wir-- ' "iM"i' ' . " " 'Kif' THE OMAHA DAILY JBEE : JTRTDA.Y , MAY 24 , 1895. SPE01RL MOTIGBS. AdYcrilArnicnt * for UICMI columns -will tMbrn until 12I3O p. m , for the oTeiilncnnil until 8 p. in. for the morning anil Sunday r ( III Ion , AdverlUcni , by reqneitlne n nntnlmrert rltcck , can Imvo nriMver * ntlilrrmed In a numbered letter In ruru of The Hon. An * Mrcrn no Mitilrpfmcil ulll Im drllv-crml U | > n I iturntHtlon of tha chcrlc only. Itntm , 1 l-8c n \ < urcl , lint Insertion , lo n word liertlificr. Nothing tnkoii for Ins than SCo for IIrut ImrrlliMi 'Iheito mlvrrtlitcments mast tun cninccu- tUely. SITUATIONS WANTED. A YOUNO OnilMAN WOMAN ( WIDOW ) wants to da Bf > nernl liouseuork In rmnll fam ily preferred , 3M > Woolwoilh avenue. avenue.AM1W 2I POSITION 1IY TUOHOltaillA" COMTHTCNT young laily Blrnogrniilicr. experienced In Kfn- rral ultlce work : best city rcfeiCMICPH. Addrpm P C7. lleo. A-M2W 2J WANTEU HEL1 > . ( WANTED , 1.000 MEN TO WIUTK ME TODAY for Ihe receipt ( abHohitcly fri'c , In plain sraloil rnvolcrw ) which curcil in" of nfrrom ileUllty , rxhniiKlrtl vitality , Me. AOilress C. J. Wnlkcr , _ box 1.311. Kalamazoo , Mich. D-MIC3 _ " " WANTED. MAN TO TAKE "OUOERH IN f'lTY for nlil rstalillnliril house ; former experience unnccranarjr nnd Biliary tiulil weekly. Apply after 9 a. m. nt 1516 Dougim. D-.MCHJC WANTED , BAI.ESMIWT The HiinkH Nursery Co. , Mlln-uukrc , Win. U M750 J10 SALESMEN TO BELL 11AKINO 1'OVVDEn. \Vo put nur KorxU In Klas.i rolling pint. JCJ mon'li ' nnil cuprous or commission. CliiciiKo Ilaklng 1'owJcr Co. , 767 Van Duren nt. . Chi cago. H-MS'M ' 20- CUHA.N rUECKLES , 1'UIIE AND MILD. CO. 11-181 JS1 A LIVE MAN TOR OUTSIDE POSITION. l > oolki-p | 'r or Mlcm.in preferred. Slcacly em ployment : Bond wiiR ! references required. Apply Thumday , E. J. Stanley , CIS 1'axion block , "I HEUAMi.K NEWSPAPER CAN- vanstr for Chlc.ieo ilnlly In Iowa ; permanent pOBltlon. Address L ltli Leslie. Omnlin. U-M213 2t WANTED , MAN TO SELL dllOCBUY SI'E- clalty lo trade In city ; utato uiperlenrr , etc. 1 * M. lice. -M2I2 2C' _ _ WANTED- JiM ALE HELP. AKE YOU HONEST , SO1JEU. INDUSTH1OUHT If HO , cncuKe with ua fur lS3i ; 1300 a month , 53.COO u year : you can mukc It tsuty : xlx hours a day. Our UKenU do not complain of hard lime * . \Vhy7 They ure making money veiling our Perfection ninli WnBher ; the. only practical family uushcr manufactured ; vasheu , dries nnd ynillslica OI&htH perfectly In two minutes ; no experience nece-gsary , u child of S operates U fn lly ; cheap und durable ; wi'lllht. thirteen pounds ; maile of anti-rust uncct mid : cnpjc- ily , NX ) pieces ; flO.OO'J ' for Its e > iual ; every lam- llynntit one ; you don't have lo canvas ; ns coon ns people know you have It for rale they senif for illHli waxher ; e.ich ugi-nl'H territory protected ; no coiiipelllluii ; we fur- nlijli ftumplc ( weighs BX | pounds ) In nhe cane to lady uRi-nts lo laku orders with ; one acnt | ; limdo J21I.E3 first ten days. Address for /nil particulars 1'erfcctlon Mfs. Co. , Englewooil , III. C M359 WANTED , COMPETENT OIHL. FOIl GEN- cral hounrwoik. 2001 Pacific nt. C M1D 25 < _ \VANTEIJ-MATlfo N AND DOMESTIC"AT TnE Houth Omah.L hospital ; reretunce * leuulieil. Apply In person Tufsd.iy. May 2'tli , at 3 o'clock p. m. , ut Boulh Omaha ho.'pltnt. ITOR BENT HOUSES. I1OUSEB , ! ' . K. HAULING , UA11KEK 11I.OCIJ. D-3W IIOUES IN ALL I'AHTS OL' THE CITY. THE O. K. Davis company , 1W > 1'urnam. D 361 HOUSES ; 11ENEWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TII ST. I ) 303 J | II. E. COLE CO. LAHGEST LIST IN OMAHA. U A ! 3114 * " 1 * . > rrta . . . FAItNAM STHEET. \V. M. Uojrsrs , 1323 l-'arnani street. D-3S NICE MODEUN FLATS , CHEAP. J. W. Squire , SlilJre _ ItuililniK. U 518 Fbll HENT , DES1UAIILE HOUSES. U rooniH , Sill S. 2llh hi. , i3' ' > . I t-uonw , < 203 Cumins Bt. , > . 7 rooms , t:0 N. 27ih u\c. . { 2J.50. II rooms , 1907 Casa at. , J10. D rooms , 4927 Davenport St. , (10 , C roomu , 3420 Jacknon nt. . fS. C rooms , 3313 Pnilt hi , , $7. Kee Klrtpllly Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam ft. D 531 I-AIIGE LIST. F. D.VEAU , 1CTII & DOUGLAS. D 517 J3 FOn KENT , FINE NEW 10-IIOOM HOUSE. E20 N. Mill l. II. T. Clarke , 213 Hoard of Trade. D G53 11ENTAL 'AGENCY , 310 NO. 10TH ST. D-727 FOH UENT. FLATH AT NOIVTHEAST COK- ner of iiih nml Howard sis. ; ne\\ly papered nnd painted ; $15.00 u month. Inquire room S14 , First National Hank llldff. D 728 M Foir U ENT AT iTELLVUE. NEAR II. It. depot , a line ID-room house , line grounds ; nhundant fruit ; also 4-ruont catlnge. II nry T. Claik , No. 211) . llonrd of Trade , Omaha , or W. II. Hct7 , llcllvue. U 730 A FLAT. 7 HOOMSr\VITli 11ATH AND GAB ; very complete ! mutable for housekeeping. .116 So. 2Cth t. " Mlll _ NEAtlLY NEAv'c-nOOM COTTAGE \VITll bulh , reduced lo U3.W. 1M33 California st. VEIIY DESIHAllI.n"FUnNISHED HOUSE , close In. J. H. Hlurwood , 4-'J N. Y. Life. FOIl UENT. IIo'lTSEsT TEN-UOOM MODEIIN house , close In ; fi-i-oom cottage , cily water ; Uoio tHill.Uns. . 13C8 Fauiam. U S. SKInner , agent , 310 New Yoik Life. D-M91 _ _ _ iT AND 7-nOOM FLATH. RANGE AND ALL niddein conveniences. Call l comer Hat * * A. " 701 H. ICth St. Gcorga Clouser. D-93) 27 10-HOOM HOUSE , MODEKN. LOCATED I'll Douglas. % V. F. Claik. D-M9.15 JU FHUNISirED OU UNFUUNISHED ; THE ImmUoinest residence In ICi'imtzn Place. For particulars enquire Adolph Meyer , ISth and Fiivtmin. i D 152 i'OU miNT. 9 HOOM HOUSE , MODEUN IM- pnivi menu , well localcd. Inqulie l < ii)5 Sher man avenue- . D M1CV B-ROOM FUUNISIIED COTTAGE NEAU ALL Snlulx .chuich ; .line location ; references rc- nulied. Call C01 South 2 lh strecl. D-197-2 : * _ _ FOH HINT A COMPLETELY FURNISHED hail * , iKMiiitlfnlly located , corn-intent I' * husl- nem. For nuitleulam Inquire of L. K. riUlnmr , room SIO New York Life. D-2W-:9 FOU JSK.NT. MODEUN 10-UUOM HOl'SE. IS ] Orac Rt. . $ J ) , Apply to I. A. Pcoll. Omaha Nat , tank. ' D Mill M Foil KENT FOU THE SPMMEIt. MY UES- IrtenciN S. W. ci rner S3th avenun anil H"Ward. ftunlKJiiil wllli all modern c-nvcnl n es , lea- vniinhln 'tnrlsht parly. lniul ( \ V.V. . Pole. 1114 Harney Hreel. D M11 24 lOli RUNT iUUN Jtir-EJ3 HOOMS. NICE SO I 'Til FliONT UOOM.YELL FUU- nlthcd , iiflvulo family. Call 2412 Cusn st. NICELY FUUNISIIED ROOMS FOU Call lit 2137 Douglas. FOUEM7S2 1 TWO FRONT P.OOMS , IIVTH. SSI D.ivenriort ; ' K JIBiT PLEASANT HOOM . 1913 -MSl-7 1'NFI'UNISHED IIOOMH , SOUTH 25TH avenue. G-92S 23 * FUIINIHUED UOOM. Cili S. lTlt STREET. 1S-M107 .I1S * FOR RENT. DESinAIlLE furnished raotni. l 2t Clilcaico rtren. E-MU9 21 * _ " S ROOMS Ki'RNIsilEn FOU LIGHT 1KPJSE- keeping , J12.th > pr month , JU'JJ N'-nlh l tli sireet. 1IOUHEKEEPING UOOMS. CON V EN 1 EN chuiii , cool , largo lawn. 2CH St. Mary's. F/-M1M 21 * WIDOW lADY HAH A NICELY Ft'UNISHEn fitint room to lent cheap ; balh In house. Call SOO N. Hill. E-M181 24 _ _ FOU RIJNT-NICELY J UUNISHBD "SCITK OP rooms , south f i > nsur > , wllh honrd ; private family ; line location , ZM DouslaH n ; refer- ena-o. E .M21I-2I 1 NICE FfUNISIIEO UOOMS FOU LIGHT. housi-keerlntr. 1112 South lltli. E-2U3-28' . PLhIASANT FUU.S'ISHKir ROOMS for vcnl , prlvalo fninlly , lo Mnsle irenile- men ; Inratlcii < > m * of ll'o meat deslrablu In Ilia cltv ; refvivnces lequIiviL Addu-si P 0) , Th-a t < n\Cf. \ ' E M215 2C * I'.OOMj AND BOAUD 110AIID AND UOoiiTjJ.W WEEK. 14J1 CASS. F M7M 24 * TR1VATB FAMILY CAN ACCOMMODATE ( Milleman and wife , or two fntlfmn : pit-as- ant fiont ro.Min , gent board , at 2411 Cuss. _ _ _ _ _ _ F-MI8H 23 TU15 ROSE. milARNEV. Nl E FURNISHED roe i wltli board ; ( .pecUl rulea lo gcnllmcn. F-201 322 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - IiOOMS WITH IlO.uifJ AT TIIU SUUINEU , j : . | h slr.'et. p Mji'j oj" BUSINESS IvOTICES. DAMAGED MIP.ROP.S UE.SIL I.'RED , 7U N K. IM FOR RENT STORES AND OFFIOE3 Toil RENT THE 4-STOUY DIUCK I1U1LDINO , 91 Farnnm slreel. This building has n fire , proof cement basement , complete steam heal ing fixtures : waler on alt floors , gus , lc. Ap. ply at th office of The Ree. 1 910 TO 11 RENT-FIRST CLASS THREE-STORY and basement brick store building. 1003 For. nmn street. Suitable for any kind of business. Inquire 314 , First Nallonnl bank building. I-MSSI-23 DESK ROOM. WILLIAM J. WELSHANS. 331 Rosrd of Trade. 1 MES7 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. 15 TO 110 A DAY. ADdress - dress Ihe Handy Healer Co. , S3I New York Life bldg. , Omnlin , Neb. J-913 AGENTS WANTEO-U.OO' ) IN 3 MONTHS I1Y one nct-nt selling the new Stoddarl edlllon of I-'neyclfTiaMlla Ilrltnnnlca up to dal1 ; low prices nnd ensy payinrnli nmko orders come en .y. Writ * for lernn and lerrltory to S. A. I nik. gen. ngt. for west. 213 und 21G Hall bl.lg. , Kansas Clly. Mo. J 202-2 ! * THE NP.W EDUCATION" IS THE MOST nspfttl school work ever published ; hundreds of ng nls wanted to wll lo school Imnrd * . The Diamond Lllho Publishing Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. J-M20H 21 WANTED TO KENT. LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH G. G. WAL- luce , 312 Drown blk. Have calls for collages. LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH F. D. WEAO. K 548-J3 IIY A LADY AND SON. FOUU t'NFITHNISHED rooms ; must be within 14 ! mllei of jmslomce , nol moro lhan two blocks from nlreet car Una nnrt where t Hrd can be had In samp nouse or near by. Address Mrs , A. E. Goodall. care of E. E. Ilruce & Co. K M173 23 STORAGE. STOUAGE. FRANK EWERS , 12H HAUNEY. M 3iG I1EST STORAGE RIIILDINO IN OMAHA. U. 8. gov. Iranded vvarehouw ; household goods stored ; lowesl rates. 1013-1015 Leavenwnrth. M 377 STOVEH STOHED IH'HINO SUMMER TEL. 9CO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M 378 ACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. , 9TH & Jones Bis. General utoiage nnd forwarding. M 574 WANTED TO BIT * WANTBD-A STOCK OF GOODS WORTH 4,000 to J5.000. Address M 19 , Omaha Dec.N N Mjl8 STOCKS OF CLOTHING. GENTS' FURNISHIngs - Ings , hats nnd shoes. S. Arnstcln , 1303 Douglas .ip < u.t Omaha. Neb. N M706-J8 FOE. SALE FURNITURE. FOR SALK-ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL TO New York , will sell all Ihe furniture , carpets , etc. . of n 10-room house cheap. Call at 551 S. 26th nve. O M621 FOR BALE-HORSESWAGONS.ETO BALE OR TRADE. FOR OUOCEUIES , A buggy horse. 1512 Douglas "t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WEOMAN PIANOS. IIRIDOEPOIIT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Hros. , 117 S. 17th. Q-873 HARDWOOD COMIHNATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chas. R. Lee. , 0th and Douglas. Q 3SO THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES. NEIL , has 400 Ions good l > alcd hay lo sell. Q Mli2 FOU SALE-A PET DEEU. INQUIRE A. D. Drandels , lloslon Slore. g-MC9l FOR SALE SECOND HAND IIILLIARD TAble - blo in good condition. Inquire room 311 , First National banltblds. _ SlJ53- " FOR SA"LE-COLUMrIA , 37 LBS. IN GOOD condition , $35.00. A. L. Hampton , with Am. Hand Sewed Shoe Co. XJ-179-21 * CUHAN FUECKLES SOLD EVERYWHERE. MISCELLANEOUS. FOU RENT-DAIRY FARM NEAU SOUTH Omaha. II. H. Harder & Co. . HUD bulhllng. - CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. Dn. II. WAUUEN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , 81H year nt 119 N. IClh. 8 2SI MASSAGK , iiA'l'HS. ETO. MADAM SMITH , 602 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , ROOM 3mecnellc. . vapor , alcohol , sleam. sulphurlne and sea baths. T-M1W-25- MOST COMMODIOUS RATH PAHLOUS IN city. Mrne. Howcll , 318 & 380 S. l..lh ; thoroughly practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant. -MS13-Jll * MADAM LA HUE. 1017 HOWARD MASHAGE. MADAME UEUNAUD , 1 1DOPOE. _ MUS. DR. LEON. ELEOANT MASSAGE AND electric bnth pariors. reslful and refrcslilnB. No. 412 North 14th street. T-M115-S 1 TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH IIATHS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Sullo 103-110 , llee bid- . SIX DATHS JJ. MME. POST , 31DVi 8. > 5T,0 PERSONAL. THE IJELLE EPPEULY COHSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1900 Fnrnnm sliccl. VIAVI CO. , S4 < ! 11EE IJLDO. j HEALTH llOOIi free ; home trcalment ; ludy nllcndanl. U 3SI U. HAAS , FLORIST. PLANTS. CUT FLOWEItS. luinquel , hall , icsldence and grave decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 776. U MOW PAPElT CONTAIN7Na UEAL PHOTOS OF ladles wishing tu wed mailed for stamp. P.o\ 1CUS , Denver , Colo. M174-M2J * IJATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST. 19Vi S. UTH. PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURING conilncmcnl : battles adopted or othcnvlse pro- vldcd tar. Z523 Caldvvell street , Omaha. Neb. U M86G-J12 * CUIJAN FRECKLES. WORTH IOC ' ' MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANTHONY IXJAN ATIU'ST CO. , 518 N. Y. LIFE , loans ut l w rates for choice security In Ne- hra > ki : and Iowa farms or Omaha clly properly. W 331 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA r < -ul estate. IJruman , Love & Co. , Paxlon blk. W 5S5 IMPROVED CITY LOANS AT LOWEST HATES , 11. II. Harder & Co. , cround Moor. llee bide. W 121-1IEI MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. II. ilclUol , Ut Nat. Ilk. bl-lg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam. W 583 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. , Now York , offer nny part 100.CDO eastern In vestors' names , who have money to invest ; Just compiled. Write for parllculars. AGENCY. U. S. MORTGAGE CO. SU11MIT lo.ins to Pustty & Thomas , Council JlluITs olilce. W-4S5 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. D15 N. Y. LIFE. W 3SS MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES TIIE O. F. Davis'Co. , 1505 Farnam st. W 3&8 LOANS ON IMPROVED & PNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith it Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-390 Hl'E INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON F. O. Cliejiiey , Kansas City , Mo. MIS * MONEY TO "LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURN1- ture. pianos , horses , wacon * . or any kind ot chattel security nt lowest possible rates , which you can pay back ut any time or In nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4 , Wlthnell block. X57J MONEx' TO 1XXVN ON Fl'HNlTUUE. PIANOS , noises , wagons , etc. . at lovvesl lales In city ; no removal of Roods ; strictly conndenllal ; you can pay the loan off 'at any time or In any amaunl. OMAHA MOUTGAGE LOAN CO. . 304 So. 16lli St. St.X.170 J. II. HADDOCK. ROOM'427 , RAMGE 11LOCK. X 371 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry. 420 Ramce blk. X 371 BUSINESS CHANCES. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES ARE NOW offered by the markets to easily multiply small capital each week by speculatlnc. Our custom er ! make ble money. Bora * 1200.00 to MOO.00 a week , on a JKJC.OO tm-cttmtnt , C n we not da the Mine for you7 Small margin required. Our bonlt on successful speculation and dally market teller , full of money producing pointer * , sent free. Speculate through experts. Tliomat & Co. . bankers nd brokers. Rial to bl.Irr. , Chi- caw. 111. Y-M917-JI6' FOR SALE-MY LOAN AND JEWELRY Bl'Si. ness. Fred Mohle. 1517H Farnam. Y-M691-JM BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. A RARE CHANCE ) A WELL ESTARLISHED produce commission business In splendid lo cation In Omaha for sale nt a bargain ; com pletely equipped for butter ami eggs , llest oC reasons for eelllne. Address P M , lleo. Y-1K K CUHAN FRECKLES , THE ONLY CIGAR. EC. Y 14 JJ1 FOU HALIF1RST CLASS OMAHA Ill'TCHER shop ; Booit ronnnis for selltnp. Aililress P tl , care Omaha llee. Y 1 1 ! C FOK EXCHANGE. A NICE STYLE FAMILY HORSE. COAL black , sound. Rood free driver nnd Ken lie In every way , to exchange for Rood driving horse. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam atreet. Z MSSJ LEAN DIIUO STOCK AND iH'ILDINO TO exchange for clear lands In Nebraska , Knn as , Missouri or Arkansas. Address R. E. Everett , MolnRonn. la. SC-MI67 2I IOUSE. 9 ROOMS , MODERN , WELL LO- catcd , lot 40x110 , clear , lo exchance f < ir Kansas Clly properly or farm In eastern Kansas or western Missouri. J. II. Parrolte. Douutas lllock. 7-lS'-20 ' _ 'O TRADE , A GOOD PAYING MANtPAC- lurlnK flgency ; trnde cstalill he < li for eqully In fmall place ; or a K < v > d team for stock ; reason for selling , have other business. P 39 , Rep. Z M192 iVANTED. TO SELL A FIUST-CLASS PUIV- Intt horse , 7 years old. Slyll h , free driver. Bate and sound. Will Irnilc for Rood saddle horse , hlRh Rrad new bicycle , or open lo offer * . Address V 56 , llee. 7. MI93 2l 'OR EXCHANGE , 80-ACRE FARM IN GREAT FUK.ir beet dlstrlcl ; miUe. or bank slock pre ferred. W. O. Templelon , 403 N. Y. Life. 7.-M217 0 'OR EXCHANGE , I HAVE 13.0 < ACRES OF land In Montgomery county , Georgia , which I will sell or exchange for property In Iowa or eastern Nebraska. I < ands In that part of Georgia an > now receiving much ntuuitloii by norlh- crn Inveslors. D. J. Lake , 022-21 Fnrnam si. X-M2IO 2C HE NICEST FAMILY HOUSE IN THE CITY for Bale rhenp , ur will Irade for bicycle. Ad dress P LS , llee. K MS11 FOR SALE Kh'AL ESTATE. USTRACTS. THE UNION REED COMPANY. RE-I58 MPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAU OMAHA at prices that will surprise ) ou , If lakcn vvllhln 2 weeks. J. II. Shcrvvojd , 423 N. Y. Life. HE M724 JAUGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or Iradc. F. K. Damns , llarker lllock. inir.c . UAUGAINS , SALE OU TUADE IN CITY PROP- crllcs and farms. Jno. N. Frenzer , opp. 1 * . O. SNAPS , D TO 6 MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40 , SO or 120 acres. Improved , 130.00 per acre ; 209 acres. J35.00 per acre ; 250 acres. IO.OO per aciej 6 10-acre tracts , 75.00 to $100.00 ] icr acre. Must be sold. P40 N. Y. L. bldg. UE-M2J4 [ 'OR SALE LOT 14T IlLK rnAKEU PLACE. This lot Is (0x128 , south front , near car ; will pell cheap on easy monthly payments to right pnrty. Also lot 2 , In Iluckcye Place , and lot 1 blk G , Pcpplelon Park. Take a look at the lots nnd If they Bull you cull nnd I will make prlco and terms to suit. Geo. 1J. TzschurU , llee onicc. Omaha. RB-Cjl I'ARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y , L. RE-638-J7 * - - CORNER. CI',4 FT. , CASS ST. , JC30. CO ft. . North 25th , 1030. Hundred per ccnl In Iheso In 12 mos. Ames. 1C17 Furnnm. RE-933-21' 7-UOOM MODERN COTTAGE , SC2 N. 40TII , only J3.700.00 ; great bargain. HE M7'JO NEW 5-llOOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT. ONLY 11,900.00 , Clark and N. 21sl ; snap. RE M7SI1 HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lols , ncros , farms. Garvln Bros.,210 N. Y. L. RE-374 FOR SALE , LOT Clx123 FT. . 23TH AND I55ARD sis. , at grade , { 900.00 ; lot COxlDO ft. , wllh barn , six room house nnd fruit Irees In yard , 35th and Hurt sis , . 11,600.00 ; 40 acres six miles from poBtolllce , northwest , S4.000.00. Poller and George company , cor. IClh and Faniani sis. RE M959 25 AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. To get a most complele collage home In the clly. The price on Ihese two beautiful cottages on Hurt fct. . near 28th. lion been reduced J300 each If sold during Ihe next week. They are G rooms each , with bath , closet , hoi and cold water , conrieted cellar under whole house ; electric flxtuies nnd electric llitht. Jus comnleted , wllh sewer , clly wnler , yards al' sodded , etc. , 1 block to electric line. In fact , these cottages are models of beauty nml convenience. No Kuch cotlngp In the city can be purchnsed ns cheap ns wo are authorized to sell these himes Terms , JDOO or more cash .balance easy terms. This property Is desllned to DC one of Ihe mosl beaullful lesldence localllles In the clly In a RE MEMItER NOW IS THE TIME TO RUY. WHILE PROPERTY IS CHEAP. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU TIIE SEEN TO HE APPRECIATED. Fidelity Trust Company 1702 Farnnrm n.coo FOU COZY HOME , WELL nun/p. 6 rooms , easl front , near cars ; J200 cash , bal. mnnthly , per cent ; clly water , cistern. Ames 1617 Farnam. RE-149 21 * WANTED. 8) ACRES FOR CASH. Wnnteil. ICO for cash. "Wanted. 20rt acres for cash. Wanted. J40 nofl mrrchandlsp for land. \Vnnted , K.OOf ) hnuse for cash. Wnntod. Jin.000 house for cash. Wniled , house nnd cash for farm. Wanted , to loan out S..00. six per cent. \Vnnt"d In iKirrnw J700. 8 p"r cent. Wanted , cheap lot for cash. AVantod. la. farm for lot and cash. Wmiled. bicycle for clear lot. Wanted , hr.rse . nnd liuggv for clear lot. Wanted house for lot and cash. r. F. Harrison. 912 N. Y. Life. RE-193-22 * UNDERTAKERS AN1J EMB ALMEK3 H. K. 1U-RKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND emt lmer , 1C18 Chicago St. . lelephone 91 408 SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMING , TEU 10V M. O. MA1TL , UNDERTAKER AND EMI1ALM cr. 1417 Farnam nt. . telephone 225. 410 C. W. 3AKER. UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 1GTH ST M. O. DAXON. 402 N. ICTH. Z03 VICTOR RICYCLES. THE FINEST OF A LI bicycles. Omahn Illcycle Co. , 323 N. ICth street STERLING , nt'ILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1315 Howard slreet SEE THE VISIHLE RALL IIEAHINGS ON Relay Special. Will Harnum & llro. , 123 N. 15tf 396 UEMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. 110 S. 15th streel. S97 A. L. DEANB & CO. . WHOLESALE AND HE lall bicycles. 1116 Farnam slreet ; bicycle sold on easy payments , 1 WESTEUN UICYCLE & GUN CO. . 2116 CUMING CGI MANTELS , OKATUS AND TILES WOOD MANTELS. ORATES. TILES FOU Fill places , vesllbules and large Hears ; write fo catalogue. Milton Hogers & Sons , Omaha. M399 CU.IL , D. T MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL olllcc to 209 S. 16th St. , Urown block. 4 > J BEST IB TIIE CHEAPEST. NO SMOKE No sool. 2.000 pounds oC Ihe bebt Wyoming coal. I4.SO , delivered. Just think uf It ! VOL have to i y that for dlrly , smoky coal. I yctu are Inleicsled In llio fuel nucslluii us Sheridan coal. 1605 Farnam street. M401 PASTUBAGE. WE HAVE IM ACRES OF I1LUE GRASS PAS ture for horses , board fence , gprlng water Ilarton & Phclps , Gllmorc , Neb. , or A. W Pr.elps & Son , W7 N. Y. Lite bldj. . Tel. 1034 478-Jnlyl PASTURE. CATTLE & HORSES. T. MUUUAY 90S J1S BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & D. ASS'N PA1 S.7. 8 per cent when 1 , t , 3 years old. always redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. Naltlnger , Sec. 414 HOW TO GET A HOME OU BECUUE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & U. Ass'n , 1704 lite IJIdg. 6. W. Nalllnger. Sec. 413 HOTELS. HOTEL UAUKEU , 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms ut tl.M per day. SO rooms at 12.00 per day. Special rales to commercial travelers. Room ami board by week or month. Frank Illldllch manager. 4 HOUSE ( El-ROPEAN ) . N. W. COl ISt'i and Dodge. Rooras by day or we.k. 403 PUMP3 AND WINDMILLS. C. II. HOYDEN. I'UMPS AND WIND MILLS all kinds of pump repairing. Lravt ordtr wllh Churchill Pump Co. ; tclentione. 3. M1C3 J21 * ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTHAC- tors for electric light and motor plants and a : kinds of f Ifclrlnl consrrncllon.Vestcrn Elec trical Suipljo > . , I5U HjukrU tl. 4J4 XSTSMALLJERSEY COW , WHITE SPOT on right side , alar. Uuiorncd. 3923 Ames nve. Lost 200-21 * O ARPE N T E K3 . E. MORRILL , PAPnnjJtANOlNG. HOUSE sign painting ; brick \vi > rk. [ ilnMcrlng ; off. H. 1 , Darker blk. ; tel. 735 ; rfcyiislJ N. 24th St. S w < as HORTHAND , . C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. H v MUSIO , ART AN LANGUAGES. IEOUOE F. OELLENUECK. 11ANJO AND sultar Icacher. 1011 CAss street. MIU9 DKC.S8MAKING. JHEPS MAKING IN FAMIUES , 4316 GRANT. M-130 M2I PAWNUROKERd. I. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. It BT. 413 DENTISTS. UR. PAUL , DENTIST , 2)20 ) HURT BT. . 417 Jiwyors and solicitors. SUBS & CO. Hoc , OMA11A , Neb. Advlco IWEB. RAILWAK TIME CARD Leaves IUUUL1NGTON & MO. RIVEU.IArrlves UnialiajUnion Dcpotllh4s _ ( ) _ Masun Sls. [ um.uia 0:16am Denver Express S43jm 4:35pm.llk. : Hills , Mont. & I'uget Sml. Ex. 4ljpm 4:35pin : Denver Express 4:10jim : C:4 : pm..Nebraska Local ( except San-lay ) . . 7:4opm : 815am..Lincoln Local ( except 8unliy.ll:25.\m : 2:45pin..Fast : Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dally. . . . avcs ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.lArrlvos Omaha ] Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sis.Omaha ( 4.-42pm Chicago Vestibule..rscMam ' 8Warn : Chicago Express 415pm ; 7Wpm..Chicago : nnd St. Louis Express. . 8iMam : l:3Sam : 1-acino Junction Local 6:3lptn : ) Fast Mall _ _ 2'jpm : Leaves | CHICAG < X M1L. & S'i' . PAUL.Arrives ( OmahaUnion ] Depol. 10th & MasonJSlsJjpmaha C:00pm : . . .V..Chicago Llmlled..T. . . . . . 9:30.un : Chicago Express ( ex. Sun. ) tiOOpni Leaves ( C1UCAUO & NORTH\VEdTN.Arrives | OmqhaUiilcn | Depot , 10th & Mmon Sls , | Omaha iTOBaniT.TT. Easlern Express C:30pm 4:00pm : Ycstlbuled LlmlleJ 9 ; 40am ( ; S5am Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm Omaha Chicago Special 215pm Leaves | CHICAGO , U. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omahal Union Depol. 10th ffi Mason Sls. | Omaha SAST. lOOam..Allaritlc ; Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 6.5pm ; : fi:25pm NlKht Express 9S5.im : 4:3l'pm..Chicago : Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:3Jpm WEST. < :00pm..Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sun.10:3am 1 ; 4Qpm Coloiado Limited 4:00pm : Leaves | C. , ST. P. , M. .t O. 'Arrives Omaha | Depot. Itlh and Wcbs'.or Sis. I Omaha TT2."iam..Nebraska Pasisnger ( daify ; . . . . glupm : < :20pm..Sioux : City Express ( ex. Sun..Hiam ) : tilOpm . . .SI. Paul Llmlleii 10:3.Jam : Leaves I F. E. & MU. VALLEV. ( Arrives" Omaha ) Depol , 15lh and Webster St.- . I Omaha T:10pm Fast Mail and Expiecs 4:55pm : 2:10pm.ex. : ( Hat ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Mon. ) . . . 4E5pm : 9ODam..Norfolk : Express lex. Sunday.10:3'Jam ) : ' 6ilUpm 51. Paul Exprtss 10:35am : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. tc C. U. ( Ainves OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis.Omaha [ * OtMam..Kansas Clly DayExpressOpm C:4pm.K. : C. Night Ex , via U. P. Tiuns. 6Mam Leavcs | MISSOURI PACIFIC.lArrives" Omahaj Depot , lth and Webster Sis. | Omaha l6T40am sC Louls "Exprcss..r. C:00am : D3'pm ; ' ) St. Louis Express 6OBpm : S:30nn Ncbmsliq Local ( ex. Sun. ) 9:00jm Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives (3maha | _ Depot , 15lh and Webster Sts. ( Omnhq GjlOpmTTT..7r.Sli I'auT . . . . „ „ . . . Leaves I SIOUX "CITYr& PACIFIC. | Arrives" Oinalial Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha CG5am : Sioux City Passenger . . . . f > : . . _ „ . „ . . . . Paul Llmlled1..1..1..12:33pm : Lca.-cs I UNION fSXcifFlij prrflVes" Omaha I Union Depot , lOlh & Mason 8ts. | Omaha lOiOOam Kearney Express 3:4nn 2:00pm : Overland Flyer D:3Jpin : 2CrOpm.Beal'ce : & Slrotnsb'g Ex. ( ex.Sun ) . 3:4'ipm : " :20prii Pacino Express 10t,5.im : CUjrn Fast Mall 4lurm : Leaves I WAI1ASH RAILWAY. ( Arrlvu OrnahnlUnton Depot , 10th A Mason Sin.I Omahn yi.moxs ixsT.ii.z OFFICCIIS. Lincoln tlio Scenn of Roma IntercslliiK \Vort : in This Lino. LINCOLN. May 23. ( Special. ) Delta Lodge of Perfection No. 4 , Valley of Lincoln , Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rlto Masonry , held an Installation of olllcera at Masonic temple tills evening. The following were present : Messrs. HowarJ , Holier , Cook Hudge , Stoneureaker , Baker. Jones , Buck- staff , Johnson , McArthur , Sewell , Simmons Woodruff , Weaver , Miller , Oakley , Lllllbrldge Chapln , Van Duyn , Summers , Kdmlsten Mills , Stone , Wilson , Slaughter , Wilkinson Herman , Gregory. Hewitt , Llnpencott , Llon- liardt , A. M. Davis , W. C. Davis , Hall , Har- wood , H. II. Wilson , Turner , Sawyer , Mc- Clay , Dunn. Hoppeck ; Mesclames Ston ? Wilson. Slaughter , Hewitt , Llppen cott , Llonhardt , Davis , Hall , HarwooJ Wilson Turner , Sawyer , McClay , Hoppsck Baiter , Jones , JfcArthur , Woodruff , Oakley Lllllbrldge , Chapln , Summers. The choir comprised Mrs. Cheency , Misses Sewell and Turner nnd Messrs. Raymond am Hewitt. Mr. Henry H. Wilson presided ns toastmaster nnd the following responded "Stato Council of the Ulto , " Thomas Sowcll "Delta Lodge of , Perfection , " N. S. Harwood "Retiring Venerable Master , " R. II. Oakley "Tho Social Sldo of Masonry , " LJrad D Slaughter ; "Masonry from n Woman's Standpoint , " Mrs. P. M. Hall ; "Scottish Rit Masonry , " John Hewitt ; "Scottish Masonrj In Daily Life , " J. 8. Llonhardt ; "Anti Masonic Prejudices. " H. A. Guild ; "The Demands of Scottish Masonry , " W. S Summers. The following officers were Installed : Mas ter , H. II. Wilson ; senior warden , H. S Llppcncott ; Junior warden , C. II. Rudge orator , R. I > . Y. Miller ; almoner , W. C Davis ; secretary , C. B. Gregory ; treasurer A. M. Davis ; masler of ceremonlels , O. M Stonehrcakcr ; expert , C. J. Jones ; asslstan expert , D. Ii. Howard ; captain of the guards \V. M. Hage ; tyler , George Cook ; forester M. R. Hooker. At the conclusion of th ceremonies an elaborate banquet was scrvcil S.T.VTI : DKNTIM-V cu.NVrfM'ioN UNDKD Nlnotecnlh Annti.it .Session of thp Ke < brn Iin AHiocliitlnn Ulmed at Norfolk. NOHKOLK , Nch. , May 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) Thu nineteenth annual session of UK Nebraska State Dentists' association closci today. The following \\ere elected ofllcers for the ensuing year ; J. S. McClcery , Beat rice , president ; O. M. Huestls , Nebraska City , vice president ; T , J. Hatllcld , York recording secretary ; \ \ ' II. Latey. Omaha corresponding secretary- ; . } ! . J. Cole , Norfolk treasurer , nnd II. T. 'Filiepde , Seward , mom her board of censors. Th $ next meeting wll be held the third Tubsday of May , 1S C , n a place to bo determined later. The dentist were entertained -luncheon by Dr. am MM. J. H. Cole , nndi thnlr stay at Norfolk was pronounced pleasant'und profitable. Circulated < nnnreiTt'lt Money. NORTH I'LATTR. Neb , , May 23. ( Specla Telegram. ) This morning two Italians geoff off the westbound train and buying severa small articles paid tgrJjiem in counterfcl 50-cent pieces. They g6t on the train agal and left. The spurious coin , though n pooi Imitation , was soon discovered and Sheriff Miller was notified. lle , telegraphed the sheriff of Cheyenne county , who captured the men at Sidney , anil they will be brought back here tomorrow morning. The money Is pronounced an excellijn.V.counterfeit.- Ills treat r TulimRo family. TALMAQK , Neb. . May 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) Paul Hamcl , a'harness dealer , dur ing the past week has lost three children from scarlet fever. Saturday Eldo , the 2- year-old , died , and was burled Monday. Wednesday Hobert , aged 11 , died , and this morning Klsle , about 4 years old. succumbed. The two last named children were burled this evening. Kvery precaution now Is being taken to prevent Its spread and the disease no far Is confined to thU one family. ffhen Baby was sick , we garo her Castorla. When she was a Child , she cried for Cftsiorla , When she became Jibs , she clung to Caslorla. n&n she bad Children , she gave them Castor ! * , THE FRAUDULENT CLAIM , I3Y IIONVAUU l-'IKbDINO. V ( Copyrighted. 1S93. ) CHAPTI3K II. Th reader will not need to be told that rossman was a dealer In cups with serpents urging at the bottom of them. They went o that agreeable resort. Two hours later 'reblc came out of the bar room. Iwiwrenco vis asleep thcro with his head on a table. The detective had in his pocket , nlonKildo of 10 Ilcrsch contract , an nRreement signed by j.i\vrence that for the sum of $1,200 , half of t payable before and the other half after the rial , he would testify to the facts as given love , with a certain email addition , If the ompany should decide that It was necessary. "Ho wouldn't have signed that If he'd iwn sober , " muttered Treble. "Well , the nd justifies the means. " He went at once to the house whcro Mrs. lonell lived. When a servant brought him word that he would bo received ho arcended omo stairs to the little suite which had been home nml was desolate. A beautiful oman , very pale and wan , stood waiting for ilm. The room here many evidences of her are , She was ono of HIOSD who accumulate mall treasures by the way , and every one an mbodled memory. There were many trlllcs hat must have been very dear to both of hem , and doubly dear to her alone. "I have come on business , " said Treble , vhcn she had greeted him , "and I will ba rlef. The Insurance company proposes to ontcst your claim. " She looked him squarely In the face and Id not wince , but her eyes overflowed with ear ; . "Upon what grounds ? " she asked. "Surely you must know. Your husband's etter" "What letter ? " "The one which he sent from the club on ho night of his death. " "He sent none. " "The company has evidence that he did , " aid Treble calmly , " and that In It ho con- essed that his policy was worthless. " 'Worthless ! He confessed It ? Is that why people have been sent hero secretly to enroll my room ? " "It Is. Moreover , the letter has .been ound. " "Then It must bo restored to me. I de mand It. " "Hut its legal value to the company" "I care nothing for that. Surely , you do lot suppose that , If the money is not mine , will take It. But his letter I will have , and" "One moment , please. I'd llko to have on say that again. Suppose that you had "ound the letter , mid It had contained that vhlch would have legally prevented the pay- He carried his -essarches t ( ) a successful Isiue ment of the money , you would have disclosed the contents and refused the money ? " "What right have you to say the contrary ? Am I a thief ? " "No , Mrs. Monell , but almost everybody else Is. Now , as to that letter" "You say It has been found ? " "I know where It Is. " "Will you restore it to me ? " "That will be beyond my power. " "This Is Infamous ! " she exclaimed. "Is It not enough that this company has for years taken my husband's money" "For years ? " "Yes ; ho has been insured with them for four years at least. They have taken his money and they return us nothing. " "Do I understand that that there Is more than one ? " "I have a little boy. You shall se ? him ; but before you do , let mo tell you that I have not enough money In the world to provide him food for a single week. Uut I can work. Let them keep their mcmy. Hut they shall restore his letter to mo If there Is any law In the land. You are one of them. Waltl You shall see my boy. It Is he whom they defraud , not m ? . I care nothing for myself. " She stepped to a door communicating with an adjoining apartment. "A flne woman , " muttered Treble , "but very deficient In business Instinct. I believe she really would have let out the secret In' that letter. Her husband was a fool to write It. " At her call there came a pretty boy of 4 , In whom the mother's beauty was blended with a darker , stronger type th ? face that she had loved and would see no more. Children take to Treble for his goad looks. The little fellow wanted to make friends with him at onct > . "Not used to a spare diet , " muttered the detective ; "but he may be. However , It won't bo right away. " With clever sleight of hanl ho slipped 1 something out of his pocket and tucked It i under a big book on a table. "A line boy Is Albert , " said Treble. ' "I am glad to have seen him. Now , Mrs. Monell , I must go. " "Hut you have told mo nothing. Why Is the Insurance worthless. Why" "I believe It Is something about the pay ments. You musn't ask mo any more tiuc.3- tlons now. Believe me. It's best not to. Very soon you'll know all about It. " Wo got away with the excrclso of Infinite tact , avoiding further questions. In the lower hall he paused a moment. There was a curious ptce ! of antique furniture near the door n table with an upright back bear ing a small mirror. Perhaps a dre&'lng table once , whereat ladles of the old school sat comfortably anil admired their Images while their maids were at work making corkscrew curls. Time hail dealt unkindly with It , and there was a wldo crack between the top and the back. "Sho wasn't at home when the letter came , " ho raid to himself. "It was tossed upon the table. Did I He when I eald I : 1 know where It was ? I think not. " Ho explored the crack In the oU table and found that It led to various recesses. Nebo - bo 3 y came to disturb him and he carried his rcsearchc. ) to a successful Issue. On the following morning the detcotlvo ap peared bright and early In the ofllco of Mr. Hersch. That gentleman had not yet ar rived , but Treble waited ) patiently , leaning against the magnificently carved mantelpiece. Hw was looking particularly well that mornIng - Ing ; so well , In fact , that the experienced Mr. llersch , when his eye 111 on the young man , remarked Inwardly that ho had rarely seen a safer rlek. "Well , sir , " tald the detective , "I flatter myself that I have brought thU business tea a satisfactory conclusion. " "Havo you got the letter ? " "Walt a bit ; I've comethlng to say first. It's In the nature of advlco. When you en gage a detective , why don't you tell him the whole story ? " "What do you mean ? " "Why , I've learned that Monell was Insured In your company four years. Now , your policies permit a man to commit sulclJe In less time than that If bo wants to It's one year , Isn't It ? " "Yes , It's ono year. " "Then what sort of a TooJ'a errand have I been on ? " "No fool's errand , Mr. Treble , as you shall confess when you touch the money. This Is the explanation. Our agent , Mr. Stanton , < 1I4 I mention him to you ? Well , he was a friend of Monell and brought him Into our cornpany. That was all right. He wa * a good rlik. But about six month * ago , when llonell'a affairs btcame 10 terribly Involved and he got to worrying over them , Stanton came to me 1 manage that part if the bust * less , you know and said ho was afraid Monell would kill himself. "So I mention It In confidence we put up a little job. Stanton ppnmaded Monell to change his policy for a better ono and brought ilm down here. The policy was changed. The sulclda clause was the snmo In each , but ho limit of one year ran from the Oato of .ho new policy , not of the old one. I fixed that so cleverly that Monell did not see It , and It was a devilish good stroke of husl- icss. " "So you made , a contract with him four years ago by the terms of which lie was to > ay a certain sum every six months , for which consideration you ngrccd to Insure his wife so far as money could do It against oss by his death , provided that If ho wanted .o commit suicide he should wait one yeitr jofore doing It. Then , fearing that you might "Stand back , Hcrsch ! " liavo to pay the money ns agreed you got u man who pretended to bo his friend to ure him down to this den of devilish clever justness , where , without knowing It , he gave away the existence of his wife and child. " What do you mean by this , Mr. Treble ? " Simply what I said In the first place. I've brought this business to a satisfactory conclusion. I've got It Into such shape that you'll have to pay that money and nothing can save you. Here Is that letter. It is sealed. No one on earth knows what's in It or ever shall know. I lay It on those coals. Stand back , Hersch ! You'll be an extra hazardous risk If you take another step. So ! The letter Is in ashes. Now dare you go Into court ? I think not. " Hersch was besldo himself with rage. "Go into court ! " he yelled. "Yes ; nnd bring you with m.e I'll light It on Law rence's testimony alone. " "My excellent friend , " said Treble calmly , "Mrs. Monell has a statement signed by Lawrence in which he offers to perjure him self for this company for $1,200. How would that look In court ? " "You lie ! " gasped llersch. "No , I don't. It was In her room yester day when I was there. It was under a big book on her table. " The two men looked Into each other's eyes for a full minute. Then Ilersch turned away. "I Btipposa you put It there , " he said. "At nny rate , you have spoiled the case. The claim will be paid , and so will my debt to you. This shall cost you your position. " It certainly should have done so when the facts were reported at headquarters , but somehow It didn't , but no cno would bejleve that Hersch was telling the truth. As for Treble , he only said : "Do I look llko a man who would Jet $12,500 get away from me for a mere matter of sentiment ? " And they all agreed that he didn't. ( The End. ) I'ttOl'EliTl' A T TIIIi"i'KS"3l Wll 3II\KJ > ( Jilcstlon iif Whlrli In Mulo'n nnd Which In DorRHii'M HntliorN Arbitrators. LINCOLN , May 23. ( Special. ) A visit the penitentiary reveals the fact that the i pralsers of Contractor Dorgan's prison property have more work before them than has been anticipated. The chief difficulty confronting them at this stage Is an equitable separation and classification of the stuff. Some of It belongs to Dorgan , eomc to the state and much of It to Individual subcon tractors. The four or five days first thought to be requisite to a correct appraisal will bo lengthened out to at least two weeks. Even after everything had been listed at the prisoi : the appraisers will hold several cessions at the state capital going over a pile of vouchers covering a period of several years to asceitali how much of the property listed already be longs to the state and has been paid for by direct legislative appropriation. The ap pralscrs have employed two experts from Omaha , one on machinery and another Iron ware and blacksmith's materials. They arc now working right along with the appraisers. When the lst | of ma chinery and iron goods Is com pleted the experts will retuin to Omaha , com pare list prices and discounts and estimate proper reductions on the prison property The dllllculty over Umpire Gaflln has been satisfactorily adjusted. At first Appraisers Broatch and Gale were of the opinion that his attendance on the work o appraisal would be entirely superoga- tory. They are now of a different opinion They see that he would bo utterly powerless to render any assistance In case of disagree ment wcro he not In touch with the details of the work and on the ground with the ap pralsers. According to Mr. Gaffln botli Uroatch and Gale are doing thorough am conscientious work. Quito a largo quantity of scrap Iron and old stoves , utterly valueless have been thrown out entirely In the ap pralsemrnt. It Is not thought now thai the actual property owned by Dorgan wll foot up anywhere near the 435,000 npproprla tlon , although It Is admitted that Iriventorlc foot up rapidly In stock taking and sometime unexpectedly swell the amount previously estimated. Today the appraisers have been at work on the blacksmith shops , carpcnte shops , stables and water works. It develop ; that Dorgan owns some of the building : Inside the prison walls. One of the point ! which will likely occasion conslJcrab'e tr n ! > l In adjusting Is the value of the unexplrcil term of the Moaher contract. To arrive a that In a practical manner will require a careful examination of the contractor's book to ceo what have been average profits In th past. This examination will likely shed con slderablo light on the Inner workings of th contract tystcm In the Nebraska penitentiary Umpire Gaflln und Appraisers Uroatch an Gale are both aware of the existence of side agreement between Dorgan and Moshe of even date with the assignment of th contract by Mosher. Umpire Gaflln says that such agreement will have to bo produced before - fore any sale to the Mute can be consummated - mated , and this position Is also held by Governor Holcomb. I xeter Convention Ailjmmn. KXKTEH , Neb. , May 23. ( Special. ) The Dlue Valley association continued Its tcs- sion Wednesday morning. The devotional hour at 10 a. in. , conducted by R = v. George K. Taylor of Crete , was devoted entirely lo prayers for ruin and a bountiful harvest. At 11 tbo discussion ot the topic , "How Can We Secure Conversion nnd the Upbuilding of Christian Character Through the Sunday Schools ? " was op.'iied by Hev. Jacob Plonk of Button and Hev. J. I ) . Stewart of Aurora. At 2 p. in. unfinished tcplcs were taken up. The ladles. ' missionary hour was presided over by Hev. K. W. Hates of the East Cen tral African missions Instead of Mrs. Hates , who was reported sick. At 4 p. TO. "Home Missions" was presented by Hev. II. Dross of Lincoln. In the evening the missionary ad dress was delivered by Hev. K. W. Hates of Africa. At 9 o'clock today all unfinished business was takMi up ; . At 11:30 : a. m. adjournment was taken , to meet In September at Plymouth , First church , lo Jefferson county. Allluslfilie * on Ilia Rourt Tbat leads to health are marked In the mem ory of these who , at regular stages and persistently , have been conveyed thither by Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , a potent aux iliary of nature In her efforts lo throw oft the yoke of disease. Malarial , kidney , rheumatic and bilious trouble , constipation and ntr- vousnets take theln departure when thli benignant medlcino U resorted to tor their eradication. IN THE SUPREME COURT NO\V \ Hay-Abbott Asylum Dispute Taken to the Court of Last BcEort. DOES CAUSE FOR REMOVAL EXIST night of the Oorrrnor to I'rocood Conceded - coded by Or. liny i'cilllon I'll ml ntiil Answer I'.ipiu-tcd Today Dr. jMttimry'j Cu o. LINCOLN' , May 23. ( Special. ) As an ounc.'O In The Dec this morning , the stt remc court has consented to take up the ay-Abbott Insane hospital case , give It an nmedlato hearing and final adjudication , his Is In accordance with a stipulation en- ored Into yesterday betwten Governor Hoi- oinb and the Hoard of Public Land and tilldlngs. The two principals In the -con- roversy , Drs. Hay and Abbott , have agreed this. A former stipulation to this effect ell through several weeks ago. The point ontemled for then by Dr. Abbott and Gov- rnor Holcomb was that Dr. Hay and coun sel should concede the right of the governor 0 remove him for cause. This Dr. Hay re used to do. Today Attorney General Churchill led a petition with the supreme court In the 10 case , and tomorrow morning Judge llcecj fill file an answer to tlic same and the Is- uo9 will bo joined. The case Is an original no In every respect and has nothing to do 'Ith the rjtio warranto proe llnga or the In unction case pending In the district court- he right of Governor Holcomb to remove or cause Is concedfd by petitioners and the hole case wilt have a thorough and final earing on Its merits. Attorneys Hollenbeck ml Abbott have bcn wired at Fremont and 111 bo down tomorrow to assist Judge He-eca 1 the presentation of the case. It Is possl- le that a decision may be handed down to- lorrpw afternoon. General J. It. Webster f counsel for Dr. Hay Is now engaged pro- aring supplemental papers In the case. The lamination of Dr. Manary was continued his morning before Governor Holccinli. It s understood that the decision of the gov- rnor will bo the samc as In the Hay case , nd that the tenacious Dr. Manary will bs re- uested to vacate the asylum In favor of Dr. reen , late of the Norfolk Hospital for the In ane. Judge Tlbbetts has completed a long legal ocimiunt which la Ills decision In thn In unction case of Hay against Abbott. Ho crimes to let Its contents be l.'tiovvn cr whether it Is or Is not favorable lo Dr. bbott. It Is said ho will hand It down tn- lorrow. In view of the recent action of the tipremo court In consenting lo review iho nllro case from Its Inception It is not bought that Judge Tlbbetts' dccUInn will ut much of a Ilgurc. State Senator Watson was up from Ole > outity today in attendance on the supreme : oiirt. He Is Interested In HIP case of S. II , lorn , treasurer of the board of trustees of tha Vehraska blind asylum , Nebraska Clly. Gov- Tiior Holcomb has refused to approve Horn's IHclal bond and an appeal Is had to the E > U- irfrtne court on his belnlf. In the executive moo the whole proceedings of el-cling six rustcc. for the asylum nt the joint session f the Inte senate and house Is not ric"g- ilzed as oillclal. The supreme court msy and down a decision tomorrow. The governor has appointed the following additional delegates to the Atlanta Cotton exposition from Nebraska : 0. C. Holmca and John Utt of Omaha , Harry Hotchklss of " Incoln , Charles II. Plrtlo of Wnhoo and J. Devcrles. The llrst three wore rocom- ncndcd for appointment by the recent moet- ng of delegates to the exposition at the Attorney Gcncrnl Churchill has Just given ; ho secretaries of the Board of Transporta tion n quantity of work to perform. Ho desires to have a largo number of new tables liropared In the muxlmum rnlo cnso , which nro necessary In the preparation of the papers for the suit pending In the federal court. Many of these tables are now com pleted , but the attorney general wants them n a new and more elaborate form for ref erence. The State Eclectic Medical association ad journed after electing ths following ofllcers : Tresldent , T. J. Johnson , Tawneo. 0. M. Moore of IJradsliaw was mndo first vlco president and T. U. Casterlalne of Rdgar second vlco president. Dr. Wolmcth of Gaglo was unanimously elected secretary nnd I. I ) . Howard of Harvard treasurer. The executive council was named as follows : Keys , Cnrrlkcr and Grimes. The president appointed as committee on Uii3 state library medical addition Latin , Carrlkcr and Grimes. As delegates to the national convention next month at Waukcsha , WIs. , the following were named : Keys , Latta , Carrlker , Bentley - ley , Oppcrmann , Alexander , Grimes , John son , Hobcrts , Nlcol , Moore , Matthews , Tur- den , WilmPtli , Loughrldgo. Mrs. Lena Holtzo. who sued the Lincoln Street Hallway company for $10,000 damages for Injuries sustained by a car running Into her carriage and causing a miscarriage , re ceived a verdict of ttiOO. Srhnylcr ronloniro I.ociitrd. SCHUYLEH , Neb. , May 23. ( Special. ) John M. Fuller , who recently reslgtu-d his position In the' city schools on account of falling health , has gone to Manltou Springs , ! olo. , to spend the hummer. At the Monday evening meeting of the school board , W , H. Sheaf , who had just closed a term of school at a district north of town , was elected to fill Mr. Fulmcr'H place. Myron Van Housen , who null the Schuyler- Ileun mall route becauseho had not been paid by the contractor for several months , Is- driving a moat wagon for V. Tavllcek. Dan J. Burke , In the secret service of the B. & M. , was In the city among old friends the first of the week. The new location for the postofllce has been determined upon. Tosiofllco Inspectors Sin clair of Nebraska City nnd Tininoa of DeJ Molnes wcro In the clly Tuesday and decided that the SprocliiT building , at the corner of Vine and Montana streets , was the place for It. Mrs. Lansdale , mother of Mrs. Harry Cam eron , who has been In Schuyler with her daughter during the past winter , left for Don- vcr c.tily In the week to spend the summer. B. F. Lee of Hockford , 111. , who ls inter ested In property In this county that ho bought fur taxes thrco years ago , Is In tlia city. _ AV. O. 8cott' Fnnor.il. ASHLAND , Neb. , May 23. ( Special. ) Yes- tcrday atlcrnoon In this city the funeral ot W. C. Scott , sr. , took place. A larco con course of people wcro In attendance , tha deceased having been a resident hero for the past twcnty-fivo years. Mr. nnd Mrs. Scott celebrated the fiftieth anniversary ot their marriage last January. This city Is somewhat elated over the official announcement that the University cadets will go Into encampment In the Axh- laiid Driving park , north of this city , next week , and Imvo consented la take part In the Decoration duy services. An clahurato program Is being prepared for the event , which will bo a day to be remembered by Ashland. Miss Anna Jasperson died of consumption at the homo ot her parents In this city yes terday afterncon at the ago ot 20 year * . The funeral will take place from the family residence tomorrow afternoon. Christian Juidlno & Co. today shipped four carloads of line spring pigs to the Omaha market with an average of 293.42 , which la considered first flags for this time of the year. _ Mn ll liluy.il ut 1'cndor. TBNDnil , Neb. , May 23. ( Special Telo- gram. The slaughter house and shcdn belong ing to A. M. KIclioU , situated about half a uillo from town , burned this afternoon , Tha origin ot the flro U not known. Loss , about (1,000 ; no insurance. Jim McA ton and the younger son cf Mri , J. M. Seymoure , lads about 13 year * old , sud denly left their homes latt evening , presuma bly with the intention of making their fame and fortune farther went. They weru equipped with horses , larlct ropes , etc. The sheriff U In pursuit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Injured by a Kuimwuy T nm , NEBRASKA CITY. May 23. ( Speclil Tele gram. ) Mr . Joseph Hun and G-yeir-old grandson were thrown from a buggy today by a runaway team. Mrs. lluss was seriouily In jured , jsiMtalnlng a broken rib , an ! her left side was terribly bruited. The Ley escaped with alight Injuries ,