Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1895, Image 9

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Bargains on title First Floor
On ealo thin week in our Silk Dent.
The sales this wcok should bo i honrnionul If the
vnluos and prices can make It BO.
Ilcd Hock Prices on Colored Silks
I'rlnted India Bilks , on dark grounds. In small ,
n < > nt effects , only
Natural I'ongeu Hilks , printed In small ( Inures ,
different colors , for
rlaln Natural ronsee. only IS Inches wide yet
two > ears ngo we sold It nt Sflc ynrd. now
All Hllk Crepes , we've got too nmny of ( him.
In cream ami light shades
Japanese Wash Silks , ( lie largrtit assortment In > ' " " / -
this * * ' '
western country , at - -
Natural I'OIIRCO Hllks , some h"Uses ask 40c a O < 1/-
yard for this 20-Inch wld'h ; our price * * J1 >
Changeable Hllks for cai * nnd jacket ! lnlne , Q it f
good wearing silk , only * * - *
. ' 21-Inch width solid Color India Hllks , In all
' shades , launders nicely , only
Bwlss Tnff"tas , In clierkH and stripes , all new
cnlora nml effects , only
1'Ilsie CrciKins , Dresden designs , In printed Cre-
pens , former prlco 7 > c. now they are
Cheney llios ' prlntnl India Hllks. IRflj designs ,
, „ ! ! l InclicR wide , line quality
' " Khadow Tnffcta Hllks for waists , newest things
out In silks , only
Changeable Taffeta Hllka for skirls , lots of
rustle to them
Bargain Illossoms in lllack Silks * ,
Black Ilubutal Hllk , line quality , 21 Inches wlile. . * ? / } / " "
imiiked down to t > > C/
JMii'-U llubiiiul fc'llk , line ijunllly , 27 Incites wide. , / } < lf-\
mntked down to ' -rj\ >
HHdt Ilnliutnl Hllk. fine quality 30 Inches wide ,
.iimiUod down to Ilabutal Silk , line quality , V Inches wide ,
ir.nrUrd iloirn to
< < You can't lieat tlmse prices on genuine Illack
" Jnpime Hlks : In New Vntk.
lilnck Inilla Twill Kllk , SO Inches wide , renlly
win Hi 11.23 , foi.
Ulnrk Gro.s ( train , fiillle , Atmuro nnd Kntln
> Liuclusxe , 8'c qlllilltips for
Illoch Itroradcd Siillns , absolutely all silks , new ( j > OC
IJIack Siillna with colored llgures , regular JI.OO
goods , to clo u nt.
V'f can nvo you money on nit qualities of
niack Hllks.
Cream nnd White Silk * for ( IratluntliiK Dresses
Ocnulne Japanese Wash Hllk. In cream , 20 Inches
wide , cheap nt 33c , our price
A bettor quality Wash Hllk , In crenm , 21 Inches
wide , chenp lit 43c , our price
Swivel Wash Hllk. 20 Inches wide , cream or
m."V"- colois , serviceable gouds , for
' ' - Ilnx'inlcil India Hllks , In cream , regular 'to
goods for only
Ynid'Wldo Cream Japanese Wash , worth
Cream ( Jros do Ixindies , the new weave In silks,1
Cheney Dros. ' line quality cream India Silk for. .
Cream llengallne , extra heavy quality , actual
value (1.00 , for
Plain Cream Taffeta Hllk , 21 Indies wide , for
Cream Ilrocnded Hatlns , handsome new designs ,
' ' Cream all silk Armurc , rich nnd lustrous , for. . . .
Cream Kiilllo Hllk , nisi class silk for wear , It
I * nt
Cream Ilrocaded I'enu do SMe , Kum.'tblnK new. . .
1 Impelnicable India Hllk , 43 Inched wide , In cream
All the leading fabrics ( or summer
wear now In tlic most complete assort
ment ever shown In this city , The bar
gains are unrivalled ( or Monday.
Monday 35 pieces of plain colored
Swisses , In buff , pink , heliotrope and light
blue , ortli 35c , po on special sale at ex
actly 19c per yard.
Parre dltnlty , 30 Inches wide , entirely
now , big range o ( very cholcs styles and
colors , only lOc per yard.
Jaconet ducheae lawns cost but lOc
New spring jaconet 30-Inch cloth arc
only 25c.
Finest washable challls made ( im
parted ) , 25c.
Princess duck , all new and any con
ceivable print or color , worth ISc , only
GoK suiting ( Imported ) , very nobby ,
Ilcautlful effects In printed dimity at
12 > Xc. ,
Jaconet pllss' , 30 Inches wide , ex
quisite colorings , entirely new and colors
guaranteed , 18c yard.
Printed Swisses" ( Imported ) , 30 Inches
wide , 25c.
Printed Swiss muslins , worth 20c yard ,
at lOc.
White Swisses , with colored dots , very
neat , only 25c.
Parlslenne do Lolne , printed on light
grounds , a most excellent fabric ( or va
rious uses , lOe yard.
Nobby effects In small trl-colored
sateen , IHc yard.
Dark ground sateen , with neat colored
figures , worth 20c a yard , big assort
ment , only lOc.
Finest quality Ftencn printed sateen
New things In negligee suiting , ( ancy
colored btrlpes , 15o yard.
Choicest stripes and checks In fine
zephyr gingham , lOc yard.
Plain Manchester chambray , In all
shades , lOc nnd 15c yard.
Amoskeag checked ginghams , any size
and color , Be yard.
1 yard wlds printed delaine , worth 15c ,
at lOc yard.
No house In America carries a better
selection of calicos than we do , and all
are Just at the agent's prices per case lot
any color , style or kind , all Oc per yard.
1 lot ladles' kid gloves 75c , worth $1.25.
Ladles' silk mitts ISc , worth .25c.
] lot of line real kid gloves 3Kc , worth
100 ladles' ( ast blacfc seamless hose
12V4c , worth 20c.
1 oas ? of ladles' tan hose 25c , worth 50c.
100 dozen boys' waists 25c , worth BOc.
COc men's straw hats In white , black
and mixed , 25c.
BOc boys' straw hats In white , brown
and mixed , " 5c.
25c children's straw hats lOc.
$2.00 men's fine derbys , ( cdoras and
soft hats , $1.00.
Special Imgt'us ' In trunkt and travelIng -
Ing bags.
For Monday will bo the biggest bar
gains of the season.
Good quality black satten , Cc.
Good quality 36-Inch percales , EC.
Gocil quality light clinlln , Be.
Good quality duck suitings. Be.
Good quality Javanese cloLli , Be.
Good quality 40-Inch lawns , Be.
Gocxl quality 36-Inch bleached cam
bric. Be.
Good quality light shirting. Be.
A lot of remnants of calico , etc. , 3',4c.
Shaker flannel. Be , So and lOc.
Summer skirt patterns , 25c each.
A lot o ( remnants of colored mull , In
three-yard lengths , ( or 25c ; the rem
nant Is worth 7Bc.
BUO ladles' shirt waist t-cts , gold , silver
and pearl and enameled ; choice , 25c ;
worth "Be.
Hand engraved belt buckles , 25c ;
worth BOc.
Solid gold set rings. G9c : worth $1.80.
Solid gold band rings , U5c ; worth $2.00.
liablcR' solid gold band rings , 13c ;
worth 35c.
Gold nl'cd band rings , chased and plain ,
25c ; worth 76c.
Sterling silver marqulso rings , fur-
quolse set , 25c ; worth 7 < "c.
Ladles' and gents' gold stiffened huntIng -
Ing case , stem wind and set , American
watches , $1 95 ; worth double.
Gents' eolld coin silver stem wind and
set watches , $2.98 ; worth $8.00.
Gents' 1C size hunting case gold filled
watch , warranted to wear 20 years , with
the celebrated Ilockford railway move
ment , adjusted to heat , cold and position ,
$19.50 ; worth $38.50.
All the latest Improved American and
Swiss watches at less than half jewelers'
prices. Get our prices and be convinced.
Hogers 12-d t knives or forks , $1.23
per set.
Extra quality sterling plated knives or
( orks , 75c per set.
First class nickel alarm clocks , 5Sc.
Elegant bronze , gold or silver metal
alarm clocks , suitable ( or parlor or bed
room , $1.98 ; worth $4.00.
Get your eyes tested free ; eye glasses
and spectacles , 15c up.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced
Special sale on Monday the largest ,
the best nnd the cheapest line In the city.
No. 1 , a beautiful woven hammock ,
dark red , suitable ( or children and babies ,
regular pries 75c. our special price 43c.
No. 2 , ( ull size , ( ancy woven , with
spreader , regular $1.00 , special 70c.
No. 3 , full size , fancy woven , with pil
low , regular $1.60 , special $1.00.
No. 4 , extra size , fancy woven , with
pillow and deep fringe , regular $2.50 , spe
cial $1.57.
No. P , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , plain , regular $2.00 , special $1.18.
No. O. "Ours Only , " very hca\y
woven , plain , regular $2.23 , special $1.48.
No. M. "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , .plain , regular $2.75 , special $1.78.
No. L , "Ours Only , " very heavy
w vcn , fancy colors , ( ringed , regular
$3tO : , special $2.55.
No. Y , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , ) ( ancy colors , ( ringed , large , reg
ular $4,25. special $3.25.
No , X , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , fancy colors , fringed , very large ,
regular $5.50 , special $3.50.
No. W , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , fancy colors , the largest made ,
regular $7.00 , special $5.35.
All hammocks numbered with letters
are of the same make. They arc the lat
est Improvement In hammocks and arc
guaranteed to outwear any hammock In
the country. Try one If It does not suit
you send It back.
00 "dozen ladles' jersey rlbbsd vests 4c
worth lOc.
1 case ladles' Jersey ribbed vests , rib
bon on neck , 9c each.
1 lot of ladles' fine ribbed vests 19c ,
worth 40c.
1 case of ladles' knee length Jersey
rlbbjd pants 39c , worth 75c.
109 dozen men's negligee shirts , laun
dered ' and unlaundered , 60c , worth 75c
and $ r,00.
1 lot' of men's heavy all wool sweaters
In all colors , worth $2.50 , reduced to $1.50 ,
1 lot of suspenders , worth 50c nnd 75c ,
roducsd to 25c.
100 dozen mart's Imported sox , tans and
blacks , 12' , c per pair.
100 dozen summer corsets 39c , worth
50 dozen corsets , perfect fitting , 50c ,
worth $1.00.
On tale Monday , 1.000 doz. 200-yd. ma
chine .thread , warranted perect , money
refunded If not satisfactory , 2c per spool.
Think * of It two spools for less than the
price of one.
A complete line of the above at reduced
In this department you find bargains
that nro hard to duplicate.
Our extra heavy 72-Inch bleached at
$1.00 Is dirt cheap nnd will not last long.
Wo cannot duplicate this damask at $1.00
a yard.
We offer the best value In BO-lnch table
linen you will find In Omaha ; cither
bleached or unbleachcil or turkey red
Unbleached tablcn linen , 15c , 20c , 23c ,
35c yard.
Tno best of white bed spreads In this
state at 47c , B5c , C3c , 75c , S5c , $1.00 ,
$1.1B , $1.25 and $1.60 each.
All wo ask Is for you to look them
over and compare ; you cant' match them ,
much less beat them , for size , quality
or price.
New 6-1 nnd 8-4 tapestry table covers ,
beautiful patterns , at $1.95 and $2.95 each.
Towels are down , cheaper than ever ,
2c. Be , lOc. 12' c , 15c , 19o nnd 23c
Remnants o ( table linen.
White dotted Swiss , 12' c , IBc , ISc ,
25c , 35c , 40c and B5c a yard.
Striped and p'ald nainsook , 7'/4c yard.
Small checks at Be , 7'/4 , lOc and 124c
White and cream mulls at 15c , 17c , 19e ,
25c , 30c , 35c and BOc.
Whlto pique , 20c , 25c , 30c , 35c and
43c a yard.
Hemnants of white goods.
Ilest Tonic , per bet 20c
Hunyady Latos , per bet 20c'
Household Ammonia , per bet 8c
Thompson's Hygela Phosphate o (
Wild Cherry , $1.00 size , per bet 60c
Thompson's Hygela Phosphate of
Wild Cherry , 25c size , per bet 15c
H. & II. soap , per bar 15o
Poison fly paper , 3 sheets lOc
Tanglefoot fly paper , sticky , small
sheets , per box 23c
Tanglefoot fly paper , sticky , largo
sheets , pr box BOc
Hires' Improved Hoot Deer , per bot. 20c
Atlantic Hoot Deer , per bet Sc
Pure wines and liquors ( or medicinal
Strychnine ( gophers ) , pr bet 25c
Bed Hug poison ( corrosive subli
mate ) , per pt 25c
Packing camphor , per Hi IBc
Insect powder ( Persian ) , per Ib 39c
Powdered borax , per Ib 20c
Sulphur , per Ib Be
Copperas , per Ib Be
Dlst. ext. witch hazel , per gal 90c
Dift. ext. witch hazel , per pt 20c
Dlst. ext. witch hazel , per % pt. . . . 12c
Paris green , per Ib 40c
Prescriptions compounded at the low
est possible prices.
The styles of wool dial UK this season nro by far the
handsomest over shown and Hityden't ) dress goods
department nlwuyn shows the boat line for the low-
st prleo.
? i wool clmlllcs , In bentitlfnl sprays , tsrn
vines , etc X wsf- '
32-Inch Vi wool clmlllcs , excellent for 7Or
wear rtiul color J-J- >
32-Inch all wool clmlllcs , dark colors only JfjC
32-Inch sal In stripe clialllcs , In light nnil
dark colors , llnlcil grounds , etc
32-Inch Krench novelties , In .1 tone , -1 tone
nnil G rene , nil at once price
Newportellc Crepe.
38-Inch all wool , the choicest thing In . o
the market today , In pink , light blue , 4 < oC
rose , cream , canary , lavender , reseda. . .
Nun's Veiling.
40-Inch nil wool In all the light nnd nlry o _
CJlorr , c cam , pink , light bine , lavender , / Of *
- w v
40-Inch nil wool nun's veiling , flue quality
46-Inch nil wool nun's veiling , cream ,
pink , blue and cardinal
50-Inch wide , all the evening shades ( ex- rj tr
cept cream ) , pink , light blue , tan , navyOC
mordc , etc
Hold's , the only lansdowne made , all OQr
colors t/O- >
Black Dress Goods.
The only place In Omaha where you can get the best
46-Inch all wool henrlctta In America for BOc
46-Inch all wool lienrletta In America for H'Jc
40-Inch Imported , extra line quality ,
worth COc
46-Inch German henrlettn ; none liner
36-Inch wide , all wool , Just think , for one
40-Inch wide , all wool , extra weight , for
one day
46-Inch wide , all wool , the best storm rJf"Q
" * *
serge money can buy
46-inch wide , nil wool , the best French riftQ
serge money can buy
Trlestly's black silk warp lienrletta Ilio
I'rlcstly's black all wool novelties , $1.00
to $1.50
Prlestly's black figured granite cloth , In
fact , any nnd all of I'rlcstly'a blacks. . .
Anybody can sny shoddy elothinjj is good , anybody can ask high
Talk i " "prices for clothing and say they arc dirt cheap , anybjdy can advertise -
_ tiso an article ana bo all out of it when customers want to see it.
anybody can advertise one thins i"1 show another totallv different , but our imputation , that wo hell goot' , reliable
clothing cheailof than any house in Omaha , was not obtained by using suoh methods in our business. The state
ments wo make in the newspapers wo are prepared to back "up at our store.Vo claim to sell Men's Boys'and ,
Children's Clothing t lower prices thau anyone else in the business. Give us a chance to prove it and you will bo
Men's Suit Dep't.
Men's all wool Cheviot nnd
Cnslmu-io Hulls , In light nnd
dark similes. In frock or sack
style , thoroughly well made ; the
Kind that usually hells for not
lens than $7.50 , we offer tv-t
w < ok fi r
Men's blue nnd black all wool
Herge Hulls , guaran'ied fast enl.
ore. well made and lit well ,
only In sack s'yle , all sizes , 31
to 42 ; others \vlll ask you JW.OO
f , r tin- Fame tult we offer this
week for
The celebrated black , brown ami
gmy Clay Worsted nnd the b'.uo
nnil tilni'tc all wool Cheviot
Hulls , the most satisfactory
nulls In existence ; made ami
trimmed In absolutely faultless
Htyle nnd unequalled In Omaha
for less than J1S.M , we offer this
iswk foi
We offer an assortment of the
finest Hllk mixed Cnsslmere
fancy Cheviot Ku'.ts. thn nobbi
est rpi-lni ; and summer suits S9.50
Imaginable ; also some of the
finest Imported Trench Wor $12.50
steds , equal In quality , fit nnd and
HnlMi to the cults made to
srder by fashionable merchant $15.00
tailors for } 33 nnd $40 , at
Monday's Specials in the
Boys' Dep't.
Hoys' Long I'ant Suits , In
FplendM wearing cheviots , single * nr
nnd double'brensted , real IH.OO
suits , Monday for
Hoys' U > ng I'ant Hulls , slzts 13
to 19 yeais , nil wool cnsslmore.
cheviot and the line all wool
blue nnd black clay worsteds ;
very girlish perfect llttlng ,
the real ? S.CO nnd J10.00 suits.
Monday for
Chlldien'H 2-plece Suits , cut
double-brcnBted , not all wool ,
hut wolth $200 , nil sizes , 4 to flE *
14 , Monday for < > vv
Children's Junior Suits , ages 3 09 0 , " ,
to 7 , not cheap , shoddy goods. V-J.-1'
but first clafs. stylish all wo"ljilld
fruicy trlmnwl cheviot ? that . , „ r ,
actually sell for J4.50 and J.1.00 , Xft [
' '
Monday for
A Wotnlcrftil Knee Pants Snlc.
The largest nnd finest stock
ever shown by nny three clnth-
Ing stores In Omaha , nt prices
less than half.
Well made Knee I'ants at IBc S 23c
All wool Knee Pants , well made "JKr ;
Our COc nnd 72c Knee rants are
worth double
Wo sold more iiats.this - week
than all tho'millin ory stores put
together probably because wo
made the prices right. Wo are
so convinced of it that wo make
those prices
Dainty Lncc lint , fancy straw
nnd crown , trimmed with llowers ,
silk ribbons and ornaments , regular ( CO
price J5.00 . HJA.
The Yale nnil other natty Sailor Hats filf
In a variety of colors , go at . . |
Some more Sailor Hats , In all styles ,
too | at .
The stylish Tinhorn , regular prlco
$8.00 , defiantly trimmed with new
jetted chiffon lace and lephorn ull
Bilk ribbon nnd bunches of foliage ,
Monday .
Children's Hats , In fancy straws ,
nicely trimmed with llowers and silk
ribbon . / .
Children's Chiffon Hats.
Ladies' Summer Suits
IHVK nnPFKHS-On sale nmv , ladles' duck
recfeis. In nn\y dot ami j-trlpe , . tun dot and
Btrlpe , lipht blue stripe nnd check , white and
blue stripes , blacl. ami white stripes , nil In the
very best cut and finish , nt J1.43 nnd $ t. ! > S.
NolhlnR Ilko them nt the price lias ever been
shown In Omaha. Also n line of satin finish
twill duck suits nt J2.W ; really worth $5.00.
I'UIICAI.U 1JHKSSKS This Is n common
sense dress , made from the best quality pen-ale ,
trimmed with lace ; pilce Jl.Ki : colois. blue , p.nk ,
helloiiupe and black nnil while stripes.
we have n Imndsinne llouneed skirt with Jacket
wnlst , trimmed In white braid rilRlni ; ; colom ,
pink , blue and black nnd white Mrlpcs , mnue to
Bell ut $1.00 ; our price (2.43.
The Princess , nn ortcnndy lawn drefs. trimmed
with vnlenrcnnex lace nnd satin ; culcns. hello-
trope , blue , pink , light Rieen nnd black nnd
while llgnics ; this dress would cost } j for the
maklne ; our price , complete , | l.75.
tnlilo : This Is our new waist baiRaln tnble. It
Is overllowlnR with nobby nnd sensible wnlsts ,
worth from 7 , " > c to } 1 , nil ut ISo each.
In our hlRh priced waists we have all the very
latest up-to-date styles nnd most of them con.
lined to our house ; prices , "If , Sic , ! ) Sc , $1.19.
tl Wl.
SILK WAISTS There nro still n few left unsold -
sold nt J1.3D. but nt JS.C9 we nre shouUis nn cle-
Rant lineIn light colois nnd eoiue black nnd
dark shades.
C'HKIIIN HII.K WAISTS This line of crepon
silk waists are the very latest nnd ale rrirulur JIG
Kiiods ; colors , pink , pale blue , navy , black nnd
coin , to be clos-nl out nt J3.GH.
nre b-InR sold with u lUBli as our pilccs are cul
In two.
See our children's wash dicsses.
H i
I Bargains on Third Floor ams on Floor
HOW DO YOU SLEEP ? All your happiness and success de
pends on your sloop. Do you roll to the middle of the bed ? If so ,
your spring Is no oed , or your mattress is worn out. When you
o mslder the vast Importance of sleep and that sleep depends on a
.jood bed , why put up with the old worn out nnd uncomfortable
YOUR LIFE -pring and mattresses , when a now one can be bought so cheap. Wo
IS SPENT nso better ticking on our mattresses than any house in the business.
IN BED. Our mattresses are all brought to us NKW and FRESH every day.
Wo can make you any kind of mattress , any size , nny shape you
want. Mattresses made to order nnd old ones made over. This Is
mattress talk today but your health nnd with it everything else depends -
ponds on your bod.
KvcryliiliiK III the Furnlturu Line nt Itcduccil 1'rlcen. Get your Springs
nnd Miittrc en from in.
The best lace curtain
stretchers in the world
for2.00 , 81.75and
Best carpet sweepers you
ever saw in your life for Oil ll l
$2.50 , others at $2 , $1.60 , 4-H'VFV/
A full assortment of pure
at Dry Goods prices.
Sheet Music
We have gathered together In one
lot all the Music Folios In the
house that sold up to fl.50 nnd
make the price to close them
out at
It's a habit everybody Is getting Into of
expecting- find all the latest Sheet Music
here , and we have neVer disappointed them.
We make dry goods jirlces , too.
10,000 titles Standard Sheet Music
nt So
The month of May is waning
But our May Day Sale is not.
The most succosHful sale of pianos over known has been going on in our imisio rooms. It
would scorn that we've sola nearly all the pianos possible but of course wo haven't you haven't
been hero. You don't rcali/.o that you can got any piano in the store nt n cut price during this
sale , which closes the last of May. You never will again bo able to buy a piano for HO little
money. Wo are getting in now pianos every day and there are always at least twenty-five differ
ent makes to choose from.
tfd -d fl < ca "rf-n
I cllllS 111
. .
Sugar Cured , Ka. 1 I
BtiB'ir Cured llncnn 8'ic
Plcnlr Han-.s 7c
Ileof TOUKUC.S lUc
BaUTork 6 c
1'lcs' 1'ootnnd Tripe , Be
. .
Wisconsin Full Croam.-.7 ! c
Young America . . .7Jc !
llrlclc OhoeMj lOc , 12 ic
Swiss Chocso lOc , 12ic
Ncnfuehtol only 5c
Edam Cliccsu , . . . .81.00
. ,
3-pound cans nest lnrd..27c
5-pound cans Host Lard..43c
10-pound cans Host Lard.83c
; i pound can8Campound..20c
ft-pound can ) Compound..31 c
10-pound cans Compound.Otc
Ginger Snaps 7c !
Soda and Oyster , -tc
I.union Creams 3c
CracknolU , l.omon Wafers ,
Vanilla Wafers , Lady 1'ln-
Kors and Cocoanut I'lnzcr * . .
sold nH pvcr ( or 20c , pur I
pHeo only. . . ' . . ISc
Butter ! Butter ! Butter !
r Separator Creamery , 15c , 17c , 19c.
Remember , only 19c lor the finest but
ter made ,
Best grades of grass butler 7c , 90 , lie
and the finest country butter made
only 12j C at Hayden's. '
House Furnishing Goods-
A beautiful gold lined dinner set of 100
pieces , underglazed decorations , In Hiv-
Hand shapes , regularly sold at $16.00 to
$20.00 a set , tomorrow
It's Ice cream time again , makeIt your
self. We'll sell you a big 4-quart
freezer for J1.65 ; a splendid one , 3- $1
freezer quart size for , for $1.35 , ana a good 2-qnart
$5.00 decorated toilet sets $1.S9
A good wash tub ( or 25c
Washing machine , with galvanized
Iron shafts $2.93
Copper bottom wash boiler . . . . . . . . . 49c
A fireproof milk boiler for , . . . . . . . . ISc
A blue enamel teakettle for 73c
Dozen Mason's pint fruit Jars 70c
Dozen Maion'a quirt ( rult Jars SOc
Dozen Mason's 2-quart fruit jars , . . . SOc
A gallon milk crock for , Gc
Dozen tin top Jelly glasses 25c
A wood frame clothes wringer $1.60
A good clothes basket for 39c
Strong clothes line , only Gc
A first-class washboard tor Oc
A good lamp stove for lOc
A first-class oil stove for 39c
An elegant alcohol stove 25c
An oil stove teakettle 13c
$3.50 bronze metal vase lamp , com
plete 9Sc
Fancy lamp shade frames 20c
A set of white metal teaspoons for. . 13c
A set of tablespoons , white metal. . 2Cc
A set of 6 pieces Imitation cut glass
cream set. for 19c
Aregular $5.00 water set . . . . . . $ .
rjf Plum & Perry Co. , L'ncoln ' , Neb. , and
we'will ' sell their quart or 3 pound cans
Simler's Tomato Soup
Tomatoes , 3 Ib. cans . G',4c. Imported queen olives , quart 35c.
Cofn , 2 Ib. cans . Cc. These olives are worth 75c anywhere ,
Pnfnpkln , 3 Ib. cms . GVfcc.
Jelly , larse pall. 4. . 29c. .
Apricot's , 3 Ib. cans . , . 12'Ac. Japan tea , fine drink 2Sc.
Tublp peaches , 3 Ib. cans . 12 > 4c. DasUet-flred Japan tea 32c.
riu'ms , 3 tb. cans . 12V4c. Mikado blend , for Ice ten 33c.
Pears , Dartlelt , 3 Ib. c.tns . 12'/-c. Pure Ceylon tea 41 c.
Rolled oats. 5 Ibs. for . ICc. Oood Gunpowder tea , hand-rolled 25c.
hominy , 6 Ibs. for . 15c. Extra fine Gunpowder tea 38c.
tapioca , per Ib . Cc. English breakfast tea 2Sc.
COFPEK. Deal English breakfast tea 39c.
That 2Sc Japan tea U what you pay
grade Java and Mocha , 30c ; 3 ' 4 from 50c to COc for elsewhere. Come In
Ibs. for . : . $ 1 .00 and .
a get a sample.
Maraclaba. 27c ; 4 Ibs. for . 1.00'
Oolde-n mo , 2Sc ; 4V4 ! b . for . 1.00 DRIED FRUITS.
Ko.U Hlo eaffee. 22cj G Ibs. for . 1.00 Grapes , per IT ) 3c.
Mali coffee , a very fine drink . 1flc. Kalelna , very fine Gc.
Ilrok'n Java and Mocha . 12Vio. Halelns , 4-crown 7He.
Cracked Java and Mocha . 15c. Prunes , Cat. raisin cured "Vic.
All our hlgb grade roff es will go at al Prunes , French black Cc.
most half tb lr regular price Monday. Prunes , Turkish Gc.
1 'Ib. can Col. rher talmon . lOc. Apples evap. ring lOc.
Milk , condeliKHl , per can . lOe. Peaches , large lemon cling lOc ,
Parlor n.alehes. dozen boxei . 12V&C. Peaches , evaporated 8c.
6 rtf > llo , p r bar . fin. Peirs , evaporated lOc.
Linnilry taap , bar . 3c. Apricots , evaporated iflc.
3 Ib. bkra Imported Caeille icap , worth CurrantE , ctrnned , new 8c.
COp. on * ile , 25c. No. 1 | currjnti Gc ,
Sttrch , clakt'c ' and all Hindu per pkg 7c. niackfcrrlei , per Ib 7Uc.
Imported cho-A chow , quart. . , . . 15c. Large package cleaned currants , 3 Ibi.
Imp'r'ed ' mixed plckl e , quart . IGc. each , 25c.
Fishing Tackle
Guns and
Sporting Goods
Split Bamboo rods , reels , oil sink lines
minnow baits , bait buckets , in fact every
thing and anything in the fishing tackle ,
gun and base ball line. We are headquar
ters on and can save you at least 50 per
cent. A complete line of barb wire , poul
try wire , netting and screen wire cloth at
bargain prices.
Ileit wire eteel nalli , only
1 3-lOc per puunJ. Think t
II , only 1 5-1 Oc per pound for
wilt ted nulls.
40c iloar lock * ro at. . . , 7io !
? ( c mortl door locki , In
f t > only 19o
We mortlae door lock > , In
eeti only 25o
tl moitlBO duor locks , In
ett only 39o
lOc door bolti only > o
Brrrrn wire doora only. . Uo )
Knives nnil fork * , per
t ! 5c
Ilutter lioie , per foot. . 7c
mowers , nit Ut
klnila , fi-cni. . . ,13 up
It carpenter brnce only. . . Ko
II handli-d nxei only. . . . 4)o
licit loudi'd rhell > . Any
iilze nnd kind , per 1W ,
only 1.M
Drop shot , per pound. . . . Ko
dun coven coo
Cartrldgo lmg Wa
Cuilrldnq belli itto
Hunting coali Wo
Itevolvnri , each tl.W
Hubert rlllfi I'l.V )
DuublO'Wrrtl , brccli
IrailliiK ulialiiunii foi 15.90 up
Wlnc'liciter icpvatltiK
rlllrn. each , , . IO.M
Plih hi > kx , futir for . . . la
FUh lines , cach..Zc to $1