Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    " "i Vin" fft 1 * t
8 THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE : TUESDAY , 3tAY 21 , 1895.
Fire and Police Oommhsioners Decline to
Accept His Resignation !
t'ctltlon Ilecrlvccl but Cnplnln Sloityn Win
Chief of roltco-
Continue ) ! in Actlnc
OHIccr Uuitnfion
from the 1'orcc.
* - Last night In open session the Board elf
f Fire and Police Commissioners refused to ac
cept the resignation ot John Itedell as chlcl
of the Omaha flro department. In oxccutlvt
tesslon , by a vote of 3 to 2 , thi board do
tllnoii to reinstate W. S. Scavcy as chief ol
police. By unanimous vote Officer Gustafsor
was dismissed from the force for conduct un
becoming a policeman.
The new members , Dcaver and Brown , wen
Installed and Immediately assumed their olfi
clal duties. In retiring Chris Ilartman madi
a few remarks , In which ho stated that h
surrendering his ofllco as commissioner h
did so with a clear conscience , having en
deavored to perlorm his duty at all times
and that as a citizen In the walks of prlvat
llfo he would always bo at the command o
the niw board. He wished his successor
happy term and would do all In his power t
make It such.
A committee from the Commercial clut
consisting of Commissioner John E. Utt , W
A. L. Gibbon , Dan Farrell , Jr. , E. E. Bruce
W. E. Clark and Dudley Smith , called t
present the report of the action of the ex
ccutlvo committee o that organization wit
relation to Chief ItcdcU's resignation. Chali
man Dudley Smith filed the report , wblc
follows :
After a conference with the Board of Fir
and Police Commissioners we are satlslle
that the chief of the lire department ha
the fullest confidence of the board and thn
he Is recognized by the members as a
efficient olilcer nnd that they sincerely n
lirct that he hus seen lit to tender his resit
nation to them.
Your committee further reports that I
IHIB Investigated aa best It could Into til
causes whlcn have led up to the reslgnatlo
of Chief Kedell and have found that hi
dissatisfaction , to a larpe extent , has nrlse
because of the Inadequate facilities for IlKh
mg lire , as well as the deficiency of equlj
ment Iti the lire department. The failure i
the water works company to furnish n
adequate supply of water , oulrit ; to tli
small size of mains distributed thronghoi
the business part of the city , makes It In
possible for the lire department to coi
with a lire in a building of any size after
has once started. To our utter nmazemei
we find that airsomp r' ' " t , . . . ; '
the ' -ea-t urine city the water mains nine
no more than four Inches In diameter , whl
along DouKlas street the main Is only si
Inches In diameter , and we may any thi
from six to eight Inches is the average st ;
of all the mains In the business part <
the city. It wilt therefore be reai
lly seen that when two or three lines <
hose tire attached to the hydrants alor
one of these mains it Is Impossible for wall
enough to bi supplied to give nny pressui
for lire purposes. We also found that tl
lire depaitmcnt had recently been exper
enclng considerable dlfllculty In openli
certain hydrants to which lines of ho :
had been attached , and upon Investigate
made under the direction of the Hoard i
Fire and Police Commissioners It was ill
covered that about ono-hulf of thu 1,4
hydranlB In the city had been permitted
get so much out of lepalr as to be pra
tlcally unlit for servlc' . During this li
spection u number of hydrants were four
from which water would not now after tin
had been opened , duo doubtless to the fm
that rust and dirt had accumulated unl
u' solid body was formed In the pipe. ]
other Instances hydrants were founil whl (
Imd become so rusted that It was itnpossib
to open them. We are Informed that it
the duty of the water works compan
under Its contract with the city , to kei
all of thu loilrants In repair and that th"
present condition is due to the failure
that company to comply with the requlr
inentH or this Contract. The largo BU
paid to the water works company as rent
for these hydrants certainly entitles tl
city to have them maintained In such ord
that they will be ready for use at ai
and all times , as u failure of one of tl
hydrants at a critical time would Impei
thousands of dollars worth of property.
Thu condition of the lire department w
recently examined into by a Joint comml
tee from the city council and this cluli ,
which time that committee was led to li
llcve by the receivers of the water wor
company that the necpssary Improvomer
would be made In the distribution ot wat
mains throughout the business part of t
city so n8 to afford adequate lire protectlc
Owing to their failure to make thes-e li
provcincntB U Is manifestly Impossible f
the tire department to cope with a cnnll
Kratlon if It had oncj gotten a start. Th
facts are leallzed by Chief Kedell and i
think that the present attitude of the wat
works department toward the city , as e'
dcnccd by Its continued failure and refiu
to increase the size of Its mains , as w
as to keep In lopalr the present plant h
to n large extant baen the cause of 1
Your committee further reports that
has be n unable to find any dlssatlsfactl
with Chief Uedell , nor docs U tlnd that an
body questions his ability and quullllcatlo
for the position lie holds , und It belles
that he enjoys the confidence and resp (
of all of the people of Omaha. Your coi
mlttee therefore recommends , flrst , that
copy of this report bo sent to the may
and city council , with the request that th
take Bueh steps aa may be necessaiy
remedy the defects existingIn the wal
works service and to procure for the city
adequate water supply for lire protectlc
that a i-omniUtee be appointed to imet wl
the Hoard of Fire and Police Commission )
nt their next regular meeting for the pi
pojie of expressing to said board the con
denes which this club has In Chief Red
and to tcquest that his resignation be r
Commissioner Strlckler heartily concur )
In the action of the Commercial club co
mittee and moved that the communication
received and placed on file. Carried. J
Strlckler then moved that the resignation
Chief Iledell be not accepted.
Commissioner Brown at this Juncture fi
a petition from the Veteran Firemen's ae
elation requesting Chief Hedcll to wlthdr
his resignation ,
Mr , Glbboa of the Commercial club s ;
that the presence of the business me
commltt o to co-operate with the comm
slonera In prevailing upon Chief Iledell
remain In charge of the fire department v
prompted purely for the welfare of the pn
erty owners and Interests ot Omaha , Ir
spectlve of politics. Ex-Commissioner Ha
man eulogized the chief and spoke carries
ot Mr. Uedell's ability and his splendid \vt
since ho has come to Omaha. He hoi
that the board would decline to accept
By a unanimous vote the commission
declined to accept Mr. Redell'a resignation
Olilcer Gustafson wag placed on trial
conduct unbecoming an olllc r and tardln
on April 23 , Ho gave an explanation ,
which he stated that hlu details w
responsible for the loss of time and that
wan kept FO busy chasing a noisy gang
spectators away from a wedding that he co
not report on time. The other charge agal
Gustatsonvns to the effect that he I
acted as ft "broker" In the proscflbsd (
trlct , April 8 , for two strangers. Otfi
Dillon was c.ill'd as a witness and submit
tome damaging testimony against h's fcl
ofilcff. Sergeant Ormsby al testified.
In hla own ilrfento ( lustatson admitted the
ho had held a conversation with two Etrani ;
at Tenth and Capitol avenue on the date
cuc-ttloa , and that they endeavored to sec
his toi-vlrcs. but ho had referred them to
officer on the next beat.
Ofllcor ChrUtliinson was on the carpet
fulling to report In accordance with po
regulations. When he faced the volley
questions which Mr , StrlcUor.fired at Mm
Eald it wax all due to sickness.
Charcoa weru preferred against Otll
Meals for playing cards with the night clef
of the Drext'l hotel , seemingly oblivious
the fart that It was against police rule *
an officer to do eo when In full uniform
on ilu'y. Action on these and other clmr
Including ono again * ! Olilcer Drummy , v
deferred cno week on account of n rust
other biulr.css.
A petition from seventy-three member
the police force , accompanied by a letter f
General Lowe Hiking that It bo pri > seiitt <
the board , was read. The petition \\AS
eulogy of Captain Webber S. Scavcy ,
rfed that the cx-chlet of police be remit :
and set forth that tlio ilgncn "believed
best Interwts of the community calls for
la tin tervive by
he position ot chief. " The petition was re-
elved and placed on file.
The claim ot Officer Monroe for a fractured
nklo was not allowed.
Leave of absence was granted to several
members of the fire and police departments.
A report read by Secretary Brownleo dls-
Iwel (95,191.27 appropriated for the fire
unJ. Total amount expended up to date It
47,401,88 , with nn unexpended balance ol
47,792.39 to operate the department the bal
nee of the year.
In the police fund the total amount avail
able Is > SI,178.23. Of this amount there hai
already been expended $30,095.49 , leaving i
balance of { 53.4S2.74.
It was unanimously decided to appeal t <
he city council for an adequate sum to inee
all expenses of the two departments.
The flrst division vote of the new boarc
stood 3 to 2 In favor of allowing the appllca
Ion to remove the saloon and license of II
ilunzlker from 802 South Thirteenth strec
: o 390S Lcavenworth street. Messrs. Strlck
ler and Smith uere In the minority.
Commissioner Brown offered the following
which was unanimously carried :
Htsolved , That the vacancies In the stand
Ing committees occasioned by the cxplratlo
of the term of ollice of px-Commlssloner
Cobtirn and Ilartman be and the Fame ar
hereby filled by Commissioners Denver an
Ilrown until changed by the board , Fal
Dcaver to fill the vacancies on the commll
teeH formerly held uy Cobilrn and Brown t
fill those formerly possessed by Ilartman.
John Marhovcr , agent of the Schlltz Brew
Ing association , asked the board to close th
saloon at Tenth and Capitol avenue run b
his agent , Martin Shields. He had taken 01
a license In his name and Shields was I
possession and doing business under his 1 !
cense. Mr. Marhover had dismissed him
few days ago , but Shields openly defied' lili
and threatened to wipe him off the face <
the earth when he went to stop him froi
selling under his license. The board referrc
Mr. Marhover to the county attorney , Inai
much as Shields was practically Belling liqui
without a license If Marhover had revoke
his authority. Executive session followed.
In executive session the board passed tl
following resolution :
Ilesolvcd , That Captain Mostyn , lint
otherwise directed by the board , bo and
hereby authorized by the board to perfor
the duties pertaining1 to the otllce of chl
of police , In addition to those belonging
his ollice as captain , and all members i
the police force shall render obedience
his orders and commands In discharging tl
duties of chief of i > ollce as though the san
were Issued by one appointed , qualified ar
actingas chief.
Officers Hentfrow and Marshall , chnrgi
with disobedience to the orders of Sergea
Whalen , made satisfactory explanations ar
the charges were dismissed.
Hostler Cormlck was- fined three days' p :
for absence without leave.
Officer Qustafson was dismissed from tl
force on the second charga
Officer Christiansen was fined five day
After the board adjourned Chief Itetle
told a reporfr that while he appreciated M
encouragement offered by _ thp C ITurcl
club and citizens ( nr „ „ . .main , he hi
not dppi' ' " ' ' 'i reconsider his resignation i
ct. Ills plans were Indefinite. When aski
whether his resignation was prompted by t !
nadequate water service , as alleged by dial
man Dudley Smith and his Commercial cli
associates , Chief Hedell replied that It w
not particularly the water company. The
were other reasons.
'Let the Board of Fire and Police Cor
mlssloners do something. Let them do wh
hey agreed to do when I flrst came here. "
The chief declined to discuss the matt
beyond tills.
Commissioner-elect Brown declared hlmsi
ast evening on the granting of absence f
extended periods to policemen and flreme
ile was in favor ot disallowing pay In su
A freshness , lightness and sweetness a
given to dough by Dr. Price's Baking Po
dor that no other kind can even approach.
1V11I Try to Klnil Him.
President Liughland cf the Assoc'atetl Chr
Hies reported to the chief of p
Ice yesterday that some unauthorlz
person was soliciting charity in t
way of money and clothes. Accordl
to Laughland , the offending party Is
youiiR man of good appearance and a s > moo
affable talker. He has been working In t
vicinity of St. Mary's avenue and Twenl
fifth street and the story he tells Is bellev
by many from whom he > solicits. The solid
tells the people that he is soliciting aid for
old man and his family for the purpose
sending them to Kansas , and as the officers
the Associated Charities are busy , he Is del
the work for them. The police will make
effort to apprehend the Impostor.
HnniosruKorV Kxcuralnn * .
On May 21 and June 11 , 1895 , the Unl
Pacific system will tell tickets from Mlssoi
river points and stations In Kansas and [
braska to points south and west In N'ebras
and Kansas , also to Colorado. Wyoming , Ut
and Idal.o , cast of Wclser and touth of Deal
Canon , at rate of one flrst class standard fi
for the round trip. Minimum rate , $7.00.
P. Deuel , O. T. A. U. P. system. 1302 Farm
street , Omaha. .
In the fnioUliiK Itoom.
A notable feature of the sleeping cars n
running between Omaha and Chicago on
Burlington Iloute's "Vestbu'ed Flyer" Is th
inoklngrooruIt's larger , more comfo
able , better arranged , better ventilated tl
the usual run of smoking-rooms. Eight p
pie can find seats in it. On a pinch ,
can bo accommodated.
This Is only a minor detail of travel , b
after all , minor details are what count.
Tickets and full Information about the B
llngton's service to Chicago , Denver ,
Louis , Kansas City , St. Joseph , Hot Sprln
Deadwood , Helena , Butte , Spokane , Tacor
Seattle , Portland , as well a ? hundreds of 1
Important points can be had at the city tic
otllce , 1321 Farnam street.
IlntiifRrrkerii * ISxciirnlnn.
To all points on the P. , E. & M. V. II.
Date ot ealo May 21st , 1S95 ; limit 20 d ;
from date of purchase ; minimum round t
selling rnte , $7.00.
Ticket office 1401 Farnam st. Depot 1
and Webster sts.
JinpoKilljlo tn lAvii In This tonn'ry
Without hearing about the Northwest
Una's evening "Chicago Limited , " for pec
WILL talk about Its convenience , tastol
ness and comprehensive up-to-datcni
Omaha , 5:45 : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:45 : a. m , V
tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la ct
i- diners , Plntsch gas , EVEnVTHINQ. Nc
. tra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a.
and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checl
at home ?
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
Half lintel to TPXIIS.
May 21 and June 11 , via Santa Fe roi
For particulars call on or address E.
Palmer , r. A. , room 1. First Nut. ba
School Poard Refers Pack Gcmmittea's ' Re
port on Special Instructors ,
First Action of the lluard ulth Itcspcct tc
the Kmployiiittiit of Tcnchor * for Com
ing Your Objection to Form
of 1'rcsont Contract.
Miss Fannie Arnold , supervisor of music
and Miss Ethel Evans , supervisor of draw
Ing , were recommended to the Board o
Education last evening by the commute
on special Instruction for re-election , the 11 rs
at $140 per month and the second at $11
per month.
The report was not adopted. Three mem
bers of the board , IJandhauer , Lunt am
Hhoades , were absent. The report of th
committee was read by Lowe , and was slgne
by himself , Lower and Burgess ot the fou
members of the committee.
Opposition to the motion of Lowe to BUS
pend the rules and Instruct the secretary t
cast the ballot of the board for the Instruc
tors named was begun by Johnson , whos
motion to divide the question prevallei
Cramblet then moved to refer the recoir
mendatlon as to Miss Arnold back to th
committee , and Plcrson seconded.
Burgess , for the committee , said that
would be useless to refer , as the commltte
had considered all the matters Involved nn
the report had been signed by a majority.
Cramblet called attention to the fact th
three members of the board were absent , an
In the case of so Important a matter as th
election of teachers. Insisted that all shoul
be present. He also referred to the fai
that the member of the committee who ha
not signed the report was absent from tli
meeting , and he should be heard from.
A viva voce vote was taken on the quei
tton to recommit and President Akin declare
the motion carried. Several called for a
pye and nay vote , which resulted : Ayes-
Cramblet , Edwards , Johnson , Knodell , Lowe
Plerson , Akin 7 ; noes Anderson , Burges
Lowe , Thomas , Tukey 5 , and the motlo
was again announced carried.
The same action was taken In the case i
Miss Evans. This was not , however , unt
Lowe raised a point of order , which tl
chairman was reluctant to rtn"'de on befoi
hearlp. " from ' ' " tiu.u'e'y. It was that und
' .iv iJ. the committee on special Instructlt
has no power to recommend teachers , 1
province being simply to report on progni
made In special department and to recon
mend with reference to courses of study.
was admitted that the point had like Impo
respecting the committee on kindergarte
though not to the committee on High schoc
which was specially excepted.
Attorney Powell Interpreted the rule In tl
case , considered In connection with oth
rules applying to special Instruction , to gl'
the power of recommending teachers , ar
the president decided accordingly.
Later on the question of the employme
f at Miss Arnold and Miss Evans came i
again by a resolution by Lowe Instructli
the commltte ? on special Instruction to re
ommend supervisors of music and drawii
at the next meeting. The resolution wi
laid on the table.
Lowe's resolution that the committee <
salaries consider the presnit system of a
vanclng teachers' salaries and recammei
a more equitable one , based on merit at
not length of service , was referred to t !
committee on rules , because the present sy
tern Is provided for In the rules. It wi
announced by Edwards , chairman of th
„ committee , that a revision of the rules w
„ now In progress , and that the point raised wi
under careful consideration , with the recor
mendatlon of a change certain.
Mr. Lowe also submitted a resolution I
structlng the committee on salaries to dra
up a form of teachers' contract for th ? cor
Ing year. It was tabled , but Secretary GUI :
was allowed to urge that action should soi
be taken in the matter if any change w
contemplated , for many teachers had cor
plained to him about the terms of the la's contract and Intimated tint they wou
not remain In the schools If again required
sign one like It. The contract stipulates th
the teacher accepts election agreeing to ta
any position assigned and abide by any cnan
In salary.
Anna p. Smith , director In the"Mas
kindergarten , and Miss Viva ailllland ,
teacher In the Bancroft school , submltt
It was decided that flag poles should
raised at the Druid Hill and Saratoga schoi
before Memorial day.
Always In unison Intelligent houseket
ers and Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
Sim Took Itrllmlonnn.
lr Nellie De Nccf , nn Inmate of Sadie Je
nlngs' house of 111 fame nt 114 North Nin
street , attempted to commit suicide It
night by poison. Dr. King was summon
to attend her nnd discovered traces of b
Indonnn , although the girl denied that
had taken poison. Although It was feai times during the night that f
would die , Dr. King finally stated that s
would live.
A ,
Thn Ir < - 3 Sillo Will Continue Until Kvcr
thing In Spring mid Summer Uondi Is Sold
Best dress linings Sf worth 5c.
20c slleslas tomorrow lOc.
Best French challles 25c , worth 45c.
Best half wool dark challles , 12Vic.
$25.00 novelty dress patterns $7.00.
114 yard wide suitings 39c , worth $1.00.
1 % yard wide black cheviot 59c , woi
All wool crepons ESc , worth $1.25.
Black figured mohair 37V4c worth 75c.
Light and dark challles 3c.
New dotted Swisses 25c.
Bargains all o\er the store.
A Feir AitTwiuilCffi.
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
Paul railway , the short llne to Chicago ,
clean train , made up and started from Oraa
Baggage checked from residence to destli
tion. Elegant train tervlce and courtei
employes. Entire train lighted by electric
and heated by steam , with electric light
every berth. Finest dining car service
the west , with meals served "a la cart
te. The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Un
te.L. . Depot.
ik , City Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam street.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
h. f ZSy&&iJ te 'i& ! g& ' < l ! & < KZ GS 3S *
of -
nst fc
iu ! S ATOTHING can be substituted forthe ROYAL '
1M BAKING POWDER and give as good re-
| 0\V
hu suits. No other leavening agent will make
e" such light , sweet , delicious , wholesome foo'd. |
xt r >
Cum Stnrrh CrucUeri.
ccr One and one-half pints flour , one-half pint
orkof corn starch , ono-hall UnEprcnful suit , one
offer tablespoonful tugnr. one tanlespoonful lard ,
for one teaspconful Hoyal Il.iklnr : PoiMlcr. one-
and halt pint milk. Sift tOKcth r ( Imr , coin
? C9. starch , tall , sugar and powder ; rub In lard
ere cold ; ndil milk , and mix Into mocth , firm
, of dough. Klour the hoard a little , turn out
dough , Rive few quick , vigorous kncadlngs
to complete smoothness. Set It under cloth
i at ten minutes. Then roll It with rolling pin
rom exceedingly thin , cut with round cutter , prick
I to each cracker with fork , lay upon illshlly
an Krcaied baking tin , wa h cvrr with mill : ,
anJ bake In hot oven tevcn or el/.H / mlnutce.
itcd When ccld , store them for u e
llrenil Crlddln L. < krt.
L to Oua-Lair pound bread , ccc plut llcur , cc <
tcaspconful brown sugar , one-half teaspooi
suit , cue and one-half teaspocnfuls He
Uaklng 1'cnvder , three-quarters pint milk ,
eye. Put bread , free from crust , to steej
vfirr.i wat r. When thoroughly teal
wring dry In a towel ; dilute with beaten
und milk. Sift together llcur , sugar , e
and powder , add to prepared bread , mix
gclher imc a smooth batter. Hake on '
healed r.Mdille. Serve with sugar and ere
Kye Cirlddle Cnlei.
On. ' pint rye flour , one-half pint Oral
tlmr , one-half pint flour , one tablespooi , cne-hatf leasponful salt , two teaipc
fi'l' liryal Uaklnfl Powder , one egg and
I' ' ; . ; iiilk. : Sift together rye Hour , Oral
ilcur , sugar , Full , and baking powder ,
beaten tee and milk , mix Into smooth 1
tcr. Duke deep brown color on bet grid
I'rotcit Agnlnit < lrnnM * ( n License to K *
8. Ilerlln A to.t CnFcntcd.
City council met In : regular session last
night. Tlio protest against the granting o (
a liquor license to It. S. Ilerlln & Co. was
taken up. Attorney 'Elliott for his client ,
Mrs. Raff , ( lied the protest on the ground
that Berlin had kept a .house for Rambling
purposes , dug Haft won put on the. stand
and Elliott tried to provo by witness thai
gambling was carried on upstairs and Urn
the saloon was kept open on Sunday. Judge
Montgomery for Berlin objected to the evl
ilc r co , as ho claimed that Uio police courl
records were the best evidence. Mayor John
ston upheld the objections and Elliott Btatei
that he had no further evidence to offer
Berlin's attorney called City Clerk Maly ti
testify as to whether a license was grantei
to H. S. Ilerlln & Co. last year. There wa
not , and that ended the case. The councl
granted the Berlin license.
On account of the absence of Attornc ;
Slmeral , the cases of Lov\ry , Krug & Thomp
son were postponed until Friday evening
The council directed the committee on fir
and water to purchase 1,200 feet of rubbe
fire hose.
Grading district No. 27 , extending from <
to H streets , on Eighteenth , was establlshc
by ordinance and the work ordered done.
The rules were suspended and ordlnanc
No. 626 , governing peddlers , was passei :
This ordnance provides for a license of $2
for every street peddler.
City Treasurer Hocter notified the councl
that It would bo necessary to borrow $5,60
to pay Interest on bonds due June 1. Th
amount was ordered borrowed.
Louis Steber made application for posltlo
as dog1 catcher ; referred to the mayor.
Protests against granting liquor licenses t
Ed Winkler and Schmltz & Kubacher wer
withdrawn and protests were filed by Der
nctt & Tanner against the granting of II
censes to Fred Drews and L. Connors.
The city engineer was ordered to prepar
a profile of L street from Thirty-third t
Fortieth. This portion of the street Is crooke
and It Is the Intention of the council t
straighten It.
Mayor Johnston appointed W. O. Sloani
John Maher and L. C. Gibson appraisers fc
the damages caused by grading the nllf
between Twenty-first and Twenty-secon
streets and I and J streets. Moses Kei
mend , Frank Koutsky and Petjr Howie
were appointed appraisers for the propert
at Eighteenth and Q streets. These appoint
ments were confirmed by the council.
The city council will Bit as a board <
equalization on June 1 and 3.
Protest cases against F. J. Eggers , Georg
TIerney , B. Krebs , V. Plvonka. II. Lemberi
E. Blhler , W. F. Bauer and D. Clery wei
set for hearing Friday evening.
The committee on viaducts , streets an
alleys and the city engineer will examlr
both vlalucts to determine what repairs ai
necessary. Both viaducts need replankin
besides new braces.
Tis "llino They Are of thn Itca l.lou .Sim
.Store , 302 Hliita Strcnt , Cliliugo.
Right opposite Slgel Cooper & Co.
Any one ever In Chicago will remembi
the famous ncd Lion opposite Slcgel , Coopi
& Co.'s big store on State street , and tl
high toned shoe store it represents
Through a dispute anronc the creditors th
store was suddenly closed and the stock o
dercd converted Into cash. The credltoi
telegraphed our buyer to come i'nd w
bought the whole stock. As fine a lot i
men's and women's shoes as ever seen I
all Chicago at almost 50e on the dollar.
This sale begins Thursday , May 23d at
IlomoMnKoiV fcxcnralon.
Parties having occasion to visit Arkansa
Kansas , Southwest Missouri , Indian and Old ;
homa Territories , Louisiana , Texas , etc. , wl
find H to their advantage to call on or wrll
The Missouri Pacific Railway Company , N. I
corner 13th and Farnam , or depot , } 6th an
Webster1 Streets , Omaha , . Neb. , andinialca ai
ranffements to start on May 21st or Jur
llth. Very low rrftes tor the round trl ]
limited to twenty days , with liberal stop o
A. G. F. P. & T. . '
The Woman's Christian association wl
give a lunch at Y. M. C A. hall Wednesdc
and Thursday from 11 to 2 o'clock.
every one of the painful irregiilariliei
and weaknesses Hint prey upon women
They fade the face , waste the figure , mil
the temper , wither you up , make you oil
before your time.
Get well : That's the way to look well
Cure the disorders and ailments that bese
you , with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
H regulates and promotes all the prope
functions , improves digestion , enriches tin
blood , dispels aches ami pains , mclaiicltol ;
and iicrvousucbs , brings refreshing sleep
and restores health and strength. It's ;
powerful general , as well us uterine , tonii
and nervine , imparting vigor and strengtl
to the entire system ,
Mrs. ANNA ULIUCII , of Elm Cieek , Ruffalo Co
AW. , writes : "J enjo
good health tlinnks t
UT. Pierce'H I'nvorile 1'rc
scriptiou and 'Golde
Medical Discovery. "
was under doctors' car
for two years with worn
disease , and gnuliiall
wasting In strength a
the time. I was so wea I could sit up in be
only a few moments , fc
two years. I commence
taking Dr Pierce's F :
vorite Prescription an
his ' Golden Medical Ii
covery , ' and by the tlir
I Imd taken one-half do
en bottles I was up an
goinK wherever I pleasei
nudhnve Imd good healt
JIRS , uuucil. nnj been verj' < tron
ever since that was two ytars and a half ago. '
A book of 168 pages on " Woman and H <
Diseases " mailed sniled , on receipt of i
cents in stamps for. postage. Atldres
C. T10N , 663 Main Street ) Buffalo , N. Y.
\\'o eenilitho mnrrploin FrenH
nomlj CALTHOS f ive , nuit :
l ealEBM n tee that CiLTltoawll
UTOP ! > btlmra < fc rml lon ,
ClTItH Hnnrm4tnrrlit > urlcocvli
anil Blim > lt I.o.t Vlcor.
Unit ar.J fav if satisfied.
Bol AanfaK t | > aU , Ootlnnill , Ihlo
Nonce Is nereby dVen that pursuant
an order of the district cuurt of Doug ]
county , Nebraska , entered on the 9th (1
ot Muy , Iki'J. ' In a .iult pending In s :
courl , wherein William A. Wallace Is pla
tiff and Wallace and company , Incorp
ated , Is defendant , I will on Monday , I
27th day of May , 1835 , at 2 o'clock p.
of said day at the place of business of BI
Wallace and company , Incorporated ,
number 411 South Tenth streetIn Omaha , 7
braska , sell at public auction to the hit
est bidder for cash all of the assets ot si
'Ul Wallace and company , Incorporated.
al Said assets consist In part of saloon bn
back barn , mirror frames , beer coolers , e
ne all being manufactured by the said Wall !
In and company , Incorporated , a complete o
d. lit of Improved wood working- machine
d.Rg together with thaftlntr and belling and t
Detroit electric motors of fifteen her
It.o . power each , the otllce furniture and llxtu
oell and a lot of raw material , and partla
ell manufactured stock.
Said property may be Inspected at n
time during business hours and the und
elKned Is authorized to sell all or parts
eatd property at private sale at any tl
prior to the date llxed for public gale ,
Said sale will be conducted according
the instructions of the court embodied
the Bald order which will be found In '
ne ollice of the clerk of the district court 01
copy of the same may be Inspected on i
dd above premises at any time during busln
it' hours.
le. and e Ilecelvei
M-11-1U m
The People From One Lands
End to the Other Testify for
This Great Economizer-
Italu Water Maker Is Kiilnlng tlioii-
wands of friends every day , ami this
fact Is proved by the testimonials ami
coupriuilutory letters that tire received
by .las. S. Kirk & Co.
It Is seldom that a preparation Is
Klven the people that will do what Ualn
Water Maker will do , yet he perfectly
harmless. As ti rule powders of a de
leterious character are foisted on the
public market ; they are Intended to
Hive economical results , but seldom do ,
for their composition Is of a strong ami
ruinous character.
Hutu Water Maker will break the
hardest water Instantly ; It will also
prevent colors from running in printed
Koods , such as calicos , etc. Kor the
bath Hutu Water Maker Is exquisite ,
as it helps the soap to remove any
superfluous excretions that may ad
here to the body. It Is not a 1:1 easy
preparation whatsoever , and can he
used without stint.
Wo Have Obtained WotiUcrf ill Results
It Prevents Colors From Running.
Mrs. ElKliii wife of J. L. Elgin , man
ager of Cudahy's wholesale meat mar
ket , and residing at 821 ! South Twenty-
llfth avenue , says : "Kirk's Ilalu
Water Maker Is just splendid , and we
have obtained wonderful results from
the use of it In my house. It breaks
thu hardest water and makes It as soft
as rain water. It Is Indeed
a rain water maker. There is no
sediment or curdling of the bluing ,
and the clothes are very nice and soft
after coming from the wash In which
this preparation Is used. It proventn
the colors from running In delicate
fabrics , and every one knows that has
been one of the hardest things to con
lend with. I am glad It has been
placed on the market , and cheerfully
recommend It to all. "
A Well Known Chemist Tries the
Great Preparation. Has no Hcsitau
cy in Recommending It.
Mr. J. C. Cornwell , manufacturing
chemist , with E. E. Bruce & Co. whole
sale drug house , and residing at lioO'J
St. Mary's avenue , said : "I procured
a sample of Kirk's Haiti Water Maker
and took It to my home , where my
Wife and I tested It in several ways ,
It works admirably and the water in
made as soft as can bo by the use of It.
I made no chemical analysis of thu
preparation , but from the tests which
I have given It can say that It Is a
most valuable compound , and I am
satlslled that It will do whatever thu
proprietors claim that It will. I feel
no hesitancy in recommending it to
every ono who Is compelled to use hard
water. "
Ralu Water Maker Is never peddled
or sold In bulk. It is on sale at all
grocers , a largo two-pound package foi
25 cents.
Cures the effects ot
self-abuse , excesses ,
emissions , Impotency ,
varlcocele and consti
pation. One dollar a
box , six for ta. Ferrule
rule bv TUB GOOD
MAN DRUG CO. . and
Kl'HN ft CO.
Rowland Wm. Bailev , D. D.S
3d floor Paxton
Block ,
FinesTand'Best Dental Work
Gold I'MlUnss ' , Crown and lirldso Work
Tooth extracted without pain without gits.
UseDr. Bailey's Tooth Powder
Weakness andSccrtl
Krery cure
2O rears experience.
8 rears In Omaha.
Hook Ifreo.
J 4th < Se Farnaui fcu. ,
Cvorr ItlnnVlio Would Know tbu
Crnui ! Ti-utUt , , tlio I'lnln I'actH , die
New Discoveries of Medical Science
nn Applied to flurried I.Ilc , U'lio
Would Atone for I'ant Errors niu )
Avoid Future Pltfallx , Should Kecure
the Wonderful Llttlo Iloalc Called
" Complete Dliinhood , nnd How lu At
tain It. "
" Ifcre at last le Information from a Well
medical source that must \\oikuoiulcrs with
this generation of meu "
The hook fully dcscrihes n method by wlilch
to attain full \lgorand iiiaiily powtr.
A method by which to cud ull unuatural
drains ou
To cure nervousness , lack of self-control , dc.
spondenoy , &c. .
To cxclmnKO a Jaded and worn nnturo for
one of brightness , buo > uuey and ] > oucr.
To cuio tot ever elfects of exccsecs.ovenvorS ,
worry , Ac.
To eivofull Btrcnuth , development nnd tone
to c-vory portion and orpan of the bed ) ,
Ago no barrier. Falluro Impostlbla. l o
llinasand reference ? .
The book Is purely medical and scientific ,
useless to curiosity seekers , Invaluable to incn
only who need It.
Adcspalrinc man , who Imd applied to us ,
eon after wrote ;
"Well , I tell you that first day U ono 111
never forcct. I Just bubbled with Joy. 1
wanted to hue overj body nnd tell thcminv
oldbclf hod died yesterday , and my iiewecll
wa * Lorn to-dar. Why didn't l on icll me
wh n 1 first wrote tbat 1 WbUW Und U this
way ? " Ct
And another tuns :
"If sou dumpwl a cart load rf cold ntmy
fcctlt would not brlns such Kindness Into uijr
Hie as your inutliod has done. " w
Iluffalo , N Y. . and nfk for the little book
r-dlled ' 'COMPLETE MANHOOD. " Heferto
this paper , nnd the company promises to tend
liio book. In oaled envelope , without any
mart. * , und entirely free , until U U veil Intjo-
Long Pants Boys
Two values of big Hoys' Suits we chorlsh otio nt Sfl.tiO niul
auothcr nt $ o.50.
Good reasons for It too a little amount like Uiat for a coat ,
vest and long pants to nt even n boy of 10 years old Is n credit
with n crown to a umiuigomcnt of a clothing establishment
There are plenty of suits at ? 3.r > 0 , you say ? Quite true fact ,
too ninny for nubile good. 15ut what are they ? Half cotton or
shoddy wool , without wear or apiiwirance.
Our 53.50 suits arc wool clear wool certainly not the best
wool , but however cheap the wool Is worth a dozen cotton , as far
as surety of color , natural wear and respectability of appearance.
Quite an array of light and dark fabrics of cheviots , tweeds
and cassimercs , these $3.50 suits worth $0.00 that's sure.
The $5.50 kind Is pure wool cassltnere rather of the light
shade order small , neat stripes , double-breasted , unusually well
draped. Certainly well worth $8.00. That we guarantee with a
recompeiiee of a new suit gratis. If yon mind to trade with some
fluctuating store you're apt to pay $10.00 for the same kind or ,
rather the same cloth. AVe positively know that no store selling
clothes here has the same thing we have , as far as complete gar
ment Is concerned , rossibly the same cloth , but the balance Is
ever In our favor.
The old Mossbacks who formerly sold you 5-year-
old Furniture and Carpctings and palmed them off us
the latest styles are feeling' vcry sore , und those who
> made you pay $7.00 for an article worth $1.50 find
their occupation gone.
We Furnish Your House Complete.
Furniture , Carpets , Draperies , Crockery , Lamps , Stoves , Etc. ,
Etc. Our prices are just the same whether you buy for cash oren
on EASY PAYMENTS. We are agents for Jewel Stoves
and Alaska Refrigerators and offer Special Inducements
to New Beginners.
r I/PL ,
n n a
Black Rings
Under the eyes and a sallow com [ '
plexion show biliousness. This is
one of the most disagreeable of
stomach disorders and if allowed to
have its own way will result in-great
harm. Cure biliousness at once by
using Ripans Tabules , One tabulc
n gives relief.
D Hlcani Tabulei : Bold br druggliti , or t > 7 man
if the price ( M rents a box ) 1 > > cnt tt > Th nt-
D pana chemical Company , No. 10 Bprnci St. . N. T.
When In douf t whtt to uie for Nervou * Del tllty , Ix > is of Seiuil Tower ( In cither
ex ) . Impotence , Atrophy. Vricoccle and other weakncitei , from any cause , ute
Seilne IMli Dnir.t checked and full vigor quickly retiored If n iflrrtvd , lueh
trouhlei result fatally Mailed anywhere , tealeU , forfi.oo. 6t < oicfor f ; oo. With
SU 4 WCCK3. every { 5 cocrdrr weclfeale al guarantee to cure or refund the t n nev AdJreiS
SIIEHMAN & McGONNELIj DRUG GO . , 1513 Dodi'G street , Oinnlia , Neb.
* - * # CTI
tfor Bale by ul ! i'lrst Class Dcnlura. Muuufucturod by tbo
Factory No. 304 , tit. Loultf , Ma.