THE CXMAHA DADDY P EK : Tlf'U'DAY , 3UAY 7 , 1895. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE - COUNCIL BLUFFS. * * tr * OFnCD. - - NO. U PEARL STREET " ' - Otllvtreti by canter to anr part of the cltjr. ' T H W. T1LTON , Lessee. TGLnpIIOKES-Ouilnwi office , No. II : nleht Mltor. No. M. , > Grand , Council Bluffs , n. I * . Clark , prop Mayne Real Estate agency , G35 Broadway. "A. M , Stewart , aged 21 , of IJlalr. Neb , ami Ora M. Baldwin , aged 19 , of Council UIufTs , were granted a license to niarry yes terday by the county clerk. Tlic cn o of Decker , Meyer & Co. , against ftochhoU of Neola was on trial all day yester day In the district court , and at the hour of evening adjournment all the evidence vvas not vet In In Justice Vlcn's court yesterday the liquors found recently In the saloons kept by L , H. Ulodcll and Julius Peterson at Cut-Off were condemned and ordered destroyed Consta ble linker vvas empowered to do the destroy- Ins act. Fred Lynns , ono nf the men at the trans fer , was Mantling at a window In the transfer afternoon watching the fer omce yesterday storm , when suddenly a huge hailstone broke the window anil landed squarely on his nose. He vvas somewhat startled , but not much i hurt. * w Mr and Mrs. Mow cry and Hugh n Kccnan * cre all bound over yesterday on the charge of adultery. Kecnan had sworn that lie would have Mrs. Movvery If he hail to wade In blood chin deep , so fascinated had he be come with her charms The bloody chin busi ness had not proved to be necessary , and the evidence showed that ho had accomplished the feat with but little difficulty. The latest Issue of the Oizette and Reporter , published nt Odell , III , contains a column anil a half nrtlcle on the subject of "Indian corn. " clc-scrlblng the proceta of raising It It was the work of Wllllf1 C. Pusey , a 12-year-old nephew and namesake ofV II M Pusey ol this city. In spite of the youth of the author , It is exceedingly well written , and might be easily mistaken for the work of a mucli older writer. It drew as a prlro a complete FCt of Washington IrvIng's works. Insure In the Imperial , or Palestine , 01 Glen Falls Fire Insurance companies These are among the largest and beat Insurance companies In the world , and we are soli agents for Council Bluffs. Lougee & Towle 235 Pearl strest. N line)1 ! . Mny Clriirlne f iilo. Commencing Monday , May C , greatest bar gains ever offered over retail counter , lool to your own Interest , spend your money will us during this sale. Lawrence LL muslin , 3o yard. CO pieces standard dress prints , 3Uc yard American light shirting cal'co , 3o yard 7c and 8c white shaker flannel , 3'4c yard 100 pieces of Jaconat Duchess , beautlfu tylis , lOc yard. 16c quality printed dlmlt'cs , 8 > ic yard. 36-Inch dotted curtain swiss , 12V4c yard. COc quality , black and grey moreen skirt Ing. 39c yard These prices will fave yen mon-'y 1 case 27-Inch Scotch figured lawns , colon warranted fast. Be ya-d 15 pieces of half wool challles , Oc yard. SPECIAL SILK SALE. All our KnI Kal wash Bilks. 29c yard. All our 7Bc chick Taffety silk , 39o yard. $1 novelty silk , for waists , Glc yard. 27-Inch $2.CO blac > t satin Duchess , $15 yard $1 quality black sitln Duchess , S9o yard. You can save money by buying your silk and dress goods of us. CARPET AND CURTAIN SALE As long as they last , real Brussel net lac curtains , worth $8.50 , at $198 pair. Curtain shades , with fixtures complete 15c. Jclnllc's Jap matting at 15c , 20c , on > 2Ec yard. Cotton warp , 4rc matting , 29c yard. If you need rugs , carpets , matting or cur tains , see us. We guarantee to save yo money. Mall orders filled BENNISON BROS. . Council Bluffs. All Mini llnvo n llohliy. Every person you meet Is a crank on som particular subject , and wo believe alf yo would have to do to make a dumb man tal woull bo to strike him on his especial hobbj One of the greatest hobbles In town Is po : sessed by Tom Hughes , ths down-town gent' ' furnisher. His hcbby tems to ba ncckwen You can find anything In that line from co-union tic Windsor to the gaudiest scarf , an the funniest part of It Is he doesn't seem I care for making money out of them. HI lines at 23c , 35c , and COc nro partlcularl strong If you are down In th ? nclghborhoo of 919 Main street , drop In and have hli show 'em to you. bAL I'.lltUlllA 1'llS Dr. Donald Macrae , Jr. , has returned fret a Chicago trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. A Casper leave today fc Colfax Springs for a short stay. E. F. Clark , proprietor of the Grand hole has returned from the east. Mrs. Lauterwascr of Milwaukee Is vlsltln her nieces , Mrs. Pfelffer and Mrs. Fellentrc' ' tcr. tcr.D. D. A. Farrell and wife , of Lake City , Cole arrived In the city from the west yesterda and registered at the Grand hotel. Dr. James McNaughton and wife have ai rived home from a year's sojourn In Arlzom and will remain hero several months. W. H. Kllpack , Rlley Clark and H. I Robertson of Neola arc in the city attendln district court. They are registered at th Inman. Ed L. Howe , who represents a Bosto crockery house on the Pacific coast , wit headquarters at Portland , Is at homo for week's stay. John Llndt , A. Fellentretter and Georf Miller are among the Grand Army men wl loft tor Clinton last evening to attend tli state encampment. J , R. Dlckenson of Chicago , attorney f < the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Halhva company , Is in the city for a visit with h uncle , N M. Pusey , on Willow avenue. C. R. Hannan received a letter yesterdt Irom Judge H. II Trimble at Keokuk , la stating that his son , Frank , Is now at horn having entirely recovered from his recei Illness. He Is better than he ever was , ar hopes to pay a visit to Council Bluffs In tl near future. No other baking powder will make cak biscuit and bread so light , sweet and whol some as Dr. Price' ? . Streotd V\cro While. The severest hall storm of the year vlslti Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon short after 6 o'clock. It was preceded by a sllg sprinkle of rain and then came a bombar mont from the skies that lasted for a qua ter ot an hour. During that tlmo the stree were , as white as they wouldbln w Inter du Ing a heavy snow storm. Most of the ston measured as large as English walnuts , ai vhen they struck people on the head thi frequently left a perceptlbl * headache. Tl hall was followed by a heavy rain stor that kept people from their evening me for nearly an hour. A Oreut MHrim. So far the , May tale has been a grai success. To keep up the excitement we off three numbers In ladles' wrappers at ) > rlce that Is less than the first cost of t goods that Is In them. Lot 1. Made of standard prints , with cl cular ruflle , loose front and Watteau ba and rolling collur. Big assortment of llg and medlu-n colored stripes and figun well worth 75c , to go at 4Sc each. Lot 2. A regular Jl.OO wrapper made the best quality of Indigo blue prints teat at 39c each. Lot 3. Made of best mourning prln black and gray , with leg-of-mutton sltevi full ruffle. Watteau bick and pointed be usually sold for $1.50 , for this sale S9c. rOWLER , DICK & WALKER. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , Special tale of children's hats for the ne three d.-ys at the new Bon Ton milliner Prices and good8 cannot be duplicated. 3 Brcidway , , „ , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Regular Monthly Grist of Bills Oonfronta tbo City Council , * * . NEW TEL ! PHONE FRANC-USE LAID OV.'R City Attorney I Ilcn nn Ailvrmo Itcport on the Proposition to I'nrin Uut Oily Deposits to the Highest llhlilcr. ' Tlie city council held Us regular monthly meeting last evening. Major Clea\er occu pied the clialr and Aldermen Barstow , Ilrculck , Hroun , Grahl , Greenslilclds , lUsli- ton , Sliulicrt and Spetman were present. ' A blB batch ot bills , the regular monthly grist , was railroaded through. A bill ot $25 , tlio balance due on the rubber tires for the flrc chief'sUKOM , was prcsentetl by Charles Nicholson , but objected to by Alderman I3rc\vick on the ground that the council had been given to understand that the cost would be much less when the tires were purchased. Spet man moved to allow the bill , but Brevvlck mended to postpone It a while ; The amend- ncnt was lost , while the original motion was arrled. The committee of the whole made a report 'avorlng ' the new ordinance providing for a icthod of collecting curbing and setter as- essments , and HIP grading of Third street rom Story street to Ninth avenue. H also recommended that It the motor ompany would open a sixteen-foot alley long S I ) Snyder's lot In the of the ar house to Avenue li the company should ie alloucd to retain the use of the alley The city attorney was given more tlmo to "raw up the nccesbary ordinance. More time was granted the committee of ho vvholo vvlth reference to the Aultman , itlllcr & Co tax matter , and that with refer- nce to the building of a bridge across the reek on North Main street. The claim of KllznVlllcy was referred tack to her for further evidence as to the alue or the property In ( juestlon. A report favoring the desired correction f the grading assessment of K. D. Whalcn as concurred In A petition of sixteen property owners ask- ng for a change In the herd law to prevent he herding of stock south of Plfth avenue nd west of Twenty-seventh street , and a irotest of 116 property owners against the hange blew In at the same time , and the irotest won the day. On motion of Alderman Spetman $12.000 , vas transferred from the police to the gen- rat fund , to bo used In taking up general u ml warrants NEW TELEPHONE ORDINANCE. The amended ordinance with reference tc he granting of a franchise to the Wizard Telephone company was then read. The council had met as n committee of the whole urlng the afternoon , and. hud drawn up a icw ordinance which limited the length of the ranchlse to ten years , required the company o put Its wires In alleys wherever practical , o keep a deposit of $200 with the city as BC- iiirlty for all damages that might be caused jy the tearing up of the paving , to put Its vires uder ground whenever ordered by the iouncll , and to have fifty subscribers and wo miles of wire In operation within sin nonths from the granting of the franchise t provided that whenever the paving shouli ] lie torn up It should bo put back In plac ( under the direction ot the street commlS' loner and the expense charged up to tin lompany , and that the city should have fre < use of the poles , wires and conduits for the use of the police and fire systems W. II Ware , In the Interest of the com' pany , objected to the ten- } ear limit , on th ( . .round that it would Interfere- with the bor rowing of money , and to the $200 deposll action , beciuse It would advertise to th ( ivorld the fact that the company was so rot' en a concern that It could not be trusted t ( he extent of $200. The section requiring tin lompany to put Its wires under ground when ever ordered by the city was objected to un less other like companies should bo trcatec .he same way. City Attorney Hazlcton stated that whei he other companies were granted franchlsei t was not known that wires could be lah inder ground , and , consequently , It wa ; iloubtful It an ordinance of that sort coulc lie enforced against them. The councl thought a beginning In the right dlrcctloi should bo made Mr Ware uTso objected to a provision of th charter that underground wires should b aid so as not to Interfere with any otlie underground wires , pipes or conduits tha might hereafter be laid This , he said placed his compiny at a decided dlsadvantag with the other corporations , and might be ; souice of great annoyance. It was decided to take up the ordinance a a meeting of the committee of the whole , a which Mr. Ware should be present. The Judgment of L U HendrU against th city was ordered paid In Its order. CITY CANNOT LOAN ITS FUNDS. The committee to which was referred th matter of hiring out the city funds to th highest bidder recommended that It be lali on the table The recommendation was ac cotnpanlcd by the tjpe written opinion o Ity Attorney Hazlpton that the treasure was the custodian of the public funds am responsible on his bond for their safety. II quoted the law which made any city ofllcla criminally responsible for any diversion o the money from one fund to another , am held that the hiring out of the city mone ; would bo such a diversion. The recommenda tlon was concurred In. The matter of opening Cross street was lal on the table and the people on that fatree were ordered given a roadway at the cxpens of the city A petition for the grading of Avenue ( from Eleventh to Thirteenth street was re ferred to the committee on streets and alleys The auditor reported that the sum of } 6 , 590 was In the Judgment fund , and he wa authorized to bpend It In paying oft Judg ments. The petition of H. N. Whlttlcsey for th removal of obstructions from Indian cree that bai ) been brought there during last Sat urday's storm and had caused the washing ou of forty feet ot ground between Second an Ilrjant strctts , was referred to the commit tec on streets and alleys. Major Cleaver reported that he had ar pointed Henry Crumweed special pollcema at Cutoff Island. Chairman liarstow of the Judiciary com mlttee nskea for further time In regard t li.e tmiiiid ot tiLurge A Holmes , Mar 1'eters.on and George Gelsler , and it we granted J. K. Nlelson was granted permission t keep a saloon at Cutoff. The petition of the school board for th location of a fitc. hydrant in front of tli Twentieth avenue school building was r < ferred to the proper committee. Another petition , timllar to that grantc a > ear or to ago for an ore light at tli corner of First avenue and Sixth street \M referred to the committee on fire and light Alderman Hlshton asked that a petition h Introduced over a jiar ago for a light : the coiner of Harmony and Uenton stree ; bo fished up from the bottom of the llgl committee's waste basket , and his petitio was granted. _ No scales have to be > UEed In wclghln biscuit made from Dr. Price's Baking Povvtk kave the delicately regulated ones ot tl palate. _ Will Iliilld u < hurcli. The Latter Day Saints have concluded * build a new church as soon as means sutl clent can be raised to warrant them In dolr co. At a late business meeting a commltti on solicitation was appointed , composed Messrs. 0. C. Nelson , T. H. niley , J. 1 Stuort. P. U. Potter and A B. Malr , raise the necessary funds , If at all poaslb work will be commenc d on the new bulldli some time In August. The committee fee confident that It can raise enough money warrant commencing- building , This the Mil time this church has come bfo the public asking asslbtance and feels a tured the business men of the city w readily respond , as It will not only serve more comfortably accommodate clmrc goTa , but will add to the looks ot the cl as well. This committee Is authorized to n gotlato a sale ot the present church propert subject to the approval of the body , Du Ing the summer Elder Williams proposes conduct tent meetings la different parts the city. The date set for tbt western Iowa i union of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnti Is September 12 , 1803. The reunion will continue for ten dcys and will bo held In the driving park In this city. At similar gatherings held by this church at other points the attendance on Sundays have been from 5,000 to 10,000. Hundreds of people from all over Iowa and adjoining states will attend. The commit tee will , If possible , secure special rates on all the railroads centering | n CotinclJ Djuffj. The motor company guarantees cve.y accunV modatlon possible. Citizens who used to attend the semi-annual conference of this church years ago at Park's Mills will have some Idea as to the character of the coming m.etlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c. u. u. intern N. Hints The in All When It Comes to ( looil Good * nt Low 1'rlcrs He Make * Illi ( .oiunrtltnm All lloirl. In our hardware department we are sellIng - Ing screen doors 1V& Inch thick , any size you want them , at C5c , wire cloth , per foot , 2c ; garden hose. ISc ; garden rakes , 15e ; wire clothes line , lOc ; ladles' hair curlers , Be ; 14-ln lawn mowers , (2.45 ; other dealers ask you $3.50 for the same thing. Two-quart Ice cream freezers , $1 ; western washers , (2 25 ; cirpet tacks , lo a paper ; a good currycomb - comb for Gc ; a good horse brush for lOc. We are In the- lead In gasolln" stoves , we will sell you a good three-hole , high gasoline stove , with step , for $825. Our meat department Is a hummer , and 1s the talk of the town. Heef roast , 7c pjr Ib ; chuck steak 7c ; round steak , lOc ; psrk steak , c ; dry salt bacon at 7c ; compound lard for CVic ; breakfast bacon , 10V4c ; boiling beef , 4c and Do per Ib. In our grocery department wo have knocked the bottom clear out of prices for this week We have also a corrpletc line of refrigerators of all sizes We are having a special sale on them thi * week only They are the Peer less , and are packed with charcoal , and will save you enough on your Ice bill In one sum mer to piy for themselves. They arc on our second floor. Come In and look at them. DUOWN'S C. O. D. Air , lion Lrntlicr U Colnc Upt It's Just kiting , and all shoo findings with It , so that all over the country the prices of shoes are climbing at a rapid rate. Dut Sargent , the shoe man , Is selling1 them at tli" same old price the lowest notch they were ever sold for. Leather may reach any price It will , but Sargent's shoe prices will always bo at the bedrock. The prettiest , biggest and finest stock he ever had is sub ject to your selection. SAIIGENT , 413 Broadway. The I'cnrlenB Ic-mpernnre Drink. There H no temperance drink In the world that begins to compare with the famous Copps Cheer and Herb Tonic , originated and manufactured by the G n. Wheeler Brewing company. It Is protected by U S. official analysis , and can bo sold anywhere without any form of license. WHEELER & HEHELD. Sole Mfgrs. , Council Dluffs. flIFE'd riUULlTY HIS UOWInPALIi Ilarglar Ioimlme > Faithful Spouse Unwit tingly Ills Undoing. The fidelity of Mrs. Donahue to her crim inal husband , Jesse , was the cause of the man being locked up last evening on the charge of being a fugitive from Justice. Last November Donahue was arrested and Jailed In Shelby for burglary , but during the fore part of December he due out of the Shelby county prison and escaped. The facts were communicated to Sheriff Hazen of this city , and ho plighted a solemn oath with Sheriff Clark of Shelby that Donahue should bo caught , not so much on account of his being a succc'sful burglar , but rather because he had successfully eluded the vigilance ot the sheriff A sharp lookout was kept here , and the homo of Donahue's mother-in-law In Panama , where his wife had taken refuge after the flight of her husband , was closely watched. Last Friday she quietly left and took a Mil waukee train for Council Illuffs. Sheriff Clark tried to telephone the fact to Hazen , but the severe electric storm at the tlmo prevented - * vented It before she had reached here The sheriff took the next train and came down to the Dluff' , and In company with Hazen , searched the town for her. They succeeded In getting no trace of her until late Saturday afternoon , when they learned that she had walked down to the motor bridge , carrying a heavy bundle and a big black carpet bag , and had spent several hours anxiously waitIng - Ing In the willows for the appearance , pre sumably , of her husband. He failed to come and just before nlgbt she trudged back to town and stopped at the Revere house , where she frankly told the clerk she only had a small amount of money , but expected to meet her brother. The two sheriffs guaranteed her bills , and she was settling down Into a state of happy contentment , waiting for her husband to call for a letter she had left for him at the postofflce. Officers hovered around her all day Sunday , and yesterday Clark took a team and drove twelve miles In the country chasing a clew. He returned In the aftternoon just In time to see Donahue enter the Hevere house. He watched the meeting of the husband and vvlfo from a distance , and when the first flush of Joy was over , made the fugitive burglar hold up his hands until he relieved him of a big gun , and put the handcuffs on him The wife , who Is a pretty young woman of 20 , was prostrated with grief and Insisted upon being locked up with the man. Price's Cream Baking Powder supplies the world of women with leavening force. It Is cheapest because the best. .leiic Umignn In Jull. Jesse Dungan , ths young man who did a land office business on a small scale in passIng - Ing forged checks , was arrested yesterday morning and the charge of cheating by false pretenses was entered against him at the city Jail. He claimed to have been drunk when ho did the Job , but later on reconsid ered this statement and * Insisted that the checks were all right , for he signed them with his own name. He admitted , however that the middle Initial , "U. " was so made as to closely resemble an "M. " , so that the man who cashed them was easily led to be lieve that the signature was his father's. He also admitted that he did not have any money In the bank on which the checks were drawn. S \MIUnmion Carries th largest stock of high grade bicy cles ot any I'ealer In the west. Also has the jest equipped repair shop In the west. 106 South Main street ; telephone. 202. Have you seen the beautiful new novelties and the splendid bargains at the Meyers- Durfee Furniture company's , the standard furniture house ? A splendll line of men's suits at Metcal ! Bros. ' for I860. Milk Hrlcnv Stnnilnril. For several days past a milk commissions has be n In the city looking after the mllh dealers and Inspecting their dairy product The result Is that several Informations wert filed yesterday In Justice -Wtlkcr's court. During the afternoon J. A. and John WUtt , his brother , nero arreiledi and charg d with celling milk that was below the stand ard. i _ Irnco Tom ? - ' 100 carloads white oak fence p'ists , 5 cents each , by the car load. A. ,0verton , Coun cil Bluffs. Gas cooking ctojei for rent * nd tor tale. C. 0. Gat company. H * * L * . . The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Davis , diug , paint , glass uan. 200 B'way. This week will witness the greatest clear ance palo ever known In hardware and me chanics' tools In Council Dlift ) at Dungan's. Largest stock cf wall paper In the stato. Boston Store. Miss M. E. Keen , stenographer , 106 S. Main Get prices on wall paper at the Boston Store. All kinds cf plants and flowers. J. II. Mo- Pherson , green houses 12SO K. Pierce it. Telephone 244 , night or day. I'olsoneil the town. Appearances Indicate that some one has been engaged In the business of poisoning stock that was herded in the southern part of the city , near the Milwaukee round house , for the purpose of putting a stop to the herdIng - Ing In that particular locality. The city council had numerous complaints not long ago by reason ot the herding ot cattle there , but after discussion It was de cided to let the herding go on. A few days ago several men appeared on the scene- and ordered the boys in charge ot the herd to leave. They refused to do so and the vis itors went away , vowing that they would find some way of bringing them to time Saturday night oneof the cows belonging to W. S. Cloak , who lives at 1718 High street , died suddenly , and Sunday night two more died. John Marne , who lives across the Mreet from Cloak , lost one Sunday night , and enc < each was lost by M J. O'Con nor and Mrs. Tlnlcy. A veterinary surgeon was called In and he pronounced the symp toms those of poisoning. The boys who had charge of the herd are at a loss to explain how the act could have been committed , as they were watching con stantly. The generally accepted theory Is that the crime was the work of some one who was enraged at his failure to have the herding suppressed , and took that means of making the herding business unpopular with the owners of stock. No Intelligent woman expects delicate cake or fragrant doughnuts when any bak ing powder but Dr. Price's Is used. I'lorson Meeting. Notwithstanding the mud and threatened storm the Presbyterian church was well filled list evening. Mr. Plcrson gave a talk on "Let Your Light so Shine That Others Seeing Your Good Works May Glorify Our Father Which Is In Heaven. " Ho Illus trated the talk with a large number and variety of candles , s-howlng the different kinds and degrees of light which Is shed by Individuals upon the world. He then gave the audience a short sermon from the life of Jonah. These meetings arc arousing the people and increasing the earnestness of the churches. The doors will be open this evenIng - Ing fifteen minutes before 8. The business men's noon-day prayer meetIng - Ing Is held every day at the Young Men's Christian association rooms , from 1 to 1.30 o'clock. , Umbrellas repaired neatly. Almy , 146 Broadway. Hurricane In Council Bluffs In hardware prices at closing out sale ot Dungan & Son's Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap. New York Plumbing Co. There arc lots of new things In vapor stoves for the public to experiment on. Don't waste your money that way. Buy a Quick Meal or a Reliable of Cole & Cole. They have been tried and tested tor years and are safe and right. i < Ladles desiring employment will find Just what they want in selling the health goods manufactured by the Iowa Mfg. Co. Heal live agents can clear from $5 to $10 a day Write for terms and territory. Address 810 Ave. B , Council Bluffs. THiully Truulilni Dill It. People living on Williams street and In that vicinity deny the published report to the effect that Fred Wltzke , who disappeared last December , was a drinking man. This report , they claim , was started by members of his family , who were unable to get along with him and who needed an explanation for his disappearance that would not reflect upon then. Wltzke was not In the habit of getting drunk , and but very little , If any , ot his money went to the saloon keeper ? . Do mestic and financial troubles , they say , are responsible for his departure. He had a boy who was continually In trouble and It took considerable money to k cp him out of the penitentiary. Several little escapades had to be paid for In coin of the realm , and the old man found It Impossible to make both ends mec't ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dungan's entire stock of hardware will be closed out on Monday , Tuesday and Wednes day , regardless of cost. It's getting hot ; cool off with reservoir Ice. Muloholland , 5 Baldwin blcck , tel. 186. A splendid line ot men's cults at Metcalf Bros. ' for JS.BO. Not I r n'ltcue ' I ut la'ii'hcr 1'rlcci. Sargent , the shoe man. Is not frlgntened at the way leather has gone up and Is still going. He bought the largest and the hand somest stock of shoss at the. low eft prices ever touched and he sells them on that basis Recollect , Sargent never deceives you , and when he advises you to come around he intends to b.nefit you. 413 Broadway. h. SI. VV Illlumsun Sells the Standard and Domestic sewing machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha 106 South Main street. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and is located at 724 Broadway. If In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 167. Garden hose , big etock , good and cheap. New York Plumbing Co. I'lnii of loirii Mlvurltoi , DES MOINES , May C ( Special Tele gram ) The advocates of the free and un limited coinage of sliver , who have been working for three or four weeks past In arranging for the holdluff of a state silver convention , htwe agrewl- upon June 3 ffi the meeting Hfforts arobelig , ) made < o havi the convention nddres pd W " number ol the leading speakers for firee silver , Includ ing Judt'e Cnldwell of tmV federal court Senator Blackburn of Kentucky , Congress , men Hryan ot Nebraska and Slbley ol Pennsylvania. , -1 GUAIACOI , . Tbe ( O&rvellous Power of H It is a well-known fact among scrofula , eczema , and all kinds of produced for a specific purpose * chemists tint certain curative agents wasting diseaxs. Their combina It is not a nostrum or a cine-all , which have a marked benelicial tion in Ozomulsion not only retains but a reliable specific for all wast eflfect , when prescribed separately , all their respective viitues in the ing diseases , Consumption , whether often have those same effects very treatment of the distressing ailments of hereditary or accidental oiigin , materially increased when combined refeired to above , but , by the pe scrofula or jciofulous taint. It bined with well-chosen agents having culiar chemical combination ob can be taken foi any foim of lung ing a similar therapeutic effect. tained , secures effects which are in trouble , colds , la grippe , blood- One of the happiest combinations a maiked degree supciior to the poisoning , eczema , sciofula , feeble of this character is found in OZO- best produced by scpnrate prescription ness from old age ; in weak , ner HULSION. It is composed of a scription of all of them to the vous conditions arising from over permanent Emulsion of Pure Norwegian same patient. The Emulsion is work or any other cause ; emac wegian Cod Liver Oil combined pei feet , and the chemical combina iation , or any wasting disease ; with Gtiaiacol , and the entire prep tion such as to pioduce in Ozo- angular women , puny girls , sickly aration charged with ozone. Two mulsion the grandest germ-de children. Its effects aie immediate of the ingredients Cod Liver Oil stroying , blood-pin ify ing and flesh- and certain. It is acceptable to the and Guaiacol have long been ac producing remedy of the age. No most delicate stomach , and as luim- cepted by the medical profession other pieparation approaches Ozo less as pine watei. U is the kind as most effective agents in the treatment mulsion. It is an unique , power physicians preset ibe. Sold by all ment of all forms of lung disease , ful , positive remedy one that was diuggists. Thin , pnlc women Ret plump and beautiful on Ozomulsion. A. SIOCUM CO. , iSz J'ciirl Street , New York City. For sale by all Omaha tlrusglsts and ilrucslsla c vtrr > iere. Trade supplied by lUilmrJson Dru * Co. ana Bruce A Co. . Omilm. DISCUSSING WOMAN'S ' WORK First Biennial Session of the Iowa Federa tion of Woman's ' Olubs. TWO CANDIDATES FOR THE PRESIDENCY Bin. Herrjlilll Anxloui to Do Her Own Succefnor but Mm. lloivo Alto Covet * the Honor Interesting Pro- Brain Prepared. CBDAR rtAPIDS , la. , May 6. ( Special. ) The first biennial convention of Iowa's Fed eration of Woman's clubs "will be held here Wednesday and Thursday. It has awakened great Interest In tlio state , and the more than eighty clubs In the federation will be represented by nearly 200 delegates. All the delegates will bo entertained at tbo homes of club ladles In this city. A largo number of ladles , who arc not delegates , will also be present , and It Is expected that between 300 and 400 visitors will be here during the two days' meeting. s The object of this federation Is to bring Into communication with one another the various Woman's clubs throughout the state , that they may compare methods of work and be come mutually helpful. The president of each federated club holds the ofllco of vice presi dent ot the state federation , unless she can not attend , when the club appoints some other member as vice president. The state federation was organized In Des Molnes two years ago. The Marshalltovvn Woman's club started the movement , and the Des Molnes Woman's club took it up and Invited the meeting there. It was the Intention of the managers that Mrs. Howe of Marshalltovvn should be president , but Mrs. James Ilcrry- hlll of DCS Molnes , who was then president of the Woman's club , captured the ladles by her charming manner of presiding , and fho was elected president. She had protested that she would not take the oltlco , and the nomination committee , of which Mrs. Hdlth Hepburn Thunimel was chairman , had nomi nated Mrs. Howe. Hut Mrs. Uerryhlll ac cepted the cilice , which , was offered her in a burst of tentlment , and has devoted herself to the work. WOULD LIKC A RE-ELCCTION . It Is understood that she would now like to be re-elected , that her former election may ba ratified , as It were Hut a faction of the Des Molnes Woman's club is opposed to her , and EO are some of those who wanted Mrs , Howe for president at the meeting two years ago. There will , therefore , be just enough contest In the convention to make It Intensely Interesting. The convention will meet at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning In the Congregational church , and after the presentation of creden tials and receiving of badges , the body will be called to order. The Invocation will be by Mrs. K. U nurktnlter of this city. Then Mrs. James Uerryhlll of Des Molnes , presi dent of the federation , will make the ad dress of welcome. The balance of the mornIng - Ing will be occupied by reports by Mrs. Mar garet Orelg , recording secretary ; Mrs. Anna H. Howe , corresponding secretary ; Mrs. Mary C. Weed , treasurer ; Mrs. A. M. Pajne , aud itor ; Mrs. M. W. Coggswell , chairman of the local committee on arrangements ; Mrs. M. C. Weed , chairman of the badge commit tee , and Mrs. Anna D. Howe , 0. T. W. C. delegate Wednesday afternoon there will be two m'n- ute addresses by club presidents , and Wednes day evening1 a reception to the visitors will be tendered at the club room of the Masonic library , by the Ladles' Literary club of this city.The The program for Thursday Is as follows- 10 o'clock , minutes approved ; calling of roll ; election of officers ; general business ; 2 30 p m. . ten-minute addresses "Old and New , " Miss May Rogers ; "Ob crvatlons on the C-iss. " Mr ? . Charlotte n Tlsdale ; "Wanted , the Strong Woman , " Mrs. L F. Parker ; "No Club Llveth to Itself , " Mrs. Harriet B. Windsor ser ; "Liberty and Limitation , " Miss King ; "Simon Says , " Mrs. Alma Whlttaker ; "Vil lage Improvement Clubs , " Mrs. Jessie M. Thayer ; 8 p. in. , trio and quartet "Lift Thine Eyes , " and "He's Watching Over Israel , " Mendelssohn , by Mrs. F. A. Wllcox , Mrs. George Greene , Helen Hall , Mr George Greene , Mrs. W IJ Hoss. "The Citizenship of Women , " Mrs. Pauline G Swalm ; "The Place of the Club Movement In Kconomlo Evolution , " Mrs. Llndon W , Dates , solo. "Dreams , " by Anton Strelezskl , Mrs. George it its it s fiS iatS S SSS S 3 * * ® * * * * 55 * * itn g 59 I find the ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all the others in every | T e respect. It is purest and strongest. < WALTER.S. HAINES , M. D. : o Consulting ChemifitiChicago Board of Health. I- IS S - s e ass s 5ra agfs sssf4 Ilojal Halting Povrilcr llreuil. One quart flour , one teaspconful salt , one- hslf teaspoonful sumr , two heaping teaspoonfuls - fuls Itoyal Uaklng Powder , * half medium-sized cold boiled potato and water. Sift together thoroughly flour fait , sugar , and baking pow der , rub In the pctato ; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly Into a stiff batter , about as soft as for pound cake ; about a pint of water to a quart of flour will be required more or less according to the brand and quan tity of the flour used. Do not make a stiff dough , as In jcast bread. Pour the batter Into a greased pan , four and one-half by eight Inches , and four Inches deep. Riling about half full. The loaf will rise to fill the pan when baked. liako In a very hot oven forty-dye mlnutei , placing paper over flnt fifteen minute * baking , to prevent crusting too scon on top. Bake Immediately after mixing. Ptrfict sucros can be had only with the Itoyal Hiking Puwder Itotton Mullln * . Ono and cne-half pints flour , one-half pint corn meal , one tablespoonful sugar , one tea- epoanful tail , two teaspoonfuls Ko > al Uaklng Powder , one tableepoonful butter , three eggi , and one pint ( full measure ) milk , one teaspoonful - spoonful ! Royal Extract Cinnamon. Sift to gether flour , corn meal , sugar , salt and pow der ; rub In lard cold , add eggs , b aten , milk , and extract clnnamcn ; mix Into batter a little Btlfter than ordinary griddle cake batter ; > ave griddle heated regularly all over , grease It , lay on It muffin rings , also greased ; halt fill them with batter. As coon as risen to tops ot rings turn them over gently with cake turner ; bake nice brown on either side. The ] should bake seven or eight minutes. Lunch IIolli. One quart flour , one teaspoonful salt , tw < teaspoonfuls Hoyal Daklng Powder , one table spoonful lard , one pint milk. Sift togethe flour , ealt , and powder ; rub In lard cold , ad < milk , mix to a smooth dough to be earll ; handled. Hour the board , turn out thi dough , give one or two quid : kneadlngs ti give It smoothness. Koll out little over one half Inch thick , cut out with rcund cuttei about two and one-half Inches In diameter lay them on greased baking tin , Juit touch Ing ( In rows evenly ) , wash over with milk bake In fairly hot oven twenty-five minutes Wash them over again with milk when takei from oven. Greene. "Social Aspects of Life , " Mrs Ellen M Hcnrotln ; last words of the retiring presi dent , and the Introduction of her successor. Adjournment. Wild Mnn Ciiiliirnl In Icm . GENEVA , In , May G-Sp ( clnl Telegram ) A wild man , destitute of clothing , with the exception of n hlrt , wns Inssoed In Majncs creek by Frank Finn yrstcnliv afternoon. When first sfcn IIP was running on all fours , nnd vvlipn pursued Jumped Into the cretk He ( .avs he Is from hell nnd Imi been lopnotlzeil liv Ills enemies He alsn claims that he lives without cntlng Hu will be taken before tha county commls- bloncrs. I.lfo Sentence fur Murilnr. CnESTON , la. , May C.-Spcclal ( Telegram - gram ) John McDonald , a Cro ton citizen who left lure a year ago for Hillings , Mont , killed Thomas Dcran at that pi ice Th' Jury found McDonald gulltv of murder In the second degree and llxecl the jicnnlly at Imprisonment for life McDonald hns n wife and four children In this city. Proforn tlio I oilrnil CiMirt. SIOUX CITY , May 6-Special ( Telegram ] In the cases of the Hnrrl on bank of Ciullz O , against Frank I'civey nnd the Sioux City Street Hallway com pany a motion has tioen tiled by Peaxey foi .1 removal from the Htnte to the fttleial court. The case Involves JIO.OOO. and If transfened will be tried this month. Criliir ItupliU ( iniuhli rrf Itiililnl. CEDAU nAPIDS , la , May C.-Specla ( ) Telegram ) Last evening four gambling houses In the city were raided by the police and thlrtv-one arrests made This morning In police court each was lined Jlo and costs. Eight or ten gambling houses have been running wldu open for some time. Crouton Wnmtn CommltH Mt clilo. CUESTON , la. May C-Special ( Tele friam ) Mrs JInnn of Prcscott , n widow CO jears of age , committed hulclde this afteinoon by hanging herself to a i after Ir a shed Her son lound her when he re turned from school. I'ulul Iignt nt a Diinro , HRYANT , la. , May C.-Spcclal Tele , gram ) In n qimirel nt n dance last nlghl 1'red Joluiiinesen struck Hum Uo eis ovei the head \ \ 1th u piece of board and UIIlet him. PROGRESS. People vv ho Kct the greatest degree of comfort and real en joyment out of lift , , are those who make the mo = t out _ of their opportunities. Quick perception and Rood judgment , Had sudi promptly to adopt and make vise of those refined and improved products of modern inventive genius which bcbt serve , the needs of their phv sical being. Accordingly , the most intelligent nnd progrcssiv e people are found to employ the most refined and ' „ perfect laxative to rcpr- t ulatc and tone up the > i stomach , liver , and bowels , when in need of such an affciit hence the ( Treat popularity of Dr. I'icrcc's Pleasant Pellets. These are made from the purest , most refined and concentrated vegetable extracts , and from forty-two to forty-four arc contained in each vial , which is bold at the same price ns the cheaper mads and more oidmary pills found in the market. In curative vir tues , there is no comparison to be made be tween them and the ordinary pills , as any one may easily learn by sending for a free sample , ( four to seven dose.s ) of the Pel lets , which will be t > ent on receipt of name and address on a postal card. QNCC USCO THEV ARG ALWAYS IN FAVOR. The Pellets cuie biliousness , sick and ullious headache , dizziness , costivcncss , or constipation , tour Ftomach , loss of appetite , coated tongue , indigestion , or dyspepsia , windy belchi.igs , "heart bum , " pain and distress after eating , and kindred derange ments of the liver , stomach and bowels. Put up in glass viuls , therefore always fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" is a laxative , two arc mildly cathartic. As a "dinner nill , " to promote digcbtion , take one each day after dinner To relieve distress from overeating , they are un- equaled. They are tiny , sugar-coated granules ; any child will readily take them Accept no BtilMitute that may be re-corn mended to be "just as good " It may be iellei for the dealer , because of paying him a better profit , but /if is not the one-who ncctis help Address for free sample , WORIU'S DlSI'I NSAKY Ml.IHCAL ASSO CIATION , 663 Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y. The annual meeting of stockholders of th Fremont , Elkhurn & Missouri Valley Itul road company will be held at the olllee c the company In Omaha , Nebraska , on Fr day , May 17 , Ittio. nt o'clock p. in , for tli election of directors and for the tninoactln of such other business as may cornu befor the meeting J II IlEDriELD , Secretary. Dated April SO , ISDj. May-2 d-lC-t. The MissionCharityLaundr ] 310 S. 23 h St ( Teleohom N i 1710. ) Solicit ! your PatroiingO ! Tn Uundrv IB not operated for profl but to furnln employment to dei rUn ttoinen oat ot work , and o help thci tnm the-tr nvn living , Initead cf becoinln blijccti of charlt ) It i under the pereonjl it Mr\liion of Mri J. It Jardlne. and the utmoi care t taken to turn out r tlifuctory v\or * . ! kept t9 call for and deliver work. RMAVAYJiEJCARD Lcavis IIIUIIUNGTON A < ilO HlVUll | Arrlvc _ OiiialiitLiiluii | Depot. 10th St Masontta _ ) J tJniiilia _ 10 ir.ain , . .Dinvor IZxprcss . ! )49mi ) 4 3.jmi Ullc Hills , Mimt . 1'Uhct fciul i\ 4 Ijpm 4 SIpni. . Denver i\iiri- : H. . 4 10pm C lipni NelrimUn 1/ocal ( excrpt hundnj ) 7 41pm 1 ISnin Lincoln I/Jcal ( except Suiuli ) ) 11 24an 2 4Spiii . rist Mull ( for Lincoln ) Dull } . Leaves [ CHICAGO , 111 HLINOToN & Q I An U en .OinahalUnion " Depot. 10th & Miiaon SlsiJ Onmlia < 43pm ChlcnKO Vcntlhulo B.Mim 8 Wain . . . .Chlcn o Kxptess . . 4.16tirn 7 & 0pm .Chicago niul ht. l uln i\prcsa : 8 00 un 11 30uin 1'nclllc Junction l cil . 5.30pn > Tast Mull. _ _ . _ . . . . 2.40piu 1-euvei lOIlTejAGOrMIL. * ST7 PAUL | Arrives OiiialiaUnlun | Depot , IDtli Si Mggon KU | Omaha . C OOinn ClilcnKU LI in 11 oil . > 9.10am ll.lOnm . . Chkoco i\irosa : | ( ex Sun ) . . C OOpnv L < RMS [ CHICAGO Ai MJItniU Usl'N | ArrlVe Oiiin.haUnlon | Depot , lutli & Mnion Sla | Omnha 11 05am Hn tein Kxrie.-n T. . . 6 fopm 4 00pm . . . . Vcstlbulcd Limited . . . . U 40um 6 Kam . . , Mo Vulley Loral . . 10 JOpm 6 4rpm . . Omnha ChlcnRO t-p > Uil 2 Itpm Lon\cs I CHICAGO , 11 I Ai 1'ACIPIC jAirlves OiiialmlUiilon Dtput , 10th at Maaou Bla. | Omaha II Main . Atlantic Ilxprew ( ex hunJ'i & .05m G 21pm NIMH Hxpriss . . 9 "Sum 4Jip' ' " Chicago Vcstlbultd Limited. . 1 33pm " \v ihT. : r t C 00pm Oklahoma & Tixni rPX Sun ) .10 35am 1 40pm . . . CoKiudu 1-lmlUil . . . 4.UOpm C , ST P. M i. O IArrlv"e-r" J epnt , 15th and Webster Stp. | Omaha Nebtanka 1'aHsent er ( dilly ) . 8 lopm Sioux City Kxprosa ( > x bun ) . 11 5B-\iti Ht Pnul Limited . 10.38am r u & Mb VALLUM [ Arrives' Depot , 15th and VVcB er tjls. Omaha Tast Mall and Kxptcfl . . . . 4 5."pn\ ( * x hit\Vjo ) 12x dx Mon ) 4 5"pm Norfolk 13xpre B ( ex huniHj ) 10 3Jun\ St. 1'aul r.M'riss 103Cim Lenxs I K. C , ST. J. & C. II | Arnvc8 OiniiliulUnliin Depot , 10th At M monSta , Omaha OSOun Knniinii City l > ay Kxpios . 5 lOpnx 9.45pin.K. C. Nlfcllt Ux Mrx U. I > . Pruns , -OUIU I'ACiriC. I Arrives" IMh nnilVVelis _ erSt _ , | Omaha Kt Louis i\prcij : C.OOniu HI l mla ixirre ] . . . . G "Spin Nehrnslm Loe.Udx him ) . ! ) OOuni I.piives I SIOUX CITY A. I'ACiriC , AnUe _ pniah.iIcpot | , 16th und VVcLs er StH. | Omnha c'lOpm . . St Paul Umllii ! . . . . 10 33an > LenvtBl SIOI X CITY & 1'ACIKIC ( Arrlvei" Unm'iiilUnluii Depot , 10th Si Mason tit a. \ Omaha C ! > o.un hlnux City I'npsenRer . . 10 3opin { ' Jjpm _ . _ . _ bt Paul Lltnlteil . . . 12.3Spm Coa i-r ! UN"lQN "PACirif- I ArrlTeT" OiiuilinlUnion Depot , lOtli a Mason Sta | Omaha 10 OOain . . . . Keniney Kxprens 3.4Etmn 2 OOpm . Oieilaid rijor . f.fpm 2 0.1pm Ilcnt'co Ai hiroin b'ir 12s ( ex Sun ) 8 45pm T.JUpm 1'uo lie l.xprcsa . . 1065am _ 3M _ > in . fast Mnll 4 lupin I.ea"\t8 I WAIIABII HAILVVAV fAirlvo OniahaUnlon | Dipot , loth Si Jlason fats | Omaha 3 Mpm . St Ludls Canr "i 13ul . " " 12 33pin nnd sollcltois. SUDS & CO. Uoo Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advlco PIUS It ) . DR. C. GEE WO. WHO IS HE ! He li ono of the most lUlllful ot Clilre 9 doc- lorn , because ot hla great kno ledKe und curei. Having turn t-islil jcar In the mrdlcnt college ot China he understands tha Immediate action of oxer 1,000 remedies VV'ltli four teen years of practice and over four ) ear& of that lime In Omahn mis given him a reputation backed jp by thousands of tc tl > ' onlnU In curing nvnilV UAUACTin of dlieaie. Whether CISnT.NKf OR OTHHUWI3B Dr. C. Oee Wo Buarantee. a euro In every case ortm _ money will Lc refunded Consultation free. Bend a two-cent slatno for book and question blanki. Dr. C. Goo Wo. MUN listh Bt. Cm ihu.No . BANPOItD , A. W. IUKICMAN. President. Cashier. of COUNCIL BLUFFJ , Iowa Capital , ' - $100,000 I'roiits , - - - 1'J.OOO One of the oldest hanks ID the stats of Iowa. We solicit your business r.d collections. VV pay 6 per cent on time deposits. Wo will b * pleased to see und servo you. Special Notices-Council Bluffs CHl.MNi\H ClRANin ; VAULTS CI.HANED. id Durke , at W. H Homer's. Hi Jlroadway. 1-nUIT HAHM AND QAIIDKN LAND TOR kale cheap und CD easy terma. Day & Hiss , 39 I'lurl street. I'AUM LANlTif TO nXPHANOIJ 1 Oil C1T5T property. C It Nicholson , t > 39'4 Ilrcuidwny. WANTCnTro i\riiANC3i"A NIW nicvcUiJ for a K < * * \ family hors < > . Call nt olllce of Suridnkh Mnnufucturlnir Co , 1029 und 10JO 8. Main street. rou HAM ; , A NO < nr.MiNcnoN TVIJI : uiller , u a in d na nets himlwIcU Manufuctur * _ ln t Co. 1023 and 1030 8 Main strict. LOTS 9 AND 10 , III.OCK 7. JViiUrn"H : AIM ) . . unit lut 4 bluck fc Miillln'H BUbdlv , for (700 , 1C taken quick Day & Hera SIMS & and Federal CourtH , Hoomn 30C-7-8-9 , Hhu Cart , lllock , Council HluffB , lowu , Cleaning and Dyeing of Garment ) an ! GoouS of Every Description. Scliocdsiiclc's Twin City Dya Works , Cor. Avenue A and 2Kh. ( St. , Council HUills. Office , 1521 Fur 11:1111 St. , Send for Price List ,