Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1895, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE OlSIAfTA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 20 , 1805. f5
Et mains Fair , Though There is No
Cold Weather lint Retarded Cropi to Fomo
Kztent-Trade li All tlmt Could llo
Kxpecled with Collections Ke-
lllllllllli : ; Unchaiigcil.
It cannot bo said tlmt the business situ
ation In Nebraska has been better during
the week Just past than In the week previ
ous , but the fact that business has not Im
proved ttllh the rapidity that It was hoped
that It would Is duo more to fcur which It
l.i to be hoped Is groundless.
The fact that Nebraska In 1S9I experi
enced such n complete failure of crops has
resulted In causing no llttlo anxiety on the
part of the business public as to the crop
for 1895 , and the question Is asked on all
nldes , "How about the crop for this year ? "
It Is , therefore , to bo expected that when
this question In absorbing the attention of
every one that It will , to no small degree ,
cause anxiety and worry and consequently
affect business.
It Is proper nnd prudent that nil persons
take heed of the future , but there Is not
the slightest use In unnecessarily worrying
one's self about something which may hn ] > -
pen In the future , and the happening of
'which Is decidedly problematical.
Of course , If the same weather conditions
exist through 1803 that existed through U9I
disaster will result , but , on the other hand ,
there Is no sure foundation for expecting ,
or even thinking , that such conditions will
The crops In Nebraska today are all
right , and excepting for thu recent cold
weather are as fnr advanced as any one
has any reason to cxpuct. The cold snap ,
It Is true , has retarded crops somewhat ,
but on the other hand , If the weather had
been hot and nn rain the conditions would
today bo 1,000 fold worse than they are.
There Is reason , and good reason , there
fore , for congratulation of not only the
bunlne.tH public but the farmers.
lightning don't strike twice In the same
place , and the drouth that prevailed In Ne
braska In 1S9I will not prevail In 1893. Last
year was a phenomenal one for drouth.
Nebraska was not the only state that suf
fered ; It had many companions In misery
nnd the rainfall of the year wax short over
the entire country , and Europe aa well as
America , not to a slight degree , but to u
very marked degree. There Is , therefore ,
a large amount of moisture due , nnd It If-
reasonably to bo expected that nature wll
follow out the same old rule that has been
In existence for all time nnd bring about
the proper conditions. In conclusion , as to
the weather. It might be said there Is no
need of crossing" the bridge before It Is
Although the business of the Plato and o :
Omaha , particularly , has not been whnt It
was to bo dwslred , and what those Interested
In It would llko that It should have been ,
still the conditions might bo much worse.
Duslncss Is not by any means In an un
healthy condition. On the contrary , It Is
healthy , and while not vigorous , there Is
good cause for congratulation.
Collections remain about the same as dur
ing the week past , although there seems
to be n greater effort on the part of mer
chants and jobbers generally to push their
collections a llttlo more vigorously.
In comparison with Kansas , Nebraska Is
nil that should be desired. From reports
received from northern Kansas there Is
great reason to fear that In that section
the conditions that prevailed In 1891 , ns to
crops , will prevail In Kansas unless they
get rain within the very near future.
With M Crop the Suite Will forge tn
tlio lrront.
Mr. W. H. Hoberson of R. O. Dun & Co. ,
speaking of the week's business , gays :
"There Is no use of dlnsulslng the fact that
the situation Is not Improving In Omaha and
Nebraska. The big hopes of the early
spring" have been greatly discounted by the
frosts and the lack oC reasonable nnd plen
teous rains. What we need this mlnuto Is
a continuous rainfall of not less than a
week , accompanied by warm weather If
wo can begin the month of June with nn
nbundnnco ot moisture , the season will
come out all right.
"In the river counties the drouth Is not
occasioning much alarm , but there nru sev
eral western counties In which not enough
rain has fallen to germinate the seed placed
In the ground. Hut It Is too early to be
blue. Old settlers point to many years
when corn planted before June 1 did not
amount to anything except for replanting ,
while that put In the ground the first ten
daya of Juno made a line crop. We are
not 'dead yet , and moisture will come.
"Ixjcally , trade Is very dull. Farmers are
too busy to shop , and very llttlo Is being
done In Omaha lo stimulate business. The
receipts at the stock yards are extremely
light ; on Friday only 700 cattle were re
ceived. Wo are entering upon a period of
two months which. Is always quiet In busi
ness circles , nnd will be especially uninter
esting the present season , but If we have a
crop to market , August will begin to show
up n revival of business , nnd by the middle
of September quite nn Improvement In all
conditions should be noted.
"The only Interesting thing to be found
In trade gossip Is the story of the pro
posed consolidation of one state and two
national banks Into n strong national bank.
I am not at liberty to mention details , but
It Is DUtllclent to say that one of the oldest
banks In the city will unite with one of the
youngest , and the two will absorb the state
bank , nnd the new tank will have n large
capital and n line location , for business.
"This Is only a beginning1. Everybody be
lieves WP have two or three more national
banks than we need , nnd perhaps could
mmro a state bank or two. The possibili
ties In the way of consolidations nro quite
strong and the consolidations will make the
banks also quite strong.
"Perhaps the loan nnd trust companies ,
which are carrying heavy lines ot guaran
teed loans , nro the corporations entltleil
im > t to public sympathy. In the years
when money went nnd came easy , wo dlt !
not think of danger. Kvery loan company
Hought business and had a man to Investi
gate the quality of each loan. He may or
may 'not have been a. man of good Judg
ment , but thousands of dollars worth o :
these loans were made upon the Judgment
of a single man who knew more about con
veyancing than selling land. The loan
companies , In order to nave a ready report
upon property , frequently accepted the esti
mate of value of the local agent , who was
keenly ullvo to the Importance of mnklnt ,
a commission. The mortgage was sold In
the cast and guaranteed. Times became
hard. Interest defaulted and foreclosures
followed. The mortgage on the land , which
ought to have been an npsct , became a Ha
blllty , and liencn the Lombard and a score
of other loan companies were forced Intc
bankruptcy. This was the Inevitable re
Milt of overconfldenca and overspeculatlon
Vntll these old guarantees are either wiped
out by court proceedings or Improved by a
return of good tl.nes. men with stock li
loan and Investment companies will be ex
cusably nervous.
"Omaha has not escaped these calamitous
conditions , but can congratulate heryelf or
the fact that Investors have not nuffered sc
severely here as elfewhere. nnd that tlu
era of foreclosures Is rupldtv npproachlnt
the end. Advertisements of ? lie riffs' sale :
.ahead uro not nearly to numerous now a.
they were a few ago , nnd real estate
men report some activity In the market fo
Omaha property.
"Clivo us a good crop and Omaha ant
Nebraska will take their places In the pro
elusion of recovery which seems from east
ern reports to be rapidly forming at mos
business centers. " ,
London Wool Auction * .
IXNIX > .V May li At the wool auction Baled
today 16.215 balen were offered , of which 2.0i'0
Imleji were withdrawn. The nerlea cloned with
n * li-adx tone and a wliler demand. Trailer
vns n iniwl actlvo buyer. The American buyer :
nurclinHdl nltiiKether 2,010 lialeiL Hulen In detail
New South \Vules. 5,077 bales , secured. SVdt
) 3 d ; greasy , JfU'M. ' Qumnlaml. C.UIS tuilei
ncourtM. ShtiHHd : Etvaiiy. KitVid. Victoria
3.SIS lulen ; scoured , 4Jtla 2d : ( iremy. 4filM (
H an lltvrr , SI bales ; Krfuny. 44d. South Au
irella , 1.080 link's ; wnuml. G4dMU : cr.Miy. 41
tmid. Tunmanla , VI bales ; crta y. 709V1N' "
Zealand. 2.1M tmles ; greatly , 3\UCkl. ( 'ape o
Omul Hope nnd Natal. 4 7 t le ; scoured , siIt ,
Is IV1 ; creasy. 4ti < iiid. Trie neit series wll
< rn July 2. when the limit will t > e 400oo < j balei
of new arrivals , of wlilrli : CJ.J7i bales have al
remly been received. The week's Imports were
S7.I93 bales ,
I'nll Itlror I'rjit Cloth .Market.
VALl > ItlVKR. May Z5.-For two days then
lias l * en runslderatde activity In the print clutr
nmrket. In the early part of the wrek th <
market was rr dull at * T e Thursday om
tracts were fold at 2 13.1CC. nd spot sale ! at thi
tame price followed. Not many IHIS uero to IK
tmd und the demand has been active for ran
tracts. IleKulsr C4s hare had tliu ralllnir III' tlu
tradliiR nt i 13-16o , and all tha business prevlim
to the drop tn prices was In odds. Tin
tnaikft Is firm at ; ( ] -16o and UK
4rop In prices may be omy tenurarary. as
lurgo advanc * sales and small storks plae <
nunufacturer * In a posltlto bold oft for an
advance ot any time they see lit. The active
trailing at tha low prices indicates that there I :
a real demand for cnods , which elves premise
for a return of better prices. The stock picket
up slightly durlnr the week , M > ssrs. HemhiK
ton & Uavol furnished the following statement
rnxluctlon tor the week , ZJO.W ) plsccs ,
212,009 pieces ; stock , oddi. t1.X ( pieces ; CI-Ms ,
23.000 pieces ; total. ( tt.OO ) pieces. week's stock , H.&M pieces ; sales , odil.s ,
7S.O.W pieces ; W-Ols , In.ox ) pieces ; total , 136W )
pieces ; spots , 41,000 pieces ; futures , 191,000 pieces ;
nates for the weekly delivery , June , 156,0)0 ) H'K-esj '
July , 11.000 pieces. August , Mi > pieces ; 8 ptem *
lr , SLIM ) pieces , October. 6I.OJO pieces ; Novem
ber , 6,009 pieces ; Ueccmlter , 5,00) pieces.
Ilitil Things Their Own AVnj from Early
In thn litr >
NEW YORK , Jlay 2. " . . The bear * In wheat had
things their own way during the first hour this
morning , but before midday the pits resounded
with yells as they frantically endeavored to
cover short sales put out yesterday and early
'today. Llslit rain over portions of the winter
wheat b ° lt harl so Improved crop accounts that
the country was In a mood to take profits nnd
sold big blocks on the decline , hut as sion as It
heard that frosts were predicted for tonight over
n large urea In the west It resumed Us buying
with all the old-time vigor. July wheat opened
about Ic drmn from last nlKhl's price , fell ( u
78e , where U b"gan to feel the Inlluence of the
outside demand. In n. few moments It
suited up nt n rate that struck terror to the
bears. Up it went till U reached 81'if. ' lust 3c
nbove Iho lowest point , the closing being ner
vous at ftl'ic. Thu Lulls are talking of dollar
wheat again and nay the country has unloaded
so much wheat In the past three days that It Is
eager to try Its hand once more at lilting prices.
St. Louis ( Murknt.
ST. LOl'IS. May -\VHEAT-Was n. desperate -
perate market thin morning , nnd from an open
ing > 4o lower there was a nulck ilrup of > ? ?
lower , bui II milled soon and recovered Ihe early
Ions , subsequently advancing until 4'4c ' above
Ih1 boltoni. The close wa.s strong ut thi ? lop ,
with buyers 2'j.o ' nlwvo yesterday. The reasons
given for the early selling wera such heavy rains
and deiir 'ss d rubles. When the Midland Miller
estimate of not over 70 per cent of a cmp came
In tin- market fairly wilt wild und went up as
rapidly HS It had declined ; No. 2. cash , k HW
82Hc ; May , S4e nsked ; July , Sii'UQSOHc bid ;
August , 7s'nc ; S < liteniber , VIHo hid.
CORN i c Immedlalely nfler the open-
Ing. The terrlllc break Invhenl frightened
buyers off and thrre wns selling on rains and
prospects of rains , und this Strom ? rnlly In wheat
turned corn up In price and there was quite an
advance , bul the close was \c below yesterday ;
No. 2 mixed , cash , C2 53c ; May , t > 3o ; July ,
& 3Hc bid ; Septi-mber , 54iC. .
OATS \Vns dull for futures , wlilch sold lower
early , hul rallied laler ; closed llrm ; spot easier ;
No. 2 , cash , K ! bid ; Mny , i".i'o hid ; June , 23Hc , "
July.29r'lc bid ; HeptemlM-r , 2a'sc.
CORN MIAI < I2.ljff3.rtj.
RRAN Steady ; CSc nsked. east track.
TLAX SEED-Nomlnal ; Jl.l' ) .
ORASS SEEDS Steady but oulet ; clover , tt.DO
G7.60 ; timothy , t3.0HJ4.W.
HAY Dull ; timothy , J7.W012.tW ; prairie , not
IH'TTER Separator IjfflGc fancy
. . . creamery , ;
1.l..ln 1HILKltl\ *
KOilS I'lrin ; lOo for fresh.
\VM1HKY-U.24 for distillers' nnUhed
LKAD Dull , weak ; 2B7'j.
HI'KLTCU HtronRi JJ.4 > Hi-llera ; ja.37',4 ' hid.
( OT1-XN THIS rnrimnKeil.
IIAdOINO rnvhiinged.
I'KOVISIONS-l'ork. stuiulard mess. Johhlnir ,
S12.M. l.nnl , prime steam. } G.37 > < , : choice , ) G.
Dry salt meats. Nixed shoulders , J..2."i ; longs ,
J8.37H ; ribs , JO M ; Khorts , 1.S.'i . Ilaeon. lxil l
shoulders. ) S.2ii ] ; longs , { G.,5 ; ribs , JC.ST'-j ;
shorts , t7.l2 > j.
HKt'IMlTS Flour , 2.000 hhls. : wheat , S3.0
hu. ; corn , > > ) Iju. ; < mir. 2J.M ) ) bu.
HHIPMKNTS-Flour , 4.i > W bhls. ; wheat , 47.0 * )
bu. ; corn , 9'Ji ' * ) hu. ; outs , 13 , ( ) bu.
i.lvrrpnol Ainrrti'ts ,
MVKRPOOU Mny 2J.-\VHKAT-Spot , quiet ;
demand i H > r ; No. 2 red , wlntor , Os lihl ; No. 2
red , xprlni ; , Cs ; No. 1 hard. Manitoba , tut lid ;
N'1 ' California , Cs 6V4d ; fulures cli ) ed steady ,
with near positions IHSWid lower und distant
luil luuvr ; business about equully dls-
rlhuted ; May , C 8V4d ; June , ta 8 > , d ; July ,
UV4d ; AiiKUst. Cs lid ; September. Cs 10'UI ;
Jctoher , 5s lid.
COHN Spot , Mulct ; American mixed , new , 4s
Hid ; futures closed imlct , with May lid lower
nd other months I'jiftHid lower ; lmnlnesM heavl-
t on caily inwltlons ; May , 43 10' ' , < , d : June , H
5id ; July , 4s S\d ; , 4s lid ; September ,
s "Jijii ; October , 4a 9V4d.
KI.Ot'H Klinn demand moderate ; St. Louis
ancy winter , 7n 9d.
rilOVISIONS-lliieon. quiet ; demand pier ;
Cumberland cut , 28 lo 30 Ilia. . 31s G < l ; short rlhs ,
'S HIM. . 32s t l ; Ionic clour , light. 33 tn 45 Hi * . .
2s Cd : lonit clear , lieitvr. K Ibs. , ! ! a ; short clour
xicks , light. Pi Itm. , Ms ; plnirt clear middles ,
iwivy , 55 Ihs. . 31s Cd ; clear bellle * . 14 to IS Ihs. .
33s M : nhotilderx , square , 12 to 18 Ihs. , 2 < s ( id ;
iams , short cut , 14 ID Hi ! ! . , 41s Cd. Tall iw.
jnest North Amprlenn , nominal. Iteef , extra
ndla mess , SOs ; prime mess. C2. < Cd. 1'oik. prime
nesM. fine western. 623 Cd ; prime medium , 5..H 3d.
> nrd , quiet ; prime western , 33s ! M ; rellntil , In
lulls , : f. < .
t'HKKSIJ Quint ; demand moilerale ; finest
\nierlcun white , 4s ; Ilnest American color 'd , 41s.
llt'TTKU Finest United Static , C5s ; good. 4's. '
XTTONaiKI > OIL-Uverpool rcllned , 18s Sd.
OIL 21s Od.
liM-IteflniMt , Dd.
HMFR1QBUATOH IIIOIIF Forequarters , 3Vid ;
Indquarters , fi'.ld.
HOI'S At Ixjndon ( Pacific coast ) , Ka.
CnfTeu . lurKet.
NHW YORK. Jlay 23. TOFFKB-Optlonii
opened steady nt on advance of Oi/10 points on
March and.Muy . , while other months opened nil'
chanirnl to 6 points lower. The market was
featureless , foreign news being Indifferent , nmf
nulers conservative ; closed tlrm nt unchangei
irloes to 5 points advance ; sales , 14S. > 0 bags. ln <
finding : Seplemher , J15.UO in.l3 ; October , Jla.tkl
DivemlH-r. J14. .1jil."i.OO ( ; March. Spo
coffee , very llrm ; No. 7 , ICc ; mild , quiet ; O > r-
dovu , 1S' iil9c ; sales , none ; warehouse dollv
erlei from New York yesterday. 5.3CJ bags ; New
Yoik stork ti lay. 178.1 < j hairs ; United States
mock. 24C.OI8 hags ; for the fnlled States ,
S17XIO luga ; tolul risible for the fnlted States ,
3 , ' > 41 hngs , against 31Gr.2li hags last year.
SANTOS. May 25. Klim : good average Santos ,
J1C.70 ; receipts , B.OOO UIKS ; stock. 101UOO Imgs.
HAMllfllO. May 25.-llaiely steady , un.
chunKed , to U pfg. decline ; nales , 4.000 IUIKS.
HAVltK , May Si. Opened quiet. ' , jf advance ;
M 12 m. . declined Uf ; sales , 7.000 hags.
IIIO IB JANH1UO. May 25.-Strong ; No. 7.
Itlo , )16 ; exchange , 9 3-lGd ; receljits. 5.000 hags.
cleared for the United States. 10,0)0 hags ; cleared
for Europe , none ; stock. 22U.OJO hags.
Iliiltliuori ) .MurKncs.
HALTIMOIIK , May 23.-FLOUU-Flrm. unchanged -
changed , receipts. U.CH3 bbls. ; shipments , 15'Jll
bhls. : salt's , 350 Mils.
WIIKAT Unsettled ; spot and month. 70P79'le ,
June , 79c askeil ; July und August , 7SHiV73 > 4c ;
September , 80',4JS6ikc | , steamer. No 2 red , 7SVlc ;
receipts , C61 hu. ; Fhlpmentu , 80,000 hu. ; stock.
CCC.Odi ) bu. ; southern wheat , by sample. SO S2c ;
Bouthern wheat on grade. TSlTSlc-
COUN Kony ; si t. 5 53 ic ; month.
June , MVio nskeil : July , 57HSiiST4i : ; August ,
bid ; receipts. 28,074 t > u. ; stock. 333.101 bu. ; Hales ,
100. OX ) Im. ; southern white and yellow corn ,
OATS Basler ; No. 2 white western , 374637c ! ;
receipts , Sg22 bu. ; stock. 10S.OU9 hu.
HYIi Inactive ; lecelpts , 1X033 bu. ; stock ,
10.1C5 bu. _
Milwaukee AlarUnts ,
WHEAT Uiwer : No. 2 spring , 79 ic ; No. 1
northern , SCHc ; July , 80c.
COUN Lower ; No. 3. 53 c.
OATS Lower ; No. 3 white , 3c ; No. 3 white ,
I1AHLKY Nominal ; No. 2. 49c ; sample , EO'tc.
HYE No. 1 , C7c.
1'KOVISIONS Lower. 1'ork. I12.W. Lard ,
IC.U ) .
HECKHTS I'lour , 5,800 bbls. ; wheat , 21,000
bu. ; bin-ley. S.OiW Im.
SHIPMKNTS Flour. 9,00 hbls. ; wheat , 1,000
bu. _
iitton .unrki-r.
and llrm ; Bales , II.WW bales ; June , 10. 6S ; July.
tf.Wil.m ( ; August. J7.UiW7.iiu ; Seplemlier. 17. nC
W7.07 ; October , J7.04H7.03 ; December , I7.1'J7.1I ' ;
Januao" . 7.H r7.IS.
NEW YORK , May Sh-COTTON Dull ; 7c
for middling ; net receipts , none ; gross. 3.611
bales ; ex | > oru t ( Treat llrltaln , G.013 tialrs ; for
warded , 537 tales ; sales , none ; stock , 21CSK >
middling , Cc , low middling , C'.jc ; net and groaa
ri-celpts , 1.J58 bales.
rorclcn Ciraln Triulo HovlexT.
LONDON. May 23. In the market during the
week wheat was active on foreign advices.
Iuist were Is to 2 * higher. .12) cargoes of wheat
were sold this week. The market today was
quieter and prices were tending toward lower
figures. 1'arcels were linn. Hard Manltolia
wheat , alloat , was quoted at 2'J * 9.1. Spot wai
firm , llour 2s to 3s up nnd n moderate de
mand. Maize was strong and Is higher. Mixed
American maize , steamer , prompt delivery , was
quoted at 23s 9d , liar ley was firm ut Is dearer.
OaU were nrm at full prices.
Migur JM.4r.ier.
NEW Y011K. May 2.5.-8l'OAr.-Uaw. flrm ;
fnlr rellnlnR. 2\c ; cvntrlfucal , 94 test , 3 , c ; sa ! M ,
4.U.IO luK2cvntnfUKal , SO test. She : refined , quiet :
No. 6. nil S-lCc ; No. 7. 4V4fl 4-lCc : No. 8. 3 4-7(1
4 11-lCc ; No. 9. 3 13-U@lc : No. 10. > 4jr3 13-lCc ,
No. U , 3 ll-16f3'tc : Nu. 12 , -16fr3Uc : No. 13
3o ; off A , 4 ll-lfr 4Hc ; mold A , 4 i-161 ; U'- < - ,
standard A. 4 6-16MHc ; confectioners' A. 4 S-16
OIHc ; cut ln f. 5 1-UfHUc : crushe l , 5 l-16&jic.
liavrdered. 4 ? lil 15-16c ; granulated. 4 7-10BI\c ,
cubes , 4 l-l ii4T.c. _
Nnw YiirW Dry ( > tnilt Mnrknt.
NKW YOHK. May 23. The quiet usual to
Saturday was tin feature cf the market and
little new business was remarked In any direc
tion. A numlier of buyers were seen In business
circles , but their wants were of minor character.
The printing- cloth market was llrm at 2 13-lc
for contracts. Sales for the week , K3.UM pieces.
Agents have advanced the price of stark A.
dress A , AA sheetings and 7 , 8 , 10 and 1 ! oj.
duck each.
Me _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'rl co Whont U'lumro it.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 23. WHEAT Strong ;
December , ll.OO'.i ,
Till : KKALTY M.VlSKttr.
INSTRUMENTS plicea on record May 25 ,
1895 :
A n Frary nnd wife to N J McKlttrick. lot
83. Supplemental 1)1 ul of Kalrmount ! 'lace.2.SOO
J II Lewln und wife to W R Wall , lot 7.
block 47. Florence IM
W R Wall and wife to N C Iond ! s.-n , same 1
J W Hall and wife tu McQavock & O'Kcefa
company , lot 19 , block 1. McQavock &
O'Keefe'a add , . . , 23J
W II Millsrd nnd wlf taNew Knjrlsnd I > an
and Trust company , lut I , blork i , Orchard
Hill , j
SpecNI muter to MrOavock & O'Keefii
company , lot 1 > , Uock 1 , McOavock i
O'Keefe's add , . 2 }
Total amount ct tranifen , , ,
Daj's Market Oappod the Climax for Sur
prises and Sensations.
Wont Down I.ilio n Load of Iilrt from n
Dump Magou mid Then Soared
lliick to the Clonda wltli
a Itu li.
CHICAOO , Mny 2G. Thcro have been
many wild days In tho' wheat market of
late , but today's proceedings capped the cli
max for surprises nnd sensations. One hun
dred million bushels of July wheat seemed
to bo for sale nt anywhere from 75c to 75c
down to 74Tio nt the start , nnd as much
wns wanted nn hour after when It was sellIng -
Ing nwny above 79c. After selling nt WtC ,
July wheat closed at TO'/fcc ' , or 2',4c above the
price It closed nt yesterday. Corn options
at the end were neither higher today or
lower than at the similar period on the day
before. The bears got on top of the wheat
market In great t.hape at the opening and
succeeded In breaking the price of July to
Wc , or 2 > , ic below the ofllclal closing
prices of the day before. It went down
like a load of dirt from a dump wagon , nnd
the professional short sellers , whose light
has been dimmed for a month back , begun
to smile. The smile had baruly time to
widen Into a grin when the expression be
gan to change , nnd Inside of nn hour noth
ing but weeping , walling and gnajhlng of
teeth was to be heard from the camp of
the bears. Krom 7lo nt the start , the
price of July shot up to 7ac.
A statement of H. O. Dun & Co. In their
review of trade did much to Influence hold
ers In getting rid of their wheat this morn-
Ing. They said that their Information In
regard to the damage was that It was not
serious , llesldes this , cables were lower
and rains were reported In the west nnd
The llrst thing to Incite buying was a pre
diction from the signal service bureau of
killing frost In North and South Dakota ,
Nebraska and the northern part of Minne
sota. The scene In the pit after the froHt
prediction had time to congeal the burning
deslro of all up to Its receipt beggars de
scription. The soaring price wns the ac
companiment of nn enormous business ,
i'rom the first bulge to 79iie , there was n
reaction to S\c. the result of heavy real-
zing of prollls by long * , aided by news
from a number of points west quoting the
venther bureau tu the effect that the condl-
lens wete not such ns to Justify the pre-
llctlons of severefrosts. . Hut the grangers
mil stood by their guns throughout the
rouble nnd took on more wheat nt the de
cline. As a consequence the recession was
followed by anolher strong advance to 7)1ie ! )
and a slight reaction to 79io ! nt the closing
noment. The countrymen were nlded by
urther crop damage news of the most
lolorous description from Indiana , Illinois ,
Missouri and Kansas. At the opening the
railing for a moment or two was liclng
done simultaneously nt from 75c to il ic ,
the latter proving to have been the lowest
price of the day. The weeU's clearnces ol
wheat and flour from both coasts amounted
to 2,751,000 bu. , against 2,397,000 bu. on the
week preceding , and there Is ; i gain ol
l.r.OO.C'y ) bu. between the extreme estimates
of the decrease which will bo shown In the
visible s-nipply on Monday. The extremes
in > 2XXIWO ( bu. nnd 3,500,000 bu. , against
" 62,000 bu. a year ago.
Corn was again very uneven In Its tem
per. H opened for July from lilc down to
52TC. on account of the early slump In the
condition of wheat. It rose again with the
recovery of wheat , was dashed down again
> y the prediction of 1,050 carloads for Mon-
lay and once more became flrm when
wheat showed such determined strength
near the close. The net result , however , was
tlmt the closing prices of yesterday nm
today are Identical at M-Tic for July and
Cl'sC for September. The hard spots wen
taken advantage of to sell out a good dea
of long stock.
Oats experienced another heavy day and
suffered a heavy feeling throughout the ses
sion. With the other market at the open
ing , a big decline was scared. Later , how
ever , the market rallied. Influenced by the
strength In wheat , but. like corn , the clos
Ing prices of yesterday were overreachei
but p. trlllo. At the close the high price ?
were prevailing. There Is a feeling in oatf
which herelofore has been greatly , sup
pressed by the strong" Influence the whea
market exercises-over It , but the decline a
the start rather gave n more Independen
tone lo this cereal , and with n weaker cash
market to assist It , for the first time In a
long period , fluctuations refused to readily
respond to the advance.
The provision market was weak until nea
the close , when buying , nld to bo ' Jilellj
for the account of Armour fo. . , caus-ed i
rally and a flrm closing nt about the sam
prices as on the day before.
Kstlmales for Monday : Wheat , SO cars ,
corn , 1,030 cars ; oats , 550 cars ; hogs , 31,000
' '
Freights , steady ; Wc for wheat , H 'c for
corn nnd Ic for oats to Huffalo.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
"AYtlcTosifQJimi. rTli7h. i LT\v | Clo 3.
Wheal.No. 2
May 784 73H 78
Sept 7BM'7U
Corn No..1. .
May nt
July. R4 6t : i
Sept. B4H
Cam No. 2. . .
May 284 20
July J8N
Pork per bbl
July. 12 10 12 35 12 10 12 25
Sept. li ! 37H 12 00 13 37W 12 00
Lard , 100 Ibs
July G CO 0 02K 0 00
Sept 0 80 0 80 0 75 0 HOG
Short Ulbs
July. . . . 0 12X G 25 G 12W G 25
Sept U H7H G 4'Jl 0 3--H 042K
Cash quotations were a follows :
VlJOVIl Quiet ; winter patents. I3.40ff3.75 ;
winter straights , ? 3.2 > ft3.GO ; sjirln- ; patents , J3.73
R4.15 ; spring straights , I2.90O3.75 ; bakers , J2.73
WHEAT No. 2 spring. SHiflsili ; No. 2
spring. 75i82c : Ni ) . 2 red , 7Suff7 ! ! > r4C.
CORN No. 2. 53c.
OATS-No. 2. 2)c ; No. 2 white , :2Jic ; No. 3
white. 3lH03'-ic.
RYE No. 2. CfifrCC'tc.
11ARLEY No. 2 , MVsffSIc ; No. 3. 43ic ; No.
4 4Sc.
FLAX SEED-NO , i , ji.49.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime. } 5.
I'ROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . 12.2ofJ
12.37i4. 1-ird , per 10) Ibs. . | U.MiiG.S5. ! Short
ribs , sides ( loose ) . JC.13 r6.J ) ; dry nailed slmul-
ders ( boxed ) . J5.37iiS3.50 ; short clear , side *
0 ixo.l ) . tG.&HIC.GTVi.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goads , per gal. ,
Jl.2 'i.
SUOARS Unchanged.
Tim followlne were the receipts and shipments
to.iiy :
On the I'roduoj otchanfo toiliv the butter mar
ket wan firm ; creamery. 10/il74e : d.iiry ,
Clu-cao ,
Closing QuutHtliins on tha I'rlntilpal Com-
iniitlltlcs unit Mnplcs.
NEW YORK , May 23.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 13-
0 bbls. ; exiKirts , 13.MO bbls. ; sales , 6.000 pkga.
Market flrm and more active , but extensive
business prevented by the exttcmo views of
holders. City mill patents , $4.S5Q3.i : ; winter
patents. 14.0091.40 ; city mill clears , SI. 108 1. 10 ;
winter straights , J3.75H4.15 ; Minnesota patents ,
tl.20 < ii4.73 ; winter extras , J3.WS3.M ; Minnesota
bakera , (3.23j4.10 ; winter low grades , $2.45@
3.03 ; sprint ; low grades , t2.04ft2.SQ. Rye Hour ,
llrm ; Mies , IW bbl . ; 'superllne , 14.10 4.23 ; fancy ,
JI.J.VJit.M. .
CORN MEAL-Qulet ; yellow western , J1.208
1.22 ; llrnnei'wine. > 2.&n 3.30.
WHEAT Receipts , 14I.1UO bu. ; experts , non - ,
mles , 11,425,000 bu. futures ; 105,0 1 bu. n.ut. |
SiKit , Irregular ; No. 2 red. In store and eleva-
to.SD83c | ; alloat. 61 > , ic ; f. u. I. . . Sl'c nlluat ;
No. 1 hard. Wtc. delivered. Options ni > ened
weak and declined under active realizing and
jiilmi In the west , turned siidilunly on frost
predictions , which brought In active outside
buying , and after an excited advance , closed nt
2Wb" ) < o higher : No. 3 led. lOc ; June. TIJ
77tc , closed WV c ; July. Kbtl'iC , closed kl',4c ;
August , BlKililVic. cl.istxl il-Hc ; Seiilcmber ,
JS'iUSJo. closed n c ; October closed , 82c ;
December. 80S3c , closed Uc. .
CORN Heel-lilt * , e4,4'M ' bu. ; exports. 120.700
bu. ; talcs , 49viK > ) bu , futures ; 5VM bu. BMII. |
Sixt market Irregular : No. 2. 67T c In elevator ;
Si' o alloat : steamer mixed , OSTic. Options sold
off sharply under big receipts , but nfierwmd
fully rn-overeil with wheat nnd clwd = > ic higher ,
May , M'.tfi'Ho , closed 67 if. July. KHfjWtyc.
closed &SUc ; September , W4fi01ic , closed We.
OATS Receipts. 123.600 bu. : en.jrls , 6W hu. ;
sales. ( O.OUO hu. futures , spot , dull. No. 2 , 3\c ,
No , S delivered , SS' o : No. S , ! Jc : No. 2 while ,
S7c ; No. 3 white , 3C\ic ; track white western.
MttO4c. O | > tlons decllnnl lit lire ! under heavy
ntlUik" . but linally rerovered , 1 1 'king ut Uc "d-
v ncv , Jlay clus l. 3Sc ; June closed. Uliri
Juno clewed. Kite ; July , K'i nSe. cliwed , 53\c.
HAY Easy ; snipping , Wiiiii' ; gx > d to choice ,
HOI'S Dull , slnte. cummin to choice , old ,
W&c : 1VSI. tUtf. luist. cdd , Jffic ; 1SJI. lirtk- .
HIDES-Quletj wet salted New Oil-ant. -
te ( Ml , 4 ! to 65 Ibs , , 6Vr , nominal. Tfxaj. se-
lei-ted. M to GOlm. \ . , nominal.
LKATHER Firmly held , hemlcck Hole. Uuenos
Ayr s. ItKhl to heavy wtluhts , 21W , arid ,
-Quiet , dnmestlc lleecc. 1692k- , pulled ,
I'HO VISIONSUef , dull , family , Jll-MffIJ-00 ,
extra mnn. ; ' 4lt hams. J19.6Mf20.00 ;
city extra India mess , MI7rOfr U.w. i t meals ,
slrady ; pickled b-llles. 3 WW6.23 : plckleil shoul
ders , SS.i > Hf4.2i ; pickled ' 4lhms , 9.i > HT9.iV iJirU ,
steady : western steamtTlrtscd nl td.8" > ; city nt
JS.23 ; May closed at * f"'i nominal , July , RM.
nominal ; refined , qulef ; elfntlnent , (7 U ; South
American , 17 W , c inpmrfcdi' ' ,13. II I'ork. firmer.
llfTTER-Hlesdy ; * vstM-n dairy. 8mtl3
western creamery , 13fll c : western factory , 8w
Hi1 ; Klglns , lie. ImltnWwcrenmpri" , 9'iifflSc ;
slnli- dairy , llfil c , clHte'rTeamery. 19c.
CHECSE-Uulet ; state , large , 4ifi6Sc : small ,
4 > 4ifii4c ; part skims. IWItn ; full skims. lIVc.
KOOS Weak ; stall iln.H.l'emisyltnnla. 13Hp
13 > 4c ; wi-slern fn-sh. 12 < ifilHc ; rtjuthern , 11W
12c ; receipts , 1,021
TALIXJW Steady ; cltf-Utiper pkg. ) , 4 c ; coun
try Ipkgs. free ) , 4 c. i ' '
I'I'rrROLEt'M-Dulli : ) r > lted closed nt II.C2U
hid ; rctlneil New York , -t : K } I hllailelphln and
llaltlmnre. (8.2) ; l'hlladel | > hln and Ilallimore. In
Imlk. .70. . ' 'if ,
ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to gw l ,
II.Cofl.C7H. - -
TfRI'rJNTINE Steady ; 5l'i { 3nc.
RR'ISteadv : ilotnestlcT falr ti > extra , 4i 9
CUc ; Japan. 3tn4'c. ( !
MOLASSKS Firm ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
geol tu choice , 2Mf32c\
I'lfl Illov iitilet ; Scotch , 119.00 ft 2X0) ; Ameri
can , mOIJ10.M. ,
rol'PER Oulet : brokers' price , { 10.50.
I.EAD-Qulet ; brokers' price tS-OTH-
TIN Plates , market quiet.
COTTONSEED OIISlow ; prime crude. 23J
24c : off crude , 2Hf23c : tirlme Ktiiiinu-r yellow ,
2 ; 2ic ; off summer yellow. 23 2 < ; ' < , c : yellow
butter grades , 28c ; prime sumer white , 3')831c. ' )
OMAHA li.Niit.\L : MARKET.
Condition of Trade mill < liiotntloit : on
Mnplo nnd I'lincy I'roiliicc.
EOGS-Cholce stuck , 10l4c.
Rt'TTER Old hay or white stock , 3J4o ; fair
to good country. Gft7e ; cliole * to fancy , li'J12c ;
gathered crenmeiy , Hffloc ; separator creamery ,
LIVE POfLTEY It-nit , C'i ' 77c : mlxeil. O
C'4c ; ducks , "kJjSc ; turkeys , 8J/10c ; heavy toms ,
7c ; geese , Co.
VKAI * Choice fat. 70 to 1W Ibs. , ore auoted nt
C'i5T7o ; large nnd coarse , 4BCc.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , 9c ; Young
Americans , lOc ; twins , lie ; Nebraska and Iowa ,
full cream , lOc ; Nebraska and lown , part skims ,
< Vii7e ; Llmbui'Ker , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ;
Swiss , No. 1 , 14c.
HAY Upland hay , J8.M ; midland , JS ; lowland ,
ri.5) ; rye straw , J3 ; color makes the price on
buy. Light balm dell the beat. Only top grades
bring top prices.
CORN No. 2. 4&V
WHITE OATS No. 3. 30c.
P1C1EONB 1'cr doz. , U.OOftl.M.
I'OTATOER Western slock , car loU , "OSfSOc ;
mall lots , SOiiOOc ; new , tier Hi. , 2ic.
OLD IlEANS-Hand picked , navy , (2.20 ( ; Lima
.eans. . pir Ih. , 5U5HC.
CAIIIIAOE On onlers , Sc.
HORSERADISH Per Ib. . Cfl7c.
SPINACH Per bu. basket. MJJlOc.
WATER CRESS Per IG-qt. casJl.BO. .
RADISIIITS Per doz. liunrhes , 10y2 > ) e.
(1RKEN ONIONS l er dnz. bunches , 5flOe.
I.ETTl'CE Per doz. . 23'330o.
ASPARAdfS Choice stock on orders , 30010C
ler doz. hunches.
PIE PLANT Per Ib. , 101ViiC.
CI'CUMIIERS On orders , 0)075. ) per doz.
PEAS On orders , per \ iu. ' . box. OOir'Sc.
STRIN'O I1KANS On onlers , Vi-bu. box , 7Sc ;
1-biiskel crate. Jl.GOfi2.01.
TOMATOES Per C-bafket crate. J0.50.
WAX IlEANS-On orders , . W-I'U. box , 750
STRAWBERRIES-Cholce shipping stock , per
case of 21 0.19. , j.fW3.00.
CHERRIES California , per 10-lb. box. J1.75
ORANOER Atnirnllan mUels. per box. $32" ;
choice seedlings , per hot , $ J.2C 2."fl ; Mediter
ranean s utts ; , t-.7u3.0'J | ; fancy St. Michaels ,
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , 3M size , J3.73 ®
PINEAPPLES per doz. . S2.:5ft2.5' ' > .
1IANANAS Choice shipping slock , per bunch ,
FIGS Fancy , 15o ; choice , IZtflSc ; California ,
jags , 7c. -
HONEY New York.c ICe ; dark , lie ; California ,
, - . ,
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ;
lllxby , 0-gal. cans. (3.
MAPLE SUOAR-Pcr lb. < 95T10C.
NUTS Almnnds. 14f ; .J igllfh walnuts , soft-
sin-lied. lOe ; standards , lie ; llllwrtB jic ; Itrnzll
nuts , Sc : pecans. 'Jc ; cocfwnutB. J3.50IJ4.00 per 100.
DATES In CO to 70-lW.'tte > xes , 5c per Ib. ; fard
dates. Do per Ib. .
CIUER Pure Juice. lie.bbl. . . J5 ; half bbl. , J3.
HIDES No. 1 green hfAcs. 7c ; No. 2 green
Iddes. CVtc ; No. 1 green jilted hides. 7ile ; No. 2
Kreen sailed hides. 7t ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
15 Ibs. , SftlOc ; No. 2 veal .calf. 8 In IS Ilia. , S'ic ;
No. 1 dry lllnl hides , WJlOcr No. 2 dry Illnl hides.
8B9e ; No. 1 dry Balled , hides , Sc : part cured
hides. V4o per pound | tvi tlun fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Orecniisaltcd , each 253COc :
each r.MlSc ; dry BhonrlluKs ( short \voolcil early
eklns ) . No. 1 , each. 5T19p-idry : shearlings ( short
wuoled early ulilns ) . No. ) . jucli fie ; dry Hint
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
creen salteJ sllearllilgsisliurl' ( WbDlrtl esrly skins ) ,
pound , actual weight. Eflifcirdry fllfat Knntins and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 456c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pells , per pound , nclual weight. 4flCV4c ; dry
Illnt Colornds munaln wool ptlts. per pound ,
actual weight. 4feCe. Have feet cut off , as U Is
FClcBs to pay frelsht on them.
TAI.I/OW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow , 4Vi J >
< ! ic ; No. 2 tallow. 34t 4o ; grease , white A. 4O
4Ue ; grease , white II. 3Hc : grease , yellow ,
2\O3o ; grease , dark , 2 c ; old muter , 2f2'be ;
beeswax , prime , 174f20c ; rougti tallow , 2c.
WOOL. tlNWASHEU-FIno heavy. C 7c ; flne
light , SflDc : quarter Dlood , 10B12c ; secily , hurry
nnd chaffy , EflOc ; catleil nnd broken , coarse ,
75Wc : colleil nnd broken , flne , CiTSc.
WOOL , WASHED Medium , ISfilSc ; flne. 149
Ifio : lub washed. ICfflSc ; black. Sc ; bucks. Cc ;
tag locks , ! Q3c ; dead pulled , CfflCc.
FURS Tleor. black , No. 1 , large. JM.Orte23.00 ;
bear , brown. No. 1 , large , J20.00B25.W ; No. 1 me
dium. 116.00 ; No. 1 , email , J12.00 ; bear , brown ,
yearlings , No. 1 , large. JlO.OOiim.00 : No. l me
dium , 8.00 ; No. 1. small , JC.OO ; bear , brown ,
cubs , No. 1 , large. J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J5.00 ;
No. 1 , small. J3.00 ; badger. Na. 1. medium ,
J15.00 ; No. 1. siiinll. $8.00110.00 ; hear , black
vearllngs. No. 1. large , 112.W015.W ; No. 1. me
dium. J10.W ; No. 1 small. 7.00 ; bear , black
cubs , No. 1 , large. J6.00JJ8.00 ; Nt. i , medium
J5.00i6,00 ; No. 1 , small , 14.00 ; bear , black , Mon
tana and Rocky mountain. No. l. large. J1S.OOW
29.00 ; No. 1 , medium. 114.00 ; No. 1. mall , J10.00
bear , black. Montana yearling. No. 1. large
J12.00 ; No. 1 , medium , JS.OO ; r o. i , small , J5.00
bear , black , Montana cubs. No. J. large. JS.60
No. 1 , medium , J4.DO ; No. 1 , small , J3.00 ; bear
J1.00W1.00 ; No. 1. medium. COo ; No. 1 , small
SOc ; Usher , No. 1 , large , 8.00 ; No. 1 , medium
J6.00 ; No. 1 , small , J4.00 ; fox , silver , ns to color
according to beauty. No. 1 , large. J100.00 ; No. 1
medium , JCO.OO ; No. 1 , small. JW.OO ; fox , silver
pale , ncconllng to teauty. No. 1. large , J50. )
medium. 40c ; No. 1 , small , 30e ; lynx. No. 1.
large , J3.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J2.0. . ) ; No. 1. small
J1. & ) ; marten. No. 1 , large , J2.00 ; No. J , medium
head and feet. No. 1 , large , J1.00Q2.W : Imper
feet Bklns , } fl.OOQ7.00 : No. 1. small , J5.00 ; otter
pale , No. 1 , large , 57.W ; No. i. medium , JS.OO
No. 1 , small , J4.00 ; raccoon. No. l , large. MS70c
No. 1 , medium , We ; No. 1 , large. KlcJJ2.00
12.00 ; wolf , mjunlal/i. No. 1 , larse , J3.00 ; No. 1.
medium. J2.00 ; No. 1. small , $1.M ; wolf , prairie.
No. 1 , large. Wtf90c ; No. 1 , medium. COe ; No. 1 ,
Email , 40c ; beaver , per skin. No. 1 , laree , JS.OOjj
0.00 ; No. 1 , medium. 14.W ; No. 1 , tmall , J2.00 ;
beaver kits , No. 1 , large , J2.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
Jl.W ; No. 1 , small , 75c ; muskrats. wlnler. No. 1.
large , SSHOc ; No. 1. medium. Sc ; No. I. small ,
7c ; muskrats. fall. No. 1. large. 48 c : No. 1 ,
medium. 7c ; No. 1. small , 60 : muskrat kits. 2S3c.
Finiincliil Notes.
RALTIMORE. May 25.-Clfarlngs. 2,070,041 ;
balances. JK7.027. . .
DO.STON. May 25. Clearings , { 15.071.CII ; hal-
nnroK , fl,92.4e . Weekly clearings , Ji'0,551.379 ,
balanci J10.COI.45I. < r
NEW YORK , May. iJV''Iearlngs , 1113.132,304 ;
balances , J'.002.173. X eMlly , cleatlngs , JCOC.C71 , .
9C3 ; balances. J34.1CS.9CS.
ST. LOt'lR. Mny Ifll Klenrlngs. f3.6K.011 ; bal.
ances , JUO.IS2. Jloneyj 3ff per cent. New York
exchange , COo premium bid.
PHILADELPHIA. May-a.-Clearings. J10.G9I.-
abl cnfh balance , Jlbl.OTJ.OW ; gold reserve. J9. ,
CHICAGO , May CS.-i-C'lenrlnrs , J13.488.CoO.
Money stendy nl H4Q8 for cent on call and 51
< j per cent for commercial paper. New Yotl
exchange slronger mMe promlnm. Sterllnc
I osted rnten , nn demandut , < .W ; sixty days , J4.ll
NEW YORK , May 23.-The experts of spec !
from the iwrl of Neui. York for the we
amounted lo IUSJ In fjotf and JS7S.3S9 In silver
The Imports were : Qyld. 1ilJl0.6 ; silver. Ji3.
734 : dr > ' goods , USU/Wl ; , igeneral merchandise
$6.551,861. _
ii'inrialrr.ilri. . .
, PARIS. May Ai-Three pfr'cem rentes. 112
COc for the account. Exchange on London. 2 ;
22 ] c for checks.
LONDON. May 23.-Oold Isiu. . ted today a
Iluenos Ayres at 2Vi ) Madrid , 13.5) : Llslmn , 2H4
St. IVtiraburg. M ; Athens' 77 : Rime. 159. CS
Mtmnn , 1C3. The amount of bullion gone Into
the Hank of England un talariM txlay 1s tSO.OW
RERLIN. May 21. Kxehanga en Ixmdon.
days' sight , tl marks 4 b | .fK. Thv we kly
Malemeni of thai linnerlul Hani ; of German
Iiow ihe follow Inn chonK , as ccmr ir l will
Ihe iireilnu * acniunl : Cash In hand , Increase
I2.54i.0-i0 marks ; treasury note * . incrrtis > , 70) V )
marks : other securities , incrvasr. I.4W. > J marks
nolM tn circulation. il.cran. < . ' . : ( HJJ.i ) marks.
short bills. per cent ; rate for three months'
bllln , & per cent.
Share Sprculiitlon Oprni'il Active nnd Prices
Slmrply Ailvnnrcil.
NEW YORK , May 23. Hlmre speculation
opened active and In good tonn on the sttx-k
exchange and under the leadership of New York
Central prices advanced sharply , the g ln
ranging up IU per cent. The market soon be
came quiet , but lost none of Its strength , nnd
pome of the specialties took up the advance ,
Minneapolis & St. I * > uts first pnd secrmt pre
ferred selling up 2 per rent ; American Express ,
IM per cent. General Electric and Hocking Val
ley were exceptions to the iceneral firmness and
receded TiWlii per cent resepectlvHy. A few
other shares , Including RutlliiKt ' . reacted n
fraction , but the nwrket cnilckly rccoveri-d nnd
prices agiiln moved upward. American Tobacco
came Into demand and rose 3U per cenl. In the
rest nf ihe list the Improvement ranged from
IB t I' < per rent. At the Ix-glnnlng of the
* st half hour of business , n selling movement
as Inaugurated tn thn grangers , which caused
fmntlc decline nnd nlth them the general
st. In which the reaction was \t ti > S per cent.
in hitter Wheeling & Ijike Erie , piefcrrrd ,
nil m In Tob.icco. Just before nixin , Nh kel
late preferred advanced 1 per cent , Wheeling
nd Ijiko Erie preferred IVi nnd lluffalo , Ri > ches-
er and Plttsburg prefernil 2 per cent. The
nnrkel generally , however , clnsiil weak , bui
n thn muln higher Ihun nt the close yesterday.
Im bond trading tvlay was quite lively nnd
laterlal gains In vnltu1 wen * made In some
nslnncfs , Including Louisville .V Nashville ,
t. Imi I I * division , two siivmds , 2 per cent , and
Ichlson seconds , Fort Worth & Denver City ,
rsts , 1 per cent. The puled of the day were
NEW YORK , May 25. The total sales of
locks tislny were r.S.IOi share/ " , Including :
tnerlcan Sugar , 13.2)0 ) ; American Tobacco , 13-
; Atrhlson , 7.20 ( ) ; llurllnqton. 19.401 ; Chicago
as. 3.i < ) ; Denver & Rli > Grande common. S.W ) ;
Jike Erlo & Western , C.5IK ) ; Northern Pacific
referred , f.2 ; Nnrthwestern 3.71H ; Reading ,
; , n ) ; St. Paul , 8,600 ; fnlted Slates Leather ,
! i"o ; I'nltiil States Leather preferred , 3.BOO ;
Vabosh preferred , 2.i iO ; Wheeling Ac Lake Erie.
. .
The following were the closliiK quotnllons
n the lending Blocks of the New York cx-
hnnse today :
niqulsltlnu fnr Tliuinpsnn Ilefil'ud.
CITY OF MI3XICO , May 25. James C
Thompson , the fugitive cashier of a ilcfunc
Seilalla , Mo. , banking Institution , who wa
arrested several days ago , to await extraill
tlon to Missouri for embezzlement , has been
released by order of the Mexican Forelgi
Affairs department. When Sheriff Porter af
rived here several days ago he made n
requisition on the Mexican government
through the United States legation , for th
sxtradltlon of Mr. Thompson. The arrest o
Mr. Thompson was at once effected , but h
Is now free , the government refusing th
. .ShoYI1I ll Hurled In
INDIANAPOLIS , May 25. Services eve
the remains ot Mrs. Charles H. Williams
who died suddenly yesterday at her home I
this city , will be hold at the residence , 83 :
North Meridian street , tomorrow at
o'clock p. m. At 11 o'clock tomorrow nigh
the body will ho taken to Chicago over th
Pennsylvania railroad. The Interment wll
be at Lalo : Kprcst Monday or Tuesday next
l.ehlcli Vnller louil Hull * .
NBW YORK , May 25. The Lfhlgh Valle
railroad has positively refused to submit t
thu agreement r gardlng westbound frclgti
rates , as proposed by the Trunk Line asso
elation , and an a result trouble Is on. Al
of the railroad officials who have a voice 1
Trunk Line matters admit that the Lehle
Valley railroad haa bolted.
Instnntlr Kllln I hr Light nine.
OCALALLA , Neb. , May 25 , ( Special Tele
gram. ) Charlea/McCucn of N'orcature , Kan. ,
was struck by lightning anj Instantly killed
yesterday twelve miles east of here. He was
en route to Alberta , n. C. , In a prairie
ubstantial Incrcnsj in Receipts the Pnst
Weak ,
cfttrriU ) * * Marker llptlor Tlmii for Slnny
! > ) I'revliiin , Although Dry Urnllior
Has I'linilj-tril the IWilur's Tr.ule
by Values JlnvliiR Declliiml.
BATt'UIJAY. Mny 23.
There 1ms been n very mibslnnllal Increase
n receipts this week n * compared with
nst. while puppllea still full conalitcrnbly
liort of whnt they were n year ngo. The
Illclal IlKiires nro us follows :
Cntilo. Hog * . sheep.
ocelil3 | till * week . C.Bin Vi,572 23IA
feolplH lust week . 4.2.11 li.JTii 1.733
.imp week la l j-cur . 11.014 49.3.13 D.3M
ami- week ISM . 11.7'HI ' 23,070 24-i |
ami' wei-k 1SI2 . 1J.412 36.030 2,707
The gem-mi chnrnctrr of the cattle nwr-
cct for the punt six days showed little In
ic way of Improvement over tinprooed -
ng week. Dressed beef men have been np-
mrontly no more anxious for supplies , but
ic slightly better prospects In the east , as
ell as on the other side of the ocean , have
tlmulated the market somewht for the
tetter grades of cattle. Prices show up a
ttle hlRhcr than a week ngo and the tnar-
cet for the week closes with an upward
endeiicy. The general trade for the week.
owever. was dull , dragging and far from
The market today was about the best of
he week. There was a better showing of
oed finished native cornfed beeves , as
ell as several loads of desirable western
MI ttle. A good line of buyers anil generally
avorable reports from the east made a
; oed , lively trade , and prices ruled strong
o a dime higher than Friday. The top
> rloo paid was JS.tfi for n load of choice
,4 < 8-lb. beeves , and a big string of very
Ice 1.313.11) . steers brought J5.30. Fair to
oed 1,000 to 1,200-11) ) . natives sold' ' largelv at
rom $1.G5 to J4.Si ! , and fair to good 1,100 to
SOO-lb. westerns at from $1 to { 1.75. A good
.irly clearance was made.
The cow market was strong. Offerings
ere as usual limited , nnd with an active
emand the desirable butcher and beef
rades were ready sellers. Common and
aiming cows were slow sale and weaker.
Calves were In liberal supply and only sul-
ble at lower prices. The market for venl
trrk has gone oft anywhere from 50o to } 1
Ills wetk. Hulls , stags , etc. , have shown
Ittle chance the past week. 1'rlees have
leen firmly held and desirable * stock has
old readily right along.
Ury weather has imralyzed the feeder
lade and values liavo declined anywhere
rom 50c to 75c. 1'astures are frltorl nncl
ery few stock cattle are changing hands.
iood fleshy feeders have not suffered so
nuch. but the general market Is In rather
ad shape and will be until n good general
aln makes the grass better , ttood to choice
rtders are ( ( notable at J3.20& 3.75 ; fair to
rood , J2.70ff3.0 , and common grades from
J.Co down , llepresentatlve sales :
i > russin REEF.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. l > r.
-IW. Jl 55 23..11.1GII fii
46- Z.I..12I6 4 SI
1. . . . 1001 455 3. . . .USX ) 405 7. . . .1)12 515
C..1108 45.1 15. . . .1033 465 117. . . .1343 5 SO
.1473 D 45
.1010 2 fO
.10M 2 CO
725 2 75
! ' 10 2 IH
102) 3 00
' 3 0)
.tlM 3 SI
.1313 3 M
3 73
3 73
4 75
630 325
SfO 3 Cl
f.OJ . 3 SI
775 1 00
3 50
145 3 60
350 4 00
100 4 01
170 4 00
S10 4 50
1210 2 C3
070 2 70
.1230 2 75
.1570 2 75
1395 2 75
.1220 3 OJ
.135) 375
.1873 360
1..1220 3 50
1. . . D50 160 . 350 2 C3 COO 315
1. . . 430 2 Oi > IS. . . 770 270 . .810 311
2. . . 3V ) 2 CO 7. . . ( .78 2 8 . .100G 333
2 373 2 CO 3 513 3 CO . . 730 3 40
1. . . 310 2 CO 2. . . 750 300 1000 3 SO
10. . 400 265 IS. . . 191 300 . .712 376
Charles Vrilch.
No. Av. Pr. Nn. Av. I'r.
3 steers . 13 13 00 53 steorn 1I1I ! ft CO
JO steers . 1123 1 CO 1 steer 1200 4 00
19 Bteers 1261 423 101 steers 12U4 473
HOGS Although prlceB for Ihe past six day
average &e to lee higher than for the nix days
preceding , the market this week closes a flat
13c lower than last. This d.Tllne Is largely due
to the unexpectedly large Incroas" In receipts.
The run here was Zu.072 head , which was lu. < ) ' 0
head heavier than last week. In general the
finality of Ihe offerings IIIIH been exceptionally
K < id. Weights , too , have be n heavier , und
until within the last day or two very few
. . . and poor light loads have been received.
The activity developed In the speculative maiket
for provisions has also len u favorable fuc
In sustaining valiliH , while packers appear lo
llnd moie encouriiEement In tin > generul outlook
for the consumptive trade. A fair Increase 1
also been noticeable In the easUrn demand for
hogs , and on the whole the situation is such as
to encourage nil classes of dealers.
The market today nun xhiuply l" er under the
Influence of liberal receipts , lower markets enii
and an absence of xhlpiilng order * . Packers hail
little tumble In making their purchases nt a G
to lOc decline. Fnlr to choice medium weight
nnd heavy hogs sold nt fnnn JI.21 to JI.41) . while
ptKir to very good light and light mixed loids
Ki.ld nl from Jl to } 4.25. Pigs and llghl weights
s. . Id considerably lower at from 13 to 13.75 lor
S3 lo 135-Ib. averages. The movement was tel
ernbly active lliroughoul and Ihe pens were
cleared In good season , the bulk of the lings
M'ljlntr at from $4.2Mo JI.SO. an against JI.2" to
JJ.31 Krldny nnd JI.S'i lo n we. k HBO today ,
Ui presentattve palea
Nil. Av. Kh. Tr. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
C4 . 179 10 H CO 76 . 233 . . . | 425
1 . lf.0 . . . . 400 ID . 245 . . . 423
12 . 150 . . . 40) ) 74 . ' 13 240 4 2.5
73 . 1(9 80 00 79 . II ) i20 4.15
03 . 154 120 403 5S . 225 ICO 4 2t
ill . 1S4 120 4 03 K7 . 211 210 4 2"
P6 . 17 ICO 4 10 n . 2'i5 80 4 25
69 . IC'I ' M 4 1 > ) 51 . 241 10) ) 4 25
Id ! M 4 10 kl . 212 fc' ' ) 4 j
91 . 177 4 < V ) 4 10 K . 131 2V ) 4 25
71 . 101 ffl 4 10 7Z . 200 200
Cl . Ill ICO I IT. K" . 1'JI 21) ) 4 25
! H . 167 12.1 4 T. 7C . 234 21)S ) 4 25
'JO . HI 20 < ) 4 1" . 8) . 225 2H 4 2J
CO . no . . . 415 71 . 1U1 10 4 25
7 . 170 2SO 415 41 . ) . . . 4 ZJii
P4 . 1S5 40 4 15 C9 . 217 M 4 30
' 6 . 131 41 411 7B . 2tt : 2i ) 4 31
7 . 130 . . . 4 IS 8 . 211 4 < l 4 30
2 . 201 . . . 4 15 1.8 . : JI 1C ) 4 3)
C7 . 201 SO 4 2) ) 41 . 251
. " .5 . 201 80 4 21 K , . 2.-.S SO
M . 2."J . . . 421 41 . 209 81 4 20
75 . 2-13 & ) 4 2" ) S < . 2W Ifr ) 4 )
71 . 177 . . . 4 2' . - ! > . 215 41 4 SO
70 . 197 . . . 420 fi.1 . vy. 2iO I 31
ir , . 215 121 420 Cu . 211 10 4 3)
77 . 2)1 ) 120 420 U > . 231 ! k'l ' 4 SI
7G . HO . . . 4 20 ' 4 < . 211 M 4 SO
77 . 2-14 24) 42) IM . 255 ICO 4 SI
31 . 190 M 42) 70 . 115 . . . I 3' ' )
kO . lit * 101 4 21 < t < . 211 M 4 M
S3 . 23S M 4 20 72 . 213 40 4 2' ' )
91 . 181 12) 4 M H . 2H ICO 4 ? 2U
171 . 11 4-0 4 2H 7(1 ( . 2'.l 210 4 3 ! ' . $
81 . 218 200 420 tS . 2.2 t 4 3i
HI . 1W . . . 4 * ) .0 . i < l . . . 4 35
79 . 203 120 4 2H 71 . 2C7 SI 4 35
91 . 5M5 JO 4 22'j ( , ! . 2M . . . 4 41
: t . 224 . . . 4 23
1 210 2M 21 . 114 . . . 3 M
1 4OT 3 IK ) 77. . . . . . . .13S 21) 30)
IS SI 30i ) 9 . IU > . . . 3 CS
ll ) 117 3 Oi > CJ . 131 1C ) 2.75
SHEEP None fr > xh were ircelved today liinl
there were n ne on sale. Th demand conllnu's
good for desirable muttons nnd hmihd find pilces
are qui > tably mrnnir. Fair lo i'lio.i | iinll\-s lire
quotable at fntin JJ.25 t.i . J4.25. fair tu goo'l w xl-
enis ut from J3 lo SI. fornni'in und KIM , | : hh ep
at from J2.Xi tn II. KMX ! ti > choice 41 to Ji)0 Ib.
lambs at from JJ.T5 to U25.
Lighter Receipts ( hungn Iliinils Ruadlly at
Yeslrnlity's Prlties.
CHICAGO. May 2V The > mull numl T of r--
celpts to lay cliautfed hanilA ill > et > trrduy's prtr. s.
choice I' is HdlliiK ubiiul In , p. . r 11) ll . hlglKT
than a week ngo. Ksimneri havu h"rn taking
hold more freely this weuK. us ptlrs ale s * me *
what higher In the llrllltdi nmrkeU. 1'ommnn
cattle are Irai active than lant wrk and Ihe.
po/iresl native dresmxt beef steers are lowor. a
few sales belne made nt Sl.4tfl.2 > . Fur Ihe
last f w days cli.dce cuttlv hava l/v. . n very uri'e
nnd f < w hu\i * t jld above ( "xj , t MS liuvi1 I. . * , n
Piling at extremely IdKlirr pfl' ' f T i > fVi-ral
weeks , but this ek canu. rs und Infer ) , r
bnlrhcri' owa ur off us um h IK ) . " . . wlule
| ) ' 1 la are st 'ady. The ' k-r ni.'l fieji-r
trade continues m derate at st inly i.rl' .
Ab ut 2J,6uU Iligx Hera offered twin ) m ludlng
thutie left o er from jrrs'trday ' This um n'I u
particularly heavy supply , lui ! t I-Ing thli t
ay of the- week , buyers were nlile lo illctati
erms , nnd lijr tioldlnir back they succeeded In
orclnjr n further decline nf SUlJo per 100 ll .
Sales drnRxe.1 nt Ihe reduction In prices. Sales
vert- made nf common ti ch Ice heavv hoes al
I Mf 4 < * , \\lill.- light and in lie , I HO Kills found
uyers at JI.JMf l.'wl. The bulk ut the sales were
t II.SOW4.W fiw heavy an.l IIOlfMl for llnht
. Ighls , th averngiiiuallly Inlng very choice.
The receipts nt shcrp wen railiir large for n
tAturday. Trndf was \rry dull , and < is Ixiycn
% er < bidding lo er prk'es holders of di-slrabln
hern ami lanitM wrre iM | i""d to hold stixk
mil Monday. The imternl marki-l has l en
iillne X TMc per 100 Ibs. high r than last \\fft
or nheep and lambs , but part of this ailvnn > ' <
las In-en Imit since Thursday Hlnvii nr
n a lutsls of Ji.4'lM75 f r tnfei In choice.
or Intnbs the riilln.v l > rlc-s .
Vooled llncks lmistnppiMl oii ierc. Spilnn
atnhs sell at ! .VM : > . ' . > per for lots av
r Klnu 9 to 61 llw.
Receipts : Cntlle , SW bond ; lings , 1S. ( > \ ) head ;
heep , 4 , C0 limit ,
Receipts nnil Dliposltlon of Stuck.
Official "receipts nnd disposition nf stock Kg
houn by Ihe books of the I'nlon Stock Ynnls
oumpany for Ihe twenty-four hours at 5
. m. . May 3 . 1S9. . :
Oars Ilrail ,
attlo . 43 l.ITt
. 71 D.53I
heep . 1 2C
lluyers. tattle , ll s. Hheep.
) malm racking Po . f > H . . . .
The (1. H. Hammond IV . M * .
Swift g , Cn . 21 I.fl3
Thn Cud.hy . racking CL. . . IM 2.1S3 .
Igjro Co . 2.U .
1. 11. llammwd llona ) . l .
1. II. HiimiiKind ( K. C. ) . . . . ISt . r
il.liiluKansas City ) . Ill . . . . .
1/iUnan . lM ! .
h Ittn'Kir . C7 . . ,
. L Ctiii'y . 1 .
8hliiei | | nnd feeders . 1SJ 2.1 .
.oft nvrr . 50i > . . . .
Total . 1,177 6,978 .
St. Louis l.lvn Stock -Mnrnet.
ST. I/MM8. May 23. CATTLE-Recelpts. 7W
head ; shipments , 1.WV ) Imid ; maiket iiulet and
slow on small supply ; Texas steem ranged fmm
J4.S5iTfi.73 ; llKht weights. J3.SOffl.25 ; stucKers and
feedciv , J2.Mlfl.00 ; COWH. Ji.lV.if3.7i ; fed Texas
stcvrs. J2.7S4N.W ; KmnwiH , J2.7t.tf3.75 ; cows , (2.0)
HOGS Reeelpls. 1.41 * ) head ; shipments. 1,8"fl
head ; maiket CtfHiir lower ; heavy , JI.OOS4.6. , ,
mixed. JI.LMttl.a ; , light. Jl-.yl.lO.
SHEEP Reci-lpts. 500 head ; shipments , l.SOO
head ; maiket Klow nn medium iifferings. nntlvrs.
' " " " ' 5 ; oulh c8leniK , JI.251M.75 ; bimbf , | 4.
Kansas < llr .Miirlirtn.
KANSAS CITY , Hay 2r. . WlIHAT-Kasy nnd
nurr early , hut teiiiveied nnd closeil linn. No.
hard , " ( li/SHie : Mi : nuked ; No. 2 red , Slo ; Mo
isked ; ivjei-ted , 7J\je.
XUN tjiilel , steady ; No. 2 mixed. Me , No. 2
vhlte. Me.
OATS-KIrm ; Nn. 2 mixed , 2D',4O3 > ) o ; No. S
\hlte , 3U- .
Allnnenpolls VI bent Market.
May. Mhc : July. SOHc : September , " 1' c. mi
mi-It. No 1 haul. M r ; No. 1 nnrthern. ke ;
'o. 2 northein. 7e. ! )
lc\iuty ) \ .Miiirb IK | l.i'inn I'mirlii.
I'KOUIA , May 25. The deputy United
States marshals from Chicago who have bstMi
RtiardliiK nistlllliiB nnd CattlefeedhiK ds- :
Illerles , left t noon toilny. U'gular watcli-
nen were sworn In tills moraine to take their
> lace.
Imvu Hey ( Joon tn U' ! t I'olnt.
DBS MOIN1CS , Itt. , May 25. ( Special Tolfl-
gram. ) William Gibson of DCS Molncs was
today chosen for the West Point cadcUhlp.
1) . IS. Larson of Knoxvllle was chosen alter
nate. Gibson's markings were C2S'/j. and
Larson's C1SV4. .
TI'.lA'.Ult.l I'll 1C JIKIKI'S.
Hev.Vllllam Ilensluw of Indianapolis was
yesterday Indicted for the murder of Ills
An Illuminated portrnlt of President Cleveland -
land will be displayed from tlio cruiser Now
York dtirliif : tlie festivities at Kiel.
The Costa lllcan representative at Wash-
InRton denies thn report of war bclliB likely
between that country nnd Nicaragua.
Clinlrmnn Karris of the Laclcde county ,
Missouri , democratic coinmlttco , declines to
call a convention to discuss the silver ques
The board of revision nt work on tlio
registry list at Kansas City has stricken
7/100 names from the list as being fraudu
The jury In the case of James Null of
Atchlson , charged with attempting to kill
Mrs , JCESO PnytuM , returned a verdict of.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints an cd-
Itcrlal calling srcclal attention to the avail
ability of General Schoflcld no a presidential
The bakers 'at Kansas City , Kan. , have
notllled customers that the price of bread
will be advanced , owing to the Increased
price of Hour.
H Is reported that tlio now Krench com
pany which U pushing the Panama canal Is
trying to sell the ditch ajid concession to an
American syndicate.
The American line's new ship St. Louis will
Ipave Cramp's yards today for a brief trlil
trip It Is expected she will leave New York
on lier first voyage on Juno 5.
London capitalist ! ) have ecctircJ an exten
sion of time In their option on tlio Hawlildo
mine In Taulainrlo county , Arizona. The pur-
chfcsa was to bo $1,10)OCO.
Louis Krocman of Chicago got out of work
and became despondent over Inability to sup
port himself and family and killed his llttlo
child and then committed suicide.
The lower house of the Missouri legislature
1ms passed a resolution tendering assistance
to the grand jury which la Investigating
charges of bribery against members of the
Twenty-five hundrcJ people were present at
Ann Arbor yesterday to witness the dedica
tion of a memorial bust of Thomaa M. Cooley ,
the virtual founder of the law school of the
Forest fires have broken out again In north
ern Wisconsin anil Michigan. In the vicinity
of Ashland , WIs. , and Iron Mountain , Mich. ,
great concern Is felt as tlio woods arc very
dry. Ths town of llamsay , Mich. , Is sur
rounded by fires.
The United States court at Duluth Is en
gaged hearing the case of William Jnmea
and John McKlnley against John D. Rocke
feller. The case grows out ot the consolida
tion of mines In Minnesota and the plalntllTH
claim they were swindled out of $020,000 by
false representations of the defendant.
The headquarters of the Millers' National
as&oclntlun are to be moved from Milwaukee
to Chicago and the association Incorporated
with a largo capital stock. A representative
of the association will vlttlt all the leading
flour markets of the world In an endeavor
to more completely Introduce American Hour.
: Rare Chance \
For Speculation ! *
Activity again prevails In the maik-t for
Stocks , llond * , drain , Cotton and other
Wu malt fiee to any uddreMi our ll.-uli .
nnd Dally Maiki-t letter , dcsurlblm ; ho\v .
. inudnst Hpcculntne Invotmenu result In
. rapid and handsome prollls.
( iUAIN , COFF15E.
Our commission for buying and
for cash or margin of 3 to & PIT cenl Is
ONLY I-10 I'lllJ CI'.NT.
E. D. Thornburgh < S Co.
Memliers of N. A * . Con. Slock Exchange.
41 Hromlwny , New York.
IJy a new plan ot syctcmutlo grain specula * ,
tlon. Send lur our free booklet uhowlnt ; huw
n get uround adverse lluclimtloiis of the
inarKet and make money even on tlio wrong
vide , I'.ivt working of plan und highest
references furnished VALI3.NTIN13 Si
CO. . Traders Ul-lir. . Chlcaco.
liiiiiiiermanontlr cured In 14 to
345 clays. You can bo treated at home for
Blho sarna prlco unOertarco Kuarnnty , 11
f Ton prefer to como hero via tin contract
to PUT railroad f ro and hotel bills , and no
chnri.-c.lf no f all lo euro. If you hara Uken mer
cury , Indian potash , mid ( till hard nchei and
r ln . Mucous I'utrhcs In mouth , Hiiro Thrnat ,
I'implcs , Copper Colored Spots , Ul ers on
or tiartuf tlio builjr. llnlror lirehrnws fiilllnjt
.tut , It D Ihl.Syphllltln IILIOI ) I'OISON that
wocnarnntcu tactirn. Wosollelttbumoitiibitl-
nalii fiintis nnd rlinlleni-e tint world far u
cnsu wnrunnot oiirti. M'liU dltoato tamalwara
battled Ihoslilll of tliu iiiiisCeiulueutpliykl-
lHin. ttnno.UOO cniR l tehlnd our untondl.
trnnlKtiaraotr. Aluolute proofniient e led on
appUciilou. A4dr ps . ' ( > OIl KKMKUV CU .
U07 JUtouJi Xcuiolo , CIUUA.UU. ILL.