Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1895, Part III, Image 17

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25c French Safeens 3J 25c Black Safeens 5c Corded India DIMITIES , 3ic 25cSerpnfneGrepes6c
1000 yards finest Best Black BARGAIN 3 cases new An immense lot of
French Sateens , Henrietta India , corded Serpentine Crepes ,
clcRiint , now fnncy Sateens , Dimities , In all shades ,
onjy styles in remnants t worth 250 , go at. . . . Thai noother concern in the world ever dared offer or was able to Worth i5c , go at. . Worth 2 5c , go at
Worth 25c Worth 25c offer. Will bs shown by tha hundreds tomorrow at Worth I5c Worth 250
N , W. Cor.
16th and Douglas1 ,
When it comes to selling- really desirable
Dry Goods , Millinerv or Shoes at a of their actual value there is not a singie firm
it of C Vi-n that can even bear comparison . with the Boston Store. There is not a 6ns anywhere in Omaha or out of it that can do it
. . * _ .H.JJ.WAU. AO ,
or will [ do it , and everybody knows -if . And that's why our store will M be crowded a-aiii tomorrow.
At prices at which no other
store can even hope
. to duplicate.
S25Q DRESS 603DS. at79c
30 pieces ol Imported black and colored
44-inuh crcpons , HJIk mlxedjipw ; fjojls
this season ; net-
ually wortli $ -)0
a yard , go in
dress Roods do-
This scasou'e novelty In Paris and Linden -
don , destined to
siipercedo othe r
black dress fabrics
bright satin lltifuli ,
special for Monday
OUoa yard
Now desirable imported dress goods , all
44 inches wide , in small checks and
plain colors , pure
silk and wool goods
worth fully OOe a
yard ; go in dross
goods depart
And Prettier New Patterns
than any ot'ner store
around can show.
22-inch changeable TnjTota GJnco , in
two-toned combi
nation 3 for waists ,
i n stripes u n d
I'ttro silk , fancy taffetas In
changeable o r
Drojuon patterns
worth 81. U5 a
yard , go in silk
department a t
A. new lot
Black Silks- "
"o f those
li yard lengths , 10 to 20 , to match
in peau dc soles , satin rhadumas >
and gros grains , go at , just half
their actual worth , at 49c , OOc
and OSc a yard.
On bargain s iimro ,
French nclise. llhunlnat-
od uolorhiKs , French and
Gorman hunrlettas and
cashmeres , fancy mix
tures ; these have boon
Bold this season up to
One a yard ; go on front
bargain square at SJOc
and 3'Jc ' a yard.
Imported wash pllss-
es , beautiful colorings ,
finest wash fabrics ever
imported ; worth 33c a
yard , for Monday , on
bargain square , nt lOc.
100 pieces finest im
ported siniill checked
and luce striped ging
hams , worth U3c a yard ,
go on main lloor at lie.
. . . . "Forest" } . pitcher. . . .
English ( Iqcorntcil dinner sot..84.75 Crystal "Forest"Riil. 15c
rtotinncd culTco pot lOc Genuine Purkor uolTeo mill 38c
tti American Bustlers Looking for Openings in
China and Japan ,
Ilevlfw of the Industrial Condltluni ns
Affected by tlie Trent ; of 1'enco
Itcst Ihaiiuelt fur Ainurican .
Kntrgy nud Knterprlsr.
, ( Copyright , 1S95 , by Frank Q. Carpenter. )
The representatives of a number of big
American syndicates are now on their way
across the I'aclflc to Investigate the possi
bilities of Investment and spaculatlon In
China , Corea and Japan. One. of these Is
Hon. George D. Williams , who was for years
connected with the Japanese government as
one ot Its foreign advisers , and who later
on was legal adviser of the Equitable Life
Insurance company In London , Another Is
Chester A , Holcomb , who was long asso
ciated with our legation In Peking , and who
Is weil "posUci upon China and the Chinese.
In addition to these , I hear of scores of In
dividuals who propose to go to China and
Corea In order to be able to take advantage
ot the changed conditions consequent upon
the carrying out of the new treaty , and a
number of old schemes will probably be re
vived. It-was only seven years ago that
Wharton Darker raised a fund of $50,000,000
to build railroads and to do banking for the
Chinese. He has , I understand , been In cor
respondence with LJ Hung Chang since then ,
and he may now again come to the front.
I bave met a dozen young- men lately " >
have told me that- they were about to start
to Asia In order to get employment as me
chanics or engineers on the new railroads ,
and I receive letters every day at to the
chances for Americans and American In
vestments In tlicso countries. The situation
Is undoubtedly big with possibilities. It Is ,
however ; far different from what people be
lieve , and In this letter I will attempt to
give EOnic'thlng concerning It.
The Indemnity from China will probably
crfntry f boom In Japan , and especially In
ToJfK. thtt. CiiyltaU When the Franco-Prus
sian war was concluded every German
thought the money paid by the French would
all be'spent In llerlln , and the people rushed
by the thousands from all parts ot the em
pire to take advantage of It. Llerlln In 1SGO
bad less than 500,000 people , and before she
went to war with France she had only "GO-
000. Three years after the settlement of
the war her population numbered 9GS.OOO , and
in I8SO she had already more than 1,000,000.
She hat now , with her suburbs , nearly 3,000-
000 , and she stands next to London among
the great cities of the world. The war was
succeeded by an era of speculation In Uerlln.
Stccks and real estate Jumped upward , and
It was so until the panic ot 1873 , when there
was a collapse. The city soon recovered ,
however , and It Is now one ot the most pros
perous of the world. The same thing will be
repeated In Toklo. Prlcet will advance , and
real ostatq js bound to go up. An era ot
speculation will probably follow , and the
man who goes In now and sells out quick
will probably do well. The Japanese have
their stock exchanges , and their water vrorkt
stocks are regularly quoted In the news-
papers. Many of the companies bave been
paying ; big dividends , and thlt Is especially
so of the banks.
The teaports bave been steadily growing ,
nd real estate In these ought to be good.
ler Instance. Yobouuiu , u wat a
fishing village when Commodore Perry first
came to the country. It has now a popula
tion ot more than 100,000 , and It Is a town of
water works , gas and newspapers.
Toklo has now more than 1,000,000 people ,
and the probability is < that It contains more
than 1,600,000. It Is only fourteen miles
! rom Yokohama , through a thickly settled
country , and an electric railroad built be
tween the two points would undoubtedly pay.
At present there are no electric railroads
n Toklo , and . .there are no street car lines
In Yokohama. The field for electric railroads
Is practically uncultivated , and by the new
treaty It would b ? possible for Americans to
engage In such work outside of the treaty
ports. Take the town ot Osaka , In the cen
tral part of the empire. It has , with Its sub
urbs , 1,200,000 people , and there Is not an
electric railroad In It. It ll.s sixteen miles
back from the seacoast , and it Is connected
liy railroad .with the town ot Kobe. Kobe
was very small at the time that Japan was
opened , but by the census of 1890 It con
tained 130,000 people. An electrlp railroad
between Kobe and Osake ought to pay. This
part of Japan Is one succession of villages ,
and only a few miles west of Osaka Is the
great city of Kioto , which was for years the
capital of Japan , and which Is now as bl ?
as Washington or Cleveland. If an electric
line were stretched from Kob ? to Osaka and
thence on to Kioto , It would strike villages
at almost every mile of travel , and It wouH
accommodate a population of fully 2,000,000
of people. The Japanese ar * great trevelers.
They make long excursions over the country
to visit the most sacred temples and shrlnea ,
and I met hundreds ot families walking along
the roads from en ? sacred point to another.
Tho'railroad cars \\ero well filled , and these
electric roads would pick up many parties
out on these trip ? of religion and pleasure
combined. As to the electric light field , that
Is also great. The 40,000,000 people of the
Japanese empire live , to a large extent , In
villages and cities. There are few gas plants ,
and the chief lighting Is done with coal oil.
Electric lights could be put In without much
expense , and In the large cities at very low
rates. The telephone is rapidly coming Into
use. There- are a large number In Osaka
and Toklo , and the rates for service In the
Japanese capital are $35 In silver and $17.50
In gold pr year.
There will probably now be an Increased
demand from Japan for American goods.
The country already takes $14,000,000 worth
of American raw cotton every year. It has
been buying , and will continue to buy ,
American machinery , but the great trade
between America and Japan In the future
Is to bo In shipping American raw mate
rials to Japan and bringing back Japanese
products to America. The money to be
made by Americans will be largely through
their better knowledge ot the American
markets and American needs. The Japan
ese can make anything that we can. Thi > y
can reduce what we need at a less cost
than we can make It ourselves , and unless
a high protective , tariff Is raised agn'nst
Asia , that country will become the factory
for America. The actual necessities ot a
Japanese laborer are not more than 25
cents a day. Our laborers cannot live on
les than $1 a day , and 25 cents In
ten hours will beat from $1 to $3 and eight
hours every time. A Japanese laborer's
house can bo furnished for $10. He sleeps
on the floor ami uses neither tables nor
chairs. His cooking stove is a clay oven
worth about 60 cents , and his carpets and
beJdlng cost practically nothing In com
parison with ours. There are 65,000,000 people
ple In the United States. At flvo to the
family , this would make 13,000,000 families.
Hardly one of these families hat a cooking
stove which coat lest than $10 , or $9.60
more than the Japanese has to pay for hit ,
Multiplying this by the number of families
we have an expenditure ot $123,600,000 more
than the Japanese on the Item ot cooking
stoves alone.
Take the matter of carpets and other fur
niture and you will see the enormout amount
ot capital that w have to lavut to live In
The Latest Styles iu Trini-ned
Hats , Bomietsjand Tnrbnm
At Which They flra'Sold Elsewhare. >
Beautiful lace , chiffon and
Handsomely trimmed Straw The greatest assortment and blg-
straw Hound Hats , trim -
med with ostrich tips , Hats , In nil colors , trim ( rest bargain In line Imported
( lowers and all silk lib- med with lace , flowers. Flowers ever shown In Omaha ,
ban and beautiful ornaments Jetted 'silk many of them worth up to JJ.CO , nnd
chiffon and all "
In two lots 2. and ,
ments , at BO nt > c 49c tilt
go ribbon , tor . . .
Monday at. , with rubber stems. New , fresh
goods .
Separata Skirts , made of
wool material , with three $129 $ ON SALE TOMORROW
box pleats In the back , KO
at $1.29 , worth $3. A fancy
skirt pin free with each
Worth $3.00 O V
Separate Skirts , lined
throughout , velveteen finish SUIT MAKERS IN NEW YORK
around the bottom , made of
storm serge and all wool
cheviot In the latest styles ; AT 58 < s m THE DOLLAR ,
worth fG.W , go at * 2.9S. A
fancy skirt pin free % \lth
No two alike either In style rr i > rmtrn.
each skirt
Those suits are made ot iluoKs , jjercu , * ,
lawns , dotted , Swiss , serges , bnlllintlne ? ,
Worth $0.50
covert cloth and fancy mlxturep. They go
In this bale.jit
* * ' *
S1t ,
Sperarate skirts , made of
mohair brllllantlne , Import
ed French serge , alt \\col
storm serge , Kr"i-ch cre- Separate UPTOv )
pone nnd extra line cheviot
viet , with ihe uilcut 1'iick '
and extra wide , worth $10 ,
go at $1.98. Fancy bkirt Worth 8 .50.
pin free with each skirt. . . In liKlit or dm Ic colors.
suit worth twice Its ' cllll
Every pr' v or
Worth $10 orth $1.50 , more.
comparison with the Japanese. It would bo a
very low average Indeed to say that the
lousehold furniture of the families of the
Jnlted States costs more- than $ ' .25 per ( am Iv.
And It would be high to say that the average
Japanese spends more than & 25 for his fur
niture. Taking the 13,000,000 families again ,
we have $1,300,000,000 of dead weight In the
way ot furniture to carry In opposition to
.liem , and everything else Is on a proportion
ate ratio. Then there Is the matter of shoes.
The ordinary coolie pays a cent a pair for his
straw sandals , and he can get a pair of Kilts
for wet weather for a quarter. His water
proof , which Is made of straw , probably costs
him 25 cents more , and for $2 or $3 he has a
whole wardrobe. His eating Is of the simplest
and ho can bo happy on one-tenth what our
laborers have. The result Is the Japanese
will always bo able to manufacture more
cheaply than we do , and one of the biggest
speculations of the cast will be the utilizing
this labor for us.
I have already written of the Japanese
candy. They have one kind made of rice
and wheat , which Is good for dyspepsia , and
which any child can eat without the stomach
ache. This could be Imported and sold like
the digestive chewing gum. It Is furnished
sometimes In the form of syrup , and with
It on the table we could keep our livers In
order and still have the luxury of buckwheat
cakes In midsummer. The Japanese make a
very cheap black varnish , which might be
Imported at a profit , and they have the soft
est and most beautiful papers known to the
world. I know of one bright American who
made a fortune out of little Japanese boxes.
He bought these by the hundreds of thou
sands , shipped them to the United States
and filled them with tacks. The tacks were
sold at the regular price , and the women
bought them In preference to other brands
In order to get the boxes. There are nu
merous other things of this same nature
that might be done. One thing Is In the
making ot clock cases , Such cases as we
have from Germany and France made In
porcelain are very high-priced. The Japan
ese could produce these very much cheaper ,
and they could make carved clock cases
which would sell at high prices. I mention
these things merely as Indicative ot the
vast field which Is now open to America In
Japan. Remember , the Japanese can do any
thing that we can do , and If you show him
a picture ot anything under the sun he can
copy It. He Is packed full of Ideas himself ,
and he Is an inventor as well as an Imitator.
From now on ho will want more foreign
clothes and more foreign machinery , and
America ought to supply a great portion of
his needs.
The settlement of the war will bring
about a great change In China , and from
now on the empire will probably be slowly
but steadily opened. The making Nanking
a treaty port will give a new foreign set
tlement at that point , 200 miles up the
Yangtse-Klang. The government will be
obliged to cede a certain amount of land
here to the foreigners , and a little foreign
city will spring up at this point , such as
have already sprung up at every open port.
In Canton there Is an Island which Is given
up to the foreigners. At Hankow the forelg.1
concession covers , I judge , at least a square
mile , and at Shanghai many foreigners have
made fortunes out of the rise In real estate
In the foreign concession. There are foreign
settlements at Tientsin , at Klukling and at
Chlnklaiig , and In these property Is worth
much mote than In the Chinese cltlea them
selves. These concessions are governed by
the foreign consuls , and the Chinese- like
to obtain property within them. If they can ,
at this frees them from the exactions of
the Chinese ofQclalt and putt them under
foreign law. These concessions are much
like foreign cltlo * . They have modern
houses. Their ttreett are macadamised ,
and they are kept In order by belqg
smoothed with heavy rollers which are
drawn by hundreds of Chinese. They have
th lr own policemen , and are by all oddt
th most desirable placet In China In which
to Jlr * . The city o ! Nanking It about five
miles back from the rlverJjpnd , Is one of' the
richest cities In China. lt was for years
the capital of" China , niidjjC Is In .he heart
of one of the 'richest of i the Chinese prov
inces. The foreign concession may be on
the river , or It may be oi" the edge of the
city. Wherever. It Is , Ufa" Jf pd Is nlmost cer
tain to Increase In value , 'a d an investment
In It ought to be go'od/j fl
Those best posted on thd'Chinese ' character
say that this war will ba'followed by a great
military activity throughout , tbo Chinese em
pire. New gunworks will b6 at once started.
A new navy will be constructed , and there
will be a , great 'demand for all kinds of ma
chinery for the making ot arms and the
munitions of war. There a c now more than
2,000 men at work In the shops at Shanghai.
An equal number are probably employed In
the gunworks at Tientsin , and the Foochow
shipyards will be pushed to their utmost
capacity. The Chinese have seen their ne
cessity for railroads , and their lack of ability
to move their troops without them. The
first road to bo built will probably be one
from Tientsin to Hankow , and thence to
Canton. This has been planned for years ,
and It will tap a territory containing hun
dreds ot millions of people. The work of get
ting such concessions will be slow , and 11 Is
very doubtful whether foreigners will be
allowed to build railroads. If they should be
permitted to do so the field for electricity
and steam la practically unlimited , and such
a revolution In railroad building and manu
facturing will take place as will turn the
remainder of the Industrial world upside
down. I don't believe the Chinese will do
this at present. They move slowly , but It will
come eventually. Theynvlll , however , have a
great trouble In raising the money to
pay Japan , and there Is no- telling what
may be squeezed out of "the- government at
this time. Think of the cities of a hundred
thousand , five hundred thousand and a mil
lion within a few miles ct each other.
Think of a country as big as the United
States and containing about eight times as
many people , with no rallroadx whatever
and no decent wagon roads a country In
most places as flat aa a floor'and well fitted
for railroads without gracllDgi and you have
something ot the condition ) ot China today.
It Is a country which hat 4,000 walled cities
and countless villages. A country where
locomotion Is expensive , and where the people
ple squeeze money harder than they do any
where else In the world. 'Them Is no land on
the globe where cheap transportatlon would
pay better. The harvest Is ripe for the spec
ulator and Investor It | the fence ot Chinese
conservatism and exclusion can be torn away.
Take Peking , with Its mill it n and a half of
people. It has not a line of street cars.
Tientsin , eighty nillea away , has a million
people , and Is one of , the ; great trading cen
ters of the empire. Those who ride go
about In chairs , carried on the shoulders of
men , and "all goods are- carted around on
wheelbarrows. Tientsin supplUs Peking with
goods , and there Is no railroad between them.
It It the same all over China.v
The Chinese are beglnlng'tf make their own
cotton. They have a number of large fac
tories , and LI Hung ChapE proposes to build
others. In these they * bave modern ma
chinery. A great part ot the cotton used It
made by hand , not more , than one-fifteenth
being Imported. Our cotton cloths are more
popular than the English or the native cot
tons , but they cost too much , and hence we
send but little manufactured cotton to China.
The market , however , It enormous. One of
the consult made an estimate of It not long
ago. He said that the Chinese are clothed
principally In cotton. There are at least 400.-
000,000 of them , and. they ute about twenty
yards apiece every year. This would make a
consumption of 8,000,000.000yards a year. Take
your pencil now and tee what that meant.
Eight billion yards It 24.000,000,000 feet , or a
strip ot cotton a yard wlda ! 24.000,000.000 feet
long. At 6,000 feet to th mile tblt would
bo more than 4,000,000 mllsk long , or enough
to reach 160 tlmet around the world. One
hundred and sixty f et makes a very wide
fiky street , U you could hart three such
streets running clear around the world , and
could patch the cotton used by the Chinese
Into one vast crazy quilt , It would be more
than enough to carpet them. Of this enor
mous amount more than' 7,600,000,000 yards
are made by the Chinese , being woven by
the women on hand losms. If wo could get
low freight rates wo ought to be able to
supply a largo part of these cottons. The
Chinese want a good cotton , and they need
heavy , strong and closely woven goods for
winter. In the future they will probably
make the greater part of their own goods ,
but the enormous market which might be
created for our raw cotton Is almost Inesti
mable. There would be no limit to produc
tion If we had It , and with the opening of
tl.o Nicaragua canal the greater part of It
ought to como to us. The kinds of cottons
used by the Chinese are generally blue In
color. They use a large amount of drills and
the sails of their vessels are made of this
The Chinese are now using quite a lot ot
American lumber. The lumber comes from
Oregon and Washington , and It goes as far
north as Peking. I saw American pine In
the lumber yurds of Japan , and I met a
man who was trying to Introduce It Into
eastern Siberia. During my stay In Valdl-
vostock an American ship loaded with Cali
fornia wheat was lying at the wharves , and
quite a good dc-al cf our flour Is now used In
China. Strange as U may seem to many , rice
Is an expensive form of food there , and In
the north many of the people are too poor
to eat It. There are no big1 flouring mills In
China , and even In the city of Canton , which ,
you know , contains about 2,000,000 people , I
saw' oxen grinding flour by dragging one
stone about on the top of another.
It is Impossible tu .appreciate the fortunes
which are sure to come sooner or later to
some one out of Chinese cheap labor. Re
member , their labor Is as good as
ours. I taw a locomotive which they
built at the gnu works at Shang
hai which looked as well as any turned out
In our shops , and a Chinese engineer was
operating It , He got about 25 cents a day ,
I saw men making everything under the sun
for wagea about one-tenth of what the same
class of labor receives In the United States ,
and the Englishman In charge told mo It
required only a few months to make a good
mechanic out of an ordinary Chinaman.
When the Chinese * appreciate that they can
manufacture for the world , the coolies and
the men who are now working on the roads
could be put Into the factories and the people
will become a nation of mechanics and man
ufacturers. At present they toll for ten and
twelve hours a day for wages which would
hardly support a dog In this country. I have
b'.fore mo a list of wages given by Dr. Bed-
lee , when a consul at Amoy , Here ara some
of them : Barbers get $3 a month ; boatmen ,
14 ; bricklayers , $5 ; masons , $6 ; laundrymen ,
$4 , and pavers , $4.50 per month. The plumber
Is a rich man In America , but he Is glad to
receive $6.25 a month In China. Printers
receive $9 a month ; tanners , $6 a month ;
telegraph operators , $24 a month ; ordinary
laborers , $4 a month , and clgarmakers , about
$5 $ per month. It la the same all over the
empire , and the wages may ba divided In
half , as they are paid In illver , which It
worth only half the value of our money.
I could fill a page of this newspaper with
the possibilities and the curious features of
labor In China and Japan , and the tame may
be also laid of Corea , though there has been
until now so little security for the fruits of
labor that the people have had no Incentive
to work. The treaty will brine a new light
Into the hermit nation , and many ot the old
and barbarous customs will now pass away.
For tome time there will , however , be
chances for speculative turnt outsldo of the
wonderful resources of the country. One
will bo when any member of the royal family
dies. At this time the whole nation I sup
posed to go Into mourning. Every man In
the country > > * * to put on a white ttraw hat
aa big at aa Imbrella and a new gown ot
1 lot
will no at 25c oneh ,
no mutter wluit the
quality or how small
the duunifjo.
Your choice of the
1 lot of largo heavy
go in this sale at
All the very finert , Curtains , beautiful goods , In an almost unlimited assort
ment of styles , including Nottingham , Irish I ? > lnt , Fish Net , Etc ; worth up to-
$10.00 a pair gj iu this s ilo ut$1.93 : $2.50 , $3.25 and $4,60 a P 1r.
Kino English llnrnellles
e < ! | irvnil . .
12-4 size Marseilles Pattern II d
12-4 size Crooliet lied gp ends at
( each )
J S. Hrown's 72-lncll IiUli Double
Satin Dninuak. with 8-4x3-4 napa
to mutch , icKulnr price > 1.3 , go 75C
-ncli ! full Ijl nch Irish Table Damask -
ask , wurth 76c yiird
l,0i ) remnants Idcuchtil an-t cream
Table I.llu-li , Bultnhlc for any
liouMhnld want nnd worth ui > to
83c yard , KO nt
yellow grasscloth. The man who has a corner
on grasscloth at such times Is Euro to bave
at least 3,000,000 men howling for It. He
can charge his own prices and can do almost
as well as Colonel Sellers hoped to do with
his eye water for the millions of cross-eyed
Chinamen. I have already written at length
concerning the gold mines , the coal mines
and the. probabilities of there being largo
deposits of petroleum In Cored. The country
will now be developed and there are good
chances In It for American capitalists.
According , to reliable statistics there la one
divorce to each 479 marriages In the United
An Easter egg of pure gold , containing a
pearl necklace , to wear on her wedding day ,
was the present received by a London beauty
this year.
A French conscript has broken the record
by claiming exemption on theground that he
Is , at the ago of 20 , the father of four living
Abraham Rimes of La Porte , Ind. , has se
cured a divorce from his tenth wife , who , It
transpires , was his first bride. After being
divorced from her the drat time he married
eight times before ho was again wedded to
Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartorls has given up her
house In Washington. Her irmarrlage to Gen
eral Kyd Douglass , which , notwithstanding
all denials , Is confidently expected to take
place soon , will probably bo very quiet. It Is
now thought that It will be celebrated at the
homo of her brother , Colonel Fred Grant , In
New York.
Elopements will probably be rare hereafter
In the state of New York , A new law makes
It a criminal offense for a man to marry a
girl under 18 years of age without the con
cent of her parents or guardian , and a clergy
man or magistrate performing the ceremony
Is accessory to the crime. The marriage can
also be set ade ! by order of a court.
An event of a unost unusual character was
celebrated In Scranton , Pa. , May 3. The fes
tivities were In honor of the silver wedding
of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Koch of Scranton ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koch and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Koch of New York. The three
men are brothers , and were married In New
York on May 3 , 1870. A largo party of New
York relatives were present at thB celebra
tion. In connection with the wedding anni
versaries the C5th birthday of another brother ,
John Koch , formerly of New York , was cele
Everybody has heard of the tin wedding ,
thp illver wedding , the golden wedding , and ,
rareit of all , the diamond wedding. Unfor
tunately for people who live In the sweet
bondage of matrimony , the diamond wedding
Is a very costly ceremony. Dut Mr. and Mri.
Johanu Szathmary of Zsombolga , In Hungary ,
have not only celebrated all their weddings
from tin to diamond , but have just broken
the record In the centenary ot their marriage.
The bride Is just one hundred and sweet
sixteen and the bridegroom just one year
A wealthy Hoosler gentleman of the mel
low age of 80 , and a lady aged 30 , were se
cretly married last week at the Indiana town
they live In , The wedding wai the denoue
ment of two years of exceedingly difficult
courtship , during which the ripe lover was
constantly put to all those fond , sly shifts
and expedient ! which love U adept In to escape / >
cape the Interference ot his offspring. Hrs
whole family , It U said , took a hand in fore
stalling the banns.
Two years ago Ezra Gotpln of North Lib
erty , Butler county , Pa. , decided to save
money by buying his whliky at wholesale
rates. He agreed with bli wife to pay her
10 cents for every drink he took from the
jug. The scheme worked all right until two
months ago , when ilrs. Qoipln quit the busl-
IlaiitlBume frigged prcB.Jp.ti TaUlp
Cloth * , wllh rfil bonier , 3 ) arils
long nncl worth 9sc racli , KO "I
r.Ktrn. nne quality of full blenched
3-4x3-4 NnpHIni , that Bold for
$3.25 dozen , go ut
3-1x3-4 extra heavy all\cr blcncheil
Herman Napkins , were J2 M < 1 O K
Large size bleached llarnpely Tow1 f\n.
clH , worth 15c each JLVO-
18-Inch check CJIawi Towellnp. ln7
alt coloia , worth 124e ! yurd , go nt *
ness because she says her husband was drink.-
Ing too much. This caused a separation. .
Gosplti tin * consulted a lawyer about suing hit ,
wife for Illegal liquor celling. Ho will call
his wife and daughter as witnesses.
A New Jersey church has erected a stall
liouee for the bicycles of attendants.
There Is a flourishing Young Women's.
Christian association In Calcutta , India.
The First Congregational church , Ilrldge-
port , Conn. , will celebrate Its 200th anniver
sary June 19-20.
The German Presbyterians have ICO min
isters In the United States , with 154 churches , ,
with a membership ot 12,659.
The American Baptist Home Missionary
society closed Its financial year with a debt
of $108,799 , an advance on that of the previous ,
year of $7,343.
In Japan there are more than 1,200 placea
where Christianity Is taught , more than
7,000 Protestant schools , and every year about
1,600 you lie persons go out from these school *
into the life ot the nation.
Rev. William J. Petrle , who has been pas
tor of the Church of Our Saviour , Chicago ,
for twenty years , has resigned , and wilt
travel In Europe.
Hov. Charles II. Strong , rector ol St. .
John's Episcopal church , Savannah , Ga. , hat-
followed the example of Hev. Dr. It. Ilerbcr'
Newton , and repudiated the doctrine that the
physical body of Christ was raised from the
During the last four years there have been
erected In the city of Chicago forty new
Methodist mission churches , valued at nearly
| 500,000. Of these thirty-one have becomn
self-supporting ,
Fifty years of earnest work for his church
were rounded out by Archbishop Williams ot
Doston on Thursday last , and the labors ot
half a century In the archdiocese were fit
tingly recognized by clergy and laity.
Key. J. J. Keane , president of the Roman
Catholic university at Washington , delivered )
a lecture recently In which he remarked that
the three enemies ot American civilization )
are "Caesarlsm , Nationalism , and Sectarian *
Ism , "
Hev. Washington Gladden has been awarded
the Fletcher prize of (500 offered by ths
trustees of Dartmouth college for an essay
upon the subject : "In What Ways Ought
the Conception of Personal Life and Duty to
He Moillflcd ? "
Dlshop Wesley J. Galnes of Georgia , the
new star In the theological firmament , U ft
colored man of vast proportions. Ho Is said
to have a wonderful fund ot oratory , orlgU
nallty and wit , a man who believes In put
ting , as he expresses It , lota ot ginger Into
his sermons , and who realizes his sentiments ,
The second annual meeting of the American
Congress of Liberal Religious socletlt * will
be held In Slnal Temple , Chicago , June i , S
and 6. The first meeting of the congress
was held In the same place a year ago and
was largely experimental. It proved most
successful , however , and the plans for thl
second session bave been made more elabon
ate. Dr. Alfred Momcrle of England , whj
was conspicuous In the world's parliament
of religions , will take part In the proceed' '
I'otrer of VI Ion Htlll Fair.
Chicago Tribune : Lawyer Now. sir , d4 !
you or did you not say you saw the defendant
at the time this occurrence took place ? You
did see him ? Very good. Now I should
like to have you state to this jury , lr ,
whether or not your eyesight Is defective ? "
Witness Why , as to that
Lawyer Address your remark * to the Jury ,
Witness ( to the Jury ) He' right , gentle-
men. My left eye's no good , but I can set
tol'bly well out of the other. I can sea
that this here lawyer dyes hit whiskers and
they've grown about a sixteenth of an Inch ,
I should judge , since ho dyed 'em last.
Chicago Record : He ( ss they leave tbti
church ) I don't see how you can say that
wan a long sermon. Hit Wife Ot court *
you don't. I kept awako.