THE O1SIAIIA D-AIIi ' BE IS ; SUNDAY , MAY 19 , 1805. SPBC1RL NOTICES. Aclrertlicmenti for tliepn column * i lll.b km cntlt 1213O p. in. for the ) fnilnc nd until 8 | > . m , for tlia innrnliiR n < l bandar tuition. Advertisers , by rrquentlnc nnmbrreil clirck , can Jm n w r HililrrMeil to n numbered letter In euro of 'Ilio llee. An- sncrs 10 R < ldrrMc < l nlll be elfllrerotl apnn ] rttrntntlmi of Ilia check only. Itnte * , 1 l-2c a word , llrit Insertion , lo n word hercafler , Nothing titUen for l < i tlmn 2Co for llrtt Insertion. Those advrrtllementi must inn cnniecu- Illely. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTJJU. POSITION AS OPF1CI3 CLf.IlK flY yoiins mnn with references. Small Kilary , Ail dress P a. Ilee. A-MM3 W WANTP.I ) . POSITION ASCLHIUC IN aitocniiT or otlur more by vounir mnn with A 1 refer cnees. Address { 19 , llec olllce. A MW1 20 * ? \ ANT-HI ) . POSITION AS IIOUBHKnKI'KH 11Y ldnvv with one chlM. for widower , nn fnrin , Addicts. Mr . Carrie Allen , llattktl , I" . . . . rf\ * 9 H ) I WANTir > , IIY YOUNO WIDOW LADY , housekeeper * position , Iwst ut rvfercnct t. Ad- drcHn 1' ; .l , 1kg. A-9J. la * A YOUNG WOMAN DCSIHKS A SITUATION na traveling cnmp-inlim fur an old lady Ad- circus I' K. Dec. A-M4 21 * WANTIJU IIY INOl'STllIOim YOlTXff LADY , situation in ladj's companion. Address 1' 38 , Ilee. A-116 19 A WIDOW. AOI : ay. nmuns A POSITION n luniHokeeiivr In Mmill family : a nlco liomi * the object. WnEm n t conuld red , hnvlni ; small Income. Phutoirti | > li3 c-xchunKitt. 1' 43. llec A-132 ! WANTED WALE , H1.LP. WANTED. 1,000 MflN TO WIUTn MB TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free , in plain Denied envelope ) which cured-me of nervous debility Mhnu te < l vitality , etc Address C. J. Wnlker box l,3tl Knaiiiatoo. | Mich. D-M485 WANTHD , MAN TO TAKD OltDKHS IN CITY for old established house : former cxperlenct unnecessary and salary paid weekly. Appl'- after a. m. at 1516 Douglas. H-MCU JC WANTHD , BALKSMliNi . The Hawks Nuretry Co. , Mllwnukee , WIs J1-M7J8 JIO _ _ UALISMIN : TO SILL IIAKINO POWDEII We put our Rooda In glass rolling pins. tCO month and expcnrcs. or commission. ChlrnBo , linking 1'owder Co. , 767 Van Iluren St. . Chi- 1 caco. H-MEOS-26 * WANTED. MKN OF INTHLLIOKNCI AND push In every town and county In Iowa nnd . Nch. to handle n stnple nrtl'lc fnr whlci there In 11 unlvi-rral dfinand ainonn Imslncsa men nnd well tn dn farmers. The Ini'lness Is hpnoi- nhlc , plcncanl and highly prontttlile. Inrlose Rtninp for imrtlctilirs. W. O. Templeton. OVI AKI. . .413 N Y. Ufe. Omaha , Neb. 11 12J-13 WANTED. C5OOr > CANVASSIKO AGENTS , honorable business ; Rood pay. Cull afternoon * 511 North 18th street. H-M930 20 * _ BAMMEN WANTED-IIOI TO $125 I-RII MONTH nnd expenses. Htaplf lino. Position permanent plrnsant and dpilralile. Aililress with Ktamp King Mfg. Co. , C. 41 , Chicago. _ II A C1IANOE TO MAKE MONEY. I MADE JMI 0) the last six weeks foiling dish waihers , and WUH sick | > iirt of the time. I don t sec why oth- ept do nut RM Into the dl h washer bii lnei ( . No cnn\nBnlnR. Sold all my washers at bnme. Per fect untlsfarllon Kvery rne sels ! another. Evcij family wants one. 1 will mnkp (3000 this > ear eaayi I can waxh and dry our illeh < ti In two minute * . Any one can make t * > to (12 n da ) . Tor partlc\ilarn write to Iron ( "lly Dish Was'ier Co. , S. lilt-bland a\c. . E. E. , I'lttsbure. 1'n. 15 ' ; 5 TO 1123 BAtuVUY PAID SAI.E = UI' ilirars ; experience not necewiary. e\tru In- durimtnts lo customers , lllthop & Kline. St. lyoJU. Mo. H 'M 19 * _ WANTED. CI.CHK8 AND fAHHIEUS IN AM. classified po toinces end cl rki , etc. . for cus toms service ; examinations BOn ( n cver > state ; \aluablo information and ilatts a il pl.itex < tf name' , free. IJ. S. Ilurenu of Information , Cincinnati. O , 11-984 19' _ BTENOOItAPHEIlS. UOOKKEEt'EUS , SAI.ES- mcn nnd teachers deslrlnK positions In Texas are- Invited to address The TVxim lluslnwrt llu- rcnu , J. W. Hudnall pioirlctor | , Dallas , Texas. HALIOSMAN ( MEDICAL ) WANTED TO CAU < on physlclaos wllh luree and lnii > rlant surKl- cal work ; now teady ; un excellent Income can be earned -phynlc'nns or otlivrs of K X | ad- drms ; state use nnd experience. Loik llox 1M2. Philadelphia , Pa. U US ! M _ WANTKD-SAI.EHMEN EVEKYWItEHE TOII best d Hr ( name ) platen ever tnide. lleveled KliiKS , Rolil backcil , readable In the Murk , lilt , prollts ; write Dunstnn Mfe , Co. , 211 riflh ii\c. , " H-ii67-ia Clilcngo , , _ | _ WANTED -AT ONC-R. SALESilEN I 'OH COUNr ty and state ; $73 A month and expenses. Hpe daily to dmjf and department store * . No com petition. Nc experience required. Exclushe territory. Columbia Chemical Co. , C9 I > earboin Bt , . Chicago. K-9M-19' _ WANTED A CATIIOMC MAN IN HIS OWN diocese ; reference * required ; US per ww-U , Write to Joseph It. Guy , CG Fifth H\P , Chi cago. U-SiO-lt * _ WANTED. OOOD MEN TO DISTIUIIUTE CIU- cularii everywhere ( no fake ) , send 4c and ! references. Eddy llutclilnsun & Co. , A 30 , H-9C8 19 * I4.M I'EU 1,000 1'AID KOIl D1STU1IIUTINU circulars ; encloic 4c. U. 8. DlstrlbutlnK Itu- reau , ChlcnKQ. IJ % 3 19 * WANTED A ilbnSESHOEIl ' AND 1 AI.I. nnmnil blacksmith ; robvr man who und > > i stand * his business ; marrlc < l man picferml ; ROOI ! wages and steady work. Address R. J. S > nouf- fcr , Atlantic , la. 11 993-19 MEN TO BUM. IIAKINO POWDEU"TO THE Kioeery tnide ; sternly emplovment , exiierlenci- unnecessary ; 175 monthly salary and expenses or commission. If offer patlsfactor > addrcsH nt once , with partlculirs concernlntf jouisilf , II. 8. Chemical Works , Chicago. II 120 19' WANTED , KII1ST CLASS. EXPEIUENCKD gents' furnishing RomU salesman ; none other need apply. Uostw Store , Omaha. 11-M11S 21 _ _ _ _ WANTED. A COATMAKEH. HAUUII & KEM- inlnn. Dcnlson , la. _ H-1T4 ly WANTED , 3 KXPEHIENCED CLOTtllNC ) salesmen ; aim ) a new * agent , )13 U * weekly. Eaberg & Corbett. H14 raniam. 11 131 19' CAPAIllTS IlElJ uTl llUJsTuNO SALES- men. to sell a. fine line of oil ami Ras > llnc tanks on commission tu the clly tradi > ; aHo few men fur country ; n tine side line ; gixnl ay to good men. Win. Nell & Co. , 11 and 13 Dearborn street , Chicago. il 1M 13 * WANTED , YOUNG IIHHINESS MAN WITH about il.OOO to open branch of Chicago house. KOCH ! salary : permanent { xisltlon with RIXM ] future In It. Tor particulars uddrrea Uco. Munson , 123 Franklin street , Chicago. 11-13 ; 1S _ _ _ _ _ SALESMEN TO SELL CldAIlS TO DEALEItsT (100 0) per month salary and expense * . Out lit free. Iteply with 2a stamp , Figaro CUxr Co. , ChlcttRo. l13 1S _ WANTED. A GOOD SALESMAN ; MUST 1IAVI" best references : call at room 8 , 218 S 13tl tleet. U-M12S 50' AHE YOU HONEbT , tJOUEH. INDUST1UOU37 If so , ennaxe with us for 1595 ; J3XI a month 13,600 a year ; you can make It easy ; six hour : a day. Our agents rdo nojt complain of ban times. Why ? They are making nioiey selllni our Perfection DUh Washer , the only practlca family wiuOitr manufactured : Trashes , drlti and polishes dlshe perfectly In two minutes no experience necessary ; a child of S uperatea It ( aslly ; cheap and durable : weight , thirteen pounds ; made of antl-ruit sheet steel ; capac Ity , 100 pieces , SlO.Ouo for Its equal ; evtiy fam ily wunts one ; you don't have to canvass ; at eon as pfople know > ou have It for sale they send for a dish washer ; each agent'i territory- protected ; no competition ; we fur nlsh sample ( weighs six pounds ) In nice case to lady agents to take orders with ; one agen made I214.U first tfn cla > s. Addreis for fill Particulars Perfection Mfg. Co. , Eniclewood. Ill . _ C MS59 WANTED-rirrr QIHLS FOR ALL KINDS rf work. Canadian Emploimcnt onice. 1SK Douglas street. C M103-M21 WANTED. QIUL FOH GENERAL HOUSE- work ; llt Dodg * street. C CS3 WANTED-OtnL FOR GENERAL IIOITSE- workot 10r Bouth SOth a > e. C 93M9 A WEALTHY LADY OFFERS CURLS ANI ladles In search of emplpyment. genteel work which will enable them to make from llrt.W tt 1100,00 per week ; this offer will not Injit bvig n rare chance for ambitious women : write fix pArtlcuIars. AddrcM Yale , llox V. Chicago. LADIES TO WORK FOR US AT HOME ; 18. < X weekly ; no canvassing ; send Ktamp. Natlona Co. , C31 uth street. Denver. Colo. C INDIES MAKE J A WKmC ADUnE HINQ envelopes , folding circulars , etc. . at Iheli homes. Reply with ( tamp , Frances L. Ijine Hammond , Iml. C 98S 19 WANTED QIIIL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 2M7 California t. C M957 WANTED. A STRONG , KIND , OAPAI1LI nurse , for Mnalld laax ; long engagement t right l u-ty , If at rvidormWe tenns. Andres at once , wllh references , terms nnd experience to P 41. Hep offlcf. O-101 19 MARRIED LADIES DOI'HLB MONEY EVERI aale ; prortt easy Jlo.00 dally ; no Interfennc with present business. P 4J , Ilee C IW 19 * QIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL UOT8E work ; small family. 1131 N. 20th. C 14 ] ! J7OBBENT HOOSE8. UOUSES , P. K. UARUNO. DAIIKEK BLOCK , D-SM HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OK TUB CITY. Till * V. Davit coinp ny , UOi Fatnam. B S81 KOU KENT-MOUSES. ContlruH IIKNAWA i Co7"lCS N < 1JTII MT , ' -3C2 n. u. COLU co.-LAitor.8TTisr"iN b V , ' M. Ronettm trnrnnm ftrert _ D 8C " " T. "ill K : iTH RTUKET. U M134-M23 * NICE MODERN FLATS. CIICAI' . J. NV 14J Il e. D-ti ) _ bit' HUNT , uuftIitA uLn rooms. Ill a. i'ttli st. , IW. rooms. 42t)5 L'mnliiR t. ( | 23 roiims , * ! . N. 271 h ave. , room , 4i > 07 IV. n it. , 110. room ! , I'i27 Davenport it. . tlO. > rm.rus J4l Jntksnn it. H. rooms. Sill Pratt st. , (7 HeeFTllltyTrU8t Co. , 17'1 ! Tarnim it. .ARGE LsTF. 1) . WKAUricF i DOUUt.AS D 547 33 _ _ OR RENT , PINE NEW IO-ROOM HOWE. M ) No. 26th it. II. T. Clatke. 219 lion n I uf T mile D-CK _ _ _ _ _ - IENTAL AGENCY , SlT NO. 1CT1I ST. D-727 _ OR RENT. FLATS AT NORTHEAST COR. n -r of lllh and Howard Us. ; neuly papered nnd painted ; J13 no a month. In.julro room 814. First National Uimk Rldg. 723 23 " " " " OR RENT , AT HELLYI'lC "NnAlf" . II. depot , n fine 10-room houic , Pno rroumls , nbtindant fruit : also 4-rocm cotinigc. Henry T. Clarke. No. 219. Iloaid of TraJe , Omaha , or W. U llelz , nellvue D-73'i ' _ V FLAT , 5 ROOMS. WITH HATH AND GAS. very complete , suitable for housekeeping. lie BouthJCth street. _ D M741 NEARLY NEW HOOM COl'TAGE "ITII bath , reduced to J13.50. S033 California st. D S20 _ _ _ " " VERY DESIRAIJLE"IURNIHHED" HOUSE , close In. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-S31 _ S-ROOM fOTTAOE , 937 N. 23TII ST. , INQtMHB S2S South 18th St. D SOT-ID 8-ROO.M HOUSE. JI5.00 PER MONTH. INquire - quire 1618 Capitol avenue D M8C4 19 * 2612 CAPITOL AVENCE. 7 ROOMS INQUIRE at 2MS Cnpllnl avenue. D MW1 2 < ) Oll RENT , 8 ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN Improvements ; bard wood finish. 4 < 1G N. 23rd street. D M90I ID FOR RENT. HOUHEs ! TEN-ROOM MODERN house , close In. Five-room cottage , city water. Store building. 110S Fnrnnm L. 8. Skinner , agent. 810 New Yolk j.lfe. D M921 1 AND 7-ROOM FLATS. . RANOE AND ALT. intHlern conveniences. Call nt coiner Hit "A. " 701 S. 16th Pt ( ! eerie riousor. D 9M-27 * PLEASANT DETACHED MODERN S-ROOM house , nlie lawn , barn. Inqulte IO3 Pierce st. i D 3-ROOM COTTAGE. CELLAR , CITY WATER , wilier closet. 2129 Pacific t. D-973-19 * FOR RENT , FI'RNISIIED HOI'SE 5 ROOMS , city vvnter ; one block from motor line ; June I to Sept. 1 JI5.00 ner mnnth ; nfeitnset ic- quired Address P 34 , Dee. D 93S 1D in-ROOM JIOFSE. MODERN , LOCATED 2211 Douglas. W.P. . Clark. 1)-MS > > J1S NICELY Ft'RNISHED EAST FRONT HOUSE of eight ruoms , with piano. 12. $ So SOth ave. D-932 19' FOR RKNT- NEW ' 4-ROOM COTTAGE COR. Sfllh and S.ibler sis , tellnr. cistern , city water , only J700. Enquire 1318 Pa num. p SM-19 IX > 11 RENT , C-IIOOM fOTTAOE. Jll SOl'TII 2rith Htrett , one-half block pnnlli of Leaven- worth. Inquire at' 874 'North 24th slrrel. 3 o'clock , evenings. S. A. Glenn. D M114 21 COTTAGE. 7 ROOMS , CLOSETS , RATH AND gas. Inquire 2024 HovtnrU D Mill 21 * NICE MIOOM HOUSE. 811 S. 17TII , } 8.00 : FIVE minutes wnlk frgni couit bouse. D MIOS 2i * FOR RENT , Jl'Ni : 1. ' lO-ROOM MODERN bnuee , No. 308 North 22 < 1 street. In < iulr > > 3H North 22d street. D lOfl 19 FOR RENT , MODERN FLAT ADULTS ONLY ; children In nrmn hot admitted ; south front ; terms reasonable. 2C24 Davenport street. D 117 19 FQR RENT. AT HELlJEVUE. NEAR DEPOT , centrally located , nice lions- for b nrdlng bouse or hijtcl purposes Goiid opening for right pirtles. II. T. Clarke , 819 Iloaul of Tntde , Omaha , D MI30 21 FOR RENT , THREE COTTAGES AND A house of 14 rooms ; all modem impiovcmcnts. Inquire of Thomas Sivlft , 40S N. 11th street D Ml44 21 I-OK , HtNT FUjx. , , bi.ED flOOMS. MODERN ROOM. WITH 11OA11D. 2418 CASS. E M8C8.-M19' NICE SOUTH FRONT ROOM WELL FUR- nlshed , private family. Call 2412 Cam street. E M233 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Call at 2107 Douglas. E M792 1 TWO FRONT ROOMS. WITH I1ATII , 2024 DAV- enport. E M877 2S _ EAST FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED. 210 N. lath street. E S94t20 * PLEASANT ROOM. 1919 DODGE. E MM7 FURNISHED ROOMS , SUITADLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping ; man and wife ; no children ; pri vate family ; references. Address ! 20 lice. E-M924 25 FOR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED SUITE Olf nniins. south eMHJSiire. wllh tio.ird. private family ; fine location. 23X > Douglas street. Ref erences. - E M815 23 * ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS , E28 SOUTH 23TH avenue. i ; 92S-23 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping. W2 N. 3)th street. E M9J2 20 * NICELY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms , all conveniences , 2C03 Dodgistreet. . E-M943 19 FURNISHED ROOM , CM S. 19TH STREET. E-MI07 J18 FOR RENT. DESIRARLE SOUTH FRONT furnlshtnl rooms. 1S22 Chicago street. K-M119 Z4 _ _ TWO FURNISHED ItObMS IN RESIDENCE which occupies whole block of nlcu lawn nnd shade treea , northvvist corner of 19th nnd Leaven worth. E M1M 21 * SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN- furnlshed , modern , cool , desirable , IlKht housekeeping - keeping allowed , 22JO Hurt , F. 141 19 3 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEkeeping - keeping , H2.00 per month , ll-3.Nurth l th strtnt. A LARGE COOL ROOM. NICELY FUR nlshed. In private family ; modyrn ; refenniei requlri-d. 618 N , 23d. E 123 19 FU.HNISHED KOJM J AND BO ARE BOARD AND ROOM , J4.M WEEK. 1823 CAbS I' M735 H' ROOMS WITH HOARD AT THE SHRINER , 324 South 2Cth street. F M898 22 * " * TWO VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS AT THE Ficnzer , 118 N. 23th St. F 926-23 * LARGE. FRONT. FURNISHED ROOM ANT alcove , \cry desirable location , with board , 230 : Douglas. F 991-19 * PRIVATE FAMILY. WEST FARNAM ST. will take a gentliman to room and board. Air dross P 32 , llec. F 100-19 * LARGE SOUTH ROOM IN MODERN DE tachcd house ; excellent table ; references. ' . N. 18lh. F M134 21 * NICE EAST FRONT ROOM. SINGLE Ol ii HUlte. with tKianl , for two gentlemen or t couple. 31 South 2Cth street. F 127 19 * UNFURNISHED BUG MS TO BEN1 THREE OR FOl'H UNFURNISHED ROOMS : all modern : references. P 36. nee. G 955 IS * TOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES ONE ELEGANT STORE ROOM. 2SMOO. LO. . rated In the best part of thla city. Addrcu J. & M. Conrad. Falrbury , Neb. I M90J 22 FOR RENT , THE TBTORY IIRICK DUIL& Ing. SIC Farnam street. This bulldlnt has c fire proof cement basement : complete stean heating fixtures ; water on all floors , cai. etc. Apply at the office of The n y. 1 910 FOR RENT. FIR8T-CLASS THREE-STORY and batement brick store building , 100J Fnr- noin street. Suitable for any kind of busi ness. Inquire room 314 , First National bant building. I MS&4 2S JJE8K ROOM. WILLIAM J. WELSHANS. 3J ; I loan ! of Trade. I M887 ° .ll nnNTA SUITE OF THREE MODER > oince rooms at the southwest corner 24th nm N streets , South Omaha. Apply at City hall Omaha , between 8 and 9 a. m. C. Singer. I-M944 20 AGENTS WAWTEU. MEN AND WOMEN. J5 TO 110 A DAY. AD- drf" , . ? ? " ! Httn < 'y Heater Co. . 834 New York Life Hide. . Omaha. Neb. j _ , THE NEW EDUCATION IB THE MOST USEful - ful school work ever published. Hundreds ol agenta wanted to sell to school boards. Th ( Diamond Lllho Publishing Co. , Minneapolis , M'nn. ' J-M9U 1 > WANTED , AGENTS TO BELL OUR INSTANtaneous - taneous , water tight garden hose coupler. Belli at No toola required. Liberal commls. Ion. Bend for particulars. Adams & West- lake Co. , Chlcagj. J HMO 19 * AGENTS WANTED FOR LARGEST LINt aluminum novelties , bar roods , tableware u America ; profits Immense ; steady work : eanipb . ' ' ' " "Ira'ed catalogue free. Aluminum Nov- tlty Co. , 33S Uroadway. New York , J CATCHIEST WO CANVASSERS' SPECIALTY v r hown. U > r lU * Automallo Hair Curler Co. , CtUcagw j _ 7 jj. AGENTS WANTED. Continued. wir\r bo i'EOPLK "COMPLAIN OF " "HARD tlmn. when nny womna or man can make frcm i : to 110 a day easily. All linvo heard of the wr iderful succevs of the Climax Dish \\arher. ) t mnny are apt to think they can't tnnko money selling It ! but anyone can make mt.ney. becnuie every family wants one. One agent baa made 1478.13 In the last three months , tier ptylng all eipenses and unending to reg- ulnr business betides. You Onn't have t } can- vats ; na soon as people know you have It for ale the ) send for n Dish Washer. Address the rilinsx Mfg Co. , 45 Starr Are. , Columbus , Ohio , tor particulars 1 WANTlfDri-ADY AGENTS : IIYGEIA COR- setN me the best sellers ! big prollts ; easy work. CntaloRia * free by sending lo Western Coioet Co. , bt Louis , Mo J WANTED7 AOENTS TO SELL SASH LOCKS iiml do r holdcis. Sample snsh lock free by mall for 2c stamp. Uest sellers ever Invented , ll.-ats vvelghts. 112 ( VI n day. Write quick , llro- hard & Co. . Hex n , Philadelphia. J WA"NTID : 'AGENIS FOR OUR ASIIESTOR- clay cooking ware. Wages 13 to $7 a iiy ! { pay < vn' vvis.k. Central Supply Co. Cin cinnati , O , CURIOSITY. SPANISH MO 8. DECORATIVE , groivs anywhere ; 23o , file lumitei ; npe'lts make big money. Duyc U Iluclmnun , Delhi , Ln. J 9SO 19 * WANTED AGENTS TO 8EI.L CIGARS TO Healers on time : calniy nnd expenses pild ; samples fiee. Lea Mfg. Co. , 211 WalmKh ave. , Chli ago. J-9C6 19 * _ AGENTS WANTED TO 8F.LL THE JANE skirt holder : no pins , no buttons , nn hooks , easily adjusted ; holds dawn the shirt wnlsl ; keeps the pklit from sagging ; the best money maker on the market ; sample pair and par ticulars , 23c , The Jane Skirt Holder Co. ; IMS Masonic Temple , Chicago. J 9C2 19 * rVGENTS EVER'VWHERE , SOMETHING NEW , no talking , sells nt fight , blK profits. Circu lars free , fiend lOc for sample In pluah box Novelty Introduction Co , 207 State st. , Chicago. AGENTS , GENERA LAND LOCAL TO SELL the "Wonderful Washer. " Positively guaran teed to do nway with all usn of the waXi- boanl ; galvanUrd Iron tub ; simplest , lightest running , best made nnd selling washer In the world : If vou really want xtcndv piolH- able cmplojment nnd are willing to work we can Interest vou Win Nell & Co. . 11 ana 13 Dearborn street , Chicago. J 13U 19 * AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE STAPLE articles Hint sell like h t cnKes everywhere , exclusive teirltory given , camples easily car ried : bigprollf. . Diamond Cutlery Co. . 6C-C2 Ilroadway , New York City. J 142 19 * WANTED TO RENT. LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH O. O. WAL lace , 312 Drown blk. Have calls for cottages K 777 HOUSES FOR nnNT WITH F. D. WE AD , K-SIS J3 STAI1LE WANTED TO RENT IN VICINITY of High school. Gannett , Ml Rrown block. K 991-19 * WANTED , TO RENT FOR A FEW WEEKS n ladles wheel , this or list > ear's make. Ad dress , slating price , P 60 , cure llec olllce. K-146 19 * STORAGE. STORAGE. FRANK EWERS. UU HARNEY. M-370 REST STORAGE RUILDING IN OMAHA. U. 8 ROV. bonded wnrehouie ; household goods stored ; lowest rntca. 1013-11115 Leavenworth M 377 STOVES STORED DURING SUMMER. TEL 960. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M-37S PACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. . 9TH & Jones fits. General storage and forwaidlng M-574 WANTED TO BUTJ WANTED. A STOCK OF GOODS WORTH 14,000 to 16.000 Address M. 19 , Omaha Ilee. N-M643 STOCKS OP CLOTHING , GENTS' FURNISHIngs - Ings , has and shoes , 8. Arnsteln , 1303 Douglas street. N M706 J8 WANTED , TO RUY , SHETLAND PONY : MUST be cheap , cafe and sound. II. II. Irey. court house. N-927-19 WANTED TO HUY A FIVE OR SIX-ROOM cattagcwlthln two miles ofiwstotnce , west or Boullmest , for nbmu J1.200 on easy pasments. Address I * 33 , Hee. N 975-19" WANT TO RUY 3 OR 4-ROOM COTTAGE TO move ; Rive location nnd price. Address 3719 California St. N 9M-19 * WANTED , ROWLING ALLEY MALLS AND pins ; must be reasonable and tn good condition. Address A 18. Ilee olllce. Council Illuffi ) N 147 19 FOR SAIE YTTRNITTJRE. FOR SALE. ON ACCOUNT OF REVOMAL TO New Yotk , wU ) ell all the furniture , carpets , etc. . of a 10-room house , cheap. Call at ( SI S. 26'h ave. O M821 FOR SALE--HORSES , WAGONS.ETC FOR SALE CHEAP. A GOOD BUGGY HORSE 1512 Douglas street : P 872-20 FOR SALE-GOOD SADDLE HORSE. EN- qulre Tlleo. Gradman , care Utownlng , Klnc & Co. P-SS3 A FINE. STYLISH I1AROUCHE HORSE. APply - ply 2201 Farnnm street , P M9I2 19 * FOR SALE , AT LESS THAN HALF VALUE two-sent canopy-tup surrey and good family hoipe. SOU California street. P 113 ] 0 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WEGMAN PIANOS. RRIDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Uros. , 117 8. 17th. Q 379 HARDWOOD COMHINATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chat R. Lee , 9th and Douglas Q-380 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO , AMES. NEtl , has 400 tons good baled hay to sell. Q M472 FOR SALE A PET DEER INQUIRE A. D Ilrandels , Boston Store. Q C94 FOR SALE , SECOND HAND IJILLIARD table In good condition. Inquire room 314 First National Bank Hldg. Q 723 23 FOR SALE , 2 BILLIARD AND 3 POOL TAbles - bles , In good order , nt very low prices. Ad- dnss John Heldelk. Falrbury , Neb. Neb.QMS99 Q-MS99 22 REST RROWN LEGHORN EGGS. PEN scores 01 points. $1.00 for 13 , li.M for X eggs Stonccypher A. Canlleld , 1222 S. 3Snd st. st.Q Q 953-20 * LADIES' 1UCYCLE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Apply 403 McCttgue bldg. , Dodge & 15th. Q 9S7 19 * MI 3O LL ANEOX73. FOR -RENT. DAIRY FARM NEAR SOUT1 Omaha. II. H. Harder & Co. , Bee building. R-934-24 WANTED. DIRT TO FILL A LOT. 310S Jones. It Mil ! 19 * CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE liable business medium. 8th year at 119 N. Hth 8 331 MRS. WAGNER , 2103 GRANT STREET. WILL give public readings , assisted by llllnd Harry the musical medium , Sunday eve , 7:30 Patter son block. 8 M937 19 * TRANCE MEDIUM-JAMES COPELAND. THE woild's famous clalnojnnt and trance business medium cf New York City , can be consulted on all affairs of life , business , sickness , divorce , pending pension claims. Ii ) . t and stolen pn per- ty , or anything > ou may bo In trouble or doubt of , giving names and dates. Ills powers for re moving evil Inlluences , Riving luck and bring ing together the separated exceeds all Mhers. C0 ( North lith st. Letters vr th stamps n swered B 947-19 * MASSAGK. KA'IHS. ETO. MADAM SMITH. Wi 8. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , ROOJ 3 ; magnetic , vapor , Alcohol , steam. Milphurln and sea baths. T MI09 3 * MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1121 DODGE T M641 20 * MOST COMODIOUS RATH PARLORS IN city. Mme. Howell , 318 & 32) 8. 15th ; thorough ! : practical clrupodlst and manicurist attendant. T M81J Jll * MADAME LA RUE. 1817 HOWARD ST. T 8C3-J12 * MRS. DR. LEON. ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric bath parlors , restful and refreshing No. 412 North 141h street. T M115 S3 * TURKISH. BATHS. TURKISH BATHS : ONLY PLACE IN Cm exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 Be bldg. . 1M. BIX BATHS 15. MME. POST. 31t S. UTH. 730 PERSONAL. THE BELLE EPPERX.Y CORSET. MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Fornam street streetU3M U-3M VIAVI CO. . 318 BEE BLDG. ; HEALTH BOOK free ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 3SI B. HAAS , FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS" Banquet , hall , residence and grav * decoration * . 1I1J Vlntnn street. Telephona 776. UJIJ35 * PAPER CONTAINING REAL PHOTO3 OF ladles wlthlnK to wed mailed for stamp. Box 1CO . Denver. Colo. M174 M2i BATHS , MASSAGE. MMa POST. J19V4 8. 15T1I U-7J1 PJUVATE HOME FOR LAD1C8 DURING confinement : bablei adopted or otherwlie pro vided for. KXS Caldftdl street. Omaha , Ntb. U-MIM Jit * PERSONAL. Con mijd. ALL KINDS OF NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS wanted , nloo lists of Jiinlneifcii for ndverllierf ; rash paid ; enclose lAiftp' AdveitlsInK Bureau , No. 100 W. J7th , N. Y. , Cljy. U ' " VTTlisTlON LADIES t-"EMMA" m'ST DI > v eloper will enlarge y\lur liUst 6 Inches Guar anteed , Sealed Instruction 2c. or Jl ptlKC Illus trated catalogue 6c. by mall. Emma Toilet Itatar , Boston , Mass. * * ' U MEN AND WOMENriTTArOHT TO MAKE craon * | > ortrnlts In i ilTvJinurs nt their home * uy n new. copyrightnll mcthuil ; those learning my method wll | be furnished work by me by which they can enrniUI.W lo IIS 03 per week. Send for particulars.1J.I A. Gt < PI > , German artist , Tyrone. Pa. mmi " .ci-i.m-j.cjuin HAUL wniTn ron rnnn Information how totenure hair permanently without slightest Injuvs < o skin ! supeilor tn electric needle. Cuitlf-VoT , 180 52j st. , Hilrnso - - U-9SU ID' Do YoiT pptcttLATDt"JriiiN " 8nNi ) ron our book. "How to'Yfftulnte suoeomfully on limited margins In grain nnd stock markets. " Mulled free. Comstock , Huuliea . . Co. . Illnlto ImtlJInp. Chicago. U 983 19 MARRIAGE PAPER 10 CTS. , HUNDREDS OF ilescilptlons with resldencis ; mnny wealthy. Mr. Ai Mrs. Drake , 165 Wnshlngton M. . ChlcuRo. W. E.-IF YOU ARE IN OMAHA MONDAGO to 1213 Howard street the llrst thing anil buy me two more of those ten dollar lots. Oliver. U-078-19 * SUMMER SCHOOOL-W1LL BE OPENED IN the "Pleasant School" June 3 , Miss Crane of "Mason" will have chniKc of the Gih , 7th nnd 8th grades : Miss Dc of "Kcjslonc1' the 3d. 4lh nnd Cth grades. U 10' . 19 * TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. LIKE , loans nt low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-391 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan. Love & Co. , Paxton blk , W 383 MP ROVED CITY LOANS AT LOKi > T RA'IES. H. H. Harder & Co. . ground floor , Bee bldg. W-421 M2S MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle. 1st Not. Ilk. bldg. W 392 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Ttust companv , 1702 Farnam. W 3S9 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. . New York , offer any part 100,000 eastern In vestors' names , who have money to Invert , lust compiled. Write for partlculi * * . W MI31 MZS * AGENCY U. S. MORTGAGE CO. SUBMIT loana to Pusey & Thomas. Council Bluffs olllce. W 482 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , M5 N. Y. L1FE. ( MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. P. Davis Co. , IMS Farnam St. W 3S4 LOANS ON IMPROVED , * UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 133) Farnam. W-390 MONE * TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you con pay back at any time 01 In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4. Wlthnell block. X S7J MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , noises , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city , no removal of goods ; strictly connJcillal ; you can pay the loan off. at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . 308 So. 16th St. X 370 J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 , RAMGE BLOCK. X-37S MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Teriy , 43o Ramge blk. X 171 BUSIN.hSB > OHANCE3. FOR SALE. MY LOAN AND JEWELRY Ul'SI * ness. Fred Motile , pawn broker. 1517" . Fnr- nam. ' Y MS91 JI4 TO SELL- GROCERY STOCK , GOOD LOCA- tlon , cheap fixtures' and stock complete , butcher- shop attached. "Address , H E Bui- num. 617 N. Y. Life Bide. Omaha , Neb ' " ' Y M821 M20 * SPLENDID OPPORTWMTIES ARE NOW offered by the tnnrkwwtA easily multiply small capital each week by tepi'Ctlntlng. Our custom ers make big money. 11 Some J2 < flO to I MO 00 n week , on a (100.00 Invest ntent. Can we not do the same for jouiv Small margin lequlred. Our book on t-ucccs'fut speculation and dilly market letter , full nflmonoy producing polnteiM , sent free. Speculate through experts Thomas & Co. , bankers and Omikers. Rlalto hide , rul er , go. HI. of . Y-M917 JIG * FOU ncNT. , A rmSr-OjJA s JIOTKL IN A prosperous eastern ( Nebraska county seat Is for ryit to a good Imtel nun. A money maker for the right man. Addrcvs P J7 , Omaha Dee. Y M923 19 * FOR SALE. MY IXAN AND JEWELRY BUSI- ness. Fred Molile , 1317'/4 Fnrnam.Y Y M89I J14 WANTED RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES In every town nnd city to sell the great rheu matic cure. Clark's Red Cross Medicinal Water , Nature's wonderful remedy. Write for terms and territory Fish & Vauguan , Gen'l Contracting agents for U. H. A. , 4150 Cottage Grove Ave. . Chicago. Y PARTNER WANTED. TO TAKE HALF INterest - terest In a good baker > , will take land In ex change ; no bakery experience nueiled. AU'luss John Wngner , Grand Jsland Neb. Y GOOI > .JIILIARLI EXPERI- inced mnn with KOO to 11,000 to represent IIH in Nebraska , legitimate , big money. Thoe. 1' . Kces Ac Co. , 167 Deurlxjru St. , Chicago. Y-072-19 * WANTED. THE NAMES OP RUPTURED people , send names and addte&ses of all > ou kno\v and we will mul you by null a prcurnt II nt will please. Sun-hold Co. , North Wind- ham , Maine. Y 951 19 * YOUCANCLEAR J25 To lWwEKLY ; Olt- taJn > our Htnto agency , di > not answer unlips you can Invent ( CO to JloO , pajHlile only on receipt of giiods , something new ; no experleni-n necessary ; wo Henil full particulars , with highest references. Address Mnnufactuier. P. O. llox 1,834 , New York City. Y M1U3 19 * FOR SALE OR TRADE , MANUFACTURERS' ngency will take good team or clear real estate for stock on hand. I1 39 , Bee.T T 122 19 * FOR SALE. CHEAP ; PRIVATE WATER workn plant , supplying seven families with water for lawns , resfdencefl and bains , con sisting of two wlndmlllx , two pumps , 200-hhl. tank , etc. : Wllber Just completed public water works and we havo-no more use for private plant. Write to C. Duras , Wllber , Neb. Y-121 19 * FOR EXCHANGE. A NICE STYLE FAMILY HORSE , COAL black , sound , KOCH ] free driver and gentle In every way , to exchange for good driving horse. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnnm street , Z MSS9 1GO ACRES NEBR. LAND. SMALL MORT- Bage. for furniture 5-room cottage ; vacant lot or small cottnga for horse and buggy , reai estate for small business ; desirable cottage for Improved SO or IW-ncre farm , 32) ileus choice land , clear , for rental property. C. C. _ Shlmer. 211 N.Y. _ Life. Z-94M9 * GIG IUULT B STEWART. WILL SELL IT for SSO. Alto kodak for half Vrtce. n. W G. . D04 Brown block. 7. 933-1U * FOR TRADE. A BUCKBOARD. HAND MADE , almost new. for a phaeton , will give differ ence. P 40 , Ilee Z M103 31 FOR SALE KC.AL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. IU15S IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NBAB OMAHA at prices that will surprise you , If taken within 2 weeks , J. H , . Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. ' RE-M724 BARGAINS , HOUSESJ LOTS AND FARMS ; sola or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. RE Ut BARGAINS , SALE OR T.RADE IN CITY PROP- ertleaand farms. Jno. N. > Frenzer , opp. P. O. RE-375 FOR PALE-S-ACRE , TRACT3 NEAR SOUTH Omaha , M30.00 per aero. 12 acres on proposes ) , boulevard , southwest , 1300.00 per acre. i , 16 acres northwest [ on , , Military and paved street and near electric car line , JiW.OO per acre. n I Lot24. block 1 , Potterft ) , add. . West Omaha. I7SO 00 i 188 ft. on 25th st , , north icf Farnam , 1(7.00 per front foot. ui I t with four-room house on Martha , near 20th si. . 150000. vv Lot with flie-room house near 20th and Llnd- sey ave. , ISOOOO. i Lot with five-room bousej 551 h and Burt its , . 11.200 00. * . Vacant lots and houm and lots In all -vsrts ot Omaha and acre property at prices much below real \alue. n Potter ti. George company , cor. Hth and Far nam. RE MS15-19 SNAPS. B TO MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40. 80 or 120 acres. Improved ; ( MOO per acre ; { 00 acres. (33.00 per acre ; 2M acres. (1000 per acre ; t 10-acre tracts , (75 00 to (100.00 per acre. Must be u > ld. 940 N. Y. L. bldg. RE MI3t FOR SALE IXT 14. BLK 2 , BAKER PLACE This lot Is (0x128. south front , near car ; will selH chejp on easy monthly payments to right party. Also lot t. In Buckeye Place , and lot 1 , blk t. Poppleton Park. Take a look at the lou and If they suit you call and I will make pnc and terms to suit. Geo.B. Tischuck. Bet office Omaha. RE 34 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. L. RE C38 Jl CORNER. 64ii FT. . CASS ST. . Itoi W ft. . North Uth , ( UO. Hundred per cent In tnes In 12 mos. Araei , , 1S17 FarnaoK. RB-M5-t * FOR BALE. REAL ESTATE. Contlouol. 7 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. only (3,70000 ; great bargain. _ SK\V K-ROOM COTTAGn. LARGE IXT. ONLY Clark and N. 21it ; snap. RE-M791 WUOCANimAT lHs lot. mile and half from P. O. . easy terms ; only | 0. Ames. 1617 Farmm. RE 911 it * lOn-ACRE FARM. 23 MILEB FROM OMAHA , cheap for one-half cash , 1C24 COM street. HE 12319 * _ FOR SALE. AT A SACRIFICE. 1XT . BLOCK 1 , Crouton addition. Jessie Allan. UFM316 19 * _ _ _ _ _ _ WILL SELL AT PANIC PRICES , ON I1A8Y terms , finely located seven-room modern house , lot 60x120. south front , one block from pave ment. near t" school and church. To party whn wants a home In n fine neighborhood this Is the chance of a lifetime. No imenls Ad- drem P 29. Bee. RE MU3i ( 19 * t HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR A FEW CHOICE bargains In Improved ami vacant property ; 4 r. cottage , close In , (1,100 ; beautiful 6 r. cel tuce , 12300 ; & r. collage , near Hanscom park , ( l.iOO. C. C Shlmcr , 211 N. Y. Life. RE 949-19 _ _ _ LAST CHANCE TO BUY A NICE BUILDING lot lying between Omihn nnd New Fort Oma ha for enl > ten dolHrs , unless > oulslt the great (10 rale Write for plat. C. P. llenlimln. sole ngent , 1213 Howard st. RE 977-19 * 338 FEET , FULL BLOCK IN LENGTH , FRONT. Ing on granite paved street , with sewir , water , gas , Hldevvalk , elect ! Ic cars nnd electric- lights , four cottages permanently rented good nelBh- bnrhood , nnd close to buiHness , for (15,000 (0. This Is n great bargain , ns all public Im- proveimnts arc paid for. It has been n | > - pralsed at (100 per front foot. R. F. Williams , room 411 , MLCngue block. RE MHO JO SMALL HOUSE. FULL LOT , FRANKLIN ST. . (100 down , but. monthly , lo'O. Ames , ini7 Fur- nam. RE M074-23 * (10-OWN YOUR OWN HOME , STOP RENT ; quit landlords ; become a fieehulder ; a (10 bill wlllbuy n nice lot. free from mortgage , In my new addition , between Otn.iha nnd the new fort ; wilte for pint , Charles 1' . Bcnjiimln. sole ngent , 1213 Howard st. RE 97C-10 * _ HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS , HELL AND buy lots , ncr 8 , farms. Gnivln Bros , 210 N.Y L RE-374 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE ; CHOICE COR- nir lot In WnshlnMon Hill , am hntd up and must have (20i ) cash nt 'mce ; balance to suit , make me an offer quick. Address P 37 Bee office. RE 9lJ 19 * FOR SALE , LOT 61x123 FT. . 2VTH ANI ) IZAIID Bts. , at gradi(9i 00i ) ; lot 51x130 ft. , with barn. six room house nnd fruit trvcn In > aid , 33th nnd Hurt MM. , ( IMV)00 , 40 nues six miles fiom pontottlce. nnrilineot , J4.0W M. Potter nnd George comp.uiy , cor. IClh and Fnrnnm nts RE M93S ) 26 AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. To get n most complete cottage honuIn the clly The price on the e tvvo beautiful cottages on Hurt nl. . 2Stb has been reduced (504 inch If suld iluilng the next week They nre fl rooms each , with bull , rlos.M , hot anil cold wnttT. concreted cell ir under whole house , electric fixtures nnd eleittlc light. Just completed , with suvcr , city water , > nuis all wsldeil , etc. . 1 block to electric llnv In fact. the e cottages arc nuJels of beauty nnd convenience. No such collage In the city can be purchased as cheap ns we arc authorized to Ffll these home ? . Terms , ( MX ) or more cash , balance ensv terniH This propfrty l destined to be one of the most beautiful risldentc localllles In the clt > In a HKM > EM1iuniCNlO\V IS THE TIME TO BUY. WHILD PRO' ' ERTY IS CHEAP. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THE IT MUST BU SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. Fidelity Tivist Company. 1702 Farnam- J \ i " AI IW1 23 FOR 8ALE-.Cff FT. FRONTAGE IN FINEST residence part of cltv for (1,100 Teims rea on- ablc AQiliess P 31. Bee. RE-M7-19' _ FOR SALE-rOl OOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE AND lot about 1 mile fiom P. O. , small < a h | > n.\- ment , Ijulnhoe monthly. Addrei-s I ' 30 llec- FOR \LE-NEW COTTAGE. COR 30T1I AND Snhli-r t . . cellai. cistern. cll > water , enl ) I1.2W. Sum'l BUIIIB , 1318 Farnam RE 1000-19 FOR SALE , THE iTANDSOMEST 6-ROOM COT- tagc In the cltv ; nil modern Improvements , a vnup , casj terms. 277S California Kev next door/ RF.-102 19 * I HAVE TAVO SQUARE SECTIONS OF LAND In Ixmcustetr county , Nebraska , that 1 musl jell They niv iKilh nndel sections ; deepest poll , and nil tillable , too : each situated Just two milt * from Union College terminal of Lincoln sticet car line. I could have sold this land onio nt aeiy fancy price. They are both Improved , nnd mostly under cultiva tion. You cn take > our choice for (5500 per acre. Carlock , 1203 Fnrnum street. THE FINEST RESIDENCE LOT NEAR HANS- Com park : owner going east ; must tell quick. P 14 , Hcc olllce. RE 115 19 * 1(0 ACRES BETWEEN NEW STATE PAIR groundM nnd Scjmour park , onlv (1. 'W Per acre P 47 , Dec. RE-14 19 * _ MUST BE SOLD. ELEGANT 10-ROOM RES- Idence. modern nnd elegantly located. A B. . box M4. ni14 * 19 * LAND FOR SALE ADJOINING NEW STATE fair srmmds. Call for prlcia. Hicks , N.-k * Life Bldg. RE-115 19 BEAUTIFUL"TENACRE TRACT IN WIST Om ih.i for sale at a nacrillce. P 40. Bee olllui' . RL 145 IJ CH01CI3 PROPERTY-FOR 10 DAYS WILL offer splendid piece of Improved Omaha piop- eity. pajlng 8 per cent. Address P 4j Bee olllce. m 14j " ACRE PROPERTY. 10 acres , with handsome trees , close to Elmwood - wood park , (3 730. 40 acres , closeto city , only (2CO per ncre. SO acres Sejmour park , beautiful tract ; If sold quick , only COO per acre. Ihe finest In- \cstment on the market. Hlclts , 30. , N. Y. Life bldg. lHj l 19 * O NLY (375 FOR A clOICE ACRE LOT NEAR state fair grounds. P 49. Bee " ' " ' - . -j j ,9. FOR QUICK SALE. TWO CHOICE LOTS IN west end , one block from 33lh and Farnam streets , only (2.200 for both. Hicks. N. Y. Life blilg. _ L'lilll' 19 * A GREAT BARGAIN. CORNER , 60X150 FEET on 24lh nnd A street , South Omaha ; paved street , etc. ; no hpcclal taxes ; will sacrifice P 48 , Bee. IH7-141 19 * UNDERTAKERS ANI ) EMB ALMERS H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago St. . telephone 90. 40S SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMINO , TEL. 1060. 409 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer - er , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 225. 410 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER. 613 8. 16TH ST. 411 BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON. 402 N. 16TH. 893 VICTOR BICYCLES. THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co , 323 N. 16lh alreet. 391 STERLING , BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1315 Howard street. 895 _ SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barnum & Bro. , 120 N. 15th. 898 _ REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. . 110 8. 16th street. 897 _ A. iT DEANE & CO. . WHOLESALE AND RE- tall bicycles. 1111 Farnam street ; blcdes sold on easy pa > menta. 398 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. . 2416 CUMINO CC4 MANTELS , GRATi'B AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large floors ; write for catalougue. Milton Rogers & Sons. Omaha.M39I _ _ D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOLD HIS COAL olllce to 209 S. 16th it. , Brown block. 400 is THE CHEAPEST NO SMOKE. No aoot. 2.000 pounds of the * ieit W > omlnu coal , (4.50 , delivered. Just thine of It ! You have to pay that for dirty , smoky con ! II > ou are Interested In the fuel question use Sheridan coal. 1G05 Fnrnam itrcet. M401 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 1CI > ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS- lure for horses , board fence , spring water ; Barton & Phelps. Gllmore , Neb . or A. W. Phelpi & Son. 207 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 10C4. 478-July 1 * HORSES AND CATTLE PASTURED. 1VS miles from car line , blue grass , spring water , H. H. Harder & Co. , Be * building. 873-ZO PASTURE , CATTLE & HORSES. T. Murray. 908 J15 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY t , 7 , S per cent when } , 2 , 8 years old , always redeemable. 1701 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec. 411 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n , 17M Bee bldr. G. W. Nattlreer , Sec. 411 BOARDING HOUSES FOR RENT. TO A GOOD , RESPONSIBLE PARTY. 32 rooms : about 30 boarder * . Best location In cltr , P U. Bee. (71 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. ItTU AND JONES 8TS. rs rooms at II M per day. < n Moms at (3.00 per day. Special rale * to commercial traveler * . Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. 401 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. Hth ana Dodce. Rooms by day or week. 403 ELECTRICAL. oUi'i > LIE3 ELIXTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- on for electric light and motor plants nnd nil kinds cf electrical construction. Welters Elec * lileal Supply Co. , 1515 Howard it. 401 " " PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 1 ST. 41S CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET CLEANING WIvS. 718-7 * ) 8. 14lh St. Tel , B3S. Service guaranteed. U. B. a. Kuhn , Mgr. ; Pat Ward , foremin 123-M21 LOiT. LOST , FRIDAY NIGHT A LADY'S lll.ACK ostrich feather boa , n toward will be paid If left nt 1313 Farnam sti M > Ixist M123 20 DJNTAL Cw OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY. FREE Infirmary ; dentistry at coil. ICth & Cap. nvc. 407 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE P. GELLENRECK. BANJO A'ND guiinr teacher. 1911 Can street. MI09 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 71 N. 1 . 40C SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRtriNG A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. CI3 N. Y. Life.M91I M91I CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING. HOUSE lgn painting , brlek vvoik , plastering ; off. R , 1 , Barker blk. ; tcl. 735 ; shop 913 No. S4th St. 403 DRESSMAKING. MRS. C. A , LUCAS HAS RETURNED AND opened pariors at 1609 Douglas stieet , where she will be pleased to see her fo-mer friends. MI57-M23 DRESS MAKING IN FAMILIES. 4316 GRANT. M150-M24 * DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 BURT ST. 417 NOTICE OF nncEivnivs SALE. Notice Is nereby given that pursuant to an order of the district court of Uouglns county. Nebraska , entered on the 3th ilny ot Mil } , 1S95 , In a suit pending In vnld court , wherein William \Vulluce Is plain tiff nnd Wallace and company. Incorpor ated , Is defendant , I will on Monday , the 27th day of May , lbD3 , at 2 o'clock p. m. of Eald day at the place of business of said Wallace and company. Incorporated , at number 411 South Tenth streetIn Omahn , Ne braska , i > ell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash all of the assets of said Wallace anil company , Incotporated. Said niseis consist In part of saloon bars , back bars' , mirror frames , beer coolers , etc. , all being manufactured by the said Wallace nnd company. Incorporated , a complete out- lit of Improved wood worklnp machinery , together with shafting nnd belting and two Detroit electric motors of fifteen horse power each , the olllce furniture and fixtures and 11 lot of raw material and partially manufactured stock. Salt ! property may be Inspected nt anj time during business hours and the under signed Is authorized to sell all or parts of said property at private sale at any time prior to the date fixed for pub'lc Bole. Said sale will be conducted according to the Instruction * ) of the court embodied In the Bald order which will be found In the olllce of the cleric of the district court or n copy of the same may be Inspected on the above premises at any time during business hours. JOHN JENKINS. M-ll-nt m and e Receiver. NOTICE. Parties having goods In pawn with me will call for them within SO clays from May 11 , as I Intend to go out of business. KIICD M01ILE , 1017'X. Tarnam St. Show cases for sale. M-n-30-t-E--S CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF THE SITTING OP THE CITY COUNCIL AS A BOAUD OF EQUAL IZATION. To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and real estate abutting on or adjacent to the streets , alleys or avenues herein named or situated In whole or In part within any of the districts herein spectlled : You and each of you , are hereby notified that the city council of the city of Omaha will sit as n Hoard of Equalization ut Com mittee Hoom A , In the city hall , Omaha , Nebraska , on Friday , the 24th day of May , 1895 , from 9 o'clock u. m. to 0 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of considering and equaliz ing the proposed levy of special taxes and assessments as shown by "Pioposed Plans of Assessments" now on file In the olllce of said city cleric , and correcting any errors therein , and of hearing all complaints that the owners of property so to be assessed and taxed may make ; bald special taxes aiid assessments proposed to be levied being necessaty to cover the cost of the several Improvements duly authorized to bs made and now completed , as follows : To cover the cost of damages awarded for grading 17th street from Vlnton street to Castellar street , Amounting to the sum of $3,326.20 , which sum It Is pioposed , Iiy a re port duly adopted by the city council , to as sess on the real estate on both sides of Uth street , from Vlnton street to C stcllar street , pie rata per foot frontage , according to the usual bcallng back process , In depth from the street , as follows : On the west side , to center of block. On the east side. In Moirlton's add. to first alley. In Improvement Association addition , 143 feet. feet.The foot frontage on lot 1 , Morrison's ad dition , to bo for 2W ) feet. 1,990 feet frontage at JI.C714S per foot. To cover the cost of opening roadway from a point on North Boulevard to Grand avenue , amounting to the sum of UK , > 9.00 , which sum It Is proposed , by n report duly adopted by the city council , to be assessed ns tallows : On the west 14 of n e U of n w Vi sec 3 , ,717.50. On the real estate on Grand avenue ; nn south side from 22nd street to ISth strest extended : on north Fide from boulevard to 22nd street ; 1,700 foot frontage at $0.47812 ; $84U > 0. To be provided for by the park commissioner or the city , $1,000.W. ( The portion assessed per foot frontage to be In depth from street , On south side , 1DO feet , or to first alley. On north Bide , to center o' block. To cover the cost ol opening and extend ing 36th street from Center street to south city HmltH , amounting to the sum of $15- 45590 , which Hum It Is proposed , by u re- Iiort duly adopted by the city council , to assess HH.follows : On west 132 feet of tax lot 2S , nee. 28 , 15 , 13 , $1,900 00. On east 132 feet of tax lot 3 , Sec. 29 , 15 , 13 , $1,900.00. On cast 132 feel of tax lot 4 , Sec. 29 , 1C , 13 , $2,144.34. On oust 132 feet of tax lot 3 , Sec. 32 , 15 , 13 , $3,20.1.97. On enht 132 feet of tax lot C , Sec. 32 , 15 , 13 , $14.25 On west 132 feet of tax lot C , Sec. 33 , 15 , 13 , $3,20397. On west 132 feet of tax lot 8 , Sec. 33 , 15 , 13 , $14 15. On Howell Place ,509 feet at $381 , $2.18300. On the real estate on each side of 3Gth street , from Center street to Grover street , ( except the real estate above mentioned , anil also excepting "Windsor Place" and "Windsor Place Extension" } , pro rain per foot frontage , 3,22b feet at $0.27595 , $89022. According to the usual settling back pro cess In depth from 3Cth street , as follows : Howell Place , I2G feet , or 3 lots. Lyman Place , to the ( list alley. Melrosc Hill addition , depth of 3 lots. To cover the cost of permanent walks , laid by J. E. Illley .contractor .to be assessed to the real estate adjoining the walks laid , OR follows : The east I * of lot 7 block E city J KG 32 The west , of lot 7 block E , city 6632 iMt 8 block K clt > 14GW Ixn 2 block 1 Marsh's Ad ( . 69 10 East 132 feet of tax lot 27 , Sec. 4 , 15. 13 20893 Total . $530 W To cover the cost of repavlng 10th street , In Street Improvement District No , 670 , amounting to thi sum of $9.330.7 : , which sum It Is proposed , by n report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each aide of 10th street , from William street to a point north of tire alley first south of Mason Htreet , on west bide M.I feet north of raid alley , on east side 73 2 feet north of tald alley. On that portion north of Pierce gtreet at the rate of $3 014 per foot frontage ; 9S9.3 feet , amounting to $3,703.78. On that portion south of Pierce street at the rate of $3 29S6 prt foot frontage ; 1C.,2.6 feet amounting to $5,451.35. On lot & block 26. ! , for private roadway , $115.69. In depth from the street an per district created. The "usual Healing- back proccas , " to which reference la made In thla notice , la as follows : One-third of such pro rata cost , upon the one-sixth part of the whole amount ot CIT * OFFICIAL NQHOJ38. Contnu : il. ground 16 be niMrsyct ) , first abutting upon the ntrret lint ! nlong nld Improvements. One-fifth ixirt of such pr , mtu cent upon the second one-sixth part of the whole amount of tnld ground adjoining thereto. One-sixth part of Mich tire ratn cost , upon the third one-lxth pnrt of the whol amount of said ground ne t titljacent And three.tenth * ot satd pro r.itn cost , upon the adjacent or remaining one-hair part df the whole of said ground , You nre further notlfled that calcl "pro posed plans of iiRsessment" nre now subject to the Inspection and examination of nny of the owners of said tote , linns ot lots or plecra of iral estate , or the Inspection or examination of any other pel son Interested In snld proiopcl | itsnefHttients , at the oilier ' ' 'I-I of said city clerk , and that by a report of n commute of paid council duly adopted , It In proposed that imle s for good nnd ull- ! clent cause II mn > bo otherwise oidrrod nnd determined , that the cost of said Improve , menti respectively be assessed on th sev eral lots , parts of lots and pieces of real estate as shown by snld proposed plans of assessment. You and each of you , arc hereby notified to appear before said Hoard of Equalization , at the time mid plarc above specified , to make any complaint , statement , or objection you desire concerning nnv of said proposed levies and asscnsmcntH of special taxes. HEKCHEH HIGI1Y. City Clerk. Omaha , Neb. , May 1C , 1S93. ml7dTt&B I'HOl'OSAI.S I/Oil UOND3. Scaled bids , marked proposals for bonds , will be received at the olllcc of the city treasurer up to 12 o'ctock , ncj'l , of the 10th day of June , 1S93 , for t'l" purchase of $172.- 90000 of following described bonds of the city of Omaha , Neb : District paving bonds In the sum of $154.- 00000. > > 41 District alley paving bonds In the sum of $1.000 00. District curbing and guttering bonds In the sum of $17 , ! K)00. ) Ha Id bonds nre dated May 1 , ISd.'i. and bear Interest at the rate of S per cent per annum , payable annually , nre not UlltlAIJtlllj and run fiom 5 to 9 years. Principal and Interest payable nt kauntzc Bios. , New York. Said bonds nre Issued under charter pow ers of cities of the metropolitan class , nnd ordinances 4011. 4006 nnd 4010 ; approved May 1 , April 30. and May 1 , ISSo , respectively Each bid must state pi Ice nnd amount sought for , and include accrued Interest to date of delivery at Omaha. Neb. , and must be accompanied by n certified check on a national bank , pa > nbla to the city of Omaha , In a sum equal to 1 per cent of amount bid for. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. bids.HENllY HENllY BOLLN. City Treasurer. MIC clOt&i 0 ? lawyers mul solicitors. SUES & CO. Boo Uullding , OMAHA. Neb. Advice KUEB. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leave * I1IURLINUTON At MO. ItlVUH.Arrives ( OinahalUnion Depot , lOlh & MUBUII St . | umuha" ! . Denver Kx | > ress..7. . . " . . . . l40am ; 4:3ipm.Ulk. : Hills , Mont. & I'uftl Snd. Ex. 4lJrjtn : 4:33pm : Denver l xprt < ii ttlOpm d.45pm..NebraBka Local ( except Sunday ) . 7:46ptn : 8lliam..Lincoln Local ( except BunJu > > . . .llsara : 24jpm. ! . . rait Mail ( for Lincoln ) Dally. . . . Leave * ICHICAUO , UIJltLINOlDN & Q.IArrlvas Omaha ] Union Depot , 10th & Union Sli. ( Onmha 4:4Spm : Chicago Vestibule : KOam BWam : Ciilcauo Expres * 4:16pm : 7Wpm : .Chicago and tit. Loula Uxvreii. . toonm : ll:35am 1'acino Junction Local 5:30pm : I'ast Mall i:40prn Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. l > AUL.Arrlve | OmahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Ma ion Sti. | Omuha _ 6.00pm..1. Chlcucu Limited. :30 : m ll.lOum Chicago Cxpresy ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . < :00pin : Leaves ICHICAUO & NOUT11 WUSl'N.IAirlvu Omaha [ Union Depot , 10th & Mnion 81i. | Omaha 11.05am Kaitein Cxpre < > 6:3Cpm : 4:00pm : Vestlbuled . Limited :40am : : Uain Mo. Valley Local 10:30pnt : E'.Cpm Omaha Chicago Special l16pm ; Leaves I CHICAGO. It. I & PACIFIC. [ Arrives OmalialUnlon Depot. 10th at Maaon Bti. | Omaha ? ! A6T. IKOOam. . .Atlantic Uxpresa ( ex. faumlay ) . . . 6:66pra : :2Spm : , Night i\prei3 :3tam : 4:3upm. . . .Chicago Veitlbuled Limited. . . . lMpm ; \VEST. COOpm , .Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex 8un.10iiam ) : 1.40pm. . Colorado Limited 4:00pm : LVave * I C. , ST. P. . M. St O. 'Arrives ' Omaha Depot. 161h and Webster Bt - I Omaha 9 . .Nebraska I'aaibnger ( dally ) . . . I.I&i > ru < :30pm..Sioux : City Uxprexs ( ex. Bun..ll:5 ) : am t.lOpm St. Paul Llmlteu 103tam ! Leaves ] I K E. & MuTVALLBY. lArrlvss Omaha ] Depot. 15lh and Websler Sty. | Omaha 2 ! 10pm Tast Mall und Expie 4:51pm : zilOprni.iiex. Sat ) \Vyo. Kr. ( ex. Mnn. ) . . . 4S : pm 8:05am..Norfolk : Hxpres ( ex. ( Sunday.10:30am ) : 610pm ; Si. 1'aul Uxprtas IQiiSain Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. li [ Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 9Wain : Kansas City Day Expres 6:30pro : : (5rjm.K. C. Night lix. via U. P. Trans. : Wam Leaves ! MISSOURI PACIFIC. JArriveT" Omaha ! Depot , Itth and Websler Bts. | Omahs. 10:40am : . . . . .St. Louis Hxpress COOam 9:30pm : . .tit. Louis Uxpress C.OSpm 330pm ! Nebroeka Local ( ex. Sun ) . 9.00am Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACiriC. lAirlves Omaha Depot , 15lh and Websler 8t . ) Oinaht CilOpin Bt , Paul Limited 10.3Sam Leaves I . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | Arrlves OniahaJUnlon Depot , 10thi _ Masoji Sls.j Omaha "i:6Sam : Sioux City PussmKer fo:35pm : 5.3ipm bt. Pnul Limited H3tpm ! Lea/c I UNION " "PACIFIC j/Trflveir O mahalUnlon Depot. 111 & Mason Bts. | Omaha 10.00am . Kearney Express. . 3:45pm : 200pm . Ovciland I-lyer . & : Mpm 2.00pm lloat'ce & Stromfl.'B Hx ( e.x.Kun ) 3:4 : pra 7:30pm : . 1'aclfio Uipress . S.lSpm . Fnbt Mall . . 4:10nro Leaves I WADASH IIAILWAY. | Arrtvo OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha licit Unto' * Dangers Delicti In Pnouinntlo Outing lloatg. A novel boating party , passing through the swift and dangerous eddies of Hell Gatrj recently , sa > s the New York Recorder , at tracted tlie attention of hundreds of spec tators from New York and Ixmg Island sl.ores , as well as from the passengers on beard the Bound steamers. The party con sisted of Miss Mnrlc Green , who Is said to be as much at home In the water as on land ; H. D , Lyinan , the Inventor of the novel boats In which tlio party were taking their outing ; Emory II. Itcmlngton , I'r if. Henry Wilton , Instructor In aquatics of the Man hattan Athletic club , anil Harry C. Graham. The boats are pneumatic affairs and re * seinble , when In the water , a life belt on a large scale. The occupant sits astride the "bottom" of the boat , much as one does the sccldle of a bicycle , and propels himself with his legs , which arc Incased In rubber shoes and leggings , and on which there are fins with which the propelling Is done. The oc cupant Is on view from the waist up and glides along In the water with apparent case and grace. The Invention Is a new one , and Intended for ( porting purposes mainly. The trip was made on a wager that It would be In-possible to pass through Hell Gate In tlia pneumatic boats with safety. To show how thoroughly practical the In vention Is , Miss Green determined to be ono of the party. The start was made from off the foot of Onr- Hundred anil Twentieth stieet , and down the stream the party paddled with their feet. On the -way down the parly got In between two sound steamers and the waih they received was strong- . The little boat" , however , rode the waves luRl.eil up by the steamers like ducks and did not ship any water. ' The party made Its way through the Goto and down the Kast river , to Willie's float , at the foot of Bast RlRhty-nlnth street , without mlfhap , and were received by a large con gregation of friends and sightseers , who welcomed them with cheers. The outing boat weighs from fifteen to twerty pounds and can be carried , when not Inflated , as an ordinary hand grip , or strapped on the shoulders as a knapsack. It contains four alr-tlght compartments , any one of which In sufficient , In case of puncturing of the others , for keeping the occupant ot the craft afloat. The Course of Fnshlon. Cincinnati Tribune : "How lone , " asked thrj young man , "do you think women's sleeves will continue to Increase ? " "As a general rule , " replied the bald- heeded philosopher , "It Is not within the province of the human Intellect to foresee the course ot fashion. Hut In this case I think tt Is safe to predict that as soon as the aleevei get to high that It will be Impossible- for one woman to look aver them to tee what the other vemail baa go they will com * Ufwn. " \