THE OMAHA DAILY BElfa SUNDAY , MAY 19 , 1895. 19 SP.ORTS FOR EARLY SUMMER A Gathering of the Piscatorial Olans at LoYely Lake Washington ! WHISPERINGS OF THE WHIRLING WHEEL ! , A- % rtlf , , ljr Honing Meeting * Union 1'nrk- 1'Blnrer with the llnll riayerj Tha Itancli Bliow null BlHto Shoot. THIS Is the gunner's off season. There Is ' „ nothing to shoot at now but Inanimate targets , and the vari ous gun clubs put In Saturday afternoons at this sport. The killing ° t a bird nt this time , tlove , duck or whatnot , means at least one less , perhaps two , or a dozen , In the season to which shooting properly belongs. The sportsmen now rely on rod and line for their outdoor recreation , and Qmalm , despite the scarcity of fish In adjacent waters , seems to bo a city of anglers , and Lake Washington , Minn. , seems to bo the popular resort. At Sheehnn's de lightful hotel , high on woody bluff , over looking this magnincent little Inland lake , Is the abiding place of a score or moro of prominent Omahans. Here Is to be found every comfort the heart could desire , clean and pleasant rooms , plenty of delightful food , licaulful ( boats , modern tackle of all kinds , minnows and frogs at hand , and everything an ambitious at glor could wish. Among those registered at Sheehan's last night were General Manager Edward Dlckln- Bon of the Union Pacific , Evarts Ducklnglmm , car accountant ; Joe McCorinell , superlntend- , cnt of motive power and machinery ; L. H , Korty , superintendent of telegrrfph : P. J. ' iNlchols , superintendent Nebraska division ; 'Joe Sykcs , Mr. Dickinson's private secretary ; Jim Dewftr of' Mr. Tom Orr's staff ; Hilly Chambers of the ticket department ; Dllly Marsh , the street railway king ; Mate Glad stone , the grocery prlnca ; Jim Ie Devolse the Hock Island mogul ; Eric Johnson and many other eminent , wealthy and good- looking Omahans. Mr. Dllly Klrkruff ant Mrs. Klrkruff and Mr. Durr of Mlssour Valley are also thcro. And they are certainly happy , for the place Is a vernal paradise The overarching skies arc ever of the purcs blue , flecked now and then with drifts o sliver , fields and woods In the flush of fresl verdure , the lake reaching out among then with arms of crystal , beckoning the angler on. These are certainly perfect days at Lake Washington , The air Is laden with the delicate pcrfumo of the wild grape and the crab , an resonant with melodious voices , the eubdued plaint ot the lake's changing murmur , the hum of bees , the stir of the brcczo In the towering oaks and the canzonet of a myrlat of birds. All about are unfolded the mantfoU beauties of joyous May , the wonderful mlra clos of lovely spring. So break the bondage of shop , store and desk , and seek new life. I for but a few brief days , In delightful tree ilom amidst the odorous breath ot the ful leafed woods , upon the opalescent waters o the dancing lako. The Omaha road carries you thither amlds comfort and luxuriance , over a roadbec smooth as glass , and through a country whoa diversified beauty Is not to be matched In any other section of the globe. You bean the slccpor at the Webster street depot a 6:10 : p. m. nnd at 4:54 : a. m. you are a Kasoj.a Junction , where a epanklng team with spring wagon or carriage awaits you , and by early breakfast you are at Sheehan's. As slstant General Passenger Agent Jim W Munn will fix you out ; go down and see him and when you get two or three days oft rui up to the most beautiful and best flaliln , grounds In the west. Jim Do Dovoleo and Eric Johnson lande 104 pounds ot black bass In a single day a Lake Washington. Charlie Met ? ! and the sporting editor spen a day at the lake recently , but met with bu meager success owing to the sudden Inansp ! clous change In the meteorological' condltlo of things. It ralneJ and sleeted , blow an "snew , " and the bass and the pickerel hlo themselves post haste to the deepest dcptli f the lako. Despite this adversity , however they managed to catch some twenty pound of bass and experienced the rare felicity o meeting the belle of Mankato , Miss Lum burg , ono of Minnesota's loveliest girls. George M. Hoagland Is still at the lak- He has his own cottage , boat house and con pleto outfit there and Is at home all th tlmo. The program for the state shoot , which wt bo an olcborate affair , will be ready fo circulation June 1. This will be the nln tconth annual meet of this honorable ol body and It promises to surpass all prevlou tournaments. It will continue for thre days , from Juno IS to 21 Inclusive. The air has been full of upland plover every night tor a- week passing over to their breeding grounds In South Dakota and the northern tier of counties In this state. The .plover Is a nocturnal traveler and sounds his plaintive note at , regular Intervalsduring his filght. The plover season here begins about July 15. Colonel J. J. and Mrs. Dickey , and Mr. Archie Love and Mrs. Love , are angling for bass at Lake Washington. Ed Iloulnson Is another Omahan on the register at Sheehan's. Lake Washington. Ultra from tha lint. P to date the West ern association championship race has not developed Into a very thrilling contest. On Wednesday - day last the four eastern teams fin ished up the first series In the west , and It them ) games ore to be taken a a criterion the ladi "from the land of the rUlng un are badljr outclassed , aa the following table will at test : _ w _ . - - 1'layed. Won. Lost. The west 47 31 16 riio cast i 41 16 31 ' The west' Includes DCS Molnes , St. Joe , Lincoln and Omaha , and the cajt Jackson ville , reorla , Qulncy and Hockford. Of the Eamea won by the western contingent Uea Molnes capturoJ ten , Lincoln nine , Omaha seven and St. Joe five , the latter being the only team that lost a majority of Its series. DC the eastern teams Peorla won flvo. Ilock- ( ord and Qulncy four each and Jacksonville but three. Thus It will be seen that one of the clubs , I'eorla , least feared , proved to be the strongest aggregation , while the formld- iblo teams from Qulncy and Hockford proved lurprlslngly weak. One thing , however , must be said In extenuation of their flrst trip ibroad , and that Is that not ono of the four was In anything like good condition. Qulncy was In the best flx , but nevertheless hollow- eyed defeat was her portion. The western teams were undoubtedly all In better fettle than their eastern brethren and their success Is not to bo marveled at. Considering the itrcngth of the four western outfits the ihowlng made by the Omahas was the poor est of all , as they are unquestionably 10 per cent stronger than the St. Joe team. Lin- join baip-ovod thoiuip ho anl tha foxy Duck , rlno meant what he said when he declared that ho was making no effort to take exhi bition games. Ho told me that be bad given positive orders to his pitchers to take things easy and to save themselves as much as pos sible for the chs iplonshlp season. This ( bey did ls now appaicnt , and once more Hiram must b accredits ! with a head a trlflo longer than those worn by a number ot other mana - gers. Uos Molnes' success Is not to bo won- dtrej at , for old Traflley. the pie king , hai cerUlnljr gathered around him the best sup - port of any of the eight clubs , and 16 looks u It ho would come la hands down. How- ever , Lincoln may give him a stiff argu ment ( or the prize , and Omaha will possibly Htlck In her oar occasionally. It looks now as It Iho Onto City team was very strong , and It will only require the present trip to estab lish the correctness or falsity of this 1m- prolslon. Last season wo had the greatest race In the history of the national game , and the earnest hope la that this season will yet tee It duplicated , The OmabaK play In Jacksonville again today , and next Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday they will be at Qulncy. . On the 21th , 20th and 2Cth they will play at Hock- ford ! on the 28th , 30th and 30th at Poorta , and on June 1 , 2 and 3 at Des Molnes. On June 4 they will be homo again , and that afternoon and on the Cth and Cth they will glvo General Traflley three return games. On Juno 7 , 8 and D St. Joe will make her appearance here , and on the 14th , IBth and 10th Duckerlno will be our meat. Then come the eastern clubs for their second western trip. Hockford first. June , 22 , 22 and 23 ; I'eorla , 25 , 26 and 27 , and Jacksonville 23 , 29 and 30. The Wausa ball players hove received their uniforms red suits with Wattsa across the front Inwhite , and red caps. They make the boys look more like players , but the playing Isn't a d d bit better than of old. Wauia Times. By the way , Wausa , which seems to be quite a hot llttlo burg , has the only female bane ball team In the state , and they wear bloomers , too. No fan , no matter how great a pessimist he Is , can say that the Omahas are quitters. In every cnme save one this year Omaha has made a game fight , and In all of her defeats here they woke up and gave their friends a chance to hope for a rally. Hall players are only mortal. They make errors like the rest of us and when they see a Judi cial mistake that gives their rivals on untold advantage It Is llttlo wonder that they grow nervous. Manager Howe says there Is some one who can It be who would like to appoint the captain for the Omaha team. It Is earnestly hoped that he will succeed , for they need one bad enough , and there Isn't a blind man In the town who hasn't seen It. It Is a self- evident fact that , relieved of the onerous duties of command on the lleld. Old Hutch would be a much better man than he now li. Old Hutch's brain Isn't composed of the stuft that can do two things at once. If he Is to play ball , he wants to play ball , but If he Is to direct the men In the game , better give him a seat , on the bench , where he can con centrate his brain forcss In this one end. No disparagement Is meant In this to Hutch ison. He is as good a second baseman as there Is In the association , bats well and handles himself generally In an acceptable manner when he has nclhlng else to do. Since the new duties have been saddled upon him ho has played the poorest ball of any man on the team. Give us Lehman , he's the man who Is entitled to the position , and a man capable of filling It as it ought to be filled. Nattress , Omaha's new shortstop , came here astride a big , fat Charlie horse. His playing , however , was quite up to the Western asso ciation standard , and when he once rounds to he will unquestionably prove a valuable man. Old Farmer Vlsner , one of the heroes o the old Union Pacific days , was given quite an ovation when hero with the Hockfords That the antiquated agriculturist still car ries his eye around with him Is evident from his record here with the stick. He was nt the bat fourteen times In the three games and made nine hits. Manager Nlcol of the Uockfords stand ready to gobble up any man Omaha see proper to release , especially any one of thi pitchers. He also wanted to buy Miles' re' lease while here , but Manager Howe said nlxey. Katz of Jacksonville Is the , same old holy terror at the bat he "use to was. " Ho Is a good man right here , and would take a high rank oven with the big hitters of the- league , Kid Fear , with Grand Ilaplds In the West cm league , has been laid up for a week on account of an Injury received In one of the Detroit games. Billy Earlo Is now catching In the Kid's stead. The WIlcox & Draper Shoe House team are being put through a course of training that will soon put them In class A. They ore already a remarkable lot of clean fielders but a trine Knldmazoo with the wager tongue. Carrlsh and Miles were left behind on th present trip. Carrlsh Is out of condition but Miles was benched to give Nattress show. Bill O'Brien still continues to drive In th runs. Ho Is a valuable man for this purpos alone , and It will ba wise In the managemen to hang on to him. Hugh Nlcoldocs not tl'lnk much of th Western associations umpires. He says Bock ford got the worst of it everywhere on their late trip , and that there Isn't a man on the staff worth a tinker's cuss. Nick tried It himself once , and he knows Just what a bad umpire looks like. Welt. Uncle Dave's gang took the flrst one at Jacksonville Frjday jvjthout much trouble , and they should duplicate the trick this after noon and .tomorrow. With the possible ex ception of St. Joe , Jacksonville Is the weakest membsr of theassociation. . Notwithstanding Omaha won , they played very bum ball. Hutchison getting In his usual two errors , and Pace a brace In the field. There was a fine attendance In all four of the eastern cities at the opening last Friday. Out one of the home teams , I'eorla , won. and If the west continues to mop up Iho ground with the teams of the orient , look out for breakers cro the month expires. Duckerino Is making Old Traf run like a scart rabbit to keep In flrst place. There was a fine attendance at University park yesterday afternoon , and It looks as If they were going to have their full shara of the base ball patronage. They have a fine ball team , and the finest grqunds In the west. The Amatuon Slr.Uny hnso. Manager Ed T. Hcyden Is rapidly com pleting very elaborate preparations for the six days' amateur bicycle chase which opens up at the Coliseum Juno 3 and continues until the 8th , Inclusive , and the signs all point to a splendid week of sport. The local wheelmen are all evincing the right sort of feeling and will unlto In an effort to render Mr. Heyden's undertaking a profitable one. There are already some ten or a dozen en tries , with a prospect for as many moro , the entry fee being but | 1. Ono thing can be said of Manager Hey den's project and that Is. his prize- list amounts to two or three times as much In actual value as was ever offered at a wheelIng - Ing meet In this city. This Is a decisive point In favor ot the race. There Is to be but two hours and a half riding each evenIng - Ing of the meeting from 8 to 10:30 : o'clock , opening up Monday , evening Juno 3. The hundreds ot amateurs In the city are all In a furore over the meeting , whlcSi Insures a largo attendance nightly. At 7 x a. m. on the afternoon of the Inaugural day there will be a gorgeous parade awheel. Every man riding In this will ba given free admission - mission that evening , and It Is already as sured that the parade In length and general effectiveness will eclipse any former achieve ment In this line ever witnessed In Omaha. Every wheelman and wheelwoman In the city Is cordially Invited to take part. A band of ten pieces will head the long procession. The start will be made from the Omaha Dlcycle company's store , 323 North Sixteenth street , and after traversing the principal thoroughfarea will bring up at the Collieum shortly before 8 o'clock. The track at the building has been won derfully Improved , and In practice there has been some marvelous tlmo shown. One am bitious entry has exhibited a 2:10 : gait , and fiio mile has been ridden In 2:19. : The prizes five In number , are all valuable and well worth striving for. The contestant who covers the most miles In the six nights will be presented with a $100 high grade Im perial bicycle ; tbe second best man with an } S5 Monarch ; the third , a $40 gold watch ; the fourth , with a 125 sliver watch , while the last , or booby prize , the flfth lu numbeq , will be a fifty-four Inch ordinary. In addition to these trophies there will b an equal number of special prizes. The man who makes the most mlles OB the flrst night will receive a } 5 sweater ! the second , a pair of | 4 riding shoes ; the third , a pair ot ? 5 pedals ; the fourth , a $3.50 cyclometer , and the fifth , a } C pair of boxing glove * . Alt of these prize * will bo awarded 1m- mdlately upon the announcement of the referoo'a decision , and these conditions are such as should Insure an extra largo field of contestants. TVhlnperlnc * ot the Wheel. n HJ qnp 183)113.19 ) 3H ever taken out of Omaha was the ono last Sunday to 1'apil lion , In which the Omahas and Tourists of this city and the Gany- mcdes of Council Bluffs participated. Promptly at 9 a. m. Captains Smith and Dahl , with their respective com mands , among whom were a number of lady 'cyclists , halted In front of the Omaha Wheel club rooms on Seventeenth and Har- ney streets. Hero the Omahas Joined them , and at 9:1G : the bugler sounded the call to mount. Captains Potter , Smith and Dahl had the run In charge and rode at tbe head of the column , which moved south on Seven teenth to Lcavenworth street , west on Lcav- enworth to Park avenue , eouth to Pacific , west on Pacific to Thirty-second , thence south on Thirty-second to the road running north and west of South Omaha and through Sarpy Mills , reaching Papllllon shortly before 11 o'clock , where the wheels were stacked In the park and all kinds of sports Indulged In. While the pace set by Captains Potter and Smith was an easy ono , many of the now riders were not able to keep up and wheel men came In singly , In pairs , fours and squads until noon , when over 200 had arrived In Papllllon. Crowds of citizens and farmers stood around watching the merry 'cyclists playing ball , running foot and bicycle races until shortly after 12 , when It was announced that dinner was ready , and such a scramble. Everybody was hungry and ono would have naturally thought that the little town did not contain enough provisions to satisfy the hungry wheelmen's appetites. The town hotel , restaurant and candy shops did a thriv ing business , In fact , moro than they had done In the whole week previous. Shortly after dinner the 'cyclists began to return home In squads , and It was nearly 5 o'clock when the last wheelman pulled out of the llttlo town. There was only one serious ac cident , which W04 the result of the rider's own carelessness. Had the Turner Wheel club participated , as was first Intended , there would have been over 250 men In line. The run was a great success and It Is hopoJ that the captains of all ot the different clubs in Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs will get together and arrange for a Joint run some tlmo next month. Young Charles Potter , the 14-year-old brother of Captain Potter , made the run on a thirty-pound wheel , which was quite a mer- rltorlous performance for a boy. The tandem race proved to be quite an In teresting affair. There were two tandems started , Messrs. Potter and Fredrlckson mounted on the Czar , and Holton and Cully on the Ilambler. The race was won easily by the Czar team. - It lends enjoyment to a run to have some of the fair sex along. The ladles who made the trip Sunday say they enjoyed themselvcu Immensely and It is hoped that more of them will follow the examples of their slaters and Join the boyo on these pleasant Jaunts. The Omaha Wheel club will make the trip to La Platte Sunday , returning to Bellevue for dinner and home via Illvervlew park. Captain Potter urges the boys to turn .out , as this Is one ot the prettU-st runs In the vicin ity. He also Invites all lady cyclUts to ac company the club , which leaves the club rooms at 8 n. m. The distance Is twenty-eight miles. Fanny Davenport , the actress , has Joined the ranks of the lady cyclists. She takes her wheel with her In a special built wheel trunk and takes splna on It dally when the weather permits. In France wheelmen pay a yearly tax of $2 on each wheel they possess and all efforts to have the rate of taxation reduced have failed. William Martin , the soldier bicyclist , who first came before the public In Omaha and who was a member of the regular army , sta tloned at Fort Omaha , Is now In Paris sur prising the natives by his swlftnsss. The letter carriers of East St. Louis win have suburban routes are mounted on b'cyclc ; and by this mode the suburban residents re cetve two malls a day Instead of ono as hereto fore. Here Is a good example for PoJtmaste Martin to follow. Sorre definite Idea of the growth of th bicycle business In this country may be galne from the- fact that whereas the total numbe of bicycle manufactories In the United State wao but six In 188D , with an output of only 11,000 wheels , and In 1890 but seventeen , with an output of 40,000 , at the present time there are 126 factories , which will make an aggregate ot nearly or quite 500,000 machines this year. The increase in the last flvo years has been nothing short of marvelous , and It Is probable that the next five years will see a very great advance upon th ? present product ot these fast-multiplying concerns. And now that bicycling Is becoming so much more general than hitherto , there la added reason why we should Improve our country roads. If road reform was necessary five years ago , It is far more necessary and desirable now. . _ f A curious feature of our age of Industrial progress Is the celerity with which one In vention treads on the heels of another. Hardly had the cable road begun to crowd the horse car as a means ot urban trans portation when the trolley threatened to supersede both , attacking at the same time the steam railroad , which was Just exulting In Its victory over the stage coach and the canal boat. And now the position of the trolley Is endangered by a still more humble and Inexpensive device the bicycle. Wo have only begun to appreciate the pos sibilities of the wheel. The atrocious bad ness of most city streets and country roads has discouraged Its use hitherto , but It has made Its way In spite of all obstacles' . When every city Is grldlroned with smooth asphalt streets , and every rural county Is penetrated In all directions by highways of mudless , rut- less macadam , there will hardly bo a family too poor to own at least ono bicycle. You must not miss the road race held under the auspices ot the Associated Cycling Clubs of Omaha on Decoration day over the Dodge street boulevard. It will be a grand contest. Fredrlckson. the big racing man , Is picked for a winner ot the time prize In the Omaha road race. Who will win the "Tourist Wheelmen prize" Decoration day ? Each Tourist who Is entered Is confident that It Is himself. The prize will be a beautiful gold medal and | goes to the club member who finishes first In the race , Irrespective of position at the finish. Cully , Stocking , Newcombe , Howe , Fleschcr 1 Handall. Hynes and the rest of you speeder * , here's the chance of a life time ; one of you will wear U sure. The Tourists will go a flshln * today over at Hawthorne's lake. Start from the "pump house" at 7:30 : a. m. Riders who go on the run must take their lunch. A wagon will convey the tackle , lunch baskets , coffee pots , etc. , to the lake. Captain Smith promises that the run will be one of the nicest of the season. If the club turns out as It has on the last few runs there will not be a fish left In tbe lake to tell the tale when the bugle sounds the retreat. Next Sunday the Tourist club pedals over to Underwood , la. . In conjunction with the Turner Wheel club. The run will be In charge of the Tourist lieutenants and Cap tain Moehler of the Turners. Messrs. Randall , O'Drlen , Daxon and Smith were elected to represent the Tourist Wheelmen as delegates to the Associated Cycling Club * of Omaha on Thursday evenIng - Ing of last week. The combination Is a good strong one and the club will be well repre sented without doubt. The Teurlst Wheelmen of Omaha are now the largest exclusive riding club In the city , | perhaps In the United States. Their member- ship roll exceeds the century mark , and ap plications are poijrlng' In by the dozens. " Seventy-two applications" were acted upon it the last business rrieMlng. The members who are rustling for fecfults are meeting with phenomenal success. Great care Is used In the election of member's , It being the aim of the club to adrnltj 16 companlorrhip only bicyclists who are actively attached to the recreation. Several ladles have Jolnel the club , and enjoy the1 spin's Immensely. The Tourist Bass' ' tiall tejtn Is now one of the features ot the wheel club. The personnel Is composed of some godd amateur ball play ers Russell , Stocking , Toozer , Howe , Combes , Smith , Burdlck , Jdncs , Uarnum , ore all on the team , A series of games will be arranged with other wheel club teams during the sea son. The mammoth run to Papllllon last Sunday developed several little facts which It might be well to mention , and It would do well for all wheelmen to remember. The run was a record breaker , and was the largest bicycle club run ever taken out ot Omaha ; the trip down was made without accident ; the pace set was even and Just fast enough to be en joyable ; the bugle signals were promptly obeyed , and the run was well managed. Why ? Because there were experienced road men In charge. These men had a watchful eye for the welfare and comfort of every rider who took part In the tour. The same men could have taken the big crowd over the return trip lu the same perfect manner , and the accidents which did occur In the afternoon would not have happened. In nearly every Instance the men Injured were inexperienced men , and without leadership. A time should be set for return trips on these big runs , and riders should , as far as possi ble , be ready to return with the officers In charge. Then the hotel accommodations which were made provided for the accommo dation of 150 to 300 hungry men and women. These arrangements were completed days be fore the run. by the officers In charge of the run. Those who were dissatisfied have no one to blame but themselves. The lintel people put up a special dinner , their tables seated sixty at once , and the dinner hour was early enough In the day to give every one a chance to fill up. As It was , 134 took advantage of the arrangements and were pleased. Club members should show the ap preciation of their . ' "ad " officers' efforts by helping them out In their arrangements , Instead - stead of creating discord by Ignoring their plans. It Is very discouraging , Indeed , to a road officer to make hotel arrangements and then have his club mates go back on him. All In all , however , the run was a fine one and enjoyed by all. Another big Joint run is advertised for June 23 , to Sarpy Mills. The Tourist Wheelmen Century club elected officers for 1895 Thursday evening. The gen tlemen called to serve are John Hynes , chief centurlan , Jack Culley , deputy centurlnn , W. A. Klngslcy. secretary-treasurer. The club Is composed of the following members of the Tourist Wheelmen : Hy Fredrlcksen , John Hynes. E. T. Yates , W. A. Klngsley , Jack Culley , W. M. Barnum , Louis Fleschur , E. P. Walker , George Sancha and Harry 1C. Smith. The fourth annual century run of the club will be taken In September. At a meeting of the Associated Cycling clubs held In Youngi Men's Christian asso ciation hall last Monday evening It was de cided not to change Uio time of starting the Omaha road race which takes place May 30 , and as heretofore-announced It will start promptly at 1:30 : p. m. Mr. E. B. Hender son , president cf thd organization , was au thorized to appoint a handicapping commit tee , whose names are not to be inado public. The distance will be ten miles and not twelve as was first Intended/ / Wins the start will bo made between the'flrst and second hills of thq course , which ' 19 about Flfty-n'ghth street. The riderswill - - turn for the return trip Just east ot the bridge over the Llttlo Papplo river. The handicap limit will proba bly be about four 'minutes , which Is ample for such a hilly course. Any man who pretend tend ) to be at all fast on the road would have a splendid chance * with such a start. The committee are"a llttlo slow with their entry blanks , whldh should have been out by May 5 at least , and thus have given out of town riders "trxihanee to have , arranged , to participate. There \yill bo at least fifty starters , all of whom , bjit about four or five , will have-'hajidlcapsj/Froderlckson ' Is looked upon as liavlng about the best chance for tlmo prize , being connected with a cycle store and thus having llttlo to do but to prepare fcr the contest , he should be In the very best of condition. The others who are looked upon as having a possible chance to win the time prize are Gadke , Potter , Hol ton , Much and Plxley. These men , as well as many others , are all working hard and will In all probability be In first-class condi tion by Decoration day. It Is understood that at the next regular meeting ot the city council an ordinance will bo passed prohibiting bicyclists riding upon the sidewalks In trie suburban portions ot t'ne city. If the council would see that the paved streets were repaired so as to be rldcablo" the cyclists would then have no reasons fcf riding on the walks , but In the condition that some of the streets now are It Is almost Impossible to rldo a bicycle on them. The Columbia Cycling club , composed en tirely of riders of 1895-Columblas , made quite a showing In the run to Pjpllllon last Sun day. There were about twenty of them and the handle bar 'pf each wheel was adorned with a pleco of Columbia blue ribbon. The club has been permanently organized , and announce I'nat they are "here to stay. " The Tourist Wheelmen run to Hawthorn's lake today , a distance of fifteen miles. They leave the "Pump House" at 8 a. m. , taking their fishing tackle , lunch , etc. , and wll spend the day fishing , BO look out for flsl stories when they return. The run Is a beautiful ono and Captain Smith urges al to turn out and swell the crowd. Sanger , the famous cyclist. Is not In the best of health , so writes Trainer Shafer from Birmingham. Sanger has had a relapse am Is In a serious condition. Trainer Shafer writes that Sanger has gone to pieces , lost his appetite , and his nerve has gone back on him. A doctor said that Sanger had a nervous shock caused by weakness. He thinks , however , the death of his brother has had a great deal to do with Sanger's con dition. Shafer says If ho does not Improve he can not sec how he will bi > able to ge him In shapa for the Johnson-Sanger match. The doctor says If he can quiet his nerves his appetite will speedily return. Shafer says that Titus Is a flond for work and that If ho did not keep at Mm all th'e tlmo he would rldo his head off. He started his sprint work today and reeled off a quarter In :2S : 4-5 , and an eighth In 14 seconds. Ca banne , the ex-Omahan , Is doing well. In case Sanger should not ba able to ride for some time Shafer-will make a hard fight with Tltua and Cabanne , for ho thinks Cabanne will be very fast for short distances. It Is suggested that 'the wires along the Dodge street macadam might be utilized to report the road racp. "Cycle clubs at Lin coln , Kearney and elsewhere could probably bo Induced to take'a description for the un fortunate stay-at-homes. Entry blanks for the Decoration day roac race can bo had by , application to this ofllce Riders throughout } | io state will please sent In their orders at once , . limy Tiniri nt Ui'ilrorslcjr Park. The University club will again have a chance to test Us efficiency on the diamond Tuesday next , when Jl will "stack up' against one of the ? very strongest amateur teams In the west , ' viz : the aggregation o athletic collegians representing the University of Michigan. ' "J For the past seven or1'eight years Michigan has been acknowledged by all aa the chain plon college baseball team of the west. In fact , during that time she has not sufierce more than half a dozen defeats from western teams , and in the two years that sha mad eastern trips she succeeded In beating Harvard , Yale , Brown , Leblgh and othe colleges. These eastern trips were In 1891 and 1892. and Abbott. Crawford and Jeffries , all ot the University club , were then on the Michigan nine. Michigan Is strong this year. She ha already played twenty games all over th country , from New York to Minneapolis , an won nearly all of them. It would seem a If they would "eat up" the unpractlced Unl versity club men , but the oraclea In baseba matter ! say that It U not so certain after all Michigan has a big advantage- tralnln and practice , but the UnUenlty club men ar veterans , evey one of them , and are bar men to down. Michigan' * pitcher U Sexton , -who pttchei to many yean for Brown , and aj captain o the Drown University team made an enviable reputation for hlmsolt and hit university among the colleges. Casper Whitney has placed Sexton among the leading pitchers ot the United States. For the University club Robinson and Craw ford will bo _ In the points. Young Robinson Is a phenomenon If he can steady himself down. He realizes that this Is an oppor tunity to compare himself with a great pitcher , and ho will most likely realize the expectations ot his friends. Michigan Is making at present n. western tour , playing the leading college teams , and for this reason the University club has been abl < j to have her come to Omaha. She has never boon so far west before , and may not cotno ngaln for years , because she generally takes a prolonged eastern trip at this time. The Michigan boys will put up at the Mer chants hotel and the event will be an occa sion for the numerous and loyal alumni ot old Michigan to have a grand reunion and get In touch once again with their Alma Mater. Any courtesies that may bo ex tended to the boys during their brief stiy by the alumni will bo highly appreciated liy them , and the praises of Omaha will bo sung In many different states by thcso collegians gathered from all over the country. The University club Is praying for a gooJ day In order that there may be a large num ber of carriages out. The University park , formerly called the Young Men's Christian Association park , Is especially adapted so that a fine view of the game can bo had from a carriage , and It Is likely that a large num ber of the swell rigs In town will bo on the field Tuesday next. The ball ground Is In fine condition. The keeper of the eround , the experienced Gib son , Is getting the diamond In perfect condi tion and the oval field presents a beautiful opeparanc ? from the grand stand and the new bleachers. Decoration day will be the gall day of the spring , Just as Thanksgiving day Is the ath letic event of the fall. On that day the style and beauty of Omaha will be out In force and since the Omaha league team Is out of town that day It Is expected that the grounds will bo packed. The University club deserves a good deal of credit for the effort that It Is making to pro mote an Interest In amateur athletics. It has spared neither pains nor expense to get the very best amateur teams In the country here. The members of the University club nine are entlemen , who play the game solely and urely for the sport there Is In It. They put "zip" Into the game that Is a delight to the pectator and Is not often seen In profes ioimls. It Is one of the by-laws of the asso- latlon that no games shall be played on Its rounds on Sunday , but on every Saturday tternoon during the season It Is the purpose f the club to arrange a game with the best earns In this section. The University club Itself at present has bout 100 members , about 15 per cent of which re associated members , or. In other words , ro not college graduates. There are nearly 00 college men In the city , and It Is hopsd nd expected that the membership will be argely Increased. It Is desired that all unl- erBlty men Join and others Interested In mateur athletics. Dy the efforts of the University the alumni f the various colleges will be enabled to met he different teams from their respective eel eges and thus revive for a day their old col- ege spirit and enthusiasm , which la po dfar o every college man. The Unlvfrjlty cub ! has a gcoj fu'ure before t and It ? nine after It gets In shape will win aurels for Omaha. Tuesday and Decoration ay let us go out and se ; what the amateurs an do. The Itineracy of the University of Michigan jase ball team Is as follows : May 18 , North vestern , at Evanston ; May 20. State untvor- ilty of Iowa , at Iowa ICty ; May 21. Unlver- Ity club , at Omaha ; May 22. University of iltnnesota , at Minneapolis ; May 23 , Unlver Ity of Wisconsin , at Madison ; May 24 , Delolt jollege , at Delolt. WIs. ; May 25 , University f Chicago , at Chicago. The Union 1'nrlc ItunnlnR Moot. EVER before has Union park pro sentcd as lovely a picture as It does today , with It Swaying maples broad lawns , newlj painted building and fences , and It matchless raci _ , course. A largi 31.- ' force of workmen lave been Industriously engaged there for th past two weeks , and are now busy putting on ; he finishing touches for the great meet o he thoroug breSs , whlch-eommsncea lay next , May 22. There will be ten days o racing , Sunday exceptoJ , the session terminal ng on Saturday evening June- , and durin .hat tlmo much exciting sport Is promised 3n the very opening day comes the Gran notel handicap with a field of eleven stnrteiv This Is for one mlle and a sixteenth and wl a rattling good event. On Saturday th South Omaha handicap , ono mlle , will be th feature of the afternoon's card. After tha strung throughout the meeting will bo th liquor dealers' purse , the Decoration da handicap , the ladles' purse , the Council Dluff handicap and a number of other good things The Jockey club is determlnei to glvo patron the best program ever offered here , and ! the meeting Is the success the Indication point to the meeting will bo the annua feature In this exhilarating sport In this sec tlon of the west , as it Is In St. Paul , Mlnno apolls , Kantas City and Denver. Just no\ the forthcoming session Is little more than a experiment and the management do not fee like branching out too lavishly until they se where they are at. Let the public one stamp the enterprise with favor and In th future It will bo a great go. There are now nearly 150 horses on th grounds and more are expected. Dig string liave come In from both Hawthorne and Eai St. Louis and some of the crackcrjac sprinters of both thcso famous courses wl compete for the moneys. A grand crowd should be on han Wednesday next , the opening day. The fa cllltles for reaching these beautiful ground ara first-class , and a large and fashlonab' turnout should mark the appreciation felt i this city and Council Dluffs. All the ral roads will give a ono and one-third fare fo the round trip throughout tbe meeting an there will evidently be an outpouring from abroad. Good music will enliven the occaslo at Intervals , and promptly at 2 o'clock th flag will fall for the flrst dash. The pro gram : Wednesday , May 22 First race , four fur lorgs , purse , $100 ; second , selling race , flv furlongs , $125 ; third , same , six furlonga , $12 ! fourth , Grand Hotel Handicap , one an one- sixteenth miles , $300 ; fifth , selling , seven fur longs , $150. Thursday , May 23 First , flvu furlongs , purse $125 ; second , four furlongs , purse $100 ; third , selling , six furlongs , purse $125 ; fourth , selling , seven furlongs , purse $150 ; flfth , sellIng - Ing , four and a halt furlongs , $100. Friday , May 24 First , four furlongs. $100 ; second , 'selling , five furlongs , $125 ; third , six furlongs , $125 ; fourth , one mile , purs ? , guaranteed value , $200 ; flfth , six and a half furlongs , $125. Saturday , May 25 First , four furlongs , $100 ; second , selling , six and a half furlongs , $125 ; third , same , six furlongs , $125 ; fourth. South Omaha Handicap , one mile , $300 ; flfth , sell ing , flve furlongs , $125. Monday , May 27 First , selling , flvo fur longs , $100 ; second , four furlongs , $100 ; third , selling , seven furlongs , $125 ; fourth , selling , seven and one-halt furlongs , $200 ; flfth , sellIng - Ing , six furlongs , $125. Tuesday , May 28 First , four and a half furlongs , $100 ; second , selling , flve furlongs , $125 ; third , same , six furlongs , $125 ; fourth , Omaha Handicap , ono mile and an eighth , $300 ; fifth , six and a halt furlongs , $150. Wednesday , May 29 First , four furlongs , $100 ; second , selling , flve furlongs , $125 ; third , selling , six and a half furlongs , $125 ; fourth , Ladles' Puree , seven and a half fur longs , $200 ; flfth , selling , six furlongs , $100. Thursday , May 30 First , four furlongs , $100 ; second , selling , flvo furlongs , $ ! ! 5 ; third , selling , , slx furlongs , $125 ; fourth , Decoration Day Handicap , one mile and 100 yards , $300 ; flfth , selling , seven furlongs , $150. Friday , May 31 First , selling , four and a halt furlongs , $100 ; second , flve furlongs , $125 ; third , six furlongs , $125 ; fourth , Liquor Dealers' Purse , one mile , $20'j ; flfth , selling , six furlongs , $125. Saturday , June 1 First , selling , four fur longs , $100 ; second , selling , six furlongs , $125 ; third , six and a half furlongs , $150 ; fourth , Council Dluffs Handicap , seven furlongs , $300 ; flfth. Consolation purse , flve furlongs , $125. Quentlnn * mid Antvrnri. FREMONT. May 17To the Sporting Edl- tor of The Uea. W" please let me ( OSTON STORE 165 DOUGLAS 5T. FURNITURE and CARPET DEPT This week we are going to sell Par lor Goods , Couches aiicl Bed Lounges at prices 'way below any we have hereto fore offered. We have had a good trade on Carpets and other goods but Parlor Goods haven't moved so fast. Pine overstuff Parlor Suit ; f > piojos ; ( lamak oovor ; worth 8100 this woclc only Flno Tnpostry overstuff. Suit ; llvo ) ) foccs ; wrtrth $50.00-this week only 525,00 Flno C - pleco Mnhopnny fniino stilt ; dnnwsk oov- or ; worth $75.00 this week , Pine H-ploco Mahogany In laid Parlor Suit ; damask cover ; worth SoO.OO ; marked down this week to Couches that wo formerly sold at $ 15.00 marked down to close nt 828.00 ! ? H"i.OO marked down to close tit . 17.00 $ 'jr . ( )0 ) marked down to close nt 14.UO $120.00 marked down to close at , . 9.75 Bed Lounges that we formerly sold at $ 'JO.OO marked down to close nt .812.00 $ ir > .00 marked down to close nt , . 8.OO ! ? IL'.OO marked down to close at . 6.00 Odd Divans , Odd Corner Chairs , Odd Easy Chairs , un- holstered in fine damask and tapestry , marked down to half price to close. $ . " 0.00 Turkish Hockers , to close 828.00 .fao.00 Platform Koekers , to close 15.0O $15.00 Mahogany Rockers , to close O.OO $10.00 Mahogany Hockers , to close 4.OO & 50.00 Casy Chairs , to close 14.00 ? 1W.OO Onsy Chairs , to close 12.0O $20.00 Sasy Chairs , to close 10.00 ? ir .oo Casy Chairs , to close , 8.0O $ IL'.OO Casy Chairs , to close. 5.00 $ ( ! .00 l-'ancy Rockers , to close. 15-00 $ .r > .00 Kancy Rockers , to close 2.50 $4.00 Fancy Rockers , to close 2.00 Those goods are nil now and bought recently when the market touched bottom. "You cannot afford to miss this 1'ARLOR SUIT SALE. If you do you will regret it , as goods go for a song. BOSTON STORE Nortliwost Corner , 10111 and Douglas , Black Rings D Under the eyes and a sallow com plexion show biliousness. This is one of the most disagreeable of o stomach disorders and if allowed to have its own way will result in great harm. Cure biliousness at'once by using Ripans Tabules , One tabule gives relief. . Itlpani Tabule * : Bold by dnimUti , or br milt U tt price W cents a box ) li Bent tb Tha III- P&M Chemical Company , No. 10 Bpruc * SL , N. Tf. i ILJI : THE OLD RELIABLE Fttrnitttre and Drapery House of the West. We show the largest and best assorted- , line in the city at lowest prices. „ , . Established 1804. 1(15-1(17 ( ( Farnam Street , OMAKA , NEB. know In next Sunday's Dee" who are the holders of all of the , world's records , their time and the wheI they ride. 2. Who holds the best time on the road ? 3. Who do you think will be the leading man In the Omaha road race ? . Wheelman. Ans. 1. Nlxey. It would take up a page of The Dee. 2. For what distance ? 3. Don't think. OMAHA , May 14. To the Sporting Editor of The Doe : Please Inform me through Questions and Answers column ot Sunday Dee how to get to tbe Lugenbeel marshes. Also how far from railroad. Do you know ot any Urge marsh , or lake along or nes ? the Fremont , Blkhorn & Missouri Valley rail way ? ! * Leopold. Ans. Via the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad to Cody. Six miles from the station. LINCOLN , May 15 , To the Sporting Edi tor of The Dee : Please state tbe mile b'.cycla record and by whom made ? What Is Dllly I'lxley's work for a mile ? H. L. M. Ans. 1. Eddie luld of New York at San Jose , CaU ( 2:01i/4. : U ) 216 ; , paced. OMAHA , May 1C. To the Sporting Editor ot The Dee : Please answer through Uii columns of The Sunday Dee , In a game of double high flvo , diamonds trumpi , and having been led twice "A" leads deuce ot hearts , all play oft cult , having no hearts , except "D , " who has queen of hearts , one spade and one trump. "U" plays a spade and claims ho does not have to pliy a heart. Is "U" right or wrong ? Dlock Head. Ans. Wrong. SOUTH OMAHA , May 13. To the Sparling Editor of The Dee : Who wins ? Game " even up , " "A" leads , takes trick , leada again , takes trick , turns each trick down , leads again. "D" demands privilege seeing last trick taken. "A" refuses. "D" beta ha has a right to see. last trick taken. Who shall I pay wager to , "A" or "D ? " L. 0. Ans. " " To "A. CHADHON , Neb. , May 10. Tq the SportIng - Ing Editor of The Dee : Please answer In your next Sunday paper how to get rid ot prairie dogs ? B. J. Longcor. Ans. Move to New York City , Deglnnlng last Monday 15 per cent was added to the wages of the men In Ibe employ of the Thomas I ) . West Foundry compiny. at Bhsrpsvllle , Pa.