TIIE OMJMIA-DAILYJJEE : Kl > . i > A\ , MAY 20 , 1805. TIIE OMAIIA SUNDAY BER COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Deliver * ! by carrltr to any part of the city. H. W. TILTON , L ssc . TELHI'IIONES UuilntM office. No. 41 ; nlshl editor , No. 23. JJ/AOK JWKATJO. % . Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur nished. Reopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , Prop. The city council will hold n meeting tomor row evening. W , J. Brooks and Nora Lumbeek , both of Council Bluffs , were married yesterday by Jintlcc Walker. The Ministerial association will meet In the pastor's study of the First Presbyterian church on Tuesday at 1 30 p. in. , Instead of nt the regiilar time on Monday. The Ladles' society of the Second Presby terian church will give a strawberry fes tival Tuesday evinlng at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baker , 13C Graham avenue. Ed Bird , charged with being the ringleader of n gang of burglars that operated In and nround Oakland quite extensively , Is to have a trial In the district court tomorrow morn ing. There will he a special meeting of Unity guild at the residence of Mrs. Harris Mon day evening , May 27 , to conclude nrrange- mcrits for the cupper to ho given In the Grace church guild rooms next Tuopday evenIng - Ing , May 28. The members of Abe Lincoln post are re quested to meet nt their hall at 1 p. m. Wednesday , Mny 29. to attend the exercises at the Second Avenue school. Ily order of Commander A N Scrlbncr , P. C. Hugh W. Goss , adjutant. Lewis Ncclcy. the colored boy whoso father wanted him sent to the reform school , was released last evening by ordr of Judge Mc- Geo. His mother Is HI and his father has nboul decided that Lewis Is not so Incor rigible as ho had thought. Emma J. Carle , wife of Eugene Carle , died of typhoid pneumonia yesterday after noon at 1-lC o'clock , after an Illness of nine days , aged 35 yeirs. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence , 735 Washington avenue. Comrades of encampment No. 8 , Union Vet eran Legion , will assemble at their hall this evening at 7 o'clock sharp for the purpose of attending memorial services of the encamp ment at the Broadway Methodist church. A full attendance Is desired. By order C. II Warren , commander. W. II. Speia , adjutant. A new musical organization Is the Roeckcl Male quartet , composed of T P Treynor , first tenor ; W. S Rlgdon , second tenor ; C B Altchlson , first bias , nnd Harry Davis second bass. Their first appearance In puLUc was Thursday evening at the Trinity Methodist church , when they sang several selections ac ceptably. The members of Abe Lincoln post No. 29 , Grand Army of the Republic , are requested to meet nt their hall In the Everett block this evening at 7 30 sharp , to attend me morial service at the Presbyterian church. All old soldiers nro Invited By older of Post Commander A. N. Scrlbncr , P. C. Hugh W. GOSH , adjutant. Charles Bruce , Fred Earley and L. II Snpcll are three colored dandles who were ar rested yesterday morning while parading the streets In an Intoxicated condition. Earley and Sapell each earned a revolver , and they were slated with carrying concealed weapons In addition to the charge of drunkenness , which was preferred against Bruce. The third annual convention of the Young People's Society of Christian Endcivor of the Seventh Iowa district will bo held at Stuart , commencing May 31 , am ) continuing three days. The district comprises Pottawattamle. Harrison , Shelby , Audubon , Cass , Guthrlo nnd Adalr counties. There are flfty-elght socie ties In the district , and the membership cx- ceoJa 1,500. Mrs. Grace Hermes , wife ot Edward Hermes , aged CS years , died of paralysis at 1:30 p. m. yesterday at Thlrteepth av enue and Thirty-fifth street. The funeral will be held at the Catholic cemetery to morrow at 9 a. m. from St. Peter's church She leaves six children , Mrs. J. J. Dowoll E. H. and Frank Hermes , Nat and John rotter of this city , and Mrs. M. Barnes of Omaha. The Woman's Relief corps , In charge ol the floral decorations for Memorial day , will be- pleased to have any of the ladles In the city assist them In preparing the wreaths and bouquets on Wednesday morning anil afternoon. They also request every one In the city having any flowers to spare for Decoration day to notify them by a postal di rected to Mrs. Stella Talbott , 402 Broadway. The place ot meeting will bo announced later. Lloyd Forgravcs was fined $1C 40 some time ago for general worthlessness. but was allowed to go on condition that he > would rustle up the necessary money. Yesterday afternoon ho was found watching the races with all the enjoyment of an old-time race track expert , and his pockets were as barren of spondullx as though ho had Just paid the tnxcn on his mother's place Instead of hav ing them remitted by the city council , as has usually been done. He was picked up and lodged behind the bars ot the city Jail and will board out his time. Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Glen Falls Fire Insurance companies. These are among the largest and best companies In the world , nnd * ve are sole agents for Council Bluffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. 1hnl'i the Mat to r ? You are out of ihoes. Got fooled , did you ? That's bad. Next ttmo buy shoes of Maurath fe Co. , 633 Broadway. A large line ot children's waists. METCALF BROS. HA L 1'A K.I ( llt.l I'llS. Mrs. S. F. Robinson and daughter Florence are visiting In Denver , Colo. Mrs. R. P. Morris and sister have returned from visiting their sister In Nebraska. The Misses Nettle Bledsco and May Miller have returned from a visit with friends In Vllllsca. Miss May Miller and Miss Nettle Bledsoe have returned from Vllllsca , where they were visiting friends for a week. Rev. T. J. Mackay of Omaha and Hon. C. G. Saunders will deliver orations on Decora tion day at Walnut Hill cemetery. W. A. Smith , representing the McClurg Cracker company of Chicago , with his wife , Is visiting his mother , Mrs. W. B. Fryer , 267 Harrison street. I. M. Treynor returned yesterday from St. Louis , where ho attended the megtlng of the supreme council ot the Royal Arcanum. The committee on arrangements presented each member ot the supreme council a handsome gold badge as a souvenir of the occasion and each ot the ladles received a silver badge. KRAIiY TDK DKCOUAI10N DAY. IHff Dliplty of Flonrer * nt Jlol'lirreoa'a ( Irvcnlionim. Only three blocks cast from motor turn on Pierce street. All kinds of choice bedding and house plants for sale cheap. Vases filled and planting done free of charge. We have employed Mr. G. S. Kenney for special land scape garJenlng ; 20 yeara * experience In large cities. C. O. D. Brown has the only non-explosive gasoline stove ever manufactured , and It will burn from 35 to 40 per cent less gasoline than any other gasoline stove on the market. Mlft Wlcklmiu'i Tarty. Miss Genevleve Wlckham entertained a number ot her young friends at her homo on Seventh street last Friday evening. Dancing , I music and refreshments were the prlnclpa features. Those present were : Mls < ca Zos Hill , Edyth Thomas , May Walte , Madge Hollenbeck , Grace Jarvls , Gertie Davenport Clara Troutnun , Nellie Norton ; Mwsrs. In Kelley , Fred Murphy , Thad Edwards , Herber Pardey , Robert Wallace , Charlie McDonald Clifton Fields , Wllford Barnard and Fran ) Zurmuehlen. III If Knee Aleellnir. Spring meeting ot the Union Park Racing Risoclatlon commences May 22 , and con- i Inues ten days. Five good races dally. unmenclng t 2 p. m. One and a thlrt ire on all railways for round trip. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Davit , 6 ncy for Munyon's remedies. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS New O'aimant forForae of tfao Wizard Telephone - phone Gcmpany Asjtta. WILLOW HAD NOT PAiD FOR TOI Under the Nnmo of 1'errj Ho I'lnyed n Very Similar Kngncdnciit la llio Ono Started Here Made No Denial ot III * Identity. Ell Brown returned yesterday morning from Kansas City , accompanied by W. D. Green of the Gate City Electrical company , which claims to Imvc been confldenced out of $230 $ worth of telephones and other elec trical apparatus by C. J. Willow , the presi dent of the recently organized Wizard Tele phone company of tills city. Ono of the first tilings he did was to call at the city jail and sec Willow , who had occupied an upper room In the Jail ever since midnight. "How arc you , Perry ? " was Green's first question. Willow inndo no attempt to deny that his name was Perry. Ills Jaw dropped and he appeared completely floored. Ho replied that the surroundings had prevented him from sleeping very well. During tlio day Green , accompanied by Ell Drown and Ed Brown , visited the Wiz ard factory , on Fourth street , and looked o\er the stock. Mr. Green found nnd com pletely Identified all of thu stuff which his company had sold to Willow , alias Peny , duilng the month of March. It was all un paid for , nnd had been moved away from Kansas City stealthily. In the afternoon Mr. Green commenced replevin pioceedlngs In Justice Vlen's court and seized all of the stuff that had been unpaid for. While In Kansas City Willow paid the Gate City company for all of the material liu bought with the exception of that bought duilug March W. II. Ware drew up a typewiltten docu ment and had it Mpr.cil by nil of the cred itors of the Wlzaid company , by which they agreed that Green should bo allowed to Identify nnd take with him all the prop erty of thu company he represented. The way the document was worded was distaste ful to G. W. Hewitt , Willow's attorney , from the fact that by signing It he would In tffect admit that he. Willow , had stolen the goods. All that Willow would admit was that the property had belonged to and been purchased from the Gate City com pany , and that It was not paid for , but he would not admit that It was now the prop erty of any one but the Wizard company. Mr. Hewitt went through the paper and carefully marked out a word hero and two or three words there , and thus changed the meaning , after which he picsented It to Willow foi his signature. Green claims that Willow got the better of his company by making a false represen tation to the effect thnt the Perry company of which he was the chief promoter In Kansas City , had a bank account of $2,000. Instead of that It was only $200 , and that sum had been put In by C. L. Knight , the Kansis City policeman , who occupied the position of monled man of the firm , and who now occupies the same place with ic- spect to the Peny company as Ell Brown to the Wizard. When Interviewed In his cell Mr. Willow said that one of the first points upon which ho and Brown disagreed was the sale of the Wizard franchise to the Nebraska Telephone - phone company. The latter company , he said , had never had a franchise from the city , but was merely operating under a color of right , upon the franchise granted years ago to the Council Bluffs Tele phone company , which by the terms of the ordinance was not transferable. The Ne braska people were consequently anxious to buy the Wizard people out , but Brown was unwilling to sell. And there they split. Manager Atkins of the Nebraska Telephone - phone company admits that his company Is operating under the ordinance of the Coun cil Bluffs Telephone company , but says that the city records will plainly show that the assignment was ratified by the action of the council. He denies that his company ever had any thought of buying- the Wizard fran chise , or that any proposition looking to that end was ever made on either side. Brown Investigated the typewriter deal while In Kansas City and found that Willow answers the description of the man who tried to pawn It at a second-hand store here January 11 , Just three days after It vas stolen In Denver by a woman , to whom t had been given on three days' trial. This resemblance will undoubtedly give rise o a further Investigation by the ofllclals of the typewriter company. Yesterday E. A. Schulllan , a Broadway tailor , commenced action In Justice Vlen's court against J. E. DeLee , Willow's partner , 'or $22 , the price of a suit of clothes. Dee - > o says that Drown guaranteed the price of the suit , but ho does not expect to make Brown pay for it. Ho hasn't had the money to settle Hi ? bill , but asserts that ho would lave paid It In time without a lawsuit hat1 not 'Brown stirred Schulllau up to begin proceedings. The case ended tonight as far as Willow s concerned. Willow resigns his position as ircsldcnt of the company and releases nl' ils Interests to Ell Brown , who will pay oft all attachments , and put the company on Its feet. Whether the company will continue operations yet remains to bo seen. UKNNION nllOS. Great Unrgnln D r Monday. 600 pairs children's muslin drawers , good material , worked button holes , with cluster of tucks , sizes , 2 to 8 years , Monday , 9c pair. Ladles' muslin drawers , A No. 1 material , with Buffel edge , Monday. I'Jcr pair. Boys' Indigo blue shirt waists , age , 4 to 13 years , 20c each. Children's parasols , Monday , 15c each. Monday we'll sill ladles' white China silk parasols at $1.29 each. ANOTHER BIO IUBBON SALE. 1,000 yards Nos. 4 and 5 , all silk ribbons , all colors , Monday , 2o yard. 200 pieces , all silk ribbons , Nos. 7. 9 , 12 , 16 , all colors , Monday , 7Hc yard ; worth 16c to 30c. SPECIAL CLOAK SALE. Monday every ladles' and misses' Jackets In our store , that < \vas formerly $3.50 to $10 , choice entire lot , $1.98 each. Ladies' calico wrappers , made of the best American prints , 49o each. CARPETS , CURTAINS , RUGS. Still selling linen warp , 4Cc matting , at 29c yard. Good Jap matting at 15c and 20c yard. Real Drussells net lace curtains , $4.98 pair. BENNISON BROS. . Council Bluffs. Morn Ulinitly Itnllcl. Samuel Walter , , a wood cutter , who lives at 397 Lincoln avenue , ran across a ghastly collection of relics yesterday forenoon while chopping wood near Big Lake , at a place not far distant from where a few days ago five bodies of persons supposed to have been dissected at the Council Bluffs Medical college were found. There were two arms , two hands and two feet lying around In careless attitudes , but the rest of the In dividual was missing. Walter took his find to Dr. Macrae , thinking that , as the head ot the department of dissection of the col lege , he might bo Interested , but ho was mistaken. He then went to the coroner. Dr. Jennings , who advised him to go and bury the articles at his own expense. Ln < llr ' Colored Sliori anil Oxfordr. Have you looked at the now lot of colored shoes and oxfords the largest and nobbiest line to select from ? Maurath & Co. , 633 Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scientific optician at Wollman'a , 406 Broad way. way.A A large line ot jctilldren'i walsti. METCALF BROS. New Mi\nufacturlnc Compuny. The J , D. Warren Manufacturing company Is the name of a new organization which has Just taken root In Council Bluffs. Ar ticles ot Incorporation were filed with the county recorder yesterday , the directors being J. D. Warren. A. JD. Walte , C. R. Hannan and George F , Wright. Besides the main omce , which Is to bo In this city , branch offices nro contemplated In Burlington , la , Chicago , St. Louis and New York. The oh * Jcct of the company la the manufacture of furniture , hardware and office and store fix tures , and to carry on a wholesale and retail business In these lines. The capital stock Is $50,000 , and may bo Increased to $100,000. AT MANAMA. Manhattan lienoh Uill lie a ( Ircnt Ileiort till * So mill. Age sits lightly on Lake Manawa , and like a handosme girl , It grows In beauty and at tractiveness with each year's development. The bulk of the Improvements have been made at Manhattan beach , and what was al ways delightful will be this season beautiful. Many thousand dollars have been spent In permanent Improvements , and the whole face ot the beach changed. Trees and grass have changed Its sands Into a park. The high banks ot sand have been cut away and the bithlng beach extended for half a mile along the water front. The central feature Is the big new chute , which has taken the place ot Uio old toboggan slides. It starts from n tower that rises from the roof of the pavllllon to llio height of forty feet , and runs down on a sharp wavy Incline until It strikes the water more than 200 feet away The track for the toboggans will be a tight ehuto floored with oiled hard wood flooring , and over thU the toboggans will glide on four small wheels attached to each. Tno speed will be great enough to suit anybody , nnd there will bo none of the rattlc-tc-bang Jar of the old exciting way To "shoot the chute" will be the popular pastime to make boys again of old men. New boats to carry passengers will bo another feature , and there arc many others that will help to com plete the surprise when the crowds come Mnnawn will be In It this year , and If It Is not Hie most popular rebtrt In the west It will not be for lack of attractions. live oration UHJ I rugr in. The order of exercises for Decoration day , under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic , will be as follows. The following are appointed marshals Captain Maltby and Theodore Guitar , as signed to the first division , John Limit nnd C. S Hubbard , assigned to the second di vision. Marshals will report on the ground ns early as 1 30 p. in , and superintend the formation of the line. First division will include nil mounted and foot oiganlzntlons and will form with right on Pearl street , extending on Willow av enue to Sixth street , on Sixth street to Broadway. These organizations will report In front of the Grand hotel , or on Sixth street , at the postofllce , from where they will bo assigned to position In line. The second division will Include all the line In cairlagcs and will form with right on Sixth street , extending on Willow avenue to Seventh street , and Seventh street to Broadway These will arrive via Broadway and Seventh street. Line will be formed from right llrst division. Mounted police. Dalbey's band. Dodge Light Guauls. High School Cadets. , McFadden's Drum corps. Abe Lincoln post and all old soldiers and sailors who see fit to participate with them Other organizations will be assigned as they arrive upon the line , Including : Council muffs lodge No. 49 , I. O. O. F. Twin Brothers' encampment No. 10 , I. 0. O F. Canton Pottawattamlo No. CO , I. 0. 0. F. Park City lodge No 60C , I. O. 0 F. Junior Order of Ameilcan Mechanics. Modem Woodmen ofmerlca. . Veteian Flicmens association. Public schools of the city. Fidelity council , R. A. , No. ICG. Patriotic Order of Sons of America , No 12. Second Division President and speakers of the day , with other organizations as they arrive upon the line. Including. Choir of sixty public school scholars. Woman's Relief corps. Board of Education. Ministerial association. Mayor and city council. Christian Home children. After which citizens , with Council Bluffs fire company upon the left. The length of ho services at the cemetery will nccessl- : ate the formation of line to commence promptly at 1 30 p. m. and move at 2 o'clock. The route will be on Willow avenue to Main street. Main street to Broadway , Broadway to First street , First street to Washlngon avenue , Washington avenue to Oakland av enue , Oakland avenue to Falrvlevv ceme tery. W. F. BAKER , Chief Marshal. NliW \ItUVlNS At the Itoitoii Store. On Mondiy wo will place on sale 60 pieces red and blue checked glass toweling , war ranted all linen , at 5c a yard. These goods are well worth 8c a yard. 25 pieces of CO-lnch unbleached table linen , regular 45c goods , on sale at 29c a yard. 25 pieces Turkey red table damask , war ranted fast colors , would bo considered at 4Gc. on sale at 25c a yard. CO pieces of figured dimities , regular 19c quality , on sale at 12V4c a yard. 100 pieces fine dress ginghams at Cc a yard. yard.New line of ducks and piques at lOc and 12Ho a yard. CO pieces of Imported zephyr ginghams , In plain , checks and stripes , also heavy corded and lace stripes. Dent * fall to sec them. Wo show a complete assortment of Frencl dimities , organdies , printed madros and Eng lish crcpons In all qualities. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , 401-405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Go to Miiimmi Toilxy. Just to see how It looks and the great Im provements that have been and are being made to get ready for the opening. Trains will run every thirty minutes from 9 o'clock In the morning. Men , You nee3 russet shoes. See the nobby styles. We have them. Razor toe , needle square and Plcadllly. We can suit you It any style. Spec al sale Monday. Maurath & . Co. , 633 Broadway. Only 11 curd 1'roti'lt" . The city council met as a board of cquallza tlon last evening In the hope of being able to settle up the work of the year and adjourn sine die. But two of the members , Barptow and Spctman , were absent , and the first thin ) , done was to decide that no business shouh bo transacted outside of merely hearing pro tests that might be made against Uie raising of assessments , and talking matters over. A number of these protests were read , one fron the Grand Detour Plow company , In which I was claimed that the company was exemp from taxation here by the laws of the state the Council Bluffs establishment being merely a shipping point. In splto of this , however they offered to pay the taxes without n mur mtir providing the assessment was cut dowi to the same figure as those of other Instltu tlons ot a like nature. Lucius Wells sent word that at the nex meeting , which I' to be held Monday evening the Grand Hotel company would have It representatives present to protest against th assessment which has been levied agalns that Institution. Judge W. S , Lewis was present and asket the board to refund the taxed paid on thu property of Mrs. Wiley , an old soldiers widow , and thus prevent the sheriff from executing a tax deed to another party am throwing Mrs. Wiley out of her house am home. A committee consisting ot Aldermen Greenslileldy , Grahl and Spctman was ap pointed to Investigate the case. The tlrent 1'opulartty of Coppi Cheer. Dealers who have been furnishing the ! customers with the famous nonalcoholic beverages , Coppp Cheer and Herb Tonic manufactured exclusively by the O. R Wheeler Brewing company , are always anx lous to control the trade for their own town because the beverages outsell anything els In the line. Here's what D. H. Thompson S. Co. ot Malvern , la. , wrote In an order to more goods : "Your last shipment of Copp Cheer will not last longer than Saturday. I Is a big seller. If you will allow us to con trol the entire trade here on Copps Chee and Herb Tonlo wo will obligate ourselve to buy all of our drinks from you and wil push the trade. " Sold exclusively by Wheeler & Hereld , Council Bl'iffs , la. U. V. Memorial bervlcei. Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion will hold Memorial services at the Broadwa Methodist church this evening commencln at 8 o'clock. All old soldiers and the publl are most cordially Invited to attend. Th following Is the program of exercises : Music by choir ; opening ot encamptnen In regular order ; prayer by chaplain of en campment ; reading of general order from national headquarters ; music ; readln roll of honor and military record of deceased comraJos by Major iperny , adjutant oLthe encampment ; mtslc , "Nearer My GoT fi5Tlue-addrcss ; of est encampment commander , Colonel Pant- on ; address by Comrndu 'George Carson , "In lemory of the Women 'bt the Wnrj" music ; ration by Hon. C. MI > Hrl ; mutlc ; bcnc- Ictlon ; taps , -iJi The program for Deeordtlon day services o be held at Walnut 'HIH1 ' cemetery by the inlort Veteran Legion BH the afternoon of lecoratlon day , time AtM place of forma- Ion of line , route of'tnarch ' , cervices at ctrolcry , etc. , will be announced Monday. \\HfHiul llullxit l-oncrrl. A war song and ballai1 < concert will be Iven nt the Christian1" k'aticnncle Tuesday veiling , May 28 , by thq" Dudley Buck quar- et , assisted by Mrs. JuG Wadsworth , who vlll make her first public appearance In Council Bluffs since h r' recent term of tudy In New York City. The following Is he program : PART I. Quartet Hark , the Trumpet . . . .Buck Dudley Duck gunrtet. Solo Iluln on the Hoof . Claik Mrs. J O. Wndsworth. Qunrtet Tenting Tonight . . . .Klltrcdgc Dudley Huck Quartet. Solo The Minstrel Boy . Shelley 1. M. Truynor. Qunrtet Ben Holt . Kne.T-s Dudley Buck Quaitol. Solo Bonnie , Sweet Ili-'sie . .Gilbert Mrs. J. O Wndsworth. Quartet The Artillerist's Oath . Adam Dudley Huck Quartet. PART 11. Solo The Last HOSP of Summer. . . .Wnllnce Mrs. Wndsworth. Q inrtot Nelllo Wus n Lady . Fo ter Dudley Buck Quartet. Solo Murlo . Johns C. II. Ogden. Qunrtet Prnlpe of the Soldier . Bolcldlcu Dudley Buck tjunitct Solo nnd Quirlct Old Folks at Home. . . . . Foster Mrs. Wndsworth nnd Dudley Buck Quartet Quartet The Soldier's Farewell . Klnkcl Dudley Buck Quaitet. America . . . \\lirro I'fw * Are 1 ri > o. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day alnt ? , Huntlngton Hall , over 104 Broadway undjy school at 1 p. m ; services at 2 30 and 30 p. m. ; evening service will bo In the candlnavlan language. First Presbyterian , corner of Willow nvetiuc nJ Seventh street , Rev. Phclps , pastor 'reaching by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and p. m. ; Sabbath school at 12 m. Reorganized Church of Jesus Chrl't of Lat er Day Saints , on Pierce street , three doors vest of Glen avenue Prayer service at 9 30 . m ; Sunday school at 12 m. ; Z. R. L. so lely at 6 p m ; preaching nt 10 30 a. m. and 15 p. m. ; President W W. Blair will epcak n the evening. T. W Williams , pastor. St. John's English Lutheran church , James * all , 17 Pearl sticet , Rev. G. W. Snyder , pas or Services at 11 a. in. nnd 8 p in. ; Sunday chool at 9 4C a. m.j young people's meeting t 7 p. m. Services at the First Baptist church at Da > - 03 park , corner First avenue ami Sixth treet Sunday , May 26 , 10 30 a. in. , general ervlco and sermon , subject , "Christ's Inter- ogatory to Every Christian ; " 12 m. , Sunday chool ; 7 p m , B. Y P. U ; 8 p. m. , evening ervlce. V C. Roclio. B D. , pastor. Trinity Methodist Episcopal church Class meeting at 9 45 a. m ; preaching , 10 30 a. m nd 8 p. m. ; Sunday f chool , 12 m , Junior eague , 3 30 p. m. ; Epvvortli league , 7 p. m lev. Takeshi Ukal , a native Japanese and a ormer missionary to Hawaii , will occupy the itilplt both morning and evening. Conrad looker , pastor. Congregational church , Dr. John Askln > astor Morning subject , "What Will the larvest Be' " In the evening a popular lec- uro by Rev. .A. H. Byles , M. A , , of England , subject , "How to Make Pleasant Sunday Afternoons for the People " | Grace church , corner of Union nnd Pierce treets 8 n. m. , Holy Communion ; 10 30 a. in , , morning prayer ; 8 p. m. , evening prayer. St. Paul's church Morning prayer at 11 o'clock , followed by Sunday school. llullillii ) ; Contract * Let. J. C. & W. Woodward , architects , Everett jlock , have awarded contracts and furnished plans for the following buildings In this city : M. C. Huber , two-story store ; Mi. George S. Miller , residence ; C. Dacheller , residence ; Phil Wareham , residence ; Charles Glette , residence ; Hi J. Meyers , residence , A. M. Wollman , residence. These resi dences range In cost from$1E > 00 to $7,000 each. The Woodwards' have built many of the handsomest modern residences of the city. Their pinna are always complete and beautiful , and as the young men are very courteous and non-officious they are deserv edly popular with contractor and owner , They have many other fine residences on their boards. _ Cole & Cole have 400,000 brick for sale at very low prices by the thousand or by the kiln. Not being In the brick business wo are anxious to close out. Two Burglars were at work yesterday afternoon. Two men were seen loitering around the residence of R. E. Ingraham , 201 Willow avenue , between 3 and 4 o'clock , while Mr. Ingraham was In Omaha and lila wife at the cemetery. When they returnel they found that the panel In the back door had been broken out. Ono burglar had mounted guarO Just outsldo while has pal worked at the door Insltlo the summer kitchen , where he coulJ not be seen from the tret. Two revolvers , a lady's gold watch and chain , a pair of cameo earring' , a cameo locket ring , and a ring with a purple set were found missing. A purse containing $10 In cash was overlooked by the thieve ? . In spite of their leisurely work. The residence of Q. Grosvenor , 110 Sluts- man street , was also entered at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The family were all away anJ the doors were securely locked. The burglars used a pair of nippers on the key In the back door , turning It to that It could bo removed and then using a skeleton key o : their own. They went through the house and stole $5 from a purse , throwing the lat ter on the floor. The neighbors saw the thieves moving nround In the * house and peer ing out through the windows , but thought nothing of It until later In the day , when they heard of the burglary. Twenty-fun Thuuiitiut Altermnllllienis. This Is the best plant grown for the ceme tery , as It will stand th ? drouth. We have nlco large plants , and will sell them cheap No extra charge for planting. Also other plants and cut flowers suitable for D.'coratlon day , at reasonable prices , J. F. Wllcox , tele phone 99. _ When you buy one of Fnlr & Weber's cigars you are sure of a first-class article Try their celebrated Rose , the finest 6c cigar over made. Dr. Haven's drug store Is always fully sup piled with the best ot Medicines , cho'ces Perfumes , and a full line ot toilet articles. Ait Imane Nure. Rebecca Barton , an aged woman who has ben a county charge for several years past was brought before the commissioners of In sanity yesterday for an examination. She had been kept at St. Dernard's , , hospital for quite a while , but knowing that she would become unmanageable If she knew she waa kept as a patient the nurse allovyfd her to think tha she was nursing the other patients. Severn times she got tired of the /place / and walkec away. She would enter the house of a stranger , Introduce herself ; and proceed to take up her residence there , sometlnes re maining two or thre ? days. After consider able trouble the slstersn would Induce her to come back to the hcspldl. ' A few days ago she made up her mind she would leave for good , and the sisters determined to bring her before the commissioners. iThls was accord ingly done yesterday and she was orderec confined as a patient In St. Bernard's. We will make special prices for running service pipes for gas to ygur residences for the month ot June. Cil | at Gas office for Information. _ Hilled liny for Sale In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. In quire of Thomas Johnson , city welghmaster Looked for Trouble. The men at the motor car house were expecting a raid last evening and sent word to the police station asking for protection About 9 o'clock flvo tough looking char acters got off a motor coming from Omaha and went Inside the office , as the conductors were making their reports and turning In their day's collections. The visitors seemei to be sizing things up , and It flashed across the minds of the men that they were medl tatlng an attack about the time the strong box became full. At a late hour all was quiet and the expected raid bad not oc curred. Every man about the office was irovldcd with a revolver and the detcrmlnn- lon to use It In the way that would do he most good If occasion offered Itself , The police also kept a lookout for trouble. t was well known that the company's cat ers were unusually full , travel on the mo or line yesterday being heavier than on nny day since the races commenced. This act led the men to bo more careful than usual , and their suspicions wcro easily aroused , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'cck' * l > .Tllglit ( Irocery. Have you seen It yet ? Even a visit there vlll Improve your digestion and temper , Greatest bargains In grocery line now nro clean , pure , fresh goods , nnd P. V. Peck sell ! them to you In the daylight , and In a store as clean and bright as any kitchen In Council muffs , Children's waists from ICc. to $1.00. METCALr BROS. _ Mnminii Trulim lndiiy Will run every thirty minutes , commencing at 9 o'clock Ample arrangements to take cnro of the crowds. 20 car loads standard red cedar fence posts , OV4c each by the car load , A. Ovcrton , Coun cil Bluffs , Iowa. _ Miirrmgu I Iupii4c4 The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the county clerk yctserday : s'ame and Address. Age Albert J John'on , Council Blurts . 21 Hattlc Winder , Council Bluffs . 19 W. J Brooks. Council Hluffs . 30 Norn Lumbeek , Council Bluffs . 19 3 r Melton , Pottnwnttnmle county . 22 Hnnnnh I'assmore , Pottawnttnmle county 24 Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good sundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway. f In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Merchants , make money by buying Job lots of hardware at cut prices at Dungan & Sons , II Main street. Call and examine. Children's waists from 15c to $1 00. METCALF BROS. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Hrtlimrd l.nnvrn n I.rttorvnlii | . ' to thu btiMlliiK of SI ( ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) . Thu Live Stock exchange met In special session yesterday afternoon nnd voted upon the advisability of offering a reward for the capturei of A. L. BralnarJ , Garrow & Kelly's defaulting clerk. It was the largest meeting of the exchange icld for a long time , members who never jeforo were there were present and wanted to have something to say about the spending of the money. After discussing the matter for fu ly an hour , a vote as to whether the exchange should offer a reward or not was aken up. Fifty-two members voted against the motion and twenty-live for It Jt Is re- ) ortcd now lliat a private subscription will Je made by some of the commission men to also a sum to assist In captuilng the cm- bc/zlei. While going through the books In the safe fObtcrday , Messrs Garrow & Kelly found n liter from their missing cishler. Tlu letter was addressed to MIP. Urnlnard and was a complete confession. Brnlnard admitted stealing $10.000 of the linn's money. He claimed In this letter , however , that he lost the entire amount on the Board of Trade , ind that ho never went Into a gambling iou e , and that he did not play poker. Fur thermore , he says that lie left town without a cent. Captain Kelly brands several of the statements In the "confession" ns lies. When lira I nar ( I left the Exchange building he had , t Is alleged. In his cKOies nearly $ J,000 that the bink and the firm knows of As for his lot playing poker , Captain Kelly says that s nl o stretching the truth. Garrow & Kelly will employ Pinkertons and use eveiy effort to capture the thief. It looks now as if Bralnard had an accomplice here , and a stranger Is loafing about the exchange these days. _ The Kiiltibr Drill. The entertainment given Friday night by Miss Fitch , the physical culture teacher , under the auspices of the King's Daughters , for the benefit of the public library , was an unqualified success. Every person taking part showed excellent tialnlng. The rainbow drill was the leading feature and was beautiful. The dances and living representations were something new to the South Omaha public , and were much appi eclated by the Mid Ion co. Miss Pennock's singing was cs- P. daily fine , and M | H Mullen , as "Trilby , " was gieeted with rounds of applause. Miss Fitch and the King's Daughters were con gratulated for the splendid entertainment they furnished. The receipts were over $ SO and will swell the library fund consider ably. In the second part , In the poses with drape. Miss Wells showed In her beautiful and harmonious movements the results of work In Miss Fitch's physical culture class. The costumes In the living representations were perfection down to the smallest de tails. Nothing was left undone to make the pictures perfect , and the audience showed Its appreciation by enthusiastic applause The expression was excellent , every pose full of meaning , Miss Fitch being a thor ough Dclsartlan , and an enthusiastic follower of the gr < at master. Miss Mattlo Cheek made nn exquisite pic ture. Miss Clifton was as sparkling nnd coquettish a "Belle Marquise" as ever graced the courts of the "old regime. " "Tho Minuet , " by May Babcock , Coinelln Carpenter , Charles Koctus and Varro Hall , In the quaintest costumes of the past ren tury , was the daintiest possible conceit , the little ladles and gentlemen gliding and posing In the stately manner ot the "o d school " The facial expression In the "Fortune Teller , " by Misses RItchart and Grelst , vas excellent , also Miss Allen's "poses with dove. " The solo by Miss Cook was a charmIng - Ing number. The familiar "Chocolat Menler" was greeted with laughter and applause. Miss Cbloe Brown was an Ideally beauti ful picture In "Love's Dream After the Ball , " the Misses Rosenberg playing the waltz of that name In a thoroughly artlntlc manner. Little Laura Brown's "Good Night" was a cem. _ _ Ferry Orer the iilvcr Inured. It Is assured now that there will bo a ferry across the Missouri river at this point. Committees are out soliciting funds , and as soon as a sufficient amount Is subscribed a stock company will be formed and Incor porated , It Is now thought that a cable ferry will be put up. The Thomas brothois of Plattsmouth , both experts In the cable business , spent yesterday looking over the ground on both sides ot the river , and will report at a later meetlnc of those most In terested. The committee on subscriptions .consists ot Messrs. Ensor , Hunt , Holmes and Flynn. HK.irr F.ilLVKU AT 3lAI.rKUX. Oldest Firm In the City A ailgni for Honoll of Creditors. MALVERN , la. , May 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) The largest failure In business In th ? history of Malvern took place today , when the firm of J. D. Paddock & Co. , made'an assign ment to J" . M. Strahan , president of the F rst National bank for the benefit of all creditors. The liabilities are about $27,000 ; assets , $10- 000. The liabilities are principally for bor- rowtd money , except about $1,000 f jr merchan. dlse , due to eastern firms , as follows : Mar shall , Field & Co. , Chicago , dry good ? , $1,400 ; Henry W. King & Co. , Chicago , clothing , $1,000 ; Herrlck & Co. , Lynn , Mass. . shoes , $300 ; Wood & Co. , Burlington , N. J. , $200. There Is very little due Omaha Jobbers. The firm turned over everything they had to the assignee , consisting ot their stock of goods and accounts , worth about $14,000 , the opera house block. In which their double store Is located , and valued at $9,500. their Interests In the Malvern Light and Power company , the New Paddock block and 2,300 acres ol land In Nebraska and Colorado , The firm , consisting of J. D. and C. II. Paddock , have been continuously In the general merchandise business In Malvern since the starting of the town , twenty-five years ago. They have always and do now enjoy the utmost confi dence ot the entire community , and : It Is hoped by every one that the embarrassment will be only temporary. The financial depres sion and present Inability to realize on out standing accounti la the cause of the assign ment. DOCTOR MORRELL MACKENZIE SAID CATARRH WAS TUE lsRIlCAN NATIONAL DISEASE It Bronks the HonltU nntl Woakoua the Constitutiton What is 8nd ! of It by Eminent Specialists Striking Evidence Today that Proves the Superiority of the Gopeland & Shepard Systoiu. On the occasion of Ills last visit to Amcrlci the late Sir Morrell Mackenzie was nskeil his opinion of the climate of America nntl Its action on ( licenses of the throat and liings. Ho replied : "In jour Amcilcnn climate catnrrli Is unquestionably the cause of more deaths than nny other ill-sense. At first It Is , us n rule , n little thing , merely n cold In the hend. Hut In n climate like this one cold Is not entirely cured before another follows" A puecc'sioti of colds constitute chronic cntnrrli A strong and hc.itthy constitution will puffer only Inconvenience , from cntnrrli , but nil otheis tun n Eienf risk of vvhnt may follow. The health Is broken , the constitution weakened and , nlthaiiKh the cntnrih Itself may not be the nctunl cause of death , Ftlll , Indirectly , by so weakening the system thnt It Is un able resist the attack of another disease , It Is. " Carl S'llcr , M. D , of Philadelphia , an other famous nose and throat specialist , estimates that [ H per cent of the people of America are nllllcted with catarrh. David Inglls , M. D. , professor of mental and nervous diseases , Uelrolt CollcKO of Medicine , says. "It has setmed to me that the profession Is only beginning to vvnko up to the widespread relation of Intramsnl disorders to functional disturbances of the nervous By stem I have had reason to nt- trlbute to nasal trouble not only asthmatic coiiRlis. various gastric disturbances , but melancholia , cholera and epilepsy. " oi'i10 : .11,1 , . Invalids receive steady treatment under Drs. Copeland and Shepnrd for the briefest period neccssniy to n lasting cure , without any tax or assessment beyond n llttla fee monthly , Including nil medicines , all Inci dentals and nil etcetrns to Ol'KICIJ AND MAILi PATIENTS ALIKE Trial treat ment FUEE to those apply Ing In person. FltO.M AT Ultl.OO , lOU'A. A \\c\l \ Known Ilntltiiiy Conductor un the Mail In-u incut. Edwin H Shull of Waterloo , Iowa , the old time lallway conductor , well Known to the northwestern traveling public , ii'feis to Ills euro of a seated and stubborn chronic ca tarrh by the mall svhtem thus : "I um n strong advocate of your system of treatment through the malls , my en thusiasm on the subject being the outtfiowth of a personal experience Aftir suffeilUK for nearlly two years with an abominable n.isal catarrh that kept me h'ck and wietched and tired to death with headache , dizziness , i oaring nnd buzzing In the cars , running nl the nose , mucus dripping In the throat , bad stomach and the taste of Vile r > ol ons In mv mouth , I wrote for a symp tom blank and began a course of treitmtnt which boon let me out of nil this i-ort of misery nnd brought me the euro I was after I earnestly commend the system to nil who are looking for honest , cateful and effective tieatment FOIt MAIL TREATMENT WHITE FOR A SYMPTOM BLANK. AVTIIMA. A 1'requoiit Complication of ( iitarrh I.im- Inff Hi-lii f Undnr ( o-rcrt 1 r nt mi'nr. Miss Cella Hoitck 22r North 2Gth street. South Omaha , n well known resident , was allllctcd with catarrhnl disease of the bron chial tubes , Inducing violent and chronic asthma. Mrs. Houelc guvs. Tor twenty years I had suffered with cntntrh nnd n thnm. My father nnd a brother died of the latter malndv. C n- stnnt pore throat , seveie headaches , Joss of appetite these were a pirt of my condi tion. Short brcnth , with suffocating Fpells of cough nnd wheezing were so frequent ns to wear me out and almost tnke my life. My lungs becama sore fi im tli t-Tilble strnln nnd I had little comfort either nltshl or dav. As my mnlady went on I de veloped chills and night sweats , with grtat bodily prostr.Ulrn. "Over a yenr ago I took n course of treatment with Dr. Fhepnrd for my ail ments , nnd the result hnS been entirely sntisfnctory. I find myself cntlrelv free OlJlO < RltlflRlMnr.l ? Attorneys-Hi-1 , ( DAinmilUlllXpractice In the State nnd Federal Courts. Rooms 300-7-8-9 , Shu < ; art , Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Special notices-Council Bluffs CHIMNHYS ci.nANnn ; VAI'I.TS CMANID. K < 1 Diirlcr , ntV , S Homer's , G3S llroidnay. rumr i\vitM AND oAHnnN iANn rou sale cheap nnd on casj terms. IJu ) & Hess , 3J 1'oarl Htrcct. FAHM LANDS TO CXCHANGi : TOH CITY | iio ] > orl > C. It. Nicholson , t > 3Jij llnuiluay. ron "SAM : . A NO i HiMiNrTON rvi'n- wrltcr ; us KOOU IIH m w binilulrh Manufactur ing Co. , 1028 nnd law S. Muln 8tn.it , MIinCHANTS , MAKH MONEY HY HIIYINQ job lota of hnnlwnrc at cut prices nt Duncan & . Hens , 11 Main street Cnll anil examine. roil SAI.K , COLUMllUS PIIA17TON , OOOD condition. ICQ cash. II. J. Adams , MS 1'e-rln t city. IIOOMS TO HCNT , KNSUITLJOU flunk710 first avenue. rou SAM : , ritiisii cow. IIAI.P jRitsnr nnd a e nl nf. C19 Houth Tenth Btrcet. rou sAi.n. rimsn cow. iiAi.r JKHSUV , and a fowl one. CU H. ICtli street. WAR TALKS FOR THE CHILDREN Uranil Army Men A lRiicd to the DltTcrcnt ScliuuU fur Dficiiriitlon Dny. Assignments of speakers In the various schools throughout the city for Decoration day have been made by the Grand Army ot the Republic committee. They are as fol lows : Ambler , Pat Howes ; Bancroft , McCausland ; Benson addition and Benson Orphanage , II. L. Burket ; Academy of Sacred Heart , Dr. Spauldlng ; Crelghton college , Colonel Chase ; Cass , Dr Klnsler ; Castcllar , Haverly ; Central , D. B. Sergeant ; Central Park , W. L. Allison ; Clifton Hill , H. C. Wheeler ; Columbian , L. S. Skinner ; Comcnlous , E. A. Parmeko ; Daven port , Judge Ellcr ; Deaf and Dumb asylum , Major Miller ; DodRC , T. L. Hull ; Dundee , Dr. Van Deese-n ; Dui > ont , J , W. Thompson ; Far- nam , John Jenkins ; Forrest , Councilman Gordon ; Franklin , Lochur Augustus ; Fort Omaha. H. Dlerbln ; High school , Rev. Mackay ; Holy Family , Eighteenth and Izard , and Kellum , Twenty-second and Nicholas , Major Furay ; Lake , J. A. Glllceplc ; Leaven- worth , Major ClarkEon ; Lincoln , John But ler ; Long , Ball ; Lothrop , John Jeff coat ; Ma- 8on , Major Clarkson ; Monmouth Park , J , B. West ; Omaha View , L. Anderson ; Pacific , B. Suwhlll ; Park , C E Burmcster , with Rev. Butler ; Saratoga , George Newton ; Sherman , W. W. Eastman ; St. Joseph , Dr. Christie ; St. Patrick's , Dr Christie ; St. Paul , Francis Gussly ; St. Phllomcna , Dr. Sprague ; St. Mary Magdalene , M J. Feenan ; St. Wcnccs- laus , Dr. Sommervllle ; St. Catherine , Dexter L. Thomas ; Train , Dr. Mercer ; Vlnton , W. H , Russel , Windsor , S. Bloom ; Walnut Hill , Glllesplc ; Webster , Major Jei. e Miller ; Westside - side , Dr. Ralph. All speakers are Instructed to communicate with the principals of the schools to which they have been assigned. WEATJlElt fOllKCAHT. Fair and TV * riner In Mirtnem Ncbrniltn with Northerly Wind * . WASHINGTON , Mny 25. The forecast for Sunday Is ; For Nebraska Fair ; warmer In the north ern portion ; northerly winds , becoming vari able. able.Tor Tor Iowa Fair ; warmer ; northwesterly winds , becoming variable Tor Missouri Fair , except showers In the early morning ; northerly winds. Tor Kansas Fair ; northerly winds , be coming southerly. For South Dakota Fnlr ; warmer ; north erly winds , becoming southerly. tlraml Hand foil nnd Injured SeYeral. IOWA FALLS , la. , May 25. By the collapse - lapse of a temporary amphitheater at the field day exerclien today a number of persons were seriously Injured. Prof. Charteof Ellsworth college wan Injured In tne back ( seriously , John Remnlih , leg broken , cut nnd brulied. B. K. Amb rllng , leg ! Injured. A score of others received minor Injuries. Several blcy- oUs under the stand were smashed. from the asthmatic seizures that for twenty ycnrs made mo nrnrly nn Invalid. I wnj benefited In every vvny nnd can endorse Dr. Shcpnrd's treatment ns thorough nnd suc cessful. " niu : CASK. llrlnetnc Itcllcf tn H I'ntlrnt W ti nio buffet lug Itc iclipii Illicit it Pi-rlml of Thlrt v Yimrn , Mrs. Jennie Dennis , sister of MM Houck , whose statement Is given nbovt1 , nlso llvpa nt 2.S Noith 2flth street , South Oninhn. Sha says : "I took treatment from Dr. Shepnrd 11 year IIKO with my sister My case vvni much like hers , nnd her statement In ninny wnys describes my symptoms My bronchlnl cough nnd n thtnn , however , had been dlstiessing mo fully thirty years nml seemed to iffect the whole lung sulntniue. No regarded our ( rouble ns nn Inherited one nnd did not expect to tlnd nnv rcllet during our lives A brief couise of trout- ment with Dr Slu-pnrd hint spring brought me entire relief fiom my lung complaint of thirty years standing. I have had nearly a whole yenr to lest the results ol his treatment nnd have born In excellent health dp plto the ptevnlllng epidemics ol In grippe nnd cat in ill nttncks thnt were sa common last w Intel My own osperlenca vvnirnnts me In cnine ( lv commending Dr , Shepard for catarrh , bronchitis nnd asthma , An Old Time Ketlilunt of Omnltit Mnkcs 3 ItHrf Sliit-niCMt ! Tnl'n ' Muoli. Mr Clmrles Kcssler , of the firm of Kess. ler & Timelier , plumbers , 1707 Leavcnvvortfc street , has lived In Omaha for 25 years. Mr , Kessler tnys. - a Mr Charles Kesslnr , 1707 L nvenworth St. "Two y ears and n Imlf ngo I took n. course of treatment with Drs Copelnnd & Shepnrd for cntnrrhal disease The malady was slow In | tn development nnd I suffered sev eral years before I woke up to the fact thnt It was a serious matter "The usual heutl symptoms were present- Irritation of the nose with sore nnd rnvv throat , requiring constant effort to clear these parts My nose vvns nenrlv closed , making natural breathing Impossible. A dryness nnd parching of the mouth nnd throat was constant , especially at night , preventing sleep nnd rest. As might be expected my whole' system seemed tired out nnd deptessed and many symptoms told mo Hint I was tainted nil through with the dlsense "After being In this stnte for nbout n yenr I began to lose mv healing nnd experienced a ringing sound In the enrs. The deafness became serious enough to Interfere with my business until 1 placed myself under tieatment The results were all that I could desire , being In fact n substantial cure of my whole cnsc. After n lapse of nearly three years since undergoing treat ment my condition wnrrnnts the statement that I nm cured to stay cured , I cannot do less than to direct nil needing the ser vices of specialists to Drs. Copclund and Shepard. " ! > K ROOMS 311 AND 312 NEW YORK LIFE PUIL.DINQ. OMAHA. NEB. omce Hours 9 to 11 a. m : 2 to 5 p. m. nvenlngs Wcdne dny nnd Saturday * only , 6 to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12 m. THE NEW The Greatest Success of Modcrii Piano-Building. Only 5 feet and 8 Inches long , yet containing all the finest points of the Concert OP MANUFACTURED We have sold over 700 in Omaha and Council Bluffs. Is not this in itself a recom * mendation ? GOOD , NOT CHEAP. The Royal Hardman Is now used exclu sively by the following teachers In Oinaui and Council Bluffs ; Mine. Ellsa Muentefcring , Mine. Hcss-FncliB. Mrs. A. W. Flanders. Miss Ella Luring. Benedictine Sisters' School. Prof. Charles Uactens. Prof. W. S. Marshall. Prof. J. E. Butler. Prof. Martin Cahn. Prof. Wllhelm Miller. Prof. Ed Dvorzak. Prof. J. H. SImms. Prof , E. E. Swartz. Prof. Charles Vonkermau. What better proof la needed of the su perior qualities of this truly ROYAL Instru ment ? 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. 113 North Sixteenth St. , Omaha ,