I TTTTC fVArATTA DATT/V TITilTC ! rWPTVNTT < lSr > AV. T\rA"V S. ISftK. 8PEC1RL NOTICES. jKIrertUcnirnt * ( or tlicno rolutnm will be nhru until 12I3O p. m. for the evening and until 8 p. in. for the morning and Sunday edition. Ailttrtliern. by wiucallnic nrmburect clieck , tun Jiuvo alixncr * ndilrr * ed to n numlicrril Irttcr In cnro ot 'llin lice. An- Mvrrn no nddreimcd will IIR drIUcrcil upon I r < m illation of the clirrk only , Rules , 1 1-Sc n uurili llmt ln ertluii , lu a nurd litrtnftcr , folding tuUou ( nr lisa tlinu KOc lor llrnt Inicrtlon liirno nUvurtliicmcnU must lun cnniecu- tltoly. SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION AS CLI3RK IN DHY OOODB OR Kencml store , liy nn experienced mnn ( Ocr. tnin ) , icood references. Address box Mtf. Hamburg - burg , la A-MCI7 8 * \ANTP.U , POSITION v tihnrm iclat ; 10 yearn' experience , Lest of lefor. cnce. AdMrvas O J3. llee. A M6H 8 WANTED MALE .WANTED. 1,000 MHN TO WIUTi : ME TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely ttev , In jiluln .eale.l nnvolopc ) which cured rno of nervous debility , cxhniiHtrdltnllty , etc Addreii O. J. Walker , box 1,311 , Kalainazoo , Mlcli. 11 M4C5 . VVANTID. : TWO GOOO COAT MAKERS AT olico by C. II. Ranies , Hastings , Neb. R MS2J 10' WANTED. TnAVHMNO MAN IN GROCERY line , Mute cxpulence atnl references , first clam Nebraska territory. Address N C7 , lice SAHHMIN WANTED. ; oo A DAY , NO i > n- HverlcH or o Dictions , civUlj oullH free , fide line or exclusive Ail Iress Manufaetuicni , 3911 Mai kit utiect , 1'lill.iiMplila II-MH7 8 VAN ! Ill ) , MAN TO TAKII OKDHUS IN C'lTY for olil < - tibllslied house former cxr TlPnc unnfcessiry and Hilary pild weekly. Apply after 9 a. m at 1S16 Dougl i . II M6II J8 AVANTiD : , A"oboD TALKUR TOR HUNTING. ICOlCass BU 1I-4JJ7 8' \VANTifD7 MAN TO TRAVI3L AND A1TOINT agi'iitH , Hiliry ami expens < a Bmall cash se curity requlrtd 1' . O. Ilix 2S'lll VANTni ) . A riUST-i-LASS NIC'KLi : I'LATKR nnd pollahrr for bicycle work , nlw live Bood nmemblirH , Bte.uly emnlo > imnt , best wages Aliply or write Immeilatily. Kearney C'jcle Mfjf Co , Kiarney. Neb. It MbiiO H WANTED BELP. Aim ou iiONUHT. sonini , INDUSTRIOUS ? If i > engage with us for 1503 , JJW u month , J3.CDD a yeai , you can malto It c.isj , six hours n day Oui nRtnta do not complain of bard fines Why' They are nnkltiK money filing our IVrficllon Dl li Wanher. tUc only practical family washer nnnuficlurcdi washes dries and pullxhes dlihea peifectly In two minutes , no txperi nee necer ary ; a child of 8 operaten It easllj , cheap and durable , wilKbt. thirteen poumli ; mule "f nntl-iUHt sliert steel , cipac- Ity , iw pkc.es , 110,000 for Its equal , every fam ily wants one , joii don't have to canvass , as teen ns Dioplo know > ou have It for silo they send for a d sh w.islitr , cich agent's territory protected , no o inpctltlon , we fur nish Fainple ( weighs lx poumli ) In nice ease to liuly nKenti * to tike ordcm with ; one UK cut mule J211 53 llrft t-n ila > a Artilress for full partlcutirs 1'crfectlon Mfg Co. , Knglcvrnol 111 C X155J WANTiiD-rirTY GIRLS rou ALL KINDS of woik. Can.idl in Kmplojnicnt Olllee 1122 DOUB las Btictt C-.MIQi-Mgi _ i\v A NTI : i ) , COM i 1 2T i : NT ami , . MUST m : A good cook nnd Inuri.lusj. lira. T. J. RoRera , 1120 1'arlc nvc C CC1 _ GIRL XVAJCTlE ) roil OBNr.UAL IIOITSK- vvorl. In am , ill family. Cor. litli anil Ilunlette at I PC In C 6lf ) ii * _ SVANTIJD , A GOOD OIRL TOR OFINUIIAL housework Inaulre 1111 Chicago strict.C . C 057 8 * \V\NTID. oinij ron nuNiiL\i < notisi- woik. Innulro of W. W I/tmon. chlni de- Iiaitmcnt. Morae Dry ( liwda Co C MG73 10 * WA NTJJI > 7 'r\vo 1'IRST-C'LASS feHWINO glrla , at 623 S Mill C MCSI S' FOR RENT HOUSES , jiousns Y , r. K. DARLING. DARKER IILOOK - EH IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY THE O P Oavla cjmpiii ) , 1 > 3 I'm nam. U Stl 1IQUBES , I1ENAWA & CO , 1 3 N J5TH ST D-3C2 H. E. COLK CO. LAItaiaT : LIST IN OMAHA. D MM I 2708 1'ARNAM STRUUT. W. M Rogers. 112J r.iri.im direct. D-3C3 TOUR-ROOM llASi : . ENT. Ell S. SITU STRI2HT. D M13I-M23 * C-ROOM INQUIRE Kl DOUOI.ASST. D M3G7 CHNTRALLY LOCATBD , 10-ROOJt HOUSH , modern Improvements. Inquire 712 N. 19th D 113G3 NINIMIOOM MODRItN IIOI'SIJ. l-Ha SIIKR- man avenue , $ .1 < ) , 10-ioom inoib'rn house , llur- rtettc. rear Khennin avenue , $25. llyron Reed Co. . 211 South 14th Btrcct. D M7JS-.M10 IIOl'SES VACANT MAY 1st , J. II . I2J N. V. Life. 'I'hone 3 8 D-S77 * 7-ROOU PLAT. RANGEAND ALL , MODintN convcnleCes. 701 B 10th alrtel Charles W. Haller , 511 Paxton lilotk D MiSO-MS7 ROOM rOTTAOi : . WODIIRN ; UCAUTirUL lawn and tthaile 2121 Miami D M4C6 riviMtouM nousn , 83i s. no STRKIT. D IS3-8 * NICE MOIH'.RN TLATS. ClIHAP. J. W. Squire. 211 lice. D-HS I'OR RHNT. rURNISUHD HOUSi : OP EIGHT rooms , modern , (33.00 , for 4 month * . S > 08 8. 2Ut t. D o44 U * _ " roR R"nNTTDnRiRAiiLi : HOUSIS. : 9 rooms. 211 S 24th at. . f30 7 room * . 4205 Cutului ; t. , ! 22 7 rooniH , ! > 23 N 27th av e , 122 ID. C ivonn , tM Sfwaid st . 110. 9 rooms , IW7 Cass nt. . W. 9 rooms. (327 Davrnpnrt si. . SI ) . fi rooms. : < - " > Jackxon st. , $3. C ioumn M13 Piatt ft. , $7 Kea Klikllty Trust Co , 1702 Parrum st. D 4J1 P. D. WEAD , 16TH ft'nOUGLAS D-517 J3 JIOl.'SE WITH S ROOMS. ALL MODERN IM- provunents Rood liarn. front and back > anl. 1111 Lnko st 1 > K8-11 * 10-ROOM IIUK'K. OA8. HATH. 1'MJRNACI : . lauriilr ) , not bareniint plan Ke ) 2' ' > 01 rapltiit uvemie , niljolnlnK D M540 13 * 8-ROOM HOt'Si : , { 15.00 PBR MONTH IN- quint 161G Opltol avenue D-.M510 i : > TOR HI'NT. A OOOD 5-ROOM HOUSI ! IN- quire W9 No. 27th D 39 7 FOR HUNT. Tt RNISHKD 1IOUSC , 054 SOl'Tlt ' lilt st uiull Heptrmlier. D CM 3 nNT. riNi : NIW IO-ROOII jiousa 521 No. 1Mb ht H. T Clarke , 219 Hoard of Trail ? . D Ci3 _ COTTAni : , 7 KODMS. CI/JSLTS , HATH AND KBJi luqulro 2021 Howard D 5I-I FOR RP.NT-I WILL RKNT MY . lilt N. CM strevt , lo a suitable tenant for a few mcnilis , neatly furnished , vvllli every feT convenience. W. S. Seavvy , Chief of 1'olki * . D-M673 9 POK BENT FURNldUED HOOMS. MODKRN ROOM. WITH HOARD 24)8 CASH. 1 ! M M Ml ? ' _ KICU SOUTH J'RONT ROOM \V Ul.L FUU. ntsheJ. private family. Call 2113 ( .uu street. U-JL'il _ EAST TRONT ROOMS , PURNlSlinU OR I'N- furolsheJ , nuJoin , board If desiud CIS N. 2il. _ _ _ ELr-QANTLY KURNISHHD ROOMS. 621 SO :6lli street. Hat. 11 , Jrd floor E 4S5-S * TWO n'RNlSHKO ROOMS , ONK WITH At- co\e , private fumlly , modern 'Ml H. 2.Ui avc. K M6J7 ' rURNisnui ) nee > iH. ins ixDDdi : . -S1GI3 13 * FtRNISIini ) AND UNFURNISHKD ROOMS (01 light iKUackopIn-- . ISIS Turn i in FOR RKNT NICULY ROOM , Ml S " ' 111 street. K-MC33-9' NKT.LY ri'KNlSlinn SOt'THKAbT 1T.O.NT room , rlrat iloor. ! Jt How aid K 5- : > 1XR ) llftNT , rttRNlKHKD PARLOR. AUSO loxna for lijtit l.ouwkieplnx. tU3 N. 320. , un s FURNISHED HOOKS AND BOARD. % COOL-KRONT ROOMS. HILLSIDE. UTH I AND KOOMS WITH HOARD ; 1\ in : Chlrau-o , 1is COMl'ORTAlII.n Fl'HNISHKD ROOMS AND \ iMud. 1 $ . ' } I'arun m itrert K - Milt 8' JJQARD AND HOQM , J4 t WEEK. NICELY KURNISIIKD ROOM , WIT 11 OR wllhput l rd. 1CI ! Dautlas. K-M 'O BOOMS TO KENT - . i\m iir.NT-'T\vo ROOMS. 1 1I l3oUse iticct. TCB BENT STOKES AND OFFIOE3 TOR RENT , THE 4-HTORY lIltlCK Ht'lLD- InK Dill Parnam itrnt. ThU ImlMInK ha a llro pmof cemi-nt banement , complete steam hcnllnn fixtures , water on all Iloora , gnu. etc. Apply nt th onicp < it The Itee 1-31U AQENia WANTED. OINTS , PHLL MARY JANK niHinvAsiiiRS anj get llch , best made in'iie ( Old than all others enl > 3 , every family Hunts Mar > Jane , Kuod | iront. Purlnton & C j , l > e Mulnn , la. J MJSO 8 , AUY AOP.NTS , Hl'Iltlini rNDKRdARMKNT. iiulck Mien | JK ! prnlltn , ratHli > KUe free. Mrs. N 11 Llttlo Mfg Co , ChlcaKU , III THE \VAII IN Tim EAST"PAOE ) O\er 1 > uutravlngs of war ana other Kcenm. How itJid why lhi > vait ciiiplr" "f Clilna IM Initnblml by the Llttlo Island Kingdom Tt-IM nil nlxiut llilno , Julian nnil Conn , nn < l the * thrllllnic history of the great war cimpletf Holllni ? fust Pilco only JIM. A m.irvdnu * succcEvcr ) > lK ly wants It. Extra ternii , quirk wil'M nmt big mcitipy for aRents Send for circular or K cents for outfit. 1 * . W. /.legler A. Co , Rex 1SSC , Chloaff" , 111J J MC73 8 WANTED TO KENT. IST notions rou IUNT WITH o. a WAL lace , 3IJ Drown blk. Have calls for cottages. K-7J7 , IST HOUSES POH UINT WITH F. n , WRAD. K 318 J3 . ANTED , 2 ROOMS ron ne.u Hill st. viaduct. Address O 33 , H-P K-CJS " STORAGE. ITORAOE. I-RANK EWERS , 12H HARNEY. IKST STORAGE Rt'ILDINO IN OMAHA. P S. Bolmml l warehouse , household ipwda nlorolj lo e t rnli'S 1013-1011 I eaxenwoith M 377 TOVES STORED 1 > URINO SUMMER TEL SIG9 1207 Douglas. Omaha Slovo llcpilr Work * . JI 373 Acirir SToitAonvARniiorsnco,9Tn & Jotua nts. General utorage and forwarding. M 571 WANTED TO , VANTiO , A STOCK Or GOODS WORTH J4 0 < M to J0,0i Address M 19 , Omaha Hie N Mj43 : iIQHiST I'RICUS PAID POR 8KCONU HAND funilture. J. Unisncll , 1420 Dodge st. _ , vn WILL IIUY CIHAI : > HOMHS AND itnsi- ileneo lots nnjwbeie In the city Must be bar gains. Reed & Sclby , Hoard ot Trade bullillnR N 162 FOK SALE FURNITURE , TOR SALi : , ON ACCOUNT OF IIHVOMAL TO New York , will aell all the furniture , cnrpetfi , etc of a 10-room house , cheap. Call nt Col S 2Vh nve O-MC21 ; x > R SALI : , I't'RNiTt'iu : or 2 ? ROOM HOTIL anil ivfitiiurant llxtiirei , nil well locitetl , dolntf good business. Canadian Onitc , 112J DKUKII O Mb,8 11 * FOR SALi.- HORSES , WAGONS.liTC HYS1CIANS PHAETON , LEATHER TOP newly painted , for JSaOO , top del wasnn , JG ) . Diummond & Co P M5"l 11 OR SALE. AN Al 2ND HAND CANOPY ' 1OP surrey , almost new. Harney Bt. stable FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOO AND CHICKEN PENCE WIRE HETTER anfl cheaper th.m wood. J. J L ddy , 403 S llth , ( . ) Mfi.il Mi > 10 WEGMAN PIANOS , 11RIDOEPORT ORGANS Woodbrhlge llros , 117 S. 17th. CJ 379 HARDWOOD COMI1INAT1ON HOG AND chicken fence. Lha R. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q-380 FOR SALE. A NO 1 2ND HAND DO-IIORSE iwwer stiel boiler , ns good as mv Addtesi P O llox C33. Q-M62)--M11 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO , AMES , NER , has 4W tons good baled hay to sell Q MI72 POR SALE , 2 THIRTY-QUART ICE CREAM machines lialdulf , 1520 Fnrnam. Q-M463 9 POR SALE. ROLL TOP DE K , DOUI1LE waidrobe letter press chillis' bed lefilgera- tor , tables , etc. ; inquire 1202 Georgia nvc ! ' Q-tSl-1 FOR SALE. CHEAP , IS 000 PALETIES FOR brick said purposes anj 2,000 feet of 1-Inch water pipe. Address 2921 Hamilton atra-t Q-.M50) ) S FIRST-CLAPS 0\K 11AR OPTPIT , ORIOIN- nllv oust 11,00000 , che.ip , must sell AddKes O 20 , llee Q MS24-10 A FRESH JERSEY COW AND CALF , A PAIR of line lamb goats. Inquire 2312 Webster Q-533-S * POR SALE , A PINK IERSKY COW. RIO RAR- galn ; only J45 l 2t VVIrt street. U M073 10 WANTED , GENTLE HORhE AND HURRY , 2 months , or only In forenooi. Shukert 4)1-3 S. 15th. R M 71 9 CLAIRVOYANTh MRS DR II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llablo business medium , Sth jcar at 119 N. 16th S-331 M.ME CLA1TON , CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD leader Reads cards like an open book. Tells your mission on enterliiir. 223 N. lllh S-M5)7 1 MRS FRANCIS KEENE. CLAIRVOYANT AND Indipendent si.via writer , gives ndUto on nl' matters of. Importance , such as business , IOM affalra. in irrlages , divorces , lawsuits , etc. , lo cates lost or stolen Roods , reunites the Mpa laleJ , brings speedy marriages , removes Rtum < bllng blocks and bad luck of ull kip.Is 1S23 Farnam stieel. S M510 9 ARRIVAL EXTRAOHDLVARY ; THE ORE \T- c t dead tranie in lluin of the present , IB < . " tells your life from the cradle to the Brave , mikes marriage n > failure , photo of wife or husbanl sent throuuh mall , with life chart. 12,00. Send ago and loclc of hair ; nil letters for Information containing 4 cents In ttampa promptly answered Klectrlo and massage baths n specialty for health. Mrs. Dr. A Leon. 418 N. Htli all eel , Onialm , Neb. MABSAGl. . iA'iHS. ETC. MADAME LA RUE. 1617 MADAM SMITH BOSS * . 13TII. SU 1 tuuil. KUVJK 3 , maKnetlc , vapor , alcohol , steam , milphurln nnd sea baths. T-M578 11 * MASSAGE , MADAME I1ERNARD , 1121 DOIMIE T MCI I 20 TURKISH UATHS. TURKISH HATH8. ONLY PLV.CE IN CITY exclusively for ladles , bulte lOU-110 Ilco bids. 135. PERSONAL. MASSAGE. ELECTRO THUR3IAL HATH3 , cbliopudlst. Jme. Post , 319'2 S 15th stU U 332 THE HP.LLE E1PERLY CORSET. MADE TO ordtr from nu-asuie 1W9 Parnam street streetU U 3S3 VIAVI CO. 310 REE I1LDC1 ; HEALTH ROOK trie , luuiitf treatment. laJy nttemlant. U SSI MISS MISN'ICK'S DRESHMAKIt T PARLORS 81l l"urnani st. I'rlcen nasonah- . IT 7ol M15 * II HAAS. PLORIST. PLANTS. CUT PLOVERS nincpiet , lull. reslJence ruid rravo ilecorntluns. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 770. L'MSJj ' PAPER CONTAINING RKAL PHOTO3 Ot' lailliH wUI'InK tu wed nulled for slump linx 16uS , Uenv er. Colo. M174 M2 CURE TOR LADIEd. IdlG CHICAGO hT U 613 M10' JOHN EDWARDS THR PRIENP AT HOME. IhruuKli whom > ou cuirraiHinilcd In 18iO , vvliluK to hear firm jou at once on business Impoit- nnt to jours-'lr. Wilte U 319 " WANTED , A bPANlSH TEACHER ADDRESS J M. I irron. SKO Huraej street U-M5W S * SITUATION WANTED 11Y MIPDLK-AQEl ) mariled mail , n.it atral.l.n \ > ork , rt'ferrnce ( umlshrtl 1C wnnted. O 25. llee U M570 S * MONEY TO rlOA itc-Al , ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVPD OMAHA real cvalu Urennan. L\c i. Co. , Paxion tilk. VA-SSJ MONEV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA proixrty. Pidulity Trust ci'jiun ) . 110 ! Parnam W 3 > INVESTDR3 DIRECTORY CO. , 11 WALL ST. New York , otter any | > nil 1 > ' 0 autern In- Vfintoiv * lunicj- . who nave imiuoy ta Invest , lust coi plt < l. \\rlte for partlculsi-R. W-M181 Mil * A < 1ENCY U 8. MORTOArtE CO fillllMIT loans ta Pusir & Thomas , Council llluT ( < oiHc * * W-ISI IMPROVKD CITY OAKS AT LOWEST RATES. 11. H. HarJer & Cu. , urouuJ flcqr , Ik-c bMc. MONEY TO TA1AN ON OMAHA HKAL 1WTATE t C IHT cint. W. U. MilkkUi Nat. Uk. MONEY TO LOAN AT I-OWKST RATKrt THE O 1DavU Co. . U jPnniam st. W-5M _ CITY LOANS. C , A. STARR. ? ! N. Y LPnT vra LOANS OX IMPROVED i 1 N1MPROVET ) CITV I" i > rt W Pnrnam 8ml ' < X sk , 132) 1'j tiam MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Continued , NTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO . 31 ! N Y LIKE. li ni nt low rnle * for choice security In Ne braska n'ul Iowa farms or Omaha city pniporty. MON1.Y TO JL.OAJ.N OHATTULS. IONEV TO LOAN ON PURNITURE , PIANOS , hornca , nnironn. etc , nt Ion rat rates In city , no remotal of goodn , strlctl ) confidential , > ou can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 3vfJ So. IGtll St X 370 J. 11. HADDOCK. ROOM 4:7. IIAMQU I1LOCK X-372 MONEY TO IX1AN ON HOUSEHOLD V , RNI- tuip , planoH , hur o wnioiiit ui nn > Mnil of chattel flMcurlty at IOWPH ! | nk ill > lf * latc which > ou can | mv Inck at nn > time or Itl any amount PIDEL1TY IXAN GUARANTEP. CO. , Il m \\lthiipll lilotk X 373 MONEY TO LOAN ON e t RNITL RE AND plan * Pred Terry , 430 Rimce lillc. X 3 1 BUSINESS CHANCES. iAWMILL. WANTED A PARTY WITH AHOt'T ' IW ) Oi ) < oi > h tu Join In starting HOW mill Ad- dnss Pioneer Uuslness agency , S.ierlilnnVya , Y MC33 S RECEIVER'S BALE , PRuM THIS DATE I will boll at private sale all the liar fixtures , refrigerators , bottle cases. nnJ office nxturcs : nlso all the nnnnlshcd stock , machinery and Khaftlnit. with 2 15 II P. Detroit electric mo tors , IwlonulnK to the firm of Wallace & Co , Incorporated , loc.ttej at 411 and 413 S. 10th i > t. , Omaha Neb. , April 23 ISO ! John Jenkins , receiver , fjr Wallace & Co , Incorporated Y-M157 M21 WE WANT SOME PRESH CAPITAL IN OPR business , vie are operotlns now in tltrce states , our business Is paying over 100 per cent , vInvlt. < . - your Imestimation. Tor full piitlculars call on or , iddre oui agenti it. E Cole Co . 100 N. IJIh Y M53213 fO SELL , GROCERY STOCK. GOOD LOCA- tlon , cht-np , llxtuici anil stock complete , butcher shop attache 1 Artiln s II L Hur- nam. C17 N. Y. Life Ride. , Omaha , Nel' WANTED , LADY OR GENTLEMAN WITH srrnll cnpltil to Invest In n buslncis that p.xy CO ) to SWO per cent , no campctltlnn. Call J W Thomas , bloto hotel , 1310 DousUm stieet , iip- Malrs Y-C37-12- NEWSPAPER KOR SV.LE , A DAILY AND wi-tUly n WHi > at > er nnd Job prlntluc Imuw In town of BOW In Houlhvi st Missouri , for sale on ci s trrmi Will cell nil or liilf lntert t , or mlsht trade. Address O 34 , caru of Hoc GCJ 9 FOR EXCHANGE , A FINK , PULL INSIDE RESIDENCE LOT. clear , for outside properly Gilt edge bank stock , and other stock , for outside clcir lots. II H Harder & Co. , grounJ Iloor , Ilee bids. 13 WANTED. A HORSE IN TRADE A9 PART pay on piano. A. Hospe , Jr. , 1513 Douglas at. WE HAVE 3,000 ACRE1 ! OP CLEAR SELECTed - ed western land for exchange Would put In some cash for desirable Omaha property Fidelity Tiust Company , 1702 Furnnm St Z 520 12 100 ACRES IMPROVED LAND , CLEAR POR house nnd lot north part of city , will assume reasonable Incumbrancc. Address O 17. Hee 55 M572 11 I'OU EXCHANGE. 160 ACRES UNDER THE Elm Cretk Irrigation Co's ditch , laterals < om- pleted , Ian 1 cisy to Irrigate and dost ? to canal , very dcslrabln ; for stoik hardware. L K. , Elm Creek Neb. K M5S3 9' TO EXCHANGE , A GOOD CLEAN STOCK OP Ri-neial mciiliniullae. that will Invoice nlxmt tl 000 0) for Kood farm lands. Ailctross lock box 27. Shelton , Neb Z M01S 11 * POR EXClf\NGE-SOUTH OMAHA LOTS for horses or cattle II. H. Haider , llee bullil- Inc X-G.13-12 FOR SALE KhAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS THE UlllON REED COMPANY. RE-15S I1AROAINS , HOUSES , I/TS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. 1' . K. Daillug , UaiKcr block RE-IG WILL hELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS lien Omaha nt pilcts that vvlll surprise > ou , If t.ikin within 2 vveiks. J. II Shenv mil 421 N Y Life RE M72I FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRIfaON , N. Y HE 541 M7 _ EXCHANGES AND SALES. CITY PROPERTY , farms , merchandise Uarvln llros , 210 N Y L . - IJAROAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN crtks and fatms Jno N. 1'ienzer , opp P O RE-37J SNAPS , 5 TO C MILES PROM OMAHA 1' . O. 40 , 60 or 120 ncrea , Improved , J30 0-J per ncro , 2iW ncres } 3 > 00 per acre , 250 acres { 1000 per acre , C 10-aire tracts , J75 00 to UJO 0) per acre. Must be bold. 010 N. Y. L bids RE M25I A GREAT OPPORTUNITY 1'or a small Investment. Hetter thin a Having bank JCO ) lota foi only 3100 e.icn. $10 cash pajment nnd (5 per month without In terest. These lots He Just west of Fort Omaha over looklner the cltj. Eveiy > OUHK man and joung woman In Omaha ought to have one of them. You cannot pos lM ! make a safer or better In vestment than this. You will never miss the money and In a few months you will have a beautiful lot pal for. It will be ft starting point for a fortune You will * pend this much every month and ne\cr know where It poefl. No Interest on deferred pajmentu On two Iota to Dime purchaser will make a dls. count of 5 per cent Now Is the time to buy Omaha property , ea- peilaliy when you can net WO * lots for 5100 on Bucli terms as nbo\e. Five of these lots Bold this week I'lvo persons have secured tlrst-clnss Invest ments. Now Is the time to buy Oimlri property , when jou can pit auch offers as this Cut this ndveitlacmcnt out and come and aeo us quick ! Fidelity Trust company , sole agents , 1702 Par- nam t. RE 521 7 Jt'ST THINK OP THIS ! 5 OP THE FINEST cast front lots in Clnverdnle addition , wortl $500 each , can be purchaaed within the next ten days for > 300 each This la the most phenome nal bargain offered thU > ear. Terms very easy. See us at once. Fidelity Trust company , 170.8 Fnrnam street. RE 521-7 A FULL LOT FACING ON CUMINO STHKKT near 30th , north f2,500 , pa\c < ! street and stone Flib-walk , can be purchased If taken within the ne\t ten days at tl.OiW to 11,200 The owner limit sell henru this Immense bargain. Kl Ocllty Trust company , 1702 Purnam st RE-521-7 YOU RE.MEM1IER OUR "ADD1 LAST WEEK' \\ill , lots of people came arouml and fcaid v\as true. Now jou come and toe. I-ook at SJ1I RiiRKlrs at. , 7 rooms , all mmiern. 2'07 I.ouiat at . S rooms , all modern , large Darn 17'U N. 1Mb st , 7 roums. S. E Cm I'Jtli mid hprtice , 6 rooms. Double brick , south side Lalhrop , i4 block eas' ' 21111 Et. Then coint * H and make us an offer. If > ou vv.iiit a viuant lot look at 50x121 feet , wes sldtt of 0th , H3 liloi.li north of Mandirbun SOtl.a ) S VV Cor. Zfclh ami Ersklne C3 fet couth front on Ilrlatnl and 26111 sts. 132x122 ri VV Coi 3Uli nn.1 llou ird UUSS. K'uth fiont on Castellar , 100 feet cas of 20th st 132x119 N. E. Cor 28 nnd Chicago. 40X11J N E Coi 20th and Center. Don't bo a fin M to make an offer , anything re siinabli ] will lia entertained S.iy. we have acr i 4V4 miles sir light neil SHVOOr nail & acres 4 miles atralKht west 12COJ 00 , 2.5CO beating grape vines , house am bain Can > oi- beat It' Lool ; at our window. Come In If > ou want to tradu "Item mber wo nivcr offer anything but genuine snap * H. E. COLE CO , 106 N 15th RE-M5-J ) S PRETTIEST EAST FRONT COTTAGE IN THE city , bath , clu&et. setter , mantle , fence , tries , paved street and motor line , one block from Hanscom park. | S,20 : ) insh. II H Harder _ 5 Co ground Iloor. Roe bide RE 42) n FOR HALE. S-IU , NORTH 25TH STREET , Jl.lO ) ! ' ! 5-r . North 21th stre-t il &H 00. 4-r , Ncuiti 21st flreet | V ) ( r ) 5-r , Sluple lnet. > ) IW 4-r. Pinnl.lln itre.t. ICK10) . Itest lot went p\rl lovvn $6Vftl worth IIJWO ) , KIWI ! bulM"K ( loin , { 150.0) ) ID 15)1 CO LUl with us If jou want to Hell Ames , real estitc 1,17 F.irnam RK MCoS 9 * WA NTED WK CONTROL FARMs" STOCK farms , lamho. wild lands and city property In all pans of Texan , \\hlih we cm exehmje at low catli values for tlutks of merchandlM of nil kind * , write us , and state cahracter ot lour nifiUianiltso lu > alue and what jo > want lu cxihan.e : for. Adilreu. Winters. Divls . Co. , real estate agents. Port \Vortli Tex. RE MS I ! POR BALE-LOT II. I1I.K 2 IIAKER PLACE Thla lot In 5K15S , couth front neir car , Will sell cheap on easy monthly pa > ments In rlEht n.irty Alfo lot i , in lluikeyr Place , anil lot 1. Wk 6 p. pplclon Park Tak n look at th * lou and If they suit > ou tall n < l I will make price aii.l tenn * tu Milt. Geo.U Tzsihuck. IIe olllce. Omaha. UK 651 HOTELS , HOTEL RARKKR. 1JTH AND JONEj STS. 75 room * at II.W per day. SO rocnii at 12.00 per daj. Special rates to commercial trarrlen Room nnl board by vreek or month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. in AETNA HOUSB ( EUROPEAN ) . N W. COli 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 403 DAVIS HOUSE. HOT bPRINGS. S. D . A nrst-elasi hotel , desirable for thee who wish ri ° < l rooms * nd t bl at reasonable prices plMiantfit location In city , one blirk from union depot. Address Davis House , box 23. MKO 10 > UNDERTAKERSAtO ) EMB ALMER3 I K , Ilt'RKET , PI NICAAL DIRECTOR AND embttlmcr. 1818 Chicago. feL. teUphono ) . 4)3 ) 8WANSON & VALIEN 'CUMINO ' , TEL. 10 * ) . O. MAUL. UNDERTiVRER AND EMRALM- IT. 1417 Parnam st. , HiJtfhone 223. 41) W. IIAKER , UNOEiyfKER ? [ , 613 8. 1ST1I HT 411 M. O. DAXON , 403 N..16TJJ. VICTOR HICYCLES , THli FINEST OF ALL blcjcles. Omaha Ulcjcle Co , 323 N. 16th street. , , XM STERLING. Ilt'ILT LtUffi A WATCH WEST- ein Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard strt-et. sni : Tim viainu : n\u , , nnAniNos ON llclay bpeclal. Will llatriiin & llro , 120 N 15th SM nnMINGTON AND IUOLU. C11OS3 Ot'N CO . 110 S 13th street 237 \ . i < DIANI : & \vnoiisAi.n : AND tall bicycle * . IMS rarnam itrcut , blccleJ on easy painent < _ a OIT THIIM In Roud runnlns order at the Acme , 012 .S ICth. 611 SI10 .VKSTKllN . nit-'YCLC & Ol'N CO . 2116 CUM1NO CGI MANTELS , OilATi-S AND TILES. WOOD MANTHI.S , OIIATKS. TII.KS I'OU THtn plates v estlbulfM anil large llnon * . write for catalougue. Milton Rogers & Sons , OnnlnMM3 MM3 LOST-A POfKirrilOOK. ON WALNUT HILL car , or between c'unilng ami fTllfnrnla on 40th I'loiise leave at O. K. ticolk'ld'g , 16th nnd Tar nam l LOST. A rrn rur. WHAUS STIIRL coi.- Hr , number of tag , 220 , llmler return to r li Kcnn ird. 1S2I Dcxlga sliect. und get reward kost Mf. 7 9 , OST HAY HORSE WITH HARNESS , luanded "D" on left shoul 1r 1 Return to Fred naming , 1301 S lull street and rxcclve rew ird Lost MM > S DllbSSMAKING. MRS. C. A LUCAS HAS IinTL'RNHD AND opened mrlors at 1603 Douglas street , where he will be pleased to see her former friends * DRHSS MAKING IN PAMILIIIS. 4316 GRANT M150 M2I * WORLD'S PAIR I'linMIUM ORHSS CUTTING Bchool , tl W Is paid for any old sjstem the next ten dajs Madam A. Richards , irio Cass si. M5OT 8 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARHS IN MUTITAL L K II ASS'N PAY C , 7 8 per cent when 1 2 , 3 jcirs oM. nhvi > 3 redeemable 1701 Karnam st Nattlngcr , Sec. HOW TO GKT A HOMB OR SHCIIRi : GOOD Interest on sivlncs Appl ) to Omaha L & II Aes'n , 1704 lite bldg. U.V Nattlnger , Sec. 413 COAL. D T. MOUNT HAS IlKMOVnO HI3 COAL olllce to 209 S 16thst _ , Hi-own block. 400 _ THI : nnsT is THB CHBAJMST NO SMOKI : No soot. 2 OOJ pounds ot the best W } dining coal. $150 ilellvend Just think of Itl \ou hava to pi > that for flirty , smoky coil If jnu are Interested In .the ftii" ! question use Sheridan c al 1C05 P.irriam street Mill PASTURAGE. wi : HAVI : ice APRKS OP nn-n GRASS PASture - turo for horses Ixvxrd fence , spring v\ater , llarton Jt I'helps , Gllmore , Neb , or A W , J'hclps i Son , 207 N Y Llfo bldff Tel 1031 475-Juli ! CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. ' E MORRILU PAPER \NGINO. . HOIISL BKH ! pilnllnu , brick vvoilv. | ili tcilnR , off R 1 llarkcr blk. , tel. 7J5 , shop SJ11 Izaid , tel 408 403 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROVV1TSJ LOAN.S MONEY 41S N. 16 ST. ART AND LANGUAGES. F. aULI.nNDCRK HVNJO AND KUltar teacher 1011 C.a < > * ( root M109 ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- ors for electric llsht ami motor pi int ami all kinds of electrical construction Western EIeo > trie-it Supply Co , 1513 Howard st 401 DilNTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLP.GI : DINTAL SPRGURY , PREB Infirmary , dentistry at cost. ICth A. Cap. axe. 407 FLORIdTS. I-ANSIKS & VHRIIIINAS GO TO J Wi E. K. Arnold , 120 N. 15th St. Tel 132D9I D9I M9 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY.R O.COM'L NT'L 13K.1C & PARNAM E97-MS * CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STP.AM CARPET CLENINO WKS 71S-720 b llth ht Til Coj Service KUarnnteeJ U S. G Kuhn , Mgr , Put VVard , foicman 12j M23 DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , DENTIhT. 2020 HI RT ST SHORTHAND VAN SANT'S SCHOOL FOR SHORT HAND. N. V Life , Omaha A k for circular 410 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 713 N. 16. 4M EVERY WOMAN Sometimes nerd * ) a reliable monthly regulating medicine. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLS , Are prompt , safe nnd certafnjn remit. Thecenu- lnnlr ( IvarsVnpvcrrll'iifnfJijjit P < > ntttavnhere , II 00 Sherman & . McDonnell Drui Co. , 1515 DodKO street. Omaha. Nell. Prupoinlft fur > llu lillni ; . NEBRASKA CITY1 , May 2. 1893-Healed proposals will be received by W. U Wilson , at the Nebraska CMtj National bank , untl li o'clock m , June J , 18B3 , for tli" erection and completion of th new west vvlnn of the Institution for the HUnd at Nebraska City , Neb I'lans and specifications for tbe same can be seen nt the oflitre tit the fcuperlnti'nd- cnt of th : Institution- the lillnd and at the olllce of Wsher WM.nvvrle , architects , Omaha , Neb Separate Wds will be recelvtt for the p'umbliiB am ) 'KIUM ' lit tint , ' , and also steam heating. Kaclr bUl must be accom panied by a certlllcif clAsck for ? 500 Ths rlubt la reserved to Tfjcct any or all bids and to waive any de/q t , or Informality In any bid. , Uy order of tbe board > f trustees W. \Y1LSON , President. MS dlOtm IJ CONSTRUCTING QUAUTCU- mastcr , Omaha , Neb , May G , 1S95 Sealed proposals In triplicate , subject to the usua conditions , will be received here until 12 m. , central standard time , Tuegdnv , Juno 4 ISM , ut which time and placu they will be opened In the presence of bidders' , for con structing four double selu of oltlcers' niuir- ters , ali.0 for p'.umblnir , uti-uin heating anil BUS piping for same , at Port Crook. Neb Government reserves the rUht to reject nn > or nil proposals Plans nnd tppclilcat'on- ' can be seen uftd all Information obtatnei' on application here Knvelones contnlnlns proposals should be marked "I'ropoHulii for ( as the case may be ) , " and addressed to Charles r Humphrey , Major and Qr Mr M6M4I&30-31 Ths annual meeting- atockholdPrs of tbe Iromont. K'khorn ' & Missouri Valley Hall- road company will be lield at the olllce of the company In Omaha , Nebraska , on Fil- day , May 17 , U95 , at 0 o'clock p. in , for the election of director * and fir tin transactlai of such other business as may come before the meellnp * J n HKDFIULD , Secretary. Dated April 3i > . 1S95. May-2 U-lC-l. Can I Be Beautiful- Yes1 Mine M. Yalp lias discovered the secret by which cveiyone may become picas- ng and attractive. Notlilns so iletr.icts 'rom the npiiearanco of men nml women as hln , faded or partially pray h.iir. Your creator never Intended gray hairs to come at forty or fifty , and scarcely at sixty. Worry or hard work or the deinntuls of jocltty have caused those wintry threads to appear un bidden amid your soft , brown lialr , or In the avy trossei that once rivaled the raven's wing Those chants come so quickly that hey startle one. Hut relict Is at hand. Yale's Hair Tonic Will speedily and permanently restore gray mlr lo Its natural color. You can use It with psrfert conHdencp. as It Is harmless to the ha'r ' , and at the same llmo the moH com- pl le reftoratlve ever discovered. It will restore faded or gray hair to Its ordinal color and vigor , and place > our features In a trame- work of beautiful natural hnlr , vvllhoiit which no fate , however fa't ' , can be called beautiful A'l ' drurirl ls IVw , $1 n'.so Ynlf > ' Skin rood $159 , Yalea Comp e\l n Cr-Min tl , V l ' I'u . ? rovvde" OW Vale's llciuty Hmp ? r - Mrr" Inl" , Health and Com- Dl" > lai fep al.sf , 'loni le of II iut ) 118 f-Ute st. Cliii-Jitu. GulJ * tJ Uoautj mailed fide , Art in Furniture- We hai'e on display tlic most J3ea utiful Stock of Furniture in Nebraska , Among our late studies In old French furni ture Is this Chlftonnlere , with Its double swell front nnd Its antique prow-like supports to the mirror. It makes a very beautiful piece of furniture , executed in Ulrd's-Eye Maple or Curly Birch , nnd with trimmings of pol ished brass In Eighteenth Century desluns. Ttieso 1893 patterns mean nothing until yo-t stop to recall the fact that they were all designed In the early days of the business depression when low price was the first nnd last 1 consideration. They nre simply "studies 1i in i Economy , " nnd such values may not re appear I In the furniture business In the next half ] dozen years. If ycu have a single furniture need , supply It now. Chas. Shiverick & Co. FUKNITUKE OF ALL KINDS. 12th nnd Douglas , PERMANENTLY CURED NO PAY UNTIL CURED WE SEFfR YOU 70 8,000 PATIENTS- WrlteforBanlt References . . . EXAMINATION FREE. No Operation. Ho Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. PULLER CO. , 07-308 N Y Life Bldg. . OMAHA , NEB. tawycrs nnd solicitors. SUES & CO. Hoe Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advlco FUBE. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IUUHI.INGTON A. MO. RIVER.IArrlvo OinahalUnlon Depot. IQlh i. Mason bta j Omalm 10 10im . . . .Denver Expreo . . 9.40am 4 : : i > ! ii ink Hills. Mont & I'uget Sml Ex 4 Uinn 4 3jin | . .Denver Enpivsg. . . . 4lOi > m C 45pm. Nebraska L.ncnl ( except Humta > ) 7.45pm 8 ISim Lincoln Ixical ( except Sunilu } ) 11 25am 2.1Jpm Past Mull ( for Llnculn ) Dally . Leaves [ CHICAGO , llbRLlNCHuN & Q lArrlvcs " OmahajUnlun Depot , loth & MnaqnS\s [ Ornahn "i < 5pm Chicago Vestibule , 7.7 9.50nm 9 Vu.in Chlcaeo Expieiui 4:15pm 7.50pm ChlcaK" nnd Bt. LouU Express . 8 i im 11 35am 1'acinc Junction Local . 5 3 > ) pm Past Mall 2lupra : Leaves [ CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrives [ Oma.ialUnion Depot , 10th & Masun Sta-l Omaha 600pm Chicago Limited . . 7 9.30im il 19am . . .Chicago Expresu ( ex Sun ) . . . 6 04pm Leaves [ CHICAGO & NUKlllWhal'N | AiTlves OinaiaJUnlon Depot , 10th i. ilaton tits | Omaha 11 05am Eastern Express G J"pm 4 00pm VeMlbultd Limited 9 4 > un S.UamMo Valley Lucnl I0.3'pm ' 6.41pm . . . . Omaha Chicago Special . . Z.lipm Leaves I CHICAGO , It. 1 & PACII-'IC. [ Arrives Omahal Union Depot , 10th at ataaan Sts | Omaha 11.00am..Atlantic Exprem ( ex faunday ) . . C 23pm NlKht Exprtsi t.SSim 43ipm Chicago Vestlbuled Limited . 1.35pm WEST. C.00pm..Oklahoma & Tixas Ex ( ex Sun ) ,10.33am 1 40pm. . . . . .Colorado l.lmttul. 4:00pm : Leaves C , ST. P. . M "i O. [ Arrives Omaha. Depot. ISth and Welis'ef Sin. I Omaha 9 I'am . Nebraska Passenger ( dally ) 8-lipm 4 Minn Sioux City Express ( ox Sun ) . ll : am 6 10pm St Paul Limited 13 Kam Leaves I K K & MO. VALLEI. lArrlier OmahaDep | _ < > t , 15th and Webs ei Hts. [ qmaha _ i 10pm Past Mall ami Expie s 4 1'ipm 2.10pm ( ex. feat ) W > o. Ex. ( ex Mon ) 4 Sopm S.OCani. . Norfolk Expre ( ex. Sunday ) 1' ) JJ.uii C'l'ipm ' at Paul Express . . . 10 35ini Leaves I K C ST J & C II I Arrives Oma.iaiUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason | Omali.l 9 Main Kansas City Day Express . S 30pm S.4Dpm.Iv. C. Night Ex.ua U.P Trans C.Mam Leav es | MISiOURI PACIPIC. | Arr vei Omaha ) Depot , lith and Vvebs er Hts. | O.nai a 10.40am SI Louis Express C.'Jiam ' 9.30pm . St I iuls Express . . C iSpm f.lOimi NebrasUa Local ( ex. Hun ) . 9 Warn Leaves | hlOL'.X Cll'V ft PACIPIC iArrl\e Oinahaj Depot. 1511 , and Webi ei 8tsJOnmli C.lOpm St. I'AUl Llmlteil 10 IJa I-eavfs , SIOUX CITY & PACIKIC. ( Arrives Oma.iaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sis ( Omaha 6. 3 > im Sioux City lO.JJpm t.JJpm . bt. Paul Llmltel Lea/as I UNION PACIFIC OmahajUnlon LXpot , IDth & llaion _ HtiOiiuilia _ _ 14:00mn : Kearney Express . . . . 3,41pm 2 Oupin . O > erland Pljer ! > , prn t O'prn Ueat'ce ft S roiruili'E Ex. ( ex Sun ) I 4'pm 7:3i > l > m Pac Co Expreu 10 & 3jni 3 1 pin I ait Mall 4 l.pm Leaves I WAU II RAILWAY. iArrlvT" Omaha'LTnlon ' Depot , 10th & Mason SU | Omaha i Si , IuU Cicn n Ua.l ! ! ; ta i STORM DRIVEN. ) > " 77/6 ? Duchess" Author of "Molly Bawn" Etc. CIIAl'Tnil III ( Cop ) right 1S35 , lij llirheller. Johnion . llichel ler ) Mrs Alllngham laughs to , ( . elf In a slraiigo way "Well , I have rtono SOTIC- tiling , " says she , and then tlie thought , "I can sive othrrs ; myself I cannot save , " comes to her , and If slip had had tlmo she would have given way to tears. Hut out of the darkness some one Is coming to her ! "I saw you , " says Carlton , In a low , ten der voice. "C waited It was hard but you looked so like an angil ministering that I subdued myself. What were jou saying to that little Idiot ? " "I was giving hep a word of advlco. I saw her todiy with well names are better suppressed , aren't they ? but with a man that a little girl like- her should not oven know. I was tolling her to have nothing to do with him. " "So bad as that ? " "Kor one thing , ho Is married. " "Good heavens1 married , and " "Yes ; he has evidently pursued her here You can see how pretty she Is. " "I can't. I can see you only. " "Well from IJcrlln to hero ho has fol lowed her. " "He's no sense of decency , then " "Ho was born , no doubt , without that troublesome sens ? . " "And his wife ? " "She left him BOIIIO tlmo ago" "A mistake. " Bays ho , indifferently. He Is really hardly thinking of what he Is saying , but his tone coming on her quick ened mood Is as a touch upon a wound. "You think , then , that a woman should cleave that , " bitterly , "Is the scriptural term , Isn't It ? to the moat contemptible of God's creatures until her heart Is utterly broken and her ; plrlt and body have lost their beauty , just because a clergyman has said a few words over lier and him ? " "Not al all. Only until the law has set her free. There Is always the divorce court , > oti Know. An admirable Institution , If con siderably wanting In some ways This chance ncqualntince of yours must he a con temptible fellow. I must say I despise most heartily the man or woman who undcr false colors mikes love or permits It to b ? made. "Tomorrow you shall take me. " nut let us leave this stupid subject. What has It got to do with us , my dearest ? " "Why , nothlne , nothing ! " a little wildly. "Of course not Then , why wnste time over ot. You have wasted a good deal over MJH ! Amy. Do you Know , " with a fond laugh , "I feel a little Jealous of her ? Vou have be- hnven like an angel of light to her. You : iave given her your thoughts , your advice et us hope , " -with a shrug , "sue will profit by It Dut now give something to me ! " 'Ah ' ! " The cry Is low , but piercing. To It speaks only ot love , nnd love. Indeed , 8 Its dominant note ; but In It there Is do- pa I r , too , nnd anguish , and memories of the past the dreadful past that. In spite of all one's mental narcotics , can never bo wholly > nt to sleep. PnEslonatcly she turns to him , loldlng' out her nrms and sinking Into his , hat nro even more willing than her own. t Is quite dark hero In this dusky corner , nnd they two nre ns much alone ns If n whole icmlsphcre divided them from those In tin room inside. "Tomorrow , Clare ! " breathes he. She , huddeis In his embrace. "Why , Clare1 What s If That girl has upset you ! You are IhinK- nK of your past marriage. Hut It Is past , my darling , my beloved' Nothing of It re- nalns. You have told , mo something of It , and I have guessed the rest. It" ho pauses , bending over her "It vvns a martyrdom. ' " "It was hell1" says she In a hoarse , btided whisper. It shocks htm , but quite suddenly lier mood changes. She lifts herself and quickly , vehemently presses her lips to Ills. The carets Is feverish , and yet when he would have strained her to Ills heart , she puts him back from her , lightly , laughingly , with both hands , then sinking Into a low chair , beckons him to her. Her every movement , If full of grace , Is also full of llro and a strange un rest. rest."Come "Come , let us sit here and talk not of the past , that , ns you say , Is dead ; may Its soul rest In peace but of the future. . Ah ! hat Is ours. Ours ! What good la the past to any one' Who cares for if It Is past , and done with. And tomorrow" She threw tack her lovely head and laughs aloml. "To morrow , you will take me away away nvvny. " She pauses. A queer sob seems to choke her. her."What "What Is It , darling ? " says Carlton , anx iously. Her manner s'emed forced , unreal , "Oh , nothing , " Impatiently. "Hut Con stantinople Is far away , Isn't It ? " "From this ? Well , pretty far. nut. " In a troubled tone , "there U something the matter with you tonight. I can see It in your eyes. Do you think you could deceive m ? ? " Deceive him ! A llttlo cold wave seems to sweep over her. She sighs In a broken hearted way and two bad tears run down her checks. "Oh , this vvtll never do , " cays Carlton. "You are overcome. Your conversation with that tllly girl has been too much for you. I shan't allow any interviews of that kind again. You are mine now , my love , mine. " There Is a ringof true triumph In his voice. It restores her. Once again her tplrit flashes out. out."Oh "Oh , yours , " says she , laughing tremu lously , whilst Etlll the tears are on her face. "One would think I was your slave" "Well , why not ? " with all a happy lover's Insolence. "Who shall deliver you out of my hand ? " "Who , Indesd , " crlej she , Joyously. The answer la very near to them There Is a slight stir In the room Inside ar.d the turns. Her pretty hands are still chsped In his Her bead is on his hfart Ills eyes are fixed on her eyta but her ey * One might pray to bo delivered from such Tastes good as it goes down , docs good when it gets down. HIRES' jRootfoeerf S makes the children rosy-cheeked , lj keeps the parents healthful , helps the old folks curry their years lightly. A 350. package makes the whole f.imily happy. - CHAB , E. HIRES CO. , , PHILADELPHIA. mMJMb TiCW rrtUCO th lcalure aii.llUtiH.v .n Illcmlibeg.ln IW p , boon lot a. narap. Jolmll.AVoodl.ury. lnVV. MBt.Ny. iQventui Of WooODurj't t'acltl Cow. n light as now- Rhinos In hers There there. whc.ro the light from the open window gleams upon the terrace , they are fixed- staring wild. Ho had not KUIIP , then' ' A man lias stumbled from the window on to the torrac and Is coming toward them. Ills stop Is not altogether sk-ady. llo Is sulllclcntly hlmxelf , however , to bo nblc to take In the s tuatlon at n glance , and there Is malcvolencj and a distinct enjoyment of It on his frtc ? ns ho advances. "My dear Clare , you1' says lie , "I hardly expected to meet you In this remote spot. A friend of > ours' " lie points deliberately at ! arlton. " 1'rny , Introduce mo I am always , my dear sir , delighted to meet any of Lady Strangway'a friends. " Oarllon ri cs. "It Is u UP' ' " E.IVS he , vehemently , looking only at Clare. "Dony It ! " Ills voice Is stern , commanding. She. too , IIHS risen. "It Is the truth , " P.IJS she. In n djlng tone. "Leave mo now. " Rho looks full at him , and he can see tint her eves nro brilliant vvltli pain , her lips her tleir llpi , white. "Later on I will explain. Uut go now got" The voice d es away. U Is midnight. Upon the terrace Carlton paces tip anil down with but one thought In his mind To see her , to upbraid her , to leave her Tor a moment he rests by the railing. " , and even as ho does so he finds her besldo him Slio lays her small white hands upon the railings , too , very close to his , and looks up at him with clear , open eyes. There Is no shamu In them no change nothing save the old , unalterable love. "Well ? " says she slowly. He H-turns her glance with a terrible ang r In his. "Is It jour part to question ? " "Let mo have my ono question , " says she , quickly. "You can have all the rest. " "And your ono ? " Slio hesitates. "After nil. It can wait , " says she. "Ask me anj thing vou like now , and I will answer you. " Then , Inconsequently , as becomes a woman ; "does It seem too Imd for you ? Can you llml no excuse , knowing all you do ? Knowing of him ? " Timidly she li : > 3 her hand on his , but ho flings U back. "What did you mean ? What did you hopa for ? " "I hoped for love a thing I had never yet known I hoped for a happiness I had never so much as dared to dream of before. I hoped" she flings up her head "for llfo with jou' ' " Ho Is silent , ho Is thinking of that llttlo hand he lias Hung from him. "I hoped , too" savs she , qullo evenly , with the evenness of despair , "that once out of the beaten track of the world the fact of my having n husband alive would never bo discovered would , at all events , never reach you I thought , I was sure , ho would never find me' " "Oh , fool , " says he passionately. "I know , I know , I know ! " SudJenly , ns It came , the v.lid burst of anguish dies away and the dull tranqulllty that hail character ized her before comcss back "Yet one can hope against hope , and , somehow , I never doubted Keel , Indeed ! You have well named me. " "Don't mind what I say tonight , " says ho In the tone of one ploslcally hurt. Surely their last moments nooi not bo full of bitter ness alone. She turns to him In a troubled sort ot way. "Tonight ? " "Tonight , " iternly. "We part forever. " "Oh , no. " "Tomorrow , " doggedly. Anpulsh rings through his voice , stern though lie keeps It. "Tomorrow I leave thl . " "Then , so do I. " Her meaning Is unmis takable. "Clnro' ' " "Why ? What is It ? Do you think I shall stay hero anywhere whore you are not ? I love jou you love me " "Do jou know what you are saying ? " asks lie , deeply agitated. "Would you willingly , open-ejed destroy yourself" "I shall certainly destroy myself If I stay here If you desert me , " says she , quite calmlj' . "I shall live for you or die " A little flash of her cyea turns on the restless , flowing river. Involuntarily ho puts out his hand as It to hold her , but she repudiated "Oh ! not that way , " saj-s she , "that Is nl- \aj-s vulgar ; and think. " with n little laugh hat makes his heart grow sick and faint , how horrid one's clothe ! ) would look nfter- vard. I shall do It artistically , jou may bo ure Well , " defiantly , "arc jou going to eave me' " A deep groan breaks from him , and at the ouml of It all her hardness breaks up , and In t second Inter her arms are round his nock , and her check , warm and soft as velvet , U tressed against hl . "Ah ! I knew It ! " cries she In llttlo gasps , > etween her tears and her laughter. "Youft It's a He , " says he. will taKe me with you. You cannot live with out me ? " "God forgive me , I cannot , " nays he. "Oh , ny darling my life Clare" Ho would have K.ild more , perhaps , but Iiat nt this moment n sudden disturbance In the gardens beneath breaks In upon them Cries , rough voices , rise upon the nlr One voice she knows. "Sand back go Into the house , " says Carl ion , hurriedly. "No ! " she presses forward. Down In the moonlight that renders the night clear aa day two n erv ar struggling. Clare nt once recognl/es Ilorthvvlck as one her hueband aa the other. Ilorthwlck has a ttlck In hla hand nnd U lajlnt ; It heavily on Strangvvay's shoulders. "Ah1 Ho has found It out ! II } has heard , " sajs fhe. Carlcton makes no reply. Great as his dr&lre may be to set hU enemy defrattd , still the thought Unit UorthwIcK In Ills youth and passion may prove too much fur the other man creates In him A decent longing to eu Uoun and see fair play at ull events. Hut even ns ho starts to go ho eees Btrang- way pull n revolver from h' ' breast und Ore point blank at his adversary. Dorthwick retli , then recovers himself a flevh wound only , apparently. 'Treachery. " Bays Carlton between his le th "JJrute1" I > cn a the word passes his lips the "brut * " totlert , falls to the ground and lieu there prone. "Oh. my God ! " cries Clare , wildly. Ha cal > hen her 88 ehe falls forward and carries her Into the drawing room. Tenderly , rev erently , ho lav.8 her down on th nearest nofa , and , ringing the boll furlouely , sum mons aiuistance. Then ho rtinn down to the garden -only to meet the men who are bring * Ing In I/iril Slranxvvay'n dead body. Ho f who hail no heart had died of H. \VorluV Colniiiblun Kxpniltlnu Wat of value to the world by llluitratlnR the Improvement In the mechanical nrtt and eminent i > byslclani will tell you that the progrni In medicinal agents has be u ot equal Importance , apJ as a atrenetlieuluii laxative that Syrup of Flga la far In ot all others.