THE OMAHA DAILY KB 1C : WEDK30SDAY , MAY 2:2 , 1805. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL nLUI-'FS. UPEAIU. STnKF.T OFFICE , - - NO. Delivered by carrier * to any part of the city. H. V. ' . TIL.TON , Lexsee. Tnt.nniONKS ltu > ln' s nnicc. No. n ; night editor , No. 23. Mt. Ult .U 0. A. Sleeper of St. r.iul , Minn. , was In tlio city latt night at the Merchants. The King's Daughters will be at home In the Christian tabernacle tomorrow evening. HuinboUH Iwlgs No. 174 , Independent Or der ot Oild Fellows , will mcut tonight for Initiation. The managers of the Union park will put family tlrkftn on sale today , good for the l\ entire ten races , nt } 5. Single ki'uwn tickets , The funeral of llttto SJrah Flarritt will take place tills afternoon at 1:30 : o'clock from the residence of H. J. Langdon , fiOl Damon street. A card part and social will bo given by Harmony chapter No. G , Order of Eastern Star , at Masonic hall , Thursday evening. Members and their friends cordially Invited. Members of Hazel camp , Modern WocJmcr of America , No. 171 , their families and vls Itlr.i ? member ; , are Invited to attend an en > ttrtalnment nt their hall , Thursday evening the 23d. lllufts dlvl lon No. 27 , Uniform Itanli Knights of Pythlac , meet this evening Ir regular session at KnUhti Pythias hall All Sir Knlnhts are requested to be present II. 11. Parkinson , recorder The regular pouncll of Pcttavattnmlo tribe No. 21 , Improved Order of Hedmen. wll occur this evening at the wigwam , 103 Pear street. The special vork will be the adop lion of live applicants for membership. II IJ. Parkinson , sachem. Frank Hardln was arrested yes1 onlay , am In now In Jail , charged with larceny from ; building. Ollle Wright Is the complalnanl She claims ho stole $11 of her lianl-earnei cash Monday , the 13th , and four days late stol- > her watch , valued at $35. Scth World , the Christian horre waif , wh was found sleeping In a dray , his been exjm Ined by Dr. Treypor , the city physician , am found to bo too bright for the Glcnwood Asy luin for Feeble-Minded Children. Ho wll probably be rant to the reform school. Howard Illalr , the young scamp who ha bsen mixed up In stealing scrapes lately , w ! ! not be pent to the reform rchool. Ills slstc appeared before Judge McOe ? yesterday an agreed to look after him and try to nnk him behave , and the 'court's heart wa softened. Matt Wilson and Jim Connors spent Mon day night tak'ng ' In the town from a gasllgl point of view , and when the morning PII arose they were found lying In the alley b the city building , sleeping off the effects c their night's debauch. They were deposltc In the city cooler. Helen Andrenvs , the 17-months-old child < Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Ingraham , died yesterda afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , of congestion cf tli bowels. She was sick from Sunday night 9:30 : o'clock. The funeral will be held th afternoon at I o'clock , at the family rea dence , 201 Willow avenue. - The program of commencement week at 11 High school this year wll llnclude "Cadi day , " which 'Will b ? Mondjy. On that da there will be field sports at the driving pii similar to those In most of the colics of tl country. The entire program for the wee has not jot been prepared. H. P. , a race horse , belonging to J. Connelly , ran against a fenc ? whllo belt driven at the driving park. A sliver of wo < nn Inch In diameter and seven Inches lot ft penetrated an artery below the eye , and tl Injury required tlie attention of a veterlnai surgeon. Several bone's of the face we broken. Council camp , Woodman of the World , In accepted an Invitation to attend the men orlal services and unveiling monuments Omaha , Sunday , June 9. Committees are work making all necessary arrangements f a large representation and are called to me at the hall Friday nlgh'i ii S o'clock , char After the committee meeting camp will np < to confer the morning degree on sever members. Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Gli Falls Fire Insurance companies. These a among the largest and best companies In tl world , and we are solo agents for Coum niuffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. I'Yncn INmtP. 20 car loads standard red cedar fence posi 10',4c each by the car load. A. Overton , Cou ell Illuffs , Ibwa : _ IT.ltbUN.If.'llS. Mrs , A. MolzKer has gone to II. C. Harper of IlurllnRton Is visiting 1 Bister , Mrs. J. M. Campbell. Ohio Knox left yesterday for a lmsln < trip of a week to Graham anil Norton con ties , Kan. C. II. Hannan left yesterday for a bnslni trip In Nebraska , accompanied by C. Brown of Atlantic , who spent the day Council Illuffs. Mr. J. D. Franklin Is In the city spend ! a quiet honeymoon. Ho was married I ; Saturday In Kansas City to Miss D.rt Elenor Howard , of that city. Henry Coffeen has taken a new position traveling salesman with the Dempster J Manufacturing company. of Ues Molnes. I territory will bo western Iowa , and northwe ern Missouri. _ 'Mm Wlznril T < lop hone Company Is now prepared to receive applications : complete telephone eervlco In Council I ) In and other cities at the following rates : For business places , { 2 per month. For residences , ? 1 per month. For circuit of Ave Instruments on one II BO cents each per month. Apply at company's factory , 101 Fou : street , Council Blurts , Children's waists from ICc to $1.00. METCALF BROS Itlg Unco Mentn ! _ . Spring meeting of the Union Park Rac association commences May 22 , and c tlnues ten days. Five good races da ! commencing at 2 p. m. One and a th faro on all railways for round trip. Hurt In n Itmmwnr. Frances Krettlch , a young lady who U In the extreme eastern part of the city Broadway , was badly hurt yesterday nfl noon. She had been taking a music lesson St. Francis' academy and was on her v he me. On Broadway near the corner Frank street she alighted from the buggy i went Into a store. When she returned : climbed Into tlio buggy , and before she 1 had tlmo to pick up the lines , the horses t fright at something and started to run. ' buggy was overturned and Miss Krott was dragged for some llttlo distance. W ! she was picked up It was founil that left leg had been broken just above the an ! She was carried to St. Bernard's liosp ! uhero a physician was summoned and CVE thing was done to make her as comtorU as possible. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Urriit I'upulitrlly of Cupp * Cheer. Dealers who have been furnishing tl customers with the famous nonalcoh beverages , Coppr Cheer and Herb To manufactured exclusively by tba Q. Wheeler Brewing company , are always a Ions to control the trade for their own to' ' because the beverages outsell anything i In the lino. Hero's what D. II. Thompsoi Co. of Mnlvern. la. , wrote In an order more goods : "Vour last shipment ot Co Cheer will not last longer than Saturday. Is a big seller. If you will allow us to c trol the entire trade hero on Copps CI and Herb Tonic wo will obligate oursel to buy all of our drinks from you and push the trade. " Sold exclusively Wheeler & Hcrold. Council Bluff a. la. Mi\rrl K < i Licences The following marriage licenses were * ' sued yesterday by the county Judge ; Nome and Address. / * Thomas II. Uowey. Lincoln , Neb . Ollle L. Whitney. Lincoln. Neb . , . . , Gilbert Cocp.'r , Lincoln , Neb . . . Daisy Mcdce. Lincoln , Neb . William Fryer , Council lllufTh . Mary Borensan , Cou-cll Bluffs . Brent K. Yntrc , Omaha. . . . Lela Pearl Mellor. Mulvern , la . A iplendld Una of straw hats t Met proa. , , -J _ . . * & - * - ; Jr NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS John Limit' Presenti a Thousand Do'lnr Claim to the Oitj Council , L'BERAL ' DISCOUNT OFFERED FOR CASH Cons deration ot tlio .Mutter 1'niitponcil 1'laiu I'rfdcntril foi 1'lxtnc Up the 1'rci- rut City < > nll Novel Krlipmo fur NuliitiilniIti'frmtory I'rltunem , The city council held a very pleasant tcclal rncellnc as a committee of the whole last evening and listened to a large nnd vigorous claim from John Llndt , who held in his hnni ] a bill for $1.000 damages from Mary Peter son , who felt on the sidewalk and hurl her self to that amount's worth. The memberj of the council had bun down and looked at tlio plnec , and fnund that one of the boards In the bldowalk wa * loose. This caused n great commotion , nnd some of them were willing to settle at almost any figure. Llndl mildly suggested that $250 would suit him about right , and said he thought he could fl > matters up with his client. There was a visible tendency among the conncllmcn to postpone action , but Llndt salt there was no time llk the present. Thert was no doubt that his client would get mon than $210 from the oily It she pressed hei suit , nnd the city could get off much easlci now than after a long and expensive lltlga tlon. tlon."But "But , Mr. Llndt , " said the mayor , "tin ccmmltte > of the whole has no right to nllov a bill anyway. We shall have to wait untl the next mooting of the council , at least. " "Yes , the committee has that right , " dls pilled Llndt , "they settled a claim of in In once for $1,000 right In that little room there with no one present but myself and the al dermen. " This reminder of days not so vrry loni ago , when the council used to hold sta chamber sessions and vote away the city' money under lock and Key , c.iused severa aldermen to look down their ness , and ther was a hurried determination to postpone ac lion until the next meeting. Hell & Kent and Woodward Dros , were o hand with a couple of sets of plans for th remodelling of the city Jail , and a length dlfcusslon was had with reference to th respective merits of the two. One poln which Woodward's had was a room to be use for drying clothing , bedding , and the Ilk after washing. A full set of steam pipes wa to be connected with this room. When ther was no washing to be done , the Idea of th architects was that the room might be use for taking the btlffcnliig out of the back bon of refractory prisoners. They could be put I the drying room and the steam turned erA A Turkish bath would thus be furnished , an the heat could be turned up to n height ths would undoubtedly call for a speedy sui render on the part of the obstreperou prisoners. The petition of Aultmnn , Miller & C < for a reduction of assessment was recon mended for rejection and several other Item of smaller interest were partially disposed o . \ nig ( I < I.IK s.iic. Wednesday every ladles' and misses' Jackc In our store ( none reserved ) . In tan , browi navy and black , alt new , stylish garment with Immense large sleeves , that was $3.5i Jl.OO , $5.00 , $ C.EO , up to $12.00 ; your choii Wednesday , $1.50 each. They must go. U will not carry them over to another sea&oi Kviriy ladles' cape In our stock that wi $3.00 , $3.50 and $1.00 will go Wednesday : $1.98 each. Ladlos' capes that were $1.60 , $5.00 , $6. ( and $0.50 , Wednesday $2.98 each. Calico wrappers , 50c , 79c.Calico wrapper well made , largo sleeves , at 50c each. SPECIAL CAHPET SALE. Linen warp matting , worth I5c. at 2 ! yard. UENNISON 1JHOS. , Council Dlufta. CloHD Ytiiir storon. In pursuance of n request from many our buslne's men , I most respectfully reque that all business houses , so far as co-ivcnlci : be closed today , May 22 , from 1 p. m. to p. m. , so that all employes may have an o portunlty of attending the races at Unli park upon Council Illuffs day. J. H. CLEAVER , Mayor. Children's waists from 15c to $1.00. METCALF DUOS. Itnniril Itreiikcri. Union Driving park will be the scene some of the ( leetcst-footed runners nt tl coming meet that It has over been the lot Comic.I Uliiffs people to wltnes There are already about 200 hors at the grounds , and evcrythli goes merrily on. All that Is now ne cssarv to make the races a success Is t ; patronage of the people. Every one shou go at least one or two days , and , as t races generally bring out the newest thin In dress , you ought to call around and s Tow Hughes and get a new hat , somethli "natty. " You should also have a pair those tan shoes ; you can get them from $1. up to $3.50 down at 919 South Main strci And you may need something In a shirt necktie. Call around at Hushes' and E these things before the races. a Yes , the Eagle laundry la "that go laundry , " and li located at 724 Broadwi If In doubt about this try It and be convlnci Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. New designs In Swiss curtain goods Ji received. Prices never so low. Coun niuffs Carpet Co. The King's Daughters of the Chrlstl church will be at home to all their frlen Thursday evening , May 23 , at the reslder of Ed N. Urown , 211 Harrison. Strawberrl Ice cream and cake , 25c. Oorrd by it Mini Hull. F. S. Boardmun , an old man who Is w known In the community , lies at his hoi on Avenue G In a very critical condition the result of an encounter he had yesterd with an Infuriated bull. He was In the I with the animal when the latter suddei turned upon him and gave a grunt tl caused him to flee for safety. He did i get over the fence fast enough , howev and the horns of the maddened antn gouged him severely In the leg. Mr. Ilea man fell and was wounded again In I scalp before his calls brought help. 1 bull was driven off and the old man tal Into the house , where Dr. Thomas attem him. On account of his age and weakn there is considerable fear felt for his safe A large line of children's waists. METCALF DUOS It Is hard to g3t ladles' Waverly blcycl there Is such a demand for them , but C & Cole have a few left ; $83 buys the b this year. Low prices on medium gr ; wheels. A big cut In carpets and rugs. Cout DluCfs Carpet Co. A splendid line of straw hats at Mtc Bros. B Go and listen to the old war songs at Christian tabernacle Tuesday evening by Dudley Buck quartet. sir lc ! Miowern of Untnr. Ic , H. A. Balrd's store was flooded with wa It. last evening about 10:30 : o'clock. When Young Men's Christian association roc were closed up for the night the young r who had charge left the water turned on the big bath room. Home pieces of paper i other refuse clogged up the escape pipe i pa before long the water began to trickle dc Into the store room beneath. OQlcer E dale noticed It , but not until a large amo of water had run down and done coneli 111 able damage. He had the water turned of by A large line of children's waists. METCALF BllOi Davis , agency for Munyon's remedies. Trying to I'ruvtMiii A lib' . The trial of Al Rachwltz occupied the 4t 35 tire day ysterday In the district court. ' 21 defense Introduced considerable tetstlm IS with a purpose of proving that Albert ' 21W not at the scene ot the robbery at all , W at home weeding the garden , beating can 23 and doing other things that a well beha 19 citizen ought to be doing In May. His i lit was one ot these witnesses and she at to her storr bravely. County Attor S.iumlers promises to bring some Interesting things to light to rebut all this testimony with reference to the alibi. „ Kachwltz' trial winds up the series of trial : of the gang that committed so many de- ptedatlons In the southern part ot the city a little over a year ago. James Harris , whc turned states' evidence , will In all probability be turned loose as soon as his present three days' sentence for contempt has been com' pletcd. Three members ot the gang are already In the penitentiary and the one now blng tried seems to be well on the way aftci them. HPKCIAL SAM : or LACKS. llonton .Store , We have placed on sale for this week ( big llre of laces , which we have Just re cclvcd direct from the manufacturer. Alsi our regular stock at greatly reduced prices NOTE THE PRICES. 5 to 8 In. ecru Guipure lace , very deslrabl for trimming , regular value ICc to 20c yard we offer them at lOc yard. 8 to 12 In. ecru and white Guipure lac ; beautiful patterns , regular 25c qualities , o : sale at 12' c. Beautiful line of Irish Point and Poln Venice lares reduced from 33c and 39c t 19c a yard. See values offered at 33c , 4So and C9c yard. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Ladles' fast black hose , 19c quality , re duced to 12'XiC a pair. Big line of ladles' tan hose , regular vain 35c , on sale at 19c a pair. Children's heavy ribbed hose , sizes G s ' 9'/Sc ' , worth 15c , on sale at lOc a pair. Children's ribbed .lisle hose , sizes C to ! at 25c a pair , worth 45c. Ladles' lisle vests , regular price 39c , n duced to 25c each. Ladles' Swiss ribbed vests , worth 15c , i lOc , or 3 for 25c. Children's ribbed vests , all sizes , lOc eacl See values In ladles' vests at 3c , 12 > Xi 19c and 3."c each. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , 401-405 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. WIlttllK TO LAY Till : SIIlWAf.K : Street * on Which the Council linn Orilcrc Sulmniitlnl Improvement * . At the council meeting Monday night t ordinance was passed providing for the coi structlon of sidewalks on the followlr street : , : Six-foot brick walks : Scott street , frci of lots 1 and 10 , block 3 , Mynster's add tlon ; Mynster street , frcnt of lot 10 , blot 3 , and lot G , block 7 , Mynster's addition ; Vii street , front of lot 3 , O. P. 202 lot 2 O 1 203 , and lot 2 , O. P. 204 ; Avenue A , norl sldo from Eighth to Eleventh street ; Teni street , front of lot 7 , block P , Curtis Hamsey's addition ; Seventh avenue , soul side from Twelfth to Thirteenth street , ai front of lots 7 and 8 , block 10 , McMalio Cooper & Jeffries' addition ; Thirteen ! street , east side from Fifth to Eighth av nue ; Sttttsman street , west sldo from Bros way to Pierce street ; Grace street , east sli from Pierce street to Voorhls street ; Plain street , both sides from First street to Slut man street ; Lincoln avenue , east side fro Pierce street to Perln avenue ; Perln av nue , north side from Lincoln avenue Frank street ; Pierce street , both sides fro Harrison to Benton street and front of 1 11 , block > , Mynster's addition ; Mill strei south side from Scott street to Sixth itrec Seventh avenue on south side from Seven street to alley east ; Fourth street , we Blile from Story street north 100 feet. Four-foot brick walk : Harmony strei south side from Benton to Frank street , ai on the north side of Harmony street fro Benton to Loian street ; North First strei east from Washington avenue to a pol fifty feet north of the south line of lot 0. P. 47. Four-foot white pine plank laid crosswls Avenue C , north side from Eighth to Ten street ; Avenue D , both sides from Elgh to Tenth street ; Avenue F , both frc Ninth to Tenth street and front of lot block 1 , Williams' subdivision of Mill 1 < Avenue E , north side from Sixth to Elgh street ; Avenue F , north side from Eighth Ninth street ; Ninth street , In front of : fi , block 0 , Curtis & Hamsey's addltlc Washington avenue , from First street Harrison street on north side ; Fourteen avenue , north side from Third to Pleasa street ; Ninth avenue , south from Fourth Third street ; Willow avenue from Bl street to alley east ; Park avenue , west si front of O. P. 159 ; Seventh street , cast si from Eighth avenue to Sixteenth aveni Lincoln avenue , west side from Pierce stn to Graham park ; Avenue F , both sides fn Ninth street to Tenth street ; Ninth stre west side from Avenue F to alley nori Avenue G , north side from Eighth to Nit street ; Twenty-sixth street , west side fn Avenue C to Avenue I ) ; Avenue B , sot side from Thirteenth to Fourteenth stre east sldo Fourteenth street from Broadway Avenue G ; Thirty-second street , cast s from Broadway to Avenue C ; west s Seventeenth street from Avenue A to A' mie B ; Avenue B , north side from Slxteei street to Tsventy-seccnd street ; Avenue north side from Twenty-sixth street Twenty-eighth street ; Twenty-third stre west sldo between Avenues C and D ; soi sldo Avenue A from Twentieth to Twen first street ; Thirteenth street , west s Broadway to Avenue C ; Avenue G , south s from Eleventh to Fourteenth street ; Nil street , In front of lots 3 and 4 , block Burns' addition ; Harmony street , on no . and west side from Logan to Oak stn and west side Frank street from Wa Ington avenue to Harmony street ; west s Twenty-ninth street from Avenue < J to A nue I ; Toatevln street from Eighteenth Nineteenth avenue on west slda ; Avenue north side from Twenty-eighth to Thlr second street ; Avenue B , south side fr Thirty-second to Thirty-fourth street ; S enth street , east side from Sixteenth avei to Nineteenth avenue ; Fifteenth aven north side from Eighth to Ninth street ; e sldo Second street from Avenue A to A nue B. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly f nlshed. Reopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , Pi Ladles , you always get fashionable i llnery at the Bon Ton and It costs less tl something unsatisfactory. Itomnncn of a Tyuuwrltrtr. A Smith-Premier typewrller which been doing duty.In the office ot the Wlz Telephone company has had an Interest career for about four months past. It In possession ot the Denver agent of typewriter company up to January S , w It was given to a woman on three di trial. At the end of the fourth day agent went to the house where It been left and found It deserted. The wor had left the city and was traced to Kar City , where , In company with a man she tempted to pawn the same machine a second hand store. The proprietor of store , however , declined to take It , susp Ing It was stolen. Last Monday Manager Smith ot the Om office of the typewriter company visited office of the \Vlzard people for the purj of working up a typewriter sale. Ho fo that someone had been there before 1 and examined the number or the machlni order to ascertain what agent had been I ing to shinny on his own side. On goliij his olllce he found that the machine's nun was on the list of stolen machines. The i was reported to Marshal Canning , who , company with Deputy Marshal Ander succeeded before the day was over In ti Ing Ihe machine over to Its rightful owne C. J. Willow , the president of the t phone company , claims he bought It of a i In Kansas City last January and paid $20 for It. Ho brought It with him and It to the telephone company , which la I out Its $20 unless a satisfactory settlen can bo made with htm. Our May sale on curtains and cur goods Is In full blast. Our low prices kr out all competition. Council Bluffs Ca : Co. Have you seen the beautiful new novel and the splendid bargains at the Mey Durfee Furniture company's , the stam furniture house t A sple ijld line ot-straw hats at Moi Dros. Dros.The The Hardman , the piano par excellent Scientific optician at Wollman's , 406 Or way. fe Haled liny for hula ck In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. ey qulro ot Thomas Johnson , clt welghmai FINE LEGAL FK . ( In ; Federal Court Asked to Bes ra j ( Des Mciaes' ' City OonnciC _ . . 11 GAS COMPANY FtARS 'CONFISCATION I , .H _ Petition * tlio Court to I'm rou I the Mnul- clpnl Autliurltlefi UcitucinR tlio 1'rlre of that Commodity llolim Cost of rrutluctlun , M01NHS , May 21. ( Speclal Telegram. : Tlie gas controversy which has been before the people of this city inure or less for se er.r years refuses to be settled by passage oi city ordinance's , decisions of courts or on } other means as yet devised. The Capita City Gas company has filed a petition Ir the circuit court of tlio United States pray' Ing for relief from the new gas ordlnanci passed by the city council last Wednesdaj evening. City Solicitor Macomber Is pre paring an answer ami the matter , therefore will In all likelihood conic up while Judgi Woolson Is holding court here. IkIs ex pected to come here Thursday from Uubuqiic The action Is brought In the federal cour because the company claims the city ordl nance Is opposed to the constitution of tin United States. They state that the new rate will virtually confiscate their property b ; diminishing the selling price to or below cos of production. If tlio case comes up a scheduled It may be decided before till tertn of court Is adjourned. However , tli case Is of such a nature as can be carrle to the supreme court of the United States , an If the gas company fights it to the last ( lite Des Molnes may pay present gas rates for couple of years more at least. The citizens' gas committee Is In favor c fighting the matter to a finish and will nssU the city In the courts. At a meeting of th council this afternoon a communication wa read from the gas company refusing t accept the figures llxed In the gas ordlnanc and demanding arbitration. The coin pan says It will go to the couits If refused. Th communication was referred to the com mlttee of the whole. l.AltOU PKOEKATION DOWN .More to Commit tliu I own Orilor to tli \Vliltn .110(111 Dcfonted. OTTUMWA , la. , May 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Iowa Federation of Labor todaj after a heate'd discussion , sat down on th effort to commit the body to free silver or EC ciallsm. After hearing the report of th committee on officers , Julius Frohm of th United Mne | Workers was given the floor , fc the purpose of explaining the situation of th miners of southern Iowa. The discussion ( this subject was hot , but It was all on on fide , the unanimous sentiment being again ! the men who had worked under the rcgul ; tlon scale for coal mining. A committee , cot slating of Julius Frohm of the United Mln Workers and JOB Byrne of the Typographic , union , was appointed to gd to Jerome tomoi row for the purpose of settling the miner , trouble and Inducing them'to Join the Unite Mine Workers' association and ainilatu wit the federation. The date qf holding the ne > convention was changed from the third Moi day in May to the second MonJay In Deceit bcr. DCS Moincs was chosen as the locatloi The convention adjourned after electing tl following ofllcens : President , L. T , Jonesi Burlington ; flr vice president , A. S. Kchm , Des Molnes ; sei end vice president , J. K. Uysart , Ottumw ; third vice president , Leonard Schuster , Di buque ; secretary and treasurer , Georf Shaver , Dea Molnos ; legislative commute Leonard Schuster , Dubuque ; M. H. Hal Oes Molnes ; F. L. Harriett , Des Molnes ; de egate to American Federation of Labor , N. 1 Hale , Dea Molnes ; organizers , Eckrool Des Molnes , Byrne of Ottumwa , Jaeger Burlington , We liner of Dubuquei Snprf nir > uiirt Diclftlnp * DES MO1NES , May 21. ( Special Tel gram ) . The following opinions were filed the supreme court today : W. H. Kenned appellant , against Morgan Hensley nnd W. Slocum , Ilnrdln district , uillrmed ; W. : Scott against J. W. Mercer , appellant , 11 clinnan district , atllinuil ; Eilwnrd Ulcluii son , appellant , nguinst Krnest Hrlx , Sec district , ntllrmed ; Lucretia M. Mlncar in Lucy ICmma Do Moss , appellees , again Corinth Hogg ( nee Moody ) , nppellce , San liell Moody , W. C. Moody , her husband , ai Peter Turner , appellants , Saruh J. Olov and Janus Glover , A. P. Mlnear nnd W , Do Moss , nppcllees , Calhoun district , r n llrmed ; Michael Flacker against Anton N vnk et ul , npii'llants. Linn district , reverse Carl Ilube against Hobcrt Summerbeck , a pcllant , Linn , reversed. W. 13. Urown agalnht M. Anderson , a pollnnt , Huena Vlbta county , dlsml.-bed motion or appellee at cost of appellant. S. Wilson against A. M. BJewiiru et ul , a pellunts , Huena Vista county , ntllrmsil motion of appellee at cost of appellant. J. Williams against E. 15. Van 1'elt , npp lant , 1'HRe county , appellee's motion to i llrm with penalty Is sustained and 10 i cent penalty allowed appellant to pay ; costs. John D Goey , app-lltint , agnlr William. Van Wylc et HI , Marlon conn' ' motion to dismiss overruled. Hessle Mr against J. H. Marr , Clilcltasaw county , r peilee'H motion to dismiss sustained n costs taxed to appellant. The Hradley Metcalf company and Gllmore & rtuhl coi pany , appellants , ngnlnst T. 11. Burdslt assignee , Pottawattamle county , nppelle motion to dismiss sustained at cost of npp lant. A. T. Klwell , trustee , appellai against Klinball & Champ , Pottawattan county , appellee's motion to dismiss ovi ruled. George Plantz , appellant , ngali Thomas Vangorder et al , Audubon conn appellee's motion to dismiss sustained appellant's cost. D. G , Alnstrce et al , r pellants , against Nettle Fnrly et al , Mitch : district , appellants' motion , to dl.smlss OVi ruled. 'T. "C. I'eterson against W. W. lit et al , appellants , Dickinson county , app lants' motion to dismiss overruled. Atlnrnoys t.lveu Ornt I rrnloni of Sp'ec DES MOINES , May 21.-SpeclaI ( Te gram. ) In the supreme court today In I case of the State against William Tlpj from Mahaska district , the decision of l lower court was ntllrmcd , the court ml ! In effect that attorney In a case may ti fresly und to an almost unlimited exte The defendant was Indicted for murder n convicted of manslaughter and scntenc to six months In the penitentiary. He kll a man In a saloon , by accident , he olalni ! The court holds that the evidence v sutllclcnt to warrant the verdict , nnd s tains all the rulings of the lower court. 1 as defense objected to the remarks of he county attorney In the opening statem en and In the argument. In the opening stn ' ment he claimed the dead man had mnd r's dying statement that was very bad for he defendant , but afterward this statem ad was ruled out , because It was not'sho in that the man knew he was dying when as made the statement. The protcutlng torney also referred to the tHct that Sc < ita the murdered man , was deaiLnnd could itho tell his side of the storyj He was very f ho In his remarks to the Jury In othr resqici and on this the defense expected to ge reversal. T ha I.iixpntlmrccr Ca'icjf i * } IJiturin , he DVBUQUE , la. , May Si The Luxi ise burger congress closed tonight with a b ndm. quet. Resolutions were' adopted enders m.In John Ludwlg of Wlnotlu , Minn. , In appointment by the' ' government 11to Luxemburg as consul to the Unl to States. Ofllc-ers eltctrrt > were : I'r dent , John Ludwlg , WlTiona'vice ' ; iir ise dent , George Thill , St. Puult , financial i retury , Peter Welland , i Aurpra ; record Inm secrulary , J. D. Tlilltges > s ; trustees , M. J m , gems of Minneapolis , Jphn.iKlefer of . n- bunue , P. Uelter of Chloauujt The name of lh association was Chan lean to "The Luxemburgcr ajl.onal Vereln America. " , , , an Aurora was selected for the next ann Im meeting place. , , us Completu Stout < : itr' llrhlgo. nt SIOUX CITY , May 21.-Speclal ( T gram. ) Private advices received here fi Chicago today nro to the effect that iln directors of the Credits Commutation ci ck pany. In session In Chicago , have decl to complete the unfinished Pac'llc Short I let bridge 'across the Missouri here , nnd h directed the executive committee of the ganlzatlon to push the work at once. Al les { UW.OOO lias already gone Into the work , rs- nearly $1,000,000 more will bo required ird complete It. The city will give n bonus JIOO.OOO. and the commutation company put up the balance. The bridge will b alt combination affair , and will be opened tc railroads. Miner * Hectare the Strike Off. CENTEUVILLE , In. , May 21-Spe Telegram ) Some of the miners of the id- panoose district held a muss meeting Mystic today and declared the strike President Reynolds of the Union Mine w ers was outspoken In favor of that cou Iner - and the almost starved condition of er , miners really forced it. It is uuthoi lively stated that 220 minor * nre now at work In , tha district nt the 70-crnt rate , be tween Darby nnd Jerome. The trouble ftt Orrvllle has been exaggerated. The miners gathered there na reported , but there were no riots mul no damage done or attempted , I'Hy llirrK * Molrn. 13LDON , In. , May 21. ( Special Tele- gram. ) Fifty-five Rock Island pay checks , calling for over $1,000 $ , were stolen from the depot ticket olllce here this morning. The agent h.ul left them near tlio window , and while his buck was turned a thief rc.iohed In his huml nnd abstracted the checks. The checks call for sums nvernfilng JW to J70 nnd are nil made payable to orders of Individual - dividual perton. . It Is feared , however , that these Hlgnaturea will be forged nnd un tit- tempt bo made to cash the checks. l'it > Inc " Molnnt Utter MnltiK. DKS MOINKP , May 21. ( Special Tel- gram. ) The government land commissioners hope to conclude th lr work on the L'es Molnes river lands by the middle of Juno. The appropriation will have to be iniulp at least Jl.Ky.inH ) In order to satisfy nil claim ants. The woik at lloone was completed Saturday. About 213 claims were presented and of this number Commissioner Uerner thinks that posclb'.v about 200 will stard n show of receiving Indemnity fiom the gov- erntn'nt. I xlrnilnii ; ' ! ' < i phone l.tlic * . OTTt'MWA , In. , May 21.-SpoelnI ( Tele- grnm.-Nell ) Wllkln and John Walsh of tin Iluillngton Improvement comimny , opeint Ing the Now Burlington and Osknloosn tele' phone exclmnges ; John C. Dekolty of the Albla exchange nnd tlio mrmbeis of tin New Ottumwa telephone exchange met to day for the puipose of constructing tel Hues throughout tlu state. The prfllmlnarj steps for such n comimny weie taken am the company will be formed nl un enrlj date. Murh Wiiiitcil < riivkitmiinrrnliiir l. CIICSTON. la. , May 2t.-Sperlal ( Tole gram. ) James Kennedy , n cracksman wanted nt Lorlmer. Vllllsca and Crfston fo : burglary , wa nrialgiml to lay on the oiurgi of robbing Woodward A : Donei's store a Lorlmer. II" was held to the grand Jury. Bicycle thieves got In thi'lr work hole las night and stole a Columbia from Wll Mitchell. .Joolirv I'Htinly litjnrril. CEDAR RAl'IDS , In. , May 21.-Specln ( Telegram. ) While speeding u race horse 01 the fair ground tracks at Uelle Plalne , Bill ; Thief-sen , n 12-year-old boy , was thrown nm struck a board fenci' with such force ns ti crash through an Inch plank. Ho has ben unconscious since the accident nnd cnnno recover. I'liy-driiim In So liiti nt lnxv.i lltt. IOWA CITY , la. , May 2l.-Speolnl ( Tele gram. ) The twenty-Flxth annual conven tlon of the Hahnemaiinlnii ussocl utlonlilch Inclndts all of Iowa's jiroml nent homoopalhlsts.was held hire today The addrebs of welcome was delivered b ; Mayor Reno. iT..M illl.lj 11.1H .ILQUlltKl ) CO.\TltOI Cut Throat Competition un ( omt Ilunlncs' ' \ \ 111 Now lie ut mi ICiul. ST. PAUL , May 21. President J. J. Hll of the Great Northern railway arrived ham yesterday from Europe. In the course o an Interview In the Dispatch he said he wa not In a position at this time to speak of th to-called Northern Pacific deal , but said "You may put this down as an assured fact the Great Northern nnd Northern Pacific wll never be consolidated under one manage ment. You may add that the Northern Pa olllo will not be broken up at al ! . Such re ports are canards and not to be considered for a moment. The autonomy of the North > rn Pacific will be p-eserved and It will b ontrolled by .Is shareholders. There wll bo a strong eftcrt to davelup the country alun the line of the road , to tell the lands tha await settlement and to sell them at a greatl reduced prlre if necessary. I want to ad that It Is my hupo that a time has bse reached when the roads will have to give u what they have been doing. The game c ait throat In the railway business of thl country has got to be discontinued , and It I .D not the credit of the country will bo stl more seriously Impalied. " "How much Is true of the matter 'hat ha been printed relative to vour abbolute cor trol of the Northern Pacific' " "Well , so far as the knowle3go of any pei sons who have printed such matter Is coi vorncd ( hero Is not a word of truth In It. have given no Interview , nor nllowel any or else to do so , of a nature that would adm the truth of the story. " Mr. II1II would not admit that the control i the road had passed Into his hands , but tl truth of the matter comes out from heai quarters , says the Dispatch. It Is establlshi that the trip taken by Mr. Hill was not i his peeking ; that up to the time of his belr smnmoncl to prucet l to Berlin and Londc I ho had mid'n : overtures rej < rd ng the Nor , ] ern Pacific. The Dispatch Insists that has knowloJgo that the control of the Nortl ern Pacific was rather forced on him thr sought. The Dispatch continues : "There Is i doubt In the world that J. J. Hill has tl Northern Pacific system In his bag. He h ; corralled It root and branch , and althoug .15 he says , it may take some little tlmo f the entire plan to become public , the Di patch Is In a position to give the northwe assurance that the two great systems of ra' ' way will shortly bo under the single contr of Mr. Hill. His plan of making the ro : pay by settling the country along Its lines any cost Is one that has commended Itself the shareholders abroad an.l the consent will has put him In the responsible position now holds wiu practically unanimous BO f as the European holders are concerned. " " d t I'nlr In the Knitern Portion nnil Shoive In VWtUTn Nrbrn ln. WASHINGTON , May 21.-The forecast f Wednesday Is : For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair the eastern portion ; showers In the weste portion ; warmer In the western portlo southerly winds. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; warrm variable winds , becoming southerly. For Kansas Increasing cloudiness a showers ; southerly winds. I.ocnl id'cortl , OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BURBA OMAHA , May 21. Omaha record of tei perature and rainfall compared with t corresponding day of the past four yea ! IS'15. 1894. 1891. 18 Maximum temperature. . . . CO 72 83 Minimum temperature 40 44 CO Average temperature Kl 08 72 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 Condition of temperature and preclpi tlon at Omaha for the day and since Mar 1 , 1895 : Normal temperature Deficiency for the day Accumulated excess since March 1 Normal precipitation 15 Ir it Deficiency for the day 10 Ir Total precipitation since March 1 D.41 Incl Deficiency since March 1 2.04 Incl Itoport * from Other Stations at H I' , M n- nn n- nig ig or of id a- au u- ued ed of "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. I * A. WELSH al AMUfeEM WKD. & Till MAY 22 & hen n- CANARY K LP.DP.rjHIl'9 ned New York Casino nnd Chicago Opera Ho ne Production Intact. ve ir- irut ut utml Comedy , I'arce , Drama , Vaudeville , LlalUt i to Orand and Comic Opera all rolled Into of ONE HUGE ENTERTAINMENT. ill illa 110-I > P.OPLB-110. Including John n. Henahaw. Qeo. A. Kctill Qua I'lxley. Bemour lleas , Max von Milrcl. H , Tair , vernona Jarbeau , Lucy Daly , Me Leaning , La IVtlte Adelaide , Mlnnlo Mil lal LIda Lear. The sale of seats will open at 9 o'clock Ti Pat day morning. First lloor. U and 11.W ; bulcc at We and i5c. 'ff ' , k. Attorneys * I-11 SIMS & BAINBimGE ) Be , , , < ractlce In the Bt he and Federal Courts. Rooms 306-7-8-9 , ta- t'irt , Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa , intMitn MttuitK's The concert last evening nt the First Con gregational church for the benefit of the music fund ws artistically a moat gratify ing success , bringing together In n well con sidered program a t.umbcr of Omaha's lend ing professional and amateur musicians un der the direction of Mr. Homer Moore. The audience wag large and discriminating , the demand tor rncores belni ; frowned donn upon to the delight of a large proportion uf these assisting In front. The churns , under Mr. Mootc , opened tlie program of twelve numbcri by sliiRtng "lie. Watching Cher Israel , " from Men delssohn's "Elijah , " In ' A manner that showed conscientious work upon the part of the singers. While the opening attack was somewhat discordant , Mr Moore easily pulled the chorus together , the light and shade of the piece being well defined under his cnieful baton. Mr. Moore cung a Wngncr and Gounod number , his rendition of "Jerusalem" being upon a highly elevated plane. Mr. Tnber was welcomed back to his old organ with a heartiness that showed he was not forgotten In the press of other tilings and his playing was entirely credit able. Mrs. Ely , assisted by tlio Moiart quartet and Mr. Adelmann on the violin , sang that dainty bit of composition "Lullaby , " by Hanscom , splendidly , which may also be said of Mr. Copol.iml's "Patrla , " by Mattel. Mr. Adelmann played the Intro duction to the "Caprlccloso , " by Saint Saens. In a most muslclanly style , showing splendid technique. Part second was tnkcn up by the Moirart quartet , a beautiful song by Mr Abel , Miss Marshall , who showed herself .1 most promising singer , the chorus flnlnshlnp the program with "The Heavens Are Tell ing. " & $ . Kgc fT \ ' ' Q \ % $ $ $ M $ j M I i TvM > vWlVfKKi W -W * . -Vv * Music-lots of music. All the popular music ot tlto day first comes to us. There's "Sly First Daticu , " liodluu's new SOUK. "XotliliiK Too Good for the Klks , " Miner and Kclley's lilt. "Sweet Apple Tie. " A. IIOSPE , Jr DOCTOR SEflfSlES. . Chronic , Nervous , Private Diseases BLOOD AND SKIN ft ' I'cTb , W tuinuiu , teller , eczema nnd blood poison thoi oiiBlily cleansed fiom the p > st. . m , nlso Indjinr tlon , lupturcs. piles , Ilstiila. kidney tnmMi s , cti 'ilimat , LUIIRS l.her , Dymionul " " " " nnil nil IloHcl nnd Nluninc : Troubles cuiej by gpeclnt course of treatment. I A DIPS < ivcn rairfut niul upei ial attentio * * n ' tor all tliclr many peculiar ailments WEAK MEN .VIWLITV . AK , tlon to ljuslnetft or Btiuly , SONOIO incnti strain or grief. SJJXfAl. i\CiSM- : nildill life or from tlie effects or ) uulhful follies , al yield readily to our new liratmcnt fur loss o vital power. WBITP Your troubles If out of city. Thou inil M 1 1 i , , * . cuuj n iiuine by corrcfcponilence. HP Jnar.pc APi > rl n mu I'.inmin , ul aluim Cx DC-IK. , - , omuiiu , > Li > . IS THE DEST. FIT FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN ; FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. $3.BPPOIICE,3 SOLES , EXTRA FINE . $ I7 ? EOYS'SCHQOLSrlOES. BKOCKTON.-MAS5. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory They give the bent value for the money. They equal custom Ahoes In ntyle and fit. Tliclr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform-stamped on sole. | : rom $ i to S.i Raved over other makes. If jour dealer cannot supply jomve can. Sold by A.W. Bvvman Co..N.6thSt | J. C.Carlson , 1218 N. 24th St. W. W , Fisher , Parker an Leavenworth St. J. L , Newman , 424 I3t'i St. Kelley , Stitrar 8t Co , . Farnat and 15th St. T.S.Cres3ey,2503 NSt. , Soul Omaha. wnor.nso.Mn ADVICE. Tor Pcolc Klio o Storanchn are Kenh att < | llcitlott Poor , Dr. IlHrlntnljon , whoso opinion In dliexscd ot the itoinach la worthy of attention , s j-a when a man or woman comes to mo cam * | > laltilnK ot Indigestion , laps of appotlto , SOUK stomach bMchlng , four wntery risings , hcaJi nclios , sleeplcssnris , lack of nmbltlon anil a Kenerally run Joun , nervous condition t nil * 1st' them to take after eitcli meat ono or two of StUArl't ) Dyspepsia Tutilcto. allowing tlia abtct to ilUMiho In the mouth , nml tliti * ultima with the food oaten. The remit la lint tlio food Is speedily dlKt.tted ueforw U ins ilmu to i our nnd ferment. These titbleta vlll illi'Dt food ttuyuny , whether the stomnclx ? to or not , btcause thry contain harm- * c. s dlRWtlvo principles , vcKOtabltf OKsenccs , icpsln .itul coition K1 1 , which supply Jvut tlio weak tton tu-h lacks. I have , mlvlvwl the tablets with grout suci cess , both In curuiK Inillgcjtlon ami to build ip tl.r ticr.O ! , increasing ilvsli In thin , ncrv- 011 a pMtcnts , vhoso only real trouble \\ftn lyspcpsin , nnil ng isuon us the stomnuh was ml to light ! * they illil not know what elck 10SASrtS. . A nfiy-cont package of Stu.-xrt'i Dyspepsia Tablets can bo buuihl ; at any drug store , and as they are not a secret patent moillclno , they can bo moil nn often ns desired , with nil aBsu-tincc > tl at they contil'.i nothing Imrm fill In the sllgiic ? ! depreo : on the contrary , any ono Mhoso .stomach Is at all drrnneil ) will II ml great beti lit from the use ot Pluart s Dyspepsia Tablets. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience. uAiuMi or DISIASKS or JIIN : AND WOMIN. : rnoiMtir.TOK OKTIIIJ 's HKIUIAI. IHSI IN. SAIIY / treat the following Diseases : Cntnrrh ot the Hend , TUront nnd t.unes ; Dls cnscaof the Ij/oaml Kur , Fits uml Apoplexy , Ilt-iut UlsL'itsL' , I.IVIT Complaint , Kidney Com. plaint , llt > . ? Ieiiul I > u. prc'HHloii , I.CISM 4il" niaitliuciil. Hoiii- liuilVeuUiiOHH , Dliibctes , llrluut'H lib- ense , St Vltus' lniic ) , ItliciiniiitlMii. PnraljBls , WhitoSivcliliiif , Sciotiiln , tVvorSiucn , Tuiil- orn ami iMHtula In iinu rumo\ctl wltltuiit tliu iciilfc or clrawliijr u drop ofOlooU. Woman wltli licr Ucllciito orjfutio rent o rod tci lifiiltli. I > ropiy cured v\ltl oiit tiipitliiif' Hpcclal Attention nl-\cu to I'rlvnte ami Venereal ) lHcnncf of all UiiKlH. Srjo to $ sno lm felt for iinv Venereal IllHcase I cannot euro witlioiil Mercury. TnpoVoriris removed lit t oor llnco hours , or no pa } . lliuncmliuUla or Tiles curoil. TllOSt : WHO AltlJ AI'l'MfTii > Will snvo llfn nud liumlicda of dollars by cult * DR. C. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Thnoiil.i riijhlclim nli < iriui loll \thutulll n prison \vltlinutaRl.lilK a ( nicxtloti. TluiKii nt H illMllliro MMiil fur Ourntlou Kliiiik , Nil. 1 for iiienXo. fur untiim. All correspondence Btrli'tly eonlldrntlal. llcdlclno s > ent by o.\piess. Atldrcn * till letters O. W. I > AMiI.i : , JII. ! . , 555 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BIUFPB. Cncloso lOo In stumps Tor toply. GEO. P. SAN FORD. A. W. IlIEKMAN. President. Cashier. of COUNCIL BLUFrJ , Iowa- Canit-U , $100,000 1'rohts , 12,000 One ot tha oldest tianki In the Kale at lawn. \Ve solicit your bu > lnc anil collections. Vfm pay & per cent on tlmo deposit * . We will b * pra Hl to see * nd stm you. C Mclil itrr'n Knsltih nlaraanil llrana n other. Xrftutaangrrou * ltir > < niu > v l.oiuand . ImUMani Al Hni liliorxnl4r , In ttimrl Tor i > arllculari , icillroooUli ftoj "llrllcf for I.H < llri > , " ' ' > l < lt > r , bj return Mull. 1 ll.OOO TullnwDUli A' < iM ffftf lrlil lerC'ucralc l o.UuilUnnHquiIi Sold tj alt Local llrucclili Vhllcdu. , 1'iu Special Notices-Council Bluffs CHIMNUYS CLUANUD ; VAULTS CLEANED. IM Iluike , at W , S , Homer's. 033 DroaiUay. aAnDEN LAND Foil nale cheap and on easy terms. Day & Una , U Pearl stiuet. FA11M LANDS TO KXCIIANOH KOIl CITTC pu > | ) i-ity. c. It. Nicholson , C39H Uroadnay. FOU BALBOA NO. F UlJMINaTON TYI'C writer ; as ( rood as new. Sandwich Manutactur * ] neCp. . 1028 nnd 1030 8. Main street. _ ( FOIt SAM8 AND 79-10.KACIliS OK QAHDHN Innd near tlie cliy nnd not far fiom Mjnster KprliR3. Just north tit J. I. . Wliltcman'g anil south of pluco occunled by llufua Austin ; part payment tnKrn In city piupcrty , 6 per cent ln teieat on Ihe tmlunce. Apply to Leonard Kveictt.JL'ouncIl Ulults. _ WANTI3D , GOOD OIIIL KOIl GlN13HAI housework. Apply to Dr. II , S. West , 12 Pearl sticct. rou IUNT : ; is Acitns ; ONIJ MILD from poatolllce. Chaa. T. Olllcer , OuO Iroad way. MANHOOD eESTOREO CUPIDENE" . . . . SIHSIWTVittaw i WHfcfc Vltullz rtoprMii4. or tlonot a famous French pli > slclan , will quickly euro ) on of nil n7r. K. vous or dlwajM of tbu .cnorutnc nriruiu , MIC ) . M rx"tMaiihri , J , Insomnia , I'ulns In tlio JlacU. Kemliml JimlMlmii , Nirvmiii Di blllly , IMmr i lei , Viintiiess to Marry , Kxlmmtlng Dri.lni . , Vnrlrw-plo o fi Constiation. It itopmll loiwon by day < > r night. I'if Venn quirk ncsiofdlsclmrco.wlilclilfiiotclicokPdlniulDUifipprmiitorrh pHun ! BEFORE AND AFTER ? Udneysandthoiirlnaryoreuiuofulllmiiurltles. ! ' tLo I'orrprjof Impolency. rill'IliK.MirlcaniCstljollTtr , tli CUI'lnENK ( itrengthcns nnd restoresenmlTwe.ilc orcaniC Tlio reason miBersri ure not en.-eil by Uiirtorx H beoauiie ninety per cent nro troubled will Pro tntll. OUPIIKNEI the only known remedy to cure without un op < n.tlon. towni-mlmon ! . and retnintd It six \rnxn \ dnen . . els. A written Buimnteeeivpn money not tilctt a permuncutcura SlJ abe , slxfor5.abymall. BcndforrnEBctreularcnd testimonials AddrceanAVOL , 5IEDICINR CO. . I . O I'ox 3)70 ) , Han rrancLsco.C'al. ' PnrBnlely FOR SALE DY GOODMAN DHUQ CO. , & KUHN & CO. . OMAHA. NUURASICA * uly uly idy Paint and Class House. Exclusive sellers in Council Bluffs for the justly celebrated Hoatb& Milll gan Mfg. Co.'s ' 'BEST1' PJVEPABEDPAINT , THI3 STANDARD 1 A1I1 ? JR OF AMi-IlIOA , put up in 0. handsome uhados and guaranteed to look 23 bettor , wear longer and cover more surface than any other paint This paint received the HIGHEST AWARD at the World's fair. Our mottoi A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or send for color card. Wholesale and retail. 200 BBOADWA.Y I md Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments and ler Goods of Every Description. as ler Schocdsuck's Twin City Jyo les Works , Cor. Avenue A and 20th ny St..Council Hinds. Giucc , 1521 Futf nam St. , Omiiha. ite nu Send for Trice List ,