Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1895, Image 9

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Sugar Cured No. 1 Hnms , lOc ; Picnic Hnms , 7c ; Sugar Cured Hacon , OUc ;
I'ork , C'ic ; PKH' ! Feet tic ; Fickle I'ork. 7'4c : Corned Heef , 3Hc , Bo nnd 7 > ic ;
Potted Hnm , Potted Ox Tongue and Daveled Ham , 6c.
3-pound cnns best Lard. . . 27c
C-pound cans best Lard. . . 43c
HI. 10-pound cans best Lard. . 83c
Separator Creamery 15c , 17c and 19c
Finest Grass Butter. . . .llc and 12J C , also 7c and 9c
Hest Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese. 7' ' e ; Full Cream Ilrlck Chee e , lOc , 12 < ic
and 14o ; Swiss Cheese , lOc , 12e , He and 16c ; Llmberger , lOc and i2l4c ; Sap Sago , So.
The Largest Cracker Department in Omaha.
Soda and Oyster Crackers , only 4c ; Oatmeal , CJraham , Sugar Cookies. Gran'
ma 'H Ootl Ies , Molasses Cake , Lemon Creams , Frosted Cieums and Uremmer'a Lunch ,
all at lOc.
The above prices are made on the
very best of goods. People who
will study them for a minute can
realize what they can pave.
Promoters and Lenders
of Homo Industry.
Monday's Sale on Groceries.
Best Miueapolis.Flour $1.OO Per Sack ,
Largo pall jelly . .
2-lb. can sugar corn
3-lb. can pumpkin 7o
Quart cin tomatoes
Quart can Snlder's tomato soup , sold _
overywhcro for 25c . 17 4c
6 Ibs. fresh rolled oats. . l&c
G Ibs. breakfast hnminy . i o
3-lb. can table pitches or plums . . . .12'4c '
3-lb. can pears or apricots . He
Dried Fruits.
Dried grapes , per Ib
Good raisins , per Ib Go
4 crown cluster raisins , worth ICc. Cc
California prunes ( raibln cured ) . . .
Turkish primps . '
Evaporated uppks
. High grade Java anil'Mocha. 30c ; 3VS
Ibs. for J\.00. \
Mnracalbo coffee , 27c ; 4 Ibs. for $1.00.
Ooldrn lllo coffee , 25c ; 4 % l s for $1.00.
No. 1 lllo coffee , 22c ; 5 Ibs. for $1.00.
Malt coffee , a good drink , lOc ; 12 Ibs.
for $1.00.
Jewelry Department
Metal alarm clocks , bronze , silver or
gold , makes n beautiful parlor or bedroom
timepiece : on apcclal this week , $198 ;
worth $3.50.
Elegant enameled eight-day clock , vl -
Ible escapement , cathedral gong , half-
hour strike , $ fi.95 ; worth $12,00
Solid ouk eight-day clock , cathedral
gong , half-hour strike , French dial , $3.95 ;
worth $6.00.
Extra quality nickel alarm clocks , CSc.
Ladles' or gents' gold stiffened hunting
case watches , with American mo\cmcnts ,
$4.95.Uidles * or gents' gold filled hand f-n-
graved hunting case watches , warranted
to wear 20 years , fine Elgin or Waltham
works , $1250 ; worth $25.00.
Gents' solid 6ll\or stem wind and bet
watches. $2.95 ; worth $ S.OO.
The celebrated "Hallway King" move
ment In u gold filled hunting case , war
ranted to wear 20 years , $19.W ) ; posi
tively worth $38.50.
Hell buckles In sterling silver. 79c up.
llelt buckles In all btyles at the very
lowest price.
600 ladles' button sets In gold , silver
and enamel , 25c set ; worth 75c.
Rogers' 12 dwt. knives or forks , $1.25
per set.
Extra quality sterling plate knives or
forks , 75c per set.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced
The most attractive corner of our big
store thl * week will bo the. millinery
department , for usldo from showing the
most fetching style * we arc making some
extraordinary prices. Special for UiU
week :
A voty dainty lace hat , with faniy
it raw edge oid : crown , trimmed with
flottors , llk ribbons and ornamenU , logu-
lar $5.00 hat , for $2.76. *
Natty sailor IiaU In a variety of colors.
Including the taalern fad , "The Yale , "
at $1.50.
New lot of sailors In attractive etylet
at 25c.
The most Btyllth hat , th Leghorn ,
always JS.OO , trimmed In elegant tbape ,
wth | new JetteJ chiffon lace aur Leg
horn , all lllk ribbon , adorned uliti kivgly
bunrhee of foliage , at $5.00 _ Mcnlay.
Children's huts , In fancy Mruv. * and
nicely trimmed with flowers and fllk
ribbons , 75c. Children's chiffon hat * ,
On vale Monday , 1,000 dcr. 200 yd. ma.
cHne thread , warranted perfect , inoni-y
refunded If not satisfactory. 2c pet tpro' .
Think of It two spool * for lets than the
price of one.
I 3-pound cans Compound Lard . 20C
' 5-pound cans Compound Lard .
10-pound cans Compound Lard . 6XC
1-lb. can Columbia river salmon . . . . lOc
Condensed milk , can 10o
Doiren boxes parlor matches 12c
Sapollo , per bar 6c
Laundry soap , bar 3c
Elastic and all kinds of starch , pkg 7c
Imported chow-chuw. qua t 15c
Imported fancy mixed plcklon , quart 16c
Imported Queen olives , quart . . . . . . 35c
These olives are worth 75c per quart
any w here.
Evaporated peaclips 9o
Evaporated apricots 7'C !
Evaporated pears T c
Silver primes 9c
Imported currants Gc
PI.MH currants ( neu ) 7c
Pitted cherries ( new ) 12c
Mikado blend , a fine mixture 3Sc
Sun cured Japan "Sc _
JloskeL fired Japan 3L'c'
Extra rliolcc Ceylon 47c
A good gun powder tea 25o
Extra fine pun powder te'i 38o
Kxtra nne Englmh breakfast 33c
Extra choice English breakfast 47c
Furnishing Goods
AVash Machine We have the finest
washer In the market , the Welsoll ; the
regular price for them Is $10.00 ; for to
morrow we will put them on sale at $4 50.
We also carry the Iron shaft Webter
washer at $3.50 , Wood frame clothes
wringer nt $1.50 each. Good clothes bas
kets at 30c.
Tubs , at -J5c
Copper bottom wash boilers at 47c
Gallon milk crocks , each EC
Lamp stoves , each lOc
Oil stoves , each 39c
Aicoho ! stoves , each 25u
Two cars of Mason fruit Jars Just In.
Solid bronze metal vase lamp , com
plete 08c
100 piece gold-traced underglazcd deco
rated dinner set. In neutral and
brown , regularly sold at $15.00..J8.95
D"corated toilet eels at 198
Fire proof milk boilers , each 15c , 20L25c
White mHal tea and table spoons , per
set I3c und 2Ca
Blue enamel tea kettles , each 7Po
2 quart padding pans , oacl 2' c
Coffee pff , each 7c
Ici cream freezers , 2 quarts , $1.15 ; 3
quarts , $1.35 ; 4 quarts $1.05
Crystal cream acts , per set of C
pieces I9c
Fancy lamp shade frames , each 22c
Uufrlgerators , any old style make
you want , but If you want the finest
and most economical get the Auto
matic , a nice refrigerator , for $5.25
A good gas stove for 25c
Lamp shades , each 3c
Fifth lot of Glow night lamps , Just In.
Oil Move tea kettles , each 13c
Soap dish 3c
Special eale on Monday the largest ,
the best and the cheapest line In the city
No. 1 , a beautiful woven hammock ,
dark red , suitable for children and bable * ,
regular price 76c , our special price 43c.
No. 2 , full size , fancy woven , with
spreader , regular $1.00 , special 70c.
No. 3 , full size , fancy woven , with pil
low , regular $1.50 , special $1.00.
No. 4 , extra size , fancy woven , with
pillow and deep fringe , regular $2.CO. tpe-
clal $1.G7.
No. P , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , plain , regular"$2.00 , special $1.18.
No O , "Ouri Only , " very heavy
woven , plain , regular $2.25 , special $1.4S.
No , M. "Ours Only. " very heavy *
woven , plain , regular $2 75 , special $1.7
No. L. "Guru Only. " vtiy heavy
woven , fancy colors , fringed , regular
$350 , special $2.55.
No. Y , "Ours Only , " v ry heavy
woven , fancy colors , fringed , large , reg
ular $4.23 , special $3.25.
No. X , "Our * Only. " vtry heavy '
woven , fanuy colors , fringed , vet > large ,
regular $5.50 , special $4 0.
No.V , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , fancy colors , the largest made ,
regular $7.00 , special $5.35.
All Immmccka numbered with letters
are cf the same make. Ttiey arc the lat
est Improvement In hammocks and arc
guaranteed to outwear any hammock In
the country. Try one If It does not suit
you tend It back.
Wo sell you Monday an elegant pair
ot lace curtains , full 3V4 yard * long1 , for
9Sc. A very fine and wide pair ( or
$1 BO.
In the finest goods we will show many
exclusive novelties , and everything elio
that I'elonga to a fl-U-clasa clock at
prices lws than you can get anywhere
Nothing Succeeds
Like Success
We closed out last
week 1,125 men's and
boys' spring suits of
the well known manu
facturers of line readymade -
made clothing , Gutli-
man , Ullmnn & Sllver-
iiiaii , Chicago , at less
than actual mnnufac-
urer's cost. Every
arment this season's
makes of the very lat-
st and best Imported
ind domestic fabrics ,
, vhlch we will divide
nto six lots and sell
t less than wholesale
rices. Come one , come ,
ill and reap the bine-
lit of shrewd buying.
The Birthplace of Honest Values
-ot 1 consists of about 1240 men's nil
wool Casslmt-ro unil Cheviot SultH. in
six shades , frock or sat'k styles , suits
that retail for $8.r > 0 , our price , com- '
mcnchiK tomorrow
Lot U consists of la , " Men's Suits , In ' < \
dllTurcnt styles , strictly all wool ,
straluht or round sack or frock style ,
wx'll made mid well trimmed , suits
that retail for . l .r. ( ) and $10.00 , our
price , commcnclnt ; tomorrow
Lot I ! consists of about 'tt0 ! men's line
all wool Suits , lu black , brown nnd
Kruy Clay Worsteds and Cheviots ,
suits that actually retail for ! ? lli.OO rtT fv
and .flU.oO , our price , commencing teTra /
* - * *
morrow r
Lot -1 consists of IS. line Glen's Snck
and Fiock Suits , In fancy Cheviot ,
fancy Woisteds and Thibet , suits
that wholesale for $ ! ) .50 and $10.00 < tT f\
and letall for $ l..r { ( ) and $1-1.00 , our ? fo < LJ
price , commencing tomonow * TT - *
Lot f consists of about 27.1 men's high
est jrrade rcady-to-weiir Suits , tliat
you could not equal anywhere for
less than $18.00 and $20.W , our price ,
commencing tomorrow
Boys' and
Childrens' Clothing-
Boj's1 Long Pant Suits at wholesa'e
price , from $2.75 to $8.50 a suit
Ages 13 to 1 { ) years.
All wool Knee Pant Suits , sizes 4 to
15 years $1.25 to $4.75 a suit
Worth Double.
Washable suit at 39c to $1.75
Junior Suit from $1.50 to $4.50
All of the Munyon remedies no now
have cm sale at cut prices.
Perfumery Crab Apple Dlossom , White
nuse. White Lilac , Heliotrope , Lily ot
the Valley , Jockey Club and Violet , PC
per ounce. IJrlng a bottle.
Bed bug poison , corrosive sublimate
per pint 25c
Strychnine , for gophers , per bot. . . . 23c
Intpct powder ( Persian ) , per Ib 39c
Moth balls , pr Ib Sc
Packing camphor" per Ib 20c
Gum camphor , per Ib 65c
Sulphur , per Ib Gc
CoppiTa ? , per Ib 6c
Dlst. oxt. witch ha/.el , per gal 90c
Dist. oxt. witch hazel , per pint . . . . 20c ext. witch hazel , per half pint 12c
Prescriptions Jllled accurately with
the purest of drugs at the lowest possi
ble price.
Stearns' Wlno of Cod Liver Oil 75c
Klckapoo Indian Sagwa 70c
Klcknpoo Indian Worm Killer 20c
GarHelrt Tea , small 18c
Carter's Little Liver Pills 14c
Warner's Safe K. and L. Cure 95c
OzotnulMon S5c
Jaynea' Vermifuge 30s
Sea salt 12Uo
Mme. Yale's La Frtckla Sta
Mmo. Yale's Hair Tonic 85c
Mme , YolB's Almond Dlossom 85c
Mme. Yale's Skin Food Jt.25
Mmf > . Yale's Dust Food 1.25
Mme. Yale's Frultcura 85c
Mmo. Yale's Complexion Bleach.$1.75
Mme. Yalp's Complexion Powder. . . . 43c
Pure California wines , port , sherry ,
angelica , claret , Riesling , Muscatel , at
35c per quart bottle. Whisky , brandy
and gin , for medicinal purposes.
Button and Trimming
Cheapest line of Jet trimmings In town ;
narrow jet trimmings all the way from
3c , 4c , EC up to 25c and 30c per yard.
Jet garnitures and yokes from GOo up to
? 3.GO and | 4.00 each , all cut jet beads.
Odd lot of Jet ornaments at lOc eaclr ;
regular COc and 7Cc ornaments.
Full line of colored passementeries all
the way from lOc , 12c up to 25c and 28c
per yard , all colors.
Odd lot of buttons , pearl , at 2c per
card , two dozen on card ,
Monday only , best quality white pejrl
shirt buttons at 10c.per dozen , regular IGc
and 20c buttons , HAYDEN DUOS.
Ribbon Department
That we have the largest and most
complete ribbon stock west of New York
City ? Well , we have , and we make the
lowest prices.
Satin ribbon from 2c up.
Groa grains from 2c up.
Silk belting. 15c , 17c , 30c and 35c yard.
10 per cent discount on all ribbons so'.d
by the bolt.
Base Ball Goods
Lovers of the National Game ,
We are base ball outfitters and w
don't ask fancy prices , either. You geT
a bat or a ball , a mask or a glo > e ot us
for less money than anywhere on eanh ,
and we guarantee to give you standard
goods , too. Just-try us once.
There are not many rolU left of that
special Javanece Wilton , a regular dollar
carpet , that wo are selling as long as
It lists for BOc
COc I * the price on all wool Ingrain car
pet that compares favorably with the
best carpets In the country. You usually
pay 7Cc for no better carpets tban tbo ewe
wo sell for 40c and 50o thU week.
For itylo Quality ntid Price
Cream Silks for Graduating Dresses.
Cream , Japanese WnsW Silk , 20 Inches wide , OK
only 4ZUC Yard
Cream Habutla Wash Silk , 21 Inches wide , QQ >
only , OC7C Vard
Cream Swivel Wash Silks , 30 Inches wide , QO
only Ot7U Yard
Cieam Habutla Wash Silk , 27 Inches wide , /t r-\
only tyC Yard
Cheney Uros. ' Cream India Silk , 21 Inches KQo
wide , only JJ7U Yard
Cream Hroeaded Japanese Wash Silk , 21 /Q/- >
Inches wide , only * -rtU Yard
Yard wide Japanese Wash 811k , cream or RQr >
white , only OI3O Yard
Cream Hroeaded India S'lks ' , small designs , f Ckf
only \JC/L Yard
Crenm Oios de Londrts , entirely now weave , A Qr >
only vj - ' Yard
iheivey Bros. ' 30-Inch Cream India Silk , 7Rr >
onlf. I JL > Yard
Cream Hengallnc Silk , extra heavy quality , VQr1 '
only ' - w 'i ard
( j eam Japanese Wash Silk , full 43 Inches QP r >
wide , only O JI _ . Yard
ntocnned 1'eau de Sole , In white or clean ) , QRr
only OCJU Yard
\ll Silk Armure , In cream , extra heavy , QQr
only C/OL Yard
Jtynm Satin Duchesse , beautiful quality , QQr .
only vOO Yard
Cfream Satin Hhadzlmer , fine quality , only yOC Yard
CreaVii Faille Fiancalsc , all pure silk , only UtSC Yard
brocaded Satin Duchesse , new designs , only t/OC Yard
Japajitse Washtible Surah Silk , au Inches < 1 ( ) f ) ,
wide , only \ plJJ \nrd
Oreajn' Jnpinee Wath Silk , extra heavy , CC1 O K , . ,
30 Inchtd wide , only ipl. J Yard
mpermeabie Crcjm India Silk , 43 Inches < Et l. RO.r .
wide , only q > Yard
Dress Goods. Dress Goods.
Wo'vo got about 1OO of those exclusive Novelties in
Dress Patterns no two alike and wo guarantee there is
not another like them in Omnha. Wo will offer the choice
of the lot Monday 75c yard. Some of those goods are
worth $2.50 yard. Our Novelty all wool suiting at 25c
has iiu equal.
25c yard Monday buys a 39-Inch Covert ,
worth 4Sc.
2."o yard Monday buys n Cream nil wool
Nuns' Veiling.
2Jc yard Monday buys a 40-Inch all wool
* 25c yard .Monday buys a 38-Inch Wool
, Plaid.
1 Challie ! Challie ! Challie !
' 12Hc yard Monday buys a beautiful col-
J , lection of half wool Clnulls.
' \ I 19c yard Monday buys an Imported all
wool Challie , dark colors.
23o yard Monday buys a satin stripe Chal
lie , worth 39c.
336 yard Monday buys the handsomest
line of all wool Challls In Omaha.
"Vo i'f1 Huys any of our 75c Worsted Suiting.
1 < ll U. uuys any of our $1 silk und wool Novelties ,
lluys the best 48-Inch Storm Serge.
Uuys the best 48-Inch French Serge In
( Breams for Graduating Dresses.
40-Inch ul ( wool Serge , worth EOc 30c
IC-ltich nil wool Sergo'worth 7Gc , 40c
40-Inch Hatlste Cloth.worth Kc ) . , . S.0c
-40-Inch llRiircd Mohair Suiting , worth $1.50. . o c
40-Inch tlnebt German Henrietta , worth Jl.W 05c-
Black Dress Goods.
13lack Skirting Moreen , nil wool , 3Oc
HUiek Sklrtliipr Moreen , extra qunlty.r. ! . . . . 48c
lilack Alpaca for skirts , extra line 3 < ) c
lllack Mohair for Bklrts , extra line 49c
UlacTt all wool Imported German Novelties. . 36o
40-Inch all wool Ulnck Serge , worth GOc 25c
48-Inch regular 70c Storm Serge , navy andQQr >
black WW.
4C and 48-Inch French Serge , 10 and 4S-lnchCrir1
Storm Serge , the best value in America. . . - vw >
Opticle Department
If your eyes are weak pr your sight Is
bad you should have youf eyes tested by
a competent optician. Ypu do not want
to have your eyes ruined by buying
glasses at haphazard from 'peddlers or
by trying them yourself. ) We test your
eyes scientifically , give you glasses abso
lutely perfect at reduced prices.
Eyes Tested Free.
Extraordinary Sale of
Men's Furnishing Goods-
1,000 dozen men's fine , ' linen collars ,
slightly soiled , worth 12&C and 20c , go
at 3c each. i
1 case of men's fine Imported EOX , come
In black and tans , tomorrow 9c , worth
Men's ( Ine silk and , satin teck scarfs
worth 25c , go at 12V4c. i
Men's Ilockford sox.i 4c ; wprth lOc.
Men's fancy laundered shirts , 35a and
60c. i
100 dozen men's soft negligee shirts ,
25c , worth 50c ,
100 dozen men's bnlbrlpgan tlilrtu and
drawers , 25o each , wprth. 60c.
Ask to see the line of z5c suspenders
on sale.
100 dozen Dlackstonc unlaundcrcd
shirts , New York mills , muslin , double
back and front , only 60c each.
Coon's best brand linen collars , 12c ,
worth 20c.
Doys * sweaters , 25c. ,
100 dozen while laundered shirts , 60c ,
north 75c.
Our Manhattan shirt , laundered , at
$1.00 U the best In the inarkst for the
Special sale all 'day tomorrow on ladles'
and children's hosiery. . ,
Sheetings for'Monday-
22-lnch bleached shewing , 7c.
45-Inch bleached sheeting , ) 9e.
6-4 bleached sheeting , lOc.
7-4 bleached sheeting ; llg :
8-4 bleached sheeting ; 12 < * .
9-4 bleached aheeUngr 164.
10-4 bleached sheeting ) 18t.
45-Inch unbleached tUaetinpr , 8c.
6-4 unbleached sheeting. 10C.
8-4 unbleached sheeting , 12&c.
0-4 unbleached sheeting , . } 3c.
10-4 unbleached sheeting , J8c.
nieached muslins , 3V4c , < 6ci 6'4c , 7c.
Ticking , Sc , lOc , 12V4o 4nd l&C.
White Goods. , ,
Our stock Is complete onto our prices
are the lowest.x *
Checked nainsooks , Gc , 1)jc ) ; lOc , 12VJC ,
Ask to see our plaldnfalul etrlpea at
7'/4c. These are beautiful' goods and
worth 20c. * * '
More new dotted Swiss , ] n small dots
which we have had sp much call for
this season. ' ' <
India llnons , 7&c , lOc , )2 c , 15c , 20c ,
Remnants of white gooda.
Combination Ladies'
Toilet Cases *
A 25o article for Be , conlalnlpK 1 Pg.
No. 7. 1 pkg. No. 2. 1 3kg/No. ,5 , 1 pkg.
No. 3 to 9 needles , Hi dirnlnR needle * .
6 hat and veil pins a'pd 'SO pin . The
lot for Be. > '
The Center
of Attraction-
night now Is our unrivalled wash dress
goods department. Positively as fine and
complete a showing of the most leading
fabrics for summer wear ever attempted
by anybody.
Monday 35 pieces of plain colored
Swisses , in buff , pink , heliotrope and light
blue , worth 35cgo on special sale at ex
actly 19c per yard.
Parra dimity , 30 Inches wide , entirely
new , big ranee of very choice styles and
colors , only lOc yard.
Jnconet duchesse lawns cost but lOc
New spring Jaronot , 30-Inch cloth , are
only 25c.
Finest washable challls made ( Im
ported ) , 2fie.
Pilncesa duck , all new and any con
ceivable print or color , worth 18c , only
12Hc. *
Golf suiting ( Impartsd ) , very nobby , 27c.
Beautiful effects In printed dimity at
Jaconess pllsse , 30 Inches wide , ex
quisite colorings , entirely new , and colors
guaranteed , ISc yard.
Printed Swisses ( ImporteJ ) , 30 Inches
tvlde , 25c.
Printed Swiss muslins , worth 20o yard ,
at lOc.
White Swisses , with colored dots , very
neat , only 25c.
Parlslanne de Lolne , printed on light
ground ; , a most excellent fabric for va
rious uses , lOc yard.
Nobby effects In small trl-colorcd
eateen , 15o yard.
Dark ground sateen , with neat , colored
figures , worth 20c a yard , big assort
ment , only lOc.
Finest quality French printed sateen
New things In negllgco suiting , fancy
colored stripes , 15o yard.
Choicest stripes and checks In fine
zephyr gingham , lOc yard.
Phln Manchester chambray , in all
Bhadej , lOc and 15c yard.
Amcfkeag checked ginghams , any xhP
and color , Cc yard.
1 yard wide printed DcLalne , worth 15c ,
at lOc yard.
No house In America carries a better
selection of calicos than wo do , and all
an1 Just at the agent's prices per case lot
any color , style or kind , all 5c yard.
Linen Department-
In this department we are making
prices that will satisfy the most careful
buyer.Ve Invite every lady In Omaha
to come In and ex-.iilne our goods and
compare prices.Ve give this depart
ment our special attention , and our aim
Is to make It the mosct popular In the
Extra good quality turkey red damasks
at i5c ! , 38c , 45c and 50c yard.
GG-lnch unbleached at 25c yard ,
CO-lnch unbleached at 35c yard.
72-Inch unbleached at 50c yard.
70-ltich bleached at 50c yard.
72-Inch bleached at 7&c yard.
94 dinner napkins , 90c and $1.00 dozen ,
lied spreads , 47c , E5c , C5c , 7Cc , $1.00 ,
$1.26 , $1.60.
Fringed doylies , 25c , 35c , 50o and COc.
Our Big 5c Counter
Ladles' combination toilet case , worth
25c , only 6c.
Ladles' fine leather bells , worth 26c to
40c , only 6c.
Heavy comb : , worth lOc to ICc , only Go ,
Fine combs , worth lOc , to 15c , only Cc.
12 yardi of linen lace , 6c.
2 fancy handkerchief * , EC.
12 dot. hooka and ryei , Cc.
lOc corset steel * , EC.
Several other good 25c articles only
Cc each.
Sensation Among the Ladies
Is Certain When We Announce the llargains
For Monday in Our Made-Up Goods Department.
Monday Morning put
on sale 207 Ladles' Silk Watata
This h a manufacturer's line o
samples. The goods vrera in
tended to bo sold at trom SU ! > 0 t
$20.00 each , Our prices will bo
from $2.23 to $9.00. Just a little
moro than half price.
Wo are also going to continue
our special Kilo of Ival Kal Silk
Waists , till light shades , former
prices from $3.00 to $3.00 , now
Monday Morning u'o will con-
tliiuo our Snloof Ladios'Ctipea. which
lin $ been pronounced tlio grentoat
bargain sale of onpcs over nuulo. The
cut bliows ono of the styles tit $3.05 ,
worth 40.00. Other prices , $ ; t.76 ,
$5.1)3 ) , $7.1)5 ) , J8.0. ) .
All Colors ,
All Styles ,
All Down.
Our Jackets go like the capes ,
regardless of co3t.
Wo have put on sale nil our high
class worsted skirts , in eropon , storm
fiorj.'Cd , diagonal wale and Kiifjliah
worsted jroods , which wo sold at from
$10.00 to $15.00 , to bo clos-cd out at
$8.1)0. ) Also handsome Mitiri skirls
at $12.00 , usually bold at $20.
Duck Suits-
Almost ( ivory color , the very
latest btyle , good unality , only $1.48.
Eaton Suits-r
- Blaze ? Suits-
In sore , cloth and eropon , at
from $4.9J to 910.l)0-all ) special
Buy your summer outfit from us ,
you won't regret it or forget it , atid
you will have ortong-h for an extra
week's holiday.
Piano Headquarters
Our fourth floor Js crowded to almost
an uncomfortable degree with now pianos ,
pweet nnd pure toned pianos , liand'omo ,
richly carvel pianos ; over twenty-five
different makes , Including all the to bo
desired pianos that have a reputation
for worth.
There's the Chlckerlng and the Sleln-
v ay.
The Knabe and the Decker.
The Vosc and the Ha/olton.
All good pianos at prices way below
any ever quoted In music housea who
Imvo but one kind of piano to show.
Wo move , rent nnd tune pianos. Ap
ply the rent on the purchase If you like.
Organs , $20.00
That's the lowest price ever made on
a Rood org-in , nnd probably wo out selves
will never bo ablu to do It again. OC
course there are other organs a little
higher In price , but you can choose from
all the leading makes.
Three New Songs
"MY FIRST DANCE , " by Bodtno &
Packard of "Little Queen Irene" fame ;
"Sweet Apple Pie , ' by Falrdeld , the
author of "The Diamond King ; " "An
Ocean Lullaby , " by Chailelon. Three
wonderfully caichy somjs by thr ° e Omalia
men that will make themsehes and Oil. *
city famous In musical circles.
Our usuul popular prlcus i all wo a k
for them
10,000 pieces of new Mansard sheet
music at 5o a copy. Send for a cata
logue ,
Suns , Fishi iig Tackle
and Sporting Goods
Ilestloaded shells , any size and kind ,
per hundred , only fl.25
Drop shot , per Ib Cc
Gun covers COo
Cartridge bags 3lc !
Caitrldgo belts 2Sc
Hunting coats 'J0c
Revolvers , each $1.25
Klohert rifles 2.CO
Doulilo bairel breach-loading shot-
Runs from $5.90 up
Winchester repeating rifles , cjcli..110.50
Klh hooks , 4 for Ic
Fleh lines , each 2c to $1.00
Wo carry a full line of rpllt bamboo
rods , reels , oil allk lines , minnow bdlti ,
ball buckets , etc. , etc.
We are headquarters for guns , flsh
tackle and base ball goods , and will save
you CO per cent on same.
Ilarb wire , poultry wire , netting and
screen wire cloth at unhard of prices
this week.
Big Bargain
Sale Monday-
We make n specialty of the following
goodx on Monday. Come nnd gee the
bargains we arc almost giving a way.
Dark calicos , 3Vfco.
litef bleached cambric , Cc.
UPS ! percale ihlitings , be ,
Hest black gute'nB , tic.
Ilest oolored poteens. Cc.
Hest duck Bultlnt'a .Cc.
Hest Momle cloth shirtings , EC
Du-sa pattern chnllla. 6c.
White goods , In clucks and plain
lawn , Cc.
A large lot of colored mull , waist
lengths , In all colors , blue , pink , red ,
Kolu , In ull the latent shudt-s , all go at
25c a w'ulst length.
Outing Manner. DC , 74c ! , lOc.
Hhttker llannul , 5c , 8c , lOc.
Hummtr cklrt palternii , 2Cc each.
Wheel Goods
Iron wagoni , $1.25 , $1.38 And $ t 52.
Velocipede ! . $1.25 , $1 KO and $200 rorh
Tricycles. $1.00 , $5.40 and 7 00 vacli.
Rocker sale Monday. You can buy any
kind of rocker yuu want CHEAP Mon
day and this week.
We have cleared a spaceIn our fur
niture department and placed tliero as
line a line of brand new rockers as it
Is possible to get In Sheboygau , WIs. ,
"Tho World's Chair Factory. " These
rockers are In mahogany , birch , maple
nut ) oak ; arc all now styles and nro all
new goodg , Just In from Sheboygan.
Every firtt-class furniture store gets Its
rockers from Sheboygan ; they are shown
In the ramplo rooms In Grand Rapids.
Rockers at $1.25 ; tills Is a high back oak
rocker , brnco arm , cano scat ; the regular
$2.25 article.
Oak rockers at $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.26.
Largo porch lockers , double cano eeats ,
large , flat arm. light , red and dark finish ,
$1.95. All Kindt ot rocker * , pluth tapes
try , bochatPllo and cobbler scats.
Rocker Ealo this week. Add a few to
Great sale of builders' hardware this
week. Best wlro steel nails only 1 3-10o
per Ib. ; think of It , only 1 3-106 per Ib.
for wire steel nails.
40c door locks go at 7Vic
75c mortise door locks , In sots only. 19c
OOc mortise door lock , In ects only. 2Rc
$1.00 morllso door locks , In nets only 3Bo
lOo door bolts only * 3c
Screen wire doors only COc
Knives and forks , per et 35o
Rubber hose , per foot 7c
Lawn mow ere , all blues und kinds ,
from $3.00 up
$1.00 carpenter bract ) only 25c
$1.00 handled axe * only j. . . HOe
Gasoline Btoves have never been BO
cheap as they are now. Wo have over
6,000 gasoline stoves of different kind *
and styles and for the next few day * we
are going to tell them at the follow Ine
ridiculously low prices :
2-burner low itove * 1J
3-burner low Btove 3.C5
2burnehigh , ' .sith tep. . . 795
2-burner extra wide low utove Z.8&
2.biifn r extra wMe low * tovo 3.93
A gooJ o\en for 85 °