8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- * SATURDAY , JUNE 1 , 1395. RE MEDIES. ' RHEUMATISM CURED. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed So cute rheumatism In any part of , the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism can be cured n from ono to five days. H speedily cures nhootlng pains , tciallca , lumbago and all rheu- natlc pains In the back , hip nnd loins. H seldom falls to give relief after one or two dose * , and almost Invarl- .bly cures before one bottle has been used. I'rlco 25 cents and 50 cents. STOMACH AND DYSPEPSIA CURE. Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of Indigestion anJ stomach trouble , such as rising of food , distress after citing , shortness of breath and all affections if the heart caused by Indigestion , wind on the ctomach , bad taste , offensive breath , loss if appetite , falntneas or weakness of stomach , headache from Indigestion , soreness of stomach ach , coateJ tongue , heartburn , shooting pains of the stomach , constipation , dizziness and lack of energy. Price 25 cents. CATARRH CURE. Catarrh Positively Cured Are you willing to fpend CO cents for a euro that positively cures catarrn by removing the cause of the disease ? If no ask your druggist for a 25- cent bottle of Catarrh Tablets. The catarrh euro will eradicate the disease from the sys tem and the tablets will cleanse and heal tbc aflllctcd parts and restore them to a natural and healthful condition. Munyon's Liver Cure corrects headache , biliousness , jaundice , constipation and all liver Jlseascs. Price 25 cents. Munjon'i Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold In a few hours. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough , night sweats , nllaya poreness and epeedlly heals the lungs. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache In three minutes. Price 25 cents. Munyon'R Pllo Ointment positively cures all forms of riles. I'rlco 25 cent" . Munyon's Asthma Cure anJ Herbs nro guar anteed to relieve asthma In three minutes .and cure In five days. Price CO cents cadi. Munyons Blood Cure eradicates all Impuri ties of the blood. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Vltallzer Imparts now life , re stores lost power to weak and debilitated men. I'rlco $1.00. Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy company , 1505 Arch , Philadelphia , Pa. , puts up spe cifics for nearly every disease , mostly for 25 rents a Ijjtlle. Sold by nil druggists. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On hand. Mailed on receipt of price. Tin'.Ai.oi : .t I'lcxroi.n co. , 1(03 Putnam Street , Opposite Paxton Hotel. OMAHA. MUNYON'S All remedies mailed upon receipt of price Guide to Health with every purchase of his genuine remedies from ' KUHN & CO. , 15th ard Douglas. Omaha Agency. Searies&Searles SPECIALIST . All forma of Blood and Skin Dlioiisos. Soies , Spots. I'linpU'H , Scrofula , Tumors. 'I ft tor , Kuro.nu and Illood I'o'hon thoroughly clcnnsud fiom lliusy-itum. IjADIbS Klven direful uiul spuclul attention for nil many peculiar till- CflTAR H , Throat . .imps Liver , Dyspupshi ijTronblot cuied by spoulul 'course ' of t ruiilincnt. WFAIf n/iiM ( VITALITY WUAK ) inaito v - " ' iwii-i | ) CIOHO Bu jy oo applica tion to tmslncFs or etudy , aevcro mentnl trnln or urlef , SHXUAI , KXOCSSis : In middle life or from tlie effects of > outhrtil follleti. all yield readily to our new tieatnxnt [ or loss of vltnl power. WDITP Your trouble ! It out ot oily. Thcmindj n Hi1C | cured at home by oontf'pun.li'ice. Dr , Scarles & Searlss,1 , 1110 Oni iliu 1'iirn.iin , ficb. , 'Handsomer in Ask yburdcdlerfirniem Rowland Win , Bailev , D , DS LJV31 NG .DENTIST . , 3'1 ' floor Paxtor Ulock , Finest and Best Dental Worli Golil I'illliiuM , Crown tuid ll-ld o Work Teeth extracted wlttiuut pain without HIM. Uss Dr. Ballcy'sTooth Powclc I UCw PAPP * ; AI.IJADouTCii iNijir Hen r Oil CO tiioKsatureJmi'l " Inn lllonilfhrs.ln IMl n , | HH > | C taf a John II.V > lbiirr , in\V.-MSt.N.V , Irvintor nt Wuodtuu's facial tivtji. A.MUSE1MF5NTS. NOW OI > EN rou TUB BCASON. THE mm OF THE ES1 TABLES runNisimn PIONIC PAUL ALEXANDER JOHNSTON ! the world's oply mlml render , will RYO ! number of exhibitions both BtnrtlliiK an mystifying at 4 i > . m. In the nmphlthcatu on Sunday , Ho will alco repeat his dlv Sunday for a marked tnil hidden needle i Courtland lake. Ills startllufT exhibitions In mlml read Ing nro the talk of nil scientists. BIO SIX DAY BIGYGLE RAGE AT THE COM8KUM. Jt'NKad to JUNE Klh iji hour * each nlKht , from S to 1CKO 1 > M Tut will undoubtedly bo the fuslot racu ever ru In the wujt , , Vou cumuil atlnrd to m i II JL Owa tUUnlc orcrj mj hi ITATE DRUGGISTS' MEETING 'hanmceutical ' ABSociation of Nebraska to Convene in Omaha Next Week. WILL ENJiY THEMSELVS rlEARIUY Ono Day Set Ailile for Athletic Conte t mid Una Night for H Untieing 1'iirty 1'rocrnm of Munition nnd Diversion. Omaha will be honored next week with the onvcntton of tlu Nebraska State Pharma- cutlcal association , composed of rcprescnta- Ivo druggists from every county In the tatc. A large attendance Is anticipated , nd an elaborate program lias been pre- lared. N. A. Kuhn has been elected chair- nan of entertainments by the local drug gists. The convention will be held at the 'hurston Hides' armory. The Mercer hotel till be headquarters and the sessions will 10 held on Monday , Tuesday and Wednes day , with Thursday as n field day at Court- and beach , The program , as officially prepared by the ommlttco of arrangements Is : Monday , 7:30 : p. m. Members will meet at ho headquarters at Mercer hotel nnd march o Thurston Rifles' armory , the place for holding meetings. Meeting called to order iy president at 8 o'clock. Opening by irnyer , Rev. S. W. Butler. Address of velcomo by the mayor of Omaha , Hon. Geo. ' . Bemls. Response on behalf of drug gists of state by the mayor of Beatrice , M. E. Shultz. Address of welcome to druggists of state on ehalf of Omaha druggists , ' L. M. Rbeem , 'h. 0. , E. B. S. M. Response by G. J. Evans , Hastings , Neb. Reading , of minutes. \ddrcss of President Gerlng. Spelling School Schoolmistress , Mrs. J. Crlssey Hoobler ( whose words all cars took aptlve. ) First prize , Seymour cash regls- erj second prize , ladles' pearl handled fan ; bird prize , one perfection prescription file and cabinet. Tuesday , 9 a. m. Meeting called to order , leading of minutes. Applications for mem bership. 9:30 : Reports of ofilcers and com mittees. 10:30 : Paper , Mrs. Belle Ilellman , recumseli. Query No. 12 "Should a Stand ard of Literary Training be Required of Ap- > llcants for Examination ? " 11:00 : Paper , 'The Art of Pharmacy , " J. H. Lcomls , Omaha. 11:30 : Paper , "Ethical Patents , " I. W. Snow , Omaha. Tuesday Afternoon This will bo exhibitors' and traveling men's afternoon at the hall. In the evening a card party will bo given at the Mercer hotel. Wednesday , 9:00 : a. m. Meeting called to order. Miscellaneous business. 9:30 : 'aper , VJThe Soda Fountain , Jts Uses nnd Abuses , " Mrs. Julia C. Hoobler , Omaha. 10:00 : Paper , query No. C , "Practical Tests o Determine Purity of Essential Oils , " 3. L. Becker , Council Bluffs. 10:30 : 1'aper , "Judicious Advertising for Oie Retail Druggist , " M. W. Ryerson , Omaha. 11:00 : "aper , "The Relation that Should Exist De- ween the Doctor and the Druggist , " J. W. iloore , Harvard. 11:30 : Paper , "Tho Fine ) o Sieclo Drug Man , " Mrs. H. N. Shuman , Nebraska City. Wednesday Afternoon , 2:00 : Meeting called to order. Paper , Dr. E. M. Parks , ) maha. Miscellaneous business. 2:30 : Selecting place of meeting for 1896. 3:00 : Election cf olllcers. Wednesday evening there will bo a dancing party at the Mercer Siotcl. DAY OF ATHLETICS. Thursday will be devoted to athletic con- ests nt Courtland beach , at which the follow- "ng sports and prizes will be the attraction : Tug of war , twelve on a side , North Platte against South Platte. First prize , one case , Golden Star champagne ; second prize , to each of losers , one box of mustard plasters that will "draw. " Children's running race , under 13 years , fifty yards. First prize , one white silk jiarasol ; second prize , one white silk para sol. Hoop contest , druggists' wives and daugh- : ers , seven yards. To the lady who throws : ho moU hoops over blindfolded , bashful , jackward , but not boisterous boys ( travelers ) ; no dodging ; five hoops and a whoop. First ; > rlze , one largo bottle "Sweet Fia" perfume ; Second prize , one largo bottle "Circassian [ lose" perfume. To the traveling man who catches the most hoops , one bottle of finest White Rose. Sack race , forty yards : First prize , ten gallons of best prepared paints ; second [ irlze , gents' silk umbrella ; to last man , two dozen capsicum plasters. Ladles' egg and spoon race ; no gum ; spoon to be held by end of handle , else barred : First prize , holiday novelty ; second prize , ono perfume set complete ; third prize , half dozen bottles wine ; fourth prize , half dozen bottles orange wine , Traveling men's running race , 100 yards : First prize , ono cut glass bottle "Shandon Bells" perfume ; for the rest , ono case ol Jarvls brandy , 1877. Pestle throwing ; to druggist or drug clerk throwing pestle farthest backward : First prize , twelve one-half gallon cans liquid granite ; to losers , strengthening plasters. Drug clerks' foot race , 100 yards : First prize , ono bottle Linden Bloom ; for losers , Belladonna plasters. LadUs' boat race : First prize , ladles' white silk umbrella ; second prize , ladles' black silk umbrella. Gents' boat race ; two to n crew ; no cox- swntn : First prize , one lot Rtchnrdson Drug company's Pharmaceuticals , 15 , Richardson Drug company ; ono lot elixirs and fluid extracts ; second prize , to each , one-hall pound triple extract perfume ; to last crew , half-dozen pints "Pride of Louisville. " Gents' potato race ; ten potatoes : Flrsl prize , ono dozen Wine of C. L. Oil ; second prize , ono copy Curtman's Chemical Notes ; Third prize , half dozen pints "Pride ol .Louisville. " Ladles' cracker race ; three crackers ; First PLEASANT. ELLETS CURB * * * SICK HEADACHE , BILIOUSNESS , CONSTIPATION , INDIGESTION , DYSPEPSIA , POOR APPETITE , and all derangements of tlie Stomach , Liver and Howels , Of all druggists , ONCE USED * . ALWAYS IN FAVOR. YOUNQ SPIRITS , a vigorous body and robiut strctiKth fol low peed health , lint all fail when the vital powers aic weakened. Nervous , , debility and loss of ninnlv power result i from tind habitscon tracted by the young through JKiioiatico of their ruinous con sequences. I/iw spirits , melancholia , impaired memory , morose or itiitnbie temper , fear of impending : calamity and n thousand and one derangements of body and mind , result from such pernicious prac tices. All these are permanently cured by improved methods of treatment without the patient leaving home. A medical treatise written in plain but chahte language , treating of the nature , symptoms and curability of ouch diseases- Bent securely sealed in a plain envelope , on receipt of Uiisiioticc with 10cents in stamp * , for postage Address , WORI Ji'S DISHJN- 6.\RV BlUiaCAL A&ociAruw , DuQalQ. N.Y. irlze , ono extra largo pyramid ; second prize , one-half dozen pints Jarvls orange wine , Ullndfold hat race : First prize , one-half dozen quarts Jarvls old port ; second prize , one-fourth dozen quarts Jarvls old port. Hop , skip anil jump : First prize , 100 Chancellor cigars ; second prize , one-half dozen pints "Prldo of Louisville. " Cents' tub race , each contestant to furnish his own tub : First prize , ono Munyon's case ; second prize , fifty Chancellor cigars ; Third prize , ono copy McMaher's Hints ; to oscrs , Uceman's pepsin gum. Ucst standing Jump ; proprietors only : < * lrst prize , one pound gran. eff. bromo- caffelno ; second prize , half dozen pints 'I'rldo of Louisville. " Ladles' target match ; druggists' wives and daughters : First prize , ono cut glass bottle tlo "Shandon Dells" perfume ; to each of the rest , a bottle of White's Yucatan gum. To druggist's wlfo or daughter guessing icarest to the number of pins In a cushion : 'Irst prize , one-sixth dozen bottles Irondequolt wine ; second prize , one-twelfth dozen bottles rondcquolt wine. For the best paper read at the meeting , ono quart bottle Nonpareil cologne. Ullndfold field race. To the druggist who Inds first a box in the center of a 200-foot ilrcle. All contestants being blindfolded to > clew the nose and placed on outside of Ircle. To nnd box by touching with cane. 'Irst prize , 100 Chancellor cigars ; to losers , a package ot court plaster ; to some losers , a oil of plaster. Tandem team race , lady drivers , 200 feet : To driver of the fastest team of druggists led tandem , one ostrich duster ; to each of he winning team , one-half pound triple ex- ract perfume ; to driver of last team , one- talt dozen bottles wine. Ladles' potato race , five potatoes ; first prize , one pound triple extract pcrfumo ; ccond prize , one-half dozen bottles toilet vatcr , assorted. Druggist proprietors only ; wheelbarrow ace , handicap , 100 yards and return ; five eel start for every five pounds over ICO > ounds ; If turning post Is knocked down It las to be placed in position before proceed- ng ; first winners of other events barred : 'Irst prize , ono dozen mounted Circassian ese , No. 99 ; second prize , ono card "Up to Date" perfumes , No. 770. Rock tossing contest ; winners of other vents barred : First prize , ono Remington's 'ractlco of Pharmacy ; second prize , one ozen RlcharOson Drug company's fruit ulccs. Clay pigeon shoot , 10 birds ; first prize , 'erfectlon counter scale ; second prize , ' 100 Chancellor cigars. The prizes are all donated by the generous druggists , wholesale and retail , ot Omaha , Council Hlufrs , Rochester , St. Louis , Detroit , Chicago and other cities. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. The officers and committees of this asso ciation are : President , Henry R. Qerlng , Plsttsmouth ; vice president , A. V. Pease , Falrbury ; second vice president , n. E. Capps , Superior ; third vice president , II. W. Snow , Omaha ; fourth vice president , M. II. Dates , Hazard ; fifth vice president , C. D. Compton , Curtis ; secre- ary , W. L. Hellman , Tecumseh ; treasurer , ferry Dowen , Wood River ; local secretary , C. R. Sherman , Omaha. Executive Committee C. R. Sherman , Omaha ; M. E. Shultz , Deatrlce ; E. W. Dsx- ten , Hastings. Legislative Committee C. J. Daubach , J. II. Harley , Lincoln ; II. D. Doyden , Grand Island. Trade Interests 0. A. Drown. Plattsmouth ; II. J. Tucker , Grand Island ; J. J. Teten , Ne- jraska City. Pharmacy and Queries M. E. Shultz , Deat rlce ; A. F. Straitz , North Platte ; Julia Hoob- er , Omaha. Membership C. M. Cruncleton , Deatrlce ; James Reed , Nebraska City ; A. D. Hunt , North Dcnd ; Smith C. Wilson , W. M. Wlde- ner. Lincoln ; L. D. Hoyt. E. A. W. Snell , H. S. Weller , Omaha , W. D. Haller , Dlalr ; Q. W. Porter. Orand Island. Deceased Members Theodore St. Martin , Wahoo ; D. F. Drenel , Murray ; S. W. Orton , Weeping Water. Local Exhibits G. J. Evans , Hastings ; E. W. Dexten , Hastings ; H. H. Darth , Lincoln. Entertainment N. A. Kuhn , Julia M. Crlsscy , Omaha ; J. F. Gereke , Seward ; D. J. Koenlgsteln , Norfolk ; M. Parr , Omaha ; C. J. Daubach , Lincoln ; E. A. W. , Snell. II. S. Wel ler , M. W. Ryerson , C. E. Dedwell. L. P. Hoyt , Amos Field , W. J. Hughes , J. T. Klns- ler , Omaha ; O. J. Evans , Hastings ; II. W. Snow , Omaha ; Lute Fulkerson , Fremont ; deorgo W. Mercer , Omaha : J. J. Teten , Ne braska City ; J. A. Fuller , James Forsyth , C. J. Price. Omaha ; O. II. Snyder , Plattsmouth ; A. M. Clark , Hastings. Housekeeper's best friend the name by which Dr. Price's Unking Powder Is known. AKKESTED A BRTJIAIj FATHER thnrgca Aliulo thnt Yurton Treated III * Bon ) n itn Iiihiiiimn .Mil M MIT. A warrant was Issued from police court yesterday for the arrest of J. D. Yarton for an assault committed upon his 12-year- ol 1 son , Llewlyn. The child showed evidence of a terrible beating , and , according to the story told by himself and his elder brother , the father Is deserving of the attention of the authorities. Yarton draus $21 a month pension and a good salary besides , but the boy's appearance Indicates that but little of It has been spent on him. Ills hair is unkempt and his clothes ragged and dirty. He is a bright little fellow , however. He claims that he was so disturbed by his rarged appearance that he was unable to go through tne exercises at school and was sent home by the teacher. This was last Wednesday , and when ho re turned his father took him Into the kitchen and gave him a terrible beating with a heavy strap. There was a big buckle on the business end of the strap and this left twenty-four black and blue spots on the boy's head and body. His brother brought him down to the police station yesterday , where he told his story and an olllcer was sent out after the father. lliMiltli In the Ilntnoliold Is pretty nearly a surety If Allen's Hygienic Fluid is there. There is no medicine Its equal for all-around usefulness. First ol all , It Is a preventive medicine wards off al ! contagious diseases. It heals and purifies bruises , burns , scalds and sores of all kinds , ryllls germs and odors. Its many other uses are described In a pamphlet which will bo mailed free if you address the Chas. L Allen Co. , St. Louis , Mo. linpoiiitlilo to Live > n This Country Without hearing about the Northwestern line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people WILL talk about Its conveniences , tastefulness - ness and comprehensive up-to-dateness , Omaha , GIG : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:15 : a. m. Yes- tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte diners , Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. No extra - tra cost. Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m and 4 p. m. dally. Want'your trunk checkeO at home ? City ticket odlce , 1401 Farnam street. Tul.c th" ItiirllnKton Jtmtto To St. Joseph and Kansas City , Qulckosi ind best line. City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St. HTKC1AL , KXUUUSION To Hot Spring' , South DiiUota. Juno 7 , via Northwestern line. Tlcke oftlco 1)01 Farnam street ; depot , 15th am Webster street. Ilomoenkem' Kxoiirsloni. On May 21 and June 11 , 1S95 , the Union Pacific system will sell tickets from Mlssour river points and stations In Kansas and Ne > braska to points couth and west in Nebraska and Kansas , also tu Colorado , Wyoming , Utal and Idaho , cast of Welser and south of Deavei Canon , at rate of ono first class standard fan for the round trip. Minimum rate , $7.00. II P. Deael , city. ticket agent U. P. syitem 1302 Farnam street , Omaba. DvNtar rilcvprr. The Union Pacific Den\er Fast Mall trait : arrles a Pullman sleeper with buffet service leaving Council Dluffs dally at 6 p. m. Omaha at 6:15 : p. m. , and arriving at Den ver S a. m. next morning. Reservations secured at Union Pacific cltj ticket office. HARRY P. DEUEL. City Ticket Agent. 1302 Farnam Street. llnmcueokcrik' l.xcnr < lon. Tutiday , June 11 , one fare for round trip minimum round trip rate $7.00 ; limit , 20 days To all points on the F. E. & M. V. R. R. It Nebraska , Wyoming and South Dakota TIcVU once HOI Farnam street. J. R. DUCHANAN. j General Paiaenger Agent , S , P , HORSE M GOODS CO , To Oreatfl a Big Sensation in Mtn's Furnishing ingOobds. . WE ALMOST GIVE : OURS AWAY Hplcndld Valiifs-NcwJTMInRi All the Stock Included In 'Itlli HI rent Snturilnjr Slnih of 1'rlochHn I'urnlMiltic Uoodi. Light weight woolen underwear In gray and blue mixed , $1.25 quality for 75c. Light weight Imported wool underwear , warranted not to shrink , $1.GO. Plain Bummer shirts and drawers 15c. Ilalbrlggan and gray mixed underwear , 25c and 29c. French balbrlggan , with pearl buttons , French balbrlggan shirts and drawers , 34 o r 4 , GOc Negligee shirts , collars and cuffs attached , 49c. 49c.75c 75c negligee shirts tomorrow BOc. All $1.50 and $1.25 fancy shirts , collar and cufTs attached , $1.15. French percale shirts , good ones , 98o. Fancy shirts , 3 collars and cuffs , $1.00. 40c negligee shirts for 25c. Unlaundered shirts , pure linen bosom , N. Y. mills muslin , double stitched , the $1.00 shirt , 'or D8c. Our regular GOc unlaundercd shirt 37&c. $1.00 laundered white shirts 75c. Gulot suspenders , 20c ; silk embroidered suspenders , lOc ; silk flowered suspenders , brass buckles , 40c. Men's fast black half hose lOc. Men's mixed seamless half hose IGc. Men's 2Gc black half hose , double soles , 14c. 100 dozen new summer neckwear In bows , ecks , Windsors , four-ln-hands to sflect from. White bows , 5c ; washable bows , lOc. Washable , roversable , four-in-hands , IGc. All band bows , In latest patterns , 20c. All silk Windsors , fancy and plain colors , 20c. 20c.All All silk tecks , 25c ; 7Gc ties , GOc. Ladles' belt ties 26c , and 4-ln-hands 2Gc. IJoys' sweaters 25c. Men's sweaters , In blue and black , GOc. A sample line of pajmas sent us on ap proval will be closed out at half price. S. P. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. KVIKVTIIINO : jiuvr ao. Not a I'lcco to I'o Lett , No .Matter Wnut tlio Sacrifice. The equity must be closed out. The law Is plain. Tlie receiver must realize , that [ 3 how the court orders. No reserve , but satisfaction for the credlors , no matter what slaughter must take place to do It. It Is almost beyond credence the prices at which the Equity Clothing Co. Is hustling out the bran new reliable clothing bought only this last spring. Call and see for yourself. Just think of It. All wool cheviot suits at $3.75 , worth as high as $9.00 and $10.00. Flno black and blue regent cut sacks at $5.00 , worth $12.00 In any other store In the city. city.Silk Silk mixed and black worsted 4-button cut away sulls at $6.75 , would be cheap at $15.00 anywhere. All goods In the house reduced In proper tion. Nothing reserved and all must go. EQUITY CLOTHING CO. , 13th and Farnam. Hellman Block. Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rallWay , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , made up and started from Omaha. Daggagc checked from residence to destina tion. Elegant train service and courteous employes. Entire train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light in every berth. Finest dining car service In the west , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. in. dally from Union Depot. City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam street. C. S Carrier , city ticket agent. rUNCUATj DlltKCTOUb1 ASSOCIATION .Meeting ; Hot Spring * , South Dulcotn , Juno 11 mill 18 , 18115. Special rates June 10th via the North western line from all Nebraska stations. Ask your nearest agent or write the undersigned for particulars. J. n. BUCHANAN. O. P. A. F. E. & M. V. U. R. . Omaha , Neb. Special rates June 7 also. Miminer Tourist ItcUutH Via thn W.Umali Are now on sale ; for folders giving routes , rates , etc. , call at Wabash omco , 1415 Far nam street. All Knnnil Cillltr n , Chiifged. A half dozen cases against offenders against the garbage ordinance , which have been hangIng - Ing fire In police court for a week , were decided by Judge Berka yesterday. The de fendants were found guilty In each Instance and a uniform fine of $5 and costs was as sessed. The defendants filed appeal bonds and the cases will go to the district court. Housekeepers who tried all brands ol cream tartar baking powders use Dr. Price's only. ( Irinith mid the city I ) Iff or. The city has Interposed a demurrer for the purpose of meeting the damage suit of W. H. Griffith. Griffith owns lots between Chicago cage and Davenport streets , near Twenty- fifth. Twice the grade of the alley back ol his lots has been changed. The second time Griffith was allowed no damages. Ho clalmE ho was present at the appointed time foi meeting the appraisers. They failed to get together and hear his objections. In consequence quence they made a return to the city coun cil of "No damages , " whereas , as a matter of fact , Griffith thinks he IB entitled tc $350. Ho has sued for this amount , though the city claims there is no merit In his ac tion. _ IIAVC YOU SMUlilMU TOO MUCH ? Take Ilorsford'rf < \ < cUI rimnplmto. It will relieve the depression caused there by ; quiet nervesiiand Induce refreshing sleep. sleep.What What Is more attradttvo than a pretty face with a fresh , brlght-icomplexion ? For It , use Pozzonl's Powder. IIAVDKK Special llnrtrnln * for t ntunlny In ( lent * KurnlnliliiR llooilt. 1 case of men's gauze undershirts only 12V4c , worth 20c. 1 lot of men's fine balbrlggan shirts nnd drawers only 25c , worth 60c. Men's fast black sax only 12V4c , worth 25c. 100 dozen men's unlaundcrrd shirts , Dlack- Rtono brand , New York mills muslin , only GOc each , worth 7Gc. 1 lot of men's fancy shirts , laundered and unlaundcred , only GOc , worth $1.00 100 dozen men's suspenders , worth GOc and 7Gc , reduced to 2Gc. 1 case of men's white laundered shirts , GOc each , good value. Men's white shirts , laundered , Manhattan brand , $1.00 , worth 71. BO. Men's heavy wool sweaters $1.GO , worth $2.50. 1 lot of men's 26-Inch unbrcllas , late style handles , only $1.50 , worth $3.00. * CORSETS. 100 dozen ladles' summer ventilating cor sets 35c , worth 7Ge. ' 60 dozen summer corsets 50c , worth $1.00. HOSIERY. 100 dozen children's fast black cotton hose , Derby rjbbed , only 12V4c , worth 25c. 1 case ladles' fast black seamless cotton hose , 12',4c , worth 25c. Special tomorrow : 100 dozen fast black cotton hose , our 40c quality , reduced to 25c. ladles' taffeta mitts 12 > ,4c , worth 25c. 100 dozen boys' shirt waists 25c , worth 50c. COOL AS A CUCUMBER. LADIES , we want you to see our midsummer mer house gowns and street dresses , made of chambray percales and organdie lawns. Our stock embraces nearly nil the very latest designs In material and cut , and our popular prices make them the cheapest ever offered. Just opened an elegant line of DRESSING EACQUES made of India linen , trimmed with flno embroidery ; prices $1.10 , $1.69 , $1.93. CAPES , JACKETS AND SKIRTS , cut In two. Our stock of these goods Is still largo and must be reduced at ones. DUCK SUITS , navy , tan , black , dots , stripes and white grounds , at $1.48 and $1.93 ; these suits are the very latest , and at about lialf the usual price. LADIES' SILK WAISTS , $2.69. Wo have IncludeJ In this sale all goods formerly ) ld at from $3 to $5 ; light and dark ground full sleeves and new patterns. TO TRIM YOUR HAT. 30 satin violets for 25c. 3 silk and velvet roses for 25c. Assorted flowers any color or shade , lUc spray. French flowers of every known kind nnd color , 25c ; really worth $1. 50c straw hats In black and all colors and lots of styles at 25c. Children's $1 trimmed hats , 49c. Ladles' trimmed hats , equal to any $2 hat , $1.25 , Ladlco' trimmed ! hats , equal to any $4 hat , $ ° 25 * Ladles' trimmed hats , equal to any $8 hat , $1.50. Ladles' trimmed hats , equal to any $10 hat , $5. Besides this , we will save you fancy prices on the trimmings of nny hat you may order. Our trimmers are of that acknowledged abil ity that but few houses can employ , unless they do a large business to justify the em ployment of experts. HAYDEN BROS. A Card from U. 1' . Mo rue. Today we place on sale the white goods nnd wash goods that we purchased from Sherman , Cecil & Co.'s New York clearing sale , consisting of Swisses , jaconets , India llnons , dimities , French organdies , crepons , pllsslcs , ginghams , crinkle crcpons , sateens all the most desirable cloths for hot weather. They will be sold at about half price. The line Is so large and varied that wo cannot quote prices. Rest assured you will see bargains , particularly In whlto goods. More than the cost of a big ad vertisement will bo taken off the price of the goods. Sale Saturday morning , June 1st. S. P. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. In Colclir.ito the Ammorsury. The Young Men's Christian association board of directors has elected the following officers for the ensuing year : President , Elijah W. Halford ; vice president , C. A. Starr ; treasurer , II. J. Penfold ; recording secretary , A B. Dale. The anniversary of the association will be observed Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock In association hall. Charles M. Jessop of New York nnd Major Halford will deliver the addresses. Health and economy alike demand of wives and mothers the use of Dr. Price's Baking Powder , an unequalled standard of purity nnd strength. BILL DOKOAN "oWNS IT ALL. Appr.ilnor llroitoh Tal.is on Contractor' * Property nt the I'uiiltcntliirr. The nppralsers of the state penitentiary stcck have not reached an agreement on values and probably will not before next week. week.W. W. J. Broatch of Omaha Is now engaged In making estimates. The amount of prop erty located at the penitentiary , ho says , Is enormous , but he felt unable to place an approximate estimate on Its worth , though he felt sure It would not exceed $20,000. In no case can It exceed $35,000 , tlie limit of the legislative appropriation. Gale , Dorgan's appraiser , left Thursday night for Lincoln , having been In the city to confer on values. "Tho stale will get nn immense quantity of stuff , " Mr. Broatch says , "which will be so cheap that It can well afford to take It. I was surprised to find on Investigation how little the state really has at tbc peniten tiary. Practically everything belongs to the contractor except the Iron walls. Ho owns the bedding , the cooking utensils , the horses , stock , the electric light plant and even the clothing on the men's backs. " Some of this stuff , however , .Mr. Broatch explained , ho would not think of touching. It Is so worthless. An Inventory of the peniten tiary stuff was prepared by Dorgan and handed Mr. Broatch when at Lincoln a few days since. Using this , he says , he went through the buildings in company with ex perts who were called In to examine as to the worth of the machinery and plumbing. "One of ths conditions of my appointment. " said Mr. Broatch , "was that I could call In two experts on this subject. I have called In Mr. Davis , of Davis & Cowglll , and Mr. Free , of Free & Black. " Umpire Gaflln has been called upon several times to patah up difficulties encountered by Broatch and Gale , but some of the hardest nuts yet remain to be cracked. It will be necessary for the appraisers to d ° termlne what value to place on the unexpired con tract , If any. It had four and one-half years to run , Mr. Broatch said. Then there are conditions In the contract which he thinks have not been carried out , such as the fail ure to construct the eighty cells called for by the contract. Rats and cockroaches agree * that one free lunch of Stearn'a Electric Paste is fatal ; 25c. 100 Dozen Today Suspenders Saturday , Fancy Brass One Day Only Buckles Special Zephyr , June Splurge Rubber Edged at Fifteen Cents A PAIR , All Kinds and Colors arc displayed in Show Window. You Never Bought a Bettci1 Pair for Fifty Ccois. fiT W. R. BENNETT CO. , Carpets , laltings , Curtains , A Ildtliv Giit in Prices all Along tlie Line. . T ) ( / O All wool Carpet per yard. . . * . * 37c Art square , 7 x9 ft $8.25 Chinese Matting , per yard QG 7 ft. Opaxue Shade , fringed , complete 27G Extra values Lace Curtains , per pair Dotted Swiss , per yard , ) Curtain Scrim , per yard # Reduced Prices on Brussels Carpets. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET Union I'aclllu Mcrves Notice to Got OfT 111 ICiclit of VVuy. The corporations which the county com missioners un.lcr the leadership of Commis sioner Williams started after a few weeks ago , have como to tlmo and signified their willingness to comply with the new rule , re lating to the stationing1 of poles along the public highways. A warm discussion arose when Mr. Williams first Introduced his reso lution to compel the location of telegraph and telephone poles within a distance of six feet of the road boundaries nnd some of the members predicted that lawsuits would prob ably follow. The sheriff has served the com- panics with notice , and Information has been received that the' ooles would bo moveJ. The county commissioners held a meeting yes terday and received this Information. They also were In receipt of.a communication from the Union Pacific , entering complaint against the encroachments of the county on that com pany's right of way. The board was notified that it must discontinue the grading which Is being done along the road leading from Val ley to Dodge county and change Its course. The Union Pacific claims there are a number of roads which are located upon Its right of way and must be changed. The returns of the county assessors will bo due on Juno 10. In anticipation of the event , Commissioner Stenbcrg offered a resolution , which carried , calling the board together on June 11 at 10 o'clock a. m. , as a Hoard of Equalization to continue In session up to and Including June 25. The first assessor to make his return was Chris Dalimnko of Millard , who brought In his books , together with a bill for $147. Some dispute has arisen respecting certain lands In Millard precinct which the surveyor ha adjusted , however , by casting up the number of acres to be as sessed. J. W , Illythln , county physician , was granted a leave of absence for ten days. A report from the charity store was to the effect that the number receiving aid had been reduced to SS9. A compromise settlement for the payment of taxes of 1SC9 was made to the board by Warren Swltzler , who represented several hundred acres of land , standing in the name of C. II. Urlffcn. JSniT hut lllil. A Pure Rye Whiskey from Its birthplace , Allegheny , Pa. It Is a new article here , but ono of the oldest and best known Whiskies In the East. Ask your dealer for It. No family should do without It Klein's Silver Ago Rye. Cltv I.ntvn Triuils loimminenr. The following are the drawings for the annual city lawn tennis tournament which KK * &S S S K 3a * 3 I jKE none of the pretended substitutes for Royal IBaking Powder * Royal only is Absolutely Pure * t WSS S3 SS * SS t tt ! S 3 SS I'limpUIn I'lo No. 1. Paste No. 4 , 1 pint stewed pumpkin , 3 efgs , ! ' / & Pints milk , 2 teaspoonfuls ginger , 1 teaspoonful each nutmeg , cloves , cinnamon and mace , pinch salt and 1 cupful light brown sugar. Stew punipkln as. follows : Cut pumpkin of deep color , firm and close In texture , In half ; remove seeds , but do nat peel It ; cut In small slices , put Inshallow Etowpan with about H cup of water : cover very tight ; soon as steam forms set where It will not burn ; when pumpkin Is tender' turn off liquor and eet It back on stove to steam dry ; then measure oat after straining , I pint , add milk boiling , sugar mixed with spices and ( alt and well mixed together ; add eggs , beaten , lait Line plate In manner described for custard pie , plain , pour In pre pared pumpkin ; bake In quirk , steady ovn about thirty minutes until pie Is firm In cen ter. l'uiniklii | I'le No. " . Paste No. 4 , 1 pint pumpkin stewed as for pie No. 1 , 1 egg , 2 tablespoonfuls molasses - | lasses , U pint milk , > / & pint thin cream , * & cupful sugar , I tablespoonful Royal Extract Ginger. Place pumpkin In howl , beat In mo lasses , sugar , egg and ginger ; then pour In milk and thin cream boiling. Line tin as d- t -rlbed for custard pie , plain , pour In rjmpkln preparation , bake In good , hot oven until firm In center about thirty minutes. ( lerninn Snucr. Set on the fire In tin pall placed 111 a stew , pan half full belling water , 1 cupful cream ' and cupful milk ; when It reaches boiling point odd sugar and yelk of four eggs with small pinch iplt ; whltk very quickly until It has appearance ot thick cream very frothy ; Ju t before serving add Ubleipoouful very good butter , 1 teaspoonful each Royal Ex tract Nutmeg and Vanilla and 1 wineglass unite rum , Itntplierrjr I'lr. Paste No. 3 , 3 cupfuls raspberries , 1 cup ful sugar. Line pie plate with the paste , prick over with fork to prevent shrinking and blistering ; cut a top crust out a little larger than the other , prick also and bake ; put the fruit and sugar In the pie plate and cover with the top cruat ; If the fruit Is ripe they will steam tender ; If not , Jujt re turn to the oven until hot through. Crinm banco. Drlng % pint cream slowly to boll ; set In stewpan of boiling water ; when It reaches boiling point add sugar , then pour slowly on whipped white * of 2 egg * In bowl , add 1 tea spoonful Itaya ! Extract v ulll and uiu. commences on the grounds of the Omnlia Lawn Tennis club , Twenty-third anil Harney stieets , this afternoon at 3 o'clock It Is expected to work off all of the matches. In the preliminaries during the afternoon nnd evening and start on the flrst round , Monday evening. The following are the handicaps as ar ranged by the tournament committee : . OHO Fifteen Do Roy Austin , C. S. Cul- llngham , C. II. Young. Scratch H. Tllden , F. Haskcll. R. Hen- drlx , H. 13. Glbbs , D. McCaguo , M. Hopkins 13. J. Hart , F. J .Hamilton , W. G. Doane * G. E. Havcrstlck , M. Colpetzcr ; H. Tllden * , a bye ; D. W. Rlloy , a bye ; F. HaHkell , a bye ; R. Hentlrlx plays H. E. Gibus ; D. Mc Caguo plays M. Hopkins ; K. J. Hart plays. F. J. Hamilton ; W. Q. Doano plays G. E. Havorstlck ; M. Colpetzcr plays H. W. Snow ? O. G. Pope plays Dr. W. Dannlstcr ; C. II. ' Young plays R. R. Young ; L. Donlso play * P. S. Young ; F. Gosnoy plays C. S. Culllng- ham ; Paul Hoagland , a bye ; James Wallace , , a bye ; A. Flndlay , a bye ; I. Gardner , a byes O. G. Pope , Dr , W. Dannlbter , R. R _ Young , L. Deiiise , P. S. Young , Paul Hoag land , I. Gardner. Receive One-Half Fifteen D. W. Rlley , II. W. Snow , F. Gosney , J. Wallace , A. FlndlayJ Three Necroeti l.ynrlicil. DARTOW , Fla. , May 31. Mrs. Tlmberlake , . a young widow who lives with her father In the wcitern part of the county , was as saulted Tuesday. Four negroes who were- suspected of a knowledge of the crlnio wer arrested , and Wednesday night th.y wcro taken from their guards by a mob. Thres of the negroes were put to death , and tin. fourth almost beaten to death and ordered ) to leave the country. should USD BRADFIELD'S It liu ttiperb Tonic and oxcrlan won derful Influence In struiu.'tlienlni.'liurijrittcm bj driving thruuult Ilia pruiivr channel all Im purities llenltli mid ttroiigtli are cuuranteod tu ruiuit from Itn use. Mr Uii oaibrdrlitden for elelilern monthi. ndcr urlnic llrailllrld'i IVnuiln Itt-Blllii- lor for ( wo iiiuntlii , 1 ittilnt ; ucll. J , M. JOIINbUN , Malvirn.Ark. BUADFIELD nEOULATOK CO. , ATLANTA , QA. Sold by all UruKKlltl at 11.00 per boltle. Our retold of actual und undeniable curn el HYI'lllLIS U phenomenal. We rurnuli all mid > Iclncit free nml eraillcute the potion from th * , > y tem In 60 dayi. Cure nuuruiilcd ) lloun. ; : a to tKVtdiitvilnri ; ; ona Httur * . days. 9. m m. , I THIS niwuooii nnni.r-v V > . Ill Ntw Yotk Mfr , Ouiih * .