( I THE OMAHA DAILY BETS : -H KID AY , atAY 24 , 1895. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Plunged Wildly Over a Range o ( Four Gents. HEAVY nECEIPIS IN THE CORN MARKET JTor Until TrniloVn * Wild anil Kxrltci ! t the Opening - Only C u o for that Condition \Vnii the Itiuli In Other Cereals. CHICAGO , May 23. With foreign marUcti booming and domestic crop damage reportt growing more and more numerous , wheal and down over a 4c j > lunned wildly up range today , ending IVjC higher than yes terday , with 7S ic for July. Corn was com. paratlvely neglected and apparently upheld by wheat. It only gained lie. Oats ruse I'/ic ' on crop damages. Provisions suftcret from ttio many hogs and lost lOc each It' l > ork and lard and " 'Ac In ribs. The opening In wheat was over a very wide range , am' the scene In the pit transcended all receni efforts at sensationalism. July , whlol closed yesterday nt 77'ic ' and sold as high ai VO'/io ' on the curb the samu afternoon , founi hundreds clamorous for It at the start a from 80o to Sic. Trading was heavy nt boll prices ut the fame Instant In different parti of the crowd , and the result was that tw < or three had to bid Si-Vic In that Isolate , : npot before they tempted any one to sell The extreme advance , therefore , over tin closing price of the day before was HVfcc and that , added to yesterday's 3r ; c rise made the gain from Tuesday afternoon tc the opening this morning S c per bu. Th < price surged up and down for an hour am n half , during nil of which time broken were buying or selling orders , took the when they had orders to buy nt the price It wa : offered , or fold at what was being bid with out attempting to wait a single moment fo a change which might be from Uc to w tMir bu. against them. J. C. Schwartz , win has been a Hcnwitlnnnl plunger in cor n wheat for a year , failed to respond to mar gin calls made upon him yesterday after noon and did not pay his debit balance h the clearing house. The buying In of wheat on which ho was short , by those will whom ho had traded , caused a rise In Jill ; to 81Mc from around 80c , where It droppei to after the opening bulge , and severa other minor but yut consldcr.ili'p flurtmi tlons. Hefore the excitement attending In covering In of Schwartz's line of r-OO.uot ) bu or so had subsided the price swelled to 82c The cause principally contributory to th additional excitement and sensational ad vnnce today was the corroboratlon of th worst that was previously reported of th damage to the crop. It Is now almost unl versally believed that the greatest part o the great central area of the wheat bolt ha Buffered nn amount of damapo from varlou causes which will make this year's crop ; very small one. In addition to that , th Liverpool market was excited and from 3 < to 4d per cental higher , which Is the equlvn lent of about 3Hc or 4V c n-cr bu. The ad vance , however , leaves the Liverpool prlc Btlll about lOc below the equivalent here Minneapolis and 1)ninth received 1K1 cart compared with 271 n year ago. Bxpor clearances from the Atlantic seaboard I wheat and Hour together did not amount t over 215,000 bu. , 184.000 bu. of which wa wheat. After the bulge to 82o the tendenc was In the main downward , but there wer numerous quick , nervous rallies ns It slowl , nagged. In the last ten minutes of the Fes Blon , however. It was knocked clean oft It Btllts , making a tumble from around SIVic I 78V4c , or a decline of about 3c per bu. In th time named. It recovered ! o to 7Sic , whlcl was the closing price. The corn market was weighted down b ; heavy receipts 5UD cars today and 7uO car for tomorrow. There was no shipping de mand and the traders took comparatlvel llttlu Interest In what was being character Izcd as a dead deal. They went mostl Into wheat. New York reported 150,000 bu of corn taken for export. The opening prlc for July was from 55V4c to 65ic , and It sol almost Immediately at 5Gc. After that I dropped gradually to D5c , where It closed. The market for oats was wild and excite at the opening. The only cause for sue ! however , was the Influence of wheat an corn. No Independent features were to b found. A big business was transactei nevertheless. Commission houses consume the greatest amount , but almost everybod had orders to fill. The excitement was no of very long duration. Toward noon trad clacked up and was comparatively qulel July opened % c higher , nt 30Uc , sold fror that to 32c , and closed at 30ic. . Provisions suffered from a plethora o HORN. Today's run was 43,000 head and fo tomorrow 29,000 head are expected. Th week's packing In the west , according t the Cincinnati Price Current , amounted t 315,000 head , compared with 200,000 head 1 the corresponding week of last year. Th market got some support during the fore noon from tha strength In wheat , hut who it began to react and the hog products wer left to themselves they tumulcd an4 th end prices were lower. Estimated receipts for Friday : Wheat , f cars ; corn , 750 cars ; oats , 4CO cars , and 29.0C head of hogs. The leading futures rangea as follows ; Articles. J Opan. | High. | Lav/.fcioTT" ( 'uDtatlons , follows : 'fra ' nni1 10 ° er : winter patcnti wl"u'r 3.00 3.25 ; baken N ° - 3 8prln ( . COHN-No. 2 , WHc ; No. 3 yellow , 53 c. . HYE No. 2 , C6V4c. llAULKY-No. 2. MViOSlHc ; No. 3. 49 51c No. 4 , nominal. FLAX 8KI2U No. 1 , J1.48. TIMOTHY SRKD-Prlme , $5. I'llOV'lHlONK Pork , mess , per bbl. , 112 C2U ( 1Z.7S. Lanl , per 100 Ibs. , J6.CO. Short rll Idts < l > ese ) , J8.MjJi.M. ( Dry failed shsuldei boJ ) . t5.25 5.37V4 ; short clear sides ( boxed WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per gal * li.6vi < RtTOAIlS Tut loaf , unchansed , The following were the receipts and shipment today : On the Produoa exchange todnv the butter mar kcl wanHlciuly : crt-amcry. 10ai7 c : dairy. Dalle S , steady ! lH < (413c. ( Cheese. NliW VUUU UKNKtl.Vl , MAKKKT. Closing Qnotntlunn on the Principal Co u modltlcs nnd Stiipln * . NEW YORK , Hay Sa FLOUH-Ilecelpts. S,7 ( bbls.J csi < orts , Z.SCW bbU. ; sales , 20.MO pkes , market lilchcr again nnd demand checked. Onl urgent neevls provided for. City mill patenli 11.1505.15 ; winter patents , Jl. ) U5 ; city mil cleats , t,10f4.30i winter straights , S3.5ffl u Minnesota patents , 4.:5U4.S5 ; winter extins JJC U3.W ; Minnesota bakern , Jl.SJiH.lontvr lei grud. . . . Jt45 3. 5 : sprlnir low Bra'les. $1001 ? ! 51 Rnilhprn Hour , dull ; B < .l to choice extra. J.io ( n' " * Lul88UI : > crtl" ! WIia\T-neelpts. 181,000 bu. : exports. 1480 bu. ; BulpB , 5f.970.ooo bu. futures , 8.WW liii Vi'ioi 8Kj-'r. ! KUlttrJNf > - 5 r'Hl'1 " tore < tn(1 e'evnto ' , . , , , , , 80oj alloat , SlHcs f , o. b. , SHio afloat ; No Iwnl. k6'io delivered. OiUlons had .inotl.cr e > cited opening and a aennatlonal advance wit heavy cmmtry buyliiR aKaln the feature. Hui ln j sutwUUd for o lime , but In the late nf e noon i > rloa ; dropped 2Vie umld Intense rxelteiner Bntl cioBCHiry ner\'uuji at lV4fiT4r > mivunm n-t / * * . AI U I .J t tit tj V ; ' > * > lie I Ull VUI1C < vr , , c * f U " closed Sic , ( JOHN Receipts , 37,100 bu. ; exports , 67,300 bu. sales , 70 < > .0't ) bu. future. . 150.0W bu. .piu spc openul llrm , closed steady ; No. Z , 6 Hc In el < valor ; toftc ntloat ; yellow , 60Ho In ele\ator. Or tlons oiHTicd Ironic , sold off under r nllilni milled aeuln on bad crop news , but finally eaxr off with wheat and closwt UQtie higher ; Ma rl < set ! at 5 Xc- July , 6 % C6o4ic , closed 6 ' ' 4 ( Benternber. COHGMKc. closed WVji OATH R c liit , 120,800 bu. ; MOrl , 1.3CO bu sales , 500,000 bu. futures. 91.000 bu. spot. HIK ooen l flrm. but closed easy ; No. i. SiU34 < No , S dellverwl. ! 4H ! 5c : No. 3. SSftMUc ; N. 2 white. MflJSlic ; No. 3 white , 37Uc ; trucl white I7Vlf43c Options strong and active o adverse crop news , reacted a little wllh whea In U closed nt vttUc advance : May closed i UHci June. UHGMUc. closed S3 ic ; July , J4',4 ( llAV-Qulu Hnd steady ; shlpplnc , C5Q60c ; goo to choice , KOSOc. . HIDES Klrmi salted. New Orleans selectee U lo It * , C'.io , nominal j Texu selected , I In M Ibc. , 7cj flumes Ayr i. dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. , lie. noiiiinul ; Trxns dry , 24 to 3) lts. , lOo. HOI'S Vv'enk : state , common to choice , eld , : < ! 6cj HJ4 , 4gB ! Pacific crust , old , JOBs ; 1834. WooiMrm : doim-stlc fVcco , ICOZIcj pulled. PIlOVIHlnXS-n wf , nultt. Cut ments. stfaily ; plrkloil l.f-lll-s , J.Mai.r , : nlrklrd nhoulrtors , 5.00 fi-Ti.U , I ird. lower : wtffcrn steam cloned nt JC.W nukixli Mny. I6.0 ! nnmlnnli July , 17 nom * Innl ! rrtliifd , rtull' continent , t'.m ; South Amer ican , 17.5V I'ork , dull ! new mess , 13.7C .t/ > . IKATIIttIt quiet anil ti-nly ; hemlock mlc. Ilm-nifl Ayrp * , llRhr to heavy weights , 2lfJ2o. ? IlUTrnfl Firm : western dnlry. 7W 12 < 1 : west ern creamery , HfllSc ; wentcrn fnctniy , 7i > OVjo ; Klitlns , ! : ImltHtlon crm > ry. 8'.4W13c ' ; state dnlry , inoife ; mate creamery , lc. ( MtKIMK Steady : stnto. lanse. I'lHI c ; small , 4tine' < jc ; imrt * * klms , l'j T4ci full klnm. Ic. KtlOH llmvy : state nnl Pennsylvania. U'iCT ' Ii'/ijc ' : western , fresh , 1314HIIO- southern , 120130 ! recplpln , 12,700 pkKS. TAII/1W-Hteaily ; city , 4Ho ; country , 44c , as to quality. I'irniui.KUM Dull ; 1'nlted closed at $ I. 7J4. . IKWIN-KIrm ; strnlnnl , common to good , ll.CS Tl'lti'KNTINi : null : 20H i30c. . domestic , fair to extin , C .r : .iHpnn. 3Ti JIUe- MOI.A.SSKS-CJiilet : New Orleans , open kettle , good to rholce , ZiflXtc , . . . _ MiTAI.H-PlK : Iron , steady ; Bcotch , J10 OHJ 2i\dO ; American , J3.MQ12.M. Copper , slronK ! irnlters' price , tld.M ; exi'hnnte ( price. $16 OOW 1J.CO , Lmd , MrnnK : brokers' price , S3L03 ; . rOTTONMKIJU OII Qulei ; no celling pressure ; iuyer equally IndlfTerenl ; undertuna steady In llrm on scanty offerlm : nn the west ; closed nt 27/27'ic ; prime crude , 23'iOHc- WIIKAT WII.O IN M\V YUKK. of IlmheU Cli UIRCI ! Hand ) In n I AllnutiK. NKW YORK , Mny 23. Wheat had another sen < ational rise this morning , wllh nn enor mous bURlnest , emouullni ; lo about 15,000,000 IU. within thc first hour. July opened nt SSc. which was n clear gain of 3c fiom the el-mo of Wednesday and 2e for the curb price. Stimulated by the heavy outside buying nnd reports that a blfj Chlcuua operator was ac tively * engaged covering shoitF , It noon rose tc 'SUe. ' which proved to be the highest polnl of Hie day. The country deninnd seemed to be the wildest thus far on the Use. Cnbles am ! crop dlspalclie all helped the advance , ami Iho bulls were confident of dollar wheat , when prices suddenly diojiped under heavy realizing luslntf a cent In a few moments. At noor there was another excited aftr-rnm-.n . „ ! . . , . _ . : . spurt nnd - . the . . . i..i M 11 > ! ? i ' c c"Ica ° hoBon'lllnl ' of _ . - - "i-m - J l / J llll IOIH transactions for the day weru ubout 23.000,0 ( > bu. St. Loin * ( JiiTiil | Murlcct. P , IX > , l'IS' ? Illy 23 PLOITli-HlBhor. hul irnihil""rs ' * llono ° n 'e ' advance ; patent" J4.15B4.2j ; extra fancy , $ .1.90fJ4 00' fanev IT fin ' < HCr ° ' J-1S ? WMnour. . wflsoibo. „ . W . /n'-A1 / There \vn a fearful crush to bm ? ' " ' of tc l > nm'lo buf' ? aitV'nnce ff ai in 1 c Bturt V . { a'tfr the early ordera were lllle < roupiTnn ' rcll7 , ' 1M ? on llzlnff " " " < " f ! 4C followo' mrureSDr ' ° n which the hlKhesi LnX S 5 , r .r were r heil. but plenty was foi mirUo. Hmvner nme , , a tul'lble that c < r- ' < ! h n2 ° Vel''w tlle { " ' ' most of . , brenk ho in t fmm * , ' " " fcw minutes. The rallj S' ' i ly' F * ? : September. ' 72 Ic. ' ThoUKli thlH innrUet wna s'MI a lntret. f.1.1"nan'1 , ' > ndvnnco the price * imMfr hc 0"c"ln one reason for whlcl upturn wa the scant offerlnKH In th < tc , ' " thc llaymirlnl down by tin i " 'I'1"111',1 tlle l"lcoll'ie'l ' ' , loslnB mosl etrly " ' 'V10,0' ' ' " " Clo'ri1 ! ' 4p " > vc yes- ; iilnLxert- - csll > r'"ic blj : il ! > y- c Jl"ly. 54ViC bid ; September. CGo. life TiIn the ntw crup fPtl"ns there was r ? . ? I"0"1 a Hlr""F "iwcumtlvc demand liav- Lihl if'1 O'i' 'l"r'iv"tall ; < ' crop nrwa ; .lulj sold up mc nni September 2c. Notlilnc wn- done Inte In the day but the market was nom' ' ' wllh wll"at I"1' rn cnsh' M'-io ' bl < Ii Ma > - 1StT < ? 5cfl ° - b' 1 > oat beIOWi 71c- KLAX HEICD Nominal , J1.40. ci.ovi-n : HKKD-KJ.BO. TI MOTH Y HHI-i ) HU'ft'ly ! ' " f"lr donland for lOc f ° r dlstlllera' nnl8he < , I'nOVISIONS Pork. Hlnndanl mesa. } 12 87'4 Lard prime steam. $0.50 ; choice. $ C. < W. nrj irJrTl. "lfatsW r11K5xe1 "hoiilders. J5 2' : lones -1 ' ' : * S'Kllaeo" ' Ehm4 ! ! , v'Ci5'1 8hXlsf ' - * - " ' bc"tei - " r'bS ' J6-S7'4 ' 1'orts $124 ' > - ! " ' ilKOEIPTa-Flour. 3,000 Ibls.j wheat , 7,00 < bu. : rorn. 13000 Im. ; oatn , 29.000 bu. SHH'MKNTS-FIpur. G.OOO bbls. ; wheat , G7.C-K bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. l.lvi-rpiml Mitrkotn. iJmVRUI > 00L , > May M WHBAT-Spot. strong demand moderate ; quotations nominal ; No. .ml winter Cs lid ; No. 2 rud Bprlntr ! Ca 2,1 No. 1 hard , Manitoba , Gs 2d ; No. 1 California IB lid. 1-utures oi > ened nervous , with nea and distant positions 21id hlKhcr. ami closer RlronB with near yiosltlons 4UQ4a hlKher. am dlH.ant pMitlons 4 > , id hlKher ; business abou equally distributed ; May , Cs id ; July , Ga Hid AuitiiHt , Cs lid ; Septemtcr , Ca 2'id ; October Ca 2,4d. COIlN-Spot. Hrm ; American mixed , new. 4 lllid. Futures opened Hrm , with near am distant positions id hlBher nnd closed stroni with .near posltlona 2il hlBher. and distant posl tlons 2'ifT2Hd hlBher ; bUBlness almut enuall' ' dlatrlimte.1 ; May , 4s il ; June , 4s lid ; .lulv 4s lid ; AuRiist , 4s llljili September , 4s ll ld Octobpr. 6s. KLOUIl Firm : demand moderate ; St. Loul fancy winter , 7s. PROVISIONS Bacon , steady ; demand moder ate ; Cumberland cut , 28030 Ibs. , 31s M ; phor ribs , 2S Ibs. , 32s M ; lone clMr , light , 3Sft4 Ibs. , 32a ; lone clear heavy. 65 Ibi. , 32n ; shor clear backs , llRht. 18 Ibs. . 33a Cd ; short clea middles , heavy , 65 Ibs. . 31 ; clear bellies. 14f 16 Ibs. , 33.s fid. Shoulders , square , 12SJ18 Ibs. 28s Cd. Hams , short cut. 14W16 Ihs. , 42s. Ileef extra India mess , 80s ; prime mesa. C2s Gd. Pork prime mess , fine western , Gls 3d ; medium , 63 9d. Lnrd , nulet ; prime , western , 34s ; refined , li palls , 35s Gd. TALT/l\\-Flne N. A. , nominal. CMIRESR Oulet ; demand moderate ; fines American , white , 43s ; finest American , colored 44 . niTTTEn Finest II. R . 75s ; good , 40s. TlORtN-Common. 3s iny.d. LINSEED OII21a. . PF.TnOT.K'M Tl fln < * l. t\ . RKPntOERATOn nHEF-Forequarters , SWd hlndnn.irters , C id. HOPS At Tendon ( Pacinc coast ) . 25s. IVool ! M rUct. LONDON. May 23.-.U the wool auction sale today a RO > ! selection was offered , nnd th demand was more ceneral. France , was i InrRo buyer today. Superior wools firmer. Th number of bales offered was 13,256 , of whlcl 2,800 were withdrawn. Following are the sale In detail : New South Wales , 3.381 bales scoured , GTidWIs Hid ; Kreasy , 3'4 f8l4d. Queens land , 1,10 ? bales ; scoured , RilWlH V4d ; greasy 3'.J08',4d. Victoria , 1.459 bales ; scoured , 7d ! Is 9d ; greasy , 3H T10V4d. South Australia. 4'J bales ; scoured , S' Wlld ; greasy. SViWSlid. Swai Illver , G9 bales : scoured. 10'4dfls ' IHd : creasy 3VO4d. Tasmania , C8 bales ; greasy. 4 iff9Vl New Zealand. 4,272 bales : scoured , Mfjls , j greasy , 3 ? ; 10d. Cape of Oood Hope nnd Natal 313 bales ; scoured. 9dTls M ; greasy. 4MiEf3'4 ( ! Falkland Island , 1,313 bales ; greasy , 47J. llnltlinuro Alnrknts. "AIjTIMOIlB. May ! 3 FLOUn-StronB an ) fl higher ; receipts. 16,600 bbls. WIIKAT lTnsettle.1 ; spot , month and June S2o askCHl ; July and August , S2HO82'ic ' ; Hep tember , 82HOK3Uc ; steamer. No. 2 red. 79 askeil ; receipts , 23.3G * ) bu. ; southern wheat , b , SlJ83c ; southern wheat , on grade S COnN-Strong ; month. GO t GO\4c \ ; June nn July. GOHc asked ; August , GO'ic ' bid ; receipt ) 60.900 bu. : southern white corn , 60ic ; souther yellow. Clc. OATS Firm ; No. 2 whlto western. 37UC3SC No. 2 mixed , 34fl3mc ; recclpla. 7,100 bu. Cotton Murker. ST. LOUIS. May 23. COTTON Steady ; mid dllng , 6 11-lGc ; sales. C95 bales ; receipts , 31 bales ; shipments. 1,021 bales ; stock , 31.4(4 bales NEW YOIIK , May 23.-COTTON-IuI ! ; mid dllng , 7 5-lCc ; net receipts , 100 biles ; eras ! 238 bales ; exports to the continent , 284 bales sales , none ; stock , 219,092 tales. NI1W OIILKANH. May 23.-COTTON-Flrm middling. Wo ; low middling. GHc ; goal ot d I nary. 6 1-lCc ; net receipts , 1,678 bales ; gro 1,62.1 bales ; exports to Great Ilrltnln. 7,320 bales sale : ) , 4,45) bales ; stock , 184,023 bales. M r' < or. NKW YOHK. May a.-SUQAn-naw. firm sales. 6.751 liars centrifugal. M teat , nt JHc , oi rarito ; 6.750 tiags centrlfuaal. K te t. shlpmen first half ot June , nt 2 17-32c. and 12.TO ) Lag molasses sugar , S3 test , at 21ic ; renned. nule and steady ; No. C. 4 IM&c ; No. 7. SHC4 l'l6c No. 8. 3U 4 l.6e | ; No. 9. S M-ieffle No. 10 3 C3 15-16C ; No 11. S 11-1801T4C ! No. 12. 3 9-16f Sc ; No. 11. 3Hc ; olt A , 4 MCS4Hc ; mold A 4 9-16 ? 4Ne ; standard , 4 S-Hfll'tc : confectioners A. 4 r-16imc ; cut loaf. 6 1-lCflJUc ; crushed & l-tca&Vic ; powdered , 4\ifi < 16-l c ; granulated 4 7-16O4Hcj cubes. 4 ll-16tHTic. Duluth Whom Market. WULUTII. May 23-WHEAT-The market her was In line with all others today. Close Wheat , No. 1 hard , rash , SlUe ; May , 8Ulc July. SIHe ; No , 1 northern. | ih. SOVic ; Maj 80Hc : July , Sic ; September , 73 4o ; No. t north ern , cash , 77ei No , I northern , oaeh. 74c ; re Jected , 71oi to arrive , No. 1 hard. SI c ; No. northern , 8Hic. CoI ( Market. NEW YORK. May a. COFFEE-Opllon opened Hrm at a partial advance of 10 polnti ruled generally Crm , but quiet ; tradtra conj < rvs Uva wltb lUvro anil Humhurg morketi . ' 'v jrr : T offerings small on tmall Urn til receipts ; closed barely steady at IOB1B points net advances sales , 11.000 bags. Including March , 114.60 ; May , 114.46 ; June. tl4.40f ] 14.45 ; July , IH.90R15.00 ; Hep fmher , S14.93015.00 ; December , 114.90014.85. 'pot coffee , lllo. quiet but steady ; No. 7 , ll . lllld , steady ; Cordova. IIH.26ftl9.01 ; sales , 5,600 rngit Mararfllbo , 1,000 Central America and 100 Savanltla , p. t. Wareltotise deliveries from Now York yesterday , 8,017 bags ; New York stock today. 191.296 bags ; United States stock , 2,700 bags ! all on t for the United States , 26,000 iogs ; total visible for the United States , 645,700 > i . ( gainst .1.10,372 bags last year. SANTOS , May 23. Market firm : fi-xnl average - ago Pantos , $10.70 ; receipts , 3,000 bags ; stock , 19-.000 baes. HIO DB JANEIIIO. May 2.1. Market slmng ; S'o. 7 , lllo , J17 ; exclmnce. 9Ud ; receipts , 6,000 bnirs ; cleared for United States. 6noo liags ; cleared for Europe , none ! stock , 220,000 bags. STOCKS AMI ItONDM. Improvement In the Tone of Speculation ' Vns Hti-nily All lny. ) NiW YOIIK , May 23. An Intprovement In thc lone of speculation on the Stock exchange was ipparent at the opening o ( business this morn ing nnd prices advanced In thc early dealings , 'oon , however , a selling movement was devel oped In Distilling , nnd It was rumored that a > \K \ pool In the stock was liquidating Its hold- Ings. Sugar waa also offered In large blocks , and by a clique manipulation was depressed , In lh hope , It Is said , of reaching stop ordera at 116. The stock had risen * per cent , to in , In the morning and was sola down to 116 , with the effect of bringing out heavy blocks of slock. The sales of Distilling were on an unutu.illv large scale nnd caused n decline In thu Blo.k of 1'.4 per cent before noon. In thu afternoon there was a rally of l\'t \ per cent , but In the Until dealings there was a reaction of ! > . & pr cent , the last being the loweat price of the day. The grangers show gains ranging from H to 1 l r cent on the day , the latter In Northwestern. The market was steady at the close. The bond transactions during 'he morning were rather light , and sales for thc most part were at lower figures. In thc late session there waa an In crease In activity , with a general Improvement In values. The sales were > 2,446 , )0. ) The livening Pout's London cablegram says : Thc Increase In the Hank of England'H coin nnd bullion thla week waa due t > Imports of gold during the eek. the duUlls belntf < 4/0) ) In Lars bought ; 137.000 from Australia , 9.COO from Egypt , 25.W ) from the contln ni , and 101.- 000 exports to the ca | c and 50.0 * ) to H azll. Thc bank continues steadily ( o Invest , as shown In other securities. The stock markets were Idle today , with the continental bourses being closed. Americana were steady , closing firm. The following were the closing quolntlons on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : The total sales of stocks today were 3C5911 share ? , Includ'ne ; Ame-1'an Hugar 63,700 ; Amer ican Tobacco , 600 ; Atchlson , 4,20 , : liurllnu m , 14..M ; Chicago Oaa , 8CO ) ; Distilling , 103 40) ) ; Lake Erie & Western. 8.100 ; Louisville & Nash ville. 4.000 ; New Jersey Central , 3 , < XM ; Northern Pacific preferred , 6,200 ; Northwestern , 4 3W ; On tario & Western , 3 2JO ; Heading. 20,000 ; Hock Island , 4,000 ; St. Louis & Soulhwcstcrn. 600 ; St. Louis & Southcwestern preferred , 9,700 ; St. Paul , 13 400 ; Tennessee Coal. 4,10 ; Texas Pa cific. 39.100 ; United States Leather , 8,400 ; Wabash - bash preferred , 2,900. Now YIIPK tin ier .tliirlrnr. NEW YORK. May 23.-MONBY ON CALL- Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed 1 per cent. PRIMB MERCANTILE ! PAPBR 2Q4 per SILVEH CEHTIFICATES-6r'iGC7 ic. BOVBRNMKNT IIONUS Firm. Slate bonds Inactive. Itallroad bonds , firm. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : i Markets. MILWAUKEE , May 23. FLOUIl-In fair de mand. WHEAT Excited nnd higher : No. 2 spring , K ; c : No. 1 northern , S7Hc : July , 81Jic. COIlN-Hliener ; No. t , 64He. OATS-Hlgher ; No. 2 white , SMia ; No. J while , nominal , IIAIILKV Nominal : No. 2. 40c ; sample , 47B51C , UYE Scarce and wonted ; No. 1. 7Hc. I-nOVIBIONS-Weaker : pork. 111.65 ; lord , J8.W. HECEIlTS-Flour , t.OOO bbbi. ; wheat , a.OOt bu. : barley. ,000 bu. BHIPMENTa-Flour. 12,700 bblg. ! wheat , 11,00 ; bu. ; barley , none. Ull Alurucu. IXNDON , May 23. PETnOLEUM Spot , U < 1 ; iplrtta of petroleum. 7HJ : llnietd oil. K * K' ' Calcutu Unseed , spot , J8a | April ihlpmr via Cafce , if UJ. OMAHA LIVE K MARKET Receipts Continue OSnJjArativoly Liberal in All LlnMf Etock- PRICES RULE G N ALLY STEADY ' , i Trade In HORI UulJa JlrUk Throughout mill Iif iMlildajTf the 1'oni llnil ItocnVolt Cleaned Itp. , ' THUHSDAY , May 23. Tlecclptfl continue comparatively liberal , and this Is especially true of hogs , the supply for thc four days this week footing up 4,234 cattle , 24,541 hogs nnd 1.6CO sheep , against 3,015 , cattle , 17,770 hogs nnd 1,723 sheep for corresponding period last week. Eight of the thirty-seven cars of catlle received wcro billed direct to local houses from Kansas City , anil the remainder con sisted of butcher stock und stock cattle. No choice fed steers on sale. The trade was sluggliAh owing partly to the monger offerings nnd to the fact that eastern mar kets were reported weak. However , there was no quotable change In price on any thing suitable for killing. There wns some Inquiry for fat butcher stock and fleshy cows and heifers found ready sale nt fully steady prices. There was also no special change In the market on calves , bulls , oxen , stags , etc. Dealers were quoting prices 15c to 23c lower on stock cattle today and the decline this week Is 30c to 60c. The supply was not very large , but owing to the slack demand wns fully equal to the needs of the market. Good to choice feeders are quotable nt J3.-IOO3.SO ; fair to good , $3.0003.40. and common grades from $3 down. Itepresentalve pales : DRESSED IIEER NoAv - I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. . .I" " J . " 3 9 3..1226 14 40 33..10:0 ( I C3 24. . . . C37 4 23 21..loll 4 CO SHIl'l'lNG AND EXPORT. 10..1092 4 10 ' J"i26 ; 35 12..1143 373 19..10)1 ) 470 I. . .10(0 ( 3 , j COWS. 1. . . . 750 I CO 1. . . . 870 223 1..11IO 290 ,5" " Hi 1 A J--.I02) 230 1. . . . SW 300 IS. . . . 70S 175 1. . . . US ) 240 1..1070 300 1. . . . MO 200 1. . . . $80 240 14..1004 300 1. . . . 810 200 1. . , . 700 ; K > 1. . . . 9SO 30) 3. . . . 7fG 200 1. . . . 710 2 GO 1..1010 300 i. . . . ese 200 s. . . . 7r.r. 2 ro i..iom 3 13 1. . . . UV ) 200 4..10:2. 2 CO 9. . . . 93S 340 2. . . . 910 210 4. . . . J.G7 2 C3 1..10.V ) 350 3. . . . 920 210 7. . . . C72 2 G3 1..1110 3 51 17. . . . 733 220 4. . . . S22 2 C3 4..1087 3 CO 2..1043 225 1. . . . 9S1 275 J..11)90 ) 375 2..1090 223 4..KIM 275 10..1116 375 2. . . . 890 223 3. . . . 8SG 2 S3 1..1050 400 HEIFERS 2. . . . 220 210 1. . . . 410 223 4..5:2 200 4. . . . 437 215 1. . . . CO ) 240 2. . . . 340 273 9. . . . 493 225 1..730 240 1. . . . 340 275 1 29 ( ) 223 1. . . . 2.W 2 M 7..3C2 29) 1. . . . 090 223 1. . . . E50 250 2. . . . COO 300 CALVES. 11. , . . 123 2 M 8. . . . 141 4 M 1. . . . 200 4 DO 2. . . . 300 2 W 1. . . . 100 400 1. . . . 230 475 4. . . . 2"i2 275 1. . . . 90 400 2. . . . 140 473 2. . . . 170 300 1. . . . 20) 400 4. . . . 147 473 2. . . . 93 .10 , ) 1. . . . 2'JO ' 425 1. . . . 110 500 2. . . . 30. 3 W 7. . . . 142 423 1. . . . 180 600 1. . . . 90 400 1. . . . 190 425 3..150 50) 1. . . . 120 400 1. . . . 1M 450 1. . . . 140 525 BULLS. 1. . . . 690 200 1..1230 2 M I. . . . 770 273 2. . . . 710 210 1. . . . f3i ) 260 1..1310 275 1..12uO 2 2. _ . 2. . . . CIO -253 1..1230 273 1..1140 22.1 4..1021) 255 1. . . . SSO 275 2..1233 240 2..1033 2f CO 1..1110 3 00 1..14CO 250 2..1205 2 GO 1..15GO 313 1..1250 250 1..IW ) 2 05 1..139) 315 1..1220 2 CO 1..K4) ' 370 1..1410 320 3..1723433 STOCKERS AND .FEEDERS. 7. . . . 302 223 3. . . . 34C SCO 4. . . . 900 330 3 . . . 536 230 1. . . . CIO 300 24..C52 350 1. . . . C40 250 C. . . . CIS SUt 7. . . . CIO 3.5 7. . . . 321 275 20. . . . 579 S 10 3..731 34) 9. . . . 4 i 275 32..1124 313 23. . . . (00 350 5. . . . 5C2 2 f > 5 1. . . . CIO 315 12. . . . 797 350 1. . . . 410 260 6. . . . C:3S 15 5. . . . 614 350 9. . . . 503 30) ) 2..705 ,3 25 49..Wl SCO 2. . . . 4C5 300 4 870 3 23 WESTERN CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. C3 steers 1057 14 23 HOaS Over 7,00) hess were received nitaln tndayj' . A very -liberal' number. na c-oin- parcd < with the 'usual1 supply iot Tint * . ConxlikrlnK - the Ini-pe number - on pale , the market was In fair condition , nnd prices , as a rule , were practically sternly on choice to a few cents lower on Inferior offerings. Trade was brisk throUKhout , nnd by midday the pens had been well cleared of all holdings. Pales were largely at J4.30 to $4.10 , with ex tremes at JI.13 to 14.50 , as against a lulk yes terday of S4.35 to J4.40. nnil on last Thursday at (4.20 to $4.30. Representative Bale.1) : ' No. AT. Sh. Pr. No. Av , Sh. Pr. 47 151 . . . $4 15 75 223 120 SI 35 59 188 ICO 4 2) 87 15f ! 120 4 33 9.1 189 4SO 4 20 86 19J 1:0 4 15 1 290 . . . 420 S3 192 12) ) 433 102 1C1 80 4 23 1 SW . . . 4 33 8 1S8 . . . 4 23 9 174 . . . 4 3 > 87 1S3 120 4 21 ' 59 242 120 4 35 53 155 . . . 4 23 M 217 120 4 3 > 93 179 40 4 23 73 220 160 423 79 1S7 IS ) 4 23 C3 214 11) 4 33 CO 175 80 4 23 51 20 ! ) 120 4 33 S3 176 240 421 70 22) ) 4) 4 37 > 4 CS 183 ICO 4 2714 70 2 > 120 4 37' ! 33 181 SO 4 27i f6 245 . . . 4 37'4 ' 91 183 440 4 30 K 239 80 4 37',4 4 2SO 120 4 30 C3 211 SO 4 37'4 14 241 . . . 430 ITS 237 4' ' > 0 4 37'fc 78 210 2i0 4 30 74 201 l > 0 4 37'4 76 2JO 200 4M f > 8 241 W 437(4 ( 74 198 SO 4 30 C7 223 80 4 37V4 32 213 80 4 CO C7 SI7 120 1 37'A 50 197 SO 430 73 217 24) 4 37V4 C7 203 240 430 76 212 160 410 73 202 320 430 20 292 80 440 CS 203 120 4 30 IS 21S . . . 4 40 74 179 120 4 30 80 233 120 4 40 92 1S2 80 430 75 211 12) 440 44 192 80 4 SO 71 21 ? . . . 4 40 5S 192 240 4 30 71 212 120 440 87 ISO 160 4 30 73 213 120 4 40 79 200 120 430 84 2.13 240 440 79 2"6 80 430 79 231 10) ) 440 29 199 . . . 4 30 4 302 . . . 4 40 90 1S2 . . . 4 32' - 3 SC3 . . . 4 40 17 ISO . . . 4 32'g 5 27G . . . 4 40 83 200 200 4 32 Vj 5 302 80 4 40 C'Jr 215 200 433 43 2S9 SO 440 ES 220 SO 4 33 74 233 SO 4 40 10 201 80 435 62 2S5. 210 44) 74 191 fO 4 . " 5 ' G7 2C9 40 440 S5 193 80 4 35 80 , .230 120 4 40 74 222 250 435 .f.5 S12 SO 440 84 217 240 4 25 C ! 258 . . . 4 4) 75 213 120 4 35 G 231 . . . 4 40 Mi 214 320 435 5 276 . . . 440 73 220 120 4 35 4 272 SO 4 41 84 214 SO 435 9 237 . . . 440 78 206 10) 425 3 340 . . . 440 1,2 202 ICO 4 3' M 262 . . . 4 40 GO 214 2SO 4 35 G7 2S4 SO 4 42(4 ( 69 21S 240 433 71 253 121 443 79 223 1GO 435 55 81 230 445 11 212 . . . 425 C6 2il . . . 445 S2 211 124 S3 SO ISO . . . 4 45 72 240 13) 435 K7 277 40 445 81 217 80 4 S5 70 270 . . . 44 % 59 226 160 433 3 206 . . . 445 5 2 2 . . . 435 10 242 . . . 445 79 195 121 4 33 65 C81 101 4 4 > 20 237 40 4 35 G7 267 . . . 445 85 211 120 4 35 E.6 . 270 160 4 43 M 224 120 435 G6 203 SO 443 80 217 SO 4 T5 63 2i6 120 4 CO . . , , . . . . 160 4 35 61 313 . . . 4 60 78..232 200 4 25 1'IOS AND ROUGH. 15 88 80 2 23 90 131 ICO 3 SI l" SSO . . . 300 16 112 . . . 40) ) 2 UK ) . . . 300 5 12H . . . 400 ] 270 . . . 300 12 115 . . . 400 1 170 . . . 300 SHEEP The supply was moderate , two double- decks of western wethers , the same as those that were here yesterday. The demand wan Rood and they sold reaillly at the same prlte. 13.20. Kalr to choice natives are quotable at from J3.23 to J4.25 ; fall * to ffood westerns at from J3 to 14 ; common aiil stock sheep at from (2.35 to J3 ; Rood to choliv 40 to 100-lb. Iambs at from J3.75 to J5.25. Kyjrtsentatlve Bales : No. ' ' ' ' " Wt. Pr. 389 western wethers . . / . . - , . . 119 13 20 Iterelpts and l > lHpr > ltl ( > n of Stock. Ofllclal receipts and disposition of nock : a : shuwn by the books of thc Union Stock Yardn company for the twep.ty-.fvur hours endlns at li p. n , . . May 23. * BCBIpTa < . , n Cars. Head , Cattle . ' . 37 1,091 lloga . . . ; J . 91 7,071 ' ' ' . 2 383 Sheen . > DISPOSITION. Iluyers. ' rc3 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. .tU..U. . 8 6S6 . The O. H. Hammond , Co. | . . . 30 1.4C3 . Swift and Company . . . . . . . 104 1G5 > 39 { The Cudahy Packing Co . 158 2.0'J7 . O. II. Hammond , Io\ttxwn7 . 140 . O. II. Hammond , Katww City 6S . Cudahy. Kansas City , , , ' . , , , , . . . US , . O. n. Wilson . ! . . . , . . . . 169 . Planklngton . } . . . . ' . ; . . : GO Cudahy Ilros . : r..r. . 115 R. Decker & Degen . ' . . ' ! ! . f. . . 21 . furey . . , . 20 . . . . . Yannant . " . U llecker . 73 . J. Lobman . ' > . Hamilton , S . 24 . .Shippers and feeders . 196 15 , , , , Leftover . . . . . . 800 . . . . Total . 1,054 7.400 " 39 ! Btnclc In Record of receipts at the four principal mar kets for Thursday , May 23 , 1SO5 : Cattle , Hoes. Sheep South Omaha . > . . 1,004 7,4'X ' > SO : Chicago . 11.04 42,000 12.M Kansas City . 3,000 12,100 3,5 St. Louis . 4,600 6,000 4,601 Totel . 20,05 ! e , W 20,39 : Kama * City I.ITO Ntoclc. KANSAS CITY , May M. CATTLE Receipts , 3,000 head ; shipments , 1,800 head ; market steady Texas steers , U.004J4.40 ; Texas cows , $2.1004.00 beef steers , H.4tHir5.7S : native cows , $1.6001.25 tockem and feeders. $2.6034.25 ; bulll , $1. 0@3.60 I1OQB Receipts , 1Z.100 head ; hlpment . 1,701 head : market weak ; bulk ot alm $ ( .25@4.4S beav t . JI.K474.Sii packer * , $ t-5 4.W ; mixed $4.15 < /4.4 ! ; lights , $4,1091.30 ; Yorkers , JI.COU1.30 ; pllts , $ J.30 iJ.20. HIUEP Receipt * , 3r < 00 head ; thlpmcnls , none ; market steady , C'lltOAtlU L1VIC HTUUK. L'uttlo nnd HORI Sold Mlonr ! > jllrnnn nf llrnvy Arrivals. CHICAGO. May 23. Nearly as many catll * are now lielng received at this and other west ern markets as n year ago , thc arrivals here today U'I UK estimated nt 11,60. ) head , Trade was again slow , prices ruling tleady at tha decline of yesterday. Once In n while n few carloads of fancy cattle mo sold at high prices , such as tho.se sold yeftetday nt $ < .OWGS9 , but the call for such Is exceedingly limited. The J6.60 cattle nvir.iged 1.470 Ibs. , and Iho $0 steers were mostly fancy grade Hcrefords nveraiiliig 1.860 Ibs. Hales of dressed beer ami shipping Mcers today were on the basis of $4.2516.0 | for common to choice lots weighing 850 to 1,6V ) Ibs. , thc bulk of the transactions being at $1.9006.64. Hlocker and feeder trade Is Just atioul fair. sales being chlelly nt tl.Oltfl.U , with choice feedets felling nnnmil $ t.Wlfl.G5. There Is n good demand for butchers' nnd run ners' stuft nt current prices , or at ll.7iiff4.7C for cuws , $ S.50S.CK | ) for heifers , nnd $2.2ift4.2.'i for bulls. Calves arc still arriving In large numbers , and tell actively nl . ) i.25. About 1,600 Texas cattle were received today , and irudo was fallly active at unchangiil prices. Today s hog arrivals were greatly In excess of expectations , amounting to about 42.0X ) head , nnd enough were left o\cr from jesterday to Increase the supply to 45,0'X ' ) head. Of cuuipe such a largo number meant n lower market and buyers managed to force a break of 6c tier 100 Ibs. . the best lots fetching $4.73. The aver age quality of hog * was very superior , and while heavy lots sold at an extreme/ range of Jl.3r > ' < n.75 n targe slum ; went at $4r > 5iit4.70. Light nnd mixed sold at $4.:5tt4.C5 , largely nt $4.65W4.CO. At the decline buyers took hold freely , nnd the bulk of the supply was taken before thc close. In sheep , with receipts today of about 2.000 head nnd n lively local demand , prices had another advance In fancy Hocks , some unusu ally line heavy shorn wethers fetching $6. From that price down to $3 for common sheep trade was nctlve , the supply being nil sold without any trouble. Texas sheep were pluntler , und moat of them were consigned to Swift. Shorn lambs were numerous nnd native at $3.Wfii.OO , nnd wooled lamba , K choice , would again have sold at $ G.20'QG.3D. ' Spring lambs were active at $ < I.OOQC.25 per 100 Ibs. , ( l fcw felling at $1.0)0 ) 5.60. 5.60.RECEIPTS RECEIPTS Cattle , 11,500 licnd ; cnlvea , 600 head ; hoga , 42.0W head ; sheep , 12,000 head. New Yur.c t.lva Moc.c Murkot. NEW YORK , Mny 23.-Hl-n\'ES-Recelpts , 144 head ; none on sale ; European cables quote American steers at llT12o , dressed weight ; re frigerator beef , 8'.4flOc. HHEEP AND LAMHS Ilecelpta , 3,184 head. Market firm to 23o higher ; sheep , poor to prime , $ f.00 ? 5.00 ; yearllnga , fair to choice. $5.8086.25 ; southern lambs , poor to choice , $6.25 8.00. 11OCJS Receipts , 3,402 head. Market higher at $5.20. Knimns City DliirlintN. KANSAS CITY. May 23.-WIIMAT-IIIghcr ; No. 2 hard. SGc ; No. 2 red. SSc : rejected , 84e. CORN Firm nnd lU4c higher ; No. 2 mixed , 62c ; No. 2 white , 63c. OATS Firmer ; No , 2 mixed , 30c ; No. 3 white , 32e. flllmieiipoIlN Murker. MINNEAPOLIS , May 23. WHEAT May , 78 Je ; June , 79 > ie ; September , 77c ; close steady ; re ceipts , wheat , 131 cars. FLOUR-Flrtn ; first patents , $4.10514.35 ; second patents , $4.00g4.25 ; first clears , $3.3503.50. . Krltrn XVIirnt O.u > , > ul' > m. SAN FRANCISCO , May 23. WHEAT Firm ; December , $1.064. l/Iimnrt'U Nntos. BOSTON , Mny 23. Clearings , $ lG,013.GOOj bal ances , $1,809,035. HALT1MORE. May 23. Clearings , $1,949,812 ; balances , $2)9,815. ) NEW YORK , May 23. Clearings , $110,113,873 ; balances , $4,520S30. PHILADELPHIA , May 23.-ClearIngs , $11,5G5- 52G ; balances , $1,561,845. LONDON , May 23. Consols for money , 10614 ; consols for account , 10G 3-16. ST. LOUIS , May 23. Clearlnga , $3.778,177 ; bal ances , $487,723. Money , 6JG per cent. New York exchange , $1 premium bid. WASHINGTON , May 23.-Today's condition of the treasury shows available cash balance $183,211.450 ; gold reserve , $98,191,105 , CHICAGO , May 23. Clearlnga , $17,020,000. Money. 41405 pjr cent for call loans , nnd 514 { ( C per cent for commercial paper. New York exchangi' , 25c premium. Sterling , posted rates , $4.89(34.88. ( I'oroluM K M ilirlul Affulrt. PARIS , May 23. The Ikmk ot France Is closed today Ascension day. IinilLIN , May 23. Exchange on London , eight days' sight 20 marka , 4G14 pfe. LONDON , May 23. The weekly statement of the linnk of England , Issued today , shows the following changes , as compared with the pre vious account : Total icserve , Increase , 570,000 ; circulation , decrease , 273,000 ; bullion. Increase , 197,108 ; other securities , Increase. 212,000 ; other deposits , decrease , 178,000 ; public deiwslls. In crease , 902,000 ; notes reserve. Increase , 626,000. The proportion of the Hank of England's reserve - servo to liability , which last week was C4.34 per cent , Is now C4.37 per cent. The D.ink of England's rate of discount remains unchanged at 2 per cent. The amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of England on balance today Is 211.- 000. Gold Is quoted at Iluenos Ayies today at 234.00 ; Madrid , 13.60 ; Lisbon , 27V4 ; St. Peters burg 60 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome. 105.03 ; Vienna , 103. Sctf'ol Tholr I ) ff srences. William McGregor wns arrested last night for assaulting J. H. Lindsay nt SIxteenlh ami Webster streets. Lindsay was struck only once , but his face presents the np- penrance of having had several minutes' nctlve engagement with a buzz saw. Ho thinks McGregor struck him with a pair of knuckles. Lindsay Is a portrait dealer mod has In his employ several canvassers. Up to a week npo McGregor was one of these , but Lind say claims that nt that time he discovered that McGregor had collected over $100 , which he put Into his own pocket. He found him In Beatrice and had him arrested there for embezzlement , but on a technicality , ho claims , McGregor was released. Since that time he hus not met McGregor until last night , at which time the latter proceeded to obtain satisfaction for his arrest. WE.IT11EU I'OniiV.lST. Fair nnd Cooler In IIL Knstcrn Portion of Nrbruskn Tcxl-iy. WASHINGTON , May 23. The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska Fair In the eastern portion tion ; cooler In the eastern portion ; south erly winds , becoming variable. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; southerly winds. For South Dakota Showers ; cooler ; south erly winds. For Kansas Threatening weather ; vari able winds. Lornl Rccnrtl OFFICE OF THE WKATHBU BUREAU. OMAHA , May za.- Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding day of the past four years : 1895. 1891. 1S93. 1892. Maximum temperature. . . . 71 70 73 71 Minimum temperature 47 G2 41 48 Average temperature CD Cl 57 CO Precipitation 00 T .00 .00 Condition of temperature and precipita tion nt Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1895 ; Normal temperature Cl Deficiency for the day 5 Accumulated excess since March 1 2.V ! Normal precipitation 15 Inch Deficiency for the day 15 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 0.19 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.41 Inches Uoporu frum Other Station * uc H 1 * . M. "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. U V. WELSH , Observer. Till : UUAL.TY MAICKI'.T. INSTUUMENTS placed on record May 23 , 1895 : WARRANTY DEiOS. \VesterneId Investment company to W Q Ardrey , lot 14. Westertleld's add I 500 \ \ II Towneend and wife to Anson Harder , lot 32. Windsor Place extension 3,500 13 J Adams and husband to H L , Illshop , part lot 8 , block 5 , Park Place 2,000 M It lllnhop and husband U J Adams , s 44 feet lot 1 , block 13. Omaha 5,000 I ! I ) Mills and wife to K B Whitney , e 3HJ feet of w 43fc feet lot 5 , block 3 , tster's odd 6.000 Mary J Miylnn to Lucas Bchwalbold , lot 24. block 8. Demon CO ) J A McShane et el to Tilly DJorkman , n H lot 4 , block 7. Marsh's 1,875 QUIT CLAIM DlilCDS. M I , Dlahop and husband to K J Adams , 14-foot strip adjolnlntr e end of 44 fe t lot 1. block , Omaha 2 William Wllke to Luclnda Wllke. lot 2) , IVaron Place 1 Qrovcr Btevens to W I * Stevens , lot 23 , block 1. Btevens Placa 1 DEED. Special master to D II Ennls , lot 10 , Me- Candllsh Place 2SX ) Total amount oi trantfsrs , | Mrr AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Bookkeeper Bralnard Draws Largo Ohtok on His Firm and Leaves tlio Oitj , ACCOUNTS THOUGHT TO B. SHORT 510,000 , Left an the Pro ! ex t of lining nn Vacation iiii : | > locr Think llnil bpccnl ttluni limited the Trimble Kxpurts Son on the llonUJi A , L. Ilrnlnnrd , licnj bookkeeper and con fidential clerk for Harrow , Kelly & Co. , Is missing and his accounts arc tald lo be short , Tlio firm estimates the shortage at about $10,000. An expert Is working on the books and bank check stubs now and the ullcgeO shortage may bo Increased. On Friday lost llralnard asked leave to go to Missouri to see a man named 1'atten. He claimed that Patten had a scheme on foot whereby the two could make seine money. Permission for a short leave of absence was granted. Uralnard did not return to Ills desk on Monday , us agreed , and It was thought by Harrow & Kelly that perhaps a business vcn- lure had detained him longer than he hud anticipated when lie lett , so a telegram was sent to Patten at King Grove , Mo. An answer came back frum Mrs. Patten , saying that her husband and Mr. Uralnard had gone Into tlio country , bnl would be back In a day or two. Advice's also reached Captain Kelly that Uralnard was seen In Chicago on Saturday afternoon. It Is thought by the members ot the firm that Uralnard never went to Mis souri , but struck out for tlio east , and that Patten was an accomplice. There Is a custom among commission men that all business b < transacted by cluck , no matter how small the deal. On Friday , after Uralnard had applied for a short vacation , Mr. Oarrow asked his bookkeeper for $1. Uraln ard handed the money out ot his pocket and said that he would draw a check for the amount and cliargo It to Harrow's account. Tha check was drawn lor $1,500 , while the check book stub shows only $1. Several other checks were drawn that day , aggregating $2,600 In all. When presenting the checks to the paying teller at the bank Uralnard remarked that he had a lot of Iowa farmer customers In and that - they wanted currency , as they had to meet some b.lls ab-ut the exchange and In town. Dralnard was an expert bookkeeper nnd h'a books are all straight , but the checks Issued do not correspond with the amounts noted on the stubs. Colonel Harrow said yesterday that Uralnard had worked for him nlno years and that he had all the confidence In the world In him. All of the business checks wcro signed by Uralnard. Ho was a great society man , belonging to card clubs and frequently entertained at his home , Twenty-third and II streets. He left a wife and one child. It was a great surprise at the Exchange yesterday when the announcement was made that Al Dralnard had skipped with money belonging to the firm. Just how long this crooked work lias been going on the firm docs not know , but the books will bo gone over thoroughly. It Is reported that Pinkerton - ton men will bo employed to find Uralnard and If possible recover some of the money. As a rule the missing man was very tem perate , rarely drinking anything. The mem bers of the firm think , however , that ho last considerable money In speculation. Messrs. Harrow & Kelly state that the loss will not Interfere In any way with their busi ness. DID NOT GO TO MISSOURI. The only topic of conversation at the exchange - change yesterday was the story of Al Uralnard's defalcation and flight. Every one was more than surprised , as Uralnard was supposed to bo a moid young man. When the absconding bookkeeper left ho said he was going to Missouri , but it is proven al most beyond a doubt that ho never went near the state. Mrs. Patten telegraphed to Garrow & Kelly that her husband had gone out into the country with Mr. Uralnard , and would not be back for a day or two. This answer did not satisfy Captain Kelly , and a man was sent to Darlington , Mo. , to see Patten and flml out what was tlie matter with the missIng - Ing man. Kelly's emissary found Patten all right , but ho declared that Uralnard has not been near the place. An informal meeting of the LIve Stock ex change was held yesterday afternoon , and it was decided to offer a reward of $500 for the capture of the embezzler. It was claimed after the meeting , however , that thin action was not legal , and another meeting may be held. held.Uralnard Uralnard was never a frequenter-of gam bling dens , but It Is said about the exchange that he was very fond of a quiet gamu of draw , and played with a few friends In his private ofllco after business for the day was over. Generally most of tlio business men at the exchange leave for home about 4 o'clock , but of late Uralnard's neighbors have noticed that he seldom como homo before dark. Several times Cashier McPherson has re marks ! to Uralnard that ho was using lots of currency , and the answer was always the same , he had a bunch of Iowa customers who wanted cash. Harrow , Kelly & Co. now esti mate their loss at $7,700 , but when the books are thoroughly overhauled It may bo more. Mrs. Uralnard and her daughter are heart broken over the affair , and at first refused to believe the statements made by the 11 rm and others. Alnglu City ( ioitlp. Kev. Mlllard of Wayne , Neb , , was the guest of Hev. Dawson yesterday. Mayor Johnston moved his ofllce yesterday to Twenty-fourth nnd M streets. The Epworth league of the First Methodist Episcopal church has secured Prof. Gould to lecture on Saturday evening , Juno 1. E , S. Dlmlck , superintendent of the South Omaha Electric Light company , has been elected an hororary member of the Press club. A meeting of the Hoard of Trade Is booked for tonight. It Is expected that como de cisive action will bo taken In the ferry mat- tef. tef.W. W. T. Pugh and Pearl Crey have been elected delegates to the Epworth league con vention , which will be held in Ulalr Juno 4 , 5 and 6. Hon. Joseph A. Williams lectured at the First Methodist Episcopal church last night on "The Heal filrl. " There was a good at tendance. Sunday evening the South Omaha Macnner- chor will give a May festival at Bauer's hall. A big crowd of Hermans from Omaha and the Hluffs Is expected. There will bo some fine music. Tonight the city council meets to hear pro tested liquor license cases. Eight protested cases will bo heard , and It is expected that decisions will bo rendered In a couple now under advisement. Remember the "Rainbow" drill this even ing at Uauer's hall. Sixteen of South Omaha'a handsomest and most charming young ladles will go through Intricate maneuvers for the benefit ot the library. Yesterday afternoon J. B. Starhord , who lives at 2319 Q street , reported to the police that ho had been hold up and robbed of $37.7S while on his way home the night before. Mr. Starbord describes the highwayman as being six feet tall , weighed about 200 pounds , wore dark clothes and a slouch hat. HEALS RUNNING SORES S CURES THE SERPENT STING GOMTAGIOUS BLOOD POISO ulcers yield to its healinrr powers. It re moves the poison and builds up thc system Vtlult > l < UUilx on h dluttt d III ticilmect milled bee. SWIFT eraaric co TIIH DOCTOR'S COLU.MN , Please slate n good r medx for depression of spirit * . You wilt flnd Corebrlne ( fxlrxct ot the llrnln ) In 5-drop doses , three time * dally , a valuable remedy. I RO to bed tlrtd , nnd after -on hour or two of sleep I wnko up nnd can not get to sleep ag&ln. Please suggest some remedy. 1'rociiro bottles ot Ccrcbrlnc nnd Tcstlno nnd tnko In three-drop doses three tlmca dally , alternntlng. What wo\ild you ndvlsc as a remedy to Ink * thc place of the old-fashioned spring tonic. ? Ccrcbrlno nnd Cnnllno ( Bxtrnct ot the Heart ) nltcrnntcly ; send a in ore detailed account ot symptoms. My children have had whooping cough , anil haxe not been well since , What can 1 do for them ? They nro probably siifforlnR from nn anaemic condition of the blood , fllvo Car- dine In two-drop doses , three times daily. I have sutTered for some years from headache * following a severe sunstroke. Please suggest a. remedy. I'rocuro a bottle of Tcstlno and tnko thrco to live drops three times flnlly. Please stale n gnod remedy f'T chronic consti pation. 1 have UKcd vatlous forms of pills for some time and they do not agreu wllh mo. N'atrollthlc Salt , two tcaspoontills dis solved In a tumbler of water upon arising In the morning. Itcpcat once or twice each cck. I have been a sufferer from ( rout for ninny yeuis. Please suggest treatment. Kcbrlcldo ; take ono pill thrco or four tlmca dally. K. K. C. Take plenty of exercise In the open air , nnd n cold bnth every morning. Iluy a bottle of Ccrcbrlne nnd tuku thrco drops three times n dny , nfter meals , but not within three hours of retiring. J. 11. I am suffering from nervoui debility , want of confidence * , and with little exeitlon I get out nf breath. Will you kindly tell me what would benefit me7 Answer as above , W. T. 1'AUKEH. M. D. P. S. AH letters of Inquiry on medical subjects directed to the Columbln Chvmlcnl Company , WnshlnRton , U. O. , will be an swered free , either In these columns or by mail direct. TUP \Tflt I 1 l VrM\ PTin HIE ANIMAL liXlllACTS Prepared according to the formula of DR. WM. A. HAMMOND , Tlio most viondc-ful tltcrnpctitlc discovery Hlnco tlio days of Jointer. CKRBHIUNR. - - Prom the Ilralit. For diseases of the bruin and nervous system. MBDULLINR , . From the Splnnl CcrO. For epilepsy , Locomotor Ataxln , etc. CARDINH , - - From the Heart For diseases of the heart. THSTINI3 , For premature decay. . , ' OVAItlNR , For diseases of Women. TIIYROIDINH. for Kczeimi mid Impurities of the blood. Dose , > Drops. Price , Two Dracliins , $ tOO. ALL DUUGG1STS. Send for Uoolc. i icititic'iiii : IMI.LS For Malarial Affections nnd nil Inflamma tory diseases of which fever Is nn nccom panlment. Of Inestimable value In neural- Kla ; for sick headache u specific. Price , per box of 20 pills. 60c ; 100 pills , S3 , NATKOLITII1U SALTS For habitual constlpallon , torpor of tin bowels or Inaction of the liver , headache , gaslrlc dyspepsia , Inlestlnal dyspepsia , want of appetite , languor and debility. As n mild , eftectlvi ! purgative It has no equal Price , DOc per bottle. COI.U.UHIA OIIK.UIUAL CO.HI'ANY , \VnHlilngton , I ) . O. For sale by KUIIN & CO. , 15th and Douglas. "it IS THE BEST. FIT FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN : FRENCH * . ENAMELLED CALF. * 3.sopotlCE,350LES , 2.WORKIN6 EXTRA FINE EOYS'SCHOO J-7VDIE3 SEND FOR CATALOGUE - DROCKTOllMA3s7 Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. ' They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices ore uniform , ---stomped on sole , From $ i to S.i saved over other makes. K your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by A.W. Bwman Co.N.IGthSt J. C.Carlson , 1218 N.24th St. W. W. Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St. J. L < Newman , 424 13th St Kelley , Stiear & Co. . Farnam and 15th St. T.S.Cres3ey,2503 NSl. , South Omaha. ANNOUNCEMENT Housekeepers have washed with . all the soaps advertised and their woolens have continued to shrink. is the only one which { 3 guaranteed not to shrink underwear and woolen goods. Bcwaro of Others. For Sale By all Dealers. MANUKACTUItEn ONLY I1Y RAWORTH & SCHODDE , CHICAGO , EVERY WOMAN Sometimes needs a rellabla monthly regulating medlclao. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLS , Arc prompt , s&to and certain In remit. The tronu * luo ( Dr. IVal'fl ) nevvrdlsappolnt. Beat any where , 11.00. Bherman & McConnell Drug Co. , lill Dodee itrctt , Omahs , Neb. NOTHING LIKE IT ON THC MARKET. BUYS too SHARES. OF SILVER BLUFF MINING CO.'S STOCK , PAR VALUE $800. , , , The company ownelW acres of rich , hltb'grkdo ore ; work Insicadlly KolnRon. Thu property thowa every Indication uf becoinlnir n second Clrsnlta Mountain. A few hundred dollsri lnve tivl now maybrlnif you n fortune. DON'T MI.-S3 IT. for prospectus call or write to F. S. ZIMMERMAN & . CO. , 527 Chlcucu block Uxuliuiiuo Illdi ; . , Jlilcat < MAKE $10 EVERY DAY i y a new plan ot syatematlo grain specula tion. Bend for our free booklet showing1 how to eel around adverse Huctuatlona of tha market und mukc money even on the wrong side. 1'aat workings of plan and highest references furnished. VALENTINE * CO , , Trader * Ulitf. . Chicago ,