ITMATTA f A TT/V TMr ! I ? . A"V. TVr A V IK. 1Qnrt COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL WLoat Mailo a Bold Advance of Cue-Half Ocnt For Bushel , CORN RULED HEAVY NEAR THE END Curly Strength InVlicnt Huilnlned Corn lor n Time lint \Uien llio Former Turned Wenk the Lnttcr 1'ollowod Suit. CHICAGO , Slay U. Whent made a bold advance of ' ,4c per bu. In the face of a bat tery of bearish statistics , but the price was beaten back and at the close was % u lower than on the day before. The bear ish feature which prevailed In the end over crop damage reports and diminishing receipts and stocks WUH the absence of ex port demand to ICurope at current prices. Corn ruled heavy near the end nnd lost Vic per bu. , nnd oats lost Uc. 1'rovlslons ruled dull and weak , pork losing ISc. Wheat opened very Irregularly but strong , July , which closed yesterday with sellers nt Cjc , opened with general demand for U at that price , but with hardly a seller In sight ; C5c wns Immediately bid , und numer ous lots changed hands nt GGc , on ? or two bringing ns high ns C5c , thus again touch ing the previous high water mark since the bull fever began to rage nbout a month ago. The severe frosts on the two previous nights nnd firmer cables were the surface conditions which created the more urgent Qpinnnd this morning. The receipts at Min neapolis und Duluth were 110 cars , compared wllh 2SO cars on the corresponding day of the year before. The tolnl uf the primary market receipts was U2.000 bu. , compared with 222'W bu , nt the similar time n year ngo. The exports from the Atlantic sea board amounted In wheat and Hour to only 230 000 bu. , all but & > , OCO bu. of which was In the shape of wheat. The world's visible , ns reported by Hrndstreet'p , showed a de crease of only 974,000 bu. , a decrease In the country of 3,816,000 bu. , being reduced as nbove by nn Increase of 2,872,000 bu. In Kurope and altoat. The decrease In the world's visible the corresponding week of the year before was 4G"0,00) bu. After the opening burst of bullish har mony the tune was changed to n lower key , and July sold back to COc , and before It rallied to any extent It touched Gl'fcc. After that It recovered again to fiS ic , but the absence of any actlce change In the latent bullish features of the domestic plt- lintlon nnd the presence of some rather actively bearish news , already referred to , created too strong an Impression upon the minds of the professional speculators for them to be carried away by sentiment , and accordingly they sold freely on the several hard spots. The load became a little heavy near the end , nnd the price sagged to Ciy c , but rallied a trifle and closed at CGc. The corn market was rather dull and for the most pait weak. The early strenglh In wheat sustained corn for a time , but when I the former turned weak the latter followed suit. The receipts were 403 cars , and 210 cars nre estimated for tomorrow. Liverpool was quoted Ilnn atid advance , and Mil- mine. Hodman & Co. , New York , reported having sold fourteen boat loads for exi > ort. The freezing weather of the last two nights nnd consequent nccesslly which Is develop ing for a replanting of n good deal of the nrea In this and adjoining states did not have much effect , the general opinion being that the area to be replanted would In the end bo found to be small , and , In any event , that replant corn had a good chance of making n crop. July opened at Clc to ClUc , sold oft to SOHc to D0c , and closed at GOMc. The oatH market wns fairly active. A flrm tone was noticeable up to 12 o'clock , nlmply a , lack of orders being accountable for the fact. Later In the day free selling by Carrlngton and Hannah and other people ple caused a decline In prices. Dradstreel's report showed nn Increase In the visible supply of 410,000 bu. , nnd helped the decline. V June started at 28V4c , sold to 27T4c and closed nt that price , n decline of % c since yesler- day. July "old from 28c to 27c to 2Sc , nnd rested at tin low price. September closed /ic lower nt 2GVsc sellers. Provisions started lower on account of a rather heavy hog market being reported from the yards , liuslness was of a rather plugglsh character and the tendency wns toward a further decline , after n prelimi nary break. Pork slnrled wllh a drop of JOc , lard Be and ribs from 2' , < .c lo 5c , und nt the close the declines hnd Increased to 25e In pork , lOc In lard nnd 1214 cln ribs. Hog receipts today were 22,000 head. Kstlmuted receipts for Wednesday : Wheat , 15 cars ; corn. 210 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 31.0CO lund. The leading futures ranged as follows ; Articles. I Opan. I ITlTiT. I Low. | Clou Whem.No. ! ! ' Mny 04 U GS 03U July BHJ ' 05 Sept J3HCJI10 oa 05' 05 > i Coin No.'J , . Miiy 60 < BOH July. GIM5JU r.iu Sept 61-.4 - Cats No. a. . . Mny ? 8i 28 28 Juno. . . . . . . 8imi 275 July. . . . . . . . mi 27Ilia28 I'ork per bbl July 12 07M 12 07 ! 11 00 11 P2'/S ' Sent 1' ' ' . ' 5 12 25 12 12 > 1'J 16 I.inl,100 : Ibs July 0 TlH 0 72 0 70 0 70 Sept G DO 0 DO 0 85 U 85 Eliort Uitis- Jllly 0 17K 0 17 G 05 0 07i ! Sept Q -5 0 ' . ' 7 G 20 0 20 Cash quotations were ns follows ; FLOUR Firm ; winter patents , t3.1003.40 ; win ter BtralKhts , J2.90Jf3.lS : spring patents , J3.2ii i 8.75 ; spring fctralghts , | 2.4uif3.25 | ; bakers , Jl.SF.4j' Z.49. WHEAT No. 2 FP Ing , ( ! SiifjCi Je ; No. 3 tp l-g , nominal ; No. 2 red , M'4fi 4c. COHN Nn. 2. W c ; No. 3 yellow , 49ip''e. ' OATS-No. Z 2-c ; ; No. 2 white , S2'iU32yiC ( ; No , 3 white , 32c. IlYH-No. 2 , C4c. HAIILHY No. 2 , 51ff5U4c ; No. 3 , 4SS50 < .ic ; No. 'FLAX SEED NO. i , ji.4S. TIMOTHY SEUD Prime. J5. 1'UOVISIONS Mei-s pork. i r bbl , , $11.SO 11.90 ; Inrd , per JOi ) Ibs. , JO.W ; short ribs , sld ( hnwe ) , t6.COJTt.05 ; dry united shoulders ( boxed ) , J3.230 B.37V4 ] short clear sides ( boxed ) , J0.37'HJ .W. WHISKY < -Ul8tlllen ' tlnlshcd gouds , per gnl. , $1.24. StlOAIlS-I'nchnnKed. CLOVElt SEED t2.WC8.CO. The following were the rccetpls and shipments today : Onlhq I'roduci oYChanzo tod.iv thu butter mar ket wat quiet ; creamery , 83IOc ; dairy , tiuloc. Htuady ; lIHWl-c. ClierHe , : l lutc. ! IS-s NEW YOHK tKM HUAL .MAHKIiT. Cloilng Qiiotntlon * on the Principal Coiu- nicxllilr * unit htnplfti. NEW YOHK , May H. FLOIMl Receipts , (0,000 bbls. ; exixirts , 17.000 bbls. ; sales , 15,000 pkgs. Market quiet , but steady ; demand runs chiefly to special brands ; wlnleis In light supply ; city mill patenls. JI.25 ® 4.40 ; winter patents , J3.4083.lJ ; city mill clears , II.D5if3.C3 ; winter stralghls , t2.S003.50 ; Mlnne- Jtn patent ! * , ! 3.G54f4.H ) ; winter extras , J2.CJf 1.90 ; Minnesota bakcts , J2.70ti3.55 ; winter low Krades , J2.25tf3.CO ; spring low grades , J1.50H2.20. Itye Hour , Him. sales. 300 bbls. ; Bunetflne. > J 6152 1.151 fancy. J3.SliH.25. " COHN MEAt. Steady ; sales. 801) bbls. ; yellow western , JllHfM7 ; brandywlne , J2.80. VHKAT Heit'lptd , 63,1)00 bu. ; exports , 48,000 bu. : sales , 5,020,000 bu. futures and no spot. Spat ( lull ; No. 2 red , In more and elevator , 7uu ; iilluut ES'.bc ; f , o. b. , CSJto alloat ; No. 1 harit , 74'jc de- llvrrol. Opllons opened steady and advanced In tympathy with the wesl. Ruled very Irregular thmugh ut Iho day within lie ranKC , sentiment being guided by frost talk , flrm foreign news , ctrong outside maikets and n disappointing re duction In world'K stocks , I loonl trailers tlnally taiU-d In lo realize , nnd Ihe market went to pieces , closing nt % if'io decline. No. S red Way , closed nt CSc ; June , es > % tC9lc ! , closed at CSic ; ; July , CS 13-ltiiiCU ti-lCc , clJstM nt C9c ; Au- Bust closed nt C'J'.io ; Seiitembcr. GIUOTOc , cloned nt C9Uc ; December , 71iti'i2itc , rlosetl nt 71V4c. CORN llccelpts , 93.CUO bu. ; exiwrts , 2U.100 bu. ; eales , 4W.UIO lu. futures und 130,000 bu. spot. Bpot active , but easier ; No. 2 , DISC In elevator end (5Ho ; yellow. 54'ic. Opllons opened Ilnn on unfavorable weather talk , declined under reallilng , rallied again on the redticllon In Hrud- Elreet'i visible , but lUinlly sold off with wheat olid closed taUUc lower ; May , 54 9-lC4f55 > tc , closed at 54Hc ; July , UUtiWic. closed at 55Hc ; September , 56U656HC , closed at ( ,6 , < ic. OATS Receipts , 141,500 bu. ; exixirts. 6 , COO bu. ; Bales , 130,001) bu. futures and CO.OOd bu , spot. ( Spot cMlrr ; No. 2 , Sllio ; No. a delivered. 32Vie ; Mo , 3. JOHc ! No. 2 while , 3Cc ; No. 3 white , Jiuc ; track white. 34(400. ( Options steady ixt llrst with corn , but subsequently reacted , closing at Wf i , o off ; May , SUtl3IU < - . closed at 31 'ic ; June , ( lUCSlTtc , closetl at JlHc ; July , 3S'.iG32Hc. , closed at 32Hc HAY Flnni ehlrplne. KCWcJ good to choice , CMfSOo. HOPS Dull ; i > Ute. common to choice , old , 8 f5o ; U94 , 4J3c ; Pnclflo coast , old , 3U5c. HIDES Sluing ; wel salletl New Orleans se lected , 45 to CS Ibs. . CUc ; Texas selecletl , 50 tote to Ibs. , 7c ; Uuenoa Ayres , dr > ' , 20 lo 24 Iba. , 15c ; Texa > , dry. 24 to 34 Ibs. , 9c. LEATHER Sirong ; hemlock cole. Uueno > Ayrre. Ilulit to heavy welKhts , JCHCil'.ic ' ; acid. light to heavy weights , 21tt3c. WOOL-Flrm ; domesllc lleece , 16jSo ; pulled , 19 T24c. PROVISIONS Reef , steady ; family , } 11.50 in JS.OO ; extra mesj , J8. Cut meats , steady ; pickled fwlllfn. ( 4 < t6Uc ; pkkleU phuulder * . 5Vic ; pickled ham * . SiiSUc. Ijud , weaker ; western > leam Closed at JS.W ukeJ ; city , Jt.15SS.2S ; May closed at lt.94 nomlnolj July , | I nominal ; rtttaed , lowrrs continent , 17.20 ; R. A. , 17. CO ; rompound , i SW < - . Pork , dull ; new mem , I13.2.-.RIJ.75. lllJTTEH Steady ; western dairy. 7 12c ; wesl- crn creamery. 1101'c ; western factory , 7010c ; Elglns , I7c ; Imitation crpamery , S41fl3c ! ; state dnlry , 10(16Hc ( ; state crenmerj' , 17c. CHEESIV-Hten/ly ; state , Urge , 4PCvc ! small , Hc ; part sklmK , 1HO4CJ full skims , Ic. EGOS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania , I4'40 > western fri-sh , UHtfHc ; touthern , lS13ci receipt * , 8.787 pkir.i. TAI.I/\V Easy ; city , 4i.iG6V4c ; country , 4lo. 'I'BTIlOI.nUM Weaker ; united closed nt $ l.w. HOHIN Firm ; strained , common lo good , "TI'iu'nNTI.N'D-Hleady ' ' . ' - ; | l. fll.89 . . _ HICK Hleiulvj domestic , fair to extra , 4J } ' } Jc ; Jnpan , 34iI4'4c. ' . . . . MOLAHSEH-mendy ; New Orleans , open ketlle , Amefi'cnn'"li.l ' Si. . . . . . Brokers' ' . l - . : - . IkMllI IVilJl .w/-tt > .CpPner..nrm . price , ; exchange price , $10.60. Lend , up ward tendency ; brokers' price , 12.9. . ; exclude iitlrp , 13.23. Tin. ensy ; Ktralta , $15.1. . . I'lnte ; , mnrket utrady. Spelter , firm ; domesticJ3.r , . . . Salen on 'ctmnKC , 10 tons June tin , US- " ' tons July , $15.10 ; 10 tons July , $ UOv G tons ipat , $15.10 ; ST. tons Mny. $15. . COTTON HUnn OIL-Holders firm on theory of Improv.ment In Kcncrnl trnde com ! ) } lon " " ' ' Indifference of manufacturcm ; ( .trlctly pr Ime Plimmer yellow , 27Hc ; prime crude. 23Cf2lci ofT crude , 22SI23C ; prime unimer ye ow. n - | ' | off summer yellow , 2CS2CHC ; . " " Vlc Kradefl , 2S@29c ; prime summer white , 3MI31C. O .MA II A UKNUUAL M.VIUJKT. Condition of Trnde nnd < Jitoti tlo3 on Mnplc nnd Tnncy 1'rodnco. F.OOS-Cholce Block , ll'ic. IIUTTKII Old hay or white stock , 4 J5c ; fair to Koood country , OfllOc ; choice to fancy , 1481Ccj gathered creamery , ICflKc ; separator creamery , iJlVK I'OULTIIY Hens , 6Hfl7c ; mixed , 5SCci duoka , Sflilc : turkeys , U 10cj heavy toms , ic. fat. 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted nt G',4 7c ; IniKo nn.l conrpe , 34c. , _ , : Wisconsin full cienm , Younff Ameri cans , 12'4B13c ; twins , 13c ; NebrnJka und Iowa , full cream , lie ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , 7tiSc ; Llmburger. No. 1 , He ; brick , No. 1 , Ho , Hu'lss , No. 1 , lie. . . . . , IIAY-l'plnnd hay , } D.O ) ; midland. $8.M ; low land , $7.W ; rye maw , $5.0) ; wlor makes the price on hay. Llnht bales sell the best. Only top K'adfs bring top pi Ices. PIGEONS 1'er doz. , fl.OOni.GO. VE < JtTAHLES. POTATOES Weilein Block , car lols , MfGOc ; small loin , COtflTOe. OLD IHJANS Hnnd picked , navy , $2.20 ; Lima b ms. per lb. , 6',4c. . , ONIONB On orders , yellow , per bu. , 11.10 ; red , 11.21) . CAHDAGKOn mdrrs , 3'4c. ' SWEET 1'OTATOUsJ-Ouod stock , { 2 ; seed , 12.25. 12.25.HOIIREnADIRU HOIIREnADIRU 1'er lb. , Cfl'c , PAUSNll'S-Per bbl. . $1.73. HL'TAHAllAS I'er 111. , Hie. PAH8I.EY Per doz. bunches , SOfflSjC. TUHNII'S I'cr bbl. , $1.6' ' ) . SI'INAClI-I'or bu. basket , 6)8Me. ) WATEK CHKSS I'er IC-qt. case. ! I.G001. „ < a. HAHIHHK8 1'er dozen bunches. 1320e. OIlii'2N ONIONS. 1'er doz. bunches , 10 LKTTltCE 1'er doz. , ZTiffSOc. , , , , AHI'AHAdt'S Choice slock on orders , SOSflOc per doz. bunches. PHI PLANT I'cr lb. , 101Uc. Cl'fl'MIIMHS On orders. "CcCtl.OO per doz. I'KAH On orders , per ' , i-bu. box , $1. STItlNCI URANS-On orders , cmte , 90C0S1.00 ; 4-l mKcl cinle , . , . . WAX HUvVNS On orders , per U-bu. box , Me TOMATORS-Per six banket crnte , $6.00. STHAWHEHUIKB Choice shlpplntf etock , pet- case of 24 qts. , $ ! .50I(2.75. ( API' LES There nre no good shipping apples to be had In the maiket. CIiniUUES Cnllfornln , per 10-lb box , $1.752.CO THOI'ICAL FRUITS. OnANOES Fnncy Washington nnvels , per box. $2.50f2.75 | ; choice seedllnps. per box , J2.3ofl2.M ; Medltcrrnnean sweets , f3.W03.23. LllMONB Uxtra fancy lemons , SCO size , $4.tO 05.00. I'lNRAITLKS Per doz. , $1.752.00. HANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch , J2.00H2.DO , MISCELLANHOUS. FIGS Fancy , IDc ; choice , 1213o ; Callfornln. ba K , 7c. IIONKY New York , ICc ; dark , 14c ; California , 13U01GC. MAl'LH SYnUr-Onllon Jugs , per doz. . $12 ; Illxby. B-giil. cans. } 3 , JIAI'LH Hl'OAIl Per lb. , 5fI10c. NUTS Almonds , 14c ; Knijllrli walnuts , soft- shcllrd , 12c ; Ktnndaids , lie ; fllbertB , 9c ; Brn/ll nuts. So ; pecans. lUfilZc. MINCK MHAT FnJiey , In quniter bbls. , per lb. , 5V > c ; 10-Ral. kegs. 6c ; condensed , per case of 3 doz. | jkgs. , 12.50. DATES In M to 70-lb. boxes , GHc per lb. ; fard dales. Oc per lb. CIUKn Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5 ; half bbl. , $3. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 preen hides , GVic ; No. 1-Kreen salted hides. 7Uc : No. 2 Kreen BaU.-d hlilo8 , _ 7c ; _ No. 1 veal calf , 8.ti. . . 15 Ibn. , SfllOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , S'ic ' ; No. 1 diy Hint hides , OffllOc ; No. 2 diy Mint hides SftOc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Sc ; part cured hides , ijc per pound les.i thun fully cured. SHEEP PELTH Green salted , each 23iTSOc , each 615c ; diy shearlings ( short woulcd earl > skins ) , No. 1 , each , 6010c ; dry shearlings ( shoit wooled enrly skins ) , No. ? . jnch 6c ; dry flint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pel green salted sheni lings ( short wooled early skins ) , pound , actual weight , Dlffec ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4fl6c ; dry Hint Coloinua butcher wool pelts , per pound , nctual weight. 4ffC c ; di.\ Hint Colorado murrain wool pells , per pound' , actual weight. 4fCc. ( Have feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay ficlcht on them. TALLOW AND 13HEASK No. 1 tnllow. 4Vi i Uc ; No. 2 tallow. 3Mi4c ; giease. white A. 4fi 4Vic ; grease , white H , 3's : grease , yellow , 2i3e ; groase. dark , 2' ' c ; old butter , 2f2V4c ; beeswax , prime , 174i20c ; lougn tnllow , 2c. WOOL. UNWASHED-Flne heavy , C7c ; flno light , 8W9o ; quaitcr til nod , 10TP12c ; seeily , burry and chnffy , f.f9c | ; celled nnd broken , coaise , 7fd9c ; cotted nnd broken , fine , GfiSe. WOOL , WASHED Medium , ISWISc ; line. 1457 ICc ; tub wnshed , IGJTlSc ; black , 8c ; bucks , 6c ; tag locka , 2Q3c ; dead pulled , 6Cc. FURS. FUnS near , black , No. 1 , large , J20.00jr23.00 ; bear , brown , No. 1 , large. $ a.00jl'3.oO ; No. 1 me dium , $16.00 ; No. 1 , small. $12.00 ; bear , brown , yearlings , No. I , large. $10.0 < i4rl2.00 ; No. 1 me dium , fS.OO ; No. 1 , small , $0.00 ; bear , brown , cubs , No. 1 , laige. $7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $5.00 , No. 1 , small. $3.00 ; badger , Nj. i , medium , $15.00 ; No. 1. small , JS.OOW10.00 ; bear , black , jearllngs. No. 1. large , J12.00 < S 15.00 ; No. 1 , me dium , $10.00 ; No. 1 small. J7.00 ; bear , , black , cubs. No. 1 , large , $ G.OOjS.OO ; No. 1 , medium , J5.00 ? G.OO ; No. 1 , nmall , $4.00 ; bear , black , Slon- lann and llocky mountain. No. 1 , large. $18.00 ® 20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $14.00 ; No. I , small , $10.00 ; boar , black. M mtana .venrllnss , No. 1. large. $12.00 ! No. 1 , medium. $5.00 ; Ko. i. small , J5.00 , bear , black. Montana cubs , No. 1. Inrge. J6.50 ; No. 1 , medium , $4.50 ; No. 1. small , J3.00 ; bear , silver tip. No. 1. large , $20.00 ; No. j , medium , $12.00 ; No. 1. small , $8.00 ; bear , silver tip , yeai- llngs , No. 1 , large , $11.00 ; No. 1 , medium. $3.00. No. 1 , small. $5 ; bear , silver tip , cubs , No. 1 large , J1.COH1.GO ; No. 1 , medium. COc ; No. 1 , email Wo ; Usher , No. 1. large , JS.OO ; No. 1 , medium. cross. No. 1 , larRe , J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J3 do' No. 1 , small , 12.00 ; fox , red , No. 1. lsric. fl.CO ; No. 1 , medium , J1.25 ; No. 1. small. Ji.oi ) ; fox cray. No. 1 , large , 76c ; No , i , meaium , 5Hc : No. 4uo ; No , 1 , * mall , SOc ; mountain lion , perfect feet poNi ' skunk , blnck , cased , narrow stripeiir No."YllaiKe' Me ; No. 1 , medium. 40c. No. 1 , small. 25c ; broad striped. . . . . . . , „ * i No. ni , * 1 .tn , large. 1 > nnll.m. 200210 ; wolverine. nn. _ I No. 1 6.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J4.50 ; Nl. 1. small , J2.00 ; benver klls , No. 1 , large , $2.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $1.50 ; No. 1 , small , 75c ; muskrnts , winter , No. 1 , large , SWIOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. j small. 7c ; miiskrnts. fnli , No. 1. large. 4flGc ; No. 1. medium. 7c ; No. 1 , small. Gc : muskrat kill , 2ff3c. Kaltlliuiro I1AI/TIMOUB , May II. FIXt'H-StronK ; western - ern Buperllne , * 2.35fr2.55 ; western extra , $2,050 3.1' ' ) ; western family , $3.23ft3.M ; winter wheat patent , J3.C3B3. > 5 ; Rprlnff whent straights , S.Ki ) ; rpcelpts. 15.4C3 Lbl . ; call's , 150 bbls , WHKAT Stronir : tpot nnd month , c June , B9o asked ; July , GRUfafiSMc ; enmer. No. 2 leil , GfifiGCUc ; receipts , 59.347 bu. ; stock , 395,573 bu. : sales , 61 , ( K bu. ; southern wheat , by sample 7Hi.2c ; wmthern wheat , on grnde , GSCt71c. COHN Firm : spot nnd month , MHQJS ic ; July , 53\i55'4o ; August , 65sic bid ; uleamer , mixed , 54SiMV c ; receipts , 34.488 bu. : shipments , 34.2SO bu. ; stock , 204,570 bu. ; sales , 12,000 bu. ; southern while corn , OATS Steady , with but lltlle Intiulry : No. 2 white wentrrn , 37 37V4c ; No. S mixed , S3'itf3lc ; rrrelpti , 10,223 bu. ; stock , 125,132 bu. HYB Sternly ; fnlr Inquiry ; No , 2 , G3c ; re ipts. lee bu. ; stock. 4,281 bu. HAY Firm ; good to prime timothy , $13.00 ® SUGAR Firm : Kranulnled , $4.75 per 100 lb . Ilt'TTEH-Steady ; fancy creamery , 188190 ; fancy Imitation. 1501Ge ; fancy ladle , 14o ; good ladle , llO12o : store pacKed , 8'ultK. . Ends steady ; fre : i , 12c. 30 CHEESE-qulet ; fancy New York , 60 Ibs. , 9Jc ! ; Ibs. , CnrfOB U.irit jt. NK\V YOniC. May ll.-COFFEE-Optlons opened Irretjulnr at K points decline lo K polnls advance nnd ruled dull wllh few ami narrow chantres. Tlwro was wime foreign selllnB and only local support , nraill markels cloned quiet at unchanged to 15 points net decline. Sales , ll.SOO bags. IncludlnB May , JH.35UU.45 ; June > , Slt.MOK.30 ; July. (14.C3 ; September , I14.CO ; I > < 4 cemlwr , > U.451I.3. Spot coffee , Illo , quiet ; No. 7 , $16. Mild , steady ; Cordova , $ l8.S5fi 19.00 , Wharehousd deliveries from New York yeslenlay. 7.SSO baes ; New York stock today. 198.G1Z bags ; United Btate * stock. Z75.973 bags ; ulloat for the United Rtalvs. 23S.UOO bags ; tolal visible for the United States , 513,972 bugs , against 382,19 : bags last year. SANTOS. May K. Holiday. HAMlH'iia ' , May 14. Dull ; unchanged to U re. advance ; sales. B.Ott ) bags. HAVHB. May 14. COFFEE Opened dull , un changed to Uf higher ; at noon , quiet , un changed ; at 3 p. m. , quiet , ' , if hUhtr ; closed quiet at UOHt net advance for the day ; salea , iso ( bags. t'orelcn fmnnriul Aftnlrj. IXDNDON. May 14. Gold Is quoled at Hutnos Ayrei today bt leg ; iliuiria. 13.50 ; Usbon , Z7Hi St. r trnbunc , 0 ; Athene , 77 ! Home , 10B.03 ; VI- * nnn. 103. III-nLIN , Mny 14. KxrhnngB on London , eight days' Blent , 20 murks 434 pfR. PAHIS. Mny II I p. m.-Thi ree per cent rentes. Ii2f 7Sc for the account. Exchange on London , 25f 22He for checks. STOCKS AMU Volume of lluilnen on 'ClmngeVnj Not Morn Tim n Hair nf Monday's. NEW YOIHC , May 14. The volume of busln fen on the Block exchange was not more than hnlf of yesterday's. There wns a pressure to sell the coal shales nt the opening , which weakened the general list to some extent nnd a decline was recorded of from U to 1 per cent , the latler tn Chicago Gas , Lake Shore nnd Minnesota Iron , The depression was of brief duration , nnd be fore the end of the first quarter of an hour a Rood buylntr movement had set In , under th Influence of which prices began lo move upward , Ihe Industrials In the lend. The advancing tendency was In force up to 1 o'clock , nt which time Kucnr hnd ndvnnced 1'i per cent. The Cotdnge shares were exceptions end on henvy sales declined sharply ; the pieferred , which haJ gained 1 per cent In the enrller denllngs , fell off 14 nnd the guaranteed broke 2 tier ccnl. A rally of from i lo 1 per cent followed , which wns followed by a rcnctlon of from 14 to l',4 per cent nt the close. The Leather slacks were wenk dur ing Ihe moinlng , selling off from H to 1U ix-r cent , rallied from H to % per cent nnd again sagged off from H to 1V4 per cenl. About 1 o'clock n renewal of the selling movement de pressed the speculation and Ihe tendency was downwnid up lo Ihe close , the losses ranging up lo : % per cent , Ihe latter In Manhattan. At the close there was a slight recovery , but the market generally closed weak nnd In the main frum ' .4 to 2'/4 per cent Mow the llnnl sales of yesterday , the grcntest losses being In Cordage gnat nnteed. The grenlest advance on the day 1s I1 ; per cent In Wheeling & Lake Erie pre ferred. The dealings In bonds todny were nxnln henvy , the sales nKKreKntlng $3.680,000. During the morning there wns marked strength to tha Hpcculatlon. The Evening Post's London cablegram pays' The stock market opened lint todny nnd then recovered all nrotiml. Americans opened under Ihe parity and weak , bul quickly recovered on a renewal of Herman buying nnd closed firm and 50c to $1 better. There Wat a slight le- acllon In Soulh American stocks , bul a flrm undertone. Mining shares In general shared a recovery. The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York ex change today ; AtchlRon Northwestern Adams Express. . . 144 N. W. pfd 144 Alton , T. H 40 N. Y. Central Am. Express 114 N. Y. &N. E HaltlmonJ .toiilo. C3K Onl.irlo.tW Canada Pacific. . . . fi : < ! i Oregon Imp 10 Canada Southern. . 631 Oregon Nav BU Ccnlral Pacific. . . . 1IH { O H. I * .V U. N. . . . BUR Clics. .t Ohio 22 i Pacific Mall 1OM ! Chlcaco Alton 160 P. 1) . & E C. , 11. & U 7HW PltlBbure Chicago ( ins 7H ? Palaoo. . 174 Consolidated Gas. 141 Hendlnir C..C. . C. A St. L. . . . 43 ! ( U. O. W 10 Colo. Coal It Iron , . U i It. O. W. pfd 41 Cotton Oil Cert. . . . VIU.I Hock Inland USM Delaware & Hud. . liioii St. 1'ntil UUJ * Del. , Lack. & W. . . 10JJ dopfd 11 H D.AK. O , pfd 48' ' St. P..VOmaha. . . . 30Hi D.iC. P. Co 2IO do pfa 114 Erie . 14 Southern Pacific. . 20)j do pfd , ' HeflnBry. . , . 110 Fort Wayne Tenn. Coal & Iron. 2.HM R. Northern otd. . . PJ5 Texas Pacinc 1IIH C. AE. I. Dfd PJ5W T. A O Cent. pfd. . 7S Hockln ? Valley. . . Union Pacific , . . . . ] M Illlt.olH Central. . . U. S. Express 3D St. P. , t Duluth . . . W. St. L. A P HM K.Si. T.pfd 32 dopfd ll.i ) < Lnko Erto It West 2' ' . . Wells Kariro Ex. . . 104 dopfU 7714 Wcblorn Unlou . . 02M LakeShore 140 Wheeling A L. B. . 14H Lead Trust 33 dopfd 40 LoulHvilloi N. . . . 6l ! < M. A St. L 3:1 : L. It N. A l < 1) . A H. G 1RH Manhattan Con. . . . 117 ! O. E 34 Mcmuhls.tC it ) N. L yfi } Michigan Cent. . . . 100 ! C. F. .VI 25 MlfiHourl Pnclflo. . VSH dopfd 05 Mobllo Si Ohio . 20 > t II. A.T. C 2 Nashville Chat. . . . OS ) T. A. A. A. N. M. . . . 4U National Cordairo. f > H T. St. L. A.K. C. . . . 5 dopfd 7S6 clonfd 13 N. J. Contr.ll OK'i ' S. K. K 144 N. i W. pM 17J do pfd -10H North Am. Co. . . . 6i Am. Toj. Co 1115 Northern Pnelflc. . 0)1 ) do pM Kl'.Ui ' No.I'ac. pfd 2ifi ) St i'.M. & M 113 U. p. . D. A O GU The total rales of stocks today were 341.477 shares. Including : American Sugar. 32800 ; Atch lson , 11.300 ; Huillngton , 6,900 ; Chesapeake & Ohio , C.OX ) ; Chicago & Eastern lllln .Is. 5.C-M ; ChlcjRO Gas , 36,200 ; Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago cage it St. Louis , 3,100 ; 1) . ft C. F. certlllejtfs , 5,000 ; General Electric. 10.SOO ; Louisville & Nash ville , ,40fl ; Manhattan Consolidated , 3C' ' ; Mis souri Pacific , 4,000 ; North American , 4,800 ; Na tional Lend , 3,400 ; New York & New England , third assessment paid , 3,900 ; Northern Paclllc. 4,100Northwestern. 5,200lleading ; , 23OiX > ; St. Louis , & Southwestern , 3,700 ; St. L'ltils & Southwestern preferred , u.tM ; St. Paul , 7,300 ; Southern llall- roail , 3,400 ; Southern Ilnllroad preferred , 4.30i ) ; Texas K : Pacific8,400 ; United States Cordage , 0.000 ; United States Cordage preferred , 4,500 ; Wabash preferred. 10,400 ; Western Union , 3,600 ; Wheeling & Lake Eric. 15.100. Now York .Honey Market. NEW YOIIK , Mny 14. MONEY ON CALL Ensy nt lifl',4 per cent ; last loan , I'.J per cent ; closed nt 114 per cent. PUIME MEHCANTILE PAPEll 2i04V4 } per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Dull , but slightly ( Irmi-r , with nctual business In bankers' bills OOVE11NMENT I5ONPS Firm ; stntc bonds , Innctlvp ; railroad l > ends , Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows ; II. S. 4 , res' . , new. O. P. latuof 'Ifo. . . 10' . ' W II. S.4 D. AH. G. 7s m < IJ. S. "IB. reg 110 I ) . AK. G. 4 SUM II. 9. 6scoup 110 Erie "ds 08 U.S. 48 , ri-g li. II. AS. A.Us . . . 01) ) II. S. 4s.coup 113 C. II AS. A. 7a. . . . iny , U.S. Us. reg 101) IU A T. C. Bs KH Pacific Oi of ' 03. . 100 do On 101 Ala. Class A llllt M. K. A T. 1st 4s. . H7 Ala. Clans II lUti do id in to ; lUtio Ala. Class C o Mutual Union Os. . ion Ala. Currency. . . . Oil N. J. C.Jen. us. . . . 114 Ln. New Con. 4s. . n m No. Pno. lots 117H MIsBourl Os 101) ) do2ds in ) N.C. Us.- P-4 N. W. Consols. . . . 140 N. C. 48 10'- do S. P. Deb. 5s. 107H S. O. nonfund 10'Hi n. G. West. Ists. . . 73J4 Tenn. new sot Os. 84 St. P. Consols 7 . . Tcnn. new set 63. 100 do C. A P. W 6s. Tenn. old 1)1 ) 110 St L. A I.M.Ren. 5. BOX Va. Centuries 60H St. L. AS.P.Oou.'J. rtodeferred BW Tex. Pae Ists Atchlson 4s 74 ! ( doSrts Atchlson Sd A. . , . 20 s U. P. Ists of 'rtlJ. . . , Canada So. .Ms . . . 104 Weal Shora 4s 105' < L. AN. Unified 4s. 81 So. U It Sun PrnnoUcn Mining Stock ( Jtiot itlmn. SAN FHANCISCO. May 14.--Tho offlclal cloa- Ing quotations for mining HtocUs today were as foil AlphaCon n Justice 4 Anncs 10 Mexican Cl lielcher 411 Mono 14 Kent Allelclier. . . . O'J Xlount Diablo 15 Ilodlo Con 105 Occidental con. . . . 'J3 Diilllon 11 Ophlr 100 Kulwcr Con 8 Overman 7 Caledonia. 1(1 ( Potosl 35 Challenge Con 25 savaire ? 0 Chouar 33 Scorpion 3 Confidence 100 Sierra Nevada 03 Con. Cat A Va ! i80 SllvecIIIll a Con. Imperial 1 Silver Kins 20 Con. Now York. . . 3 Union Con 30 Crown Point 48 Utah Con 3 Uouid A Curry S'J Yellow Jacket. . . . 24 Halo A Noruross. . 1BO Silver birs. OGi'iil7c. ! Mexican doll.ira , 633 03Mc. Drafts , slirht , 'JKc : talncr.inhla. So. An assessment of 25c a share has been levied on Mexican. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lloiton StuoK ( iuut.itKin ? . BOSTON. May 14. Call loans. 2 > O3Hi oar cent : time loans. 3jm percent. Closlu : prices for stocks , boidsa : , > d mlnln ; A. T. A3. P Westlnrh.Klee. . . . Am. Sugar lll'M ' W. Eleo. pfd Am. Sucarpfd. . . . 09W WIs. Central liav state Oas 111 Edison Elcc Ilia. . 1B8 UcllTolophone. . . 11)7 lien Elec. ufd 114 IlOHton A Aloany. . 208 AtchlH MI 2ds BBH llostnn A Maine. . . 108 Atchlson 4s 74 ! < dopfd loot * Now England Os. . 101) C. II. AtJ 73M Uon. Electric 5s. . . HUH Fltchbunr nn WIs. font. Uta. . . . Ccn. Electric. 34 Atlantic Illinois Steal liostnn i Montana Mexican Central , . Hullo , t Doalon. . . N. Y. AN. E 4 Hi Calumet A Hecla. . SOU Old Colony 170 Contcnnlul SOUU ( On- . Short Lino. . . 170HW Fr.inklln 10i Rubber. 41k Kearnarpc San Dleeo Osceoki Union Pacific West End 68W Tnm&raclc 14 ! ) West End Dfd DO I Wolverine OK Nnir Yor.t Mining < J intatloiu. NR\V YORK. May U.-Tho following are till closing miiun1/ quotations : nulwcr 1' ' Ontario ODD Choler 40 Ophlr 133 Crown Point 33 Plymouth 2U con. cat. A Va. . . . 2HU Quicksilver. . . . 330 Di'.idwood 35 Quicksilver pfa. . . 1001) ( iould.V Curry. . . 25 Sierra Nevada. . . . 65 IIiilo A Norcross. . 125 Standard 250 Homeittalo 1000 Union Con. 45 Iron Silver 30 Yellow Jacket. . . . 30 Mexican C5 London Stouk yuotHtlons , LONDON , May 14. 1 p. m. closing : Can. Pacific 65)lst. ) | Paul com 09M Erie 14 ! N. Y. Central 103 ErloBda 72 , , PeniiHylranla . . . 64H III. Central 00 > . Kcadlng lOfl Mexican ordinary. B6i ! Mex. Cen. new 4s. . OS | I1AU SILVER 30T d per ounce. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 13-1COH per cenl ; three montolis bills , 13-16SH per cent. financial > otc . DOSTON , May 14 , Clearings , 115,073,272 ; bol- onces , I1.30.49I. NEW YOHK. May 14-Cleorlnes , | 136C37OC ; balances , 16,132,491. PHILADELPHIA , May 14.-Clenrings , IM.IJl- 910 ; balances , | I,774 , 20. ST. LOUIS , May 14. Clearings , $4,100.534 ; bal ances. TS79.012. Money , 5 G per cent. New York exchange , DOe premium bid. WASHINGTON , May 14. Today's statement of > th condition of the treasury Bhon * : Available ' cash balance , 1181,731,381 ; gold reserve. | 9 ,201,500. CHICAGO. M y 14. Clearings , J15.418.000. New York exchange , Wo premium. Sterling , poitej rates , l4.UUb4.H7li. Money , on call , S per cent ; per cent oa tlin * . OMAHA LIVE &I8CII MARKET - .U There Was a OomparMrVoly Light Run of Cattle andlShoop- F77 HOGe , HOWEVER , WERE IN GREAT SUPPLY Two Choice llonvy I.ondg llrtuc'it ' 8 1. 5O but tlio 1'iilr to < ln6J Henry mill llutclior Weight tjolcl Under Thoeo figures. TUESDAY , May 14. There wns a comparatively light run of cattle nnd sheep today , but the heaviest run of hogs In over a month. The total was 105 curs , of which twenty-two were cattle , 550 hentl , ns against 1,227 Monday nnd 1,521 on last Tuesday. With less than half as many cattle ns on Monday , there was no Improvement whatever In the de mand , nnd the market was on the same dull , dragging order with n further Foften- Ing of values. Eastern markets were Jn bad shape and shippers Uld nothing , so that It was the good weight cattle that suffered the most. In some cases these sold n dime lower , while many of the lighter cattle sold at fully steady prices. The general quality of the offerings was not very good. Some l.zus-lb. beeves brought J5.3S , but $4.10 to $4.70 bought the bulk of the offerings. Cow stult ruled flrm. The supply was small , the demand good and tne move ment free. Veal calves sold fresly nt full yesterday's llgures , but bulls , stags , etc. , ruled easier , There was not much doing In stackers nnd feeders. Offerings were extremely lim ited , and while the uemand was quite brisk und prices quoting strong , the volume of trading was necessarily limited. Good to choice feeders nre quotable at J3.S3if4.Oi ) ; fair to good , J3.OOiiJ3.3j , and common grades from $3 down. Representative sales : DRESSED 1IEEF. No , Av , I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . CM ) $3 23 23. . . . ! ) S3 $4 10 31. . . . 8 ! > 3 $1 40 1..1210 350 1..1030 415 2J..lli4 465 1..1300 375 1..1020 423 41..1133 00. ) 2..1035 410 20..1010 4 23 23..12J3 535 SUlI'PINa AND EXI'OIIT. 1..1030 4 00 48..1037 4 40 MIXed. 22. . . . 94S 3 S3 17. . ; . 891 4 CO COWS. 1. . . . 970 175 1. . . . 870 2 ! 3 11. . . . S22 200 1. . . . 630 175 1. . , . 9SO 240 1..1100 300 1. . . . 92i ) 2 UO 1. . . . 940 223 1. . . . 820 313 1. . . . 900 200 6. . . . SOS 250 1..1030 3 2'J ' 1. . . . 840 200 1..102) 250 1..1160 333 1. . . . 770 200 1. . . . SCO 2 CO 10. . . . 920 340 1..1UW 210 2..10W 2 CO 1..1270 400 1..10M ) 215 2. . . . ! i ) 2 S ) 15. . . . 993 410 1..SSO 223 G..82S-280 1..1IOO 410 HEIFERS. 2. . . . 5DO 240 3..77C'315 1..11)10 ) 373 3. . . . 600 243 3. . . . C73 350 2..1uC5 393 2. . . . 500 310 3. . . . 51.1 350 C. . . . 925 4 30 14. . . . COS 3 15 1. . . . 540 3 50 CALVES. 1. . . . SO 350 1. . . , 200 450 2. . . . ISO 600 1. . . . 110 423 1. . . . 220 450 1. . . . 11' ' ) 523 1. . . . 140 4 50 1. . . . 140 4 75 HULLS. 1..1240 2 CO 1 IHi ) 2 SO 2..1615 315 1. . . . 930 2 Cl 1. . . . 910 2 S3 1. . . . MO 323 1..14SO 2 C5 2 12M 300 1..17W 340 1..1130 2 CT , 1. . . . .15103 00 1..1270 350 STOCICEHS AND FEEDEKS. 1. . . . MO 300 17. . . . 7W'3C > > 1C. . . . S2C 375 1. . . . 4SO 300 9. . . . W3 360 2U..90I 380 13..1003 345 4. . . . 507 3.63 7. . . . 734 3 SO 1. . . . 770 3 50 HOGS An even 6,00 > ) IIPRS arrived todny. ns compared with 1 C7i : ymterdiiy and 3,009 last Tues day. This wns Hie largest numbir received here In over n muiith , nnd the RVnuiul iiuallty of the offerings wn.s u decided Inu'iovrmont ' over Mon- ' clay'B cfferliiKs. Heavy receipts mid lower mai- koti east enabled buyem to take off fully a dime today , nnd tin- bulk uf the ittndlng' wns on that hnsls. A couple of choiceheavy ; londx biought $4.50 , but the fnlr to K'/od / heavy and butc.icr welKht hogs sold mostly1 at fiom $1.23 to $4.45 , while the light anj llehf'inlxrd loaJs went nl from $4.20 to tl.Sj. After the dvaleis liail onci- settled down to business life maiket was actl\c nnd the supply wa * clfiuied up In good soanoti. There was moie activity err the close , but prac tically no more ytrvniMh. The bulk of the hogs ciniged : ' linmln todny at from $4.30 to $4.40. Mon day's trading was m.irtlly lit from $4.4o ti $4.30 , and a week ago today thf hulk of the hogs sold at from $4.35 to $1.40. Ilej1rsentatlve sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r , " ; Xo. Av. Sh. I'r. 2 1 0 . . . $120 79 LM3 W It 31 Ij 224 SO 4 23 - 7C 193 SO 4 33 : ; ; ; ; : ! w 42 % . " . ' . " ! } ; " " " is1 } 433 s2c'j : : : : : : : : ! M IE : : : : : : : § } 1 1M 65 1S 320 425 f'l 240 fO 433 5 242 . . . 4 2'VS S4 19S 2 0 4 85 3 293 . . . 4 275 * 71 212 210 4:5 : W " 1 3 } 0 4 10 22 212 8' ) 4 35 ! ' > H7 160 430 77 223 300 433 St 105 SO 4 iO 53 2.11 SO 435 21 llil SO 450 r,0 220 40 433 62 173 ICO 430 78 212 . . . 433 70 If" ) 200 430 C9 213 . . . 43" 73 228 120 4 30 Cl m 100 4 35 49 190 80 430 77 221 SO 433 4 2S2 . . . 420 S3 S10 8' ' ) 435 M 202 200 4 30 77 2nii ICO 4 33 7S IDS 120 430 K 2)4 ) SO 435 S2 212 210 4 CO . M 213 210 4 371 } ' 63 218 40 4 SO 70 231 12) 43714 2 2JO . . . 4 SO 79 214 SJ 4 37Vi S7 192 SO 431 5S 23S 210 4 37'i 84 2 > )1 ) 120 430 ' 55 235 ICO 410 12 207 12' ) 4 3 < ) 63 S33 ICO 4 40 3 222 SO 4 35 6G 2J3 ICO 4 4) ) C7 213 400 4 33 C'i L'iS 12) 4 4) 73 207 SO 433 CS 25 120 44) 10 2SS . . . 4 ? 5 61 2,4 40 44) ) M 221 1W 4 S3 S4 235 2oO 440 78 201 . . . 4 33 61 22J SO 4 40 33 2SC 40 4 35 61 275 160 4 40 2 200 . . . 435 7 231 . . . 440 10 303 . . . 433 70 233 . . . 4 4J C 2J3 . . . 4 35 71 224 . . . 4 40 5 201 . . . 4 T5 73 2J9 200 4 41 5 213 . . . 433 (2 2J1 120 440 2 210 . . . 4 53 9 305 . . . 4 40 4 2.2 . . . 435 ' 2.G . . . 44) 15 191 . . . 4 35 26 233 120 4 40 8 350 80 4 3. > 'S 213 . . . 4 40 9 1SS . . . 4 35 S2 234 SO 4 40 9 272 . . . 435 CJ 231 SO 440 4 172 . . . 4 33 1 270 . . . 4 40 1 220 . . . 4 35 CO 2J1 80 4 4) 2 2S3 . . . 4 33 69 231 . . . 4 40 4 207 . . . 4 35 C ! ) 2JO 160 4 40 75 227 ICO 4 J5 C6 2C2 210 445 67 215 40 4 33 f,9 , 271 . . . 4 45 53 210 210 435 120 231 SO 445 72 216 200 4 35 61 29S . . . 4 43 71 253 2M ) 4 35 66 2 > SO 4 45 17 253 SO 435 S3 249 120 445 4 277 SO 4 35 62 303 . . . 4 50 71 1W . . . 435 ' 63 314 . . . 450 PIGS AND HOUGH. 8 SS . . . 3 W 10 131 . . . 400 S 102 . . . 350 S 12S . . . 410 11 101 . . . 400 SHEEP Hut one load of sheep was received today , and tht-y were billed direct to Swift and Company , nnd not offered on the market. The demand ocntlnues KIKK ! . with prices < | uotabU strong. Fair to choice natives aic quotable til $3.25H 25 ; fair to good westerns at $3.0)04.00 , common and stock Rliivp , $2.25 3.00 : Rood to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $3.7J(5f5.23. ( CllICAtiO LIVE t > TOCK. llorelptu of Cuttle nnd Iloc Materially In. erf moil nnd Ucmuucl ho mo what Stronger. CHICAGO. Mny 14. In cattle the arrivals for Monday nnd Tuesday foot up nbout 16,300 lienil showing an Increase of 5,000 head over the same days last week , There wan a moderate general demand , but cholci cattle nnd medium welnht dressed beef steers sold the best and prices were nbou steady at yesterday' t > quotation * . Native Btecm uvetaEcd lOc per 100 II , s. lower than at the close of last week and pairs were on the baxls of from ) t to $ G for common to extra choice lieeves weighing from 'Jt't to 1,450 IDS. , the bulk of the trans , ictlona lieln r nt fnuii (5 to $5,75. Kxport beeves sold at from (5.40 upward , and It took extremely line cuttle u > being fiom $5.85 to $6 Cows are selling nt frt-tn $1.75 to $4.60 , chletly a $2.50 and upward , with an occasional sale of extia cowa around $4.75. , Today's leceipta approximate 22.000 hogg , mak ing about Dl.Cuo for the week so far , an Increase oC 10,090 oven the uamrj.tjme. last week. Iluyera acted coyly nt Mrst , Hue after prices had tlli off from ST to lOc per 100 Ibs. packers besan ti purchase , and there wqd.iilfL. a reaxjnnjily good demand for goixl hogs to ship to different enMern mnrke.s. Common to extra heavy hogs lots welching 20i ) Ibs. nnd wl Yliril sold at from SI 25 to $4.70 , while light hqy. , averaging from 140 to 190 Ibs. , brought from JI.21 to $460. The bulk nf the fales were at frwnlM.30 to J4.60 , the rang being very narrow. , , , . , In sheep the demand was again exceedlnglj good nt stronger price * " lfe receipts being only aleut 9.000 head , whlcln its much below the re celpts of a few weeks 130. Hheep and lambs averaged from 15c to 2W i > r 1)0 Ibs. higher lhan at the clew of last w W.ppart of the advance having occurred today.aSh ep sold at from $2.5 to $5 , an extreme raft W , 'nnd lambs nt from $3.CO tn $5.93 , Mexican kviloled lamba weighing frum 66 to 82 Ibs. sold at from $5.15 to J5.M , am pxxl shorn native lambs broutht from $5 to $5.40 Some choice shorn sheep.1 with n few yearlings brought $4.75. The Coliwido lambs are unshoin but other sheep nnd lamba , are mostly shorn Nice C4-b. ! pprlng lambt sell arming $0 per 1X ( Ibs. Ibs.HeccipU : Cattle , 3,500 head ; calves , 200 head hogs , 22,000 headj sheep. ,00 head. Kunsat City Uvo Stock. KANSAS CITY. May 14. CATTLB necelpts 6,300 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market stead ) to a Ebnde lower ; Texas Bte.jrs , $2.76tT4.C4 ; Texa cows , I2.J > ( T3.30 ; beef eteers , $4.10d5.l > 0 ; natlv cows , $1.75 4.45 ; stackers and feeders , 4.40 ; bulls. 12.158 4.00. HOGS Itccelpta. 13,900 head : thlpmenta. 200 head ; market bttlOc lower ; bulk of slase. tt.Ktf 4.J5 ; henvlss , $4.3081.50 ; packers , $4.25U4.S ) mixed , I4.2od4.45 ; lights , 14.0064.35 ; Yorkers $4.30 4.S5 ; plc . J3.86C4 20. SHEEP Receipts. 6.KK > head ; shipments , 1,100 head ; market steady to lOc higher. iSt. l.o uli l.lvo Ntock MnrKet. ST. LOl'IS. May 14. CATTI.B-necelpls. 4.60 head ; shlilmentD , 400 head ; market easier lu natives and not many < n sale ; export steers 5.8iii .S5 ; good to choice shipping. IS.SOgi.lo fair to medium. $ I.TEeJ.2S ; light. $3.Wfl4,60 ; f.ed em , $ XOOi4.0i > ; caw * . $ i.0jlGO : Texan steers 10815O lower , and actlTa at the decline ; ft Meers , $3.56S.BJ grossers , | 2.75tfJ.7S ; cows 12 jjgi 25. , ( , (00 cucij ihlfmiDtf , 3W ) - X end ; market tfflOo lowar and slow ; lop price , .M. with bulk of sales , $4.4534.60 , light ranged. 1.00 4.40. flllHEP-llrccIrt" , 4.VX > h d : uhlpmtnts. 900 end ; mnrket firm but Blow ; natives , JI.O.Hf 30 ; some seed southwestern. $4,00 ; lambs , $3,00. llecelpt * nnd lilnpovltlon of Stuck. OlDclat rccelptu nnd disposition of stock n lown by the books of the Union Stock Yards onipnny for the twenty-four liouri cndUig at o'clock p. m. , Mny 14 , ISO ! ! HECEU'TS. Cnrs , Head. nltle . 22 US ogs . st 6,000 " | P'I > . 1 275 "orses and mules . . . . . 1 20 DISPOSITION. Huyers Gallic. HORS. Shcfp. maha Packing company. . . , . 7C4 . The O II. Hammond Co. . . 96 1,304 . wlft nnd Company . 164 1,788 275 he Cudnhy 1'acklng Co. . . . 63 l.Tffl . udahy llros . 2J5 . I. 11 , H. , lown . 145 . . llecker & Degen . 1 . . . . . Inmllton & Co . 16 . ' . llecker . 10 . hlppern nnd feeders . 203 . eft over . , . 2UO . . Totnl . . COS 6,958 275 New Yorlc l.lvu Mouc : Murlint. NK\V YOnK. Mny 14. HKKVKS llecclpts. 470 end ; mnrket dulL European cabled quotu Amcr- cnn steers nt II012c. dressed weights ; rcfrlger tor beef tit , AND LAMHS Itecelpto , 2,817 head : arket nctlvc nnd firmer nil around ; clipped heep , fair to good , $4,37' ' > if4.65 ; choice clipped imbs , $5.SO ; southetn spring lambs , $7.25'38,23. 11CK1H llccclpts , 2,900 head ; maiket steady at 1.9085.20. _ block In MK'lit. Itecord nf rccclpU nt the four principal mar- els for Tuesday , Mny 14. 1S05 ; Cntlle. IIps. . Sheep. * ' outh Omaha . DM u.oiW 2rr > 'hlcago . 3&K ) 22lK ) 9W ) Kansas City . 6,3i)0 ) 13,0 < IO C. ' . " ) tit. I.oul3 . 4.000 8i 4uo > Totals . . 14,356 49,000 20,175 l\iml .Mnrket. LONUON , Mny 14. At the wool nuctlon sales oday competition wns steady , especially for teed clips. Medium wouls were rather Iirogu- ar. The number of pales offered wns 13,955 , of vhlch 2,000 were wllhdinwn from -ik's. Sales n detail : New South Wales , 4,131 bales ; cotircd , CiHTls I'.id ; greasy , 3Hf9'iil ! ; Qucens- and , 1.119 balra ; scoured , GU lHid ; greasy , 4'/4 ' (7d ; Victoria , 3,557 bales ; scimied , 7dtf2a 4d ; ciriisy , 3Vld ; Swan Itlver. C)7 bales ; scoured , HC9'id ' ; greasy , 5ire71sd ; Tasmania , 1,369 biles ; reiisy , 314filOd | New Zealand , 2.2C3 bales ; court'd , TtidtTls ; Rrency , 4fi9d ; Cnpc of Good lope nnd Nntnl , 265 bales ; scoured , 4',410Vid ; 'reosy , 4'i'i/5 / > id. I'HlLAUl-n 'IIIA 14. , May WOOLr-QulPt : Ohio , Pennsylvania nnd We t Vliglnln. XXX nd nl ) Ve , isniflc ; XX and above. 16JT17c ( ; X nd nbove , 15Vs5fl6c ; medium , 1020c ; quartpr > lood , 20fi2lc ; common , IVjilOc ; New York , Ilchlgnn , Wisconsin , etc. . X , 14S15c ; medium , SiTlSiic ; nuntter blood , lO'tflSO'Sc ' ; commnn , SOVic ; wnshcd combing and ilelnlne , fine X or \X , ISffllOci medium , Willie } braid , 20 ac ; nn- vnahed , medium , ISVifflCc ; cjuarter blood. KiJlSc ; raid. l.V.iij 17c ; unwnshrd , light nnd line , 110 2c ; medium , 1314c ; iiunrtcr blood , 16017c ; com mon , HfilSc ; unwanhed , ( daik ) , light and line , < S9c ; heavy , line , Glf'e ; medium , lOffllc ; line medium , OidOc ; coarse , lOWllc ; teriltorlal nnd lorlhv.-cstern , light line , SJTloo ; heavy line , 7f9f ( [ ; Inc medium , luiffllc ; medium , ll@13c ; quarter ilood , 121il3i' ; course , lOJfllc. liOSTON. Mny 14. T'.ie wool mnrket here Ill's veeli remains unchanged , nnd ns far as do- nestlc wools nre concerned the market Is a wnlt- ng one. Conw dernblp suiprlsc is ext > reKsc < l by evernl of thn large wtm ] houses here over the ilRlt prices obtaining In the west for new wools , t Is Bald omc of the new clips have sold In he west for pilces which could n 't ' be secured lere. Australian wools arc steady , with n fair nipply being picked up ftom week to week. Illnnlg wool Is still nn unknown < iunntlty livro. heie being none on the mniket , the new clips not being expected for mwne time. Following ntc he soiling prices of w mn of the lending de scriptions : Ohio nnd Pennsylvania. Heeces , XX ind nljuvi' , 14Til4',4c ; X nnd ntmve , ISttlSVfce ; No. rng. 2l p ; nnwashed , Iltf7'2c ! ; Michigan , ll'S ' X , New Yoik , New lliimpshlrc and Ver mont , 17fil7',2o ; Kentucky a-id Maine quarter blood combings , lOfi-Ko ; Indiana nnd Missouri lUinter bkHMl combing , 15TlGr ; Montana fine mr1- llum nnd Inn' , 9fIOc ; Wycm np , I'tnli. line ine- llum and fine , 9tllc ; Australian combings , pu- icrtlne , 41if42c ; combings , good , 3SS)40c ; Queens- anil combing , 32&3SC. _ Liverpool Muriels. LIVnilPOOL , May 14. 4:13 : p. m. WHEAT Spot llrm ; demand m delate ; No. 2 red winter , is 2Hd ; No. 2 reil spring. 5s Ctd ! ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 5s 7d ; No. 1 Callfoinla , Os 2d. Fu- tuicH oppucd quiet but steady , with nt-ar aid llstant positions ifcd higher ; but later leaded and doted tU-iuly with prices unchanged from \cjitordny : business about equally distriliutc 1 ; Slay , 5s 2d ; June , 5s 2'ld. July , 5s Slid ; Aifgusl , i 3'id ; September , 5s 4d ; Oclobur. Cs 4'id. ' fOHN-Spol Ilnn ; Anu-rlnin mixed new , 4s < % d. Futures opened Ftendy at unchanged prices , closed steady with n nr positions unchanged to Ud higher , dls nnt poHltk is ! , Hf'id ' lower ; business ness alMiut equally d'Ptrlbuted ; May , 4s Sd ; June , 4s 7-d ; July , IK 'Hi ! ; AiiBust , 4s , ? ; d ; tSeptem- ber. 4s 7 > id ; October , 4s 8d. FLOl'll Firm ; demand good ; St. Ixnils fancy winter , Cs Cd. PHOVISIONS Bacon , quiet ; demand poor ; Cumbeihind cut , 28 to TO Ibp. . 52s ; < > hort rib" , .S Iba. , 32x ; long clear , light. 3S to 15 Ibs. . 32s ; long clear , heavy. 55 Ibs. , 32s ; short clear barks , light , 13 Ibs. , 32s ; phoit clear middles , heavy , ; r , Ibs. . 31s Cd : clcnr bellies. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 33s ; shoulders , square. 12 to 18 Ibs. . 3Ss Cd. Hams , shoit cut , 14 to 16 Ins. , 12s. Tnllow , line North American , nominal , lleef , extra India mess , Ms ; pilnu * mess , 62s 6d. Pciik , prime mess. Una west- on. ; 61s 3d : medium. 53s 9.1. Lnrd , quiet ; prime western. 33H 9d ; refined in pills , S5s. CHEESE Easy ; demand pjor ; finett American while , 4.R Cd ; lines ! American colated , 47 . Ill'TTEIt Finest United States , 60good. : . 40s. COTTON SEED OIL Liverpool rellned , ISs , LINSEED OIL ! K I'ETHOLBl'SI Ilellnerl. Sd. HEFUIGEIIATOU 1IEISF Foicquarlers , SJid ; hlndqunrlers , 6Ud. The lecelnlH nf wheat during the past three lays were 229,000 centals , Including 7C.OOO centals American. The receipts of American corn during the past Ihrej days were 23,900 centals. Weather overU cnst. St. I.oulH r.iMii-r.U Murkrt. ST. LOUIS , Mny . FLOUH Dull and un changed ; patent ? . $3.3303.l"i ; extra fancy , $3.10 SI3.20 ; fancy. $3.SOf2. ! ) . rtye mmr. $ J.r 3.5i ) . WHEAT In active demand nt the npenlnp nt .S'sC ndvnnce. later declined tc on henvy buy- Init. reacted ? 4c , became unseitlcd nnd closed 1-lCc above yesterday ; No. 2 red , cnsh , 63'4c ; Mny , 67'ic ; July , C4V4C bid ; Augusl. 63 0 bid , September , C3Jc. COHN Firm enrly on ndvnnce In whent , but jiot much doing , closing 'ic below yesterday. No. 2 mined , cash , 4H4e ! ; May. 48'to asked ; July , 40'i 43'ic bid ; September , 494C asked. OATS Dull , weak and unchanurd for futures : 'pot ' strady ; No. 2. cash , 2'.i'ic ' ( ; Mny , 20'iC ' ( asked , June , 23'ic ' bid ; July , 27V4C asked ; September , 2C'io asked. IIIIAN Dull , with no eastern ilcnmr.d , but sfrn. . ; sales to Fouth , f. o. b. boat , at 71c on direct orders ; TOc , necked , _ this slde. FLAX SEED CJiifet ; $1.41. OIIASS SKEDS-Qulct ; clover , $7.0008.00 ; tim othy. $3.5njfl.INI. HAY Strung for choice timothy ; prairie ensy ; prairie , prime lo fnnry , $7.0010.00 , this , side ; timothy , common to strictly fnioy. $ S.OO T11.50. IIUTTEU Dull ; fancy Elgin , 19c ; eepaiator cii'nmery , 15c. EGOS-FIrm : frofh. 9Hc. WHISKY Steady ; $1.22 for dls'.lllers' finished LEAD Strong nnd nrtlro ; $2.9303.02' . SPELTEn-Hlgher ; $3.25. PROVISIONS I'ork , standard mess , Jobblnc , $12.12" , . Lnrd , prime ntenm , $ C.40 ; choice , $ B.M. Dry rait meats. bo\ed fhnuldeis , $3.23 ; longs , $ C,12H ; libs , SO.23 ; shorts , J6.87'/4. llaoon , boxed tioiiidcrs , $5.75 ; longs , $6.50 ; ribs , $ C.C2'i ; bhorls , $6.87' ' . HECEII'TS Flour , 5dfli ) bbls. ; whent , 3,000 bu. corn. lO.noo bu. ; nils , 23,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour , 7,1)00 ) bbls. ; wheat , 63,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oals. 10,000 bu. < otlou llnrkot. ST. LOl'IS , May 14. COTTON Quiet : mlil- dhng , CV-o ; snips , 6S1 Kiles ; receipts , 1,253 bales shipments. 1.593 bales ; stock. 38,514 bales. NEW OULEANS , Mny 14. COTTON Steady : middling , CVc ; low mlddllnjc. 5 ! c ; good ordinary , 19-16c ; net receipts. 1,326 bales ; gross , 1,46) bales fxpoits , coastwlhc , 3,429 bnles ; sales , 2,100 bales stocks , 2U.610 balea ; middHng , 6 13-16c ; net re ceipts , none ; grops , 3,772 bales ; exports to Grea llrltaln , 319 bales ; lo the continent , 1,923 baler forwarded , 232 balsa ; sales , SSI bales ; tplnners 81 bales ; stock , 223,185 bales ; total today , nei receipts , 2,633 Imlcs ; expoils lo drcnt Urltnln 3,422 baks ; to the continent , 3,330 bales ; stuck 605,032 baUs. N w York I'ry ( "moils Market. NI3W YOIIIC , May 14. The new buslnes ef fected did not reach large proportions , as with a cold ruin , storin.1 and no malls from Interior markets there was a lack of Interest en the part of buyers for seasonable wants and the demand was very Irregular. Through the charg ing of gocds on previous purchases a large vol ume of sales was leturned. There was consid erable Inquiry made for brown cottons , but the absence of stocks and near deliveries , sold abend , prevented nny buslnefs. Converters arc the more active denlers. and requests arc made for the nntlclpntlon of July and later purchases , but without any response. Printing cloths quiet , but firm , at 2c Mllivnnken M rltrt . MIliWAUKRD. May H. WIIKAT Quiet ; No. 2 spring , C5llc ; No. 2 northern , 73Jc ! ; July , CC COHN Firm anil scarce ; No. 3. 61c. OATS Steadier ; No. 2 white , 3iioj No. 3 white , 32i32'/ic. ' 11AHLBV Unchanged ; No. 2 , 4Sc ; sample , 40ff llYE-Sscarce ; No. 1. C5c. PIIOVISIONS I/wer ; noik. $11.85 ; lard , $6.CO HECEIPTS Klour , e,4' ' bbls. ; wheat , 12W bu. : barley. 13.600 bu. SHIPMI3NTS Flour , 8,900 bbls. ; wheat , none barley , none , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IVorl * Jlurknti. PEOIIIA , May 14. COHN Firm , higher ; No 2 , 60'4c ; No. 3 , Me. OATS Slow ; No. 2 white , 31j31Vtc ; No. white. ' . n YE Nominal ; No. t , G3H6lc. WHISKY Firm ; high proof spirits. 11.24 ; fin Ished goods , $ l.a. Receipts Wheat , 3.600 bu. ; corn , 46.000 bu. cats , 115.000 bu. ; rye , 1,200 bu. ; barley , none. Shipments Wheat , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 16.000 bu. eau , 71,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 1,400 bu. Sugar .MurKat. NEW YOIIK , May 14. SUGAR IUw , firm sales. 10.000 bag * centrifugal. K test , I'.ie , c & 1 1 1,300 tons Muscovado. (9 test , 3c , ex-ship 3,700 l < ug molasses sugar , Si lest , 2Uc , ex-ship reHned , steady ; No. t , 3 5-1 So ; No. 7 , 3 7- 4lic ; No. . 4Ttc ; No. , 3 lS-16Cc. No. 10 , 3 15-16c ; No. 11. 3 n-lC63ic ; No. 12. 39-16 3 0 ; No 13. 3 to : off A. 4 1-HOISo ; mold A , 4 IMCiMv.c sUndard A , 4 5-l O Vic ; confectioners' , 4 5- 4 Vic ; cut loaf. 4 5-16Q4UC ; cru > h d , 6 l-16iiy powdered , 4V1S1 U-K j jronulaud t i-lt J VEATflER CROP BULLETIN Jaat Week Was an Unfavorable Ono for Tanners in Nebraska ! . . CD JOT EARLY , COLD LATf , DRY ALWAYS Coinblimtlon of Conditions Calculated to Do All 1'omlblo Dniimuo to the trow- In C Crop * Outlook In Still , llouovcr. Weekly weather bulletin , No. 6 , of the Ne- iraska weather service , co-opcrntlng with he United States weather bureau , Issued 'rom the central olllce , University of Nebraska , Lincoln , under tllrcc- Ion of Q. U. Swczcy , meteorologist of he Nebraska , experiment station , director. For week ending May 13 , 1S05. Heports re ceived from 175 reporlers In seventy cm n- Ics : nidi on ! p6,0" } ? > c whole wns nn unfnvor- iot u-m , fhir ' .Ule f.rmer' beln ? extremely ' h , " 'Sh ? ° , utllerl , > ' winds during the the were "cached o'n ' "rl fnn ,8 Tin Jo followctl 'jy ' " sudden fall to about MRS fe ° " Satunln > ' f"J Sunday morn- thp . . , . . . . - " - * .l.l 41 Dl'V llUII. bmnll urn In has not made as good growth ns nnn.mi ' " .Previous , . . . | weeks ; It remains In good n the eastern portion of the elsewhere 14 generally suffering nn rnnnSitlllbr tne neatly completed In state nnd Is u much of It Krosts are reported r.-om all parts of the of ? ncl ' " P ces Ice froze on the surface water. The amount of dnmaire vnriEil sreatly. being quite serious In Hies n tew loca - but In general only tender ' ' ' garden veg- f 'V'1'8 nn,11 Potatoes were cut down Small gran nnd corn being rather tender from fflmaK , * especially ° on ' lower W re grounds some 'hat but , it is thought that little permanent injury ien done to these crops. It Is too - - - ns yet to know certainly the extent of the Injury to fruit , hut presentind ca tions are that Mine injury has been sui. talnecl , but that for the most part the dnnv tics- SllBhtJeP ° rts by coun- SOrTHEASTErtN SECTION. . . . . . . . . Coin mostly planted. Some but la comlmr up was cut down by the fumt. l nssWiither cool nnd beneliclnl to Bmnll Clay Coin mostly planted , well up nnd far nhead of the season. Hot winds on the 9h damaged small grain In the soulhwejtcin ' coiner . l"es antl alralfa Fill more Crops IIBVP made a good advance rliffilJ10wcc'U' Frult "OU8' ' " not to te "n. ° 8tl C ° 'n "early " nearly r ll up. " "lan ( 'i ' nC'ops0f ' n11 lnjs a'"nnged ' somewhat ot the Hamilton Giound In good order. Hye. oats and pastures looking fine. Frost killed cnidens and fruit. Jefferson-Wheat and rye Injured one-half by drouth. A large woim working on corn. Some hai been replanted. Chinch bugs doing consld- omble damage In spots. Johnson Corn far In advance of oidlnary sea sons" and Is n good stand. Ground frozen on the mouilnir of the 12th , Injuring gardens and even Lancaster-General condition of crops la good. Lorn nearly nil planted and coining up extrn " , " " , ' . I''rult Prospect good thus far. Itye nnd nlfnlfn In blossom. Soil getting rather dry on Nomnhn Corn planting nlKiut finished ; came up very quickly and shows n good Ktand. Sumo has been cultivated once. Smnll grain has mailo unusual growth. Large setting of apples. Italn Nuckolls Dry wealher nnd hot winds have been quite n ilnmnga to oats. Ground so dry Hint It Is difficult lo run n lister. Corn nearly planted nnd nn unusually large ncrengo. Otoe A good stand of corn. Planting nearly over. Frost seems not to have done much dam age. age.Pnwnec Showers local , In some places enough In others lather dry. Frost did BOIUP damage. Henna , potatoes nnd corni nre looking dlicolored. Sweet potntnes are probalily beyond redemptloi , Apples and peaches falling off. Polk Hot weather turned the onts brown , but not permanently Injured. Heavy frost killed lender gnidtn vegetables. Early checked corn and potatoes badly crippled. Fiult not hurt. Illchardson Ground in line condition. Planting Is being finished nnd cultivation begun. Frost killed nil tender plnnts on low lands. Saline No unfavorable conditions except the frost , which hurt gardens. Small grain doing fairly well. Corn nbout nil planted and some largo enough to plow. Sniinders Coin nearly all planted and a good stand. Small Brain never looked better at this dnti1. Plenty of rain so far. Scward A dlrnatious week to all kinds of crop * Hot wenthen on the 9th nnd loth , fol lowed by frost. Corn nnd potatoes suffered con siderably , but fruit not Injured very much. Small Brain growing very slowly. Tlinjer Another dry week. Extreme heat nnd wind on the Slh nnd 9lh badly Injured wheat ; frost still further dnmeg d ginln and vegetables. Yoik Ground vety dry. Everything Is suffer ing for rain. Small grain lookingpoor. . Corn lookH yellow and Is not making any growth. Fruit ruined on low ground , but not much hurt on high. High winds have whipped Iho small grain badly. badly.NOIITHEASTEIIN NOIITHEASTEIIN SECTION , Antelope Three-quarters of the corn planted. Early corn n good sland. Plenly of rain nnd all crops have made rapid progrtss. . llnyd Wenlher has been flni' for crops. Cnrn nearly all planted and coming on rapidly. Po tatoes are looking well. Piospi'cts for email grain never better. Dlxon-Good growing weather. A good pros- poet for fruit and corn. IJiHlge Frost did some damage , otherwise all crops in g < xid condition , but rather cold for corn , Holt Planting will along. Spring grain grow ing nicely. So far the season has been propi tious. Ilyo heading out nbout ten Inches high. Grata very -hort. Ground In good condition. Knox Hot weather was hard on vegetation and the frost did some Injury to gardens. Madison Corn nliut planled nnd some In cul- llvntlon. Itye Is heading out. Pierce Coin planting nearly completed. Frosl light. Pintle Crops look well , bul In need ot a s inkIng - Ing inln. Corn up In Rood shape. Small grain never looked better. Tame ginsi m ° ndows and pastures n failure and some will be plowrd up. Satpy Excessive heat did BOino damagu and the frost Injured tender garden vegetables. Illue grass and reil clover 111 head. Stanlon Corn plnnllng about aJI done. A lirgo amount up and In flne c-mdltlon. Washington Corn about all plnnted. Ground getting dry again. Frost did Homo damage to onts nnd gnrdens. Wayne Week fnvorablo for planting ami the bulk of thn corn IH now In. Gardens Injured by frost and fruit hurt slightly. Sioux City Week noted for extremes of tern pernturo and rapid growth of vegetation. Light frost Saturday morning , but no damage re ported. Ynnkton , S. D. Rmnll grain looks well and Is making a good growth , the earliest h.lng Hire , . Inches nlx > ve > ground. Frost hurt Hardens , fruit nnd young trees considerably nnd slightly In jured young corn. CENTRAL SECTION. noone Small gmln In fine condition. I3arly planted coin up. Season fully two weeks ear ller than usual. Ilyo heading out. Iluffalo Gross and all kinds of small grain suffering for rnln. Fronl hurt enrly corn nd potatoes. Cherries , plums nnd mulberries Killed Apples thought not to be hurt. GUH'.er Corn lie-Ing planted nnd some up , flye beginning to head. More rnln needed bftwhon A dry week with n killing front Spring whenl and oals have made but little headway nnd winter rye severely Injured. Coin coming up. Orceley Heavy frost laying nlfnlfo , potato ? ! and early garden vegetables lo Iho ground Small grain damaged , the more so because In advnncn of the season. Hall Small grain much damaged by dry wealher. Ground gelling very dry nnd rain niedd badly. Merrlck Some rnln during Ihe wetk , bul N , W , HARRIS & GO , BANKERB , 163-165 Dearborn-st.i Chicago , 5V l.ft. | , New York. 70 State-it. , Bostr : ; ir ? , COUMTY , n / - \ K i f-x r s WlOOLAVATEkmnd Wf l\l I l ? * J 4BZ& falGK GRADE LJ W I N L/O BeuAbt aod Cold. Cotri pondtno BoUcltcd. ground very dry yet. Pome rye. wheat and ontK U-ftliutinK to show yellow Irnves. I towardSmnll grain needs rain badly. Plnnl lng programing rapidly. Oantcns hurt by frost. Nance Small grain nnd paslures unusually fine. Corn plnnling hnlf or Uvo-thlrds done. Shermnn We nee < l rnln. Rye heading out not more than twelve Inches high. Valley Crops doing well. Small fruit and ve > ctablcs nerlously dnmngrd by frosl. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION , Adnms Whent nnd oats ufferliig from drouth. Cutworms Inking thn c , " > rn. Sugnr beelii stand the drouth lietler limn nny other crop. Chnne Sllir dry. Smnll grain damaged 16 per ? cnt. A small ncrengc of corn being put In. Hard freexion the 14th , damaging gardens nnd nlfo coin nnd on ! * . Outlook fur n ciop dis couraging. Dundy Week dry excvpt light shower on tin 10th with high winds. Rnln badly needed. Frnnklln-Small grain In fnlrly good condition , but needing rnln badly. Frosl killed much of lh frull nnd gnnlen sniff. Corn killed In the ground In many fields , but wllh favorable wealher It ti thought It will recover. Frontier Dry and cold weather selling hack crops badly. Corn nnd wheat nre wilting , Fmsl damngeil gardens and grain badly. Kurna * Excessive lutit \\\a \ \ badly damaged crops Corn coming up well nnd pnmp Is belns cultivated. Early potatoes seem fatally damaged , In southwest pnit of the county ppilnir ginln looks nell , but winter \\hcat and rye has InKen n Rtandsllll. PiistureM good. ( losper No rain , but crops nil doing fnlrly well. well.Hnrlnn Hnrlnn Onts nnd spring wheat doing fnlrly well , but need rnln. Corn nbout nil planted. Potatoes and tender gnnlen plants Injured by Iho frosl , Young nlfnlfn nol hurl. Uruund lee dry for crops. Hitchcock Week fins been dry , hot and windy. Small grain and giaiw8 have not nndc much growth. Kearney High winds nnd extreme hent dam- nged gnidens and small grain. Frosl hurl fruit and gal ilens considerably. Rnln Horded. Rye looking weak. Winter whent nnd barley killed , Lincoln Early part of the week very favor- nblo for crops. Killing frOKl on thu lllh nnd 12th , seriously Injutlng It tick. Perkins Very dry , with hot winds , damaging crops. (1 round to" dry In center nnd west of ciiunly to plant corn. Phelps Heavy winds Iho past week nnd no rnln. Frost killed garden truck. Potnlot-s lying Hat on Ihe ground. Planting well along and coin coming up. Red Willow The dioulh Is with us up to date ; whent nnd rye nppArently done up. Seine cornIng -Ing planted. Grass at a standstill , Webster Some local showers , bul Ihe crfpi need rnln very badly. Corn on low lands killed to the ground by frosl. NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Itox llutte Crops advancing rapidly. Cheiry A Bond growing week nnd crops hav done well. Planting about over. Cheyenne Wheat doing well considering Iho dry wenlher , but cannot Etnnd It long. Urnna good In the northern part of the county. Short In the Koulhorn. Slock on ihu range doing finely. Dawcs Hot winds , but no dnmngc to crops. Plenty of moisture. Keyn Pnha Wheat malting a fnlr growth. Oats lightly damaged by frosl. E.uly gardens suffered badly. Some local showers , but need more rain. Sc.ll's . Rluff Rnln badly needed for the grnsn. but still stock is Improving on the range , Sheridan Cool wealher favorable for w.icat nnd onls. Corn planting nlwut completed. Front killed tender vcgctntlon. ' 'V KuiiKiiK City MiirKnt * . KANSAS CITY. Mny 14. WHEAT ISMo higher ; No. 2 hard , CDc ; No. 2 red , C7c ; rejected , C4c. C4c.CORN CORN Ho higher ; No. 2 mixed , 4fl',4c ' ; No. 2 while , 4SJc. ! OATS Slightly higher ; No. 2 mixed , 27',502So ' : No. 2 white , 23t(30c. ( .MlnncnpollHviipiit Mirk : t. MINNEAPOLIS , Mny 14. WHEAT Weak ; May. C6lc ; June , C7c ; September , C3T4c. On track : No. 1 hard. tSc , ; No. 1 northern , C7'lo ; No. 2 northern , CC'.lc. FLOUR-Slcady ; thsl patents , f3.r. : > ff3.SO : second end patents , J3.50ff3.35 ; tlrst clear. " , J2.4)ff2.CO. Duluth U'hi-iit Mnrlrr. niTLHTH , May 14. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash nnd Mny , ( MMc ; July , C' ) ' < te ; No. 1 nirthern , cash and May , G7 ic ; July , C85 < c ; Seiilember , 6G'o ; No. 2 northern , cash , C4'.ic ; No. 3 , ClV4c ; rejcclcd , \Vlio , it ijiiotntlniK. SAN FRANCISCO , Mny 14. WHEAT Easy ; December , 8CT c ; May , f > 7fcc. ! WILL ( } IK TllK TKTS Sioux City Saloon Hooper Carries n Point to Iho Supreme Court. SIOUX CITY , May 13.-Speclal ( Tele- cram. ) John JInnderschlEil , who wns re cently fined fDOO for violating nn order of the court restralnlns him from selling liquor contrary to Inw , has taken an appeal to the supreme court. The writ wns granted by Supreme Justice Robinson , who was In the city yesterday. Manderschled will endeavor to show that he wns not violating the law more than other saloon men here , but that he was the special object of the Fplte of a few prohlbltlonlslH. The reorganization of the Interstate Fair association has been practically completed. 15very purse for races nt the next fair will be put up before the race Is run. A num ber of prominent business men have Inter ested themselv s In the enterprise nnd a meeting will be held tomorrow night to arrange the details of the reorganization. There Is conflderable curiosity expressed here nt the absence of Local Freight Agent Van Vnlen of the Omaha road. Two weeks ago the auditor of the road was h re checkIng - Ing thu books of thu olllce , but what the condition was In which they were found has not been given out , but Van ViUeu was Immediately given a long leave of ab sence nnd left the city. Ills fellow em ployes are very reticent nbout the matter , but the general opinion Is that he has gene to stay. Van Valen hnd been In n numb2r of busi ness enterprises In the city outside of lila regular duty and Is Known to have lost money In them. Just before he left a number of attachments were taken out against him , and he Is said to have left here almost penniless. Hi'tipcllct Trim Ilnlirns Corpus. WATKHTOWN , S. D. , liny 13. A writ ol habeas corpus was Issued by Judge E'igoi- lon of the United States court Dt Aberdean for the releape of II. M. lieiicdlct , brolhcr. In-law of the defaulting stale treasurer , for the reason that he was not a fugitive from Justice when the governor's re < nilsl tlon wns granted , nnd for the further reason that he Is not being examined for the of fense for which requisition wns granted The matter will be dlspgsed of next Thurs day In Sioux Falls. EH S Of Rfll hundreds who are 1.9 * E , IW14rnnfllciecl | " 1Ui thlt which the medical tocnnndoven. tlotBprlngsfaU to benefit. B. B. S. has made & wonderful record In the euro of Eczema ; even tPfofflfim aftcrevery known rom ocfy hid L nJl4fl { | failed , thu re nowned blood f BlB BillB remedy has r - moved the dls-I limbs'SB I easecntlrely. You cannot afford to risk the harmfull efl'ccU of mer curial and potash , " remedies , they are worse than the dli- case. 8. 8. 8. Js guaranteed purely vege table , containing uo drug or mineral of any kind. Bend fnr our treaties oa blood and Gkln dlecaeea free. BW1FT SPECIFIC CO. . Atlanta. Oa. Rootbccr contains enough sarsaparilla - parilla alone to give it the highest place as n promoter of good health. To Uiisndd the most delicious herbs , rootsbarksnnd berries and you have the reason why millions of people drink and grow healthful on Hires' A t'x. pckn mikti 5 ( illoni OHAB.E. HIRES CO. , PHILA. i Ularjrbyphllli permanently cured In 16 to J3idars. You cnn bo treated lit homo for 11ho same price under mma guaranty. II (70U prefer to come hero no wIM contract to par railroad faro and hotel llllt.and no cburge.lf we fall to euro. If you hnvo taken mer cury , Iodide notusli , and still have aches anol puliis , y 'icouu Vntclic's In month , Koro Throat , I'lmpifc , Ciippor Colored Npntx , Ulcers oa any part of tbobodr. Iliilror JSvpliriiw * falllnv outTit , U this Kyphimtn IU.OOI ) I'OIHON tb t vegumrnntcoiocure. Woeollcltthomo tobsti nate cincs and cliulloiico the world fur a cann wo cannot euro. 'ihl dl > eme l , nlw T bnllloa thn skill of the most iiUii atpliyl > cl.ins. nt,0 < ) ( ) capital behind our uncoadl * lion l [ rnsraDtr. Alisuliitoiiruaf * sent sealed OQ application. Addre. * flOOK ItlJMlCDY CO B07 Jlujou/o / TtiUJnlc , CU1UAUU , " * MAKE $10 EVERY DAY Ily a new plan of systematic ttraln spccula- tlon. Send for our free booklet Bliowlntf how to get around adverse lluctuatlans of the market und muke money even on the wronir vide. I'aat workings of plan and hlghcit references furnished. VAL12NTIN.J2 U CO. , Tradera UUiCblcago. . I