THE OMAHA DAILY BELVMONDAY , ! MAT 13 , 1895. SPEC1RL NOTICES. A < lertUcnicnU for theto colnron * will b ktn until 13I3O p. in. for the eveulucnail until 8 p. m < for tlia morning and edition. Ailttrlls rs , l > r requentlng theck , cnti linvo nn wer nddrcucd to n cumbered letter In rnro or Ilia Deo. An- ncr no addrtmed will be delivered upon | itscntHtlon of tlio check unlfi Itnten , 1 l-2c n iiorcl , llrit Innettloii , lo n nerd lirrcafler. Mottling tttkon for Irsi than 2Bo for tint Insertion. Tlirno ndrcrtliomenti tnuit I an rnnsecu * thcljr. SITUATIONS WANTED. HITI'ATIO.V WANTKDj PLACI2 AH SKCOND Rlrl ami Bramstrcsii , or cooking. Inquire of &Irr. W. U. Annln , 808 South 21st utreot. A MBit 15 * WANTED ifl ALE WANTED. 1,000 MRN TO WUlTlTMB TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free. In plain sealed envelope ) which cured me if nervous debility , exhausted vitality , etc. Aildres * C J. Walker , box 1,311 , Kalanmaoo. Mich. ll-M < Cj \VANTRD. TRAVRMNO" IK OROCRRY line ; Mate uxpcrli'nce nnd references. Ilrsl clans Nebraska territory. Address N 67 , Ilee Olllce. 11-512 U 1VANT1JI ) , MAN TO TAKi : Olinttllfl IN CIT5T for old tit.iUllaheil house ; former cxperlenca unnecessary and salary paid weekly. Apply after 9 a , m. at 151S Domtlnn , II-MCII J8 WAN-THD , BAi.nsiiim. " Tlio Hawki Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win. U M7M J10 * VANTr.D , MAN TO TUAVin. ANU APPOINT nKenta ; nalnry , expenups , aluo eanvaB ers ; Hinall cnah security required. O 61. Deo. H-M73 ? 12 XVANTHD. THAVELINO SALESMAN KA mlllar with grocery trnJe. Slate experience and reference , O 67 , Itco. 11 703-11' J5 TO 1125 HALAUY I'AIt ) SAI.USMCN TOH clwira , experience not necosviry. llxtra In- ilucpments offered customers Ul hop & Kline , St Ixiulu , Mo. 11-M 781-lS' WANTii : > , A HAI.HSMAN OH TUAVKLINO man to cany our samples HH a Hide line on rominlnlon. Address Imperial Oil and ( Irease Co. . Clc\elutiJ. Uhlu. _ J1-MS07 U' _ HALHSMUN TO HKI.U IIAICINO \Ve put our itoodi In RIM | rolllni ? plnti JCO month nnil expenses , or commission. Chlcac'J Hailing 1'onder Co. , 7C7 Van Iluien st. , Chi mjto , _ 1I-M60J-26V WANTHD (10OI ) MlN ! TO HANDI.II I.UI1UI entitle , Unseed and p.ilnt olln nlone or us n ulilu line , Addresa No. 703 Ucnotset * ate. , Cleveland. O. II-M803-11" rinui : : NIUVH AOIJNTS rou TRAINS. aooo day runs ; nlao collector , salary paid. Ilsborg & Corbett , 1314 Farnani. II M843 13 * \VANTIID , RXPIHUNCID : nru s noons Huli'smun. Ilranlsuti Jlroa. , Council Hlufi's. WANTED JbJifllAljE HELP. AHU YOU IIONUST. SO1IUII , INDUSTRIOUS ? If HO. cnROKO with us for 1895 ; JJOU u month , Jl.OM a M-ar ; you can make It easy : six hours a day. Our agents do not complain of hard tlmoH. Why ? They nre making nioney selling our Perfection Dish Washer , the only practical family vnvhcr manufactured ; washes , drlct and pollplict dishes perfectly In two minutes , no experience neossary , a. child of 8 operates It easily , cheap and durable , weight , thirteen jxiundi , made of anti-rust sheet etecl : capac ity , 100 pieces , JIO.OOO for Its equal ; every fam ily wants one ; you don't have to canvusa ; as noon ns people know you have It for sale they sund for a dish washer ; each agent's territory protected ; no competition ; we fur nish cample ( weighs six pounds ) In nice case to Indy nKCnts to take orders with ; one agent made JJH.53 llrst ten days Aildress for full particulars Perfection Mfe. Co. , Knglcwood. III. C-M3J9 WANTCD-ril'TY 01UI.S 1'OU ALL. KIND3 of work , Canadian Employment Onlce. 1522 Douglas street. C-M103-M22 WANTED , COMPETENT OlUh ; MUST BE A K nd cook and laundress. Mrs. T. J. Itogers , 1ISO Talk me. C C61 WANTED , oinr , rou GENERAL lIOUSi- work : 291S Dodge street. C S3 WANTEItt-COMPllTENT qiRL lrOn OENURAL housework. Itcfeicnccs required. N. E. Corner 31st and Harncy. C90U * FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES , r. 1C. DARLING , DARKER 1JLOCK. D 300 HOUSES IN ALL 1'ARTS OV THE CITY. THE O. K. Davis compiny , IwOo Farnnm. D 3il ( HOUSES ; 1IENAWA & CO. , 10S N. 1STH ST. D 3C2 II. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA. D M30 > 2708 FARNAM STREET. W. M , Rogers. 1123 Karnam street. D S6S 1'OUR-ROOM UASEMENT. ill B. 24TH STREET. U M13I-M23 * _ CENTRALLY LOCATED , 10-ROOM HOUSE , modern linpro > ements. Inquire 712 N. 19th. D M3C3 _ NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. U39 BHElf- man avenue , J30 ; 10-room modern house , nur- dette , rear Sherman avenue , $25. Ilyron Reed Co. . 213 South Hlh ttrcel. P M79S-MH _ VERY DES1RAHLE HOUSES VACANT MAY Jst. J. II. Bhcrwood , 423 N. Y. Life. Thane 358. _ _ _ _ D-877 T-ROOM FLAT. RANOE AND ALL MODERN convenleces. 701 S. 16th trcet , Charles W. llaller. 811 1'axton block. D M2SO-M27 * I-ROOM : COTTAOR ! MODERN ; ITKAIJTIFUL lawn and thade. 2124 Miami. D MIC6 _ NICE MODERN KLATS , CHEAP. J. W. Squire , 14 ] Hca. D 518 FOR RENT , DEHIRARLE HOUSES. I rooms. 211 8. 24th St. . 130. f rooini , 4M3 CumliiB St. , JJ3. J rooms. MO N. 27th ave. , J22.50. I rooms. 43.J7 . Cnss st. . J10. I rooms. 4927 Davenport at. . 110. I rooms. S45) Jackson St. . IS. ( rooms. JS1J l-ratt st. * 7. Hee Fidelity Trujt Co. . 1703 Farnam it. D 551 LARGB L1ST. If. D. AVEAD , 1CTH & DOUGLAS , D 647 J3 _ IO-ROOM RRH-K : OAS. DATH. KI'RNACE liumlry ; not Imieraent plan. Keys KOI Cnpltol nxenue. adjoining D-Mtfi 13 _ J-ROOM HOUSE , Jli.OO PER MONTH. fl quire 2C1S Capitol avenue. D MC40 13 * FOR RENT , FINENEW 11-ltOOM HOUSE , 530 rfot 24th at. II. T. ClaiUc219 Hoard of Trade. _ _ _ _ _ _ D 6M RENTAL AGENCY , 310 NO. 1STH sf ] n 727 _ FOR IHNT. PLATS AT NORTHEAST CORner - ner of Hlh and Howard sts. ; newly papered and painted ; JI5.W a month. Inqiilrn room 314. rirat National Hank llldg. D 728 * 3 FOIt RENT. AT IJELLVUB. NEAR II. R. depot , n imp 10-room house , flno grounds. abundant fmllr aluo 4-room cottnue. Henry T. Clarke. N < . 8i . Hoard of Trade , Omaha , or \ \ . H Il t , Uellvuc. D 73(1 ( A 1'I.AT. 5 ROOMS. WITH ll.VTH AND GAS ; > eiy complete ; suitable for houseUccplnK. 316 South SClh utrtct. D M741 FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE 7 ROOMS and all conveniences ; June I to October 1 ; icf- en-nces ruulred. CIS 3 < julh 2)lli.MSiJ ) 14' KK.xni.Y Ninv e-ioo.\i COTTAGE WITII bath , le > lucrd to J 13.50. 30.JJ California st. st.D D S20 Vl-.RY DlllAHLn FftlNIHlTnu"HOUSE. . close In. J. II. Sherwood. 4il K. V , Life. D 831 _ I-ROOM FLAT TOR HENT. ! ! > CASS STRtEf , optxulte Jefferson square. D MS23 14 * t'URNIKIlKD HOUHE FOR RKNT ; "c-ROOM ; " modern , trs.00 per month , for summer. SOS S > ulh : lit street. LMSM is * U.ROOM HOUSE , MODERN IMPROVEMKNTS. and bam. 41. ft lot , east front , at a sacrltlce , 3fJ) ) ; 11,000 cash , balance to suit , 5:0 N S nd St. _ D 7C4-11 * lIOt'SE WITH 9 ROOMS , ALL MODERN IM- pmvrmrnK. good barn , front and back yard , 2112 I.nko it. D-C.U.H' IQIt RENT I-UKCMiaUED KOOMJ. IIODKRN ROOM. WITH I1OA1ID. 2 rt t'ASS. E MC1113 * _ NICE SOUTH I'RONY ROOM WELL FUR- nUli l , prlviita faintly. Call 2(11 CUM street. E. MM _ _ TWO rL'RNISIIED ROOMS ; ( INB WITH AI - co\e , prl\at faiully ; modern , SOT S. 2ftth.a\e. E-M627 IS * FtRNISHED ROOMS. 1111 DODGE. E-MCU 13 * _ JXR RENT , CICELY ri'UNISlIEo"ROOM. . 2-H H. rath slrcrl. E H7 IS' _ n > U nE.NT , ON POUTH 20TII BTRET NE\R tlia luirk , furnUhed room In prUate famll > . No rrtlitr bunl rtry qukt and horn * like. Ito-inl If desired. Addicts nllll leferencr , O . Vet. E-W 1C NICKLT Ft'RNISHF.D RCVJUd KOIl RENT , Call at HO ! IX iglaa. IIM7M 1 E FRONT UOOM\\TTII \ HATl'j NICELY fuml ho l. tH Boutl. Wth. y MK7 1C * _ _ I-OR RTJNT. : "OR jTliob.Ma , FrilNldUKlTou uufumlshed. In thai line residence. Xorlb * wt t coiner l < lh aud L u cmvonh m. E-MSJSU * _ FURNISHED OR VXyUHMHUKD ROOUK. moJ rn ounvrnl iu-cii Krai * r K > on Ue. 201 Bouth Twtatjr-fDWUi ilrvtt. E > : } jj 11 * FOR RENT FUnKISHED HO DM8. Continued. LARGE FRONT ROOM. HTII AND HAVEN , port , suitable for man and wife or two gen tlemen. Call 219 N. IClh , or IStb and D.iven- port , 1V--734 11 * WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH alcove ; gentlemen only , 2 > > lj Dodge street. E 733 11 FO.HNISHKD KOOM3 AND BOAKD HOARD AND ROOM. JI.50 WEEK. 1523 CAPS F M7J3 21 * CAN FURNISH GENTLEMAN AND LADY OR two gentlemen nice room , good board , prUate family. 2418 Cass street. F MWJ 11 * ROOMS WITH I3OARD. UTOPIA , 1721 DAVEN- l rl St. I' 70J-1S * COOlTFirONT lt6bMS. JllLLaTDE. 18TH AND Dodge. F-MI74 ' TORRENT ELEGANT FtJRNISHED ROOM with board. 1914 Farnam st. F M510 14 * TWO PLEASANT SOUTH ROOMS WITH lioard. 2X0 Parnnm st. F MSW-13 * HOARD AND ROOMS roTWoEN 81'ITE , J40 W per month. 2105 Douglas. F MS43 14 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1C17 DoJgo stieet. G M13) 16 * RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY I1RICIC I1UILD- Ing , SIC Faroam street. This building ha * a flro proof cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures ; nater on all Hoots , fas , etc. Apply at the oince of The Bee. I 010 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL THE MOST AR- tlstlc Decoration day ornament ; sample 5c , Inquire now. M. Ernst , Cleveland , O. J-M73I 13 * "THE NEW EDUCATION" IS THE MOST useful school work ever published ; hundreds of agents wanted lo sell to school boards. The ' Diamond Lltho Publishing company. Mlnne- npolto , Minn. J-M753 11 WANTED , LOCAL AND TRAVELING AGENTS for r.tvf patented specialty ; sells to bmln-s men ; 100 per cent profit , send for circulars and terms. Automatic Account File Co , Qulncy , HI. J M74S 13 * WANTED TO RENT. LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH O. O. WAL lace , 312 Droun blk. Have calls for cottages. K-777 LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH F. D. WEAD. K-MS J3 STORAGE. STORAGE. FRANK EWERS. 1214 HARNEY. M-376 DEBT STORAOE I1U1LDINO IN OMAHA. U. 8. gov. bonded warehouse ; household goods stored ; lowest lates 1013-1U15 Leatemvorth M 377 STOVES STORED DURING SUMMER TEL. OW. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M-37S PACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. , 9TH & Jones sts. General storage and forwarding. M 571 WANTED TO BUY WANTED. A STOCK OF GOODS WORTH J4.000 to 16,000. Address M 19 , Omaha , lice. N M543 WE WILL BUY CHEAP HOMES AND RESI denee lots anywhere In the city Must be > bar gains. Reed & Belby , Hoard of Trade building. N-1S2 STOCKS OF CLOTHING , GENTS' FURNISH Ings , hats and shoes. S. Arnsteln , 1303 Douglas street. N-M706 JS FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOR SALE , ON ACCOUNT OF REVOMAL TO New York , will sell all the furniture , carpet * , etc. . of a 10-room house , cheap. Call at 531 S. 28'h ave. O-M621 FURNITURE OF AN "uiaTlT-HOOM HOUSE for sale , roomorg pay more than expenses of the house. Address O 62 , Boo. O-MS12-13 * FOR SAI/E--HOR3E SWAGONSETC , FINE HORSE AND 11UGGY FOR SALE OR trade. Address O 61 , Ilee. P M770-13 * RAY WELCH PONY , 5 YEARS QLD. GRAND , stylish , round and safe. Apply L. J Drake , 124 Park av < s. ' P-M811-13 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOG AND CHICKEN FENCE WIRE , RETTER and cheaper than wood. J. J. L ddy , 403 S. 14th. Q-MGjl MaylC WEQMAN PIANOS. I1IUDOEPORT OROANs ! Woodbridge Broi. , 117 S. 17th. Q-37S HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AND chicken fence. Char , R. Lee , 9th and Douglns. Q-3SO THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. . AMES. NED. , has 400 tons good bilcd hay to sell. Q M472 FIRST-CLAPS OAK BAR OUTFIT. ORIGINally - ally cost (1,000.00 ; cheap ; must ECU Address O 29. Bee Q-M624-16 FOR SALE A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Rrandels. Boston Store. Q-C94 THOROUGHBRED LIGHT BRAHMAS AND Black Langshan eggs , 11.50 per 15 , or 16.00 per 100 ; cockerels. 12.00 each. Addresi P. B. Hart , Center and 63d street , city. Q M713 13 * FOR SALE , SECOND HAND BILLIARD table In good condition. Inquire room 314 , Flnt National Bank Bids. Q 728 21 FOR SALE , SWEET POTATO PLANTS. 2 00 per 1.000 ; tomatoes , (3.00 James Wnelan , Sth and Grace. Q-M74J. 13 * FOR SALE A NATIONAL CASH REGISTER , I12&.00 machine , 30 keys , detail odder , walnut case , haa been used 1 year ; will sell for JiO 00. AtlJresH communication. Mueller & Schuster , Neb. City , Neb. Q-MSM-15 FOR SALE. AN UPRIGHT SOIIMIER PIANO. Ajjdresa P 3 , Bee olllce. Q-M833 18 * MIJC/CLLANEOTJS. FOR SALE. A LOT FINE MILK COWS : CALL afternoon , yanl , 23th and Hurt st R 711 11 * CLAIRVOYANTS MRS , DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , Sth year at 119 N. 16th. S-3S1 MME. CLAYTON , CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Reads cards llko an open book. Tells your mission on entering. 223 N. llth. S-M507 16 * ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY ; THE GREAT , est dead trance medium of the preient age , tells your life from the cradle to the gnne. makes man-Use no failure ; photo of wife or husband sent through mall , with life chart. 12.00. Send age and lock of hair ; nil letters for Information containing 4 cents In stamps promptly answered. Electric and ma&sage baths a specialty for health. Mrs. Dr. A. Leon. 412 N. Hlh street. Omaha. Neb. S-MCS2 H * MRS. FRANCIS KEENE. CLAIRVOYANT AND Independent ilato writer , given advice on all matte of Importance , such an business , love uftalra , mnrrlaico. divorces , lawsuits , etc. . lo cate * lost or stolen goods , reunites the sepa rated , brings apeedy marriages , removes stum bllng blocks ami bad luck of all kind * . 1S23 Farnam street. S-M635 IS' ' MASSAGE , liA'iHb. ETC. MAD.Ul SMITH. 002 S. ISTlf. 2D FLOOR , ROOSt 3 ; magnetic. > apor , alcohol , steam , nulpluirlne und nea baths. T "SMS * MASSAGE7MADAME BERNARD , H21 DODGE. T MCI1 20r MOST COMODIOUS BATH PARLORS IN city. Mme. Unwell , 3IS & 320 S. 13th. thoroughly practical clropudUt and attendant. T MS13 Jll * TURKISH ttATHS. TURKISH HATH3 : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 103-110 Bc bid ? . 135. SIX BATHS IS. MME. POST. 319 S. 1STH 730 PERSONAL. THE BELLI : KPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order fioni measure. 19C9 1'atuam street streetU U 383 VIAVI CO. . 345 BKE BLDG ; HEALTH BOOK free ; home treatmtul , lady attendant. U 084 MIS3 MINNICK'3 linKHSMAlCIVU PARLORS ! UJ Vainant it. ITtces reasonable. U-78I-M15 * B. HAAS , I1.OR1ST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Banquet , hall , irtd ! < ! nce and grave decorations. 1SI3 Vlnton strteU Telephone Tif. UMm PAPER" CONTAINING REAL PHOTOS OF ladlca u4UuK ! ta wed nulled for sump. Box lfr)8. Denver , Colo. MU4 M2 ; BATHS , 1IASSAOE. MME. TOST , SU'i S. 15T1I U 731 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE ANTHONY I.OAN ts TRUST CO. . 2U N. T , LIFE , loan * at low r tr for choice security In Ne braska and IU A firm * or Omaha city property , _ _ MONEY TO LQAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Hrenntn , Lout Co. , Paxton blk. W-CSi INVESTOlia DIRECTORY CO. . 11 WALL ST. . New YorU. iffer an > - pfd 100,043 ajtrn In- vtnarjf tantt , wfco h ve money ti > lavc < t ; liut romplltd. Writ * fjr pirtlrulars. W-MIIJ M MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE Continued. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1792 Famsm. W 3S3 AGENCY1 U. a MORTGAGE CO. SUBMIT loam ta Pusey & Thomas , Council Bluffs ofllee. CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. IIS N. Y. I.IFR . W-M3 MPROVED CITY LOANS AT LOWEST RATES. 1L H. Harder & Co. , ground llxir , Ilee bldg. W 421 M29 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle , 1st Nat. Ilk. bide. W 332 MONEY TO I/JAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , IMS Farnam st. W 3S6 LOANS ON IMPROVED A UNIMPROVED CITY property. W Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam W 390 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD F'JRNI. ture , pianos , horse * , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time or In any amount , FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4. Wlthnell block. X 373 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horse * , wagon ? , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no temoval of goodi : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any tlm ? or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So. 16th St. X 370 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427. RAMGE BLOCK. X 372 MONEY TO LOAN ON itSHNITUHE AND pianos. Fred Terry. 430 Ramge blk. X-3J1 BUSINESS CHANCE8. WE WANT SOME FRESH CAPITAL IN OUR buslneu ; we nre operating now In three states , our business ! . paying over 100 per cent : we Invlto your Investigation. For full pAltlculars call on or address our agents II. E. Cole Co. . 100 N. 15th. Y MS32 13 TO SELL ; GROCERY STOCK. GOOD LOCA- lion , cheap , fixtures and stock complete , butcher shop attached. Addrcfs , II E. Bur- Iiam , 617 N. Y. Life Bldg , Omaha , Neb. Y M923 M20 * I MUST HAVE MONEY WITHIN 15 DAYS- will nell J2.200.00 llrst mortgage * , coxertng MO ncres Nebraska land , taxes paid , for 1750 , In- * e tlKale. Addrem O 47. B-e. Y M7IS 18 * WANTED , TO LOAN MONEY TO EVERY- lnxl > ; 13 to JIW , ea y payment * , ; also a death nnd marriage benefit. Co t 11 and upwards. Send stamp for particulars ; agents n anted. Address Mutual Beneficial ns oclatlon , Richmond mend , Vn , Joslnh R > land , Jr. , pmlndent , ( second auditor of Va. ) Y M7l 13 * WANTED AN INCORPORATED COMPANY of good standing , engaged In th wholesale liUHlnem , ite lrln to Increase lt capital , offers for sale Ji.OOO to tt.TOO worth of stock paying a good margin of profit. A good Investment. Prefer selling to a joung man competent to fill n twsltlon nnd uho desires to arsncUte himself permanently llh nn extabllslml and safe business. Reasonable salary. Good lefer- ences required as to Integrity , etc. Address O C6 , Bee. Y MSIU-14 FOR SALE FRUIT AND LEMONADE STAND ; bi'st corner In Omaha ; good li'.iwns for veil- Ing. Call at stand , 13th and Farnam Y-MS34 13 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE. MODERN HOTEL. THREE Htorles , brick , beit town In Nebraska ; take farm lands. Ames Real Estate , 1617 Farnam st. Z 11703 13 * WILL TRADE DIAMONDS OR JEWELRY far a peed second-hand bicycle. Call nt 1203 Douglas street. Z M732 17 * BIO TRADE , WANTED ROLLER TOP DESK. Address O. GO , Bee. Z 723 13 WANTED. I1YCICLIJ FOR GOOD HORSE , E22 First National bank , Z 758-13 * TO EXCHANGE. REAlTESTTTtTAND" to the amount of Jfl.OO ) or 13,000 for dry Roods or general merchandise ; no trading tockn. O , CO , Bee. Z M793 14 FOR SALE KbAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE-1S8 WILL SELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS Omaha at prices that \\lll surprise you , It taken within 2 weeks. J , H. Sherwood. 423 N.Y.Llfe. RE-M724 _ _ BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTH AND FARSlJ ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling- , Barker blnck , 4 RE ISt EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY. farms , merchandise. Garvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. L RE-374 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertles and farms. Jno. N. Frcnzer , opp P. O RE-373 SNAPS. 5 TO 6 MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40 , SO or 120 acres. Improved , JW.OO per acre , 200 acres. 133.00 per acre ; 250 acres. $40.00 pel- acre ; S lO-acre tracts. 176 00 to (100.00 per acre. Must be tgld 9)0 N. Y. L. bids. Hp--11251 FOR SALE-LOT 14 , BLK 2 , BAKER ? PLACE This lot IB 50x128 , south front , near car ; wilt sell cheap on eaay monthly payments to right party. Also lot 2 , 4n Buckeye Place , nnd lot 1. bile C Poppleton Park , Take a look at the lotJ and If they suit you call nnd I will make price and teims to suit. Oeo.U. Tzschuck , Bee oOIca Omaha. UK 631 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. L. RE WS J7 * FOR SALE OR TRADE. A GOOD FARM CON- talnlne 400 acres In cast central Nebraska , rood loll , good Improvements , plenty of rnln and good large crop doing well ; good reliable tenant In charge ; will take In exchange a good stock of fresh and merchantable groceries , pan money and perhaps some time on a part ; this Is a good chance , and with the present pros pects will soon be taken up. For further particulars address P. O. box 72 , Columbus , Neb. RE-M716 HI' 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 3 2 N ! JoTH. only J3.7W.OO ; great bargain. Address 0 07 , Bee. RE-M79- ) NEW 6-ltOOM COTTAGE , LARGE LOT. ONLY (1,900.00 , Clark and N. 21st ; snap , Addre i P 1. Bee. IIC M791 FOR SALE 20 LOTS. 50x127 EACH , ON AMES avenue , one block nest cf motor. Finely lp- cated. Taken on foreclosure of mortgage. Price Ji80 each. Very easy terms These l li were eold before at ( SOO. Stringer & Oue , Room 14 , Frenier block. RE M771-13 * FOR SALE 3-ACIli : TRACTS NEAR SOUTH Omaha , (150.00 per acre. . \'l ncres on proposed boulevard , southwest , (3JO.OO p r acre. 15 ncies northwest on Military nnd m street and near electric car line , (230.00 per acre. Lot24. block 1 , Potter's add. . West Omaha. (75000 ISO ft. on 25th st , , north of Farnam , ( C7.0Q per front foot. Lot with four-room house on Martha , near 20th st . $500.00. Lot villh five-room house near CCth and Llntl- sey a\e. , ( SOO.OO. Lot with live-room house. 33th and Burt Bta. , (1.200 00. Vacant lots and houses nnd lots In all pirt of Omaha and acre property at prices much bclpw real \alue. I'otter & George company , cor. ICth and Far- nam. RE MSI3-19 WE HAVEN'T TIME TO GIVE YOU A LIST. as * close at 1 p. m. Saturday , but look at I he 41 feet jurt east of palace barn , 17th and Davenport ; make us nn offer. Have a nice building- lot for $100.00 , and can sell > ou an 8-room house to put on It for 1230.04 If you want to trade come In and tee us ; look at our window , remember we ne\er offer any thing but genuine snaps. H. E. COLE CO. . 105 North 15th. RE-MSI9 13 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at (1.50 per day. 50 rooms at $2.00 per day. SpetHal rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank HllJItch , manager. 4D3 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Kooms by day or week. 403 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , always redeemable. 1701 Farnam st , Nattlngcr , Sec. 414 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Aw'n. 1704 Bea bide. O. W. Nattioger , Bee. H13 LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN , LARGE BAY HORSE ; raw-boned. Return for re ajrd to James Whelnn , Sth and Grace. Host M74I 13 * LOST. A LADIES' POCKETBOOK CONTAIN- IDC small amount of money , visiting cnrdi , etc. Finder pleana leave ut Be olllcu nnd re cdro reward. Lost 713-11 * COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL ofllcs to K3 B. ICth St. , Brown block. 400 THE BEST IS THE CHEAIEST NO SMOKE No eoot. 2,003 pounds of the best Wyoming coal. ( ICO , delUrred. Just think of Ut You have to pay that for dirty , smoky coal. Ii you are Interested In the fuel question u a 8h rldan coal. Hoi Farnam street. 111)1 SHORTHAND AifD TYPEWRITING VAN SANT-S BCHOOL , FXR SHORT . Y. Life. Omaha. A K for circular. 410 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAilAOED MIlinORa R.ESJLVERED. 71 > N. ! . II oj BICJfrQLES. J. O. DAXON. 403 , 'ICTOR HtC'YCLES..Iat3B { FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Blofrtb Co , 123 N. ICth street. ? " * ' 391 _ _ STERLING , BUILT LuilY A WATCH. WEST- em Electrical Supply Co. , ISIS Howard street , > { ) i 333 _ _ _ ! EE THE VISIRLPIflVLL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Uartlum & Bro. , 120 N. 15th. REMINGTON AND EJAGLB. CROSS GUN CO. , 116 S. 16th street. c " 397 A. L. DEANE A CO.J JiltOLESALE AND RE- tall bicycles. 1118 Farijam street ; blocles iwld on easy payments. 395 ) < tM WESTERN BICYCLIi45UN CO. , 2416 CUMINO COI MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES. , VOOD MANTELS. GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , \Mtllmle * and large floors , write for catalougue , Milton Rogers & Sons. Omnhn. 41505 DRESSMAKING. MRS. C. A. LUCAS IIA S RETURNED AND opened parlors at 1603 Douglas street , where she nlll bo pleased to sec her fo-nicr frlinds M137-M23 DRESS MAKING IN FAMILIES. 4316 GRANT M13M2I * COMPETENT DRESSMAKER WILL MAKE engagement * In families at (1.25 per Jay. Ad dress O 03. Bee. M740 13 * UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALM ERS II. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago st. . telephone 90. 4)3 SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMINO , TEL. 10M 403 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer - er , 1117 Farnam at. , telephone 223. 410 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , CI3 S. ICTH ST. 411 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE ICO ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PASture - turo for horses , board fence , spring water ; Barton & Phelp * . Gilmore , Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son , 107 N. Y. Life bide. Tel. 10T.I. 478-July 1 * CARPENTERS AND UUILDER3. C K. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING , HOUSE sign painting , brick work , plngterlng ; off. R , 1 , Barker blk. , tel. 733 ; shop 2211 Izard , tcl , 403. 403 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- era for electric light nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec trical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard st. 401 CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAjTcARPET CLEANING WKS 718-720 S. IItil St. Tcl. 633. Service guaranteed. U. S. O , Kuhn , Mgr. ; Pat Ward , foreman. 12J-M22 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. 413 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M109 D-NTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE IJKNtTAL SURGERY. FREE Inmmary ; JiMUIstryi ut ( , < .ust. IClh ii Cap. nxo. n , 407 DR. PAUL. DENTItfo/ HURT ST. 417 NO.Ticn or necj-EiVKU's SALG. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to nn order of the district court of Douglas county , Nebraska , 'entered ' on the Bth day of May , 1895 , In tt'ilM pending In M.ilil court , wherein WIlllamnA. Wallace Is plain tiff and Wallace fti 4- com | > .iny. Incorpor ated , Is defendant , ijlll on Monday , the 27th day of May , 1SJ3. at 'J o'clock p. m. of said day nt the plnTTB of binlne's of snld Wallace And comp.lny. Incorporated , nt number 411 South TenthHtreetIn Omuha , Ne braska , sell at puUllpj.auctlpn to the high est bidder for cash nil of > 'tpc assets'of said Wallace and cdmpAnyvUnrortioratedr Said npsets consist ( n , iwrt of saloon bars , back bars , mirror frame ? ; bcr coolers , etc. , all being manufactured ijy the said Wallace and company , Incorporated , n complete out- lit of Improved wood working machinery , together with shaftlm ? and belting and two Detroit electric motors of fifteen horde- power each , the olllce furnltuie and llxtures and n lot of raw material and partially manufactured stock. Said pioperty may be Inspected at any time during business hours and the under signed Is authorized to sell all or parts of said property at private sale nt any time prior to the date fixed for public sale. Bald sale will be conducted according to the Instructions of the court embodied In the Bald order which will be found In the otllce of the clerk of the district court or a copy of the same may be Inspected on the above premises at any time during business hours. JOHN JHNKINS , M-ll-171 m and e Receiver. rropunnl * for Ilu lillntr. NEBRASKA CITY , May : 1895-Senled proposal * will bo received byV. . L. Wilson , at the Nebraska City National bank , until 12 o'clock in. , June 3 , 1895 , for the erection and completion of the new west wing of the Institution for the lillnd at Nebraska City , Neb. Plans and Bpeclflcntlona for the name can be necn nt the oflico of the superintend ent ot th > Institution for the lillnd and at the olOcP of Fisher & Lawrle. architects , Omaha , Neb. Separate bldi will be received for the p'.umblng and KUH lilting , and also steam heating. Bach bid must be accom panied by u certified check for JjOO. Ths right Is teserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defect or Informality In any bid. I3y order of the board of trustees. W. L. WILSON , President. Ma dlOtm Lawyers aud solicitors. SUES & CO. lic > . > 15t3ildins , OMAHA , Neb. Advlco t'UKR. RAILWAY THE CARD Leaves lUURLINOTON At MO. ItlVUIt.Arrives ( OnmhalUnion Depot , 10th Ac Ma ua bia. j Omaha I0:15ini : Denver Cxprent 9:4Uam : 4:3Si > m.Ulk. lillhs Mont. & 1'uuet Und. Ex. 4lJpm : 4&pm Denver Cxpreas 410pm ; 6:45pm..Neliraika Local ( except .Sunday ) . . 7:45pm : B:15am..Lincoln Local ( except Sun.a ! > > . . .U.5ara 2:45pm..ra : t Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dally. . . . Leaves [ CHICAGO. UUHLING1ON ft Q.JArrtvei OmahaUnion ) Depot , luth & ila on8t _ . | ) maha 4l5pm : Chicago Volibule 9Mam : S.iOurn Chicago Express 4I5pm : 7:50pm..Chicago : and St. Louli Kxpreaa . 8ix : > am I'acmc junction Local 5:3 : < > pm rait Mali 2:4jpm Leavei ICH1CAG67SUL. & STri'AUL.Arrive ( * OtnahaUnlon | Depot , Will & Mason SU. | Omaha t.OOpm..T. . . . Chicago "Limited..T 930am ; 11.10am..Chicago express ( ex. San. ) . . . . C.OOpm Ltavei ( CHICAGO & Omahal Union Depot , llth & Mmon b'U. | Omaha 11.05am . CaitetnoUxpresi . E:30pm : 4:00pm : . Vestlbujedia Llmlte-l . :40am : : . . . .Mo. Valley Local . 10:3Dpm : Bi4Spm . Omaha Clilj-ifgo Special. . . . . . * ; 15pm Leaves I CHICAGO , Ii. IH& 1'ACIKIC. ( Arrive * Omahal Union Depot , J9 b , , < K Hasan t > ts. | Omaha SAllT. , Atlantic Kxarata ex. Sunday ) . , , l:5Spm : CZJpm Night L'xpreg * > : Uam 43'jpm..Chicago ! ' VCTtlUuIed Limited. . . . l3ipm ; W. 6:00pm : , . Oklahoma & "Aii 'lx ( ex Sun.10J3am : l:40pm . . . .Coloraao'T'Llinlteil . 4OQpm : Leave * I C.ST. VJ M. uc'O ( Arrives Omahal Depot , lth ana\A'eb _ .er Bis. I Omaha ° ? :31am. . . .Nebraika * " ' KupcngeF ( dally ) . . . :15pm : 4iOpm..Sioux : Cltr fcxfrf < s ( exSun. . ) . . ll:5Cam : 6.11'pm 81. Taut Limited 1035ani ; Leave * I F E. * MSVALI."BV. ( [ Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th fcnauWebal r Sis. | Omaha * 2:10pm : Past Mall ami Uxpius 4:5jpm : 2:10pm.ex : , Pot ) Wy6.ilUr , ( ex. Mon. ) . , 4:55pm : 9KGam..Norfolk ) Rxprei * ( ex. Sunday ) . . 10.3)am t:10pm St. Paul Kxpivsa 10.35am Leavf * I K. C , ST. J. & U. II | Ai rives OmahaUnlcn | Depot , 10th , & Mnion Bt . | jOmaha > :50am : Kanna * City Day Hxpreis. .T 5.30pm :49pmlt. : C. Night ix. Mn U. I' . Tram. tJ:50am : Uave | MISSOUni "PACIFIC , lArrlveT Omahal Depot , 15th * and Web1 erjjts. _ ) Omaha IMOam .Rt7Loul * Kipreu 7T 6:00am : 9:20pm : St. Louis Kiprru 6:0lpm : BilOpm Nebraska Local ( ex. Hun ) . . a:00am : Leave * I SIOUX CITV t'l'A'CIFfC. [ Arrive * _ pinahaJDet > ol. I5ll _ am ) Web ! r St * . | Omaha " " " "tfitupm . l.St. I'aul Limited" Leaves I SIOL'X CITV & I'ACiriC. ( Arrives OmahajUnlun Depot , 10th & Ia onSt _ * \ Omalia < : Uam . Sioux Cltr rati-iintr. . . 14Up : : pm . . . .St. Paul Limited , . , , . ltUpm : LeaVe * T UNION "PACint * I Arrive * " OmahaL'nl3n Depot , 10 ih & Matgn Bt . | Omahn 10:00am : . . . . . . . . .Kearney iir > rei . l:43pm : ; -Cwi > m . . . . . , .Ove-an ! < l Hye . , & t sopm II at 03 & . S n li g ix ( ex Sun ) 3,4' > i > m 7-JH > m . . . . . . . . Tae'llo Kiprem . . . 10 Kan 15pm . . . . 1'nit Mall . . . 4 L7aTl WAIIABII RAILWAY. * JArVfv3 GnutiaJUnloQ Depot. 10th & Maioa SU. | Omaha CURES THE SERPENT'S STING , HEALS RUNNING SORES. omlnryorTe : . ermanently cured la 16 ta | 330aT8. You can bo treated at homo foi tnoitamoprlcoiindorsntnoRUnmiity. II TUU prefer to conio Lcro wo win contract to pay rallnma faro nnd hotel bills , and no ermrtro.lf wo fall to euro. If you have taken inrr- cury , Iodide potiiRh , and etlll Imvo nrlics and pttlng , MuctiuRl'ntclirn In mouth. horoTliront , 1'lmplcB , Copper Colored KpotN , Ulcers uu HOT part of the bodr. Iliilr or Kyobrowti fiillliiR out , It Is tbla Syphilitic HLOOI ) i'OISON thid wo giiBrnutco to cum. Wo the mnut ohstl- nato cr.di > 8 nnd clinlloiiRo the world fur u cnnn we cannot euro , "i hi * dl-cmo bus always bnlllod tl.n skill of tlio molt eminent pliynl- clunn. NnooOOO capital behind our tinrondt * tlonnl guaranty. A ligut u to proofH emit e led on nppllcntlon. AddreM COOK ItK.MKUY CU > , 007 Ala oa > i Tcmnlo , CIIlCAUO , JUA. PLEASES EVERY TASTE It is by far the most delicious Chew ing Tobacco nmdc. Try it. Notice. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Hull- road company will be held nt the olllce of the company In Omaha , Nebraska , on Fri day , May 17 , 1S93 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for the election of directors nnd for the transaction of such other business us may come befoic the meeting.J. . J. n. UKDKIELD. Secretary. Dated April 30 , 1S33. May-2-d-lG-t. NOTICE. Parties having pawns with me will rail for them within 30 day from May 11 , ns 1 Intend In go out of business. KItlCU MOIILE , 1517' Fainnm SI. Show cases for sale , M-ll-30-t-K-ft-S A GREAT PUBLISHER. Extant In Cash of tlio U'ork of tlio Govern iiicnt Printing Olllnr. How vast a business Is carried on by the government printing ofllee may be gathered from the fact that more than 3,000 operatives are employed , at wagss aggrpga'Ing about $2,900,000 a year ; that 40SSSC9S copies of separate documents were printed In 1S94 ; that the number of pages of type set the same year was 280.152 ( exclusive of the Congrcs slonal Record ) and that for a single report ( that of the secretary of agriculture ) more than 1,000,000 pounds of book printing paper were required. The statement frequently mads tliat this Is the most extensive printing odlce In JheorJd , writes A. It. Spofford In the F6rum , Is borne out by Its operations , although by , no means true of Its building. The latter" is tb tlid'Ust degree untul'ed to EO vast a1 business , being old , overcrowded and notoriously unsafe. The rapid develop ment and Increase of government printing Is slioun conspicuously In the figures of Its annual rost. In 1S19 all the printing oi.d binding of the government required an ex penditure of only $65,000 In a report made to congress In 1859 the whole cost from 1819 to 1S53 was stated at $3,574,343 , while the printing for the six years 1853 to IS59 co t $3,402,655 , or about as much In six years as In the previous thirty-three yenrs. This extravagance travaganco led to the final establishment of the government printing olllce , and the greatly expanded business of multiplying books and documents ever since Is shown In the figures of annual expenditure , which were In 1863. for printing and binding. $1.417,750 ; In 1870. $1,609.860 ; In 1SSO. $2.0,14.751 ; In 1890 , 53,124,462. and In 1891. $3,940.110. The cost ot government printing and binding In Great Britain In 1894 was 522,500. or about $2- 600,000 , but as this Included stationery for all the public offices , and as no free document distribution exists there , except one copy to each member of Parliament , there are far more elements of contrast than ot comparison. Hailing from TexiM. There was a tall , gaunt Texan who came on to Washington during Cleveland's first ad ministration , relates the Washington Post He had a pile ot litters and recommendations and endorsements about the size ot a bundle of fodder. He was In high spirits and per fectly confident that be would get his appoint ment at once. He took In the town with some of the choice spirits of the Texas colony and regaled them with bright pictures of what he was going to do just as soon as he was confirmed. U turned out , however , that he hadn't been In Tevas for ten years. An other ofllceseeker caught onto this fact and used It for all It was worth. The Texan went up to see the secretary and had a paintul In terview with him , and wound up by raying "It's true , Mr. Secretary , I do business In New York , but I live In Texas , nt least I don't think I'm living unless I am there. Besides. If a man can't hall from Texas where In the h 1 can he halt from ? " Author of "The Ntnr Sp.uiRlcil llnnncr. " Many Interesting tilings about Francis Scott Key the author cf the "Star Spangled Banner" ore contained In a pamphlet , which may be obtained free from the Key Monument ment association ot Frederick City , Md. , by sending one.2-cent stamp for postage. Tills association Is raising funds for a suitable monument to the poet , and they suggest that , In the schools and everywhere , upon or before Flag day ( June 14) ) this subject bo suitably recognized. Contribution * ) , however small , are asked for. The governor of Mary land has strongly endorsed the movement. The names of all contributor ) will be pre served In the crypt of the monument , aivl published ( without amount ) In the history of the monument when completed. TlnifS UHVO Ctmnge : ! , Detroit Free Press : "Do you appreciate , " the old man asked of the youth who sought the hand ot his daughter , "that marriage U attended with greater difficulties and discour agements than It ever was before ? " The youth would have epoken had not the patriarch waved him to silence. "Do you real'ze " He threw his whitened locks back from his brow. " that the lodge gag Is worn so thin that a blind woman can see through It. and that as yet nothing has appeared to take Its place ? " I'orfonully Ilenpnntlblr. She opened her eyes feebly as they raised her from the gutter. "Do not think anybody else Is responsible , " she moaned. "I made myself what I am. " Women were moved to pity , sayt the De troit Tribune , and came and contemplated her. her."I "I made myself what I am. " They noticed that her complexion , lilthough It had been out In the rain , was yet glorious , and they exchanged glances and whispered one lo another that If slie had made hercelf what she was , she was entitled to great credit , A I'ninlly Iluturber. Mrs. Scribbler ( Impressively ) Whatever you do , never , never marry a newspaper man. School Chum Why ? "I married one , and I know. Every nlsht my huiband brings home a big bundle at newspapers from all over the country and they drive me crazy " "The newspapers1 "Indeed , they do , They are Just crammed with the moit astonishing bargalni In shops 100 mile * away " ( Oopjri h > 1W3. ) IV At Wlnsor & Wockes * information was not llfncult to obtain. The houses were destined to come down very shortly , but week erse so ago an odlco and a collar In one ot them was let temporarily to a Mr. Wcstlcy. He jrought no references Indeed , ns he paid a 'orlnlght's rent In advance , he was not asked 'or any , considering the circumstances ot the cae. He was about opening a London liranch for a large flrm of elder merchants , lie ( .aid , and Just wanted a rough ofllee and a cool cellar to store samples In for a few wctks , till the permanent premises were ready. There was another key , and no doubt the premises might be entered , It there were any special reason for such a course. Martin Hewitt gave such excellent reasons that Wlnsor & WeeHes' managing clerk Im- Hewitt Contlnjed to Pass U Around the Dolt mediately produced the key and accompanied Hewitt to the spot. "I think you'd better have your men handy , " Hewitt remarked to I'lummer , whsn they reached the door , und a whistle quickly brought the men over. The key wa. inserted In the lock nnd turned , but the door would not open ; the bolt was fastened at the bottom. Hewitt stooped and looked under the door. "It's a drop bolt , " he said. "I'robably the man who lett last let It fall loose nnd then banged the door , EO that It fell Into Its place. I must try my best with a wire or a piece of siring. " A wire was brought , and with some man- oeuvcrlng Hewitt contrived to pass It around the bolt and llfo it , little by little , steadying It with the blade of n pocket knife. When at length the bolt was raised out of the hole the knife blade was slipped under it , and the door swung open. They entered. The door of the little olllce near the door stood open , but In the oflico there was nothing except n board n couple of feet long. In n corner. Hewitt stepped across and lifted this , turning its downward face toward Phinunor. On It , In fresh white paint on a black ground , uero painted the words : Buller , Clajton , Ladds & Co. , Temporary en trance. Hewitt turned to Wlnsor & Weekes' clerk and ashed : "The man who took this room called himself Westley , didn't ho ? " "Yes. " "Youngish man , clean shaven nnd well dret&ed ? " "Yes , he was. " "I fancy , " Hewitt said , turning to I'lum mer , "I fancy an old friend of yours Is In this Mr. Sam Gunter. " "What ! the 'Hoxton Yob ? ' " "I think It's possible he's been Mr. West- ley for a bit , and somebody else for another bit Hut lot's come to the cellar. " Wlnsor & Weekes' clerk led the way down a steep flight of steps Into a dark under ground corridor , wherein they lighted their way with many successive matches. Soon the corridor made a turn to the right , and as the party passed the turn there came from the end of the passage before them n fearful yell , "Help ! help ! Open the door ! I'm going mad mad ! Oh , my God ! " And there was a sound of desperate beating from the Inside of the cellar door at the extreme end. The men stopped , startled. "Come , " hald Hewitt , "more matches ! " and he rushed to the door. U was fastened with a bnr and padlock. "Lot me out. for God's sake , " came the voice , sick and hoarse , from Inside. "Let me out ! " "All right ! " Hewitt shouted. "We have come for you ; wait a moment. " The voice sank Into a sort of a sobbing cioon , and Hewitt tried several keys from his own bunch on the padlock. None fitted. Ho drew from his pocketbook the wire he had used for th bolt of the front door , straightened It out , und made a sharp bend at the end. "Hold n match close , " ho or dered shortly , and one of the men obeyed. Three or four attempts were necessary , and several different bendlngs of the wire wore effected , but In llio end Hewitt picked the lock and flung open the door. From within a ghastly figure fell forward among them , fainting , and knocked out the matches. "Hullo ! " cried I'lummer , "hold up. Who are you ? " "Let's get him Into the open , " said Hew itt. "Ho can't tell you who he Is for a bit , but I bellevn he's Laker. " "Laker ! What , here ? " "I think bo. Steady up the steps don't bump him. He's pretty sore- already , I ex pect. " Truly the man was a pitiable night. Hh hair and face were caked In dust and blood and his finger nalU were tern and bleeding Water was sent for at once nnd biamly. "Well , " cald Hummer hazily , looking first at the unconscious prisoner and then at lle'v- Itt. "but what about the swag ? " "You'll have to flnJ that yourself , " Hewitt replied. "I think my share of the ctte U about finished. I only act tor the Guurantea Ecclety , you know , and If Laker's proved in nocent " "Innocent ? How ? " "Well , this Ishat took place , M near as I can figure It. You'd better undo hi * colhr , I think , " thU to the men. "What , I be lieve has happened U this : There hua been a very clever trick , und Laktr has not been 'he criminal and there has been a carefully pn pared conspiracy hero , and lie U the vic tim. " "Ilobbed himself , you mcnn ? Dut ! un ? Where ? " "Yesterday morning , noforc he had been to more than throe banks here , lit fact. " "Ilut. Ihon , how ? You're all wrong. We know he made the whole round anil did all the collfctlon. And then Palmer's office nnd all. nnd the umbrella ; why " The nun I.ty still unconscious. "Din't raUi * hit lica.l , " Hewitt Eald. "And one of you had best fetch a doctor. He'i had n terrible nhorlv. " Then turning to I'lttinmer he wont on : "A to how they managiid the Job , I'll tell you what I think. Pint , U truck sum * very clever person that a dill of nioney might be got by robbing a walk rltrl ; from a Uink. Tiili clever psrsona one of a vlcvrr gang of thieves - prlm < > the Hoxton raw gang an I think I hinted. Now , you Know quite an wll us I do. tint aueh a gang will spend any amount ot time over a job that promises it big haul , jnd that for tuch a Job they cam always command the r.'cpuiiry capital tli rr are many most r'sptetable perwin living In gord &tyle In tnc T\ \ \j \ jrb whose ctifef h-silii--- ! ilej In I.- v rim ; -uch ventures and tal > ns th r1 f a'larc ot tlio prc"C"Js. W'll. this Ij their plan , carefully anj intMlIg n'ly cirri J c , ' They watch Laker , obierv the round he takci. and his liablts. They ntvl that Urre U only one of tha clerk * with wh-m he does builncta that he li much acquainted with , and ( hat this clerk Is In a bank which It commonly second In Laker's round. Thl sharpest man among them-anti I don't think there's a man In Londnn could do this ill well as Sam ' young aunter--stmllcs Laker'l dress and habits. Jutt n nn actrr studies I character. They lake this office ami cellar , at wo have seen , liecntisu It Is next door to i bulk whoso front cntrnnco U being altered a fact which Laker must know from his dallj visits. Thf smart man. Hunter , let us say. and I have other reasons for believing It U be he makes up precisely llko Laker , ( alti moustache , dress and everything , and wait ! hcra with the rest of the gang. One of th gang Is diessed In a blue coat with bnu buttons , like a hall porter In Butler's bink , Do you sec ? " "Yes , I think so. lt' pretty clear now. " 'A confederate watches at the top ot thi court , anil the moment LaUer turns In from Oornlilll having already been , mind , at tin only bank where he was so well known that the disguised thief would not have pissed muster as teen as ho turns In from Corn , hill. 1 say , a slgncl Is given , and that board" pointing to that with the white letters "Is hung on the hook In the doorpost. The sham porter Is besldo It , and as Laker approaches says : -This way In , sir , this morning. The from way's shut for the alterations. ' Laker , suspecting nothing , and supposing that the firm has made n temporary cntiaiic ] through the empty house , enters. Ho Is seized when well along the corridor , the board Is taken down ami the door shut. Probably ho la stunned by a blow on the head see the blood now. They take his wallet and all the cash he has already collected. Gunter takes tha wallet and also the umbrella , slnco It has Laker's Initials , and Is therefore distinctive. Ho simply ccmpl tcs the walk In the char acter of Liker , beginning with Duller , Clay ton & Ladd's , Just around the corner. It ts nothing-but routine work , which Is aulckly done , nobody notices him particularly It Is the bills they examine. Meanwhile , this un fortunate fellow Is locked up In the collar lure , right nl the end of the underground corridor , where he can never nuke himself heard In the street , and where next him are only the empty cellars of the deserted house next door. The thieves shut the front door and vanish. The rest Is plain. Gunter , hav ing completed the round , and bagged some 15.000 or more , spends a fsw pounds In a tourist ticket at Palmer's as a blind , being careful to give Laker's name. Ho leaves the umbrella at Charing Cross In a conspicuous place , right opposite the lost properly onice , where It Is btire to be seen , and so complete ! his false trail. " "Then who arc the people at 197 Hackworth road ? " "The capitalist lives there the financier , and , probably , the directing spirit of the whole thing. Merston's the name ho goes by there , and I've no doubt ho cuts a very Im posing llgiire In chapel every Sunday. He'll be worth picking up this Isn't the first thing he's been In , I'll warrant. " "But but what about Laker's mother and Miss Shaw ? " "Well , what ? The poor women are nearly out ot their minds with terror nnd shame , that's all , but , though they may think Lakor From Within n Figure Fell Forward. a criminal , they'll never desert him. They've been following us about with n feeble , vague sort of hope ot being able to ballla us In some way or help him If wo caught him. or some thing , poor things. Did you ever hear ot a real woman who'd desert a BOH or lover merely because he was a criminal ? lliit hero's the doctor. Whsn he's attended to him will you let your men take Laker home ? I must hurry and report to the Guarantee so ciety. I think. " "But , " said the perplexed I'lummer , "whera did you get your claw ? You must have had a tip from some one , you know. You can't have done It by clairvoyance. What gave you the tip ? " "The Dally Chronicle. " "The what ? " "Tho Dally Chronicle. Just take a look at the agony column In yesterday morning' * Issue and read the messag ; to 'Yob' to Guu- ter. In fact. That's all. " , ( To be Continue , ] . ) The C.ilil.y'n Hall. A Philadelphia "cabby" delivers Mmseir ot this bit ot philosophy : "Do Devil ain't as black as he's painted , an' a woman ain't always as blond ns ulie's bltnuhcd. Us cab drivers has do reputation of doln" every body , but nobody don't Know how often wo gits done up ourselves. An' dat's straight , see ? Why , on'y last vrelc two la dles done me up out of six hours. I'd ' been drlvln' 'em about town all night. Abtut free o'clock In de inornln' dcy ttops mo In front of a llttlj street an' tells mi ) to wait while dcy goes In to malte n call on a lady fr'cn. I was u little boozy mesolf about dat time , HII' I waited an hour , tea ? Show up ? Naw ! " IToir.irter. Pursuant lo call , the pullccman went to No. 41111 X street , and found a determined man In - of th Clncln- poiss-seloii grocery , says the - nitlTrlbune. The determined man had a largc-bcre shotgun and was taking In the receipts and dropping thorn Into hli pocket , "Pxvat do this mean ? " asked the olllccr , "Thlfi duck ewes mo rronsy ttr throwln' rocl.i at mo dng , " explained the man with the gun. "Coain out av thot , now , " Eald the pollcs- man , laying a heavy red hand on the armed lirrcon. "D ) yes think ye are the Dr-r-rltlsh gover'iiuut ? " Detroit Tribune : He isomol preoccupied. "Why so thoughtful ? " she asked , walls with dignity born of worrjnly reserve and consideration of a clruir store complexion , she did not cu me tuo near him. "Is It true , " he i-ald , directing an Intents gaze up.-n her , "that you have- already bad tv. eho Inifbnii'lJ ' ? " " " "Yei - Thrpwmg her hliyncsj to the winds aha came and Mraed him. " - ys , hut I nm not a bit super ttou ! ! . " Vnry I'roluli o , Boston Olobo : Peacemaker I wouldn't flght , my goo ] men. Klrnt Combatant Ho called mo a liar , elr. Second Combatant An' he railed me a lazy Inafo : . Peieemalfcr Well , I wouMr.'t fight over a dllferuico ot opinion ; you both may be right. JTaan JUby wa * slcfc , wa cave her Caatorla. When the vJ a Child , xho crt il for C.uorb. : Yfhen Bin bi.tmo JII-s , the rlnns to C-t'orlix. \Ttea sh had CWHrcu , the gave them CiutorW