Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Price of Wheat Had Decreased When the
Board Opened Yesterday ,
For the Tlmo Iho hcsilnn Lniteil Trailing
lit Ont * Wii * Very Hcnvy-lTorUlou
HuslnesB Uni In Moderate
CHICAGO , May 31. Wheat closed 2c , corn
IWo and oats IHo lower than on Wednes
day , with much lighter trading than has
been the rule of late. Provisions closed
with moderate declines.
Wheat at the opening was for Kale nt
from 79' c down to 79c for July , as against
MTic at the end of Wednesday's session.
The decline was In acknowledgment of the
rain which fell very generally yesterday
nnd this morning In the northwest and
southwest , west of the Mississippi river.
It was not supposed that 'the dead winter
wheat In that country had been resusci
tated or that such of It as Mill gave premIse
Iso of a yield worth cutting could be other
wlwj than Injured by the rain when fol
lowed by such a hot , muggy , rusting state
of the atrnosphero no prevailed today. The
price of wheat , however , was gcnei ally con
ceded to require readjusting with the
prices of the other markets of the coun
try and of the world , nnd there appeared
to be n feeling In the air that HOmu addi
tional fenstitlons from the present extraor
dinary weather will tie necessary to make
the neccfpary looked for readjustment of
prices In a manner favorable to the bulls.
The winter wheat crop l not supposed to
have received any benefit from the rain ,
but the speculative vigor which has been
HO conspicuous was notably relaxed today.
That was another reason advanced why the
IcvolInK down of prices hero to n parity
with the seaboard values should now bo In
order , nnd all 'the more , Feeing that In n
very short time there will be new wheat
on the market , nnd there 18 ctlll some old
left. The people who have been down In
the country , In Indiana nnd Illinois , have
no Idea that any readjustment of prices Is
likely unless ono shall first appreciate the
amount of damage to tliu crops of those
Btntos , which nothing so far published con
cerning them has bcKim to approach. Well
authenticated reports received today Indi
cate a stnto of affairs which nothing short
of ocular demonstration could convince the
short pit traders. Some of them paid the
failure of the crops was complete , and these
reports were accompanied by buying orders.
A f'reat number of long lines were Fold out
today , nnd toward the close the weak feelIng -
Ing became so pronounced that even the
regularly recognised short sellers Indulged
their Irrepressible propensity. After the
opening lit from 79c to 79'/4c nn advance to
SOc was gradually effected , and that proved
the highest point of the day. It declined
after that to 78-Kc , recovered to 79c and
then broke to 7Sc , the latter being the
price nt the clone.
Corn opened weak , and was notably so
during the session. General rains through
out the country and a showery condition
east of the river predicted for today gave
the market Its downward reaction. July ,
which clnf < > d on Wednesday nt Klc , opened
nt KJc , fellers , nnd few buyers nt above
fi2Mc. It declined In the course of the day to
f > 2c , which was the price prevailing a min
ute or two from the closing , but It reacted
to 62 > * c.
Kor a diorf. session trading In oats was
very heavy. Longs were selling freely on
the decline that prices experienced , and
offerings were quite readily taken up by
local parties and the crowd In general.
Kree selling , tofiether with the Inllnence of
wheat nnd corn , were the principal causes
of the drop In prices. A weaker cash mar
ket also aided somewhat. At the open
ing values were from IP to llfcc lower than
they closed on Wednesday. A rally fol
lowed , but another decline was right after
tt , nnd nt the close there was a. drop of
llic. July ranged from ffl'/ic to 30o nnd
clcs-Pd at 29c. September sold from ' > VjC
to 30'4c , resting at sl ic.
The provisions business was moderate In
volume at some decline In prlcoi. After nn
opening slump of from IDc to 7Ac In pork ,
from 2Vic to 7lic In lard nnd 7' , c In
rll > * , the Biibscniient fluctuations were light
nnd closing prices were not fnr from the
Btnrt , the latest trading showing the fol
lowing declines for the day : In pork 17'.e ,
lard Sc to lOc , nnd ribs 74c. } The board ad
journed nt noon out of respect to the mem
ory of the Into Secretary Gresham.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
7 ! > cars ; corn , 1,400 cars ; oats , 473 cars ; hogs ,
15,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotation * were ns follows :
VLOl'R-Dull. but slendy ; winter patents , J3.40
R3.75 ; winter straights , J3.25C3.60 ; tprlng patents ,
J3.75Sf4.15j spring straights , J..WW S ; bakers ,
J2.73Sf3.15. .
, WHEAT No. 2 rprlng , 75540S1HC ; No. 3 spring
TTRSt'c ' ; No. 3 red.77Si 77T c.
CORN No. 2 , OlfttfCl c ; No. 3 yellow , 61 %
OATS No. 2 , 20'tc , No. 2 white , 31SO32'ic ; No
3 white , Sic.
RYE No. 2. CCe.
IJARLBY-No. 2. 51it32e ; No. 3. 5Io ; No. 4
FLAX SEEIl-No. 1. J1.51.
I'ROVISlONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $12. 24t !
12.75. Laid , per 100 Ibfl. , J6.6JHJ6.674. Short rlhs
sides ( loose ) . J65M06.35. Dry sailed shoulders
( boxed ) , $5.37',4S5.60. Short clear side * ( boxed )
WHISKY Distiller * ' finished goods , per gal.
SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged.
The following' were the receipt * and Hhlpmcnts
today ;
On the I'roJuci otchaurc. today the butter mar
ket wan Htoady : creamery. 103tl7Hc ; dairy. 10Q
lOe. Egt * . Hte.idyt HH l2c. Chvcae , nulct ; OH
( * 7c.
Closing giiotatlom uii the Trlnvlptt Com-
tunilltles nnd Slaplit.
NKW YORK. May 31.-FLOUR-Recelpt . 81.-
100 bbl * . ; exports , 10,4oO bbls. ; tales , 14.000 pkg * .
market weaker to tell und demand poor. No ex
port demand. Mlllci * Indifferent , city mill pat
cnttf. JI. : O3.15 ; winter patent * . J4.00U4.40 ; ctt >
mill clear * . l.101(1.4) ; winter straight * . J3.750
4.1S ; MlmiCKOtn iiutrntD , Jl.20ffl.75 ; winter extra * ,
JjoO : 3.,0 ; MlnneMita bakers , n.2 : l,10 : winter
low grades , J2.ISi73.oY ; spring low Krndes , Jli.OOy.
1.60. Rye Hour , firm ; suleu , 450 bbl * . ; KuperHne ,
J4.ttft4.iu ) ; fitncy , Jl.35f(4.$0.
CORN MIJAU-Dull ; yellow western. Jl.Wtf
1,22 ; Iti-auilywlne. J3 ; sales. 400 bbl8.
WHEAT Reoelpls , Ito.lCU bu. ; export * . 16,00)
bu. ; yalev , D.D75.000 tu. futures , b.OOO bu. * pot.
Bpol weak ; No. 2 rd , Rture and elevator. 7'J'tc : He ; f. o. b. . ( IMTSlUo afloat ; No. 1
hard , SJ'.io dfllveied. Optlun * were decidedly
lower tod.iy under U'cul liquidation ; cable *
lower and foreign * Hold nuly ; No. 2 red , June ,
closed Sic ; July , 80 > 443S21ic. elcced Sic ; Augunt ,
ftri82 c. clui-cd Sl\c ; September. 81 7'103S3'ic.
closeil 81Uc ; leci-mb.T rlwtil M\jC.
CORN Receipts , ! (7,60o bu. ; export * . l.SW bu. ;
gale * . 3)0,000 ) bu. futuica. liCUM ) bu. viet | , Hp'at
weak ; No. 2 , 57UK."lC Me\ntor ; M'.tu ' afloat ; yel
low , 1S.O ; elevator , tJjiUjOS'jo delivered ; steamer
mixed , 67'sc. Option mm lift declined sharply
under ixtltiM wet und enormou * recelpti , and
clotted at Hie not Ion * ; June , 66'.tB > 57c ! , cloned
KHo ; SeptcmbiT , 6SMKS7ie. closed 6S < ic.
OATS Receipt * , 11S ) bu. ; export * , 6.KW Im. ;
_ - . . . _ . . . Option.
ulet and weaker , with ruin * weit nnd sym
pathy with Iho other market * ; doted Ho lower'
Juno cloied sic : July. JJit/33 ! 9-lfc , closed
; September closed 33V1C
. .WAV -Ka yj ehlrpliie , W055c ; to choice ,
j itfic.
HOPS Dull ; itat , common to choice , old ,
lifSo ; S4. 4D c ; coait , old , Sfj5c ; 1SSI , 4U9c.
1UDES Firm ; wet salted New Orleans , c-
Iccltd , 4S to K In * . , 6' , o. lU'inlnul ; Texas , so-
Ircted. W to CO Ibs. , nominal.
I.CATHHit Firmly held ; hemlock * al . nuenoa
Ayrea. light to luavy weight * , KOUc ; acid ,
WOOI-Flrm ; dome tle fleece , ICSSScj pulled ,
VROVISIONfl-Bcef. teady ; fjtnlly , J11.B001S.W ;
extiu meiM. J.tV > tn > .00 ; Ix-tf tiiim * . Jl .60ti2a.vo ;
city , extra India mc . JI7.00019.0U. Cut meat * .
linn ; pickled bcllle * . Ji.HUa.J5 ; pickled ihouldei * .
Ji.23 ; pickled liami , U.U. L nl. low r ; wvt rn
Bteum clc od ut .sa : atc . 760 t lei CM nt Ji(5 )
yo.W ; July rloicd J7.05 nomUial ; S ptrnilerk
J7.ZJ bid ; refined , lower ; continent , J7.U ; South
American , J7.DO. Turk. Oulli now m > < , JlJ.Stfif
CHEESC-StCJidy ; ttate UlK' , i9 > Uc ; email ,
tUO7Ho ; full iklnn. lOHtc.
Dirrrkn-Uull. lady ; western dairy. I3 o {
wrentern crrarnery , IWIIu ; ireittrn factory , ft *
" " >
ISo ; * tnlo dairy , ll17',4c ' ; stale creamery , 17HO
EOO8 Easy ; tnto nnd Pennsylvania , 1S4O !
13HC1 western fresh , 12',4O13Vic ' ; southern , HO
12c ; receipts , 10.634 pkR * .
TALLOW Stwidy : city , 4 ic ; country , 4Hc.
ROSIN Steady ; * trnlned , common to good ,
PirrROLEfM-Henvy : United cloed tl.Cl
nked ; refined , New York , J7.75 ; Philadelphia
Mid Dnltlmore , J7.70 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore ,
In bulk. J5.2- ) .
METALS Pic Iron , lenily ! Scotch , J19.00fl >
20.W ; American , J9.MGJ2.50. Copper , * tendy ;
broker * ' price. JIO.M ; exchange price , JI0.60 ;
L od. firm ; broker * ' price , J3.07H ! exchange
price. J3.35. Tin , any ; strait * , J14.25 : plates ,
market stendy. Spelter , quiet ; domestic , J3.63 ;
sales on 'chance , 10 ton * September tin , J14.W ;
10 ton * spot tin. J14.2" .
COTTON SEED OIL Quiet , but nbout steady ,
with rale * of 2" ! bhl * . off yellow nt 2CHc ; ad
vice * from the south nnd west areBtcody to
firm. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Condition of Trnilo unit ( Juotutlorn nn
Mnplo nnil I'niiey Produce.
EQOS-Cholce stock. lOc.
IIUTTER-OM hay or white * tock , 45c ; fair
to good country , "SSc : choice to fancy , 10012c ;
gathered creamery , 14fJ15c ; separator creamery ,
LIV13 IOULTRY Htns , C'/4J7. ; young rwwters ,
Be i old rooster * , Jo ; duck * , 7l40 c ; lurkey * , no
demnnd ; peese , Cc.
, VEAIi-Cholce fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. . arc quoted at
6ii Ue ; large and coarxe , 4y5'ic. '
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , 8c ; Young
Americans , lOc ; twins , lie ; Nebraska and Iowa ,
full cream. lOc ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims ,
6flie ; Llmhurger , No. J , loc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ;
Swiss. No. 1 , He.
HAY I'plnnd hny. JS.50 ; midland , Ji ; lowland ,
Ji-50 ; rye straw , 15 ; color makes the price on
my. Light bales sell Iho best. Only lop grade *
bring top prices.
I'lOEONS-Pcr doz. , J1.00S1.50.
POTATOES Western Block , cnr lo1 * , 70jJSOc ;
n 'll lots. SOOlWc : new , per Ib. , 2fl2\4e. \
OLD HEANti-lland picked , navy , < . ' .M ; Lima
beans , per Ib. , EeSHe.
fAIIHAOi-On orders. 3c.
SPINACH Per bu. basket , 35SJ40C.
RAIUHHSS Per doz. bunches , 10i72lc.
OREEN ONIONS-Per ddz. bunches , SOlOc.
LETTt'CE Per doz. , 2T.fc30c.
ASPARAOUS Choice slock , on order * , S0040C
per doz. bunches.
PIE PLANT Per Ib. . ICl'/ic.
CHJCUM1IERS On orders , 40 < jJ50c pr doz.
PEAS On orders , per 14 bu. box , W86)c.
STRING REANS-On order * , ! 4-ju. | box , 75c ;
4-lmpket crate , JI.50.
TOMATOES Per 6-bnsket crate , J4.f.O. .
WAX HEANS-On orders , per H-bu. box , 73c.
4-t.n'ket crate. J1.75.
TEXAS SQUASH-Per doz. , on orders , D0875c.
STRAWIlERRlES-Cholce shipping Block , per
ase of 21 qts. , J2.tOjJ2.75.
CHERRIES-Callfornln , per 10-lb. box. , J1.25
OOOSEIIERRIES-Per 24-qt. case. J2.50.
SOUTHERN CHERRIES Per 24 qt. case , J2.
ORANGES Australian navels , per box. J3.25 ;
choice sex-dllngs. per box , J2.25fl2.0 ; Medltcr-
ranein sweet * , J3.00fl3.25 ; fancy St. Michaels.
LEMONS-Exlra fancy lemons , 3CO size , J4.75igi
'I'iNEAPPLES-Per doz. . Jl.7502.00.
"ANAMAU ' 'holce shipping stock , per bunch.
15c ; choice , 12C13c ; California ,
15j } NEY-Ncw York. ICc ; dark , 14e ; California ,
TMMAPIE ? Y "l'-Onllon jugs , per doz. . J12 ;
Illxby. C-gnl. cans , J3.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English wnlnuts , soft-
shelled , lOc ; stnndaids , lie ; filberts , 9c ; Ilrazll
nuts , 8c ; pecans , 9c ; cocnanuts. J3.50SI4.00 per 100
DATES-In 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 6c per Ib. ; fard
date * . 9c per Ib.
CHJER Pure Jluce , per bbl. , J5 ; half Lbl. , J3.
HIDEP No. 1 green hides. 7c ;
Sf9o ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Sc ; part cured
hides , HC | H > r Hi. less than fully cured.
SHEEP I'ELTS-Oreen palled , each , 25WCOC-
green sailed ulientllngs ( short wooled early sklnii ,
each , Cfflac ; dry shearllngo ( short wooled early
Rklns ) .No. 1 , each , 5f10c ; dry shearllnRi ( short
w-ooled early skins ) , No. 2. each , EC ; dry Hint
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pet
pound , actual weight , CJiSc ; dry flint Kansas nnj
.Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , -igec ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per podnd , nclunl weight , 48CV < .c ; dry
Hint Colorado murrlan wool pella , per" pound
actual weight , 4J75c. Hnvi- feet cut off , n * it IE
useless to pay freight on them.
TALIX3W AND GREASE No. 1 tnllow , 4UP
P,4c ; No. 2 tallow. 3'ii4c ; grease , white A , 4
4UC ; grease , white II , 3'Se ' ; grease , yellow , 2 4t
3c ; gieasj , dnik , 2(4c ( ; old butter , 2 2'ic ; beeswax -
wax , prime. 17&20o ; rough tallow. 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHED Klne heavy , 67c : flnt
light , SfiOc ; quarter-blood , 10JJ12C ; seemly , burry
and chaffy , SC3c ; cotted and broken , coarse , 7J
Sc ; cotted and broken , line. 6flSc.
WOOL , WASHED Medium. ISfllSc ; nne , IIS
I6c ; tub washed. ICftlSc ; hlack. 8c ; bucks , Cc ,
tag locks , 20c ; dead pulled , ot.c.
FURS near , black. No. 1. large , J20.00323.00 ,
bear , brown. No. 1 , large. JM 00025.00 ; No. 1 , me
dium , J15 ; No. 1 , small , J12 ; bear. bro n , year
ling. No. l , large , J10.00ffll2.00 ; No. 1 , medium
S ; No. 1 , small , J6 ; lx > ar , brown , cubs. No. 1.
Inrce , J7 ; No. 1 , medium. J5 ; No. 1 , small , J .
badger , No. 1 , medium , J15 ; No. 1 , small , J8.00R
10.00 ; b > ar , black , yearling * . No. 1 , large , J12.051I
15.0) ; Np. 1 , medium , J10 ; No. 1 , small , J7 ; bear
black , cubs. No. 1 , large , J6.OOffS.00 ; No. 1 , me
dium , J5.00fi6.00 ; No. 1 , small , J4 ; bear , black.
Montana and Rocky mountain , No. 1 , large.
Jl3 00ft 10.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J14 ; No. l , small.
JIO ; bear , hlack , Mnntttnn yearlings , No. 1 ,
large , ! I2 ; No. 1 , medium , J8 ; No. , small , II ,
bear , black. Monlann cubs , No. 1 , largo , J6.5) ,
No. 1 , medium , J4.50 ; No. I , small , J3 ; bear ,
silver Up , No. 1 , large , J20 ; No. 1 , medium , J12 ,
No. 1. small , JS ; bear , silver Up , yearling * , No.
1 , Inige , Jll : No. 1 , medium , JS ; No. 1. small ,
J.i ; bear , silver tip , cubs. No. 1 , large , Jl.OOiil.M.
No. 1. medium , 60c ; No. 1 , small , DOc ; Usher
No. 1 , large , JS ; No. 1 , medium , JO : No. 1 , small ,
$1 ; fox. rtlvcr , ns lo cUor , according to beauty.
No. 1 , large. J100 ; No. 1 , medium. J60 ; No. 1 ,
small. J50 ; fox , silver , pale , accoidlng to beauty ,
No , 1 , laiKi * . SJO ; No. 1 , medium , J30 ; No. 1
small , J20 ; fox , cross , No. 1 , large , J7 ; No. 1
moil Him. J3 ; No. 1 , small , J2 ; fox. red , No. 1
large. JI.50 ; No. 1 , medium , J1.25 ; No. 1 , small
Jl ; fox , gray , No. 1 , lingo. 75c ; No. 1. medium ,
5f > c ; No. 1 , Binall , 40c ; fox klls , No. 1 , large , SOc.
No , 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 30c ; lynx. No.
1. large , JJ ; No. 1 , medium , J2 ; No. 1 , small ,
Jl.CO ; marten , No. 1 , large , J2 ; No. 1 medium ,
JI.CO ; No. 1 , small , Jl ; mink. No. 1 , large , COft
65o ; No. 1 , medium , 40o ; No. 1 , small , S5c ; mink ,
dark , No. 1 , huge , C5c ; No. 1 , medium , 40o ; Na
1 , fliimll , SOc ; mountain lion , perfect head ami
feet. No. 1. large , Jl.OOiT2.00 ; Imperfect skins.
l6.OOiT7.CO ; No. 1 , small , J5 ; otter , pale. No. 1 ,
large , J7 ; No. 1 , medium. J5 ; No. 1 , small , J4 ;
inccoon , No. 1 , largn. 60ffl70o ; No. 1 , medium ,
SOc ; No. 1 , large , 60cJ2.00 ; skunk , black , cased ,
narrow striped. No. 1 , Imge , COc ; No. 1. me.
dlum , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 25c ; broad striped , No. 1 ,
large , 20825c ; wolverine. No. 1 , large , J4 ; No. l ,
medium , 3 ; No. 1 , small , J2 ; wolf , mountain ,
No. 1 , Inrge , J3 ; No. 1 , medium. J2 ; No. 1.
small , Jl.tiO ; wolf , prairie , No , 1 , large , esifOOo ;
No. 1 , medium , COe ; No. 1. small , 40c ; beaver ,
per Kltln , No. 1 , large , J5.00S6.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
JI.50 ; No. 1 , small , J2 ; beaver kit * , No. 1. large ,
J2 ; No. 1 , medium , JI.50 : No. 1 , small , 75iv ,
muskrat * . winter. No. 1 , large , 8lOc ; No. l ,
medium. 9c ; No. 1 , small , 7c ; muskrats. fall.
No. 1 , large , 4f6c ; No. 1. medium , 7c ; No. 1 ,
small , Cc ; muskrat kits , 2Q3c.
Cotleo .
NEW YORK , May 31. COFFEE-Optlon *
opened Iriegular , with prices nrm nt 10 points
higher to 5 points lower , ruled generally slow
and featureless , with trading entirely local ;
closed dull , nt G point * advance to 5 point * de-
clliu ; sales , 3,760 bags. Including July , J14.23 ;
September , J15 ; October , J15.03 ; Deeemlwr , J14.8 :
C14.W. Spot coffee , Rio , quiet ; No. 7 , J16 ; mild ,
quiet ; Cordova , JlS.25ttl9.00 ; Bales , none , Wure-
house drllveilei from New York Wednesday ,
5.873 bng * ; New York Block today , 198,990 bags ;
United State * stock , 2C0.501 bag * ; afloat for the
United Sttites , . ) baits ; total visible for the
United State * , 655,601 bag * , against 303,674 bags
last yenr.
SANTOS , Mny 31. Firm ; good average Santos ,
J16.SO ; receipts , 3,000 hags ; stock , 169,000 bags.
HAM1IURO , May 31. Quiet ; unchanged : sales ,
two day * . G,0"0 bags. Next Monday will be a
RIO , May 31. Firm ; No. 7 Rio , J10.90 ; ex
change , 9 3-16d ; receipts , 5,000 bags ; cleared for
the United Slates , none ; cleared for Europe
none ; stock , 249,010 Imgs.
HAVRE , Mny 31. Opened quiet ; nt 12 noon
quiet ; at 3 p. m. quiet , unchanged to lit up
from Wednesday ; rlrwcd quiet and unchanged to
% f advance ; rales , 19,000 bat ; * .
London Stoik ; IJilu utldiu
LONDON , May 31. 4 p. in. closliui
Can. Pitclno 64)7 St. P.iul co-n
Krlf 1IU N. Y. Central 10l i
Krle''dH 71 PeunnylvanU . . . 3
111. Central OS lleadliir. 10
Mexican ordinary.J'J Mcx. Cen. new 4 . .
HAH SILVKR-SOKd yer ounce.
MONEV i per cent.
The late of discount In the open market for
short bills and three month * bill * Is H per cent
Foreign Pumiicml A ft * In.
I1ERLIN. May 31. Exchange on London , c'eh
days' sight , 20 mark * 45 pfg ,
, V.Al\lB \ > 1Itty s > ' ' Prn. . Three per cent rente *
. . ! ? ? fT lh ? a ( > count' Exchanse on London
2Jf 21Hc for check * .
LONDON , May 81. The amount of bullion
pno Into the Hank of England on balance
today WM tl93K" ( ) . liar illver haa advanced to
SO ll-lfcl ft-r ounce. The exchange will be closei
tomorrow nnd Monday for Iho Whltiundaytldc
J.0."An > Vt ? ? ' .d ' . ' . 1uotf < > "I HUMIO * Ayre * a
mw ; Madrid. 13.60 ; Llstwn , 2S ; St. I'elersburB
59 ; Athens , 77 ; Home , 104.65 ; Vltnna , 103.
I'lnanrlHl Note * .
rOSTON , May Jl.-ClcarliTg , | irt7S,477 ; bal
ance * , Jl.flS 112.
May il. Clearlne > . Jll C6 . .
cash balance. MS7V.'l > .io ; gold iviorvo. J3im 7
, r'lICAaoMty ' " --Money , tiwy ; call loam
Wheat and Cotton Both Continue to Ad
vance in Price ,
1'rlccs In the Iron Industry Continue to lie
Jlnrked Up HJIIIO Threatened
Labor Trouble * hottled With
out Serloui Trouble.
NEW YOHK , Mny 31.-U. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade will say : More far-
reaching than any other change during the
? ast week , really warranted by facts , Is
the continued rlso In prices of whent and
cotton. Heal scarcity of either would affect
all business. Happily there Is still room '
to hope that accounts of injury nre exag
gerated , nlthough thcro Is some evidence
[ luring the week that both the great crops
Imvo Buffered more than at first appeared.
Dthcr changes nre almost all favorable , and
! ome highly discouraging labor trou
bles nre clearly less threatening.
Monetary conditions are satisfactory ,
and the substantial Increase in
the commercial demand Is a good sign. Ex
change * through the clearing houses have betfi
greatly Inflated by speculation , and at thin
time ln t yi\ir were curtailed by the coal strike
and toward the end of May , 1893 , greatly re-
lucvd by bank failures , but for the week ex
ceed last year1 * by 19 per cent , and fall only
S.G per cent below those of 1893 , while the dally
ivernge for May I * 2C.9 per cent larger than
last year , but 7.1 lesa than In 1KI3.
Wheat Is largely supported by public buying
d the purchasing order * from farming re
gions uie eupiKxed to Indicate an opinion of the
yield. Yet wheat come * forward freely , a * It
would not nt current prices If a clioit crop
were assured , nnd western receipts for the
month have been 5,944,574 bushels , ngalnst 6,623-
! 33 last yenr. Nor do Atlantic exports rellect
Increared haste to buy abroad , amounting In
four weeks. Hour Included , to 6,183,42' ) bushel * ,
ngalnit 9,716,097 last year.
Cotton continue * strong because it Is believed
Uicio will bi > much reduction In yield per acre ,
as well as In acreage. N. > estimate based on
definite Information puts Hie decrease In acre
age' nt more than 13.4 per cent , which with n
yield per acie < qual to last year would mean n
crop of ' 8,410,000 bales. The market has been
acting ns If the future were known. The nd-
vnnce this week has only been a sixteenth , and
It I * supposed the stronger speculators have
icallzed. The manufacturer Is doing well ,
though not nil the machinery Is employed , but
the demnnd has been better and thele are occa
sional advances In prices of goods.
The Iron manufacturer Is gaining rapidly , and
the average of prices , which had fallen Febru
ary 1 to 64.1 per cent ot the prices In October ,
1891 , has now risen to 59.1 per cent , most of the
advance having1 been In May. Dessemer pig has
ueen It/ted to J11.C5 and grey forge to J10.40 , al
together by the growing demand ; tank steel
plates are J5 per ton higher nt Philadelphia
and nail producers have combined , raising wire
nails to J1.15 and cut nails tj Jl per hundred
by carloads at 1'lttsburg. The structural de
mand Is very large , and while the buying In
other forms of Iron and steel products la ntlll
cjnscrvatlve , great confidence prevail * that prices
will hereafter advance materially. It Is be
lieved the wage question will be settled nt Pitts-
burp this year without any strike.
Thu failures during the piiEt week have been
215 111 the Unlttd Slates , against 183 last year ,
and S4 Ui Canada , against 27 last year.
\Cgrcitto of Uus'.uea * Trmiliibtcil by thn
ABMiclttiMl | ! HII | ( * Lust Week.
NEW YORK. Mny 31. The foiling table ,
complied by Dradstree't , show * the total
clearances at the principal cities and the per-
itontage of Increase or decrease , a * compared
with the corresponding week last year ;
New York. . . . . "T 460,194,757
Chicago 81,171,668
lloston 74Of,9.40S
Philadelphia . 42 144,544
St. Louis 18.571.491
Kan Finnclsco.- 10W,3s5 !
Halt I more 11,100,207
flushing 13.KVU93
Cincinnati 10,725.100
Kansas city 8,521,991
New Orleans 72i5.1 S
lluffalo 3,3 3 254
Milwaukee 3,295f > 34
Detrclt 4.U7.13U
Minneapolis 6.811,687
Omaha 2,563.9 6
Piovldtnce 3,716,801
" Houston 3'ja-,6)6 ! ) '
St. Paul 3.39S.941'
Den\er 1,933.354
Indianapolis 3 6)3.3 M
Columbus , O. 3W9,200 (
Hartford 1,509.537
Richmond 1.SW.936
Washington 1.63S.92H
Dallaa 2.1S6.752
St. Joseph
Portland , Ore.
New Haven
Springfield , Mass
Portland , Me
Furl Worth
" Waco
les Molnes
Grand Rapids
Wilmington , Del
Sioux City
LOH Angeles. . . . . .
Saglnaw , Mich. . ,
New He
Lexington , Ky.
Illnghampton . .
flay City , Mich
Fall River
Akron , O
Springfield. O.
Canton. O
Sioux Fall *
Fremont. Neb
Hastings. Neb.
Chattanooga . .
Salt Lake
"Little Rock
Totals , United . . . . S19,130,01l | 15.2 . .
Exclusive of New York. . . . | 3. > 8.935.2.'i4 | 8.9 . . . . . .
Montreal J 10,811.959) ) 15.3
Toronto 4,804 423 7.5
Halifax 937.698 6.8
Hamilton 612.127' ' 22.3
Winnipeg 831,908 9.3
Total * . . . \l \ 17.933,617 5.3 _
Not Included In total * because containing
other Item * than clearings.
Not Included In totul * because of no com
parlson with last yenr.
Ijiat week's totals.
Many Factorial Hturtlnc Up anil Other *
AdvtncliitT Wiigc * .
' NEW YOB1C , May 31. Dradstrecf * tomorrow
will Hiy : The observance of Memorial day
cervices served to check the volume of gem-mi
trade- till * week , but there ha * been a further
shrinkage In the amount of business transacted ,
duo to not altogether well founded feam of
serious dannge to the grain crop * . Report * from
manufacturing Industrie * at seventy-live cities
cast of the Rocky mountain * show that more
than 227 Impoitunt manufacturing concern *
tlarted up between April 1 nnd a week ago , by
mean * of which & 3.000 employe * have secured
work. Hut the additional and slunttlcant fact
1 * found In the report that wage * of no fewer
than 178,000 Industrial employe * have been ad
vanced within the period nn average of 10 per
cent , of whom slX'Scventh * received Iho ad
vance without striking.
Export * of whent ( Hour Included n * wheat ) ,
loth c.-wstn , I'nltcd State * nnd from Montreal ,
thl * week , amount to 2 426,000 bushel * , agalnM
2,754,000 bilntul * last Week , 2,401,000 bushels In
tlio correnpondlne week u year ago , 3,233.000
bushel * two yc-urn ugo , 2.S91,000 bushels In ISO2
und 2.697,000 bushel * In the corresponding week
In ISM ,
Them arn some gain * tit the south , with Im
proved agricultural pronpect * ' In Tennessee affectIng -
Ing hunliief * at Nashville , Memphis and Chatta
nooga. Only a moderately active demand In n
few line * is announced from Atlanta , Savannah
and at Jacksonville , where the vegetable crop
I * the laigest for year * . There I * an Improved
demnnd at New Oileans , and buyer * are ihow-
Ing more ot a tendency to anticipate wont * .
nit AIIS ritii : : > r& I-I.VUNCIAL RLVIIJIV
Attempt * to Cronte Deprenlon Onljr Pro
duced t > uinll I'ecllnri.
NEW YORK , May 31. Dradatreet'a financial
review tomorrow will say ; A comparison of the
v > lumo of ttanucllon * during1 the week , with
thn record of a fortnight ago , ihow * very
rle.irly that the character of the tltuatlon ha *
chaueitl for the time being. While the * treet
Itself has not taken the atorlea of extreme - damage -
ago to writern crop * lerlouily , the erowth of
public Intertit tn the in rk t haj been checked.
London , lee , ha * ihonn continued dlitruit of
of deBclent
crop , but on tangible , IBllkfoundcd. fear * nbout
the fren sliver ngltut ii4 ; nnd the possibility
that support may bo Ti ) r wn from the g-n-
oral market by the bond syndicate when It *
contract with the treasury expire * . Llquldtttan
of * pecuotlve ! holding * for London account has
Indent practically ccasi& . Nevertheless , there
wn little buying frcnPltnl quarter , and thl *
ttndn ! to RVO | the local dAteslonals more com
mand over the mniket.i If
In spite , however , okdJreo' evident attempt *
lo create depreuloris , the declined were , except
In a few Instance * , unimportant. Slight de
cline * brought In n modi rale amount of buying
order * , nnd though a RomeHhnt maiketl decline
set In on Tuesday , the covering of short * and
renewed tone of * trength which appeared on
\\wlnesday. In anticipation of the succeeding
holiday , KRVO token of the real sentiment which
Imn underlaid speculation , 'The principal fen-
turo continues to be the Indlffetencc of the
Btreet In regard to alarming storle * of the crop
condition * at the west. Rnllrond Interest * nre
ovldwntly satisfied with the outlook for grain
tonnage , nnd the Inside cupiwrt given to the
granger share * wn * of n noteworthy character.
Hot Weather nnil I.lttln iluslne * * Mndo
Thl n en Dull ( , „ \Vnll Street.
NEW YORK , May 31. This was a dull dny on
the Stock exchange nnd the Intensely hot wenlher
won to some extent responsible for the Inactiv
ity. At the opening speculation was strong nnd
the first price * made were generally a fraction
higher. During the first hour a general advance
was made , Rubber selling up 2 per cenl. Rub
ber preferred I'.J per cent , Tennessee Coal li pel
cent , Parlllc Mall 1 > ( per cent. Pacific Mail guar
anteed 11/4 per cenl , Colorado Fuel nnd National
Linseed 1 per cent , ChlcnKO ( la * and General
Electric % per cent , nnd the rest of the list
Hi to > i per cenl. Susquehnnnn * Western pre
ferred was nn exception , and on bear rumors
broke 3H per cent. After 11 o'clock the general
market became heavy on realizing sales. Man
hattan dropped 2't ' per cent , the decline being
accompanied by a report that n large holder ot
the Block was liquidating because of losses In
Hie company's earnings ; Erie fell off ITi per cent
and the preferred wn * offered down to 25 ,
against 29 , the last preceding Bale , Ihe weakness
< n these sales being due to n report that the
Interest on refined fives , due tomorrow , would not
be paid. Other receslons weie Cordage gttar
anteed 1V4 I * ° r cent , RublK-r 1T4 per cent , Sus *
qimhunnn & Western common Hi per cent , Gen
einl Electric , Michigan Central nnd National
Linseed 1 per cent , Sugar Tfc per cent , Colorado
Fuel , Wheeling & Lnku Erie and Tennessee
Coal 9i per cent , and other shares smaller frac
tion" . Susquclmnna & Western preferred rallied
1 % per cent on a reported change In the man
agement of the company. After midday th&
trading became stagnant , nnd from that time
up lo 2 o'clock the only changes o-f nole were an
advance of li per cent In New England on
clique buying and a decline of I'.i per cent in
Cotton Oil.
During the last half hour trading1 wn * more
nctlve nnd firmer , nnd a very gene/al nppreclallon
In value * took place. Mobile At Ohio led the up
ward movement with a Enln of 214 per cent In
purchases , duo to an anticipated favorable finan
cial development. V. & P , M. rose 2 per cent ,
Rubber 1 % per cent , Manhattan and Illinois
Central 1 % per cent , Puc-illc Mall nnd Cotton
Oil l'i l > cr cenl , Distilling nnd Lnclcde Clns pre
ferred 1 per cent , nnd the other slocks traded In
a. fraction. Chlcngo & Eastern Illinois lost 1U
per cent , recovering the los * and reacled 9i per
cent. Lead receded T& per cent and rallied } i per
cent. In the final sale * Tobacco and Long
Island traction declined 1 per cent from the
highest of the day , nnd Mctropolltnn traction I'd
per cent. The market closed strong nnd In th
main U to 3U per cent higher than Wednesday' *
closing prices , but some shares * how losses rang
ing from W to 2i per cent , the latter Susque-
lianna & Western preferred. The Iwnd specula
tion during thu day wn * quiet , and In the main
devoid of feature. The sales were 12,137,000.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the Now York ex
change today :
Alchlson 7M Northwestern 08ii
Adamn Express. . . 114 N. W. Dfd
Alton. T. H 63 , . N. Y. Central 101M
Ant. Express 110 ' N ; Y. AN. E 44
llnUlmoru .tOlilo. U2 Ontario .t W 18i
Canada Paclllo. . . . 5V ! Vf Oregon Imp
Canada Southern. . SSV Orczon Nnv
Central Pacllio. . . . 1 O. B. L. A U. N. . . . H
Che * . Si Ohio 22- ! IMcincMall SUM
Chicago Alton ISO P.p. A E U
C. . It. A Q hi Plttibur *
Chicago Gas 74U Pullman 1'alaco. . 171
Consolidated ( Jin. 145 Kemllnir IVH
C. . C. . C. A St. L. . . . 44 H. ( i. W 1DU
Colo. Coal A Iron. ? l R.O. W. pfd 40
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . ) UocklBlaml UHH
Dclawaru.t Hud. . 120U St.i'nnl HUH
Del. . Lack.V. . . . 100'i. ' dflpfd 1BOM
U..VR. ( } . lifd 41) ) V $ SI.P..V Omaha. . . . ! 1H
D.&C. F. Co dSpfa 11-1
Erie 10 Southern Pacific. . ' . ' < >
do pfd. ' 20 Hennery. . . . 117'f
Kort Wavnq 157 , Teun , Coil < V Iron. 'JUM
K. Northern ofd. . . 1'JS Texas Pacific
C. JtE. I. nfd T. AO Cent. pfd. . 7S
Hoeklnf Valley. . . Union Pacific. . . . . 14
Illinois. Cenlnl. . . 00 O. S. ExDrui * 41
St. P. A Diiluth . . . 23 W..St. L. A P 41VH
K.A T. pfd ali dqpfd 10 ! *
Lake Erie AVoit 24 U'dils Faire Kx. . . Klrt
do pfd. f2 Western Union . .
Lake.shorn Hi ) Wtreelinir A L. E. .
Lend Trust 35 dopfd
Loulsvllio&N. . . . M.&St. L : tn
I * A N. A 051 D. * n. o 14) :
Manhattan Con. . . . 114 O. E r
MeiilDlilB&C in N , L.
Mlohlrnn Ceut. . . . lii ! > < O.V.AI- 27
MlHsoiirl Paeina. . do pfd U6
Mobile At Ohio . IL AT. C 2J1
Nashville Chat. . . . OS 1A. . A. A N. M. . . . 2W
National CorJajo. OS4Vi T. St. UA.K. . C. . . . ' O'a '
dopfd 7 doufd 13
N' . J. Central 10W S. K. U iai
N. .t W. pfd 15H doufd 0i
North Am. lo. ? . . . f > H Am. Tob. Co 112
Northurn Paolno. . SH do pfd 115H
No.Pno. pfd S ( . P. , M. A M 110
U. p. . a 0
The total sales of stocks today were 177.70.'i
shares , Including : American Sugnr , 23,700 ; Amer
ican Tobacco , 4,900 ; Duillngton , 5.300 ; Chicago
cage Gas , 6.600 ; Dustllling and Cattlefeedlng.
22,100 ; Erie , 10.600 ; General Electric , 4.600 ; Man
hattan Consolidated , 300 ; MoUle & Ohio , 3.200 ,
New York , Husquehanna Ar Westein prefer ! ed ,
3,400 ; Pacific Mall , 4.600 ; St. Paul , 6.000 ; Ten
nessee Coal and Iron , 5,700 ; United States Rubber.
16.0JO ; United Stales Rubber preferred , 2K ,
Wheeling & Lake Erie. 4.100.
Nfvr York jUi nev .Marker.
Easy , nt I per cent ; last loon , 1 per cent ; closed ,
STERLING EXCHANGE Strong , with ac
tual business In bankets' bills nt JI.8S04.S8V4
for demand nnd J4.S7W4.87'.fc for sixty days ;
posted nates , J4.87".4fT4.fcSi,4 ! nnd J4.8SiiiC4.89i4 :
Commercial bills , J4.fc6',4W4.tG > 4.
GOVERNMENT HONDS-Slrlng. State bonds
Inactive. Ilnlrond bond * , firm
Closing quotation * on bond * were a * follow * :
U.S. 4 * , rcr. , new. I'.MH C. P. iHtB Of 'L'5. . . 1U4
U. 8.48 coup. now. 128M E.iU. O. 7s 112 > (
U. S. A * , rer 11' ] .AU. a. 4 * 87H
tU. 3. Sa.coup 11(1 ( Krlo 2ds 00
U.S. 48rt > if 1114 U. H.AS. A.IH ) . . . on
II. S. 4.coup 113W G. II AS. A. 7 . . . . 1054
( U.S.2 * . rer. . . . . . P0l < II. AT. a B 110
Pacific ( la ot ' 1)6. ) . 100 do On
tAln.Clns * A. . . . 107 M. K. A T. lit 4s. .
Ala. Class II 107 do2d 4H OH hi
Ala. Class C ii a Mutual Union 6 . . 100
Ala. Currency. . . . no N. J. C. Qen. fin. . . . nuw
La. Now Con. 4s. . oa No. PHC. 1st * 117H
Missouri On 100 do2da PO
N. C. U * 124 H. W. Consols. . . . 140W
N. C. 4ft 102m do S. F. Deb. C * .
S. O. noufund. . A . . m R.O. West. lt . . . 77
Tonn. nu\v net 0 * . 87 St. P. Contois 7i. . 127
Tenn , new aol S * . 100 doC. A P. W 5 . ll.'ihi
Tenn.oldG * (10 Si L. A I.M.fJon. 5. 7HM
Va. CenturloB. . . . OOK St. 110H
dodeforred OH Tex. Pae. 1U OH'i
Atchlson 4 * 73H do2dn 31
Atchlson 2d A. . . . 24 < U. P. Ian of 'JO. . .
Canada So. 2d > . . . 103 WeatShora 4s 10SU
L. A N So. K U
lex Int. tbid. offered.
Itoiton Stock < ) irit uoni.
DOSTON. May 31. Time loan * . ' 'UWIH per cent.
CloHlnr Dricoa foritocka.bonQiand mlnlnrahren :
A.T. AS. F 7M W. Klec. pld. 52o
Am. Surar. 11714 Wl8.Ccutr.ll o
Am. Surar Dfd. . , . 1UO ! < Ed ( son Klec Ilia. . 130
Uar State baa 10W Uen. Kleo. Dfd
tlellTelophon * . . . 201 Atchlsin 2d *
lloston-Albany. . 20il , AtcblBOii 4 * 73'i
Iloslon AMalno. . . 1C8' Kunr England 0 * , . 1114
C. II. A V 81M n q. Electric Kit. . . 2
Fitchburir 80. Wis. Cent. Uls. . . . 85
r.nn. Klectric. 3S Allpuez Mlllliif Co 4H
Illliiol * Stonl 3Sml Atlantic.
Mexican . ml Do Montana
N. Y. AN. E "U Diitto A Doston. . .
Old Colony 17(1 ( Cauiipet it. Heoli. .
On1. Short Line. . . 8' Cluiltenti'.al
Rubber. 4UM
San Dlczo 0 " , J K
Union Pacific 14 OBceola , 28H
WestKnl Quliicy 11U
West Kndpfd Tamarack HO
Westlnrli.Klec. . . . Wdlverlne _ 0 !
Sail FrauoUoa .Mlnlliti1l = ( Juot tluii. :
SAN FRANCISCO , Mki.JU.-The oUiclal clo -
Ing quolationa for mliuntr nocks today were at
follows : , , , ,
Alia 5 , Halo A Norcro * * . , 88"
Alpha Co u - ' , . Jneticu ,
Anne * 1U | , Knutucky Con , . , .
Uulclior Vi- Moxlcan 40
Hot , V Uelclier. . . . 47 { Mdno
Uodlo Con M'- Mpimi Diablo IS
llnlllou ID Occidental Con. . . 1H
llulwcrCon 6' Onhlr IMS
Caledonia. S Orcrnmn 1C
Challenfo Con 20 POtOBl M
Chouar 21 Savage MS
Confluence R8 Sierra Nevada. . . . 8'J
Con. Cai A Va. . . . . 240 Silver Hill , 8'Jt
Con. New York. . . S Silver Klnr 20
Crown Point 43 Union Con 31
Exchequer 1 Utah Con
Oouid A Curry. . . . . 25 Yellow Jacket. . . 40
Sllror bars , OOTiaJ7c. Moxlcan dollirj. B33
53Hc. Drafts , Blclit , ' 'He ; teleeraphlo , 5s.
Jt'evr York .Hint ic Uuotitloiu.
NEW YOHK , May Sl.-Tbe followln * are tha
oloslnsr minm/quotationai
Ilulvrer. 7 Ontario t > 00
Cholor- . , . 40 Ophir 123
Crown Point SS Plymoulh 20
Con. Ca' . A Va. . . . 230 K47
Deadwood H3 Qulokallver pta. , , 1700
Gould A Curry. . . .so Sierra Novadt. . . . 30
Iluloi norcroaa . . GO Standard . . . . . 220
Homeilako 1PUO I Union Con. ' 30
Iron Silver AS I Yellow Juckut. . . . 40
Moxlcaiu .13 I
Duluth . Market
DfLVTII. May Sl.-WH EAT-Weak ! No. 1
hard , cash and May. 78ftc. July. TVKc : No. 1
northern , caih and May. 7 > Uc ; July , 79c ; Bep-
Ifinber. 7SKc ; No. X northern , caih , 74c ; No. > .
tlHo rejected , MKcj to arrive , No. 1 bard ,
Jfo. J nortbern , TJ c.
Receipts of Oattlo Were Light and of
Hogs Moderately Heavy.
Hecf Men nnd llutclicrn 1'ny Steady Trice *
fur VVImt Tl.eyVnntStockers ( jell
Higher HojfS Drop n Nickel
to n Dime.
FUIDAY , May 31.
As Is usually the case on the day follow
ing n holiday , receipts were comparatively
light , 80 fnr this week the supply has
amounted to 6,126 cattle , 22.C31 hogs nnd 1.1SO
sheep. As compared with arrivals for the
corresponding live days last week this Is
an Increase of 1,100 cattle and n decrease
of 7,400 hogs nnd 800 sheep.
Tlio supply of cattle today was small nnd
the general quality of the receipts was
away below the average. There were no
good to choice beef cattle here , and the
comparatively few useful beef steers offered
would como under the head of poor to fair.
This applied to the western na well as the
native fed stock. The market was In most
respects simply a repetition of Thursday's
trade. Both the quantity and tne quality
of the offerlnfiB precluded the possibility of
speculative activity , while the reports from
other markets were In the main unfavor
able. Dressed beef men wanted some cat
tle , however , and bought up the limited
offerings at from W.CO to $4. ! > 3 , or at right
around steady prices.
The cow trade was In much the same con
dition as the market for fat cuttle. Good
stock was In active demand nnd strong ,
with common stuff slow sale and weak.
The supply of veal calves continues more
than ample for the requirements of the
trade , nnd as n result values remain away
down. Dullp , stag. , etc. , find a ready sale
at good , tlrm figures.
Potentially the stocker and feeder trade
was active , and considerably stronger.
Actually there waa comparatively llitlo
going on today In thlB line. The splendid
rains of the past tew days have not only
stimulated the demand , but have acted as
a check on supplies. There has not been
much Improvement In the country demand ,
but yard traders , figuring this as a surety ,
were good buyers at the advanced prices.
Good to choice feeders are quotable at from
$3 to ? 3.75 , fair to good at from J2.CO to $3 ,
and common grades from J2.CO down. Ilcpre-
sentatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
3. . . . 873 35 . . . .103S J4 23 2..1000 (4 .V )
32. . . . 981 3 CO 20..1MI 435 19..IK ? 4 65
21. . . . 952 3 Or 43..1113 435 22..1131 485
2..1075 4 00
1. . . . fOO 175 1..1000 215 l..lino 310
1. . . . 7W 175 1. . . . 850 225 0. . . . 915 3 S3
1. . . . SO 173 1.4. . 900 223 2. . . . 840 323
3. . . . 7GO 175 2. . . . SCO 225 1..107l > 323
9. . . . 886 1 85 1..1300 2 M 19. , . .848 3 U
1..1CO ) 200 G. . . . 711 2W 1..1224 3 CO
1. , . . 000 200 1. . . . (00 2 SO 2. . . . 795 375
1. . , . SM 200 2. . . . SCO 300 1..1170 410
1..1000 200 3. . . . 850 300 1..1220 410
9. . . . S62 185 3. . . . 549 220 C. . . . CIO 235
3. . . . 333 200 2. . . . 700 220 2. . . . W5 240
4. . . . 437 200 6. . . . ! 1 220 1. . . . 2SO 275
10. . . . C2S 210 3. . . . 333 223 1. . . . 430 273
. . . W 2 10 6. . . . 49' ' ) 2 25 2. . . . f.TO 3 10
Id. . . , Ml 215 8. . . . S57 230 C. . . . 772 313
1. . . . (00 2 15
3. . . . 286 150 C. . . . 181 300 3. . . . 143 400
1. . . . 150 150 4. . . . 135 300 1. . . . ISO 400
C. . . . 133 250 1. . . . 130 375 15. . . . 143 400
1. . . . 100 3 00 1. . . . 280 4 CO 4. . . . 225 4 75
2. . . . 185 3 00
1. . . . 900 210 1..1210 230 2. . . .1310 235
4..11S7 223 1..10M 23. . ) 2.1. . 740 250
1..1230 230 1..1WO 233 1C..1COO 340
3. . . . SCO 2 30
3. . . . S40 2 25 1..1200 3 00
3. . . . 420 200 3. . . . 3S3 250 10. . . .723 300
13. . . . 412 223 2. . . . 440 265 7..S07 315
. . . S91 230 8. . . . 061 2 80 1..900 323
. . . 4SC 2 40 28. . . . C53 2 K
springer . (20 00
Mnry E. dill.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
9 cmvn. . 603 | 2 2" 2 bulls . 1373 2 C5
Scows . IfnjO 300 7 stceis . 970 333
2 steiTH . 975 4 10
O. C. Giny.
1 feeler . 910 2 C5 1 fceiler . 10CO 330
IS feeders. . . . 927" 3 30 C cows . 1000 390
25 stccrR . 11CO 4 30
IIOO ! * Hccelpts were nbout what dealers Ron-
orally expected to pee today , but In view of the
went Kfwral HoaklnR the Kfotiml has received
the run of Hutu nnd umlenvelRht stuff keeps up
remarkably. The Reneral quality of the offer
ings was ulxrnt the same as on Thursday. Lowei
markets east gave buyerH their cue , und the
rmuket opened out slow and 5c to lOo lower than
Tliuimliiy. The average of prices paid was
scarcely a nickel lower , but there were a Rood
many of the eoinmnner nnd lighter loads ptlll
unrnld nt the close. The top wan $4.60 , as nKiilnsi
14. CO on Thursday. Medium nnd henvy hess sold
latgcly at ; * .25 to 14.43 , while the light unit
light mixed IIOKS nveraKlnif from 170 to 200-lbs.
brouKht from J4.15 to J4.40 There was a mean
market for pigs and light lights , owing to tin
heavy supply nnd the small demand. Prices
were sharply lower , and even at the decline the
Ktuff was hard to move. Sales were made at
from S2 to J3.75 for fair to very Rood CO to 130-11) .
stuff. The bulk of the IIOKS sold today at from
{ 1.30 to J4.45 , as against J4.30 to JI.50 Thursday.
and X.25 to JI.35 one week ago today. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. ' No. Av. h. I'r.
90 . 1C9 280 14 15 \ 74 . 213 . . .JIM
G3 . 1C6 SO 420 55 . 202 ICO 4 37'.4
87 . 180 210 4 0 69 . 205 . . . 440
Cl . 275 . . . 420 73 . 228 160 4 40
67 . 189 200'423 6 . 281 . . . 440
82 . 189 2SO 4 23 71 . 234 80 440
" . 174 ICO 435 C3 . 217-120 410
44 . 18G 80 430 39 . 2&3 . . . 440
75 . 903 40 4 30 CR . 214 203 44)
91 . 189 ' . . . 420 41 . 222 80 440
. 341 SO 430 6 . 2C8 . . . 440
83. . , . 189 40 4 30 74 . 223 SO 4 40
76 . 210 ICO 430 81 . 224 ICO 440
91 . 2U3 200 4 30 Gl . 241 . . . 440
77 . 2211 200' 4 30 f.G . 243 SO 440
71 . 208 . . . 430 C7 . 232 160 440
84 . 194 120 420 72 . 22S ICO 4 42 > 4
71 . 186 . . . 430 71 . 244 240 4 42 > 4
59 . 213 SO 4 30 71 . 253 . . . 445
. 203 240 4 SO 78 . 261 40 445
82 . 198 210 430 48 . 236 . . . 445
1 . 180 40 4 30 C9 . 295 40 4 45
3 . 240 . . . 430 79 . 230 200 443
21 . 200 SO 4 30 CS . 2CO 160 445
83 . 201 120 43214 79 . 233 . . . 46
19 . 229 . . . 4 3214 63 . 230 40 4 43
70 . 219 200 4 33 61 . 229 . . . 4 43
40 . 209 80 4 35 79 . 243 80 4 43
59 . 217 120 4 35 72 . 214 120 4 45
ffl . 21T 240 4 35 70 . 248 . . . 4 45
73 . 2t 160 435 00 . 283 . . . 443
82 . 215 120 435 43 . 280 80 445
80 . 199 SO 435 41 . 297-80 460
64 . 237 SO 4 35 D > . 317 SO 460
18 . 236 120 435 61. , . 275 . . . 450
68 . 223 120 4 35
2 . 140 . . . 1 75 7 . 114 . . . 350
109 . 63 160 2 00 8 . 123 . . . 350
26 . 103 . . . 210 16 . 121 . . . 360
12 . 173 . . . 220 6 . 133 . . . 360
25 . 113 . . . 260 8 . 151 . . . 375
137 . 91 60 3 25 2C . 128 . . . 375
12 . 110 . . . 340 2 . 125 . . . 375
19 . 118 . . . 360
HHEKP Agnln today the market was bare ot
supplies. There was n very good general demand
and the market was quotubly about eteudy.
Kulr to choice natives are riuotble at from I3.2D
to ft. 23 ; fair to BOCK ! westerns nt from J3 to J4 ;
common nnd stock fheep , 12.35 to 13 ; good to
choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs. J3.73 to (5.23.
KccelptH nnd OUpoOtlon uf Stock ,
Official receipts nnd deposition of stock a
shown by the books of thu Union Htock Yardu
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock p. m. , Thursday , May 31 , 1895 :
Cars. Head.
Cnttlo . 27 78J
Hogs . 75 B.C2D
Horses nnd mules . 3 SI
Cattle. Hops.
Omaha Pncklnir Co . 25 653
The O. II. Hammond Co . 37 l.ooa
Swift nnd Company . 173 1,1M
The Cudnhy Tucking Co . 93 1,643
O. n. Wilson . 47t
Cudtthy llros . 130
Cudnhy. Kansas City . 222 .
G , H. Hammond , Iowa . 21 S
H. Decker & Degen . 10 .
Vanuatu . , . 2 .
I * Decker . S6 .
llenton , M . , . H .
Shippers and feeders . 137 .
Left over . . 600
Total . . . 801 6,521
Si. l.otllB I.lvo htock ,
ST. IXJtnS. May 31 , CATTLn-Hecelpts , 5.300
head ; shipment ! * , 400 head ; market slow and
lower. Shipping and export native teer , tt.60
WS.50 ; butcher grudes. J3.60fl4.60l stockern , J2.M
3.25 feeders. J3.OOB4.OOJ cowi , J2.tOB3.DO ; fed
Texan ile r . J3.76U4.73 ; gran itecri , J3.00O
3.75 ; cows. J2.0003.25.
HOUB Hecelpl , U.300 head ! shipments , S.SOO
head ; market lOo lower : top Kradu , Jl.6035.70 ;
packers , J4.60S4.6S ; light. J4 2684.60.
HI1EI2I * Ileceiiits , 4,600 head ; shipments , 3,300
head. The supply was pretty well cloned out by
packer * at ranter prices ; native * sold at JJ.OOtt
3.60 ; southwv t in range , J3.i5tt4.25 ; lambs , JI.OO
C4.25. _
City l.iT
KANSAS CITV , May M. TATTLE Hecelpts ,
6.&JO head ; shipments , 1,400 head , best steady ,
other * weak ; Texa * * Uer * . J2.564.33 ; Texas
cow * . Jl.60flZ.Mi beef * ter * . J4.COO4.05 ; native
cow * , J1.W&4.30 ; decker * and feeder * , JI.20a4.20 ,
, H.W9 beads jhljmenti , 1K9
head ! market 6010c lower ! bulk of nixies , JI.2JW
4.45 ; henvleis J4.40M.K > ; packer * . JI.1M1I.K ;
mixed , 14. MH 45 ; light * , (4. 101/4. W ; Yorkers ,
! 4.15M.25 ; lilgn. J.SO M.10.
SlIKttP ItccelptR , 2,700 head ; shipments , none :
market weak. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
umoAuo MVI : STOCK.
Cnttlo Slow nnd Trier * I'ltll tn Show Any
CHICAGO , May 3l.-CATTIE-P.ccelpU till *
week will run nbout 6,000 henil over last week
nnd will nbout rqunl the receipt * of the corresponding
spending week last yenr. The arrivals today
were nboul 4 , MO head , nnd an trade wn again
extremely slow , prices fnlled to show the slight-
esl Improvement , Choice prudes very scarce ,
white nntlve beef steer * sold nt J3.90f < 6.75 , n few
sold higher than J3.60. Texas receipt * numbered
nlioul 2,600 head nnd trnde drugged lit declin
ing prices ,
Hogs , including the 6v ) hogn left over from
yesterday , the supply today reached u tolnl of
33,0)0 head. At n decline of MilOo per 100 pounds.
trade wn active tin local and shliipliiK cc 'tint
nnd most of the lot * left first hands nt nn early
hour , vpeculaloiH obtnlnlnK liufrciiskiii uf some
of the best lot * . Heavy hops sold nt lt.4W4.SO ;
light. J4.20f4.CO ; mixed , Jl. 2301.65 , nnd pigs ,
SHEIil' The receipts continue large , nnd na
the demnnd doen not show n corresponding In
crease , prices arc ruling Mjf7Sc per ino Ibs.
lower than a week nfc-o. Sut'tillm consist more
largely of common to fair descriptions than
heretofore , nnd n good share of the trading Is
I : ' - , 4,500 head ; hogs , 27.000
head ; sheep , 7,000 head.
New York I.lvo Moe .Mnrlept.
NEW YOUK. May 31. UKKVRti Itecelpts ,
2,607 lirnd ; on sale. Si ) cars ; dull ; native steer ,
Inferior to pilme. J4.90f(6.75 ( ; sties and oxen ,
J2.23 5.20 ; bull * . J2.7JJJ4.10 ; dry eowd , 1 2. 25 ST 3. 73 ;
European cables quote American sleors nt ll'dl-c
dressed weights ; refrlgeintor beef. ItnUe.
SHEMI' AND IAMDHecelplB. . 6.992 head ; on
pile , 60 cars ; maikel d < moralized ; sheep and
yearlings , 140 lower ; lamb ! ' , 'tfDir lower ; she.'p ,
I > or to prime , } l.75pl.90 ; yenrllnK.i. ordinary to
choice , J3.23J4.CS',4 ; larnt * , common to choice ,
HOOS-Hccelpts , 7.C30 head ; weak , nt JUW4.90.
Mock in mmit.
IlccoiM of receipt * at the four principal \ markets -
kets for Friday , May 31 , U93 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
PVmth Omalw. . 1x2 r.,1.20 . . . . .
Chicago . 4.KW 27.000 7.(0)
Kansas City . 6,010 14. WO 2 7uO
St. Louis . 6,500 12,300 4,3)0 )
Totals . . . ; . . . . 17,183 39,320 14,2)0
St. < Gennnil Murttcit.
ST. UJtMH. May 31.-KLOt'U-DuU and weaker.
owing to iho decline In whent ; extra fancy , J3.90
W4.00 ; fancy. J3.COG3.70 ; choice , J3.V5S3.S3. llya
Hour. Kl.73tf4.00.
YVIIKAT Iteports of rain and the belief that
this would lead to Improved crop prospects
caused heavy selling at the opening , resulting In
a rapid decline df Ic , from i < { > > , | C lowvr than the
opening. As won as the selling let up , the mnr-
ki-t went back to the opening price , but ntriiln
became weak , .declined nnd closed nbout at the
bottom , 2o below Wednesday ; No , 2 , red , cash ,
F2 < ,4c ; May , WUo ; July , 7 ( > ' ) iif7S1,4C bid ; Si-ptem.
bcr , 77'dc.
fOHN Itnlna In the west caused nn eaily de-
cllno of Ic ; later In the day the market Ix-rame
weaker , closing 2c below Wednesday ; No. 2
mixed , cnsh , Mc ) asked ; Mny , I9',4c ; July , 50B
Wie ! ; September , 61Ho uskcd.
OATS Also broke on ruins , which nre sup.
posed to have saved the entire crop , decllnnn |
I'.fcft'lUc. ' A later decline icsultcd In a closliln
of 2c below Wednesday for September. SIKH
lower ; No. 2 , rn.tli. 2SV4c bid ; May , 2S > , c bid ;
June , 28ic ! nskcd ; July , Sic asked ; September ,
CORN MEAIy-J2.46fr2.r.5. (
IIKAN Sold east track at 70c.
KIAX SEHD Nominal. J1.40.
HAY Kalrly active , but Irregular ; prnlrle ,
JS.OW10.00 , this side ; timothy , , J10.00JJ12.00 , east
side. * '
WHISKY (1.24 for distiller * ' finished goods.
LEAD Strong ; 20 cms different brands sold nl
SPELTER-Klrm. S3. < 5.
I'HOVIHIONS 1'oik. standard me s , jobblns ,
J12.Titfl3.00. Laid , pilme strum , JG.45 ; choice ,
IC.CO. Ilncon , boxul shoulders , JG.pS ; longs ,
J6.87',4 ; rllm , J7 ; shirt * . J7.12',4. ' Dry fiilt meats ,
lioxed shotildciHt Ji.uO ; longs , J6.3714 ; libs , JG.f.O ,
shorts , 1C. 7.1.
KKCKll'TS Flour , C.OOO bblu. ; wheat , C9.000
bu. ; coin , 73.000 bu. ; unt , 21,000 Lu.
' SHIPMENTS Flour , 9,000 bills. ; wheat , 22,004
bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; oats , C.OiH ) bu.
Liverpool Murltct * .
LIVERPOOL , May 31. WHEAT Holiday mar
ket. Spot , quiet ; demand , p.ior ; No. 2 red , win
ter , 5s > ,4d ; No. 2 led springCM 3d ; No. 1 hard
Manitoba , 6s 2V4d ; No. 1 California , 63 914d ;
futures opened quiet and closed' firm , with near
and distant positions ijd higher ; business about
equally distributed ; June , 5s ii jd ; July , 5s M'.iil ;
August , 6s 10 ? d ; September , 5s lliid ; October ,
5s IHid ; November , 6s i d.
COHN Holiday mniket. Spot , quiet ; Amer
ican mixed , 4s lOd ; future * opened quiet ; closed
firm with near nnd dlntant positions unchanged
to Ud higher ; business heaviest on nearest posi
tions. |
I-UOVISIONS Hncon , firm ; demand , poor :
Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ihs. . 31s ; Khurt rltin.
2.S His. . 32s ; long clear light. 3 ? to 45 Ibs. . 3.1a ;
long clear heavy , 65 Ibs. , 31s Cd ; short clear
backx , light , 1H IbH. , 33s Cd ; short clenr middles ,
heavy , 65 Ibs. . 31s 6d ; clear belllc * . 14 to 16 His. ,
33 . Shoulders , cqnnre , 12 to IS Ibs. , 2ia. llnms ,
short cut , 14 to lii Ibs. , 41s. Tallow , line North
Ameilcnn , nominal. lleef , extra Indlu mess ,
80s ; prime mecs , C2i Cd. Pork , prime moss , line
western , 61s 3d ; prime mess , medium , 53s I'd. '
Lard , steady ; prime western. 519 3d ; refined , In
palls , 33s.
CHEESE Steady : demand , moderate ; finest
American white , 4')3 ' ; tlncst American colored ,
42.1.IH'TTEIl Finest ITnltcd States , 759 ; good , 41s.
COTTON SEED Oil * Liverpool rellnul , 3is ! Sd.
LINSEKD 011 129 M.
HEFUmERATOH 11EEF Forequartcrs , 3',4d ;
hindquarters , CUil.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) . 2 C * .
The receipts of wheat during the past thrc
days were 464,000 centals. Including 109,000 Amer
ican.The receipts of American corn during the past
three days were 64,600 centals ,
Weather , warm.
Woo' ' Miirlu-t.
DOSTON , May 31. The llnston Commercial
Hulletln will say tomorrow : The market Is dull
nnd featureless , lloston merchants lire paying
for wool In the wwt higher than the equivalent
of their selling prices In the east Theio IB a
continued brisk business In folelun merino wools ,
especially In lluenos Ayres scoured. For ordinary
new western flno nnd line medium , manufacturer *
are unwilling to pay over SOc , clean holdeia
asking 2c to 3c more , nnd trnde la at a dead
lock. Mohair haa jumped from 37c to 42c for aver
nge Turkish. The sales of the week weie 1.711.-
000 Ibs. domestic nnd 1,079.600 lb . foreign.
against 1.537,000 His , domestic nnd 891,000 Ibs.
foreign Inst week , and 1,034,000 Ibs. domestic und
120.000 Ihs. foreign for the same week last year.
The sales today B'IOW n decrease of 32,911 Ibs.
domestic nnd nn increase of 16.636.COO Ihs. In the
sales to the same date In 1893. The sales Ui
date arc 10,320 bales domestic , and nn Incrcaw
of 97,919 bales foreign. _
Cotton ilurKct.
NEW ORLEANS , Mny 31. COTTON-Stcndy ;
middling , 7c ; low middling. Co : good ordlnaiy ,
6 5-16c ; net receipts , 1.973 bales ; gross , Z,27fi
bnles ; exports to Great Drllnln , 7,637 , bales ; to the
continent , 2.SSO bales ; coastwise , 2,375 bnlof ,
sales , 700 bales ; stock , 1C5.644 I ales.
Futures , steady ; sales , 41,900 bales ; June , J7.02
bid ; July , J7.07fjf7.09 ; August. J7.13fr7.14 ; Sep
tember , J7.04ii7.05 ; October. J7.oift7.02 : November.
S7.045J7.0S ; . December , J7.0G@7.0S ; January , J7.11if
7.12.ST. . LOUIS , May 31. COTTON-Slendy ; mid
dling , 6c ; no saleo ; receipts. 398 bales ; ship
ments , fcC2 bales ; Hock , 28,5'-2 bnles ,
NEW VORK , May St. COTTON-Qulct ; mid
dling , 7 6-lCc ; net iecelpt , none ; gross. 5.99i
bales ; exports tn the continent , 261 bales ; sales ,
674 bale * ; forwnrd , none ; spinners , 351 bales ,
stock , 221,770 bales. _
Sugar .Mnrxvt.
NEW YORK , Mny 51. 8l'OAR-Riw. quiet ;
sales , 300 tons Muscovado , 89 test , at 2 ! 5-l6c ;
refined , dull r.nd unchanged ; No. 6 , 4J4 3-l6c ; No.
7 , 4V4 (4 4-l6c ; No. 8. 3 4-7B4 Il-I6c ; No. 9. 3 13-16
! 4c ; No. 10. 3 ; f3 16-16c ; No. 11 , 3 H-lC4i3'c ( :
No. 12 , 3 MCai'ic ; No. 13 , 3c : off A , 4 6-160
4c ; m.ld A. 4 G-lGi4Vic ; standard A , 4 6-lCJf
4Sc ; confectioners' A , 4 -16Q4Ua t ; cut loaf ,
5 l-16ifJ5',4c ; crufhed , 5 l-16fl6"4c ; powdered , 4 ;
4 15-lCc ; granulated , 4 7-1604Hc ; cube * , 4 1-KW
MUwnukoo ( Iniln IMiirUet.
MILWAUKEE.- May 31. WHEAT Weaker ;
No. 2 spring , 7ic ; No. 2 northern , 84c ; July ,
i-oilN Dull ami lower ; No. 3 , Cl'4c.
OATS Lower ; No. t while , 32c ; No. 2 white ,
1IARLEY I wer ; No. 2. 53c.
RYE-Steady ; No. 1. CCo ,
No\r YorM ury 4iyuiuMarket. .
NEW YORK. May 31.-Agents have advanced
the price of Iilsh frelzc llannels 5 per cent
from June 14 ; also Pepperell brown and bleached
dtllU ! ic. 1'ilntlng cloths are firm nl 2 3-lCc
Ono firm In this dty ha * advanced the prlco of
their entile line of blankets S per cent fiom
June 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Allnncnpotl * Wheat .tlnrket.
a y ; May , 77ic ! ; July , 77 ? ( . 78e ; September ,
75V4c. On track : No. 1 hard. 79'ic ' ; No. 1 north
ern. 7Sc ; No. 2 northern , 7714. _ , ,
FLOL'R-FIrm : ( list patents , Jl.25ffl.60 ; necond
patents , JI.15QI.4Q ; first cleart , J3.60ii3.liO.
I'rlnco Wlient ( Juutntlonf.
December , Jl.03',4. ' _ _
Drntriied tiy n Monttor C tflli.
JBFFBHSON CITY , May 31-John Hai-
nett , who was fishing In the Osage river ,
twenty-flvo miles from here , caught a cat
fish weighing 105 pounds on a trot line , and
was trying to land It when he lost hla bal
ance nnd was drawn Into the river by the
tlsh. Ho had wrapped one end of the line
arouml hla hand , and In Itx struggles the
Ilsh succeeded In drowning him. The body
was found with grappling hooks und the
fish was captured.
163-165 Oenrborn-st. , Chicago.
IS V/allot. , New York. 70 State-it , Uostt
CITY , COUHTT , f- > - \ K I r > C
SCnOOL.WATER an l- < I J l\l I ) s
i/rasa iacu GRADE LJJ I N I / W
UouiUt aod Bold. Comiposatno * BollclWd-
Flow of Elvers In tlio Arid Regions Una
Bcon Accurately Measured.
Interesting rnot * Developed by ( lovermncut
Co'iiccniliip ; ( ho Wnter
Aviillnblo fnr Irrigating
WASHINGTON , May 31. P. II. Newell ot
tlio geological survey has completed his
flflli pamphlet on tlio results ot stream
measurement In tlio United States. Special
attention 1ms been paid throughout to a
knowledge of tlio water resources of these
parts of tlio .country where water Is of
the greatest value. Gauging stations Imvo
been established In most of the largo bnslns
of the west , and especially In the upper
Missouri , Yellowstone , 1'latto , Itlo Gramie.
Olla and Dear rivers. In these rivers tlio
dally flow of the water was measured anil
the mean flow calculated for each month
of the year. In most uf the arid regions
the How was greatest In May nnd June ,
though In some places it continued very
large throughout tlio first half of July.
The solution of the problem by which tlio
surplus waters during these months can bo
restrained for use In July and August de
pends somewhat on the flow of the rivers
and Mr. Nowell's measurements arc ex
pected to bo of value la simplifying the
problem. In more arid portions of the
southwest thcro Is not water enough to
Irrigate all the lands , no matter bow care
fully It might be stored.
The general government has absolute *
title to nearly one-third the areii of the
United States , excluding Alaska. With the
exception of certain areas v.'lthln the In
dian reservations , the public lands of the
west arc mainly within the arid or scml-
arld region. In order to throw light upon
ono of the many phases of the Inquiries
concerning the water resources , a thor
ough Investigation was mndo as to the
population of the lands of the national
domain. The results show that settlement
has followed the streams of the great west
to a remarkable extent and that It haa
clustered about ( he foothills of the higher
mountain ranges , which , from their abrupt
ness of topography , Insure a perennial sup
ply of water for Irrigation.
Coming down to the details , the pamphlet
shows that the upper Missouri , about Hel
ena , Mont. , drains a basin of 18,000 squar * >
miles. Its flow In May and June varies
from 9,000 to 13,000 second feet per month.
In December , January and February , the
lowest months , the flow falls to 3,000 feet
per month. The Yellowstone , above Cin
nabar , drains 2,700 square miles , and Its
flow Is from G.OOO to lu DOO second feet per
month In Juno and July. During the first
three months of the year It falls as low
as 300 second feet per month.
The Arkansas , above Canon , Kan. , drain *
3,000 pqtrnro miles. Its flow Is varlabla
oscillating In May , June , July and August
between COO and 3,000 second feet , and
the remainder of the year never rising-
above COO. Many large canals take water
from It , and .when now building are
completed , the entire flow of the river
will not supply them. In some places
"underflow" canals havu also been duff
to catch the water that cnmcs beneath the
bed of the river , oven when it appears to >
TV * ; !
bo entirely dry , and a flow of a few feet
has been obtained.
The Hlo Grande drains 30,000 square miles ,
above 131 Paso , Tex. In May and June It
discharges from 2,000 to G.OOO second feet
there , am1 at other times , especially tlio
last part of the year , it is often entirely
Hear river , nbovo Colllnston , Utah , drains
6,000 square miles and runs well from April
to July , varying front 3,000 to 8,000 second
feet. During the next two months , how
ever , from 700 to 1,300 is all that can bo
hoped for.
Have yon ever noticed how your system
seems to crave special assistance In the
spring ? Just the help reqtilreJ Is given by
Hocd's Sarsaparllla.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record" May 31 ,
1S95 :
Christ Peterson and wife lo John Oleson ,
s 33'i feet of lot S3. Nelson's J 2,750
John OleMin and wlfo to Christ Peterson ,
lot 10 , block 2 , I/owe' * Biibdlv l.DOO
Patrick McEnroe and wife lo A. C. Omd'in ' ,
B 41 feet of lot 4 , block 216'-i , Omaha 1
C. II. Mcdny to A. E. S. Dandy , s 18 feet
of lot 2. and n 49 feet of lot 3 , block 6 , J.
I. Rc-dlck's suhdlv 18,00 *
Wolfgang I'Mschcrbeck to A. E.'Lyck , jot S ,
liloi'k 3 , Meyer , R. K 1"a 800
J. P. Mi'geulh anil wife to A. L. Megeath ,
o 150 feet of n ' ,4 and e 1G' ' ) feet of * V4 lot
5 , Windsor Place. . . .
New England Loan nnd Trust company to
H. 11. Harder , e 36 feet of lot 5 , block 2 ,
Perkins' Bubdlv
F. A. Hanccn .lo E. N. Smith , lot 49 , block
1. Armour Place ; oo
O. II. Dandy and wife to C. II. Mr-day , s 87
feet of lot 1 , block B , West Omaha 8,000
E , W. Patrick und husband to R. W. Pat
rick , blocks 61 , 82. 83 , 107 ajid 10R , Dundee
Place 48.000
Omaha National bank to Mose * Ilutlieiibcrg ,
lot 7 , Woodlnwn Place 000
Christina and Herman Thlelkc to Ester Pn-
trauske , n V6 lot 6 , block 2 , Potter &
Cohji's add to South Omaha C2S
II , O. llurbaiik and wife to C. T. Rlchanlran ,
20 feet of w 74 feet of lot 7 , block 81 ,
South Omaha , and 20\74 feet on 8 side
above tract 7o
Thoma * Jolmnun ct nl. to S. A. Culllns , lot *
block 20Gi ! , Omaha R.625
Same 7,500
Peter Snyder and wlfo to A. E. Snyder , lot
17Luke & T's add 1,100
H. A. Slurge * et al. to S. A Collins , lot
6 , block 206'.4 , Omaha t
Specla.1 master to Edward Ixjngslrelh. lot *
18 and 19 , block 11 , KounUe & Ruth' *
add 3.193
Sheriff to I. A. Hcnlon , lot 12 , block 5 ,
May lie'H adil COO
Same to Kime , lot 3. block 2 , same 500
Same to same , lot * 18 and 19 , block 6 , * .ime. 1,000
Same to same , lots 15 , 16 , 18 nnd 19 , block
5. same A WO
Same to same , lot 2 , block 2 , same (00
Same to name , lot 21 , block 6 , and lot 14 ,
block f > , rame. . , , 1,000
Same to Kline , lot 1C , block 3. samu 309
Same lo name , lot * 4 and 6. block 2. Bume. . 1,000
Same to W. O. Clark , administrator , lotI ,
block 8 , Dupont 1'lucc- 200
Total amount of transfer ! ,
Don't let whiskey get the best of you , bu
get the best of whiskey. Silver Age Hyo.
Itlarrrtyphllls permanently cured In 16 to
Is&dajs. You can be treated ct home for
SlIioBamo price under itmoK'iiirnnty. It
frou prefer to come bora wo nil * contract
to par railroad faro nnd hotel bill * , and no
cliarge.lf we fall to euro. If you bare tnk'm mer
cury , Iodide notauli , and ( till have achei and
ruins. BIuonusVatchoK In mouth , Horn Throat.
I'liiiples. Copper Colored Spots , Ulcer * on
inrpartofthebodr. HiUr or Eyebrow * fulllne U this Syphilitic HLOOD POISON thai
we ciiaruntco to cure. We tollclt the most obitl-
flafo emeu and cliulleiico the world for a
cao we cannot euro. 'J 111 * dlieate hit * alwftTQ
bullied thn skill of the molt eminent pliynl"
clan * . snOO.OOO capital behind our unraodl *
tionsl miariutT. Absolute proofisentBealcd on
ppllctlon. AdflrcM VlHtK UKMKUy AiO
801 SlttBOU ) a'cmole , tlUIUAUU. 1U-
Kmll U nloraoiiil Hnnl.
0rl lni'lm"'J1fJjl/1i"0llD. ' , ! ' : .
1 wltb Hut I.v . . . . -
Jtf/utt Janytrovt " 'III
' ( IfrfM * " * ' " * > PrBt l l . * > . p"T
U itimt.1 fur t.Arllculiil. Ifilluwnlui t l
"Itrllcf tor I. illc . " l ' k/r t r
M.8. ll',0 ° " ' " " " 'i1' " ; , * " 1 " '
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. JI.
.l hMl.rCl. mlc ICo.M Ju..J
,1 Uttllllll. PulIf-U * . .
MAnniN N ? matter what boVlct on pee
TIJAHINO ulallfn > ou may lm\e .end
iiviii AiUnn for our * , which I * NEW and
liXPLAinnu tOMLirri ; : . It clrarly explalnii
mamln trading- und DUF1NEH ALE. MARKETS
EXPRESSIONS. It' * < rt and will ter.-h yo *
nmcthlnir , AIinOUAUT & CO. , U Trudcrj
Uulldlnr , Chlcaco. t