31 If TUB OatAIIA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MAY 28 , 1895. 3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE f COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , - - NO. 12 PEAIIL STREET , Delivered br carrier to any part of the cltjr. | It. W. TILTON , Lessee. nS Business offlce. No. 41 1 night editor , No. 23. M1.\OU MKATWX. I Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur nished. Reopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , Prop The case of the Citizens bank against Wes. ton will bo put upon trial this morning Ir the district court. The Lady Maccabees meet In regular ses. Blon In Grand Army of the Republic hal Tuesday , May 28 , at 2:30. : A marriage license has been Issued t < George W. Cleveland , gcd 32 , and Don Harman , aged 22 , both of Council Illufts. The llryant Lumber and Shingle compan ; commenced an action In the superior cour yesterday against the Little Rock Lumbe company for $107 on account. The Ladles' union prayer meeting ap pointed Thursday afternoon this week at th residence o ( Mrs. J. M. Palmer , will tak place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The damage suit of F. A. Hlxby agalns the Omaha nnd Council Dluffs Urldge com pany has been continued In the district cour until the return of the company's attorney J , N. Baldwin. John Devcny's house at the corner o Seventh street and Fifteenth avenue caugh fire yesterday , but the blaze was cxtln Kulshcd by the flro department before mud damage was done. Uluff City lodge , No. 71 , A. F. nnd A. M , will meet In special communication thl evening , for work In the first degree. Al Masons are cordially Invited to attend. J U. Atkins , secretary. Two cases of scarlet fever wcro reporte yesterday , ono at the residence of Gcorg Schlndele on Avenue F , and the other at th residence of Leonard Gllson , corner c Broadway and Elliott street. Judge Smith , In the Interests of tem pcranco among the members of the bar , It sued a peremptory order to the count board a short time ago to attach a filter t the spigot In the ante-room Just off the tilt trlct court room. The filter was put I yesterday. All ladles desiring to assist the floral com mlttco for Decoration day will meet at th Everett building , 18 Pearl street , Wednesda morning nnd afternoon. All school chlldre are requested to gather flowers and tli committee will collect them Wednesda morning from all the schools. The motor company has been makln much needed repairs on its main line dui Ing the past few weeks , smoothing out tl : roadbed by raising the rails where they ha\ sunk below their proper level. The wor on the main line has almost been con plctcd , anc now the Fifth avenue branc will bo tacn up. William Lents will have a trial on th clmrgo of larceny next Saturday In Justlc Cook's court. Ho claims that some one els loaded DeVol's fence wlro Into his wagon an he did not notice It until he reached Me gen's hotel. He declares he was Just In tr act of throwing the wlro oul of his waga wl.cn ho was found by O'Drlcn. Articles of Incorporation were filed wit the county recorder yesterday by the Alfall Irrigation and Land company , with a c.i ] Ital stock of fo.OOO.OOO. The Incorporatoi are : C. 0. Knowles , P. G. Noel and Wl Ham C. Campbell , and the object of tl company Is to carry on a general Irrlgatlc business throughout the west , with heat quarters In Council Bluffs. Martha J. McLean was arrested yesterda on a charge of adultery preferred by , hi husband , A. F. McLean. Durk Luke Is nami In the Information as Mrs. McLean's pa mour. The woman claims that she wi married to McLean last December , but tin McLean ran off and left her after thn months of-connubial life. She has not see him since. Her bond was signed by hi cousin , J. A. Koke , and she will have preliminary hearing this morning at 9 o'cloc In Justice Cook's court. Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Gli Falls Fire Insurance companies. These a among the largest and best companies In tl world , and wo are sole agents for Counc Bluffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Lewis Howe has gone to Massachuset tor a six weeks' visit with relatives. C , 0. Peterson has received the announc ment of the serious Illness o ( his father Slater , la. Nixon Waterman , formerly proprietor the Council Bluffs Reflector , has assum his duties as associate editor ot the Leag of American Wheelmen Bulletin and Goi Roads , published at Boston. a I liuusnntt Alt rnnnilicrni. This Is the best plant grown for the cem tery , as It will stand the drouth. Wo ha nice largo plants , and will sell them clica No extra charge for planting. Also otli plants and cut flowers suitable for Uecoratl day , at reasonable prices. J. F. Wllcox , tel phone ! )3. ) _ 1) ) . V. i Memorial liny. The order for Decoration day exercises "Walnut Hill cemetery by the Union Veter Legion .will be as follows : The line w form on Washington avenue , right resting First street. The first division will consist nil civic organizations , headed by Hawke band ; second division will consist of carrlag and will be assigned positions in the colun by chief of division. Command will bo line at 1:30 : p. m. Column will move at p. m. Headquarters will be at the corner Washington avenue and First street , befc the movement commences. Command will conducted to positions on arrival on grou of formation by staff officers. Upon arrh at the cemetery the veterans will be si tloncd at the graves ot deceased soldle accompanied by daughters of soldiers. At bugle signal they will decorate the graves oil departed comrades , and at the same th a chorus ot school girls will sing an appi prlate hymn , assembling at the stand. Pi gram : Dirge , by Hawkeye band ; prayer. Chaplain Q. W. Snyder ; hymn , by cho address , by W. W. Wallace , president ; n mortal poem , by Captain B. W. Hlght ; i diess by Hon. C , L. Saunders ; "Star Spang ! Binncr , " by band ; address , by Rev. T. Mackay ot Omaha ; music by choir ; music drum corps ; benediction ; taps. Every day Dr. Price's Baking Powder li lource of comfort to the cook. A i ulteU 111 * l.x-Wife. John J. Frnlney went to the home of M W. D. Jones , who was formerly his wl yesterday morning , accompanied by Ci stable Albert ) , armed with a search w rant for two chairs which ho alleged wi itolen from him September 26 , lb'J3. i counts differ as to what actually took pi yesterday when the search was made , 1 when Mrs. Jones called at Justice Coo Dill co shortly afterward ono of her wrl was badly brulsjd and swollen , and b tvlilent marks of an encounter. Frail himself complained of having one of hands hurt. The chairs were taken to justice's office , where a trial of the met of the case will be had this afternoon a 'clock. Tuck' * Daylight tiroorry. Have you seen It yet ? Even a visit th will Improve your digestion and teint Greatest bargains In grocery line now clean , pure , fresh goods , and F. V. Pi iclli them to you In the daylight , and li itoro as clean and bright an any kitchen Council Bluffs , "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Supplied under Royal Warrants Her Majesty the Queen of Englan and to His Royal Highness the Frln of NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Board of Equalization Guts Down the As sessed Valuation of the Oity. CORPORATIONS GViN URGE FAVORS Wilier 1Vork Cut from 800,000 lo 820- OOO , nnd Clraud Hotel from 80OOO ! to S1O,000 John i\uni : Wins Ills hide walk Kick. The Hoard of Equalization met last even' Ing and struggled manfully for the firs I tlmo with some of the problems that con' fronted It at the tall end of Its existence. The water works assessment was broughl up and Manager E. W. Hart asked thai the assessment be put back to $29,750 In stead of $50,000 , the figure to which It was raised by the board. He. was careful tc make no promises , but said that he wouH recommend to the company that It shouK not hold the city to a strict compliant with the terms of the charter ordinance but allow flre hydrants to bo put in at i distance of SOO feet from one another , thui cutting down the city's expenses. Councilman Ilarstow favored granting thi request , saying that the city was In sucl shape that any concessions that might bi secured from the company would help tin city out of part of Its present troubles. Thi motion was carried unanimously. Lucius Wells presented the request of thi Grand Hotel company for a reduction o assessment on the hotel from $20,000 , when It was put by the assessor. He detailed thi trials and tribulations of the company li getting the establishment opened , and sale that the company was not getting a dollai out of the property this year , and did no expect to for a year or two. Ho showei the bad results that would come to the clt ; In case the hotel had to be closed , am thought patriotism should lead the councl to grant his request. Greenshlelds moved that the assessmen be reduced to $15,000 , and Drown amende * It by substituting $10,000. Rlsuton ob Jccted. "It's an outrage upon the taxpayers of th city , " said he , "to make the poor pay thai taxes and let the rich go. It's all folly t say that Council DlufTs couldn't be a clt ; without the Grand hotel. Why , I've eeei better times here before the Grand hole was thought of than there arc now. " Nevertheless , the assessment was reduce to $10,000 , and seven councllmcn voted to the cut. Mrs. Amy's assessment was reduced fror $1,000 to $500. A motion was made to reduce the assess ment of the Grand Detour Plow compan from $2,000 to $1,000. Mayor Cleaver thougli It was an outrage for the city to knock o : $21,000 from the assessment of a big corpora tlon like the water works company and the refuse to do likewise with the smaller cor corns. The cut was made , Brewlck on Brown voting no. The assessment of H. L. Smith & Co. wa reduced from $500 to $300. The board ac Journed and reconvened as the city council. The taxes of Eliza 11. Wiley , a soldier' ' widow , were remitted. The request of Aultman , Miller & Co. fo a remission of taxes was tabled. The petition of Lincoln avenue residents t bo allowed to lay a five-foot sidewalk up t the property line sa as to save the shad trees was granted. The petition for the graJIng of Fifteen ! avenue from the cast line of Falrmount ai dltlon to Falrmount avenue was referred t the committee on streets and alleys. P. J. Day registered a vigorous klc against the building of sidewalks , aa prc posed In the ordinance recently passed. Ilei Idents of Aveuno G did' ' the same thing. Dot kicks were placed on file. The question of building1 a sidewalk c Avenue B from Twenty-second to Twent ; eight street was referred to the commute on streets and alleys. Counclhnan Shubcrt said ho had conferre with T. J. Evans , who was responsible fi most the kicking that was being done over ti sHcwalk ordinance , and he would be satlsflc If Twenty-ninth street should be cut out. I ) recommcndeJi that this be done , and tl recommendation was concurred In. The question of requiring L. II. Mossier 1 lay a new sidewalk In front of his Fourt street residence was referred to the con mlttee ol the whole. NI\V iiuuu.Ns At the Itniton Store. On Monday wo will place on sale 50 pleci red and blue checked glass toweling , wa ranted all linen , at 5c a yard. These gooc are well worth Sc a yard. 25 pieces of 50-Inch unbleached table line regular 46o goods , on sale at 29c a yard. 25 pieces Turkey red table damask , wa ranted fast colors , would be considered 45c , on sale at 25c a yard. 50 pieces of figured dimities , regular 1 ! quality , on sale at 12Vic a yard. 100 pieces fine dress ginghams at 5c yard.New New line of ducks and1 piques at lOc ai 12'/4o a yard. 60 pieces of Imported zephyr ginghams , plain , checks and stripes , also heavy cordi and lace stripes. Dont' fall to see them. We show a complete assortment of Freni dimities , organdies , printed madros and En llsh crepons In all qualities. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER. 401-403 Broadway , Council Bluffs. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Davis , agency ( or Munvon's remedies. Scientific optician at Wollman's , 406 Broa way. llnled Huj for * > nln In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. I quire of Thomas Johnson , city welghmaste Children's waists from ICc to $1.00. METCALF DUOS. a ' C. 0. D. Brown has the only non-explosl gasoline stove ever manufactured , and will burn from 35 to 40 per cent less gasoll than any other gasoline stove on the mark ) The New Process gas ranges are sold ' Cole & Cole. The asbestos oven Is a t saving of gas. Either gas or gasoline stov we can fit you out. 41 Main street. Lot \Vui Too Nnrrovr. In the superior court yesterday the case John J. Myrtue against U. H. White , Invol Ing a lot In Turley's glen , was on trl Myrtue claims that he bought a lot thirl eight feet In width from \Vlilte , but when came to measure It found It was or twenty-six feet wide. He applied to Wli for redress , and White fixed matters up best ho could by having the street push over a few feet. In this way he brought t lot up to within two or three feet of wl ; he fcuppoced It was when he sold It. E Myrtue linn tired ot his bargain , and Is ni suing White to have the tnle set aside ate : s to get his money back1. The trial was t completed. White clalmes the difficulty w due to the mistake on the part ot the eng eer who surveyed the land. Elizabeth Darrett Browning's pathetic "C of the Children" appeals to mothers usl poisonous baking powders. ' Dr. Price's Is pi fectly pure- . Company U Lacklne In FnniU. The attempt of C. C. Jones to get $5 , ( out ot the United States Mutual Life Insi once association for the death ot his broth an Implement man who was killed a f years ago , seems about to1 prove abort ! and for the best ot reasons. The suit M tried In the district court a year or mi ago and a verdict for the fulf amount the claim was returned In favor of the pla tiff. The Insurance company appealed I case to the supreme court , and the declsl wax reversed , on the single and solltc ground that the plaintiff's attorney , Ja < Sims , flourished a revolver In the faces the Jurymen In a rather unseemly fashl To Mr. Sims. ' credit It must be said tl Judge D emer was never able to figure < wherein this decision ot the supreme co could hold water , but that cut no figure far as Sims' client getting his Judgmi was concerned. At that time the corona had a perfectly good bond filed , and II i decision ot the supreme court had been favor ot the plaintiff nil $5,000 would hi ten forthcoming. But since the case has been awaiting Its second trial the Insurance company has given tip the ghost , Its liabilities being something like $300,000 In excess of Us assets , and Jones' chances for getting any Insurance money seem to have gone glimmer- Ing. The case was to have been tried yester day In the district court , but an Indefinite continuance was agreed upon , and the proba bility Is that It will never sec the daylight again , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JtlCADV FOU DKCOltATION DAY. Illg Uliplnjr of rtowers at McPhcrson'i Oroenhtiuseii. ' Only three blocks east from motor turn on Pierce street. All kinds of choice bedding and house plants for sale cheap. Vases filled and planting done free of charge. We have employed Mr. G. S. Kenncy for special land' scape gardening ; 20 year * ' experience In large cities. A large line ot children's waists. METCALF BROS. The Patriotic Order Daughters ot Amer ica social Is to be given on Tuesday evening May 28 , over 101 Main street. A grand , lit' crary program , with strawberries , Ice cream and cake. All you can eat for 25 cents ad' mission. Children under 10 years of age , IE cents. _ Illlf Snlo of Coppi Cheer. Wheeler & Hereld's order book Is filled will : orders for Copps Cheer every day. F. J Bernard , Lovllla , la. , sending In his third or der In three days , says : "Am having great sales of Coppj Cheer. " Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway , It In doubt about this try U and be convinced , Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Y. Al. C. . \ . Secretary Harry Curtis of the Younf Men's Christian association has returned from a visit to Canaan , Pa. , his old home and other eastern points. While In Canaar ho gave an address In the leading church ol the town , At the close of the meeting thi Janitor accidentally broke a chandelier , let ting three oil lamps fall to the floor with i crash. The blazing oil soon set flro to th < building and a conflagration was prevcntei with difficulty. A Pennsylvania reception Is one of thi things talked of for the near future. Then are many natives of Pennsylvania In Coun ell Bluffs , and there Is but little doubt tha a reception would be liberally attended am result In awakening considerable Interest litho the association's welfare. A lot of new song books have been secured cured for use In the rooms. The old college lego songs , many of them with up-to-dati words , are found In them , and will hell while away many an evening. Friday evening. May 31 , there will be ai entertainment given at Hughes' hall fo the purpose of showing the public what cat b" done by the recently reorganized gym nnstum classes In the way of athletic work The classes have been hard at work and i creditable exhibition Is looked for. An ad mission fee ot 15 cents will bo charged , am the proceeds used In purchasing now ap paratus for the gymnasium. "Fate cannot harm me , I have dined today' ' on wholesome , sweet food , prepared with Di Price's Daklng Pofrder. \Vhoro Are the Ltniltn ? Andy McFarland and Ed James , two stocl herders , were arrested yesterday on th charge of violating the city ordinance pro hlbltlng the herding of cattle cast of Twenty sixth street and north ot Fifth avenue. I now looks as though there was no law what ever regulating this mattjr. There used t be a law ot some kind , but no one about th city building seems to know what It wai and a decided cloud was cast over Its valldlt by a recent action of the city council. At al events , Judge McGee , after hearing the evl dence yesterday morning , and In spite of th fact that it was clearly shown that the tw boys had herded their cattle at the corner c Sixteenth avenue and Thirteenth strcel Inside the district In which herding was snr. posed to be proscribed , discharged both th defendants. Unless a new ordinance is passe this settles for good the matter about whlc there have been so many complaints of late and settles It In favor ot the herders. lllB Jincn Muottiie. Spring meeting of the Union Park Racln association commences May 22 , and con Unties ten days. Five good races dallj commencing at 2 p. m. One and a thlr fare on all railways for round trip. l-'unce 1'onts. 20 car loads standard red cedar fence posti lOV&c each by the car load. A. Overton , Cour ell Bluffs , Iowa. Hurled Her former llnftlmml. Last August Lizzie Collins , also known s Sarah Elizabeth Franklin , got a dlvorc from her husband , John F. Franklin < Neolo. A short tlmo afterward her ex-hui band was walking along the street of h homo town , when ho was attacked wit heart disease and fell on the sidewalk , dcai For a time Mrs. Franklin's memories of ol times got the better of her antipathy ti ward her former spouse , and by her ord < the body was picked up and carried to IK home. An undertaker was summoned an the body was prepared for burial. Bi after the funeral she refused to pay tr expenses , and the undertaker , L. P. Johi son , commenced suit In the superior cour This suit was on trial yesterday and Judgment was given In Johnson's- favor fi the sum of $135. _ A large line of children's waists. METCALF BROS. lllcycllnnne Injured. Miss Clara Wyckoff , daughter of Prof. < L. Wyckoft of the Iowa School for the Dea fell from her bicycle In the vicinity i Hanscom park In Omaha In such a way i to break her ankle. Miss Bessie Noyes wi riding with her at the tlmo ot the acclden Children's waists from 15c to $1.00. METCALF BROS. Superintendent Sawyer Ito-Klectod. The school board h'eld a brief session la evening. The most important thing on tl program was the election ot a superlntenden Prof. II. W. Sawyer was unanimously chosi to be his own. successor. It was reported that some young vanda had been committing depredations at tl Woodbury school , breaking Into outhous and doings things equally nice. A detect ! ' was ordered employed to run down the o fenders and have them punished. Tuesday evening , June 4 , the board w ! hold another meeting for the purpose of vo Ing diplomas to the members of the gradua Ing class. _ _ _ Young Allicreanm Arrested. H. R. Jones , who keeps a store on Broa way , near Bryant street , reported to the p lice last evening that a crowd ot boys ai half-grown men were camping out In fro of the store and making Insulting remar to ladles as they passed. A police ofllc was sent to the place. The crowd was cot posed of half a dozen young fellows , w , broke and ran In all directions at the slg of a blue coat. Only two were caught. Th were lodged behind the bars of the city Ja They gave their names as Will Bebblngti and Dave O'Donnell. The rest of the gai may be picked up today. Program for Coilet Day. The High School Cadets have arranged program for "Cadet Day , " which will to place Monday , June 10. The order of ever are as follows : 1 , company drill , High Sche Cadets ; 2 , 100-yard dash ; 3 , halt mile blcy < race ; 4 , one mile run ; B , running bro jump ; 6 , base ball throw ; 7 , tbre-lcgged rat 8 , running high lump ; 9 , two-m bicycle race ; 10. shot put ; 11 , running h ( step and Jump ; 12 , ono mile walk ; 13 , ha mile pony race ; 14 , individual competltl drill. Prizes will be given In the dlffere races. \Vlllinv HtCl Here. C. J. Willow , ex-president of the Wlza Telephone company , is still In the city Ja A letter from the Kansas City authorltl received by the local police yesterday mor Ing conveyed the Information that requl tlon papers were being obtained , and as sc as they arrive be will be taken back to M sourl. Sloro nail Myniter. Mr. John C. More ot San Francisco , Ct and Miss Marie A , Mynster , daughter ot t y well known attorney , W. A. Mynster ot tl e city , were married last evening at the I n tberan parsonage , Rer. Q. W. Bnyder. o e elating. „ cAVSKtt iii&n IHOOJILE \Vhy the Homestead I'ublliiiinfr Company Could Not AKTfSvt DE8 MOINES , May 27-MBpoclal Tele gram. ) Henry Wallace petitioned the dis trict court to appoint a rcc v r to conduct the affairs and differences of the Plerce- Wallace convpany , which owns 118 shares of stock In the Homestead Publishing com pany. Evidence was taken-ami Henry Wal lace placed on the stand thin morning In Judge Stevenson's court. 'Mils testimony was largely of a historical , nature , lie tes tified to the organization of , the Plerce- Wallace company and Its resources and lia bilities and told of the flrM difference that arose. It was relative- ito nn editorial claimed to have been Inserted without his knowledge criticizing Governor Jackson for appointing W. K. Hoardman , dairy com missioner. Pierce claimed that the paper was pledged to Dan Sheehan and Wallace used his Influence In favor of Honrdman. A dozen or so letters were Introduced as evidence to show thnt Wallace and Pierce could not agree. These letters are from Wallace to Pierce and Pierce to Wallace. Most of them passing through the hands of N , T. Ouersney , as the attorney , for Pierce. Wallace continued this afternoon and showed a difference between himself nnd Pierce regarding the Homestead policy as to railroads. It Is sold that Pierce wanted to be neutral , while his associate thought best to Fpeak right out In meetin' . The case will consume two or three days. Mother tiuK Her tiilil. SIOUX CITY , May L7.-Specal ( Tel-gram. ) The police arc looking for 8-year-old Mabel Dodlne , an Inmate of the Hoys' nnd Girls' ' home , a charitable Institution In the city , who Is supposed U ) have been kidnaped last night. The girl was taken from her mothet some months ago on the giound that the latter was an Improper person to have hei In charge , and placed In the home. The woman brought habeas corpus pi-ocuedings to recover possession of her child , but belnj ! defeated has watched the home almost con stantly for a number of duys. At 8 o'clock last evening Matron Waterlmry left the child playing In the yard for half an hour , during which time the little one disap peared. Mrs. Itcillno vanished from the city at the Fame time , and the police think they went together. Stipreinn t ourt UrcMonn. DBS MOINES , May 27.-Spectal ( Tele gram. ) The following opinions were filed Ir lie supreme court today : Fied Miller Brew- UK company , appellant , against Capital In- urance company , Polk district , reversed t. Merchant , assignee of L. Camlchael , P' ellant , against II. Solcman , Tama district , Ismlssed. E. C. Preston ng.ilnHt the City f Cedar Rapids , appellant. Linn district oversed. J. C. Leslie against H. S. Fre loh , appellant , Linn district , nlllrmcd. The mlependent School District of Mllfori igalnst Manford Ross et al , appellants lioone district , nlllrmcd. lle > iv.r Discount on Knlntrn. SIOUX City , Mny 27. ( Special Telegram. ; The assignee of the estate of the Unlor Loan nnd Trust company and D. T. Hedge : nlshed the sale of the properties today . 'he nominal value of the Hedges c tat < , vas $3,000,000 nnd of the loan and trus : oinpany $7,000.000. The former sold fo ; 130,000 and the latter for $7iib03. The claim : [ gainst them weru for fully the amount o he nominal value. A warehouse of the Sioux CUy Electrli lght company burned this morning. Tin ota Is $12,000 and the Insurance $ G,000. < ! nnir of Hey Forger * Located. WEUSTEH CITY , la. , May 27. ( Specla Telepram. ) A series of forgeries were dls : overed In this city to'ilay. U. G. Clarl has been paying for produce with checks which were cashed at local Btorcs. Tonlgh a boy presented a check for S1G at Uurlc ion's , which was so evidently a forger ; hat the boy was followed by an officer am .ho fact was developed that a ring of boy ind young men have been , In existent .some tlmo for the purposb of forging thes checks. The forgeries implicate sons o ionic of the best families In town. McMUlnn nnil Kuril * rrermrlni ; . DES MOINES , May 27.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Duncan McMillan arrived here to ilay and Is In active training for his motel here with Farmer Burns , tho- champion o ho world , Saturday nlBhX. McMillan 1 ; hamplon wrestler of Scotland- The even s for $500 a Bide. Hums Is at , home In lit ; [ lock , recovering from his contest wltl Strangler" Lewis and training for thl event. The match will be cUtch-as-catch can , best three In five falls , no holds barret McMillan has the' best of-lt In height an ivelght. Knocked Down by nil otflcor. DES MOINES , May" 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) Edward Williams , who gave hi occupation na a railroad trainman , nnd hi residence St. Louis , under sentence on th chain gang for throe days , upon convlctloi for carrying concealed -weapons. Durlm an angry controversy with Officer Gross Williams was dealt a stunning blow on th head that not only knocked him down , bu cut an ugly wound In the scalp. Art I.iuich Discharged. MALVERN , In. , May 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) In the preliminary trial of Ar Laugh , for breaking Into the Burlington de pot Monday , the evidence was Insufllclen to hold him nnd ho was discharged. Arrangements are being made with th assignee , J. M. Strahan , by which the bus Iness of the J. D. Paddock & Co. , will b continued with J. D. and C. II. Paddock I charge. Iteliglont AwnUenlnff lit Ottumwa. OTTUMWA , la. , May 27. ( Special Teh gram. ) Ottumwa Is witnessing the greates religious awakening In Its history. Evar gellsts Chapman and Bllhorn are holdln meetings In a big tent In the heart of th city , and 1,000 have been converted already 300 being converted yesterday. Dcupiiiidfiic-y Cannot Sillclilc. CEDAU RAPIDS , la. , May 27.-Speci ( Telegram. ) John Rodmensky , a liohemlni about CO years old , committed suicide tc night by shooting. He had been out c work for some tlmo und was despondent. For forty years Price's Cream Baking Pow dcr has remained the standard for purlt : strength and whocsomeness. | .ivvnun iroo/ SAL First Kvent ot the Kind Attracts Ciiutnn Attention at Itawllnn. RAWLINS , Wyo. , May 27.-Speclal Tclt gram. ) The first auction wool sale ev < held In the state took place nt the woi warehouse In this city this afternoon. , O. Edwards was auctioneer. Four hundrc and fifty thousand pounds were sold ut a average price 7i cents per pound. Aboi a dozen buyers were present , biding- times being very eplrlted. The wareliou : people contemplate making this a featui of their future wool sales. They have a reay. disposed of 2,000.000 pounds , there yet a half million to be delivered befoi the shearing season closes. Mr' . I.nml rd' Unity Not found. GREEN RIVER , Wyo. , May 27.-Spcclal ( Efforts to recover the body of Mrs. Mil Lombard , supposed to have been drownc In Green river , have been unsucceesft The river Is high and .tbcT current stron and although searchlng"p'arles have bet at work for a week. noUrtttib of the bed has been found , < > ' Devoloplnc n lonfjJUInr. HAM'S FORK , Wyo- . 'iay , 27.-Specla ( ; P. J. Quealy of Hock Sixains has tweni men employed developing j&ls coal pro pccts here. He Is workngjjbn ) a splcnd vein of coking coal , andus soon as h mine Is fully opened , will build a spi track to the Oregon Shdrt Line , a dlstam of six miles. , ' ' ' 'T I'raUcmun I'litulir dfu lied. CHEYENNE , Wyo. . MfW 27-Specl ( Telegram. ) This morning u. T. Holyoice , Cheyenne & Northern brokeman , w crushed under the cars ! iirobably fatal ! Holyoke's homo Is In ' Woodstock , ' N. Ho Is 28 years old , o i - , It Is used In hospitals , ' 'prescribed by t best physicians for a stimulant. Silver A Rye Whiskey. Two Grand Ituler * ot tha Clki. HARRISBURG , Pa. , May 27. Meade Detwller ot this city who was unanimous elected grand exalted ruler of the Elks the meeting of the Peace conference a grand lodge held at Buffalo last week , h replied to the Interview with E. B. Hay Washington , who claims to be grand e alted ruler , having been elected by the / lantlc faction. In which be said that t Buffalo meeting- was that of a faction In t death throes. Mr. Detwller said ; "How can a gra lodge that has ( be seal , 'charter , archlv rituals and reports and everything that et belonged to the Elks be called 'the explrl end of a party which became dlssatlsflec A very large uumhir of the lodges are r with Mr. Ha > . There are differences a very serious ones , but there Is abundt room , scope and power within the on Itself to heal them all and the legal i clslona already rendered clearly point tt FIBB AND POLICE MATTERS Several Houn Spent In Hearing and Uls- mtiilne Complaint * . The session of the Board ot Fire and Police con mlssloners last evening was characterized by four trials , In which three policemen and one fireman faced the tribunal. In two In stances It was officer against ofllcer. Every member of the board was present. The lobby was packed to the rolling with witnesses and spectators Interested In the fate of the men on trial. Testimony In the case against Officer Meals was taken. Several witnesses , Including the complainant , Sergeant King , and the defend ant , were examined. Officer Mitchell also entered a complaint against a fellow ofllcer. Ofllcer Drummey's case was called. He urswered the complaint of William Wlnans , the father of Ellas Wtnans , who charged htm with persecution of his son. Ofllcer Drummey presented a strong defense and re ferred to the ofllclal police records , to Justify his vigilance over young Wlnans. Frank Murray , the truckman suspended pending Investigation , was on the carpet charged with absence without permission. He pleaded guilty with explanation ot the circumstances and threw himself upon the mercies of the board. Reading of communications followed , In cluding a suggestion from Chief Redell to ctiulk and pitch the floors of several hose houses. Ho further recommended a uniform color of paint for the same. Referred to coirmlttoo. Leave of absence for ten days was granted Firemen Huffman , Hamshlre and Rtmr.e. Sergeant King of the police force was granted live days leave of absence. R. J. Grant and Roy Perry were appointed to positions In the fire department on trial. The application of Officer George Curry to ba appointed mounted policeman was placed on flic. A long communication from ex- Policeman Gustafson was made asking for a rehearing of his case. Referred to executive sefcclon. A request from ex-Fire Chief Galllgan to be appointed flre coroner to Investigate the cause of every flro and report In a manner similar to the system In large cities. Action was deferred until next week , upon recom mendation ot Commissioner Smith. A re quest for a flre alarm box at Twenty-fifth and Hamilton was placed on flic. Commissioner Brown submitted a water works "memorial" setting forth the urgent necessity of better water pressure and larger water mains to protect the city from flre. It was unanimously adopted and will be sent to the council. The sum of $500 was appropriated for Im provements at No. 1 engine house. Pat O'Hawes appeared before the board In behalf of Ed Leader's claim for twenty days' pay as stoker and he asked the com missioners to give It favorable consideration and avert a law suit. - In executive session the charges against Officer Drummey were dismissed. Truckman Murray was reinstated. It was decided not to take any action on ex-Police- man Gustafson's request for a new trial un til next Monday evening. Owing to the late ness of the hour disposition of the other cases was postponed one week. For the most toothsome pot pies and dump ings use Dr. Price's Uaklng Powder. AFFAIRS "AT SOUTH OMAHA. Grand Army .linn Dotullod to Address tha School Children Tomorrow. The committees of II. R. Livingston posl No. 282 and Samuel Dennis post No. 337 , Grand Army of the Republic , to aldrcfs the school children at the various schools Ir South Omaha tomorrow afternoon are : High School Commander J. G. Hayzlctl of post No. 337 ; Commander William Kellej Of post No. 282 ; Comrades T. F. Elliott , J. O Kabtrnan , M. Mabcrry. Lincoln School Comrades John Condon , A T. Blair , S. Cheslcy. West Side School Comrades W. Chadd Charles Truax. Fourth Ward School Comrades W. D Alexander. E. Welmer , Lyman , Fuller , Ar thur Bcldlng. Brown Park School Comrades J. C. Gra ham , Peter Cockrell , W. Llbby , J. W Snlvely. Missouri Avenue School Comrades H Harding , Dan Polslcy , James Anglic. East Albright School Comrades J. W Cress , E. L. Martin , Dr. J. J. Solomon , A N. Ward. West Albright School Comrades J. D Bennett , D. Condon , E. F. Bowen. St. Agnes' School Commander Kelley am' . Comradtjs J. W. Snlvely. FTJTTStter. Magic City Goaslp. ' Secretary of Agriculture Morton has ap. pointed James Murphy as tagger In this city Brown Park defeated the Mascotts In : close game of ball Sunday by a score of K to 9. The Woman's Christian Temperance unloi will meet at the residence of Mrs. E. Darllnf Friday afternoon. South Omaha defeated the Swift Winches ters In an Interesting game of ball Sunday The score was 20 to 7. E. C. Foote , formerly of this city , but nov traveling agent for the B. & M. railroad was a visitor in the city Sunday. The residence of Justice J. Levy was en tered by thieves Sunday night. A lot o silverware and clothing was stolen. The Stewart Giants defeated the East Sid Stars In a game of ball Sunday ufternooi at Sarpy Mills by a score of 26 to 13. Revs. Father Ncholas Ward and Fathe Albert of Louisville. Ky. , members of th Congregation of Passlonlsts , are conductlni a two weeks' mission at the St. Agne church. J. Levy and family entertained Mr. an Mrs. H. Cohen ot Logan , la ; Sol Englemai of Anita , la. ; A. Blosky of Creston , la. J. Englcman of Red Oak , la. , and the Mlsse Gross , Caplan , Wolfe , Lesser and Grcnbla of Omaha Sunday. One dose of Stearn'a Electric Paste Is deal to rats , roaches and other vermin ; 25c. Figures of Sucnr Import ! . PHILADELPHIA. May 27. The sugar Im ports at this port during the first five month ot this year show a slight decline as com pared'with the same period of 1894 , but I Is believed that the total Imports for 'h present year will be equal to the aggregat for any previous year. The total amount c sugars brought to this port since January 1 1895 , U 185,930 tons , as compared with 207 , 789 tons In the corresponding period of las year. The stock on hand amounts to 23,40 tons , as compared with 46,317 tons lst yeai The beet sugar Imports are nearly 20,00 bags behind last year , caused no doubt b the extra one-tenth of 1 per cent per poun duty Imposed on sugars from bounty-p.iyln countries. Large quantities of low grade re fined sugars have also been Imported , prlr clpally from Scotland , and have found ready sale. The London steamship lines ap other vessels trading with English perl have brought consignments of the forcig product on nearly every trip , and for th at nd Corn Starch Cracker * . as One and one-half pints flour , one-halt pint of corn starch , one-half teaspoonful salt , ono IXt - tablespoonful sugar , one tablespoonful lard , tbe one teaspoonful Royal Baking Powder , one- be halt pint milk. Sift together flour , corn bend starch , salt , sugar and powder ; rub In lard cold ; add milk , and mix Into imocth , flrm ndM dough. Flour the board a little , turn out M , dough , give few quick , vigorous kncadlnga er to complete smoothness. Het It under cloth ng ten minutes. Then roll It with rolling pin ir exceedingly thin , cut with round cutter , prick iot each cracker with fork , lay upon slightly nd greaied baking tin , wain ever with milk , .nt bake In hot oven seven or ejght minutes. ler When cold , store them for uie. total llreart Griddle Cnkei. tal One-half pound bread , one ylnt flour , one DOCTOR MORRELL MACKENZIE SAID CATARRH WAS THE AMERICAN NATIONAL DISEASE It Breaks the Health nnd Wenkona the Conatltutiiou What Is Said of It bj Eminent Specialists Striking Evidence Today that Proves the Superiority of the Oopolnnd & Shopnrd Syatom. On the occasion of his last visit to America the Into Sir Morrcll Mnckcnzle wns asked hta opinion of the climate of America nnd Its action on diseases of the throat nnd lungs. Ho replied : "In your American climate cntarrh Is unquestionably the cause of more deaths than any other dlRentte. At Ilrst It Is , as a rule , a little thlup , merely a cold In the head. Dut In a cllmntc like this one cold Is not entirely cured before another follows. A succession of colds conotltute chronic cntarrh. A stronR and healthy constitution will suffer only Inconvenience from cntarrh , but all othciR run a great risk of what mny follow. The health la broke p , the constitution weakened and , although the catarrh Itself may not be the actual cause of death , still , Indirectly , by so weakening the system that It Is un- nble resist the attack of another disease , It Is. " Cnrl Seller. M. D. , of Philadelphia , nn- other famous nose 'and throat specialist , cstlmntes thnt 80 per cent of the people of America are ntlllcted with catarrh. David Inglls , SI. D. , professor of mental and nervous diseases , Detroit Collece of Medicine , says : "It has seemed to me that the profession Is only beginning to wake up to the widespread relation of Intranasal disorders to functional disturbances of thu nervous system. I have had reason to at tribute to nasal trouble not only asthmatic couRhs , various gastric disturbances , but melancholia , cholera and epilepsy. " OPIN TO ALL. Invalids receive steady treatment under Drs. Copclnml and Shepnrd for the briefest period necessary to a lasting cure , without any tax or assessment beyond a little fee monthly , Including all medicines , all Inci dentals and all etcetrns to OFFICK AND MAIL. PATIENTS AUK13. Tilal treat ment Films to those applying In person. CONOUiUIN : < l UATAllIUI. An Old Tlmo Itrslilont of Omilia : Mullen a llrlcrstntrinmit tlmt Tollfi Much. Mr. Charles Kcsslcr , of the firm of Kess. ler & Thachcr , plumbers , 1707 Lenvenworth year these sugars show an aggregate of come Importance. o With Its forty years' record Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne Is first In the Hit. No sparkling wine In use Is Its superior. Simmer St. Louis Drlared by Voy. LEWES , Del. , May 27. The big American liner St. Louis , wMcli left Philadelphia on Saturday for her preliminary ocean voyage , but which was detained In the Delaware bay by the dense fog , passed out of the capes at 6-16 this morning. There Is still a heavy fog hanging over the bay , but It was necessary that the St. Louis should go to Bca In order that she may liavo at least three days' trial before proceeding to New York. It was the original Intention when the mammoth vessel left Philadelphia to anchor off Reedy Island Saturday night and then proceed on the trial trip eaily Sunday morning , so that she Is now a day behind schedule time. Wrecked us Him Started on Her Trip. SAN FRANCISCO , May 27. News was re ceived from Monterey last evening that the sloop Cyclone , which left here a short tlmo ago , bound on a voyage to Japan and event ually around the globe , was wrecked last Thursday at Point Sur , where the steamer Los Angeles was lost. Accounts are meager concerning the loss of the odd little craft , but It Is reported that she drifted ashore In a. dense fog that prevailed and went to pieces. She had aboard the captain , his wife , a cabin boy and three tailors , who are supposed to hove reached the Point Sur llghthouso In e safety. tcaipoonful brown sugar , one-half teaipoonful salt , ono and one-bait teaipoonfuU Royal Baking Powder , three-quarters pint milk , one egg. Put bread , frea from cruit , to tteep In warm water. When thoroughly looked , wring dry In a towel ; dilute with beaten egg and milk. Rift together flour , sugar , xalt , and ponder ; add to prepared bread , mix to gether Into a imooth batter. Bake on well heated griddle. Serve with sugar and cream , HJ-B Griddle Cukei. One pint rye flour , one-halt pint Graham flour , one-half pint flour , ona tabluipoonfu ! til gar. one-half teaiponful Halt , two teaspoonfuls - fuls Royal Baklnfl Powder , one egg and one pint milk. 81ft together rye Hour , Graham flour , sugar , salt , tnd baking powder , add beaten egg and milk , mix Into imooth bat ter. Cake deep brovrn color on tot grlddlt. street , has lived In Omaha for 25 years. Kcsslcr says ! Mr. Charles Kc sler , 1707 L'avenworth St. "Two years and a hnlf ORO 1 took a cuur ( of treatment with Drs. Copelaml & Shepard for cntarrhnl disease. The malady wai plow In I's development nnd I suffered sev eral years before I woke up to the fact thai It was a serious matter. "Tho usual head symptoms were present lirltntlon of the nose with sere and ran throat , requtilni ! constant effort to cloni these parts. My nose was nearly closed , making natural breathing IniiHisslblc. A dryness nnd parching of the mouth and throat was constant , especially at night , preventing sleep and rest. As might bi expected my whole system seemed tired oul nnd depressed and many symptoms told m that I was tainted all through with th < disease. "After being In this state for about a yeat I began to lose my hearing nnd experienced n ringing sound In the enrs. The dcnfnes : became serious enough to Interfere with my business until I placed myself under treatment. The results were all that I could desire , being In fuel a substantial cure of my whole cnse. After a Inpso of nearly three years since undergoing treat- mtnt my condition wan ants the , statement that I am cured to stay cured. I cannot do less than to direct nil needing the scr. vices of specialists to Urs. Copeland and Shepnrd. " DRS , COPELAND & SIIEPARD nOOMS 311 AND 312 NEW YOUK LIFQ I'UILDINQ. OMAHA , NEU. omce Houm-9 to 11 a. m. : 2 to 5 p , m. COUNCIL BLUFFS. STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyelne nnd Cleaning done In the highest style of the art. Faded and stained fabrics mada to look as good ai new. Work promptly done and delivered In all parts of the country. Bend tor price list. ( O. A. MACIIAlf. Broadway , near North * wtttcrn Depot , Council Ulutf * . Iowa. Tel. 322. HOSE , HOSR , HOSE ! We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all other dealers combined carry. Our prices are fully 25 per cent less than they can sell you for. Come and see and be convinced. We will sell you a good hose for 6 c per foot. COUNCIL BLDFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO , Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block. Davis DP Paint and Class Exclusive sellers in Council Bluffs for the justly celebrated Hoath& Mi// ! gnn Mfg. Co.'s * BE3T" PAEPABED PAINT , THIS STANDARD PAINT OF AMERICA , put up in 04 handsome shades and guaranteed to look bettor , wear longer and cover moro surface than any other paint. This paint received the HIGHEST AWARD at the World's fair Our motto : A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or send for color card. Wholesale and retail. 200 BBOADWA.Y id Is a AT OTHING can be substituted for the ROYAL " ft IM BAKING POWDER and give as good re sults. No other leavening agent will make such light , sweet , delicious , wholesome food. , y &w * , * * i3z tt3tt:3& ttZ3& AMUBE1M HINTS. Decoration Day. PAUL MIND ALEXANDER JOHNSTONE READER , AND THE Fort Omaha Band , "CUPIDENE" Cures the irccts ot eelf-abuse , excesses , emissions , Impotcncy. vnrlcocelo and consti 1 pation. One dollar a box , six for K. For rale by THE GOODMAN - MAN DRUG CO. . and KU1IN & CO. OEO. P. BANFOnD , JL W. 1UEKMAN. President. . CashKr. Firs ! Naliona of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , - - $100,00(1 ( Profits , > 12,000 On * of the oldtit bank * In th * § l U of low * . W * ollclt your budncu tnd collection * . W < pay I per cent on tlm * depoilU.V Hill M to Mid nr rou. Special Hotices-Gouncil CHIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULTS CLUANED. Eil liurke , at W. 8. llonur'n , MS Droudwuy. FIWIT KAHSI AND OAIlDnN LAND FOrt ale cheap nnd on easy term > . Day & lieu , 19 I'tnrl utreft. FAHM LANDS TO BXCHANQR I'OIl CITY pruptrty. O. It. Nlcholun , U9Vi 13rco ( > y , FOIl BALE. A NO. 4 11BMINC1TON TVPE- writer ; m trow ) as new. Hanclwlcli Manufacture Ing Co. , 10S8 and 1030 B. Muln tro t. _ FOU HALU. coLiiuuiiir riiAirroNr aooD condition ; ISO cn h. H. J , Adam * , Ml I'erln avenue , city. ROOMU TO IlENT , ENUU1T1SOU ( Ingle. 710 i'lrtt avcnu * .