Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    W MMWi
JK , '
Boars Won tbo Battle In the Wheat Market
Yesterday !
Compared with Hie WenkntM In Wheat
Com Might Almost Ito Culled J'lriu
Although It Closed nt n
CHICAGO , May 6. The bears were win
ners In today's Ironltn ? In the wlient mar
ket , July closing ITio lower. The Fonklnb'
rnlns nnd lower entiles canned the decline.
July corn closed lie lower nnil July oatB ? 4o
lower. Provisions eloped practically un
Wheat oponcd very weak ns the re. ult
of the rnln storms throuRhout the country
since Saturday. The other market news ,
outside of n heavy decrease In the vlslblu
supply , was bearish In general , as It has
been for a week or more. There was no
export demand. Hecelpts were In excess
of those of the year before. The other
exporting countries were still pouring out
wheat In greater abundance limn was need
cd by Hie Importing nations. The opening
trades for July were at from C334c down
to O'/c ' , with numerous sellers at the higher
und very few al the lower quotations. Ho
very radical a decline since Saturday nnd
the fact that It bm'isht the price under the
rate ut wnlch puts had heen sold caused
Dome confident buying , which caused a reac
tion to from C3HC to M > ( c In the course of
the forty minutes. Following that there
was a gradual decline to the lowest price
made al the opening , and that wag In turn
succeeded by another rife to CS'H.c. ' the nil-
vatice being due to a de < re.ise of 3 &SO.UOJ bu.
In the visible , or alKUit l.WI.MJO bu. greater
reduction than had been generally expected.
The visible supply being disposed of , the
market then camu under the depressing In-
lluences with which the day's dispatches
abounded. MInncnpolls-Uuliith receipts
amounted lo 3SI carloadi , compared with 31S
cars on the corresponding day of the year
before. The total of the primary market re
ceipts was given at Z9luiO bu. , against : iK- !
000 bu. last year. Export clearances from
the Atlantic ports , Including wheat and
Hour , amounted tn 178,101 bu. The amount
on ocean passipe In T nscd 9UVU bu. , and th
English visible Incrent-L'il 1,300MM bu. Ilus-
Bla's contribution to lust week's shipments
of wheat was repotted at 41,000,000 bu. Those
later Items taken together were the Influ
ences under which the timrkel broke very
sofl , following the flrsl effecl of the reduc
tion In the visible , nnd caused a decline
to C2 > ic about an hour from the close.
There being nothing heard concerning the
working of any round lots of wheat for
shipment from here , nor any but a trifling
quantity at the seaboard , the decline gath
ered force as the end of the session approached
preached , and n minute or so from the
close G2i4e became the trading price , and
that was still current as the bell tapped.
Compared with the Weakness In wheat ,
corn might almost be called firm , although
It closed nl a decline. Foreign advices wcr ?
encouraging , nnd Ihe advices from the sen-
board were thai some WOK being sold dally
for export. The demand In the cash market
was good nnd carloads were easy to dis
pose of , nnd the offerings of these had been
about all picked before the speculative
prices showed any radical weakness. The
heaviness In wheat proved too much to con
tend against. Receipts were 180 cars. The
decrease In the vlslblo supply of only 1,731-
000 bu. , compared with a decrease of 2.7M-
000 bu. a year ago. was a polnl which
counted In favor of the bars. July opened
at from 49Vie lo 494ic , advanced to from 49e
to Me , declined to lO'.iu and closed firm nt
from 40V&C to 491,10.
Onts were fairly active nnd lower. The
market was governed principally by wheat
nnd corn. The recent rains In the oats ter
ritory were ttlll reported us a weakening
feature. The deferred deliveries were want
ed to some extent , but ruled lower In spite
of a. fairly active Inquiry. May sold at
from 28' , c to 28'SiC , closing at the latter
price bid. July opened at ffi'ic , sold nt
isy c , up to & % < ? . declined again to SSHc
und closed nt 2oUc. The visible supply
Hhowed a decrease In oats ofIOUOO bu. ,
but had little If any effect upon the mar
The provision market was weak and
heavy for the most part , although very lit
tle change In value resulted In the end.
J'ork recovered a lOc decline , to within 2' c
of Its closing value on Saturday , nnd lard
nnd ribs arc actually without change. Hog
receipts were ffi.txio head , and 1S.UOO head
are expected tomorrow.
Estimates for Tuesday : Wheat , 45 cars ;
rorn , 150 cars ; oats , 1W cars ; hogs , 18,000
The leading futures ranged ns follows ;
Articles. [ Opsn. I Law. | Oloij.
\VhcatNo. i !
May 02K 01 01
July saw OSS1
Sept. . . iuH U3UUU1
Corn No. I ! . .
Mny 40 %
Sept. 4UM
OatMNo. 1 ! . , .
May ynt
Juno an
I'ork per bbl
July n ns 12 00 11 R5 11 ns
Sept. 11 ! PJH 1 ! ! 03 11 ! PJM ,
Julv n caw 0 07 ! < n ov.m n 05
Sept G bU G b5 U UO G bO
Short Hlba-
Jtlly Q OS 6 in 0 G2 D 10
Supt 0 ' . ' 0 0 25 G 17h 0 15 !
Cash nuotatlona were an follows :
PLOt'llWinter patentH , J3.105T3.40 ; winter
KtraiKhtx , J2..hwjT3.15 ; Uikcm. tl.6o02.40 ; BprlnR
palcnlf. t3.Xi3 7i ; M'rlni ; KtialKhts , J2.1 < T3-
WHBAT No. J nirlnit , KGGiVjcj No. 3 ppilns.
nominal , No. 2 red , ClUc.
COHN No. 2 , 4Uc ; No. 3 yellow , 4S'fcc.
OATS-No. 2. 2SAc ( ; No. 2 white , 32Vi32ttc ;
No. 3 white. 31140J214C.
UYR No , J. ctc. :
HAHI.KY No. 2 , 5PAOD2c ; No. 3 , M85c ; No.
4 , nominal
FLAX HKtSD-No. 1 , J1.44U.
TIMOTHY Hiii-Pilme , J3.03.
I'UOVISIONS Mf > ] ) ork , per bbl. , II.SOifll.a5.
Tj\rd. per 103 Ibs. , JC.O-J. Short ribs nldes ( loo. o ) ,
IG.POifili.O'i. Dry nailed HhouUlers ( iKixetl ) , 5.3"i !
C5.60. Short , clear sides ( koxed ) , ( C : r WC.37' & .
WHISKY Ulstlllvn' finished goods , per Hal. ,
HIIOAUR Cut loaf , unchanged.
The followlnB were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the Produce oxcrianro today tno butter mar
ket was Btt-ady ; cruainory , H-alUe ; ilairy , Hu16c.
n. Blo.uly ; llMUP.'hiC. Cliec'no , crcania ,
Closing Qnotittlons on the Prlntlpul Com-
moilltlcs nnd Slnples.
NEW YOIIIC , May 6. PLOUH-npcelptK. 15.MC
bliln. ; exports , 7,000 bbls. ; sales , 37. JO ) pkga.
Quiet for cverylhlnR but city flour. SprlnB pat-
cnta were heavy , but winter Krades held btraily.
The break In wheat canned the weak-
neea ; city mill patents , t4.1' > S4.W ; wlntei
patents , J3.IOJI3.75 ; city mill okarn. J3.J3.CO ) ;
winter stralRhts , (3.9)03.33 ; Minnesota patents ,
J3.704f4.00 ; winter extras , } 2.COi2.(5 ; Minnesota
bakers , t2.70ff3.20 ; winter low grade * . J2.2 fl CO
Fprlns low emdes , J2.Wffi.2J. Houthern flour ,
dull ; iroo < l to choice extin. J3.t'If3.8J. Hye Hour ,
firm ; vnles , 300 bbl . ; suticrllne , t3.K103.I5 ; fancy.
COHN MEAb-O.ult-1 ; yellow western , tl.1'0
1.19 ; Itrnnilywlne , t'i.W.
WlIEAT Ilecolptm C2.900 bu. ; cxporln. 82.2K
bu. ; luilea , 4,4.V.oi.iO Ui. futures and 32.000 bu ,
ppot ; No. 2 led , In stoic and elovHtor , Mr ;
afloat. 67'.jc , f. o. K , DSe. ulluat ; No. 1 hard ,
74c , delivered , Optlnns were very weak nt thi
start undT active liquidations , due to lowc-i
cnblea , heavy Uunnlan KhlpmentH and ruins weet ,
( ubsrciuenlly ralllxl partially on the UK visible
nupply decrease , but airaln sohl elf under lown
late cables nnd bli ; decrease In the IJiixllxli visi
ble and amount afloat for Kuropo : closed : fi21i (
net decline ; No. 2 rtxl , May , 66U67UC , closed al
CCc ; June , & > % ( | C7 7-lt * ' . rloiieil at C6 ; c ; July ,
Cd T-l&DI&o. cliveil nt CC\c ; August , ; ! . { > 4c at CTic ; Bvptember , C7HU > > Hc , closed al
67Sc : IH-cemljer. 6 ! < H 70 ie , doted at 6SS.C.
COHN Itecelpts. 174. &O bu. ; exports. 43..VIO bu.
ralfa , 4SO.CV" ) bu. futures nml M,0"0 Im.
HHjt | steady ; yellow. U'.ic ; uiiKiiuled mixed. M'i '
ClUUc ; steamer mixed , Uc. dell\ei M ; stvanuT
MHc. Options advanced durlnir the forenoon in
a irootl tUiort demand , poor pindtnKS antl talk
of continued cash demand went , but finally re ,
fictiil and cKsed heavy at He decline ; May , 6 HI
J04Hc. closed at 54'io ; July. SHHf.M'.c , clomn
Bt M c ; September , MHttW 3-16c. clo > e.l at MHe ,
OATS Heci'liils , 10S.WJO bu. ; eiK > rt * . none
ralea , 1SO.OOO bu. future * nnd 76r ) bu , ipot ,
Himt easy , No. 2. 3 ! 2-54c ; No. 2. drllveifd. 23\ \ <
( l33 > c ; No. S . " 2r ; No , 2 'Ahlte , 37c : No. i
white , S6'4c ' ; I nick white western , 3S Uc. Op
lions dull and weaker with wheat ; clomnl H >
lower ; Mny. 5Ui32 c. closctl at 32H'i < Juni
Cloced at 32Hc ; July , 3\4f33Vic , cloned at 32le
HAY fitcaily ; shlpp'.ntr. WilWo ; EIXX ] to choice ,
HOPS Weak ; state , ftwnmon to choice , old
; lS t , 4tfllo ; Pacific count , old , 38io ; 1S3I
HIDES StixniK ! wet wilted New Orleans , s-
lected. 4S to K Ibs. , < Hc , lluenos A ) re * , dry ,
ft ) to S4 lb& , lie.
WOO UKir in. domestic fleecr , IClJlSc ; pulled
pnOYlSION8-H * f. nrm ; family. 111.00814.00
extra ines * , JS.MJ/8.W ; city , extra India mess ,
117 OOC19.10. Cut meats , gulet : plckltd belllo
is.MtpS.7t ; pickled houlder * . 3iO 3.75 ; iilcklei
taJiut , 19.KQ9.U ) . I-arJ. steady ; city , H.08 ! ;
Je , 176 Utrces ; May cloietl nt IC.M , nominal ;
Julyi tt.iS , nr.mlnnl ; reflntd. lowrr ; continent , I
17 K ; tnltx. 2M tlerres ; P. A. . 17. M : eimpound , I
15. J'ork. cany ; talti , COO bbl . new me s at ,
IICTTKnEasier : weitirn dairy. 7Hf12'.io ;
western crfnm ry , Hftl'oj wt-stern factory , 7O
lie ; F.lRlnn. lie : Imitation creamery. StiQUUc ;
stnt * dnlry , lOf/ITc : Mat * creamery , He.
ClIEEHi : Dull ; Mate , large , &U'Hc ; small ,
'k ' ; r , part tMmr. lHQ c , full sklnu , IClUc.
hooi ? IrreRular ; stnte nnd Penn yUnnla , 1314
Qn > ic ; freuli , 13fl r..lti southern , 12fl2\c ; rc *
elr.n , 11,191 pkts.
COTTONSKKU Olfr-fcitcady ! prime ciuJp. Zl
O24'.ici ' prime yellow. 2iy2Hc ; prlmi > summer yel
low , :7/27'.ic / ; ott summer yellow , SCHWic ; yrl
luw butter Kinder , 2 c ; prim * summer white , 3lc.
TAM/JW Strnily ; city ( 2 per pkg. ) , 4Hc ;
country ( pkK . frep ) , 4Uc.
PKTUOMi'M Nomlnnli United closed nt
* U2'4 ; Wnnhlncton , bblii. . > 5. nominal ; Wnnh-
liiKl-n , In bulk , nominal ; refined New York ,
7.71 : Philadelphia nnd Iloltlmore , J7.70 ; Phlla-
dclphla nnd Ilalttmori * . tn bulk , $ ' . . (12. (
IldSIN Steady ; strained , common to good ,
HICIHleady , domestic , fair to extra , 4X0
G\r : Japan , SHfll'lc. '
MOI/AHHiS Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
pnrnl to choice , 30fi3oc.
I'KANL'TS cjulel ; fancy hand-picked , S'.JO '
3Hc ; enr . 2f3'ic. }
rni21OHT8 To Liverpool , dull ; Rrnln , by
ftfnm. 2c.
METALS I'lit Iron , quiet ; Scotch. JI9.0W20.00 ;
Amerlcnn. Ju.5'ijllz.W. Copper , Mraily ; brokers'
price , JJ.75 ; vxchancp price. tJ.85. I , nd , barely
steady ; brokerH * price. J2. ! .i ; exchanse price.
J3' > ! fi 3.0714. Tin , Inieiy steady ; Htralts , J14.33
/14.4.-ii iilates , steady. Kpelter , dull ; ilomcstlc ,
J3.irft3.2o. Bales on 'chanKc. 10 tons spot tin
nt JI4.4) . _ _
Condition of Trndo nml Ouolntlouj nn
Mnplc nii'l I'nncy Produce.
iOC.S-Cholce stock , 1201Z'.4c.
lll'TTIMl Pneklnit stock , SS7c ; fair to good
rrxmtry , 10713 < * ; cholre to fancy , 14Q17c ; gathered
creamery , ISc ; separator creamery , 1982)c.
I.IVi : PorijTlir Hem. CfiC'lc ; mixed , Cc ;
ducks. ST/SHe / ; turkeys , 8S9c ; heavy toms , 7c ;
cees < e , SffS'ic.
Vn.MV-Cholce fnt , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted nt
CIJ7c ; larue and coarse , 3SJ4c.
CIIEEHE Wlscunsln full cream , Young Ameri
cans , 12ij T13c ; twins , 13c ; Nebrntka nnd lown ,
full ercnm , lie ; Nehinska nnd Iowa , part skims ,
ifiSe ; UmburKer , No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. 1 , lie ;
Swif , No. 1 , 15c.
HAY Upland hay , J8.50 ; midland , JS.OO ; low
land , J7.M ; i ye ptiaw , J5.00 ; tolor makes the
price on liny , l.lnht bales sell the best. Only
top grades bring top prlcen.
PIQUONS Per doz. , 1.001.20.
POTATOEH-Westcin stock , car lots , We ; smnll
lots , 70@73ci Early Hose need potatoes , 90c ;
Znrly Ohio seed , 11.10 ; Northern Early Ohio seed ,
OLD nnANS Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Lima
benni. per lb. , C'/jf.
ONIONS On orders , yellow , per bu. , 11.10 ; red ,
CAI1IIAOE On oiders. 3c.
SW13UT POTATOES Good stock , J2 ; eced ,
IlonSEHADlSH Per lb. . CB7c.
PAI18NIP.S Per bbl. . $1.73 ,
Hl'TAllAOAS-Per lb. . H4c.
PAHSI.EY Per doz. bunches , 35c.
Tl'HNIPS-Per bbl. , $1.5i ) .
8PINACH-PW bu. tmi-ket , C0075C.
WATI5U CHESS-Per 10-qt. case , $1.CO1.75.
It A DISHES Per doz. bunches , 2JC.
QUEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 15c.
LETTL'CE-Per doz. , 30833C.
ASPAUAOfS White stock on orders , 30c per
doz. bunches ; giecn , 2'iC.
PIE PLANT rr lb , . llic.
Ct'CUMDERB On onlfra , $1.75 per doz ,
PEAS On orders , per V4-bu. baskets , $1,23.
RTIIINGI I1BANS On oidera , per H-bu. crate ,
$ l.75S2.00 ; per W-bu. box , $1.00 1.15.
TOMATOES Per six basket crate , $0.00ii:7.00. :
HTHAWHERHIES Choice shipping stock , per
case of 24 qtB. , $2.CO.
APPLES Tlicre are no good shipping apples to
be hud In the market.
CHANGES Fancy Wnnhlnston navels , per box ,
$3.50fi3.75 ; fancy WnshlnKton navels , per box , 90
and 112 rlz ? , none ; choice Washington navels ,
resular sUe , f3.M03.50 ; choice Wavhlnglon na
vels. M nnd 112 flze. $3 ; fancy seedlings , per
box. J2.7S ; choice BcedllnK * . per box , J2.258'2.M.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons. SCO size , $4 ;
Htrlctly chulce lemons , SCO size , J3.75.
HANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
FIOS Fancy , lie ; choice , 1213c ; California.
bugs , 7c.
HONEY Now York , ICc ; dark , 14c ; California ,
, .
MAPLE SYIlt'P-aallon Jugs , per doz. , $12 ;
Itlxby , 5-Knl. cans , $3.
MAPLE SUOAll-Per lb. . OSNOc.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English wnlnuts , Foft-
shelled , 12c ; standards , lie ; Illbcrta , 9c ; Brazil
utM. tic ; pecnnn , 10ff(12c.
MINCE MEAT Fancy , In quarter bbls. , per
lb. , GUc : 10-gnl. kegs , Cc ; condensed , per case of
3 doz. pkgs. , KM.
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , B',4c per lb. ; fard
dates , c per lb.
HAUEU KIIAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $5.DO ;
per hnlf bbl. , $3.
CIUER-Puie Juice , per bbl. . $3 ; half bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 grecrt
hides. CHe ; No. 1 green tailed hides. 7c ; No. 2
green salted hides , CVic ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to
13 Ibs. , 6ii9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ;
No. 1 dry illno hides , 8ii9c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
6i7c ; No. 1 dry patted hides , 7c ; part cured
hide * . .4o per pound lera than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green Failed , each 23BCOC ;
each [ /flSc ; dry sheal lings ( short woolcd early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , MilOc ; diy Bhearllngs ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. ? . jach Do ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
pound , actual weight , 5ic : dry Hint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight. 4S6c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4 Ci4c ; dry
flint Coloiada murrain wool pelts , per pound ,
actual weight , 4liCc. Have feet cut off. as It Is
ntelo.'s to pay freight on them ,
TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 41J I
4V4c ; No. 2 tallow , 34i4c ! ; grease , white A , 46'
I'ic : crease , white H , 3Ho ; grease , yellow ,
2HW3o ; grease , dark , 2iC ! : ; old butter. 202 01
beesuax , prime , 17f(20c ( ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. I'NWAPHED-Flne heavy , Cf"c ; Hne
liKht , 89c : quarter blood , 10C12o ; seedy , hurry
nnd chaffy , fcfi9c ; cotted nnd broken , coarse ,
74i9c : cotted nml broken , line , GWSc.
WOOL. WASHED Medium , 15l < ic ; Hne , 14JP
16c ; tub wnshed. ICfllSc ; black , 8c ; bucks , 6c ;
tag locks , 2i'3c ; dead nulled , tfiCo.
PURS Bear , black , No. 1 , large , $20.00025.00 ;
bear , brown , No. 1 , large , $20.001(23.00 ( ; No. I me
dium , $16.00 : No. 1 , small. $12.00 ; bear , brown.
yearlings. No. 1 , large , J10.00ffl2.00 ( ; No. 1 me
dium , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small. $6.00 ; bear , brown
cubs , No. 1. large , $7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $ J.OO
No. 1 , small , $3.00 ; badger. No. 1 , medium
$15.00 ; No. 1 , small , $3.00010.00 ; bear , black
vearllPKB. Nolarge , $12.WQ 16.00 ; No. 1 , me
dium , $10.00 ; No. 1 small , 57.00 ; bear , black
cubs. No. 1. large , $6.00&8.00 ; No. I , medium
$5.0000.00 ; No. 1 , small , $4.00 ; benr , black , Mon
tana nnd llocky mountain , No. 1. large. $18.00 ®
20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $14.00 ; No. 1 , email , $10.00
t > enr , black. Montana venrlln a , No. 1 , lurce
I12.W ; No. 1. medium , $8.00 ; No. I , small , $5.00
bear , black. Montana cubs. No. 1 , large. $6.60
No. 1 , medium , $4.50 ; No. 1 , small , $3.00 ; bear
silver tip. No. 1 , large , $20.00 ; No. 1 , medium
$12.00 ; No. 1. small , JS.OO ; hear , silver tip , year
lings. No. 1 , large , $11.00 ; No. 1. medium. $8.00
nccordkiK to beauty , No. 1. Inrge. $100.00 ; No , 1
medium , JCO.OO ; No. 1 , small , $50.00 ; fox. silver
gray. No. 1 , large , 75c ; No. i , medium , COo ; No
mu ; * u. i , Biiiuu , vu , muuiuiun non , perfec
head and feet , No. 1 , large , $1.0002.00 ; Imper
feet eklns. JC.W37.00 ; No. 1. small , JS.OO : otter
pale , No. 1. large , :7.00 ; No. 1. medium , $5 00
No. 1 , small. $1.00 , raccoon , No. 1 , large. COitioc
No. 1 , medium , 60c ; No. 1. large. tOc@J2 0) )
skunk , black , cased , narrow striped , No. 1 large
We ; No. 1. medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 25c ; broai
striped. No. 1 , large , 20 ? 25c
; wolverine. No. 1
1..P. . . . fill. Vn I mn , ! ! . . f\SV. T _ . . .
$1.60 : No. 1 , small , 7Sc ; muskrats , winter , No. 1
large. SillOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1 , small
7c ; muskrats. fall , No. 1. large. 4iCc ; No. i
medium , "c ; No. 1 , small , Cc : muskrat kits. 233c
' "t. Louis Opiionil Market.
ST. LOUIS , May C. FLOUIl Firm , active , bu
not quotubly changed ; pntento , $3.2'3.IO ' ; extra
fancy. J2.75B2.b5 ; choice , $2.1JJ2.CO ; rj'O Hour
WHEAT Opened at a decline of > 4c. bu
rallied quickly on a good demand , recovering
Ihe early loss ; heavy markets elsewhere , how
ever , soon caused a reaction , a decline of I'.iJ '
Hie from the opening being made : market closei
weak at the. bottom , May being lUc below yes
terday ; No. 2 red. cash. 6tc bid ; May , 64y
asked ; July. GlWU'lc ; August , CO'.ic asked ; Sep-
temhep. CO e nrked.
COHN Stmnp throughout the day , except n
the close ; opened Uc advance , but this was los
and price * finally gave way. closing UfTKo l > elo %
Saturday : Nn. 2 mixed , rash , 42'io ' bd ; May
4J'4o bid ; July , 4TH47ne ; September. 4S' , ;
OATS Weak , prices being a shade below Sat
urd.iy for futures ; ppot nlno weaker ; No. 2
rash , 20140 asked ; May. 23Kc asked ; June. 29U
bM : July. K\a nsketl.
HYE No spot offerlngit. nut some for sale t
arrive ; buyers holding off nnd refuse to mak
lIHAN'-Stronir and higher ; 68V4c being bid fo
eunt track , but lha little offered was held at We
COHN MBAI-$2,2Se2,30.
FLAX SKKU Quiet : $1.41.
OHASS SEEDS-Qulet nnd nrm ; clover seed
J7.oi-llX.CiO ; timothy seed. J1.W1T4.W.
HAY Steady ; prulrle. prime tn strictly fancj
H.Oiitmo. this side ; timothy , choice to fancy
llt'TTEH Weaker ; fancy Elglns , 20c ; tcpa
ralor ereomer ) ' , ISfJICo.
EOC.s Dull and lower : 9c.
WIHSKY-Steady ; $1.9) for dlstlllen' Hnlshe
1'HOVISIONH lork , standard mess , $12. Lard
prime strain. $ .40 : cooler , tS-SS. Dry rait meaU
boxed shoulders , J.a ; longs , M.Uii ; ribs , J .t3
shorts , tl ! 274. llacnn. boxed shoulder * , IS.7S :
longs. $ ( .50 ; ribs. JC.62'4 ' ; shorts , ja.87'4. '
HECEIITS Flour , 6.UOO bbls. ; wheat , 18,000
bu. , corn , 20,000 bu. ; ontu , J4.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 120,000
bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ! oats , 3,000 bu.
Liverpool Mnr'ets.
LIVERPOOL , Mny C. WHEAT Spot dull : No.
2 red spring , C.s 4.1 ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 6s 3d ;
utures opened quiet , with nenr | isltlons Hd
ewer and distant positions Id lower : closed
tendy , with nenr nnd distant position * Id liwrr ;
uslness nlxml equally distributed ; Mny , 6s lUil ;
une , f > 2d ; July , 6s 2Hd ; Augviit , Cs 2 > ; d ;
September. 6s 3Vid ; October , Is 3\d.
l"OHN Spot nnn ; Amerlcnn mixed , new. 4s 7d ;
utures opined etendy , with near nnd distant
iosltlon Ud lower ; closed stondy. with nenr
loslllons unchanged to Ud lower nnd dlstnnt
losltlons Ud liiwer tn id higher ; business nbnut
qunlly distributed ; May. 4s r , ; il ; June , 4s rd ;
uly , 4s 7d ; August , 4s 7Ud ; September , 4s 7 id ;
Oetnbcp , 4s 8 irt.
PLOt'H Firm ; demand fair ; Bt. Louis fancy
vlnter. C 3d.
PHOVIS1ONS Itacon , quiet ; demand poor.
'timberlnnd cut , S8 to 30 Ibs. , 33s : short ribs.
3a ; long clenr , light , 38 to 45 Ihs. , 32s ; long
lenr , heavy , t5 Ibs. . 3Js ; short clenr backs , light ,
S Ibs. , 2Ss Od ; short clear middles , heavy. B5 Ibs. ,
33s ; clenr bellies. 14 to 16 Ibs. . 31s. Shoulders' ,
quare. 12 to IS Ibs , 2is. Hnms , short cut ,
4 to 1C Ibs. . 42s M. Tnllow , fine North Amer-
cnn , nominal. Ilo.f , extra India mess , 80s ;
irlme mes , 62s fid. Pork , prime mew. fine west.
rn , 61s 3d ; western niedliim. 53 9d. . Lard , dull ;
prime westcin. 33s Cd ; refined , In pnlls. 35s.
CHEESE Ensy ; demand poor ; finest Amerlcnn ,
vhlte. 4Cs bl : finest American , colored , 47s Cd.
Ill'TTEH-Flnest United Stntes , 60s ; good , 4D9
COTTONSEED Oil , Lhcrpool refined , 18s.
LINSEED OIL 20 < i 3d.
HEFHK1EHATOH llEEF-Foicauarters , 37id ,
ilndnunrters. CUd.
HOPS At Ixjndon ( Pncino coast ) , 2 Cs ,
Iliiltliniiro Alurknts.
IIALTIMOHE , Mny C.-FLOfR-FIrm ; western
superfine , $2.35fi2.:0 ; western extra , J2.55fl3.OT ;
vlnter wheat patent , $3.60f3.S"i ; spring patent.
3.0ii4.05 ; spring wheat strnlKhts. $3.30fl3.SO ; re
ceipts. 8.858 bbls. ; shipments , 1.2C1 bbls. ; sales ,
,775 bbls.
WHEAT Quiet nnd pnv : spot nnd month ,
CSfiGSUr ; June. Clu asked ; July , GG'l K > Hc ; Au
gust , C6H" nskivl ; steamer. No. 2 red , COSC-J'Je ;
receipts , 32,4(3 bu. ; stock. 305.0CI bu. ; sales , 90.000
HI. ; southern wheat , by sample , 70jic ; south
ern wheat , on gruile , C7fi70c.
COHN Ensy ; fp-it , 5Pie ; mnnth. 6l I54Uc ;
July. SIHc ai/kcd ; Augtist , * > 5c bid ; steamer
nixed. 63B53iic : lecelpts. 47,306 bu. : stock. 11S.1M
ni. ; sales , 23,000 bu. ; routhern white corn , ta'it'S '
j6c ; Routhern yellow , triii < f57c.
OATS Finn ; No. 2 white western. 37fi37He ;
No. 2 mlxiil , SSJfSSUc ; receipts , 6,673 bu. ; stock ,
M.OOO tin.
GHA1N F11KIOHTS Dull ; rates fairly steady ;
steam to Liverpool , per bu. , H4T'2d. May ;
Cork , for ordeis , per quarter , 2i ) 10'Jd , Mny.
HYE-Qulct ; stock , 6,931 bu.
HAY Steady nnd firm ; good to choice timothy ,
$13.WMI 14.00.
SfUA HS Strong ; granulated , $1.45 rcr 100 Its.
11UTTEH Wink ; fancy creumeiy , 19ijj20c ; Im
itation creamery , idttlte ; ladle , lOc ; good ladle ,
llSflte ; store packed , 85flOc.
EGOS Krc li. 10ffl2c. (
CHEESE-ljulet ; fnncy New York , lli12c.
Cuffcn Mnrkct.
NEW YORK. May 6. COFFEE Options
opened dull nt unchanged prices to 10 points de
cline , cnbles being disappointing. There were
no outside orders and local traders were equally
Indifferent. The market firmed up on scarcity of
sellers , closed quiet at net unchanged tn 5
points nduince ; sales , 3,600 bags , Including : Mny ,
$14.20 < i ( 11.25 ; September , $14.45 ; October , $14.50 ;
December , $1440 ; spot coffee , dull , No. 7 , $16 ,
mild , quiet ; Cordova , $18.25ffll9.00 ; sales , 2OW
bags Mnrncnlbo nnd 2,000 bags Ccnernl Amerlcnn ,
p. t. ; warehouse deliveries from New' York Sat
urday , 6,383 bags ; New York stock today , 225.M2
bags ; United State * Block , 2S3.847 bags ; afloat fet
the United Suites , 259,000 bags ; total visible for
the United States , 247,847 bags , ngalnst 431,453
bogs last year.
SANTOS. May C. Firm ; guod average Santos ,
$16.50 ; receipts , two days , 6,000 bags ; stock , 271,000
HAMI1URO , May C. Quiet , unchanged to 4
pfg. higher ; sales. 7,000 bags.
HIO DE JANEIRO. May 6. Firm ; No. 7 , nio ,
$16.60 ; exchange , 9Vld ; receipts. 24,000 bags ;
cleiired for the United Stntcs , 8.000 lings ; cleared
for Europe , 9.000 bags ; stock , 285.000 bags.
HAVRE , Mny 6. COFFEE Opened quiet nt < i
lower ; nt 12 m. . steady , unchanged ; at 3 p.
m. , steady , unchanged to 'if higher ; closed
steady , unchanged to Uf net decline for the day ;
salts , 11,000 bags.
4 niton Alurkct.
quiet nnd sternly ; cnlcs , 60,000 bales ; May , $6.21
bid : June , J6.23 C.25 ; July , $6.5206.33 ; August ,
$6.3 ; ? .3S ; September , $6.39JIC.40 ; October , JC.41
RC.42 ; November , $0.44516.46 ; December , J6.4S ®
6.49 : January , J6.62&6.54.
ST. LOUIS , Mny C. COTTON-Qulet , 1-lCc
lower ; middling , CVic ; sales , GOO bnles ; receipts ,
1.261 bnles ; fchlpmcnts , 1,615 bales ; stock , 40,521
'NEW YOHIC , May ( i. COTTON-Qulet ; mid
dling , C 13-16c ; net receipts , 631 bales ; gross.
t64 ! bales ; exports , to Great Ilrltaln , 5,316 bnles ;
to the comment. 4.803 bales ; forwarded , 150 bales ;
Rilec , 0,801 bales ; spinners , 61 bales ; stock , 224-
4G9 bales.
Middling. C 3-lCc ; low middling , 5 13-16c ; good
ordinary , fi'/fcc ; net receipts , 3,610 bales ; grofs ,
3,710 bales ; tn\H \ , 900 bales ; stock , 237,623 bales.
tVool Market.
LONDON , Mny C.--At the wool nuctlon snlea
today 13.731 bales were offered , of which 1,500
were wlthdinwn , A good catalogue was entered
and bidding wns spirited , nnd especially by Ger
man buyers. Prices nre hardening and nrc now
5 pep cent over the opening rates. American
buyers bought several hundred bales of Victoria
wools nt extreme figures. The following were
the sales In detail : New South Walec , 3,617
hales ; coured , 6d01s Id ; greasy. 4' , ( ( J9d. Queens
land , 2,467 bales ; scoured , 7Ud81s Id ; grensy ,
3ff3V4d. Victoria , 3,216 bales ; scoured , "Md(51s (
3V4d ; greasy , 4jdB'ls ( V4d. South Australia , 19fl
bnles ; scoured , 7814d ; greasy , 4U7Ud. Swan
River , 94 bnles ; scoured , 4Ud ; greasy , 3Hd. Tas
mania , 1,247 bales ; greasy , 6911'id , New Zealand ,
2,834 bales ; scoured , 4@9d.
MllwiiiiKeo Markets.
MILWAUKEE , Mny C. WHEAT Lower ; No.
2 spring , 62c ; No. 1 northern , 7H4c ; July ,
CORN Scarce nnd firm : No. 3. 50c.
OATS-Actlve ; No. 2 white , 32ic ; No. 3 white.
324e. !
IIAHLEY NomlnnI ; No. 2 , 60c ; sample barley ,
HVE Steady : No. 1. 63c.
PROVISIONS Steady ; pork. $11.81 ; lard , $6.53.
RECEIPTS Flour , 3,300 bbls. ; wheat , 22,100
bu. : barley. 19.200 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,600 bbls. ; wheat , 700 bu. ;
barley , 1,600 bu.
SiiRiir Market.
NEW YORK , May 6. SUOAH Raw , nctlvt
nnd higher ; fair refining , 2c ; ce-ntrlfiigal , W
test , 3ic ! : sales. C,4Gt ! bags centrifugal. 96 test , nl
3'ie ; CW3 bags centrifugal , 95 test , 2-Hc c. nnd f.
876 bags molase8 sugar , 89 test , 2c ; 1.787 bag ?
Muscovado , 89 test , 2c ; refined sugar decided ) !
higher ; No. 6. 3T1 (4 1-lCc ; No. 7 , 3Hc ; .No. 8
3i ; T3 15-16c ; No. 9 , 3 ll-lCft3Tic ; No. 10. 3Hfl
3 13-lCc ; No. 11. 3 9-16if3c ; No. 12 , 3 7-16JJ3 ( , c
No. 13 , 3Uc ; off A , 4ic ! ; mold A , 4 l-16 l'lc
standard A , 4Hc ; confectioners' A , 4 3-16l'ic
cut loaf , 4 15-16Sf4 ic ; crushed , 4 15-IC5'.4c ; iiow.
dered. I'-iJTI 13-lCc ; granulated , 4 5-16JIHc ; cubes
4 9-164 4c. _
Knimas City Llvo Stoo'c.
1CANSAS CITY , May 6. CATTLE Hecelptn
2wiO hend ; shipments , 1,600 bend ; market stead )
to strong ; Texas steers , $3.30iR3.00 ; Texas cows
12. 0003.3beef ; steers. $3.3W5.80 | ; native cows ,
$1.60 4.40 ; stockcrs nnd feeders , $2.)04.W ; bulls ,
HOC1S Receipts , 4 200 head ; shipments , 60 * '
head ; -maiket steiuly to 6c lower ; bulk of sales ,
$4. 4004. K > ; henvleB , $4.4504.65 ; packers , $4.4004.65
mixed , 54.3501.63 : light. $4.3004.45 ; Yorkctw ,
$1.4004.45 ; pigs , $3.6004.30.
SHEEP Hecelpts , 1,900 htndj shipments , 20 (
head ; market steady.
IViirln Murkfits.
PEORIA. May 6.-CORN Firm ; No. 2 , 49c
No. 3. 4SV4c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 31iffl31Vic ; No. :
white. 31031UC.
ItYE Scarce ; No. 2 choice , C5c.
WHISKY Firm ; high proof spirits , $1.23
finished goods. $1.22.
IIEC1EI ITS Wheat , 5.400 bu. : corn , 21.7OT bu.
oatH , 72.600 bu. ; rye. 600 bu. ; bnrley , none.
SHIPMENTS Whent , 6.600 bu. ; corn , 9,700 bu.
oats , 72,600 bu. ; rye. none ; barley , none.
York Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK , May 6. The open demand hni
been quiet for staple cottons as the natural re
suit of former purchases , but for mlscellaneoui
merchandise very fair sales have resulted. The
order demand was of Improved protxmlons nm
called for better assortment of gauzy summei
fabrics , either woven or printed. Through Inrgi
deliveries on previous purchases very full sale :
were returned. Printing cloths quiet but firm n
2c. _
VUlblo Mipplr of Grain.
NEW YOniC , May 6. The visible supply o
grain Saturday , May 4 , ns compiled by the Nev
York Produce exchange : Wheat , 62,196.000 bu.
decrease , 3.579.000 lu. ; corn. 9,354,000 bu. ; de
crease , 1.753.0IK ) 1m. : oats , 5,816,000 bu. ; decrease
401 , OCO bu. ; rye , 3n.(00 bu. ; decrease. 24,000 bu.
barley , 402,000 bu. ; dt-crense , 48.000 bu ,
Kansas lily Murltets.
KANSAS CITY , Mny 6. WHEAT Quiet am
easier ; No. 2 hard , 63c : No. 2 red , C4c ; rejected
CORN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 44Sc ; No. I
while. 46U.c.
OATS Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc ; No. 2 white
DuliithVlieut Market.
DULUTH , Mny 6. WHEAT No. 1 hnrd , cash
6-ic ; " May , 03ic ; July , C6Uc ; No. 1 northern
cash. C5c ; Mny , Clic ; June , Ciic ; September
M ; c ; No. 2 northern , cush , 61' < c ; No. 3 north
ern , 68140 ; rejectwl , BGUc ; to arrive. No. 1 hard
C6c ; No , 1 northern , 65c.
Ml'iiiPapolls ' Whput Market.
June. C4Vic. On trnck : No. 1 hard , MVc ; No
1 northern , & 4Hc ; No. 2 northern. CSVjc.
FLOl'H Ixiwer ; tlrtt putentR , J3.MC3.75 ; eec
end patents , $3.3503.55 ; first clcai.l , 12. 508 2. (0.
4)11 ) Mnrkcts
OIL CITY , May 6.-Op ned at Jl.M ; high , $1.63
low , $1.60 ; rlOK'd , Jl.SJ'.i ; sales , 7.000 bbls. ; clear
nnirji. (2.MO bbls , ; shlpmentB , 137 , i51 bbls. ; runs
107.US bbls. _
TrUcii Mlie t tjuotutloni.
dull ; December , HKc ; cleared , 12S.2 cental * .
Itutter Murkrt.
EIXHN , May . I1IITTEH- Steady ; offerinBi
S2.6CIOIbs. . ; at t , 44.2Mlt. \ . at 17c.
I'AJUS. May 6. TUrte per cent rentes , 102
So for the account. Exchange on London , Kf
JVic for checks.
IIERLIN , Mny < ! . Exchnrfte on London , t days'
Ight , 20 marks 4SH
IADNDON , Mny 8. OwM k quoted at lluenos
AyrcH ItHlny ill 277 ; Madrid , 12 ; Lisbon. 27H ; HI.
'etcrshurp , 6 j Athens , 77j Home , 103.07'i ; Vi
cnna , 103.
Slinra Speculation ( Jptfnetl for tboVcck
HlroiiR'lh jTone.
NEW YORK , May i The share fpecutatlon
opened for the week lUojtjr In tone nnd fairly
active , nnd during the Jlrst lidnr prices advanced
tendlly. Then cnmc 5 slight renctlon , which
van of brief duration , rtnd the upward movement
resumed nnd contliliujr.ln force until around
delivery hour. At this jtlrne trading began to
show weakness nnd the rtther coal shares became
leprcssed In sympathy , resulting In a sharp de
cllne , which wns moM marked In New Jersey
Central. The general list ni > nffected by the
\\eakness of the coalers And fell off a fracllon ,
but the declining tendency wns quickly checked ,
mil In the Inst hnlf Imtir the louses were , to a
nrge extent , recovered , nnd the market closed
trunx nnd In the great majority of tnsrs at nn
ndvanco on the final sales of Saturday. Foreign
houses were moderate buyers of the arbitrage
peclallles and helped materially to strengthen
he trndlng. Another Important fnctor WHS th
avorable character of the rejwrts of railroad
earnings for the months of April nnd March.
There wnR considerable buying for the short nc-
count , nnd taking It nil In nil , the speculnMim
oilny was decidedly healthy * In tone. Sugar led
n the trnnsactlons nnd advanced Hi per cent , to
IS , which Is the top price of the year. The low
xjliit Is 87',4. ' touched nn January 3. Canndn
' .iclllc moved up 3U per cent , to 52 , which Is a of 19 per cent since March 8 , when the
stock Mild nt 33 , the lowest price of the
ear. The bond speculation w 9 active nnd llrm
' mnteilnl nppieclatlon In the Inactive mort.
gages" . Western Now York & Penm > ylvnnln
seconds brought 32 , ngnlnst 24 nn Jnnunry 29 ,
iml t'luh Southern generals broke to 65 , against
85 on December 12. The sales were $2.669.000.
The Evening Post's Ixjndon cablegram says :
The stock markets were strong todny. Consols
vere nt the record price of 100. There wn a
smart recovery In foreigners on more hopeful
news of the political pltunllmi nnd the conclusion
of the Pnrls settlement nnd the resumed buoy
ancy there. Americans were nctlve nnd firm ,
closing at the best. Cnnndlnli Pacifies were up
2 i per cent and very strong on bears' covering.
ixnilRVllle nnd St. Paul were bought by the
continent. The American lonn has been nt 9
> er cent premium nnd closed nt 8i per cent.
There nre slgnn of a big Chinese loan now
fairly on Ihe way. The amount Is not yet fixed.
All the sliver stocks were strong.
Tlie following were the closing quotations
on the lending stocks of the New York ex
change today :
The totnl Bales of Flocks today were 258 , tra
shares , Including : Amerlcnn Sugar , GT > ,100 ; Atchison -
ison , 4.100 ; Iluillngton.-ll.OOU ; Chicago Oaa , 27,700' ,
Distilling and Cnttlefeullng certificates , 14COOi
Missouri Pacific , 11.500 ; New York & New Eng
land , third aHKCusment pnld , 4,800 ; Northwestern ,
4,700 ; Reading , 15,100 ! Rock Iftlund. 5.700 ; St.
Paul , 22,200 ; Southern Railroad , 3.SOO ; Southern
Rallroail prcfcneil , WOO"Tennessee ; Coal and
Iron , 3,400 ; United States Leather , 8,000.
I'lnHiiclul Notes.
I1ALTIMORE. May 6. Clearings , $1,741.362 ;
biilanceii , $217.266.
NEW YORK. May 6 Clearlngs , $82.316,377 ]
balances , $6,622,491.
PHILADELPHIA. May C.-Clearlnes , $8.052 , .
678 ; balances , $1,6SS,016.
ST. LOUIS. Mny 6.-Clearings , $4,8eSC19 ; la ) ,
nnces. $741.016. Money , tC | per cent.
WASHINGTON , May 6-Today's statement ol
the condition of the treasury shows : Avullablt
cash balance , | I79M > 3M9 ; gold referve , $81,664,193
CHICAGO , Mny 6. Clearings. $ KS93,000 , New
York exchange. 60 premium. Sterling exchange ,
posted rates , $4.t f(4.S9. Money , & | * r ctnt or
rail , 5U66 per cent on time ,
NEW YORK. May . Steamship l.'mbrlo
brought $1OSO.OU ) gold for the account of thf
syndicate , and the Normandle brought 3,213XX (
/runes gold. In transit to Cuta. The Mfnuistni
Lahn will take out tcmorrow W.OOO ounces cl
Week Opens with Less Than 800 Cattle in
the Local Yards ,
Ilcof Cnttle In 1'alrly Good Itcqucit nnd
Trndlnp Jtnthcr ActHo Under Urailcs
lllRher Hogs Scarce , Active unit
1 Ivo Cents Lower.
MONDAY , > tny 6.
Receipts today were 731 cattle , 1,566 hogs ,
10S Bheep nnd 33 horses , as aealnst C3t ) cattle ,
3.CSO hogs nnd 10G sheep on Saturday , nnd
1.4G3 cattle , 1,115 hogs und C75 filicep at the
opening of last week.
CATTLE There were only thirty-one loads
of entile reported In the yards , n slight gain
over Saturday , bul n large decrease ns com
pared wllh Monday n week ngo. In the
way of beef cattle there was one right good
load and several loads of pretty fair corn fed
natives ) . As high us J5.35 was paid for the
besl cnltlc , while the lighter nnd less de
sirable stuff sold nt J4.OJli5.C5. There was
quite a string of fairish liuyfcd westerns In
the ynrds , which sold nt $1.25. The demand
for bsef cattle was a little better than al
the close of last week. At the same time
the market was n little stronger nnd II
would be safe to say 5ftlOc higher on the
most desirable grades.
Cows and hellers were In n little more
liberal supply than has been the cniso on
moHt days of late. There was Ihe usual
good demand and the offerings were clenrvil
up nt nn early hour nnd at good llrm price * ,
One bunch of GSG-lb. heifers sold tit JI.-S
while n single loud of SiS-lb. heifers brought
$4.30. Aside from those two bunches tht
sales were mostly of odds and ends.
Stockers and feeders were In llghl supply ,
bul Ihere was n butler demand , there beltiK
some eastern buyers In the yards. Rcpru-
senlallve fcules :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
21..10M } 4 03 2G..11CCM45 IS. . . .1122 | 4 M
.11 -KI 425 IS ! ) ' ) 4 . ' ,5 10 1221 505
2. . . . 70J 423 2J..10C ; 183 10..1218 535
1. . . . S20 4 25 20..ISJO 4 90
1. . . . 720 200 1. . . . DM 223 1. . . . 820 310
5. . . . WO 2 W 1..10SO 255 1..900 323
1. . . . WW 2 UO 2. . . . kC ) 2 tt ) 4. . . . 070 3 23
3. . . . 036 200 1. . . . SCO 2 C5 C..071 333
1. . . . CtIO 213 1 1020 280 1..1020 350
1. . . . 040 2 2a 2..10W 300 1..11QO 380
1. . . . 040 2 35 C. . . . 780 300
1. . . . 530 175 11. . . . 550 300 C3. . . . 086 423
7. . . . O ) 223 4. . . . 673 390 22. . . . 878 4 3" " )
2. . . . 1170 3 00
1. . . . 910 223 1..11.V ) 250 1..12CO 2 M
1..12M 235 1. . . . 9SO 250 1..1U90 270
1. . . . 340 2 CO 1. . . . 110 400 1. . . . 170 475
2. . . . 100 350 1. . . . 110 450 1..210 D 50
2. . . . 67G 200 2. . . . 480 330 13..796 SCO
3. . . . 4W 3 X 1. . . . 730 340 2..W3 SCO
2. . . . 785 2 CO 8. . . . 431 340 21..1023 370
2. . . . 800 330 23. . . . 650 350 21..1003 405
2. . . . 420 3 M
Orti Haley.
1 steer 1230 } 4 25 80 steers 12C7 14 -
1 Btecr ! 'bO ' 4 2J
1IOOS There were twenty fresh loads In the
ynriln of fair nverugo quality. There was noth.
InR very pi line In. though there was one bit
liuavy load. The best IIOKS were those whlcli
nverngtxl 200 to 21X1 pounds. The market wn
nlKUt 5c lower and fnlily active nt the decline ,
the pens being cleared at nn early hour. The
bulk of the hogs sold at T4.40 to 14.50. Repre
sentative salt * .
Ko. Av. Sh. Pr. N. Av. Sh. Pr
2 WO . . . 51 15 71 200 ICO ( I 40
3 24S . . . 4 13 G ? 223 200 4 40
147 . . . 4 2J 82 203 . . . 4 40
7 177 . . . 4 23 CO 197 80 4 40
C9 174 40 4 30 C 1S1 . . . 4 40
! > 5 159 80 4 30 1 ISO . . . 4 49
100 IC'J ICO 4 32'4 C3 213 200 4 40
44 201 SO 4 35 70 223 160 4 42' !
53 184 . . . 433 3 256 . . . 445
82 1UO 200 4 33 77 22S . . . 4 V
70 191 240 4 33 C9 251 120 4 43
33 2Vii . . . 433 80 219 ICO 415
95 1SS 80 433 47 221 . . . 443
6(1 ( 171 40 4 33 M 235 60 4 43
( .0 1115 . . . 4 37 > ,4 38 232 ICO 445
84 217 2)0 440 4 300 . . . 450
5 19S . . . 4 40 C5 220 . . . 4 50
4C . . .201 80 4 40 31 273 . . . 4 50
70 201 . . . 441 } 43 420 . . . 455
2 430 . . . 4 15
SHEEP There were two loads of Bheep re
celved today. They were the same kind of shee |
as weio it-cclved on Saturday and brought 6 <
more. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr
193 western weathers EG 3 Z
I'rlceo for Ilcof Cuttlo a Dime Higher lie-
cumo of Iin lit Receipts.
CHICAC5O , Mny C. The receipts of entile to
day weru estimated nt only 9,500 head , ngnliw
13.C77 head last Monday. There was a mud
better demand than Ubual and dressed bcel
was firm nnd shippers took hold freely nt nr
average ndvnncc of lOo per 100 Ibs. Common U
extra native beef steers were salable at Jl.OOij
J5.C5 , but on account of a scarcity of cholc <
beeves very few cattle sold as high nt ? 5.35
and the greater pait of the l,100J > l,400-b. ! steeri
found purchasers nt $5.0065.63. Exporters wen
again light buyers. OUWB are now selling n1
J1.75t 4.M , with tales Inrnely at 12.2504.23. Texai
cattle arc coming foiwaid In fair numbers me
fell actively to local slaughterers.
With 7.WK ) hogs left over fiom hint week , tin
pens contained nearly 33.0W head , and prictH wen
weak , some dealers calling the market u nlckc
lower. Heavy hogs sold at last Putunlny'B de
cllne , however , nnd the principal change wai
In choice mixed and choice assorted light , whlcl
were Be lower. Common to extra heavy hogi
sold nt I4.40ft4.85. mixed nt S4.30&4.70 , light u
$4.35ffl4.70 und plga ut $4.001(4.40.
Only about 10,000 sheep arrived here today
against 22.2S9 n week ngo. The reduced supply
In connection with a very good demand fin
good offerings , Imparted more strength to the
maiket and sellem called choice lambs lOifflSi
per 100 Ihs. higher. 1'oor to medium natlvei
sold nt } 2.W4.dO ; good to choice nt 4.25t34.G
nnd lambs nt $3.00j5.CO. The top pried wn paJi
for choice Mexican lrunb . fed In Colomdo am
averaging 77 Ibs ,
Receipts : Cuttle , 9,500 head ; calves. 250 head
hoga , 25,000 head ; sheep , 10,000 head.
Now York Ltvn StocK Marknt.
NEW YORK. May 6. REEVES Receipts
3.138 head ; on sale , 40 cars ) active , Mi'15c higher
native steers , poor to good , J4.50fi6.00 ; Texan
nnd Colorado ! ! , J4.35O5.00 ; stags nnd oxen. J3.8
4.25 ; bulls. J2.75ti4.25 ; dry cows , $2.00fl3.75
IJuropcan cables quote American Meerfl at 111
{ il2y.c , dressed weight ; refrigerator beef nt 8 }
SHEEP AND LAM IIS Receipts , 14.5C5 head
on sale , 8,200 head ; slow ; good clipped sheei
and lambs , steady ; Inferior grndca , easier ; shon
stork unevenly lower ; pns not cleared ; unshori
sheep , poor to good , Jl.00i5.00 ; clipped sheep
common to prime , J3.00ff4.75 ; unshorn lambs
common to good , $4.8iV QC.OO ; clipped lambs
poor to choice , J4.75iTi5.7S.
HOOS Receipts , 11,820 head ; slow nnd lower
Inferior to prime , $5.00Hi.2. > .
St. l.onm MVP Stuck.
ST. LOriS , May 6. CATTLH Receipts. 2.CO
head ; shlpmints , 21X1 head ; market strong , bu
slow for natives nnd active and lOc higher fo
Texnns ; export native steers , JS.80fi6.10 ; good t
cholco shipping , J5.noft5.75 ; fair to medium , J4 3
( { 4.85 ; light , J3.G5fT4.25 ; cows , t2.2i < Tl3.M ; f ( .
Texas steers , J3.75S4.90 ; grassers , $2.75Q3,75
COWB , J2.f > fo3.00.
HOQS Receipts , 3,700 head ; shipments , l.f.O .
hoiul ; market alxiut 5o ofT ; tops sold at J4.65
with bulk of sales at J4.50O4.CO ; light , J4 Wit.W
SHKKP Receipts , 3,3 < head ; shlpme-nts. 40
head ; market llrm for good , dull nnd weak fo :
poor stuff ; some heavy native wethers brough
J4.50 ; fair mlxiil , (4.20 : light clipped natives
$3.50 ; spring lambs , $5.0005.50.
Mode In SI cut ,
Record of receipts at thf four principal mnr
kets for Monday , May 6. 1S95 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sluep
South Omaha 731 1.5CO ll >
Chicago 9.SOO I5oi ) 10.1O
Kansas City 2.fp"0 4,2 ( ISO
St. Louis S.C'JO 3,700 3.30
Totals 15,431 33.ICG G.U
Supposed Train RnhhrrA toriitet.
MAIICUS , Cnl. . May C.-Sherlff Smith ha
located Iwo suspicious characters , suppose !
to be the Marysvllle train robbers , at i
lonely spot In the Tiiles , four miles wes
of here. They refuse to allow any on * ti
approach their haute. A posse has gen
to urresl Ihe men.
CUT Treumirer Coininlln Suicide.
nUTTK , Mont. . May 6. Simon Jacob ?
city treasurer of Hutte for five years , uni
a clothlni ; merchant , blew his brains on
today In a mine shaft near here. Ills tern
expired today. It In understood there Is i
chortnKe In his accounts of between $12nj
nnd $15,000.
Children Cry fo
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo
( Pitcher's Castoria.
llrniid Jnrjr nt St. l.oul * tllvcu Implicit In
struction * hjr JuilRn KdiininiH.
ST. LOtriS , Mny C. Whrn the .May ranJ
jury wa cmpanoU-J today Judxc L'diuutids ot
the criminal court culled attention to the
cliarRw ot election fruuds at ( ho November
clecllon , which wcr ? partially Invostlgatni
tiy the November and January Juries , nnrl
Instructed them to make n thorough Investi
gation. In his charge the judge laid : "it
one-halt of the charges , ns published In the
dally paicr ? , bo true , llagrnnt violations ot
law occurred al the last election , nnJ It
would bo a dlsgraca to penult them tu go
unpunUhed , The conduct of thoc perpetrat
ing these crimes liullc.itcs that they cither
bellevo there Is no law to punish tucti
offenses or that they enjoy a Im-
mutilly from punUimcnt. ! These charges
liavo been made with such directness as to
oftenscs , polling placcvs and pnrtlclpants that
It ought to bo an easy matter for you to dis
cover the guilty. "
TIM : itu.ii/rv .H.IHU.KT.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record May C ,
1893 :
Isaac Hopkins and wife to A. S. Slbert ,
part of lot 22. Waterloo $ 200
C. A. nirney and wife to 11. II. llltney ,
undlv 14. of s 21 feet of lot 4 , bKK.k
78 , South Omaha 7.00J
A. P. Tukey and wife to J. 11. Harvey , lots
It nnd lit , block 4. llrammercy park 3,350
J. II. Harvey and wife to A. I1. Tukey , lot
IS , block 10 , Clifton Hill 2.C50
A , P. Tukey et nl. to A. Mncl.nrty , lot
18 , block 3 , Orammercy p.irk CCO
Ilellmla Ixnviy to U. L. Studly , lot 3. block.
4. Hoyil's add 2
Adolph Kunkel and wife to Lafayette
Thurlow. lot 13. block 9 , Albright's Annex 000
J. II. Murray and wife to P. A. Cochrun ,
lot 2 , block 23 , Waterloo
J. M. Kversole and wife to Olobi- Loan and
Trust vumpany. w 57Va ffet of lots 21 nnd
23. block 1 , Ilrown pink C
J. T. Clarke to Claike Land and Ixum com-
pnny , undlv V4 lulu 7 and 8. block 1. Red-
Ick's FHUllv of Redlck's add ; e Mlj feet
of lot 3 , block 2. Mntsh add. and a tract
commencing at sw corner lot 4 , block 7 ,
.Sweeney's add 10,000
8. L ) . Parsons to W. II. Grllllth , lot IS.
block 10 , llmwn park 1.000
QUIT CLAIM ll-nlS. :
A. M. Cowle and wife P. J. Tniynor , lots
8 , 9 and 10 , block 100. Florence 33
nivi > s.
Sheriff to Norway Plains Savings bank ,
lots 2 and 3 , block 1 , West CumlngD add. 450
Total amount of transfers $25.7112
If you can't paint wo can
at least we can sell you n lar e. V j !
liiuitl painted picture for the
parlor , with han < lsotne white ,
nml fllt frame , glass ! MxiO ! , i
for $1.8 ! ) . Tribune franies , ' and slass eomp'.cte , for IMc.
A. 110SPE. Jr ,
Music nnd Art ,
1513 Douulns.
. * v
Every STnn Who AVould Know llic
Crand Truths , the Plain Pacts , the
Now Dlocoverlca uf nicdlcal Science
n > Applied tu Married , Who
Would Atone fur Pant KrrorH nnd
Avoid ! 'u lure PilOilln , Should .Secure
the AVondrrful l.lllln Iluok Culled
" C'oinplcto Manhood , nnd How lo Al.
lulu It. "
" Here at last Is Information from a lilKh
incdlcnl source that must work wonders with
this generation of uicu. "
The book fully describes n method by which
touttaln full vigor und tunnly power.
A method by which to cud all uuuatural
drains ou thebyetitu.
To euro nervousness" , luck of fcclf-control , de.
spondcncy , &e. .
To exchange a Jaded nnd worn nnturo for
one of brlulitnets , buoyancy and power.
To cure forever ellccts of uxecbtcsoverwork ,
worry , &c.
To RVO ! full Etrcnath , development nud tone
to every portion and nrputi of the body ,
ABO no barrier. Fulluro Impossible. Two
thousand refercuccs.
The book IB purely mcdlcnl and pclciitlde ,
useless to curloi-ity leekers , luvaluublu to men
only who need It.
A despairing uan , who had applied to us ,
soon after wrote :
"Well , I tell yon that flrft day U ono 1 11
never forget. I just bubbled with Joy. I
wanted to hupc everybody anil tell them my
old self hud died yesterday , and my new fell
was born to-dar. Why didn't you tell me
when I lirst wrote that 1 would Uud It this
w yj" O
And another thus :
"If you dumped a cart load of pold at my
feet It would not brinu such uladncbSinto my
llfo as your mt'lhod has done. "
niifTalo , N. Y. . and nk for the llttlu book
culled ' 'COJIPLKTE MANHOOD. " Jit-fur to
this paper , and llic company promUestosend
tbo uook. In scaled envelope , without any
marks , and entirely free , until It U well Introduce
duce- ! .
inasler , Omaha , Neb. , May G , 189 ! ; . Sealed
proposals In triplicate , subject to the usual
conditions , will be received here until 12 in. ,
central standard time , Tuesday , Juno I ,
1&95 , at which time and place they will be
opened In the presence of bidders , for con
structing four double sets of olllcers' quar
ters ; also for plumbing , steam heating and
gas piping for same , at Kort Crook , Neb.
Government reserves the rl-ht ( to reject any
or all proposals. Plans and ? peclllcnllons
can bo Been and all Information oblaliu-d
on application here. Envelopes containing
proposals should be marked "Proposals for
( as the case iiuiy be ) , " and addrct-ged to
Charles R Humphrey , Major and Qr. Mr.
Mt.M4t&30-31 !
Prnpnunls fur Ilinldlnu .
NIJIIHASK'A CITY. May L' . UTO.-8eale < l
proposals will be received by W. L. Wilson ,
ut the Nebraska City National bank , until
12 o'clock m. , June 3 , 1855 , for the erection
and completion of the new wrst wing of the
Institution for the Illlnd at Nebraska City ,
Neb. I'liins and specifications for the nme
can be seen nt the olllce of the superintend-
cut of the Institution for the Blind and nt
the olllce of Klsher & LawrU1. architects.
Omaha , Neb. Separate bids will be received
for the plumbing and KHB fitting , and ulsa
B tea in heatlnK- Each bid must be accom
panied by a certified check for J500. The
light IB reserved to reject any or all bids
and to waive any defect or Informality In
any bid.
liy order of the board of trustees.
W. L , . WILSON , President.
Mr , dlOtin
Oy u new plan of systematic Kraln specula
tion. Bend for our free booklet showing how
to Ktt around adverse fluctuations of the
market und make money even on the wrong
Bide. 1'ast workings of plan and hlglieB.
references furnished. VALENTINE &
CO. , Traders Dldg. , Chicago.
We Offer VOU A REMEDY Which
ln ure * Safety to Life of Mother
and Child
' Friend"
Hobi Coufiuciucnt of 11 * Vain , Horror and Illlk.
Mr wife used "MOTIIllKN' FniF.\It"r > 0 <
fore her nm child- hail nucinminwns quickly ro-
llcted-tmTerlng but llltlu-no pains afterward
recovery rapid ,
K. E. JOHNSTON , Ktifaln.AU.
tUTSfnt by MiMI or tecelntol price ,
H1.4Kliertiiilile , Hook ToMolliert'Mniiltrat're *
UllAlinjiLU 1UUUI.AT011 : CO. , ATLANTA , UA.
Hold by nit DriliaUti.
By purchasing goods maa at the following
Nebraska factories. If you cannot Onil what
you want , communicate with the manutao-
turwi as to what dealers handle their coodi :
Manufacturer of nil klndi of cotton & burhp
Hlti.tKF.tST J-UOH , 1'IMVIt. YKAST.
Manufacturer * of Preiton'i California riakes.
Pickle brand v > \ ! raising Hour & yeut. Do you
UKI Prciton'B bt t flourt
C t load ( hlpmcnti made In our own refrigerator
cars. Ulue Ribbon , Elite Export , Vienna Export ,
and Family E port. delivered to all parts of city.
_ ilTiT.i < 77 > ' > i f / n iiTt > r J
Carriage A Wagon Maker * . Carriages , buggle * .
nhaetun * A wagoni always on hand & mails to
1S13-15 llarncy-Bt. . Omaha.
Coffee Roasters Eplce Orlndtr * . Manuf ctur r
German Raking Powder and German Dry Hop
Y i t , 1414 and 1416 Harncy-al. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer of Qold Medal Flour.
C. E. Dlnck , Manager. Omaha.
Manufacturers of parlor furniture , loungfs , din.
Ing tables & folding bedi. 28tb ave. , lloyd to
Snhler rtrcetB.
1C1 ! A SI ) COAL.
Dcrncstlc & steam coal. We have tr.o cost. ON
Occ 1601 Farnam-st. Telephone : Office 373 , yarj
17C8. J. ti. Voa. gen'l manaeer.
Manufacturing & repairing ot all kinds of ma >
chlnery , engines , p' < mpi. elc\atoic , printing
preuea. hanger * , ehiltlnf & couplmc * . 1406- <
Howard t. , Omaha.
Fire hydrants , water A pas pipe , tpeclala ; boiler
fronts & mtlngs. street rt'y car wheels. Archi
tectural Iron works. Office 307 S. ICth-it. . Omaha.
M'J'r'g of Architectural Iron Work. Qcnrial
Foundry , Machine and Blackgmllh Work. Hn.
Klneers & Contractors for Fireproof Ilulldlngs.
Office and Works , U. P. Ry. & Bo. 17lh Street.
Manufacturers o' fluid extracts , elixirs , pyrup * .
A wines , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab
lets , pllli & scientific medical novelties , Omaha.
31ATTHKSSKS , C'OTi , C'ltlllS.
Manufacturer Mattresses. Spring Hcds ; Jobber
Feathers and Pillows. North llth and Nicholas
Sis. . Omaha.
Tilt : .VO.ViM
and Noodle factory , S. D. cor. 16th and Webster.
Successors to the German-Amerlcnn. Ask for
our goods. They ate the best.
The only perfect protection to property. Dinm-
ine It. Beit thing on earth. Reduces Iniuranc *
rates. 1304 Douglas-st.
ID ,
Manufacturer * of men's A boys' clothing , pants ,
thlrts A overalls S02-212 _ S. llth-sj. _
1 ' . 11' Kit HU\IM
Manufacturers of all kinds paper boies , shelf.
boxes sample cases , mailing tubes , etc , wtd.
ding cake & fancy candy boxes , druggist & jetrtlrf
boxes. 1208-10 Jonee-at. , Omaha.
exclusive custom shirt tailors.
UU Karnam street Telephone (09.
I'A I'/.V ItltlVIC.
Factory In Louisville. Cans Co Quality of brlcl
guaranteed to be u rood as any inapufac lured
cutilde o ( this cate. llwiry Uolln.
The American Tobacco
VQR& . ,