Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEb : : TUESDAY , MAY 14 , 1895.
Helped by drop Damage Reports Wheat
Resisted Bearish News.
DM * IVcro Fairly ActUo nml the Tone
IVai Ia ! lcr on All Deliveries
with the Exception of
CHICAGO. May 13. Helped by crop dam-
use reports , wheat resisted bearish news
and liquidation today , winding up with a
naln of IHo ; July corn Rained He ; July oats
lost ' .4c , nnd provisions made sIlRht gains.
Wheat opened nt a flight decline , partly
on account of the change from unseasonable
heat to comparative cold , being considered
rather benenclal than otherwise for the
Brewing crops. The week's shipments from
IlUBsIa amounted to the unusually heavy
total of 5,200,000 bu. , and that Information
wap In the hands of people at the seaboard
before the opening , but did not become pub
lic until half nn hour afterward , nnd then
upon their advance Information regarding
tlio Husslan Hhlpments that they had mis
calculated Its effect upon the crowd. Krom
( Me nnd Cl'ic ' nt the opening , the price of
July wheat had gradually ilsen to around
Uc , and was at the latter point when the
Kusslan shipments were made known , but
the price broke to CIHc only nt that time ,
nnd again recovered to Its previous highest
price , although It had another nnd further
dccllne'latcr. The visible supply statement
showed a decrease of 2,573,0,0 bu. , against
le4G,000 bn. on the corresponding week of
the year before. The market came under
the Influence of heavy shipments from other
countries and the price of July dropped to
C3c In a hurry , but made even greater
haste In Retting nark to a higher point than
before. Krom fflTic It advanced at C5V4c In
about fifteen minutes. Export clearances of
wheat nnd Hour since Saturday from At
lantic ports were 191,000 hu. The primary
market receipts wer ? 225,000 bu. , compared
with 205,000 bu .on th ? corresponding day of
the year before. The opening cable brought
higher quotations from Liverpool nnd Hcr-
lln , but owing probably to the heavy ship
ments headed toward them last week they
lost about all of the early gain. The crop
reports from Illinois , Michigan nnd MlH-
Bourl were very unsat'sfactory. Every com
mission house with connections In those
Btntcs had reports of poor , nnd In many
cases very poor prospects for winter wheat.
KiuisnH Is reckoned as belnn complet-ly out
of the count among the winter wheat rais
ing states this year. The poor crop pros
pects nnd the disappearing visible was so
ntrong a combination for ilio short sellers
the price advanced near the close to O5',4c ,
nnd It wound up nt G.Vtc.
Corn was dull and llrm , without showing
much Independence of action. It had a
range In price for July of from 601 c to
tie , nnd closed within 1-lGc of the top , the
closing strength b3lng duo to sympathy
with the firmness of the wheat market.
The seaboard sent bullish dispatches and
reports of Rome export Inquiry and clear
ances of 100,00) bu , from Newport Newn.
The visible supply decreased 1,373,000 bu. ,
compared with a decrease of 1,439,000 hu. a
year ngo. The local recelptB were 2CC cars.
A fairly active market was recorded for
oats. The tone was easier on nil deliveries ,
with the exception of September. There
was a very Rood demand for that month
and nt the close an advance of HO was
scored. May , 189G , was also very strong
under good buying.
Provisions were without life or Interest
nnd the advance In pork of r > c nnd Irl lord
and ribs of 24c ! appeared to be duo entirely
to Rtroncth In wheat. Hog receipts today
wcrs 30,000 head nnd 21,000 head are th < -
estimated receipts for tomorrow.
Estimated for Tuesday : Wheat , 21 cars :
corn , 410 cars ; oats , ZS ) cars ; hogs , 21,000
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlclen. j Oi n. I HUIi. Low. | ( Ho I ] .
\VlientNo. 2
Mny (1.1 ( ! < om C2TS 043i.
July fUWIU tisw OHM HfiK
Sept. . . „ . . 04UUH OBH
Corn No. 2. .
I Miiy Bti rn COV ,
July. 60
8oit | , cm 01
OnlH No. ' . ' . . .
May 2H
Juno S.8'i 2H ! {
July 2BW&K 28 2b >
Pork i > or bbl
Jllly.rr. . . . . 12 12 12 20 12 12K 12 174 !
Sent , 11 ! 3S IB 37H IB I17H
Jnlv n 77W I ) 80 0 77K n BO
Supt 0 IV.'K 0 05 U 1)5 )
Short Klbu-
Jnly 0 1C 0 20 0 IS 0 20
Sept. o : io D H'JW 0 B7M _ C32
Cash ouotatlons were nn follows :
FLOUri Klrm ; wlnlcr patents , J3.10W3.40jwin
ter BlrnlKhts. J2.905i3.15 : Hprlnif palonls , J3.2W
3.7n ; snilnf straights , { 2.4U&3.23 ; bakers , Jl.SJW
2.40.WHKATNn. . 2 Kprlnp. CSCCSc ; No. 3 Bprlng ,
noinlnnl ; No. 2 red , C4'ViOCIJlc. :
COIlN-No. 2 , r.Oi.ic ; No. 3 yellow , 60p.
OATS Nn. 2. 2Sc ; No. 2 while , 32'if32He ' ; No.
S white , 32032UC.
11YK No. 2 , 4e.
llAHI.MV-Nt ) . 2. S1631 > ,4e ; No. 3 , C0051CJ No.
I , 46'l I47c.
FI AX SBKD Ni > . 1 , J1.4CS71.47.
TIMOTHY HI-iOD Prime. J5 ,
1MIOVIHIONH Mess pork , per bbl. , J12.t)5fj ) >
12.12& . iJird , per 100 Itw. , J6.G7Hn6.70. Sbort
rlbfl , vldes ( lacwp ) . JG.liKi-0.15 ; dry milted shoul-
flera ( boxeil ) , 5Vioc ; Bhort clear sides ( boxed ) ,
6 > ; 0fi'4e. '
WIUSICY-Dlstlllcrs' Onlshcd goods , ' per gal. .
SUOATl Cut loaf , unchanged.
The following wcro the receipts and shipments
today :
f On tlio Proluco oxcimnro today tno butter mar
ket wa Btendy : cn-amcry. H10c ! ; dairy , 8 lue.
KfgB , steady ; 11'UU'Jc. Clireuo , a < S10 > < c.
Closing Quotation * on tlio 1'rlnulptt Cou- :
nioillilr * nnil Ktnplen.
NEW YOUK , May n.-FUUR-nccclpts , 21,000
bbla. ; exports , 13,200 bbla , ; sales , 34.SOO pkpi.
Market Kcnerally llrm. with a belter Inquiry
and principally from exporters. Old price :
asked , except for special ealeg , which
were up lOc ; city mill patents , JI.Msj
4MO ; winter patents , | 3.4083. < 5 ; city mill clears.
JJ-MffJ-CS ; winter straights. $2.80@3.W ; Mlnne-
3tn patents , I3.CJO4.00 ; winter extras , J2.COH
2.90 ; Minnesota bakers , 52.70a3.55 ; winter low
cradcs , 2.253.CO ; uprlntr low grades , J1.90IJ2.20
Jlyo tlour. llrm ; tales , 300 bbls. ; buperllne. J3.6JH
S.15 ; fancy. | 3.S3H.25.
COIIK UKAlr-Stvaily ; Bales , 800 bbls , ; yellow
western. II.12 1.17 ; brandywlne , $2.80.
WHKAT llecelnls. 131,4 * bu. ; export * . 23 0 <
bu , ; miles , 6lM , iO bu. futures and 21OOC
bu. spot. Spot hlKher ; No. 2 red. In utora and
elevator , Wjc ; tUloat , K Ho ; f. o. b. , 70c afloat
No , 1 hard , 74o delivered. Options opened
steady on cables , nillnK quiet durlnf the morn-
Inir and developed decided activity In th * after-
mxm , advancing on the visible supply reduction ,
nelllmr off sharply under a bis Increase In the
amount afloat for Kuirpe. and closed with a
full recovery on active short demand and a llnal
net KOln of lMmc ; No. 2 red , May will
6fiHc. closed nt faKc ; June clooed at 6ilc : July
CS 3-1GJT69 9-16c , closed at 9Sc ; August 68 iS
CDSc. clnved nt 69Hc ; September , 6 ? 1-lSoM 15-16o
cllosed at CliHe ; December. 70H072c , closed ai
CORN Ilecclpts , 85,800 bu. ; exports , 67.300 bu.
sales. :90iwc ) bu. futures nnd 187,000 bu. spot' '
8pot market nrm ; Nw. i. W'lc In elevator ; W
frmded mixed , KSUUc ; steamer mixed , M4tc. Op
tlons opened linn , but sold oft under blR car Ioi
estimates , finally advancing with wheat iuk
closed ut He net gain ; May , UUUUc. closed al
OOHO : July. & &HO > c , clored at UTuc : Seplember
UiiSft'ic , cjoFtM ut Sc. ' '
OATSTI\ec.-lpU ! 118,000 _ bu. ; export * , none
, . , .
jiw > i iwuHi ; , iiitvtv , Willie western , 2ftgl
Options dull and featureless and closed at
net loss ; Mny closed at 31Hc ; June closed u
Slc ; July. S2K 32ttc , clo ? at 32H < - .
JIAY Mrnii shipping , W060c ; good to choice
IIOI'B Dull : state , common to choice , old
StfSc ; 1S94 , 4tf9c ; Pnclflc coast , old , 3JT5c.
lUDlCS Stums ; wet salted New Orleans nc
lectol , 4i to 65 Ibs. . 6Hc ; Texas selected. 60 ti
60 Iba. , 7o ; nuenoa Ayres , dry. 20 to 24 Ibs. . 15c
Texas , dry. 24 to SO Ibs. . 9c.
LEATIIi-m-Ktrons ; hemlock sole. Uueno
Ayre * . light to heavy weights. 20V4 2li,4o ; acid
light to heavy weights. tl 23c.
ViOOU-ITIrm ; domestic fleece , 162Sc ; pulled
I9lrZ4c *
iTVy. . i * * ' " > "mi ; wenern steam cioee
at t8.9atrt.ftj ; clly. JS.15 ; May closed at J6.95 nom
Inal ; July , J7.W asked ; refined , steaily ; continent
17.65 ; comiHHind. 5UJ&.o. j-ork , quiet ; ne
HSJ : I'Stefi' ' 'om"v' * tt l2 shOT s
ItUTTKU Steady ; western dairy , 7C12c ; west
ern creamery , IKilIc ; western factory. 7O10c
Klglrui , 17c ; imitation cnamer > % 8 { fllc ; stat
dairy , lOHlSWc ; state creamery , 17c.
ClIEESi : .Steady ; large , 48CKc ; small , 406 ic
port sklmi. lU04c ; full skims. Ic ,
KOUS Klrtnj state and renniylvanla , H"ic
western fresh. ; 3i4U14 < ; ; Routheiu. Utj'lJo ; re
celpts , 7ii pkgs.
IVVl.I W-Sleady ; city , 4Hc : country. < Kc.
rtrTHOUEl'M-Uull ; united closed at tl. 4 bid
ItOHIN Hteady ; strutnej , common to good
TL'IliuiNTINTi-Steady : Jl.rS01.J9H.
lUCK-Bteady : domevtlc , fair to extra , 4HI
ct Japan. JHf4Uc.
MOUAfeSES-Oulel ; open kettle , seed t
choice. I9SJSC.
Iron , quiet ; Scotch.
Amtrlnui , t9.WejJ.M , Copper. ftronB ! IjrokeiV
price , lOVic ; nchange price , lOHUHHc. Lead ,
strong : broHsrs' price. I2.M ; exchange price ,
3.20. Tin , nrm : strslls , I15.24QK.2S ; pUtei ,
rlow. Hpeller , higher ; ilomeollo. JJ.43. Balen cm
'change , 10 tons AUfrutt tin , IIS,20 ; 25 tons July ,
115.10 ; 19 tons July. tie.2Si IS tons apot. J1S.1B.
COTTON KKBD Ollv-Mnrket nrm ; buyer * and
tclltr * apart.
.St. l.ouu ( Alnrknt.
ST. I/1t'IH , Mny 13. FLOUn-Qulet , nrm ! pat
ents , H.2oQ3.45 ; extra fancy , t3.1033.2U ; fancy ,
t2.S0 2.M. Rye flour. t3.2503.M.
WIIKAT Advanced HO at the opening on tin
active demand , but later declined Sc , then ad
vanced nnd clOMt ] at Tic above Haturdny ; No.
2 red , canh , CCc bid ; May , C7V4c ; July , 6IOC1Hc ;
AiKcnxt. 63c ; September , M'4c.
COIIN Firm , but n'eculntlon light during the
early hours , with a train of only He ; became
unensy over crop prospects , but late advance In
wheat helped the market , which clooed nt SW
Me above Hattinlay ; No. Z mixed , 4fc ; c ; May ,
4 % ct July , 49H9I9HC ; September , 49Tio bid.
OATS Dull for future * , closing firm. Hnot
lower : No. 2 eniOt. SSttc bid ; May , 29Hc bid ;
June. 291Jc ; July , Z7Uo bid ; September , 28c bid.
I1IIAN Tame , rmall offerings ; 70o on barge *
nnd cS4c nn trark thl elde.
COHN MrAIt2.300231. .
KI.AX HHMD-Qulel ; 11.41.
OIIAFW RiniS : Quiet ; clover , t7.OOJJ8.00 ; tlm-
ithy , t3.50(4.00. (
HAY Dull , steady : prairie , prime to strictly
'nncy , 7 Mffllo.M this side ; timothy , prime to
xtrn , t9.ooai2.25 tout track.
llt'TTIMt Dull ; fancy Elgin , lOc ; separator
Teamery , 15c.
KOns rirm ; 9',4c for fresh.
WIIIUKY-Htenily ; tl.22 for distillers' nn'.shed '
oo < ls.
MirrALS Lead , higher ; t2.93. Spelter , nrm ;
i'llOVISIONS I'ork , standard mess , jobbing ,
.12.2'i. l.ard. prime steam , tO.M86.f 51"T salt
meats , Ixixed shnulders , t.i.23 ; longs , t6.12H : ribs ,
' 6.25 ; slvirts , f .37 . llnron , boxed shoulders ,
75 ; Itnui , .M ; rll" > . t6. 2',4 ; shorts , tO.S7'i. '
UKCMMITS Klcmr , 3.000 bhK ; wheat , 6.0JO bu. ;
'nrn ' , 20.0ilO bu. ; oats. 3.000 bu.
8IUPMKNTS Mour , 8,0 > X ) bbls. ; wheat , 51,000
'U. ' ; corn , 34,000 bu. ; oats , B.OW bu.
Liverpool .Markets.
LIVniiroOL , Mny 13. WHKAT Spot quiet ,
iut steady ; demand moderate ; No. 2 rod win-
er , 5s 2Vid ; No. 2 led spring , 6s 6'Jd ; No. 1
inrd , Manitoba , ts Til ; No. 1 California , Bs 2'id ,
uturos upened steady with near nnd distant
millions ' ,4d higher ; closed quiet with near
losltlnns UW.i'l higher nnd distant positions ' /fed
higher. Iluslness about equally distributed ;
June. Cs 2 > Ad ; July , rs 2Vid ; August , Cs 3' ' < J ;
Seplomlier , la 4d ; October , 5s 4'id.
COIIN HK | > t firm ; American mixed , new , 4s
Mid ; futures opened Mendy with near nnd dis
ant positions ' ,4d lilRher ; closed firm with May
Wid higher , and other months Ud higher ; busi
ness heaviest en early positions. Mny 4s d ,
June , 4s 7',4 : July , 4s 7H'll August , 4a Sd ; Sep-
' .ember , 4s 8d ; October , 4s S'id.
PLOltU-Firm ; demand good. St. Louis
fancy winter , 6s Cd.
PROVISIONS Ilncon. steady ; demand poor ,
Cumberland cut. 2S to 50 Ihs. , S2s ; short ribs.
28 Ibs. . 32s ; long clear , light , 38 to 45 Ibs. . 32si
eng clear , heavy , 55 Its. , 32s ; short clear backs ,
ilBht , 18 Ibs. , 32s ; long clear , henvy , 55 Ibs. ,
31s Cd ; clear bullies. 14 ID 1G IKi. , S3s. Shoulders ,
2 to 18 HIM. , 28s Cd. Hnms , chmt cut , 14 to 16
bs. , 12s. Tnllow , fine North Ameilcan , nominal ,
lleef. extra India mw , SOs ; prime mess , CJs
6d. I'ork , pi line mess , line western , 61a 3d ,
westein medium , 63s Od. Laid , steady ; prime
western. 33s 9d ; refined , In palls , 35s.
C1IEESK Quiet ; demand modernte ; flneal
American , white , 46s ; llnest American , colored ,
47s.HtTTTKIl Finest United States , ( Ms ; good , 40s.
IU3FHK1HIIATOR HK13F Forequarters , 3id ;
hindquarters , GUd.
HOI'S At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 fs.
Itnltlinuro Mnrkntft.
11ALTIMORK. May 13. nURQulet : west-
rn super , t2.351j2.50 ; western extra , 12.5. > 4i > 3.03 ;
western family , t3.1&S'3.r.O . ; winter wheat pat
ents , t3 ( WfiS.M ; spring patent * . t3.fO4.00 ; spilns
wheat slialghts , J3.COS3.80 ; receipts , 15,303 bbls ;
shipment ! ) . 4,105 bbls. ; tales , none.
WHKAT Dull ; spot and month , 6Sff6S14c ;
June , 67ic Md ; July nnd August , 67 > i067lie ;
steamer. No. 2 red , SoiSCi'.ic ; receipts , 1,314 bu. ;
stock , 300,650 bit. ; tales , 30,000 bu. ; southern
wheat , by sample , 70071c ; southern wheat , on
grade , C7@70o.
rOHN Plrm ; spot. SS'.safoSic ' ; month , 6'4 ( )
' /ic ; July.65i Ji5. > ! 4c ; August. r 'iI551,4c'
steamer mixed , B3'ic : recelpti. 32.010 bu. ; Bhlp-
ments. 17,143 bu. ; t.ti > ck. ISOOM bu. ; sales , 6,000
u. ; southern white corn. 6j/f(55'4c. /
OATS Steady ; No. 2. white western , 37iT37',4c
lecelpts , 073 bu. ; stock. 132.727 bu.
HYK Dull : No. 2 , CSc ; stock. 3,772 1m.
HAY Steady ; Good to choice timothy , tlS.OOQ
14.1K ) .
SITAll-Firm ; granulated , t.75 per 100 Ibs.
III/TTKII Stcudy ; fancy creamery , 1819c
fancy Imitation , 1581Cc : funcy ladle , lie ; good
Indie. mri2r ; store packed , Sfo'lOc.
I2OOS Wcnk ; fieflb. 12c.
CM1KKSK Quiet ; fancy New Yolk , 60 Ibs. ,
S14c ; 30 Ibs. , ? ic.
CotTcr Murket.
NCW YORK , Mny 13. COFFRC Options
opcneil dull nt unchanged prices to 6 points
lower ; veiy little coffee was for sale , nnd local
shortfl wanted to cover May contracts , which
rchulted In n slight rally ; closed unchanged to
10 points advance ; sales , 2,750 bags , including
May , $14 'I ; June. $14.30 ; August , 11.60 ; Dccem
ber , tH.tU ) . Spot coffee , Rio. quiet ; No. 7. 16c
mild , quiet ; Cordova , 118.251(19.00 ( ; sales , 500
bogs Central American and 500 bags Costa Rica
p. t. ; warehouse deliveries from New Yotk Snt
unlay. 8.240 bags ; New York stock' todny , 205.
S02 bags ; United States stock. 233SCO Imgs ; nlloa
for the United States , 55.1,000 IKIRS ; totnl visible
for the United Slates , 50tJSCO bags , ugulnst 402
SO bags last year.
SANTOS , May 13. Firm ; good average Santos
tlC.70 ; receipts , C.(00 lings ; stock , 210.000 bags.
HAMIlUIta , May 13. Steady : U pfe. lower
to U pfg. higher : sales , 2.000 bags.
H1O DK JANKIRO. May 13. Quiet ; No. 7
lllo , tlC.70 ; exchunge , O'.Jd ; receipts. 16,000 bags
cleared for the United States , 1G.OOO bags ; cleared
fur Europe , 3,000 bagg ; slock , 253,000 bags.
MltwnuKco JMitrkcts.
MILWAUKEn , Mny 13. FLOUR Btcnily.
WHKAT Steady ; No. 2 spring , 6 < B64"ic " ; No
1 northern , 72c ; July , 65 0.
COllN-Stcady ; No. 3 , 50'c.
OATS Ixiwer ; No , 2 white , 32'4c ' ; No. 2 , 32c.
11ARLKY Lower and dull ; No. 2. 48c ; sample
51V4 > 52c.
RYB FIrm ; No. 1 , 64 > Jc.
I'HOVISIONS Steady ; pork , til.00 ; lard , tO.65
RKCBH'TS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 15,000
bu. : barley , 10,400 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 14,800 bbls. ; wheat , none
barley none.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ntlnci Mnrket.
NEW YORK. May 13. COTTON Dull ; mid
dllng , 6d ; net receipts , 810 bales ; gross , 8.9'Xl
bales ; exports to France , 972 bales ; continent
7,776 bales ; forwarded , 1,0.15 bales : sales. 2.3v
lKt : spinners , 84 bairn ; stork , 222.IOI bnles.
good middling. 6&c ; middling. 6'.ic ; low middling
5c ; good ordlnan' , 6 9-lCc ; net receipts , 2,68
bales ; gross , 2,881 bales ; Bales , 800 bales ; stock
217.579 bnles. v
ST. LOUIS , May 13. COTTON Quiet ; no sales
reported ; receipts. 138 bales ; shipments , 502 bales
stock. 38,846 bales.
Uoul Mitrkct.
LONDON. May 13. At the wool auction Bales
today 13.509 bales were offered , of which 2,000
were withdrawn from pale. There was a better
demand. The following are the sales In detail
New South Wales , 3,565 bales ; scoured. 6id@l
2d ; greasy , 4@4V4d ; Queensland , 3.304 bales
scoured. S dWls Hid ; creasy. 4'JWSd ; Victoria
2.145 bnles ; ecoured , 6dd2s 3d ; greasy , 6id81s
IHd ; New Zealand , 3.MS bales ; scoured , 5i9 > ,4d
Cape of Oood Hope and Natal , 439 bales ; scoured
NEW YOIIK. May U.-SUQAU-nnw , firm ;
fair refining , 3c ; centrifugal , 96 test , 3c ; sales ,
CO * tons Muscovndo , 89 test , nt 3c ; refined , fairly
active and steady ; No. 6 , 3 5-16c : No. 7 , 3 7-16H
4V4c : No. 8 , 4c ; No. 9 , 3 13-16Sf4c ; No. II ) . 3ytftJ
15-lCc ; No. 11 , 3 ll-lC 3c ; No. IS. 3 9-lCC3ic : No.
13 , 3e ; off A , 4 1-lCjSlHe ; mold A , 4 H-lC'u4t c (
standard A , 4 5-lGK < ' .ic ; confectioners' , 4 u-168
4V4c ; cut loaf. 4 r.-l i4Vic ; crushed , & l-l&WGUc ]
powdered , 4 } & 4 15-16cj granulated , 4 7-16@4 < 4c.
New Ynrx Dry Onuili Market.
NEW YOIUC , May 13. There has been a fairly
good order demnnd for seasonable ipeclaltles
such as printed fabrics and dress goods and of
light textures the engagement took a good col
lective quantity. Drown cottons show n more
lively Inquiry , although for choicest brand ;
stocks are exhausted and near deliveries are well
oversold. Printing cloths are firm at 2c tot
pot * and contracts.
lluluth Whent Market.
DULUTII , Mny 13. WHEAT Higher ; No. ]
hard , cash and May , C8\c ; July , C3'4e ; No. j
norlhern. cnth. 67 ic ; Myy , KKc ; July , G8icj
Seplember , CtiVic ; No. 2 northern , cosh , C4Vic ; No ,
3. CHtcj rejected. GSVic ; to arrive , No. 1 hard ,
6 iic ; No. 1 northern , 68c.
Speculation In Securities Yesterday Was or
n AIngnlllcent Scale.
NEW YORK. Mny 13. Speculation on th <
Stock exchange today was on a maenlHceni
scale , the transactions aggregating very nearl )
700,000 shares. At the opening of business tin
market was irregular , but the tendency In thi
main wa toward lower figures , due principal ! )
to sales for foreign account. In the Ix > ndor
market a realizing movement In Americans wai
In progress , and the arbitrage broker * sold It
this market also to take profits. The bear * tool
advantage of this situation to depress values
and , a * a result , lots * * ranging up to Hi pei
cent were mode In the first half hour , Loulsvllli
& Nashville , Union Pacific , Northern I'aclfli
preferred , the grangerx and Lackawanna lend
Ing the decline. Sugar fell off % per cent , bu
quickly moved up Z14 per cent , to 117H. Thi
Nickel I'late shale * were strong , the cummoi
and second preferred telling up 2 per cent each
A rally occurred after 10:30 : o'clock , good buyeri
coming In at the lower range of prices , and i
general advance look place , which wiu no
checked until shortly before midday , gains belni
recorded of U to 3H per cent , the latter In La
clede Oas preferred. 3 per cent In llay Stati
P"u,2H. P'r ccnt ln CMc lw ( las , 2H per cen
In DUt nine nnd 1 per cent In Wheeling I
Luke Erie preferred. The grangers fell off V
to 1 per cent , and Heading HJ per cent. Towan
noon there was a renewal of the realizing sale
and Chicago Qaa gave way 1H per ccnt. Su < ar
Heading and Starch 1U per cent. Distilling
Lead and Northwestern m per cent , Hoc ]
Island , Atchlsan and Norfolk & Western pre
ferred 1 per cent , and the rest of the list i
fraction. Sugar rallied % per cent , lletween
and J o'clock price * moved Irregularly , but gen
erally upward. Heading , recovered 1H per cent
Northwestern and Itock Island H per cent , am
" " . . ! ? ? * of lh8 BCIv | llt H to H per cent
while Minnesota. Iron Jumped 41i per cent. Ii
the last hour the trading again became v r
heavy , with a break ranting up to 1H per cen
In the active share. , which was most marke <
In Chicago Gas. Laclede Ha * preferred. Nev
England. Sugar. Canadian Paclnc. nock Island
Ilaltlmore A Ohio and St Paul & Omaha. Bt
Joeph & Urn nil Island sold down t per cent
An exception to the rest of the market f.t
Long Itland , which advanced lyi p r ctot , n
Mlnncopoll * A St. Loul * , I ( tr cent. The mm
et closed wenk with a majority of I he stock *
ealt In lower Irmn nt the close on Rnturday ,
The tradlnc In bond * during the day was of
an animated character , the * alM BURTefTUliR
4.78J.OOO. There WBJI considerable Irreiularlty
n the tradlnr , but there was a downward trend
0 the speculative limes. The changes of note
ere ! Advances Chicago & Erie Incomes , 44 !
ier cent ; Oregon Navigation Collateral trunt
ve , trust receipts , 4 per cent ; Toledo , Peorlft
1 Western firsts. JJ per cent ; St , Joseph &
rand Island firsts. 3 < 4 per cent ; St , Joseph &
rand Island trust receipts , 1 per cent ; Mis
souri Pacific consol sixes , Knntns & Texas
ve * . Richmond > % Danville debenture fives ,
amped , Riul Milwaukee , Lake Shore &
Vestern firsts , U4 per cent ; General Electric
ebenturo fives nnd Rending third * Incomes. 1V4
er cent ; Rio Grande Western lives nnd Houston
Texas Central general four * , 1 per cent. De-
Ines Northern Paclnc thirds , 3 per cent ;
Northern Paclnc seconds , 1 per ccnt ; Northern
aclflo consol flves , l',4 per cent ; St. Paul , Mln-
eapolls & Milwaukee seconds , 2U Per cent ;
t , Paul , Minneapolis & Milwaukee consols , 1
er cent ; St. Loul * & San Francisco. Hi per
ent ; Chesapeake & Ohio Jmitf , Hi per cent ;
ordage firsts , Seattle , Lake Shore ft Eastern
rst trust receipts , 1 per ccnt , and Denver &
ulf firsts , l',4 per cent.
The Evening Post's London cablegram say * :
ho market went ahead again this morning ,
ut received a check by a. failure In the open -
on section , BO sensitive are they to unfavor-
ble news. Sales were pressed on all sides , nnd
or a moment Americans were decidedly weak ,
ut the market hardened later nnd closed with
omparntlve steadiness , yet with values 60o to
1 lower on nn average. The shakeout will do
n immense amount of good , BB the rise wns
roceedlng In nnylhlng but n safe line. The
\merlcan loan keeps good. Messrs. Speyer
Iros. announce the Central Pncinc railroad has
indc arrangements to extend Its 2,995.000 first
mortgage bonds maturing nn July 1 , BO the prln-
Ipal shall become payable 111 two and a halt
ears from date.
The following were the closing auotutlons
m the lending stocks of the New York e.x-
today :
LtchlHon . Nortnwesiern (174 (
AdatiiH Kxpreai. . . 144 N. W. pfd 144
Alton , T. II . 4(1 ( N. Y. Ontral 101
Am. Express . Ill N. Y. AN. E 42
laltlinoro A : Ohio. 04 Ontario .V W 18 ! <
ntirul'i I'nclflc. . . . Oregon Imp K'X '
Canada Southern. . Oreiron Nuv 27 W
Icnlral Pacllle. . . . ! ( O. S. L A. U. N. . . . OK
1h.en.Jk Ohio . I ! ' . ! ? * I'acltloMall Sim
Chicago Alton. . . . Ifid 1' . U. .V E IIM
c. . n. Jk . I'lllsbure 1B5M
Chicago Gas . I'ullinan 1'alaco. . 17l- ; !
Consolldntnd Oas. Itenillnir 20
' . .C. . C. &St. L. . . . 1411 It. O. W 111 ! *
Colo. Coal ft Iron. . 7 11. O. W. pfd 42 1
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . VHH Hock Island OMi
lelawnroA Hud. . St. Paul UOH
3el.Lack. A. W. . . 1111 dopfd 12(1 (
: > . .t K. G. pM . 47 > t SI. P..lOinslhit. . . . HUM
I ) . i.C. F. Co . al ! ( dopfa
-rle ; 14 Southnrn Paclfla. . 20
do pfd. ' 211 Sugar Hennery. . . .
KurlWayno . . . . 167 Teun. Coal. t Iron. 24
f } . Northern ofd. . . 125 Texan I'acinc . 13
I. &E. I. nfd . . . . DO T. Jk O Cent. ufd. . 7SH1
locking Valley. . . 27 Union Pncinc . H1 ! *
IllliiOlH Cnntril. . . n ? II. S. KxurcHt . 3fiHM
St. V. & Uultith . . . 21) IV. St. U Jk V HM
it.&T. pfd 'MH dopfd HIM
Inko Erloi West 21 Wells Karpo Ex. . . 104
dopfil 774 Western Union . . O'-Hi
LukuShor , ] 147U Wlifelinir i L n. . 14
U'adTrust S3 do pfd. .
LoiilBVllla&N. . . . M.&Sl. L 32
U A N. A 10 D. A ; K. Q IB'a
Manhattan Con. . . . 118U O. E 33'jl '
Moniolil.l.tO 10 N. L . 25
Michigan Cent. . . . O.K. A 1 . 2
MlbMourl Paclflo. . dopfd . 05
Mobile .t Ohio . H. JtT. C . 1W . . CO T. A. A. A N. M. . . . 3i
National Cor.l.lL'O. COOH T. St. L. 4K. C. . . 7
dopfd H donfd . 13
N. J. Central PUM S. U. It. . HU
N. i W. pfd dopfd . 40S4
Norlh Am. Co. . . . Am. Tob. Co . 105
Konhcrn Paclflo. . do ofd . 109K
No.Pac. ofd St. P. . M. Jk M. . . . 114
U. 1' . . D. iO mi
The total sales of stocks today were C03.79&
shares , Including ; American Sugar , 37,400 ; Atch-
ron , 45,000 ; Uurllngton , 17,300 ; Chesnpeake &
Olilo , 9,500 ; Chicago OHS , 63.500 ; Distilling &
Cattlefeedlng. 115.300 ; Oenural Klectrlc. 4,500 ;
Kansas & Texas preferred. 3,900 ; Lake Erie ,
7,700 ; Louisville & Nashville. 6.500 ; Louisville ,
New Albany & Chicago , 3.800 ; Mexican Na
tional certificates , 6,030 ; Missouri Paclflc , 17,100 ;
National Lead. 13.500 ; North American com
pany , 7,300 ; Northern Pacific , 14,200 ; North
western , 10,500 ; Ontario Jt Western , 4.500 ; P. ,
P. . C. & St. L. , 3,800 ; Rock Island , 10,000 ; St.
Paul , 38,700 ; Sliver bullion certificates , 40.000
Texas & 1'nclllc , 13,203 ; Tennessee Coal & Iron
3.COJ ; I'nlted States Cordage , SI.OOOj United
States Leather , 3.700 ; Wnbash preferred , Z0.7CO
Western Union , 9,600 ; Wheeling & Lake Erie
Now York MKIIKV Murkit.
Easy nt 1V4 per cent ; last loan , l',4 per ccnt
closed , IH per cent.
with actual business In bankers' bills at > 1.87fi
4.87V4 for demand nnd nt J4.SfQH.86'i for slxtj
days. Posted rates , $ I.S6",4 " 4.S7'i nnd J4.S7' { j
4.S.8V4. Commercial bills , J4.b5if4.Sj1.5.
GOVERNMENT 1IONDS Firm. Stale bonds ,
Inactive. Railroad bonds , tiregular.
Closing quotations- bonds were as follows :
Fliinnclal Istitos.
HOSTON , May IS. Clearings , 14.410,110 ; bal
ances , fl.758,899.
HALTIMORB. May 13.-ClcarInSs , : ,103OI7
balances , 1336,103.
NEW YORK. May 13. Clearings. 156,794,610
balances , Ju.710,139.
PHILADELPHIA , May 13.-CIcarlngs. JS.7C9 ,
539 ; balances. 11,319,296.
ST. IXUIS. May 13.-Clearlngs. J,597,851 ; bnl
ances , J60S.840. Money , f > fl6 per cent. Ne\
York exchange , 80a premium.
WASHINGTON , May 13. Today's statemen
of th condition of the treasury shows : Aval
able cash balance , | 182I22,43 ; gold re erve , 96 ,
CHICAGO , May IS. Clearings. Jie.148.000. New
York exchange , Sc premium. Sterling , potted
rates , I4.SSV4 and M.Si',4. Money , S per cent o
call ; f > 66 per cent on time.
Pci ml en Financial Affair * .
BERLIN , May 13. Exchange on London , elgh
days' sight. K > mark * 4)4 ) ftg ,
PARIS , May IS. Three per cent rente * . 1C :
77V4Q for account , Exrhonce oa London. Sof ZjU
for check * .
LONDON , May U. Gold Is quoted today a
Dueuoa Ayre * at Ml ; Madrid , 1S.U ; LUboa. 17H
St. Petemburv. W } Athena. 77i Rome , 10S.W
Week Begins with Slightly Increased Ee-
coipte of C'attlo and B'aok ' Demand.
Ureiscil licet Man nnil Shipper * Alike In
different nnil llenrUh - Quality Not
Kxtni ( load HOB * firm nail
1'rlco * Uiiclmngod.
MONDAY , May 13.
Receipts todny. nil told , were 72 cnrs , 47
of entile , 23 of hoes , one of sheep nnd one
of horses. As compared with a week ngo
there was a slight Increase In both cattle
nnd hogs , with n falling oft In sheep sup-
The cattle supply was n little over 1,200
head nnd Included nothing that could be
called choice. Fair td pretty good would
about express the general quality of the re
ceipts. The nuirket wus very dull and un
satisfactory , with prices about n dime lower
than Saturday on uri average. Lower mar
kets cast made both dressed beef men and
shippers Indifferent and bearish , but buyers
said the dullness nnd "weakness was occa
sioned more by the generally Inferior qual
ity of the offerings than anything else. A
bunch of good fat 1.179-lb. beeves brought
$5.23 , and that was the top. The bulk of
the beef cattle said at around $1.10 to $5 ,
while $3.75 to $1.10 bought about nil the
western cattle offered.
The market for cow stuff was generally
steady. Offerings did not Include much over
half a dozen loads nnd buyers made short
work of them , UH cows of late have met
with u strong , active demand right along.
A bunch of very nice fat cows and heifers
averaging less than 700 Ibs. brought $4.10
" , , " ' " wns tllc low mark for ciinnera.
Calves wcro In good request and strong
nt from J3.60 to $ . 'i.60 , while bulls , stags , etc. ,
ruled slow and easier tit around $2.35 to $3.35.
O i account of th ? light supply of fctockers
and feeders the trade was quiet. There was
a good general demand , however , nnd a
strong inatket for everything offered. Good
to choice feedtrs are quotable at from $3.33
to $4 , fair to good from $3 to $3.33 , nnd com
mon grades Irom $3 down. Representative
salss :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
15. . . . 838 J3 50 G..123U $4 W 4. . . . ! 'S2 ' Jl 70
7 H7S 390 18..1103 440 13..1232 470
23. . . . .IJO 400 22. . . .1032 460 12..10-5 500
18. . . . .63 405 13. . . . 841 4 50 24..1231 515
19. . . . 998 4 ! 5 9. . . . 8 455 25..1173 525
2. . . . SJO ISO 2..11M 300 1..1150 3 HO
1. . . . SCO 200 1. . . . CliO 300 1..1110 3 0
1. . . . S70 200 1..KKIO 300 1..1220 400
1. . . . CS ) 2 5 2..1045 310 10..055 410
2 915 2 tO 4..1010 3 M
1. . . . SCO 175 4. . . . -,32 263 1. . . . 970 325
1. . . . 310 210 2. . . . 660 275 2..625 335
2. . . . 655 2 J ) 6. . . . 543 310 8. . . .722 375
1. . . . 210 2 CO 1. . . . 110 GOO 3. . . . 140 550
1. . . . 130 450 1. . . . 140 550 1. . . . 170 B 10
1 1170 235 5..1316 2 M 2. . . . 840 2 fO
1..1.VO 240 3..1370 2 f,0 1..SS1 263
1. . . . 260 240 1..1510 275 1..1400 333
1. . . . 910 250 2. . . . 63T 3TJ3 24..900 , 380
1 410 313 7..i/7G3 40 * 42. . . . 876 3 tO
1. . . . 410 315 7..763 340 42. . . . 87G 390
1. . . . 440 323 4. . . 72 3 SO 61..10S2 395
No. Av. I'r."No. . Av. Pr.
11 cows 700 J2 GO j . ,5' cows 936 J2 23
10 cctws S2S 280 3 steers 1100 273
114 feeder * , . . 972 360 73 fepdis. . . . . 96.1 363
12 steels 1000 375 27 steers 1W2 410
206 sti-ers 1121 3 75 .
HOGS Jlecclpts today'were 2-1 loads-1.67C head
but .0.1 these C lnad 123 Jiead were from Iowa
imrlles and cons'Knpn ' dlifct to Iliunniond , HO
that the actual ofCerlnKR'jlId not much exceed
1.200 head. The general quality of the offerlnKS
waa common , nnd weight/tin a tule weie llshl.
Condition * cen'rally were about like Ihey were
Saturday , and prices jio .guotably different. O >
account of the common quality of the hi ( is the
top was { 4.50 , against J460 Saturday , but the
lance of prices WHS unchanged nnd Ihe Inilk of
the isalrB were at the sam * llguturi. from J4.4Q to
14.50. On' Monday the hulk of the hrtps
sold nt from $4.35 to J1.4S. The close of the mar
ket wan firm , the penff-belni ? cleared by the mld
die of the foienoon. Repr < entatlve pales :
3 110 . . . 400
SHEEP A load nnd n half of mixed Dakolns
made up the supply today. Thy were of prolt >
fair slock , bad been fed pome and were shotn.
The demand wns K < * xl and trade brisk nt strong
prices. Fair to choice n.Ulvw are ciuntalite ni
J3.2 > f(4.23 ; fnlr to good westerns at J3.&JJT4.01) ;
cnminon nnd stock nheep , J2.2.jf3.t ; KCKM ! to
choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , J3.75@3.25. Hepresen-
tatlve hales ;
No. Wt. Pr.
Sculls SO J3 M
85 Dakota wethers 107 4 00
lambs and yearlings 70 4 23
Iterelptx nnil llispD ltlnn of Slock.
Ofllclnl receipts nnd disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the forty-rifht hours ending at
3 o'clock p. in. , Monday , May 13 , 1S95 :
Cars. Head.
Cattle 47 1,227
Hoes 23 1,676
Shce ? 1 ] ES
Horses'and mules 1 2 !
Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oinaha Packing Co. . . . . . ( , , . 17 72 '
The a. II. Hammond Co. . . S < i 242
Swift nnd Company 342 521 153
The Cudahy Packing Co 83 330
U. II. Hammond , Iowa- 331
Q. II. Hammond , St. Joe 77
Wilson M7
J. Lobman 24
IMI K Lewis 23
Hamilton & S 114
L. Ilecker . ' Ill
Shippers and feeders 217 G
Left over 200
Total 1.227 1,813 158
Trade Opened Dull , at Weak Prices , but
Improved Later.
CHICAGO , May 13. The cattle receipts today
were about 12,000 head , against 8.C6S a week
ago , and trade opened dull at weak prices.
Hulchers' stuff sold very well , but dressed beef
cattle moved off slowly and there was a de
cline of tSlCKJ per 100 Ibs. Ul prices , the numer
ous lots of choice henviE tteera selling to u verj
limited extent. Native'beef steers were salable
at J4.2066.00 for poor to strictly choice , with a
good part of the sales at J5. yir5.7B. Cows sol ,
actively once more at Jl.Mi4. ! > 0 and bulls wen.
sleudy wllh ready Bales. Texas cattle arrived
to the number of ntxtait' & 00 > ) htad and- were In
fnlr demand nt stead } ' , .prices by dressed beef
firms. The arrivals .of , .tattle . were ab ut 2.000
jess than the numWyr"c > nerally expected and
trade started off modcnitnly nt last week's clos
ing prices. The uvertige. ' < juallty of the offerings
was fair , being uboutt'What Is ordinarily seen
at the beginning of tfc ivi'eek , and a good part
of the transactions occurred at J4.50Q4.70.
Heavy hogs eold uP H.2GQ4.75 for common to
choice , mixed at J4.4TlJM.TO and lightweights a
J4.3004.C5. One sale'milk' made today at J4.SO
but that was an extra lotnantl some of the sales
were at Be lower than 'those of Saturday. Tu
ward noon trade becauMi .brisk nnd a large par
' "
of the supply was tntt'en.
In sheep the offerings continued much smaller
than a few weeks ! > > , , ( tie recelputs today be
Ing estimated at imly.p.r V head. Iluslness wns
brisk from the openlnp Hnd prices were IOB15-
higher , wooled lambHUselHnir at J3.50fi5.9S. The
top price was paid Mofa ome choice Mexlcai
lambs. Sheep , unllkf.lambs , are mostly clipped
and choice shorn nallc&jificep are In good dn-
mand nt | 4.23i)4.BO , C'nilm > ii lots selling aroum
J2.00@2.60. Holders 'of go > xl native sheep are
not anxious la sell at'current price * , but plenty
of common Texans ar nxiwctetl here this month
nccelpts Cattle , 1.2W. head ; calves , 200 head
hogs , 28,000 head ; she q. 7,000 head.
New York I.IVe Stock Alnrlcet.
NEW YOHK , May U.-DEEVES-llecelpts
4,29 > head ; opened slow ; steady for steers nnu
good cows , nrm for common to medium cows
close dull : native steers , poor to prime , Jl.60
6.20 ; cornfed Texas. J4.50fi5.10 ; coUonfed. I4.25W
4.C2H ; European cablea quote American steers a
ll12c , dressed weights ; refrigerator beef , 9i
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 7,483 head
active , Uti'ic higher ; prime unshorn sheep
J5.26 ; clipped sheep , poor to prime. J4.50 W.62',4
clipped lambs , common to choice , J4.i03S.C5
Kentucky spring lambs. J3.5034.CO each.
HOGS-necelpts. 7,605 head ; firmer ! Inferlo
to choice , Jt.dOO M-
St. LouU I.lvo Stock.
ST. LOUIS. May IS. CATTLE Receipts. S.700
head ; nhlpmenU. 104 head : market for native
quiet ; export steers would bring ; goo
to choice shipping. ! 5. Hi5.SO : fair to medium
J4.7HG.23 : light , J3.50U4.60 ; feeders , JI.OO&4.UO
cows. J2.BOQ3.CO ; Texans active nnd firm ; fei
steers. J3.k565. < 0 ; grassen , J.75 X79 ; cows
1IOOH Receipts , J.1W head ; shipments , l.DOC
head , market steady for beM. weak for others
toopric * . I .W ; bulk of sales. I4.UO4.5S ; lleht ,
BUUiiP ItecelpU , 5tOO head ; shipments , none
m rt < ft firm for ( rood muttons , of which there IB
meager supply ; poor qualities dull mid weak :
rowl native rung * , J4.00O4.40i fed westtrni would
irlnt ; J4.50gi.7S Texas range , I2.7&O3.1S ; lambs ,
Knntai City Live Stock.
KANSAS CITY , May 1J.-CATTLK , Itecelpts ,
,100 head ; shipments , 1VM held , Market slow.
iut steady ; Texas steers. J3.00JJ4.60 ; Texas cown ,
tOOff3.25 ! beef steers , I4.0005.fi0j native cows.
.1W3.75 ; stockers and feeders , J.75flt.45 ; bulls ,
HOC1H necelpts , 3,500 head ! shipments , 200
lead. Market steady ; bulk of sales. J4.30O4.50 ;
envlen , 14.401 ? I. CO ; packer ? , lt.30n4.CO ; mixed ,
4.2.HH.4S ; lights , Jt.20O4.S5 ; Yorkers , J4.30tT4.35 ;
lies , JI.WI4.2o.
8HEKP llrcelplB ! 7BOO liend ; shipments , 1,100
ead. Market strong to IQc higher.
Stock In Sight.
Record of receipts at the four principal mnr-
lets for Monday , May 13 , IS1 ! :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
'South Omaha . 1,227 1,676 15S
Chicago . 1,200 28.000 7WO
Cansas City . 6,100 3,600 7MO
St. Louis . : . . . . 3,700 3,100 5,100
Totals . . 1127 36,278 W.43S
Vlslblo Supply ii f drain ,
Nn\V YOIIIC , May 13. The \lslblc supply of
grain Saturday , May 11 , as compiled by the
ew York Produce exchange , Is as follows :
Vhrat , 59,623,0(10 ( bu. ; decrease. 2,573.000 bu. ;
ofn , 7,581,000 bu. ; decrease. 373,000 bu. ; oats ,
! , l i,000 bu. ; Increase , 339,000 bu. ; rye , 145,000
lu. ; Increase , 18,000 bu. ; barley , 240,000 bu. ; de-
rcase , 162,000 bu.
Minneapolis U licut Miirkot.
BC ie ; June , C7fiC7Uc ; September , 6IV4o ; on
rack. No. 1 hard , GSo ; No. 1 northetn , Ci'-iei
No. 2 northern , 60Uc.
ItECKll'TS Wheat , 105 cars.
KLOl'll Firm ; llrst patents , J3.C55T3.SO : nee-
end patents , J3.30W3.53 ; first clears , J2.40Q2.GO.
KIIIISIIH > Ity AliirKcti.
KANSAS CITY , May U.-WHKAT-l < .tJ3c
ilffher ; No. 2 hard , Cj' c ; No. 2 red , Klfi70c ; ie-
ectiil. 62c.
COHN He lilRher ; firm ; No. 2 mixed , 40c ; No.
2 white , 47n > c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 27fl27'ic ' ; No. 2
vlilte , 25030C. _
K'clll llutti-r Iitrkpt.
11LO1N. May 13. IltlTTKH l-'lrm ; offerings' ,
l.SOO Ibs. ; Kilcs , 72,841) Ibs. at ICc.
M'rlncn U'ho : t tjiiotiitloim.
SAN FUANC1SCO , Mny 13. WIIHAT Steady ;
December , 37c.
Itatvllns Su'.cliln Idt-ntillcit us llelnj ; S.ilney
Smllli of iticliiiit. :
Some days ace , nntl while lie was a prisoner
n the city Jail at nawllns ? , Vfyo. , Sidney
Smith committed suicide by hanging. The
facts were telegraphed to The Bee , everything
rullcatlng that the man who haJ taken his
own life was Sidney Smith , an erstwhile res-
dent of this city , and a man who had served
a term In the penitentiary at Lincoln on ac
count of having shown a disposition to sign
the names of other men to promissory notes
and bank checks. The body of the dead man
was Identified ay having at one time contained
all that was mortal of Sidney Smith of
Omaha. In the pockets of the deceased there
wcro a number of letters Indicating that he
was the Omaha Smith. There was a ticket
authorizing him to ride from Kansas City to
Seattle. After the Inquest had been held
and It had been determined that the man had
taken hU own life the remains were sent
west , slopping In Oakland , Cal. , where they
wcro .viewed by numerous persons , among
them being Ed A. O'Brien , a former newspa
per man of this city. O'Brien had known
Sidney Smith during his residence In Omnlm
and he at once pronounced the body as being
that of tome other Smith. For a time this
complicated matters , but at last the corpse
was identified as being that of a Sidney Smith
of England , who was traveling across the con
When house cleaning use Steam's Electric
Taste ; kills all kinds of vermin ; 25c.
Some of the locked out brewers are said
to bo contemplating departure for St. Louis
.0 secure employment.
The local board of state fair managers met
at th& Commercial club yesterday afternoon
and transacted routine business.
A lad named Ed Johnson was arrested ye *
ter/lay afternoon for throwing stones at
motor train on. the Sherman avenue line.
The Omaha Gas company U laying a largj
main on Sherman avenue , It taking the place
of th ? pmall main that was laid some years
The local detectives have arrested Ed Sutton -
ton as one of the three persons who stole a
sa of harness from Tom Murray recently.
The other two were already under arrest.
Annie Smith Is In jail on the charge of
stealing a diamond from Julia Specter. Julia
claims that the stone Is a diamond , but Annie
Is strongly of the opinion that It is a piece of
Brick work on the new Crelghton theater
Is progressing rapidly and two stories are
now completed In this respect. The brick
tias that attractive cream complexion charac
teristic of Milwaukee.
In speaking of the rumor that he was
soon to be transferred to Albuqiierqu ? , N.
M. , Major Ualford denied all knowledge of
the same and said that he had as yet not
been officially advised.
J. W. Smith of Stratton , Neb. , has reported
to the police that about a week ago some
thief stole a hand satchel , containing scarf
pins , sleeve buttons and other articles , from
him In the transfer at Council BlufTs.
Information was received at the headquar
ters of the Department of the Platte yes
terday to the effect that General Copplnger
would reach this city next Thursday , reliev
ing General Brooke , who goes to St. Paul.
W. P. Gurley of this city was Invited to
deliver the Fourth of July oration at Norfolk.
This morning Mr. Gurley decided that owing
to the press of business matters it would
bo impossible for him to accept. He has
notified the committee to this effect.
At the meeting of the county commis
sioners held last Saturday the assessors
came In for a mild roast. Yesterday
Commissioner Stenbsrg explained that As
sessor O'Malley of the Third ward should
have been exempted from the criticism.
Yesterday afternoon some fifty delegates
to the state session of the grand lodge of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen , which
convenes In Kearney this morning , left over
the Union Pacific. The party traveled In a
special car , which was adorned with banners
and Insignia of the order.
The Shrlner Tennis club has arranged for
a tournament this summer , and as the or
ganization possesses a number of crack
players some Interesting results may be an
ticipated. Among the members are Walter
Williams , A. B. Pope. W. Ilyles , J. D. Antls.
G. Marsh , W. D. Banker. Allan White , Elmer
Packard and Alex Flndlay.
The bakery of A. C. Coulter , 1104 North
Twenty-fourth street , was damagid to the
extent of $25 by the fire yesterday. The
baker hail cleaned out the oven with a piece
of gunny sack , which was thrown In a cor
ner. It had caught flre from the oven and
smouldered unnoticed until it eet fire to the
building ,
The Associated Charities will be main
tained during the summer by popular sub
scription and voluntary contributions of people
ple who realize the poor can get Just as
hungry In summer as in winter. It was the
original Intention to close the Institution on
May 1 , but emergencies of a life saving char
acter made such a procedure unpopular with
Christian people.
Missouri State Ssimti is Now Short One of
Its Members-
I'etcr U. MorrUscy of St. Louis Sluln In n
Homo of 111 Fnmo by Miuid I.e.nil ,
\\lia Is Nn\r Violently
ST. LOUIS , May 13. Stnto Senator Peter
II. Morrlssey was shot and Instantly killed
at 3:30 : this morning by Maud Lewis , his
mistress , Tlio tragedy was enacted In her
room on the second floor at 2719 Washington
avenue. Morrlssey went to the house nt a
very late hour nnd had retired when the
crime was committed , The woman has been
mentally unbalanced for some time , accordIng -
Ing to the statements of her neighbors. She
Is supposed to have been Insane at the time.
The first Information the neighbors had
of the tragedy was from the woman's
screams. They ran In and found her In a
frenzy of grief and terror , bending over the
body , nnd calling on "I'eto to come back. "
The first witnesses on the scene could gain
ru Information from her as to the precise
manner In which the murder was accom
plished , but everything Indicated that Mor
rlssey was asleep when he met his death.
The weapon used by Maud Lewis was nn
American bulldog revolver of 3S-callber. Two
tliots were fired , one entering the mouth and
the other penetrating the brain through the
left eye. Death was Instantaneous.
As soon as the neighbors ascertained
Maud Lewis was the principal In the tragedy
they sent word to the Four Courts and
Detectives Jim Smith' and John Howard were
dispatched to the place. They were unable
n get a coherent statement from the woman ,
whoso ravings became more violent and
desperate every minute. They had her sent
to the city hospital In a patrol wagon and
permitted an undertaker to t ke charge of
the body.
The deceased was born In St. Louis August
14 , ISG'J , and wus educated at the St. Louis
university. In 1S85 he was elected to the
municipal assembly by the democrats and
at the time of his death he was a member
of the Missouri state senate. Ills business
was that of a saloon and lodging house
keeper. Morrlssey lived with his father ,
mother and sister In rooms over his saloon ,
southeast corner of Eleventh street and Olark
avenue. He was a single man about 35 years
of age.
At the city hospital soon after Maud Lewis
was received there It was stated that she
was violently crazy , though whether her con
dition was due to remorse for her act or
antedated the crime could not then be ascer
tained. Maud Lewis IB 25 years old and was
born and reared In St. Louis. She Is said
to have come of a good family. She was In
the city hospital from August 28 to Seplem-
her 10 of last year , suffering from hysteria.
Morrlssey was notorious as a crooked
worker at the polls. Ten years ago he was
Indicted for ballot stuffllng , but the Influence
of the leaders of the party kept him out of
the penitentiary.
Two other girls , Lillian Moss and Emma
Lewis , who were Inmates of the house , and
the colored porter , were placed under ar
The women In the house said that Immedi
ately on Morrissey's arrival he and the Lewis
woman had quarreled , but they had not con-
sldered their differences as serious. Mor
rlssey had started the altercation by telling
Maud Lewis "that he had another woman on
Twentieth street. " She answered that she
knew It , and she supposed Morrlssey would
marry that woman , adding , according to the
statements of Night Chief of Police Heeily's
Informants : "I don't care If you do marry
hpr ; and you can bring her here , and I will
jive you my room , but I tell you this there
.vlll be a dsad Irishman around here. "
The woman , Maud Lewie , was taken from
the city hospital at noon and placed In a cell
at the Four Courts. She professed Innocence.
Morrlssey had Intended leaving this mornIng -
Ing for Cincinnati In response to a telegram
rjceived Sunday from his sister , Mrs. McDermott -
mott , stating that her husband was dying and
asking that some member of her family come
to her at once.
A special to the Post-Dispatch from Jeffer
son City , Mo. , says : The killing of Sena
tor Peter H. Morrlssey created a profound
sensation among the senators who are here.
The question at once arose , what effect will
it have In the senate ? It leaves the demo
crats with only eighteen senators , Just
enough to paw a bill , If all of them are In
their seats. Ten days notice of a special elec.
tlon must be- given , so that it seems Im
possible that his successor could be elected
In time to take his seat this session. De-
fore ( saving for St. Louis last Friday Senator
Morrlssey left Instructions with Senator
Basket ! , chairman of the committee on labor ,
to send him word whenever he was needed
and he would return Immediately.
Fair , with Southerly Winds Promised for
WASHINGTON , May 13. The forecast
for Tuesday Is :
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair ; south
erly winds.
For Iowa nnd Missouri Fair ; warmer ;
southerly winds.
For" South Dakota Fair ; warmer In the
eastern portion ; southerly winds.
I.nciil Kecoril.
OMAHA , May 13. Omaha record of tem
perature and rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of the past four years :
1895. 1891. 1893. 1892.
Maximum temperature. . . . G2 E5 S3 EG
Minimum temperature 42 G4 50 48
Average temperature 52 74 CC 52
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .32
Condition of temperature nnd precipita
tion at Omaha for the day and since March
Normal temperature Gl
Deficiency for the day 9
Normal precipitation u inch
Dellclency for the day n inch
Total precipitation since March 1 5.41 Inches
Dellclency since March 1 81 Inch
Itoportt from Other Station * at 8 I' . M.
No Waiting , No Wondering
if they'll Fit. \
. . .SHIRTS. . .
are Ready to Wear , and
Every Garment is Guaranteed.
Leading 'Retailers know of ibis brand of Shirts.
If your outfitter is out of size or style you desire , let him get it for you ,
and in order that he may get you just what you want , write us for our
SOUVENIR OF FASHIONS. Copies Free by mail.
CLUETT , COON & CO. , Makers. Pactorles , TROY , N. Y.
wwvr * * * < % r > vpsx ssw\s1\
I have been n midwife for years. ,
In each cnso where " MOTHHUS * ,
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' wonders , shortened labor and lessened <
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worth the price for that alone ,
Mns. M M , DituwsTRn , Montgomery , Aln. <
, Sent bj Express or mult , on receipt of price. '
81.00 per bottle. IJook " To Mother.1 (
mnllcd free.
U-KLDnitaULATOnCO..AHant | , (
The American Ibbacco Ccx
Dy purchasing goods made at trie following
Nebraska factories. If you cannot find what
you want , communicate with tae manufac-
turcti as to what dealers handle their coeds :
21.4(1 * . HUltL.trtH TH-J.VK.
Manufacturer ! of all klndi of cotton & burlap
baci. cotton flour tacks & twin * a specialty.
f.M I6-6U S. lllh-st.
Manufacturer * of Preston * * California Flake * .
Sickle brand nl' raising flour & ycut. Uo you
us Prciton's Imti flour ?
Cat load rhlpments made In our own refrigerator
cars , lllue Ribbon , Elite Export. Vlrnnu Export ,
and Family Kxport , delivered to all parts of city.
t : l-'AVTOUIHS ,
Carriage A Wagon Makers. Carriage * , buggl',4.
pliaetuns & wagons always on hand & made to
order. 1213-15 Ilarney-st. , Omaha.
Coffee Roasters. Eplce Grinders , Manufacturer *
German Baking Powder and German Dry Hop.
Yeast , 1414 and lilt llnrney-st. , Omaha , Neb ,
llanufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. E. niack. Manager. Omahfc.
fUllXirVRK \tVTOItlKS. .
Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din *
Ing tables & folding beds. 28th ave. , Iloyd to
. ' .
-'ahler streets.
1C 11 AXlt COAL.
Domestic & * team coal. We hare tr.o nest. Of
fice 1601 Farnam-it. Telephone : Oftlc 373 , yard
1764. J. A. Doe , ctn'l jnanager.
/KO.V irtJ/CKA.
Manufacturing & repairing of all kind * of ma
chinery , engine * , pump * , elevatorc. j > rlntln
presies. lianRcrB , ihi.ttlng & couplincv H08-4
Howard-it. , Oman * .
Fir * hydrant * , water A ga * pipe , specials ; boiler
front * & fitting * , * treet II'y car wheel * . Archi
tectural Iron work * . Office 307 S. ltth-it , , Omaha.
M'f'fa of Architectural Iron Work. General
Foundry , Machine and Dlackimllh Work. En
gineer * & Contractor * for Fireproof Ilulldlng * .
Office and Works. U. P. Hy. & Bo. 17th Street.
Manufacturer * o' fluid extract * , ellilri , ryrup * ,
& wine * , compreiied triturate * , hypodermlo tab
let * , pill * & * clenttflc medical noveltle * . Omaha
JU.ffTHEliSIUi , COTi , GttritH.
Manufacturer Mattresses. Spring Bedi ; Jobbtr
Feathers tnd Pillows. North 14th and Nlcholai
Hts. . Omaha.
The only perfect protection to property. Exam.
Ine It. Best thing on earth. Reduces lusuranc *
rates. 1301 Douglas-it.
Manufacturer * of men's & lx > ys' clothlni , pantl.
thlrts & overalls. MZ-212 8. llth-it.
Manufacturers of all kind * paptr boxe * . ihelt
boxes sample cases , mailing lutes , etc , wed *
ding cake & fancy candy boxes , druggist & jewelry
boxes. 1208-10 Jones-st , , Omaha.
Exclusive custom shirt tailor * .
I Hi rarnam itr : L Telephone 808.
nsti HKIVK.
Factory In LouUvllIe , Can Co Quality of brick
jjmranteed to b * u g < XM as any laavufartured
outsld. e ( this cats , ilenrr Bolln.
Hy a new plan of systematic grain specula
tion. 'Bend for our free booklet showing how-
to uet around adverse fluctuations of tho-
market und make money even on Hit ) wrpntt.
side. 1'ast worklnes of plan and highest
referenceit furnished. VALIiNTlWU &
COtf Xradori IJlde- , Chicago ,