THE OaLAJIA DAILY BEE ; P TUICSDAY , MAY 31 , 1895. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Trost BaniRgo Scare and General Buying lever Bent Prices Skyward , ALL THE MARKETS BROKE LATER Corn Wat HI Much Torn Up n l Nervniu AVliem Traders Uoiicluileil Lute In Iho l ) f tlmt Crap * Were In Uood bhuiiF. CHICAGO , Mny 10. The frost scare and Kriiurul buying fever sent Bruin prices pkywnrd today , but after sensational advance : ) the markets ull broke moderately , closing nbout mldxvny In-twcen the top and bottom ( Inures uf the day. The net result for the day left whenl since thu close Sat urday Hits higher , corn * c higher , and oats unchanged. The closing slump In wheat was occglor- Rted by n stile of CO.W ) hti. of May wheat , which hud to bo ofTurcd down to I'.lo under the July prices before a buyer V.UB found for It. Provisions followed grain , cluslng at Bood advances ) . The freezing weather Hlnce Saturday gave whent Its opening push. The start was most confuting and Irregular. Urokcrji V.llilti a few feet of euch other were buying jind selling wheat simultane ously at 72c and T-/jC ' for July. In less than five minutes It hud risen to 73'no ' In another live minutes It wan down again to 724c ! , and In another live more It lia'l jumped ne.'lln to 73V. The Msnal oervlcu Issued a bulletin about the tlmu of the opening which did not tend to booth the mind * of the shorts. It rrpoited killing fio-ta on Sun day night In Wisconsin , Michigan. Dakota and N < b aska nn 1 prcdlctel f > r tonight tro-t In North mid South U.iltutti , .Minnesota , Iowa , Kansas , Ntbnisku and Wisconsin. The foreign markets were but slightly ap preciative of the bullish state of altalrH till ing IKiv. Llvetpool early cables reported an mlvnrict- only Id per cental , with one- half of that lost before the market closed , according to a private dispatch. The expec tation of heavy Ituaslan shipments was given by the Llveipool cables as reason for ther ! lack of sympahty with the advance here. The I'arls imiiket went Its own way without the slightest regard to the gteut Blrenglh displayed here , ( lour and wheat being both quoted lower by from 10 to 20 centimes. Alter the fluctuations recorded above the in Ice bobbed up and down half u dozen times between 73o and 7lVuc : , but got out of that rut a quarter past 11 o'clock and took u jump to 71 lie. Minneapolis wired that telegrams were pouring In there which described the spring wheat as having been cut to llu ; ground by tin ; front over the greater part of Its area , and Bt. Louis wired that there were more country men on their exchange today than they had seen in a year , and that they were all loaded with crop damage reports , and , added the sender of that report , "loaded with long wheat. " Perhaps ns Important a matter as the very poor outlook for domestic crops was the news conveyed In a special cablegram from Liverpool that the reports concerning the Itusslan crop are unfavorable. Minneapolis nnd Uuluth received today 17C ! cars , against 320 a year ago. The- Atlantic seaboard clear ances amounted to 410,000 bu. Blnce Saturday , of which 302.000 bu. was In raw grain. Not the least of the long list of bullish Inllu- cnces was the visible supply decrease , which amounted to 3,139,000 bu. . the quantity on ocean passage decreased 320,000 bu. , and the Argentine shipments for thu week were reduced to l.K'.OOO bu. Another mat ter of great significance was that be tween Saturday morning and 9 n. in. to day the rail shipments of wheat from Chicago cage amounted to 213,000 bu. With such an accumulation of radically bullish news It It , not surprising that In the latter part of the session the price rose to 71c. In the last live minutes of the session the com plexion of the market was changed com pletely. So many telegrams were being re ceived from St. Louis , Toledo and the north west , stating that the reports of damage wore either greatly exaggerated or entirely false , that people having a good profit In long wheat thought best to snatch It. So many made up their minds to do the same thing at tin ; same time that the market slid from under them so quickly that from 74ic It went down to 73c like lead from a shot tower , and the closing price was 73 < , fcc. The corn market was as much torn up and nervous as wheat. The frost was of course the motive In corn also. That the trade In the end came to the conclusion that the damage from the frost was being taken too seriously Is observable In the manner of the market's closing , July , which closed Saturday at K3'.jc ' , opened this morning nt from 5lo to Gl'.ic , and almost Instantly there after It brought 5Tc. It had another quick change of n i different kind. It dropped back to' 6lc , nnd even to t > 3'ic later , but ngaln recovered to Me , and kept touching that and dropping back lie In rapid succession for a considerable portion of the day. It was at Kc near the close , when wheat be gan to show the white feather , and It de clined In about four minutes from lil'so to o3V c , closing at the latter price. The re ceipts for today were KJO cms. and for to morrow 9' * ) cars are expected. The latter fact was one of the hardest things the bulls encountered , but It was made known when other Influences of a bullish character were nt work , It was not lost sight of , however , when wheat began to crumble away. The Uvcrpool market was firm nnd Hid higher. The visible supply decreased 411,000 bu. , against C17.000 bu. a year ago. A very nervous nnd unsettled market was experienced by the oats traders. Prices were following the movements of wheat and corn very closely and showed little Inde pendence Had reports of crops helped to create a little strength , aside from that influenced by the fluctuations of the larger markets , Longs sold out freely on the ad vance nnd their offerings were readily con sumed by shorts nnd country orders. Local parties bought and sold as well. The early advance carried prices up from -c to % c above Saturday's closing prices , nnd the de cline brought them back to or within a very small fraction of the same. The provision market started strong at lOc per bbl. advance for pork , and 7 > , Ac per 100 Ibs. for lard and ribs. The hog mar ket was quoted firm nnd the advance In wheat and corn gave provisions their send- off. At the close the market was well In hand , nnd did not break so badly as did wheat and corn. There was quite a reac tion , however , from the top prices of the day. July pork opened nt J12.55 , rose to J13 , and closed nt J12.S214. July lard from tG.M reacted to JC.SO , rose to $7 , nnd closed at J8.90. Illbs from JG.40 nt the start ad vanced to JS.55 nnd closed at JC.45. Hoc receipts were 34,000 head. The receipts for tomorrow are estimated us follows ; Wheat , CS cars ; corn , 900 cars- oats , 6SO cars ; hogs , 22.000 head. Freights BOW ! nt IVSc for wheat , 1'Cc for corn and la for oats to Buffalo. The leading futures ran Red as follows : ' Articles. | Qpjii. | HlTJi. I Luw. | Olo\\ rush quotntlons were ns follows : FIXM'll Winter patents. J3.:0 3.CO ; wlntci " white. sn < i33'ic. JIY13 No. r. C io. llAHI.KY-No. 2. 5l,5051c ' ; No. 3. 4SOMHc : No 4 , nominal. FI\X HKKD No. 1 , J1.47 i , TIMOTHY KiKiJ5. : . CI.OVKII snii js.tfls.w. I'KOVISIONH Mnii i uk. per bbl. . J12.75J ] 12.S7U. iJinl. per 100 Ibs. . Jii.SO. short ribs side , ( loose ) , tG.33fi4.40. Dry salt shoulders ( Iwxeil ) fS.tG3.S1V4. Sliort clear sldre ( boxed ) , | 6.C2H ! 0.73. 0.73.WIUSKYDlstllUrs' WIUSKY-DlstllU-rs' nnlshcd goods , per eal. BlTOAllS-Cut loaf. unchansiM. The followlnc were the iccvlpts and shipment ! today : On the Proluaa oxch.iurato4.iy thu butter mar ket was tlnn ; creamery , lOaiUJie ; dairy. tlrmj IIKUI'-Y. Chcrso , steady : I'uftee .llurliuc. NKW YOIIK. May S-COFPKB-Optloni op ned with prices unclmnsrd to & points lower ruled t'xcrptlonally dull anl featureless ; iu\\t \ > the emalh'ft recorded for months ; cloaetl Uul at Saturday's llnul prlcrs ; sales , 1,750 bags , In cludlnei May. JH.15 ; Srplember , 114. Sd ; spo coffee , Itlo. ilull , No. T. Jli&O ; mild , nulet ; Cor dova , JlS. , iaUO ; sales , J.vOO Imgs Maracalbo l.OO ) ban IVntral Anieilcan. l.WO lauB Mexlcai and 10,3 ban waslunl Caracas , p. t. Ware houia deliveries from Nrw York yesterday , & . i bars , Nvtv York stock today , 2M.91T bacs United States stock , MZ.UJ bak-s ; atluut for thi United States , 5J1.WO bags ; total visible tor th fnlled ntnlrv , 473 , 13 J Imtf. n ; nlnst > < 4SI ) ' " "nAVlJli May -COFrcr.-Oprned , linchnnccil ; nt 12 in. , stendy , Uf hlKhcr ; at 3 p. m. , Nteady , uiiuhnnucd to Uf hlKheri closed Mcndy at ' , ,0\f ntt ndvunc * for the diy ; sales , ftANTtfs. ' Mny M.-Klrm ; grm\ \ average juntos , | | R ) ; rtnwlpis. t.irn ) l.n s ; stotk , lS.i > IJOBS II.\Mltni'l , May ? ) . -Qulnt , unclmngwl to U itftf. hlRh'r : mien. & . < > IIBKR , , . . . _ . lilO fit : J ANKlitO. Mny W.-I'lrm : ' . . 7 nl . IH.TD ; pxclmnse , VUdj receipts , lO.OW buss ; KtKk , 237,000 bags. _ NUW YUKK UKNKKAI. MAUItUT. IJiiotrttlmit mi tlio Principal Com- innilltlr * mill blnplr * . YOltK , May 20.KLOUHncplpt > , 17,700 hbls.j exports , 23.SOO hlils. ; sale * . 40.700 iksf-1 December delivery jtroncer ; pilces UP rom 10fl2..c a barrel ; huslncss checked some , hut Ly lilRh n'klns prices. City mill patents. .C0fll.70i winter patents , J3.70UI.10i city mill pals , S3.KU3.9 > ; winter stralKhls , W.uOii/a.fcO ; Inncsota talents , tl.WSI.IOi winter extras. ! .yj.l.20 ; Allnnp * uta biikeis , Jfl.l fS.bOj winter iw grades , J2.11B2.83 ; sirlns | Iu\v grades , JJ.tO ® 10. Southern Hour , dull ; K "il to choice extra. ! .80iM. < W ; Re Hour , llrm ami active ; sales , 1,500 L'ls. ' ; upertmo , JJ.mi3.iiOi fancy , J4.WI.40. CORN MIJAIr-Hlionser ; tales , 4,000 sacks ; cllow < ipMi'in , tl.lMI2.80 : Irand ! > tvlnc , % 3.oi. \VIIiAT-llci-rlits : | , 2.-.3.200 Ini. ; e.MOits. 140.TW u , sales , 33.C3S.OUO I'll ' , futures uml ncJ fxil. pot nominal ; No. 2 red. In store and elevator , Hies nlloat. 73ic ; f. o. h. , 70C all'iat ' ; No. 1 mil , Sl'Iic ' dellveied. Options ImJ th blKRMt rade anil widest llucluatlons In se\einl yrnis. rlcps advancrtl up tu 2 o'clock , when heavy callzlnit caused n sharp break , clonlntr prices HiWlnK 24fl2l4e advance. Knelled luiylne foi utslde account , coupled with cold wenthcr west , heavy visible tntpply ileciense. nnd sMoim juinptan no s were the featmofj .May , V O C4c. closed 74ic : Juno , 7 : iU"6'i ) < ' . closml 7V c , illy.7ilf77c | , 7CiAUBiist ; , ,4\5tie. IfisHil 7Cc ; September , i4 % i74ic , cloned "O'.ii' . Vovrinln-r. 77Mi7ST c , clusx-U 7lci ( Occcmbfh , 'coilN 'itfcclpta , eii.SOO bu.J CMioits , 2,1CO ( ! Int. ; Ties , 1 2UO.O.IO till , futuies , 22.WJ liU. i > pnt. Spot inrket irieKtilnr ; No. 2. SSC-jil'o In ulcviitor. WO ac afloat ; yellow. KI'Ac. Oitlons | stions nnU ne- ve ; on tlio cold weather ne and flop il.imnKe i-iwiti" , prices advanced sharply nnd Uojed with KllRht n-actlon. May , uStl'J'J'tc , cloned f > S < - , July , 'Hfl' ' ' * 4e. closed SMic ; September , rj'KjCO c , loned W.ic OATS Receipts , 91,800 bu. ; exports , none ; nips , 190.0UO bu. futuies , 131.UOO bu. spot. Spot liner ; No. 2 , oi'iWSa'.ic ' ; No. 2 drllivivd , S3ril Ic ; No. 3 , 32'ic ' ; Nn. 2 tthlte , S7'ic ' ; No. a hlle SO ic ; Hack , white weMctn. Si'iVSSr ; rack , whlli' , S7 > , ! j l2r. Options quid , bin Honker ; closed fit 'SflTic ' advance ; May closdl 32)4c ; June , SS HM'/JC ; June. 33Q33 c. closed L - July , 33rri i3.1t' , tloj = fl 33c. IIAV Firm ; BhlppltiB1. WttCOcj good to choice , . HOPS Weak ; slate , common to choice , old , fine ; 1191 , < 4 3c ; 1'aclllc const , old , 30Jc ; liWJ , Firm ; salted , New Orleans selected , to 65 Ilia. , G'.Jc ' , nominal ; Texas selected. a to 0) Iba. , 7c ; lluenos Ayrvn , dry , 20 to 21 bs. , l&c , nominal ; Texan dry , 24 to 30 Its. , lOe. IATHKH | Stionu ; ' lieinliwk cole , ll'ienos yreii , llRht to heavy weights , 21Q22c ; acid , irm ; domestic fleece , IGftMc ; pulled , I'UOVISIONS Ih-et. steady. Cut meats , steady , IcUUd l.rlllw , J3.7jOC.2J ; pickled shoul- ler , J3.25. I.nnl , llrm ; western steam losed nt J7.10 7.I2'.4 ' ; sales , 3SO tlercea at I7.ISVS , n. t. ; Mny closed J7.10 nominal ; July , :7 : 20 nomlnnl ; rellned. hlRher ; continent , J7.33 ; "outh Amcrlcnn , J7.C3 ; compound , 5V4c. I'ork , ilKher ; n\\ff \ \ , i-VI bbls. ; new mess , Jlt.OOQ14,73 ; 'nmlly. J12.50013.M. C'lllClCHM Quiet ; state , larce , 4MHc ; small , -tid'-c ; pint nklnis , 1'Hf o ; full skhnx. 1C. HUTTUH-Sti-ndy : western dairy , 7fl2e ; west- , -n creamery , HJZ17c ; western factory , 7W10c- , : itclns , 17e ; Imitation creamery , 8B13c ; state lalry , lOWKJc ; state creamery , 17c. iu S Htendy ; tntn nnd Pennsylvania , 1315c ; western , frcsli , H015 ; southern , 12'iO'13'c ' : ; re- ills , 9,781 pkKs. TAI.LOW Quiet , easy ; city , 4l.4ffll c ; country , . I'ETHOI.KL'M Quiet ; United closed nt J1.79 lid. lid.ItOSIN firm ; strained , common to good , $ I.C ; . Ttmi'ENTINK-Dull : 2 niCi : Steady : domestic fair to extra , Hc : Jnpan , 3'j,54i4c. MOLASSIJS Quiet ; New Orleans , open kettle. good to choice. 27ff33c. MIOTAI.S-Pic Iron , stendy ; Scotch , J1.005J20.CO ; American , J9.50tfil2.50. Cottper. Hrm ; hrokern' l > rlce , J10 SO ; exchaiiKe price , JlO.fiOiff 10.CO. ! > > nd. ilnn ; hrokerh' price , J3.10 ; exchnnKe price , ? 3.2ii 03.2T4. ! Tin , stendy , straits , tll.S3fIM.9J : plates. lUlet. Speller. llrm : domestic. J3. 55513.00 ; pale * in 'change , 20 tons May tin , J14.S3 ; 10 tons Jimp In , tll.S : , . COTTON SKKD OII Firm , but nulet ; prime erndp , 23ffT21c ; off crude , 22f23c ; prime summer yellow , 27iif27lic ; off summer yellow , 2f/ie ' ; yel low butter Eradea , 2Sff23c ; prime summer white , 30JT31C. _ ST. LOt'IS , Mny 20. FI.OUH-lIlKhT prlees a ked , hut dllllcnlt to realize them nnd market bndly unsettled ; patents , } : ! .S5fH.OvJ ; extra ffiney. J3.CO 3.73 ; fnncy. J3.235J3.33 ; choice. J2.90If3.10 ; ryp Hour WIIKAT A wildly excited market prevailed winy , < lurliiK which there were violent fluclun- .Ions , but tha Ktncrnl tendency was Htninely npivnnl. Heavy oulxlilo buyhiK and rcpoits of crop damace were the bull features. Mont of Iho buying wan done by longs. The oponlnc ivns nt I'/itO ' advance , nnd Inter In one spurt tin * .irlce went up 3o above Hint. Late came a riulck nnd sharp break thnt carried the price dnwn 2150 fnm the top. At the close there were sellers 2c above Pnturdny ; No. 2 red , rash , " . .Vic ; May , "Ho ; July , 73c asked ; August , 721 c ; September. 72r. ; onN Hiports nf frost damage nnd the trength In wheat Influenced this market. From i % c higher opening there \\as a further ad- ranee of 2c , but , like wheat , this did not hold nnd late In the seBslon came a rapid decline of IViC , though Iho cloho was Hie above Saturday ; Nn. 2 mixed , cn."h nnd Mny , 52'jC ' bid ; July , Hic : Sfptember , MVic. OATS Futures disturbed by fluctuations In wheat anil cornnnd advanced In price , but were only occnhlnnnlly trnded In. Snot higher ; No. 2 , cash , 2'J3ic bid ; May. 2DT4c bid ; June. 2U ? c jld : July , li' e asked ; September , 28 > lc asked. HYK Strong nnd higher ; sample lot of prime , GSc ; no stock hern anil none coining. COUN MKAI.TJ2.405T2.W ) . ri.AX SKUD Nominal ; J1.40. OIIASS SKELS ) Clover , JG.5007.75 ; timothy , J3.onar4.oo. IIAV Dull but firm : prairie , J7.W39.00 , this l-b > : timothy. J9.fWH.75. east side. KnsSteady ; fre h , 10c. WHISKY JI.23 for distillers' finished goods , UlAn-null. dPcllnlng ; J2.97'.4. ' SPni.TKn Dull ; J3.35. I'llOVISIONH Pork , higher ; standard mess , jobbing , J13.12',4. Laid , prime steam , J6.57V4 ; choice. JO. 75. lrv salt meats , boxed shouldprs , J3.23 ; longs , J6.37H ; ribs , Jfl.DO ; shorts. JO.62'4. ' Itncon , lKxrd Khonlders , JG ; longs , JG.75 ; ribs , JO.S7VJ ; shorts , J7.1215. Itl'X'RIl'TS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 34,000 Ini. : corn. 1C. 000 bu. ; oats , CS.noo bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 7,000 bbl . ; wheat , C9.000 bu. ; corn , 3G.OOO bu. ; oats , 4.0'H bu. I.lvurponl JMnrkoU. May M.-WIIKAT-Spot , Hrm demand moderate ; No. 2. red winter , 5s Cd ; No 3 red. spring , 6stiO ; No , 1 hard , Manitoba , 5s 9d No. 1 California , Bs 6d. Futures closed firm ny. 6s 5V4d ; June , Bs Gd ; July , Bs G',4d ; August 7d : September , fa 7 , V ; October , KB 7d. COHN Spot , firm ; American mixed , new , 4 ttd. Futures closed Btrong ; Mny , 4s lid ; June Is yd ; July , 4s 9d ; August , 4s 9Udj September 4s9'id ; Octi > ber , 4s 9V4 < 1. I'UOVISIONS llacon , steady ; demand mod erate ; Cumberland cut , 2.S to 30 His. , 31s Gd : short rllw , 28 ll . , 32s ; lon . clear , light. 3S to 45 Ibs. , 32.s ; long clear , heavy , B5 Ibs. , 32s ; short clear backs , light. 18 Ibn. , 32a M : short clear middle * , heavy , K 11m. , 31s 6 < l ; clear bellies. It to 16 Ibs. , 33a ; shoulders , square , 12 to 19 Ibs. , 28s Gd ; hams , short cut , 14 ti > 1G Ibs. , 41s. Tal low , line North American , nominal , llpef , extra India mess , 80s ; prime mess. 62s Oil. I'ork , prltno mess , flno western , 61s 3d ; prime medium , 03s 9d. I ird , llrm ; prime western , 34s ; retlned , In pall * . 25s. CHKKSK Irregular : demand poor ; finest American white , 43s ; finest American colored , 41 * . WJTTIHl Finest llnltfd States , tGs , ; good. 40s. COTTON.SKMI ) OI I < Liverpool rellned , 18s. . I'HTUOI.Ilt'M lletlned. 9d. UKFIHlinilATOll IIKKF Forequartem , 3Hd ; hlnd < | iiarter8. f..jil. HOI'S At London , Pacific coast , 2 s. Itultlmuro Markets. IIAI.TIMOHC. Mny 20.-KLOt'R-SlronB nnd iBhec ; western super , $2.DOff2.73 ; western family , 1300ft3.0J ; winter wheat patent , Jl.OOin.lJ ; sprint patent. t1.W(4.3o ; spring straights , J3.WJI,00 receipts , 10.SKM ) Mils. W1IIJAT Wild ; KIWI nnd month , 76'i n7c ; June , 7CV4c asked ; July , 76He bid ; steamer. No. : rtMl , 73o bid ; receipt's. HK bu. ; southcrr wheat , by Kimple , 75tf77i ; ; southern wheat , or Brade. 73Jf77c. CORN Strong ; snot and month , M'.6S59Jc June. MHo asked ; July. SO'v Wrio ; receipts 78.500 bu. ; southern white corn , We ; southerr yellow. & &V < ( C c. OATS Stron ; No. 2 white western , 37'Sc bid No. 2 mixed , 3li73Kc | ; receipts , 3,100 bu. liyi-J Quiet ; No. 2. tSc. HAY Steady ; need demand for choice : sooi to choice timothy , JlS.OWt 14.00. CHKKSIi Qulet ; fancy New York. CO Ibs. , 8Hc fancy New Yoik , 33 Ibs , 8 > ie : fancy New York 22 Ibs. , 9UC. Toledo Uruln .Market. TOLEDO , May SO. AVIIRAT Higher , weak No. 2 cash , May and June , 7CK ; July , 75oj Au gust. 74Vjc ; Septemlier. 74 ! e. COHN Active , lil hcr ; No. 2 mixed , KHc June , Wo ; July , SS'.Jc ; No. 3 mixed , 65c ; No. white. KV4c ; No. S white , 56o. OATS-Steady , llrm : No. 2 mixed , Jlc ; No. white. 33c. RYU Dull , steady ; cash. C7',4c. CLOVIIR SKUD Dull , firm ; prime , cash , t Octet > er , Ji.60. lincUHTS Hour , COO bbls. ; wheat , 9,000 bu corn , 11.tOO bu. s rye , 2,000 bu. Sllll'MUNTS-Mour. l.MO bbls. ; wheat , 24.M bu. ; corn , tt.ft ) bu. ; rye , MO Ui. \Tool Miirket. ST. LOUIS. May W.-WOOL-Firm and higher Missouri and Illinois , medium , IMtUUc ; courai and braid , 12iil3o ; IlKht fine. HiiMo ; heavy tine SisMic ; Kansaa and Nebraska , mculum. yi ilc llllht line. 7i8c ; heavy tine , 6Me ; Texas ani Indian territory , medium. lOQllc ; coarse am low. 7C3cj tine medium. 789 : light tine. 8t9c | heavy line , 6 < f7c ; western , medium , 9T12c ; coars- and low , 7Se ; llRht Hne , 7f)8c : heavy tine " " - ; ; tub wukhed , fair to > choice , 18O20C. AllnncnpolU M ticat Msrket. MINNEAPOLIS. May 20.-WHEAT-Easy May , 744o ; July , T44c ! ; Hi'plember , 71Hc ; 01 track. No. 1 hanl. 7H ! cj No. 1 nortliaru. We N - - northern , 74e. FLOt'lt-Flrm. llrst patents , J3.73O4.t3 : , ec end patents. J3KJ < f4.15 , llrrt clears. J3.2otiX a. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. -COTTON-Fulurti steaJy ; aUi , 112,0oo UUcs ; May. JS.76 bid ; Juni JS.7tfl .77i July. t . Hr . S ; Auirust. t4.rSff .S9i Heptember , t .Mfl .S . Octotr. J6.KO . > 7 , No- vemtier , JC.W 691 , December , J .91fi .9V BT. IX3flH. Mny 20.-COTTON Steady to 1-ltc hlcheri middling. 6'ic , sales , 325 bales ; receipts , 137 luiles , shlpmentn , S78 bnlrK ; stock , 37.177 Imles. Middling , 9-l c ; l.iw middling , 3-l c ; ( rood ordinary , 6tfc ; net and ( truss receipts , 2,787 balesi ports In llic mntlnent , 3,300 bal les ; sales , . . .l s ; stock. 1.V1.21S I m I en. NIJW YORK , May Sl.-TOTTON-Qulet ; mid- lllnn. 7Uc ; net receipts , 826 bales ; gross. 4U ) wiles ; exports to Great llrllaln , 704 baler ; to Trance , 3,790 Inles ; f irwnrded , 123 linles ; sales , 1,2,2 baits ; spinners , 72 bal s ; stock , 221,231 bales , STOCKS AND IIUNUH. Weelt Opened In Securities with a Heavy MnlkeU Ni\V YORK , May 20. The week opened on the Stock exchange with n heavy market In sym- > athy with the weakness of American securllles n London and under brisk selling , both for the lome nnd foreign accounts. Prices declined luring the first llfleen minute * . Northern 1'a clllc made the heaviest loss , 2 per cent. The extreme depression therein was due to the circu lation of reports that the reorganization plan would call for heavy assc . tnt.'nls on both the referred and common stucks. In the rest of the lut the reaction did not exceed 1 per cent. In Distilling. Sugnr came Into good demand nnd sold up Hi per cent , and on covering of nliorta Northern 1'aelflc mill Ml in per cent , while the general market movid up a fraction , with the execution of llaltlmore & Ohio , which R > 1 < 1 down 1 tier cent , ami the Cordage stocks , which broke tier cent , the latter In the guarantied , shortly after 11 o'clock prices moved back a trifle , put quickly recnveied , New Jerney Central u gain of IK p * r tent , llaltlmore & Dhlo 1 per ct'lit , Lnclwle Qns 1 per cent nni CSreat Northern preferred Hi per cent. anil ithpr shares Idfil per cent. Toward m dday tln-rn was a renewal of the bear demonstrations ami the market again gave way , becoming dull and featureless. In the next li air gr."duat'y growing weak. During the hiHt two hours the tendency of figures wns downward , the special- lien , which have been most iiiompt In threc < nt nihance , the grangers and the coal stocks , lead ing the decline. Speculation closed heavy , with irlcc.s In the main MIC per cent lower , the .atler Oreal Northern preferred , 2 per cent In Wheeling & Ijike Krlo and Cordage guaranteed , 2 per cent In Northern I'acllc preferred , 8t 1'aul & Duluth , Cotton Oil and Consolidated flas ; l'J per cent In St. I aul K Omaha and Distilling ; 1 % per cent In Missouri Pacific. New YoiK , Chicago & St. Louis seconds preferred , Pullman and St. Paul ; 1'A per cent In Sugar , Italtlninre ft Ohio , llurllngton , Denver & Rio ( Ir.inde preferred , nnd 1 per cent In Houston .t Texas Central. Among tha few gains are Uric Telegraph , m per cent ; Keokuk & Des Miilnes , 1V4 per cent , and Laclcde das pre ferred , 1 per cent. The early I'.crillngH In binds were characterized by the byouancy of the Nrrthern I'aclllc Issues , but they , In common with the general market , broke badly In the lute session. The aggregate sales were $2 , 41.0 > 1. The Kvenlng Post's London cablegram Fays : The stock markets were Idle today. The B tle- ment will begin Wednesday. Americans opened dull and below the parity. Northern I'aclllc wns especially Hat. A general recovery followed mid thu chwlng was llrm. There were small , Irreg ular changes on the tnlance. The reaction of Sjtuid.iy was partly due to a bearish article In the Statist. A fuither reaction Is expected , but no Flump. The glut of money Is more pro nounced than ever , < ind this should facilitate Bcttlement. Arrangements for further Issues of fresh bonds by American railroads are expected hero. The better claw * will do well. Rothschilds has ceased buying gold , for the momejit , at least. The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks ot the New York ex change today : Atchlsou Nortnwc tcrn WH Adnma Kxpress. . . 14H N. W. pfd 14:14 : Alton. T. U N. Y. Central 101H Am. Express N. Y. AN. E 421) ) , tl.lltlmoro A Ohio. Ontario A W Canada Pacific. . . . Oregon Imp Canada Southern. , Orecon Nav 25 Centrall'acltlc. . . . IHh O. S. L. A U. N. . 8 Rhes. & Ohio 2U 21) ) Chlcaro Alton 10(1 ( P. D. A E C..D. * Q Plttsburz Chlcaxo Gan Pullman Palace. . Consolldntnd Oas. 1411 Rcadlnr r..a. c. &st. L. . . . 4-m R. O. W Colo. Coil .V Iron. K. O. W. pfd 441 Cotton Oil Cert. . . . Hock Island UtHf , Dclruvnru i Hud. . 181 St. Paul Del. , Lack. AW. . . 0'JHIM do pfd U.AK. O. pM HIM St. P. A.Omaha. . . . D.AC. P. Co do pfu 114 Erie Southern P.icltlo. . 1 ! > H do pfd. * Sugar Refinery. . . . 117H Fort Wayne 167 Tenn. Coal .t Iron. O. Northern oM. . . r.'U Texas I'.iclflc C. i.E. I. nfd . . . . 101 T. A O Cent. pfd. . 7K Hooklne Valley. . . jii' ' Union Pacific 14M Illinois . . 05 t ) . S. Exurcsa 411 411S St. P. A Uuluth . . . irtt W.St. U 4 P S ? K.A T. pfd Ml > donfd 1 ! ) Lake Krlo ft Weal 21 VVelln Pairo Ux. , . 10H dopfd 7S We&tern Union . . LakoSlioro I4i ; Wheeling & L. B. . I-eulTrimt Rt dopfd 4ft LoiilsvllloAN. . . . CH M. &St. L 33 1 A N. A 0 D. & R.O 33nvi Manhattan Con. . . . IU O. E 3i : > ( , McmnhlRAC IIS N. L vfl Michigan Cent. . . . 100 C. V..1" 2J MlHnourl Pauldc. . do pfd 05 Mobile A Ohio . H. &T. C 052M Nashville Chat. . . . UJ T. A. A. A N. M. . . . 2 National Corda o. T. St. L. iK. C. . . . 26V do cfd donfd 13 N.J. Central S. R. R N. A W. pfu do pfd North Am. Co. . . . Am. Tob. Cede 1 OliK Northern I'nclllc. . do pfd 111H No.Vac. pfd 21 St P. , M. ft M 117 U.K. D. AO bid. The total snles of storks today were 259.329 shares. Inrliidlng : American Sugar , 4S 900 ; Amei- Ican Tobacco , 7,7iX ) ; Atchlson , 7.IK ) ) ; Durllngton. 18,100 ; Chicago Gas , 1B.500 ; Distillers. 33.400 ; Kansas & Texas preferred , 3.00 ; LoulKvlllc & Nashville , 4.000 ; Missouri 1'aullic , 3,4 0 ; New JcrBey Central , 3,4' ' * ) ; Northern 1'nclflc pre ferred , G.2HO ; Northwestern , 11.700 ; Hendlng. 38- &W ; Huck Islnnd. G.CK * ) ; St. I'uul , 22,600 ; Silver Certificates , 3),0 > 0 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 13,300 ; United States Cordage , 3.0' ; Wabash preferred. 3,900 ; Wcotcrn Union , 3,700 ; Wheeling & Lake Erie , 4,500. Noir York .Money .Market. NEW YOIIK , May 20.-MONHY ON CALI-- Ensy at 11',4 per cent ; last loan , H4 per cent ; closet ] , 114 per cent. 1'llIMU MERCANTILE PAPEn 2iH4 per STEULING EXCIIANOE Dull but firm , with actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.S7'/4n4.87i for demand nnd nt tl.W-i'fl'I.M ' ; } ; for sixty dnys. Posted rates , Jl.fTft I.S7',4 and Jl.iS'.J. Commercial bills. Jl riVli@1.U % . SILVER CKHTIPICATES C7 ieC7c. GOVERNMENT 1IONDS Firm ; state bonds , inactive ; railroad bonds , weak. Cloning quotations on bonds were as follows : HIAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Sght Run of CattlojfmFFair Run of Hogs to Start Oil , ITTLE LFt IN THEJEEF STEER TRADE Ah. I * oilers Wanted nn Advance Which the llujrcr * Would Not Concede Hogs In Oonil ltrtiie | t nnd Prices Considerably illghcr. MONDAY , May CO. There wns n very light run of cattle today , . decrease of about too head ns compared , 'ltli last Monday , and a fair run of hogs , n Increase of more than GOO head ns com- nred with n week ago. The cattle market wns n very peculiar and nsatlsfnctory one. Ilecelpts were 750 head , a against G2I head Saturday nnd 1,227 head n last Monday , nnd while there were a ew very decent corn-fed natives the bulk f the offerings consisted of wheat or liny- ed westerns. Eastern markets were quoted ctlve and sharply higher than Saturday , nd this , with the very moderate offerings icre , made salesmen more or less bullish. Uuyers , however , while they evidently runted the cattle , were unwilling to pay ho advance demanded by sellers In most ases , and the trade was dull , mean nnd ragging. Prices ruled higher on what sold , iut there were several loads still In the .ens . at the close. Good cornfed natives nnd dmitfed westerns , averaging 1,100 to 1,300 bs. , sold at around $4.70 to $4.SO. The market for butchers' stock nnd cnn- crs was without new features , nnd prices or all grades of cow stuff averaged up .bout like last week. Veal calves were In Ight supply nnd sold readily nt strong irlces , and the same wns true of bulls , stags , nd rough stock generally. Business In the stocker nnd feeder line was lull and prices ruled lOc to Me lower than ast week. Farmers report their pastures giving out , nnd they therefore refuse to buy lock cuttle until there Is a good rnln or more life nnd strength to the fat cattle mar- let. Good to choice feeders ure quotable t $3.X ( > Q-I.OO ; fair to good , $3.Wg'3.GO , and ommon grades from $3 down. Heprcsenta- Ive sales : DRHSSCD DEEP. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 0..97SJ3M 8..1075 } 4 70 21. . . .WG J4 75 1..1100 400 21..1154 475 21..1243 4 SO SHIPPING AND EXPORT. 21k..1239 4 75 COWS. L. . . 070 123 1..1130 233 1..J010 323 1. . . . S50 173 2..1090 240 4 ! > 47 340 1..1130 173 2..10SO 2 CO 1..1170 3M 2. . . . 780 1 S5 1. . . . SSO 275 2..1010 3 M 1. . . . 750 200 2..1115 300 1..11W 360 1. . . . 940 200 1..H90 300 2..12M 300 2. . . . 975 205 2..1CS5 300 1..1300 410 1. . . . 920 2 23 24. . . . US I 3 00 Hiirnils L. . . 710 233 B. . . . S6S 2 . ' ,5 I. . . . WO 2 PS L. . . Mi ) 250 2. . . . S20 275 G. . . . 5 300 CALVES. L. . . 100 5 00 2. . . . 190 B GO 1. . . . 130 B CO L. . . 270 5 00 HULLS. 1..1240 223 1..127 * 2 CO 1..1I70 2 S3 1..1130 2 35 1..101)0 ' 2 80 1..1310 3 SO 1..1430380 STAGS AND ' .OXEN. 4..13GO 3 SO STOCKERS AND 'C 323 26. . . . & 13 3.65 2. . . . S70 3 05 L. . . 3SO 3 4l > 25. . . . S22 3 C3 20..1174 3 iO -.71 . 3 55 55WYOMING WYOMING CATTLE. Oni ft ! tiler. Av. Pr. t No. AvPr , 2 bulls 1255(225 J 62 , steers 12SO (1 23' 11OOS TtecelplR today were 2.251 head , as galnut 3,811 head Sailirdng and l.OTC h ad on ant Monday. The supply , was rather above the vernge Monday's run , tmlli In quantity nnd uality , und the mniki't was a big nickel higher hull Saturday all nrolmd. 5 Local packers were iractlcally the only buyers ? but they were all ut early after flupplliw , ami on account of the cry bullish tone tu ; dvl& . > 8 from both hogs ml provisions in Chlfago they did not hesl- ate to pay the advanced prices demanded. Medium and heavy lings Hold largely at J4.45 tnd (4.55 , and the light and light mixed loads nostly at (4.33 and 14.45 , Plus were In good eniiept 'and ' firm at from t(3.7i to .J430-for lee o 130-lb. 'averages. The market closed strong at the advance , the pens being cleared some line before the middle of the forenoon. The mlk of the hogs Bold , as they did on last Mon- lay , at from (4.40 to 54.51. On Saturday the lulk of the trading was at around (4.3j and 4.45. Representative sales : \o. . Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr. 3 110 . . . (4 20 87 214 210 Jl 45 2 115 . . . 4 25 C9 245 12' ' ) 4 45 2 U.S 40 4 25 B 270 . . . 4 15 5 ISO . . . 4 SO Cl 214 SO 4 45 D 1S2 . , . 43) S2 213 . . . 445 6 171 . . . 4 33 S7 215 160 4 45 2 210 . . . 4 33 C3 222 120 4 43 5 1S2 . . . 435 74 22J 80 415 fi 230 . . . 4 35 , t2 3)8 ) . . . 4 45 2 1M . . . 435 12 251 . . . 445 .4 . MS2 ICO 433 79 242 129 441 a 213 120 4 35 1 340 SO 4 45 2 2SO 40 4 33 C9 222 120 4 41 3. . . . . ' . , .20i ) . . . 4 4) ) 193 214 211 4 4714 53 207 . . . 4 4) C9 231 ICO 4 47li SI 170 SO 440 7C 247 . . . .450 " 7 202 WO 4 40 CS 24 * SO 4 50 0 ; .214 80 440 71 219 200 450 3. . 273 . . . 4 40 72 2.10 40 4 50 82 207 . . . 4 10 71 272 2SO 4 TO 201 283 4 40 8 31S . . . 4 50 S9 205 200 4 40 02 2 S 100 4 52'i 83 1SS 120 440 M 255 . . . 4 52l 4 327 . . . 4 40 01 272 W 4 5i ! 7 267 . . . 440 72 85 SO 453 9 218 . . . 4 42V4 1 320 . . . 4 55 14 203 120 4 4254 107 207 . . . 4 55 SI 180 SO 4 42'4 pias AND nouc.ii. , 440 80 350 0 Ill . . . 42' ' ) 112 SO 375 81 12S . . . 430 IS 131 . . . 4 00 SHEEP None were received today , maklnB 'our days In succession on which the market ins been without supplies. The demand con- .Inues active for Rood muttons and lambs , with irlces quotubly strong. Fair to cholro natives arc quotable nt from (3.25 to J4.23 , fair to Kood westerns nt from 13 to ( I , common nnd stock sheep at from (2.35 to 3. good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs at from { 3.73.10 (5.25. ItccelptN nnd Olaponltlmi of Stock. Official receipts nnd dlspOEltlon of utock as shown by the bnoka of the Union Stock Yards company for the forty-eluht hours ending nt 3 o'clock p. m. , Monday , May 20 , 1S93 : RECEIPTS. Cars. Head.- Cattle 33 750 Hogs SO 2,231 DISPOSITION. Buyers. Cattle. HOBS. Omaha 1'ncklng Co 372 The Q. II. Hammond Co 7 SCO Swift nnd Company 4 6S9 The Ciidahy Packing Co ISO 707 O. H. Hnmmond , Iowa 278 Vunsnnt 27 . . . . J. Lobinan 36 L. Decker 47 llenton.V 13 Shippers and feeders 114 0 Left over 100 Totnl & 9 2,809 CHICAGO LtVK STOCK. Cntllo Active at n blight Advance Hogs and Sheep Improved. CHICAGO. May 30. CATTLE With receipts today of about 10.000 head , or 2,800 head less than arrived a week age , and 0,700 head less than arrived n year ago , .trndo was active nt nn advance of nlwut lOCflSo per 100 Ibs. , dressed beef Ilrms buying moff .finely than for several days past. The market was In decidedly better shape , some choice lJtS-1lv Kansas steers fttch- InB (3.90 , nnd first cla rf beeves would have brought over ( G. A 'jjofe'd business wna trans acted on the basis of (4.8505.90 for common to choice native steers iveffitilnff from 900 to 1.600 Iba. , the bulk selling ' Ui (5.00f/5.75. The ab sence of a good expert , demand Is a serious drawback , only 2,7S4qlind having been taken hero lost wc-ek forifiyilBn markets , ngalns C.4SO thii corresponding week last year. HOGS Hecelpts Bhow a1 marked Improvement In ciuullty , the arrlv 4 last week nvernKlnt , 229W Ibs. Tculn/B- ' market was n' our prlslngly good one , deiplte , the fact that the ar rivals amounted to Km more than expected Hoth local packers Umln shippers were BOOI buyers nnd a largo > < ibusiness was transacted prices showing nil u < rf nc * of So to 10tper 100 Ibs. The surprlsn vM i tile sharp rise In pork last wefk and was evidently Intended to stlmu lute the buying. Corinim In extra lots of heav > hogs found'tl.SO to (4.85 , the bulk of sales being at from (4.00 to (4.70. For Huh weights the ruling prices were (4.35 to (4.70 with transactions largely- from (4,55 to (4.05. SHEEP The marketing of sheep continues upon a much smaller scale than several weeks ago and prices are on the rise , as there Is a lively demand from local dressed meat concerns There was n further advance of 1015c | pe 100 Ibs. , choice sheep selling as high as (5 Kales were on a basis of ( ! .00 ? 4.00 for sheet and J3.7SSO ) for lambs , nearly all the sheep and lambs having been shorn. Stock In Sight. Record of receipts nt the four principal mnr kw.s for Monday , May 20 , 1K 5 : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep South Omaha 750 2,231 Chicago 10.000 S4.000 8.00 Kansas City 3.200 6.300 .70f St. Louis S.200 S.400 7,70i Totals 17,350 44.931 24,40 , St. l.ouln l.lvo Sinclc. ST. LOt'18. May 20. CATTLE Receipts. : ,20 < head ; shipments , 400 head ; market active an a ( hade hlcher. good to choice native l-c steers. (5.ooftS.SO ; fair to medium. (4.Wft4.75 ,1KII1 . ( J.Wff4.0fl ; Strieker * . .v.Mfv"- ' . feeders I3.GOR4.GO ; cows , > ; .WirJ.0 ; fed Texas steers ll.SOOI.S5 ; erasers , I2.7303.7i ; cows. t2.Uff3.ti UOdS JUcelpts , 9,430 head ; ohlpments , 3CO head ; market 54 } too lilRhtr ; lionvjr , K.IOffl.JO , mixed , ( I 2JU1.W. light , II.75P4.4S. BIIKHP- Receipt * . 7,700 heads shipments , 100 hem ! , mnrktinner , native rnnce. W.75W4.M. outside for top grade * ; southwest , l..SStfl.tO ; lambs , > I.M > tf5.M. : New York Live Minsk .Market. NHW YORK , May M.linnVP.STtcelnts. \ . , ,152 head ; on sale , 43 cnrs ; moderately active ; steers and coed cows shade flrnifr ; oxen , bulls nnd common to medium cows lOiflV : lowrr ; na- live steers , ordinary to good , ( J.PKJ5.W ; bulls , 13.3503.40 , dry cows. J2.4)jt.lo. i\in.penn cables quote American steers at lifMl c pr Ib. , dressed weight ; refrigerator beef nt SHflM'.c. HIIKIH' AND LAMIIS'-HeceliilH , It.iS ; head ; on sale , S.tnO h nd ; sheep Htendy ; yearlings He lilgher ; lambs steady : clipped sheep , poor to prime , | 3.S7i { . HOOS-Recelnls. 1J.O.M . bend ; slow an > l lower ; Inferior to choice , Jl.WflS.OO. I Ity l.lvo Stock , KANSAS CITY. May DO.-CATTLi-R-celpls. : 3.200 head ; shlpmrnlK , * rt heiuli miirket strong to lOc higher ; Texas steers , (3.00BI.751 Texas cow * , )2 Kl3.40 ; b-ef steers , ( I.OOU3.0 ; imtixo oows , (2.40r3,75 ; stockcrs and feeders , S2.100 3.45 ; bulls. J2.fOft3.9C > . HOOS Receipts , 5.300 head ; shipments. 100 head ; market strong to So higher ; bulk or sales , ( I.35W4.50 : IHMivIe * . 4.43 4. 0 ; pnekrr * . I4.30J/4.CO : mlxnl. | 4.30 < 34.:0 : lights , J4.15a4.40 ; Yorkers , (4.3 > 5f4 W ; plgn. J1.10W4.23. SIlini' : Receipts , 9,700 head ; market itrnng to lOo higher. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Mll\vaukee 31iirket . MlLWAUKKi : , May 2J.FI.orilHigher. . WIIUAT Higher ; No. 2 sprlne , "lie ; No. 1 northern , Sic ; July , 71Uc , CORN-Stronger ; No. 3 , 34'sc. ' OATS Higher ; No. 2 white , 33Uc ; No. 3 white. 334f33i4e. IIAIH.HY Higher ; No. 2 , 49c ; sample , 4SW llYB-FIrm : No. 2 , C7e. PROVISIONS Higher ; pork , J12.SO ; Inrd , J .M. HIICEH'TS Flour , 6.3W bids. ; wheat. 11,700 bu. ; barley. 4.SOO bu. SIIll'.MKNTS Flour , 2,500 bbls. ; wheat , none ; barley , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > 'o\v YorM Dry ( ) o < iil Aliirket. NH\V YORK. May 20. For scnnoniible fabrics there wns an order demand from nil markets for moderate assortments that collectively took a good quantity. There wns some demand for otaiile or brown cotton * that manufacturer , ) nml agents could not reppond to , because of the prices not relieving the advanced cost of cotton or the deliveries being too near. White goods were In good request , aw were printed tissue * of the lawn description. Good sales were reached through the forwaidlngH on former purchases. Printing cloths were quiet and \cry steaJy nt Sugitr NEW YOIIK. Mny 20. St'ClATl flaw , market firm ; sales , C.OO ) btiRB cenlrlfURnl , 90 tBt , nt He. 2X > bags centrlfiiRiil , 90 test , nt 2se. nnd .000 bags concrete , to nrrlve , nt 24c ! , ex-ship , SI i > st ; rctlneil , steady ; No. 0 , 4 13-luc ; Nn. 7. 37 M 1-lCc ; No. 8. 3T4W4 1-Mc ; No. 9. 3 13-1C1J4C ; No. 10. 35403 15-16c ; No. 11 , 3 ll-16fi3Ho ; No. 12 9-10 3Hc ; No. 13 , 3Hc ; off A. 4 l-l 1f4S.c : ; nold A , 4 9lCr4HcFlandaid ; , 4 5-lf.iif4i,4c ; onfectloners' A , 4 -lG4'.4c ; cut loaf , 5 1-1CU c ; crushed , 5 l-10W."iic ; pwdcrcil , 4'4R4 15-lOc ; Brnnulated , 4 7-lGr44c ! ! ; cubes , 4 ll-10U44o. Dututh ( Iriiln liirkrt ! ! . DULUTH , May 20. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash nnd Mny , 75Uc ; July , 7Cc ; No. 1 northern , casi ! nd Mny , 74Vlc ; July , 75',4c ; September , 72' ' , ! r ; s'o. 2 northern , cash , 71c ; No. 3 northern , 6&c : pjectfd , C5c ; to arrive. No. 1 hard , C5'4c ' ; No. 1 northern. 75c. ItYE-Olc. OATS-NO. 2. snjc ; NO. 3 , 3i',4c. HAHLEY-42if43Hc. 11ECI2I1T8 Wheat. 23,071 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 152,0/T bu. ; oats , 100 bu. Vlilulti &upplr | ot ( ir ln. NEW YORK , Mny 20. The visible supply ot iruln Saturday , ns compiled by the New York 'roduco exchangeIs as follows : \Vheat , 50.- S4ftX ) bu. ; decrease. 3.139,000 bu. ; corn. 7.5CO.POO b . ; decrease. 4I5.0CO bu. ; oats , 0.333,000 hit. ; In- rpase , 178.000 bu. ; rye , 149.000 bu. ; Increase , ,000 bu. ; barley , 1S3.000 bu. ; decrease , 57,000 bu. I'rlsro Whent ( J'Uitutl'xii. SAN FRANCISrO. Mny 20.--\VHEAT-Qulct- , December , 99 ? c. I'lliuiirlul .Note * . I1OSTON , Mny 20. Clcnrlnss , (13,137,321 ; bal- ccB , ( l.CII.CSO. 1IALTIMOIIE , May 20. Clearings , (1 , 322,599 , inlnnces , (32B.9S1. NEW YOIIK , May 20. Clearings , (73,093,078 , mhinces , (1,112,584. ST. LOI'IS. May 20.-ClenrlnR . (4,312,010 ; bnl- u'os , SC01.4SO. Money , I'fiO per tent. WASHINGTON , Mny 20. Ti > dn.v's condition ot ho treasury show * : Avnll.ible cnah balances. 1S2.59I.97S ; gold reserve. Ji7,153.249. ! flllCAOO. May 20. Ce.irhiKS , (10.309,000. Money. t'Mt * for o-nt for cnll hums nnd CViifC per cent for commercial paper. New York ex- hang ? , C5c premium. Sterling exchange , posted utes , ( l.SS and (4.S7. Fnrolgn Financial Affair * . PARIS. May 20. Three per cent rentes. 102t 7c for the account. Exchange on London , 25f Hie for checks. LONDON , May 20. liar silver hns declined to 0 ll-16il per ounce. Gold Is quoted at Iliiono. * Vyies today nt 25S.50 ; .Madrid. 13.50 ; Lisbon , 714 ; St. PetersburK , DO ; Athens , 77 ; Rome. 03.05 ; Vienna , 103. _ llonklngs for the Crelghton. W. A. Paxton , Jr. , who has Just returned rom New York , reports that bookings for he Crelghton theater are progressing nicely and that many good attractions have been secured. Manager Utireess will remain In jotham for two months yet to get every- hlng In sight that he believes worthy ot ilaylng at the Crelghton. Sir. Paxton says hat he saw Den Gallagher In Chicago , and hat the latter will full recoverw Ithin six weeks. _ On a Mnctj-Dny Kim. The Columbian Distilling company of East Omaha expects to start up Its works within a week or ten days for at least a ninety- lay run. Negotiations are pending for the treatment of about 1 3.000 gallons of sugar beet syrup from the Norfolk factory. This will be handled by the company and run nto alcohol. This distillery was the first to demonstrate the practicability of utilizing the waste product of the beet for making a high grade of alcohol. Murrlngn Llcimnes * The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county Judge : Maine and Address. Age. b'rank Jleehan , Omaha . 39 Maggie Donlon , Omaha . 25 justaf A. Johansson , Omaha . 27 Mary Swanson , Omaha . 21 ftmll E. Zschan , Omaha . 35 Louise ICrebs , Omaha . 25 u At a meeting of the special committee of the council , to which the Sixteenth street viaduct matter was referred , no definite re port was agreed upon yesterday afternoon. The committee will meet ngaln this morn ing , when It Is understood a report will be formulated , recommending temporary repair of the viaduct and rebuilding ns soon as practicable. Fnlleil 111 Ills Purpoip. Shortly before noon a sneak thief endeav ored to gain an entrance through a rear window In tlie residence- Mrs. Ell , 2C2S South Twenty-eighth street. The nolso war hard by Mrs. Ell anil the thief , seeing bci approach the window , ran out the back way and. made Ills escape. MAY FESTIVAL AT ntJSER'B. Swedish Singing Society Opent the Hrnion arrnttn Notes. Tlie Swedish Singing sookty Nor- den gave a Mny festival nt lluscr's park Sunday. Numerous vocal selec tions nnd dancing In the largo pa vilion on the grounds were the chief at > tractions upon tlie program for the nflcr- noon.-liml evening. It was the first outing of the season for tlio society , and notwith standing the rather unfavorable state of the weather It was liberally patronized by the Norsemen , their wives , daughters ami sweetheart * , so that the park grounds for the first time this year presented a lively scene. This was also partially attributed to a num ber of riflemen from the Omaha Schitelzcn- voreln , wlioso practice day It was. The Nordcn's arrangement committee , consisting of Instructor Axel Oleson , A. Mllgren and August UylanJcr , strove earnestly to make tha occasion an enjoyable one for all their In vited guests. The singing was very credit able anil fully up to the standard which this society lias acquired since It first organized for this purpose some eight years ago. The singers found attentive listeners and were greeted with applause at the close of every song from well known Swedlxh masters. There were these selections which recalled memories of a partially forgotten old home , appealing especially strong to people whose childhood days had been spent In that north country , while lively tunes suited others born upon a free soil , but nevertheless able to comprehend the tongue of their ancestors. "SUona Mai , " "Jngtsang. " "Llllastlne , " "Sattmasklnen I Gang" and others were only a few of those finding general favor. Merry dancers approprlatO'l the platform afternoon and evening and the predominating blondes of both sc.xes with Swedish blood In their veins demonstrated fully that they know how to enjoy and promote harmony. At the close of the target practice at Sclmetzcn park Sunday the score of the voreln stood as follows : Krcil Schroeder , 1C3 ; Frank H'ft , 190 ; Fred McngeUoht , 150 ; Wil liam Stoeckcr. 170 ; Hans Peterson , 101 ; Henry Seldler. 13G ; Fiod Fuller , 178 ; Charles Ooettsch , 145. Tlio Llederkranz Singing society has ar ranged an attractive musical program for a concert which Is to be given at th < ? hall tlie last Sunday In the month. A picnic Is also contemplated by the same society the second Sunday In June at some popular resort , On the occasion of bis last birthday. Presi dent Kopp of the Llederkranz was gratefully remembered by the members of his society by a serenade at his home , 3461 South Fif teenth street. As usual , genial Jacob re ciprocated for the compliment , A HSU C/A OK.VHX TU. Andrew Mack Is the composer of the popular song , "My Pearl Is n Uowery Qlrl , " and he la said to sing it , better than any one who lias yet attempted It. Mr. Mack Is also responsible for "The Qlrl I Love , " "Molly O'Moore , " "Mandy" nnd "Phoebe , " all of which are sungby various members of Peter Dalley's company In "A Country Sport. " This aggregation of Jolly people Peter Dalley , May Irwln , Ada Lewis , John O. Sparks and Andrew Mack and others will close the present engagement at Uoyd's thea ter tonight In the bright farce comedy , "A Country Sport. " This will be the last op portunity Omaha theater-goers will have of seeing this flue company In "A Country Sport , " for the reason that next season Mr. Dalley will produce Ills new piece , "A Night Clerk , " Miss Irwln also stars In a new play and Andrew Mack will star under the man agement of D. AV. Truss & Co. In "Miles Aroon. " Canary & Lcderer's big New York Casfno and Chicago opera house success , "The PassIng - Ing Show , " will play an engagement at Uoyd's theater tomorrow and Thursday nights only. It Is a rattling good entertainment from beginning to end , opening with a snap and keeping up In quick succession a scries of specialty attractions , not one of which Is tiresome and most of which are up to the standard. The fun never lags and provoca tion for laughter Is continuous and humor Impregnates every moment. The piece Is constructed with a never forgotten purpose of parody and burlesque and the spirit which animated the author pervades the principal performers , who never lot the Interest of the audience grow stale. There Is a parody upon pretty much everything that lias been an amusement fad lately , Including the living pictures , and the management have secured first rate people to keep tba thing moving. They have Lucy Daly , perhaps the best ne gro specialty dancer on the stage , to do plantation and soubrette dancing , with a lot of darkey boys to be her background and chorus. Vernona Jarbau , long a star at traction In opera boufte , has some of that sort ot business In gorgeous tights , and some first rate dramatic burlesque besides. The leading men ore not less good. George A. Schiller , with song and dance In more than one eccentric makeup ; John K. Henshaw , In excellent work , and Seymour Hess and Wil liam Cameron In some really admirable mim icry. The company numbers 110 people and Includes besides those already mentioned Madge Lesslng , May Ten Urocck , Gus Plx- ley , Minnie Mlllsr , Llila Lear and La Petite Adelaide , the graceful child dancer. The sale of seats for both nights will open at 9 o'clock this morning and from present Indi cations the sale will bo large. Clntms It Wns n Mnrtcncc. An action has been begun by Augusta and Charles Hanuse against the Schlltz Brewing company to have a decree of foreclosure to some land In McGavock & O'Keefs's addition to South Omaha set aside. The Hanuse fam ily state that they are unsuspecting Germans who were deceived by an attorney , having his promise to pet up thdr defense In the case when the suit came to trial. This , they state , ho failed through collusion to do. Strause Liros. first started suit last May to set aside a deeU given by the plaintiffs to the brewing company. Hanuso wants to show the deed was a mortgage. Will Uurk foi Oinalm. The state executive committee of the people's party of Nebraska will meet at the Llndcll hotel , Lincoln , at 2 o'clock p. m. , Thursday , May 30 , for the purpose of fixing representation , time and place for holding the next state convention. Several cities are bidding for the convention. An effort will bo made to secure the convention for Omaha during or near about fair time. & &M&M& ® r No Waiting , No Wondering ) > & ! BRAND MARK. . . .SHIRTS. . . are Ready to Wear , and Every Garment is Guaranteed. Leading l etailcrs know of this brand of Shirts. If your outfitter is out of size or style you desire , let him Ret it for you , and in order that he may get you just what you want , write us for our } 5p- SOUVENIR OF FASHIONS. Copies Free by mail. IJT CLUBTT , COON & CO. , Makers. factories. TROY. N , Y. Wonderful TIiotiKnnilN In KH elllcney. Imvu hroii rurccl , I'liciioinciiul In tlio rn * by I'.H 110 alter plij-nl. of HM ticllon. clniia bat o fallpil ( o euro. -A. CUXHE Is" OH. ILI.Sora era Dr. . TOU AKK NOT WELL. Pfrbtpijou rf trovbted wllb coQillpillon. dltrrbator rll' l ttad rn ii iDd [ > > la lalh. kldDtjior llt.i > tnt < UD , ili l Hi lb clitil , dlfflcullj er trr.ll.lci , c.Krrbtl Irouti. , , lr utl * IU cltl , orco iilD tbt tfcrott , bolQuibfi , tu d fuller , illODiiiof lh J lou tr ptl o.oo 1L iklo , Llupl ll > rti. < l . Tle .rttuH/Bt ianf4l cM . T1IK BLtCK TUIIC. It will re I. ft Ton luiuollj.mj lic < iulaler i r i > uibi > liii. CTYOUR DRUGGIST 6ELL6 IT. ULACK TOMO JIiDICI\E : CO. , Mnnufuclurt-rn , Kl. J.ouls , Ufa. It tnkcs like a circus the Urn-ton Guitar nt $10. It cim't bo anything else but peed nnd bu a Hurlon. 1'roiVssIoiin.l Hnnjos , $18. Our own. lnii > orlitlon : of the llnpst Gorman mmlo Violins Is making UH ninny frli-nils. Wonlaiio show now model AVnshbnrn OnUur. StrhiKH of nil kinds , oc up. A. HOSP1Jr , Music a 11 it Art , IS 1.1 4 DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY , All PATRONIZE I * * * - , ! Dj purchaslflR goods made at the following Nebraska factories. If you cannot flm ! what you want , communicate with tao manutac- turett aa to what dealers handle their coeds : Jt.rin.s- urn L.I ! .i\n Tirtxn. BEM1S OMAHl BAG CO. Manufacturer ! of all kinds of cotton A tmrlsp bags , cotton flo r tacks & twin * specialty. 61' HJ-61i 8. lUh-st. ItltKAKFAST FOOD , J-'I.OUIl. YKAST. ' WM. PRESTON & CO. Manufacturers of Preston's C.llfornU FUkf * . Sickle brand stlr l lnc flour & yeast. Do yon UIP Preston's txti flour ? OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION. Cai laud ehlpments made In our orrn refrl.erator cars. Blue lllbbon , Elite export. Vienna Kzport , nnd Family Kxport , delivered to all parts of city. CA It It 1. 1 ; K f. I V I'Olt I KS. Carriage A Wagon Makers. Carriage ! , bugglti , phaetons & wagons alwayi on hand & made to order. 1213-lt , Harncy-tt. . Omaha. CUFFI1K , SPICKS , It.lItlXI } I'UH'DKIt. CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffct Iloantcri , Eplce Orlnderi , Manufacturer ! German Baking Powder and German Dry Hop Yeaet , 1 < 1 < and 1115 Harncy-st. . Omaha. Neb. ' FLO VII. S. F. GILMS , Manufacturer ot Ooltl iledaj Flour. 71 C E. ninck , Manager , Omaha. FUllXirUKK I'A CTUHIKS. OMAHA UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din. Ing tables & folding bedj. 28lh ave. , Boyd to Saliler streets. . _ _ JVK AXI > COtlL. SOUTH OMAHA ICE AND COAL CO. Domestic & steam coal. We have tne oeat. Of fice 1CU1 Farnn.'n-it. Telephone : Office 373 , yard 1TCG. J. A. Doe , gen'l mana er. IUOX H'OIIKS. INDUSTRIAL IRON WORKS. Manufacturing & repairing ot all kind ! of ma- chlnery , cngln3 , P''mpa. elevatorr , printing piesies. hangers , shutting & coupling * . HOS-g Uoward-st. . Omaha. PHOENIX FOUNDRY CO. Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specials ; boiler fronts & fittings , street It'y cor wheels. Archi tectural Iron wofks. Office 307 B. ltth-it. , Omaha. PAXTON & YIERLIHG IRON WORKS. M'l'r'B of Architectural Iron Work. General Foundry , Machine and Blacksmith Work. Kn- Klnecrs & Contractor ! for Fireproof Buildings. Office and Worki. U. P. By. & So. 17th Street. Omaha. THE MERCER CHEMICAL COMPANY. Manufacturers o * fluid extracts , elixir ! , syrups. & wlnei , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab > lets , pills & scientific * Aedlcal novelties. Omaha. JIA'fTltKSSKS , COTH , VltlHU. L. G DOUP. Manufacturer Mattresses , Bprlni Beds ; Jobbti Feathers and Pillows. North llth and Nlcholaj tits. . Omaha. NHHIT H'.irC'Fllll * SKltl'lVK. AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. The only perfect protection to property. Exam. Ine It. Best thing on earth. Reduces Insurance rates. 1304 Douglas-it. Ori'.llALT. FAVTUltlKS , KITZ-XEYIHS CO. Manufacturer ! of men's & ) x > ys' clothing- , pants , shirts Si overalls. 202-212 8. llth-it. I'.ll'Klt IIO.VI1H THE OMAHA PAPER BOX CO. MMiufactuiers of all kinds paper boxes , shell boxes cample cases , mailing tubes , etc , wed. dlnu cake & fancy randy boxes , druggist & jewelrjl boxes. 1208-10 Jones-it. , Omaha. Hill Iff VOYABS-NEBRASKA SHIRT CO delusive cuitoro thlrt tailors. 1115 rarnam street Telcphona 90S. i'A rixii iiinvit. IWHHY BOLLH , OM KB. Factory In Louisville. Cans Cu . .i.iy of LrlcK guaranteed to b as coed as any manufactured1 outildc of this s'ate. ilenrr llolla- MAKE $10 EVERY DAY liy a new plan of gyKtematl'i grain specula * tlon. Bend fur our free bjuklut uhowlnt' hoi/ to Ket around advctae Ihatuutiona of tha market utid inuke money even on thu wrong Hide. I'ust worklriKd of plan and hiKhent references furnUhed. VALKNTINli CO. . Traders UlitrChlcaBO. . _ _ _ NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE MARKET. BUYS IOO SHARES. OF SILVER BLUFF MINING CO.8 STOCK PAR VALUE SBOO. The company uwnulu ) acres of rlcl > , hlKh-erarl * or i worklisteadily folnguci , Tliupropertyliiows every luJIca'.lon uf bpcumlnz n scconil Orsnll * Mcmitaln. A few hundred dollars lnv ted IHIW may hrlne you n fortune. DON'T Itlati IT. Vet prosrwctus call or writ * to F. S. ZIMMERMAN 4. CO. , 697 CUlcaso titock UxcbauKo Iildg. ,