THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WtfTUESDAY , JUNE 5 , 1895. 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFPICU , - - NO. 12 PEARL , STftEET Delivered by carrier to any part of th city. * II. W. TILTON , Lessee. t , TnLTJPHONCS Ituilncu cfflce , No. 41) ) night editor , No. 23. MJXUll JIISATWX. Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur nished. Ilcopened Oct. 1. n. F. Clark , Prop. Panlqttc , John T. Stewart' * ntalllon , val ued at JIO.OOO , died at tlio Maples Monday. Miles Schoflcld , driver for the South Main street fire department , Is to bo married today to Miss Kate Hannan. All members of Bluffs division No. 27 , Uniform Unnk Knlghta of Pythias , arc re quested to bo present at tlio meeting this evening , The Indies' Aid society of St. John's Eng lish Lutheran church meets Thursday after noon at the residence of Mrs. O. W. Snydcr , 217 South Seventh street. Humboldt lodfie No. 174 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , will meet this evening for the election of officers and Initiation of mem bers. bers.Tho The ladles of the Hebekah Relief associa tion will meet with Mrs. Sackett , 111G Third avenue , this afternoon. All members re quested to be present. Mrs. Mnry linker , formerly a well known lady of Council Uluffs. died last Thursday at tlio homo of her daughter , Mrs. II. B Ilcstarlck , In San Diego , Cal. Lily camp No. 1 , Hoyal Neighbors of America , will meet In regular session Thurs day , Juno 6 , at 2:30 : p. m. , In Knights o Pythias ball. A good attendance Is do clred. Mrs. Snyder , mother of S. B. and Dr M. B. Snyder of this city , died at Eureka Neb. , Monday , and the remains wcro broughl to Council Bluffs yesterday and Interred In Falrvlew cemetery. The county board of supervisors put In n day yesterday on business connected with county roads , and In the afternoon _ took a rtdo out Into Garner township on' the Eamo sort of an errand , T. W. Bayllss , aged 55 years , died at 0:30 : o'clock yesterday morning at his home , 1411 Second avenue. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , llev. T. F. Thlckstun officiating. William Bro\vn , who Is In the penitentiary i at Fort jfadlson , Is reported very 111 , and Is not expected to recover. Ho Is serving a seven-year sentence for shooting a col ored man named Washington. The school board will meet next Tuesday evening to' grant diplomas to the members of the graduating class. There are fifty-two candidates , but it Is stated that only forty- seven of them will bo allowed to graduate. Iko Troup was 'fined $10.80 In police court yesterday for getting drunk and fracturing the peace by using obscene language on the street. II. A. Heywood contributed $10,80 to the city's welfare for a plain drunk , and left some small change for his fellow prisoners , to be expended In tobacco. Mrs. Metcalf's class In the Christian Sun day school has made arrangements for an Interesting social tlmo tomorrow evening at the tabernacle. Refreshments will be served by the young men of the class , about twenty In number , who , clad In the regula tion waiter's garb , will servo eatables to their guests. Cliff Ilotish. who pleaded guilty to a charge of disturbing the peace , was lined $10.80 by Justice Walker yesterday. Solly Hough denied that he was disturbing any peace and Insisted on being shown. Ho was shown , and a fine of the same pro portions , with an extra $5 for the trouble the court had In trying the case , tacked on. Both gentlemen are serving out their sen tences In the city Jail. The funeral of Mrs. Ellen 0. Grosvenor , widow of the late Colonel A. S. Orosvenor , took place yesterday at the residence of Mr.Pugh , 202 Fourth street. The deceased was one of the oldest residents of Council Bluffs , having como hero with her husband from the south In 1855. She had no chil dren living , but was surrounded by friends who did all they could to make her last days bright om > . The funeral was largely at tended. The pall bearers were : J. N. Gas ady , Samuel Haas , M. F. Rohrer , A. T. Elwoll , J. L. Stewart. P. C. DoVol , S. S. Keller and Dr. D. Macrae. Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Glen Falls Fire Insurance companies. These are among the largest and best companies In the world , and wo are sole agents for Council Bluffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. A large line of cHIldren's waists. METCALF BROS. Ladles , do not fall to look at the beauti ful new things on second and third floors of the Durfeo Furniture company. Nothing finer Is made. For sale , phaeton and harness. Mrs Lyman. _ Children's waists from 15c to $1.00. METCALF BROS. Scientific optician at Wollman's , 400 Broad way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Davis , agency for Munvor.'s remedies. I'KltiiOXilL JMrt.lfMMI'M * . Mrs. W. II. Trcynor Is visiting relatives In Glenwood. W. A. Maurcr has returned from a visit of several weeks In Colfax. O. W. McCoId. a prominent merchant ol Panama , la. , was In the city yesterday. George Rollins and wife of Rawllns , Wyo. arc the guests of Ed Canning and wife. R. T. Ward , ono of Boomer townshlp'e leading farmers , was In the city yesterday. L. A. Casper and \\lfo will leave next week for a summer outing at Asbury Park N. J. Mrs. U. McMacken loft last evening foi Joplln , Mo. , on account of the Illness of a brother. Miss Laura Fllcklnger has gone to Glen' wood to take the place of O. E. Gaston stenographer for Judge Thornoll , who li 111. Deputy Sheriffs N. O'Brien and C. G Peterson returned yesterday from Fort Mad' Ison , where they went to take a grist ol convicts to the penitentiary. C. G. Peterson and his family left ycster day afternoon for Sheldahl , Story county la. , In response to a telegram notlfylnt him that "his father , who has been danger ously 111 for some time , was dying. Mrs. M. P. Rae leaves today for Elkhart Ind. , to join her husband , who Is now It business with P. II. Fotherlngham. Shi will bo accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Rand' lett , who will visit Mrs. Fotherlngham. Sheriff Hnzeii and wife returned yesterda } from Anamosa , where they took Mrs. Jcs elo Mowery , under a one-year sentence foi adultery. Mrs. Mowery expressed liersel as much pleased with her new surroundings W rluht llroi1. sucrlllun ijnle. A great big stock of the finest and bes quality summer goods , the very latest up ti date and all new and fresh. Is what Wrlgh Bros. , the haberdashers , are closing out They have leased a store In an eastern cltj and have only a short time to wind up thali business here. They don't want to makt any money , and have cut off all profits. Yoi can buy a feood straw hat for 20c , and thi highest grade Derby * apd Fedoras for $2.25 which were bought for bargains at $3. Th < nicest line of summer underwear , all the lat est things In neglige shirts , dress shirts , sum mer neckwear , and everything the big stocl contains at sacrifices that make Investment ! lor you , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Urge line of cbtldren'i waists. METCALF BROS. Tune ) .Millinery hair. All trimmed hats at a great .reduction $10 hats for $6 : $ t2 hats for $7 ; $ G hats fci $3 ; $5 hats for $2CO ; a nlc trimmed hat to : $1. These prices will continue for the nex 30 days. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street. tljrI. C. O. D. Brown nns the only non-exploslv gasoline stove ever manufactured , and I I. will burn from 35 to 40 per cent less gasolln I.V than any other gasoline stove on the market -V The Hardman. the piano par excellence. * v'S- Flno work at Bluff City atoam laundry , 3 .North Mala street. Telephone 31C w < Olaud L. Waller's Slayer QeU Off with Two Years. BROTHtR OF THE VICTIM INDIGNANT Declares f.oo llocttcr l < Guilty of tlollbct- ate .Murder unit Think * the Ssn- tcncj Im oicil I'ntlrjljr Too Ligli'i Leo Itocdcr , who fatally shot Claude L. Walter In a Chicago real cstato office last September , has Just been sentenced to a two years' term In the Illinois penitentiary at Jollet for manslaughter. The murdered man was well known In Council Bluffs , hav ing been engaged In the Insurance business here up to a couple of years ago , and the circumstances of the shooting are well known to readers of The Bee. Waller made an antc-niortcm statement to the effe t that Roeder pulled the revolver out 'of a drawer , and , exclaiming , "I'll fix you , " sent a ball through his body. It took effect In the bowels. Indicting a wound from the effects of which he soon afterward died. This ante-mortem statement was ruled out of the evidence by Judge Tuthlll , on the ground that at the time It was made the deceased did net think ho was dying. Rocdcr's defence was that the snooting was accidental , and ho was corroborated by the evidence of a girl and a boy who were employed In the office In which It took place. B. N. Waller , the brother of the deceased , who lives In this city , considers the Judgment a travesty upon justice , and expresses his opinion In no ambiguous terms. WIIlTi : UOOlVASI1 ! (1OODS. Ilnnton More. A full dress pattern for 19c. 10 yards of 5c challle for 19c. DO pieces fancy Jaconets , regular 12 goods , on sale at 9c a yard. lUc Dimities , Llg assortment , at 12Vic a yard. Ladles' ribbed vests , 3o each. Ladles' ' Egyptian cotton ribbed vests , regular value IGc. at 9c , or 3 for 25c. Children's gauze vests , all sizes , worth lOc , at lOc each. Ladles' white silk para sols , worth $1.50 , on sale at $1.19 each. Sec them. Extra value In cream laces at Sc , lOc 12V4c and 23c a yard. Beautiful line of Indies' shirt waists on sale at T5c , $1.00 , $1.25. 200 sun umbrellas full 20-Inch , bcavy twilled silk , natural han dle , with silver tip , regular value $2.25 , to go at $1.50 each. 50c summer corset on sale at 33c each. 75c summer corset at 44c each. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , 401-405 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. Jnilce Acllrr in a Ilurrlntcr. The members of the German society o the Treubund of this city had some expe Hence with "Judge" Adler , the German scptuagenarjan who , with his young wife , Is now missing. They wanted a new set of articles of Incorporation drawn so as to divide the Iowa lodges from the general order , and Judge Adler , being a German , was given the Job. He did the work , but Just before the articles were filed the dis covery was made that Judge Adler had made a mistake , which , If It had not been found out , would have resulted In the new order Incorporating under the old name of the United Order of the Treubund , Instead of the Independent Order , as was desired. This little mistake , together with the word "seck- rytery , " which occurred several times In the document , caused the honest Germans com posing the organization to break out Into a cold sweat and to pull their articles back out of the recorder's hands. They had al ready paid Adler $45 for his work , and will have to pay some one else to undo his blun ders , "I'actolufl 1'ark lfarc . " , Greatest race meeting In the history of the turf , at Hed , Oak , la. , Juno 25 to 29 , Inclu sive. Four fastest horses In the world Allx , 2:0391 : ; DIrectum , 2.03Vi , the trotting . queen and king ; Robert J , 2:01li : , the world's pacer ; John II. Gentry , 2:03 : % , the stallion pacing king. For these races , dates above , from all territory , Ottumwa to Council muffs , Ne braska City Inclusive , a rate ot ono fare will be mada for the round trip. Allx will trot to lower her own and th.o world's cham- nlonshtp record on Juno 25 , and Robert J will attempt to lower the world's pacing record on Thursday , June 27. See small flyers for special train service. For further Information apply to any local agent , or J. M. llechtel , D. P. A. , Burllng- ton , la. We will make special prices for running service pipes for gas to your residence for the month ot June. Call at Gas office lor information , ( might a I'liino. Constable Albertl made a flying trip to the Milwaukee freight depot yesterday to servo a writ of attachment which John Deno & Co. sued out for the goods of W. A. Elliott , formerly yard master at the Rock Island depot. The petition was filed In Justice Cook's court and alleged that a lot ot goods were obtained under false pretenses at Bono's store by Elliott and his wife , and that they had absconded without paying , for them. The amount purchased was JIO. When Albertl reached the depot he found the piano and two boxes of house , hold goods all boxed up ready to bo taken out on. the next train. He seized all the stuff , and which of the parties gets It de pends upon the result of the litigation thus . commenced. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uuk l.uiiibnr. , Two carloads , 3x12-16 white oak , No. 1 common , $18 per thousand. A. Overton , Council Dluffs. HUhop Huiinil Uver. James Dlshop , who sold acidulated water ' and roasted peanuts at the driving park last week , was brought before Justice Walker yesterday for a preliminary hearing on the charge of obtaining a rig from a liveryman ' by representing that he was a friend of Charles T. Stewart , who would pay the bill. There was not much evidence taken , but only n little was needed. Ho was bound over to the grand Jury , and In default of a ball bond of $100 was sent to the county Jail , where he Is likely to remain until next September , Wright Dros. are selling their beautiful wash summer ties , latest stylish patterns , at 15e. They are closing out every dollar's ' worth of their goods In the store at a great sacrifice , preparatory to leaving the city. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway , If In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. SpflcUl Snlvatlnn Meeting * . "A four days ? campaign for the salvation of souls" will be Inaugurated nt the Salva tion army barracks , commencing Saturday , June 8. Several special assistants will be present to push the work along , among them being Staff Captain Cousins , Adjutant Mc- Abee and wife. Ensign Minnie Webber and Captain Cronan. Admission will be free. ItRluil liny for Miln In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. In quire of Thomas Johnson , city welghmaster. Alurrlttc" I.tcensei. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the county clerk yesterday : Name and Address. Age. M. M. Schofleld , Council Bluffs 2fi A. U , Hannan , Council Blurts 23 Charles II. Stlven , Council Bluffs 23 Jessie U. Latham , Council liluffs 19 Charles D. II. Johnson , Omaha 30 Ltnna Barton , Omaha 32 Sanctity School Nurmnl. Prof , Sefton , a well known student of the bible and Sunday school work , commenced n short convention yesterday afternoon In the Christian tabernacle , A normal class in Sunday school work was organized and an In teresting tlmo was had. Session * ot the class wore held both afternoon and evening Today will be spent In a bouse to house can vass ( or pupils , and another meeting win be held In the , Thursday afternoon a simitar meeting will be held. At all of these meetings the best methods of teaching the bible will bo discussed , and Prof. Sefton will give the benefit of his years of experience to these who come. All are Invited , Owing tea a lack of but few were present yesterday , compared with the number who ara expected to turn out as soon as ll be comes known that the convention Is In pro gress. \Vrlcht I roi. Are Clmlnn Out And disposing ot the very finest stock ot hats and gents' furnishing goods In thi city. Knox $5 hat , $3.75 ; Knox $4 hat , $3 $ ; Knox $3.50 straw hat , $2. 1 ntcrtiilniMl the I'aMnr. The members of the Baptist church ex tended a welcome to their new pastor , Rev. V. C. Rocho , and his wife last evening. The church was filled with an audience that had gathered to make his acquaintance. The early part of the evening was oc cupied with a program ot musical selections that called forth hearty applause , nearly every performer being compelled to respond to an encore. At the close of the pro gram Mrs. F. A. Sackett , In the name of the members of the church , presented Mr. Rocho and wife a handsome piano lamp. Refreshments were then served , and during the social hour that followed the guests were Introduced to the new pastor. Cole & Cole have 400.000 brick to close out at low prices , cither In bulk or by the thou sand , DlKordcriy Homo I'ltllrd , William Blackburn , a colored man , com plained to the city marshal last evening that the Inmates of a house nt the corner of Sixteenth street and Avenue B had been committing some very Improper acts of late , and he wanted a stop put to It. Last evening Marshal Canning paid a visit to the house , and as a result Cora Johnson , Helen Schefilcr and Tate Brown occupied cells at the city jail last night. Chlldrcn's walsts from 15c to $1.00. METCALF BROS. Kntcrtiilninjiit for St. Amlrou' * . The next regular meeting of the St. An drew's society will bo held at the home of the president , Dr. O. W. Gordon , 1703 Tos levin street , Thursday afternoon and evening , Juno C. Members , their families and friends nro requested to be on hand with filled bas kets for a 0:20 : o'clock lunch. STYMEST STEVENSON , Secretary. What Is more attractive than a pretty face with a fresh , bright complexion ? For It , use Pozzont's Powder. ji.iit iroc J.v Mis * Nellie Harrington , Murdered In Call fornlH , Formerly Lived lit Clinton , CLINTON , In. , June 4.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Investigation shows that ex-Senntor Buck nnd Miss Harrington , principals In the latest San Francisco murder sensation , were both from lown. They lived In Clin ton prior to 1S78. Buck was prominent In business nnd a member of the city council. The Harrington woman Is remembered ns connected with several robberies , among them several county treasurers. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 4. After .seventy- two hours' work on the murder of Nellie Harrington , which occurred In her own flat nt about noon on Saturday , the police detectives admit that they are completely batlled as to the motive of the deed or the Identity of the murderer. The detective * nro positive only on one point , that the person with whom Miss Harrington had nn engagement between 10 and 12 last Satur day committed the murder , and the brutal character ot the blows Inflicted lends to the belief that the murderer Is n man. The police have taken possession of 150 private letters , the contents of which are pnld to be Nentmtlonal by some of the detectives. Ex-Senator Buck , the murdered woman'F most Intimate friend , died this morning from Injuries sustained by a fall from n cart , Inhch he was beng driven by a policeman to the olllce of the chief of police for consultation. Ho was relied upon to throw some light on the tragedy. With his death the detectives nre at n IOPS to secure a clew or to suggest a motive for the murder. The story tlmt Miss Harring ton was only partially clad when found Is denied by the morgue plllclnlswho say the wtnpper she wore was partly torn nnd burned off. The inquest will be held gartly next. Ilenltli In the Household. Is pretty nearly a surety If Allen's Hygienic Fluid Is there. There Is no medicine Its equal for all-around usefulness. First of all , It Is a preventive medicine wards off all contagious diseases. It heals and purities bruises , burns , scalds and sores of nil kinds. Kills germs and odors. Its many other uses are described In a pamphlet which will bo mailed free If you address the Chas. L. Allen Co. , St. Louis. _ Mo. Two Io\v.i I'enplo Klllrd. INDIANOLA , In. . Juno 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) Mrs. David Daugherty , who lived some three or four miles from Laconn , was killed by lightning last evening. She leaves a husband nnd several children. GRINNELU la. , Juno 4.-Speclnl ( Tele gram. ) George Goodrich was struck by n etistbound Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific train this morning nnd mashed beyond rec ognition. Only try It once and bo convlned. Silver Age Rye Whiskey. sriciAi. UXCURSION To Hot Sprlngi , Smith Dakota. Juno 7 , via Northwestern line. Ticket ofllco 1401 Farnam street ; depot , 15th and Webster stieet. Huldcri Muftt Drponlt Tliolr Itnnd * . NEW YORK , June 4. The reorganization committee of the Fidelity Loan and Trust company of Sioux City , la. , gives notice that after Juno 28 holders ot debenture bonds who have not deposited their bonds will not bo entitled to the benefits of the plan of reorganization. lo\vn Merchant -Muldunly Disappear' . CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Juno 4.-Spccial ( Telegram. ) W. J. Reid , who purchased the general store nt Hale last March , has lett for parts unknown. It Is understood- wholesale dealers are out several thousand dollars. > There Is none so pure and palatable as Silver Ago Rye Whiskey. . 'K. I TIIKH ITulr nml Warmer InVritorn NchrnnUn with Nortlnve t trly Winds. WASHINGTON , Juno 4. The forecast for Wednesday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; warmer In the west ern portion ; northwesterly winds. For Iowa Fair ; warmer In th central nnd eastern portion ; northwesterly winds. For Missouri Fair ; warmer In the south ern portion ; northwesterly winds. For South Dakota Fair ; warmer In the eastern portion : northwesterly winds. For Kansas Fair ; warmer In the western portion ; westerly winds. Local Hrcord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , June 4. Omaha , record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding day of the past four > ears : 1S93. 1601. 1S91. 1692. Maximum temperature. . . 73 SI C7 71 Minimum temperature 48 68 DS 65 Average temperature CO 71 62 B3 PrcclpltHtlon W ) T 2.U T Condition of tempcrnVire nnd precipita tion at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1695 : Normal temperature CS Deficiency for the day U Accumulated excess since March 1 310 Normal precipitation IS Inch Deficiency for the day 18 Inch Total precipitation Mnco March 1. 6.24 Inches Deficiency since March 1 3.16 Inches Koportt from Other Httlon > at U i' . SI. T Indicates trace cf precipitation. A. WKL-1I , Obacrver. TURKEY MAY 1IAI1ETKODBLE Obstinacy of the Porto { . 'ameS Much Suf priso in Diplomatic , Circles. WAR SH PS MAY BE CALLEtfjfNTO ACTION Toners Who ln < l t Upon He- form * In the Administration of , \r- nionlitn AtT.tlr * Are 1'olltcly Snubbed by tlio for to. CONSTANTINOPLE , June 4. The reply of the Turkish government to the notes of the representatives of Great Britain , France and Russia In regard to the proposed reforms In Armenia , has been delivered to the envoys. Tlis porte's answer Is not satisfactory. The Turkish government does not agree to the principle of the control of the proposed re forms by the powers. After receiving the reply the envoys of the three powers held a meeting , at which they decided to refer the whole matter to their respective governments. The position Is serious , as last week the British embassy Informed the porte that Great Britain had resolved not to accept any modifications of the propositions affect ing reforms In Armenia , and the representa tives of the other powers have made the same declaration to the porte. The reply of the Turkish government causes surprise , and It Is thought that such an answer would not have been given without encouragement from some European power. But the presence of the British Mediterra nean squadron , consisting of seventeen ships , at Beyrout , points to an agreement between Great Britain , France and Russia to force Turkey to comply with the demands of the powers. Consequpntly , Interesting news may shortly bo flashed from Beyrout , Syria , where It Is believed the British fleet will be called upon to support the demands of the three powers. The measures which Great Britain , France and Russia Insist upon as .preliminary tore- form Includes the appointment of a high commissioner for Armenia , general amnesty for and release of all political prisoners , the revision of certain judgments and the ap pointment of a commission to sit at Con stantinople charged with the application of the reforms and working In concert with the high commissions. It Is also demanded by the powers that the governors and vice governors of Van , Er- zeroum , Slvas , Bltlls , Khartul and Trebl- zonde be Christian or Mussulman , according as the population of those place Is Inclined. In any case , however , either the governor or vice governor of the places named Is to be a Christian and the appointment of those officials Is to be approved by the powers. Taxes are to bo collected by local and not by state officials , and enough Is to be retained before the money U forwarded to Constant ! nople to provldn for the cost of local adminis tration , as under the present system all tax money Is first tent to Constantinople , from which city but little of It returns to Armenia. The powers also propose to compel the porte to make radical chapges In the judicial system In order to Insure fair trials , the surveillance of prisons and the abolition of torture , and the police Is to bo composed of Turks and Christians equally , the Turkish government Is to be compelled to strictly enforce the laws against' ' compulsory conver sion to Iflnmlsm. , Aa already cabled by the Associated press , wfacn the sultan read the note of the repre sentative powers outlining the proposed re forms he was not unfavorably Impressed. Ho had several conferences with the foreign ambassadors , and the Austrian ambassador urged to acquiesce to the demands of the powers. But it was added at the time the sultan appeared to bo counting upon the moral support of Emperor William of Ger many , to whom he'Is known to have sent an autograph letter on the , subject. TOULON , June 4. Two French cruisers have been dispatched to Jeddah to support the three British cruisers bent to that port to enforce/ the prompt'punishment of those who were engaged In ( no murderous assault upon the foreign consular officials there resulting In the killing of the British vice consul and the serious wounding of the British consul , Mr. Richardson ; the Russian consul , Mr. Brandt , and the secretary o ] the French consul , M. D'Orvillc. CAUUINAI , CALLS ON THE IMH'K tttubons to llnvo Sevnntl Other Audiences I'oforo lie I.PHVPS Knnie. ROME , June 4. Cardinal Gibbons had a private audlenco lasting forty minutes with the pope yesterday. Upon emerging from the audlenco a representative of the Asso ciated press hod an Interview with the car dinal. The latter said he had not seen the pope since 18SC and was surprised at bis excellent health. Cardinal Gibbons said that he was astonished at the mental viva city of the pope , who , In spite of his age retains the strength of bis Intellect unim paired. He said : "He showed surprising freshness of memory , recalling even the small details of religious , social and scho lasttc matters concerning the United States especially the diocese of Baltimore. " The cardinal added that the pope had In vited .him to further audiences uofore he left Rome In order to discuss the presen' ' and future religious and social conditions o" the United States , In which the pope as sured the cardinal ho took the keenest In terest. Cardinal Gibbons Introduced to the pope Rev. Father Thomas , rector of the cathedral at Baltimore , and Rev. Father Slattery , superior of the Society of St Joseph. ' 1IUUNUU A Sl'.XNlsH TOUT. In Splto of Reported Successes Claims Are Mudo Tlioy Are Discouraged. HAVANA , Juno 4. The Insurgents have succeeded In burning Fort Bonlsto , which was In course of construction at Moron , a short distance north of Santiago. Lieutenant Colonel Tejcda has taken prls oner a lieutenant of the Insurgents who de clares that the latter are dispirited since the death of Marti. He confirms the report tha Maximo Gomez is wounded , as are Bellto and Lora. The troops were tired upon by Insurgents between Victor de Lastunas am Puerto del Padre , tat the attack was re pulsed , the resulting loss to the rebels being two wounded and two prisoners. Maceo's band of Insurgents has burned a plantation In Quantanamo belonging to the heirs o Bueno. Inbinet Decline * to He Voted Oat. MADRID , Juno 4. The Chamber yesterday by a majority of seventy-eight votes adopted a motion censuring thogovernment. . The ministerial party refusqd t'o'take part In the division. All the ministers quitted the House before the vote Avas taken. The cabinet declines to 'resign , because the ministerialists say they luccepted ofilce on Senor Sagasta'a promise ilhei opposition would support them In passing ittio budget. The situation Is critical and tbo republicans ap pear to have overthrown 'tho government. TIUulVHTO un the INruvlin Couit. LIMA , Peru , June 4.7--A . , tidal wave has occurred on the northern , > Pacific coast of Peru and the cable between Callao and Arrlca Is broken. Much idamage has oc curred at Mollendo , which. Is also a cable station and which Is tlie'fertnlnua of a rail way to Arequlpa and -1'und and has an ele gant railway station. Other seaports are also reported as having sustained much damage from the tidal wave. ilnpnncno I.iiuil In rormnta. YOKOHAMA , June 4. A dispatch received here from the Island of Formosa says that the Japanese Imperial guard landed near Kee Tung Wednesday night and that fighting en sued. The Chinese lost heavily. HONG KONG , Juno 4. News has been re ceived here that the Japanese hove captured Kee Tung In the northern part of the Island of Formosa. Three hundred Chinese were killed. Cuban Exllo Iteturna to America , NEW YORK , -June 4. Francisco Carlllo , the Cuban exile , wag a passenger by the steamer Panama , which has arrived from Havana. Carlllo ls 43 years old. He ap peared In excellent health and spirits. He said that be was arrested on February 24 giiimmmmmiiimiiimwmmmmmmmminmimnminma STON CARPET i- Hi 1 I65DOOOLA55T. DEPT E June Sale 3 CM Everything in remnants , small lengths or wher e we have only one pattern of a kind , we offer at prices that are boiled : clown to the very lowest point. S 10 pieces all wool 65c Ingrain Carpet , to close - 39c g 7 pieces part wool 45c Ingrain Carpet , to close - 29c jg5 12 pieces heavy 35c Ingrain Carpet , to close - 19c Best Smyrna1 Rugs , 36x72 , to close - , _ , - - $2.75 g = Best Smyrna Rugs , 30x60 , to close - $1.98 gg Japanese Rugs , 6x9 , to close - - - - - - $4.98 Japanese Rugs , 9x12 , to close $10.00 : Linen Warp Japanese Matting - 4 20c fE Fancy check China Matting - 12c g Moquet Carpet , -with OP without border 85c gp Brussels Carpet , -with or without border - 85C g- Velvet Carpet , \vith or without border - 87c 3 Good Oil Cloth , new paterns - Remnants of Carpet * ; g * Remnants of Aluttiiigs and Oil Cloths nt about your own price to close. "g S n n i in n 11 n n in i m it i n in i n m in i nun n in i n i ll Hi i ll ll I H i 111 ) n i n S and placed In the Cabanas prison at Havana for suspected sympathy with the Insurgents and not because he had committed any overt act. Ho was well treated while In prison and was released Just In time to take pass age by the Panama for New York. He could not say at present whether ho would take any action against the Spanish authori ties for hta unwarranted arrest. FOKM.ILIA TKANSf lUKLi : ) Jupmi Took Odlclnl 1'osteMlon ot the Is land I. nut Suntiny. . SHANGHAI , June 4. Lord Ll Chlng Fang , the son of Viceroy Ll Hung Chang , and Mr. John W. Foster , who have been to the island of Formosa for the purpose of formally transferring it to the Japanese according to the terms of the treaty , have returned here. Mr. Foster , In an Interview after his return , stated that Admiral Viscount Kulbayina , formerly chief of the Japanese navy depart ment , has been appointed governor of For mosa. The formal transfer ot the Island of Formosa and the Chinese property on that Island was effected at Kee Lung on Sunday , Juno 2 , when the documents necessary to the transfer were made. Mr. Foster will re turn to the United States by the first strainer. llolil MTUV In Marrdontn. LONDON , June 4. The Chronicle contains an article giving details of how bands of brigands are ravaging Macedonia. The writer declares that the lives and property of Chris tians in Macedonia are entirely unprotected. Abduction and murder are everyday occur rences , and the whole country Is Infested with brigands. _ Oiciir Wlldo Violently IiiSiinc. LONDON , June 4. It Is reported here this evening that Oscar Wilde , who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment at hard labor after having been convicted of gross inde cencies , has become Insane and Is confined in a padded room. I.AIHJV TUUKIMI Six for I'lvu Dollars. The manager of the bath anil complexion parlors at The Dee building has secured the services of a trained masseuse for ono month , who , by years of experience and careful study , can bv facial massage and medicated vapors , creams and balms , make the old to look young and the young yet moro youthful all from the remedies nature herself teaches. Special attention to hair dressing. WANIS THE ALLOWANCE CUT. Coclirnn la Not Satisfied with the Order of I ho Court. Ilev. Warren Cochran and ono of his former wives , Mrs. Letltla Cochran , propose to have another fight In district court over the question of alimony. Several years ago the courts granted a dlvorco and the supreme court affirmed the Judgment below. Rev. Mr. Cochran , however , is dissatisfied with the amount of alimony which ho Is expected to pay. It figures up to $2,000 a year for three consecutive years. Ho claims that even granting that he was once a man of prop erty , able to support a wife In this style , that his worldly affairs have so altered , ho having grown weak of eyesight and lost his property , that the equity branch of the court would be Justified In cutting down his wife's pin-money. Ho has married since his former divorce. Minor Court Mnttors. The assignee In the Julius Damberger assignment has been discharged. A verdict has been returned In favor of the defendants In the case of Daniel Me- Pherson , surviving partner of the firm ol Coney & McPherson , against George Decker. Klght hundred dollars was asked for com missions on a sale of stock. Becker proved that the claim had been outlawed. ItlllKFS , i ! i ! Uoinettlc. It Is denied that fruit on the west slope of the mountains In Colorado has been killed by frost. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Vcasey has been 111 for the post week as the result of overwork. A thanksgiving congress In connection with the opening ot the national headquarters ol the Salvation army Is In progress In New York. Lightning- struck a school house at Roll , Ind. , In which there were sixty children. The house was burned but the children all es caped. Mllltla has been ordered back to Pocahontas - tas , Va. , as since their withdrawal the strik ing miners have again become very threat ening. Attorney General Dawes ot Kansas Is In Leavcnworth arranging for a criminal prosecution of ex-Warden Chase ot the peni tentiary. The Massachusetts senate has overridden the veto of the governor to the bill giving veterans of the war preference In the em ployment of the state. It Is estimated that 1,000 delegates have been appointed to the silver convention which meets at Memphis , June 12 , and more are being selected dally. The Kentucky republican state- convention meets at Louisville today , George Denny has been selected by the state committee for temporary chairman. Four members of the San Francisco Civic federation have been arrested for crlmlna libel on complaint of Dr. Marc Livingstone a candidate for health ofllcer . In opening the case for the government In the I'cralta land grant case at Santa Fe the government attorneys claimed that al the evidences ot title were forged. U Is announced trat In case the late Sec retary Gr 8liam had not drawn his pension for more than three years It has lapsed am his widow muat file a new application , Tuesday a mob of 200 striking Poles , Huns and Italians forced the miners at Martin's Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments anl Goods of Every Description. Schocilsack's Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A and 2GtH St. , Council Uluffs. Office , 1521 Far mini St. , Omaha. Send for Price List , Ferry , 0. , to stop work. The sheriff sent deputies to protect the men at work. A convention of the silver men In Kansas ias been called to meet at Topcka June 18. Near Ulkhart , Intl. , a crowd of neighbors called on the man Sccrdy who assaulted his nelcc and after severely wh'pplng him ordered him to leavo. He accepted the advice. The Pennsylvania steel works of Stcclton , I'a. , have Increased the wages of Its 3,800 employes 10 per cent. The works are now running at full capacity In all departments. The populist executive committee of North Carolina has Issued an address which sets forth that recent departures from the time lionored coinage laws have brought disaster upon the country. The reports of prospective trouble at the Kansas penitentiary when the successor of Warden Chase otempted to take possession are contradicted. It Is likely Chase wll | glvo up peaceably. The Missouri supreme court has decided that In case the holder of an accident Insur ance policy has used ordinary diligence to prevent Injury the company must pay In case the holder Is Injured. Secretary Smith has decided that under Inf low the old method of printing the Patent Olllco Gazette must bo continued , though by substituting ordnary ( printing for lithograph ing $50,000 might bo saved. Governor Moslny of Indian territory has called a meeting of the cabinet and It Is re ported the legislature will bo called together to take some action on the proposition to b'o submitted by the Dawcs commission. Bernard Connor , a patient In a Catholic hospital at Cleveland , shot and fatally wounded another patient named Donnovan , and seriously wounded a nurse named Can- tllllon. Donnovan had been annoying Connor. Foreign. A fresh uprising has broken out at Daran- qullla , Colombia. President Diaz of Mexico has received Gen eral Marquez , who has Just returned from exile. Four cart loads of salted heads of rebels belonging to the Rahma tribe , In Morocco , have arrived at Rabat. Count Ferrada , a former membsr of the Italian cabinet , was shot and killed at the door of his home In Rlmlnl by unknown parties. Much uneasiness exists In Newfoundland over reports that there Is liable to be a hitch In the procuring of the loan recently nego tiated In England to relieve the pressing needs of the treasury. General Cabezas , late governor of the Mos quito territory , has arrived at the capital of Nicaragua and demanded an Investigation of the charges of misappropriation of public funds. His wish will bs gratified. Impossible to lt\o In Tlili Coun'ry Without heating about the Northwestern line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people WILL talk about Its conveniences , tastefulness - ness and comprehensive up-to-dateness. Omaha , 5:15 : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:15 : a. m. Vca- tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte diners. Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. No extra - tra cost. Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checked at home ? City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street. Till ! IIKAI.TY MAKUr.T. INSTRUMENTS placed on record June 4 , 1895 : McOavocU & O'Keefc company to Torcnro O'llnnlon et Hi. lot 19 , block 1 , McUuvock & O'Keefe'B aiM . $ Sto Theila Williams and tiusbnnJ to II G llur- banlc , lot C , Godfrey's pulxllv . 2,750 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. John Madison to National Life Insurance company , lot 5 , Andrews , W & T'a eubdlv 1 . DUED. Sheriff to A J Hanncom , 22x132 feet In lot 2 , Capitol add . 2.KO Total amount of transfers . 5C.JSI Bcccham's pills arc for biliousness - ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia heartburn liverdiz- , , torpid , - ziness sick headachebad , , taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of skinetc. appetitc.sallow , . , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills 10 + and aj * a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co , , 365 Canal St. , New York. JLnnuil ulei morn thin ( , J3 OOOlojei. DUFFY'S Pure Malt Whiskey. All Druggists > .PANGLE i . , , The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience. IIUAIIKK OF IHSKASK.H OF MI3N AMD WOMEN , rnopiuirrou or TUB WOKLIl'ri HKU1 AT. DISI'KN- SA11Y Olf MKIUCINi : . / treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of tholleiul , TUrnat and Lungs ; Dls > roses of tlio U/o and Kar , Fits and Apoplexy , Heai t Disease , Liver Complaint , Kidney Coin * plaint , rs'crvoiin Ilclilllty , niuiital DC * prcHHlon , I.oss of niiuiliuocl. ticitt * hull \VealciiCHH , Diabetes , llrlnlit's Dig. cnbC , St. Vltus' DUMCKJ , Itliummitisin , Parallels , WhitoHwehlnir. Scioftilii , Fever Snicn , Tiim. OTH mill 1'lHttila In mio rcmo\cfl without tlie Unite or clruwinir < i drop of blood. Woman wltli licr Ucllcittc orifiiiid rcHtorcd to lialtli. . I > ro | > Hy cured wltliout tnppliiur. Hpeclnl Attention Klvcit to Mrlvntu mid Venereal IMHunHCH of nil ItlmlH. Ono to Ssooploi felt lor liny Venereal ItlHeiiHC I cannot cure vvltlioiit ItXurciiry. Tupo Worms removed in two or llireo hours , or no pay. llcuioriuoid * or I'lles cured. TIIOSI ! WHO AIM ! AFFMCT15I ) Will snvo life and hundicds oC dollars by call ing on or using1 DR. G. W. PAtlCLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. The only I'lij ulclan who can IdlvIuitulU a poraon without unking u quphtlon. Tlu e nt a ( llstnncii hciul Tor y ItIankNu. 1 for men , No. 'A fur women. All correspondence strictly confidential. Medicine cent by express. Acldreea all lettcri to O. W. I'ANOI.K , M. IK , 553 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BIUFF Enclose lOo In Btumpg for icplv. 1' ' ' 111 ' * 1"1" " * JRSSSS * * ? ? P HIRES Rootbccr contains enough snrsa- parillu alone to give it the highest place 03 n promotorof good health To this.add . the most delicious herbs roots.barks and berries nnd you have the reason why millions of people drink and grow healthful ou Hircs'i A iSc. p tUte nikti S itl CHAS. E. HIRES CO.PHILA.J > . .tHj. i' . BANFOHD. W. IUKKMAN. President. Cash ! r. Of COUNCIL BLUrFJ. Iowa- Capital , - $100,000 Profits , i 110 On * of th * oldeit bonVi ID th itati ot low * . \Ve ollclt your builneis ana collection * W pay 6 per cent on time deposit * . W will b plmt-d to ae * * nd terra you. SPECIAL SALi : OK TRIMMBD HATS WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . 01' ' T1IIU WUUK. | TBIMMiD HATS FKOM 2BO UP. MHR B. J. BCOTT , C3 Broadway. SIMS R RIINRIMDRF . Attariiy -i l.l. _ r , . a i.ructjce , „ tlie eta,8 and Federal Courtn. Uooms SOG-7-8-9 , , Dlock , Council muffs , Iowa. Special Notices-Council CHIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULTH CLEANED. Kil IJurke , at W. B. llomtr'i , US Uroailway , I'AIW AND GARDEN LAND FOR , eule cheap -nil on cany terms. Day & Ileai , FARM LANDS TO UXCHANQi : FOR CITX properly C. R , Nicholson , Uroutlway. BALI : . A NO , 4 writer : ua KooU na new. K-mlwIch Manufacture Ing Co. , llBSjmd 1030 8. Main alreet. _ " " " rbu "BALE , "COLUMUUB "rlrABTONl ooob condition ; ICO cu h. II. J. Ada tin , 941 1'erln avenue , city. _ O I RL WA NTKD FOJl OKNERAL 1IOU8U ? work. Urs. Mueller , 722 Willow avenue.