THE OM.A1IA DAILY 3J.BE : WEI CESDAY , MAY 15. 1895. 3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL I1LUFFS. OFFICU , - - NO. 12 PRAnL STUHRT Delivered by cairler to nny part of Uie city. II. W. T1LTON , Lessee. TELEPHONES Builnew cilice , No. ! editor. No. 23. 311.\tll MKfiTWX. Grand , Council Dluffn , K. F. Clark , prep. Mr . Peatllo lalks on "noauty In Bvcry Day Life" tonight at the parlor * of the Grand. Wanted , good dining room Rlrl at Hmmet house , corner 10th avenue and So. Gth direct. The Knights of Pythias have a literary , musical nnd toclal gathering thU evening at the hall ot the order. Spelal communication Kxcelslor lodge No. 259 , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , this evening for work In the first degree. The deficiency In the general ( und of the Christian home , Amounting to over $400. has been about made up by the receipts of the past week. Court Hcporter Gaston has Just completed the evidence In the case of the State against Hall , making 405 pages of closely wrltlcn type-written matter. Forty-three head of horses arrived at the Driving park yesterday to train for the races. This makes a total of 170 head oil the grounds up to date. Mr * . Maggie , wife of J. L. Bosha , died Monday evening at her home , No. 2324 Ave nue D. The funeral services will be hold this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , L. E. Stone was before Judge McGee yes terday morning for driving over a sidewalk on Washington avenue. Ho was so patient a listener to the court's admonitions that he was released from any pecuniary contribu tion. Robert Limerick , who was recently sent to the penitentiary , Is promised a smell of fresh air soon. The sheriff has got nn order from the court to bring him here txs a wit ness In the Ilachwltz case , which Is to be tried at the present term of court. After spending two days In trying to burn up a load of manure and litter from his stable , a teamster succeeded tn burning his barn at Thirty-first street and Avenue n yesterday afternoon. The department was called , but the building was tolally deslroyed before the first company reached the ground. The members of the vestry of St. Paul's church have given anolher expression of their esteem for Rev. M. Dabcock , who lately reilgned. The expression Is In the form of an elegant cane , gold beaded , and duly In scribed. Mr. Dabcock still retains his resi dence here , and his future plans cannot bo determined until he has the full restoration to health. The Mowery ndultery case was submltled to the grand Jury yesterday. Mowery on be ing asked to select some lawyer to look after his case , Innocently expressed a preference for "Saunders. " As tbat gentleman Is now occupying Ihe position of prosecuting atlor ney for this county there was a smile on the face of the court which could not be al together veiled , and Mowery was asked tc pick again. A little child named Carter , at 2212 Ave nue n , has been 111 for several days , and al / the suggestion of neighbors , the city jihysl t' clan Investlgaled and found a full-fledget case of scarlet fever. The parents objected ti having the case reported , and still mon stoutly against having a card tacked up or the house. The card went up Just the same but the neighbors do not feel that It will pre vent a possible spread of the disease In tha locality , as the child Is said to have beei playing freely with othen while coming dowi with the fever. Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Glci FalU Fire Insurance companies. Those ar among the largest and best companies In th world , nnd wo are sole agents for Councl Bluffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. The dreaded cyclone 1s stalking abroad I the land , leaving naught but devastation I Its wake. Us victims were many along It path through Sioux Center. Secure a tot nado policy from the Council Bluffs Ins. Co. a once , for no one can tell where next thi demon may eeltlo down to business. t-l - lj I'All A ail P. J. Chllds and family have gone to Vli llsca to visit for a week. W. M. Moore of Empire , Colo. , Is vlsltln A. W. Moore , 3GS Lincoln avenue. J. E. Darstow , who has been vlslllng hi friends In this city for Ihe past few dayi left last evening for Laramle , Wyo. Mrs. E. II. Walker of Elgin , III. , who hn been visiting her cousin , Mrs. F. J. Schnor on Denton street , returned homo yesterda ; United States Marshal Bradley and Assls ant United Stales District Atlorney Casad left last evening for DCS Molnes to ntten federal court. The 1'eorloks Imnncrnnrn Drink. There is no temperance drink In the worl that begins to compare with Ihe famot Copps Cheer and Herb Tonic , originated an manufactured by Iho Q. U. Wheeler Brewln r k company. It Is protected by U. S. ofllel ; analysis , and can be sold anywhere wlthoi ny form of license. WHEELER & HEIIELD , Sole Mfgrs. , Council Bluffs. Garden hose , big dock , good and caea ; It New York Plumbing Co. I rult Not DnmngiMl. Inquiries that cover pretty nearly all i touthwcstcrn Iowa , which Is the garden sp < and fruit district of the west , show that tl late frost has left no perceptible blight upc the trult crop. In no locality did the ter pcraturo get In the vicinity of the freezlt point , and while wooden pavements at roofs glistened with hoar frost In the ear morning the warmer temperature of tl earth kept the gardens and orchards ai rlneyards from becoming dangerously chllle The western part of Pottawattamto county one vast garden , and a dangerous frost wou have been a calamity of a serious charactc Only In a few Isolated cases In very Ic valleys was the frost severe enough to n the tops of the tenderer vegetables. T grape crop * has received no Injury whatevt The vines have not recovered from the ten ble drouth of last year , and that will be t only thing to preyent a full crop. lilt ; linen Mentlng. Spring meeting of the Union Park Racli association commences May 22 , and co Unties ten days. Five good races dall commencing at 2 p. m. One and a thi ( are on all tallways for round trip. Special sale of children's hats for the ne thrco days at the new Bon Ton milliner Prices and goods cannot be duplicated. ' 3 Ilroadway. Mixed Mntrimonr. Henry J. Ostrum , a bridge watchman I the Union Pacific , and Eliza Brlggs were trial yesterday In Justice Cook's court on t charge of adultery. Mrs. Ostrum was pn ent as the prosecuting witness. The e dence was conflicting , some of the wltnes : declaring that they had seen scandalc actions on the part of the unfortunate coup while others , whose opportunllles for obscn tlon had bsen- equally god , testified that i Ostrum and Mrs. Urlggs had been models decorum. Th case drags along wearily , there are many side Issues Included by attempt to show that a streak ot mallcloi ness runs through some ot the testimony. Have you seen the beautiful new novelt and the splendid bargains at the Meye Durfeo Furniture company's , the stands furniture house ? A splendid line of straw hats at Mete Dros. I'nrninil the \\rnng Land. J. B , Sttphonson was In Justice Vie court yesterday to answer the charge malicious trespass upon the premises of i William Hermes. Hermes alleges that controls block 19 , In Brown's addition , i that Stephenson bad stepped In to make potalo patch without asHIng p rmleslon. la the llrst little bit ot friction In apply the Detroit plan of cultivating the lots non-resident owners. Garden hose , big stock , good and che New York Plumbing Co. Buy the "New Process'1 gai cooking ran Council Bluffs Gas company's office. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Evangelist Pierson Continues to Draw Qreat Throngs to His Meetings , METHODIST CHURCH WAS PACKLD FULL Auditorium Scarcely Adequate to Hold the Crowd that Aiiomblod tn Hear the Ser- niou-Suice of the Meetlug * U Most Kucnurncl'iB- The- congregation that assembled to hear Evangelist 1'lcrson at the Droiiduay Meihodlit church last evening was larger than that ot any previous week night service thus far during the series. If the Interest continues to grow at the same ratio Ihe large audi torium of Ihe church and Us spacious gallery will b ? Inadenuale lo conlatn Ihe crowd. Over 200 persona have expressed their Intention to lead a Christian life during the prcgrecs of the meetings. The meeting last evening was opend with prayer by Mr. Sarchct of the Second Presbyterian church. Then followed a very pleasant feature , being a dust by Mr , Johnson and Miss Hattlo Palmer. Rev. Henry DeLong was asked for a brief prayer , and ho responded In about twenty very ap propriate nnd well chosn words. Mr. Pier- son's text \\as taken from Proverbs 14 , xll. , "Thero is a way which secmeth right unto a man , but the ends thereof are the ways of dealh. " "Many people are Irusltng to their own righteousness or good works for salvation , " said the speaker , "but the word of God does not sanction such a plan. The church will not save you. The great qtrstlon Is , Do you believe In Jesus Christ as your pertonal Saviour ? " Mr. Pierson Is noted for his rapidity , as well as brilliancy , of speech , but he fairly outdid himself Improving the time last evenIng - Ing , as can be proven by a would-be short hand reporter who was there. His scrip tural Illustrations were unusually plain and forcible , and he has an Inexhaustible supply at his command. Tonight will be Mr. Johnson's last ap- paranc. , as ho leaves for Chicago tomor row. He has trained the large ch rus choir to a high degree ot excellence and they will regretfully bid him farewell. The subject for this evening Is "Sowing and Reaping. " I'tNUItlNCl Till : UATI2K HOKKS CO. liourd of Kqimllz'itlmi .More Tlmn Doubles the Tar.iblo Valuation of the 1'1'int. The city council continued Its cession as a board of equalization last night. The bank assessment problem was discussed at length , particularly the petition of Ihe Citizens' bank for a reduction. The discussion was finally peremptorily closed by a motion from Alder man Grecnshlelds lhat all bank assessments be left as they are at present , which was car ried unanimously. The Water Works company's assessmenl was taken up. The city attorney reported lhat he had looked up the question , of the validity of assessing the malm , reservoirs hydrants and olher paraphernalia ot Ihe plant and had found that the supreme court had held In a simitar case at Des Moines that al of this property should be assessed for taxa- lion as real eslale. Alderman Qreenshtelds Ihen moved lhat the assessment be Increased from $29,750 , as relumed by Ihe assessor , Ic $75,000 on the entire plant , this not to In elude real estale and olher property o\\nec by the company , but not actually used foi water works purposes. Alderman Grahl sea- ondcd the motion , and Ihen Ihe aldermei realized that they had better discuss the mat ter a little further. Alderman Shubert sale he was a little troubled , that it was a stee ] raise that might malte lots of trouble for lln city , Olher aldermen seemed lo doubt th < wisdom of the measure , especially In view c the fact that the company's charter prevent the city realizing anything from the increasei taxallon. Alderman Darslow moved to ameni the motion by appointing a committee of thre to Investigate Iho value of Ihe plant. Thi : was carried , and the mayor appointed Green shields , Spetman and Grahl. They retired t an adjoining room and held a consultatloi with City Attorney Hazelton , who was sup posed to be In possession of such flgurei li Ihe desired line. After consulllng some lime Ihe commltlee returned and asked for furthe time In which lo complete Us Investigation They were granled until this evening , I which time the council adjourned. A OKVNU OlTOlllUNITY. Never Ileforo Wore Wo In a Petition ti Oder Sucli Vulura m WB Are Now. Children's Jersey ribbed vests , all sizes , G each. Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests , 9cj worth lEi Ladles' lisle thread union suits , EOc suit. Ladies' pure cream silk vests only 50 each. DRESS aOODS AND SILKS. All our EOc Kal Kat wash silks , beautlft styles , come early , 25c yard. E9c cream Habutal wash silk , 35c yard. All our 7Gc check taffeta silks , 39c yard. 24-Inch { 1.00 quality black satin rhadam G9c yard , 40-Inch black and navy all wool Frenc serge , 35c yard. 46-Inch black French serge , 69o yarc worth $1.00. f 3C-lnch Lawrence LL muslin , 3 c yard. t Lonsdale cambric , 8V4c yard. 500 curtain shades , complete , 15c each. e 100 rolls China and Jap matting at 15 n 20o and 25c yard. ig Save money and buy your carpets , cu g tains and rugs of us. Mail orders filled. BENNISON BROS. , Council Bluffs. e Insurance Kntanc'ementB. d Justice Vlen , J. N. Casady , and the Fire men's Fund Insurance company of San Frai Cisco are In a legal snarl which promises bo a hard one to untangle. Casady has bee the agent for the Insurance company for son time past , but within the last few weeks disagreement arose between them and tl r , company decided upon a separation. Casac | . was not agreeable , however , and refused give up the blanks and other property of tl company In his possession. The compai thereupon had a writ of replevin Issued , ai last Saturday morning was the time set f hearing. In Justice Vlcn'a court. But Vli was out of the city , and sent word to ha1 Justice Walker take charge of the trlf Walker turned up at Just 10 o'clock by h watch , but by the watch of Flnh Burke , attorney for the defendar it it was four minutes past , or an hour and foi r. minutes past the time set for the hearln I Burke demanded a dismissal , but Walk proceeded to continue the case until Mondi morning. When the time came for the trl Monday morning Burke chanced to be the court room , and as soon as he saw th the case was to be brought up left. Justl Vlen rendered a Judgment for the Insuran company by default. Immediately afterwa Burke secured an Injunction from Jud Smith to prevent Vlen from executing t Judgment , It has leaked out that since Ca ady's rumpus with the company he has la the foundation for considerable trouble a expense to the company by having all t Insurance policies under his band cancelled. Lost , going from 15th st. and Ave. B transfer , lady's hunting case gold watch a chain ; Initials E. D. B. on front case ; pe : charm on chain with gold band around ce ter. Finder return to police headquarters , The Hardman. the piano par excellence. llurnotlVllloruaiik' llnrn. A barn belonging to John Wlllemans , lit Garner township farmer , caught fire Mend night and was entirely destroyed. One hoi broke lao : and got away with some bad , t not serious , burns. A lot of hay and gn of and some farm Implements were d stroyi together with one horse. The loss Is ea mated at $500 , with (200 Insurance , he nd lluletl liny fur hole ndU In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. 1 U quire of Thomas Johnson , city welghmcst fig Of A splendid line of straw hats at Mete Bros. The Apricot ( , ruji Kate. J. D. Hois was exhibiting a small twig the streets yesterday containing halt a doi apricots fully half grown , and aa large walnut * . He took a great deal ol pride calling attention to the fact that they were about as large as those to bo found In Cali fornia In ordinary seasons as early as the 14th ot May , and to the other fact that they were as hardy ai the forest trees and a sure crop In Pottawattamle counly. Cherries , plums and peaches are also more than halt Brown- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOCTORS TAKI1 Ut * TI1K UNTIUC DAY MRIIJT Theories Advnitced In the Duffle Itnnmco Case. The Duffle case was supposed to be st'll on In the district court yesterday , but to a casual droppcr-Jn the Impression might easily be gained that a new medical college was being got unil'r way. Anatomical charts with all their bright colorings , surveys of ths brain , road maps of the arteries and every thing needful for Illustrating the lectures of Iho medical experts , except undressed bones , were displayed before the Jury and wlto doctors discoursed on all sorts of possibil ities , Including those of hypnotism. Then there were experts examined as to the con dition which a bullet would be In after It struck an Iron target , and whether there would be any chance for It to glance , and If It did glance whether It could hit any thing else , and whether If It did hit any thing else It could do any harm , and It It did any harm whether It would show Itself In a man's hair falling out and corns growing on both little toes at the same time. The case promises to last until all the various theories concerning anatomies and projectiles have been brought to bear upon the questUn whether the crack shot who was giving an exhibition at Manawa accidentally shot Duf fle In the neck , and If so whether the owners of the pleasure resort are In duty bound to pay the damages. HUSTON BTUItC. Mny Snlo Continue ! with Wonderful Suc cess Now llarcalin for Thin Wcelr. Gents' laundered percale shirts , regular $1.00 and $1.25 qualities , at 75c and 89c each. Gents' unbleached socks , 15c goods , re duced to lOc or 3 pair for 25c. Men's heavy working shirts , DOc quality , for 25c. Children's lace caps , 12c quality , for 8c ; 19o quality for 12V4C ; extra values at 25c and 39c. New line of children's parasols at 25c , 35c , . 50c to $1.00 each , Ladles' Sc ribbed vests at 3c each. A regular 19c quality ladles' fast black hose , 12V&C a pair. 33c quality ladles' hose , In reds , blues and unbleached , sale price 3 pair for 50c. Ladles' EOc lisle hose , In gray and slate colors , at 25c a pair. Ladles' EOc lisle vests , 3Sc each. Muslin underwear at greatly reduced prices. 13c and 19c white goods reduced to 12VzC a yard. 4Ec red table damask at 25c a yard. $1.50 Marseilles bed spreads reduced to 9So each. each.FOWLER FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , la. I'la nrlfC I'ahl tlio < asm. The case of the Stale against Jesse Dun- gan , the young man who got mixed ur In his bank account and gave checks on barks where he never had any funds , was called In Justice ) Vein's court yesterday afternoon. The prosecuting witness was M , Band. He swore to the main facts In the case , and it looked like the attorneys foi tlio defense would have some difficulty Ir explaining their client's conduct. The caie however , came to a sudden ending and dis missal when the prosecuting witness fallet to produce the check Itself. He explained that he had mislaid It and thought he coulc find It. The court Informed him that If ht did not find It the case would be dismissed and the costs assessed to him. The cas < was continued several hours while Mr Band was hunting for the check. He re turned without It and the court leclure.l hln upon the sin of using the courts as collecting agercles. During the colloquy Band frankl ; admitted that the check had been madi good by Dungan's friends , and then thi justice proceeded to assess something eve (10 worth of costs to him. The face of tin check was (5. All the other checks hav been made good and no prosecution -nil follow. The only grief that Is yet In stor for the young man arises from his blcycl transaction with S. M. Williamson and A. A Clark & Co. He purchased a new whee from the former without paying anythini for It and mortgaged It to the latter fo (1C , notwithstanding that he had given WII llamson a prior mortgage for the full valu of the machine. This case will be bean at 4 o'clock this aflernoon. ( iranulnted hugiir Still Cheap. Best granulated sugar 22 Ibs. for $1 a Brown's C. O. D. Sato Enjoined Several days ago Ihe small annex to th Beck residence was sold by the recelvei William Grjneweg , under orders from Juds Smith , who had decided that it was nc properly a part of Ihe homestead , but be longed to the saloon attachment. The sal price was $350. The other side presente affidavits showing that the property wa worth many limes lhat amount and that th sale was not legally made , obscurely advei Used , elc. Upon Ihls showing the sale \\a set aside and a resale ordered to take plac yesterday at 2 o'clock. When the hour ni rived there were a number of purchase : who were anxious to get a chance at U , bi ths receiver was not on the ground and coul not be found at his place of business. Aftc walling unlll 4 o'clock Fllcklngcr Bros who are represenllng Ihe Beck Inlerest : went to Groneweg's residence and found hln They were told that the time for recelvln bids had expired at 12 o'clock and that on ! bids in writing could be received. The tendered bids exceeding ( GOO. anJ later I the day were Informed by the recalver th ; he had sold the property to John Schoentge for (510 , who was the purchaser at the othi * sale. These and some other rather sei satlonal facts are set forth In four pages i affidavits filed In Judge Smith's court la evening asking to have the sale set asld again. Yes , the Eagle laundry Ii "that goc laundry , " and li located at 724 Broadwa ; If In doubt about this try It and be convince' ' Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Council IllntrVantn thu TcleRrap'iors. a F. E. Gllllland was tn consultation wll citizens here yesterday In regard to tl proposed removal of the headquarters ot tl Order of Railway Telegraphers from Vli ton , la. , to Council Bluffs. There a many reasons why the removal from Vli ton to some more accessible railway cent Is desirable for the order , and there a many reasons why Council Bluffs should 1 selected as that center. There are mat reasons , too , why this city should desl to have the headquarters established her Mr. Gllllland and the other delegates , t gether with Mr. I. M. Treynor , represent ! ! the citizens , will make a strong present tlon of the claims of Council Bluffs at tl convention which meets In St. Louis ne Monday. Among the Inducements will be tl proposal lo pay the entln ) expense of r moving the headquarlers nnd a year's fr rent of one of the most desirable bulldln In Council Bluffs. The plant consists n only of books , records , paraphernalia , et but printing presses , etc. , Ihe value ot whl U about (17,000. Cole & Cole are Billing gasoline stoves I (2.50 , lawn mowers for $2.50 ; low prices tl year In hardware. Old stand , 41 Main Bt. A Hot Jleportrr. A reporter for a local paper Is waiting get a chanca to get even with a kind , ai thoughtful subscriber who sent a letter Ihe office notifying the newspaper man tt his presence was wanted at the resldem which was twenty-one blocks away , and hi a mile from a ttreet car line. The report walked the entire distance , climbed a long I and was sweetly told that the family had personal Item , which they desired to ba printed In his paper. Fence 1'osH 100 car loads white oak fence posts , 5 cer each , by the car load. A. Overton , Coun Bluffs. Davti. diug , paint , glass -nan. 200 B'way , Avcnan li School Cloted. The Board ot Health ordered the tempera closing of Avenue B school yeslerday on i count ot scarlet fever. A young son ot Ja tor Barr Is down with the dlseate , and as baa been assisting his father In all parts the- building It has been thought best to cli the Echool and thoroughly fumigate all I rooms. A splendid line ot straw hati at Mite Bros. CITY COUNCIL Experiment to Bo Tried tjf , O aning the Streets by Day Labor , WILL FOLLOW JIM STEPIlfiNSON'S DAY Decided that Election Ilnoth * Shnll Ho- nialn Where They Are UutHAftcr tlio Kelt Itpculnr I-lcctlon IIondn of llrourn nnil Denver Approved. At the expiration of the street sweeping contract with James Stephenson , July 1 , the city council has decided that the plan shall be tried of having the streets cleaned by day labor. This was the recommendation last evening of the committee to which the resolution In the mutter had been referred. City Attorney Connell had stated to the committee that there could bo no legal objections to such a measure and reiterated this opinion to the council last evening. Mr. Overall , on behalf of the Central Labor union , was permitted to spank In favor of the action , and the report was unanimously adopted. It Is stipulated that the work shall be done by electors of Nebraska and citizens of Omaha under the Immediate supervision of the Board of Public Works. It was recommended by a committee that James Stephenson be Instructed , under his contract , to proceed with the removal of the election booths , but attention was called to the fact that the contract was dated March 2G , Its execution delayed In expectation of a special bond election and that In the mean time the booths had continued to be seriously damaged by vandals and small boys. It was suggested that under these circumstance } Mr , Stephenson would not execute the contracl , and the matter was referred back \\ltii In structions to report forthwith. The final re port was that the contractor should proceed to remove , but that the building Inspector as certain costs of repair. The final action de termines that the booths shall remain where they are until after the next election. It was agreed that it would cost less to maintain them In repair where they are than to re move them and the council voted accord ingly. Thomas Casey's bill In the last appropria tion of $149.04 , for feeding city Jail prisoners for April , was vetoed by the mayor as be ing excessive , it being charged that 497 of the meals were charged for at 18 c'nts each Instead of 9 crnts , the contract price. The item was allowed over the veto. The bond of Mrs. Mary Luddlngton Hull as member of the public library board , with Horace Luddlngton as surety , was approved. Approval was given to the bond of W. II. White as an electrician , with Solon L. Wiley us surely. A resolution was submitted that the city at once take steps to have the Eleventh street viaduct put In safj repair for slreet car and wagon traffle. Tha resolution was referred to the councllm n from the First and Second wards. Bonds of Charles Drown and D. Clem Dtaver as fire and police' commissioners , to succeed respectively C. Hartman and William Coburn , were , on the recommendation of Ihe Judiciary commlllee , unanimously approved. The report conlalned In Ihe case of each , afler mentioning the predecessor , "and until the new law goes Into effect. " Cadet Taylor submitted a written explanation of his vole , reserving Ihe right to vote against the ap proval of bond in the case of objectionable appointees , under slmljar circumstances , claiming that the power , of rthe council to approve or reject bonds pracllcally amounted to a confirmatory power. I . Emma Carson's claim for $10,000 for per sonal injuries on account'of ai defective sidewalk - walk was rejected on 'recommendation ol a committee. The request of the Board of Health foi an appropriation of $1,250 for the employ' ment of an additional inlpdctor was denied A resolution bv Mercer that all specia appropriation ordinances " 'be' published ai least once In the official organ of the cltj was referred to the finance committee. Resolutions providing for Ihe repair of tin pavement on Twentieth street from Plerci street to the Union Pacific tracks , on Sit teenth street from the viaduct to VIntor street were adopted. It was decided that the city council shouli sit as a board of equalization May 24. An ordinance fixing the salary of the build ing inspector's clerk'at $75 per month am providing that the examiner of building : should receive $4 per day was passed. BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING. ,1. A. I'oolo ol Inilluim Ilnucht n 1'hici nnil Sonic Kxporlrnco. Several months ago a young man by th name of A. B. Poole was living In a milllni town In Indiana. He was a miller by trad and through Industry and economy hai managed to lay away several hundred del lars. He decided to strike out west , al though he was earning a fair salary wher he was. Ho Inserted an advertisement 1 : a milling journal for a job , and Incidental ! ; mentioned that he had some money he wa willing to loan on good security. In due course of tltno he received an an swer from a man who gave his name a Bchultz and his address asOmaha. . Schult wrote that he was a miller , that he ownei a mill In Cedar Rapids , Neb. , and that h was looking for a young man of about Poole' ; stripe. Several letters were exchanged an finally Poole packed his grip and starte for Omaha. r He arrived here about a month ag ( s f : convinced that Poole was the very man h : was looking for. He promised him a Jo In his mill at Cedar Haplds , and Inquire about the money Poole had. Poole ha $203 that he was perfectly willing to loai Schultz remarked the benefits of advertislnf saying that Poole had found a Job and als the man who was ready to borrow his mono In answer to his advertisement , and the offered him his note for the $203. Then upon , about two weeks ago , Poole hande his money over to Schultz in exchange fc the note , the latter at the time saying ths If Poole was not satisfied with the papc he would give him first Hen on a lot ( nice fat hogs his father owned at Ceda Rapids as soon as they arrived at the mil Shortly after Schultz disappeared and he not reappeared since. Poole smelt a "mica" and , pawning h watch , went to Cedar Haplds. He found r mill , he found no Schultz nor Schultz father , and he found no hogs. But ho dl find that he had been worked for a sucke Ho returned to Omaha ami since that tin has been and Is now oft tlie war troll ofti Schultz. He has succeeded In dtscoverlr that Schultz had stopped 'at ' a hotel undi another name , and hf bah discovered thi Schultz's name Is nor Sqbultz , but he hi not discovered much m ° re' , He Is out $40 exclusive of his experience iwhllo In the clt but he finds great consolation In the fa that before coming wast ; Invested / the reef of his money la Chicago 'lots. HONORS TO THEIR PRESIDEN Douclnt County llll > oroan Welcome th Chief Kxecutlvo 'ffl f ho Order. The Douglas county1'Wimbera of the A clent Order ot Hlbern\ajiB \ , tcndcred an Info mal reception at St. ' Phllomena's hall la evening to P. J. O'Cpnno'r1 of Savannah , G Mr , O'Connor Is the national president of tl order , having been elected to that position II the national convention which was hekl this city one a year ago. He Is now payli a second visit to Omaha , as a delegate to t Catholic Knights' convention , and a Ian audience ot members of the order and the friends met last night to bid htm welcome , Hold the F. > rt Against a bilious attack by calling to yo aid that puissant ally , Hosteller's Stoma Bitters. The foe will then bo driven ba utterly defeated , Dyspepsia , sick headacl malarial , kidney , nervous and rheumai trouble and constipation yield to the actl of this most beneficent of remedies. Take regularly and you will soon experience : good effects. Laborer * In Lmdvllle Strike. LBADVILLE , Colo. , May H. One hu dred men employed by the Leadvllle Wai Power company In laying pipes struck t day for an Increase ol wac 3 from $1.75 $3.25 per day. KXTltXT OF JFltOHT DAMAtiR tX IOWA Accurate Eitliunte ot tlia Situation Alotic the U' 1.1 net. OTTUMWA , la. , May H.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Exhaustive reports concerning the ravage of the frost last night and for the three preceding nights htue been received at llurllnglon olllces here from nil the stations of the Iowa anil Missouri divisions cast of the city and north on thu Alblu branch. The frost was most destructive , the corn in spots being nipped K < the ground and garden Iruck badly damaged. Other wise none of Ihe reporls Indicate anv r r- mnncnt damage either to corn , small irnlu or small fruits. Tomato plants and vegeta tion of similar kind were ruined. Potatoes , beans and peas were slightly Injured , but will survive , while corn along the Q on the main line west and south Is xcarcely In jured nt nil. Fruit nlso escaped. It Is growing warmer tonight and no further damncc IB antlclpaled. ATLANTIC , la. , May 14. ( Special1)-Tho ) frosl of Ihe past two monliiKs hnt rot caused a very great amount of danvi ) . < \ Fruit Is hurt but little , except > ; ? , In some localities. Many fields of cum on the low lands have been nipped lo the ground , but this only retards It for a short time. IMI loimryorkora lit * nitrriitlnn. HOONC , la. , May 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) At the First Methodist church In this city Is being held the district conven tion ot the Woman's Foreign Mlsstonaiy soclely of the Hoonc district of Ihe Des Molnes conference. Delegates are ptesent from half a dozen counties In Ihls vlclnily. The vlsllors have been handsomely enler- lalned by ihelr sisters In the church harp. There have been a number of Interesllng papers read und discussed relative tn tin- work of the society , toRethir wi'h ml.lrcss-ts by various members. An InturW is teatmt has been the presence of Miss J.izxle Tryon of Avoco , a young woman who is ntuit lo leave for her chosen calling of mission ary work In foreign IlelJs. The convenllon elected the follow Ing of ficers : President , Mrs. A. 9. Knrro.v. Hoot L ; llrst vice president , Mrs. Everly , Atnn ; second vice president , Mrs. Plcltson , Mmc- well ; third vice president , Mrs. riioinlcj' , Woodward ; treasurer , Mrs. Mollt > ic. I'errs recording secretary , Mrs. Wood , Ncvmln ; corresponding secretary , Miss Franit Grim- mel , Jeffereon. Do llli of Itev. ,1. It. I.lo.vd. OTTUMWA , la. , Mny ll.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Ilev. J. H. Lloyd , for years reclor of Trlnlly church , died this morning at his home of consumption. The death mark had been upon him for some time , but lie battled long enoURh to see the new church built this year. The day of Its dedication he first told his congregation of his fast approaching preaching end , und the news came with such suddenness that the vast con iogalloii was completely melted to tears , a scene never befoie witnessed In an Episcopal chuicli In Ihls city. He leaves a wife und two chlldien , Holy communion will ! > ? celebrated Thursday at 10 n. m. , and Ihe body will lie In slale 1111 2 p. m. , Ihe hour of Ihe funeral service. The bishop and clergy from neighboring parishes will con duct the services. Cpn'ortli I.CIIKIIO In Scolom CI3DAH RAPIDS , la. , May 14. ( Spe cial. ) The slxlh annual convenllon of Ihe Cedar Haplds dlslrict Epworlh league opened at West nranch Ihls evening- . The convenllon sermon was preached by C. L. Gould. Tomorrow morning Ihe ollicers of Ihe league will submit their reports , which will be followed by eight-minute addiesse.- . bv L. Utt , W. S. Craft , Mrs. Dr. Andrews , W. N. Chaffee and F. S. L'lrey , nnd an address by Hev. F. L Loveland , represenla- Uve of the stale league. In Ihp afternoon a number of papers will 'be read , nnd In Ihe evening addresses will be made b > H. D. Black , J. G. Van Ness and J. C. Magee. " Kv.ingrllcnl Cniiferi'iioe nt lloon < * . BOONE , la. , May 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) The German Lutheran Evangelical conference of Ihe Missouri synod for Ihe soulhcrn Iowa dlslrict was In session lure loday , and will continue over tomorrow. About foity ministers of this denoui nation are here from nil parts of Hie stale lo the- soulh , east and west of this point. Oillcsrs for the ensuing year were elected us fol lows : President and chaplain , Itev. C II. Her mann of Arcadia ; secretary , Hev. T. Lo'h- rlnger of Denlson. The conference is y.von over to the reading and discussing of pa pers on theology and clerical work. UcllcH iif li illff ( ru h , SIOUX CITY , May 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) Two of the great assignment cases remaining from the financial crash of 1893 wllli be closed tomorrowby the snie ut auction of their remaining assets. Trie llr t Is the Union Loan and Trust company. This corporation still holds about S7M.OOO of very doubtful notes. The hitter Is the eslale of D. T. Hedges. Us principal asnels Is an equity in the Hedges ranch of 1,400 acres , near here. Against the former 55,000,000 and against the latter $800,000 of the claims me held by Ihe Credits Commutation companv. i ; < ihl-l KvrrvI > rn 111 I'llluiltl. ULOOMFJELD , la. , May 14.-Speclal ( Tel egram. ) Every store In 1'ulaskl , a town twelve miles east of IKTO , > u .hi Uir''n ! > .to i & Kansas City ruU.vnv , wns robbi'd IhEt night. The burglars evld Hly ha.l i\ c Aiple of teams , for they raisvrkod liiv/n. c gen eral store , Mulligan's clothing ttce , Cix Uros. , hardware , nnd D. 13runl : , dry They carried away clochlnir , ilrv goo < 's groceries and a vnrls v of n nicies wl.hcut delectlon. Ollicers we o siiininon d ii'-it early this morning and are In pursuit. Wiitt'ncrii ( 'lmucro f DES MOINES , May li.-Serial ( Tele gram. ) One of the ntlorneys for the Whisky Irust , Jolm S. Stevens of Peorla IE In the city. He stated that the big distil lery in the southeast j > orr. . > n 'f thr p'ty would be put Immediately In op.'ra' on , 11 the law was changed. The plant hde is one of the three largest in the wo1 id , the two others being locUed in Pto'la. Dn Molnes' cenlral looatl > 1 In tin corn btll makes it a deslraule point lo > * liivior ninr.u- facture. _ Muynr Kiitou' * Musonla Femoral. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May H. ( Special Telegram. ) The funeral of ex-Mayor Eaton who died Sunday , was held today undei the direction of Apollo commandery. A large number of prominent Masons from al parts of the stale were present. It was th < largest gathering of Knights Templar linl ! has ever paid Irlbute to the memory of c brother In this state. Buprcmo Court Convene * . DES MOINES , May 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) The May term of the supreme cour began this morning. All the Judges nn present except Chief Justice Itothrock , win is 111. A number of Important cases an on the docket , but no decisions were ill ? ! today. Sixty-four persons applied for ad mlttance to the bar and are being exam Ined , One Is a woman. To ( live Dlckcrfton a llcnrlnfr. ATLANTIC , la. , May 14.-Speclal.-I ( has been agreed by the attorneys In thi case that the criminal action against Isaai Dlckerson for fraudulent banking as vie president of the famous Cass County ban ! will come up for final trial at Olenwooi June 4. About twenty-five witnesses wii be subpoenaed from here to attend , Married nt Mulvcrn. MALVERN , la. , May Tele gram. ) Miss LIHIe Kelts win mar'ltt ( hi afternoon to F. H. Parl- Chicago. Mis Hells is the only daughter of Ms. J A Hetts , proprietress jf rae Oott.i e note ; Mr. Parker Is engagjd in bhlp inr uiiij a Chicago. CTJRES DYSPEPSIA. tt , t A Now Vrepiration , I'lenmint , Iliirmtci- Hi in pitI'repared holoty for Weak Ilce tton. A new remedy for dyspepsia and Indlgei tlon , very highly recommended by Dr. Hai land and Dr. Jcnnlson and other promlner phyilclans Is a combination In tablet form < vegetable and fruit essences , pure asept ! pepsin and Golden Seal. One of these tal lets should be dissolved In the mouth att < each meal , and according to Dr. Jennlson tl effect teems to be that the food Is perfect ! and promptly digested before It has time I tour and ferment , which causes all the mil chief. So popular have these tablets become wit people who have any form of Indigestion th : they are now sold by druggists everywbei under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tal lets. lets.They are not a * ecret patent medicine , bt as related above contain vegetable and fru essences , pepsin and Golden Seal In a ( on absolutely safe and pleasant to take. A few of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets shoul . be carried In the pocket and taken afti 18 meals and whenever there Is any pain < dltcomfort In the stomach. They cure soi stomach , heartburn , bloating , gai , palpltatlc and all symptoms arising from dliordered d gcstlon. All drugglili cell Stuart's Dyspepi Tablets at SO cents for full sized package , i to sent prepaid by mall from Stuart Co. , Ma ehall , Mich. MUNYON'S SUCCESS. The Greatest Known in the Annuls of Medicine. Monday's Sales of His Rem edies Reached a Total of 2,847 Bottles in Omaha Alone. What Better Proof of the Efficacy of 'Ihcse Little I'ellets Could Any One- Desire Thau the Above Statement. From Wednesday until Saturday nlRht 10,000 vltils of Munyon's Hliininm- tlmn Cure wore glvou away fiw to the public , and although but four days have elupseil wlnci' the distribution ended , hundreds litivc reported themselves cured , and thousands , hearing from thi-lr friends tlio wonderful results ob tained by the use of one small bottle of these remedies , have hwoine con vinced of their value and purchased some of the same from tholr druggist. TKN THOl'SAND DOLLARS spent In mlvertisliif : could not have created such a demand for any medi cine. Hut the fact that out of 10,000 trial bottles given away only seven persons have reported no benefit re ceived , and -I'-'S cured , compels the most skeptical to acknowledge the cltleaey of Munyon's new method In treating dis ease. Hcmembor this company puts up a cure for every disease , just as posi tive In Its action as the Rheumatism Remedy , and sold by nil druggists for 25 cents. cents.UIIDUMATISXI CURE. Mnnyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Aente or muscular rheu matism can be cured In from one to live days. It speedily cures shooting pains , sciatica , lumbago and all rheu matic pains In the back , hip and loins. It seldom falls to glvo relief after one or two doses , and almost invariably cures before one bottle has been used. .STOMACH AND DYSPKl'SIA CUKE. Munyon's Stomach nnil Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of Indigestion and stomach trouble , such as rising of food , distress after eating , shortness of breath , and all affections of the heart caused by Indigestion , wind on the stomach , bad taste , offensive breath , loss of appetite , falntness or weakness of stomach , headache from Indigestion , soreness of stomach , coated tongue , heartburn , shooting pains of the stomach ach , constipation , dizziness , falntness and lack of energy. Munyon's Nerve Cure cures all the symptoms of nervous exhaustion , such as depressed spirits , failure of memory , restless and sleepless nights , pains In the head and dizziness. It cures gen eral debility , stimulates and strength ens the nerves and tones up the whole body. Price , 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pains n the back , loins or groins from kidney ; llsease , dropsy of the feet and limbs frequent desire to pass water , dark- colored and turbid urine , sedlmcn in the urine and diabetes. Price , 25 cents. CATARRTII CURB. Catarrh Positively Cured Arc you willing to spend fit ) cents for a cure that positively cures catarrh by remov ing the cause of the disease ? If so , ask your druggist for a 25-cont bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Cure and a 25-ccut bottle of Catarrh Tablets. The catarrh cure will eradicate the disease from the system and the tablets will cleanse and heal the nllllcted parts and restore them to a natural and healthful condition. Munyon's Liver Cure corrects head ache , biliousness , Jaundice , constipa tion and all liver diseases. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia , and breaks up a cold In n few hours. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough , night sweats , allays soreness and speed ily heals the lungs. Munyon's Female Remedies arc a boon to all worsen. Munyon's Headache Cure stops head ache In three minutes. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Munyon's Asthma Cure and Herbs arc guaranteed to relieve asthma In three minutes , and cure in live days. Price , r > 0 cents each. Munyon's Hlood Cure eradicates nil impurities of the blood. Munyon's Yltallzer Imparts new life , restores lost power to weak and de bilitated men. Price , ? ! . Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy com pany , Philadelphia , Pa. , put up spccillcs for nearly every disease , mostly for 25 cents n bottle. Sold by all druggists. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On hand. Mailed on receipt of price. THIS AMU : * i'ixroin cu. , 1408 Farnnm Street. Opposite Paxton Hotel , OMAHA , NISI ) . FREE ! MtJNYON'S Guide to Health with every purchase of his genuine remedies from KUHN & CO. , ISth and Douglas. Omaha Agency All remedies mailed upon receipt of price GWPANGLEM.D , , , . , The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience , HE A OK It OF mSKAHES OF MKN ANB WOMUN , XMlOriUKTOK OV Til 14 WOIIMIVI IIKKltAL UISriCN- SAIIY OF M r.ltlCINlX / treat tha following Diseases : Crttairh of the Until , TUroot nnd lamas ; Dls > ' fmscs of the ttjo and Knr , Fits mid Apoplexy , lloart lilsi-iiso , I.lvcr Complaint , Kidney Coin. , plnlnt , IServous lioltllltj. Mental I c > ' > reHnloti , I.OMS of aiaiiltoocl. Hem- ] nal WcalctiuHH , Diabetes , llrlulifg Ills- fine , St. Vims' Dance , Uliciinmtlfun , 1'aralysln , WlntuSnehliiir , Scrofula , KoNcrSnrcjTum or * anil 1'lHtiila In ano remoxetl wltliout tlic Iculfc or ( Iraxvlnir u , drop t > fl > loocl. Woman wllli Her ' , ( lullcate oriraiiH rcHtorotl to < . licaltli. Dropsy cured wltlutut tapping. Hpcclat Attention ut\cit to l rl\at : and Venereal IllHoaHCH > f all UlinlH. Sr lo SsixMSforlcIt fur any Venereal lllnvaHc 1 cannot ouie , \vltlioul Blcrcury. TupoVorni8roinovcii \ In twoorthreo hours , ornopuy. Ilvmurrholda , or Plica cured. - Tiiosn WHO AIM : AITMCTKI * Will save llfo nnd liundrvds of dollars by call ing on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tim only I'liynlclnii wiiornn tell uliittulla pomnn wltliiiutnHklngn < iuc tlii. Tlionn lit u illntiinro nnul Tor Uurstlon llI nkNo. 1 for iiion.Xo. S for voiiu'll. All coriospondcnco strlutly confidentInl , ItodlclnoEvnt by cxprvBS. Addrcps all Icttora to S \V. 1 ANCI.K , M. ! > . , 555 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUPPSI GncloBO lOa In stampa for reply. SOUTH AND NORTH AMERICAN LLOYDS , AN NEW YORK AMD CHICAGO LLOYDS PIKE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Mi'ssrs. U , I.lttlellcltl & Co. , Insurance Agents ' nf Munndnock Illock , Chlcnco , Illinois , are no , < * longer iiRcnts for Hie nbove Lloyds. Unpaid premiums must ba pent to the Horns Office , where any Information respocltne pollcloj will be furnlnlieil , ntnl all business transacted until further notice. N. Y. , Mny 9th , 1893. WHIPPLE & CO. , Attorneys , SOUTH ANI > NORTH AMKItlCAN ANO NKW Y4IU1C AM > CIUU.\ > M.DYIitt. no.MK oiTlti : . 35 Liberty St. , New York , Rowland Wm. Bailev , D , D.S LEADING .DENTIST . * 3d floor Paxton Block. FineiTancT Best Dental Work Gold Kllllnns , Ciowti und llildso Work. Tuotli extracted without puiti without gas. UseDr. Bailey's Tooth Powdcf GEO. P. BANFOIID. A. W. UIEKMAN , President. Cashier. First National Of COUNCIL BLUrrJ , Iowa Capital , $100,000 I'rohts , - 12.00O One of ( he oldest tanks In Ihe Kit * at Iowa. We BOltcIt your bualneii and collection ! . W pay I per cent on time depoilU. Wu will M Denied to see nnd icrv * you. NOTICE OF HECUIVEH'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given thut pursuant lo an order of the district court of Douglas county , Nebraska , entered on the 9th day of May , lb [ 3 , In a still pending In Halt ! courl , wherein William A. Wallace IB plain * tiff und Wallace nnd company , lncorpor ated , Is defendant , I will on Monday , the 27lh dny of Mny , 1893 , al 2 o'clock p. m , of said day Ht the place of business of Billet Wallace nnd company , Incorporated , at number 411 Soulh Tenth street.ln Omaha , Ne briiBkn , sell at public auction to the hlBhj est bidder for cash all of the assets of salii Wallace nnd company , Incorporated. Said assets consist In part of saloon bars , back bars , mirror framen , ber coolers , etc. , all being manufactured by the said Wnlluco and company , Incorporated , a complete out- lit of Improved wood worklnp machinery. together with shutting and belting and twd Detroit electric motors of llfteen horse power each , Ihe otHce furniture and fixtures. and a lot of raw material and partially manufactured stock. Said properly may be inspccled at any time during business hours and the under * signed is authorized to sell all or parts of Ealtl property at private sale at any tlm prior to the dnto flxed for pubjlo sale. i Said sale will bo conducted according ( o the Instructions of Ihe court embodied In the said order which will be found In the olllce of the cleric of the dlslrict court or & copy of the same may be Inspected on thtt above premises at any time during business hours. JOHN JENKINS. M-ll-171 m nnd Receiver. 1 AUorni.y.-Bt-l. w , > ractlceln the 3tato and Federal Courts. Rooms 30C-7-8-9 , Shu- Bart. Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Special notices-Council CHIMNEYS CLHANnD ; VAULTS CLnANDD. Kcl Burke , at W. B. Homer's , US Ilroadway. FHUIT I'AIUI AND QAIIDEN LAND FOR sale cheap and on easy terms. Day & Hess. 19 Pearl strict. I-'AIUI LANDS TO UXCJIANOQ FOH GIT'S property. C , R. Nicholson , C33H Ilroadway , FOR SALH , A NO. 4 UKMINQTON TYPE * writer ; as mod as new. Sandwich Manufactur ing Co. , 102S and 1030 U , Main sticct. FOR nr.NT. ATTRACTIVE MODUIIN HOMO , In flna order , Khailo trees and lawn. Qcorc * W. I' . Coatea. 213 Frank street. LOST , IlirnVKEN I'OSTOFFICH AND PAIIIC nvenue , bunch of keys on clialn ring. lie * turn to Ilee olllce. COUNCIL BLUFFS. STEAM DYE \WKS \ All kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning done In the highest style of the art. Faded and utalned fabrics made to look as good as new. Work promptly done and delivered In all parts of the country. Bend lot price list. O. A. MAOIIAJf. I'roiirlotoe Broadway , near North * ' western Depot , Council Ulutfs. Iowa , T l. m. it oni ( IdCC ItTl dlill uldoo Tl Idr Exclusive sollora in Council Bluffs for the justly celebrated Heath & Milll Idr Ban Mfg. Oo.'s ' 'BE3T" PHEPAH.-IDPAINT , TUB STANDABD PAINT > r OF AHuIUCA , put up in 64 handsome shades and guaranteed to look ir bottur , wear longer and cover more turfaco than any other paint. This inI paint received the HIGH ; ST AWARD at the World's fair. Our raottoi Ila A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or send for color card. . jr Wholesale and retail. r- 200 BROADWA.Y