G THE OMAHA DAILY BE E : TUESDAY : JUNE 4 , 1805. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL riuctuations in Grain on the Board of Tmdo Wore Very Wide , GENERAL RAINS DEPRESSED THE MARKET \Vhent Opened \Veult on Account of Im proved Crop Coiidltlon - - Corn w Alio Uull nnd Ileclliiltic-Stooki nnd llondt. CHICAGO , Juno S.-Sag anil rooovety were thu features In nil of the pits on the Hoard of TrnJo today , nnd though the fluctuatlpns In grain wore rather wide , the close shows a comparatively small divergence from final figures on Saturday , wheat being tic , corn ? ic and oats tic lower. Provisions uro prac tically unchanged. Wheat opened weak on account of the heavy rnlna which fell In the west and northwest yesterday and during last night The spring wheat thus received a sulll clcncy of moisture for all present purposes and Iho corn and oats crops , whom thu rain Honked them , got timely relief. The benefit thus conferred was made the most of by thofe who wished to see a good reac tion In the price of wheat. They overdid the subject of the reports received this morning regarding the complete failure ol the winter wheat , where something Ilko a half crop had been promised up to a week ago. Many of those who nto believers In ultimately higher prices for wheat , but had Bold out from time to tlmo on the bulges , were quite as anxious an the pronounced bears to RCU n drop In price. Two r.tthcr strong parties were thus arrayed ngaln t the stayers among the bulls , and when tin signal pervlce report was Issued pud named the probability of thunderstorms for Illi nois , Indiana and lower Michigan. Iho mar ket , which hail for half an hour previous been giving symptoms of wi'iiknosR , became decidedly heavy , nnd the prlcn had n Kt-vcie tumble. H. M. Thoman's crop report was Issued today , and because ot its Indicating a good yield of spring wheat , nlthougi from a considerably diminished acreageI I seems to have been appropriated by the bears. The most slgnlllcant features of the report are the decrease of l.WM.OOO nc-ros In the area of winter wheat , and of TOO.Wn. nurcs In that of spring , the great detorlo ration in the condition of winter wheat compared with that of a year npo , and tin Importers' most significant remarks In view of the possibility of. a continuance of the unfavorable weather , which had nt the tlmo of hla returns caused the poor condl tlons at that time. Ho says : "Should present conditions In soil and climate bo maintained for ten days longer , practical failure would result when half a crop Is now promised. 1'ractlca failure of extensive areas In In ( llnnn , Illinois , Ohio nnd Michigan havt nlready occurred , nnd the devastation li those states Is still in progress , nhunudnncc of testimony to that effect being toda > added to what was previously known ubou It. It.Tho The Missouri stale crop report , which per hups covers the condition to a still late date than Thoman's , makes the reduction li condition for the month , 28 , ns ngalns Thoman's 15 points , reduction for the sann state. The market , which , In the mean time , had declined 24c per bu. from th highest price nt HIP opening , at once be gan to climb upward , assisted by n greate reduction In the visible supply than wa looked for. The opening was as Irregula ntf usual , but sellers were everywhere am buyers hard to find. The opening rang wns from 79c down to "S c for July , will September nt 'Vic or 4c premium. I dropped to 78',4c nt once , advanced to 78 . nnd then the rain predictions nnd othc matters already referred to remained In force until the price was down to 7c ( ! , n which point the Missouri stnto report wn made public , and the recovery to the clos Ing figure of 7Salc was begun. Corn weakened by the rains In the wcsl nnd to some extent also In sympathy with the early heaviness. It recovered n good deal of Its early loss when , toward the end of the session , wheat showed the posses sion of a recuperative power , In spite of the Increase In the visible supply. The opening price for July was from KVic down to MVic , as against t > 2c on Saturday. It reacted to 5B4c ( , as the bottom of the de cline , and recovered to fjl"jc nt the close , the decline closing 7ic oft for the day. He celpts were C01 cars. Oats were fairly active nnd showed n decline nt ho close of 14c on June nnd July , Ho on September nnd Vic on May. The feeling throughout the session wns very weak and values much lower. There wns free selling by longs and other parties. This wns the principal features of the early drop In prices. The visible supply was re ceived , showing an Increase of 1,23G,000 bu. . nnd further weakness was noticeable. Shortly before the close , however , the mar ket found a turning point. Wheat nnd corn experienced a big reaction , which oats fol lowed. Then the Missouri state crop re port gavu the condition of Hie oats ns10 points lower than It wns lust year. This fact wns somewhat Influential In assisting the latter advance. The provision market was. moderately nc tlve and closed firm after weakness nt the start , fluctuating In sympathy with grains At the close pork showed no change In the price for September , nnd 7Hc higher for July. Lard declined DC for July , nnd 2'/c for September , and ribs gained 2 ! c for both deliveries. Estimated for tomorrow : Wheat , CC cars : corn. 773 cars ; oats , 310 cars ; hogs , 19,000 heart. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. Op an. | 111'h. | LDSV. | Clou. 78M 7DJ4 7Hf * H 7li ) ) 80 60 G1H BO sm oa ) < MH 63 } , Mt 01Ji ! SOW 2PM 20H 30H US1 * sou 12 R2 12 CO 12 47K 12 nn li ! 83 IS 7ii ! ! JO gl * 0 05 0 07K II OS n mid 11 87H U CO (1 ( K1'W U 87H , 0 32l 0 33 C 30 0 35 G fi'J'4 0 ly.'Hi ( I 47.1 tl fi'J ) Cash quotations were ns follows : FUDtm Dull but steady ; winter patents , J3.70 R4.00 ; winter stralKhts. J3.25W3.75 ; linkers , iK ! > B3.2.Hprlnir ; patents , J3.WJFl.30i ; tprlnc strnlKlitft , JJ.10ffi4.00 , WIIBAT No. 2 i-prlnir , 78H tSlHc ; No. 3 eprlnir , 7341 Sc ) : No. 2 rod , 7JHW78C. COHN No. 2 , fd\c ; No. 3 yellow , tnic. OATS No. 2. 27ic ; No. 2 while , 31'iB32cj No. I white , 310314. HVK No. 2. C5o , llAHI.KY-No. 2. H'.iCIIo ; No. 3. WCSlc ; No. I , nomlnnl. Vli\X 8I3BD No. 1 , tl.ttWll.K. TIMOTHY SKF.D I'rlniP. J5. I'HOVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . J12.50W 1Z.62H. IJird. per 100 Ibs. , S.57HeC.W. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , JG.23qC.30 ; dry salted slinul- clerH ( boxed ) , K > .37iS.bO ! ; short clear nlilea ( boxed ) , JC.WKC.C2H. WHISKY Distillers' finished ecols , per gal. , | l.c % . HUOAHR Unchanged. The following were the receipts and shipments today : On the Protiico oxchanro today the bnttor mar ket wan firm ; creamery , 10j 17c ; dairy , loa lOc. Eee , steady ; 11HU120. Clioeso , quloti 0)t ) B7HC. _ _ _ _ _ NKW Ytlllli UKNKIIAL .MAKICKT. Cloilnt QnntHtlont on llio Prlnulptl Co-u- inoilltli'X unit siiiplcn. NHW YOTIK , Juno 3. FLOril-Itecclpts , 8,112 bbls. ; cxjKlts. 6,700 bbla. ; sales , 13.100 pkRii. ; mar ket quiet unit generally steady except for prlng patents , which arc lower under a pressure ta sell. City mill patents , . J4.85W B.15 ; winter patents , J4.0004.4) ; city mill clears , M.10C4.40 ; winter straights. J3.75W4.15 ; Minnesota patents , JI.C1OI.7i ) ; winter extias. t3.C003.6J ; win ter bakers , l3.2iC4.S5 ; winter low nrudos , I2.45W 8.05 ; sprlnB low grades. } i0002.50 , Ilyo Hour , quiet ; Balm , 2.205 baK . COHN MHAL Quirt ; l'iw western. J1.1SO 1.20 ; llrandywlne. IS. WHKAT ItrcclplH , 10S.5O ) bu. j exports , none ; Bales. 6.400.0U ) bu. futurvH. 8.000 bu. spot. Hjiot Irregular ; No. 2 risl. In More nnd elevator , RDHc ; lUlixit , S2c : f. o. U , kl'c afloat , canal : No. 1 nortliern , S4 > , io dellvertil ; No. I hanl. W.Jo de livered. Options were very wi\ik all the morn ing. selling ufl under free liquidation and rc- l > rts of heavy rains west of th Mlnsleslppl. 'ni Mltourl btute report of 21 txilnts decline In condition cause , ! nctlve covering and a full recovery of prices In the afternoon , with u slight eetluck at the clone , which left final figures Ho net lower , but 2o up from the bottom ; No. t ml , June , closed MIC ; July , TOStiSIe , clo e\l H c ; August , 0 < iU2Uc , closed SITtc ; Bcptemlwr. t i 13-16C. closed 82 > ic : OctolxT. closed (2ic ; Uvcember , . COHN Hecelpts , S6.800 bu.t experts. K.W ) bu. : salea , 770,000 bu. futures , C4.0UO tiu. spot. tpot ! Irregular ; No. X , UUo elevator , E7Uc afloat ; yel itit low. Mo clellvrred. Options declined at first under talk of rains and liquidation , but nntlly rallied with wheat , closing Ho lower , July , WkO' tlCic. clo ej tC c. OATH llecelpb ? , < 1,200 > m. : exports , none , sales. 315.000 bu. futures. 87,000 bu. spot. Spot Inwular : No. X 3KO33Uc ; No. a ik-llvered , UKuMCi No. 3. JI63i > sc , No. 2 white , 3 Hc ; NJ. I white. 31Mc ; track , white western. 37043c , OplloB * opectd week oa nport * of rain , partly itml cloixl Uc lower Jun i ; , i. cl. . d S2-ci Jnl ) . , .121/113 ' ic , closed U-ftc ; Sepletn- bvr , 336ilS > : . O * d 3-Hie. IIOI'M- Dull ; state , vuimnon to cholco. old , 20" Cc ; I" ! ) ) , 40W ! crn l , oM. S > ; IKH , 4 c llAV-Qulelt iililpplnv , MtfCuCj gixxl to cbolcf , HUiSFinn : ! wet failed New Orleans. ' fe- If , leil , < 5 to tf < Ibs. . C'-c. numlsiRl ; Tc.ins. se lected , Vi t OT lbs,7c , nominal ; lluonrn Ayres , dry , 20 tu 21 K. , , 15c , nomlnnlj Texns dry , 21 In ; o lli ! . , lOc. LI ATHIilt I'lrnii bimlixkP. \ . Uucno9 Ayrcs , llcht to hc-nvy , Mtfijp ; acid. 2igtr > . WOOIFltnii ilutncstle fleece. ICfJiSc. I'HO VISIONS Ilf f , .qilleli family , lll.f > iW13.l > 1 ; xtia m w , I1.MU9.00 ; Ixx-f liimn , tlD.Wff21.no. Ift-f , dull ; city , extra India nu , tl7.00@lt.lV ) ) . Cut nu-atn. rtdidy ; Jilckkd billies , SH'dC'ic ; plrkled slioulclerv , ti i R . , 'ic. Lurd. steady ; west ern steam clnicd at t6.MiJC. 3 ; mlon , 2i tierces nt p. t. ; city , O'ir ' ; July cloned IC.S.'i nominal ; Si'miitember c'lnjfd $7.17 nominal ; rcfltu-tl , eacy ; rcnllticnt , I7.1R ; fuuth An rlc-iin , J7.50 ; com pound. jr. . I. . Pcuk , dull and cn. y. Illfrrnil Hlendv western dnlry , 8 } 13c ; we t- crn mampry , IZdlTi-c ; we tctn factory , , 17Uc ; linltntlon creamery , lOiiJUHo ; state tlslry , IHMTc1 ; Unto creamery , 17140. fli ( | : : . L' IMill ; flnlclaiKe. . 5rr7c ; small. 5'iO 7Hc : part * lilm > , HUHKc ; full nklms. lOI'ic. iOUrt--Sfndy ; ( : stale nnd I'cnnsylviinln , I3JJI 1.1'ie : ci l.-in fresh , 12Vc ; southern , lli/IHic / ; recr'lpii , 7,4li : pkKii. TALI.O\V--ull. clly , 4Hc ; country. 4 ie. rirrnnt.Klj'M Dull ; United rinsed II 61 bid ; refVied New Yolk , J7.75 ; I'hlladolphla nnd Haiti- more , )7.70 ; I'lillaclelidiln nnd IJiiltlmore , In bulk , } 5.9) . ItoHIN Slendy ; Mrrilnrcl , common to good , : I'lg Iron , Mendy ; Heolch „ 20.00 ; Atueilcnn , ! IO.OO I2 m. Copper , firm ; brokers' price , JIO.SO ; cAclinnno' prlcn , Jlf.CO. ) Lend , firm ; dinkr-m * price. J.1.0714 ; exchange prlee , J3.27fc. ! Tin , quiet nnd nnn ; Mralts , JII.20 ; plates , mniket quiet. Hpelter , dull ; sales on Vhnnirc. IS Inn * September U , JI4.23. POTTO N HiHf > oil. S'lmv. with demand con fined In off grnde iMimmer yellow for export , with liu. rrn and sellers npart ; prime crude , 2.'W2lc ; off crude. 2lifi23r : prime summer yellow , 27iii4c ; off mitmm-r yellow , : cg'G'4c : ; yellow butter grades , 2Sc ; pi line summer white , not quoted. OMAHA UKNKUAI , MAIUCIJT. Condition'cif Tnnln anil Otiotntlcvn on Mnpln unit r ucy I'rnilnro. The egg mniket remained steady yesterday nt last week's closing' pi Ices. Duller Is not moving very freely except pirelc- Imr stock , which appears to be in good demand. Oei'HB nnd luikeyn lire In poor demand at low pilccs. Quotation" : IX'.riS-Cliiilce Hock. lOc. Ilt'TTnil PniUIng Hock , 7Sc ? ; choice to fancy. I < vfjl2c : gnlhcred country , lie ; separator I.IVi : roi-I.THY-IIons. CJTOKc ; roostcrR , _ „ 4r ; tprlmt chic-kens , J2.OOfTI.DO per doz. ; ducks , Cc ; tutkc-ys. GfiTc : geese , DC. VI2AI. Clicdcc fat , 7 Oti > 100 Ibs. , nre quoted nt Co ; large nnd coaise , 45',4c. I'linilHi : Wisconsin full cream , 9c ; Youna Americans , lOc ; t lna , lie : Nebinska nnd Inwa , full cieain. lOe ; Nebraska and Iowa , part fklins , Cfi7c ; l.lmburger. No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss. No. 1 , lie. HAY Upland hay , JS.50 ; midland , JS ; lowland $7 r.O ; rye straw. J.T ; color makes the price cm hay. I.lKht bales sell the best. Only top Ktadis ? IjrliiK top prices. I'lUUONS-I'er doz. , Jl.00fll.50. A few Texns tomatoes arrived on the market yesterday nnd lire expected to come quite freely In the cotitHC of a few days. It Is reported tha there has been entirely lee much tnln In SHc. slfKlppI , nnd that the big crop theic Is belns damaged to nnmo extent. AVcst Tennessee , on the contrary , needs more rnln. Georgia promises to send north her first water melons nbuut June 12 , while the henvy ship ments will commence eight or ten days later. The crop l Bald to be heavy. Southeast Mis. sour ! reimits a smaller acreage of melons thnn last wason. but the melons promise to be un usually IBIKO nnd fine. Quotations : rATLlFLOWEH Southern stock , per crate , . .j. ONIONS Ilermudap , per crate , fl.S001.GO ; Cnl Ifornln , In narks , per Ib , 2c. IwrATOEH Western Etock , car lots , 70flSOc small lots. SOJTUOc ; new , per Ib. , 2c. OLH IlHANS-IIand picked , navy , f2.20 ; Llmj beans , per Ib. , 5iiSn" > Vc. CAllllAOK On ordcrB , 3c. Sl'lNAPH l'i-r bu. basket. 35fIOc. HADIHIIKS I'er doz. bunches , 13c. bunchps- .u , AHI'AHAOl'S Choice stock , on orders , per doz. biinrhr.i. riK PLANT I'er Ib. , > igic. PI'CI'.MIIKHS On orders , tOifflOc ' per tlO ! . I'UAS On ordeis , per Vi-bu. bcix. DOUjCOc. STIHN OIIKANS On orders , "S-bu. box , COc 4-basket crate , J1.2.i. TOMATOES Florida stock , per G-bnsket crate 51 : Texas stock , per 4-basket crate. JJ.SJff..T.'i. WAX HIANS : On. oidcrs , per ' , fc-bu. box , 75 4-bickot : crate. 11.75. THXAS SQUAHH-1'er doz. , on orders , FHUITS. STHAWIIKHlllUS-Cliolce Bhlpplns rtock , pe case of 2t qts. , J2.V > ft3.00. Clinnuil-IS Callfoinla , per 10-lb. box , 11.23. I.OOM2UI3HIIIKS I'er 24-qt. case. J2.t,0. SOUTIIKHN CIlKltHIKS l-cr 21-qt. CIIKC , J2. llI.ACKIll'JHHIKS Good stock , per 24-pt. ens THOHCAL , FRUITS. OHANGUS Austrnllan navels , per box. J3.000 3.2.i ; choice peedlliiKS. per box , JJ.2if2.50' llcdller rnneiti sweets , JXiXS3.2j ) ; fancy at. Michaels Jo. Ja. . I.KMONS Extra fancy lemons , 300 size , J4.73J " " ' 'riNRAI'I'hKS-rer doz. . Jl.75fl2.00. , ,1j | ' ' rAB * " 'lolco ' " ' " 'I'P'iB ' ' stock , per buncl MISCKU.ANKOUS. 13c ; choice , 1213c ; California 1IONKV California. llSJIIe. MAI'LB HYHUl1 Gallon JIIRS , per doz. , J12 IJIxby , 5-Ral. cans , J3. Nt'TS Almonds , 14c ; RnKllnh walnuts , soft Hlielled , 12c ; Btandards , lie ; Illbcrls , Sc ; Urnz nuts , lie ; pecans , 9c. IATKS-In CO to 70-lb. boxes. 5c per Ib. ; fan. dati9e per Ib. CIDnit Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5. half bbl. , J3 COCOANUTS-1'cr hundred. J4 00. HIDES AND TAI.LOW. , , I.IIU' ; ? No1 Breen hides. 7c ; No. 2 uree hides , 6 < Ac ; No. 1recn sailed hides , 7tc ! ; No. green sailed hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 1 Iba. , 8JT10c ; No. 2 venl calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , SHc No. 1 dry flint hides , 9 10c : No. 2 dry flint hides SSiDc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Sc ; part cure hides , Ho pr Ib. lesi than fully cured. HIIIOUl' I'KLTS Green salted , each. 255ICOO green salted ttheaillncs ( short wooled early skins each , Mfl5e ; dry shearlings ( short wooled enrl nklns ) , No. 1 , each. 6T10c ; dry shearlings ( shor wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry llln Kanxaa nnd Nebraska bulchcr wool pella , pe pound , ncluat welcht , f > 08c ; dry flint Kansas an Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , nctua welRlit , 4jCc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher woo pelts , per pound , actual weight. IflCV'C ; dr Hint Colorado murrlan wool pelts , per poum actual weight. 4Cc. Have feet cut off , as It I useless to pay freight on them. 3o , , wax , prime. 17ft20c ; rouph tallow , 2c. WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy , 6i7c : nn llfiht , SfiDc ; quarter-blood , 10Sl2c ; seedy , burr nnd chaffy , SJiSc ; coiled and broken , coarse , 75 9c ; cotted and broken , fine. CflSc. WOOL , WASHEO-Medlum. 15 18c ; nne. 110 ICc ; tub wnshrd , ICOlSc ; black. Sc ; bucks , Cc' tag locks , 2W3c ; dead pulled , EffiCc. Vt'HS. Fl'HS Hear , black. No. 1. larcre. so.OOiI23.00 ; bear , brown , No. 1 , larse , J 0 00023.00 ; No. 1 , me- dlum. J1C ; No. 1 , email. J12 ; bear , brown , year- lonBl- , * " ? ' ' lftBC' ! : 1 . < WO12.00 ; No. 1 , ' medium , s ; No. l , small , JG ; bear , brown , cubs. No , 1 law. 17 ; No. 1 , medium , J5 ; No. 1 , small , J3 ; HiF < > No' . ? ' meillum1D' ' No- ' " "all. JS.OOj > , , . ge J18.OXffW.00 ; No. 1. medium. $14 ; No. 1 small - . , . . .1.I.U..1 , > . v. t.\t , 4. BIIUUI , , , uenr , silver tip , No. 1 , larse , J20 ; No. 1 , medium. JI2 ; No. 1. email , J8 ; bear , silver tip. yearlings , No , 1. large , Jll ; No. 1 , medium , JS ; No. 1 , small JS ; bear , silver Up , cubs. No , 1 , large , Jl.OOijTl M' No. 1 , medium , COc ; No. I , small , COc ; fisher. No. 1. large. JS ; No. 1 , medium. J6 ; No. 1 , small. J4 ; fox , timer , ns o color , according lo beauty No. 1. large. J100 ; No. 1. medium , JGO ; No. 1. email. JW ; fox , silver , pale , according to beauty. No. l , large. JW ; No. 1. medium , J30 ; No. l emnll. J29 ; fox. croas. No. 1. large , J7 ; No. 1 , JI.W ; No. 1 , small - , fl ; mink - , No. 1 - , large COSJ C5c ; No. 1. medium , 40c ; No. 1 , Bmall , 35c ; mink , claik , No. 1 , large , C5c ; No. 1. medium. 40c ; No. 1. small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect head ami [ < , . .No1. . large , f IOO2.00 } ; Imperfect skins. | C.Wbi.W ) : No. 1 , unall , 55 ; otter , pale. No 1 ' . . . . inufkrats , winter. No. J. large. SOlOo ; No. l. medium. 9c ; No. l , jniall , 7cj muskrats. fall. No. l. large. 4bCc ; No. 1. medium. 7c ; No. 1 small , Cc ; muskiat kits. 2i < 3c. dull ut 5 points net decline ; dales. 2rt > j ; lues. Including : June. J14.IO ; July. J1I.75 : Au. E > "t. JH-75. Sjiot coffee , Hlo. steaily ; No. 7 , J16 | mild , quiet ; Cordova , J18.K619.00 ; miles. 1.600 I \-.ctnrlnla. . fpot. p. t. : iwt Maracaltio. p. t. ; 1W bags Central American , p. t.- . warehouse _ deliver lea from New York Sat for the I'nlted L. _ 401 liags luet year. BANTOS. June 3. Firm ; Bood average Santos. JIC.W ; receipts. 2.000 fcaes ; stock. Hl.fXK ) bagr , HAMtiritO , June 3. Holiday. HAVHB. June 3. Holiday. HIO 1)B JANUIHO. June 3.-F1rm ; No. 7 Hlo. J16.W : exchange , 8Ud ; receipts , 4,000 bags ; cleared for the United States. J.OuO bags ; clearnt for Europe , Z.CW ) l4's ; ttoclc , 2W.CW Lags , Weekly report ! Firm ; exchange , standard , JU.SO ; ex- rhnnce , 9Udi receipts during the" week , 30.009 bags ; shlpmcnle to the United Staled , nonci stock , 219,000 bags. STOCKS AND 11UNDS. Weak Opened In Hecurltlei Quiet in to Triiillntr. NBW YOIIK , June 3. The week opened In the Rtock mniket quiet n to trndlng , but firm ns to the tone of speculalffn , and these were the pre vailing cliaracterlBtlce throughout the day. The busa was much smaller than on any day for week.i past , nnd there were nt times periods of complete vtngnallon , The fact that It was n holt- "ay In Ixindon seemed to restrict the trnnsnc- Ion * , though chief among the Influences which i-d to the Improved tone of the tnnket were the avorablc crop reiwrts , nnd ns wns natural under hcB circumstance * ( he granger shnrcs were nest prominent In the upward movement. The 'lacing ' of the United Stales Cordage company 11 tluhnnds of rccrlvciH had but llttlo effect n the securities of thnt company , Inasmuch rm I hnd been anticipated for some time past. The jmtnon Block moved within a range of ' .4 l"'r : ent , nnd Munds unchnngeil on tha day , The referred opened I'd per cent lower , but had ccivcjied nt the clone. The guamnleed closed ul 1'i , beltiB n net gain of H per rent. There wa ery good buying In General Electric for Iho eng nccount. ns well ns to cover shorts , the nuvlnB Inlluences being encouraging reports as o the pending neg-itlntlon between the Gen ual Elrctlle nnd Wesllnxhouse people. The lock advanced 1H | icr cent , nnil closed within per cent of the best. In the general list the ad- nnce from Hie low point of the- morning which xcecil n fraction nre St. I'utit , DlHllllIng , Central aclllf. Mnnlmllan , Hubber , Conselldnled Ons nd .Mlnnesotn Iron , 1 per cent ; Northwestern ml Lnrlede Gns. IU per cent ; Colorado Fuel , iusqui'lmnnn & Western preferred , L IB Island 'ractlon nnd Lead , nnd Lend prefened , 1 er cent ; llutllngton , 1 % per cent ; I'ullman , 1V4 cr crnl ; Hay Stale Gas , 2S per cent ; Southern 'nclflc , 21 per cent , and Alton & Terre Haute , per cent. Some few shares showed lossex on ho day , Including Chicago & Eastern Illinois , 1 > er cent , nnd Iowa Central preferred , 1VJ per cnt. The bond Iradlng wns rnlher light In volume .nd lower figures weic generally recorded during he e.uly dealings. In the Idle session there van nn upwnid movement In values , especially n Cordage firsts , which milled to 4H4 , nfter a eci'aslnn of U',4 per cent to 3ii , on the np- lolntmcvit "f rrcrlvcis for the property. The inlrs were $1.7CCfO. Tbo following were the closing quotations on the Icmllng stocks of the New York ex change today : AtchUoii Northwpitcrn tin Adams K.xprest. . . N. W. ofd 14m Alton.T. II ? ! ! " N. Y. Central Am. Kxprcua N. Y. iN. K 44 ! ( Malllmoif .V Ohio. Ontario .V W Cnimd-i Pacific. . . . Oregon Imp CanHda southrrn. . MM Oregon Nnv Central I'.icitlc. . . . O. S. I * & U. N. . . . Chen. & Ohio Pacific , Mall Chicaeo Alton 1BO ! . ! > . & E u C..Il.fc Q h ! ! Ptltsbur < IfiMf ChlcaKO ( Jas 7 Ik Pullman Palace. . 172W Consolidated Oatj Kendln ? 1H O..C. . C. A St. L. . . . H. ( ! . W 11) ) Colo. Coal A Iron. U. O. W. rfd 45 Cotton Oil Cert. . . . Hock Island GIIS Ucl.iwnru.Si Hud. . . St. Paul U7 ! < Uel. . LacK. .V W. . . lie.liIH do pfd . . . . A K. O. pfd liIH St. P. X Omaha. . . . .AC. K. Co do pfa Ill Erlo ! < > ! Southern Pacific. . as do pfd. ' M Surar Hennery. . , . 117H Fort Wayne Ift7 Tenn , Coal & Iron. BU O. Nortliern nfd. . . 128 Texn I'.aclfle C.A'K. I. nfd DUX T. A.O Cent. pfd. . 7H HooklncValloy. . . ltl ! ) Union Pacific 13H IlllnolH Oontr.ll. . . I ) . " , IJ. S. Express 4:1n : St. P. A Dulutli . . . 1M W. St. L. i 1' n K..t T. pfd saw do pfd 20 Lnko F.rlo & Wott 24H \Vclls Faire Ex. . . 10H do pfd \Vcfalcrn Union * . 02X Lnko Shore Wheeling Jt L. E. . Load Trust do pfd 45 Louisville JtN. . . . M. Si SI. 1 , 3 ! ) L. ti N. A 1016 0. .V H. O 15 Manhattan Con. . . . li : G. E 3tlM tMoniDlilR&C in N. L Michigan Cent. . . . ! IO C. P. * ! MlflRourl Pnclflo. . 2H ! do pfd 05 Mobile Si Ohio . 2M It. AT. C 2 Nashville Chat. . . . 05 T. A. A. k N. M. . . . ! 2b National Cor.taro. T. St. L.iK. C. . . . b dODfd donfd N.J. Contr.it S. H. R N. k W. pfil do pfd North Am. Co. . . . Am. To'J. Cede 113 Northern Pacific. . do DM 114) No.l'ac. ofd St P. . M. A M 115 U.I' . . I ) , .to c > x-dlv. to.V 3.vd. The total pales of stocks today wore 183,731 shares , IncludInK : American Supar. 5.COO ; Amer lean Tobacco. 3 COO ; HurllnRtnn , 17.SOO ; Colorado Fuel , 3EiiO ; DlatllllnK and Cttttlefeedlnu , 9,700 ; LOIIB Island Traction , 12.IMO ; Louisville , New Albany & ChlrnKo , 4,000 ; Mexican National cer tlllcates. 4,300 ; National Lead. 10.SOO ; Northwest ern , 3.000 ; I'acinc Mall , 4,100 ; St. Paul , 13.COO Southern Paclllc , 3 , M ; Texas , < t Pacific , 4(00 ( United States Cord.iKe , 6:00 ; United States Cordage preferred , 3.SOO ; United States Cordage guaranteed , 7,800 ; United Stales llubbcr , 7.JOO. Now York .Me nnv .Miirlcot. NEW YOIIK. June 3.-MON12Y ON CALT- I'asy nt 10m per cent ; last loan , 1 per ctnt closed , 1 per cent. I'ltlMlJ MEltCANTILU PAT'Ell 2iC3',4 cent. STKHL1NO KXCHANOE StronK nnd higher with actual business In banlceis' hills nt JI.SS } ffl.S'J for demand und nt JI.S713I.8S for Flxtj dnyH. 1'osted rates. JI.SSftl.83 and J4.S084.W ) Commercial bills , J4.SC\ftl.87. KlLVMIl CEIITIKICATES G7'iG674c. ! OOVnitNMKNT 1IONDS Firm. State bonds Inactive. Ilnllroad bonds , quiet. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U. Si 4H , rei , ' . , now. 12-tH n. p. inta or 'us. . . 10 ; < ! U. S.4acoiip.now. D. Alt. O. 7s . 11 ! ) IT. S. fix. ro7 llf D. AH. O. 4s . B7 U. S. Ss.coup 110 Erlo 2ds . 08 U.S. 4s , roir llUi O , H. .tS. A. Ill . . . 01) II. S. 4u.cojp 113 G. II AS. A. 7d. . . . 10'J U.S. 2s. ruz 07 H. A T. C. 58. . . . 111) Pacific Us of US- 100 doG . Ala. Class A 1011 M. K. AT. 1st 4s. . Ala. Class H 11)7 ) doM 4n . Ala. Cluss C 11 (1 ( Mutual Union Ui , . 10 ! ) Ala. Currency. . . . U7 N. J. C. Gon. fts. . . . 11734 La. Now Con. 4s. . 03 No. P.io. IBIS . 118 MlHuourl 03 1110 lii N. C. ( is 124 N. W. Consols , . . . 141) ) N.C. 4s 101 do S. V. Deb. 61. , on S. C. noiifnnd 1011'i R. G. West. Ists. . . Tonn. now ot Us. R7 St , P. Consols 7s. . 128 Tenn. new nat 3s. KH ) do C , A P. W 6s. 114 Tenn. old Os liO st L.AI.M.GOH. s. 7 Va. Conturlon. . . . St.n.AS.P.Oa.i.'l. 110 do deferred Tex. Pao. lats . ii m Atchlfon 4s do2ds . 30H AtclilHOn 2d A. . . . U. P. iHtsof ' 110. . . ion CnnadnSo. 2ds. . . . 10 IT * WcatShorals . 100 ! , L. A. N 82W So. H H . UOW offered. . Hun KrjnoHn. ) .Mining Scuok ( Jintulaii. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 3.--Tho official clo - Inir quotations for mining btoclca today were : i fOllOWH ! Alia tl Halo A Norcrosa. . Ul AlphaCon 1 JllHtlCU Anaea.N 23 Kentucky Con. . . . 1 Uelcher 81) ) Lady Wash. Con. , 1 llcht .V llclcliur. . . . 43 Mexican 12 Ilodlo Con 40 Mono , 5 Unlllon 8 Mount Diablo 15 Itulwur Con ' . . 4 Occidental Con , . . 18 C.lU'ilonln. 6 Onhlr 1KO Challeniro Con 18 Overman 15 Chouar IS POIOBI 43 Continence 85 Savaco 33 Con. Cat A. V.i 24(1 ( Sierra Nevada , . . . , 40 Con. New York. . . 3 8ll\er Hill 1 Crown Point 311 Silver Kin ? , 20 Exchequer 1 Union Con 27 Gould AsCurrv. . . . . 20 Yellow Jacket. . . 4'J Silver birtt , 07l)7Mc. Mnxlcau dollar * , 53 ; DraftB , sluht , 2Ko : talorrapMc , 63. lloitnn NtnoK nuottttlnn * . HOSTON , .Tune 3. Closing prices for stocks bonds and mining shares : A.T. AS. F 7K WeKtlnrh.Elco. . . . Am , Sucar. \V. Eleo. pfd. S3 Am. Stirar pfd. . . . 1UOK WIs. Central Uay Suite Oas 12M Killson Eloc Ilia. . 130 HellTulophono. . . you ( Jen. Kleo. nfd t0 ! Huston A Aloany. . 21)11 ) Atchlujil 2da UoBton AMutno. . . 111' ' ) AtcblBOn 49 C. D.ACJ H2 New Eneland Oa , . Fltchbnre Pfd noil. Electric 6s. . . nil den. Electric , Win. Cent. lata. . . . CO Illinois Steel CO Dost-in A Muntina 53 Mexican Central , . Ilutto A Boston. . . 10 N. Y.AN. E. . Calumet A Hecla. . 208 Old Colony Centennial Ore. Short Line. . . Franklin Ilubber. 40 * Kearnarffo SanDlc-iro Osccola 28) ) Union I'aclflo Uinncy 118 WcBtKnd Tamarack 140 Went End pfd 02 Wolverine 140Oh Notr York Allnlug QuotV.lmn. NEW YOrtK , Juno 3-Tlia followlnj ara th elofiln ; mining quotations : Ilulwer. 3 Ontario 800 Choler 40 Opblr 130 Crown Point CS Plymouth 20 Con. C.V. A Va. . . . 226 Qulckullver. . . . 300 Dcadwood 60 Quicksilver pfa..1700 Gould A Curry. . . 30 Slorni Nevada. . . . 40 Halo ANorcroaa. . 8.1 Standard 220 HomestaK3 2000 Union Con. 30 Iron Silver 30 Yellow Jacket. . . . 45 Mexican 40 Cotlini .nnrknt. NEW YOHIC. June S. COTTON Dull ; mid dlbik' . 7 > , ; c ; net receipts , Stl bales ; KHOBS , 5.C7 bales ; exports to Franco , M8 bales ; to the con tlnent , UJ'J bales ; forwarded , C74 bales ; rales 7,700 bales ; spinners , 102 bales ; stock , : UU , 2 baleti. Ni\V YOIIK. Juno 3. COTTON-Qulet : mhl dl Inf. 7c ; low middling. We ; KO-M ! ordinary 6 G-lCc ; ( let and Krons receipts , 1.&S4 bales ; ex ports tu the continent , 1,731 bides : sales , T0 < bales ; stock , IM.ta balt-s. Mlnnenpolli IVhout Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June S. WHEAT Quiet June , 78ic : July , 78c ; September , 7Cc : o track , No. 1 hard. flUc ; No. 1 northern , 7H'.ic No. 2 northern , 73Uc. l < 'IX > UH-Stcady ; lint patents , J < .2Sff4.M ; nee end patents , JUIfit.id ; first clears , J3.H03.GO , riimnrl'il .Xito. nOSTON , June S. Clearings , J15CS2K9 ; ba ancei , J2.010.003. NEW YOniC. June J. Clearings , JS3.876C8 balances , J7c:4,9S5. HAI.T1MOHU. June 2 , Clearlncs. 52,608 , C8 balances , JMSIW * PHILADCLPHIA , Juno 3. Clearings. J11.302 357 ; balances , Jl.Ml.KS. RT. LOl'IR. June 3. Clearings. JI,7GOCC2 ; Ui auncee , J673.1S9. Money ; DCS per cent. WASHINOTON , June t Today's statemen of the condition of the treasury shows : A\a nbla cash balance , J1S4,944,721 ; cold reeerve , \'J' \ 373. ICi , CHICAGO. June 3. Clearlnge , J20.5r.OOC Money , eaey. at < ViK5 per cent for call loan and 6HC per cent for commercial paper. Nev York exchange , C5o premium. Kttrllnir excbojic < hlgacrj poited lt " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hoocipte for the Day Too Sroftll to Test the Traders' ' Demand , ESS THAN 4:0 CURE WERE OFFER.D Prices I'uld Were Abnut ( lie Sninonn Thoee thnt Prevailed nt the Close cif Lust Week Hoc Condi * lions the Sit inc. MONDAY , June 3. The receipts today were 307 cattle , 1.0S1 hogs nnd no sheep , as against SCO cattle , 6,700 hogs and no sheep Saturday , nnd 69(5 ( cattle , ' 1,133 hogs and 251 sheep on Monday of last week. Today's receipts of stock ore the lightest of any day In four months , or since Feb ruary 7. With such n light run It wns Im possible thnt there should be much of a market. CATTLE There were only seventeen loads In the yards nil told , ns against thir ty-one loads on Saturday. The demand wns fair , the buyers all wanting some cattle , nnd the ynrds were cleared nt on early hour. The prices paid were about the same ns prevailed nt the close of last week. One bunch of pretty good steers brought J3.10 , the highest price of the day. Some lighter cattle brought $ I.M nnd $4.6.1. Grass cattle ore In light demand , and nre discrim inated against by the packers. The supply of cows and heifers was very Ight , but there was some pretty good stuff imong the offerings. The demand was good , ns In the case of beef cattle , and the offerings were FOOT ) picked up nt fully steady prices. One load of heifers brought JI.20 , and a small bunch JH.75. The balance of the stuff brought about J3. Common cows nnd canners sold nt from $1 up. Veals were In good demand nnd firm , while bulls were slow , with no material change. There was considerable Inquiry for Mock ers nnd feeders nnd quite n good many orders were In the hands of buyers. There were , however , very few cattle of that de scription here. Desirable feeders would > robably have sold higher had they been icre. Oood to choice feeders are quotable at > .OOfi3.7S ; fair to good , $2.GO'f(3.00 , nnd common grades from J2.CO down. Repre sentative soles : BEEP STEEUS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1. . . . WH3 40 13..IIM J4 r. 21..13M $ j 10 1..1000 3 75 23..1110 4 C5 COWS. 1. . . . C.V ) 100 1. . . . 930 300 1. . . . M1 327 , 1. . . . OM 150 1..1270 3 Oil 1..10IO 3 .5 3. . . . ! i 0 200 1..10M 300 13. . . . MS 373 1. . . . S30 200 2..1100 300 20. . . . W3 120 1..12SO 2 CO IIEIFF.HS. 7. . . . 601 200 1. . . . CJO 2 13. . . . 013 300 BULLS. 1..11V ) 240 1. . . . 9iO 275 3..10C3 300 1. . . . 72i ) 2 r.0 OX UN. 1..1440 2 40 2..1430 2 85 CALVES. 4. . . . 137 2 CO 1. . . . 123 400 1. . . . ISO 450 1. . . . 1M 3 00 FEEDERS. 12. . . . 877 3 23 5. . . . C22 330 ] . . , . ? 20 3 CO IIOQS There wcro only tlfleen lonils of IIORB on ralo nnil not enrmgli to make much of n market. Four of the loads here were cnnslBncd llrcct to a packer nnd were not ottered for : ilc. Thcri was one pretty Rood lend nnil some veiy common , but the average quality was not much different from the hogs received nt the cl isu of last week. The ilemnrUl , hAwever , wns KCKK ! nnd the few lious offeicd elmnKiwl hands readily. The prices paid did not sliciw much chanKc from Sat urday. The elose , however , , was a little stronger nnd the market on nn averatfe could lie quoted Htendy to Btroni ? . Thes.t4 H ranged from tl.13 to J4.30 , with the bulk at ,14.35 to J4.41. livery- thins was sold nnd the 'market closed nt nn early hour. Representative snles : No. ' Av. Sh. Pr. ' No. Av. Sh. I'r. 'l.'i 171 120 | 4 13 71 2l)0 ) . . . } 43- 2 200 . . . 415 73 22S M 440 70 1S3 3D 4 20 ,7,7 223 11) I 40 Cl 1S2 40 4 23 ; C2 277 ICO 4 40 S3 1SS 200 4 27i ( C2 22 * 40 1 40 6 233 . . . 4 30 ' 'C4 212 40 I 4214 S4 193 120 4 32 > i " 5 317 . . . 4 CO 51 241 SO 4 33 , i TIGS. 10 100 . . . 300 0 123 . . . 373 GS 122 40 3 CO ; S1II3EI' The market \va bare of sheep today , the same us on Friday and Saturday of lant week. Huyei-s claim thai lliero Is n demand for KOCH ! muttons. The maVljet Is nominally .Eteady nt last wMds quolntIdHC"Fatr ! to choice natives are quotable nt from JJ.23 to tl ; fair to Rood westerns nt from S3 lo J3 50 ; common nnd stocli sheep at from J2.33 to J3 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. Inmba nt fiom J3.73 to Jj. OHIOAiiU LtVi : nTOCK. ( loocl to Cholco Feel lo-vcs ! Opened nt Strong J'rlcos , CHICAGO , June 3. Good to choice fed beeves opened all right , ns the proportion of such wns again very small , but for the great bulk of the cnttlo In the pens there was a poor clcmnnd nnd prices ruled weak. Gross fed native steels sold nt from $3.75'to 14.10 , nnd corn fed steers sold nt from $4.73 to J3.60 ; nice medium weights , desirable lots , selling mound from $5.25 to $0.33. nnd the larger parts of the cattle now sold to dressed lieef men nnd shippers me taken at fiom $ I.CO to $5.35. rows nnd bulls were numer ous nnd In fair demand nt unchanged prices. Venl calves were In good demand nt from $4.SO to $0.00. No Improvement In the stockcr nnd feeder trade nnd prices acnln ruled low , with sales nt from $2.50 to $4.15. Texas entile re ceipts numbered about 2,500 head. There was a dragging market , Prices ruled wenk nnd sonic prices Indicated a further decline In grass Texnns. In hogs supplies continued Inrge. but the qual ity Is poorer than n few weeks ago. An nctlve local nnd shipping demand enabled holders to dispose of their offerings ot nn nverimo advance of Cc. For common to extra heavy hogs prices ranged nt from $4.35 to $4.80 , while mixed lots sold nt from $4.23 to $4.C5. Light weights found buyers nt from $4.23 to $4.55. In sheep > herc was nn excellent demand for desirable lots , which were scnrce , the supply consisting largely of common natives and thin Texans , nnd for the right kinds prices wer * from lOo to 13o higher. Sales were on the basis of fiom $3 to $4.70 for common to choice fat sheep , nnd from $3.2J to $5.25 for ycnrllngs. Spring lambs were scnrce nnd 25c higher , choice lots selling nt from $5 to $6 per 10) HIM. Hecelpts : Cattle , 12.00J head ; hogs , 38,000 head ; sheep , 9,000 head. XRW Yarn l.lvo Mock Mnrkat. NEW YORK. June 3. TIEEVES Hecelpts. two days , 3.KSO fiend ; on sale , 51 cats ; dull , 10W15C lower ; native steers , poor to prime. $ I.C045.0 ; stngB nnd oxen. $2.0001.0) ; bulls , $2.00f3.40 ; dry cows , $2.0003,50 ; European cables quote Amer ican steers nt jOViifllc , dressed weight ; refrig erator beef , S'.ifc'S'-ic ; exports today , 87 beevcK nnd 400 sheep. Calves , receipts , two days , 390 head ; slow ; barely steady ; veals , poir to prime , $4.0i i5.75 ; buttermilk enlves. $3.25 < [ f3.70. SIIEEI' AND LAMI1S Hecelpts , two days , 11,718 head ; on sale. 68 cars , or 16,320 head , mora than one-hnlf sheep. The market for sheep Is demoralized , with prices Uo lower , nnd more than 30 cars unsold. Lambs , active , UUc higher , good stock showing the most Improve ment ; sheep , poor to prime , J2.00ft3.S5 ; lambs , Inferior to choice , $ I.M > ir7.00. HOas Hecelpts , two days , 5.CS3 head ; steady at $4.5004.90. Ht. I.ouli Live NtnoK MnrKot ST. LOUIS. June 3-CATTLE-Hecelpts. 4,000 head ; shipments , COO head. Market steady for good cattle but poor stuff sold lOtflSo lower. Native shipping nnd beef steers range $4.5000.50 ; Unlit , to good butcher grades , $3.2.W4.50 ; stockcrs and feeders. $2.5004.00 ; cows , $2.50 3.50 ; some heifers of 1,300 to 1.400 pounds , brought $5.00 ; fed Texns steers , $3.7504.75 ; ernes steers , $2.809 3.85 ; rows , $ S.O ( > ft3.25.l HOGS Hecelpts. 3,700 m > nd ; shipments , 1,400 heud. Market steady Wn tops , but SftlOc off for poor grades. Top price , , $4.75 ; bulk of pales , $ t.40fI4.W ; lights , $3.7504,40. SHEEP Hecelpts , 1,700 bead ; shipments , 2,200 head. Mnrkcl rtendy , pn. COCK ! grades , but poor stuff hnrd to sell. NnMvcs-sold $3.0081.10 ; south west , $2.5063.65 ; lambs ; . . $3.50 | 4.73. Knii'it * Cltyiiliiro Stock. KANSAS CITY. June 5. CATTLE Heeelpta. 2.600 head ; shipments , 1,40ft head ; market steady ; Texas steers , S3.00ttl.ffp ; Texas cows , $ l.25ft3.CO ; beef steels. $3.0005 S i native cows , $ l.2"f4.00 ; stockers and feedeis , K.EM ; 1.25 ; bulls , $1.15 3.5. * . IIOC1S Hecelpts , 2,400 head : shipments. 1,800 head ; market steady tl > Sc-higher ; bulk of tales , $4.30S4.EO ; heavies. $445 ! J'4.65 : packers. $4.20 ® 4.55 ; mixed , $4.10ft4.45 : ' NKlits , $3.60S4.25 ; Yorkers , $4.10 4.2o ; pigs , $3.00tf4.0S. SHEEl' Kecelpts , 12,101 ; ' head ; shipments , tXX > head ; market steady"tfl.fttrong. Muck In Mclit. Record of receipts atjth'o four principal mar kets for Monday , Jun .7 , 1S95 : , , . . Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. South Omaha , . . , . . . 367 1.0S1 Chicago 12.000 38,000 9.000 Kansas City * 2,600 2.400 12,400 St. Louis ' . . . . . 4.000 3.700 1.700 Total 18.567 45.181 23,100 ( HI .Markets. CHARLESTON. June 3.-TUHPENT1NE- Flrm ; 2CV4c bid. HOHIN Firm. $1.U 1.I5. WILMINGTON. June J. HOSIN Firm ; strained , $1.15 ; good , $1.20. SIM HITH Steady , SC'.ic. TAH Firm. $1.23. TL'HI'KNTINE Steady ; hard. $1.20 ; soft , $1.10 ; virgin. $2.25. ANTWEIU' . June 1 I'ETIlOLUUM-Qulct ; 20f 20c paid and tellers. IIHE.MEN. June 3. PETROLEUM 7 marks. OIL CITY , To. . June. S. Oponc-tl at $1.51 ; high. ll.K'i ; low , 11.61 ; clourd , 11.51 ; rales , 2,000 bbls. ; Bliljunenu. 101,203 bbls. ; .runs. 78,541 blls. Now YorK Dry CiooiU Market. NEW YORK , June 3-vARents have advancecl the price of rtprerell and Ilrown cottons > ; c each , Atlanta A. HL > , LL and 1 * . Comet , 36 and 40-Inch brown cottons , Uu ; Constitution , 38 and 40-inch brown sheetings , Sic ; Thomdlll tick ings , Vic , and Arooskcae blue and brown Cam- Uts , c AcenW have' m&ils tbo prices for Manchester autumn fnncy prints { c. The rlo ot the- day iiliows n much twtttr blislnrM In RfnKnnntile stiifTs tlitin was outlined In tli nnrn- Ing , besides which there wns a rood volumof fairs In the autumn fabrics , rrlntlne cloth * quiet nnd steady at 2 13-lCc. St. Io n I ( Icncritl 3 ST , LOt'lS. June J. In wheat there wm little Mrength displayed nt Ihc opening , though n few trades were iniide nt Ho better price than Pat > urtlny and It was not long before the nhole mar ket was running downward In price rapidly , declining 24c. but then milled ( dmrplr , recov ered all the earlier losn nnd closed the same us Saturday. The decline wns caused by n Inck of buying , rains In the west nnd the Pralrla Farmer s estimate of n 4) ) ' > .0')0i ' ) > H ) bu. crop ; No. 2 red , cash , SIHUSIH' ; July , SO'.ic nsKed ; Sep tember , 79Ue blcl. UOHN Weak from Ihc opening , due to heavy rains In the west , large receipts at Chicago nnd the depression exhibited thcie. When wheat rallied later In the session corn , which hnd de clined 2e , R 11 Ined strength and leaded % < , Hi "gh the clore was ensy ; Nn. 2 mixed , rimh , 47HW 47J4c : July , 49'ic , netted ; September , Sl'jc bid. OATS I.Ike the other grain markets , the feelIng - Ing wns bearish on Inlns cnily In the day. and September declined nearly Ic , but milled ttc on tha Missouri stale report that the crnp had do- cllnrd 20 points ; May closed firm : No. 2 , cnsh , 2Sic ; June , 29c bid ; July , 29'tc ' bid ; September , 29-Uc bid. ItVI' ! Steady ; prime , packed. f > Sc. HHAN Lower ; selling , cast track , nt CCc. FI.AX SinU Nominal nl Ji.40. HAY Dull , about slendv ; prnlrle has no de mand ; timothy , SIO.05I12.75. east eldc. KO(1S Firm ; 10o for fresh. WIIISlCY-FIrm ; J1.23 for distillers' finished goods. I.KAD Firm. In demand nl J.1.05. PHOVISIONS Pork , standard mss. JI2 d2'4. ' Ijird. prime steam. JQ.37H ; chulce , JB.fi2' ' { . llnecin. lixnl phoulders. J0.2.'i : longs. JC.S'i * ; ribs. J7 ; shnrlfl. S'.lZ'i. Pressed meats , Nixed rhniilderg , J3.CO ; longs , JC.37',4 ' ; ribs , JG.W ; shorts , J6.73. Hl-irilll'TS Flour , 5.OW bbls. : wheat , 24,000 bu. ; corn , 3200J till. ; evils , 24,000 bu. SHIP.MHNTS Flour , 11.MO bbls. ; wheat , 127,000 bu , ; c-orn , 3.WO bu. ; oats , 7QQi ) bu. Sngur .Market , NEW YOniC. .Tune 3. SFOAH-Haw , dull ; fair rcllnlng. 2 ir-lCo ; nalos. 4S hlidn. Mnsrovndi , St ) tesl , 2 l.plCc ; refined , dull : Nc > . 0. 4f4 3-lCc ; No. 7 , 3iSf4 1-lCc ; No. 8. 3'ff4 1-lHc ; No. 0. 3 1.1-lCf4c. ' ; No. 10 , SliWS IC-lCc ; No. 11 , 9-11-1C1J 3Tc ( , : Nn. 12. 3 9-lVfi'3' ( ' > ic : No. 13 , 3 > ic : off A , 4 l-lf.iiTI-'Hr ; mould A , 4 H-lCff4Tfc : standard A. 4 fi-lGWIHp ; ccjifc tloners' A. 4 5-lG 4',4c ' ; cut loaf , f > l-lCfl.V4c ; cru hed. K l-tlnrUc ! ; p > wdort-d , Wtir , 1-lCc ; Brnnulntcd , 4 7-lCf4Ii.c | ; subes , 4 11-15 J4Tc. ( , . .Mllxviur.tco .Miirket * . MIIAVAUKKi : , June 3.-WHKAT-Sleadyi June. Sic ; July , Sic. COHN Inwer nnd dull ; Nn. 3 , Me. OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 31c ; No. while , 315J3H.e. ( HAHUn- Nominal ; No. 2 , 49UC' sample. 49' ; OMe. HYU Steady and quiet ; No. 1 , CCc. Vlitlblii Snpplv of ( irnln. NHW YOHIC , June 3. The visible supply of craln Saturday , June 1. n compiled by the New York I'mduei * exchange. Is an follows : Wheat. f..2:9,0f ) bu. ; decrease. Z.Oiri.001 bu. ; cum , 10,7C2i')0 ) bu. ; Increase' . 1.7S4.000 bu. ; oats , 8.2SO.OOO bu. ; Increarc , l.MC.O * ) bu. i rye , 13GM ( ) bu. ; deen-ase. 1,000 bu. ; barley , 100,000 bu. ; de. crease , 45.000 bu. Dulutli Ubpiit Mnrltot DULUTir , Juno S.-WIIKAT-Close : No. 1 : inl , cash , 7ic ! ; July. SO'jc ; N . 1 northern , mil. "Hie ; July. ? Jl c : HeptemlK-r , 77Uc ; No. 2 . .nrthcrn. cnsh , 7."c ; No. 3 northern , 72c ; rejected , C9c ; lo arrive , No. 1 hard , cash lots , Me ; No. 1 not them , 79c. _ _ _ _ _ FrUcn Wheat Qnit : ll' n . SAN FHAN'CISCO , June 3. WHKAT Firm ; December , J1.04U ; May , tl.ll'.i ' : new eellir , J1.0H4. F.lgln llutter Alnrltrt. EI.C.IN , III. . June 3. HUTTER Steady ; ofler- Ings , 93,780 Ibs. ; sales , 70,00 Ibs. nt 17 , c. nourEy MILLS NT.ntTixa vr , K.I/.V Only n 1'ortlnn of tbo Mrlkrrj Accept tl o Inducements to Iti-tiiru. PROVIDENCE , June 3. The mills nt Olneyvlllo opened this morning at the regu lar hour for the admission of any of the em ployes who wished to return to work , but : he number who went In was but a small per cent of the force regularly employed there. The manufacturers Intend to leave places for the strikers for a short time and If their former employes do not return they will engage any operatives they can get At the Hlvcrside mills 1,200 out of 1,700 hands went back to their old positions this morning. Of those 110 were weavers. This Is a sulllclent number to Insure the running of the plant. Some COO of the 2,200 hands returned to work nt the Atlantic mills. At the Saxon mills , where It was generally ex pected a large number would return to work , but a small number returned and the machinery was not started. I'AWTUCKET , H. I. , Juno 3. The gates of'the Farwcll woolen mills at Karwell Kails were thrown open this morning to such workers as desired to return , lleforo the shutting down of the mill 12C weavers were employed. Out of a total force of 300 operatives today fifteen weavers went to work , with a few operatives In other depart ments. brill I'oiicberi to Ho Tried. VICTORIA , D. C. , Juno 3. Admlra ! Stcphenson has decided that It will be necessary for prosecution In admiralty to bo brought against the sealer Shelby , ar rested by the cutter Corwln , In order to formally vindicate the schooner , because of-Britain's refusal to renew the agree ment for the sealing of arms during the closed season. This course Is recognized as necesary to enable the Shelby to claim dam ages from the American government through the British homo offlco. The sealskins seized with the schooner were yesterday surrendered by the admiralty uncondition ally to Captain Claussen. rodoslrlan Tourist Jtrntkn n Itrrord. NEW YORK , June 3. Frank Sheldon , the professional pedestrian has arrived In New York , having walked from Chicago In twenty- five days on a $1,000 wager. Sheldon shattered the walking record between the two cities by cutting off flvo days from the previous mark. Ciitclilnz I'ralrlo Doff * fur the Mtiricot. GRAND ISLAND , June 3. ( Special. ) John Moroy , an Inmate of the Soldiers' Home , as sisted by several other Inmates , caught ISO prairie dogs Saturday , which they will sell In the east. Will Settle Tliclr Own Differences. WASHINGTON. June 3.-General Renlfgo , charged'affaires of the Columbian re public , said today that ho had concluded not to present to the Stnte department the claims of Colombia to the Mosquito terri tory , long held by Nicaragua. He found on examining the Instructions from his gov ernment that It left him free to use his own Judgment as to urging the case nt Washington. He was satisfied the case should be left for negotiation between Colombia nnd Nicaragua , and thnt the present status did not call for any repre sentations to the United States , and ho has advised Ids government accordingly. General Uenlfgo saya Colombia will take pacific means to urge her claims nnd that there Is no reason to expect a recourse to arms. _ MHrrlngo Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county judge : Name and Residence. Age. Anton Unneman , Omaha 25 Annie Kunold , Omaha 18 Phillip J. Xelcrlkn. South Omaha 25 Annie A. Clzek , South Omaha 21 Harry G. Dronner , Omaha 26 Helena N , Nlsscn , Omaha 27 Fred 10. Toilette , Minneapolis 36 Clara A. Grant , Minneapolis 29 John Winters , Omaha. . . . . 2T > Mary Mella , Omaha IS Hugo Schmidt , Chicago 26 Mamie Uhllg , Omaha 21 TRAVELING MEN CELEBRATE Six Ilnudrcil Delegates Present ( it tbo Sin Autonio Gathering. TWO NEW STATE OIV.SIONS . ADDED Sixth Anntml n.tthcrtni ; of the Protective Association of Amerlcn Sotno of the Mnujr Concesiliiiii ( l.ilnnd IIur- liij ; the Vonr , SAN ANTONIO , Juno 3. The Travelers' Protective Association of America , which was organized at Denver , Colo. , In Juno , 1S90 , Is holding Its sixth nnmial convention to celebrate the close of the fifth year of Its existence. It has had a remarkably largo rowth In the last two years , beginning with a membership of 3,015 Juno 1 , 1S93 , reaching 7,052 June 1 , 1S9I. ana closing with 10.GOO Juno 1 , 1S93. The association Is now organized In thirty- two states and In ninety-eight largo cities of the United States. U Is the only na tional commercial association which Is so thoroughly organized that It can be utilized promptly and effectually for the purpose of protecting ana promoting commercial In terests nnd at the same tlmo maintain nn autonomy and Individuality of action In Its stale divisions and local or municipal posts. It Is n commercial traveler's organization , but has for Its members a large- number of employers of commercial travelers among wholesale dealers and manufacturers. It Is organized upon the federal plan , having a national , a state and a municipal govern ment , ' and Its five committees on legislation , railroads , hotels , press nnd employment are represented In each of the state and munici pal organizations , thereby co-operating sys tematically and with great discipline of effort Iti work for Its members and for the general benefit of commercial Interests. From the report of Its national president , John A. Lee , It Is shown that the organiza tion secured an amendment during the- year Just passed to the Interstate commerce act , permitting railroads to Issue Interchangeable mileage and to give extra privileges as to free baggage with such tickets ; nnd that through Its accident Insurance department more than $35,000 for Indemnity claims have been paid In which six death losses were Included. The total expense of conducting the association was only nbout 10 per cent more than last year , though the average membership has been almost doubled. The per capita for expense fund collected and now allowed by the constitution Is $2 per average membership , but only $1.77 was ex pended , being A saving of $1.06 per capita as compared with the year previous to the last. Nearly $2,000 wns saved as a surplus this year from the expense fund. Almost the entire Increase In expenditure over last year Is In postage account , extra office help and In establishing an Identification system , which , of course , wns fixed and unavoidable. TWO DIVISIONS ADDED. Two new stnto divisions have been added during the year , Florida ( reorganized ) nnd North Carolina. Twenty-eight new posts have been organized , while three posts have lapsed , leaving the association with organiza tions In ninety-eight of the principal cities of the United States. The following posts have been organized during the past year , viz. : Scltna , Ala. ; Toxarkann , Ark. ; Hloomlngton nnd Danville , III. ; Warsaw , Crawfordsvllte , Marlon , Richmond and An derson , Ind. ; Louisville , Ky. ; Jackson , Vlcks- burg and Meridian , Miss. ; Chattanooga , Tenn. ; Atlanta , Savannah , Columbus and Macon , Ga. ; Richmond , Norfolk , Petersburg. Lynchburg , and Danville , Va. ; La Crosse , Kan Claire nnd Madison , WIs. ; Winston , N. C. ; Pensacola , Fla. . Posts at Capo Glrar- ileou , Mo. , Tampa , Fla. , and Sherman , Tex. , have been abandoned. The expense of promoting the Increase of membership , Including organizing and all the other expense properly chargeable to build ing up membership was this year (1S9I-G ( ) $3,1C3 , resulting In securing 4,900 new ap plications. The proportion of lapsing of membership Is very heavy , attributable to the fact that no entrance or Initiation fe Is charged , rendering It possible to drop out through neglect In paying dues at the proper time and renew membership without monetary loss. An amendment before the convention to establish a membership or cntrnnco fee of from $2 to $5 Is being strongly supported. The convention opened In the Grand opera 'nouso at 10:30 : , with an attendance of COO delegates from California , Indiana , Colorado , Kansas , Kentucky , Tennessee , Maryland , Mississippi , Alabama , North Carolina , Oregon gen , Washington , Connecticut , New York , Virginia , Louisiana , Arkansas , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Missouri , Utah nnd Texas. Tlic exercises opened with prayer by National Chaplain Rev. Alonzo Monk. Mayor Elmen- dorft presented the keys of the city and the delegates were "welcomed by Governor Cul- berson In a short address , which was re sponded to by National President Lee. The afternoon session was short , and at Its con clusion the delegates were given a carriage riilo through the city. FUIt .1 3IIS1.\O JiXl'OSlTIUX. Denver Will Give n Dig Show In tbo Near I'u t uro. DENVER , Juno 3. Managers of the pro posed mining and Industrial exposition have Usued a statement to the public setting forth what has already been accomplished and what It is proposed to do. They say : "Tho results to date of the canvass for sub scriptions Justify the statement that ample financial aid wlil bo obtained and the selec tion of slto ends the Important preliminary work of the committee , anil with this an nouncement the exposition is now practi cally assured. Active work will begin at once. Slnco t'no National Mining and In dustrial exposition , held In Denver In 1882 , which proved such a great factor In the subsequent development of Colorado and Denver , there has been no exposition of the resources and Industrial progress of the transmlsslsslppi country. Slnco that tlmo the country west of the Mississippi has In creased In population CO per cent. It has added flvo new states to the union. H has built the 25,000 additional miles of railroad and has added to the world untold millions In the products of mines , the farm , the Holds and the factories. This great region Is the producing belt of the world ; It con stitutes two-thirds of the area of the United States and Is the homo of 17.000,000 of the nation's most progressive people. " CJIoomy Vluiv of EiiRlbili Crops. LONDON , June 3. The Times prints to day a gloomy review of the English crop prospects. It says that much of the spring grain Is no further advanced than generally at the middle of April. The fruit crop In Kent , It appears , has also suffered from drouth. The situation In France la favor able. The outlook for the hay crop Is satis factory. In ry there Is generally a light crop , anil the average yield of wheat Is ex pectcd. " " " " * * * " " - " ! & . li No Waiting , No Wondering - & if they'll Fit. TRADE BRAND MARK. . . SHIRTS . . . arc Ready to Wear , and Every Garment Is Guaranteed. Sr Leading 'Retailers know of ibis brand of Shirts. If your outfitter is out of size or style you desire , let him pet it for you , and in order that lie tray get you just what you want , write us for our SOUVENIR OF FASHIONS. Copies Free by null. CLUETT , COON & CO. , Makers. P.ctorlei , TROV , N. V. IWV ir/A T KH wini.t T anoit r. Juno Crop Iteport Miows Very Ilmvjr Drop In Conditions. CHICAGO , Juno 3. The Juno crop report of the OrAcgo JiiiM Farmer published thli week , based on data up to Mny 27 , makci. the average condition of winter wheat 71.5 , or 13 points short of latt month , the heaviest drop In condition over recorded In a tlngli month. Condition U high on tlio PacliU coatt , but In Ohio , Michigan , Indiana , 1111. nols , Missouri and Kansas the average li only Cl. According to Iho report the total crop In Hie six plates named will bo but llttlo more than to furnish broad and seed required within their own borders , whIU the total winter wheat crop this year , ln < eluding the largo production of the 1'acllU coast , will not make enough to more than furnish bread alone for the people In tin winter wheat states cast of Iho Hocky rnoun * tains. The ncrcago of oats Is reported at 29,912 , . 000 , or 3.8 per cent larger limn last year. Tho1 condition Is SI , Iho lowest ever reported for June. IlliU Ciinmii Ho Withdrawn. WASHINGTON , Juno 3.-Tho nttornej general has decided that a llrm of bidden for government work cannot withdraw I bid on the allegation that It was mndl under n mistake. Mr * . Anna dnco.o nlfo nf Kx-Dcputjr If J H. Mnrnunl , Co.JL liuiibn ? , Kun. , tnisi/f " , ' , < ' * delivered X tliatiiuiiiliiiitosnnd j nllh irnrcolr nn ; pnln after iiflni only ttvo bottles " MOTHERS' ' FRIEND , " | Bent by Iirre. ! or\/ mull , nu iccolpt of y nllciltreo. J , U IICaULATOIt CO. , ATLANTA , OA.K Mold liy nil Jli-uuElits. i PATRONIZE Dy purchasing good * made at the following Nebraska lactorles. If j-ou cannot find what you want , communicate with ttn ? manufao turei as to what dealers handle their cooda : mntr.Ai' xinxis , BEM1S OMAHA BAG CO. Manufacturer ! of all kinds of cotton & burlii bags , cotton flor racks & twlno a specialty. Cl' H6-51S 8. lllh-st. FOOtt , 1'LOUIt. YEAST. WM. PRESTON & CO. Manufacturers of Prciton's California Finite * , Sickle brand eilf raising flour & yeait. Da yoit uic Prciton'i belt flaurT OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION. C r load thlrmenti made In our own refrbjeratot cars. Blue Hlbbon , Elite Hxport , Vienna Kxport , and Family Export , delivered to all parts of city , i'i'im : , si'icK.1 , CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Roaiter * , Eplce Grinders , Manufacturer ! rierman Making Powder and German Dry Hoi YcuBt , 1414 and 1410 Harney-st. , Omaha , Neb. If LOU 1C. S. F. GIUIAN. Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C R. Black , Manager , Omaha. FUHX11" Ult K J'VJ VTOlll K.1. OMAHA UPHOLSTERING CO. .Ntanufacturers of parlor furniture , loungef , din- Ins tables & folding bedi. 28th are. , Doyd to fc'alilcr streets. 1CK AXU COAL. SOUTH OMAHA ICE AND COALCO. Domestic A steam coal. We have the eett , ON flee 1COI Farnanvtt. Telephone : Office 373 , yard 1TC8. J. A. Doc , gen'l mnnoger. IMtX INDUSTRIAL IRON WORKS. Manufacturing & repairing ot all kinds or ma. chlnery , engines , pi < mp > . elevatorc , prlntln * prcmei , hanicere. shafting t couplmgv 1WC-1 Howard t. , Omah * . PHOENIX FOUNDRY CO. Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , pedals ; bollet fronts & fitting ! , street Il'y car wheels. Archi tectural Iron works. Office 307 8. ISth-it. , Omaha. & YllllLlKG IKON WORKS. M'tV * of Architectural Iron Work. Oenera ) Foundry , Machine and Blacksmith Work. Kn. glneers & Contractors for Fireproof Ilullcllnga , Office and Works , U. P. DY. & Bo. 17th Street , Omaha. MAXUF.lVTUItl.Vtl VllKMlttf.S. THE MERCER CHEMICAL COMPANY , Manufacturers of fluid extract * , elixirs , nyrupB , & wines , compressed trtturatM , hypodermic tab. l-t , pills & iclentinc medical noveltlei. Omaha. MAVfKKSSKS , COT.i , CltlltH. L. G DOUP. Manufacturer Mattresses , Bprlni Dfdi ; Jobbti Feathers inJ Pillows. North 14th and Nlcholai Kt . . Omaha. X1U11T lI'ATCir , J-'IIIK SKIU'ICR. AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH , The only perfect protection to property , Exaro. In * It. Ilest thing on earth. Heducei Iniuranc * latca. 1504 Douglas-it. L FAUTUUllUi. KATZ-KE.INS CO , Manufacturer * of men' * & ) /oye * clothlnr. P nte , ihlrts overalls. 202-212 8. llth-it. 1-AJ'Klt JIUXKS. THE OMAHA PAPER BOX CO. Manufactuiera of all klnde paper boxes , ihtl | bovee. sample casee , mailing tubes , etc , W a. ding cake & fancy candy tx > xcs , dru idit & Jewalrj boxes. 1248-10 Jcnes-sl , , Omaha. Ulllltr FAVTOUIKX. lM.YAIlS--HEIRASKA'SHIRT ) CO , Cicluslve cuitom shirt tailors. If < 15 Ftrnain strett Telephone 803. I'lTHIMISH ) 'A I'/.VH HltlVIC. ' HENRY BOLLN , OMAHA , NEB , Factory In T < oulivllle , Cam Co quality of brlcll jaronleed to b ee good as any tnapufactuttj cutilde at this e-ate. Henry Uollo. P. I' . SMITH ( Tel. 13)8) 8 , M. BTANFOItQ F. P. SMITH & CO , GRAIN and PROVISIONS Room 4. N. Y. Life BldR. , Omaha. Hranch ofllcce at Fremont nnd Columbu * . All order * placed on the Chicago Hoard of Irndr. Correspondents : Hchwartz , Dupve & O. , Chl cage ; Schrelner , Flack & Co. , St. Ixiuli. lUUn to First .National Hank , Omaha. , MARGIN 'u matter what booklet on tpeo TU All I NO ulatlon you may have rcud eonii I.AI > | AINnii f ° r " ' * which * NIJW ni coMI'kBTB. u cieary | explain * margin trading and IJF.FINHS ALL MAUKtTO KXI'IIIWHIONH. It's free and will teach you eomethlnir. AHUOaAST & CO. , U Uulldlne ,