* 20 THE OMAHA DATLY BEE : SUNDAY , MAT 19 , 1895. CHAPTER XII. DVER THE MUIR. AMANQ THE HEATHER When I came to myself my cousin Walter Gordon wai standing over me. He was dressed In countryman's apparel , and seemed most * like * a chapnfnri"Vlth a small pack of goods uron his back for sale In the farm towns anJ cottars' house. ! . It was gray day. 'Whero ' Is tlio beast ? " I asked , for I was greatly bewildered by my wound. ; \Vliat beast ? There Is no boast , " he re plied , thinking that 1 dreamed. Then 1 told him of what I had seen ; but , as I might have expected , he took little' hce.l , thinking that I did but dream In that un couth place. And In the gray light he went forward with a fair cloth In his hand where with to wrap hla father's head for burial. Hut when ho came to the corner of the vault , lol there was naught there , even as I had laid ; and , saving that the earth teemed newly stirred no trace of the horror I had seen , wlllch staggered him no lltlle. Yet mo it did not DurprUe. for I knew what I had seen. Yet In a little he said. "That Is all folly. William ; you and your bcaits. Ye burled It yourself In your sleep. How many times linve you walked the ramparts of Earlstoun In your sark ? " This , Indeed , seemed likely , but I still maintain that I saw the movdlewort. Wat Oordon had warned my men as well as his own. go at the outside of the town , toward the back of the lloroughmulr , Hugh Kerr met us with the beasts. Here we took horse and rode , having happily seen nothing of the guard. It was Judged best that my cousin and I should ride alone. This we wished , because we know not whom to trust In the strange case In which we found our- lelves. So we steadily rode southward toward Gal- lowny , our own country , for there alone could we look for some case from the long nrm of the privy council. Not that Gallo way was safe. The dragoons paraded up nnd down It from end to end , and searched every nook and crevice for the Intercom- mlined fugutlves. Hut Galloway Is a wide , wild place , where the raw edges of creation have not been rubbed down. And on one hillside In the Dungeon of Duchnn there wore as many lurking places as Robert Grler of Lag has sins en his soul which Is uaylirg no light thing , the Lord knows. Once , as we went by night , we came upon a company of mulrland msn , who kept their conventicle In the hollows of the hills , and when they heard us coming they scattered nnd ran like hares. I cried out to them that we were of thslr own folk ; yet they answered not , but only ran the faster , for we might have been Informers , and It was a common custom of such like to claim to be of the hill people. Even dragoons did so , and had been received among them to the hurt of many. ' "Cousin Wttt , " I said to him , " 'tis a strange sight to see your mother's son so soon of the strict opinions. To be converted t the instanc3 of her grace of Wellwood Is no common thing. Wat , I tell thee , thou wilt lead the psalm singing nt a conventicle yet ! " Whereat he would break out on me , calling mo "crop ear" and other names. But at this word play I had , I think , as much the mas tery as he at the play of sword blades. "Rather It Is you who shall be the 'crop head' of the same sort as his late majesty ! " I said ; for It Is a strange thing that as soon is men are at peril of their lives , If they be together , they will b.gin to Jest about It foung men , at least. To get out of the country was now our llm. It pleased Wat not at all to have him- lelf numbered among the hill folk and be eharged with religion. For me , I had often i sore heart and a bad conscience that I had made so little of all my home opportunities. My rnlsspent Sabbaths stuck In my throat ind I had no stomach for running and hiding with the Intercommuncd. Perhaps If I had loved my brother Sandy better It had not been so hard a matter. But that. God for- rlvo me , I never did , though I knew that he was a good Covenant man and true to his principles. Yet there Is no mistake but that he gave us all a distaste at his way If think ing.At At last we came to the white house of Gordonatoun , which stands-oil the hill above Iho elachan of Saint John. It was a lodge of my cousin's , and the keeper of It was a true man , Matthew of the Dub by name. From ilm wo learned that there were soldiers both it Lochlnvar and at Earlstoun. Moreover , Ihe news had come that very day with the riding post from Edinburgh of the wounding f the duke of Wellwood , and that both of us urere put to the horn and declared outlaw. I do not think that this affected us much , for almost every man In Galloway , even Ihose that trooped with Graham and Lag , half a dozen In all , had been time and again it the horn. One might bo at the horn this is , outlawed for forgetting to pay a tess or tax , or for a private little tulzlo that toitcerne'd nobo'dy , or for getting one's lum Dn fire almost. It was told that once Lauder- flale himself was put to the horn In the matter of & > reckoning he had been slack in paying , for Seekln' Johnnie was even better it drawing In than paying out. But to think of my mother being harassed Kith a garrison , and to know that rough l > InJfi3 ( Slavered Jn and out of our blen house of Earlstoun , pleased me not at all. Yet it wasMf , v outof my hap to help It. And I comforted mo with the thought that It had been as bad as It could be with us , even before our affray with the Wellwood. So there was nothing for It but to turn out tur , Jjors.es a.t Qordonstoun and take to the bills like the rest. Matthew of the Dub gave tts to understand that he could put us Into a la to hold if we would trust ourselves to him. "But It is among the hill-folk o' Balm- iRhte ! " he said , looking doubtfully at his laird. "Ah , Qordleston , " said Lochlnvar , making a wry lace and speaking reproachfully , "noeds must when the devil drives ! liut \vlnt for did you tlgn all the papers and take all the oaths against Intercommunlng , and yet all the tlnie bo having to do with the rebels ? " For Matthew was a cunning man andJjad taken all the king's oaths as they came along , holding the parrltcU and feather beds of Gordleston on the hill worth any form of words which Indeed could be swal lowed down like an apothecary's bolus , and no more ado about U. " 'Deed , your honor , " said Matthew of the Dub , slowly , "It's a werih breakfast to streek your neck In a tow , on' I hae smo' stammack for the Whig's ride to the Grnssmarket. But a man canna Julst turn Informer an' gi'e the gang-by to a' his auld acquaintances.Vlia In Qallowa1 wanU to ride an * melt wi' Clivers an' the lads on the Grey Horses , save ilccan loon * as red-wud Lag , roaring Baldoun , and Lldderdale. the Hulllon o' the Isle ? " "I would have you remember , Matthew , " said my cousin , speaking In Scots , "that I rode wo' them no lang syne mysel' . " "Ou , ay , I ken , " said Independent Matthew , dourly , "there was my leddy to thank for that. The women fowk are a' great gomerlli when they meddle wl' the attain o' the state. But a' the Glen Jaloosed that ye wad come oot. llko the daddy o' ye , whan ye tired o' leading-string , an' gang to the horn like an honest man , e'en as ye hae dune the day. " It was oho wintry-like morning In the later spring when at last we got out of hid ing In the house of Gordonstoun. During our gtiy tbere I had often gone to sec my mother just over the hill at Karlitoun , to give tier what confort I could , and in especial to ad vise about Sandy , who was then on hit trav els In the Low Countries. That morning Matthew of the Dub came with us , and we took our legs to It , despising horses In our new quality of hlllfolk. The wind blew bitter - ter and inell from th wiU-nd May thi bleakest of spring months , that ought to b < the bonniest wa doing her worst t strengthen the cold In proportion as sh lengthened her unkindly days. Matthew told us not whither wo were golnn and as for me , I had no thought or suspicion Yet the tear was In my eye as we saw tli bonny woods of Earlstoun lying behind us with the gray head of the oU tower setllrti Its chin over the tree tops and looking wist fully at us. Hut we marched south along the Ken , b New Galloway , and the scat of my Lord Ken mulr , where there was now a garrison wit Clavcra himself In hold. Wo saw the loci far beneath us , for wo had to keep high o the side of Bcnnan. It ruffled Its breast a a dove's feathers arc blown awry by a sudde gucty wind. It was a cheerless day , and th gloom on our faces was of the deepest. Fo wo were In the wlld-caaj of suffering for con sclcnco sake , and with no great raft clthe of conscience or of religion tti comfort us. Not that our case was uncommon , for al -\cro not saints who hated tyranny. "Wat , " I ialJ , "tho tiling gangs In th husk o' a hazel. I wear a particular mak of glove chevron. It likes me well , but I ar not deadly set on it. Comes the Baronballl or my lord provost , nnd salth he : 'Ye sha ! not henceforth \vear that plovo of thine , bu one of my color and of the fashion olllcial Then tuy , I to the Baronballle : 'To the 1 ! thief wi' you and your pattern gauntlet ! " An t tak' him naturally across the cheek with ! and out with my whinger ' "Even so , " said my cousin , who saw nc whither I was leading him , "let no man driv you as to the fashion of your gloves. Oi with your whinger , and see whut might I the color ofhls'blood ! " "And what else are the covenant me dolna ? " crle-I I , quick to take advantagi "We were none so fond o1-the-kirk that I ke of we that are the lairds o' Galloway , whe we could please ourselves when and whei wo would go. Was there one of us , sav maybe your Tather and mine , that hal m been sessloncd time and again ? Many an I word eld we ti > eak o' the kirk , and many glint did wo caat at the sandglass In the pu pit as ; the precentor glcd her another tun But after a' the kirk was oor aln inlthe and what for thould the king misca' or u turn her ? Gin s > ! io whummclt us and peyc us soondly till we clawed where we werer yeuky , wha'a business was that but oor air But comes King Charlie , and says he , 'Pi away your old mlther , that's overly sore c you , an * tak' this braw easy step-mlnnle , th : will never steer yo a hair or gar ye cla yo.ur hlnJcrlamlsr What wad ye say , Wai What say ye , Wat ? Wad yc gle your mlthi up for the king's word ? " "No , " said Wat , sullenly , for now he sa where he was being taken , and liked It llttl "I wadna. " I thought I had him , and BO , logically , had. But he was nothing but a dour so dler and valued good logic not a docken. "Hear me , " he said , after a moment's s leilce , "this Is my way of It. I am r preacher , and but poor at the practlca. Bi I learned , no matter where , to be true I the king nnd , mind you , even now I stan by Charles Stuart , though at the horn I b Even now I have no quarrel with hln though for the dirty sake of the duke i Wellwood he has ono with me. " "That's as may be , " I returned , "hi mind where you are going. Ye will be ea ing the bread of them that think differentl ; and surely ye'll hae the sense and the mem to keep a calm sough , au' your tongue fi ben within your teeth. " We were passing the ford of the Blac water as I was speaking , and soon we can to the steading of the little duchrao In U : light of the morning. It was a long , lo house , well thatched , like all the houses 1 the neighborhood , and sending up a heart ! some pew of wreck into the air that told < the stir of breakfast. The tangel of tl wood grew right up to the windows of tr back , and Immediately behind the houi there was a little morass with the grei willow trees growing , and many hldln places about it as well I kenned , for thei Malslo Lennox and I had played the day t the length. Now "Auld Anton" of the duchrae was kenned man all over the countryside. Tl name Of Anthony Lennox of Duchrae wt often on my father's lips , and not seldoi ho would ride off to the south In the hlg days of presbytery to have fellowship wll him whenever he was low In the spirit , ar also before our Dialed seasons of con munion. Thither also I had often ridden I later years on ' other errands , as has alreac been said. „ Never had I been able to understand I what extraordinary favor It was that Anther Lennox had not only been able to escape i far himself , but could afford a house of refui to others In even more perilous plight. Upc the cause of this Immunity there Is no ne < 'at present to condescend , but certain it la th : the house of the Duchrae had b-en favon above most , owing to an Influence at thi time hidden from me. For Auld Anton wi never the man to hide his thoughts' or to B < a curb upon his actions. With a light hand Matthew of the Di knocked at the door. Which was carefully ur Immediately opened. A woman of a wjtctif and rather severe countenance presented he self there a serving woman , but evident ! one accustomed to privilege and quality , i was comon In Galloway In that day. "Matthew Welsh. " she said , "what brlni you so far from hame so early in tl morning ? " "I com wT thea twa callants young Go don o' Earlstoun and a young man that near kin to him. It may be better to gl the particulars the go-by till I see you mo : privately. Is the good nun about the doors' For answer the woman went to the wlndo at the back and cried thrice. Instantly v saw " 9 little cloud of men disengage then selves Irregularly frcm the bushes and con toward the door. Then began a curious seen The woman ran to various hiding place under the eaves , behind dressers , In aumri < and presses , and set a large number i bowls of porridge on the deal table. Soc the house was filled with the stir of men ar the voices of folk In earnest conversation. Among them all I was chiefly aware i one young man of very striking appearanc whose dark hair flowed back from a broa brow , white as a la-ly's , and who looked 111 one born to command. On the faces of man of the msn who entered and overflowed tl little kitchen of the Duchrae was the hunte look of them who look this way and that fi a way of escape. But on the face of th man was only a free Indifference to dange as of one who had passed through many perl arid come forth scathless. Last of all the master of the house entere with the familiarity of the well accustomei He was alert and active , a man of grei height , yet holding himself like a soldle Three countries knew him by his long , gra beard and bufhy eyebrows for Anthon Lennox , one of the most famous leadei of the original United Societies. 1 me he was but MaUle Lennox's fathei and Indeed he never wasted many word on a boy such as I seemed to him. , But now he came and took us by the hau In token of welcome , and to me In especl : he was full of warm feeling. "You are welcome , young sir , " he saU "Many an hour at the dyke-back have M had , your father and I , praying for ou bairns and for poor Scotland. Alack thi I left htm on the way to Bothwell last yea and rode forward to tulile wl' Robin Hanil ton and now he lies In bis quiet , restln grave , an * Auld Anton Is still here arnon the contenders. " WUU Walter also b * shook haadi tnd jv ilm the welcome that one true man gives o another. Lochlnvar sat silent and watch- ul In the strange scene. For me I seemed b be In a familiar place , for Earlstoun was n every tongue. And It was not for a llttlo hat 1 came to know that they meant my irother Sandy , who was a great man among tiem , greater than ever my father had been , hough he had "scaled his testimony with ils blood , " as their phrase ran , I thought It best not to give my cousin's ame , excusing myself In the meantime by ouchlng that his father had suffered to the death , even as mine had done , for the causa t Scotland's covenant. CHAPTER XIII. Tim HOME OF MAIS1E LENNOX 'Anthony Lennox presently took me by the land and led mo over to where the dark oung man sat , whoso noble head and car riage I had remarked. " .Mr. Cameron , " he said , gravely , and with respect , "this Is the eon of a brave man and princely contender with his master , William Gordon of Earlstoun , lately gone from us. " And I gave my hand to Richard Cameron , vliom men called the Lion of the Covenant , a ; reat hill preacher , who , strangely enough , Iko some others of the prominent disaffected 0 the government , had been bre.l of the party of prelacy. As I looked upon him I saw that ho was girt with a sword , and that he had a habit of gripping the hilt when he spoke , as though at the pinch ho had yet another argument which all might understand. And being n soldier's son I own that I liked him the bet ter for It. Then I remembered what It was reported he had said on the Helms of Kirk- mahoo when he preachE-d there. "I am no reed to bo shaken with the wind , as Charles Stuart shall ono day know. " And It was hero that I got my first wafl of the new tongue which these hill folk spake among themselves. I heard of "slngulai Christians , " and concerning the evils of payIng - Ing the "ce. s" or king's tax things of whlcl 1 hnd never heard in my father's house , the necessity not having arisen before Bothwel ! to dlEcuss these questions. When all the men wcro gathered Into the wide house-place , some sitting , some stand' Ing , the grave-faced woman knocked with hei knucklc.3 gently on a door , which opened lnt ( an Inner room. Instantly Malsle Lennox am two other maids came out bearing refresh ments , which they handed round to all thai wcro In the house. The carriage of one of the three pjriirlscJ mo much , and I observed thai my cousin Wat did not take his eyes fron : he. ' . "Who may these maids bo ? " ho whlsperei In my ear. "Nay , but I ken not them all , " I on swered. "Bide , and wo .shall hear. " For , ln > deed , I knew only one of them , but her verj well. well.And And when they cam ? to us in our tun Malsle Lennox nodded to me as to a frlem of familiar discourse , to wham noth'ng nedi to bo said , and she that was th ? tallest of the maids handed Wat the well-curled oaten cake on a trencher. Then ho rose and bowed courteously to her wher.-at there was first a silence and then a wonder among the men In the house. But Anthony Lennox sthled them , telling of the Introduction which he had gotUn concerning Walter , and that our fathers had nude a geed end for the faith , so that we were presently made wholly free of the meeting. We heard that there was to be a. field con venticle near by , at which Mr. Cameron waste to pr.ach. This was the re .son of so great a gathering , many having come out of Ayr shire , and even so far as Lishmahago In the Upper Ward of Lanark , where there are very many zealous for the truth. Then they fell again to the talking , while I noted how the maUs comforted themselves. The eldest of them and the tallest was a lass of mettle , with dark , bent brows. She li-U her head high and seemed , by her attiring and dignity , accustomed to other places than this moorland farm town. Yet here she was , handing victual bforo a field-preaching. And this I was icon to learn was a c-minon thing In Galloway , where nearly the whole of the gentry , and still more of their wives and daughters , were on the side of the Csv.nint. U was no uncommon th'ng for a King's mm , when he was disturbing a conventicle , "skjll- ing a bees' byke , " as It was called , to come on his wife's or his daughter's palfrey , tethered In waiting. "Keep your black-tall coats closer In by ! " raid Luke Rothes once to his lady , "or I shall have to do some of them a hurt ! Ca' your mcssins to your foot , else I'll bae to kennel them fer ye ! " TJicre was no such safe hiding as In some of the greater hous's of the strict persecutors. So In a little while , the mcst part of the co-npany going out , this tall , dark-browed maid was made known to us by Matthew of the Dub as Mistress Kate McGhle , daughter of th ? Laird of Balmaghte , within which parish we were. Then Malsle Lennox beckoned to the third maid , and she came forward with shyness and grace. She was younger than the other two and seemed to bo a well-grown lass of 13 or 14. "This , " said Maisle Lennox , "Is my cousin Margaret of Glen Vernock. " The maid whom she so named blushed and spoke to us In the broader accent of the shire , yet pleasantly and frankly as one well reared. ' Piescntly there came to us the taller maid she who was called Kate , the Laird's daughter. She held out her hand to me. "Ah ! Will of Earlstoun , I have heard of you ! " I answered that I hoped It was for good. "It was from Malslo here that I heard It.- she said , which , Indeed , told me nothing. But Kate McGhle shook her head at us , which tempted me to think her a flighty maid. However , I remembered her words often afterward when I was in hiding. Thereupon I presented my cousin Wat to her , and they bowed to one another with a courtly grace , I declare It was pretty to see them , and also most strange In a houto where the hill-folk were gathered together. But for the sake of my father and brother we were never so much as questioned. Presently there was one came to the door and cried that the preaching was called and about to begin. So we took our bonnets and the malls their shawls about them , and set forth. It was a gray , unkindly , day , and the clouds hung about the heights , There are many woods of pine and oak about the Duchrao ; and we went through one of them to an ancient moat hill or place of defense , on a llllslde. with a ditch about U or tkre et ( our jraydj wdenti8j { w&lcb over * ooked the narrow pock ioad by the water's edge. As wo went Kate McGhlo walked by my side , and we talked together. She told mo , hat she came ngolast her parents' will , though not without her father's knowledge , ' nnd that It was hcrt great love for Malsle Lennox , who was her friend and gossip , which had first drawn her to a belief In the ; faith of the hill-folk. "But there Is one thing. " said she , "that I cannot hold with them In , I am no rebel , j and 1 care not to disown the authority of the king ! " - "Yet you look notllko a sufferer In si- lencel" I said , smiling at1 her. "Are you a maid of the Quaker folk ? " At which she was fain to laugh and deny It. "But , " I said , "If you are a King's woman , you will surely find yourself In a strange company today. Yet there Is one here of even the same mind as yourself. " Then she Intrc.Ued me to tell her who that might be. " 0 , not I , " I replied. "I have had enough of Charles Stuart. I could eat with ease all 1 llko of him , or his brother , eltherl It Is my cousin of Lochlnvar who has been lately put to the horn and outlawed , " At ho name she seemed much surprised. "It were well not to name him here , " she said , "for the chief men know of his past companylng with Clavcrhouso nnd other ma- llgnants , nnd they might distrust his hon esty. " We hnd other pleasant talk by the way , and she told mo of all her house , of her uncle that was nt Kirkcudbright with Cap tain Wlndrarn and the garrison there , and of her father that had forbidden her to go to the field meetings. "Which Is perhaps why I am here ! " she said , glancng : at mo with her bold , black eyes. - As I went I could hear behind us the soft words and low speech of Malsle Lennox , who came with my cousin Wat and Margaret of Glen Vernock. What was the matter of their speech I could not hear , though i own I was eager to learn. Rut they seemed to ngreo well together , which seemed strange to me , for I was a much older acquaintance than he. Now , especially when in the wilder places , wo came to walk all four together , it seemed a very pleasant thing to me to go thus to tha worship of God in company. And I began from that hour to think kindlier of the field folks' way of hearing a preacher In the open country. This , ns I well know , says but little for mo ; yet I will be plain and conceal nothing of the way by which I was led from being a careless and formal homekeeper , to cast my lot with the remnant who abode In the fields and were persecuted. CHAPTER XIV. THE SWEET SINGERS OF THE DEER'S SLUNK. Now , father had drilled it Into me that THEY BOWED TO ONE ANOTHER. Anton Lennox , called the Covenanter , was i good and tound-hcarted man , even as IK was doubtless a manifest and notable Chrlj , tlan. But the tale that most Impressed im and touched my spirit nearest , was the tali of how he served Muckle John Gib and hii crew , after godly Mr. Carglll had given then over to Satan. It was Sandy , my brother , that wan tin eye-witness of the affair. He was ever of tin extreme opinion as my mother used often t < say : "Our Sandy was either In the moot or the midden , " but In my Judgment , often est In the latter. Yet I will never deny that he has had i great deal of experience , though I woulc rather want than have some of It. Now a this time , Sandy , perhaps by means of hi : wife , Jean Hamilton ( who , like her brothel Robert , was Just Inordinate for preaching ! and prophesylngs ) , was much inclined t < kick over the traces , and betake himself ti tbe wilder extremes that were much handlei by our enemies for the purpose of brlnginf discredit on the good iame at the Co ; e nantcrs. There was one great hulking sailor of Bor rowstounncss that was specially afflicted will these visions and maundering ; . Nothing bu his own will In all things could satisfy him He withdrew himself Into the waste with twi or three men and a great qompany of feeble minded women , and there they renounced al authority and Issued proclamations of thi wildest and maddeit kinds. The godly and devout Mr. Donald Cargil ( as ho was called , for hla real name wai Duncan ) was much exercised about the mat ter , and , finding himself in the neighborhood to which these people * bad betaken them selves , he spared no pains , but with mucl and sore foot travel * be * , found them. 13u John Gib , who could Cbe upon occasion a face able and plausible persoir ; persuaded him U abide with them for * a night , which accord Ingly ho did , but , baring wrestled with then In prayer and communlngrhalf the night , am making not anything bt them , he rose am went out Into the flcldrf most unhappy. Si after long wandering- came homeward having falledi Iru his .mission. Then It wai that he told old Anton Lennox , who hat como from Gallowayto attend the great so- cletles' meeting at Lcsmahagow. With hln at the time was my brother Sandy , and hen It Is that Sandy's story used to commence. And of all Sandy'si/torlea it was the one ] liked the best , because there was the leael chance of his bavlng anything about hlmsell to tell. "I mind the day" so * he began "a greal heartsome harvest day In mid-September. W < had our crop In earlpithat year , and Anton my father and I , hadtgqtten awa' to the so' clettes' meeting at Lesmahagow. It was Ic the earliest days of them , for ye maun mind that I am one o' the few- surviving original membjrs. We were a' titling at our dut ) When In there came Into th farm kitchen where we abode Donald Carglll himself. He was leaning upon his staff , and his head waf hanging down. We desisted from our worshlf and looked at him steadfastly , for we saw that the hand of the Lord had been upon him and that for grief. So we waited for the de livery of his testimony. " 'My heart Is heavy,1 ho said at long and lut , 'for the people of -wilderness are de livered over to the galnsayer , and that by reason of John Gib , called Muckle John , sailor In Borrowstounness , and presently leadIng - Ing the silly folk astray.1 Then he told them how he had wrestled with the Glbbttet mightily In the spirit , and been overthrown. Whereat hewas notified that the hearts ol all those that hated tbe Way would be lifted up. up."He also brought a copy of the foolish sheet called the 'Proclamation of the Sweet Sing ers,1 which wan much handed about among all tbo geriecuUr * at thli Umet and made \J GET OUT OF BED ! COME TO THE There's the busiest kind of a Clearance Sale in motion at our store. We are getting rid of our big stock of Summer Woolens before the real hot weather sets in. So don't sit on life's curbstone thinking over'how you can make your last year's clothes do you , We will give you a Suit , Overcoat or Pants to order at practically your own prices , for this is the Not an inch of the work on any garment we make during this sale will be slighted , Inside and outside will be given the same grace and tone as when we charged regular prices. ED. HART , THE TAILOR Y. M. C. A. Bldg. , 210 and 212 S. 16th St. to bring terrible discredit on the s-b r an ! God-f arlng folk of the south and west , who had nothing to do with the matter. " 'Let me see it , ' sild Anton Lennox , hold ing out his hand for it. "Mr. Carglll gave It to him , saying sadly , 'The Spirit will not always s r.v e with them ! ' " 'Na , ' said Auld Anton , 'but I'll e'en str \ \ wi' them mysel , ! Reek me doon Cllckie ! " "He spoke of his great herd's stave that had a shank of a yard and a half long , anJ was as thick as my wrist. " 'Come you. Sandy , ' he cried over his shoulder as he strrd ? out , 'and ye will get your bellyful of Sweet Singing this day ! ' "Now I did not want to move , for the exercise was pleasant , but my father also bide me go with Auld Anton , and , as "you know , it Is not easy to say nay to my father. "It was over a wild moor that we took our way silent because all the wild birds had by with their nesting , and the place where Mr. Carglll had left the company of John Gib was In a very desert place where two countries met. But Auld Anton went stc-gglng * ov.r the hills till I was fair driven cut of my breath. And ever as he went ho drove hs ! staff deeper Into the sod. "It was a long season before we arrived at the place , but at last we came to the top of a little brow face , and stood looking at the strange company gathered beneath us. "There was a kind of moss hag or dry peat , wide and deep , yet level along the bottom. Down upon the black coom was a largo company of women , all standing close together and Joining their hands. A little way apart en * a little mound of peat In the midst stood a great hulk of a fellow , with a white gown upon him , like a woman's sTock , of white linen , felled with purple at the edges. But whenever It blew aside with the wind one saw underneath the sailor's Jer kin of rough cloth , with the bare tanned skin of the neck showing through. " 'Certes , Master Anson , ' said I , 'but yon Is a braw chlel , htm wl' the broad hat and the white cock ontll the bob o't ! ' "And Indeed a brave , braw , heartsome- llke man he was , for all the trashery of his attire. He kept good order among the men and women that accompanied with htm In the Deer Slunk. There were thirty of them twenty-six of them being women many of them very respectable of family , that had been led away from their duty by the per suading tongue of John Gib. But Auld Anton looked very grim as he stood a moment on the knowe-top and watched them , and he took a shorter grip of the cudgel lie carried In his hand. It was of black crab tree and knotted , very grievous. " 'John Gib ! ' cried Anton Lennox from tut hilltop suddenly In a loud voice. "The great sea slug of a man In the white petticoat turned slowly round , and looked at us standing on the parched brae-face with no friendly eye. " 'Begone yo are the children of the devil begone to your father ! ' he cried back. " 'Belike John Gib belike , but btdo a wee I am coming down to have a word or two with you as to that ! ' replied Auld Anton , and his look had a smile In It that was sour as the crab apples which his cudgel would have borne bad It bidden In the hedge root. " 'I have come , ' he said , slowly and tartly , 'that I might converse seriously with you , John Gib , and that'concernlng the way that you have treated Mr. Donald Cargill , an hon ored servant of the Lord ! ' " 'Poof ! ' cried John Gib , standing up to look at us , while the women drew themselves together angrily to whisper together ; 'speak not to us of ministers. We deny them every one. We have had more comfort to our souls since we had done with ministers and elders , with week days and fast days , and bibles and Sabbaths , and came our ways here by ourselves to the deeps of the Deer's Slunk ! ' , , " 'Nay , ' said Auld Anton , 'ministers , Indeed , are not all they might be , but without them yo have proved yourself but a blind guide leading the blind , John Gib ! Ye shall not long continue sound In the faith or straight In the way If ye want faithful guides ! But chiefly for the fashion in which ye have used Mr. Carglll am I coma to wrestle with you,1 cried Anton. " 'He Is but an hireling , ' shouted Muckle John Gib , making his white gown flutter. " 'Yea , yea , and amenl' cried the women that were at his back. But David Jamie , Walter Ker and John Young , the other three men who were with him. looked very greatly ashamed and turned : away their faces as. In deed , they had great need. " 'Stand up like men , David Jamie , Walter Ker and John Young ! ' cried Anton to them , do ye bide to take pact with these silly women and thta hulker from the bilboes , or will ye return with me to good doctrine and wholesome correction ? ' "But the three men answered not a word , looking llko men surprised In a shameful thing and without their needful garments. " 'Carglll mo no Cargllls ! ' said John Gib ; 'he is a traitor , a led captain , and a hireling. He deserted the poor folk and went to an other land. He came hither to us , yet neither preached to us nor prayed with or for us. ' "John Younw looked about him as John Gib said this as though he would have contra dicted him If he dared. But he was silent again and looked at the ground. " 'Nor. ' said Auld Anton , 'that Is a lie , John Gib ; for I know that he offered to presch to you , standing with his Bible betweeen his open hands as his ordinary. But ye wanted him to promise to confine his preaching to you , which when he would not consent to do ye were for thrusting him out. And lie r yiilly w $ > IOB | sttgL . came home , wet and weary , with the cold easterly wet fog all night upon the mulr , very melancholy , with great grief for you all upon his spirit ! ' "Then at this John Gib became suddenly very furious and drew a pistol upon us. This maik Anton Lennox laugh. " ' down and wrestle with 'I shall come your pistol In a wee , John Gib. But I have a word to say to you all first. ' "He stood a while and looked at them with contempt , as if th'y were the meanest wretches under heaven , as , Indeed , they were. " 'You , John G1U. that lay claim to being & wizard , I have little to Bay to you. Ye have drawn away these silly folk with your blas phemous devices. Your name Is legion , for there arc many devils within ynu. You are the herd of swine after the devils had en tered into them. Hath your master given you any word to speak baforc I come down to you ? ' " 'Ay , ' said John Gib , leaping up In the air and clapping Ills hands together as If he would again begin the dance , which accom panied by a horrid yowling llko that of a beaten dog , they called sweet singing. " 'Ay , that I have ! Out upon you , Anton Lennox , that sot you up for a man of God and a reprover of others. I alone am pure , nnd God dwells in roe. I lift up my testi mony again all the months of the year , for their names are heathen. I alone testify against January and February , against Sun day , Monday and Tuesday ; against Martin mas and holidays , against Lammas day , Whitsunday , Candelmas , Bsltan , stone crasser , saints' Images , Kclton Hill fair and Stony- kirk sacrament. Against Yule and Christ mas , old wife's fables , Palm Sunday , Carlln Sunday , Pasch , Hallow and Hogmanay ; against the cracking of nits and the singing of sangs ; against all rdmanccs and story- bulks ; against Handsel Monday , kirks , kirk- yards and ministers , and especially against the cockups In the front o' the Sabbath bon net o' ministers' wives ; against registers , law yers and all law books ' "He cried out this rigmarole at the top of his voice , speaking trippingly by rote , as one that says his lesson In school and has learned It often and well. He rolled his eyes as ho recited , and all the women clapped their hands and made a kind of moaning howl , like a dog when It bays the moon. " 'Yea , yea , and amen ! ' they .cried after him , like children singing the chorus. " 'Peace , devil's brats all ! ' cried Anton Lennox , llko a tower above them. "And they hushed at his word , for ho stood above them all , like one greater than man , till even Muckle John Gib seemed puny beside the old man. " 'David Jamie , hearken to me , you that has your hand on your bit enable , * Better put up your feckless Iron uplt. It will do you no good. You are a good scholar lost , and a decent minister spoiled. I wonder at you a lad of some lear companylng witli this hairy- throated , tarry-fisted deceiver. ' "This David Jamlo was a young1 Umber lad , that looked paler and more delicate than the others. What brought him into the com pany of mad men and misguided , women It Is perhaps better only guessing. "Ho looked sufficiently ashamed now at all events. " 'Walter Ker and John Young , hearken ye to me ; I have moro hope of you. You ara but thoughtless landward men , and the Lord may bo pleased to reclaim you from this dangerous and horrible delusion. ' "Anton Lennox looked about him. There was a flre smouldering at no great distance from him. Something black and square lay upon it. Ho took three great strides to the place. Lifting the dark , smouldering object up from off tliu fire , he cried aloud in horror , and began rubbing with hU hands. U was a fine , large-print bible , with more than half of It burned away. There were also several llttlo ones upon the fire underneath. I never saw a man's anger flre up more quickly. For me , I was both amazed and afraid at the awful and unthinkable blasphemy. " 'John Gib , ' cried Anton Lennox , 'stand up before the Lord and answer who has done this ? ' " 'I , that am the head of the sweet singers and the Lord's annolnted ! ' said he. 'I have done 111' " 'Then , by the Lord's great name , I will make you sing right sweetly for this ! ' crlel Anton , taking a vow. "Then one of the women took up the par able. " 'Wo heard a voice In the Frost Moss , ' she said , 'and a light shone about us there ; and John Gib bade ua burn our bibles , for that the Psalms In Metre , the chapter headIngs - Ings , and the tables of contents were but human Inventions. ' " 'And I did It out of despite against God ! ' cried John Gib. "Then Anton Lennox said not a word more , but cast away his plaid , spat upon his cud gel-palm , and called over his shoulder to me : " 'Come , Sandy , and help me to wrestle In the Spirit with these Sweet Singers , ' "As he ran down the brae David Jamie , the student youth , came at him with a little spit-stick of a sword and cried that if he came nearer he would run him through. " The Lord forgle ye for leeln' , callant , ' cried Anton , catching the poor thin blade on his great oak cudgel , for Anton was a great player with the ilngte-stlcka , and as a lad had been the cock of tbe countryside. The steel , being spindle-thin , shivered Into twenty pieces , and the poor lad stood gaping at the sword hilt left In his hand , which had grown suddenly light. " 'Bide you there and wrestle with him , Sandy ! ' Auld Anton cried again over his shoulder. " 84 I took my ; knee and tripped David up ; and so sat up upon him very comfortable , til ) his nose was pressed Into the moss , and all his members sprawled and waggled beneath me like a puddock under a stono. "Then Auld Anton made straight for John Gib himself , who stood back among his clrclo of women , conspicuous In Ills white sark and with a pistol In his hand. When he saw Auld Anton coming so fiercely at him across the peat hags , bo shot off his pistol and turned to run. But his women caught hold of him by the flying white robe , thinking that ho was about to soar upward out of their sight. " 'Let me be , ' he cried , with a great sailor oath , and tearing away from them he left half the linen cloth In their hands , and be took him to his heels. "Anton Lennox went after him hot foot , and there they had It , llko coursing dogs , upon the level moon It was noble sport. 1 laughed till David Jamlo was nearly choked In the moss with mo rocking to and fro upon him. Anton Lennox was twice the age of John Gib , but Mucklo John , being a salloi man , accustomed only to the short deck , and also having his running gear out of order , by his manner of life , did exceedingly pant and blow. Yet for n time ho managed t keep ahead of the pursuer. But ther wai no ultimate city of refuge for him. "Anton Lennox followed after him a HUM stiffly , with a grim , determined countenancoi and as ho ran I saw him shorten his cudgel of orabtree In his hand. Presently ho cam * up with the muckle man of Borrowstounncsst , The great stick whistled through the air , soughing like a willow wand. Once , twice , thrice It rose and fell. "And the sound that ensued was like tu beating of a sack of meal. " 'I'll learn you to burn the bible1 ! cried Anton , as ho still followed. His arm rosa and fell , while John Gib continued to run ai if the dogs were after him. The great liulh cried out with the Intolerable pain of tha blows. " 'I'll mak' ye Sweet Singers a' , by my faith ! I'll score Ilka point o' your paper screed on your back , my man Sunday , Mon day , Tuesday , Pasch , Beltan and Yulel' "At the Yule sroko John Gib fell Into a moss hole. We could not easily see what followed then. But the grievous cudgel rosa and fell llko the flail of a man that thrashes corn In a barn , and a howling and roaring that was aught but sweet singing came to ua over the moor. "Presently Anton returned , striding back to where I sat upon David Jamie's back. " 'Rlsel * ho said. And that was all ho said. said."But "But he took his foot and turned him over , pulling him out of the moss with a cloop llko the cork being drawn out of a brisk bottle of ale. " 'David , lad , do ye renounce John Gib and all his ways ? ' "The Umber-limbed student looked doubt ful , but the sight of the stick and the distant sound of the sweet singing of Muckle John V'JJ decided him , - - ur " 'Aye , ' he said , 'I am content to renounca them and him.1 " 'See ye and stick to It then ! ' said Anton and wena after Walter Ker and John Young , who stood together as though they had gotten a stroke. " 'Ye saw visions , did yo ? ' he said , 'See y If this be a vision ? ' "And ho gave them certain dour strokes on their bodies , for they were strong carles and could bide the like not like the poor feckless loon of a colleger. " 'Did yc see a light shining In the moss late yestreen ? ' he asked them. " 'It was but glow worms,1 eald Walter Ker. " 'It was , albllns , Wull-o'-the-WIsp ? ' said John Young. " 'Ay , that's malr like the thing , nee ! ' said Auld Anton , with something like a smllo on his face. "So saying he drove all the women ( save two or three that had scattered over the moss ) before him , till we came to the place of the ordinary societies' meeting at Lesinaha- gow , from which we set out. "Here wcro assembled sundry of the hus bands of the women for the shame was that the most part of them were wlvej and mothers of families of an age when the faults of youth were no longer cither temptation or excuse. "To them ho delivered up the women , each to her own husband , with certain advice , " 'I have wrestled with the menhe said , 'and overcome them. Wrestle yo with the women , that are your own according to the flesh. And If yo think that my oaken slave la too sore , discharge your duly with a blrcu rod of the thickness of your little finger for It Is the law of the realm of Scotland , that every husband be allowed to glvo lil wlfa \ reasonable correction therewith. But gin yo need my staff , or gin your wives prefer It , It is at your service.1 "So saying ho threw his plaid over his shoulder and made for the door. " 'Learn them a1 the sweet slngln.1 h said. 'John Gib was grand at It. Ho sang llko a mavis oot by tbere on the moor at tha Deer's Slunk.1" ii This was the matter of Sandy's tale about John Gib and Auld Anton Lennox. And this cured Sandy of some part of hli extretnci , though to my thinking , at times bo had been none tbe worse of Auld Anton at his elbow to give him a lesson or two In sweet singing. I might not In that case have bad to buy all over ugaln the bonny housu of Earl stoun , and K > had more to spend upon ' which Is mine own dwlrable residence. ( To bo Continued , * Bhort i