Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE" OMAHA DAULY 3JEE : TTFESDAT , MAY 21 , 1805. 0
oi-'Ficn , - - KO. 12 i'iAni ,
Delivered by carrier to any part of the cltr.
II. W. TILTON , Lessee.
otllce , No. 42 ; nlglit
editor , No. 23.
Grand , Council DIufTs. R. P. Clark , prop.
There will bo a special meeting of the
Woman's Ilellef Corps Wednesday after
noon , Ma > - 22 , at 2 o'clock. A full attend
ance U desired.
niuff City lodge Xo. 71 , A. F. and A. M. .
will meet In regular communication tins
evcnlni ; . All master Masons are cordially In
vited to attend. J. 11. Atkins , secretary.
Sarah May , dtURhter of Mr * . Ncllls Har
rctt LttiRdon , died at G p. m. yesterday ,
nged G years , of consumption , at her resi
dence , CO I Damon street. Notice of funeral
will bo given later.
Freddlu , tlio 14-year-old son of Mr. and
Mm. A. S. McCrciry , died at 2 o'clock yester
day morning , after an Illness of two weeks.
The funeral will take place this afternoon at
2:30 : o'clock at the residence , 016 Kast llroad-
way.A moetlng of the finance committee of the
city council was held yesterday morning. The
treasurer , nuJltor and attorney and C. It
Hannan were present , nnd arratiKements were
completed for the refunding of the old city
bonds for the now set.
In digging a hole for a telegraph polo 01
Broadway , near Eighth street , a day or twinge
ngo , a bone that- looked as though It mlgh
luvo been at one time In a human arm was
unearthed from the bottom of the hole , nine
fcot lii-low the surface. No effort was made
to llnd thu rest of the unhappy stranger.
Howard n. Illalr , the youngster who was
rent to the city Jail for ten days for stealing
n lot of eggs , completed hla sentence and was
brought before Judge McOeo again yesterday
morning for further examination. The Judge
will make an Investigation Into his cas
today , nnd In all probability will order hltr
taken to the reform school.
Fred Clausen was credited the other da
with having had n blcyclo stolen from hln
In front of the Manhattan saloon. He want !
The Uco to state to the public that he did no
lose a wheel at all , and If he had done si
ho would not hnvo lost It from In front of i
saloon , because his wheel has not acquired th
habit of standing In front of saloons.
Jennie Williams , who waa caught with som
windows and doors belonging to ono F. J
Day's houses In her possjsslon , was dlschage
by Justice Cook yesterday , there being no on
present In court to prosecute. An ngrcemcn
had been cnteroJ Into between the partlo
whereby Day Is to got his property back 1
consideration of his allowing Mrs. Williams t
go free.
A dog belonging to ono Drown , who lives o ;
Harrison street , Just north of the schoo
house , has been ( striking terror to the hearts
of the small children of the neighborhood for
tome time past , chasing them as they go to
and from school. A man named Haywood re
ported to the city marshal yesterday , that one
of his children had been frightened almost
out of Its wits , and Deputy Marshal Fowler
Investigated the cae. The dog will have to
\4 \ bo either chained up or slaughtered.
Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Olen
Falls Fire Insurance companies. These are
among the largest and best companies In the
world , and we are sole agents for Council
muffs. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
ItnTod liny for * nln
In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. In
quire of Thomas Johnson , city welghmaster.
Kenco 1'nfltft ,
20 car loads standard red cedar fence posts ,
10c each by the car load. A. Overton , Coun
cil Uluffs , Iowa.
Itecnrit ItrenUorrt.
Union Driving park will bo the scene of
some of the fleetest-footed runners at the
coming meet that It has ever bcqn the lot of
Council Bluffs people to witness.
There are already about 200 horses
at the grounds , and everything
goes merrily on. All that Is now nec
essary to make the races a success Is the
patronage of the people. Every one should
go at least ono or two days , nnd , as thoraces
races generally bring out the newest things
In dress , you ought to call around nnd see
Tow Hughes and get a new hat , something
"natty. " You should also have a pair of
those tan shoes ; you can get them from $1.50
up to $3.50 down at 919 South Main street.
And you may need something In a shirt or
necktie. Call around at Hitches' and get
those things before the races.
Hov. F. T. Plerson left yesterday after
noon for Alpena , Mich.
James H. Van Clove of Kansas City was In
the city yesterday on business.
A. n. Hlghsmlth started yesterday for
Wichita , Kan. , for a week's visit.
R. n. Fonda has returned from Eureka
Neb. , where his mother Is lying very 111.
Dr. S. K. Shrlver left yesterday for Nor
folk , Neb. , to attend the state dental asso
ciation's meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Tllton left last even
ing for Jnncsvllle , Wls. , for a visit will
relatives. They will be absent a couple ol
weeks. .
Ex-County Attorney John P. Organ cami
homo yesterday morning. Since his Ion
confinement In the Chicago hopltnl he ha
been very weak , but Is now Improving.
Brilliant as an electric light fame of Dr
Price's Baking Powder.
Slept In u Stull.
Seth World , a small boy who has beer
kept at the Christian home for some tlmi
past , was found by a police otllcer at
o'clock yesterday morning sleeping In at
express wagon and was taken to the pollci
station. Manager Lemen of the home wni
notified , but he said the boy had provei
himself to be a thief , liar and chronic runa
way. Several times ha left the homo wlthou
telling anyone ho was going , and not loni
ago he was found asleep In the dead of nigh
In a barn. Ills mind appears to be weal
and Mr. Lcmcn stated that he did not carte
to bo troubled with him any more. He wa
kept at the Jail and will be brought befor
Judge McOec this morning for the purpos
ot having him sent to the asylum for fecbl
minded children at Olcnnood.
The WUnrd Tnlepliono Company
IB now prepared to receive applications fo
complete telephone ccrvlce In Council DlufT
and other cities at the following rates ;
For business places , $2 per month.
For residences , $1 per month.
For circuit of flvo Instruments on one line
60 cents each per month.
Apply at company's factory , 101 Fourt
itrcct , Council Bluffs.
The dreaded cyclone Is stalking abroad 1
the land , leaving naught but devastation I
Its wake. Its victims were many along It
path through Stoux Center. Secure a tot
nndo policy from the Council Uluffs Ins. Co. a
once , for no ono can tell where next tbl
demon may settle down to business.
U J A iplenJId line ot straw bats at Metcal
Cnso of Scurlot I'evctr.
For the last three weeks a child of Vi
Allbry , at the corner of Broadway and E
llott street , has been sick , but no physlcla
was called until yesterday. Then the child
condition became to alarming that Dr. Jei
nlngs was called In and he at once pn
nouncd the disease scarlet fever. The chll
had not been quarantined , so that for thr (
weeks the neighbors' children have been coi
tlnually exposed. So far no serious resuli
have come of the affair.
The Hardman , tha piano par excellence.
Mnrrli\ Licenser.
The following marriage licenses have be (
Issued by the county clerk ;
Name and Address. Ag
Jnmcs W. Keinnster , Council Bluffs .
A. U Umble. Pottawattamle county .
If D. A. Loomla , Pottawattnmto county .
Augusta Lumun , 1'ottawattamle county. .
k lite Ituco Mcellnir.
Spring meeting ot the Union Park Roclr
association commences May 22 , and co
tlnuei ten days. Five good races dall
commencing at 2 p. m. One and a tbl :
fare on all railways tor round trip.
New design * In Swiss curtain goods Ju
received. Prices never to loir. Count
Eluffi Carpet Co. , '
Entries for the Grand Hotel Handicap Oloso
with Nineteen In.
( IrenteKt ( Intlierliii ; of Kminliic Stoc'i liver
Been In ttie WiMl t'ro pi > rU for n
Succetitul Meeting Uroiv
llrlghtvr Uvory Unjr.
The following entries have been made for
the Grand Hotel handicap , which closed at 4
o'clock yesterday nfternoon and will be run
Wednesday : Gray Duke , Billy Sutherland ,
Constant , Test IJoy.Vcdgeflold , Harry Ed
wards , Leon L , Little Crlss. Nellie K , Store
keeper , Kenwood , S'mrock ' , Little Nell , Hub ?
Burrows , Brownwood , Idle. Willie L , Hlber
nlan Queen , Republic. Beeton , Imp. Ashen.
Weights will be given this afternoon.
There \\t\cr \ have been so many horses on
any race course In the we t as are now wait
Ing for the Council Bluffs races. Five hun
dred head are stabled In the sheds at Union
park and private stables throughout the west
ern part of the city and ninety head were on
the cars last night waiting to be unloaded.
The blt'gpst string they ever had at Kansas
City or St. Louis did not approximate the
number now here by one-half. If a great
string of famous hors ° s can make successful
racing the present running meet will not
only be the greatest In the history of the
famous old park , but the greatest In the west.
Mase Who received a letter a few days
ago from Jolm DIcKerson at Burllngame , San
Mateo county , Cal. , asking If he cmld be ac
commodated with twelve box stalls for the
races. An affirmative reply was tent am :
yesterday Mr. Ulckerson arrlVEd with a fine
lot of trotters and pacers In his charge fron
the noted San Matco stock farm. Among the
lot were Dlrectum , the famous stallion , with a
record of 2:05'/4 : ; Ore Wilkcs. 2:11 : ; Muta
\Vllkes , 2:11 : ; Lisa Wllltcs , 2 11'4 ' ; Mary
Best , 2-12U ; Double Cross , 2'1S % ; Lymrod
Wllkei , 2:20 : % ; Last Chanc2:2C'4. : .
Special arrangements for transportation
to and from the track over the motor line
have been made. Commencing Wednesday
morning trains will bo run from Avenue A
and Sixteenth strest to the grand stand , con
ncctliiK with the regular trains ; from 12:3C :
to 3 p. m. all trains between Omaha and
Council Bluffs will run to the gates ; from 3
o'clock the running of trains on Sixteenth
street will be resumed , to connect with the
main line * trains. In the evening when the
races are concluded main line trains will not
be run to the grounds , because this would In
terfere with regular traltlc , but all the extra
equipment will be put on the road to run
from the grand stand to the two cities , al
ternate tralim for Omaha and the Bluffs.
One extra will be held at the grounds to run
between the grand stand and the main line ,
so that those who are delayed at the track
may have transportation.
Baking powders attached to gifts are from
30 to CO per cent alum nnd classed as poison
ous by chemists. Insist on Dr. Price's ,
which Is perfectly pure.
MKSSION or 'iin : cirv COUNCIL
VVIzuril Telephone unit Ucnpral Sidewalk
Orillninrn 1'ii'nnl I.att Night.
The city council held n special session last
evening , with all the members present.
The ordinance granting the Wizard Tele
phone company the right to do business In
the streets and alleys was brought up and
on motion of Rlshton It was unanimously
An ordinance directing the construction of
sidewalks was passed.
The committee to which was referred the
petition for a fire hydrant In front of the
Twentieth avenue school , and the water com
mittee , to which was referred the matter of
n water main on Sixteenth avenue and Tenth
street , recommended that both be taken In
charge by thu committee of the wh'ole. Both
recommendations were concurred In.
The committee to which was referred
George A. Holmes' bill of $350 for attorney's
fees asked for more time , which was granted.
Illshton asked what had become ot his
petition for nn arc light at the corner of >
Harmony and Uenton streets. Clerk Phil
lips said he was unable to find It.
Gideon Mayne ottered the use of his lot
west of the postofllce for the storaga of
city property nt a rental ot $75 a year. Shu-
bert was laboring under the delusion that the
dog pound was to be put there and registered
a hearty kick. II ? was shown his mistake
and recognized It In some confusion. Some
ot the aldermen thought the lot In question
was not so centrally located as some that
might bo chosen and the matter was finally
, referred to the committee of the whole In
order that a further hunt might be made.
Mrs. Peterson's claim for damages was re
ferred to the committee/ the whole will
power to act.
John Limit asked that the council put watci
barrels along the line of march on Decoratlor
day , and the request was granted In splto oi
the opposition of Alderman Illshton , who sale
that last year some godless fellows spit In the
; Thomas Johnson nsked the council to changi
: his remuneration as welghmaMer from fees ti
salary , claiming that last month he only modi
$18. The matter will be taken up by the corn
mltteo of the whole this evening , and Cltj
Attorney Hazelton will make his report oi
the proposition to comiel the owners ot tin
South Main etrcct scales to sell them to tin
city at the same time.
' City Attorney Hazelton reported with re
. gariJ to the petition of S. U. Snyiler for at
alley to run through the motor car barns , tha
the block had been laid out without any alley
and there was nothing to do but to reject thi
petition , which wa.i done.
a- Claus Thompson , who has recently removei
ut his saloon from across from the Droadwaj
ig Methodist church to 219 Uast Droadway , a
hi the repeated Invitation of the church people
ik was granted permission to run a ealoon at hi
re , now address.
as A. T. Whlttlesey made a vigorous rcques
re for the removal of the piling from Indlai
ise creek between First nnd Second streets
lie which had causwl his lot to bo washed out
This had already been attended to by th
committee on police and health , and It wn
referreJ back to the same committee to bo
attended to some more.
ffs Petitions for flre hydrants on Thirty
fourth and Avenue A and at Locust and Ave
nues I and H , In Cut-off , were referred to th
committee of the whole. Similar dlsposltloi
, was made of a petition for the opening o
Twenty-fourth street from Broadway lo Ave
thIn nue G , to a width ot sixty-six feet. The coun
ell then adjourned until next Monday evening
In 110STON STOKi :
Its Our Wall Pupor I.urccst Stock , Loirei
ar- I'r ce .
Drown backs at 3V&C a roll.
bls White blanks at 4V4c a yard.
Mica gilts , beautiful line of patterns , n
alf a roll.
12' , c gilts reduced to Sc a roll.
19c and 22c gilts reduced to lOc and 12'i :
a roll ,
fa\ \ Ingrains In the various tints at 12ic ! a rol
El- All work guaranteed.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Big reductions In lace curtains and chenlll
d's portieres.
ro- A selection of 20 different shades , full
illd feet long , best spring rollers. In the followln
rco qualities :
on- Felt shades , 15c ; worth , 22c.
ilts Oil opaque , 39c , worth COc.
Best quality water colors' opaque , 7 fe <
long , 25c ; other stores ask 35c.
Council Bluffs , la.
ecn Yes , the Eagle laundry la "that goc
laundry , " and li located at 724 Broadwa
g' . It In doubt about this try It and be convince
20 Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
13 llarrU' Keenril for Mil Family.
2(5 ( Al RachwlU is being tried In the dlstrl
court for robbing some Kansas City frelgl
cars while they were standing on the Kortl
Ing western tracks. Among the wltnesse far tl
on- state was James Harris , a member of tl
ny. gang , who turned state's evidence. After 1
had given all the details of the robbery , te
Ing the part each member ot the gai
ust played , Emmet Tlnley began his cross-exan
icll Inatlon by asking what his true name wa
HarrU absolute/ ) declined to tell , and v hi
asked what till reason was , replied that he
had relatives In New Orleans who moved In
good society , and ho did not care to tarnish
their reputation by publishing h connection
with them. Judge Smith told him that this
excuse was not a valid one , and ordered
him to toll his name , but still Harris re
fused. The court accordingly chalked up
against him a three days' Imprisonment In
the county jail for contempt. Harris went
otl arm In arm with the sheriff.
The Uncut ropulitrltjr of Coppi Clier ,
Dealers who have been furnishing their
customers with the famous nonalcoholic
beverages , Copps Cheer and Herb Tonic ,
manufactured exclusively by the 0. R ,
Wheeler Brewing company , are always anx
ious to control the trade for their own towns
because the beverages outsell anything el. e
In the line. Here's what D. II. Thompson &
Co. ot Molvorn. la. , wrote In an order for
more goods : "Your last shipment of Copps
Cheer will not last longer than Saturday. It
Is a big seller. It you will allow us to con
trol the entire trade here on Copps Cheer
and Herb Tonic we will obligate ourselves
to buy all of our drinks from you and will
push the trade. " Sold exclusively by
Wheeler & Hercld , Council Bluffs , la.
Thought HoVn llrlil t'p. '
John Moode , the mall carrier , who runs
between Council Blurts and Taylor station ,
had a scare yesterday. He was driving Un
cle Sam's fiery steeds along toward Council
Bluffs nt a dog trot when he ran across an
emigrant wagon , In which were a man and
woman , near the School for the Deaf. They
stopped him and said something. Just what
It was he doe3 not know , but he avers that
ho saw a revolver In the hands of the man
and the woman. The red-hot streak which
he made on the ground from the scene of
the alleged hold-up to the Council Blurts city
Jail has not yet cooled off. He charged the
pair with attempted highway robbery , and
when they drove Into the city last night they
were nabbed by Officer Wler at the corner of
High street and Seventeenth avenue and
deposited behind the Iron bars. They gave
their names as Selly Smith and Edith Tuppy ,
and claimed to live twenty miles west of
Lincoln. They had both been drinking , and
although they denied having had a revolver ,
ono was found lying on the bottom ot the
Baking powders that contain alum are not
a flt article of consumption. Ohio Official He-
port. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Election i'lmtiionril
The regular monthly meeting of the school
board was held last evening , but the election
of a superintendent , which was expected to
take place , was postponed by agreement un
til a special meeting , to be held next Monday
It was decided that there should be no
school either Thursday or Friday of next
week on account of Decoration day.
The Avenue B school was reported to be
again In session , after being quarantined a
few days on account of some cases of scar
let fever.
Superintendent Sawyer reported the total
enrollment for the past month to have been
4,380 , and the attendance 3.748.
Some one suggested that Harry Ogden , who
has recently moved with his family to Man-
awa for the summer , ought to pay tuition
Inasmuch as he was no longer a resident ol
Council Bluffs. After a discussion , however ,
It was agreed that he should not bo disturbed
by any monthly bills. The board adjourned ,
after allowing the monthly bills , until next
Monday night.
Our May sale on curtains and curtain
goods Is In full blast. Our low prices knock
out all competition. Council Bluffs Carpet
Have you seen the beautiful new novelties
and the splendid bargains at the Meyers-
Durfeo Furniture company's , the standard
furniture housej
Dr.vls , druggist , agency for Munyon's rem
A spl.-ndld line of straw hats it Metcalf
Bros. .
found n IVholo O.metiry.
Yesterday afternoon a party of newspaper
men found the remnants of flve unfortunate
human beings who had evidently exposed the
secrets ot their anatomies In the dissecting
rooms of a medical college. They were scat
tered along a deep ravine north of town for
the distance of a quarter of a mile. Where
they came from Is not known , only It Is
certain they came from some nearby medical
college. .
. It Is hard to gat ladles' Waverly bicycles
3 there Is such a demand for them , but Cole
' & Cole have a few lelt ; $85 buys the best
this year. Low prices ou medium grade
wheels ,
A big cut In carpets and rugs. Council
- Bluffs Carpet Co.
Scientific optician at Wollman's , 406 Broad-
A splendid line of straw bats at M.'tcall
IJemer sleeper.
The Union Pacific Denver Fast Mall train
carries a Pullman sleeper with bullet service
leaving Council Bluffs dally at 6 p. m.
: Omaha at G:15 : p. m. , and arriving at Den
ver S a. m. next morning.
Reservations secured at Union Pacific cltj
ticket office. HARRY P. DEUEL ,
inof City Ticket Agent ,
Id 1302 Farnam Street.
Ilurglur Unllnlmit'rf Sentence.
50 DES MOINKS , May 20. ( Special Tele
to gram. ) Robert Collahan , who pleaded Bulltj
lie to charges of grand larceny and burglary
n- was sentenced this mo'rnlng to seven year ;
nty In the penitentiary on the latter charge. Hi
311 had previously received a sentence of thre <
ho years for grand larceny. There remains ye
an additional charge of burglary which ha :
lie not been passed upon.
c- PronrciHlne Slonx Cllr OnnililoM.
SIOUX CITY , May 2) ( Special Telegram.
The municipal authorities have commencet
an attack upon the gamblers and prosit
lutes , who have been very numerous In th <
city for some time. The prosecutions wll
be carried on under the state law Insteai
of the city ordinance , as has hitherto beet
at done , and the offenders convicted will g <
. to the penitentiary.
fractured flu Skull.
DOW CITY , la. , May 20. ( Special. ) Wll
, Ham Schoor ot Charter Oak , while on hi
it.he road to Dow City today for a physician , fel
he from his horse , and It Is thought fracturei
his skull , although ho Is still alive ,
I'oUoned Her ( hllilrcii nnd Sulrlilml.
y- OSICALOOSA , la. , May 20. Mrs. Wnrrlck
a farmer's wife In this county , gave Ilougl
on Hats to her three children today nni
then committed suicide. Two children wll
of die.
Royal Sally Lmm Mufllui.
1 quart flour , 1 tablespoonful sugar , 1
teaspoonful tail , 3 teaspoonfuls Royal Baking
Powder , 1 tablespoonful lard , 1 egg ,
1U pints milk. Sift together flour ,
sugar , salt and powder ; rub In lard
cold ; add egg , beaten , and milk ; mix Into
rather firm batter ; miifiin pans to be cold and
ct well greased , then fill % . Bake In hot oven
15 minutes.
hlie Uralmm Flour I'uft * .
no 1 % plnta Graham flour , 1 teaspoonful salt ,
be 2 largo teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , 2
11- eggs , and 1 pint of milk. Sift together
11us Graham , tall and powder , add beaten eggs
ii- and milk ; mix together Into smooth batter ,
iite. . as for cup cake , half fill cold gem pans well
ec greased , bake In hot over 10 minutes.
lloomfield Robbers Shoot' ' & Constable and
E cape to the YfdodS ,
Determined to Take Them IJeml or Allvo
Fifteen Shots Tired nt the
by unicor * Without 41n
tcrUl Itcjult. i
CHAniTON , la. , May 20. ( Special Tele-
ram. ) Three well dressed men , answering
o the description of tlio men who committed
burfilary at UloomfleM recently , were over-
auleil In this neighborhood at 8 o'clock last
Ight by Constable Boyland and two depu-
les , Hlckson and Brown. Doyland called on
he men to halt , but they did not comply
and lie fired a shot In the air to stop
hem. They opened fire on him , a ball strlk-
ng him on a rib Just beiow the heart and
unnlng around and burying Itself In his
lack. Drown nnd Hlckson fired fifteen or
Ixteen shots at the desperadoes nnd one
dropped his revolver nnd picked It up ngaln
vlth the other hand , but the gang escaped
apparently unhurt. Doyland will probably
recover. A posse of fifty men under the
direction of Uet-ctlve Jim Harrison of the
Uurllngton have located them In the woods
ibout five miles from Lucas and will take
hem dead or nllve.
L'ull lU'iircsoiitiitlon III Session nt Ottuimrn
Turning on rnlltlc * .
OTTUMWA , la. , May 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The State Federation of Labor met
lore today with full representations of the
various labor organizations in the state , most
of the delegates representing all the labor
unions In their cities Instead of but one. The
lay was spent In routine work , Including the
appointment of committees. A heated discus
sion ensued this afternoon on the admission
of the Jerome miners' delegates. It was
claimed that they had worked at the cut
rates and were not members of the Mine
Workers of America , and therefore not entl
tied to seats. The matter was referred to
the committee on credentials. The hottest
discussion will occur tomorrow , when certain
.lelegatea will endeavor to force free silver
on the federation.
Well Known Icma Man Knocked from the
Top of a I'reliflit Train
BOONB , la. , May 20. ( Special Telegram. )
Charles II. Carlson , a prominent young
business and society man , was killed In
stantly by the cars here this afternoon. He
was on top of a Chicago & Northwestern
freight train going out from the city and was
struck by an overhead trestle and thrown to
the ground. Ills neck was broken and his
head crushed under the wheels. He was at
the head of the Carlson-Rogers Milling Com
pany here and president of the Columbian
club. He was noted all over the state as a
fine tenor singer. He was unmarried.
Coal Operator * \\iil Knlltl H Kiillr.iml.
1JOONE , la. , May 20. ( Special Telegram. )
Articles of Incorporation will be ll'.ed to
morrow In tills county for- the Marshalltown
& Dakota Hallway company , with on
authorized capital of J2.000.000. The Incor-
porutors arc : Hamilton Drownc , Uoone ;
Norman V. Fraser. Chicago , and S. T.
Meservey , Fort Dodge. Thpse gentlemen
are the owners of largo coal Interests at
Froser and other points In this county , and
their primary object Is to secure more out
lets for their coal. They say that other
capitalists of Chicago and the east will
unite with them as soon as the Incorporation
Is accomplished. The Intention Is to bulM a
load from the Iowa Central branch at Story
City , through Fraser , and thence to Slbley ,
anil beyond. If local aid Is voted the road
will be built this season froiri Story City to
Go wile , where It would connect with the
Minneapolis line of the Hock Island nml nlso
the Northwestern. Theirond will run within
six miles of this city , and by building that
much road would allow the Milwaukee sys-
, tern also to toji the big coal fields at Fraser.
J Supreme I otirt Declnlonfl.
DBS MOINES , May 20.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) The following opinions were filed
In the supreme court : Susan C. Bailey
against E. E. Ualley. appellant. Cherokee
district , reversed. Mary C. L. Fisher
against George W. Lee , appellant , Hamil
ton district , modified and alllrmcd. Albert
Wiseman against Fred Thompson nnd T. L
Miles , appellant , Culhoun district , nfllrmed.
State of Iowa , ex rel. George W. Hogle.
appellant , against James Smith , 1) . L/ . lloyd
and J. C. Kcedlck , Lynn district , nlllrmed.
W. F. Cleveland against James Atkinson ,
et nl. , appellants , Shelby district , alllrmed.
O. E. I'eterman against N. N. Jones , sheriff ,
appellant , Cass district , alllrmed. Chicago
Cottage Organ company , appellant , against
Mrs. Nettle Caldwell , Page district , rev -
v ersed.
, Suit for Heavy I.Iff Insurance.
, BURLINGTON , la. . May. 20.-Speclal (
Telegram. ) A sensation lias been sprung on
the public by the administrators of the
estate of the late W. D. Ingh am , the county
clerk , who. it is alleged , commuted suicide
last October. The German-American Mutual
Life Insurance company refused to pay
J20.000 Insurance on Mr. Inplirnm's fife
claiming that he committed suicide. Now
the administrators bring suit for the $20,000
and to offset the suicide theory will Intro
duce evidence tending to prove that In-
ghram was murdered by unknown persons
low a liintirzzler Dmlrr Arrrst.
CRESTON , la. . May 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Officers arrived In Creston this
morning- with George Metcalf , who Is
charged with stealing $400 from the Amer
ican Express company and the Burllngtot
railroad , while at Thaycr , la. , as agent
He was employed only three days when he
skipped with the funds. Metcalf was ar
rested at North Milwaukee. He was ar
raigned today nnd pleaded not guilty , lit
says he Is not the man.
lllcyclo Crunk 1'ntnlly Hurt.
OTTUMWA , la. , May 20.-Spcclal ( Tele-
gram. ) W. L , Cnruthers , a Burlington en
gineer , attempted to beat a passenger trnlr
with his bicycle In the Q yards. The trail
ran him down and Injured him , probablj
Chllil l-'utMlljr Scnldail.
CRESTON , In. , May 20.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) A 3-year-old son of Will McMnhnr
fell Into a tub of boiling water today am
was scalded so seriously that death will re
Hmlilrn IJeHtn of W. T , Miller.
OTTUMWA , la. . May 20.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) W. T. Miller dropped dead on tin
street this morning. He was converted a
the Chapman-Bill Nrotj mqeting last night
The best baking powder made is , as 'shown
by analysis , the "Royal. " „ ' ; '
7 Confr of Health , New -
IZ&&S S5&&GZSZ &
I-CC Crncknelli , Cream Cracker * .
One quart flour , largo pinch tall , flve tablespoonfuls
spoonfuls sugar , one teaspoonful Royal Dakln
Powder , four tablespoonfuls butter , flve egg1
Sift together flour , sugar , Bait , and powder
rub In butter cold , add eggs , beaten , and ilx
Into firm , smooth dough , Flour board , tur
out dough , give It few minutes rapid kneai :
Ing ; cover with damp towel fifteen minute :
then roll out to thickness of one-eighth Incl
Cut with biscuit cutter. When all cut , hav
Urge pot boiling , and large tin pan Did
water. Drop then , few at a time , Into th
boiling water. When they appear at ur-
face and curl at edges take them up wit
skimmer , and drop them into the cold wate
When all are thus served , lay on grease
baking tins and bake In fairly hot oven 11
teen minutes.
Read the Following Testimonials
menials and Convince Your
self of the Merits of His
Wonderful Pellets ,
Prof. Munyon's representative , on being
asked by our reporter to what cause he at
tributes the enormous sale of Munyon's reme
dies , replied : "Why , their merit , of course.
If you could see the thousands o'f letters wo
arc receiving , blessing the name of Munyon
as the modern benefactor of the human race ,
you would not be surprised at the great vic
tory wo have gained and the unprecedented
demand of his guaranteed cures In Omaha. "
Ho further stated that Prof. Munyon's meth
ods were so honest , fearless nnd convincing
that the public here knew a good thing when
they saw It , hence their great success.
For eight years or more 1 have Buffered
from rheumatism In my hips and limbs , so
that at times I could scarcely walk ; the
pains kept mo awake nt night. I saw the
Munyon advertisements , bought a bottle of
the rheumatism cure and used It. The result
Is remarkable. I can walk erect and nm free
from pain , and after Ink ng the second bottle
tle of these wonderful little pellets , costing
but 50 cents , I can now positively assert
that I nm completely cured , nnd would heart
ily recommend this remedy to any one af
flicted with rheumatism.
Drexel Hotel.
My daughter has been troubled with
catarrh for about ten years. During the last
few years wo much feared that she was
going into consumption. About three months
ago I noticed In the papers an ad. for Mun
yon's Catarrh Cure and resolved to give It a
trial. My daughter has taken three bottles
with such good results that today the Is al
most , If not perfectly , cured of the dread
disease. I have no hesitation In recommend
ing Munyon's Catarrh Cure to any one af
flicted with catarrh.
T. F. ELLIOTT , Attorney ,
South Omalm.
This Is to certify that I was a sufferer from
rheumatism for over a year. My right wrist
was badly swollen and so painful I could not
bear on it at all. I tried various remedies
without avail until three months ago , when
on looking over the Chicago .Herald I saw
the advertisement of Munyon's Rheumatism
Cure and determined to try It.
The result surpasses all belief. I Improved
Immediately , and after the use of two bottles
tles I was completely cured.
2303 Leavenworth.
Omaha , May 9 , 1895.
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed
to cure rheumatism In any part of the body.
Acute or muscular rheumatism can be cured
In from one to five days. It speedily cures
shooting pains , sciatica , lumbago and all
rheumatic pains In the back , hip and loins.
It seldom falls to give relief after one or two
doses , and almost Invariably cures before one
battle has been used.
Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure cures
all forms of Indigestion and stomach trouble ,
such as rising of food , distress after eating ,
shortness of breath and all affections of Uie
heart caused by Indigestion , wind on the
stomach , bad taste , offensive breath , loss of
appetite , falntness or weakness of stomach ,
headache from Indigestion , soreness of stomach
ach , coated tongue , heartburn , shooting pains
of the stomach , constipation , dizziness , faint
ness and lack of energy.
Munyon's Ncrvo Cure cures all the symp
toms of nervous exhaustion , such as depressed
spirits , failure of memory , restless and sleep
less nights , pains In the head and dizziness.
It cures general debility , stimulates and
strengthens the nerves and tones up the whole
body. Price , 25 cents.
Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pains In the
back , loins or groins from kidney disease
dropsy of the feet and limbs , frequent desire
to pass water , dark colored and turbid urine
sediment in the urine and diabetes. Price , 25
Catarrh Positively Cured Are you willing
to spend 50 cents for a cure that positively
cures catarrh by removing the cause of the
disease ? If so ask your druggist for a 25 cen
bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Cure and a 21
cent bottle ot Catarrh Tablets. The catarrl
euro will eradicate the disease from the ays
tern and the tablets will cleanse and heal the
aflllctcd parts and restore them to a natura
and healthful condition.
Munyon's Liver Cure corrects headache
biliousness , jaundice , constipation and all live
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
ami breaks up a cold In a few hours.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough , nigh
sweats , allays soreness and speedily heals th
Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon t
, all women.
, Munyon's Headache Cure stops headaches
In three minutes.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all
, forms of piles.
Munyon'aAsthma Cure and Herbs are guar
anteed to relieve asthma In three minutes and
cure In flvo days. Price , BO cents each.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impuri
ties of the blooJ.
Munyon's Vltallzer Imparts new life , re
stores lost power to weak and debilitated
men. Price , $1.00.
Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy company ,
1505 Arch , Philadelphia , Pa. , puts up specifics
for nearly every disease , mostly for 25 cents
a bottle.
Sold by all drupg'fils.
A full line of
On hand. Mailed on receipt of price.
TltKAlMK A' I'KXrOU ) CO. ,
1408 Karnam Street. Opposite Paxton Hotel.
All remedies mallfi upon receipt of price.
Guide to Health with every
purchase of his genuine
remedies from
15th and Douglas. Omaha Agency.
Housekeepers have washed with
all the soaps advertised and their
woolens have continued to shrink.
- is the only one which is guaranteed not
to shrink underwear nnd woolen goods.
Beware of Others. For Sale By all Dealers.
. It was a peed turn you did me when you told tn
of Santa Claus Soap. It makes the clothes whiter than auy other ,
and saves time anil work.
MAKY. Yes , and it docs uot Injure the hands or the clothei.
Made by THE N. K , FAIRBAHK COMPANY , Chicago ,
A society man turned detective is a novelty in that pro
fession. Mr , HORACE PREBLE is such a man , and
is the chronicler of his adventures. The affair of
exhibits an interesting1 phase of the character of Mr * PREBLE
It shows that a detective may
serve the law at the expense of
his conscience , and that technical
right is often actual wrong.
Mr. FIELDING is never found in
the beaten paths ; and it will not
surprise the readers of this story to discover that it is very
far out of the ordinary line of detective fiction. The
author has exposed a variety of
rascality common enough in real
life but new in romanca. The
story is bright and entertaining ;
it appeals strongly to the sympa
thies of the reader. It will be
printed in two parts , the flrst of
which will appear in THE BEE of
May 23 and the conclusion on the following d\y.
All kinds of Dyeing
nnd Clrnnlni ; done In
the highest style of
the art. Faded and
BtaliK'd fabrics ma do
to look us good as
new. Work promptly
done and delivered
In all parts or ths >
country. Bend for
price lilt. jj
O. A. MAClIAlf.
Broadway , near North *
weitern Depot , Council
Blutfi. Iowa. Tel. Ill
We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all other
dealers combined carry. Our prices are fully 25 per cent less
than they can sell you for. Come and see and be convinced ,
We will sell you a good hose for 6 c per foot.
Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block.
Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments an !
Goods of Every Description.
ScliocUsuck's Twin City Dyc >
Works , Cor. Avenue A unil 2Gtl >
St. , Council ItliiflH. Office , 1521 Fu F
itain St. . Omaha.
Send for I'rice List ,
President. Cashier
First National
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
Ont of th * oldcit banki In the atat * oC lotra.
W aollclt your butlncaa and collectlona. W
pay 6 per cent on tlmt depoilU. W * vrlll b *
pltittd to ae n < l i rr rou.
the Featureand Ile
log Dlomlikei.ln UO p. book toe n itamp. f '
Jotmll. Woodbury. lnW. JJ8l.N.V.
Ibrialor ol WKKlltur/0 facial Cow.
Special Notices-Couir1 Bluffs
ia nurke. at W. a. HomerX UjJIroaaHray.
ale cheap and oa eaiy Urmi. Uuy & Hn ,
M 1'tarl tlrcel.
_ _ _ _
I property. C. It. NIcliol&Bn. C3S',4 ' Uroqilivay.
writer ; on ircod BI new. Kamlwlch Manufacture
InK Co. . 1Q28 and 1030 8. Majn tieet.
FOn SAl.i : , 8 AND ,0-10 ( ) ACHES OF aAHDHN'
land near the city and not far from Myniter
tipping ) , juit north ( .f J. I. . Whlteman'a ami
south ul place occupied by Itufna Aiulln ; part
payment taken In city propcrlj . S per cent In ;
tereEt on the Uilunce. Apply to Leonard
Everett , Council li luffs. *
aoo aiu
housework. Apply to Ir. II. 8. WtBt. 12 I'tarl
from ptitolttcc. Chaj. T. Oltlccr , (04 Broad *