THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S JUNE 2 , 1805. 15 Basincs.1) is Pair Considering the Situation in tbo Country. HOPES TOR THE. FUTURE ARE VERY BRIGHT Ileport * rrntn tlia Country Shutr n ( Ircnt Jinprofcincnt In the Feeling Aiming Ilio Truilo Vnlao * Ilnvo a De cidedly Upward Tendency. The heavy rains which vlfllleil all see- tlons of the state during the latter part of the week brought about n marvelous change In the business situation In this city. Kor n week or more ( he jobbers had been receiving complaints from their cus tomers about the cbntlnued dry wi-ather. These complaints had steadily grown In vehemence until country merchants were declaring that rain must como In a few days or everything In the Way of crops would Ix ; burned out. Under circum stances U was not surprising that discour agement took hold of merchants In every line of business , retailers as well as Job- lcrs. ) The rains worked- great change. The retail merchants who had refused to buy , or had canceled orders already filed , sent In fresh orders and renewed old ones. From alt sections of the state merchants were. Hendlng In the same reports "It has rained nnd there In every prospect now that we will have a large corn crop , be sides considerable wmall grain. " The Job- tiers , who were considerably discouraged nt the commencement of the week , were feeling greatly elated yesterday , nnd ap peared to have more confidence tn the out come of the Heiuson'F buslne.s.i than at any previous time this year. An might be expected , collections are only moderately good , money In the country being anything but plenty. HAHDWAHE. There Is n much better feeling among the hardware men , but FO far there lias been no material Increase In the volume of trado. With a continuance of the pres ent good outlook for a crop. Jobbers look fop n better demand for goods In their line In Iho near future. The hardware market Is a good deal on the swell Just at present. Rvery one ap pears to realize that goods have been too low and that prices must be advanced , or they must get from under. During the past week there has been more of un ad vance than for some time of late. Nails have bone up 00 cents per UUK during the imst seven days. The mills have been losing - ing money for a long time , and now eight or ten of the largest have formed n com bination to llx the price ut a point where the inlllH may bo operated on a paying liasls. Sorrte four or Ilvo of the smaller mills which -were shut down have been leased , ' and so long fix the demand remains nt the present low point they will remain Idle. With an Improved demand they will be started up again. HOOTS AND SHOES. The shoe markut remains very firm. In fact , U Is till advancing on some lines , The volume of trade at the present time Is not large , that Is , there Is not much going out. The goods are being sold for the fall trade , but shipments do not com mence until about the 1st of July. Country merchants ore not placing very largo orders , but they are buying cau tiously , and a e likely to continue along tlmt line until all danger of disaster to the growing crops Is past. IJIIY GOODS. The dry goods men are remarking upon what a wonderful change the rains pro duced In the feelings of country merchants Local houses received n good many letters from customer In the country , giving ex pression to the worst fears for the growing crops nnd the future of business , und thu next day after It had rained the same met wrote mdst encouragingly and ordered goods. IJiiHtnesH In the dry goods line Is dull ns Is usual nt this season of the year. The farmers are busy liijthe fields and there has not been enough trade to break stocks to any extent , 'and It , Is too early for the fall 'trade. ' The- dry goods trade In the east Is good nnd as. a result there . Is a stiffening It prlcos on most lines , , excepting woolen good for. the fall v ' ' The grocers , like Jobbers In other lines nre feeling much encouraged over the out look for trade , oven If goods nro not goltm out much faster. In fact , it Is too KOOI after the rains to expect any actual 1m provement In the volume of trade. The market has Imen nbout steady on th bulk of goods handled by the grocers There have , however , been home changes Sugars are stiffening In price nnd It look as If they were going to bo higher befor long. Corn products , such ns syrups , glucose Jellies , etc. , tire also higher. Some New York merchants nre fnvorln a duty on ten to make up for the loss'o revenue expected to have been durlvci from the liicquie tax. It Is said that mos of the largo Imtwrters favor" such a duty claiming that while the duty would not b felt by the customer. It would effectual ! prevent the Imixirtatlon of worthless an spurious teas. Those who nre opposed t ouch n tax argue , that the largo importer favor It because they would bo enable to make considerable money out of the tei which they might have on hand nt th time of the duty going Into effect. IVospects 1'itvor Lighter in lnr s will tint doing Out iif fitrawbrrrlei. During the past few weeks strawberrlc have been the life of the fruit anil produc market anil Imvo occupied the greater par „ , , of the attention of commission men. Th , . -jT season , , however , has not been nltogethc satisfactory. At the commencement of th season there was a glut of berries froir western. Arkansas , and In order to mov them prices were put down so low that th local market was spoiled , and It has sccmei Impossible to net orlces back ngaln wher they ought to be. lloro than that , n ioo many berries were sent out Into the conn try on consignment , to KOt rid of them , an the shipping market was also spoiled. A a result , low prices have prevailed all th Heastm In Omaha , while other markets , I many cases , huvo been higher. . At th present time the season Is apparently near in ? an end. Jefferson City , Mo. , promise to continue shipments for another wee yet , but tin' prospects nro that they will b IlKht. In former reasons there have bei > largo shipments to this market from S Louis , but HO fur the market hero has bee too low.V. . J. Shaw of Ht. Louis write Branch that the strawberry crop at tha point is IlKht , with the ciuallty only fair The factories , tlndlns that the demand con tlnues strong , have commenced to buy , un the prospect Is 'that prices will contlnu Ilrm. Home Idea of the extent of the cttraw berry business of this city may be galne from the fact that last week there wcr received und sold C.C17 cases of twcnty-fou iiuartM each. This , however , was a heav falling off as compared with the pre.vlou week , when H,40i cases were recelvci which was equivalent to eighteen or twent carloads , The potato market Is attracting a coo deal of attention just nt present. Two o three weeks ago potatoes were a drug o the market. In a few cases cars tha were consigned to local commission house were refused , receivers beliiR afraid tha they would not bring enough to pay th . . . freight. Good stock sold as low us CO t I'M cents per bushel. The potatoes wer from Washington and Idaho , nnd th fre'.ght nlono wus nbout liOO per car. Th result wus that receipts were cut o and the market has been working upwan until now good stock Is quoted at We t Wo. New potatoes , however , uro becomin more plentiful and lo\\cr , to that there 1 not such n wide dllTercnce between nex nnd old stock as there was a short tlm aio. The prospect Is now that nex flock will very EUOII take precedence eve old. California has a good potato cro nnd Is shipping liberally. Arkansas als has n largo crop , and stock from that stnt will soon commence arriving In largo ciuan titles. The prospect is now that the mar let will bo lull of new potatoes early nex week , ANXIOUS TO 8ULU Kvery ono appears to have something t Bell , while buyers ure not nt all plenty CouimluHian invn uro receiving a grea many letters from the south from partle who dealro to ship anywhere from one t twenty oars of tomaton * . beans , tieas. beets ote. All a commission man has to do is t t > uy ship and bis house would not be tare enough to hold Iho stock that would bo con t signed to him. The soiling of It. however would l > c qulto another thing. The scaso hero la enrly and local gardeners are sup plying the demand for n good many kind of yuKCtnbluii , whllo the demand for other limited. Thus far this season the local demand fo loinona has been rather small , Nobrask consumers do not appear Inciaicil lo bu mnythlQK that Is not a necessity and lemon nru regarded ns n luxury. A few mor weeks of hot weather ard lemons will b looked upon as n necessity and the murko may be oracled to Lo moro active. A t eastern point * of supply the market li ro ported aa Very quiet. The Now York Com inerclul lluUetla u ) that lii tl nund fo emons has been much'Wlow the average or thn season. Up to the middle of last veck the receipts nt Now York wore fully 03,000 boxen behind those for the corre- pending period last year , but since that ( me the arrivals have reduced the differ- nco to about VO.OO ) boxes , nnd It Is now be loved by many In the trade that the short- gb will be entirely Covered before the end of the season , California , which has not ut much of n figure In the market hereto- ore , may be u factor of i > ome Importance next fall , The chief objection to the Call- ornla fruit has been that owing to de- ectlve curing nnd packing It has generally arrived In poor condition. AH to the fruit tself , when received In salable shape , It compares favorably In appearance und ceeplng properties with the .Messina vnrle- les , and keeps better than the Malaga clnds. The rlnl contains more citric ncld halt the Malaga , but not quite ? o much as the Messina fruit , but a number of people In tin1 trade believe that It would sell ns readily us the latter If properly lacked. California has yet much to learn egardlng methods of curing und packing , jut the shippers there seem determined to ifet posted In these particular * , since It Is ifccomlng Imperative that they should find a large market for their goods. This be comes mor ? Imperative from the fact that 'ho crop this year promises to bo n very argo one , as many now trees will come nto bearing. California may be nt some llsadvantiigu In the matter of freights and the cost of boxing and handling , but If the goods can be laid down In the market on u larltv with Messina prices and theprom - sed Improvement In the methods of cut Ing nnd packing Is carried out some commis sion houses believe California will lltul a ready market In the cast. m.Vd ; VIKW OK TMIa.vsn. : . SniiOiliio U liupldly Chitting thn Clolltln Airiijr , W. II. Hoberson , manager of II. G. Dun & Co. for the Omaha district , says : "May , 1&9I , will not soon be forgotten. No month In years has caused so much un certainty In business circles and none has lieen more unsatisfactory. Starting In very warm and succeeding a remarkably warm April , we all hoped the merry month of May would pass into memory UH u promise of abundant harvests. Hut we have had Irouth , high winds and frosts , and the past : hlrty-ono days have tried the staying qual- tles of many a worthy citizen of Ne braska. 'However , the month closes gloriously. Our mercurial citizens have already recov ered heart , though their new hope Is only two days old. One of the leading Jobbers of the city gave mo nn Instance of this. A country customer came to Omaha with a willed purpose of abandoning the state. Friday morning , after the rain , ho called upon my friend with a telegram troni his home n little town out west stating that n very heavy rain had fallen and things looked more promising. Ho bought $1,000 worth of summer goods and went homo. Another jobber says Thursday's rain Is worth $10IXX > to him. It Is so easy to be discouraged. Take this state year by year for twenty yeurh * and you will find more nnd larger crops than In any other part of the union. The farmer who has stood by his farm and steadily rejected nil Invita tions to speculation for ten years Is Inde pendent. Since ISr S Nebraska has had six teen good crops , three big crops , live fail ures nnd three short crops. Krve crop fail ures In twenty-seven years should not dis courage husbandmen In a new country. There Is no agricultural section In the union with n record eiiunl to this. A big crop in Nebraska means a great deal , too. A good crop here would he Immense In most of the states. I have not yet lost faith In the results of the present year. "Hot winds ilo not come In this cllmato every year , and when I can have my choice they will do thflr worst before June 1. If we must entertain thu festive sirocco an nually let us be thankful when Its visit Is made before the crop can bo seriously damaged nnd before it reaches its full strength nnd fervor. "Hut the figures show also that year by year western farmers are reducing their mortgage indebtedness. Figures recently published for Minnesota show that thu num ber of farm foreclosures there Is 40 per conl less than ten years ago. Investigation woulil make a similarly good showing In Nebraska In spite of drouths , disasters und discour agements , except ( n the frontier or cow counties , Experience will ngaln prove to eastern capitalists that farm loans carefully and honestly placed are the best of se curities. "A very capable gentleman called upon me the other day with u prospectus of u pro posed cororntlon | which should stop for- wnrd now nt the end of the panic and de pression with plans for promoting le gitimate , prollt.ible Investments In bonds city , county and Irrigation'In .stocks of suc cessful punks nnd other corporations. In spt > eItU ; real' ' estate bargains , in promising manufacturing- enterprises , uid In various other ways. The plan would depend fo : success upon n large capitalization am good names. It would step In wherever Its compact nnd Independent board of ill rectors saw n chance to make money. I would take the good loans of a struggling trust company , for Instance , at something near their value and also furnish the re celver , receiver's bond and.recelver's olllcc force. In other words , the Idea was to have n company organized for promoting prollts for Its stockholders nnd nt the same tlmt for promoting Industries nnd Investment * for Omaha nnd Nebraska. The Idea I clear , and If carried out will mnke thi promoters' money and stimulate the clt > into new life. " SNOW , OllUltClI & CO. r.NCOUKACKI Iliilns of l.ixt WrcK < ivo ( n New I.cnno o Llf tn F.irmeri. "In our report of last week we made the general statement that 18D3 would not be a repetition of 1891. In so far aa the droutl was concerned , nnd that 1S)5 ) would show a good crop. We nre at this time vcrj much pleased to slate that Indications are that this statement will be verified In every settRo nnd respect. Reports from all parts of the state show that with but the excep tion of few places there has bce.n an abundance of rainfall , giving assurances o an abundant corn crop , and it Is to bo hope < that the moisture came soon enough to save some of the hinull grain , " writes the locnl manager of Snow , Church & Co.'s commercial agency. "The situation now , to say the least , I most gratifying to business men , nnd par tlctilarly to the farmer , who certainly has had enough to make him feel gloomy nnd worried. "The huslneys situation , aside from th crop prospects , shows no very materla change over the condition that prevailed during the preceding week. The good pros pects ure too new aa yet to have made n very great change , nnd when the question ns to whether there was or was not to be n crop wus absotblng the attention of every one It was hardly to be expected that busl ness would be pushed very vigorously , al though since the rain business men In al lines express themselves ns i atlslled. Th boot and shoe trade and the furniture tnid both show signs of encouragement. Ther have been some Increases In prices In som hardware lines , which Is to bo taken as an indication of good. The leather trade , par tlculurly , shows a very remarkable Increas. . In everything , nnd tanneries In all part of the country are attempting by every pos sible way to escape from filling ordeit which were taken several months since n the prices then quoted. In fact , the In crease has In some lines not been a moder ate Increase , but triple and quadruple thi prices quoted some months since. This , o course , was brought nbout by the crop con dltlons that prevailed last year In a grea many sections of the country , from which of course , Nebraska did not escape. The breeders vere forced to sell their cattle be cnuso of B arclty of feeJ , and this , of course resulted In a scarcity of hides , hence tin Increabe In prices of leather. Notwlthstand Ing this very largo mlvance n large amoun of leather Is being Bold , and the trade 1 : being pushed very vigorously. "There Is no appreciable change In collec tlons. If anything , however , they are a trllle better , and indications , as shown by re ports from a grout many parts of the state arc that good times are with us ngaln. " r AUTO It Y FAUTrf. Doing * of the Men Who Maku th Wlieel < ! o 'Hound. The big girder turned out by the Paxton & Vlerllng Iron works for the Crelghton theater weighed 14.000 pounds. It Is one o the heaviest plrders ever made hero and \vai turned out tn the shortest time. It be Ing set In place the fifth day after the ma tcrlal had been received. It consists of two plates ? x30 feet wldo 42 feet long , fou plates 2x516 feet 42 feet long , two on top and two on bottom with four angles 4x 12 feet Ions and thirty softeners. Labor re quired on same was GWO holes , itWO rivets ot C. Holmes , secretary of the Manufac liners' association , has been appointed by Governor Holcomb a delegate to the Cotton States and Industrial exposition to be hel ( at Atlanta from September 18 to Decembe 13. No appropriation wus made by the leg Ulaturo of this state for un exhibit und i anything Is done In that line It will havi to be carried out by Individuals. The manu facturcrs will bo asked at their next meet Ing of they desire to undertake the making of un exhibit of Nebraska goods at Atlanta The Lincoln members of the Munufac lurcrs' and Consumers' association of N'e braaka held meeting In that city las week for the purpose of encouraging home patronage. O. C. Holmes , secretary of the association , made the speech of the evening .1. C. Ilarpham. president of the association made n strong talk for Nebraska made l.cxKlp , "Did you ever stop to think , " sale the speaker , "when you buy HO worth o goods of eastern make , how much of tha J10 actually stayed in circulation here ? : should , say rot over ti or JliO. The other S7.U ) or M goes east and when can we orer gut It luck ? Not very soon , I can assure you. " COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opened at One Cent Advance , but Soon Weakened. CROP DAMAGE IN THE MIDDLE STATES trport * Itecclred IndlratlnR that IVIiont In Illinois , Indiana nnil .Missouri 11 In the \Vordt I'ojslblo Coiulltlon. CHICAGO , Juno 1. Wheat showed nn ad vance of \\c \ around the opening today , compared with yesterday's final sales , but est He of It and closed He above Friday's close. Corn fluctuated within a rntiBo of nnd closed with a unln of He. Oats arc % e higher and pork 12'/4c ' lower. The most extraordinary weather ever cnown at this reason of the year Rave fur ther evliience of Its recent eccentricities be tween the close of yesterday's session and the opening this mornlnt ; ; "hotter than ver , " "drier tttan face powder , " and n continuation of such conditions bcint ; pre dicted for another forty-elRht hours nt least. News of any other description than that referring to the vagaries of the cli mate and their damaBlnp effect upon the- crop was very little rcRunleil. The "total failure of the wheat crop" was reported again nnd again from pome of Iho best wheat raising counties of Illinois , Indiana and Missouri , and from Ohio and Michi gan , the reports were only a few degrees less alarming. That the market did not more freely respond to the disastrous news was owing to the fact that the majority of traders refused to believe It. The price of July at the opening wan anywhere from 7/4o ! ) to 79l4c , or about le p r lu. ) higher than It closed yesterday. It kept within a range of from 78c to 79V4c during the greater part of the session , with quick re coveries every time It got below 79c. The prediction of the signal service bureau Is for fair and hot weather tonight and Sim- day In Indiana , Illinois , upper and lower Michigan , Wisconsin , Missouri , Iowa , Kan sas , Nebraska and Minnesota. With that before them , the traders , although unbe lievers In extensive crop damage , did not care to go home short. The following mat ters , however , prevented the belleVers In crop damage of an unusual dcstructlvencss from becoming too enthusiastic on that ac count : The visible supply Is not expected to show more than from 1,001,000 to l.IiOJ.OOO bu. decrease , but guesses this season are not very reliable , the week's clearances of wheat and Hour from both coasts amounted to 2,216,000 bu. , compared with 2S."il,000 bu. thn previous week , and the shipment from Chicago for the week was G01.SC9 bu. , the noticeable feature ofwhich Is that only 19,000 bu. of It was for iKjlnts east of To ledo. Of the red winter wheat now In the. visible supply only -l.OOO.OOO bu. Is at points outside of Chicago nnd only .2.0DO.OW bit. Is In New York. New York speculators were the sellers today. They do not appear to be moved by the prospect of the rod winter wheat In their elevators being at a pre mium over the hard spring they arc now valuing so highly. The failure of-the red winter wheat crop will certainly bring about the change In prospective values sug gested If It approaches the extent now esti mated. The price remains very steady nnd Ilrm In the last forty-five minutes at around 79V c , nnd that was the ; value at the end. end.Tho The corn market was firmer1 and a little higher , on account of the hot , dry weather predicted for the next forty-eight hours , and tile s'trength was not disturbed by any estimated receipts , us for days back. The prices paid at the opening were the highest of the dav nnd closing trades were at the bottom of the range nnd at lie above the latest quotations of the day before. July opened at Me nnd closed worth 52c. Only a fair business was transacted In oats. Orders were not- very urgent and sellers did not Feom over anxious to dis pose of stuff. A Ilrm feeling existed and values at the close were from % c to. % c higher. The strength was due mainly to sympathy with wheat and corn. The receipts of hogs were liberal , the qi'allty poor and prices lower , with a largo supply estimated for the coming week. Pork was most affected , showing a. loss of 30c at one time , but closed only 12Vfcc lower than yesterday. Lard and ribs Were steady anil show losses of 5c and 7'/4c respectively. Estimate for Monday : Wheat , Kl cars ; corn , OST cars : oats , 260 cars ; hogs , 41,000 head. Freights ! Vessel room In good demand and Ilrm at Hie for corn and IVic for oats to lUiffaio. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. | Op in. | Httii. | iT. . | Ulon. Whciit.No. _ ' Juno 78K July 7U ! ( gupt Torn NO. 2. . Juno 62 B1M July. . ,3 SiM ! Sept Dt 03JV4M Cats No. ' . ' . . . Juno 20H July Sept aox S0)i Pork our bbl July 12 75 IB 78 12 4'J1 < 12 Sept Kl DOG 1 00 12 70 12 Lmd.luoiba July G 72W n 72 (1 ( 70 0 72H Sept U 93 U OS 0 87M 6 02 Short Bibs- July. . . 0 32h' 0 .15 0 30 C 32K JSept. . . 0 M G as _ _ U 61) ) G 6',4 Cash quotations were as follows : KLOt'H Klrmvlntor ; palentn. $3.70ffl.0)j winter stralKhts. $3.213.75 ; bakers , $2.9-irjr3.2 ; . ; sprlnjc patents , $3.906 4.30 ; spring straights , $3.10 vVlilUT No. 2 spring. SO < irfS2Hc ; No. 3 sprlnic. 7i : XCc ; Nn. 2 red , 7H',4 7 Hc. COKN No. 2 , Cl c ; No. 3 jclluw. C2 MWe. OATS No. 2. S > ic ; N . 2 while. 3lQ32ilc ; No. 3 white , 3H4c Hl'K Nu. 2. C5V4o. 11AHM-V : No. 2. 51'/i J3Je. FI.AX KI-HI : > No. 1. $1.48. TIMOTHY .sriKD I'rlme. $5. VHOV1K1ONS Mesn i rk , ii-r bbl. . $12.Wf 12.62Vi < Lard , per H Ibs. , $ > > .C2Vt. bhort ribs sides ( ! CM > SO ) . $ G.2Qj6.23 ; dry salted shoulders IlKixed ) , S-VSTliC.W ; Hhort clear aides ( boxed ) , .it.c. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , t ' , . The following were the receipts ana shipments today : Articles. Hccclpta. Slilpinonts , Klour , bbls. 0.000 4.000 Wheat bu. . . 12.01)0. ) . D.OOO Corn.bu 11(1,000 ( Oats , bu 251.000 12:1,1101) : ) Hyo bu 2,000 3,000 Barley , bu. . . 11,001) 4 ,01) ) I ) 'On the Proluoa exoliJinen tort.iy the bailer mar ket wan steady : urnamery , lOHlBKe : dairy. 11)0 ) lite. Kcea , ate.idy ; HHStl'-'e. Cheese , qtilet ; OH NI3W YUU.C urtXKtlVf , Al.VKICKr. Closing Oillitiltloiii nil tlia I' Com- inodltle * Hint Staples. NUW Y011K. June l.-FI.OUU-necelpt8. 2lfr bbls. ; cxpoits , 22,700 bbls. ; sales , 4.0W pk 3. ; market - ket dull , bul slcadler. City mill patents , } t.8 : . 5.15 ; winter patents , tl.00ii4.40 ; city mill clears , (4.10Q4.10 ; winter straights , J3.75tf4.15 ; Minnesota patents , 5l.COffl.70 : winter extias , (3.COO3.C5 : win ter bakers , J3.25O1.25 ; winter low grades. J2.45W 3.05 ; uprins low Rrndes , J2.005J2.50. Itye Hour , quiet ; sales , 2,305 bags. fOHN MKALQulet ; yellow western , J1.189 1.20 ; llrandywlne. K. WHEAT Uecelpts. 2.700 bu. ; cxiwrts. 27.50. ) bu. : No. 1 hard , 6361 * ! ; liellvered. Options ad- vanenl this morning on continue. ! utoenre of rains In the winter wheat bell , ni'jderute counlry buying and liberal local covering. Toward noon prices eased off u trltle , but the clos.t was W ( o lilKher ; June , SOViWSle , 80Ho : July , S1U6S2 M6c. closed SISc : August. Sl tfiJHc. closed 82c ; September , 82 l-K'.liiSc. closed If. Me ; October cloarU i2c ; December , WViBMlic , cljaitl S3 Tie. COIlN-necelpts. 102.471) ) bu. ; exports. 48.800 bu. ; sAlea , 125.UOO bu , futures , none opot. 8pol. dull ; No. 2. WHo In elrvatnr ; 67ic artoat. Options openril higher on dry weather " eased off under heavy rocclpm. but rallied again wUh wheat and closed V4W.I" off. July , O7' c ; Hep- lemlH-c. tSWa58Ho. cloned M(4c. ( OATS It lit . 54.000 bu. ; rxnorts , 700 bu. ; sales. U.OIX ) bu. futures. 85,000 bu , sput. S | l , steady ; No. 2. SJHtfSSc ; No. 2 , dellrer l , 33 4Q 3lc ; No. 3. 32Kc ; No. 2 white. 37e ; No. 3 white. 3V c : tnick white , 37b41c. Options , qulei. but straily ; closing at V c advance ; Jivie. 3iKt3J-c , cloanl 32Tic ; July , S3HU33Vic , closed 33'-ic ' ; Sep- lembur closeil 33e. HAY < Julet ; shipping. WCKc ; good lo clnlcr , HOI'S Dull : Bt&te. common lo choice , old , 3Wc. 1SUI , 4 ( i So ; couiil , old , 3r5c ; IS'Jl. 4 < i9c. HIDl S Firm ; wet Halted New Orlentu , > elect - lect l. 43 to 65 HDL. 6Vic. nominal ; Texus. ae- lecteil , 50 to * 60 lb,7c , nominal ; lluenoa Ayrrs , < lry , 10 to 21 It * . , ISe , nominal ; Texai dry. 24 ti > SO UM..IOC. 1.KAT1IKH Firm ; hemlock sole. Ituenoa Ayrcs. llBlil to heavy weights. ttDMe , VVOOIKIrm ; dom tlo llevce. ] Ct2So. IMtOVItilONK-lleef. qulei ! family. tll.&HIU.O > ) ; extra mesa. J8.009.00 ; txwf ha ma. J19.5orr20.w. Cut meats , mrady ; plrklcJ bellleo. 3.Wt < 6. ' ; Plckltit ihouldera. J5.K ; plrklMi hams. n.2.V l tnl , irak and lower ; western team closed at JS.W ; city. JI.25O4.37Vi ; June clrueil at (7 nom inal ; Beptember. J7.20 nominal ; refined , steady ; continent , J7.25 ; South American , J7.50 ; com- pound. > Vo , 1'ork. dull ; new ineaa. 113.10iJll.Ji. family. l.i > f(13.M ; nhort clear , J11U0013.5.I. 11VTTKR Hleady ; Wrtlern , 174c : crwm- pry. UtflSc ; Uctory , SUllVic ; tate dairy , 11V KOOS Steady ; atate and Pennsylvania. 14o ; wnitern frmh. IZHODHc , vuulhern , HOltVic. nxvlpli , S.8C3 pkg > . TALLOW Dull , city , 4 c : country. 4 e , I'GTnOLKL'U Dull ; United clo ed ( IS1 bM. retard New York. J7.75 ; 1'hlladrlphla and Haiti- more , J7.70) ) rhllojclphla wl Baltimore , la bulk , U.SD. METALS rig Iron , ateady ; Bcotrh. J1J.OX * M.OO ; Americftn. Jlo.Weu.7i. Copp r , itrady , brokers' price , 110.5' ) . Lnt > 1c.Qtm. brokers * price , W.07H. Tin pinion , firm ! : , -41 11O8IN .Slcadyj slrnhietl , common to good , Tflll'ilNTINK Steady { ISrMJMi1. MOLASSKSKIrm ; NeJr.iOtleniis' , open kettle. . ( XTTON BKKO Olt/-fnrartlv < - ; prime crude. 21ff2le ; off cruile , naxJfVrtmr summer yellow , 27l37Hc : off Bummer yill' ' 2S ! 5Vte ; yellnw butter gmdes , He ; prlfnVitummer white , not quote J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA MAltKr.T. Condition at Trade Vnd Ouotntloni nn Ktiiplo nnil I iiiiry-l'roiluce , KOOS-Cholee stock , lic .f lIUTTKIl-Old hay or"wlte | ( stock , 45c ; fair to gmxl country , 7ec ; t ! lr to fancy , 10012o ; galheied creamery. 14Q15c ; separator creamery , Ific. Ji MVK rot'I.TItY Hens , Cyclic ; young roosters , 4c ; old roosters. 3o ; spring rhlekens. (2.UI0I.01 per doz. ; ducks , 6c ; turkeys , nu demind , geese. HAY 1'pland hay , JIM ; midland. ( ? ; lowl.ind , Ji.tW ; rye straw , JS ; color makes the price on tiny. l.lKhl bales sell the beat. Only ton grades bring top prices. 1'KlKONS-I'er doz. , ( I.OOW1.M. vidi-TAiiLi.s. : : I'OTATOKM Wratern stock , car lots , 70Q80c ; small I , its. DOU'JOc , new. per Ib. , 2c. OLD IlllAN.S-lland picked , navy , (2.20 ; Lima beans , | > er Ib. , MiasUe. CAIlltAOH-On orders. 3c. HI'INACH ivr hu. basket. 3504)c. ) UADIHHKS-l'er doz bunches , lie. OUMRN ONIONS-1'er doz. bunches , I.KTTCTK 1'er doz. . 2.Vf30c. ASI'AHAlll'.S-Cliolee stock , on orders. per doz. bunches. I 'IK I'LANT-lVr Ib. . ; Tle. CircUMIIKItS-On ordeis , 40 r50e Pr doz. ii'ASTOn " " " 'lers , per V , bu. Iwe , Wg6)c. ) HTIUNH IIKANH-On onleis , ii-l.ii. IHIX , COc ; 4-b.ifl et crate , (1.25. TOMATOKS 1'er 6-bssket crate. } 1 25il.5) ) . WAX Ili\NS On orders , per " 4-bu. l > x , TSc : 1-I.Hsket crate. (1.75. TKXAS KQfASH 1'er doz. , on orders. 40f 50o ; KIIU1TS. TUOl'IOAL l-'lllllTS. - OHANOKS Australian navels , per IHIT. (3.00O 3 o ; eho.ce seedlings , per IH.X , JiJ5it2.DO ; Medlter- rnne-in sweets. J3.00fo3.25 ; funey St. Mlcliaels , * j. ' LKJ1ONS Kxtra fancy lemons , 300 size , JI.73W ' MM-lVr doz. . J1.75i2.0) ) . J2CW\r \ " 5 ' ° Blll1 | ' > lns lwk. per bunch , MISCKLLANKOtTS. bnIg8 ° " ' ' ' > ' ' 13oi cholWi 'WJc ; California , HONKV fallfomln. HiJ15e. MAl'LH HYUri'-nallon Jugs , per doz. . (12 ; lllxliy. 5-gal. cans , (3. NUTS-Almonds , lie ; Kngllsh walnuts , sofl- shelled. 12e : standaids , He ; llll.orts , 9c ; llrnzll rtuts , Sc ; iiceans. Ue. UATKH-In W lo 70-lb , boxes. 5c per Ib. ' fanl dates , 9c per ll > . i'/wVA'Jr.11" / ' ' ' : J"1"I' ' " " ' ' ' 'I- half bbl. . (3. COrOANCTS-l'er hundieil , ( LOT. HIDKS AND TALLOW. No. 1 dry KilliHl . Iridus. So ; part cuiod hides. He per Ib. less Hum fully curod. HIIIIKI' I'El/rS Qrecn piiltiil i-ai-h , 23 GOo ; Kreen salted shearlings ( short wnnleil oailv skins ) i-acli , D 13c ; ilry slu-arllnifs ( short wonlnl f rly skins ) , o. 1 , each. SJflOo ; dry shfarllnits ( short wooleil early skins ) , No. 2. each , ridry , ; tlliil Kansas and Nebraska Imtrhor wiml polls per pound , in-tUBl wi'lKlil. GfZSrdiy ! Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pWt . per pound , actual wplKht. 4aCtdry ; Hint Coliirad.i . luitclior wo. . | pells , per pound , actual intolKht , UfC'Ao ; dry Hint Colorado murrian Wrtil pplta , per" pound actual weight , 4 Co. Hail * Yivt cut off , as II l useless lo pay frolKht nn 'them. TALLOW AND tSlll-JASK-N , ! . 1 tallow. 4"W 4'X/r ; No. 2 tallow. Il'ijiii 'igirajio. . wh.tiA 4 i 41Jc ; ftroase , whltp 11 , I3iil | Kreasi > . yt-llow. 2"i < ii 3c ; gioaio , dalk. S' < | P ; olil bllttor. Ztrv. I wax. prime , 17fM'Oe ( ; mfiKlr'tnllnw ' , 2r. WOOL. I'NWASIIKO-Klne heavy. CW7c- line IlKht. 8i9o ; iiu.irtor-blioijr I01Mc ; M-wly. buny ami cluilTy , Sffiej rot Ml dnd broken , coarse 7ii ( Sc : cottod nnd lirokcn.'jlnV GflSe. WOOL , WAHIIKll-SleOltlhi. lS ISc ; line , llfl 16c ; tul > > vaslu-il , W/IJc-V. M-ick. Sc ; bucks. Ce- lag locks , 2W3c ; dead ImXIt'd. S00c. rt'KK.T l-'l'HS Hoar , black. NA''M. larKo. $20.0iliTM.On , bear. briiwn No. 1 , larpe , T.X ) 00 2 > .00 ; No. 1 , me- . . . , Mimtan.i nnd lloeky mountain , No. 1 , larg (18.0.Jffo.OO ; No. 1. medium , (14 ; No. 1 , small , J10 ; bear , buck , Montana yearlings , No. 1 large , J12 ; No. 1. medium , ( S ; No. , small , ( i , bear , black. Montana cubs , No. 1 , large , (0.50 No. 1 , medium , (1.50 ; Nn. 1 , small , (3 ; bear silver tip. No. 1 , large. (20 ; Wo. 1 , medium , Jll ; No. 1. small , (8 ; liear , sll er tip , yeaillngs. No. 1 , large , ( li ; No. 1 , medium. ( S ; No. i. mall , (3 ; bear , silver tip , cubs. No , 1 , large. Jl.00.Itl. 50 No. 1. medium. COe ; No. 1 , small , 50c ; Usher No. 1 , large , Jf ; No. 1. medium , ( U ; Ni > . 1 , small ( I ; fox , kllvcr. as to color , nceonllng to beauty No. 1. large. (100 ; No. 1. medium. ( CO. No. I. small. (50 ; fox , silver , pale , aecordlng lo beauty No. 1 , large , (50 : No. 1. medium. ( SO ; No. ] ' small. (29 : fox , cioss , No. 1. large , (7 ; is'o. i medium , (3 ; No. 1 , small , (2 : fox , red. No. 1. .large , JI.M ; No. 1 , medium , (1.25 ; No. 1 small Jl ; fox , gray. No. 1 , large. 75c ; No. 1. medium 50c ; No. 1 , small , Iflc ; fox kits , No. 1. large 50c No. 1 , medium. 40e ; No. 1. small , 30e ; lynx , No , 1. Urge , (3 ; No. 1 , medium , (2 ; No. 1 , small (1.50 : marten , No. 1 , large. (2 ; No. 1 medium (1. 00 ; No. 1 , small , ( I ; mink. No. 1. large ( fli 65c ; No. 1. medium. 40o ; No. 1 , small , 3 > c : mink dark , No. 1. large. C5o ; No. 1 , medium. 40c ; No . raccoon. No. 1 , large. 60O70e ; . . , * c ; No. 1 , large , 50cffJ2.00 ; skunk , black , cased narrow slrlped. No. 1 , large. Me. ; No. 1. me. dlum , 40e ; No , 1 , small , 25c ; broad slrlped. No. 1 large. 20ft2Sc ; wolverine , No. 1 , large , (1 ; Nn. 1 medium , 3 ; No. 1 , small , (2 ; wolf , mountain No. 1 , large , (3 ; No. 1 , medium. ( J ; Nn. 1 small. ( l.W ; wolf , prairie , No. 1 , laige , GSffifOc' ' No. 1 , medium. COe ; No. 1. small , tor ; beavel per skin , No. 1 , large. (5.00W5 UO ; No. 1. medium 11.50 ; No. 1 , small , (2 ; beaver kits. No. 1. Urge (2 ; No I , medium. ( l.5 ( ) ; Nn. 1 , small. 75e muskrats. winter. No. 1. huge. SifilOe ; No. 1 medium. Sc ; No. 1 , small , 7e ; musktats. fall No. 1 , large. 4 Ce ; No. 1 , medium , 7c ; No. 1 small , Co ; muskiat kits , 233 ? . STOCKS ANtl BONDS. There Was l..ttle Anlmitlon In the Se curity Market YuJtitrilHjr. NEW YOHIC , June l.Tliero was little anhna lion ! T th Stix-k market today , but the specula lion was generally Ilrm , although the giangers .Sugar , Distilling. Louisville * Nashville and i few others show fractional losses on the day's trading. Except for Long Island Traction , whlcl declined 1 % per cent on small offerings , the market was Him In the early trading , but tin gains were small. Th m.nket reacted fraction ally , but quickly milled and sold up 1 % | wr c"iit Toward 11 o'clock a realizing movement set In which sent th leading stocks down a fraetli.n ruelllc Mail and Itul.lier lost 1 per cent am Mobile & Ohio fell to 108. Suuthem Tactile ad vancrd 2H per wnt. and Hay Slain ( las 1V pe : cent. In the ilnal dealings there were semi small gains In part of the list , and the markv rlospil in fairly good tone with prices on the day fnlily regular. In the list of adxuntm are Southern I'arlllc tVt per cent , l.arle.l.lag am Coloiado Kuel 1 ? , per cent , Itiy State ( las li per cent , Lead Tl per cent , Oregon Improvement Leather nnd MlnneaHill | < i & St. I < ouls ; pe cent , and Mlnneapllls A : St. Louis second pre ferred K per cent. The giangers lire down li to li per cent. Green ll.iy pieferred and Louis \llle Nashville % per cent , and u few oilier ? Mnull fractions. ' Speculation during the tt-rek was rather Ugh In volume , owing partly , ' | o Ihe fact thai Hie fnrelgnem were nol In llVi market tu any groa extenl. and al * ) bccauaa- Ihe jirufrmluna chaiacler nf tlm trading and the laelt of outsldt supiwrt. The grangers.inuvtHl up and down , nc rordlne lo the tenor < tf Uj dUimtchea touching Iliu crop situation , bual the close prices o shared showed but "light changes compared will Ihe tigures at the close iif the preceding week. Considerable Intercut win manifested In the In duttrlals , particularly UuMier , which came Inn goml demand by reason c. ( the nd vunre In the prices of the pro.luct This led to on ndvanc < l' In the common o 7 per cent und In the preferred of 2 per cent. Liquidation was In ptom ? fs during the week In the Khaiea of the Husquelutnnu & Westerr lallroad , the common rerctros S per cent nnd Hit preferred 7 per cent. i/Tho 'decline was due tu IM-HT rumors , chief among which was one tu tin effect thai Iho company , nfiuld default on Inter est duo June 1 on mortgage ) > ends of the Wllkes burin & l istern , which toe oillcers of the win pany ilenlml. * ' The wiles of the weefrwJfb 1.035.0W shares , am 151 HtcKks were dealt In.rThe prlncljwl ch nse on the eek are : Advances Alton & Trre Haute 1 per cent , IM\X \ I land Traetion 3 tiei cent. Mobile & Ohio , Southern Pacific and Mia neaiolu | & St. I uls preferred 2' per cent. M n neupolU & St. lyiuls pre.feired trust receipt * 5 l-r cent. Hern-nil Eh-vlrlc t\'t \ per cent , anil Flint Hi 1'ere lluriU | tto preferred. New Knglnni and Tennesirfe Coal preferred 2 itfr cent , D - fillies Krle 3 i per cent , Oreat Northern pre fenwl J per cent. Manhattan SU per cent , and lluffalo , ltoche titr & I'ltuhurv 2 per cent. Tb Iwnil markfl twlay wn * quiet nd without i > ecla features , iwlen ( iKgregallng only ( JCS.O'XX ' Th bond peculation during lb week was light The renult of the uris-k's operallona are : Do- t-llnea Norfolk & Wesiern. Maryland & Wa h Ington nrat > 7 IHT rent , Baltimore Jt blrio South weitmn roru > oU 4'.u Ci , per cent. Ati-hlun Culnrudo & I'urltlo rimu % per rent , Ilaltlmorcr It Ohio tJ ri-Klntered and Duluth & Man III.IM flrtta 4 per cent , HI. I'aul Minneapolis & Marritoba , Ulnnrsoln Iran (4 3tt per rent , tiu , jiitbnniM A.Wratcrn refunding- J' per rent , nnd Wllkesbarre & KaMern nr t , Wh eUni { & Laka Krle nnrt Wheelinir dlvlilon , 3 p r rent. Advance * North ern Paeinc dividend script extended , 21 per rent Krie funding It tlukt receipt * 7 per ceot , N. Y , N II * II 4 * dulwnture * rertinrate * and Pennsylvania 4'i i per cent , Ilrooklyn Kle- Urals 4 l > er rent , Ilrooklyn Klcvnled ec- mila 3W IHT rent , and 13ast Tennes ee reorgan. utlon 4 nnd Ijniilsvlllo * Nashville and N. O. A N. M. llrsts 3 | > r cent. The sales nf the week were ( IO,373.W ) . and twenty-four bonds vere traded In. Ooveinment liond. displayed netlvlly and snl" < of (13 . ( < uere made at slightly belter figures. State lumM were dealt In In thi < amount of 73.000 8lv-r | , cerlllleates were neglects ) , only 110,00) ) ielng t-adml In nl 67t c The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the Now York ox- today : Atchlson NormwPMorn tirt Adanm Kxpreftt. . . N. W. tifil 144 Allan. T. 11 N. Y. Central 101 Am. Express N. Y. AN. K 44l ilallhuoru \ Ohio. II'J Ontario AW 1H Mnadi 1'acinc. . . . -1:1 : Orojon blip- 14 ! C.iiind.i Southern. . Orozon M.iv. SM > Pacltlc. . . . I ) S. L A U. N. . . . 7 "lies. , V Ohio t'acine. Mall IU Chicago Alton I' . 1) . A K ( ' . . II. A D , lf.,1'4 ' : iilcuo : ( iai Jitl Pullman 1'alac.i ) . . 171 ! , Conioiidaln'l ( Iai. . Kr.tdhr ; 1H t'.0 , . f.Sl. . U. . . 44'f IK. ( I. W 111 Polo. A Iron. Vll.O , W. pfd Cotton Oil Cert. . . . " llock Inland Dolawaru A llu I. . St. I'anl Dol. . L.iok. AW. . . do pfd is < ii ; I ) . A U. II. pfd St. P. A.Omaha. . . . : I7 1).AU. V. ( ! o dopfa Ill Krlo South.IMelllo. . . V-'M do pfil. ' Sairar H"llncry. . . . 117 ! KortWavno 1A7 Tniin. Coal A Iroa. VM i ( i. Northem Dfd. . . 1'Jrt Texas I'.villlo I'-'M C. A K. I. tifd T. AO Uoiit. uM. . 7S Hocking Valley. . . Union IMelnc. . . . . i : i IllbiolM Coatril. . . till IT. a Kxprois 40 St. P. A Duliilli SM \V. St. f. .V 1' HT K. AT. pfd HHf (111 pfd Laku Krlo AYoit ' * ' 4 WVlls Km co KK. IDS ilopfd H''K Wnstern Union H'Jll LakoHlioro 140 Whoeliuir A U K. . It UMI ! Trust : t.x itopM LonlsvllloAN. . . . M. A St. I , .V N. A 1) . A H.I ) Manhattan Coll. . . . O. K H.V < Mcimihls.V O N. L i'S'l Mlchlz.lti Cant. . . . C. V. A 1' , lHH ! Missouri IMclllo. . JH ilo pfd. . (1.1 Mobllo A OlilD . It AT. O. NaahvllloChat . . . T. A. A. A N. il. . . National CordaiJ. T. St. I. Alt. C. . . 11. ilorM do tifd N. J. Central S. U. 11 18M N. A W. pfu dopl : < ! ) North Am. Co. . . . Am. To'l. Co 118 Northern Pnclflo. . ilopfd 113 No.l'ac. nfil SI P. , M. A M 110 U.K. 1) . AH Tutnl nalea nf olocks : Northwestern , 2,501 ; Pnclllo Mall , 2.WO ; Heading , Z.IWO ; St. I'aul , 3.000 ; Southern 1'acinc , S.COO ; United States Leather , 3.7i ; United States Rubber , 5.100. Closing quotation ! ! on bonus were 0.1 follows : U.H. 4s , ivif. . new. : . P. tuts of 'I'J. ' . . 1114 II. S. U. Alt. O. 7s 11JW II. 8. fin. rat 11' ) I. All. ( i. 49 H7H U.S. SBcoup 111) ) Krlu tiili. US U.S. 4s , rjR HIM II. II. AS. A. Us . . . llll 17. S. 4H.coip. . . . . 11:1 : 0. II AS. A. 7d. . . . U.S. Us. res 1)7 ) 11. A T. O. us lit ) I'aulncUiof 'OS. . 100 dolls Ala. Olms A M. K. A T. 1st 4s. . Ala. Clasi II 107 do I'd 4s mi Ala. C till Mutual Union il . . it)1. ) ) Ala. Ciirroncv. . . . till N. J. O. ( Inn. SB. . . . I/a. Now Con.H. . . 1)1) ) ) No. P.IO. lull us MlRHoiirl ( li llll ) do''ds t > u N. C. Us 124 N. W. ConiolH. . . . N.C. 4s do S. R Dob. f > . S. O. non fund It. O. Wost. Isti. . . Tenn. now net Us. R7 SL 5' . Consols 7n. . Tumi. nuWHOt Aa. 100 doC. Al' . W us. 100K Tenn. old Hi ( K ) St L.AI.M.lSon. n. Va , Countries. . . . St. L. : 11(11 ( $ do ( Inferred Tux. I'M. IsU AtchlHon 7it : tin .Ms. . AlchlHon ad A. . . . UIM II. P. Isti of 'ili. . . CanadaSo.Ms. . . . . ' West Shora 4s L. Jfc N 8 > > $ So. It It ln ton Stonk Oilnc.ttloill. DDSTON. Juno l.-Pall loans. ' 'alli : per cent : ilmn lonns. y4 < rl PIT ceit. ; Closlu ; pricoa for nd inliilii ; nharns : A.T. AS. P W. Kloc. tint ia Am. Suirar. 117W Wlit. u Am , Sncar pfil. . . . KlilU KillHon Klee Ills. , llll UavSlatodnft . Klee. nfd : il UullTolcplionu. . . SOU Alohls ill 1'dS V4' llostoa.VAltxiny. . Atchlsoii 4s 7M HoHton .t Mahiu. . . New Encland its. . U. RAH WIN Hen. Klectrtc 5s. . . Mi Fltchbur ; WIs. Oat. luts . . . CD ( irn. KIcutric . \llouc7. Minim : Co Hfl IlllnolH Stool mil , Atlantic HflKi > Mexican 114 nostnn A Monlaiu 54 N. Y. AN. K III , Untie A Boston. . . 54Hi Old Colony 17.1 . Onhm'et.V I led I. 2S ! ) Ore. Short Lino. . . ( Vulcnii'.al Knbuar Kr.mklln 1CM San llukro , Kearsireiim Union Pacltlu OBcrola JHli WeHtKnil lOmiicv 11U Went Kllil nfil jTiimnr.iPK 141) ) WcHUiiirh.Kleo. . . . I Wolverine iik N w Vort .111111.1 ; NKW YOIW. Juno l.rTiu following arj Hi ) oloaln ? iiitnnif ipuiliiii'is : llulwer. : t Ontario MM ) Cliolor 41) ) Ophir 1 - ' . > Crown 1'olnu : I5 I'lvmoiilii JO Con. Ca'.V. Va. . . , 'j''D QnlciiHllvnr. . ' . . : iiii ) UeadWood CD ( Jnlcksllvi-rpfn. . . ! 70i ) Gould Si Curry. . . "JO Hlerr.i Novail.1. . . . 40 Halo ANorcroas. . Ill standard -'SO llonujslak-j . ' ' > IM ) . , , ( Unloji Con. : iu Iron Silver . ' 1(1 ( Yellow Jacket. . . . 43 Muxlcan : t.l riimm-lnl .NIIIIK. 11OSTON. June 1. Cl JIC.757 78 ; bil aiicea. > l.ldO'JS4. Fjr the week , J77,2S1,387 ; ancrs. J'J.OM.ira. HAITIi1OKIJune 1. ClenrlnKa. G.01I.OT bal nnres , $41i.ihr,1. Kor the wwk. cloailnirs , $12.- SC6.577 ; ImumrcK , $1,801,4W. riIIIAll-i'llIA : ! , Juno 1. 4'letrlngii , $14,707- 036 ; tialaners , $1,701,1)11. For the week , clearinRs. $36,01)7,038 ; halanci-.i , J7.DS.1.JIU. ST. IXJfIS , Juno 1. ClearlnRS , $3,933n31 ; hal- uncos , $7S2.4CD. Mimoy. 3tiJ ( per cent. Neu York exchange. Mt- premium lid ; offered at 73c premium. CIIICAOO , June 1. Oloarlnps , $1S,270.000. Money , fairly active ; call loans. 44ff3 per ct-nt ; commercial paper , CViifG per ct-nt. No " Y.Mk excbatiKe , 43o premium ; slerllnv oxchanse rates , demand , $4.8'l1 ; slxly days , ll.bSH. NKW YO11K , June 1. Clearings , $111.002.021 balances , J7.3I3.SII. For the week. J43l.C23.iOl luilanues , $31.r.7ii,494. The exports of sporlo from the port nf New York for llu > week amounteil to $173,200 In gold und 121.3S3 In sllvor. The Im ports for tinwotk were : ( lold , $241,773 ; silver $32,222 : diy KO > I , $1,917,932 ; Kriieml mi.-rrhandlie , $7i 3CIS. WASH1N(5TON , Juno ] . Toiliy'B statement of the coiulitljii of the tro.isury shows : Availatile cash brflance , $185.370,100 : gold reserve. JJ3.151.40' ! Tho. mr.nthly colosKe slaluinelll of the director of the mint shown the colmiKe of gold dnrlnir the month of May la have been $4lMa37. nd of sil ver J4I,503. The minor coinage amounted to i7G10. Of the sliver coinage JIM,11 $ wus It Kta ulard djllais. rorelgii Kinaiu-iiil.\ffiilr4. I'AHIH , Juno 1. Thiee per cent rentes. 1021 Mo for Iho account. Kxchnngc on London , 23 ! 22',4o for chocks. LONDON , June 1. Tlar sllvor , ) ll-lf per ounce. Amount of bullion gene Into th Honk of Ungkind on lialance tuday , fG3UOO. CufTeo illnrker , NKW YOIIIC. Jun l.-fOI-'PCn-Opllons oponoil dull , with prices unclmiiKod lo 3 points decline , wllhaut a sale on call ; ruled gi-m-rally weak ami foaturelecs In Iho nbarnej of Ilrazll luhlces , whll the European accountu woio In- dlffcront ; only unall local lliiuldatlon : i dull ut afllj polnla net docllne : tulcs. 713 Including : July , $ ; IJecombor. UlSa. coffee , Hlii , quiet ; N < > . 7. $ IU ; mild , ipilet : dova , $ l'i.25ftlU.iiO ' ; miles , none. Warehouse de- Ilvcrlus from New York yostorduy. 4,42 ; baKs : New York stock today. 24)iii | IUIH ; 1'nltiil Slates stock , MI.CS IUIRK ; niloat for tbo I'nltoil .Slates , 232t > 0 baRs ; total vlslhlo for the Unltpil SUilrs , 03J.CH buKH , ugulnm J'Jl.071 UDTH last HAMIltTItO. June 1. COrFHK-lincbaiiBod to 'i pfg lower ; union. l.W ) IURH ; Htock , S2ii CiW bans. Including 18C.Oi > 0 bacs llr.izlll.ui. HAVUK , Junn L Opened nuli't ' ; unchangnl al 12 m. ; cloned qul"t. unclmngod ; Kales , 3.000 baus. 1110 IB JANKIItO , Jun , ) 1. No ndvlcos. AMSTMHUAM. Juno 1. Afloat from Juvn and east for Kurope. 70.OW bugs. I'omiitrollrr'n A.oniblrIntoinonl. . WAHHINOTON , Juno 1. The monthly statement mont of Ihe complroller of the currency HIMIWS the nmnunt of national hank nofs oulstnnlhig t lie $211,3& > II2' ( > , nn Ini-roaso for the month o $1.73.1UC ! , iuid for the last twelve months of $1. 237,347. Thu circulation bns. . d on I'nltivl Slates lion'ls amounts tn $184.3(3,578 ( , an Increase for Iho month of $2,433,234 , und for Ihe twelve nnnibs o $ ! ,43',33 ' . The rlrculatlon Hecunnl by lawfu money aggreuatrs $28.6 1,434. a ilecrcusa for Ilio month of $ C76,1IS , and for the year of J212.DV1 The amount of fulled Slate * n-Klstornl bonds on ilo | jsll to secure circulating notev Is $2iW. 632,3J > ) , und to secure public di'iKisltn fl5.27V > . \\ool .Miirkflt. ST. I.Ot'IS , June 1. WOOI < Firm , with ilo- mand Improving ; Mls ourl , Illinois , etc. , ehoiro combine , 14',4c ; modlum , 13'iJ13Vic ; coarw ; and braldod , 13V4 Kmc : llBht line , liks ; heas-y nne , 9c ; Kansas anil Nebraska , miillum. iifille ; Huh line , " { ? > " ' ; heavy line , | Ce ; Texas , Arkansas , Indian territory , etc. , fall and fpriiiK. iiu'dliim , llfr2o ! ; coanie und low , 7Srl ) < - ; IlKht tmo. SJJJK- heavy tlno. ttfflf. Dakota , Wjomlmr , rtali , rtc. meillum. 9ftl2c ; counc and low. 7JiMllsht ; tin" , 7 j c ; lu-avy line. f.fiGc ; tub wushed , choice , 1JV H20c ; coarte nnd low , lie. NIIW YOI1IC. June l.-Sl'flAn-ltaw , Icin steady ; fair reflntnif , 2 IS-lCu ; centrlfrugal , . .cat. 3c ; rollned , quh-t and eauy ; No. . C , lit 13-lCc ; Nn. 7 , 3V.HH l-ltv ; No. S. 3T,8I ( l-lOt No. a. 3 131CR4CNo. ; . 10. % ( | 13-IU. ; No. II 3 ll-lli 3Hc : No. 12 , 3 ll'iefnttjr ; No. 13. srtr off A , 4 1-KflH.i' ; mould A. 4 ll'lkflV : Htiind an ) A , 4 S-W4 ( > c ; nmfi-ctloners' A. 13-lM/IVtc / cut loaf. B l-IGW/e ; ; crushod. 3 l-WrV.f. pw doreil. 4Kf 3 1-ltc ; grunuluted. I 7-16fil'i ; culxij 4 Il-161i4ic ! , Mrekly Itnnh Statement , NIIW YOIIK. June 1. The weekly built elato- mi-nt shows ( he following rhangos : Hoscrve In- rrea e. $ l.iC.l' ' ; loans , lncn > a e $2,4I4 , & ; Bnarle , IncreHito $1.03G.GijO ; le al tender , lnt-rvna-4 } l,171. * v)0 ; ilep < nlls , Increase $1,326.000 ; rlrciilutlon. ile- crease t6. > .2' ' ) . The banks now hold $ ll.2Jl.f,0 In oxr . < w of Ihe rciulrimnls | of thu new U per cent rule. Mhineapolli Market. MINNKAI-OUH June , L-WllBAT-KIrm June , T Uc ; July. T UaTWc ; .Spptrinlwr. ; t'4 76 % i-j on track , No. I bant , WW1NI > . 1 norih- _ rn. SO'.jc ' , Nu. 1 hard , VJVkcj Nu. 2 northrrii. ' t filrailr ; nr t patents , JI.2VOi.rl ; > nd patents , $ t.lHr4.40 ; | h-t clrarr , .Slnekn nf I'niTlsloiK in l.lrrrpon' . UVKIll-OOU Junr t-Th -llowluit are tlo ( itocks of provUlons In Liverpool ; llerf , l.v 'len-e < i pork. S.VM Will. ; Imuuo. 15.IU ) bnxrs , haiut , 4.M4 bai - , uliuulJent , I.2M Uncn ; InrJ. Uerctu. cheese. Sl.bW boie , bulttr , j OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlo TrncJo Eemains Abtut Stea3y in with Recent EiperioacD. SEEK CLOSES WITH PRICES SOME Lr.W R Illllrultjr of Shipping Interferes nltli the l > re ftcit lleef IJlMliieM Supplies Very tcsrco Deinnnil for Hues Strung but 1'rlrra HIT 11 IInn- . SATl'HDAY. June 1. Supplies of all kinds of sleek have been comparatively moderate the past week nnd the decieafo In trcelpts as compared with former years keeps up with dlseouraBlnR porslsleno , as the following llgutes will show : Catllo. Iterelpta this week ' G.VM llocelpts lust week C.21SI Same week UDI 11.CH rf.ime week ISX ! 11'iM lliCiil'TjA : : 1S.I3. Months. C.iltlo. January 5H.7H Vbiuary 32,3(13 March 40.730 day 2B.7S3 Total 1SI.007 670.0DJ 83,171 ui-ciii'TS : : ISM. Months. Cattlo. Hnss. Snoop Inhunry 61.601 114.M ) 21SO Vliruary 80.910 120.3.M 2H.1I1 itan-h GO.S'.ii ! 14S.WI 21.151 \prll R,37J 14 ! . 6,17 18.0)3 May CS.317 IS7.S7I1 17.518 Total 319.S4J 713.731 107.7S.1 CIXMSO 133.S33 137,112 212.0 mo live months 1893 . . . 3X3.007 822.415 127.43 ! ) Same five mnntli.s KJ2 . . . . 10S.S31 678,710 7H.TG1 .lino live niunth * 1WI . . . . 215,471 GU3.842 07,271 The catllo market for thu past six days was not materially different from the pre ceding six dayti' trade. During the first half of the week there was Home appreci ation In values for the more desirable Krndoa of beef and shipping steers , with n gradual softening of vault's for the under Hindus. Since the middleof the week , how ever , the tendency has boon rather lower for nil KfndoH , Including the liest. The ox- tremcly hot weather has mnde the latter liard to snip and shippers have held off on this account. Dressed licet mon have had the market p'retty much In their own hands and with no Improvement In the drmnnd for beef they have apparently tried to buy Ilio seed calllo at substantially lower t\K- \ nrcs , nnd nt the same time tried to pott d the life out of the market for the medium and Inferior kinds. That wa.s nliout the situation today when the market opened with only about CM head of fresh rattle on sale. The olllclal receipts were SOI hend , but as Cudnliy and Hammond between thorn received nine loads of cheap Texas patt'.o from Kansas City there were not over fiOO cattle on Male all told , and less than half of thcso were beef sltors. There were , however , several very Rood loads here , and If buyers had wanted the cattle bud enough to ralso their hands hist n little they could have Rot them. As It was the trade was dull , mean and miKKlng from start to Ilnlsh , nnd quite u few very good cattle were unsold. 1'rlces bid and paid were lower , lint us thu extent of thu deellne was variously estimated from weak to a quarter lower than Friday It would be dllllcult to specify the amount of the de cline. The Chicago market has pone nil to pieces of late , and the consequent practical shutting off of the outlet In thH direction has had a good deal to do with the present badly demoralized condition of the trado. As IH usually the case about this time of the year , buyers have bcKUii to discrim inate sharply against grassy slock , and ns a result of the Increased competition from southwestern cattle the common grades of native beef hiivo experienced a bit ? decline. Good fat eows and heifers have held their own very well , but the ihedlnm and common grades are helling from U5c to Sfle lower than a week HBO. culve.-t are still bell ) * ; marketed freely , and as a result prices nre still down In last week's very low notches. LlKhl bulls have Ijeen In fair retiucst , but rough heavy slock of all klniH has been slow sale at considerably lower prices. During the early pirt of the wiek the ftocker nnd feeder trade was about ns fit as It could gut. 1'rlccvs'wc-re fully a dollar lower lhan the high time , and even then they could hnrdlv bo sold. Since the good general rains Wednesday and Thursday , however , there hns been a marked uhaiifio for the boiler. The revivifying of paslnres has caused a biff demand for stock cattle , and while not all the recent big decline was regained , n good nharo of It was , and prospects could hardly bo more favorable. There was the usual small Saturday1 ! * busi ness today , but the feeling was slrong. Oooi ! to tliolco feeders are quotabln at from $ . ' to $3.73 , fair to good at from $2.00 to $ n , and common snides from J2.CO down. Heprc- sentntlve rales : DllHSSKD IlKKF. N'o. Av. Tr No. Av. Pr. N . Av. Pr. 1. . . . 0 $3 M 1..1000 $1 23 I'.l..11137 $ . 0. . ) 1 . . 7KO 350 ) . . . .U'U ' 4 f.O 2..li5 ; 50) 3. . . . 930 4 W 1..132) ) 4 9' ' ) 1IIXKD. 5..102) 373 i. . . . o ! ) 150 i. . . . ! O > i RO : . . . .irii : " > 1..10RO 1 > 4. . . . 912 20) 2. . . . > 2i ZK .1. . . . 7U3 1M 1..14.ii ) 21V ) l..13W 2 f , 1. . . . ) 1. . . . 910 20) 2..116- . 1 ! 1. . . . SM 1 r , ' ) 5. . . . 776 200 SD7 2 W 3. . . . 8U 1C , ' ) 1..1110 200 3. . , . S 3 2 U ) I. . . . 5' ' ) 150 I. . . . FW 213 1..123' ' ) 30.1 3. . . . SCO 150 3. . . . F5S 22) ) 1..11SI ) 3 2i 1 1040 1 75 2. . . . "CO 2 2i 16. . . . SWJ 32. , I..WS 175 2. . . . 830 2 2T 4. . . . fl7 3 2 > 3. . . . HOS 175 1. . . . 9SO 223 2..WW 333 2 . . . OT ) 175 1..103) I SO 1..1400 340 3. . . . 31 1 7.1 G. . . . MJ 255 1..1090 340 1..103I ) 175 1..12IM t 75 MILKKHS AND Sl'ltlNOCKS. 1 cow and calf 1 00 3. . . . 283 S 00 1. . . . 5(0 ( 213 2..COJ 231 12. . . . 4 ) 2 00 1. . . , 600 2 IS ] . . . . 5) 25-1 2. . . . 301 200 1. . . . 720 2 2'j 4. . . . S 2 M 13. . . 4W 210 7. . . . 714 2 Si 2. . . . 710 2 C3 8. . . . 4SC 2 10 CALVES. 1 120 275 1. . . . 150 350 3..UO 100 I . . 121 27. . 1. ' . . . 150 35. ) 3. . . . 1 0 42) 7. . . . 124 325 fi. . . . 138 40) 1. . . . 160 423 1. . . . 120 2 W 1. . . . 200 4 W 1. . . . 4SO 150 1..12JO 225 I..1110 235 I. . . . MO 200 2. . . . ! KJi ) 223 1..1370 2 33 1..1750 2)0 ) 1..1540 235 1..II2I ) 2 M ! . . . . * ) 213 1. . . . UIO 25 ! 1..11J ) 2 50 1..1470 223 1..1330 2 C3 1..1370 253 O.XRN. 2..1823 373 1. . . . 20 2 00 M. . . . 427 270 I. . . . 890 301 I. . . . iiO : 2W 1. . . . C40 275 D. . . . SCO 3 IH 1. . . . "M 24' ' ) 2J. . . . 'S > 2W 1..10U4 300 . . . . S2 < 250 3. . . . 445 2 f5 3..120 31) 2. . . . IW 2 C3 I ) . . . . 777 2 90 1IOC.B The decrease of over 7,000 head In re oelplH this wri'k , ns cjtnparcd with last , hiH nil had any favoiablo Inlluonce on vllher the demuiii iir the pili'B for ho s. ( VmiHllor.H and prices however , nre favorable for active packin opera tlons and the movement has IHMII free all weol with prices on an nvurdKO pretty much the same as fur the picceillni ; week. This appllL-.s onlj lo the IIUKS of uci-nt welKlit and MUailty. Many plK wi-io frcid In or Mie < l In by the dry wmthor. and the market has pimply been llulle ; , with Ibi'si ? in ) r plus. The demand for Ibis rlass of slork li novrr very vigorous , and I lix.k . a MK ro < luitlon In prlcos to enable Balrsmrn to vttml n clearuiice. Aside from thu p K . li' v ovi-r , the quality of the IIIIRJ bus been i-xoi-pllon ally Kixil. and prior t > the delUKo of tlElil stuif or iib-.ut ten IIJH ! : UK" , th avonixeMlnhl of 111 rt-colplu an & ! > ll > . This week the llJUi | : foil to 214 llm. , und Iho month's nvcragu wu only 217 Ib- . Thn markrt trulay WJB active , but prlcos were 5o to 10o lower than I'rlday. l'.icki-rs ere Cmt-llvnlly Ihe only buyeis. Tliuy wuntrd the i-nlcr hogs and Umelil tlu-m la frocly ut nbou a nlrkflx ilpcllne , or nt from fl.50 to $1.5' ) fo : fair to choice Block , weighing 2JI Us. nnd up ward , The IlKht ami common ciadm v.vic hi Iho hiinleat. solllni ; nlov.-ly unduno , only at fn.n $1.15 up to $1.35 for common to iholce 170 In 21 Ibs. HVi-ruRo. DBS und llitht weiKlits won hard l work off. iven nt tb prpvuillm ; vcrj mciu prlo-H. Hule * of Ibis il.i i of ttockvn - . made linl.iy all Ilio way from $1.75 to $ Tln-rii was u Kenornl illfiKisltlon manifest in i'U'ii/1 up the supply uml by the middle of tbo foronoi.n practically uverjtlilni ; had chanKud hands. The blu bulk of'tho iloaliable IIIIKS * uld today nt fri-m $1.23 lo $4.U. aa ngAlnsi Jl V ) to $1 15 niday , and $4. ) to tt.M uno work oxn t lajIh'proAontativu HJCH ! : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Kb. IV. 73 IW SWlir. W 237 S-1 $1 M 52 IK . . . 4 13 f. | 21J lii ) 4 30 7 214 . . . 4 15 C3 2 i 10 4 9) ) 4 nl . . . 4 15 71 212 1C ) I uO 3 273 . . . 4 T. 71 221 21) ) 43) ) 3 2CT . . . 413 74 211 b ) 4 30 2 210 . . . ' 4 15 . . . . , . . . : . . . 4 30 75 172 . . . 4 r. C 2I < . . . 4 3) Yl 1st M 415 R2 2)1 IfrJ II ) 21 211 W 111 41 . . . -JH 120 4 30 61 m . . . 415 7S..1.2IJ M 4 30 31 1U 12) ) 4 15 Vi 231 ( J 4 3 > ) .t ) 2 * . 2 > 4 1' C3 Hi' . . . . 4 30 M 3vS 120 415 ( ) : -il 101 13:14 K ) UO 2SO 4 15 79 MO W 4 35 U 2U 12) ) II 255Vt 433 M 1 - ) 42) 6 2 . . . 133 09 IM . . . 4 5J 75 m lil 1 S3 71 IW 10 4 * ) . . . . . . . . W 433 M 131 M 4 ? ) 71. . . . . . . . % ! > 4 M Ill ) 4) 4 ? ) M ? ; l l 435 21 4 am 4 ao ct 90 * ) 133 101 IK 100 4 1) ! W 215 11 4 K 31 j i ? ) 4 y ) * i r o 4 M 67 m ? 42) ) 73 21 ; in tn V ) 1 1 2iM 4 M'4 72 2LU M 4 3 * > l IM 1(0 4 'J ' C3 XI 1 ! ) 421 77 1(5 4) 4 Sl'j M 21J 41 4M M M JO 425 Ci 2U 1 l 4 3 > M , , 21) 3iJ 4 2i 70 21 ! IN 4 3H , M m i ) 4 r. RI . . . .n ; . . in 31. . , Ik * 41 425 fl. . . .2. ) 21) 440 I'M. ' . . . ' 10 100f 61 , , . .24 M 44) 4) 19 } IW 4 S5 0) . . . . .rhi 441 7J . . in 2" > 4 li 3S. , -V . . 14' ' ) 71 .117 44 13 1 . ! , ) . ,44) M , . ; . ' - > 5 4J 4 Zi W. . .217 41 4 41 63 . .11J SW 4 St % l 4 4't u , .MI . . . 4 a u : .t . . . 14) 15 119 4 114 r , lie 4 < 113 n in $3 llV 10) 3 S3 HIIHISP There have IK-OII nn sheep bore f'T ' he last three das , nnd pionliy no test > f the market ha * boon | H lhle. Castrrn markets - kets , nonett > r , ha\o K > mn off sharply thlx we k vllli liberal i > ( Torhiis , and while the deniind bore M K"od. price * nro nominally 1.V to Ko ewer than last wo-k. l-'alr til choice n.illveit nre ipiotable nt finni $3. : . to $1. fair to Rxvt \ostorni nt from $ ] to $ V . common and stix-k ilioop nt from 12.35 In $1 and KOU < | to choice 4i > o li . ) b. Iambs nt flam $3.75 to $5. i.tvi : Mi'oi : : ( . limited IHnliirsi of VrmcrdiiyVn * ' 1'r.llM- netrit nt I rlilnyV 1'rhiK * . Cltir.\CO. ! June I. A tlmllixl HiturOay l > ml- ew wan transicli'il at Kililny' * prlci-s. eummon > chilci native ihe.iartl In'of anil nhlpplnit ulcers , rlKliliiK ! . ( * to 1.5DO llis. . Pt-lllni ; at from W.\ o 13.50lth very cluilco ti'p\e ncarcil nml tulaliln at fn > m 15 r,0 to )5 SO. The hulk of the nttlo n tw etiinliiK fuiwaiil nrll at from $1.25 to 5..i , nail euinmoa \ vraleni8.elKlilnic 1 130 to .210 llm. , neil nrumiil $3.25.V11 IhilHluil ratlin if ini-.lliun wolKht. 1.350 to 1.12 : . llw. . m-ll Ilia lest , as the \\oithiT Is lion too win in for larser IOPVOS to he handled pn > lltalily. Kxportrra Wft ipili In the markol , hut there ale tixi few 'i'V-s ail.ipleil t > tlielr requirements. ( 'own ue frum 7..e t.i 1 l.nver than befire the present .leak . net In , nrlllUK nt fnim 11.71 ti > > l Si. ( 'alvp ire Ilrm at fnun } 2 M In } 0. Slufkers aliil fefil- is me MM dull ever , \Mlh rlow s.ili'n at from 2.50 tn JI.I5. Texas oallle are fiiltly nrtlvn mil the ivi-Hpts this wrck arc the lawst of the enwuM. In IIORS there was a fair demand fnmt local nrU'TM , but prleis mrfin'.l anollier il. rlln of il ul r > e , hea\y kelllnt ; at JI.35 to 14.70. inlneil at 'r < m Jl.r ; ) lo JI.G- , . , , , , , l light Ht fnim II. 2' > In 14.53. Sellers illNpuseil of imwt of the supply it nihiei'il prices. The olTerhm-s eintitaeeil n Kixxl many mnssy lots anil a KOOI ! Nhnie of the hews were IlKht In weluht. In sheep the offtrkiRS were in m > than ntnrl o Futlafy the eitrt'inely | nior ilemiml. nnd prlrni ih-iln rtileil weak. Hheep wilil nt fi m II.CO f > (4.25 ( for Infeilor tn fliolci * natives , eommon IVxiuis sellhiK ninunil J.1.20. The hulk of the sheep broil Kin ! 3.00f4.2.i , niul sales \\ere niailo if lambs al from $ } tu ( : . .2i. rlmUe < M > ld Inmlit fetehlms K..5H. Sprliiu lamlw brutiKht from $3.2. ' . tn 15.73. 15.73.K K 300 head ; sheep , 2,500 heaU ; I'J.OOO lirml. HerrlptH nnil lii pi ltlon of Stork. Olllclal iecelpt niul disposition nf stock n't shown l.y . the < ls of the Tnlon Stoek YnnS ompiny for the twenty-four hours cndliiR nt 3 . 'clock p. in , , Saturday , .lime 1 , 1SU5 : ItllCIJll'T.S. Cars , llca'l. attle . so fOI H' ' { H . . . . . . 7li 5,7/7 Ibnses nnil mule1) . 1 JO DIWOSITION. Catlle. lli r . ) maha rackltiR Co . , . , . . , . 12 lf The < 1. II. Hammond Co . r 1,473 .Swift nnd Comp.iny . ; , SI l.OHl The Cuilahy l-.u-khiK Co . 119 2.IT3 Wilson . . . 100 1. II. llamm nd , low.i . . IV ) I. 11. llnminnnd , KaiiFas City . Ill . . . . , 'udaliy. KniiKig City . 112 . II. Meeker & Deem . 5 . . Ik-cKer . 35 . Shlppets and feedem . ; . . . 157 CO Left over . 310 Total . , . Gil C.oSJ St. l.nulH ll\t ) Stork. ST. IXll'IS. .lime l.-CATTI.M-Hocclptn , ( ,00 head ; shipments , 2.3i henil ; very slow on inmll supply. Tlie week i'ini-s ! wllji pihv 2 ij > 50c lower than on last Monday for natives , ami fully 5i > c off nil rmmd ill Txaiu. . ( li jd rattle are wanted In this market. Native shipping and Iwef ulcers nuiRii { I.v0fl5.5IlKtil ; ti Biwd luiuhcr Kl'ados. 32iSM..0 ; il.ii'keis. . SI .T.l f3.2i , fee < lerB. J3.0.W4.0i ) ) : cows , $ : roii3.5' ' > : ful TCMIS steers , $3.73 ( It. 75 ; Krass sievrs , JJi.ijai 3 7."i ; iii\\s. J2 COi/3.2J , 1HV1S II'iM-lpm. TT'io ' head ; shipments , S.DiV ) head ; market ataln lo\ver ; hea\ > , SI. 45W 1.55 , puckers. } 4 3VI..V ) ; IlKht , l4.13iM.tO. S1I15KI' llc.-elits. | H head ; Khlpmentll. 3'M ' head. Not enoimh supi'b to tnako a market , Prices closed 75c IO\M' | ' than last Saturday. Native rnim-e , ; t.005f 1.00 ; Kuuth < .Ht , J2.5U4l3.CJ ; lambs , I3.5)ij4.73. K ii i Clly l.ivuMoek. KANSAS CITY. June 1. I'ATThK HeceliiU. 1.000 head : shipments. 2,700 head : mailcet steady ; Texas steers , J2.7351 1.10 ; Texas rows , )1.5iif3. 10 ; beef Meets , JJ.7ifl3.CO ; native cuWs , jl.3J4 4.40 ; stnekcm anil fcedora , $ i.2nirl.l3i ( liu'.s , IJ.OOifl.0 . linns UreclptH , D.4iK ) head ; shipments , 2.000 head ; market SSi'lO. ' lower : bulk of hales , } I.V O 4.40 ; heavier $1.405 LSI ; packers , } I,204I.5'V ; mixed , | 4.15 < ( ; 4.45 ; llchls , S3.1UI.20 ; Yorkers , JI.1J ffl.M , pl . l3.CiiXr4.lKV. . . SiriJKP Hecelpts , l,3fi ! tca , < l ; alllpnlenls , 1.S50 head ; marKet wc lk. Stuck In hiilii. Iteonnl of lecelpls nt tliu four principal mar kets for Saturday , June 1 , li'3 : Catlls. rioit < i. fihccp. South Omaha . kOI f.,7i)7 ) . . . . chlcaRH . W ) 2.r.o Kansas City . l.noo 9,400 2.2 * ) St. Iy > uls . bO ) 1,700 100 Totals . . . . . . 2,101 33,807 4,800 St. l.oiiln ( fiiiienil Alurknt. ST. I-OflS. June 1. WHI3AT Market ex tremely nervous and unsetthd , but with better biiylm ; thaix yesterday. Tinpi leu opened at nn advance of le and did not B'll below thu npen- lirlee , pM-ntunlly heeiiintnit 'Sic ' hlsher nnd closing nt the top , hut without sellers ; No. 2- red , nisli , ! > Jc blit ; July , S'J' ' ' . c asked ; her , . COKN Ai1vlr < .M fnim the west were of Im proved prospects since the rains , Imt the mi- tnvurubh' conditions were more rcsanlcd , Therfl was not much for sale , but th re was enaiiKh urueney I" the buying to taku ( he nff'TliDSs anil c'losc the matKcl al.mtt 1c above yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 49lii'IVKc ; Septunber , 52V4o bid. bid.OATS OATS The nnfnvorahlo weather that rallied and corn also strcnmhi'tieil this inarkel and nl Ihc clos * June was lie , July WVie HIU ! Srptvmlxr , Wlic nlio\e yesterday , lilt la bclUK for sale on ilio advance ; spot lower ; No. 2 , cash , 2Sp nuked ; June , 23C ; July , rJVi Uc ; Septeml-r. 2'JT )3'i : bid. llltAN Steady : C7c , eaBt trade. HAY Quiet ; Dhli > pliiK , MliKul gooi ! to chutco. C0i75c. KIAX HiiD-Nomlnnl : : at J1.10. HAY Valrly active , steady to firm : pralrlp , J9.UOO 10.50 , this side ; timothy , } aWU'12.oo ) ' , east side. KOOS-rhm ; frfsh , llc. lHAIulfl but tlrni ; 13.01 bid. nnd under stood (3. ( < i7'i ' obtainable ; further tulvuncc iutltil by sellers. HI'Kl.TKlt Klrm nt J3.41. \\1IISKY-J1.2I for distill' rs1 nnlnhed Rr ils. rilOVISIONH I'oik , standanl mess , Jnliblni ; , (12.75. Ijinl , prlmu Kteam , $ " < 13 ; choice , $ ! . ; ' , . llaeon. ln.xi.-il slmuldi'is , SU.25 ; IUIIRS. J1.S71/ , : ribs , 7 : nhi.rls , 7.12'.i. ' Dry uall meat * , lox.wl shoiildeis , Ji.50 ; lmis , 50.-7'/i. ' ribs , jtj.W ; Bhorts , JO 75. ICWnilTR I'lnuT , 2.0iV ) bids. ; wheat , 2I.OJO hu. ; wirn , 4 < .ftn > bu. : oats. 23.000 bu. SIIIPMiNTS-Kli > ur. 1),000 bbls. ; nlicnt , 79.W ) bu. ; coin , I0 , m ) ha. ; tuits. 4I.UO bu. llallliiioro ( Irani .Markets. , rbaiiBed ; receipts , 14 , K2 bbl.i. ; fchlprncnta. J.tiry wilKAT rirmer ; vMt | nnd month , SOfliO'Sc ; July. bO'.i.SfS'j'uAUKiist ' ; , MTiftiU1. K.'ptembi'r , SH/MUe : hleamir. N. . . 5 rul , 7i'77',4' ! ' ; ivrelnle , 3.112 hu. ; shipment ! , 24,000 bu. ; Mink , 010,570 bu. ; KIS | , 3.C < ) J bu ; southern wheat , by sample. 81tjS3c ; soulhein wheat , un Brnde , 7Sf/82e. COItN Dull and easy ; spni , MiyifiM' e ; month. OCHe n ked ; Jul > . KflM'if. ' Bcptember. STSO't ie ; [ . .e'pis ' , 21.113 bu. ; shipments. 77.1 * ) ha. ; stock. im,33l bu. ; Hales. 41 , Ofbu. . ; Boiithcin whitcorn. . OC'ifrJii'je : southern yellow , 67c. OATB-lJuli'l nnd Mendy ; N" . 2 , while wrtlorn. 37kiJS8c ( : No. mlvJ , .ItlSIVjc ; receipts , 13,511 bu. ; etork , iJ.5:8 bu. 1'enrl.i .IliirkitK. rr.or.IA. Juno I. OOUN-Stcndy ; No. I , Mljc ; * CJATStjulel ; No. 2 , 31''ic ; No. 3 , 30Vi 3lc. IlYK Scarce. WIIISKY-l'Irm ; Unbilled KOO.IS , 11.21. UUCHII' , i.MO : bu. ; coin. II.FOO hu. ; oats 10S.9CO bu. ; rie , null" ; bar Icy , l.lfO bu. HIIII'MKNTS Wheat , ll.40i ) bu. ; i-orn. S3.WO l-u. ; oats , 18,700 bu. ; rye , none ; bailey , 2.IW bu. MIUvailKee .llarKuts. MlI.WAriCr.n , June 1. WIIKAT HlronjJi No. 2 spring. 7 1f7S } c ; No. 2 norllieru. He I1UIN-I > ull ; Nil. S. Elite. . OATS Wvnkcr ; No. 2 white , 2Jc ; No. Z whl'c , 31l'-ffiCl ic. il.\ltl.iY-Morc uctlvo ; No. 2 , 4'J'.lc ; sample. . . ItVIJ Steadier ; NV. 1 , CCc. : ' Rare Chance : I For Speculation ! < t Activity asnln precnllH In Iho niarUrt for i Ktoilii. H'.iidB , liiuln. Cuttun and other .S i-uiltlcK. . W mall firs to nny address our IM'iU . . nnd Dally Maikel Itier , ilou.-rlbln haw , modevt ppecul.itivo ln\c tnicnts rpvult In + ' rapid nii'l ' ImnUvjino pixillts , . STOCKS , COTTON , I ( iUAIN , COPFKK. " i Our mmniu'iilcn fur buylntt ami sollliiB ( or uavh or IIIUIKIM of J tu ; per cent Is ONLY 1-10 PP.U OF.NT. * E.D.Thoriiburgh&Co. : Men-born nf J ? . Y. Con. StoA KXCIHIIR | . j | I 41 Broadwny , New York. . MAIiniN TiMil NO uUllon you luay have read avml L.XI . l.Aini.u ' < . " " . " ' > ' ' ( J NBW an.l . t.omj.KKTi : . It clearly xpUln maiKln Irad ni ; unJ llKI-INIIH ALL. MAUKKT 1XI lll i.ilONH It's froq and "II ! Uacll yuu srirrihins , AISQlXJAHT It CO. , it Traaers Uuild.uc ,