Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1895, Page 10, Image 10

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    . Y"- " * r - r-r * . - A
Wheat Lost Nearly Ono Cent on Liberal
Realizing Sales ,
Only a toinparatlvolr Siniill llnflnois Win
Trniisnctril In Hutu , with \Vculc
; celli > K nnil Price * Lower
Movie * unit Honda.
CHICAOO , May 10. Wheat lost % c today
on liberal realizing Bales. Tlio expectation
of the government rci > ort prevented heavy
trading. July corn closed We lower , July
oats Vic lower , and provisions finished at
slight declines.
Wheat opened easier , chiefly because of
the predicted drop In temperature , and In
about forty minutes from the opening , the
price of July wheat was down to &lc , com
pared with OlVic nt the end of yesterday' *
session. Extreme nervousness character
ized the trading1 all the forenoon. There
were a few buying ordera at the price last
quoted , but sellers all at once became so
conservative that none could bo bought un
til buyers advanced their bids to 6 Wc. It
had more than one downward reaction after
that , during which It waa not BO dllHcult to
buy at file , but the feature of the forenoon's
business was Its ) quick fluctuations over a
narrow range. The opening trades were at
from CI14C down to 6lc , with sellers more
eager than the. buyers at those rates. The
foreign markets sent higher quotation * , but
not BUfllclently to equal yesterday's advance
here , nml that was considered a weak point
to start with. The Minneapolis and Uuluth
receipts were 145 cars. The primary mar
ket receipts were 1D2.000 bu. The export
clearances from Atlantic pnrts comprised
112,000 bu. of wheat and flour together.
There were reports from St. Louis confirm
ing all they had previously advised of dam
age by drouth , but there were other re
ports from the same place statins thnt the
damage reported was being considerably
exaggerated. The government report , to be
issued this afternoon , exercised n restrain
ing Influence upon the traders. There
seemed to be no advance tips about It , but
the general Impression was that It would
differ materially from Thoman's report , as
published in the 1'ralrle Farmer ten days
ago , which reduced the condition 2.0 from
that given by It on the previous month. A
somewhat similar reduction given by the
government would make Its report show a
condition of about 78.G. The foreign mar
kets all closed higher , but the realizing
continued until the close. The prices were
about their lowest near the end , and after
selling nt from G3&C to C3ic July closed at
Corn ruled rather weak and a moderate
amount of business was done. The offerings
from country stations were heavier again ,
and receiving houses were. In consequence ,
of a bearish character. July opened nt the
highest price of the day , from Blc to 50c ,
as against Cl'.ic nt the close yesterday.
After a decline to 50c to OOHc , nnd a re-
nctlon to 50c , it dropped again to GO'Xic , nnd
closed nt 60i4c. Receipts here were 201 cars ,
nnd egtImateH for next day nre 230 cars.
I'rltnnry mnrket receipts were 161,000 bu. ,
against 259,000 bu. a year ago.
Only a comparatively small business wan
transacted In oats. The feeling wns weak
and prices lower. The excellent prospects
for the coming crop were very Influential
In causing country people to forward sellIng -
Ing orders. The arrival of the new oats on
this mnrket Is reported to be about two
week * earlier than usual , and n new mipiilj
Is expected during the fore part of July
A heavy crop Is also predicted throughout
the country. June started nt from 23c
to 2Dc , sold at 29c. down to SSV&c. and closed
t from 28V4c to 2Sc , July ranged nt from
28940 to 2M4C , nnd rested nt 2S'/iC to SSIic.
Trade In provisions wns exceedingly light
Fluctuations were narrow , nnd there was a
general Indisposition to trade.
Hccelpts of hogs were nbout ns estimated
Compared with yesterday's closing rates
pork Is about lOc lower , lard without change
nnd ribs from 5c to 7&c lower , Knsler feel
Ing wns mainly the result of the weakness
In corn. Freights , demand fnlr nt I'/iO for
wheat , nnd IVfcc for corn to llufC.ilo.
ICstlmatcs for Saturday : Wheat , 20 cars
corn. 230 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , lO.tXn.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
r7lcicf rT Opan. | 111th.Law. | . | Clou
Wlieiit No. a
May O''Ii
July. , 04 U uu :
Corn No.'J. .
July. 51 6iM CU
Sept 60Jl 61
Coin No. . > . . .
May 28H * 8H H
June. 28M"J
July 28S
Pork uorbbl
July. , 12 13 12 20 12 OS 12 07
Sunu. lu saw 12 3'JX 12 2C 12 25
July 0 75 0 75 0 76
Sent U UO 8&M U 87) ) . U 00
Short lltbs- '
Jnly 0 17 n'ssM 0 If ! 0 15
Sent o : i2' II ' . ' 7W 0 3O
Tush quotations were as follows :
FLOt'R Firm ; winter patents. J1.10fJ3.40 ; win
ter straights. JJ.90Tf3.lJ ; lmk rs , Jl.63fr2.40 ; rprln
patents , JJM03.75 ; fi > flng ulrnlKlitn. 2.lOSfi2- > .
WHEAT No. 2 spring , CCTeC7Uci No. 3 spring
nominal ; No. 2 red , C2Ti/ravc ;
CORN-Ni > . 2 , WXe , ; No. 3 yellow. SOo.
OATS Nu. 2. 2SVic ; Na 2 white. aiUOUKc ; No
J white , 3W32Uc.
RTE No. 2. 63c.
HARLKY No. 2 , Mit ! > ; 2c ; No. 3 , We ; No. 4
FLAX SEED-NO , i , t.w.
CLOViil : SEED fS.O'Jfl ' 8.73.
PROVISIONS Mem pork , per bbl. . | 12.00if
1112U. iJird. per 10i ) Ihs. . J6.62U.B0.63. Shiir
ribs sld ( loose ) . JG.OJff5.10. Dry EalOMl tlmiil
dm-s ( boxe.1) , $ . ' . ? , "J3.371i ; short clear side
( boxed ) , tft 37u , j .CO.
WHISKY Distillers' tlnlshc'l Rootle , per pi !
The following were the receipts and shipment
toC-y :
Cloilnt ; Qnotiitlon * u tha 1'rlnvlpal Com
modltlcs nnil Ktnplen.
NEW YORK. Mny 10-FLOUIl-ReceMs. 15.
K bbU. ; exports. 14.COO bbls. ; rales , 22,000 pkss
Market in general steady , with rprlng patent
flnnty lirtil , but only ncolerntely nctlvis clt
mill patents , J4.23tit4.40 ; city mill clears , M.55C
3,63 ; winter slrnlghts , J3.KV1W ; Minnesota pat
cnts , J3.60SI4.00 ; winter extras , J2.CU2.M ) ! ; Mlnne-
ota tiakeis , Ji.70G3.53 ; winter low grades , J2.2
& 2.GO ; uhlpplne law grades , Jl.9 < > u > 2.23. Ry
llour , flrui : sales , I > bbUi.
CORN MKAL-Qulet ; sales. WO bbls. . 2.0 >
sacks ; yellow western , lt.15tfl.17 ; Ilrandywlne
I2.SO.WHKATItooflpts , 133,400 bu. ; exports , none
ales , 2UO.OOO bu. futures and 27 , two bu , po
Spot dull ; No. 2 red. In store nnd flevntor , CT'.ic
atloat , 6S ic ; f. o. b. . C9Hc , alloat ; No. 1 hard
73c. delivered. Options bail a weak openln
under local reallxlne > m < l foreign hc-lllnc nn
ruled weak nil day. closing Ulf'tC off. Th
nflcrnoon fenliires were weak lulu cables , ral
In the northwest nnd reports that HIM go vein
inent statement would not be huncd , whtc
rumor wan HuhsMiucnlly denied ; No. 2 red , Ma >
closed nt 67c ; June. 6T iOHHc , closed ut C7 ? c
July , 6SSCS if. closed nl tSHc ; Augu t , CS',4i
C9c. cloned ut CSKc ; Seplember , foKO' < 9'ii.
cloned at es c ; Decombrr , 7tiiU71Uc ) , clojcJ n
70 % e.
CORN Receipts. 81. ! > bu. ; exports.11,200 bu.
Bales. 4 . < XX ) bu. futures and 4J.OH bu. rpo
Bpol easier ; No. 3. 64ic ; yellow. Krte , Ucllveroi
Option * opfned weaker with wheat , steadied
lltlle , but llnally sold off * quickly under Ms
deliveries nnd closed nl frOJi1' lo * . the latter o
Mny ; May , 6n , Wc. vtoi-ol nt 5llc ; July. 03
O36c , closed at UHc ; Scytcinb.'r , 557 < ii > 50li
clmtd at UT e.
OATS Receipts , 198,400 ba. ; exports , 1,100 bu.
ales , 223,000 ba. future * and MJW liu. spot. S ; >
easier ; No. t. 3te ; No. 2 , dcllvrJ'nl. 33o ; No. 3
ante ; No. 2 white. I6Ko ; No , 3 white , 3Co ; trac
white western , 3Sf4Ic. Uptlnn * quiet and raak
with corn and some bittrr crop newy , closed
O % < ! oft ; Mny. 3niO12'.ir. clawd at 31Hc ; Jun
32iij32Uc , closed tit 3'Hc.
HAY Steady ; ihlpplni ; , S3OCOc ; E < x > d tJ choice
HOPS Weak ; state , common to choice , ot
JJI&c ; 1894 , 41jUc ; PacUlc ooa t. clj. 3t3c ;
HIDES Flrong ; wet railed Ktvi Ot leans ,
ledlad , 45 to C3 Ibx. , Vr-t ; Texas , C'lrcteO , SO I
10 Ibs. . 7c , Iluflios A } res , dry , S ) t > 24 Ibs. . 13c.
LaOATHKR-Klriu ; htmlock lulp. llueno
Ayrea , lljUl to heavy wtlgliU. rv'iiOSH.inckl
\VOOL-Bteadr ; domestla Ante. Ui25 ) ? , | iull
I'KOVIUIONS-Rcef. nrni ; family , Jll.KOOli.:0
extra mess. M.SO. uut m l , iiteaJy ; pickle
bvlllea , Si.OOiS.37H ( : plckU'.l sluiulderv. 13.1
pickled hams. JO.OHTD.SS. I-urd. dull ; wuiter closet ! at K83H asktd ; rllr JO.lJii-4.l
alei , 104 Uarcej ; JJay cloned ut JtLSI. nomlna
July , 17. nominal ; refined , steady ; rumpound
< V > rU. Porte , dew ; n w IU M. IW.rWU.Ji ; fua
y. Jli.COfU.O : short clear. J1100J/15.W.
BUTTKn Hull : wenttro dulry , rVJtj J2wr '
rn crnuncrr. lH 16Vlc ; Klfflns. 1'Hc , ImUatlc
ertamtry , 13c ; state dairy , lOCTHr ; st te cream
, UrR * . 4ViOeSc. milt. 4\l \
lie : part ULm . lUW Uc ; full iklini. H- .
I'BTHOr.KUW-Nomlnnl ; Unltnl rloa.'d nt fl.
> ici western fresh , 12SQ13c ; sou them ,
2Vic ! receipts , 7,931 tikgs.
TALLOW Hteudy ; city , 4c ; cotinlry , 4Ke.
ROSIN Klnnrri Mialned , common to goal ,
Tt'RI'KN'TINn TSiider ; M'tJtSOc. '
RICK Hteady ; domestic , fair lo extra , 4XO
MCI Japan. SltaiUr.
MOLA8HRS Klrm : New Orleans , optn kettle ,
MBTAL8 Pli Iron , 'iiteailler ; Kcotcli , US.OOfl
I.IID j Amertcnn. J9.Mfll2.50. Copper , strong ;
roker * ' | > rlce , IMS e-xchanxe price , 110.33. L ad ,
Irnmti brokers' price. 12.9' , ; exchange prlci * ,
3.07(4. ( Tin , Mrmj Htmllp , $ li : rrintes , sleadler ,
pelter , very llrmj domestic , 53.30.
COTTONSiKI > OIL Showed less activity.
Ithout change In prices , but to wll nny
insldcrnhle extent concessions woulil be nec < "i-
ary ; prime numrnfr yellow , 2rc , clislng
ftlh 27ic ! nclwl. nnd 4 > 1 bble. prime white for
iport at We , closing with SO&c uskcd.
'olutno of lliiMiicM In Mi'dintles Shotrs n
llriivy Ilirrnisi' .
NEW YORIC. May 10. The vMumo of business
n the Block exchange today shows n heavy In-
renso In ycsterdny'ii trading , reaching very
pally COO.OOO shares , the trailing being very
Ide. A m.-uleil feature of the speculation win.
he heavy buylmr for the foreign account nnd It
i estimated that over 70.MO shores of slocks
ion tnken for I/ondon and the continent. Th
urcha lnK for the foreigners Is one of UK
hlef sustaining Influences of the market , nnJ
oupled with the stirnirlh of American securities
n the London Htock exchange wan the main
actor In restricting the operations of the bear
leinent ami Inducing th covering of short con-
ruclii. Tlio mirket opened active an.l buoyant
nd for throe-quarters of an hour price * moved
jpward , llaltlni'iro & Ohio leading tlui ndvnne-
nK column with a jrnln of V , per cent nnJ
' > lormlo , Denver & Kin Crnnde commnn. New
eraey , New Kncbind , ItMcllliR. Lake Shore.
Tottim Oil preferrrd nntl Ruwinehanna & Wentern
prefotriil Mm ; nlso prominent In the Improve
ment. Townnl 11 o'clock It became- apparent
hut n UiuMatlnn movement wan In pnvre "
nd the benrs endmvored to help tlie reiicllonary
cntlfiicy by putting out ome small lines of
hurts. The coal utoch * . Bugar and Hie C" nl Bf
hares were thr heavlent imlTereii , the decline
n the ri'.it nf the lint being merely fractional.
Vet for long < 1M the depression last , rejily
ktwonitlon of nil Blocks oftered for sale bringing
ibout n cbniiKu uf heart on the pait of the Kelt-
ng contingent , nnd before noon Ihc upward
novement had been resumed. Pilces continued
o gain until shortly before 1 o'clock , vhen ,
under cliQiia manipulation , Sugar began to give
vay nnd receded 1W per cent. Then cnme n
> rejik of Z4 ! per cent In New llngland , m per
imt In New Jernoy Central , nml t per cent In
Conlnic' BUarnnteed. The mnrket , however ,
tlfTenetl In the later dealings nnd clo.sed In good
one nt a very general advance on the day ot
t to 2',4 per cent. The trading In IxinJa today
vni of enormous | > ruportlons , the sales footing
up JiC76 , < )05j ) The ; jpeciilntlon Kenernlly wns of
a buoyant charnct'er nnd higher prices were Ibe
rule , but toward the clcse then * was n slump In
frwr of thii irculntlve mnrtgnKes.
The livening Pont'B Ix > n < lun cablegram says :
The marketH were Inomlne ngaln loilay. Therp
was an enormmiH huxlneiui In Amnlcins , but
chiefly on German buying. Dealers declare that
during the past three ilaya the eider from Ger
many have been unprecedentedly large , nml I
liear of brokers who atlend to this class of
lUitlneM engaging extra clerk * . The rush for
gold bond * continues. A largo lln'c ? of Chesa-
ieake bonds was wild today. A targe fresh
sane of C per cent gold bomln by one of the
railroads was 'placed here and In Amsterdam
today. It Is vumoreil It Is the Pennsylvania.
After slight reactions American shares closed nt
he top. South Amerlcnns were booming ,
and likewise Kngllsh. Kafllrs nlone flagged.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex-
chan e today :
Atchlson Norinwestern
Ad.imu Kxproan. . . 143 N. W. pfd
Alton. T. it 43 N. Y. Central
Am. Express 113 N. Y. AN. E
[ lalttniora &Ohlo. 01 Ontario A W
Canada 1'acino. . , . COM OroTon Imp
Canada Southern. , C4H Orczon Nav
ciilrnll'acltlc.t. . O. S. L. A U. N. . . .
Chen. & Ohlo..i. . . Pacific Mall
Chicago Alton , . . 148 P. D. A E
C. . I ) , & Q . - . . 7H Plltsbur *
Chicago Una..1. , . . . Pullman Pnlaoo. . 173
Consolldnlnd Gas. Heading
C..C. . C. ASl. L. . , . K , ( I. W
Colton Oil Cert. . . . 11. O. W. pfd 42
Delaware , ) : Rnd. . Hock Inland
Dol. , Lack , i W. . . 81. Paul
v.ti R. o. pra do pfd
D.AC. P. Co St. P. A Omaha. . . .
Hrle do pfn
do pfd. ' Soullinrn I'.lolflc. .
'KortWnyno . . . . 1S7 Sugar Rotlnory. . . . 113K
f ! . Northern uM. . 112 Toim. Coal A Iron. 24
C. iE. I. Dfd Oil Texas Pacific 11M
Reeking Valloy. . . stH T. A O Cent , pfd. . 78
Illliiolo . . 07 Union Paeine. . . . . 17M
St. p.&Thiliith . . . U. 8. Express 40
K. AT. Dfd W. St. L. A P
Lake Erlo AVost do pfd
doptd 77H Wclli Kariro Ex. . . 105
Lake Shorn Wetlern Union. . . .
Load Trust 33H Wheeling A L. E. .
LonlBvllloAN. . . . ODK do ptd 44
L. A N , A II H M. ASl. L 32
ManliallnnCon. . , . [ ) . A 11. Q
Moments A O 10 O. E 3:11) : , . . 1001 , N. L
MlBHonrl Pnqlllo. , 2HM C. F. AIde
Mobile : ArOhlo 20 do pfd Bf.
UO IL AT. O 12
NallpniiVCordaia. T. A. A. A N. M. . . .
dopfJ. . . . T. St. L. Alt. 0. . .
N.J. Central 00 donfd 13
N. A. WVpftl 17 S. U. R "
North Am. Co. . . . 17UU dopM Ji"
Northeta-1'aoiao..i Am. Tob. Co. . . . . . OS
No.r.titipin. ( . . do DM lonw
St. P. . M. A M. . . . 110
Tlie'on \ \ saltw of stacks today were C95.10C
shares. Including : Ameilcan Sugnr , 31,500 ; Amcr
lean Tobai-co. " 6.7OO : Atchison , 74,000 ; IlnrllnEton
11,400 : Chertsapenke & Ohio. 17.200 ; Chicago f.
Kastern Illinois. 3.500 ; Chicago Gas , 31.SM ; Die
tllllnc and Cattlefenllng ccrtmcntcs. 2.SOO ; Oen
ernl Klectrlc. 4,60D ; Mlssiwrl Paclllc. 6,100 ; Nn
llonal Leml. ' 3.800 ; New Jersey Central. 6.700
Newr CnglarM ; ' Zrd asses-iment paid , 13,200 ; New
York. .SujciMl.inrm | & Western preferred , 3,000
Noith Anit'ilcan company , 1S.100 ; Northern I'n
cine , 11,000 Northern I'.iclflc preferred , 3.COO
Noriliwpntcrn , 13.MO : Ontario & Western , 4,40. )
1'aclllc Mnll , 6.60i ) ; Readlne , 4,100 : Rock Island
7.EOO ; St. 1'aul , 30.3uO ; Southern Rnllrond. S,4'M
Southern Railroad prefencd. ll.SOO ; Tcnnesset
Con ! nnd Iron , 4C * ) ; Texas & I'nclflc , 5,831
Union. 1'aclllc. 4SOT ; IJnlteil Htnte * Cordage.- '
United StaU.-f Coidnge prefened. 5,900 ; I'nltet
States 'I.entner. 7.IO ) ; AVabnth , 7.500 ; Wabaul
preferred. 9,700Vestern ; Union , 10,700 ; Wheeling
& Lake Krlc , 5,175.
Kvve York Mi nnv Mnrket.
Ca y nt 1 4 per cent ; last loan at 1VS per cent
clwod at m i > er cent.
1'RIMU Ml-JRCANTlLU PAI'iR-3S4',4 ' pe
C <
sVuilLINd KXCIIANQK Weak , with nctua
business In bankers' bills JI.STfi4.S7i ! tar dcman <
and II.SC4Jl.8aU for sixty clays ; posted rates
I4.87H74.fif nnd J4.SSJir4.S9 ; commercial bills. | I.S3 {
GOVIRNMINT IIONDH strong ; stMe bond ;
Inactive ; i-jllroml bonds strong.
Closing quotations on bonds were us follows ;
U. a 4n. rer. . new. o. ! . ists of 'us. .
U. s. 4s coup. now. D. AR. Q. 7s . 112M
U.S. As. rex II Mi D.AR-rs. . 8U
U.S. 5coup Krle Sets , . 00 !
U.S. 4u , reg O. 11. AS. A. Us. . . UO
U. S. 4a.cou | > G. II AS. A.Ts. . _ 10J
U.S.'s. rof. . . . . . . i'7 ' II. AT. C. OB. . . . IDS
Pacific 0 of Hl3. 100 dodit . 101
Ala. Cl.tta A 107 M. K. A T. Ibt 4a. . 10187H
Ala. Class I ) 107 ilo'.M 4s . BID
Ala. Class C. 07 Union 09. 100
Ala. Currency . . . 07 N. J.C.GOII. 69 , . . . 114
La. New Con. 4s. . ! > : I1 No. Pao. Ists . '
JJUnourl Us 1UU lOl'iH
N. C. Oa 124 N. W. CoiiHols. . . .
N.C. 4s 103 do S. F. Deb. 5 >
B.C. nonfinitl R.O. West. iHts. . . 7:1 :
Tonn. now Hot Os > St. I * . Cousols 7 . . 12H
Tonn. IIHW sot -0 $ 100 do C. A P , W 3s. 113
Tcnii.oUlCs liO Si U A 1. 11. Oji. 5. 7i
Va. CcnlurlnH , . . . . 31. L. 1011
dodoferrod Tnx. Pi5 : , IsU . ll'.S
Atclilioii 4i 30
Alclilxon 'Jil A. . . . U. P. Isnof 'Jd. 10.1 !
Canada So. 2dn . . . West Shore 4s 103
L. AS.Uiilttod4n. HI So. U R 114
Ilostou Stock ( Jiiotitioni.
D03TON , Mny lll.-Call loans. 2H93H pir cent
lime loan * . ildiHj per cent Cloiln Driccj for
slocUs , boadaandiulnln ; sliaroi :
A.T. A8. f. . W. Blec. phL
Am. Surar. . Win. Central 0) )
Am. Sujar pfd. . . . Ktllaon Kloc Ilia , . 12S
DaysiatuOaB . Ucn. Klco. ufd , . . . .
ItollTuletplione. . . , AtchliinMs
Iloslon A Aluany. . son Atchtson 4a 74
lloston A Maine. . . ItlD Nuw Enzland Ci. . 1011
do pfd . . . . . . Gen. KloctrloSa. . . N ! )
c. ii. * u . ; . . . . Win. Cent , lafi . . . S7
Fltchburr . Alloucz Mlnlncr Co ftl )
Con. Kloetrle . _ So * Atlantic 14
Illlnnla Stetol. . . . . . tloif > ti i Moilt.iniv 471
Mexican . Ilutto A Boston. . . 15
N. Y.AN. E _ . Centennial so
Old Colony . FronUltii 10 i
Ore. Short Lino. . . Rears irire
Rubber . Occeola
Union Paclfla . iTnnia . . . . ISM
West End . Iwolvfrine. . . ISMUM {
\Voatlnih.EliW. . . .
Hnn PrannUon Mining Stuck ( Juotnllnn * .
SAN VKANGISOO. JI.vv 10.--Tlis ottlolat cloi
Inc qnotuuona ( ur mlnlnr otoclcv today were a *
follow * :
Alia A Kentucky Con. . . . , il
'AlphsCon S Lady Wash Con. ,
Annca su Mexican 71
( test A llololier. . , . 70 Mono 1 ! )
Iloilld Con 103 Mount Dlitblo IS
Unlllpn 13 OrcUlunlal Con. . . , L'rt
llulwcrfou 10 Oplilr 170
Catodonia. Orurmau 170II
rhoiiar 4U Poiosl 3' )
Confidence 1113 Sav.ico ' 3
Con. t'at & Va. . . . . VU5 Sierra Neiradu 71 -
Con. Imwrlal. . . . . . Silver Hill
Con. Snw fork. . . 3 Silver Kins , 2U
Crown Point. . . . . . ro Union Con 41 !
Gould iCurrv. . . . . 40 UlaUCon , 4
IInlo & Norcroas. . 140 Yellow Jacket. . . . S3
Sllrer bin. tiJUaMUc Mexican UolllM , 53'J
031(0. Irat , U'Ut , 'JHu ; tileraplilc. Co ,
London Stocte < juotntloai.
LONDON , May 10. 1 p. m. cloilnz ;
Can.l'acino S2 Su I'aul com , osv
Krlo. . . 14 N. Y. Central 103V
Erioadu 7a Pennsylvania. . . . AS
111. Centml Heading - . 101
_ _ Uei. " Ceu. unvta. . Uj > !
I1AR SILVIIR MJd ( p r"ounce.
MONliV-U per cent.
Tha rut * j > f Ulscuunl In open market for ho
bllU. IMt t r cent. Uirco mantel' Ullt. 13-1
per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nrw York Urr UnoiltMurUot. .
NliU' YORIC , Unx W. Tli e vr > more tht
T <
nverngc demnnd for current wants and
ho engagements for purely sMUtonnble Muffs
Hik a collective iiunntily of xwil proportion ! .
uch iiurcias ; ooveivd everything In the way
f prlnled fabrics , though Inrgrly fi > r lho.s of
ho light tlfsuo variety. Iluiilness otherxvlne was
onHneil to Inquiries for autumn specialties , of
which moderate t gooil assortments wtc re-
"onlfil. Printed cloths were aulet but tlrm at
wt quotations.
of Iliislnrn Iriuiftiictcil b/ the
Amoclntril Itniiks I.nt Wpok.
NI3\V YORK , Mny lO.-The followlntr table ,
compllctl by Brndstrect's , shows the totnl
Icnrnnces nt the principal cltl s nnd the
lercentnKe of Increase or dscrens' , ns com-
> ared with the corresponding week last
rear :
CITIE3. Clearings. Inc. Dec.
New York
t * Louis
> nn Kranclsca
CnnKia City
ow Orleans
Illwnukec 4.3C0.37
Detroit .
xmlsvllle 7,1:1.20
Mlnneapolli , 43.1.374
'rovldence ' ,
Cleveland 5.527.237
louslun 3 ,
Paul 2. !
) enver 2.77S.WI 6.9
ndlanapoll.i 4.294.009
'olunibus , O 3.717,6 > is. 6
Initford 2,50.6n ( ! 21.3
tlchmond 2.32S.399 11.0
Vn'hlngton 2.20J.512 13.8' '
) allas 2.013.01 : 7.3
St. Joseph l,20 < i.74- 21.0
corla S0.91 5.5
Memphis 2.2MS)2 8.1
'ortland. Ore 1.312.111 14.3
tochrster 1 , 3,112
Vew Haven 1,574.201 12.9
lavannah lt ( 7.S70 29.0
prlngdeld , 3.3W.197 2S.5
Worcester 1.473,032 17.6
'ortland , Me 1,2 .837 11.3
Atlanta 1.393.126 34.9
'ort Worth 1.155.0S3 12.7
Vaco l.SM.U ! 119.0
lyracuse 1,072.2-1 15.0
) e Molnes 1.377.C03 1S.1
Drnnd 936f.73 C.5
Seatlle Ml.KIO
xiwell 703.K02
Wilmington , IX'I CT'J.SCl 8.0
Norfolk S9S. 2.3
Sioux City 579,880 24.0
Angeles * 1,301.847
Tncnma. G18.CM
taglnnur , Mich 457.S87 71.5
Spokane 401.1)90 17. C
acksonvllle 421.32' 2.3
Lincoln * * . 381.13
'few ' Redford .J W3.413
, Vlchltn 4.W.W 7.5
tlrmlnghnm 271.23 : 13.8
Topeka 332.411
jex'nglon , Ky
llngliamplon 3 i,700 C.O
Hay City. Mich 2S4.53I 5.0
l-'nll River
Akron. O 21C.UT1 28.2
Springfield , O 101,574 11.4
Canton , O 193,000 4.2
Sioux FnllH 6VSS4 4G.
1-Vemont. Neb S3.15 2.2
'Hastings. ' Neb M.87 < 43.0
Chattanooga 215,89- 4.3
'Kargo ' 165.902 37.
Qalveston 4s2sy 11.6
Nasbvllld 1.070.CIS 8.9
Salt Lake 1.0H.197 13.0
lock ford 232.073
3cranton 714,91 ; G.4
Cnlnmazoo 31'.47 ' :
Little Rock
Totals Unlt" < l Slntes. . [ 11,127,121.951 23.0
Exclusive of New York. I 4C9,979,492 10.C
Montreal J 12,0&t ) 6 C.2
Toronto . , C.3D.1I5 C.7 !
InllfHX . , l.r 5.9'2
lumlllm C37.277 7.1
A'lnnlpeg 1,045,212 23.3
Tolals . | J " 21.442.512 6.4l
Not Included In totals becnusa containing
olhor Items than clearings.
Not Included in totals because no comparison
with last year.
NoiT York Ml til ll'4 : Oilotntloill.
NKW YOUK. May lO.-Tha followln ? ara tha
closing minln/aitotittoiis :
Ilulwe-r . 14 Ontario 1)00 )
Choler . 40 Ophlr 150
Crown Point. . : u Plymouth 211
Con.Ca' . .t Va. . . . 280 QuIckHllver. . . . 330
Ueadwocd . 35 Quicksilver pfa..18.10
( ioulcIA Curry. Sierra Nevada. . . . 70
. Standard 230
HonicBtako . ItlOO Union Con : ) . " >
Iron Silver . : > Yellow Jaclcot. . . . 80 >
Muxlcan . 05
SU. Louis Gtmnnil Mnrkot ,
ST. LOUIS. Mny 10. FLOUR Firm and
patents , t3.331i3.40 : extra fancy , 13.10 ®
3.20 ; fancy. J2.85ffi2.90 ; choice , J2.COW2.70 ; rye
Hour. J3.23i8S.50.
WHUAT Opened steady , but declined on heavy
offerings , fluctuated within n narrow range , clos
ing 1-lGe below the lowest point touched ; No. 2 red ,
cosh , 6V4c : May , 6C9ic nuked ; July , C2i3C2 ?
August , < Hlc : September , C2)ic.
CORN Weak and on prospects for rain de
clined He. rallied slightly and closed 1-lCc
above the bottom ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 4SVjc ,
Slay , 4TT ( , 48c asked ; July , 4S9i < J4Sc bid ; sfp ,
teml > e.r , 49Hc asked.
OATS Futures easier , wllh light trading ; spot
easy ; No. 2 , cash , 2J'io asked ; Mny , 29c asked ;
June , 29 > jc ; July , 2754if27lic ! ; September , 20c bid ,
RRAN'-No offerings ; C8c. cast track.
CORN MTUL $2.3002.33.
FLAX SEElJ-Qulet nt 11.41.
GRASS HKBDS-lJulet ; clover seed , J7.00Q > 3.0)j
timothy , J3.Mi33.Oi ) .
4 HAY Heavier nnd easy ; prairie , choice to
strictly fancy. J9.OOfllO.50 , tliln side ; timothy
cholco to strictly fancy. J10.50311.50.
IJUTTEK Dull ; fancy Elgin , 19c ; separator
creamery , 13c.
EGOS Firm ; 9lic.
WHISKY J1.22 for distillers' finished goods.
PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , J12.12J5
Ijinl. prime strnm. JC.50 ; choice. J6.CO , Dry Kill
meutf * . boxe < l shoulders , J3.23 ; longs , $6.12Hl
ribs , J6.23 ; shorts. K.37',4. llacon. tnixed shoul-
ders. J6.73 ; longs , JG.50 ; ribs , J6.62 < : ; shorts ,
RECEIITS Flour. 4,000 Lbl * . ; wheat , 6,000 bu.
corn , 3noi ) bu. : oats , 17,000 bu.
SHlPMENTS-Klour , 12,000 bbl . : wheat , 45,000
bu. ; corn , 5,000 bu. ; oats , 64,004 bu.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK , Mny 10. COFFRE Options on-
ened Cull ; no sales up to 12 nowi. nnd market
Inactlvo and featureless IlirounHout the session
on small Iwnl trading nnd Indifferent foreign
news ; closed tiulet at , unchanged prices to 5
points net decline. Pales. 7.000 IIHKS , Including
May. J1I.40 ; June , J14.30 ; July. J14.63 : September.
! H4.i3. ! Upot Rio , Mendy : No. 7 , JlS.Oi ) ; mild
steady ; Cordova. J18.23O13.00 : gales , 1,000 ba a
ManicallKi. 2 * ) IM S La Guaynra , 3' '
bags Central American , 700 bag Porlo
Cnbello nnd 4,177 bags Caracas and Porto
Cabcllo ordered shipped to Kurt-pe , nil p t ,
Wurcliousp deliveries from New York yesterday
were 10,000 Ings ; New York mock today , 22.53S
bags ; United Slates stock. 273.9CO bags ; afloat
for the United Slates. 223.000 hags ; totil visible
fur the United States , 602.9CO bogs , against 431-
231 * bncs last year.
SANTOS. May 10. Firm ; e-oo.1 . average Santos ,
" ' "
\ 8.000 bags ; tock , 2I3.CO ) baK .
RIO IK JANKIRO. May lO.-Flim ; No. 7. Rio
J1C ; ( xcbangc. 9Tid ; receipts , ff.000 bags ; cleared
for the United States. 5.000 hmss ; cleared fo
Europe. 4.COO bag ; stock. 2S8.000 bags.
HAVRE. May 10. COFFEE Opened quiet , un
changed ; t 12 in. , quiet , unchained ; at 3 p
m. . nulet. unchansr l : closed quiet and unchancei
for tlio day ; sales , 3.000 bags.
Ualtlnioro .llnrkett.
BALTIMORE. Slay lO.-FLOUR-Actlvc and
stronger , unchanged ; western superfine. J2.3.Xi
l.aO ; western extra. J2.S5Q3.03 ; winter wheat pat
ent. JJ.C03J.S3 : spring patent. J3.WX/M 05 ; rp-lng
wheat MrnlKlilj. M.SftfflJ.fO ; receipts , S M ) bbls
lihlpments. G3 bbls. ; fain. 1 93 bbls.
M'HCAT Firm : spot. 6Sc bid ; monlh. S7ic bid ;
June. CHc lacked ; July , C6iflC74c : August. C7c
Hiked ; steamer. No. ! red. C3p bid : receipts ,
40.0 < Im. ; stock , :95,000 bu. ; milm. C3.0-M bu. .
southern wheat , bv wmple , C9@70c ; suutherr
wheat , on grade. CSiI70c.
CORN' Stendv ; spot. MH 75-tic , ; month. 53 < ?
K Sc ; July. t5 ? J3i'August. ! . Wic asked
steamer rntxcd , 5lo bid ; receipts , 33,000 hu ,
hluck. 117.000 bu. ; sales , 7.MO bu. ; southern white
rein S3 ? Oi3Hc ; yellow. S6S37c.
OATS Firm : more nctlvlly shown : No. 2 white
western. 37ff37ixc ; No. 2 mixed , J3HS3Xc ; re <
celpts. 2.0X ) bu. : stock , 1M.OOO hu.
UYIlull ; No. 2. Me ; receipts. 1JO bu. ; stock ,
'lIAY-Steady ; good to choice tlmnthy. J13.IXKI
iltlTTCn Weak ; fancy ereameir , 19c : fancy
Imitntlon. ISBICo : fnnov ladle , He ; good ladle
Jtrji'c : store packed , tfitoc.
EOflS Weak : frrah , J2i- .
CHEESE Ka y ; fancy New York. lliG12c.
Mllirinlc : o .Mnrkrt * .
MILWAUKKK , May lO.-WHBAT-Lowcr ; No
I sprtna , 63c ; No. 2 northern. 71c.
CORN No. 71. MKc.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white. 52 Jc ; No. 3 white
llARLKY-DuIl and nominal ; No. 2. 60c ; earn
pin. S Mo
ItYE-Stendr : No. 1. l'4o- '
PROVliilONK Slvudy ; uork. J1100 ; lard. IC.tS
llBCiiPT : > > Flniir. 7.100 Lbls. ; wheat. 10.40C
bu. : barley. 14.4M ) bu.
8HIPMKNT8 Flour , 11,200 tbl. . ; wheat , none
Uirley , nuntf. .
H n cur .MiirKot.
NEW YORK. May 10.-SUlAR-R w , steady
Mies. 4,042 bocH rrnlrlfuisl. M tut. JHc ; 76
hhd * and Ml Uirt Muncavada. 8 int. t 2 ! c
183 bac raolmrn , t > lest , at 2Kc ; rellnKl. tlrpl
No. C. Q4 11-lGc ; .No. 7. 3TiOI 1-1C . No. 8
3iff4 11-lCc ; Nu. 9. S l3-HJc ; N < \ 1 > . SMW
3 J5-1CC , No. U. S 11-ICUrUc ; No. 12. 3 S-lCOJiTt.
No. 11. 5e ; off A , 4 l.ltfllHc ; loold A. 4 lt-l > 1 | )
4ri stuntUra A , 4l OtHoi cunfecilnnci * ' A.
4 S-HCSu. rut toaf. S l-KQSV. crushed. C 1-1C9
* ( jranulntej , 4 7-lCO < Uc ,
Another Day of Fairly Heavy Oattlo
Receipts of Good Quality.
rlcru Unlit Up N'oll hut Trnilo Is Not So
Active Ilenvr HecolplH of llOs |
Irln0n the Market Dull
Bull I.ntrcr.
. b' '
rniDAY , May 10.
The recelpW'tou'hy ' were 1,176 cattle , 4,903
IORS ntul no shcei > . ns ngnlnst CIO cattle ,
,790 IIOKS nmlvS5Bheep ! ycstenlny nnJ 1,021
cuttle , 1,923 hoga nnd 2,3X1 sheep on Friday
of last week , 'rThi receipts of cattle were
considerably frl excess of the run yesterday
nnd pliBhtly ahead of the receipts oC a
wesk ago. The receipts of hops were the
"nrsest of the1 month BO far , In fact the
arRfst since A irll 10.
The receipt' to'f the week thus far nre
5,15i cattle , UT J' hogH nnd 961 sheep , ns
against 6G j"battle , 15,410 * hops und 4.00C
sheep for the gams period last week.
CATTLliTlfere were forty-Mr loads of
cattle of nil kind. In ll.e > nrda today , ns
ngaliiint twenty-three loads yesterday. Of
the cattle on 'site uul e a number were
jeef steers , some .of them treed cornfed nu-
tlves. The marltet 13 not i o nctlve as
yesterday , but the olf'rini/a were pr-i' l-
cally nil taken quiteearl / In the motnlrB.
The prices paid did not show very nvioh
change , the general imdi being barely
stendy. Some 1,313-lb. beeves sold nt
$5.30 , with . 'cattle welshing l.j.'o lo 1,250
Ibs. nt $3. The lighter , cattle went
largely nt H30 to JI.SO.
Cows nnd hclfera sold ut nlr-it the S'imo
old prices. Thera were not many here and
a considerable proportion of what there
were consisted of only talrlnh Etuff.
A few feeders clian.Cr-J hanJi , mostly at
$ .1.45 to $3.75 , but there w re Jt rnotigh
here to attract very mujh nUmllori. Kcprc-
sentatlve salt's :
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr.
0 W3JJ05 7..1005 J4 35 14. . . . 07S J' 75
3. . . . 900 360 43. . . . OSS 445 17..1211 490
21. . . . 873 590 10..lltW 4M 23..1223 4W
12. . . . SSO 413 2..100) 4ft ) a.1223 ) 500
2..1110 423 3).1171 ) 4 CO 24..12V ) GO )
13. . . . 935 4 SO 17..1181 475 33..1313 530
10. . . . SS2 1 CS L. . . D30 2 DO 1. . . . S70 325
1. . . . SOO 175 1. . . , 650 260 8. . . . S52 330
1. . . . S19 200 L. . . 990 2 CO 14. . . . 856 335
1. . . . 780 20) 2..1061 275 0..1153 333
2. . . . 728 223 1. . . . DO ) 275 11. . . . 800 340
4..1150 223 1. . . . 810 275 6..6CS 34.
1..1120 225 I. . ' . . 850 2 SO 6. . . . 926 350
L. . . 900 235 1..10I' ' ) 300 1..11JO 3M
3. . . . SJ8 240 L. . . S'lO 300 I8..105S 355
3. . . . 786 24' ' ) 4. . . , 73) 300 1..1130 3 7D
2..10SO 2.DO ! > . . . . S2S 305 12. . . . 831 3 S3
1 1130 2 M 1..10V ) 310 1..11M 410
1..1000 2 W 1..1010 3 20
1. . . . 640 ISO 47. . . . 637 380 L. . . 930 423
2. . . . 730 2 DO 2. . . . 740 4 W
1..1330 2 ! K > 1..1.10i ) 270 1..1510 SCO
1..1200 2,60 2..10C3 275 2. . . . 850 SCO
1..1010 270 1. . . . S80 2 SO 3..1020 333
1..1330 270 1..10iO 300 1..1MO 340
2..1350 3 73
I. . . . 330 275 1. . . . IS. ) 125 2. . . . 120 500
8. . . . 112 300 2 170 425 I. . . . 170 500
1. . . . 110 300 1 170 423 L. . . 130 5 2 >
2. . . . 235 400 1. . . . Id ) 4 W 1. , . . 160 510
1. . . . 100 4 23 5. . . . 13S 4 75
1. . . . 570 300 1. . . . 4"0 333 8. . . . CS7 S 65
L. . . C ? ) 300 13. . . . ! 340 D9..C2S 375
1. . . . 670 3 10 7. . . . C35 3 45 7. . . . S 3 3 9)
4. . . . 432 3 35 C. . . . " 3 3 CO
1 cow nnd oalf..J 23 00 1 cow and calf..J 29 23
1 springer 2700 1 cow nnd calf. . 3000
1 milker 2i 00
W. II. Rusch.
101 steers..10S2 $3 0) 20 sleers.,1142 M 33
2 steers 1123 4 35
IIOOS There were slxty-thrfc fresh loads of
hoga In the yards , which looked like n large run
In vlo\v of the small receipts thnt have been tin )
rule here of kite. The market opened slow nml
nbout 5c lower , lut when the trade wns once
fairly under way It wna more nctlve. Toward
the close the buyers appeared to come to the
conclusion thntt they , wanted Jioss a , Rood deal
worse than they thought earlier , nnd tlie iniikct
took on a Rood deil : more streiiBW. Thivclose
was stronRer , wit Wit peed shnre of the decline
of the morning recalned. The bulk ot the hogs
f ld nt f4,404.fin , with tlio best heavy nt ! 4.G4 ,
the same as yesterday. Itcpresentattvc sales :
No. Av. Sh. J'r.11 , No. Av. Sh. I'r.
1 220 . . . } ( 10' ' 112 189 120 J4 40
3 23C. 40 4 2S 70 226 120 440
17 . . .US SO ' ( 2Jr Ct 2DO . . . 4 42',4
' 3 13 < ) . . . 425 C9 217 80 44214
105 16) . . . ' 4 23 73 ! ID SO 4 43
& ) 174 121 * > 70 239 . . . 4 43
22 183 . . . .4 3'r 09 210 ICO 4 41
3 303 . . . 4 34" . 68 221 160 443
16 ISO . . . ' 4 ! ' ? ' SO 227 SO 443
182 SO d 3D' 67 223 16) 443
m us 120 ri .is- , co 2Si ( ice 443
C3 1D6 SO 4 33 5 311 ! . . . 443
33 192 . . . 4 IT. 1C2 221 2)0 4 43
41 202 40 433 79 SIC JIM 443
97 ISC 240 440- C3 231 240 4 471i
79 1S7 120 440 C9 23S . . . 4 DO
82 202 40 ' 440 72 237 SO 4 CO
C6 22C ICO 4 4iV C2 25.1 SO 4 W
84 1 ! > 6 12)140 ) M 297 . . . 4 DO
5D 223 160 4 40 M 251 80 4 DO
W KM 40 ' 4 40 77 230 . . . 4 M
7 ( ) 2DC 18) ) 44i ) ' CS 254 SO 1 G4
76 305 . . . 4 4i ) 78 22S ICO 45' ' )
5S 22S 12. . ) 4 W CO 230 200 4 CO
09 241 88 440 IBS 227 . . . 460
C3 211 . . . 440 57 233 SO 4 50
72 222 . . . 4 40 CC 230 . . . 4 55
65 231 280 4 40 6.1 329 . . . 4 f,5
73 239 . . . 44i ) K 290 . . . 465
59 189 . . . 4 40
3 443 240 4 00
1 130 . . . 250 12 115 . . . 375
2 130 . . . 300 9 122 . . . 400
8 101 . . . 30 ' 180 133 320 410
8HEI3P The market was bare of supplies , and
there was nothing'to make a market. Prices
were nominally steady. Fair to cholco natives
are quotable nt J3.2304.25 ; fair to gotnl west
erns nt J3.0004.00 ; common and stock Hbeop ,
J2.25-83.00 ; good -choice 44 to 100-lb. lambs ,
J3.75 ? 3.00.
Market for Ilenf Cnttle Sternly on Account
of Lleht Receipt * .
CHICAGO , May 10. Only about 3,500 head of
cattle arrived here today , nnd there was n
steady mnrket , the demand being fairly active.
Choice beeves were Fcnrce , ns U usual on Fri
day , and not many sales were made nlwve Ji.75 ,
the range of prices for common lo choice native
beeves being JI.J066.00. Steers weighing from
900 to 1,600 pounds sold nt H.2VfGOO ? , no extia
beeves being offered , nnd n good part of the
tradlnc wns nt J3.OOjJ5.S3. There was n good
averac * demand for butchers' nnd canners' stuff
nt an advance of IWlSe , cows selling at 11.75 ®
4.l > 0. with sales principally nt J2.500I.40. Hulls
sold at 12.Wffl.73 and veal calves were scarcer
and 25j50e per 100 Ibs. higher , with good
sales nt | 4.0jr5.25. . The Mocker and feeder trade
wns rattier more nctlve owing to the recent
and prices except for the best averngiil _ _ „ _ _ _
higher. Bales ranging at J2.80ff4.SO. Texas cattle
arrived In moderate numbers und were In good
demand by local slaughterers nt un advance nf
nbout ISfrlOc , graM 'Texans selling at J3.23 < i73.7j
and fed lots nt J4COS5.2S.
Less than 23.0 ) head of hojs were , offered
here today. Including those left over from yes
terday. Prices mostly were steady at about
yesterday's prices , the best heavy hogs fetching
J4.SO In n single Instance where the quality was
extra line. Another sale was made at J1.77U.
Other sale * were at tl.Kftl.K for heavy nnd nt
J4.2304.63 for light and mixed , the bulk of the
lings selling nt J4.Mff4.70. There wns a good
demand , both fhlppers iind local packerx taking
medium nnd light weights largely. The best
light nnd mixed lots were 6c higher than on
Greatly lessened receipts of sheep nnd lambs
have wholly changed the course ot prices , and
desirable grades nre Belling about I0@20c per 100
Ibs. higher than a week ago. Native , sheep
sold at , largely at J3.23 and upward ,
and westerns found buyers nt JJ.OO 4.S3. For
eign markets were more active at higher prices
and this caused n better demand for heavy ex
port sheep. Lamltt came forward In great
numbers und sold , actively at I3.UK/5.75 , the
larger I > nrt going at { 4.CS&3.75. and the * bent
llockn consisting largely of .Mexicans. Good tech
chlcu clipped InniU found purchasers at JI.75
Receipts : Cattle , 3.600 head ; calves , KM head ;
hcgs , 17,000 head ; sheep , 8.0O ) head.
nt. LaiilH Llvn Mock MurKot.
ST. LOUIS. Mjy .10. CATTLE Receipts. 1.500
head ; shipments , I.JO ) head ; market on natives
slow. Texans nctlve ; native rxpoit steers would
bring J3.7SO6.23 ; feixjrl to choice shipping. J3.I < K | >
5.73 ; fair in medium. Jl.W/S.tO ; llghl. JJ.7WJ
4.26 ; stockera nnd fpedcrx. I..WI.O > ) ; cows , J2.SS
O4.00 ; fed.Texas steers , } 1.0Q5.25 ; grassers , J3.W
4/1.00 ; rows. J2.MllS.2J.
HOGS Reolptf , 4 , : head ; shipments. 2.1W
head ; market firm : top price , J 1.1.0. with bulk
of ralF * at JI.4M/IK / ; light. I4.15tfl.40.
SHEEP Receipts4.MO ' head ; chliunents , 200
head ; mirket strong f"r good grades : cllpiwi !
natives lunstd JJ.8m4.fii ! southwest. J3.0W.15 ;
spring lambJJ.twmp. .
Nr v Yorx l.lvj
NKW YORK , , May ! . 1IEKVES Receipt ! .
2.S6S head ; en sale.11 cars ; fairly active , bill
gcncrully lower , nijlvo clears. ll.OKi8.OJ ; _ nu < l
oxen. J3.SOQI.GO ; dry cows , J2.SVfjl.23 ; Kurofxwn
cal > te.i quote Anwltan steern at Ilrl2c , drem r < :
weight * . refrlge Mtor beef. 8XtU9c ; no expoits
toduy. tomari w. i'JO ' l > oev nn I 4 , < O ( iumUr
of beef falvrs , > V'it . Ml Ju-ud , falily actlvo
and llrm , venK fMt to ji-lme. JJ.CC < iS.l > > .
tflll'rl' AtND t LA VIMH * - ti > is. 2.T.T lieml
on sal' , 27 en ii ( , " , C 9 ' . ' 1.try dull ; B n
erally lower , i ! - . ! . 10 > h" 'I UP * II. ( air un
shorn _ he > u , > i I2lt , l-lmo cllpp.-J . ! ircp , It.Illi
.40 ; common tn thrdcp unshorn sheep , } l,730 < SO ;
clipped fdircp , Jl.CW-G.S' .
llOOS-llfcelpts , 3.833'hend ; quiet nt 60 < J .10
For Inferior to
City Lire Mode.
KANSAS CITY. May lO.-CATTLU-Recelpti ,
1,600 hendi shipments , 1,104 head ; market steady
lo 13c lower ; Texas steers , tt.25CT4.7S ; Texas
cows , l2.73fC3 ) ; Ixvf sleers , l3.SMJS.Wj native
cows , tl.Cifl.43 ; stackers nnd feeders , J2.2&04.50 ;
mils , l2.JOjrl.OI.
HUO8 Receipt * . 10.700 ; shipment * . 2,100
lead ; maiket weak to lOc lower ; hulk of s-iles ,
' < " ' ' '
nixnl'i4niiT.40 ! ; 'ltHh't8. ii.lXrTui'Y.orkera , $4.21
M35 ; pigs , J3.6 4.2S.
HIIUKP Receipts , 5,100 head ; shlpmenU , none )
muket steady , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Muck In Mliflit ,
Reconl of receipts nt the four principal mar
kets for Tilday , May 10 , 1E95 :
Cattle. Hogs. Shwp.
South Omaha 1,176 4,991 610
Chicago > H ) 17,00i ) 8,000 City 8,501 10.7W 5,1'K ' )
.St. I.oula 1,600 4.5W 1WO
Totals 12.C76 82,853 14,710
Condition of Tmilo mill Quotations on
Mnplo nnil I'nncy Produce.
EOOS-Cholcc stock , 12c.
UUTTER-Old h\y ! or white stock. 403c ; f.ilr
o goud country , 10/12c ; cholco to fancy , HffllCc ;
gathered creamery , ! CIil7c ; separator creamery ,
LIVE POULTRY Hens , 6ff6Wc ; mixed , 5@6c ;
dilcka , gr9c > tuikeys , lOlOc ; heavy toms , 7o ;
geese , SUB Me.
iL C.lolco fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted at
: large nn.l coarse , 304c.
IESEWisconsin full cream , Young AmerlI'
cans , 12'in3c ; twins , 13o ; Nebraska and luwa ,
'ull cream , lie ; Nebraska und Iowa , part skims ,
7WSc ; Llmburger , No. 1. He ; brick , No. 1. lie ;
Swiss. No. 1 , 13c.
HAY Upland hay. JS.50 ; midland. JS.OO ; low
land , $7.10 ; rye ftiaw , J5.0) ; color makes the
price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only
tcp grades bring top prices.
PIUEONS-Per do * . . J1.0U fl.20.
POTATOES Western slock , car lots , 3c ; smalt
! ots , 70Sj75c ; Kmly Hose seed potatoes , tioc ;
Early Ohio seed , 11,10 ; Northern Early Ohio seed ,
n *
OLD DEANS Hand picked , navy. J2.W ; Limn
beans , per lb. , S'.jc.
ONIONS On orders , yellow , per bu. , $1.10 ; red ,
CAIIRAan On order * , 3c.
SWEBT POTATOES-Good stock. $2 ; ecd ,
HORSERADISH Per lb. . 6Q1c.
PARSNIPS-1'cr bbl. . J1.75 ,
ItllTAHAtlAS Per lb. . 1V4C.
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 35o.
TURNIPS-Per bbl. . $1.80.
SPINACH-Per bu. bunkct , 60G75C.
WATER CRESS Per 16-qt. casP. J1.60SJ1.75.
RADISH ES-lVr doz. bunches. 23c.
QUEEN ONIONS-Per doz. buncliM , 15e.
LETTl'CE PIT dos , , SO&35C.
A8PARAOUB Cholco stock on orders , 230300
per doz. bunches.
P1K PLANT-Pcr lb. , Iffllic.
CUCUMIIERS On orders. il.COQl.7S per doz.
PEAW On' ' rdern. per 14-bu. box , $1.
H11RI.VO DEANS On orders , per ? 4-bu. crate ,
Jl.75Sf2.00 ; per \i-bu. liox , 73c.
WAX llEANS-On orders , per W-bu. box , 50c.
TOMATOES Per six basket crate , $6.0007.00.
STRAW11ERRIER Choice shipping Block , per
cas < > of 24 qts. , J2.50.
APPLES There arc no ( JOCK ! shipping apples to
be had In the rmrket.
CIIEimiES Callfoinln , per 10-lb. box. $2.
ORANOES Fancy Washlnglon navels , per box ,
J3.5003.7j ; fancy Washington navels , per box , Sii
nnd 112 size , none ; choice Washington navels ,
regular size. $3.23ff3.f > 0 ; choice Washington na
vels , M nnd 112 "size , J3 ; fancy fieedtlngs. per
liox , J2.fi3fi2.73 ; choice seedling * , per liox. $2,230
2 50. Mediterranean swoels , J3.0ufP3.23. (
LEMONS Exlra fancy lemons. 360 size , $4 ;
strictly choice lemons , 300 size. 1.1.73.
PINEAPPLES Per doz. , JI.734J2.00.
RANANAS Choice shipping slock , per hunch ,
FIQS Fancy , 13c ; choice , 12Q13c ; California ,
bags , 7c.
HONEY New York , 16c ; darl : , lie ; California ,
MAI'I.H SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , $12 ;
Ulxby. D-gal. . cans. $3.
NUTS Almonds. 14c ; Engllsli walnuts , soft-
shelled. 12c ; standards , He ; lllberts , 9c ; Brazil
nuts. So ; pecans , 10 12c.
MINCE MEAT Fniicy , In quarter bbl * . , per
lb. , DVic ; 10-gal. kegs , 6c ; condensed , ' per case of
3 doz. pkgs. . $2.DO.
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6ic ! per lb. ; fard
dates , 80 per lb.
SAUER KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $3.DO ;
per half bbl. , $3.
CIUER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5 ; half bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green
hides , 6'&c ; No , 1 green salted hides , 7/tc : No , 2
Kicen palled hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
15 Ibs. , SftlOc : No. 2 venl calf , 8 to 15 IK * . , S'tc ' ;
No. 1 dry flint hides , SfflOc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
8Ii"9c ; No. J dry salted hides , Sc ; pait cured
hides , lie per pound les trinn fully cured.
HHEBP PELTS-Green salted , each 25Mc ;
each 6015c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , No. I , each , DillOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No , ? . jach Do ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
pound , nctunl welghl , 5f c ; dry flint Kansas nnd
Nebraska murrain wool pells , per pound , actual
weight. 40Co ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4fCic ! : dry
Hint Colornds murrain wool pelts , per pound ,
actual weight , 44JCc. Have feet cut off , as It Is
useless to pay freight on them.
4Uc ; No. 2 tallow. 3WHe : grease , whlto A , 40
4'/lc ; Brease , whlto II , 3l4c ; grease , yellow ,
2KO3o ; grease , dark. 2tc ! ; old butter. 2tf214c ;
beeswax , prime , 17R20c ; rougn tallow , 2c.
WOOL , UNWASHED Fine boavy. 617c : line
light , S89c ; quarter blood , IQiriZo ; seedy , burry
and chaffy. Sfrtc ; cotted nnd broken , coarse ,
7J9c ; cottp.1 nnd broken , line , 6jJSc.
WOOL , WASHED Medium. 1518c ; fine. 140
16c ; tub washed , ICfflSc ; black , Sc ; bucks , 6c ;
tne locks , 2JJc ; dead nulled , 6fCc.
FURS Bear , black. No. 1 , large , J20.00023.00 ;
bear brown , No , 1 , large , J2'.00 ' ) ( ( 25.00 ; No , 1 me
dium , J1S.OO ; No. 1 , small. J12.00 ; bear , brown ,
yearlings , No. 1 , large. J10.0oa > i2.00 : No. : me
dium. JJl.OO : No. 1 , small. $0.00 ; bear , brown ,
cubs , No. 1 , laige. $7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J5.0J ;
No. 1. small , J3.00 ; badgeT. jiTo. i , medium ,
J15.00 ; No. 1 , small. JS.OOfllO.OO ; bear , black ,
vearllngs. No. 1 , large. J12.00t15.00 ; N . 1 , me
dlum , J10.00 ; No. 1 mall , J7.00 ; bear , black ,
cubs. No. 1. large. JC.OOftS.OO ; No. 1. medium ,
J5.00fi8.00 ; No. 1 , small , J4.00 ; bear , black , Mon
tana nnd Rocky mountain. No. 1. large. J18.00W
29.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J14.00 ; No. 1 , small , J10.00 ;
b ar , black , Montana yearllnss. No. l. large.
JI2.00 ! No. 1 , medium , JI.OO ; r.0. i , small , J5.00 ;
hear , black , Montana cubs , No. 1 , largo , JC.50 ;
No. 1 , medium , J4.DO ; No. 1. small , J3.00 ; bear ,
silver tip. No. ! , large , J2D.OO ; No. ] . medium.
J12.00 ; No. 1. small , J8.00 ; bear , silver tip , year
lings , No. 1 , large , $11.00 ; No. 1. medium. (8.40 ;
N . 1. small , J5 ; bear , silver tip , cubs. No. 1 large.
J1.00W1.M : No. 1. medium. 60c ; No. 1 , small ,
( We ; flih-r. No. 1 , larce , J5.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
J6.W ; No. 1. small. J4.00 ; fox. sllvrr , as to color ,
accordljig tt beauty. No. 1. large , J100.00 ; No. 1 ,
medium , JJM.OO ; No. 1. small. J60.00 ; fox. silver ,
pale , according to beauty. No. 1. large , JSO.OO ;
No. 1. medium , JW.OO ; No. 1. email. J20.00 ; fox ,
cross. No. 1 , large , J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J3.00 ;
No. 1. small , J2.00 ; fox. red , No. I. large. J1.50 ;
No. 1 , medium , J1.23 ; No. 1 , mnall. JI.OO ; fox ,
glay. No. 1 , large , ,5c ; No. 1 , medium. Me ; No.
1 , small , 40c ; fox kits. No. 1. large. DOc ; No. 1 ,
medium. 40c : No. 1. small , 30o ; lynx. No. 1 ,
large , J3.00 ; No. 1. medium. $2.00 ; No. 1. gmall ,
J1.DO ; mnrlen , No. 1 , large. J2.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
J1.60 ; No. 1 , small. $1.00 : mink. No. 1 , large.
COJiCSc ; No. I. medium. 40e : No. l , small , 35o ;
mink , dark. No. 1 , large , C5c ; No. 1 , medium.
4uc ; No. 1. small , 30o ; mounlaln lion , perfect
head nnd feet. No. 1 , large , Jl.00fl2.0i ) : Imper
fect eklns. J6.CO&7.00 : No. 1. small. J5.00 ; otter ,
pale , No. 1 , large. J7.00 ; No. 1. medium. J5.00 ;
No. 1 , small. JI.OO ; raccoon , No. I , large. COiJiTOc ;
No. 1 , medium , SOc ; No. 1 , large. SOciiJ2.00 ;
skunk , black , cased , narrow elrlped. No. l , large ,
SOc ; No. 1. medium , 40c : No. I. small. 25c ; bruad
striped. No. 1. large , 2ta25c ) ; wolverine. Na. 1.
large. J4.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J3.00 ; No. 1. small.
J2.00 ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 , large , 13.00 ; No. 1 ,
medium , J2.00 ; No. l , Binall. S1..V ) ; wolf , prairie.
No. 1 , large. 65S90c ; No. 1. medium. COc ; No. 1.
small , 40c : beaver , per skin , No. l , large. JS.M4 *
C.O ) ; No. 1 , medium. J4.50 ; No. 1. small. J2.00 ;
leaver kllR. No. 1 , large. J2.00 ; No , 1. medium ,
J1.50 ; No. 1 , small , 7Cc ; muskrats. winter. No. 1 ,
large , SiflOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1. small ,
7o ; muskrats. fall , Ni. I. large , 4T6c ; Nn. 1 ,
medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Cc : mu > krat kits , 2Q3C-
tYnnl Mnrkot ,
LONDON. Mny 10. At the wool auction sales
loday 11,53) bales were offered , of which 1,100
bales were withdrawn. Fln long wools sold
rapidly and a few wrro taken for America ,
Scoured wools are selling belter. Following ate
Ilia sales In detail : New South Wales , 4.157
biles ; scoured , 6HdfJls Hid ; greasy , 4RSd.
Queensland. 1.030 ! ! ; scoured , C'.idf ? ! * Id ;
greasy , Sr5&d. Victoria. 2,741 bales ; scoured ,
6 } ; < 1M1 IVid ; grainy. 4 ; d91s. South Australia.
8'.9 bales ; greasy. 3UC Hd. Swan River. 481
bales ; scoured. 901 W ; greasy. 4 r7Wd. New Zea
land , 1,8J bales ; grensy , CftDK < l. l"a | > of Oood
Hope and Natal , X > Imles ; scoured. Is ; greasy ,
OVilrtHd. There was also n nule of C'HPH of Oood
Hope nnd Natal sheepnklns , at which 212,921
skins were offered and 22.710 WIT * Hold. The de
mand was very active , chiefly for the continent.
Prices wer , < 3 H&d denrer.
I'rnrlit Markets.
PEORIA , May 10. CORN SteaJy ; No. 2 ,
49Hc ; No. 3. 4 54c.
OATH-Wow ; No. 2 white , 31Hc ; No. 3 while ,
RYE Unchnnsed.
WHISKY Kirm ; high proof spirits , J1.23 ;
basis for finished goods , JI.22.
KHIKUS i 117 JlarUi'tl.
KANSAS CITY. May 10. WHEAT Higher ;
No. 2 red. Me : rejected , 60c.
CORN Scarce , Hlc higher ; No. 2 rnlx d ,
43'ic ; No. 2 uhtte , 47i47Hc ,
OATH Dull. No. 1 mixed. 27c ; No. 2 while.
Unlutli .Vlirnt Itlarkftt.
DULUTH , Muy 10. WHEAT No. 1 liard. co h
and May , C6c ; July , C7Hc ; No. 1 northern ,
N , W , HARRIS & GO ,
163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
3 YII - t. , Neiv York. 70 Sutc-st , UoU > ; .
tifeand nn M n
ripucbt .vt MIS. CariMpcaitacf BflUclul
cash , 63)Sci May , JiCj July , Wic ; September ,
6l\o ; No. 2 northern , cash , 62Vlc ; No. 3. K > \\e' \
rejeclesl , M c ; to arrive. No. 1 Imril. 67 c ; No.
1 northern , 66j e.
Liverpool Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Mny 10. WHEAT Ppot firm , de
mand lioor : No. 2 ml. 6 2'id ' ; No. 2 red spring ,
6s 6'4d ' | No. 1 hard. Manitoba , 6s 7Hdi No. 1
California. 6s 7d ; futures otx-ned eay , with near
and distant positions Hd higher ; closed steady ,
with July ( id higher nnd other months iid
higher ; business nbout equally distributed ! Mi\v ,
5s 2U,1 ; Juno , 5 2id ; July , 5x 3'id ; August , M
4d ; September , faltd ) October , SB 4il. .
CORN Spot llrm : American mixed new , 4
Hd ; fiiturr.i opened llrm , with near nnd Olstnnl
. isltlona ' .id higher : closed firm , with nenr nnd
distant positions Ud Vlgher ; business nlmut
equally distributed ; Mny , 4s TKrt.8 Junr. 4s 7V4d ;
July , 4s 7-Hdj August , 4a S.I ; September , 4s SUd )
October , 4s SUd.
FI/tIR Firm ; Rood demand ; St. Louis fancy
winter , Ci fid.
PROVISIONS Hacon , dull : demand poor ; Cum-
l * rland cut , 2S to SO Hw. , 32s ; short ribs , 28
Ibs. , 32s ; long light. 33 to 45 Ibs. , Ki Ion *
clear , heavy , 6 : Ibs. , 32s ; short clear luicks ,
light , IS llw. , 3 : ; short clear middles , heavy.
55 Ibs. , 31s Cd ; clear belli . 14 to 16 Ibs. , 32 * 6,1 ;
shoulders , square , 12 to IS Ibs. , 2Ss C < l. Hnmi ,
short cut , 14 to 1 Ibs. , 41 fid. Tallow , llnr
North American nominal. Ileef , extrn India
inciw , SOa ; prime mess. 62s d. Pork. | irlme me s.
fine wcstrrn. 61s 3il ; western mnllum , 53s 9d.
Lard , dull ; prime westcni , 33s Cd ; rcflne l , In
palls , 33 .
CHEESE Easy ; demand poor ! finest American ,
white , 46s ; llnest American , colored , 473.
RUTTER-Finest United States , tils ; good. 401.
( XTTONSEEl ) Oil/ Liverpool refined , 18 * .
LINSEED OII.-Os 6.1. .
P.rrROLEtIM | Refined. Oil.
REFRIOERATOR 11EEF Forequartcra. 2Jd ;
hlndnunrters , CUd.
HOPS At Ixmdon ( Pacific coast ) . 12 5s.
Receipts of wheat during the past three days ,
90.000 < centals. Including 17.000 centals American.
Receipts ' ot American com during the | sl three
days , 80,600 centals. Drllllnnt weather prevails.
I'rlicoVliont ( jniitntloiK.
SAN FRANriSCO. Mny lO.-WHEAT-Kasler ;
December. 97Uo ; cleared. SS.6J ! ) ccnlals.
foino Knotty Points of Law Passed Urmn
by the Courts ,
A street railway company which has laid
Its track in the cfcntcr of a street Is sustained -
tained In Its refutal lo remove It In order
to allow a sewer to be made there In the
Iowa case of Dos Molnes City Ilallroad com
pany against Des MolnEB , 26 , L. II. A. 767.
The fact that both parties were vlolatlns
tlio Sunday law when one shot the other by
accident while- hunting Is held In the Iowa
case ot Gross against Milter , 26 L. R. A.
C03 , not sufficient to prevent a right ot action
for the Injury.
The right of. a passenger to choose his
route when the carrier hai more than one
way Is denied In the South Dakota case of
Church against Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul Ilailroad company 26 L , It. A. 016 ,
where the carrier according to Its rules and
regulations required the , passenger to take
the shorter route.
A married woman's cstat ? Is held liable to
execution for the collection of fines against
her on conviction of a misdemeanor. Qlll
against State ( West Virginia ) 20 L. n. A.
The court elaborately discussed the liability
of tits estates of married women for torts.
A guy wire hanging to the ground from a
tree , charged with a deadly current from
feed wires of a railway company , Is licld
evidence of negligence on the part of an
electric light company In Haynes against
Raleigh Gas company ( N. C. ) 20 L. K. A.
The failure of a person to turn to the
right , ns required by statute , on metlng
nnolliT In a highway , Is held In the Iowa
case of Hclpe against Kiting , 26 L. It. 'A.
7G9 , not to bo conclusive evidence of negli
gence , notwithstanding the statute es
pecially where he was on horseback.
A promise to accept an order of another
person , made to give credit , Is held In the
Oregon caas of Allen against Leavens , 20 L.
II. A. 620 , to be within tlie statute of
frauds. Tlie annotation to the case reviews
many authorities on the validity cf a parol
promise to accept such an order or bill of
An Important Insurance case holds that
refusal by an appraiser for an Insurance com
pany to accept as umpire any person In the
locality of the loss , and his. Insistence on an
umpire from a dUtancg , Juttlfy tlte Insured
In regarding the appraisement as abandoned.
Brock against DwelllngunHouse Insuranc *
company ( Michigan ) 26 L. U. A. 023.
Liability for damages Caused by fumes of
a fertilizer factory Is sustained In tlie South
Carolina case of Froa0 against IJorkeley
Phosphate company 20 'L. H. A. 003 , on the
ground that the use of land for business
which would ntces. arlly or probably injure |
other property would create a liability , even
if reasonable care was used.
Personal liability of the regents of the
University of California , who constitute a
corporation and are expressly declared by
statute not to be public1 officers , In case of
negligence respecting telegraph and telephone
poles nnd wires , Is denied in the case of
Lundy vs Delmas , 26 L. II. A. 651. The pe
culiar character of tlie corporation makes the
case somewhat unusual. *
The right to attach property in the handset
ot assignee for creditors is asserted In the
North Dakota case of Re Enderlln State
Uank , 26 L. R. A. 593 , on the ground that
an assignment for creditors does not place
the property In custody of law. A different
doctrine is established In some of the states ,
as shown by the'annotation to the case , and
some of the cases construe the statutes ns
putting the property in custody of the law
when assigned for creditors.
A statute providing for a standard policy
of flre Insurance , such as various states have
enacted , delegating1 the power to the com
missioner of Insurance to prepare the form
of the policy , Is held unconstitutional In the
Pennsylvania casi of O'Nell vs American
Fire Insurance company , 2G L. R. A. 715 , on
tha ground that U attempts to make an un
constitutional delegation of power. U la laid
that statutes of this kind have been passed
In seven or eight states , and that in Massa
chusetts only did the legislature Itself fix
the form of the policy.
A reservation , In an advertisement for bids
on a puhlic contract , of the right to reject
any or all bide. , notwithstanding a rule to let
contracts to the lowest bidder , Is held. In
tha Missouri case of Anderson vs Public
Schools , 26 L. U. A. 707. to prevent any
right of action by the lowest bidder , for
awarding the contract to another even If it
was done arbitrarily and capriciously and
through favoritism. Numerous cases are col
lected In the note to tha case , touching the
right of the lowest bidder on a public con
tract ,
Tha prohibition l > y a Missouri statute of the
transportation of Texas , Mexican , Cherokee
or Indian cattle infected with microbes or
parasites by which Tfxas fever may be com
municated to other cattle. Is held in Grimes
vs Eddy , 26 L. K. A. G38 , to be an uncon
stitutional regulation of commerce so far as
It applies to passage through the state by
railroad or steamboat , but valid as to the
bringing cf such cattle into the state or
moving them from one part of the state to
another. Tlio annotation to the case reviews '
all the decisions as to the validity and con
struction ot statutvy regulations as to in
fected animals.
A great Ureet railway case lately decided
In tli3 federal circuit court ot appeals holds
that the consent by a city to the use of
streets for street railways constitutes a
typical easement , and that tlie right created
thereby Is an interest In realty , being an in-
corporf..l hereditament. Detroit Citizens'
Street Hallway company vs Detroit , 26 b. n.
A. CC7. This U opposed to the doctrine of
the ttipremo court of Illinois , In Belleville vs
Citizens' Horto Hallway company , 26 L. n.
A. C81 , and that of the Maryland court of
appeals in Lake Kolaml Elevated Hallway
company V3 llaltlmore. 20 L. It. A. 120. A
decision of tb.3 circuit court ot the United
States , In Baltimore Trust and Guarantee
company vs IlaUlniurc , 61 Fed. Hep. 153 , }
made by a divided court , agrees with tiie '
Detroit case , Init U now In the supreme court r
ot the United States.
I.iil.-o Stenmert Sunk In Colllilon.
MACKINAW CITY , Mich. . May 10. DurIng -
Ing a lieavy fog this morning tlio ntuamer
Cayuga , bound down , with merchandise , ran
Into the steamer Joseph L. Hurd , bound for
Chicago with lumber , and both mnk. Moth
crews were picked up by the Mlnola , except
the cook of the Hurd , George Johnson , of
Chicago , who wn drowned. Tito Hurd did
not sink completely , owing to her cargo of
lumber , but the Cayuga has disappeared ,
Ic.berjf nnil Salcldo In Mlrtutluntlu.
QUEBNSTOWN , May 10. The Cunard line
ilt-imer Campania , which arrived here today
from New York , reports having lighted n
large Iceberg on May C In latitude il , Icngl-
tudo 49 ,
The White Star line steamer Adriatic , from
New York May 1 fur Liverpool , reports that a
utecrage pusengsr named Stapel committed r
tulclde by Jumping overboard on Msy 3.
Heavy Bond Purchnss for Foreign Ac
count a New Element-
Iron Output Decreased Utirlni ; Muy Lut
Ktlli txcocM : the Driimnil Mint Nolo-
Murtli Until Is In btocl Hulls
Ordorn 1'lnced for 80,000 Tons.
NB\V YOIIK , JIny 10.-U. O. Dun & Co.'a
weekly review of trntle , which Issues tomor
row , will tmyn :
The event of the week Is the aemornllzo.
tlon of forelKii exchange cnused by enormous
sales of bonds ubronil. lie-sides a sale ot
$10,000.000 of Mnnhnttnn nml other railroad
bonds throuKh the syntllcatc , Inrue pur-
ehnses qn forelKii account have been recov
ered for some weeks , so thnt the nKKrcgatQ
jirobnbly exceeds 150,000,000 since the sola
of Kovernmcnts. Bnfety for the suininor
means much for all business , mul the syn
dicate deems It o fully assured Unit It dis
tributes 40 j > cr cent of the money advanced
by the assoclntcx , which relieves a lario
amount to stimulate , operations lit security
and products. Crop prospects have also
greatly J Improved , nml this Is of still hlshen
Importance , ns It will do much to dctcrmlna
the character nnd volume of nil ImsltiesH
after summer uncertainties arc over. In
addition , business Is reviving , although the
K i ln In Kreat Industries Is retarded by ,
mnny strikes.
, . ? ; Ue,5 0.r whent for. the week have been
31,000,000 bushels , against U5,000,0"0 the pre
vious week nnd S1.000.UOO the week before ,
n'jl ; wjlcs of cotton 512tKW bales , nK'-Unst
I.OJG.OOO bales the previous we.'k and 1,192,000
bales the week before , but Thursday
brought now nctlvlty. Wheat has fallen 2V4
cents , but rose 2 cents that day. Western
receipts arc 1.4G7.1CO Inwhels , against 1,261.-
7GI ; ist year , nnd Atlantic exports ( Hour In
cluded ) 1,615,051 bushels , against 2,211,011 last
year. In the three Weeks since the rise In
wheat these exports have b en 6.1WU21 bush
els , ngnlnst 7S1'J,971 last year.
I'ork hns fallen 25 cents per barrel. Inn !
20 cents und hogs 30 cents per hundred
weight. Colon 19 lower nnd receipts , In
spite of n bad prediction of great decline ,
still exceed those of 1892.
The Industries were distinctly gaining
whan strikes began , which have sjirend
quite widely. Garment workers In several
cities ( , nnd Pocuhontas coke workers nro
still out , with several thousand woolen
workers near Providence. Other woolen
mills nnd the furnaces * in the Shemuigo nnd
Mnhonlng valleys , which were making 25- ,
000 tons per week , have stopped , nnd the Il
linois Steel Works , the largest western con
cern , so thnt stocks nre directly affected ,
which produced 21 per cent of the entire
output on April 1. The Amalgamated asso
ciation nlso proposes n struggle over the
new wngo scale. The output of Iron still
exceeds the consumption , but hns fallen 1,578
tons weekly In April to 150,551 on May 1.
Hessemer pig hns been raised to J10.9J nt
Pittsburgh nnd the general demnnd for lln-
lhed products docs not cqunl the recent
output , but Is distinctly Increasing , bars
nnd sheets * selling mori largely , though
structural specifications nro disappointingly
slow. The more noteworthy gain Is in
orders for steel rails. 30,000 tons for the
Pennsylvania and 50.WO for a western rand.
Coke production still lessens , 0,722 tons for
the week and SG.SJfi , or a per cent. In the
past three weeks. Tin hnn been raised to
11.1 cents nnd copper to 10'i ' cents by In
creasing demand.
Sales of wool for the week are lens thai <
In 1S32 , but larg r tlmn in the past two
years , though pi Iocs do not rise. Ilalher
more demnnd appears for men's woolens ,
but cancellations are nlso mirm-rotis , and
Imports of woolen goods , with withdrawn ! ! *
from wnrehouses , were nbout 113.000,000 In * v
the llrst quarter of the year , ngnlnst ubout y
$5,000,000 last ycnr. Cotton goods contlnuu
storng , mills being well employed , nnd they
hold heavy stocks of raw cotton bought nt
low prices.
The failures this week have been 227 In
the United States , against 'J03 last year ,
and 31 In Canada , against 42 last year.
Evidences of Improvement AInro Pro-
nniinrpil HIHII In Previous AVcnli" .
NEW VORK , May 10. llradstreet's lornon-ow
will say : The pre * nt week brlnss distinct nn l
In some Instances even more pronounced evl-
dences of Improvement In business , notwith
standing the Incrcnpt * of the wave of Industrial
discontent nnd striked for hlulicr WIIKCS , always
the accompaniment of an upward tendency tr >
prices. Sole leather Is up another 2 ceils and
prices of shoes nro following. Oalvnnlz-d Iron
nnd wire nails nrc higher , ns Is Hessemer pli :
about 10 cents , sugar U of n. crnt. print cloths
1-16 of n cent and wheat Hour 15 cents. In
addition prices have remained firm for lumber ,
tin and cotton , and while no nclunl advance *
are announced for steel billets , ll\e cattlu and
rice this week , the leniency In each Instance
Is upward. The heavy drop In wheat prices
early In the week pievents wheat quotations
from showing a net nilvn'ce. notwithstanding
the sharp upward turn In lh paxl few days.
I-nrRo receipts of hogii have put prices duwn
5 cents , nnd lard and pork have followed.
Exports of wheat from fie LTnlleil 8late , both
coaHtu , nnd from Montreal ( flour Included
as whcnl ) nmounl lo 2,803,0' ' ) ' ) buihelH Mils week ,
HKalnst 'iLX.M ( bushels lust week , 2S13. ( )
bushels In the correMiondlng week a year HBO ,
2.712.0O bushels two yeais "KO , 3ctC - ) bushel *
In 1S02 and I.OH.OOO bushels In the Ilka week
In 1M1.
Hank clearings a week ago Indicated thut the
tide of trad ? nt the south wan I IB ! [ iff. and this
wrrk's telegrams confirm It. The south sends
to llrnd.ttreet's mote rncouraelng rrmrts than
for a long time. Some Illlle gain In demand
for either dry Roods , plnntatlc-n supplier , or in
collodion * ( which Is moitt significant ) Is an
nounced by two-lhlrds of all cities reporting.
At Uie nest prevlonu galnt nio maintained and
confidence In an enlarged volume of business.
lncrca es. At Chicago and St. IxiulK wh"lesalo
dcnlera report a volume of business linger than
last week and thnn the conoiiondlne week a
ye r ago.
ottnu A1ntlint ; ,
BT. IXJUIB. Hay lO.-COTTON-Qulet nnd 1-lCo
lower : Iiiliirtllnc , tVic ; sales , 3S9 bales ; recolpts ,
CI7 bales ; shipments , 813 bale. * ; stock , M.883 bales ,
NEW YORK , May lO.-COTTON-Qulet : mid
dling , Cc ; net receipts , none : K" > < < s , , SS bales ;
oxpoits t" Uient llrltaln , 2 hale * ; to tha confluent -
fluent , 3yM bales ; forwarilcd. 473 bales ; eales ,
73 bales , all riiinners ; stock , XtVi > bulcs.
Ml 111 ) ll lll iV I I > ' . rlvt't.
MINNHAPOUS , Mny la.-WHiAT Weaki
Jlay. COc ; June , GjVJWMHc : Sflitcmber. C2Xc. On
track : No. 1 h.ird , CC'c ; No , 1 northern , C3Vic ;
No. 2 norlhern , 64'ic.
KIAltllt Steady : first patents , | 3.43T3.7 : ; second
end patents , $3.:5&3.L5 ; clears , JilOi/'J.CO.
Flliiinc-lul > cuon.
IJOSTON. May 10. Clcarlnss , 115,473,040 ; balances -
ances , JIJ7S,902.
nAI.TIMORB , May 10. Clearlnss , JJ.O:8lai ;
NK\V YORK. May 10. Clearings , tl01,932,215 ;
balance * , 5C.1W.1I3.
ST. LOUIS , liny 10. Clearings , DUKG72 ; I'll- '
ances , J917.072. Money , 51/15 per ceit. | New
Yelk exchange. We premium bid.
\VAHIIINOTON , Mny 10. Today's stalement ot
til * condition nf tint ttnuury shows : AvnllHlilq
cash balance nS2.Ctt.427 ; gold renerve , 5 .CS.373.
CHIC'AOO , May -Clearings , $ New
York exchange , 20c premium. Ktcrllng , ported
tales , JI.K3 and K.f7li. Money , 5 LIT cent on
call ; HidO per cent on time.
NirW YORK , May 10. Sterling exchange
continues steady and exchange luted
me about 1-ietfUa lower. Tim Inquiry rm the
part of lemlttcrx Is fairly good. The hills offering
are mainly drawn ncalnat securities purchased
In thin market for the foreign account. Com
mercial bills nro In very scant supply ,
Foreign l' ° iimnci > lTnlr l < .
PHILADELPHIA. May ! 0. Clearings , I10C93 >
12G ; balances , ll.UXi.m
PARIS , May 10. Three per cent rents , 102f
2'ju for the account. Hxclunsu em London , 25t
21Ua for checks.
LONDON. May 10. Gold Is quoted ut Iluenoi
Ayrcs lit 2C9.UO ; Madrid , U.50 ; , 27U ; "t.
Petersburg. DO ; Athene , 77 ; Rum ? , JOS.OT'.J ;
Vienna , 103.
HHRLIN , May 10. Exchange on Ixmdon , eight
days' sight , 20 marks 45'X , pfg , Weekly vtate-
inent of the Imperial Jlank of tlermnny BMJW
tha following rhanKcs. n * rumpurcd with tha
previous account : Cosh In bund , i1 crca e , 4.924. .
frjO muiks ; treasury notes , dcci'ase. 'SO.OW
matks ; othercurltlM. . decrease , 21.5W.OOO
marks ; notes In circulation , decrease , 21,119,004
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
PMcher's Castoria.
Uy anew plan ot systematic grain specula
tion. Bend for our free booklet showing how *
to Ret around adverse fluctuation * of tha
market and iruke. money ven on the wrong
aide. I'att worktn a uf plan and highest
f rcnce furnished. VALENTINE A
CO. , TraUsru HlUf. , Chicago. . '