THE OlNLAnA DAILY J3EEMCXETDAY , , JUNE 3 , 1895. SPEC1RL NOTICES. Acitcrtliieniriits for these rolunins r lll he takm until 12100 p. m. for the eYtmlnc n l until 8 p. m. for ttie innruliiR nud bunda/ edition. Advertisers , Ijy requtitlnc nnmlwreil Ilicck , tan linve nsCTorii addressed to a numbered Utter In rnre or 'Hie lleo. An swers > o nildrcMcil will ho drllTored upon | KM'iitntlon of the check only. Itntes , 1 l-2o n nerd , Hrst Iniertlon , lo a word licrrnfler. Nothing tuUeu for lissthan2So lor llrst Iniertlon. Ilirso advertisements mint tun coiisebu- lively. WANTED SITUATIONS' OOOD GERMAN GIRL WISHES GENERAL housework 811 H. 20th street ; Inquire nny time except Sunday. A 602-1 * WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED , l.WO MEN TO WRITE ME TODAY for the rectHpt ( absolutely free. In plain sealed envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility , cxhaused vitality , etc. Aildicss C. J. Walker , box. 1.311 , KalamaETO. Mich. U-M4I3 WANTED , MAN TO TAKE ORDERS IN CITY for old established house , former experience and silary paid weekly. Apply after 9 a. m. at 1110 Douglas. 11-MN4 . -jij WANTED , SALESMEN The Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win. JI-M7JC J10' FRECKLES , PURE AND MILD , to. H-181-J21 WANTED , TO EXCHANGE. A NEARLYNEW , double-scat cnrrlugv , for new or Kfcond-hand Concord buggy , or will buy for mull If cheap. Aildrcm It. Urcltunir. 413 New York Life building , city. 11 M511 3 j WANT FINE SAMPLES HANDED voun friends or neighbors. Semi A. F. Wood , Per- fumer. Wood nve. . Detroit , Mich. , lee for C , trial bottles Batln-8cent Perfumes ; receive offer to jou. 1J 11512 1 * WANTED FEMALE iiELP. 1 ARE YOU HONEST. SORER , INDUSTRIOUS ? It so , engage with us for IS'jl ; I3UO n month , $3MO a jrnr ; you can make It cany ; six hours a day. Our agents ilo not compluln of hard times. Why ? They air making money selling our Perfection Dish Washer ; the only practical family washer manufactured ; washes , dries nml tiollshcs Olshus perfectly In two minutes , lu experlcnco neccsflary ; a child of 8 < i | nitos It rosily ; cheap and durable , weight , thirteen poundx ; made of nntl-ruHt uheet Htecl ; capac ity , 100 plici'H ; | 10 , < WO for HH , every fam ily wants one ; > ou don't have to canvas ; as xmin u * people know you have It for palo they send for n dish washer ; each agent'H terrltoty protected , no competition ; we fur- njflh nainpla ( u eight six pounds ) In nice case in lady ngenls to take orders with ; one agent niailu $214 03 llrst ten daju. Address far full particulars Perfection Mfg. Co , Englevuxiil , III. X.ADIES WANTING FIKHT CLAB3 GIRLS call nl Scandinavian Y. V/ . Home , 1C1J Capitol avenue , tel. Ia7. C M5J ) 10 * 1'ASTUY COOK. JJOOO ; 13 DINING ItOOM 1-lrlu ; 10 lad/ clerks ; jirHoto family cook * , tv W. Canadian olllce , 1522 Douglaa lit. C MSC8-1 * A MAN OR LADY TO MANAGE D1STRIUUTT Ing Fuiiile | , simps , up-dallies , books ; do u > r * rcxpomllnj ? . Semi Bylvan Co. , 7S7 Woodward , " ' " Mich. , lOo for set of oamples. cfhp olfcr to > ou. C SIJ61 8 * JT OR , BENT HOUSES. JIOL'SUS , I1. 1C. PAULINO , ll.UUvEIl HLOCK. u < za _ 3IOUSEA IN ALL 1'AHTS OP THE CITY. Tilt : O. 1" . Da\ls company , I'M Karnum. D W HOUSES , UKN15WA & CO. , 108 N. 1STII HT. I ) 127 It. E. COLE CO. LAIIQEST LIST IN OMAl D Ml. ! ) 1708 KAUNAM STHEET. \V. M. lloscrs , 1323 Karnam street. D 123 NICE MODERN TLATS , CHEAP. J. W. Snulre , 2IS Uee building. JJ-4JO TOR 11ENT-DESIRA1JLE HOUSES. V rtivaa , 211 a. 24th U , JJJ. 7 ruoms , 4UJ5 Ctimlng st. , ? 22. 1 rooms , Wi N. 2ith uve. . J M. fi rooms , 4'.K > 7 CUBS at. . J10. * looms. 4V27 Davxnpurt at. , (10. C rooms , 314) ) Jackson st. , SS. li rooms , KI3 Pratt at , 57. Bc 1'taellty Trust Co. % 1702 Karnam t. D < Jl LAIlOE LIST. K. O..WJJAU , 10JTJI & DOUOLAS t > 5I7-J3 ( _ _ I'Ort RENT PINE NEW 10-HOOlI HOUSE , Ml K. Wth t. U. T , Clarke , 219 JJuard ol Trade. JIENTAL AQKNCY C2J SO. JflTU ST. D 727 llBNT AT JJELL13VUE , NBAIl It. II depot , a tlnu 10-room house , flna Kroundi iiliundnnt fruit ; also 4-room cottage. Henry T Clarke , No. 219 Jloard of Trude , Omalui. o : W. K. U > .U. Hcllevue. D-.7S8 _ NEARLY , NEW C-HOOM COTTAO E WIT1 b.ltli , U'duccd to J 13.60. 3033 Cullfornla St. D 820 VEKY DUSIHAItLE FUKNlfiHED HOUSE close In. J. 11. SlimroixJ , iii N. Y. Life. TEN-IIOOM HODCnN HOUSE. CI/5SE IN D-room cottnge. city water ; store building130 Furiiani. t , . u. gklnnrr , nccut , 310 A'ew Vorl Lift. D-Mittl _ ID-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN , LOCATED 221 Douglas. W. F. Clark. _ a'UIlNISHEI ) OU UNKUHNISHIil ) ; handsonitnt residence In Ko unite I'lace. yo partlculara enquire Adolph Meyer. Uth am rurnani. I > 1S2 TWO 9-nooii nnicic IIOVSKS. jssa-n J AKI avenue , facing Hanscom park , nearly oew hard wood nnlsh ; first class modern con xenlences. Inuulre HIS South 32nd street. . D M328 _ _ ron jir rr-iiousE OP TEN IIOOMS. in s IStli st. All modern conrenl no < . Inquire a 20J 8. 161li Bt. 1 > . T. Mount. JJ SM _ KOK JIENT GOOD COTTAQl ! . I.ARIII ! IJVWJ with trees , burn , on car line , J25. It. C. 1'al tei ion , Itamgo blk. 1 > 407 " KENT , FLATS NEWLY CLEANED , VA 'U und luLlntvd at oorthuuit oorntr llth an 1 Inward , IIS a month. Inquire room 314 Fin Nallpnul banh building. JM21-1I _ 1'OR JIENT 7 ROOMS , IIAIIN , CITY WATEr cistern. IJ twen 87th anj ZSth on Jones. 1C17 I'OIl IlENT , N15W 4-HOOM COTTAGE. COI 30th nnd Sahlur St. , cellar , cistern , city wale only tCUO. Enquire 1318 1'urnam , I > M570.3 6 AND 7-ROOM TLAT3. WITH IIANQE A'Nl nil modern oon\enlenc s ; uvMilngs. screens an Janitor ser\le . Cull at conur Hat , 701 a. HI t. , fium 19 to U and 2 to 4. George Clouser. I ) M5I4 ! _ _ _ FOR IlENT , S.ltOOM UOUKE. ALL ilODEn : Improvements ; hard wood llnlsli ; all lart rooms. 460 N. d street. D Mi 6 KENT. MY UESIUBNCE , COK. 24TH AN Kt. Mary's me. ; also olter my horse * ai carriage * for le. Mrs. M. Helluian. D-373 I1 _ _ roil RENT SEVEN-UOOM COTTAOE WIT , all modern 14J ( leorgla avrnu near llunstxmi park. Also \trii'room cottaf IS2 I'hnrles street. Enquire O. N. Clujton , i olllce , 1115 1 uniam street. street.D D 4SS-1 * MODlIltN HOUSE , DETAC1IEI beautiful lawn ; shade trees. COj South rt Apply to J. H. 1'airotte , Douglas blocki D MOID 17 FOB BOOH HICK SOUTH rilONT HOOM. WELL 1UI nUlied , private family. Call 2113 Cajs st. st.KM4W I'LJOASANT UOOM. J919 DOUOE. E-M837 ROOM. CO 3. 19T1I STREET. U M107-Jlt NICELY .FURNISHED ROOMS , vns. 23Tir A' DIMINISHED IIOOMS IN UESIDENCK , WHIC occupies block ; ntco lawn. Northeast rum 191D and Lra\couanh. IURNISHED ROOMS ANDBOaB TJIK HOSE. MM iiARKer. NICE rnuNiBin : rooms with board , spedal rates to gentlemen. ItOOM , HATH , S MONTH. IS I'aruain. y Mi-i _ IIOOMS WITH JJOAHD , VTOI'IA. 1J21 DAVE1 iwrt i > t. fell KENT STOHES AND OFFICE Ton ItENT-THE 4-S3'OIlY lllUCIC I1UILDINI 510 rarimm treet. This building has a fir Cruof cement basement , complete steam hea IB llxturts. Hater on all Maori. Ka . etc A ply at the oino of The Bee. I 910 DESK ROOM. WILLIAM J. AVELSHANS. ! ot1rude. _ _ VQR iftlNT. THIIEE ilTOUY AND IASIME tM-ldc star * bulldluc , 1403 I' rnam strcM. Lar , elevator ; Orst rlaM cuDdHlon. uUbl ! for ai Kind of Imdnvas. Hettsonalu * terms , luqul room 311 First National bunk tutkilnr.I I ) : ! : AQENXB WANTED. JIEN AND WOMKN. TO tit A. DAY. AI dress lh Handy llwter Co. , Ml New York Lt Oinalia. Net ) . J 91 ! um thtnir IMW to IwllM1 anoea ot gre merit i W pay * n4 exclusive Mies guara J'eJ. AiWrw > Ianufacturr > Bho Co. , 4 Volott strwt , Lyra. MUM. ' ' TO HE NT. LIST HOURKS FOIl nHNT WITH O. O WAI.- lace , 912 Urown blk. Have call * for cottars. LIST HOUSES ron nnNT WITH r. D. WCAO. IwlS J3 WANTfiD-KOHNISlIKD IIOUSK FOIl MAN and wife only , convenient to bunlncra part of city , for summer ! atl factnry r ferenc * Blven as to retpormtlillHy , etc. Address 11 34 , ! ! < < . K 11553-4 STORAGE. riUNic nwcna , u M433 HTOhAOK I1UII.UINO IN OMAHA , V. B. ROV. bond warehouse ; hounehola KQOUS Mored ! \OKttl \ rate * . 1013-1015 tjtavenworth. M43 < S HTOVKH HTORED DUIUNO BUMMER. TEL. W ) . 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove ll'palr V orks. M437 PACIFIC STORAGE A WAREHOUSE CO. . 9TH & Jones sts. General Htoiage and forwanllnu. M4.S WANTED TUBUlf STOCKS OF rLOTHINO , GENTS' FURNISHIngs - Ings , lints and shoes. B. Arnslcln , 13i)3 ) Douglas street , Oimlm , Neb. N M700 JS ANTKD , doon 8icoNn HAND urniouT piano , cheap Ilobcrta at Uennctt'a. _ N263 n TiiADi5ron CI.HAII lot , n nice horse anil phaeton : horse must be youns Bcntte , stylish and n sotxl spe'ily driver ; phaeton must be In flrat clasa condition. State West price and where It can be nei-n Address - dress It 2S. cnre n e ofllce. N SOI 5 WANTKD , OOOD SHCOND-IIAND OFT1CB dettk , must ba a bargain. II 31 , Her olllcc , N M527 3 * WANTED CHRAP IlOLLEIl TO1 * DIISIC. AD- drc s 1' . O. Itox CSS. N 601 1 FOR BAIK FURNITURE. FOIl BAi-ON ACCOUNT OF UUMOVAI , TO New York , will sell all the furniture , carpets , etc. , of a 10-room house cheap. Call at C51 8. 20th ave. O M439 ron sALU ncnnoou SET. cnNTKn TAIII.E , kitchen table , Ulnlnc room Umlr . 034 South Kill Bt. 0-633-1' FORBAIjE-HORaKa.-WAGONS.ETO iron SALE , iionsn AND nuaoY ; nonsc very Kentlo nnd In Rood shape. Fidelity Loan nml Guarantee company , room 4 , Wlthnell building. P M6ST * rillST CIAR8 FAMILY llOUSi : AND KINI3 phaeton. 830 South Slst. 1' MOW 7' FOK. SALE MISCELLANEOUS WiOMAN PIANOS. IIRIDCIIH'OHT OIUJANS. VVowlhrlilgc llros. , 117 B , 17th. Q140 IIA11D\VOOD COMIHNATION IIOO AND chicken fence. Chas. H. Lee , 9th and Doudas , Q441 THH STANDARD CATTLE CO . AilKS , NEIL , has 400 tons Rood baleil hay to sell. Q JI442 rou SALE. A pirr DHEH. INQUIRE A. D. Brandies , I Jos ton store. Q-M001 CUIJAN TRICKLES EOLD EVERYWHERE , &C. Q184 J21 FOR SALE , KIMRALI , UPRIGHT PIANTO , Room 4 , Wlthn ll building. Q-MM8 4 CLAIRVOYANTS' MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE. liable buslnesg medium , Sth year at 119 N. Kith , SI13 , UATHS. KTO. MADAM SMITH , C03 S. 13TH.2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; niaKncHc. vapor , alcohol , steam , sulphur-Ins anil wa baths. T M375-8 MOST COMMODIOUS HATH PARLORS IN city. Mme Ilowell. 31S & 320 S. 15th ; thoroughly practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant. T M313 Jll * ' MADAM LA RUE , 1017 HOWARD ST T863 J12 MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1121 DODGE , | T MIPS 3 * MRS. DR. LEON. ELEGANT MASSAGE ANC electric h.ith parlors , restful anil rcfrosWm ; , No. 412 North 14th street. T MGOI 8 * TUWKI&H BATHS. URKISH 13ATHS : ONLT PLACE IN CITY cxclu8lvty | for ladles. Suite 10J-1W , lire bldg. 135 LADIES' BATHS , 6 KOK J5. MME. 1'OST. 3I9V ! S. 15. 730 PERSONAL. TUB BELLE KPPEHIA" CORSET. MADE TC order from measure. 1909 Farnam * street. street.U U 383 VJAVI CO. , 345 BEE BLDO. ; HEALTH DOOK free ! home treatment ; lady attendant. U444 C. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS , llanquet , hall , residence nnd ffravo depurations , 1S13 Vlnton street. Telephone 77C. U M443 BATHS. MABSAQD , MME. 1'OST , 319Ji S. 15T1I , j U731 CUI1AN 1'RECKLES. WORTH IOC FOR CC „ UJSI J21 PLEDGES NOT REDEEMED -KXTENDEr by June IS will be sold at auction. rre > l Mohle 1517 Karnam. U M2I3 15 PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURING CON llnement ; babies adopted or otherwise provider for. 2C31 Charles street , Omaha , Neb | U-.MS54 J14 UMBRELLAS COVERED AND nnPAlREC 318. Ho. 16th. Jas. Henderson. U 387 J 27 1IAROAIN. 12 CAHIKCT PHOTOS. J2. DAV1ES 113 U. IStli street , opposite Uoaton Store. U-M509 30 WANTliD-TO MEET EVKRY DRUGQIST If , Btatn of Nebraska at Mercer hotel Monda ; evening , June 3d , 8 o'clock sharp. Chas. H Sherman , local see'y , N. a. P. A. Norman A Kuhn , ch'm. entertainment com. U403 1 IT GIVES LIFE AND STRENGTH TO THI exhausted enercles of a weakened body Cleric--- * Pure Uye Whisky In bottle * . Bold a dealers. U-MM7 3 70 LOAN REAL E8TATJ ANTHONT LOAN & TRUST CO. , 8H N. Y. LU E loans at low rates for choice gecurlty In Ne braska anil lena farms or Omaha city property W4K MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH ; real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , 1'axton blk W447 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTAT1 at G per cent. W. 1) . Mclkc ) , 1st Nat. Ilk bide W44S MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMA1L properly. 1'lilejlty Trust company , 1702 Farnam W441 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. > New York , offer any part 100,000 eastern In I Motor's names , who have money to Invest t just compiled. Write ( or particulars. W M303 J2i _ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT' property. W , 1'urnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fat-nan : W45S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. Till O. F. Dm la Co. , 1WO Farnam Bt. W451 CITY 1X > ANS. C. A , BTAJIR , CIS N. f , LIFE W450 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED Ol or bought. 1' . O. Chun y , Kansas City. Mi CAPITAL , $2,000.000 ; ' SURPLUS , tMO.OOO ; U. I MortgaRe Trust Co. . New York. For 6 per cei loans on city property apply to Pusey A Thma agents , room 107 First Nat'l bank bid ? . 4-R HOUSE. CITY WATER , UOO CASH ; PRIG lift } ) ; C-rpom house , paved afreet , a snai Jl. 00.00. GarvJn llros , 210 N. Y. Life. RE-M541-3 MONEY TO LUAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURN1 lure , pianos , liorcAU , waxons , or any kind c chattel nwurlty ut lowest possible rates , whic you can par hack at nny time or In an nmount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO Room 4. Wlthurll block. X4S4 J. 1J. HADDOCK. HOOM 427. UAMUU ULOCH X4W MONEY TO IXJAN ON FURNITURE AN1 ' " - Fred Terry. 430 Itamga blk. X4M MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIAKO ! horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In cltj no removal of Roods : strictly confidential ; yo can pay the loun of ! at any time or In an Amount. Amount.OMAHA MOTtTGAtlK LOAN CO. . 3CC Bo. 16th fit. fit.X470 X470 BUSINESS CHANOJiS. CUBAN rilKCKLES , TUB ONLY CK1A11 , U Y1I4 J21 FOR SALH-MY LOAN AND JISWCLUY UUS ness. Fred Mohle , 1517H Farnam.YM891JH Y-M891-JH 15.001) STOCK IN ONE OF TUB OLDEST Ei tnbUihnl and bejtt pn > lne National banks HI. For lull ( urilculurn Address R U. Uee. Y-M574- ll.W WHEAT IS * ! OW ROOMING. ( Jet in oil thU rlrlnc inarkot. Wheat Is tour to KO lilghvr. Everybody la buylnjt when Keud for our manual on tnullnIn rralu * u provisions ; also Dally Market llulletln , ai vlilns what anil when to buy. Iloth fre Btansetl & Co. . Bankers and Urokers. sul 131 Trailer * Illilg. , Chicago. Y MW3-J' WILL PAY 1100.00 FOR USB OP J500.00 FIV months , second mortgage. Income properf rtcurlty ample , K 4i > , Uee. Y MM3 J * WANTED PARTNER WITH CAPITAL FO strictly high elai * dramatic production. Illg ! est rtferenr * * . An om Uur of ability a cptablc. Only Uioae ju jilne buslneu j > e < II ufjreJ. R a. D . Y m ! tl.tM WILL HUT A MANUFACTURING BUB HCM In Om h ; good. reuoQ for leltinir. Ai dMM ft JC. ! * * . : BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued , SEVERAL HUSINERS CHANCES FOR REAL estate ; small wholesale business for snle , about 12.000. F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas. Y-jSS-l "III3 WISD TODAY ! 'TIS MADNESS TO DEfer - for , " Get a bottle nf Clarke'n Pure Rye Whisky at once for Indlirtstlon. It will surely cure you. At dealers. Y MfiOl 3 FOR EXCHANGE. A NICE STYLE FAMILY HORSE , COAL black , sound , good free driver nnd rentl | n every way. to exchnngn for iroo.1 driving horse. Fidelity Trust company , 1701 Farnam stroel. B-M8M FOR EXCHANGE , 80-ACRE FARM IN OREAT sugar beet district , m'd'se , or bank stick pre ferred. W. G. Tcmpleton , < OJ N. Y. Life. Z-M217-6 FARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI , for stock of hardware or Implements. Knox ft Rlsser , 37H Pearl St. , Council IIIurTs , la | ZI17J2J ICrt ACRES LITTLE SOUTH OF NEI1RASKA line for merchandise or live stock. Fine property fronting Hanscom park for busi ness niwnlnif. J3.000 ilruc stock for Omaha lot. F. D. Wead. 16th nnd Doiulas. 7. 451 1 FOR bALE tttvAL ESTATE. AU3TRAUTS , THE 11VRON REED COMPANY. RE-4M I1ARGAINB , HOUHEa. LOTS AND FARM ) sale or trade. F. K. Darling , lllnck. RE-4GO MI-ROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprleo sou , If takin ullli- In 2 weeks. J. II. bheruood , 411 N. Y. Life. RE-153 IAROAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN C1TV PROP- ertlcs and farms. John N. Frenzer , opp. P. O RE-1C1 NAPfl , 6 TO 6 MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40. CO or 129 acres , Improved , $3000 per aer , ! 00 acres. $35 00 per atro ; 250 ucics. J40.W p < > r acre ; * I0-ocro tracts , 171.00 to JIM.CO i > "r ncro. Must be sold. 910 N. Y , Life bid * . RE4G3 OR SALE-LOT II , 13LOCK 2. BAKER PLACE. This lot Is SOilSS , south frolt. near car ; will sell cheap on easy monthly payments to right party. Also lot 2 , In lluckeye Place , nnd lot 1 , blk t. Popplelon Park Take a look at th lota and If they suit you call nnd I will moke price and terms to suit. Gvo. D. Tzschuck , lire olllce , Omaha. RE-631 'ARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON , N. Y. L. RE-60S-J7' ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , 302 N. 40TH , only J3.700.00 ; great bargain. RE MJO EW 6-ROOM COTTAGE , LARGE LOT , ONLY (1,90000 , Clark and N. 21st ; nup. RE M791 IOME3 ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Gavin Uros , 210 N.V.I , . RE 403 , IU8T HE SO.LD FULL LOT. SEWER , RIDE- walk nnd fence , near grocery , pavement and car. for n few days , 1310. 1' . D. Wead ICth nnd Douglas. RE 400 1 l.ZOO JIOUSK WITH HALF ACRE. J1.200. .l.r.OO buys cottage 13th Bt. boulevard. $32' * , 4-room house and lot. " .2200. . new house , cost > enr ago. Jl BOO. 4 W ) , 8-room modern house north H. park. . ; w. 2 beautiful acres near Fort. [ ' . D. Wead. ICth ami Douglas. RE 4M 1 BJCVCLE5 , M. O. DAXON , 403 N. IGTH. 454 VICTOR I1ICYCLES , TIIE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha IJIcycle Co. , 323 N. ICth strwt STERLING I1UILT LIKE A WATCH WEST- crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Houard street 405 SEE THE V1.SI1ILE HALL HEARINGS ON Rcla > Special. Will narnum liro. . 1M N. 15th. 407 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. , 110 H. Uth street. 4C3 , V. L. DEANE 4 CO . WHOLESALE AND RE- tall bicycles. 1116 F rnam sheet ; blcK'es ' sold on easy payments. 461 iVESTERN HICYCLE & GUN C0..2UC CUMINO 47Q MAJSTJiLS , GHATJb AND T1LE3. WOOD MANTLES , GRATES. TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large flours ; write tot catalogue. Milton Rogers & Huns , Omaha , UNDERTAKERS ANJJ EMB ALMEK3 I , K. HURKBT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND vmbulmer. 1CIS Chicago St. , telephone 90. 472 SWANSON & . VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEL 1DCO M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMUALM. cr , 1417 Karnam St. , telephone 2 # . 474 C. W. UAKIill , UNDERTAKER. 613 B. 1 TH HT. 471 CUrt.1. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL olllco to Iff ) B. ICth Bt. , liiown block. 476 A GOOD THING I'USH ' IT ALONG , MAY HE the latest ehine phrase , but that'H Just what we're doing vvlih SHERIDAN COAL. 8.0)0 tons sold In Omaha last year. We give > nu'2iwo His. of the best Wyoming cooklne coal foi $4 5) . Victor White , mgr. , 1W5 Fainam st. Tel. 127. 4)1 BUILDING &LOAN .SSOUIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & I ! ASS'N PATi C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , nlwaj ! redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Hcc 4SO HOW TO GET A HOME OR 8ECURK QOOC Interst on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & 1J Ass'n , 1704 Jioo UldK. a. M. Nattlnger , Bee.m HOTELS. HOTEI , HAUKER , 13TH AND JONIC3 T3. rooms at Jl.W per day. rooms at { 2.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Roan and board by week or month. .Frank Hlldttcli manacvr. 47S AETNA HOUSE ( KUROPKAN ) , N. W. COH 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 473 PUMPJ AVD WINDMILLS. C. H. HOYDEN , PUMPS AND WIND MILLS all kinds of pump repairing. Leave order , with Churchill Pump Co. Telephone CK M-1C5-J21' DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 43)1 Hurdette , MS J3' ' ) DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES Fit and t > le guaranteed. AUdrus * R as Jtve M1S33 * UUSIN 3d NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS IlESILVKRED , 719 N. U 496 PASTURAGE. WB HAVE ICO ACRES OF IILUU GRASS PAS turn for horsru. bonrd fence , nprlng water Ilarlon * . Phelpi , Gilmor . Neb. , or A. W Phelpa & Son , S07 N. Y. Life lildg. . T l. 1051 478-July 1' 1'ASTURE , CATTLE & HORSES , T. MURRAY SOJ-J13 11LUE GRASS , SPUING WATBR ; II. II. IIAR tier At Co. , lUe building. : : i NOTICE-I , THE UNDERSIGNED , WILL TA1C1 In horses and colts to pasture , feed nnd car for the ymr round In Howaid Co. , NVbra ku Watch this paper for particulars by the lot ; of June , 1S95. Charles Gans. Ily Geu Q , Gam lortman , P. O. box 156 , tit. Paul , Neb.MSti11 M-Sti-11 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. OUOROE F. OELLIJNIJECK , IIAKJO ANI nultsr teacher. 1311 Can street. M 1M CRAYON WORK TAUGHT FREE 11Y MAII by tut Kansas City An college , 410 K. Itt strmt , Kansas City , Mo. M-U6-I' EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER. TERM ! moderate. Address Mlts T. E. 1'errall. 201 California street , MJS4 a * CARPENTERS ANJJ ilUILDEKS C. E. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING , 110181 sign painting , brick work , plastering ; off. It. : lUrker bin. ; M. lii ; shop 13 N. 21th st. 4S1 ELECTRICAL , SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC tors ( or electric light und motor plant * and kinds of electrical construction Western Elec Irlial Bupply Co. , 1515 Howard st. 4U SH.OKTJrlAU.0 A. C. VAN SANrB SCHOOL. 61 } N. Y. LIFE M-4M iAWNUROKERS. H. UA110W1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. IS s 4U . DANCING. MU. AND MR8. MORAND WILL GIVE PR ] te lessons ID dinclnr at their home , 2M Dodge street , during th * summer. 223-J23 DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. J02 UUUT BT . 4 7 LOST. STRAYED. A SORREL MARE. WHITE 8I > O > In fact ; return to J. W , Foley , 1SU N 1M ! for reward. Lost-Mill 1 HRONICLES MARTIN HEWITT ( Copyrighted , 1S93 , by the Author. ) I have already said In more than ono place that Hewitt's personal relations with the members of tlic London police force vvcro of a cordial character. In the course of Ills work It lias frequently boon Hewitt's Imp to learn of matters on which the pollco were glad of Information , and that Informa tion was always passed on at once , and so long as no Infringement of regulations or damage to public service was Involved Hewitt could always rely on a return In kind. It was with a message of a useful sort tliat Hewitt one day dropped Into Vine Street I'ollco station and asked for a par ticular Inspector , who was not In. Hewitt sat and wrote a note , and liy way of mak ing conversation said to the Inspector on duty : "Anything very startling this way today ? " "Nothing very startling , perhaps , as yet , " the inspector replied , "but ono of our chapi picked up rather an odd customer a little whileago. . Lunatic of sonic sort , I should think In fact , I've sent for the doctor to see him. Ho's a foreigner a Frenchman , I be lieve. Ho seemed horribly faint and weak , but the oddest thing occurred when one of the men , thinking he might ba hungry , brought In some bread. Ho went Into fits of terror at llio sight of H , and wouldn't be paclfloJ till they took It away again. " "That was strange. " "Odd , w&in'l t ? AnJ bD was hungry , too. They brought him Mine a little \vlitlo after , and ho illdn't funk it a bit. Pitched Into It , In fact , like anthing , and ate It all with some / The man looked mi-wltti a dull expression. cold beef. It's the \\ayivlth some lunatics never the Eame five iniitmtea together. He keeps crying like a ) jfij f , and wylng things v\o can't understand ; , , as , H happens , there's nobody In Just now. n'Jio speaks 1'rencli. " "I spenk-French,1' iHmvltt replied ; "Shall try him ? " " c "Certainly , If you'will. ' He's In the mcns room below. They'Ve" . ( jfen making him as comfortable as po slile' { Ijy the fire until the doctor comes. He's a Jujij ; tlroo ; I expect he's got a case on. " j u , Hewitt found his \iay to the largo mesa room belo > v , where ttirfeo or four policemen , In their shirt sleeves't re curtbitsly regard ing a young man of y ry , Blsorderel appear ance , who c t on phafrby the fire. Us was pale , and exhibited pi fa of bruises on Ills face , while over one-'eve was a scarcely healed cut. His figure was small and slight , his coat was torn , and hq sat with a certain Indefinite air of shivering suffer ing. Ho started and looked round appre hensively as Hewitt entered. Hewitt bowed smilingly , wished him good day , speaking In French , And asked If he spoke the lan guage. The man looked up with a dull expres sion , and , after an effort or two , as one who stutters , burst out with "Je la nlo ! " "That's strange , " Hewitt observed to the men. "I ask him if he speaks French , and he says l.o denies it speaking in French. " "Ho's been saying that very often , sir , " one of the men answered , "as well as othei things we can't make anything of , " Hewitt placed his hand kindly on the man's shoulder oud asked lila name. The reply was for a little while an inarticulate gurgle , presently merging Into a meaning' less medley of words and syllables : "Qu'csl ce Qu-ll n'a Leystar Squar sacro nom nol -eplk it quel cheoiln sank you > er' mos ) jo la nlo. Je la nlo ! " HO paused , stared , and then , as tUougl realizing Ills helplessness , he burst Intc tears. "He's been a-cryln" two or three times. ' said the man who had spoken before. "Hi was a-cryln' when we found him. " Several more attempts Hewitt made ti communicate with the man , but though IK seemed to comprehend what was meant hi replied with nothing but meaningless gibber and finally gave up the attempt , and , lean ing against the .Bide of the fireplace , burloc his head In the bend of his arm. Then the doctor arrived and made his ex amlnatlon. While U as In progress Honit took aside the policeman who had beei \ ' - l And Immediately fumed It bottom side u on tfte ; t lle. speaking before and > 'ale5tloue ) ] him furthei Ho had hlnuelf found'ihe Frenchman In dull back street by Goldsn square , where th man was standing /helpless and trembling apparently qulto befflldbred and very weal Ho had brought bltli Id , without being abl to learn anything about , him. One or tw shopkeepers in the itrctt where he was foun were asked , hut hrtevif1 nothing of him In deed , had ne\ er'sce , ! Um before. "But th curlouscst thing.i the policeman prc ceeJeJ , "xvas In ithUi 'cro room who J brought In * ' , ' "loaf to gl\e hit a bit of enack , tfeln' he looked s weak an * hungry. You M a-thought wo wa a-goln * to poison ' 1m. " He fairly screame at the very sight1 * of * the bread , an' h scrougcd himself up Inhst corner an' pi ] his hands In front .ot > iils face. I couldn make out what was VP'f first didn't tumb ! to It's beln' the bread lie was frightened o sceln * as hs looked like a .man CM 'ml h frightened at anything elcc flfore that. Ill the nearer I came with It .the more he > ellei so I took It away an * left U outside , an' the bo calmed donn. y\n' s'elp me , when I ci some bits oft that there very loaf an brought 'em In with a bit o' beef , he jui went for 'cm llko 1 .o'clock. He waen frlglitcued o' no bread ttien , you bet. Ilui thing bow the fancies tike 'cm when they'i ft bit touched , Ain't ItT All ooe w y or minute ; all th ? other the next. ' " "Yes. it i . Dy the way , have you at other loaf In the place ? " "Yes , * lr ; half a dozen , if you lite. " "Duo will be enough. I am going over I Lawyers aud solicitors. SUBS & CO. He Building , OMAHA , Neb. Atlvleo FUEE speak to the doctor. Wnlt nwhlle , until ho seems \cry quiet and fairly comfortable. Then bring a loaf in quietly and put it on the table , not far below his elbow Don't attract his attention to what you are do- lim- . " limTho The doctor stood looking thoughtfully down on the Frenchman , who , for his part , stared gloomily , hut tranquilly , at the fireplace , Hewitt stepped quietly over to the doctor , 'and ' , without disturbing the man by the lire , said Interrogatively , "As- phasla ? " The doctor tightened his lips , frowned and nodded significantly. "Motor , " ho mur mured , Just loudly enough for Hewitt to hear , "and there's a general nervous break down as wpll , I ehould say. ly ! the way , perhaps thcro's no agrAphla. Have you tried him with a pen and paper ? " Ten and paper were brought and set be fore the man. He was told , slowly ami distinctly , that ho was among friends , whoso only object was to restore him to his proper health. Would he write his imtno and address and any other Information ho might care to gho about himself on the paper before him ? The Frenchman took the pen and starud at the paper. Then , slowly and with much hesitation , he traced these marks : ta * The man paused after the last of these futile characters , and his pen stabbed Into the paper with a blot as he dazedly regarded his work. Then , with a groan , ho dropped It , and Ills face sank again Into the band of his arm , The doctor took the paper and handed It to Hewitt. "Complete agraphla. > ou see , " he said. "He can't write a word. He be gins to write 'Monsieur' from sheer habit In beginning letters thus , but the word tails off Into a scrawl , Then his attempts hecojno mere scribbles , with Just a trace of some familiar word here and there , but quite meaningless , nil. " Although ho had never before chanced to come across a case of aphasia ( happily a rare disease ) , Hewitt was acquainted with Its general nature. He knew that It might arise either from some physical Injury to the brain , or from a breakdown consequent on some terrible nervous strain Ho knew that In the case of motor aphasia the suf ferer , though fully conscious of all that goes on about him , and though quite under standing what Is tald to him , is entirely powerless to put his own thoughts Into spoken words has lost , In fact , the con nection between words nnd their spoken symbols. Also that In most bad cases agraphla the loss of ability to wrlto words with any reference to their meaning la commonly an accompaniment. "You will have him taken to the Jn- flrmary , I suppose ? " Hewitt asked. "Yes , " the doctor rcpllpd , "I shall go and see about it at once. " The man looked up again as they spoke. The policeman had , in accorJance with Hewitt's request , placed a loaf of bread on the table near him , and now as he looked up he caught slwljt of It. He started visibly and paled , but gave no aucli signs of abject terror as the policeman had previously ob served. He appeared nervous and uneasy , however , and presently reached elealthCy toward the loaf , Hewitt continued to talk to the doctor while closely watching the Frenchman's behavior from the corner ol Ills eye. The loaf is what is called a "plain cottage" of solid and regular shape ; the man leached it and Immediately turned It bottom up on the table. Then he sanfc hack in his chair , with a more contented expression , though his gaze was still dl- rectal toward the loaf. The ipollceman grinned silently at this curious maneuver. The doctor left and Hewitt accompanied him to the door of the room. "IIo wll not be moved Just yet , I take It ? " Hewitl asked as they patted. "It may take an hour or two , " the doctoi replied. "Are you anxious to keep hlir here ? " "Not for long , but I think there's a curl nu3 inside to the case , and J may parhapi learn something of it by a little watching But I can't spare very long. " ( Continued Tomorrow. ) f oimertiuUu Little I'oilloi Are those diminutive organs , the kidneys which , In spite of their small size , perforrr in health a most Important part In tin mechanism of the system. Out of orde : they breed dangerous trouble. Renew the ! activity with Hostettcr's Stomach nitters which prarento Ui # serious and often fata diseases resulting .from their Inaction. Thtj sterling medicine , moreover , remedies ma larUl , rheumatic and dyspeptic complaints and invigorates the whole system. IN NIAGAK 'S C30BGE. Jlllllilln ? u JSallroail | > y tile fclde of tb < JtUililtif ; Kap.uV More than 1,000 laborers , says the Buffeli Express , are engaged at present In the worli famous gorge between Niagara Falls am Lewbton excavating for the new -Nlagan Falls & Lcwlston Electric railway , which 1 to convey passengers along the river's edg and almost In the spray of the mos picturesque rapids In the world. Hundreds of thousands of tous of rod overhang the line of road along the sectloi between the whirlpool and the Buttery elc vator at the Whirlpool rapids , and here an there on the banks of the river lie Immeni Iwuldcrs of hundreds of tons' weight , whlcl have slipped aw.iy from the parent reck abov and crashed down to their resting place be s'do the foamy river. Others have lodged hal way down and these have to be removed , t make way for the advent of the new railway The route from Levvlston to the whlilpool 1 much easier to grade thafl' the portion of thread road lying between the whirlpool and th Buttery elevator , owing to the bank of eart ! which was formed along there by the bulldln of the observation branch of the New Yori Central railroad. Near the Devil's Hoi there will be a bridge the only ono on th line and the road will be on an elevation o only twenty feet above the water's edge alon the. whole route. Hxcivatlcn is carried on In the face of grta dlfllculty. The Italians who were employed I the work were obliged to holu on by thel teeth almost , while getting a foothold on th steep sides of the walls which form the bank of the gorge. The embankments are forme largely of detritus from the rocky face of th cliffs above and mixed with a little dry eartt The footing there is almcit as treacherous a qulckband. Heedless of the dire results of misstep , the laborers clamber about tnes steep places , dislodging Immense boulderi uprooting trees and hurling them Into tli torrent below , as cheerfully as they woul go to work on a level street. Tha contractor Lave found It necessary lo do a great deal c bkktlng In the removal of the large rock which bar the way. .Blasting is done at 1 noon mil ! C p. in. , so as not to interfer with tbo men along the line , and ihowcra c broken rock arc shot high up over the ell above and fall in the garden plots of resident In the locality. The work of constructing that portion < the line between the Buttery elevator an the southern terminus of the road near th upper suspension bridge will be attended wit much greater engineering dllllcultles than ar being met with la the construction of th longer section below. The rocky w IU of Hi gorge rise perpendicularly from the water' ' edge over " 00 feet high and ( be work t excavating will te attended with great dttngt and expense. The road is to ba doubli tracked along JU entire length , the track to I standard gauge , and the earn will be of tli "observation" sort , seated ( so that patseng i will face the rapid * . Captain Sweeney , U. 8. A. . Ban Cal. , ayr "Sblloh'a .Catarrh Remedy li tr flrit medicine I haveUvrr found that wcul do me any gaoil. " JPrlc riiiioiiUAUS , LOYALTY TO CHUUCH AND STATK By Mgr. Satolll. Cloth , $ t.uO. John Murphy & Co. . Baltimore. In this volume arc collected Uio addressee and speeches delivered by tils excellency , Francis Archbishop Satolll , delegate apostolic of the Homan Catholic church In the United States. They cover a wide range of topics , Including education , temperance , the relations of church ami state , and the press , and Illustrate the brond Intellectual grasp of the Judicial representative of the pope. A sum mary of the most Important of the ad dresses contained In the volume was printed by the press nt the time of their delivery and It Is unneccssiry to repeat now the arguments used. The great vMue of the work rests In Its authoritative definition of thn position of the Catholic church on the various questions with which the papal delo- gttte dealt. Of tl.eso questions , the rela tions of church and state , particularly on the matter of education , aroused general discus sion ami not a little feeling In various quarters. Differences arose among prominent representatives of the church on these points , Increasing the doubt as to the position of the church and causing unworthy motive * to be impute 1 to her. Thaco doubts are now dis posed of by one authorized to sppak for the church and define her position clearly and unequivocally. The preface to the , volume was written by Cardinal Gibbons , accom panied by a brief biography of Mgr. Satolll , whose portrait forms the frontispiece. THAT I3UHASIAN By Aleph Bey. Cloth , $1.25. F. Tennyson Neely , Chicago. The story Is derived from what , purports to be a manuscript left by one Aleph Boy. It deals with Hast Indian society , and portrays the abuses caused by the admixture of English and native blood , An Kuraslan Is a person born of an Ungllsh father and native mother , Kuraslans seem to be treated with great severity and are ostracised socially. The story shown that they nre capable of a high degree of Intellectual de velopment and social culture. The writer nils attention to abuses so far removed torn our knowledge that the reader can iardly sympathize with his fHruesities- ) . The ccount. however , seems to be an accurate ne and throws much light on the customs flilcli have grown up by the contact of the Jrltlsh with the native races In India. 'HB ' AMEHICAN CONQUBSS , By Joseph West Mocro. Cloth , ? 3.00. Harper & Brothers , New York. From Megeath Stn- tlonory company , Omaha. The value of this work Is enhanced by lie fact that no other student of American Istory has entered and occupied the Held , lilch Mr. Moore here makes hit ) own. In his sense a positive contribution to our nowledgo of the national government , It 111 bo welcomed by the general redder , as ell as by those whose occupation In life nduco them to look mt > it frequently and Ith the greatest concern towards "The \merlcan Congress , " and who must know hat It has been In the past , as well as what la. All of the most Important occur- ences In national political affaliH are de- icilucd by Mr. Moore. The great American talesman , as well IU the measures advocated ly thorn , are portra > ed , and the causes and onsequences of federal legislation are treated i a resolutely fair manner. The history eglns with the colonial period with the Continental congress and llg prominent men narrates very clearly the proceedings In : ho formation of the nation und the ostab- Ithmeut of the constitutional government , id then goes steadily on to tell ot the nota- lo legislative anil political transactions In ho growth and development of the American epubllc up to Ihe present time. There arc nany bright sketches of character , Inter- idling accounts of all the parties nd pleasing incidents , anecdotes and per- Qualities ; also Important elate papers , fa mous speeches and debates and other matter aluable for reference , MU DONAI'AKTIS OF COHSICA. By John Keitdrlck Bangs. Cloth , $1.26 , Harpot & Brothers , New Yorlc. From Megcatli Stationery company , Omaha. The mil th making of Mr.tangs lias pro > duced In this volume a clever parody on tin prevailing Napoleonic craze. Ho < ] coa no venture Into the domain ofhistory , nor den with the dry and gory details of the pyclonh warrior's life. He delves rather , into tin sunny , smiling sldo of Napoleon's career nnf r voals to liie reader the marvelous galtj of the king maker a feature of ills life hitherto untouched , If not unknown. Wit ) the exception of a few ancient gags , tin book Is calculated to relieve that tsomnolenl 'eellng produced by fulsome eulcgy and leave oyous memrirloj of Mr. Bonapatte's abilities as an Imperial Joker. The work Is pro fusely decorated with drawings by II. W McVlckar , who has succeeded admirably li explaining in black and white some of tin author's veiled wit. STANLEY WOOD'S ANSWER TO COIN'S FINANCIAL SCHOOL By Stanley Wood Paper , 25'Ccnts. A. B Sherwood Publish Ing Company , 3U to 351 Dearborn Street Chicago , Coin's style Is that of the slelght-of-ham performer who purpceely makes Irrelevan dashes In order to direct attention trom hi real acts , thereby sustaining the allusion h. . creates. Kccognlzlng this trait In bis an tagonlst Mr. Wood proceeds along the line , of Coin , using similar llaerams anJ puncturlni the letter's errors , one after the other , b ; showing where there is error In his premise vvhnro his simile lo false , or where Ills logl s defective , as tlie case may be. In th' ' : our s cf the exposition the "crlmo of ' 73' ghost la materialized and the poor ghost * , story is so harrowing Indeed that one won ders in what circua the Joke originated ; par Ucularly .sad is the climax Invlilcli the man ner of . 'liver's taking oft Is told In a meta phorlcal way , Nanklpoo enacting the part o the unfortunate white metal , while the par of .Kolco represents the congrpsglonal lieada man that did the cruel deed. Coin's colunu used to elucidate the operations governln , financial panics are alto Introduced and b the simple substitution of the words "nations productive resources" in place of "primar , money" it U conclusively demonstrated hoi our resources were put out of our reach an prosperity destroyed by the destruction o confidence In the future of silver legislation The real cause of lower prices Is demon strated to have been entirely outside of alive legislation and when Coin pronounces it du to silver he betrays either a moral or mcntc emptiness of mind. Both instruction an amusement arc derived from the little volume umo and ' : o one who has r > ad Coin an withes to be up to dcto on both sides of th sliver question should fall to read Sir , U'ooV answer. WITH THK PROCESSION By Henry I Fuller. Cloth , $1.25. Harper & Bros. . No' ' York. From Mcgcath Stationery Compnj Omha. This is a realistic novel -of Chicago llfi The theme Is admirable the upheaval of sober Chicago commercial family , rich an fossilized , by th ambitions of the Just-Hedge younger son and ( laughter.The way In vvhlc the moral and social concepts of the elders at overthrown Is vividly shown , while the wor IB remarkable for Us striking impresafons c life In the great city In which the scene I laid. TUB STORY 'OF BOHEMIA By Prance Gregor. Cloth , $1.50. Hunt & Uaton , Clr clmiatl. The Story of Bohemia will find welcon : with the .scholar as the only liUtory of th remarkable people In the English langiuig < But it will also find popular welcome. IK only bJcauss it Is written in popular styli but because it records one long chapter I the great struggle of the common people fc freedom from the abuse * of ecclesiastic : and civil authority. But to the ChrUtla student these pag s will have special intercs Here he will find what probably many liav overlooked that the seeds of rcformatioi which were ultimately to bear tuch zpleiull fruitage all over western Europe , found Jodj ment In the soil cf liberty-loving Bohemia full century before Luther's day. Joli WlcklltTe's Writings found way to Pragu The dean of its great unlvrrflty , one Joli Huss , found them co In accord with the ho ! scriptures , that In spit ? of their condemnatic by pope ami blshopi , he accepted and openl defended them. The story of his martyrdoi and ot the uprltlng of llttle'Uohemla In tl teeth of Catholic Europe , to avenge the cru treachery of the Romish hierarchy , and tl long war which followed , arc graphical : portrayed. The book brings the history i to the present lime. Several Illuntratloi of pivotal hUtoric events , and portraits historic leaders , adorn the pages. L1TKRAUY NOTES. Tha ! ! : number ot the Annals of tl American Academy of Political and Sod Science presents a collection of exccllei studies in coclal science. Aiming the numb Is a paper oo "Uniform Slate Legislation by F. J. Stinuon : J. II. Commons discuss "State Supervision for Cities , " F. Felt weighs "Theories of Value and the fitanda of Deferred Payments ; " K. IL Johnson e pounds thu "industrial Services of the IU way , " and A. F , Bcntley Inquires u "I'nlts ot Investigation In the Social Sciences. " Other short papers and notes Jojtmv. American Academy of Political anil cueml Science , Philadelphia , A handiomo portrait of Captain Charles King supplements the May number of Book Ntnva , acomp.inlo.1 with a biography of this popular writer. The usual variety of fresh and spicy go * lp concerning men and matters In the world of letters , crisp book revlowj and other notes combine to maintain the high1 , stimlard ot this Journal , John Wannamakcr , Philadelphia. Among Its numerous valuable suggestions and papers The Municipality and County for Muy contains n strong plea In favor of "A Municipal Library , " euch a collection of books , reports and documents as would bring In reach the latest current reports , ordlnan- cci and other matters pertaining lo the gov ernment of cltlos. Niagara Publishing Com pany , 2 < U Main Ulrrol , Buffalo , N , Y. The Writer for May Is filled with articles Interesting to all literary workers. "MIs- tches of Writers" Is the subject of two en tertaining and Instructive papers , ono by ( itorge T. Blcknell and the other by Louise Betts Edwards. Arthur Fosdlck bus a short in tide entitled "Typewriter or IVn ? " Tha depLrtments , besides their usual \arloty of material , contain a large amount ot literary news. The Writer Publishing Company , P. O. Box 1905 , Boston. Some very Interesting "Itnmlnircrncts of the Poet Whlttler" are relaled by Helen Hurt In the May number of The Bookman. Another paper of more than usual Interest Is entitled "The First Illustrated Mugartne In Amerlra , " by W. L , Andrews. New writers are Introduced , new works reviewed , literary nans and gossip are liberally served , and In fact the best features of a literary magazine and trade Journal are combined In malting a publlcstlon Indispensable to those anxious to keep abreast ot out literary age , Dodd , Mead & Company , Now York. Among th ? contributor ) to Home anil Country for Mny wo find Thomas Brynos , superintendent of the New York pollco force : Emit Mcyne ; Henry Mann , lalo leading ed itorial writer of the New York Press ; Harry Cuency Burdlck , late of Outlngj William J. aorsuch , secretary National Provident union ; General Grorgc B. Loud , late superintendent of Instruction of Louisiana ; Captain Jack Crawford , the poet-scout ; William Hem- struel , and many others of greater or less re nown In literature , The number Is hand- fomely Illustrated. Joseph W , Kay , 149-153 Leonard street , New York , The Bachelor of Arts tor May marks the first appealanco of a new \cnturo In liter ature for college graduates in arts , literature , politics and athletics. Its list of contributors , embracing such names as W. D. Howclls , Pi of. William James , Cabot Lodge , Theodore Roosevelt , Prof. Edmund Clarence Stedman , Charle * Dudley Warner nnd others. Is umplo guarantee of future excellence and the bril liant niray of articles in the number liefura us speak for themselves. Thay comprise a variety of poems , sketches , reminiscence and criticisms , as well as comments on university new8. An athletic deparlmenl Is In thu hands of Waller Camp. The Bachelor ot Arls , 15 Wall Sited , New York. The May number of Paving and Municipal Engineering contains much valuable Informa tion for perrons Interested In the Improve ment ot cities , Including an article t > n the mistakes which engineers commonly make 111 their dealings wllh contractors , written by Charles A. Ewlng , C. E. ; "The Public Levee at Winona , Minn. , " by Fred H , Pickles ; "The New Department of Public Works In San Francisco , " by C. E. Ormisky "Causes of Variable Results In Asphaltlc Paving , " by A , Rosewater , C. E. ; a teport of the North western Paving exposition , and In addition a variety of articles trvallng subjects relating to asphaltlc , brick and wood block paving , sewer conelrucllon , highways , elc. The mag azine Is the special representullve of Inler- csls connected with public Improvements. Municipal Engineering company , Indianapolis , I nd. nd.An An Armenian , Robert Stein , writes In the May number of The Arena on the Armenian question under the caption , "Armenia Must Have a European Governor. " The nrtlclo Is of more than ordinary Interest , and is accom panied with maps and fifteen photogravure illustrations. John D. Mcl'herson discusses "Renaii's Life of Jesus ; Us Value a His tory ; " Rev. T. n. Allen vv rites on "The Clair voyance of llolllc Fancher ; " Adeline Knap furnishes A sketch entitled , "The Wcaler- A Story of the Times ? < Prof. Frank I'nnons contributes a forcible paper on "The People's Highways ; " Rev. F , B. Vrooman tells of thp power of the state In a paper bearing the title , "The State and Dwellings cf the Poor , " and B. 0. Flower exposes "The Upa Tree ot Injustice and Its Relation to Sound Morality. " There are many other papers ot Interest , be sides a in cro than usually extended book ro- vtow department , Tiie Arena Publishing company , Boston. , Donahue's for May Is a special "Jubilee" edition , gotten up In honor of the gulden Jubilee ot Archbishop Williams of Boston , the metropolitan of New England. The arti cle commemorative of .this event is written by Rev. Mortimer E. Ivvomey , reviewing the noted prelate's career and "tho progress of Catholicity In New England during the past half century. It Is protusely Illustrated with pictures of the archbishop at different periods of life and with over 100 portraits of New England pastors. This Issue has also a nota ble article by Augustln Daly on his methods ot producing a Shakesperean play. The Illus trations DTP scenes and characters from "Tho Two Gentlemen of Verona. " Mary EllrabetU Blake describes the fascination of a pedes trian tour through the byways gf Europe , showing how economically ono may enjoy the chief attractions of a coutlncntal trip. This article is also beautifully Illustrated. The "departments" and editor's ravlew are replete with Items ot current interest. Don ahue's Magazine , Boston , Mass. MAGAZINES RECEIVED. THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW Leonard Scott Publication Company , New York , THE PYTHIAN TRIBUNE William D. Kennedy , 240 West Sixty-first Strce , Chi cago. OMAHA DRUGGIST Omaha Druggist Pub lishing Company , Nluth and Jackson Streets , Omaha. THE IRRIGATION AGE The Irrigation Ago Company , Major Block , Chicago. THE NEW ENGLAND KITCHEN MAGA ZINE The New England Kitchen Publish ing Company , 7 Temple Place , Boston , BOOKS RECEIVED. SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND. William Winter. Miniature. Paper , 25 cents. Mac- Mlllan & Co. , New York. HOW TO KNOW THE WILD FLOWERS. By Mrs. William Starr Dana. Cloth , $1.75. Charles Scrlbner'a Sons , New Ycrk , From Mcgcath Stationery company , Omaha. THE SCHERZO IN B FLAT MINOR. By D Hlgbee , paper. Franklin Printing and Publishing company , Atlanta , Gu. LITERARY LAND MARKS OF JERUSA LEM. By Lsurenct Hutton. Cloth. 74 pages. Harper & Brothers , New York. From Megeath Stationery company , Omaha. ORIOLE'S DAUGHTER. By Joisle Fother- glll. Cloth , $1.00 ; paper , 50 cents. Jx > vell Coryell & Co. , New York. A VOICJ5 IN THE WILDERNESS. By Maria Weed. Cloth , miniature. LalrU & Lcc , Chicago. o To have perfect health you must have pure blood , and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood'js Sarsaparllla. TU for Tut. "Do you ever sell thess photographs that you keep In your show cane ? " the Buffalo Ex press man atked of the photographer. "I don't make a buslncia of It , " he re plied. "The fact it , I got Into trouble once for nelllng cue. " "You tee , " ho continued , "It was the pic ture of 9. very prctly girl vvjjoa ? father waa rich and who moved In good coclety , The fellow I sold It to used It on an advcrtlilni ; calendar , and It made her father mad. Ho sued me for $5,000 damages , and got a Judg ment. But I got the money back all right. " How so ? " "Why , you see , the case sot the girl so much notoriety that she went on the stsgu on the strength ot It. Then I sued for $10,00) for advertising. " For a pure stimulant only buy Silver A p. a Whiskey. , iVhen Baby was sick , we garo her Castoria , Wh n cha was a Child , nho cried for Castorla. When she became Iflss , Kho clung to Custorla 7bn : ba bad Children , sbo cav o them CostorU I- I.0 .0