Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIE OMA1IA DAIL T BEE : WK 35ESIAY , MA.Y S , 1805.
DFFICB , - . NO. u FCARI <
Dellvtrrd bjr c&nltr to anr part of th eltf.
1 H. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TCLEPliONES-nunlntM omce. No. 4J : night
WHor. No. a.
.11/AOK .1//JA3JO.NS.
Orand , Council Bluffi. n. P. CUrk , prop
Mayr.e Hfal Citato B ncy , B39 Ilroadwar.
CUn Stewart No. 123 will meet Thursday
evening In Ilojal Arcanum parlors ; entrance
on Peirl street Take elevator ?
Unity guild will hold a i-pcclal meeting this
afternoon at 2 30 In the guild room. All mem
ber * are required to bo present.
The Ladles' AIM society of St. John's nngllth
Lutheran church meets Thursday afternoon
al the re ldeiico of Mrn. F. W. Spctman , 722
Illuff Urti't.
The Hoard of Equalisation held It * first
meeting lait night. The city assessor pre
sented his books , and meetings will now be
held every evening.
The Mandolin quartet , composed of the
Mluei Hedlton ml Mt rs I'afchel , will be
entertained by Miss Ulrhardvjn on South Sev
enth btrcct this evening.
Thu CBKC of Meyer , Decker & Co. against
Iloclitiolx wag completed ai.d given to the
( llatilct court Jury yesterday afternoon about
C o'clock. At a late hour the jury was still
A lot of papers In a furnace In HIP base
ment of the 8app building caught lire last
evening about 10-30 o'clock. The fire depart
ment was called out anl the blaze was ex
tinguished without dam.igc to the building
or Its contents.
Officer Murphy has returned from Des
Molnes , where he went lo get a man who
Is said to have passed a forged check on
Jacob Neumaver lait winter. He returned
without his man
Mrs. Conrad Knlckman died > esterday ,
ngcd 10 jears , of convulsions , after a day's.
Illness The funeral will take place this
morning at 10 o'clock , at the icsldcnce , In
Keg Creek township.
All members of St. Albans lodge No. 17
Concordla No 5i and Uluffs division No. 27
U. U. K. of P , are requested to meet nt
Castle hall tills evtnlng for Important busi
ness connected with Pythian memorial day
Dinlel O'Grady has filed an Information In
Justice Walker's court charging Jesse Dungan
with passing a bogus check for ? 8 on him
The original raso commrflreJ in police court
but has been moved to Justice Vlen's court
on a change of venue.
The Investigation made bv a veterinary
surgeon roveaU tl.c fact that of the tattle that
died on High street last Saturday and Sunday
at least three had been killed by the admin
istration of arsenic. An effort will be made
to locate the guilty parties.
Bluffa City council No. 7 , Junior Order
United American Mechanics , extends a cordial
Invitation to all members of the order to at
tend a "smoker high five" social tonght at
Grand Army of the Republic hall at 8 o'clock
E. F. Wagcner , recording secretary.
Pottawattamle tribe No. 21 , Improved Order
of Ked Men , will meet In regular session this
evening at their wigwam , 103 Pearl street.
All members are requested to attend , as a
team will be organize * ! and drilled for the
aJoptlon of palefaces. H. li. Parkinson ,
Frank Kaniily , who lives at the corner ol
Pleasant strict and Twelfth avenue , was ar
rested j esterday on the charge of stealing
Bomo tobacco His brother George claims
they were clven some tobacco by Clarence
Ulakeley , who said ho was going away lo hunt
a job , but did not say where he was going.
John Clausen was robbed Sunday afternoon
of $25 worth of razors. Ho was called down
to the store by a farmer , who had some na-
chlncr } he wanted to look at. While he
was In front of the store he heard a noise
as of come one entering the side door , but
did not see any one. lie atterward found
that a showcase had been opened and the
razors taken.
Property owners on Tenth avenue are be
ginning to ngltatc the paving of that av
enue , and U Is probable that a petition wit
bo presented to the city council at Its next
meeting Tenth avenue Is now one of tin
most popular means of access to Falrmounl
park , nnd with the street well pivcd to the
park line It Is argued that travel would b <
greatly Increased
Jesse Donahue , the burglar who escape ;
from the Shelby county jail list December
was taken back to Harlan yesterday by Slier
Iff Clirk. A search jestimlay dlicove ed s mi
bedding in the willows along the river , when
It is supposed he had been In hiding for scv
eral days Ho used n hook In digging hi
way out of the Jail , but from now on until In
la tried he will occupy a closed cell , where In
will have fewer opportunities for cultivatlni
the acquaintance of the outside world.
If Increased attendance and close attcntloi
may bo taken as an Indication , the Interes
In the Plerson revival meetings Is Increas
Ing , for the crowd at the Presbyterian churcl
was larger than It has been any evening , am
no audience could pay more close attentloi
than was given to Mr Plerson while h
told ot some of the many "Hobbles" mei
were riding , which kept them so nearly sta
tlonary In life. Those who wish for a gooi
neat will find It necessary to be at the cliurc
promptly at fifteen minutes before 8. Ever
night quite a number express a desire t
lead a better life.
Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Gle
Falls Fire Insurance companies. These ar
among the largest and best companies In th
world , and we arc solo agents for Comic :
Bluffs. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
Have you seen the beautiful new noveltlc
and thu splendid bargalnn at the Meyers
Durfeo Furniture company's , the standar
furniture house ?
Irnre 1'oKti.
100 carloads white oak fence posts , 5 cent
each , by the car load. A. Overton , Coun
ell Dluffs.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sail
C. D. Gas company.
The Hardman , the piano par excellence.
Davlo , diug , paint , glass nan. 200 D'war.
U , C. Cole returned yesterday from a tw
weeks' visit to Chicago and Milwaukee.
Mi s. Li. C. Ilaldwln Is seriously 111 at h <
home , corner of Willow avenue and Slxt
MrsP. . 0. Mlkroell nnd daughter , Mrs. I
II. Harris , have gone to Deb Molnes to vis
Mrs. Tom Austin of Crete , Neb , Is In th
city , the guest of her parents , Mr. and Mr
W. W Wallace , on Bluff street.
J. II. Pnrcell will shortly move to D (
Molnes , where ho will bo connected l'i an m
vertlslng capacity with tha MUland Month ) ;
Mrs. Frank Staff and daughter Mamie i
Helena , Mont. , arc visiting tl.o former's sli
tcr , Mrs. V. A. Illanchard , on South CIghl
Dr. Charles K Woodbury has gone to low
City to perform two clinics before the low
State Dental association. Ho will bo gor
only a fewc'ays. .
W. II. Lynchard received a telegram ye
terday announcing that his father , at the ai
of SO yeart , UPS at the point of death. I !
will leave this evening for Mount Pleasant i
attend him.
Mrs. Jane Baldwin has gone to Ottutnwa
attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Dr. Or
which occurred Tuesday afternoon. Mr . O
was a ilster ot the late J. T. Baldwin , and tt
last surviving member of that family.
Mrs. M. F. Davenport and Mrs. Horai
r Everett left > esterday for Cedar Ilaptds ,
attend the first biennial convention of tl
Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. They n
representatives of the Every Thursday club.
Dr. U. I. Woodbury , Jr. , who has been
member of the corps of phjtlclana ot one i
the leading hospitals in Chicago for the pa
year , has been dangerously 111 for sever
weeks past. He U now out of danger ai
hopes to make a visit toon.
| > roml Kffrlcarntar Knle.
For the remainder of this week C. O. I
Drown will slaughter refrigerator ! . Get 01
while they are going. i
l',4 Inchei thick , any size you want , hit
grade door , covered with best wire , C5
Window tcreen and wire In proportion.
M. C. Keen , stenographer , 105 S. Mai
PhiloBopblcjil Fruit Grower Sees Good to
Oorao from the Hail Storm.
While Much Wm Hammered OR by the
Ilnll the Tree * Still Hear All They
Cnn Well Carry nml
1'rniliico Immensely.
hailstorm was a good thing for
the fruit , " remarked a good authority. "It
looked a llttlo bad at first to sec the clouds
emptying out lumps of Ice by the carload on
thu landscape , mil 1 looked at my orchard
ufttr 'lie storm was over and found that vvhllo
a good ilcil of fruit had been knocked off ,
tnnro was as much left as any tree ought to
have to carry. The trees arc well loaded
yet. "
Ilut little hall fell east of the city , and yes
terday's reports made It evident that Council
Illurfs ABS right on the eastern boundary of
thu storm lint little hall fell at either of
the greenhouses , AS'llcox's or McPherson's ,
and only a few windows were broken The
Cochran flats , near Cochran park , In the west
ern part of the city , were rather unfortunate ,
for thirteen windows , 21x30 Inches In size ,
were shattered by the hailstones , many of
which were "as large as hen's eggs" Mur-
pliy's nlanlng mill , a few feet away , lost sov-
enty-flvo window lights , and thirty-six were
broken In coaches that had been left standing
on the trnrks In the Union Pacific yards
Nearly all the windows In the front part of
the Klfth avenue Methodist church were also
Mny < IP trine snlo.
Commencing Monday , May C , grcatesi bar
gains ever offered over a retail counter , look
to your own Interest , spend your money with
us during this sale.
Ltvvrence LL muslin , So yard.
DO places standard dress prints , 3V c yard
American light shirting cal co , 31 0 yard.
7c and So white shaker flannel , 3V4c yard
100 pieces of Jaconat Duchess , beautiful
sljles , lOc jard.
llic < | inllty printed dimities , 8' c yard.
IC-lnch dotted curtain swiss , 12Vic yard.
COe quality , black and grey moreen skirt
ing. 39c yard.
These prices will save you mon y.
1 ease 27-Inch Scotch figured lawns , colors
warranted fast. EC yard
15 pieces of half wool challles , 9c yard.
All our Kil Kal wash silks. 20c yard.
All our 7Ec chick Taffety silk , 39c yard.
$1 novelty silk , for waists , G9c yard.
27-Inch $2.50 Mac * satin Duchess , $1C9
$1 quality black satin Duchess , S9c yard.
You can save money by buying your silks
and dress goods of us.
As long as they last , real Qrussel net lace
curtains , worth $8 BO , at $4 OS pair.
Curtain shades , with fixtures complete ,
JolntlcEs Jap matting at 15c , 20c , and
23c yard.
Cotton warp , 4&C matting , 29e yard
If jou need rugs , carpets , matting or cur
tains , see us. We guarantee to save jou
money. Mall orders filled
Council Dluffs.
l.nft Ilomn Mimlny to Muko it Visit In lonn
uiifl It Isot llriiril Frntii.
Mary Hilton , a young girl who has been
working nt the residence of J. R. Hell , la
missing , and there Is some mystery as to her
whereabouts Her mother has been confined
In St. Bernard's hospital for some time pasl
for Insanity. Last Sunday afternoon aboul
5 o'clock the girl left Mr. Dell's houee , sayIng -
Ing that she Intended to go and see hei
mother. This was the last seen of her She
tartoil off In the right direction , but a call
at the hospital elicited the Information thai
she had not been there. She took no monej
or extra clothing with her , so she couh
not have gone many miles without consider
able dldlculty. The matter has not yet beer
reported to the police. The missing glr
has a cousin living In the city.
This week will witness the greatest clear
ance sale ever known In hardware and me
chanlcs * tools In Council Bluffs at Dungan's
Largest stock of wall paper In the state
Boston Store.
Get prices on wall paper at the Dostot
t Mimerys friim llnrrUon County.
L. Swearlngen , overseer of the poor , hai
n somewhat Intimate knowledge of the Mow
cry family , who have been mixed up In i
domestic broil In Justice Vlen's court fo
n the la t day or two Movvery , he says , lef
Harrl on county last summer because th
authorities went on the unpleasant prlnclpl
that he who refused to work had no buslnes
to do any eating , they provided a workhous
at which ho might earn his living , but Mow
cry , being able-bodied enough to hustle awa ;
from work , came here , where all the pee
have to do is to ask for what they want am
get It gratis. List winter no less thin nln
of Mower > 's relatives blew Into town , am
all of them called on Swearlngen befor
they had bean here three days. They denlci
being Mow cry's relatives , but admitted tha
their wives were third cousins or somcthln
el e , and that he had recommended Mr
Swearlngen as a man who had plenty o
money , If he could only bo Induced to let g
of It. The evidence Introduced In the cas
was of a revolting nature , and showed tha
the threes defendants , all of whom are nov
In Jail , had about as much sense of the fit
ness of things as so many animals.
Not frightened nt I.iather Trice * .
Sargent , the shoe man , Is not frlghtene
at the way leather has gone up and Is stil
going He bought the largest and the hand
somest stock of shos at the- lowest price
ever touched and he sells them on that basli
Recollect , Sargent never deceives you , an
when he advises you to come around h
Intends to b'netlt you. 413 Broadway.
IlliS Unto Meeting.
The spring meeting of the Union Par
Racine asjoclatlon will be given , comment
Ing .May 22 , and continuing ten days , beglr
nlng at 2 p. m each day. rive good runnln
races each day.
h. \\llllniuiion
Sells the Standard and Domestic sewln
machines ; also agent for Standard In Omah ;
106 South Main ttreet.
of .Icurph Urine
f Miss l Vlnnle Sherradcn received a letteryei
terday from MadameHeine announcing tli
death of her husband , Josef Heine , the famou
blind vlolinUt It enclosed newspaper ell ;
pings from the- Dilly Telegraph , published c
St. John , New IlrunswlcK , giving the partli
ulais of his sudden taking off. Ho was Jti !
about to commence a concert when he fe
Into a fit of unconsciousness , from which li
never recovered. After lingering for seven
hours he died at 3 o'clock last Tuesday morr
InK. Ho was well known to the people (
Council Illuffs , having bpcnt several wcel
hero with his family about five years agi
tote During that time ho delighted many larg
audiences with his violin and organ must
dlsplajlng a wonderful natural talent th :
wrnt far to inaKe up for the misfortune i
blindness with which he was mulcted. I !
made many frlenJd while here , all of vvboi
to will extend to the members of his family the
heartfelt sympathy ,
Yet , the Easts laundry Is "that goo
laundry , " and li located at 724 Ilroadwa ;
If In doubt about thl * try It and be convlncci
. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
al Garden hose , big itock , good and cheai
id New York Plumbing Co. '
Dlilrlcl i ourt Unlnc .
Judge Smith yesterday set aside the. sa
recently made by William Groneweg , assign *
of Peter Beck , to his business partner. Jot
Schoentgen , of the "Annex , " the llttlo rooi
In the rear of the store , where Deck u > i
to tell beer and whisky. Tills sale , whlc
was made privately only a few days ag
the court showed , ought to have be n mac
In the op n light of day by auction. It wi
not sufficiently advertised , and an order wi
Ittued to * the property to be reiold Tuesday ,
Mar 14.
The milt of Ella O. Plnney against Ann
Clinton for $138 , claimed to be due on a doc
tor bill of the late Dr. C. H. Plnney , Is to
be tried this morning. The upper right
hand corner of the note given to secure the
bill I ; very much blotted with Ink , the last
figure of the year " 188 " being undecipher
able. The plaintiff claims that the note was
executed In 1SS5. and ran for a > ear , while
the defendant claims. It was executed In
1SS3 , and Is consequently outlawed.
There are lots of new things In vapor
fctovet for the public to experiment on Dsn't
waste your money that way. Buy a Quick
Meal or a Reliable of Cole & Cole. They
have been tried and tested for years and are
safe and right.
Dungan'n entire stock of hardware will be
osed out on Monday , Tuesday and \Vcdnes-
ay , regardless of cost.
It's getting hot ; cool oft with reservoir Ice ,
iulholland , 5 Baldwin block , tel 188.
A splendid line of men's suits at Metcalf
ros. ' for ft 50.
Olil 'Um Are l.citrnlng ,
"You'd be surprised , " remarked a bicyclist
ctterclay , "to notice what a favorite the
wo-w heeled steed Is getting to be among the
liter men , men who last year stood around
nd laughed at us bojs , as they called us ,
ho Indulged In frivolous amusements. It Is
fact that a large proportion of those where
ro learning to ride this year arc sober and
cdate fellows of middle age , who lately do
ot seem to see anything out of place In
orglng down the middle of the street at a
rcakneck speed and calling out for the street
o bo cleared "
A. T. rilcklnger , one of the well favored
ttornejs of the city. Is one of the latest
onquests of the wheel. A few days ago he
ndertook to ride out to the School for the
) eaf , of which he Is a trustee Things went
Icely until he was on his way home , when
omethlng happened to disturb his equlllb-
lurn and he fell oft There were no curb-
tones or hoi EC blocks In that section of the
nlvcrsc , and he had to lead his wheel back
ome , not having sufficiently mastered the
G H Denton , freight agent of the Chicago
lock Island & Pacific , had a like experience
few mornings ago. He never has nnj
rouble In getting oft some way , but can't
get on without the aid of a dry goods box
r something of the sort He neglected to
arry a dry goods box along with him on
no of his recent early morning excursions
nd had a walk ot fifteen blocks home.
A Oreiit succrm.
So far the May sale has been a grand
uccess. To keep up the excltem ° nt we offer
hree numbers In ladles' wrappers at a
rice that Is less than the first cost of the
oods that Is In them.
Lot 1. Made of standard prints , with clr-
tular ruflle , loose front and Watteau back
, nd rolling collar. IJIg assortment of light
nd medium colored stripes and figures ,
veil worth 75c , to go at 48c each.
Lot 2. A regular $1 00 wrapper made of
he best quality of Indigo blue prints to go
at 6&c each
Lot 3. Made of best mourning prints ,
lack and gray , with leg-of-mutton si eves ,
nil ruflle , Watteau back and pointed belt ,
usually sold for $1 50 , for this sale S9c.
Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs.
Air , Ilnvv I.rntlirr In ColriR L'pt
It's just kiting , and all shoo findings with
t , so that all over the country the prices
if shoes are climbing at a rapid rate. But
Sargent , the shoe man , Is selling them at
he same old price the lowest notch they
vere ever sold for. Leather may reach any
price It will , but Sargent's shoe prices will
always bo at the bedrock The prettiest ,
ilggest and finest stock ho ever had Is sub-
eel to your selection. *
SARGENT , 413 Broadway.
Mny berry to Alumum.
A meeting of a committee of South Omaha
cltl/.ens and the trustees of Lewis township
s to bo held next Friday evening In South
Omaha for the purpose of devising some way
of getting the citizens of that place to Man-
awa without the half day's Journey which Is
now required The plan that has been sug
gested Is to establish a ferry across the Mis
souri from the foot of M street , and then
nssengers could bo landed at the pavilion
iftcr a trip of a mile and a half In length
The South Omaha people- want the trustees
of Lewis township to grade the road that
now runs west and south from Maims a to
the river They hope to arrive at some set
tlement Friday evening.
Umbrellas repaired neatly. Almy , 140
Hurricane In Council Bluffs In hardware
prices at closing out sale ot Dungan & Son's
Garden hose , big ttock , good and cneap.
New York Plumbing Co.
.Ie ff Dietrich Mint n R.
Jeff Dietrich , who for a good many years
lias occupied the position of foreman of the
Globe news room , left the olllce Monday
morning about 10 o'clock , saying ho was
coming back in half an hour. Shortly after
ward he took a motor at the Northwestern
depot , and during the afternoon was seen In
Omaha. Since that tlmo nothing has beet
seen or heard of him. Ills wife says tha
he has been In considerable trouble of a
financial nature lately. He has been paying
for his place , and It has taken just abou
all his salary to make the payments and snip
port the family. He Is of steady habits am
his strange action Is a eourco of great spccu
latlon to his many friends.
The Pecrlcus Irinperunro Drink.
There Is no temperance drink In the worU
that begins to compare with the famou
Copps Cheer and Herb Tonic , originated am
manufactured by the Q. R. Wheeler Brewlnt
company. It Is protected by U. S. ofncla
analvsls , and can bo sold anywhere vvlthou
any form of license.
Sole Mfgrs. , Council Bluffs.
( There B Kev. . VV. Mullcr ?
Rev G. W. Muller , who engineered Gen
eral Jim Weaver's campaign and attended t
the spiritual deslrca of the members of the
"People's Church" at one and the same time
has disappeared. U Is said that he has beer
In Illinois for some weeks pat , but his fain
lly has been living at 333 Avenue B , a shor
distance from Oakland avenue. Some Urn
Monday night or early Tuesday morning thej
moved out , and a sign "For Rent" nov
adorns the front of the house. None of th
neighbors claim to have any knowledge o
where they were going.
IS. M. VUlll.imKoii
Carrlej tha largest stock of high grade blcy
cies of any dealer In the west. Also has th
best equipped repair shop in the west. 10
South Main ttreet ; telephone , 202.
Special sale of children's hats for the ne\
throa diys at the new Bon Ton millinery
Prices and goods cannot bo duplicated. 30
A splendid line of men's suits at Metcal
Bros. ' for { fl CO.
\ \ \ \ \ Try rno Federal Court.
SIOUX CITY. May 7.-Spcclnl ( Telegram
An application bus been filed for the re
moval of the case of the Pcnn Mutual Llf
Insurance company against the Norther
Investment company et a ! , from the stnt
to the federal court. The case Involve
I'eltzmrlr Sentenced for Life.
OTTUMWA , la , May 7. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Fred Peitzmelr was convicted toda
of murder In the first degree for killln
Olllccr Graves , and sentenced to the pen
tentlary for life.
Crdur Hupldn DoliiRVonclcri. .
CHDAR RAPIDS. la. May 7-Specla (
Telegram ) -Cedur Rapids' league Uam lie
feated the Cornell college team here to < la
by a score of 16 to 1.
ffhen Baby was sick , wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child , she cried for GistorU ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castorlx
AThea she had Children , she gav e them Ca torta.
mmonso Quantities of Land in Nebraska
and that State Involved.
Hi Helm Ilrlnp Suit to Secure Title to
lliousitniln of Acres olil for
Tnxeii Murlj Thirty
Ycnrn Ago.
SPEN'CEIl , la. , May 7. ( Speclil Tele-
tarn ) The term ot the Clay county dls-
rlct court , which opened today , Is likely to
e rendered noteworthy from the fact that
lie cases Involving the titles to thousands of
crcs of valuable agricultural lands In eastern
Nebraska and northwestern Iowa are to be
ut on trial. Nearly thirty jcars ago John
rvvln , an Ohio man , went to Nebraska City ,
S'eb , with a carpetbag full ot soldiers' land
arrants. With thc o he secured an Immense
rea ot land In the two states. In Iowa
lone It covered portions of twenty counties
n three > ears the lands were sold for taxes
rvvln made no effort to redeem them , al-
hough ho lived until 1S93. His heirs , how-
vcr , have brought suit for recovery of the
and on the ground that he was Insane when
lie tax sales took place. Whatever the ver-
Ict of the county court , the case will be
arrled to the supreme court , and jcars of
Itlgatlon are In prospect.
m\Mi Ainiv vin.KANS ; IN LINK
'Irst Dny of llin Intra Kiiciimpincnt lit
( Hilton.
CLINTON , In , May 7. ( Special Telegram )
The flr t day of the twenty-first cncnmp-
nent of the Iowa Grand Army of the Ke-
mbllc opened auspiciously this morning
'here are full > 8,000 people here from all
tarts of the tate. Thepc Include the dele
gates to the Sons of Veterans , ladles of the
r.ind Army of the Republic Woman's
lellpf corps nntl lollies' Aid = oc lety C'eiliir
tiipldi has the banner ilelLgntlon , nenrlj
0) ) coming from there , while Dubuque fur
nished GOO It Is the mo t largely attended
"iicnmpmeiit of recent > Pnf < , every county
n the stntp having a. reme entntlve The
innunl parade took jilnce this nfternoon , anil
vas reviewed by Governor Jackson , Com
mander-in-chief 1-awler , of the Grand
\rrny. and other special guests. This een-
ng the lovvu ex-prlsoncM of war will hold
heir camp fire It was nearly 3 o'clock
> efore the pnrnilc started There were
nearly 3,000 men In line.
1)irr ) < > llnrnliirn llnuk , lnll.
PACII-IC JUNCTION , la . Hay 7.-Spe- (
clal ) Constable Dullard made a very
capture of three suspicious characters here
Saturday night , who were trying to dispose
some sho"S. When searched n mtstel-
.inoous assortment of nrtlttes was found
ipon thpm , conslstliiK of revolve , pocket
tnlves , dre s goods and a quantity of pen
nies The three were Incarcerated In the
own jill Constable Unllnid was Inclined
o handcuff the two biggest men together ,
< novvlng thnt the Jail was not very secure.
! ut he didn't , and this morning an emptj
ail and a big hole In the Moor and ground
rreeted him The men had torn up the
loorlnp , undermined the wall anil cr.ivvled
hrough An olllclnt fiom Nebraska City
came up this morning , nml from the de
scription given was confident thnt thej
were the men wanted for burglary In Nt-
> ru ku and for whose captuiu a reward of
; 100 had been offered.
loivii l ) < 'iitlntn 111 sootion.
IOWA CITY , la. . May 7-Speelal ( T < ? le-
inm ) The Iowa State Dental society l
oWIng Its thirty-thin ! annual inciting here
today Mayor Reno delivered the address
of welcome , nntl President Schneft i nml
Uean Hunt , ot the State university , IP-
= ponded Dr A. W Harlin of Chicago will
rend a paper on "Coagulation , " and Dr. A.
C. Hewitt of Chicago on "Anaesthetics. "
Governor-Turney of Tennessee will bo In
augurated at noon today.
There was no trouble at the Pocihontas
nines In West Virginia yesterday.
Governor Morton has declined further to
nterfere In the case of Dr. Uuchanan.
Tie American squadron now In Oriental
waters will remain there for some at least
Representative Hltt Is reported to bo mucli
better , and there arc hopes of his recovery
A heavy rain and hall storm did grial
damage In and around Gorln , Mo. , last night
The democrats yesterday at Hannibal , Mo. ,
elected their entire city ticket , except re
corder. .
A number of republicans In Oklahom :
have started the organization of a btlvci
The two Americans , Ilolton and Richelieu
who have been under arrest at Santiago , have
been released.
The vote for senator In the Delaware leg
( stature yesterday showed no change fron
previous ballots.
The story that President Cleveland sen
a check for $ SOO to the parents of triplet !
at Uecatur , I nil , Is denied.
Seceratry Gresham was reported yester
day to be steadily gaining , and will sooi
leave Washington for a rest.
Toss , one of the men Implicated In thi
Chinese certificate forgeries at San Fran
Cisco , has made a confession.
About 2,000 zinc workers at Nevada , Mo
have threatened to strike unless their oh
wages are restored by May 13.
John G. Chandler , an old and well knowi
attorney of St. Louis , was killed yesterdaj
by falling down an elevator shaft.
The president has made arrangements b ;
which he will transact all public business a
Gray Gables during the summer months.
A big deal In Arkansas mineral lands ha :
been closed with an Cngllsh syndicate. Thi
deal Involves the famous Morning Star mine
Consul Williams to Havana visited th
State department yesterday. He refuses ti
talk for publication concerning affairs li
The coast defense ship Monterey will re
main at Panama to protect American Inter
ests , the occasion for lib proceeding to Peri
having passed.
Rev. J. T Dotkln of Topeka , commando
of the Industrial legion , denies that the or
ganizatlon Is military In Its nature , but tha
It Is purely political.
The coroner's jury In the case of the kllllni
of three fcliool directors at Como , Cole , h ;
Den Ratllffe returned a verdict holding th
killing to be felonious.
The resignation ot Superintendent Town
send of the Philadelphia mint has been re
celved. Herman Krctz'lias been commls
cloned as his successor '
August Simon of Altoonn , Pa , has suei
II G. Dun & Co for 450,000 damages fa
sending out notices tolls patrons tending t
The Grandest Event ql the Season !
MAY 10-11.
Miittuco Saturday JI ij11 , at 230 ; p. in.
Reserved SeaU nott pbsalo at Kuhn's.
TICKETS-S1.00 : 75c , 50s.
\Vonderful \ ! Beiutifu'i Hystlfylm
Sd floor Pax to
Itlock ,
Hth and Farna
German ipoken. LaJy attenJant. Tel. 101
Tccili extracted without pain patient reuuU
lac cooKlou * . arcutMt local nm th tlo eti
discovered. TliouiiniU bounding It * pralie. Un
by no other dentlit In this part ot tbe Unlti
Etatt * . All dental operation ai lowcit r lo -1
lean eiperteace. Btrto yean in Omaha.
njuro hl credit , nnd has made application
o the court to compel the company to file
copy of the circular.
William UotthotT of Denver was discharged
esterday by the trial Judge. He was ac-
used by George T Wheeler of West Virginia
f selling him a salted mine.
The executive committee of the demo-
ratio party In Texas has bten called to
nect May 21 for the purpose of defining the
osltlon of the party on silver
A plot of United States prisoners at Tort
rnltli , Ark , to secure arms and escape , after
Illlng the guards , came to light by the
onfesslon of one of the participants.
The New York assembly je terday pa scd
bill making It a misdemeanor to den ) to
ny perron on account of race or color equal
ccommodatlons In any public place
The Gllly bo > s nnd Joe and Will Day met
ear Sargent Ky , > esterday and n flght en-
tied , In which three of the Ollly bovs were
Hied and Joe Day was fatally wounded.
William Weeklj , city salesman for a shoe
oinpany at St Joseph , was drugged , beaten
nd robbed at an early hour } esterday moin-
ig. He was In a djlng condition last night
The historical little church built by An-
rcw Jackson , near the Hermitage In 1S23.
as badly damaged In a storm jeslerday by
tree blowing dowti on It and crushing In
IB roof.
A special train on the I'rlo road made
lie run uf 122 miles from Huntlngton , Ind ,
o Hammond > estcrday In 131 minutes , and
f this time twelve minutes was consumed
y stops.
The supreme council of the A. P. A. will
lect In Milwaukee today. It Is expected
00 delegates will be present and that a
real effort will be made to organize It Into
political party.
Senator Cullom of Illinois stated In an In-
crvlew In San rnmcl co that he favored bl-
ictalllsm , but thought an International
greemrnt was ncccssar > to prevent silver
In the United States court at Chicago > es-
erday the case against Clarence C. Cheney
nil other officers of the Western Bank Note
ompnny for counterfeiting In printing the
Ilsslsslppl currency warrants was dls-
Will McDrlde , who shot and killed Miss
3e > ll O\vcn at the Club theater at Joplln ,
lo , In 1S92 , has been released from the
enltentlary and started for his old home
limits to Ijnch htm if he returns have
ecu made.
The chief of the Immigration bureau has
efti ed to accept bond from the Anchor
Ine Steamship company that the eighty-
even Italians detained at New York will
lot become public charges , and they will
- > e deported.
Judge Caldwell ) esterday authorized the re-
elvers of the Santa Pe to secure a modul
ation of the contract with the Wells Kir go
xpress company. The Judge Intimated that
mless a modification was secured he would
brogate the entire contract.
Five of the largest coal companies In 1111-
lols , controlling uu output of 10,000 tons
ally at Wilmington , have combined Intone
no company to better enable them to meet
oinpetltlon from other fields and to carry
n the fight for better freight rates.
The negroes of St. Joseph threaten to
make trouble If Joe Durrls , the man con-
icted of assaulting a white woman , Is
langed Saturdiy , according to the present
rogram The sheriff has sworn In special
eputlcs and armed them with rifles.
Assistant Secretary of State Uhl attended
cabinet meeting yesterday. It Is an unusual
iccurrence for an assistant secretary to at-
end these meetings , and it is understood a
arge number of documents were read bcar-
ng upon current diplomatic dllllciiltlcs.
The steamer Gaelic , from Hongkong , ar
rived In San Francisco yesterday , bringing
news of the > wreck of the Brltl h ship Karnes-
cllffc on Price's islands , off the coast of
hina The crew was rescued Also news
of a mutlnj on board the Hrltlsli bhip Lll-
ole in the same waters , which was only sup-
> re sed after several of the crew and two
of the olllcers were wounded.
An earthquake caused great alarm at Men-
ionca , Argentine , but no serious damage was
The statement was made In the Spanish
fortes > esterday that that country was on
; oed terms w Ith Japan.
King Humbert has signed the decree dls-
.olvlng . the Italian Chamber ot Deputies. The
election will be held May 20.
Cuban Insurgents attacked two small vll-
agcs and escaped with slight looses , after
killing a number of Spanish troops.
Beecham's pills are for bilious
ness , bilious headache , dyspep
sia heartburn liverdiz
, , torpid ,
ziness , sick headachebad , taste
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss of appetittsallo\v , skinetc. ,
when caused by constipation ;
and constipation is the most
frequent cause of all of them.
Go by the book. Pills 10 * arid
15 * a box. Book /tee at your
druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co. ,
365 Canal St. , New York.
Annual § ! e * inor * than 8 COO OCOboiei.
Chronic ,
Servo ti5 ,
MA IK Ccniultntlon I'ron
Wo euro Catarrh , all dise.iseo of the
Nosu , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or Lxhauttlon , Wasting Weaknti ) . In
voluntary LatK * . wltli Early Tjet-uy m young
and mlddla aged ; lacg of vim. vigor and weale-
tnetl prematurely In approaching old age. All
yield readily to our new treatment for loaj of
vital power. Call or addrei with utamp for
circulars , free book and receipt ) .
Dr , Searles aui Scares ,
President. Caehltr
of COUNCIL. BLUFFS , Iowa , S 100,000
I'rotits , 12,0011
Oat of th * oldeit tank * In the ilste of Iowa
U' ollclt jrour buslnm end collection ! . W
piy C per cent on Urn * depailti. We will b
pleued to ie * nd ienr you.
Special notices-Council Btt
lid Burke , at W B Homer'B , US liroadway
ule cheap and ou t-aiy terms. Day & llcai
U Pearl itrtet.
property. C It. Nicholson. M3V4 Broadway _
for a gmxl family her t > , Call at oltice o
Knnd lcli Manufacturing Co , lu una 1MO 8
wilier , B > good n new. bandwlih Manufactur
Ing Co . ICitS and IQiO 8. Main trtet. _
In tine order , itiuclc trrtu and lawn. Ueorc
W. I * . < Xfi.te > , 2U Frank klrtct.
They Will Aid In Conntrurtlnic the Oinnlm-
Fremont rniiiinny ,
"farmervlio VNO thought would not
give us over $100 at the most have put their
haiuls down In their pockets and have given
us a { COO subscription "
Qeorge M. Cooper , wtio 1ms been\ acting
the vvoitern part ot the county In the Inter-
st of the Omahiffremont tramway line ,
i.ikM this statement as an Indication of the
ay lu which the project Is regarded.
Tlio company expects to secure it guaranty
f $75.000 from the farmers In Doughs coun-
y and who live along the line of the proposed
ramway These llvlnp within a mile on
Ithcr side are expected to rhow their In-
erest In order to make the project a tuc-
ess. In Dodge county and In Kremont the
ompany expects to have an additional guar-
nty of $25.000 None of the siib-crlptlons
ro to be paid until the road \\ny Is actually
At present nothing new Is developing In
lie undiTtaklng except the canvass of the
nanclal phase of the problem. Mr Cooper
nys that the farmers In the western part of
lie county and the people of Fremont are
specially outspoken In favor of the tram-
\ay. If the project meets with this con-
Inued favor It Is not nt all Improbable , he
lilnks , thnt the line may be built this fca-
on In this event a spur would be built
Ircctly to the fair grounds , thus connecting
'remont with the Dodge street extension of
he street rallua > s of Omaha.
MntiufitrtunTfl Orff mitring.
ATLANTA , C3a . May -Somo 300 of the
ending manutactureis of Georgia arc as-
oinbled here todav for the purpose of or-
; anlzlng u state manufacturers' ai oelti-
on. The delegate * ieprc entliiK evc > rv eo-
on of the state nnd every branch of tnan-
factiirliig Imlustty , met in the- hall of the
um e of rrprPsentntlMH at nocn and were
ailed to ordtr bv Governor W Y Atkln-
on , who "polte brletly In explanation unil
ommendatlon of the puiinms of the mett-
' ( ?
Thnt They Cure Kicry I'm lit of Stonuicli
Trouble Sufrly nnd IVrmiiiU'iitlj.
Irs. Sarah A. Skeels , an estimable lady rc-
Idlng at Lynnvlllc , Jasper Co , Iowa , was
or twenty-five > ears a sufferer from Djspep-
la , and her complete restoration to health
s so remarkable that we present the facts
n the case for the benefit of our readers ,
lany of whom have doubtless suffered In
lie same manner ami will , therefore , be
nterestcd In learning how all stomach
roubles may be avoided nnd cured. Mrs
Skeels says I used only one package of
Stuart's Djspopsla Tablets and I received
uch great and unexpected benefit that I
vlsh to express my sincere gratitude In
act , It has been six months since I took
ho medicine and I have not had one parti-
Ie of distress or dlfllculty since. And all
his In the face of the fact that the best
lectors I consulted told me mj case was
ncurable , as I had suffered for twenty-five
ears. I want half a dozen packages to dls-
rlbute among my friends here who are
very anxious to try this remedy Truly
Mrs. I. N. Heard of Llsmore , La , writes
"I have the greatest faith In Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets. I have used different incdl-
Ines , but found no relief until I got the
ablets , and now after taking one 60-cent
) ox I feel so much better that I cannot for
bear writing you "
Mr. W. II. Lockwood. Wecdsport , N. V. ,
vrites"I have just finished one box of
ituart's l ) > spep > ila Tablets and I shall never
ie without them. I was troubled with both
lyspcpsla and constipation. I have three
people here now waiting for them. '
Mr. C n. George of Winchester , Ky. ,
eays : "Although I have used only one box
of Stuart'b Tablets I am satisfied they arc
the greatest medicineon record for any
stomach weakness "
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are plcacant to
the taste nnd , If necessary , can bo taken
every hour In the day without Injury , but
with positive benefit. At any drug store , 50
cents per package.
w a nv
The People Satisfied. .
IUINUmi \ ilAKi
Everybody , Hoth Young ami OH
Declare Themselves for This
Great Preparation.
"Haiti AVntc-r Maker" Is inner sold In
bulk , 1101 Is It OUT iH'dilloil ft cm l ou > > ate
to liou-H1. All people should icfUhU
any uitlclo that Is olToioil thorn that Iwa
mi savage on the pai-katro.
Thoio nro im abundance of spurious ,
so-called vvntor snftonortoii thonmrkot
but they nil contain Lye , llorax and
ollenslve greases and nro t uiiinus to
the haiuls ntid all Miuls of fabrics.
They tire also \erj expensive in ihu
Jatn Water Maker Is n > t to bo COIN
foumleil with such counterfeits , and
the pulitiu is warned against tliesii
Itnln Water Maker Is sold by nil
iliUKKlsts and poms a Imp ? two-
pound package for l"i ! cents.
. . , , ,
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience.
AiiKu or msKASKs or MIN ANIJ
WOMKN. ritoriuiuoit oriHU
\voui.u'.s iiinuiAi , nisi'iN-
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , TUront nnd Lungs ; Die-
pases or the IJjro and liar , 1'lta and Apoplexy ,
Heart UlM'itHU , Livpr C'omiilalnt , Kidney Coin'
philut , XcrtoiiH Ilcl > lllt > . Muiital Jct
prcHHlon , I.OMH or MaiilioocI , hcitii
IiialVcakticHH , Diabetes , Ilrluhl's Dls
ease , St Vims' Dnnco , Khrmimtlpm , I'araljslB
v\ Into Svvcliliur. Scrnlulti , I'cvei Sores , Tumi
orH and I'lHtiiln In mio rcinn\vd
wltliotil Hie knife or < Irawing a
drop of Uloocl. 'Woman witli lici
delicate oruraitH restored tq
licaltli. DropHy cured -vtltliom
tapping. Hpeclal Attention Kl en
lo Irl\ate and Venereal IHHCUHOH
of all ItliidM. $50 to $ 50ofjloirclt foi
any Venereal IMHeanc I tuimot cure
v\Ulioiit 3Ierciir > . Tupo Worms removed
In tw o or tint u hours , ornu pa ) . IleuiurihoKli
or 1'llcs cured.
Will save life and hundreds or dollaiD by callIng -
Ing on or using
Tlioonlj I'lijiilrlnii wluxim Irll v < Imtalll
a p * rHini vi Ith out iiHkltif ; a ( juvil It in.
ThiiHo at li illRtaiicn M'litl for Qnrfttlon
lilaiik , Nit. 1 for mmiNi > . for uoiiirii.
Alt cnrrcRpnndciiLO stiklly uonlldcntlal.
llcdicilifbtnt by express. Addicts all letters
O. W. I'ANCJI.i : , M. ! . ,
Enclose luu In stamps for reply.
A Gloomy Outlook D
n is that of the dyspeptic , but his
D face will brighten he when knows
that Ripans Tabules cure that terrible
rible disorder and will make him a
cheerful and happy man.
rj Rlpan ) Tabulrn : Bold by druggist ) , or bT man
If lb price ( M rent ) a box ) In tent to Ine III *
pan ) Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce St. , N. If.
We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all other
dealers combined carry , Our prices are fully 25 per cent less
than they can sell you for. Come and see and be convinced.
We will sell you a good hose for 6Jc per foot.
Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block.
All klndi of Dyeing
and Cleaning done In
the highest style of
the art Pnded and
ktaUifil fuhrlcs mad *
to look us good a *
new. WorU prompt/ !
done and delivered
In all parts of the
country Bend roc
price list.
( J. A. .VI.IO//A.V.
. - --J-J T-r-J ? JTF * r > r | | | TIC I"I I . i I ' I'ruitrlotae
TrojL'Jj IJJ / V'l-aWjrl ' iM'VlC' ' * > l\\ > f , . , y / , * A * * * ' * '
Broadway , near North *
weXern Depot , Council
Ulutf ) . Iowa. Tel. SU.
Davis Drug Paint and Class House.
Exclusive sellers in Council Bluffs for the justly celebrated Heath & M111U
OF AM c. RIO A , put up in 01 handsome shades and guaranteed to look
botUir. wear longer and cover more turfaco than any other paint. Thi
paint received the HIGH iST AW ABO at the Worli'a fair. Our motto :
A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or eond for color card *
Wholesale and retail.