II THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . J3TTNDAY\ MAY 10 , 1895. 1 5 CONDITION OF LOCAL TRADE Business Bclardcd by the Cold Snap but Prospects Mint Encouraging , NEBRASKA'S ' ENORMOUS CHICORY CROP Xlinuinml * ot Aoral Under Cultlrntlon In the Htnte-Mnnr Notr I'uotorlei to lie Opened to tlnntltc thoToni at tlmt Article , The cool weather of the past week hat had a tendency to make business In local wholesale circles rather slow , but the scale has not been on n basis calculated to dis courage Jobb rs. Tne Immediate demand foi nil classes of hummer goods so general before - fore the present cold snap hn material ! } decreased , but merchants understand thai this Is aulte temporary. The demand foi numtner fabrics ) wns much In advance ol previous years , and even If the trade Ir this line la delayed several weeks by thi change of weather It will be as early ui U ual In this territory. What Is trtia In dry goods circles hold : quite generally In other mercantile lines The enormous crop of early vcgyables thai was clogging the local marts of trade hai largely diminished nnd particularly Is thl ! true of the frulta being shlppjd Into tin state from other points , Hut on all side : nre received encouraging reports concerning the condition of agricultural products. Fros damage wns confined almost wholly ti fimall fruit and gardens In Nebraska. Tin , most material loss the reports ngrec wll 1 result from the suspended growth to vege ri tutlon. The cold nights have retarded crop > to a 'great extent , but since they were fa . . In advance of other yearn they are In i J better condition to stand it this year thai usual. Krom , n'll parts of the state come mos encouraging reports ns to the condition o crops generally. Never was the tone mor generally hopeful. With the exception of i few Hoctlon * rain hits fallen In ubunclunc and the moisture In the ground Is sulllclen to n sure a line growth for'probably i month. This Is particularly true of land nubject to Irrigation. L.AKOK CHICOUY CROP. The Indications now nre that the lav placing a bounty on chicory hns stimulate ! the production of that article to an exten hardly oxiwcted by thtf friends of the mcns ure. Nearly every county In the state re ports'- ' large acreage of the vegetable. li .Douglas and Sarpy counties alone the Urn of K , ' D , Van Court & Co. have contract for 210 acres. The yield under favorabl circumstances In this territory is from llv to eight tons per acre. The Van Cour contracts call for 'the payment to the pro tlucer of J10.EO per ton for th chicory delivered at the factory. Thl promises to be a large source of rcvenu to the farmers of the state. Dodge county farmers have several bun dred acres under cultivation , and In fnc nearly every agriculturist In the state lu. more" or less of the article In this year a nn experiment. The chicory factory n , O'J elll , the only one In the state. Is en f larglug its plant' to' handle the fall trad ' and will double Its capacity. That factor1 furnishes at present , and has for man : months , all the chicory consumed In Otnahn which amounts to hundreds of tons nn nufilly. All this formerly was imporle from Kuropean countries. The factor plafeA , lt on the Omaha market at frtm to C cents per pound. Omaha. In the pasb has sent thousands o dollar * abroad for this article. Now at rangementu are 'being made to ship th chicory crop of Nebraska to Chicago , SI I/mils ami the southern markets. There I talk In trade circles of several factorle being , opened for the manufacture of th enormous crop now growing. Van Cout & Co. have completed arrangements t -work up their own crop nnd. In fact , hnndl all the product of this section of the state The company has not yet decided where th plant will be located , but Is partial' t nome point Immediately adjacent to th locality producing the largest crop. Thl would place It In the vicinity ot Uoulsvllli This , will enable farmers to reach the fac tory at little cost. The plant will glv employment to many men. Moat of th chlc6ryrcrop has been put In and tnuch't It Is' IlETAKOKD AJ.L IIUS1NKSS. Condition Is Hncfi that the Nebraska .Should < > cl Tliunkfiil. The manager of the Snow , Church & O Mercantile oBency , In reviewing- buslnei situation , says : "The' week just closed has been producth of nothing startling- the way of buslne : In Omaha , or In Nebraska. Huslness of a .kind * ban been very light , although taltlr everything Into consideration , the frost i the h ter part of fast week anil the earl part ot thla week , together with the coi Untied , cold weather , a rushing buslnei was hardly to be expected. H Is perhaps rather cold-blooded to t glad that the effects of the frost have bee greater In other states than In Nebrask The damage by frost In Nebraska has bet exceedingly Blight , so much so , that nfti the true condition had been ascertnlnt there wns no cause for worrlment left i the farmers. The damage by frost In low Missouri and Kansas tins not been by ar means light , nnd In many places the fnra ers have been forced to plow under tl crops previously sown and plant again , n though it is to be hoped that they w experience no Ill-effect from this beyond tl loss of the llral seed. The cold weather during thla week hi retarded the crop * In Nebraska , and It w take something1 like two weeks to brlt them up to what they would have bet at this time had It not been for the co wenther , but taking everything Into co ulderatlon the farmer In Nebraska hi much to be thankful for when comparlt hlH situation with that of the farmers the surrounding states. The condition of business In the city Omaha , although not what It ought to 1 at this time. Is still In a healthy condltli und everything shown thut. although buf ness l at present slack , the stoppage Its volume la merely tomi > orary nnd that will revive Immediately upon the return tine weather. It may be opportune at this time to me tlon that the plant of the Blair Beparat Horse Collar nnd Manufacturing' compai of Hlalr , Neb. , was completely dstroy by tire a few days since , there being- not Ing saved but the boo't * . Omaha Is lookli for manufacturers nnd It should get i the manufacturers that It Is possible Induce toTome to Omaha. Would It not well , therefore , under the existing clrcut stances , to inuko an effort to have tl factory , whlcn Is not by any means B inn 11 one , to remove to Omaha ? \Ve spei of personal knowledge when we pay th the trade of this concern extends from t Atlantic to the 1'aclllc , and from St. Pu to thn extreme south. An extra manufa tory to Omaha would not by any ntea be tun lift. Collections during the past week ha been rather batter than In the week pi ceding which , of course. Is an Indlcatl of the betterment of the times. In conclusion It might be said that Oma nnd Nebraska , both as to the present a the future , have much to be thankful t and very little to bo blue about. 1IONKY HOI.DKUH AH10 HKSTI.K lluilnes * llecorerf lilnctjil by the Tendon tu Speculative Investment. "The unique fact today In Omaha and t country generaly la this : Almost evn thing Is advancing In price , yet nlmc everybody Is 110111 ? business on a very , vc small margin of prollt , " These were t opening sentences of the weekly review trade from the standpoint of the Dun Mi rnntlle agency. "Wheat passed 70 cents tether other- day , nnd nearly every product of s nnd of factory ls now higher In price th It was nix months ago. The trouble Isl the advance In prices of products is hroug ubout by the exhaustion of supplies hand. The demand has not Increased , a the Increased prices have not stimulated n material activity. To Illustrate : Kupp ( the Omaha Klevator company hod l.Ouo. bushels of wheat In store and the clevo" ! people knew thut Omaha could not get nddlttonal supply of wheat until after hi vest. The elevator company would ndvar the price bwause the stock of Brain hand must Inevitably be In demand. Hi po. c , further , tlmt the elevator people kn that Omaha was reducing her consumptl tifrlirut at the rate of * ITi.OuO bushels ] day , Would K not be reasonable to expi the elevator company to buy from day day enough to kern the stock on hand eqi lo l.W.OOO bushels ? Our demands are no iluccd by enforced economy thut while < manufacturers and producers generally r ognlie the fact that their present suppl will Inevitably he exhausted , they are t certain ns to future demands , and tri anil everybody else are waiting. " \ \ < e may expect a betttr feeling evei where and a gradual recovery , but wo i not yet prosperous , and It will take * o time to reach our normal bnslners con tlon. The backbone of our prosperity Is ( farming districts. The farmer ls not pr IH.TOIIS. lie need * n crop to meet presi Improved price * . Kverybody knows , ho ever , that the American farmer will r coi til * prosperity , mid us agriculture la i largest single Industry we cannot expecl largo volume af trada until he lias recov ered his equilibrium , "When Americans begin to apeculnte and the world of capital Indicate * a desire Tor commercial adventure It Is pretty safe to say business Is gaining. Wall street has been In n fever of micturitions and the boards of trndc at grain centers hitvc en joyed unusual fluctuations. Front the ex treme of conservative Investment we nre swinging back to laxity and n longing for large and quick returns. U Is so , nlso , In London , where large capital Is always sesk- Ing Investment nnd where there Is always possible speculation. Englishmen have In- ve tfil 1700.010,00) ) In African gold mining , nnd Ixindoncrs , In the face of the advice of nil the financial journals of the world's me tropolis , oversubscribed for the entire last Issue of government bonds nnd the cheaper railroad stocks nre Belling1 nt n remarkable rate. The American Investments are not speculative , either , but they nre permanent and nre not to be Immediately unloaded uixin our own Investors. This relieves local capital to float new enterprises which have long been slumbering- pigeon holes. The east Is recovering from the distrust of western Investment ! ) nnd begins again to look toward the setting nun for rates of In terest which are Impossible In the congested money centers of New York nnd the Atlan tic seaboard cities. The west Is nil rlghl nml the east knows It. and while the east will ba morn cnreful In the future legiti mate demands for money for promotion ol genuine prosperity in the west will find Investors favorably Inclined. "Ixicnlly we are still waiting and some ol us are kicking. We must have crops before we can feel easy , nnd the crop Is promis ing , taking the state at larfxe. though dis heartening reiKirts come from some far wcsl sections. The most dissatisfied person : among- our 'citizens nre those who have rental property nnd real estate , nnd yel they are doingns well as anybody else When u business of Jl.000,000 a year payi only J3.UUO net to Its owners or 1 per cent- landlords ought to be satisfied with from , ' to 10 per cent. The fact Is" that the preseni depression strikes all nbout alike from thi capitalist to the day laborer. Each has hi' pro rata share of the burden to carry , nni discontent Is fully us common in the palnci as In the hovel. "In my review of last week , referring- building enterprises throughout the country I stated that the Investments undertakei In the building line for the preceding week according to the national ofllclnl organ o the building trades , aggregated J16,00),00 ( and that t-ven In Omaha some work Is belnt done. A local labor union , rending the re view carelessly , jumped to the conclusloi thut I had llgured the J1G.OOO.OOO for Omnlu and passed n resolution of censiirt1. Nobods coulif have been misled , however , who reni the two paragraph ? through. Neverthples : I am glad to comply with the request o the union to the extent of saying that thi big figures comprised the enterprises of th < entire I'nlted Stalest. "The national bank statements on the cal of May 7 show the following figures ; Hank. Loans. Cash , l5ep-slts Omaha $ rr > sn,03Jl.il7f,53 ( 12,702.5 ! Klrst 2.220.0SS 1J32.5 1 - 3,2 < iD,3.V Merchants 1.02.-.727 337,221 1,133,01 1 Nebraska 732,10 ! ) S7i.l."i3 1.117.53 1'nllfU States 82-1.437 4S.S.O2 1.231,15' nlon 051.511 202,111 ! CIS,1 ! ! ! merlcnn 310,3Sli 93.2S8 278,18 ommerclnl 4SI.C37 2.'il,778 rOI,15 , lank of Commerce CVI.031 121.000 29.1.2 < ! outh Omaha 31K.011 317.0.1ft rMS,27 'nlon Stock Yards K8i,5HS DTWH 631 ! 4S ackers 173.SSI 59,787 178.01 Totals J10.6I2.006 t3,7CO,7G2 J13.BJS.S1 I'AI.MAOK ON TIIK HICK moSPKCTi ncrouso In Acreage nnd High Average eQuality Quality In Looked For. NKW YOtlK , May 15 , IMS. We herewith pre etit our Initial report on the rice crop In th espectlve states. H may bo remarked In Ben ral that Krcnt cure 1ms lieen exercised In xc ectlnn of Innda nml seed , nnd high nvemR uallty mny be fairly expected. Orop belli : irgely made on planters * own resources , mor han former Independence Is likely to be show ; when marketing In tlio fill. A decided Increase over acreage of the pas enson Is assured. I'rlcca during the year hav jeen highly satisfactory , nnd planters arc mor encouraged to "put money Into the ground" tha liey were Immediately after the pnnlo prices 833. . Attain , there Is an Increased disposition t a diversity of crops , and rice Is being raised li otton nnd sugar planters , who wish to hav oed nnd feed In case- other products net pee rturns. KjiR'Hmcnts have demonstrated thn "ough rlc * IH tin ; t'nu.il of any other cereal fn ceding purposes , hence , the arrant folly of sell ng It below normal value , while nt the sam line buying corn nnd oats. North Carolina Hi-ports scanty ; those receive ndlcate usual Interest with general low plani t\K , Bouth Carolina The plantations continuous t and below Chartnton. seeding practically con plctcd early April , and with snlisenuent fin vBather has produced " fanar > * rull } varlvante is ususl : , ln Hie Qi prK' > "iwn district , rontlnu rnlnn and high rprlng tides have kept the lant .00 molct , nnd the major planting will be dor n June , nnd harvest consequently late , Oeorcla Fully sevon-clKhllis of the crop Is no ri and planters nre satisfied with "stand. " ' no disaster overtakes It the crop will be read 'or harvesting early. Louisiana Season has been favorahle the drj st spring for many years. Host of the err * In and advancing : In fine form. Increase icreage Is ciulte the rule , not only In the pralr eRlon of southwestern Louisiana , but owlnff 1 : bo depressed condition of the sURar Industi tliero 1ms been a renewal of rlco planting In tl older parishes along the Mississippi river 1 he prairie region several lame Irrigating cnua have been opened , thus accurlni ; a wnter suppl and thereby reJudng the risks of culture to minimum. Other HtalCH More attention Is IxlnK palfl 1 Hie culture In every cult state , particularly I Klorldo , nnd Texas. The latter reports markf Increase over last year , nnd Its crops will cine no Mnall figure In the grand total of the com try. DAN TALMAdira SONH. WILD HCKXKS IN NKW YtMll Great Excitement on the Curb Caused li the Co III IVonther Stories. NEW TOUK , May 18. There was n scene of wl excitement on the curb at the Produce excham today. The regular wheat market closes Satu < lnya at 12 o'clock , and for an hour uftcnvnr or until Chicago closed , traders Rtood around at traded in un unolllclal way. Usually the cu ; la u tame affair. Today It was a bedlam noises. OuUIJera had been heavy sellers all tl mornlns , causing quite a decline In wheat , ni closing figures nhnwnl n net loss of nbout ti This left the feeling rather weak , nnd whi cold weather stories struck the market It wi unprepareil. In fifteen minutes prices jumped i Ic a liimhcl. nnd ilurlmr the hour ! c , July cla Ing at 73 ! > c. and ruMilnp up to TSV.c on the cur Then everjlxnly wanted to sell some on tl rabf , and this knocked off a cent , the. murk finally being very unsettled , Corn also had boom advancing from Wic. the regular clotlr on July , to We , und llien on * In S7Vic. Ht. Louis Oennnil Slxrkot , ST. LOUIS. May 18.-ri.OUK-Nomlnal higher , but the trade would make no change quotations ; patent * . S3.6 > ir3.75 ; extra fancy , S3. W3.W ; fancy. 3.00t3.10 ; choice. I2.7JO2.S3. II ; flour , J3.S5fc3.SO. WHIIAT This was the wildest nnd most u settled niarket that has yet lieen seen her prices Jumping around In every direction , liar In the day semi ; weakness was displayed on fr soiling , anil the opening was l c lower , the mn ket for some time nfterwnrd being very nervoi nnd Irregular. Sudden ! ) U shot up rapidly ni at thn close \rns nt the top for the day and 2' ' nlMve yestfrday ; cash , 71c ; May , 73e ; July , 7Hj Septrmlwr , 71io ! asked , UOIINVak early on large receipts at Cl eago. but n scare over frost prwtlcllons start Rhorla to covvrlnir. and nn excited market fi lowed. July advancing over 3c , though the clo was lUc below thu ton and H c over yesterda No. 2 mixed , cash , 50c ; May , I'JUc ; July , K Septeml' r. D3c. OATS I'utures advanced by corn , but coi pared wllh other markets wns dull. Other ni crop options advanced materially , closing * i5M blKher : No. 2 Muy. < ic bid ; June , ' Ho bl July. 'sc : September , 2J4c. ! IiyK-1'rlme , Kc. HAHI.KV Nominal. COIIN ilKAU j.30fl-.M. 11KAN I'r.icttcolly no nmrket. FI.V HKKU-Uull. (1.40. OHAPfi SKKUS-ciover. J0.5087.M ; tlraotli I3.OOUI.00. HAY Klnn for tlmatliy , W.WJfil.15 , eo track ; prnlrlc shows no Improvement. Unns Firm. 10c for freili. WHISKY tl.3 for ilMlllera * finished Roods I.KAD Dull , unteltled , i > nvrnk eastern mi kets ; heavy ] > t > i ure to sell brought out lar lot * iiffertHl at 13. but no buyers. Sl'Kl.TKUSteady. . | 3.aQ1.3l. IMlOVISIONrt-l'.nk , standard mess. Jl * . Ijinl , prime steam , J8.SH ; chplce , J6.67H. U ealc meats , Itoxed shnulilem , 13.23 ; longs. ) G. ! rlus , > 3.3i < i ; shorts , 10.50. Daron. boxed slux J3.75 , longs , J.Ci ; ribs , JS.li ; shor lour. J.OW bbls. ; wheat , , i bu ; corn. H.noo bu. ; oats , 29.000 bu. HIUI'MKNTS-Klour. 4.COO bbls. ; wheat , , ' bu. ; corn , li.WO Ini , ; oats , 13,000 bu. ICnntiis City .il rKets. KANSAS CITY. May lS.-WHEAT-Flrm ; > I haul. 7fi73c ; No. S red. 77c : rrjeetiit. CSc. COUN Firmer ; No. t mixed , 4Scj No 2 will We. We.OATSHasy ; No. t mixed , c ; Xo. I will Sic. _ TIIK HKALTY Al.tKKBT. INSTIIU.MENTS placed on record May : 1S 5 : WAHHANTV DEKnS. 'O C Bryant nnd wife to 8 M Veckham , H lot li. Mlllanl i CTl aAJ , except e 10 fe t . , . 13 , W S Emery and wife to R A Hmery. undlv H lot 4. block IS , E V Smith' * . . , . William Hart and utfe lo J 1' Whllrhorn , lut 3. block S , C C Ma > ue' * Ut add tu Valley . . . South Omaha Ijinrt company li > U It lie- Uulrr , lot . block 118 , tiouth Omaha . . . . S U Frost to U C Olte , w H nvr :0-14-1J. . 10 , QUIT CUAIM DKIDS. II 11 Kennedy to Kate It Kulin , Igt 13 , block "U , " Horbach'a subdtv . DCUU , { lpMl.il master to F C I'rck. lot 13. block IS , Central park . , . . , , . , . , , . . , . . . . 1 , Tula ) amount of transfer * , , , , . lie , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Led the Advance on Chicago Boaxd ; Yesterday , COLD WAVE SCARE CAUSED THE RUSH rolliiircil Corn nnil Jnnipmt Up nnil iJoirn with llenmrknhlo Ilnplillt ; l ° ro t 1'rcdlcted Generally Throughout the Vtojl. ' CHICAGO , May IS.-Corn led the dance or the Hoard of Trade , jumping 4Hc , and closed lc higher at 53V4o for July. The cold wave scare caused ths advance. Jul > wheat gained IHc , September oats I'&c ' am' ' provisions closed at advancts. Almost every commission man and jjpec- ulntor of experience advised their .custom era and told their friends before the market opened that the Inevitable break In tin wheat market would bo realized today. How much they were mistaken they began to real Ize when , after a decline of Vid per bu. , in the result of nil the efforts of the entln local talent bunched together on the sell Ing side , the price was gamboling1 nroutu 72 < 4c per bu. for July about half an houi from the close. That was quite a contrns with CO'Ac , although som ; few sates wen made near the opening. July started will sellers nt 70c , but no buyers until It hat been offered down to CfJic , and In semi Instances as low' as CDVSc. It recovered grad ually to "OHc , but for an hour and a hal there wns enough wheat on sal ; at any thing. When , however , heavy frosts wen predicted for South Dakota , Nebraska , Kan aas and Missouri , threntanlng the des'.ructloi of the corn , which Is now MO promising the price of corn began to shoot skyward wheat could no longer be controlled am Jumped about for half an hour like a pea ot a hot stove. It rose to-72Hc , dropped li about ten minutes to 70-Tic , rose again t < 72i4c arid closed with buyers at Tl lc. Thi ordinary market news .was not'mucli heeded apart from what referred to ths reportei damage to the growing crop. Thi northwestern receipts nt Minneapolis am Duluth were 207 cars , against 283 curs a yea ago. For this week the carloads received a Minneapolis and Duluth have been COO les : than on the corresponding week of last year The week's clearances of wheat nnd llou from both coasts were 2,337,0X1 bu. , compare ! with 2.80T .000 bu. on the week bsfore. Corn started weak , but It did not stay li that condition very long. The prediction o frost sulIlcUntly severe to. make the re planting of corn necessary In the prlnclpa states of Its production was the cause of ai excitement such ns Is seen only nt rare In tervals In the corn pit. July openei nt fil'c nnd sold from that dowi to 01'4e near the beginning of th session , nnd for a tlmp llounderei 'n n lazy way at around fil'.ic. Soon tha A'as changed entirely , and It went shootlni itbout like the shuttle of a sewing machine Up with a bound It jumped to fa\c. hue ! again to KlVlc and up once more to C5c , nl In about ten minutes. The heavy local re cslpts , numbering 700 cars , caused the open Ing heaviness , and 550 more estimated fo Monday did not Improve It. The reason fo the bulge has been stated. The latest trad 'rig wns nt Kli.c. ! Oats were active and secured a heav ; business. Frost scare , good buying b shorts and the Influence of wheat and cor : nil assisted In advancing values. Septem ber attracted the greatest amount of otter lon. June started nt 2S ° c. sold at fror SKc to 2SHC , advanced to 29 > i and close nt 291ic. September ranged from 261ic t WC. nnd closed nt 2Se bid. The provision market was steady near th beginning , owing to the hog receipts beln moderate. It became quite strong who the corn market showed the wuy In sue excited fashion , nnd to the advance In thn article is to bu ascribed a gain for the da of D2 > c In pork , 12 ! c in lard and 15c 1 ribs. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , ! cars : corn , 550 cars ; oats , 325 cars ; hog ! 31.000 head. Hogs next week , 135,000 head , The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash nuotatlonB were as follows : FLOUIl Winter jiatentB. JJ.20IJ3.CO ; wlnti BtrnlKlils. J3i ; R3.25 ; lakers , JI.95S2.00 ; sprlr patents. J3.30H3.S3 ; sprlnc stmlKhts. JJ.503.r . WHEAT No. 2 sprlnir. 74HH74T c ; No. unrlnK. nominal ; No. 2 red , 70Mfil'.ic. COUN-No. 2 , C2Tic. OATS-No. S , 2Jc ; No. 2 white , :2ViS53o ; No. white. 31 e32V e. IlYE No. 2. 65fi Ce. IIAHLUY No. 't. Die ; No. 1 , 4j50l4e ; No. nominal. FLAX SIED-NO. i. ji.is. TIMOTHY HEKIPrlme. . J5. 1'HOVISIONS-Mesj | wrk. per hbl. , JI2.40S12.E Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J6.70. Short rllis sides ( loose JC.209J0.23. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $3.25 6.J7M ; short clear sides ( Uixed ) . J6.SOfii.62H. WHISKY-DlstlllcrV finished Roods , per Kal SUOAHS Cut lonf. unchanKCd. The followlne were th receipts and ehlnmcn today : NUW YUItK UKNUKAL JMAKKKT , Cloalnc Quotxtluns on Iho IVInulpal Con modules nnil Stiiples. NEW YOHK , May 18. FIXUn ) HecelptB. 12.1 bbls. ; exports , 9,900 bbls. ; sales , 3,000 pkRS. ; mn ket quiet , but held tlrm. The excitement on II wheat retards buy era from operating ; wlnt wheats unsettled. City mill patent * . Jt.SOtfi.S city mill clear * . J3.COS3.75 ; Minnesota .patent J3.6034.00 ; Minnesota bakers , J2.70S3.W ; wtnl patents , | 3.GO < f4.00 ; winter straights , J3.30fiJ. winter extras , J2.70Q3.00 ; winter low gradr J2.235J2.70 ; tprlnt- low Krniles , Jl.90ff2.20. II flour , nrm ; sales , 159 bbls , ; superfine , JJ.ntjS.i fancy. J3.63W4.23. COHN MKAIDull ; yellow western , il.1601.1 Hrandywlne , JS.SO. WHKAT-necelpts , 218.DOO hu. ; no export sales , 5,770.000 bu futurei ; no fp9l. S | t stron No , 2 red. In store and elevator , 724ic : nllo ; 7i'.ic ; f. 0. b. . 71Uo ufloal ; No. 1 hard. 7ST4o d llvered. Options were weak and easier nnd heavy realization by both ouuiders and proft slonuls. Cablex were Ilrm. ciup news bulllx nnd another cold wave reported In the nnrl west. A llnal partl.il rally left prices > , iBJ loner , but on the curb there was renewed e cltement with nntrlrfe buying nnd a My Jur In prices : May closed at 72ic ; June. 72ff73i < closed 7JT4c ; July , 73.iW73 13-lCc. closed 73Vj Aufrust , 7J'lin3c ' , closed 73Hc ; September , 7 ; ® 74iic , close.1 WHc ; October closed 74i c ; N \vmber. 7IH 74ic , closed 74\c ; December , 71 O7ie. ( cloned TSV.c COHN Hecelpts , 80,000 bu. ; exports , S5. 00 In Bales , 403,000 bu. fulures , 72.000 bu. pot. Si market quiet ; No. 2 , Kfc'c In elevator ; Mo il llvered ; G7o afloat , f. o b. ; steamer mixed. & * < Options vrmili early on heavy western arriva but later rallied with wheat and closed at ' advance ; May closed at 65 c : Julv. S01-11 Wtc. closed C6 ? c ; September. &fivji57c. ( clos S'Kc OATS Ilecelpts , 16,600 bu. ; exports , 600 In Bales , G300 bu. futures. 23,000 bu. i-pot. i-"j maiket Bteadv ; No. 2. 31e ; No. 2 deliver * 32c ; No , 2. 31e ; No. 2 white , S6e ; No. t will 35\c ; track , white western , SGffllc. Optln Kenerally steady , closlnir ill Ur advance ; M closed at SITic ; June. 3Ufj32tic , cloned 32T , July. S2H 32.e. ! clo ed 32c. HAY Firm ; thtpplnff , 65CMc ; good to choli CCi 5fc. ) HOPS Weak ; slate , common to choice , cl 7 * ; 1S9I , 4fi9c ; Pacific coast , old , J85c ; IS 4i9c. HIDES Firm ; salted. New Orleans telecli 43 ta 65 Ibs. , C'.ir. nominal ; TexaB select ! 50 to CO Ibs. , 7c ; Iluenos Ayres , dry , W to Ibs. , lie. nominal ; Texn dry , II ta 30 llis. . lOc LKATHKU Firm ; hemlock sole , nue * Ayres , lUlu lo heavy weights , tlfjKc ; uc 21ff24e. WOOL Firm ; domestic fleece. IBflSc ; pulk 19n24e. PHOV1SIONS Ileef. quiet ; family. JH.S-XJJli extra men , JS. lleef hams. Jr .fjO 720.00 ; cl eUra India mess. J17.00&19.00. Cut mra steady : plckleil bellies , B'ii6ie ; pickled nhoi dors , . tjj6VtC. Ijird , steady ; western sire closed at J194 nomlnul : flty at JC.25 ; May clo > JA.M nominal ; July , J7 nominal ; refined , dn continent. 17.23 : South American. I7.23 ; ca pound. JS.J7Hi75.50. Purk. tlnii ; new m JIJ.2MJH.I5 ; family. 112.50013,00. Slwrl rlea JIS.QOW15.M. lU'TTEH-Qulet ! western dairy. 70lo ; we < -rn creamery , lltflTc ; western fuciory. 76U Kldns , lie : ImllMlon crexmery. SfTUc ; sti daliy. 1031l\id , tate creamery , 17c. CHI713SB Quiet ; state , large , 4Cc ; mn 40fii c ; part skim * . U O4c ; full mklnu. Ic BOOH Market firm , ( tale and Pennsylvnn lie , weittrn freili. UHOHHc ; southern , 12QI ; rrreliita. ( .003 pkits. TAL7.OW Rtraily. city. llie. country. 48Hic united cloied 11.72 b reflnerf. New York. IJ.M'ihllni1elphla nil Hal- tlmdre , 8.4J ; rhlladelpW ijd Hnjtlmore In bulk , noBIN I-Mrmi tralnjMi/cominon lo cool , 11.65 TtHl'KNTINinullislfrfWc. ; ? . IUCE Steady ; Oommlifalr ( , to extra , 4)4ff ) 6Xc ; Jn | > an. 1HQ414C. , t MOl.AB9ifc Quiet : New Orleans , open kettle , Rood to choice , 27f33c , > MnTAI.8 I'l * Iron , UtriUly ; Hcntch , J19.00O 21.ni ) ! American , JS.WdlWrt. Copper , quiet ! brokers' price , tlO.IV ) . luillend , nulcl ; brokers' prltv. It Tin platp. marl : C quiet. COTTON HIJHI ) OHXPliin , but quiet ; prime crude' , 24e ; off crudell MSIMci prime summer yellow , 2701740 ; off summer yellow , 2fUt.cyol ; - low butter grades. 2ST3cTnirlme summer white , 3"M731c. ' " ' ' UJIAIIA ) : . ' ' : l , MAHICKT. Condltlnn of Triulo nnd IJdntntlom on Staple nnd I'ancy Produce. KOOS-Chofce slock , lie-- llt'TTKIl Old Imy or white stock , 4fI3o : fait to good country , SiflOo ; choice to fancy. I2fll4c ; gathered creamery. 14fl3c ; separator creamery , ICc. ICc.MVK MVK I'Ol'I.THY Hens. 7fl7ir ; mixed. 6'jg JHc : ducks , SffSc ; turkejs , 9flDo : heavy loins , ' ' VKAI Cholc'p'fat. 70 to 1ft ) His. , are quoted al 7fI7Uci large and coarse. 4HCo. rilllKSR Wisconsin full cteam , Young Ameri Icnns. H eUc ; twins , llcj Nebraska nnd town , full cream. lOc ; Nebraska nnd fown , pirt pklms W7c ; I.lmburKer , No. 1 , He ; brick. No. I. lie Swles * . No. 1 , 13c. HAY I'pland liny , } ! ; midland , JS.CO ; low , land. JS ; r > 'e straw , $3 ; color mnkes the price or liny. Light bales sell lurixnl. . Only lop grade * lirlng tup price * . IMOI'MJNtt-l'er doz. . $ I.W M.60. VKUKTAIII.KS. rOTATOKH Western stock , car lots , MftGoc small lots. B0 70o. OI.l ) IIBANH Hnnd plckiil , navy. J2.20 ; I.lnu lieiins , per 11) ) . . BffSHc. ONIONH tn oulerK. yellow , per Int. , 11.10 ; red 11.20. rAHIIAlK-On orders. SHc SWKfTr 1'OTATOKS-tlooil Ktock. 12 ; seed )2.25. )2.25.HOHSKHAniSH 1'er 11) . . 65ji7c. 1'AltSNII'S 1'er bill. . $1.73. HtTAUAOAH 1'er lb. . l',4c. TITHNII'S Per bbl. . 11.60. SPINACH Per bu. basket , WffCOe. WATKH CRIiSS-IVr'IC-qt. case. Jl.M , HAlISHKS rer dm. bunches 13S20o. aitf3KN ONIONS I'cr do * , buches , lOffllc , I.KTTIICB Per doz. , 2T O3iX' . ASPAHAQt'S Choice stock on orders , 3040c iM-r doz. tHincheji. PIE PLANT Per lb. , I * l . c. iiCllMtKIW-On ! orders , .75cJ Jl.V ( > per doa. 1'KAS On onler , per ' /j-liu. box. 13c. STHINO IJKANS On orders , > 4-bu. liox , 7Se 4-hnl kel cmte. Jl.MJf2.ni ) . WAX HEAN9 On orders , ir i U-bu. IHIV , 73C 90o. FHU1TB. TOMATOKK-lVr i\x \ hasket crate. JG.oO. KTHAWHl-ntUinS-fholce shlrplnc Ktock , pci aso of 24 qtM. , J2.Wi72.73. APPLKS Tiicre arc no good shipping apples tc e had In the market. CHKIIIUES California , per 10-Hi box , J1.73H2.M THOI'ICAI. FHUI.TS. OHANC1KS Kancy Wnslilngten navelsp r box 3.2. > fi3.30 ; clulce seodllngs , per box , J2.3o02.F10 ledltenaiiean sweets , I3.0)ff3.2.V I.nMONH Hxtra fancy lemons , SCO size , J4.Di I'lNKAl'l'UM-Per doz. . 1.7Sft2.00. HANANAS Choice ( hipping slock , per bunch MISCHLLANF.OUS. . FIGS Fancy , Uc ; 'choice , , 12Sl3o : California ass , 7c. - HONKY New York , ICc ; dark , 14o ; California. ,3V44nCc. MAPI.K SYntTP Onllon Jups , per doz. , J12 nixby , B-sal. cans , J3. MAPLK Sl'OAH Per lb.9J10c. . NUTS Almonds , 140 ; Hngllsli walnuts , soft helled , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , 9c ; Drazl nuts , 8c ; pecans. 10ZH2c. MINCK MKAT Fancy , In quarter bbls. , pc .b. , Cc ; 10-Kiil. kfKS , Cc ; condensed , per case o 3 doz. pkxs. . J2.W. DATKS In 60 to 70-lb. " loxcs , Cc per lb. ; fan dates , 9c per lb. ClUnil Puie Juice. pe tbbl , , J3 ; half bbl. , | 3. HIDKS AH IIC TALLOW. H1UKS No. 1 Krem Wtfes. Jc : No. 2 creel : ildes , CHc : No. 1 grcornsflfyd hides. 7ic ; No. rixn salte'd hfdes. 7/cf 30. 1 veal calf. S t 15 llis. . EigiOc ; No. 2 y/eiljcilf. / 8 lo 15 UM. , g'-ie No. 1 dr > ' flint hides. SifT& No. 2 dry flint hide- No. 1 dry sailed lildos , Sc ; part euic ildea , ' ,4o per pound _ lessHmn fully cured. H1I12UP PKLTS Orrenunited , each 25950c Kansas ana iNeurasnii uuicner wooi pens , pe green salted shearllncs ( short wooled early skins ) pound , nctual welghti'WT'dry flint Kansas am Nebraska , murrain woolipolta , per pound , nctun weight , 48WI dry IHnt'uioracli bu teller Woe pelts , per puund , nrtu l . .jweiBht.4B6Vic : dr flint Colorada munalniniiwol pelts , per pounil actual weight. 40Cc. iJiave 'feet ' cut oft , as II I useless to pay freight ) onHhem. TALLOW AND dllBAHR No. 1 tallow , 4VK < Hc ; No. 2 tallow , 3h4fa'Krease : , white A , 4 ( 4V4c ; Brease , white I iJ/uQVio ; crcj e , yellow 2tt@3o ; grease , dark , 214c : old butter. 2321JC beeswax , prime , 17H20crTmn ! tallow , 2c. WOOL , IJNWASHHUJif'trw licovy6f7c : flrt hBht ; "sV'ert M * * ' WWjMrserty.-Wrr and cliafty. S0 c : cotleff nnd broken. _ cour 7 9 < : : cqttpil nnd"broken.1'irie. cjISc. ' * WOOL' , ' WASIIKD Medium , 15lSc ; line. Hi 16c : tub wndhed. , 16018c ; black , do ; bucks , e tag locks , 2JJ3e : flcad fblilled , 5ff6c. FUUS. FUnS Hear , black , No. 1 , large , J20.00023.0i bear , brown , No. 1. latg-e , J2'.00025.00j ' No. 1 ni ( dlum , J16.00 : No. 1 , small. 112.00 ; bear , browr yearllnssNo. . 1. laigc , 110.00012.00 ; No. 1 mi dlum , J8.00 : No. 1 , small. J6.00 ; bear , browi cubs. No. 1. large , J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J5.0I No. 1 , BmaH , J3.00 ; badKer. Na. 1. medlun J1500 ; No. 1 , small , JS. 00810.00 ; bear , blacl vearllr-Bs , No. 1 , large , J12.00fll5.00 ; No. 1. mi ilium , J10.00 ; No. 1 small. J7.00 ; bear , blacl cubs. No. 1 , large , J6.UO iS.OO ; No.l , medlun J3.OOJJ6.00 ; No. li small , J4.CO ; bear.blnck , Mor lana and Rocky mountain. No. I , large. J1S.OO 20.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J14XH ) ; No. j , mall , J10.fr l > ear. black. Montana yearlings. No. ] , largi J12.W ; No. 1 , medium , JS.OO ; iso. i , small , J5.0I bear , black- Montana cubs , No. 1. large. J6. & No. 1. medium. J4.DO ; No. I. small. J3.00 ; bea Hllver tip. No. S. , , ' 'se. J20.00No. . 1 , medlun 112.00 ; No. 1 , small , JS.OO ; bear , silver tip , ye.ii linen. No. 1 , large. 111 , 00 ; No. 1. medium , Is.Ut No. 1 , small. J5 ; bear , sliver tip , cubs. No. 1 larg' ' SI. 043 1.60 ; No. 1 , medium. COc ; No. 1 , smal Wo : fisher. No. 1. Urge , JS.OO ; No. 1. medlun J6.00 ; No. 1. small. J4.00 ; fox. silver , aa to cole according to beauty , No. 1 , laice , J100.00 ; No. medium. 160.00 ; No. 1. small. JW.OO ; fox. sllve pale , according to beauty. No. 1 , large. J50.0i No. 1 , medium , J30.00 ; No. 1 , small , JW.OO ; fo : cross. No. 1 , large , J7.00 : No. 1. medium , J3. No. 1 , email. J2.00 ; fox , reil. No. 1. large. Jl.a No. 1. medium. J1.25 ; No. J , small. J1.00 ; fo- gray. No. 1. large , 75o ; No. I , medium , DOc ; Ni 1. umall , 4'Jc ' ; fox kits. No. J. large , COo ; No. medium. 40o : No. 1. small. 30e ; lynx. No. large , J3.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J2.00 ; No. 1 , smal J1.50 ; marten , No. 1 , iarg . 12.00 ; No. 1 , medlun 11.50 ; No. I , small , J1.00 ; mink. No. i. lart 60iC5c ; No. 1. medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small. Sii mink , dark , No. 1 , Urge , C3c ; No. 1 , medlun 4oc ; No. 1 , small , * K ; inounlnln lion , iierfei hend and feet. No. 1 , larBe. J1.00S2.0Inipe ; feet bklns , J.COSt7.00 ( ! : No. T. small , J5.00 ; otte pale , No. 1 , latge , J7.00 : No. I. medium , J5.O No. 1 , small , J4.00 ; rat-coon. No. I , large , 603 > 70i No. 1 , medium. Me : No. 1 , large , fOcJ2.0i skunk , black , cased , narrow striped , No. 1 , larc DOc : No. 1. medium. 40c : No. 1 , small. 25o ; broa Btrlrml. No. 1. ! rue , 20 23o ; wolverine , ND. large , J4.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J3.DO ; No. 1 , smal J2.W ; wolf , mountain. No. 1 , large , J3.00 ; No. medium. J2.00 : No. 1 , email , J1.50 ; wolf , pralrl No. 1 , large , C5j90e ; No. 1 , medium. 6)c ; No. uraall. 0c : beaver , | > er * kln. No. 1 , large , JS.OO 6.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J4.K ) ; No. 1small. . J2.0 beaver klls , No. 1 , large , J2.00 ; No. 1 , rnedlun J1.50 : No. 1 , small , 75e : muskrnln , winter. No. large. kMOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1 , smal 7c ; miiskrals. fall , No. 1. larce. 4R6e ; No. medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Co : muskrat kits , 292 bTOCKS AM > llONDb. Hecurltles Ojignoit n h lflo I.on r nndSoin NIlKlit I. ones I'ol tinted. NKW YORK , May 18. The stock marki opened a shade lowcc and during til 3 , flrHt tlfttu minutes Homo Blleht looses were madr. Iteai Inn was a notable exception and recorded fractional advance on Rood buying Induce ! 1 the report that the Vanderbllt Interest ha gained control of the comtiany. This story wa however , promptly denied by Cornelius Vundi-i bill , but not until It had l"'ii Instrument ! In attracting speculative attention ti > the i-iull group of coal stocks and raussd a sharp co\v : Ini ; movement therein. Aii'ii result New Jerse Central rose 2H per cenU-Delaware & Hudsoi $ i per cent ; Hcadlnki 18 per cunt ; Dulawar Lackawanna A Western-1 ! % pfr cent. The gn erni list wan ulco bironf. but the only materli gains were made In tn 3pccjaltles. Al > .jut n. ; u leallzlne movement , Ai3 set un fun \vli | , became great In 'forerfhil sent shares dou sharply. New Jersey Central declining 2'4 ' i * cent , Heading \ % tuflttvr cent , and Hud. i 1 % IHT centT Mlchlithn-'Cfntial Hi PT ci-n llurlmgtun and Sugar.H"'pcr rent , nna Hie reef of the market > i ! t pe1 rent. The ilppremh continued and the last haen Mem made wll but ffW exceptions u dFCllnes rancire I ro 15. to 1V- , per cent In mi uctlve list ana 7 p < cent In Urent Northern jireffrreil. Home i the Fi-clalllea | show 'Killrls'oji Hie iluy , Includlr Minnesota Iron and ht. I'uul tt Duluth 1'j ] > cfiil. und Slarctl flnttn ilvfifrtpil 1W per rui The course of vuluej durlnK tin' first Imlf < the urek was In llianlllvJtl ri of lower price Unfavorable factore were the Kovrrnmt-nt en iviK.rt and a change defiitront > < n the part I.undan , which from a bujor had become seller. There Ivan' a ( suiKUiTtible liquidation f the local account lo take . .lnt of the protl ol the advance. The taUsuln Lnndon of u blo < of Jl.Sirt.uoo New -Yorki ! 'mtml treasury moi above par and other evidences showed that th ; was u ready nnirketubruail fur mcurltr | . The clianfea pn the week are In the nnhi a vniu-fs , the more Imimttant as follows : H Molnes & Fort I ) lg pr ferr * l. 8 per cent ; Cj | radi ) Furl prefetlvd. Wells -KurKJ express ai Toledo , HL. 1/ouln It K n > as .City , 6 per fee GreiU Norlhern 'iiref erred arl Tcnncnee Cu prKerrfd , 6 prr cenl ; Tennessee common. : per cent ; Minnesota Iron , 4 > ( p r cent. SI. lai MlnnruiHilla & Manitoba. 4Vj ° : In'r cent , Non Wf u > rn preferred. 4 percent , fvlacco preferr * Si ) per cent ; LacUtlo ( ! JH prrtVrred an I Huffs ! H > chestvr & Plttsbuig , 3 per ftnt ; Hlu Orun Western preferrrd , 2H per. f flit ; Hlo Uran Wrsleni comnon. 2 | wr c nt i Cuiuollduted Oi Long Island , \ \ lullnK & Ixtke iri > prefurr and Nickel Plate firsts preferred. 2 | MT c r Hay State ( las , 2'j per cent : Sugar , 2 > , i I. cent , und Ctilrago & Katttrn Illinois prefrm American Kxprecs , St. P > UI & Jululh. Mlnr apolls & St Ixmls preferred and Lackawanni , Ir cent. Declines : Ohio Southern. 8 per err Southern 1'uclllc , 4'i prr cent. Oirdjge KUI antred , S'j per cent , Manlialan , 63u p' r ctr Vnlon Pacific , 14 per c > -ni. Krle , : * | ier c1 and SI Jjs i'h & Grand U'and , 2 per cenl. T sales of the week wre 2 tbJ,4 < H s > iar < * i suJ 1 slocks dealt In , There \\as u ( a r degree utirnirth to ( he enrlr dealings In binds t ! r. but near the close a , drlvr > agnlnst HMUllnr Is- > ufs sent them down materially , nni ) the general list shaded ofl In tonwqlience. The oalrt wert H,71SoiX ) . Of the dun Res of note Were : Ad vances : Ilurllnglon. In. , s , 2H Per cenl ; Ne brnska 4s , rrglstered , Flint A IVrc- Marquette , Port 1 < un > n 6a nnil Oregon Improvement firsts , ZH per cent , and Hrto rrorganlzatlon first llerT , 1 p r cent. Tlie speculation ilurlnf the week was not ot such an animated character as In the preced ing week , but In the variety of securities dealt In waa Kn\il , Speculative aharvs sagged by reason of tvalltntKni Bales a.nd various nimom In connection with the properties. Tuward the end of thn session prices stiffened all around , and especially for the usually Inactive- bonds , for wlilrh the Inquiry was good and the appr < > > elation considerable. The aggregate sales' were 20.1W.Of shares , and 234 nortgngrs tlguml In the dMillniiB. The following were the clostnK quotations on the lending stocks of the New York ex change today : bid. The , total salea of stockn tmlay were 24C.S.1S slim-on , Inuludlnic : American Sugar , 21,700 ; Atclu son. 8,2'JO ; llurllngton , 6.100 ; Chp.-apeake k Ohio , ,400 ; Chk-ago Ca ! , ll.CCO ; Delaware & Hudson , .niiOi Distilling nnd Cattlefivdlng certlllcales , D.f/00 ; Knnsan & Texan iirpferred , 2,100 ; New fersu-y Central. 6,100 ; New York. Susquehanna & Western preferred. 3,209 ; North\\etern , 4.TH1 ; Omaha. i'.COO ; Heading , G2.700 ; St. 1'aul , 9,2O ) . r nnessee Coal nnd Iron , 9MX ) ; TPXIIB & I'aclllc , 3,2(0 ( ; Wnlinsh preferre < l. 3,600 ; Wnslern t-'nlon , 3,700 ; Wheeling .t Lake Brie. 6,800. Nmr York Monry Alnrlror. NEW YOllk. May 18. MONKY ON C.U.I , Nomlirtilly IJili-j | > er rent. 1'ltlMl ! JIKUCANTH.U llAt'MI-2if/4t.i ! per cent. STiUUNU : KXCHANOB Dull and steady , vltli'nctual business In bnnkenT bills nt J4.875f .ST'.i for demand nnd J4.8C04.SGU for sixty dnys. Tostcd ratfB , J4.C'ii4.S7 ' , and J4.88. Commer cial billH. JI.ST.li. SII.VKH CKIITIFICATIW C7UC 7c ; no sales. HAU SItVKH-G7Hc. MEXICAN DOI.kAllS-Me. OOVF.HNM12NT 1JONDS Firm : slate lionds. nactlve ; inllrond bands , easy. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : I'lnuncl.tl JNntei. IIOSTON. Muy IS. Clearing ! * . JlS.SIil.'j'i ' ? : 1m ancen , jr,727 , " 9. Fur the week , JD7,03i,143 : ; ta nnrec , $9.127.941. HAI.TIMOHlMay IS. Cleat Ing * . t2,313.77B hnlHncpn. 2 .1.2if. . For tlv > vitf't : Clearings. JU. MiOJ : liulances. I1.7VU.U2. I'HILAnKU'HIA. May 18. Clearings. ? 12 412.110 ; lialaiifi-s. J2.07ti.317. Fur 111 * week ; Clear III.KS. S73.0SG.491 ; balances , 110,120.37) ) . WASII1NC.TON , May 14. Today's statement n HIP condition nf HIP treasury shows : Avallnhl Cflfch balance , J1W,4C9.8:9 ; gold reserve , J97.1W , CHICAGO. May 1 Clrarlia * . tlJSr)3. < KX Total for llif week , J91.3IO.iOi ; comsponOln we k last yenr. IM.6'.i3.0uil. .Money , 4V4 | 5 pe cent for cull and E',5ti6 per cent for commrrrtn liaper. New York exrhanue , 70c prvmlmr StiTlIng riitcK , posled. Jl.n ; 4.tl. ! NIJW YOHK. May 18. Tliero an m .d ral dvniand fur speclaltleti of a Hrasunuble cliaraclei hut as usual 11 h'ulurduy , there WIIH no life t the demand. Very liu-Re HalrH ueiv teulUe IhroiiKli the fonrardlngs on pievlouK ensugi ini'iiu. Printing cloths < | Uk-t at 27c. NKW YOHK. Muy 18. The exports nf > pcc from the IHIII of Ntiw .Yulk for the VHH uinounti'd tx J2i)3)22 ! In Raid ; silver , V'9Sl * ImivorlK , JlirW7 In gold , und | 3U3K In sllve diy ROuds , IIC07,4I : Kenernl merctlandlte , 11 toi.CTt ; . ci u Inss. JIlJ.i.M.Mi ; bnlnnct'ii. IG.ilCI 0 l. FOR , the week , cliarliiKS , JCii.nj.'CO ; t/a ances. 113.530,803. _ _ I'lirnlcn rin.iiu-iul Aff.iln. I'AHIH. May 18. 3 p. in. Tur.'o JUT oer rentes. Id2f 7r > c for the uicount. Kxciiange 0 I/indon 25f 211JC for checks. ! XNIX > N. May 1 . ( Sold Is quolri ] fv-Uy c HuenoM Ayri'H at 2T/1.M : Madrju. U.i- ; . | | , 27Mi HI. IVtrnlJUrK , 1.9 , Alli-ns , Hume. 10' . ? , Vienna , 103. IJKHMN , May ll.-Kschange on Lonilun , elgl day * slvhl , 20 marks , 4 < ! pfg. The Wt-kly Mull ini-nt of the Imperial Hunk of Germany t.ha\\ llifl fullowiiiK' ihuiiKe as romikir < ! with M * account : Caeh f-n hand , Increa4 < Iirevlou ) n marka ; In-UHUry nut * Inrr. u-w. KV > marks ; oilier nrvurltles , itecrruse , l.TW.uui maitti iintvi. In circulation , ilecrtan , 2J.ufi.m murk ntchunge on Ix > ndnn. > liIH ili > ' aiglit , li ; udrancvd lo 2 marks. 46V pfg. Mlnuuupolli \ \ iieuc Murknt. MINNKAfOLIS. May IS.VHKAT XUy. 71' . July. 73Hc , Keptembvr , 70Hc , On trark , No. hard , 71'.c No. 1 northern , Tl'ic , No , 2 n'Hl ern. 7J ic. KUl'H-Flrmrr ; first | > atenls , t3.tOUI.19 , He end , fJCOi ) ! . * ) , llr t cleaik , OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARKEI Week Winds Up with a Phenomenally Ligh1 "Run of Oalt'.o. ESS THAN 500 HEAD \VERE \ ON SAL ! > ciunml , Quality mill I'rlcm All Miotr Semi Improvement llopi Morn 1'lmtlful unit Hotter yunllly , with 1'rlces n I.Ill IP LoiTcr. SATURDAY , May IS. While there hns been n Very aubstantln. ncri'iise In I\OK \ receipts the jiasl week ns otnpareil with the week previous * , aiul noun ; aln in sheep supplies , the run of rnttlt ins been unprecedenteilly Unlit , In fact , th < nuttiest six days' receipts In several yours he otltclnl figures lire ns follows : Cattle. ! li > RK. Sheep , eoelpts this week 1,231 2.1.4T.I 1,72 : leciMpts last wi'ek I..4S.1 . 11,37j ( Ml urni week last year irOH 4J.rnt : fl.xv aim- week 1K31 10.IEI 22.HI 1.74 mini week 1M2 12,911 13.21'J 1.3J : This unusual fulling oit In supplies hen ms had no favorable Influence on tin- mar set. Blnce at other lemllnR centers receipts ave shown .a MlBht { ruin , with no Improve lent whatever In the ilcmuntl fnn ny quarter. Trade has been ot n > dull and dni.ccliiir order throimh ut. Dressed beef men leport > h' pmand for beet as simply "o 'io > l n 11. while shippers have been cautious ti lie ver&e of practical Inactivity , owliitf t ( ic unfavorable condition of the trade li IP east us well as on the other side of tin Miter. I'rlces havei steadily declined , am > eef values In general have KOIIC on * full ] Jic , as compared with -ft week IIRO. Tin nest illscouTHKltiK fenturo of the trade lowever , has been the apathy exhibited bj II classes * of buyers , even at the reiliiret rices. The week closed , however , with ti Ugh un and a comparatively Rood tmrket. Teal al receipts were 021 head , but , ns tlit-fi ncluded live cars of Texas rattle bought b ; ocal packers at Kansas City yesterday tint onslpned to them direct , there were les ; ban & 00 sale cattleIn the yards. The K MI ral quality of the receipts was very fill ml there were A few loads offered belle ban any that have been offered lately. Al lasses of buyers exhibited more of a ills > osltlon to , trade than they have recentl ; ind the result wait u Kood , lively mar < ot , with prices strong to a shade Hrine ill around , Shippers paid $ , " . * ) for cholc ,342-pound cattle , and bid " > . 10 for a cholc bunch averaging nearly 1,400 | unds. l.ocn ressed beef houses bouttht fair to KOO < 900 to 1,300-pound heuves ut for from $1.2 o $1.95. There wns n tolerably health : one to the trade throughout , anil a falrl ; atlafactory clearance was made. Hiitchers tnd cnnncrs' stock wa In ver ; Imlted supply anil sold readily at full teady and perhaps n shnde stroncer prices The nveruBC was from Jl.iK ) to $ l.l' for pee o prime cows. Common calves ruled nbou teady around J2."i to J3.W , with Rood t linlco veals strong at from $4.W to } 5.7. 'lie market for bulls , sta s and rouih stoc Bcnerally was not far from steady , wit ! ales at from J1.23 to 13.75. In stackers and feeilers there was ver Ittle doing. As has been the 'case all wecli he supply was very llfiht. There was rood demand , however , and a stronj ; mar cet for everything offored. Htockors hav been In particularly urgent ilemnntl thl vcek , and prices have advanced 15e to "fie The heavier grailes met with a loss vlt-or ous demand , but at full last week's ipjotii Ions. Oood to choice feeders arc iiuolabl at S.1.COP4.00 : fair to good , J3.0O5T3.0 , an common grades from $ .1.00 down , Ueprescnl atlve sales : UHKSSED HEIiF. t null 1480 J2 GO 17COWH 10 IS 40 1 jrtoer 1280 3 SO 2 steers 1070 373 17 sir-cm 1213 4 23 HOGS IlecelptH for the past six days sliow very material Incrcaw on the week prevlou but fall nearly 50 per cent short of nrrHu for the name period last year. In addition < the Increase In receipts there has been a vei decided Improvement In tha quality of the offei Tim welghtg have bveu heavier and 11 better than they have- been for al lea : eight months. An conditions at other leadln muikf-l * have been pretty much the name t here buyers have b n able to force prices dow without much difficulty and values have live aged Be lo lOo lower than last week right nloni In spite of this decline In prices the Omali market has ruled Be to 15o higher nit wer than either Kansas City or tiloux City. Ti heavy hogs are still In the hest demand ar Helling to the bent ailvnntnKi' , but HIP Imprnv inent In qunllly of Ihe.recelptu has resulted I a narrowing down of the range of prices unt the besl heavlex and the best lights are now s.'l Ing not o\er Be to loc apart. Today's receipts , 3,811 hend. were a Irll heavier limn a week ago. nnd ustdp from tl extreme tup loads the general quality of It offerings WUH fully IIH good ns on Friday. Tl bullish condition of the maiket nt the cloi Friday was the condition In which the inn ket openril this imrnlnn. Moderate receipt favorable eastern reports and an active demur liuth from imckcr nnd shippers. Trade rul < brisk with prices fully So higher nil iirtmiv The heavy nnd butcher IIOKH sold largely at fro Jl.4'i ' to M.t.'l. ' with Iliiht and llKht mixed luui at from J4.15 to HI.43 , mostly , however , nroui 14 30 and ? 4 f3. Tininnrket ratlr r easd i a shade along toward th close , but the pet were cleared ill very good iw-nKiiii. the bulk i the xales Khowlnp up nt from JI.S3 ti > 14 45 i against 14.30 In J4.4J Friday nnd J4.40 to II. one wci'k ng-i today. Heprenenlutlvc ' J 115 . . . 150 SIIIII'I' The vupply has been > vry limited tl ueek , nnd fur the past three days nonu ha been received. Good muttiuis unit lambs are active demand and < | unlabty all of lOo to higher than u week nnu. Fair In choice null' are quotable nt from J3.23 to 11.23 ; fair In r ' westerns at from J3 lo ti , common and HU sheep nt from J-.3' tu J3 ; coud to choice 14 100-lb. Iambi at from JJ.73 to J5.J5. . ( IMCA ( . ( LIVK nTdCK. I.lclit llecrlpts nf ( 'utllrt nnil Host nnil . Offcrlnc * Dispospil Of. CIIICAQO , May -Only about 1,000 cal were ri-oi'Hcd here toilay. Including a fi run of Texans , nnd Ilia uffeilngtt were HI dl > pn l of nt unchanged urlrrs , nutlvo IH sieei * selllric n thaxit \ \ rt II.4UOI.65 for co mon \ * utrlclly I'hiilco lotsnvlKhlne W ) ll ) } \j \ . Trunn-ictluns < ro ihlefly ut JI.S ; j < . and v iy nUf , well fattened itrcrs wi-lKh ! l.V ) itf I.Sirl 11)1. 'ill ut | j.31 Cnltld wrlghl 1 714 II'J. Tiaii'iieiluii * were chk'tly at Jl.kifiS from J5.0 } to Ji.W. at : < l heavy b.cv- wirIn 1,1 < ' | | . ilitnUIni ; few bids f r saili lou. Cn and liHf.-i * dr ivlltii : ui Jl > Hir..2S , lnrx ' y : .Viii- ' ' . urul bulls nl J ! ii iI.'M. ' with f-w n higher prow , whll * cnlvri I.tine l,0 J" TO , arUti : lo < | Uilllk' : . T.ie HI , li-- u f. > .jr > r braiuh < f the mart M U nrllv > at fl lin i s , 'Hid ni'ili'-in und > prnt-'rn | ate in f d-ir.aitd atI > u S4i jxr hend , 'IVximattl - - t n .iMinl , at JS.'K'ir ' i/i , tlv i alkf I 1 i t se.ttmc al nbout H , l.e tlnm 11. ' ) hogs , InrludlnK t v Ir'i over from cstriduy. Her * ff-rc 1 t-di and It dM not like tery Ions lo d. ix , if i otterinc * at y ki uuy's pr.t J , a Hvv x choir * JiS-lb , IIORS fetching H 7 U. Henvr IlKlitwelRhls nt J4.iioi.BS , Hip bulk of the hi'KH findingpiirerm en at It.BfM.tV lUli local packers and shipper * took freely , and thfr err not enough r"od light nnd medium weight IMCT to satisfy the demand. 2v r7"'I'1",0' ' fheen today were only about SV ( head , amia Inrirc purl of these wrrc cnn elgned direct to local slaughtcrcm. The t.\r on wile wen > cnsllv clo ed out nt full prices , oren on the basis of JZ.nofli 8S for Inferior to extra sheep , nnd I5.0ilf .1,10 for nice shorn Inmhs with , fat wooled lambs snl.ililo nt JS.S..M.VM. Most , of the sheep weie shorn , and few were < n poor na to sell much below J4. Spring lamb * "nought J3.OHK.ft ) per 1 > I HM. Hecelpls ! Cattle , l.noo head ; cnhcs , 10) ) head ! hogs , IS.OOO head ; slu-ep. ! . X ) head , ItecnlpM nnil lHtm | ltliin of stock. Official receipts nnd dl pmlllon of stock as shown hy Hie l iks of thet'nlon Stock Yards company fur the twent > > four hours ending at S o clock p. m. , Saturday. May 18 , IRIS ; HKCKIPTS. , , , . , Cars , llenil. Cntlle n ) " ° K' < BO J.MI DISPOSITION. . Huycrs v Cattle. Hog ! . . Omaha Tucking Co jj The (1. If. Hammond Co 23 1.211 Swift nnd Comp.iny m B2S The Ciidnhy 1'ncklng Co 105 1191 tl. It. iVIIlMlll Kll H. H. llnmmond , low.i iia H. 11. llHimniHul. KnnsnH City Mi , , . .s * udahy , Kansas City 07 , , . , , Caiey 41 1. . Hoi-ker M SlilppeiM nml feiilem S3 Left over Total St , l.nnU l.lvn Merle ST. 1.OF1S. May 18 - CATTLIllecelpts. . S09 bend ; shipments , 1.0 ) head : supply small nnd only n rel ll trade done at eusy prices ; . , ( f > ( HOfircHli.ts ! , I.eail bead ; shipment * . J.OO9 bead ; inaiket linn and f - hlKhi > r on llirht sum > ly , heiivy. 5J.r < : < iIM ; mU l , JI.aXf4.RO , Unlit. Jl.aW HHKEP Kecelpls. ax ) head ; shipments. MO head ; market fully , not eqmil to the demand ; natives , . I3.7WI.50 ; uprlni ; Inmbs , ll.00ffo.00. Knn , i City livr > ntork. KANSAS CITY , May R-t'ATTI.K-nrcvlntii. MW licnd ; FhliinentH. 700 head , niarket steady ; nVxns sloers , J1.60til.CO ; TXKI > row * , JJ.CO 3.0 ; lioi-f Hirers. J3.7jffj.SO ; iwtlvtt itiws. Jl.SOiM.2J. stwkeiB and feeders , JJ.Si > 34.r ) ; bulls , J1.40 n'nilH-Io < 'el | ts. 3,700 hbnd ; lilpinrnt * . l.ROO lutid ; niRilvt't Htrong Id T > o hlKlier ; bulk of pales , J4.3Wll.CO ; heavies , JI.3WH.M : pucker. * . J4.MW t.r.j ; nilx.nl , Jl.iOiiH.Ilithls , ' J4.OJtr4.3o ; Vorkors , l.iijil.r , plKH , J..tOifl.l.V 8HKIJ1" Hi'celpls nnd Hhlpmcnts , none ; no market. _ Muck In Stem , llecnnl of rei'i'lpts nt Ilio four nrlnclp.it mnr- ets fur Halunlay , May 18 , 1K9S : Cattle. I loss. Slirep. South Omaha ' Oil 3.7IS ' lilcago I.OJO IJ.OOO' 2.CKX ) \nnsn Olty t * * } 3,7M ( . . . . . t. louls WO 1.1XK ) SOO Totals . 3.0.M 19,018 2,209 I.Ui'rponl .tiiirkitis , MVKKI > OOUMnr IS. 1S5 p. in. close : VII12AT Finn ; ilrmand miideinte ; No. 2 red tinier. s 2 < yNn. \ ; . 2 n-il | irlnK. ' - > n S'iid ; Ni ) . 1 ard ManlluiKt. bt S'jil ; No. 1 l'nllfornli. CH 4d ; utiiix-K rlivadl Him.vllh near nnd distant posl- s Vjd hlKher ; Imslno * * nhont equally ills- rlUitnl ; Slny. r , 4ij.il : June. Gs M ; July , ' 6s f\W ; \UKIIBI. o M ; Sip emln'r , "s GUil ; Dctiuicr , IJ.i id. IXJUN b'pjt , Ilrm ; futuie.s i-lo.'e.l straly. wllh ay lud liiKher and other months \ WVilower \ ; iiHlnt'HM heaviest mi curly piiKUlnns ; May. 4s ud ; June. 4s T'i.l . ; July , 4s 7'id ' : AiiKUst , 4a , il ; September , 4s U\d ; Oclobcr. 4s Sd. l-'l.il it l-'lnn ; demand &ood , St. l.ouls fancy intiMOH .id. 1'llOVISIONS llacim , dull ; demand poor ; umbeiland cut. M In 3D Ibs. , 31s M ; short illm , s UJH. . SI'H ; lung vli-jr. light , 3.S tu 4S llm. , V2f. clear , bejtvy , ! M HIS. . 32n ; shoit clear backs , liiht. IS Ilia. , S''n ; xhnrt clear middles , lii-avy , llw. , 3lH M : clenr belllox , 14 to It ; Ibs , , 3.1s ; uliliTM , miuiire , 12 to IS Ibs. , LS.s Cd. Hams , hurt cut , II to 10 His. . 41x. lleer. extra India lie * ! ! , H's ' ; prlniLmuss. . fi2.s M. I'uik , iirltno nexs , line western , Cls 3d ; prime medium , wn ' .M. jml , < ( Ulet , prliiK * western , 33s Gd ; tetlned , In ialls. 24s 0.1. TALUlW KInc N > rth Amerlonn. nortilnnl , I'lini-ISi : Dull ; demand poor ; Mnest American hlli' . 41c ; llni-sl Anifrlcnn rnlinnl , 4I . 1ICTTCH Finest I'nlted Hlnles , r.fls ; iroo < l , 40s. ftrrroN siii on. ii\fn-ooi reiimii , is * . l.INSI-JKI ) OU.-SIH. I'KTHOI.KI'M Hi'llni-d. I'd. ' UKFHiaKllATOIl llii-F Foieqimrters , 5KJ ; iliulquiilerH , Cild. HOI'S At liUiidon ( I'aclllc east ) , 12 5s. Home prlcn to > ! ' > pnVnt inttlvind- , > siu'p ; onlfH , < ; . - , ' ) Imgs. IncluiltHKt May , 114.10 { 114.15 ; Julr. J14.73 ; September , JI4.76 ! October. :14.73i(14.SO : ( ( ; Novvmlier. J14.70 ; Ducpnibcr , JI4.GO [ f4.70 ! ; March , J14.5W14.B5. Spat coffee. Hlo lull nnd weak ; No. 7 , 113,00 ; mild , quiet ; Oor- lova. J18.2T W19.i)0. SANTOS. May B.-COFFK Firm : gixd ) 'av- rugp Santos , JIG.70 ; receipts , Gl.iU ) liagsj stock , . . V * IU\\ l.n f J HAMIiritC. . May 18. Steady , UK1 P.'K. hlglierj snlpq , 13,100 bags. HAVHK. Mny IS Quiet , unchanged ; closed quiet ; mien. 17(0) tmgt. * IHO 1)10 JANKIIIO. May K Firm ; No. 7 Hlo , 110.70 ; exchange. 9 2-1Kd : receipts , H.OOiX bags ; cleared for Hie t'nllfil Stiite . ID.OOi ) l mMj cleared for Kuro | > e , ' 4.000 bugs ; atock , 243.000 mgs ; warehou > p dellvctles from New York yen- erdiiy. 7.413 bugs ; New York HtiTk tmlay. 20G.23I5 ( ings ; I'nlted StHtea Htuck. 27S.M4 I.IIKS ; afloat for the Hulled Statm , 2)1.0W ) | bags ; total viallilo Tor the Fulled Slates , 479WJ l igs , against 3J2.8GO lings last year. _ Iliiltniiorj . "inrntin. IIALTIMOHK , Muy IS. FI.OUH Very nrm : western super , J2B'2.G" ) | ; western extra , J2.ROii 3.33 ; western family , J3.40li3.75 ; winter wheat patents , | .l.t > 0174.0i ) ; spring patents , l3.M0l.lli jprlng wheat ftrulKht , | 3.7i3.Mi ( ) receipts , 12,071 'WilKAT Strong"i ; < pot nnd month , 72iW7Jo ; June. 72ic asked ; July , 72ViO72 > , e ; AUBUst. 72'4fl ' > 7J\c , Meamer No. 2 red , 6 5i1j70e ; ie-vlti. | CSJ)0 ) u , ; Houthern wheat , by HanipU * . 73 73o ; tfiuthcrn wlienl , on grade , 7K374C. COHN Finn ; s | , t and month. tGVJe bid ; June. M\ic ; July , MVi iW c ; August. 57c ; Htcamer mixed , B3c ; soutlirrn white corn , Bc ; soulhern yellow cmn , 67 < i67V4c. OATS Steady ; N2 while , wejlern , SiO iVlc ; No. 2 mixed , SJVVftSIc : rccelptM , 3VOO bu. HYK Finn ; No. 2. 68c. HAY Steady , JH.OOSU.OO. ' l\ool JMrtrUct. LONDON. May 18. Yorkshire and Ocrjnunr were the chief oporatorH al Hie wool auction today. The numlier of Kites offered were 9.237 , of which 1,000 were withdrawn. Siles In detail : New South Wales , 2.CGO biles ; scourt.il , GUdQ'ls 2Hdf gt'eany , tCfO'/td ' , QuepnH * land , 518 Imles ; ncoured , 11 ; in easy. 4WO7'/id. ' Victoria , 4.Cfi9 bales ; Bcourcd , OliWIs 2',4d ' ; greasy , 4HSMM. South Australia , 1,133 liiih'K ; Dcounil , 84 ! < illil ; n-i : y. 3 > i < ii9Md. Svian river , 10G Lales , tcfiurcd , lid ; firrasy , t UiGd. NL-W Zealand , f-3 1 > .ilea ; scoureil , 9f(9' ( "l. Caps of ( loud llftpe nnd NaJal , 311 bales ; ncoiired. 8dSli Is SVid ; greasy. OVii/GUd. / Tlio Krops arrivals for thi. fourth series lire Z34.fi9 bales , and the week's Imports are 22,988 bales. .Milwaukee .M rli t . MILWACKKK , May 18. FLOfH-Bteady. WHKAT Lower ; No. J spring ; , 71fcc ; No. 1 northern , 79c ; July , 72je. COHN Fnwttlrdj No. 3. B2c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , C2'Sc ; No. 3 white. HA'HLKY Nominal ; sample , 49U } I3Vlc. HYU UnsittUd ; No. 1 , G7c. I'HOVISIONS Pork. 12.20 ; bird , J8.CO , IlKCHIITS I'lour. 3C * ) bblH. ; whi-ot , 1I.4W bu. ; Lnrlry. 3,300 liu. SHII'MKNTS Flour , 7.IXW libb. ; wheat , 4.000 hu. ; barley , SOO bu. Ciittiin II iirHfi. ST. I.OUIri. May IS. COTTON Steaily ta Ho higher ; middling , C 7-lf. ; hales , 2 OSii balon ; re. relpts , K33 bales ; chlluiU'iitH , 1,121 laics ; rUctr , ilrssales. . : , W > i lmf ; MIIU-K UI..M ILIIHH , NiW YOUK , May li.-COTTON-Stmdv ; mid. rtllng , 7c ; net rnvlplsv \ w. Rross , S.iiJf iMllfMI fiirwurdeil , 157 balm : nali-s. 3J7 bales ; splnnets , S7 bales ; stock. 22J.1W l ile . Suciir NIW YOUK , May IS , SUqAU-Ilaw , firm ; 1-lCf/lHc ; mmild A. W4'/ic ' ; ronfectlrtriern' ; rnished , _ ninulated , li-10 f4ie. S'JCSrSSFUL ' SPEGUUTHfs Is not cunflntd lo mllllinalrcs iilon . Any. liody's mnney can MAKI-J money If Judiciously handled. A l i imiiKln can be mad' 10 yletd a very liamUoine addition In your Income , Our methods eumlilne c , mparailvo SAFETY AND SUCCESS. If you nre not po t"d on cpeculnlv ( tran-'fi" . tlonn we will opprato f"r yuu. giving you lit * Until t fit our JuilKineni and expeilnnru. Our sucri'M wuh Mils clam of nccuunU has b e.u mo'l priinuunred. Our commlsili n Is but uno-f l.-.MIl per rent , for l itli buylnic and nulling. Hcnd for our pamphlittB on tpeculatl-m , uhlcx toKi'thcr with ' 'Ur dally inmlict i Her , ore mailed fre" . Maigli.s r > > , > * ' 'i ' am&nul * of $20.0-1 and up ward. . i lWLlD.Ub ) oTOCK & PRODUCE CO j 47 llrn.iiUviiy , Xiixt York. MAKE $10 EVERY DAY lly a new plan of systematic grain ipfculu- Hun. Bend for our ( rue h.ioklel . nhowlnt ; iiuw to KC ( around adverse lluciiiatlDiis 01 tli ninrket < md inuka money uvc-i on thu vvrunj Hide. 1'ast wurklnijs of jil.in uml highi'ul reference furnlihrU VALU.NT1NC 4 CO. , Traders Wide. , Chicago.