ji8c ; Dakota , Wyoming. Utah , ele. , mt- illum , 9J12c ; coarse nnd low , 7bc ; light fine. 7Sc ; henvy fine , B iCc ; washed choice , 19 > . ! ift2)c ; fair. 17JlSc ; coarse lind low , 13Jr c. PHILADELPHIA. June 4. WOOL Steady but qulel ; Ohio , Pennsylvania nnd West Virginia , XX nnd nbnvr , ICGlC'ic ' ; X nnd above , 14HI c ; modlum , 18020c ; quarter-blood , 19Ji2Jc ; common , 17 ri8c ; New York. Michigan , Wisconsin , clc. . 16jfl7c ; medium.17W018c ; qunrter-blooil , IW 19Hc ; common , 16iflc ; washed combing nnd delaine , line , X or XX , ICfilSc ; medium , 19W 20c ; low , 22fI23c ; quarler-blood , 2021c ; un washed , medium , 14el5c : quarter-blood. 17 17'oi braid. 15 16c ; unwashed , light and bright line. llil"c ; medium , 13 jl4c ; quarter-blood , ICOlCVjc ; common. 13iil4c ; unwashed , dark colored , light line , 7iji'c ! ' ; medium , Pffllc ; line medium , 9 UOc ; coarse. lOfille ; terrllorlal and norlhwuHtern , light nne , " { j'Jc ; nnc medium , 9glOo. MiRnr Murkot. NEW YORK , June 4. SUOAR-Raw , quleti fnlr rellnlng , 2 15-lCc ; cenlrlfugal , 96 lesl. 3c Kiles , 8,600 bags centrifugal , S6 tesl , at break- wnlcr , to go to Iloslon , at 3ic : refined , market steady : demand Improved ; No. 6 , 4j 4 3-16c ; No. 7 , 3Tt 4 1-lCc : No. 8. STtfft l-16c ; No , 9 , 3 13-lCfflc ; No. 10 , 3 i(3 15-lCc ; No. 11. 3 11-11 ? 3Tte ; No. 12. 3 9-1604c ; No 13 , 2 ic ; off A , 1-1CW4HC ; mold A , 4 ll-16lf4T4c ; slandaid A 4 5-16S4'ie ; confectioners' A. 4 5-168l',4c ' ; cut loaf 5 1-lCiioHc ; powdered , 4yt@l 15-16c ; granulated 4 7-16tf4c ; cubes , 4 11-1C&4T4C. i vuri * Mnrknt , t PEORIA. June 4. CORN Quiet ; No. 2 , Bc Nn. 3 , K > Hc. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , 20W830Kc ; No. 3 SOV. 30Hc. RYE Scarce ; No. 2 , 6l TC3c. WHISKY Firm ; finished goods , on basis o $1.25 for high wine. RECEIPTS Wheat , 1.800 bu. ; corn , 2,100 bu. outs. 74.801) bu. ; rye , COO bu.uarley ; , 2.1W bu. SHIPMENTS Whent. I. 00 bu. ; corn 14.3 bu.j oats , 77,000 bu. ; rye , none ; bailey , 2,600 bu Nuir YorK Dry iiuoiU MarUot. NEW YORK , June 4. The character of Ihi demand tins been of the quiet dem"unor usua to Tuesday , and no mall orders on hand. Ther was nn Irregular Inquiry for moderate quantltlc ; of summer specialties , but ut best Ihe Undo wn light. There was something doing In autiuni spi < c-lallles , and fair eiders were placed. Print Ing cloths quiet at 2 13-lCc. Mllwuiilicu MiirKeli. MILWAUKEE , June 4. WHEAT Lower ; No 2 spring. 77c ; No. 1 norlhern , 834e. ! CORN Quiet and steady ; No. 3. 61c. OATS Hlgherj No. Z while , 32c ; No. 3 while 31ic IIARLEY Nominal ; No. 2 , 49Hc ; sample , 49V O50c. UYB Steady ; No. 1 , CCc. Mlnnonpolliheut JSIarkct. MINNEAPOLIS. June 4.-WHEAT-Wenk June , 77Hc ; July , 77 ic ; September 77c : ui track , No. 1 hard. 79c ; No. 1 norlhein , 78' , ' e Ni > . 2 northern , 77'/ic. FLOUR Steady ; Ilrtt patents , J4.MiZ4.CO ; second end patents , J4.10O4.40 ; first ckars , JJ.4503.CO. OR Markets. LONDON. June 4.-CALCUTTA LINSEE1 OII Spot , 39s 6d ; May shipment , via cape , 39 M. M.I ROSIN American strained , 4s lOitd ; fine , 9d. Cotton .Uurknt. NEW YORK. June 4. COTTON Net an gross receipts , none ; exports to Great Ilrllnli 00 , 3.000 bales ; to the continent , 2.W7 bales ; foi I- warded , none ; sales , none ; stock , 220U)3 ) bales. Ie e * Dululh Uhent Murxot J ; DULUTH , June 4. WHEAT No. 1 hard , casl ar - 78o ; July , 78c ; No. I northern , cash , 77'.4i ' rte July , 78c , September , 75 ; c ; No. 2 northern , cast to 74c ; No. 3 , 71c ; rejected , 68e. ' 1'rUca Whrnt Qilotalliinl. SAN FRANCISCO , June 4. WHEAT Qule December. J1.03H ; new seller , Who ; cleuro 39,571 centals. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Munslieltor Textiles. UANCJIESTER. June 4. Cloths and yam dull ; very email buslneu doing- . WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Copious Thins of the Week Have Revived Crops All Over the State. DAMAGE BY HOT WIND3 GREATLY OFFSET Vheut anil Out * Will Mnko n 1'nrtlnl Crop , VVIillo Com nnd liny Will ( lUo 1m- incline tlolils Comlltlotn Are ( looil * Weekly weather-crop bulletin , No. S , of he Nebraska weather service , co-opernt- ng with the United States weather bureau , ssued from Its central olllre , nt the Unl- erslty of Nebraska , Lincoln , under the Ircctlon of G. 1) . Swezey , meteorologist f the Nebraska experiment station , for , veck ending June 3 , 1S95 : The week opened with two days of high jmpcraturo nnd hot , soulh winds , very rylng to all crops , followed during the re- imlnder of the week by guneral and loplous rains In nil parts of the state , vhlch have revived vegetation and thor- ughly saturated the ground. The temperature for the week wnH con- Inuously nbovo the normal , uvcrnslng for he llrst two days IS degrees above the nor- nnl and 10 degrees above for the week us whole. 'KOSUIL on 2Jr- * / Y * * ' mmee = 4i < mb. itmmL re THC wccg s&SJ . ' ) , ° rajnfnll was heaviest In nn area cx- emllng from Nance county southwestwnrd ° ' " "k"n nnj Pumas counties along , , , i i .vhlch . belt It reached six Inches , and In .Unccs . exceeding eight Inches. It was east In the extreme eastern end of the state , where It fell short of an inch over a Imlted area. The rainfall thus wns very heavy over nearly all parts of the state where the deficiency heretofore has been most severe nnd wns everywhere sulllclcnt 'or present needs. Small grain suffered severely , from the hot winds early In the week , especially In the eastern part of the stae , but since the ruins It has revived In a surprising manner. Ilye nnd barley were so fur advanced that the hot winds proved generally fatal , as far as the maturing of grain IH concerned , but the acreage In any case is small and the crop has generally been cut for Inn er used for pasturage. Wheat has also suffered severely , but In many cases will make a partial crop. Oats , except In u few extiemc western and southwestern counties , have revived to nn extent which promises a partial crop. It Is yet too early to state exactly as to the result , but esti mates Indicate that over the greater portion tion of the state nt least half a crop may be expected , and In some portions nearly an average crop. Corn seems not to have suffered any Injury except that In limited areas some damage from washing out by heavy rains nnd pome from the depreda tions of ground squirrels nnd cutworms Is reported nnd has rendered replanting necessary. Since the rain It has grown rapidly and is In most excellent condition. Grnss In pastures nnd meadows has taken ii new start nnd is growlni ? vigorously. In the eastern portion of the state much fruit was shaken from tins trees by the high winds. Cherries are ripening un- .irually early. Report by counties : SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. Duller Frull doing Veil. Cherries beginning : o rljwn Iwo weeks nhend of oidlnarlly. CasH Week warm , with plenty of mulsturc. Corn has made a phenouienal growth. ( IrnsH Is doing nicely and pastures much Improved. Clay Gain , grass and llax Improving mpldly Inco rains. 1'roKpect for corn , potatoes anil millet very Haltering. Fair prospect for cherries , plums and apples. No grapes. Flllmore Oats and othtr small grain much mprovt'tl. Corn doing well. Oage Oats promise a fair crop. Corn In line - ondlllon. Pastures Improving. Corn and mil- el bid fnlr for n big crop. Hamilton The two hot days of the week llnlshcd the rye , which Is being cut for hay. Oats will make half a crop. Corn loiks line nnd Is nn excellent Hlanil , only where the gophers have token It. Pastures greatly revive 1. Jefferson Corn In fair condition. Oats anil ivhent aie backward. Corn Ii doing well. Johnson Corn making rapid growih. 'Apples 'ailing off hailly. 1'enchen nnd grapes hint by 'rost. Small frull not doing much g oil , except strawberries. Oats beading out , some not over eight Inches high. Wheat has been badly dam aged. Ryu Is ruined In some cases and perhaps enerally. Lancnsler A good many oat llelds seem to bo killed. Rye and mud. of iho wheat nre past : ecovery. Corn Is growing" llnely , especially Ihc ast planting. Nemahn All crops except listed corn suffered from drouth. Winter wheat will not make more lhan Iwo-lhlrdH of n crcp. Oats rcxlved by Ihc rain. Fruit badly blown from Ihe trees by he high winds. Nuekolls Hot winds did considerable damage , but rain enough since to help out oats and axlurrs. Coin growing well. Oloe Rye n lotal failure and winter wheat nearly HO. Corn n't seilously Injured. Oals Improved by Ihe rnln , but still badly Injuwd" . Fruit badly blown from the trees. Pawnee Wheat , while not making a full crop , will probably till well. Oats still look dis colored In pulches. Fruit Ittrtly blown from Ihc trees. Rye Is thin In stand and short of straw. Corn In the best shape of anything. Polk Heavy winds did much damage to fruit and lo corn Hint was listed deep. Oata have re vived wonderfully since the rnln. Richardson High winds blew off many of the cherries and Ihe plums. The heavy rains have revived everything. . . . . Saline Ryu Is gone. Wheat In bad shape. Oats much hurt , but will make n partial crop. Corn In fair shape. Much fruit blown off. Flax doing fairly well. Pnslure all dry. Al falfa suffering. Maunders Corn has maile vigorous growth Ihls week and Is In excellcnl condition. Rye mostly cut for f wider. Small gialn will be short. Half Iho fruit blown from the trees. Reward Prospects Improving. O-its may re cover somewhat but cannot make a good crop. Corn not Injured nnd with plenty of rain will be all right. Much of thc > fiult linn fnllen off. Thnyer Oats reviving nnd now promises half a crop. Corn nnd KHJSH doing well. York Grand Improvement In nil lines. Oats will bo n llllle short but promises three-fourths of n crop. Cut worms nre doing much damage. NORTHEASTERN SECTION. Antelope High winds of 27th nnd SSth dlil more or less damage to all crops. Some tit Ihe rye being cut for hay. A sleady ilownpjur on the 29lh and Juno opens with bright prospecls. Some damage lo fruit by hall. Much corn replanted - planted and coming up nicely. Hoyd Weather propltlouH for nil crops. A giand ruin. Grar growing pplendldiy nnd stock on Ihe range never In better condition. Cellar Fore part of the week dry nnd windy. Small grain was tunning yellow for want of ruin , but now Is looking prelty good. Corn growing finely. Frost and the nquluels made some re planting neceppHiy , which Is now completed. Ulxon No damage done by the hot winds. Warm weather and rain are bringing on Ihe corn nnd nil vegelables. Rye frozen on low land. Dodge Hot winds caused lots of fruit to full nnd nenrly or quite destroyed the rye crop. Some nro culling II for feed. Com nnd pastures dolni , well. Douglas Temperature for Iho week nvtrnged nearly 10 degree * above the normal. Holt Gardens getting over the effecls of Iho frost except berries , which me beyond redemp tion. GniKH coming on llnely and prospects goui for a great crop of cirn. Knox The hard winds and dust storm damagei tender plants. Corn Is up well. Cmps recover Ing from Ihc froul. Plenty of moisture now U Iho ground. Madison The hot winds materially Injurci small grain but the recent rains will In many puts redeem It. but rye ruined and being cu for folder. Corn has recovered from frost lind I doing well. Herts doing best of nil. Rye nearly ready for harvest now. Hey being marketed. Pierce Prospects are now very good. Thf rains have been heavy and have nil aoakei inlo Ihe ground. Platte Corn looks very promising nnd nlsr potuloen. Oals have come oul amazingly. Sum storms did some dsmnge , bul only In places Squirrels have done comtldemblo damage. Som replanllng. Frost spoiled n large percenlnge o the rye , but the dojnnge U small. Sarpy The hot winds nf Ihc 27th and Mtr ruined small fruit. Many field' of rye nre being cut for liny. Oats will be a short crop bul no n failure. Corn looks excellent. Early pota tors In bloom. Stanlon Corn In fine condition. Wheat am oats loiik well , but rye Is much damaged by droulh and will ti a small crop. Washlnglon High winds have damaged frul one-half. Corn tlrnt was planted early U al N , W , HARRIS & CO , BANKERe , 163-165 Dearborn-st. , Cilcao. ! _ 13 Wall-it. , New York. 70 State-it , Uoito. 'ITY ' COIIHTT ( . -.HO'oLWATBb and litSRTHIGH GRADE Soubt tad Bold. Cerrtipoadeaco BollcltcO. iKhl. Lat vt jillnB " cnrnc up iinevtntr. Bmtill Krn n have sufferfd" , but nuw hwk fairly well. \\njne--Rya ruined by frost. Whtnt. oats nnd orn nbove Average , The winds of lha pa l veek did no hnrm. Slour Clly- Very fnvornble wccV. liny crcp ms luffrrid from druiitb. Injury frum trust fs < lhan nt first supposed , Ynnklon , fl , U. Whrnt IH innklns n tplendlj ron-lh nnd onts ate Kroulni ; well , but thers vlll lie it short cmp. Coin hn fully recoveu-d rom fitvsls nnd Is In linn conJIUivn , Potutoc- nvo not ircovernl so fully. CENTRAL SECTION. DonnePoni ( > damngo lo corn by squirrels nd lit worms. Ground Ihorouiihly smiKed by Iho lliiftnto The rnln came so gcn'ly that none vns wnMed. Pome d.-imngi- > crttnln corn Holds. ly the hot winds , but the damage wns not gen- einl. Some corn tu bo planted yet. fiinor Ont nna wheat have Improved won.ler- ully sliire Ihe rain , nml corn lovks nlcr. Ku pi-tiln will nol miike imiih. ninvMin-Smntl ginlu recovering from hot wind. Rye badly damaged. Corn uml ixitnlois. II light. l < mip Tlmtsitnr's rain lm < i grontly Imptovrd he crop conillllon . I'ut worms Injuring corn willy In some llelds. flrrrley Onls nnd whent may. wllh fnvorabl en m. make n good crop. Coin looks line nnd Is growing will. Sugar beets coming up nicely Ince the mln. Hnll-Onts hnvo revived grenlly since the rnln. nnd now promlto fifteen lo thlily bushels lo th nerc. I-.arly oa's heading oul very low. Soms > eom washed under ninl will have to bo re- ilanted. lIoHnnl-Sm.-ill grain will protal.ly mnke from na-thlnU lo thn-c-fourlhs of \ crop. Grass , nnd polatoes booming. Fiumcis plowing corn nnd somr | > | WIIK | for mllk-l. Merrlrk-IllKh winds nnd drifting naml lh list of Ihc week rumpled ly destroyed young eels. Se\ere hall Wednesday night bent every thing tr Iho ground. Corn mny rrcoxrr. Rye mostly ruined by the drouth. Wheat nnd enl may iccocvr. & N.iiuv The hfn\-y rnlns have revived most ot he mils , t'oin nnd potatoes doing well. Pas tures much rexlveii. Shei-nian Will-ill nnd onls coming on well. ut worms nnd squliu-ls doing much tinning * to corn. Valley The rains of the past week hnv grenly Improved the condition of small grnln. mil grass. Farmers busy plowing corn. Frull lot so much Injincd by frost ns at llrsl thought , SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Adams Crops greatly revived by rnln. Oals , vlll nmkp halt n crop. Corn looking splendid. tarley and rye , scurcvly nny. Whent a very Ight crop. Chase Ground wet down twenty Inches. Ons ( > vlll make n partial ciop. Corn and | > otntoes In Ine condillon. More corn will be plnnled. Dunily A soaking lain has radically changed crop proppt-cts. Wheat and imts nre past rc- lemptlon , but may make feed. Pnispects for orn , cane nnd mlllel go < d. FrnnkllnGrass nnd small grain wonderfully rvlird. Coin In goml condillon. Fmntler Hot wlndH on Monday nml Tuesday- ollow-ed by n heavy rain , which IMS made every * > ody feel hopeful. Fuinas Hnrd. hot , burning winds Monday nnil rurstlny. Heavy rnlns have soaked the ground leeper than It was ever stirred. There1 will bo n considerable amount of small grain yet anil c < un Is In pooil comPllon. Hnrlnn- Wheat nnd oats that were thought to be killed have revived nnd look very well. May make n half crop. Considerable corn vaulted out by the heavy rnlns. Corn rolled : tndly in the hot winds of Monday and Tuesday , iiit n It had not Jointed It Buffered no prcma- nent damage. llilrhroek Ilnln lee lale to make nny wheat ind oats , but n ( Tiqit help for grass nnd corn , Kearney -Whent and oats thai had Ix-en nd. .udired ruined have turned green since the rnln * nnd will make n parlinl crop. Lincoln Crops nnd pnsluro In excellent condl. Ion from the late rains. IViklns Wealher veiy dry nml trying to crops. up to the 30th. when n fine rnln set In. Plant ing wnii almul slopped ami wheat looked dead. Phclps The bcft inln for three yenrs nnd th giound In thoroughly Kunked. Lntc oats anil corn will be n good crop. Red Willow Hoi winds Ihe flrft of the week , mt there wns nothing but grass to be hurt. Heavy rains since. Wolwli-r The rnlns have malerlnlly helped Iho Kiln and corn. Som > > fields of fall wheat will make u fnlr crop. Potatoes nil right. NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Cheyenne A good rain on the TOth has started inss and rnipn to growing In line shape. Ilnx llutlc A giKHl , soaking rain which wnH iiilly needed , ns grain was suffering from Ihe Irnuth. Cherry I'll st of the week hard on grnln , but i good rnln and everything looks tine. Grass. crop well iiF.suictl. Corn Improving the Inst two Dawes Flisl of the week cool , followed by an ill day's inln Thursday nnd n shower Friday night , which will bend , corn lioomlng with warm wenther. Keyn Pnlui Ground wn gelling In bad condl- lion nnd crops * urffrlng until 111' ' rnln of Iho Ixigan An nil ilny'n rain. Corn nil planleil ind coming up nicely. Grain nnd grnss greally ii-lped by the lain. Rock Fine rains have vl llcd nil sections of the county. Com nnd sm.ill grain are now In line condillon. Scotts lllulf Weather much warmer nnd corn coming up nicely. Sheridan Week favorable for nil kinds of grain nnd grass. S-.oux Ground thoroughly snaked. Small grnln loiiklng well. Large acreage of com planted. InrdeiiH ralher backward. Good prospects fop wild frulls. . . Juleslmrg , Colo. All crops heretofore planlej Ihla roJiJ-on dried up by the diouth , but In con sequence of Ihi- rain , com , millet nnd polnlocs nri ; to be planted. HOSTON. June 4. The situation In the wool , . . wun ( I'mm-i" i'tnwitib. ' . * u-uiv , .v.- llory wools , Montana , tine medium to line. Of ? lie ; Hcounil. ICc : Montnna No. 2 medium. 11 ® IlUc ; noilhern spring Cnllfornla wools , Wile ; scmned , 2S i30c ; soutlii-rn defective , eprlne , ft INTENSE SUFFERING From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. INSTANTLY REUHVED AND PER * MANENTLY CURED BY STUART'S DYSPEP SIA TABLETS. A New Discovery. Hut Not a rntrat Medicine. Dr. Ilcdwell relates an Interesting account of what he considers a remarkable euro of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the use of the new discovery , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. He says : The patient was a man who had suffered to my knowledge for years with dyspepsia. Everything he ate sccmeU to sour and create acid and gases In the stomach ; ho had pains llko rheumatism In the back , shoulder blades and limbs , fullness and distress after eating , poor appetite and loss of flesh ; the heart became affected , causing palpitation and sleeplessness at night. I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies , but to no purpose. As an exper iment I finally bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at a drug store and gave them to him. Almost Im mediate relief was given and after ho hail used four boxes ho was lo all appearances fully cured. There was no more acidity or sour watery risings , no bloating after meals , the appetlto was vigorous and ho has gained between 10 and 12 pounds In weight of solid , health/ flesh. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets arc. advertised and sold In drug nto es yet I consider them a most valuable addition to any physician's line of remedies , as they , are perfectly harmless and can bo given to children or Invalids or In any condition of the stomach with perfect safety , being harm less and containing nothing but vegetable and fruit essences , pure pepsin and Golden Seal. Without any question they are the safest , most effective cure for Indigestion , bilious ness , constipation and all derangements of the stomach , however slight or severe. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are made by the Stuart Co. of Marshall , Mich. , and sold by druggists everywhere at fifty cents per package. F P. HMITH ( Tel. 1518) ) B. M. STANKORD SMITH & CO. F. P. . GRAIN and PROVISIONS Room 4. N. Y. Life BIdK. , Omaha. Ilranch olllccn at Prrmont nnd Coluinbuii. All order * placed on Ihe Chicago Hoard of Trade , OurienponilrntHi Hchwarlz. Dupfe & Co. , Chicago cage ; Hchtelntr. Klack & Co. . HU Louis. Refer to Flnt National Hank , Omaha. MAIH1IN No mailer what booklet on per have read ni illation you may fur our'wnlc" ' NUW nl fOMPLKTK. It clearly explain * margin trudlnir and DKKINICH ALL MARKET UXPRUHtilONS. If * free and will Uach you something. AHIiOdAbT & CO , , U Ta4 nt Uulldlng , Chluico *