SPB01BL MOTlOEa AiUcrtlnrmcntn for Ilicno rolamiH will bo km tutlt 12I3O j > . in , ( or tlio evcnlnunntl until H p. nil for ( ho inuriiliiK and Sunday edition. Auvtrllncm , by rcqncntlng n nnmbnteil check ) CUM linvo nintwcm uililremuMl to a nninlicrcd letter In rnro of 'I ho line. An- urcrs o nildrcKBcil will ho tlrllrorml upon I tiBf ntntl'in of llio check only. Ilntm , 1 l > ! ic u woril , llrnt luicrtliili , la u word Iicrrnflcr , Kotlilug tiiUoa tor lis Ihun 2Co lor llrnt Insertion 1 lirno adicrtlioiucnU muxt tun rniuccu- tltely. SITUATIONS WANTED. AH equate IN tmv coons on general utoro , by an cxiierlenceil irmti Met- nmni. soixl rcferuncra. AdJrcsa box KM , Hum- burg , la. A MCI7 9 * WANTIU ) , POSITION IJY\ iiliattnaclflt ; 10 ycar ' rxporlenco ; koflt < if r * frr encc , Aildrt-Mt U 33. UPC. A MfiH 8' WANTE MALE WANTED. 1,0 MKN TOVIUT13 MB TODAY tar tin receipt ( iilwolutdy dee , In plain tculeJ envelope ) which cun-il mo of nervous debility , rxh.-uiMcJ vitality , etc. AiMres * C. J.Vnlker. . box 1,311 , Kulamnzoo , Jlleh. U-HHC5 _ " * VTA NTKi ) . TVO G OO D CO AT UAKKU9 AT unco liy C. It. lla.ltu-8 , lluslUig.i , Nub. - ? _ 1I-M5ZJO _ WANTED. TIIAVKUNO MAN 1N O ROCK U Y linn ; Ktnte oxiirrli-nco uncl rcfi-rcncoa ; llral cIiiKs Nebraska territory. Address N 67 , II e otiloi. . Il-MJ 13 WANTIII ) , TIIUSTW'OIITHV PHItSON TO trtiM-l , salary , $78' ) nn 1 oxiion.o'ii ; it-Tcrencc. cnrlusp 8i-lf-ul < lro8S- l stamped envi'l ip < - . Man- BBIT , | K > \ 1' , Chicago. 1I-M'.SI 7 * HAI.KSMIIN WANTiil ; $1 O ) A DAY ; NO IJK- IlVini's or nllectlons ; ciwtly outfit fie ? ; side line or exclusive. AiMiea.i Manufacturers , Salt Market Eircc-t , I'lillndelphla. U-M617 5 * 1VANTii : > , MAN TO TAKI3 OUDKUH IN CITY fur old tMtalillsheil huuae ; former uxjierlenco unniH-cRsary und salary paid weekly. Apply ntU-r 9 a. in. at 151'i Houslaa. ll-.MCII JO VVANTKU , roil IT. H , AltMV , AUI.1MIOUIKD unmarried men , between the u e.i of 21 and 3 . cttliwm of the United Mutes , of KIK > ! char acter and temperate Imbltfl , who can ppeuk , mul and write "IJuBllsh. " I"ir full Informaibn apply , preferably by letter , ti iccrul.lnjj < 111 or at Fort Onmlui , or at 1521 Kuinnin Hlreet , Om.i.ia , Neb. 11 MK3 < 7 WANTED i'Jir AIIK YOU IIDNiST , BOUHII. INDL'STUIOL-8 ? If BO , en aKe with us fur 1S95 , $ n < ) ij a month , I3.4 i ) a year ; you can iiiaku It eu y ; nix hours n. day. Our uK'ntB du not complain of hard tlinea.Vhy7 They arc making nm ley iwllInK our Perfertlon Ulali Washer , the only practical family w/uslier manufactured ; w.inhKH. drlen und pnllaheii dlHhtfl pcifuetly In two m'nut ' < < ; no experlmce nccertBurj'l a child of 8 opuratea It eoilly ; cheap nnd duinulv ; weight , t.'ilrle.-n pbnrid.s ! made of antl-iUAt heet nteel ; capac ity. 1W pled * . JID.WI for Its eqiinl ; every fam ily WHnta one ; you don't hive to canvaiui : an eooii aa peoplu know you have It for 'ile they end for a dlah wa-diur ; each nsent's tcnllory protected ; no e mpt'tltlon ; we fur- nlili rample ( weighs six pounds ) In nice case to I uly nsentH to take nideis with ; one agent made t21lSl lli t t > n < la > M. Addrers for full I'erfcctlun Jlfs. O . . Knglewuol , 111. C MU33 _ Tlll FIFTY OIItLS Koll ALL KINDS of work. Canadian Uniployment OMlee. l , tl atreet. C MIOS-M22 "I.AI > \vANTMi ) IMMIHIATILY : KOH rosi- tlon vai'aled throuKh Illne3 < . exp"rlenee not iilw'ilutcty ' neeensaiy , but mu t . furnl < li best cilty icference ; Hal.try { 3 weekly. Apply after 19 o'clock. A. N. Hhidelcr , 12 , I'relghtun block. C CM-C WANTBI ) . A OHUMAN ' ( I1III. l-'OIl allNHItAL liousework. Apply Mrs. Oon < lmun. 1721 Uaven- nit street , corner ISth stieet. Call from 10 to 1 0'clutU. C JIC51 7 a FOR BENT HOUSES , JIQUSKS , P , K. UAltLINCi. HAUKEIl IILOCK. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U 3g' ) JIOI'SKS ' IN ALL I'AISTrf OP Tim CITY. THE O. P. Davis company , 1 J Farnam. U ZSL ] IOUSid : ; 11CNAWA & CO. , IDS N. 13TII ST. ST.302 D -302 II , 13. COLE CO. LA11QKST LIST IN OMAHA. U-MIXJI 2708 FAUNAM 8TRUKT. \V. M. ItoBLMs. 1321 Farnatn street , D ! C3 I'OUIt-ltOOM nAHUjftiNT. " sil sTsTT'II STIIKKT. 1 > M13I-.M2J- I'LKAHANT DRTACMIKD JIODHIIN S-KOO.M house ; nice lawn. barn. Inquire S-30J Pierce st. . D 305 K-IttXM ) HOUSI3. INCJL'IP.E ITU DOUCJLAS ST. U M307 CINTUALLY LOCATED , 10-110011 HOUSK , modem liiiiu-ovciiu'ius. Inqulie 712 N. 19th. D M a _ _ NINK-llOOM SIOBI3IIN IIOUfiK , ua SHU U- man avenue , J31) ) ; 10-ioom modern house , llur- dctto. icar Sherman nvcnuu , J23. Ilyron Iteed Co. , 213 South llth street. D JI'as-.Mlfi VKHV DisntAiLi ; iiotsis VACANT MAY Jst J. II. Sherwood , 42J N. Y. Life. 'I'lionc 3 > 3 _ 7-nooM PLAT. HANOI : AND ALL MOIIKUN com enlcoes , 701 S. liith Htruut , flnirlfs W. Hnller , Gil IMxton bloik. I ) M2SO-S1Z7 * C-IIOOM roTTAQK , MODKUN ; IJUAUTIPIjl , lawn and nhnilo. 2121 Miami. U XHCO LL EIOHT-IIOOM IIOL'SKS , M3AII HIGH SCHOOL J15 and IK per month , Inqulie 2ijli ( Capitol ave. _ U 4.M ONK PIVI3-IEOOM HOL'SK , S31 S. J3D J3DU U ISJ-S * MODIIIIN FLATS. CHEAI1. J.V. . Squire , 2 3 lice. D-MS 1'XHl HUNT DUIIINO JIINK. JULY AND , ul- SUBt. n llncly furnished ten-room house , ecu- tmlly" located , at one-half reRUlir prices ; refei. t-nce. < ivquhwl. Aildres.1 O 13 , lite. I > MWS roii i IKNT , FUHNisiinT } ousn op : o i IT rooms , modem , J33.00. for 4 months. 8D3 H. 21 t at. D 311 10 * FOIl HKNT , DRSIIIAIILH HOCJJjliS. rooms , 211 8. 2ith t. . f30. 7 ruoma , < 203 Cumlni ; st. , 122. 7 riKims. W6 N. 27th nvc. , J2J.SO. C roonn. J2D2 Sewnrd st. . $10. 9 roflKis , D07 Cass St. , 110. 1 > moms. < 927 Davenport st. . $1) . C ii > 'tin , 312) Jackson t. , ii , [ rooms , 3J1 ] I'ratt t. , $1. iiee Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st. D 5J1 LAIIKU LIST. F. D. WEAD. 1CTII & DOUOLAS U 517 J3 .SO HOUSE KOIl Iin.NT JUNK I. TO October 1 , 7 roonw nnd all convtnlances ; refer ences required. SIS Hjuth 2)th st. I D-M57I 7 JIOt'RE WITH 9 11OOMS. ALL MODKIIN 1M- H. " proxemenls , good bam , front and back yard , 112 Lake s ( , D 010-lt * 10-UOOM llItK'K ; OAH. HATH , FUHNACI3 - , laundry , not luirenient plan. Key-i C01 t'upltol j ttvcnue , ailjnlnins. D MCU 13 * Hul'SE. ' J15.00 I'i MONTH. FN" aulie 2J10 Capitol n\vnu . D MOIO K" IOK KENT FOIilbllED JIODUUN KOOM. WITH I10AIID. 2Hfi CA.SS. E MSG8-M19 * KICK tiUL'TU FltONT ItDOM WHLL Ft'll- nlHli'd , private famll > . Call 2112 Cd&i atrert. UAST FKONT HOOMS . FUUNISHHU Oil UN- furnlshvJ , modern ; board If dtslrod. ( IS N. 2d. ! E MK3 KI.KOANTLY FttllNISIinD rtOOMS , 621 SO. 16th street. Hut H. 3ld lloor. IJ ! . $ Van IU3NT. NICK4.Y iioosi 204 8. 25th street. K , T\VO FUUNISIini ) KUOMS ; ONK WITH ALcove - cove , iiilvnte family ; modern. C'JI ' K. r.ih nve. U-M627 U * AND UNFFIlNISIini ) IIOO.MS far I'b'ht ' houji-kcculne , 13111 rnrnarn. I3-C3I-C- IIOOMS. ltl $ DODOK. DODOK.UM6I3 U-M6I3 13" J7U11NISHKD ROOMS AND BOAttD. CXL ( ) PUONT JlOOMd. HILUilDK , ISTH AND DoOis . F M47I 13' IIOOM3 WITH 11OA1JD ; riNC LOCATION. 18U Chlcasn. COMFOIlTMII.i : ri.'ItNIPHED ITooMs "AND ; 1S2J Fartinni vtrcet. F-imi s AND 11OOM , II.W WEEK. 1S1J OASS. r MM D * KOIl " IlENrT 3 KUltKISIUU ) IIOOMS WITH and privilege of Uath room. AtMro < O . NICULY CIIIINIHIIKII IM > OM IR witluiut boa id. 1921 Uv > uclui. TJNFUBNiaHED KOOMS TO KENT tXH ItKNT TWO UNFUHNISHKU HOOMS. 1C1T Iludp } ctrr t. U-M1J ) K * STOKE.-j AKIi OFFIGE3 IUNT , THIS -HTOIIY nitiou 111-11.1 no tit Kornoiu utricl. 'jhU l.u I lint IUH 11 flro proof c'mrnt l'ti ' fmcpi , cni.u-t > t r.i IPK tlxtun-a wal > < r on all It. 13. m ' tha oOIce ( , t Ihf lice. 1 51 j I FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICE Continued. FOn HENT-APTEIl Jt'NB 1ST , Tl'U PINB stora room In Ames building , corne. llth nnd Howard trct > , no > occupied by Morse-Coo Slui Co. Either JJiIll or CUilil can b had. The liulldlnff Is I stories and bniwmont. nnd fplendlilly rqulp < l with Btcam heat , eletatois , water flosots. olflcon. etc , and U the liest lo cated and finest bulldlntf for nhole.inle pur poses In Omaha. n nt cheap. Apply on premises to Mr. I ntt'rron , 1 4.18 8 AGENTS WANTE1 > . AQENTa. SELL MAKV JANB DISHWASHEIIS and get ilcli , beat mnili11 : more S'jld than all oth rs ; only 13 ; every family wants Mnry Jane ; prollt. 1'urlnlLH & Co. , Dc Mi > in s , la. J-M-.V ) WANTED TO KiiNT. LIST itoi'SKH ron HENT WITH o. a. WAL lace. 312 Ilrown Ilk. Have calls for cottnces. K 777 LIST HOUSES KOIl IlENT WITII P. D. WHAD. K 513 .13 STORAGE. STO11AOI1 FH.VNK EWEItS. 1211 IIAUNI3Y. IIEST STOIIAOE IlL'ILDINO IN OMAHA , ti. S. Kov. Ijoniliil warehouse ; household froeda stored ; lowest rates. 1113-1113 Lenvcnworth M 377 STOVES sTonno inrniNO HU.MMIH. : TEL. SW. 12J7 IXiuitlas. Omaha Htova Ilepalr AVork.t M ,17S PAPtPtC STOHAOE A WAUEHOt'Sn CO. . 9TH & Jones sts. General storage and forwarding. M 071 WANTED TO BUY WANTED , A STOCIC OF OOODS WOIITH i 1.000 to J6.000. AJdn-ss M 19 , Omaha Dee. N-M34 ? IIIOHEST 1'IUf'ES PAID Poll SECOND HAND furniture. I. HrussHl , 142) Dodge ft. M19 WE WILL IIUY CHEAP HOMES AND IlESI- dence lots nnywlioie In the city. Must be bar- BaUis. Heed A Sc-lby , Uoard of Trade bulldlnif. N 162 WANTED. TO Ill'Y OH IlENT. A SODA fountain ; state terms , answer quirk. Address O J3 , Ilec. N MGI3 7 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOn HALE. ON ACrOfNT OF nEVOMAL TO New York , will sell all the furniture , c.nvets. etc. , of a 10-room house , cheap. Call at C31 S. 25th nvc. O-M02I FOR SALE.HORSKS , WAGONS.ETC I-IIYHIPIAN8 .rilABTON , . LKATIIIMI TOP.me ne ly painted , for 18100 ; top d < ! l. wasron. > ) . Drumrnond & Co. P MG71 11 FOIl SALK , AN Al 2ND HAND TANOPY TOP Burrcy , ulinust new. llarnpy st. stal'l . P C3I-7 * FOR SALE MibCEIL.ANEOUS IIOO AND CIIICKKN FKNCE WIIIK. IIMTTKII ar.d cheaper than wood. J. J. ! < ilily , 403 S. llth. U J1K1 Maylt ! WKOMAN PIANOS. nniiKJnroriT OKOANH. WuodhrlilRO Uro . . 117 S. 17th. Q-37D HAHDWOOI ) CO.MI11NATION HOO AND chicken fence. Chac. It. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q-WO POR SALE. A NO. 1 2ND HAND CO-HOUSE power steel holler , as good as new. Address P. O. Box CS3. QMC2.M11 THE STANDARD CATTLE co. . AMES. NEIL , has 4 tons good baled hay to sell. Q MI72 FOR SALE , 2 THIRTY-QUART ICE CREAM jnarhhies1Bjildurr1520 Farnain. Q-M463 V FOR SALE , ROLL TOP DESK , DOUBLE waidrobe , letter prtra , chllds' bed , refrigera tor , tables , elc. ; Inoulro 1202 Georgia nve. Q-481-S * KOIl SAI.I3 , CIIKAP , 1S.OX ) PAI.ETTiS : POU hrlcU ynrd puipospa nnd S.0t feet of 1-Inch water pipe. Addicss 2321 Ilumlltun Btru't. Q-.MW ) $ FRESH JERSEY. A DANDY. RICH MILKER. 21 quarts a duy. warranted , on approval ; price Jl'W ; also young Jcisjy. 1) . Turner , jrn nnil Poppleton ave. Q 615 C * FIRST-CLASS OAK BAR OUTFIT ; ORIGIN ally cost Jl.OW.OO ; cheap ; inuat sell. Address O 21) ) , Bee Q-MWI-1C A FRESH JERSEY COW AND CALF ; A PAIR of line lamb goats. Inqulie 251 , ' Webster. Q-3K-S * CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- HuMe business medium , Sth year at 119 N. 16th. S-3S1 MME. CLAYTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Reads cards like nn open book. Tells your mission on entering. 223 N. llth. S M317 16' MRS. FRANCIS KEENE , CLAIRVOYANT AND Independent state writer , gives advice on all matters of Importance , such ns business , love nrTalis , marriages , divorces , lawsuits , etc. , lo cates lost or stolen goods , reunites the s'pa- inted , brings speedy marriages , removes Blum- Ming blocks and bad luck of all kinds. 1s : . ; Farnam street. S M340 9 ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY ; THE (1REAT- esl dead tratu-c medium of the present age ; tells your llf" from the cradle to the grave ; makes marriage n failure ; photo of wife or husband snl through mad , with life chnrt. f2DO. K.'nd . age and In.-k of hair ; all letters for Information cor.talnlng 4 cents In etamps promptly answeted. Electric and massage baths a -i-laliy | for he'ilth. Mrs. Dr. A. Leon , 412 N. llth street , Omaha. Neb. S-M'131 ' 7 MESSAGE , BATHS. ETCX MADAME LA RUE , H17 HOWARD ST. TU Mil * MADAM U.M1TII , 602 S. 11TH. 2D FLOUR , ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , nteani. nilphurlni * and sea baths. T iI.8M _ MASSAGE , MAlXAXIlTlJEliriARI ) . " J72T1 K575oiT. T M041 20- TURKISH HATHS. TURKISH BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 10U-110 Bee blili ? . 133. PERSONAL. A MASSAGE , ELECTRO THERMAL BATHS. chiropodist. Mme. Post , 3194 S. loth st. st.U U 3S3 $ " THE BELLE EPPKRLY CORSET. MADE TO } order from nu'jsurf. 1303 Furnam street streetU U 3S3 VIAVI CO. . 216 BEE BI.Dd. ; HEALTH BOOK free ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 3SI MISS MINNICK'S DRErfSMAKU'G PARLORS 2119 Farnam st. Prlcej leasonable. leasonable.U U "SI-MIS * . HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS. CUT FLOWERS. It Banquet , hall , residence and grave decorations. 1513 Vlnton Direct. Telephone 770. UMWi " No PAPER "CONTAINING REAL PHOTO'S oi' On biillrs wishing to wt'd mailed for stimp. Box 16'38 ' , Denver , Colo. 11174 MJ. CURE POR LADIES. 1S18 CHICAGO ST. IT C1J M10 * JOHN EDWARDS-THE FRIEND AT HOME , through whom you col responded In IStf , wishes to hear from you al unce , on buslnesa Inipiit- unt to yourself. V/ilto. . U 519-7' Cut YOUR CHARACTER TOLD FROM YOUI handwriting : 'nd rpeclmen with Me In stamp * und stamped addroseil envelnpe for reply to Mr. Arthur Williams , 159 Unity Building C.ilcngo. III. U J1JS2 T WANTKD. A SPANISH TEACHER. ADDRKP3 5yx J. JI. Barren , 2020 llarney stieet. U IIHJ MONEY TO LOAN iir.AL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA A n > al estate. Biennan , Lave > x. Co. . Faxton blk W 3i MONEY TO LOAN ON UU'ROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Tiu t coiauany , 17021'arnim. W SO INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 1) WALL ST. New Yoik , outer any part 100,001 laMfiii In veftwV names , who have money i-t Invest junl compiled. Wrllc for particular. . W-M1S1 M2 ; 3.114 AGENCY U. S. MORTGAGE CO. Sl'IllIIl 2ID7 IT'S loans tu 1'tisey & Thoma > , Council Blurt * olllce S. ts.1 IMI'RCIVP.D'CITY LOANS AT LOWEST RATES 1L II. Harder & Co. . ground llxjr. Ifcibldg. . K MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL IISTATl at C per cent. W. B. Melldc , Ut Nat. Ilk. bldg 01 : MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST IUVTJ2 . THL O. ! ' . Davis Co. , lija r.irnam st. W3Sil CITY IXIANS. C. A. STAIllir"5IJ N. Y ! W 3SS tUy. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT\ property. W. Parnam Smith & Co. . 13J ) Farnam W .CK ) ANTHONY LOAN Jt TRUST CO. . S13 N. Y. LIFE Can I.o loons at low rates for vliolcu rcurlty In Ne and luwa. farms ot Omaha city pruiH'il " W-391 MONEY TO J.O A Ji CHATTELS. JIONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANO3 GET Iwrn. * . ivng ns , etr. , Ht lowest rates In city rrni'ial ' of Koodi. Milclly cunU.I.-nlUI , you amount pay the loan off at any ilm or In any CMAHA MORTOAQE LOAN CQ. . iW S % Ulh Ht , X-379 E. H X f Q Wa&hday apleaiure _ BUT NOT UNLESS YOU USE 5old cvorpvhonr Made by THEH.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY. CHICAGO _ _ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Continued. IONEY TO LOAN Or ? F'fnNITI'KR AND planrn. Fred Terry. 430 ItaniEc blk. X 3,1 , n7" IONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD 1'VUNI ' ture , pianos , horses , wnirona , or any kind of chattel security at lowest p i < slble rates , which you can pay back at nny time or In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN OUA11ANTEE CO. , Honm 4 , Wltlmcll block. X 373 BUSINESS CHANCES. AWMILL ; WANTED A PARTY WITH AIJOUT JSOiJ.OO cx-ili to join In starting sawmill. Ad- dreg * Pioneer Duslneaa agency , S.ierldan , Wyo. Y J1033 S F YOU WANT TO DIKPO3B OF STOCK OF merchandise quick address M 20 , Omaha lee. Y 11343 lECEIVEn-a SALE. FUO.M THIS DATE I will sell at private sale all the bar fixtures , refrigerators , boUle cases , and office fixtures ; alw all the unfinished Block , machinery and shafting , with 2 15 H. P. DetroU electric motors tor , belonEini ? to the firm of Wallace & Co. , Incorporated , located at III and 413 S. 10th at. . Omaha , Neb. , April 23 , 1835. John Jenkins , receiver , fjrVallaco & Co. , Incorporated. VI3 WANT KOMK FHL'SH CAPITAL IN OHIl business ; \vc arc operatlns now In thrcn states ; our buslne-i Is paylnR over 100 per cent ; ive Invite your InvcstlijaH-n. For full liaitlculars call on or address our agents H. i : . Cole Co. , IDG N. 13th. V M532 13 T0tloi SELL ; C.IIOCKHY STOCK. GOOD LOCA- tloi , cheap , llxture * nnd stock complete , butcher shop nltached. Address. II. K. Iur- nam , 617 N. Y. Life Illdg. . Omaha. Neb. WANTED. LADY OH OKNTLF.MAN WITH small capital to Invest In a. business tliat pays 0 to per cent , no competlll"n. Call J. V * . Thomas , Slate hotel , 1310 Douglas street , "P- stalrs. \ GJi-1- ' FOB. EXCHANGE. A FIND. FUIL. INdlDR HESIDnNCn LOT , rlpar , fnr outsldo propel ty. Ollt edge lisink stock , and other stock , for ou'sldo clear lots. II. II. Haider & O.- . , ground lluor. lleo MdB. Z 122 13 WANTED. A IIOIISI3 IN THADE AS PART pay on piano. A. Hospe. Jr. , 1513 Douglas st. WK HAVE 3.000 ACHRS OF CLEAR SELIJCT- -d western land for exchange. Would put In wmie rash for desirable Omaha property. Pidellty Trust Company , 1702 Parnam St. rou EXCHANGE : . S-STOUY MODERN IJRICK hotel , furnished. In best town In Nebraska : will taKe farm land. Ames Iteal Kstnte. 1S17 I-'urnam. X Z3 C * 10) ACItEH IMPROVRU LAND. CLEAR. POR house and lot north part of city : will assume reasonable Incinnbrance. Address O 17 , I"e. ! / M572 11 par ExciiANan , 101 ACRES XINOKU TIIR Elm | en-el : Irrigation Co.'s ditch ; laterals comsi. pleted | , land easy to Irrigate and close to canal ; very di'slrable ; for stock hnidware. L. K. , Kim Creek , Neb. / M5S3 9 TOge HXCIIANOE , A GOOD CLEAN STOCK Of general meichanUise. that will Invoice about J1.fXW.00 for need farm lands. Address loclt Jw 27 , Shcltnn , Neb. 55-M61S 11 * FOI KXCHANUlv SOUTH OMAHA LOT * feIn hori.cs ur cattle. H. II. Harder , Ilec bulUl- In ; . J5-63J-13 FOR SAI/E KbiALi ESTATE. AUSTRACTS. THE UVRON REED COMPANY , RE-IM DAP.OAIXH. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ale or trade. P. K. Datllns. Darker block. RE-136 WILL SELL IMPROVED HARDEN LANDS iear Omaha nt prices that will Buiprlse you , II tnUen within 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood. 4iJ N. Y. Life. RE 5I7J PARll LANDS. C. P. HARRISON' , N. Y. L. RE OH M7 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , merchandise. Uarvln llros. , 210 N. Y. L. RE 371 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROF ertles and faims. Jno. N. Prenzer , opp. 1' . O. RK-373 SNAPS. 5 TO 6 MILES FROM OMAHA 1' . O , 40. 80 or 120 acres , Unproved , 530.00 per acre 19D ! acres. 533.00 per ntio ; 25 < J acres. JtO.OO per acre ; 6 10-acre tracts , J75.00 to HM.OO per acre. Must be fcold , 040 N. Y. L. LMg. RE 11231 GREAT OPPORTUNITY For a sm.il ! Investment. Hotter than a fa\1iiK3 bank. 00 lots for only J100 each. IO rash payment and $5 per month without In terest. These lots He Just west of Port Omaha over looking the city. Every youns man nnd youns woman In Omaha ought to have one of them. You cannot possibly make a safer or better In vestment than this. You will never ml s the money nnd In a few months you " 111 have a beautiful lot paid for. will be a starting point for a fortune. You will spend this much every month and never Know where It KOCH. Interest on deferred payments. two lots to samn purchaser will make a dls. count of G per cent. Now Is the time to buy Omaha property , es pecially when you can Ret I'M lota for 5100 on such terms as above. Plvo of these lots sold this week. Five persons have secured tint-class Inveit- mem.H. Now Is tha tlm to buy Omaha property , when you can Ret such offers us this. this advertisement out and come nnd see us iiulck ! Fidelity Trust company , sole agents , 1703 Far nam st. RE OS1-7 JUST THINK OP THIS ! OP THE FINEST C. > Mst front lots In Cloverdale addition , worth > e.ieh , can bo purchased within the next ten days for UOO each This Is ( no mot phenome nal bai | ln offered this year. Termi very easy. See us nt once. Fidelity Trust "compiny , 170J Farnani street. RE 521-7 FULL LOT FA CI NO ON CUMINCJ STREET near 30th , worth K.SOO. paved troct and stone sidewalk , can bo purchased If taken within the next ten d.o * at Jl.OOJ to J1.200. The owner must sell , hcncu this Immense bargain. Ft. dellty Trust company. 1702 Farnam ft. ft.RE RE S'l-7 YOU RK.MK.MI1ER OUR "ADD1 .LAST WEEK ? Well , lots of people came around and said It Via * true. Now you come and see. Look at Ruirgles st. , 7 roams , all modern. Locutt Ht. . S rooms , all modern , largo barn. N. ISlh el . 7 romi.i. E. Cor. I'Jth and Hpiuee , C rooms. Double biick , south side Lathrop , Vi bloc It cast 24th it. Then como In and make us an offer. you want a vacant lot look at fr'slll feet , west nljj of ? 0ih. Hi I/lock north of Manderson. Coxll'O S. W. Cur. 20th an I Erikme. feet south front en Ilrlstol and 2Clh sts. ij.\l.l. S.V. . Cor. 3llh nnn Howard , OOxl&S , vouth front 0:1 Custt'llar , 100 feet east of 20th sr. 132\1IO N. E. Cor. K and Chicago. 40x110 N. .11 Cor. 20th und tVnlcr. Don't bo afraid to make an offer onythlne rea- ronablf will be entertained. . u-c tmvu acres 4V > mile * straight north , J1U.OO , ami i acrea 4 milea straight west. S..OOO.no , 2ouO bearing grupc vines , house and Kirn. you Ix-it It ? < 'K nt our window. Come In If you want lo trade. "Remember we never offer anything but genuln snai's. H. E. COLU CO. , IM K. ISlh. UK-ilWI g DR. IN ON THE OROUND FLOOR UEFORE S1 'i boom r. . m . cull at II. K. Colit Cn , ' office unl fa Mr. Allen , and B | ro.-ne Informal.on ntj'iut thn gr alfst manufacturing city In Ore * g'Hi. ' bavins th" larj ; > t water power rni cl"- trip power plant In th United Status , a-y one uin livy. the t fin * urn ao easy ; com at onco. Mr Mien will be litrr only tew din. II , . Culc Co. . 19C N , 1HB. 1 UU-WCt 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Continued. 'RETTIKST ' EAST FRONT COTTAOE IN THE city. bath , cluset , Eetvqr. mantle , fence , trees , paved street and motor line , one block from Hunscom park. 12.200 ; JSOO cash. H. H. Harder & Co. . ground lloor , Reo bldg. RE 42) 13 iVANTKD WE CONTROL FARMS , STOCK farms , ranches , wild lands and city property In all parts of Texas , which wo can exchange nt low cash valuei for stocks of merchandise of alt kinds ; wrlto us , and state cnhrneter ot your merchandise , its value nnd what yoi > want to exchanse for. Addrcsi , Winters , Davis & Co. , real estate agents , Fort Worth. Tex. RE M5C5 12 lERE'S WHAT YOU .WANT ; MODERN 7- loom cottage , full lot , , vast fiont , tine lawn , very choicest location on west hills , reduced to J3.7UO.OO fur next week ; also new live-room cottage , east front , Inrffu lot , tine lawn , right In the city , Clark and 21st ; call and see It ; re duced next week to Jl.D'W.OO ' ; terms easy. H. N. Wltlmell. 207 N. Y. Life. RE M3SO 7 UNDERTAKERSANIJ EMBALMERS I. K. 1IURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago st. , telephone W. 41S SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUM1NU. TEL. 109) . M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMUALM- rr , 1 17 Farnam St. . telephone 2J5. 41' ' ) c7 W. MAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S , 1CTH ST. 411 HOTELS. HOTEL DARKER. 13TIt AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at ll.M per d.iy. , i1 rooms at J2.00 per day. Special rafs to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or jiionth. Fiank Hlldltch. manager. j 4'K AETNA HOUSE ( Kt.ROPEAN ! ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Itouifurby r day or wceU. 403 DAVIS HOUSE. HOT' JSPRINas , S. IX : A llrst-class hotel , dcslrnMp for those who wish .able at re pleasantest location i Mir cilty ; ono block from union depot. Address- Davis House , box 23. ' ' M330 10 * PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 10 ST. 415 MUSIC , ART ANTJ LANGUAGES. OEOROE F. GELLENI1ECK , BANJO AND KUitsr teacher. l'JHCasj ttreet. M1C8 UiOi'OL'ES. M.VIC o. DAXPN : , 402 N./'ifcrii. / 393 VICTOR BICYCLES , ' -THE PINEST OF ALL i bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co , 823 N. 10th street. " STKItLINO , I1UILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST cm Electrical Supply Co. , 1313 Howard tttreet. 8KB [ Till : VISIUI.i : HAM. DKAIUNOS ON llelay ' Special. Will IJarr.um & Lira. . 13) N. 15th. 3S6 ItnMINf.TON : AND EAGLE. CP.OSS GUN CO. , 118 S. 15th street. SD7 ( A. L. DEANE & CO. . WHOLESALE AND RE- tnll bicycles. 1110 Farnam street ; bicycles sold on easy payments. 39S LAWN MOWERS AND BICYCLES. GET THEM In good running order at tha Acme , 012 S. ICth , Gil M10 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. , 2HC CUMINO 1.C4 _ FOR SALE , 1I1C.H GRADE 1S95 BICYCLE , cheap. Address O 31. Bee. MCJ9 7 MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES WOOD MANTELS. GRATES. TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large flairs ; write for catalougue. Milton Rogers & Sans , Omaha. Omaha.M333 M333 DRESSMAKING. MRS. C. A. LUCAS HAS RETURNED ANI opened parlors at 1003 Douglas street , where she will be pleased to see her former friends. M137-M23 DRESS MAKING IN FAMILIES. 431C GRANT. M130 M24 * WORLD'S FAIR PRP.MIU51 DRES3 CUTTINO school ; $1.00 U paid for nny old sy.'item the .1. next ten days. Madam A. Illchards. IfilO l" Cass t. MJ03 a * BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. ft II. ASS'N PAY 6. 7. S per cent when ) , 2 , 3 years old. always of redeemable. KOI Farnam st. Nattlngcr , See , HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n , 1701 Bee bldg. IS. W. Naltlnger , Sec. 413 of D. T. MOUNT HAS HKMOVEI ) HIS COAL olllce to 20S S. 16th St. . Urown block. 400 " TUB IJKST IS T1IK CHHAPKST. NO SlIOKH Nn Boot. Z.OO ) pounds of the hejt Wyonuni ; coal , J4.50 , delivered. Just think of It ! You U have to pay that for dirty , smoky coal. I" sT are Interested In the fuel question US' ' herldan coal. 1C05 Parnam street. M4H PASTUKAGE. Oh do WE HAVE ICO ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS. ture for horses , board fence , spring water the Barton & PhHps. Gllmore. Neb. , or A. W , Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1031 , 478-July ! OAKPJiNTEBS AJ/D UUIIDEKS. . IS. MORIHLL. PAJ'IllUHANOING. HOUSI ! sign painting , brick 'nrKT plasteilng ; oft. R. 1 , Barker blk. ; tel. 735jn bxt > 2211 Iiard ; tel. 40S. on " m - thin CESS' 6'OL3. In CESSPOOLS CLEANiB'lU'III3H ! ! HEMOVED you untl-munopoly prices. .1 Otllfce , 41S So. llth. Tele phone 1173. John Nelson. MII3 7 * ELECTRICAII * SUPPLIES the ELECTRICAL KKQINJiiiftS AND CONTRAC- ors for electric light And.'motor plnnti and nl him kinds of electrleal coiialruptlon. Weslern Elec irleal Supply Co. , Uff 'lljiward ' st. 401 will DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLCOU UKNTAL , smQURY , PHUE Inltrmary ; dentistry at icist. ICth & Cap. ave > 1 IJ7 POR PANSIES & VERBENAS GO TO J. W. & E. E. Arnold , 1J < ) N. IWh St. Tel. 13. . Wl M9 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY.R. S.COM'L NT'L BIi.10 & FARNAi M7-.MU * CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CAIU'irFcLEANINO WKS , 71JS. . llth St. Tel. CM. Sfrvlc * guaranteed , U. S. a. Kuhn , Mgr. ; Pat Ward , forenun. 12V-MJ2 DENTISTS. . PAUL , DENTIST , 20 BURT ST. 117 SUOKTKAWLi VAN 8ANT"S SCHOOL FOR SHORT HAND. N Y Life , Omaha. A k for circular 41 * BUSINGS NOTICES , DAMAGED JUIinOlt.S nESIIAHnED , 713 N ! , * wH-WB < H-fc B-W H - - iW a itwif fiWH IWif A B A 4 STORM DRIVEN. F By "The Duchess ! ' Author of "Molly a Bawn" Etc. f B ( Copyright. UK. ) CHAPTEK H. As she turns to leave tlic bridge two fig ures on the path below attract her attention. They are the young girl with the Invalid" mother , anil the tall , stalwart , honest-looking Englishman. At a point that commands a view of the lovely valley spreading below they come to a standstill , nnd Mrs. Alllng- liain , a llttlo f.iiclnatcJ , lingers to watch them. Is thla going to be a happy marriage ? The mnn looks very much In earnest , but the girl At this moment the girl turns and looks ragerly backward upon the path she has just traveled. All at once her facn has bright ened , ami just as suddenly the man at her side seem ; , to sink Into Insignificance. She has no longer a thought for htm. Clare , with a sense of pity for her lover , knows at once that her eyes , her thoughts , nil b- long , to the owner of the footsteps that are now distinctly to be heard coming up the path behind them. Impelled by a sort of queer curiosity she leans forward to see what the man Is. like that tlila young creature can prefer to the handsome boy at her side. The bridge pre vents her at first from seeing him , lint now the footsteps are evidently nearer they are evidently hurried and now Iy a supreme effort she controls the wild cry that rises to her lips. Oh , God ! not I-'ALUNO ON IIEIl KNEES. SHE . CUOUCHEU BACK AGAINST THE K AILING. hero not now. Oh. foal , to have made BO sure ! Falling on her knees , she crouches back a against the railing behind her. In this position iltiOl she Is entirely hidden from those on the path ) below. For a moment a sickening falntness almost overpowers her. Then she compels herself to listen. The voice his voice oh , the horror of it ! comes ip clear and strong. "So I have found you again , you see. I old you I should. You" how bold , how certain the volco Is "have not quite forgot ten me ; ? " "Oh , no , Mr. Prendergast. " So He has changed his name ( a little notorious at present ) lest It should frighten his pretty fly from his v > eb. Mrs. Ailing- ham ' lips , even In her dep agitation , curl Involuntarily. Then nil at oneo she remem bers something. She shrinks as K from her self , and her face grows whiter. What about his and her name ? "I am bound to go on to Darmltz this evening to meet a frlned there , and tomor row claims me , too , but after that you will be still here ? " sTl The woman above listening can Imagine the Impassioned glance that acco.Tpaitlcs thin question. She has been through U. "Yes yes , " says the girl , In her soft , low tone. "Ah ! In the meantime" "Goodby. ( " 1Tl 1 , no. Au revolr ! " Then th ? little play Is over. He has gone back to the carriage waiting for him on the lowe road , from whence , no doubt , lo : had seen her , and the other two have turned the corner and gone. In ominous silence. Clare gets slowly to her feet. That child and that man ! What a devil he lil He has evidently kept her In Ignorancs ot his marriage Hag , nnd to let her love him , not knowing. ' Again | she seems to remember , and stops suddenly , as If stabbed to the heart. Oh , ' God , what is fcho doing ? Well , well , well ! We must all sow , ive must nil reap , and If that girl chcossa to nine away her life , what Is It to her ? Something , however , it iniut be , because say the way back to the hotel , under the scented leaves , oud with the night wind gas blowing upon her , the child's pure , lovely eve face is ever with her. So might her own pre face once have IcoUed before thsy sold her to rcn . . has the . highest bidder ! Her heart EOftens , Yes , she will speik to She the girl tonight will warn her. She will do anil one good deed before * * But If the km doing of It should betray her ! No ; no fear you that. t Ho had said he would not bo back He until the day after tomorrow , and by that time she will be far away. Oh , thai It were farther ! * * The evening has grown late , and all the you lights of heaven are resplendent. Scarce- sell sound can be heard , save the caln * rushing the the river down below and the lgh of the as wind In the trees. Tin ' Above , the sat "Glided sickle of the new trmde moon Ind Leading the pale lamp of the evening star , " shining brilliantly. one kee On the terrace stands Mrs. Alllngharn , holding the girl's hand closely In her own. "Glvo up that man , Amy. He Is unworthy. Why , why do you 1st him make love to you ? , how hard It Is to explain to you who not know the meaning of the word ! Dut da real thing , real love , Is all purity , be Get lieve me. " of "Yes , " says the girl , looking distressed , ofTin puzzled. Tin "There Is Mr. Dorthwlck " eml , goes on Clar ? , eagerly. "He ls In love with you ! " dlo "Oh , Mrs. Alllngham. I , " with frightened , otunl pretty eyes , and a rising color like nothing ral earth EO much as a blush rose , "I don't think any one Is In love with me , " "Mr , Dorthwlck is , " fays Mrs. Alllnghnm , her queer , direct way. Then , "Where did ' meet this Mr. 1'rendergast ? " 'f. "In Derlln a month ago. " ted "And he has followed you hero ? " der "I I don't know. " Fr ; "I do. Amy , " tightening her grasp on tre girl's arm. "Put him out cf your mind. rill Hefuso to ee Mm again. If you encouragr ver , you will regret It only once , but thai wll ba forever. Give your beart to Mr Borthwlck. Ho la g3od. true , honorable , lie la n man , Amy- The other Is" The girl leans forward , breathlessly. "Is ? " "A brute ! " saya Mrs. Alllngham , relent lessly. "Oh , no , no ! " faintly , "Oh. yes. yes ! " vehemently. "And you , you little white flower of n child , to dream } f accepting the love of n thing Ilka that ! Why , he would crush the life out of you , and then leave yon. " "Oh , It Is torriblcl It Isn't true , " say ? the girl. "It is true ! Do you think I don't know ? " "Know ! How can you know ? " "Ilecatue , " Mrs. AlUngrmm's brows con tract , " 1 knew Just such a man as he Is. " There Is such bitterness In her tone that : he girl feels nwed by It , to the extent of 'orgettlng her own troubles for the moment. "I I'm nfrnld you have not been happy , " snys she , timidly. Mrs. Alllngham breaks Into Inughtor. low , jut mirthless. Then she rcstralm herself. "Not very. Hut that's neither hero nor : here. The question new Is your happiness. You will wonder why I care nbout It ; but 1 was only a child like you , when and well , 1 would not have you llvo the life I lived. And yours will be worse , mind you. If you listen to that man ; for mliio was. In the world's Jargon , honorable misery , whereas yours " "I I dcn'O think you understand Mr. Prendergast , " says the girl , nervously. "Don't I ? " Then , almost fiercely : "Are you mad. child Can't yon see the differ ence between these two mm. One would raise you to his own line level , the other would degrade you oh ! " with a touch of pain , "I can't boar to speak moro plainly. Can't you take what I say , and believe In It ? I tell you I spcalc from a most melan choly past. " Her eyes nro full of tears. How can she save this silly child , without being brutally direct ? "Oh , you have suffered ! " cries the girl , In . ' . low tone ; . The tender mounting moon has cast Its rays upon the tears that are trembling to their fall In Mrs. Alllnglmm's beautiful eyes. Amy. with a sudden move ment , goes to her , but Mrs. Alllngham. with n swift gesture , puts her baclc. Who is she that she should let Innocent arms encircle her ? "We must all suffer , " says she , coldly. "It Is to save yon from unnecessary suffering that I now'speak. . You can heed me or not. as you like , llut I felt it my ; duty to warn you. " . "What I think , " says the girl , a little thrown back upon herself by that sharp repulse , "Is , that you misjudge Mr. Prender gast. To mo ho Is kind very kind , nnd , " llttlo defiantly , "mamma thinks him charming. " "It , " with a faint sneer , "shows gjsat dis crimination on your mother's part. " "He is very kind to her , too. IIo quite studies her. " Mrs. Alllngham makes a llttlo Impulsive gesture. "It is a pity she does not study him. " with atouch of indignation. "If your , mother sometimes forgot herself and thought more of you , It would ba better both for her soul nnd body. I tell you , Mr. of hla "TIIEHE HB IS , " WHISPERS SHE. rcndergast Is no fit associate for you. " "Mamma does not think so , " says the girl , 'ith a little toft , offended air. "She llkea hlnK , and so do I ! " "Yes ? " Mrs. Alllngham laughs derisively , The tinio IrnH come for that denouement she ould have avoided. "Ills wlfo doesn't , " ays she. sayT K. There Is a long silence. Then a lltlte asplng sigh from the girl , breaking on the St. venlng air , brings them both back to the resent. Mrs. Alllngham's heart Is full of emorse. Yet what else could Bho do ? . She as tried everything and II. "I told you he was a brute , " says she. he lays her hand ' son on the girl's Ehoulder A. ml shakes her gently. "There , now , you ley now ! Glvo him his conga at once and our heart , if you can , to Mr. liorthwlck. le will treasure It. " As she speaks , a shadow falls across the loonllt terrace. "There he Is , " whispers she , "looking for ou waiting for you. Go to him. " Kd The girl stirs uneasily. Then , seeing her- elf discovered , moves straight to where ho tall Englishman Is standing , hesitating to whether he shall go to nor or not. O. 'he last Mm. Alllngham sees of them Is atlsfactory. The girl's head Is downcast , ulecd , but she has let her hand be Imprls- ton r.ed by Dorthwlck , who looks as If ho would eep It against all odds , to the end or time. ( To IJe Contliued. ) U. Huclmnnn Will Live n 'VVIillo Yet. SING SING , May C. Warden Sago said to- ay that acting on the advice of Attorney I'alr ieneral Hancock he had abandoned Uie Idea executing Dr. Iluchanan on Wednesday , second respite by Governor Morton will at that time , but owing to the legal mud- the execution , according to tliu opinion the- attorney general , must bo delayed intll the courts again decide the question alscd : by Buchanan' : ) lawyers. To Open I'p rint < Mining I.nnilH. In DENVEIt , May C. The Cavarlsta Hallway ing Investment company has been Incorpor- cm anil the following officers elected : Presl- , Thomas V , Dunaway ; vice president , 'rank Williams ; secretary , Herman lirukk ; reasurer , , Henry Mlehaelsen. This company operate In the Keystone gold dUtrlct just the range from Lallello , N. M. , and open up some of the finest mining and gricultural lands In New Mexico. No Waiting , No 'Wondering r if they'll Fit. J F \ SHIRTS te are Ready to Wear , and teF Every Garment is Guaranteed. e/7// Leading tailers know of this bt\imt < ] f Shirts , fer If your outfitter Is out of size or style jou desire , let him jret it for you , and in order tint lie may net you Just what you want , write us for our SOUVENIR OF FASHIONS. Copies Free by mail. CLUETT , COON & CO. , Afakers. Pact rics , TROV. N. Y. l fi All the Foioa Captnin Eock Will Need to Execute His Orders , PRESENT NUMBER MAY DE INCREASED rroio | c to IlrRln Work of Eviction teen -1'nrloy S r No Sx'tllorn U'lll dote to llio 1. ninth ot HmlntliiK 1'oik'rnl Autliurlty. ' Captain Heck of \VlnnebaRO agency U at the Merchants. The captain said thnt "all was quiet on Loeaii creek" nnd no prospects of trouhle unless the Klaurnoy sympathizers attempted to Interfere with , him In enforcing Ills Instructions from Wash ington. The Indian ngent s.ilil that ho would commence evictions In the near future , and that If nny of his Jndlan police were killed by settlers or nny ono clso while fill- tilling his orders It would result In an end less amount of good stories for the news papers. Mrs. Deck Is with the captain and left for the onst In the afternoon. The captain will return lo the agency In a few days. Kd Parley of Hancroft , n man who Is prominent In tlio lease with the Onmlins , IH also In the city. Mr. Farley expressed him self as follows to a lleo " man at the Merchants : "There Is not much If any opposition to my now lease wltlt the Oinahas except I'onlniielle , Peebles and a few others. The Oinahas generally favor II. but n few one- mli-s arc agitating hostility to the Idea. My Interests nro with the Indians , and their Interests are mine , as I married tin Omaha Indhn woman nnd my children have Indian blood In their veins. The trouble heretofore tit the agency Is that Indian agents have been controlled by a clique of while men for polit ical and financial purposes. Captain Heck will not Join the ring , and that Is why they are fighting him so bitterly. There nro not ten msn In render who would light the forces of the United Stntcs. The sympathy for the Flournoy company Is not sufficiently strong In I'emler to Induce the taking of nny great risks. The settlers might make n temporary showing , and n few might relist eviction , but Captain Heck Is bound to win. Men will light for liberty , country and such like , but there are mighty few men In Thurston county likely to sacrifice their time and lives In behalf of J. S. L.cmmon and his partn , r , Myers. " James Sheenn of this clly , who represented the Flournoy Lintl comimny nt Washington a few weeks ago , said that he had bscn us- sured by Acting Indian Commissioner Smith that troops would not bo scut to Wlnnebago and that ' Captain Heck's forces would be routined to Indian police , whoso number would ' be unlimited. If necessary. Mr , Shenn's visit was lo prevent Intervention of troops to assist Captain Heck. Judge L. D. Jackson of Kvanston , Wyo. . Is at the Mlllard. Ilrad Slaughter and Tom Cooke were In the city yesterday. Mr. nnd Mra. Warwick Snumlors of Colum bus are guests at the 1'axton. Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. I'erls of West Point were at the Arcade yesterday. W. II. Humphrey of the State Hoard of Transportation Is at the Mlllard. Division Superintendent Hlgnell of the Hur- llngton at Lincoln was In the city yestordiy , Fred IJevere , J. M. Dovero and H. H. Uhl. Jr. , are registered nt the Darker from Now York. Mrs. James W. Miinn went to Hoone , la. , yesterday on u visit of several days with lends. Governor Holcomb Is nt the Paxton. Ho will return to Lincoln on the 10 o'clock train this morning. Qcorgo H , Doggs has returned from Chi cage , where ho wont for medical treatment. IIo Is Improved. 0. II. Slosson , city ticket agent for the Union Pacific at Lincoln , took dinner nt the Paxton yesterday. Miss Jennlo McGlolland left yesterday for Louisville , K } ' . , where she will bo the guest Mrs. James Wlllnrd , She will remain south until late August , President Uarnos , Secretary Furnns and all the members of the Slttte Hoard of Agri culture are at the Mlllard. The board has a meeting at the hotel this morning. A. J. Ooud left for Scranton , Pa. , last night , having been called there by the siirloiw Illnosj of h s father. He was ace Mnpa.ilcd ty sister. Mrs. W. L. Wilson of Nebraska city , Henjamln Folsom , a cousin of Mrs. Presi dent Cleveland , Is at the Mlllard. He was struck on the hand by u hall itono yesterday afteinoon and now carries the hand lu a sling. State arrivals at the Darker : n. W. Canon , Klkhorn ; F. R. McGlnnls , Hastings ; P. J. Faulkner. Table Hock ; Charles Ilollms , Adam Scglar. Grand Island ; Tom Moldrum , Hillsdale - dale ; U. C. Woodrlnjr , Lincoln. Commercial men nt the Darker nro : II. . Union , T. J. Thompson , Chicago ; Jim Tucker , Grand Island ; Charles 13. Jewell , . Joseph ; I ) . C. Woodrlng , Lincoln ; F. S. Plumb , Chicago ; II. D. Curtis , Dutle , Mont. At the Mercer : J. W. Sander , St. Louis ; . O. McGIll , Topeka ; C. McCormack , Minne apolis ; T. II. lUissell , Deadwood ; L. H. Hen- , Salt Lake ; J. 0. Ainmon , Philadelphia ; W. Richardson , David City ; O. H. Swing- , Dcatrico ; I ) . O. Wallace , Tekamah ; Wil liam Wilson nnd wife , Lincoln. NobriiHkiiin al tlio HcitoN. At the Mlllard-W. C. Murray , Alma Charles K. Corey , Pawnee City. ; At HIP Arrndc Wllllnin C'harlton , Uoln : IX Kerr , IJMtrleo ; W. R MuKlvuIn , llralmml. At the Uellonn L. Hlrscbt , Pony Creek ; Jalrus Clement. North Ivnip ; H. tl. Sallin , A. Cubbey , Ueatrlre. At the Merchiints-11. H. Wilson , lilua Springs ; J. S. Dew. Tcctimseli ; P. II. Hurry , Ureeley ; J. N. UrumliauKli , li. Al. Ksrgl'n- , Dennett ; K J. Kltieralil , P. 8. M < - - CJulre. lleemur ; J. II. Culver , Mllford ; II. F. Marsh , G. II. Clootlhnnl. Klkhorn ; A. U. McCundlcss , Wyinore ; C. MrMenamy , lllulr ; ( ! . Taylor , Ogalulla ; Ueortfo Sheldon , Hutlnnd. _ II KATllXlt , ICxcvpt Miowura In thn Kitrnme K.nt era ] * ( > rllun of .NcbraMdt , WASHINGTON , May G.-Tho forecast tor Tut'fday Is : For Nebraska Fair , except showers In the extreme eastern portion ; warmer ; varlabla winds , becoming southerly. For lown nml Missouri Fair ; warmer ; southerly winds. For South IJukotn Fair , exempt showers the eastern portion In the early morn ; warmer ; variablewinds. . For KUIIFUH Fair ; warmer In the cust portion ; fouthcrly winds. l.on.il liemirtl.