THE OMAHA DAH/T BEE : SUNDAY. MAY 5. 1895. rSPORTS OF THE MERRY MAY I UL Ec3umo of the Athletic Pleasures of tbo Week. j A'/HISPERINGS ' / OF THE WH.RLING WHEEL Ju the I If Id nnd nt the Trap Ilnio 11.ill i unit the .Makeup of Tontin Her > L > , C'rltliot , llnclng nnil Tcnuli. NL.ES3 liept back b y unfavorable weather , and this doesn't look likely at this writing , there will b3 a tre mendous crowd at the Charles streel park this afternoon to see the Omalias and the ( Julncys wind up their open ing s rles. The w Omahas have demonstrated that they can play bill , and If anybody thinks lor a moment that the Illlnolsans are not a formidable aggregation , all they have to do Is KO out and see them In action. They have one of Iho best managers , In Mr. Bracket ! , In nil tl.e minor organization ! , as Is amply at tested In the high order of discipline that ex ists within their ranks. The captain of the team , Sam Li Ilocque. too , Is a man with a Jiead on his shoulders , and while he never lasted very long In the major body , he has nlwaya been considered a great ball player , nnd he will come pretty near lauding the Quinces on top. ] Joe Walsh has been released by the Omaha rnanagemcnl. It wai evident that he could siot get Into condition for some time yet , and ns an economical administration is the one Itfiy to success In base ball In Omaha , the management was forced to lot the old vet out po ? has the sympathy and good wishes of every fan In the town , anil It Is hoped that lie will fpc < > dlly round to and get back In the JiarnejJ. JIutchlson has been appointed captain of the team , vlco Joe Walsh , but Just on whoso rccomiTEndatlon he was awarded the honor Is unknown. Ulrlch would mike a far betler man from any slandpolnt of view. ' Hutch U nil right , but when he Is In a gamb ho wants to pay strict attftnllon to his knitting ; he Ins no leisure time to direct the balance of the men. With Ihe Grasshopper It Is different. lie Is always on the alert , and never loses H point In the game. He is quick to detect n weakness on the part of hlj opponents , and quick to take advantage of It. He has a good vole ? , Is lively and enthusiastic , and , -tvould c rlalnly make a capital man to handle the tejni In play. ' During the team's first trip abroad a new ' 'department will bo put Into the grandstand. It Is to bo built on the south wing and to be reserved exclusively for ladles and their es corts. Comfortable chairs will be put In and the department kept In first class condition throughout the season. Eddie Miles has convinced the cranks that 110 is tomowhat of a ball player aflcr all. He may nol be a Dtinlap on second , but at shorten on the opening day he put up the greatest game that has been seen on the local grounds this season. His ono error , an excusable ono , , -was made at an Interesting Juncture In the game and the boy lost his head for the mo ment ' It looks very much as If Pcck-a-boo Vcach JiaJ cotne again. He U a tower of strenglh al Jlrsl an 1 lilts like a fiend. As long as I'eck Btccrs clear of booze he's all right and there nro many jears of good work In him yet. One of the peculiar features of the opening Kames was thai all Iho western teams won. Des Molncs took in the Kockfords by a fluke , but the victories of Omaha , Lincoln and St. 'Joe over Qulncy , Ptorla nnd Jacksonville Were clean ana decisive. 'Manager Krank IJarker of the Wllcox and Draper Shoo House team Is mapping out a busy campaign for his sable warriors. IIo is booking games with the best amateur clubs throughout the state , nnd If things como his way he wilt extend his contemplaloJ lour Jnto Dakota and Iowa. This afternoon the JWIlcox and Draper will face the soldiers at Jho foil grounds. I The following note speaks for Itself : 1 DENISON la , May 3 To the Sporting Klltor of Tlio nee : Having organize ! for the Boason wo are ready to meet all comers. Have as strong an amateur term as ever and would bo pleased to glvo any aspiring learn a date. SIMON SINE , Sec'y Denlson D. I ) . C. 1 A great many of the fans of Tcrro Haute tire troubled with lee o icoth. Our old friend . with the Jaw-broaklng name Elteljorg has bobbeJ MP there nnd Is covering left field. .Thtiso who have tried to call him by name nro suffering the usual penalty , says the merry Mr. Mulford In the Cincinnati Post. f On Tuesday next Freddy Oobhart Dtigdalo will bo hero with his flock of Peorla IJIack birds. Dug Is an oM Western leaguer who Btraye.1 Into the Nallonal league , bul strayed back Inlo the old ranks this spring. lie has congregated a likely lot of talent about him nnd the fan * can count on three moro rat tling good games Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday Next Thursday will be the first ladles day Of the season , and with pleasant weather a crush of fashion nnd beauty can bi looked for at the park. The fair sex are evincing an extraordinary Inlereit In the national eport thU season , and they are patronizing the game with charming liberality. The Jacksonville * follow the Peorlas next Friday , Saturday and Sunday. Jantzsn. the Jiuman giraffe. Is behind tha plate for Jax , mid to see him alone Is worth double the price of admission. Jantzcn will receive a . welcome here. ' Omaha Is fortunate In having a man of Lohnun's Intclllpcnci and experience In the team. He is good enough for any company , nnd , by the way , would make an excellent ciptaln. Like Ulrlch , he sees all the big Bhow , and remains for the concert. The liit\rr ) lty Hull Irnin. 1 The University ball park , on North Twen tieth street , when all Ihe Improvcmcnls In progress there are completed , will bo one of tli = > handsomest ball grounds In the west , and far ahead of anything Omaha has ever licen able to boast of. The grandstand Is , ! ) Clng enlarged and beautified , additional tleachori ar being put In , and the diamond ' receiving such attention as will render It as nearly perfect as skilled labor can make It. It Is being filled In with river sand and loam , nnd will be both compact and clastic when the finishing touches have heen administered. IThe entire outfield Is also being put In ex cellent shape , all ot the Irregularities have disappeared b neith the ponderous roller , and blue grass seed has been lavishly town everywhere. The University club Intends to make a strong bid for public patronage this year , and they nro deserving of a nencrous chare of It. Tin club's uniforms , white , with green trimmings , have arrived , and they nro as neat and attractive as they can be. As yet the regular fain has not been de termined upon , but among the likely candi dates for positions on the same are iiich well known players as Catchers Cr.iwford and IlUtoiigcr. 1'ltchers Hobliison , Lavvler. 'Jellen and Gardner , Abbott first and rap- tain ; McAullffe , second ; Crelgh , short ; Me- Kclvey. third , and Robinson , llltteimer. Jel len , Fouler and QrtKK fcr the outfield. C. Ij. Thomas will manage the team , an well ns have p.rsonal supcrrlilon over all ath- lellci at the park. In August the team will be taken to the coast for a three vveeki tour , and have al ready as good as arranged for garnet with Bt. Paul , liulte , Seattle. Tacoma , Portland , Bait Lake. Ch'yenne and Denver. Tbe boys are counting on a great midsummer h It- day , and members of the city press will b ? Invited to accompany them. The games booked for University park are University of Nebraska , Saturday , May IS , TJnlvcrilly ot Michigan , Tuesday. May tl , and ( lit University ot Chicago , Thurtday , lay 30. The Ncbraskans hava a Rreal bat- ory In names and Kin ? , and In Sexton the .Ilchlganders . have a tw trier who will rank well with any ot the big stars ot the Nn- lonal league. The renowned Stag ? will be lere with the Chicago * . The Michigan university , with the ex- eptlon of one year , has always beaten Cor nell , and has repeatedly defeated the De- roll Athletic club team , and for two seasons hey held the championship of the United Uates , having beaten Yale , Harvard , Drown , Trinity , Lchlgh , Oberlln , nnd other college cams. A meeting of the local alumni of ths Unl- erslty of Michigan will be held shortly to nako arrangements for entertaining the Mlchlganders during their stay here. Ilio Hlg HUM of Ilin So.noil. If there. Is any class of humanity who can and do appreciate a day's outing after being cooped up In a dusty store or a musty office or six days out of the seven It Is the ortunato Individual who Is the possessor of a wheel , whether It IK of the vintage of ' 93 r n spick , spin , new crack-a-Jack pattern of 05. The advanc d spring days of April have affordefl many an opportunity for the cyclist o take hla or her spin before breakfast over sorno lovely country road , or a brisk little airing after tea , but no ilay ot the month tas afforded the chance to spend the ten tours between sunrlso and cutset , awheel , In such n glorious manner as last Sunday. That he Tourist Wheelmen and their friends felt his , Is attested by the mighty turnout which ; reeted the captain and his lieutenants at he club's rendezvous. The run selected hap pened to bo one of the prettiest out ot the city , one that has been chosen each year as a trip for the early summer time , a epln vhlch carries the cyclist over the loveliest of Iowa roads , which winds like a serpent along the bate of the blue bluffs seen from .his side In the distance to the south , up nto the thickly wooded hills , by hedges of osage , orange and lilac , past snug farm louses , beautiful orchArds clothed In white ind pink , and ends a't the foot of a long slope In the heart of the charming little town of dleenvvooil The day was perfetit 'or ' Mich a ( rip. a soft breeze blowing from the southcact , wafting the fresh odor of springtime bloom to the nostrils ot the rider. Old Sol rose smiling from a feathery bed of clouds , and shed his genial warmth across the emerald fields. It Is no wonder that the club men tclt with feelings akin to his colt- shlp when turned out In the tcn-acro lot to enjoy himself There Is not one who took part In the run but what feels tetter for It and the run ? Well , It broke the record1 H was the largest club run ever taken out of Omaha , and the Tourists and their road offl- cers may \vell feel proud. The first section , consisting ot sixteen , ahd led by A. C. Adams , registered at the "Pump house" ns early as 7:20 : , and started on their jaunt ot nifty miles. The second section , In charge of Captain Smith and Lieutenants Melton and Harding , left the "Pump house" at 8 o'clock , and In two long files pedaled their near like the one held In Chicago the past winter AS possible * . No Bpaco will bo smaller than twenty feet square. The Guards Cycle club Is a comparatively new organization , but has many old wheelmen within Its ranki , The officers are H. I ) . Mulford , president ; W. 13 , Darnuin , vlco president ; J , O. Lund , treas urer , and W. A. Plxley , captain. They In tend soon to form n bicycle company and glvo drills on their wheels once a week. There are a number of blcjclo brigades In the east and there Is no reason why Omaha cannot support one- The committee which has the cycle fcf.iow In charge Is composed of Messn. Lund , ilarnum nnd Plxley. Among the ex hibitors will be William Lyle Dlrkiy & Co. , Western nicctrlcal Supply Company. , A. L. Dean & Co , Omaha Blcyrlo company. M. 0. Daxon , W. I ) Dabney , Nebraska Cycle com pany , Avery Planter company , who make the Avery blc > clo ; Klngman & Co. , Columbus Uuggy company. Will Ilarnum & Ilro. , Cross Omi company , Husslo & Co , 99 Cent Store , Stoetzel & Co , and Louis riescher The Armory will be decorated with palms , buntIng - Ing , etc , nnd an orchestra will be pre ont to lend enjoyment to the affair. The object In giving these shows Is to glvo the Intend ing purchasers a chance to see all the differ ent makes of wheels under one root and thus save them a long trip around town visiting llio different dealers. John 1) . Hell * Tire flood One * . John D. Crelghlon has Just returned from Kentucky with a carload of fine horses , and among them are two that are probably destined to become famous In the turf world , as Mr. Crelghton has sold them to Monroe Salisbury , and will deliver them to the great horseman at Hed Oak , la. , this week. One of them , Distaff , (7) ( ) , Is a beautiful chestnut mare , with a record of 2:28H. : by King Wil liam , son of Hambletonlan 10 , dam by Still- son , ton of Messenger Duroe. Miss CrelgUton , the other , (2) ( ) Is a natty bay filly by Direct , dam Little Clem , by Jot C , son of Illue Hull Uoth will be rared this season with Salis bury's great stables , and already they look tit to distinguish themselves In their respec tive classes. The illicit * Hum ( ! ( ) llr. It Is now safe to say that the spring shooting Is practically over and the hammer- le s , so far as sport afield Is concerned , can b3 oiled up nnd stored away until late In the summer , when the upland plover como In The main body of wild fowl lias boon gone for weeks and the last of the Jacks have de parted within the past week , and no more will we hear his thrilling "skeap ! " until the golden days of October once more break upon the world. Jacksnlpe ore indisputably the greatest game bird that flics , and there Is no sport In the Held that equals what he Is capable of furnishing. How the sportsman's heart swells with anticipation as for the first time in the budding spring he places his rubbered foot way over the Douglas street bridge. This section numbered fifty-eight , and was fol lowed a few moments later by the third and last section , led by Will M. Itarnum. At Council Bluffs tha different sections halted and visited the comforabla quarters ot the Ganymede Wheel club. At 9 o'clock the two clubs , now swelled In numbers to ninety-two , proceeded In f olid column out upon the Glen- wood road. At the first mile post the riders were told off Into squads of ten and sent on their way , stretching the column out for the distance of two or throe good miles. The first squad halted In Glenwood shortly after 10 o'clock , and Immediately look possession of the park and hotel From , that hour until late In the morn'ng ' the riders dropped lu by twos and threes until over 100 had answered roll call. The only thing that marred the trip was the Inability ot the hotel people to provide suffi cient dinner for the wheelmen A great deal of dissatisfaction was expressed on this account. Wheelmen are usually a pretty hungry lot after a ride of twenty-five miles and their tempers are not improved when their appetite Is not appeased. Eventually , however , all succeeded In getting enough to eat , and then a visit was made to the Asylum for the Teeblo Minded , which institution was thrown open to the wheelmen by the courte ous superintendent , Dr. Powell. At 2 o'clock the bugles sang the assembly and the riders started homeward and the big run was at an end. end.Mrs. Mrs. D. J. O'Brien. Mrs. n. T. Huntley and Mrs. O. M Randall accompanied their hus bands upon the trip , riding the fifty miles as easily as veterans The Hdles enjoyed the trip Immcnfely , and received none but the inot courteous of treatment , although the Glenwood road Is noted for Us "road hogs. " Louis riescher made thp round trip on his fourteon-poiind read wheel. M. O Daxon , S. L. Ktnyre and some more of the clubmen * Uio seldom take club runs were conspicuous for their presence. The "Two Johns" made- the trip on a tandem and set a hot pace for some ot the boys home. Some of the boyj who are training for the Omaha road race Improved the opportunity to Umber up a little on the way In , some of them riding the distance Into the Bluffs from Glenwood in one hour and twelve min utes. The registers at the "Pump House" and the Ganjmedo Wheel club rooms show the follow Ins names ot those who attended the run- Tourists Messrs Turney , Comba , Itanium , Adams , Heard , Carmlchael , Gordon , West , WeHberg , Schrader , Stokes , Edwards , Itustln , Schafer , Uohrbach , O'llrlcn , Matter , r. Bat num. Jenkins , Hartson , Peterson , Bridges , Fuchcs , Huntley , Randall. Connoran , New comb , Brownl e , Augustln , McLean , II L , Underwood , F. E. Underweood , Ktrkpit- rlck , Melton , Jones , Stocking BouU , Hosfonl. Swoboda , Hartry , HtiEsell , McDonald , Huba , Harding. Smith , Drost. Gunthcr. Walton , Shvlda , Hyne.i , Cullry , Sheldon , Dixcn , Fos ter , Angel , Conklln , Howe , Birrett. Evana , Flrichur , Sauries , Boubam , Oegood , Irwln , Miller and AnJenen Mrs. O'llrlcn , Mrs Huntley and Mrs. Handall. Ganymtdei Me > ( r . Wlllamcan , Dahl , Ulxby , Galnes , Pullman , Nichols , Peregoy , Duquette , Hughey , Carothers , Louie , Entyre , Handall , Parsons , Trcjnor , Faul , Hattonhauer , Hoyno , Ueno , Jacobs , Schwab , William Green , R. n Green. Thomas Green , Irwln , Bauer , Johnson - son , Wllderman. Another Cycle Show. The Omaha Guards Bicycle club IB going to give a cycle show at their armory and club rooms on May 16 , 17 and IS. Many of the dialers did not make exhibits at the Younc Men's Christian association show on account of the lack of space. Only ten out o , ' tha twenty-six dealers In ths city were rcpreien'ed. ' The armory -will filve them all ample room and the show will lie run as on his favored snipe grounds , and he starts In amcng the tuss.oc.K3 , forcing his way through langles of ambitious sprouts , herbs and plants , ferns and mosses , over llchened logs , llirough thickets of yellow tcndrilled willows and red-dyed maple sprigs and creep ing vines. The whole landscape aflutter with animation and exhilaration. A wandering breeze sways the naked reeds ; a robin elngs his blithesome rounde lay from the topmost twig of > cn tall cotlon- wooJ ; the black bird chirps merrily In this copse and that , and a jay scolds hU mate In A near clump of maples ; the crow caws In the distant wood ; the hawk winnows his graceful shape far above , and a garter tinaKe , with provident speed , makes Its sinuous way Into a crypt of dead flags from under your ponderous foot. In fact the whole scene Is one bewildering to the eye and revivifying to the fancy. \Vlilsiiorlncs ot tlio Wlicnl. NY one who has heretofore had the X least doubt that the ' cycling fever had struck Omaha with full force would only nude 1 to have vlel ed the Y. M. C. A. bullllrg on last We ! - nesday or Thursday evenings and been fully convinced. It was Omtha's first at tempt at a cycle add here that It was a good one , and thai as a whole the show was a success. There was only one tlitnsr that was lacking and that was room. The Young Men's Christian association hall Is far too small for an exhibition of this kind. From the opening to the closing hour the place was packed. There were ten dealers represented and fifty-five wheels on the floor , from twenty-seven different factories. The Omaha Bicycle company's booth , In charge of Ed T. Hayden , had eleven wheels , representing five different makers. " The Western Electrical Supply company's exhibit consisted of five wheels , of four different makes , and was In charge of Messrs. Johnston and Fredrlcksou. A. L. Dean & Co. had seven wheels on the floor. floor.Messrs. Messrs. Lowrle , Taylcr and Vanderburg were there to explain the good points o ! their wheels. William Lyle Dickey & Co. showed four wheels. The booth was In charge of Mr. Dickey and H. Farmer. The Columbus Uuggy company's exhibit was In charge of Jay Burns and S. C Graham. They showed four wheels , two Spauldlngs and two Columbuscs. The Cross Gim ccmpiny shewed four wheels end their exhibit M In charge of W. D Townscnd and B W. Snvder Charles and W. II. Barnum looked after the exhibit of Will Barnum & Bro. , wulcl consisted of eight wheels M. 0 Daxon showed eight wheels and the booth was In charge ot M 0. Daxon , John l ! > nes and II J Warner The Nebraska Cycle company showed Ihfee wheeU and their exhibit was looked after by Mr Q , K. Mlckel , their manager. Louis Fleicher. the popular Twelfth 8tree repair man and cycle builder , showed a twelve-pound Flpschcr special , which , by the way , U one of the lightest practical wheel built. Everybody who attended went away satisfied and voted tbe nr t cycle show a success. The Nebraska division cfflcers ot tbe Leigu CARPETS and FURNITURE An Era of Low Prices PrevailSo Through our method of close merchandising we have cut more yards of Carpets in April 'than in any April in our history low prices did it. As greater n I advantages in buying come to us each month we are enabled to II offer greater advantages to our customers. - - 30 10 C Another lot of Body Brussels that _ never sold less than $ i. 10 to $1.25 at 850 yard as long as they last. Amost a cargo this _ time , in close mix and fancy weaves , the assortment by far the largest in the city ; prices lower for every grade. Also a new line of Japan ese Rugs all sizes , same importation. Your choice from our splendid assortment of Baby Cabs , with rubber tires if you prefer , at $5.00-10 $25 , as your purse dictates. You will find the newest and best for the price. 'FU-3--i rf o We have a complete as- DI1X1UI3 sortment of the new Jap anese Porch Blinds and Porch Cushions. The blinds are just the thing for the sunny side of your porch. fT tirrf\f\f\ \ This department , under a new management , is showing a complete new 4 * VlUUU.15 line of fabrics that do justice to any drapery house. We invite yon t- > sec them. f American Wheelmen have decided to offer a reward ot $25 for the arrest and convlc- lon of the thief who steals a blcyclo from iny member of the division. This Is only one of the many Inducements they are offer- ng this year. Every rider of a bicycle should realize that through an organisation of wheelmen and only In that way can they obtain what they most need and wish for good roads , The cost is but a trlflo and the ) enoflt derived from a membership is worth en times what it costs. O. W. Macartney , a mimibor of the Dss Molnes Bicycle club , weighs 340 pounds and rides a twcnty-slx-pound 'Wheel. ' This goes to show that the material used In the con struction of light bicycles ridden by such heavyweights must be of the very best. During the month of Apr/1 / , tS93 , th're were 2,827 applications for cr/emtiershlp In the League of American Wheelmen and 5,229 re newals. The records show that during the same month In 1894 there werfe but 720 appli cations and 2,319 renewals. , This would leave a gain of 2,107 applications am } 2.8SO renewals over April of the previous year. So far this lias been the banner year of the league's ex istence , and yet some people Iry to make us IHIovo that wheelmen are losing confidence in the organization. _ , t * . c Wallle R. Wright of St. : Louis , Mo , and an old-time wheelman and leagu ? member , was In the- city last week , taking In the cjcle show and calling on old frienJs. A. L. Deano & Co. have donated a Union racer for first time prie In the road race. Among the traveling men * In the city last week were Sam T , White , representing the Western Wheel works , Chicago ; J. I' . Laxvrle , representing the Union , of Hllindsvillo , Mass , and H. J. Warner of Milwaukee , represent ing the Audrae. They were all In atlendanco at the show. Grand Island , Neb. , has a wheel club com posed entirely of ladles. There are forty of the fair ones and tiny al | wear bloomers. Our Omaha ladles should wake up and or ganize a club. Think of being outdone by a town the size ot Grand Island , Some tlmo ago the cliy as an experiment filled the holes In the block pavenvnt on Capllol avenue between Sixteenth and Seven teenth with fine cinders. The experiment proved a good one. It would not bo a bad Idea for the league officials In this city to see what they can do in the way of having the city fill In with cinders some of th& streets which are now almost Impassable on account of the rotten and wornout cellar block paving There would then be no easier streets In the city to ride1 or drive on than these now al most useless ones. Louis riescher accomianled the Tourist Wheelmen on their run to Glcnwood last week , riding a No 12 wheel of his own manu facture. The machine stood up admirably , not even a punctured tire. Louie claims that It Is suitable for any klnl of ro J work. This U petting wheel construction down to a pretty fine point. The Omaha Wheel club has twenty-five ap plications for membership on Die this month. This nil ! make a total membership of 107. The Tourist Wheelmen run to Missouri Val ley , a distance cf twenty-eight miles. They will start from the "pump house" at 7:30 : a. m. Omaha Wheelmen were disappointed In not seeing a Kearney special at tha show. They have been anxious to get a look at all wheels of Nebraska manufacture and hops that the Kearney people will make an exhibit at the coming show and give the boys a chance to patronize home industry. A new cycling paper In the state Is the Ne braska Wheelman , published by Howe & Mllmlne , at Lincoln , Neb , Omaha cannot boast of an exclusive bicycle paper , but The Omaha Bee keeps the bu y wheelmen throughout the state pretty vvcll posted on cycling matters. Interstate Cycler , Ottumvva , la. The Western Electrical Supply company has Introduced an electrical air . .compressor for pumping bicycle tires , U If on exhibition at their house and Is endorsed by all the wheel men who have examined It. The Sterling Wheel club Is a new organlza lion and will indulge In Its first regular club run to-lay Ten of the Sterlings peJaled up to Fremont last Sunday , The American 'Cyclist la a new Omaha Journal , but up to date It has not found Its way to the dcs ! ; ot the bicycle editor ot The Dee. King Dennian. who surprised everybody fire yean ago by winning the League ol American Wheelman date cbamplonihlp , villl bo on the path again this reason. Ho began Iralnlng lasl week and will slarl In Ihe Deco ration Djy Head race. The regular monthly business meeting of the Tourist Wheelmen occurs Thursday even ing of this week at room 312 New York Llfo building , flection of delegates to the Asso ciate ! Cycling clubs anJ action to bo taken upon a number of applications Kvery mem ber should be present or send In his proxy. The Tourists and the Y. M. C. A.'s will hold a Joint run Thursday evening of till- week to Fort Omaha. Start from the Young Men's Christian association building at 7 30 sharp. The run will be In charge of Lieuten ant Melton ot the Tourists and Mr. Cookc of the Y. M. C A.'s. All members of both clubs should turn out It possible. Tlio Ganymedcs and the Turners lock liandlo bars for Platlsmouth on the 19th. The Ganymedes go to Neola today and the Tourists to Missouri Valley. Hutchford Sawyer , a Western Union mes senger boy , led the returning wheelmen a merry race coming In from GloenwooJ last Sunday , leading them by one block when they crossed the Big Muddy. With the bummer Spnrnmon. The regular Bummer shooting season of the Omaha Gun club opend up yesterday after noon on the grounds across the big bridge with a good attendance , and there ls every prospect for a lively campaign. The regular schedule will close Saturday , September 28 , nnd Ihe following conditions will govern all the shoots : Each contestant will try nt twenty-five blue rock targets , known traps , at unknown angles , the "rapid fire" system , and a $25 hunting suit will bo'presented by Frank I'armaleo to the member taking part In the largest number of regular club shoots during the season , and ono J10 meerschaum pipe from 1'axton & Gallagher to the mem ber taking part In next largest number of shoots. Mr. Gray will give a group photo graph of club members to each member who shoots fourteen or more of the regular club scores In the season. Prizes for averages , based on percentages of targets broken , will be given to shooters taking part in fourteen or more of the regular shoots of the club , provided that each shooter can compete for but ono prize , except that every shooter tak ing part In fourteen or more club sliocts will be entitled to one of the Gray photographs. In case of a tie In the scores In competition for any one of the prizes offered , the same will be decided by the conleslanls shoollng at twenty blue rocks from known traps , un known angles 1'rovlded , for Instance , In case two members tie for second prize , they shall shoot oft for second and third prizes , and In the same mamfer In case of other tlcj. Prizes will bo given as follows , viz : For first average , one pair mackintosh waders , { 9 , Omaha Gun club ; second , one Winchester repeating rifle , Hector & WIN helmy company ; third , one cord suit , rnado to measure , | 25 , K. S. Parmalee Gun com pany ; fourth , one pair hunting shoes , | fi , Omaha Gun club ; flflh. ono wall tent , Omaha Tent and Awning company ; sixth , one gun case , $5 , Omaha Gun club ; seventh , one arm chair , Anderson & McConnell ; eighth , one ellk cane umbrella , Nebraska Shirt company ; ninth , one amateur photo outfit , S. Heyn & Co. ; tenth , one silk um brella , Albert Calm ; eleventh , ono sliver flask , $4. Omaha Gun club ; twelfth , ono can smokeless powder ( Dupont ) , Walter G. Clark ; thirteenth , two tacks chilled shot , Omaha Shot and Lead company ; fourteenth , ono sweater , $2 , Omaha Gun club , nito3nti ! , one hat. Arthur Driggs. The nemls Park Gun club has not as yet made up Us shooting program for the season , It will hold a meeting some time this week to determine upon the proposed consolidation with the Omaha club. If this U effected , the Omaha program will answer. Many Omaha sportsmen have visited Lang- don during the pass week with considerable success , Ilass and cropple have been taken in very liberal quantities Messrs Craven , Polcar and Porter of Tha Dee spent Sunday and Monday there. Though the weather was very stormy they had nn excellent time , catching a line string. The club house has been enlarged during the past season , and the accommodations are better than ever ThU Is probably as good a place to spend a day's outing as any close to Omaha. Colonel J J. Dickey , Charles Offutt , C. S. HaymonJ and Archie Love of this city , and Mr Jour dan of Bt. Louis , are at Like Wash ington , and a wire states that they are hav ing a royal time with luis , pickerel and pike , Lake Washington Is becoming a famous resort for Omaha anglers , am ) very deservedly , too , for a more charming body of water does not He out of doom. The llanlng In reason li unsurpassed , aud the accom modation ! at Pat Sheelian's hotel flnt class. James Smith , tha well known colored sportsman of Bout > > Omaha , wai at Noble'a lake Wednesday shooting tn4 fishing. He tnada a alee bag ot yellowlegs and a big htul Our Third Floor is nearly filled with Cham ber Furniture. We have a quantity of antique finished 3-piece Suits with Cheval Dresser Glass. Exceptional value at $11 , You will say so when jou sec them. Same suit , square glass , onlysio. Bird's eye maple , panel , 3-piece Suit , well made throughout , only $23.50. Same dresser , sold to use with white enamel bed , $15.00. Cucley Birch Suits abound on our ( Icor. This wood is so handsome , so desirable , so much used and so new , that only a stoclc of very recent purchase can show any such assortment as we have. Iron Beds , full size , 4-6 wide , best white enamel , only $4 , 50 each. Lace Curtain Sale the past few days confirms what we have said to you about this stock. New , novel styles in Brussels and Irish Points , and the dainty good goods and edgings at prices lower than elsewhere. of cropple. Noble's lake Is very low , and the chances are that It will disappear en tirely within the next couple of > cans. George A. Iloagland Is casting for biss at Lake Washington , and from reports , Is meet ing with his usual success. l.nwii Trmils \ \ liking V } > in .Nrhrnnkn. Those who attended the meeting nt Lin coln last Monday , at which the organization of a state lawn tennis association was per fected , have great hopes for the future of the game In tlio stale. For seme reabon or other but little Interest was taken In the old body , especially by Hie clubs In the smaller towns rho championship was generally n competition between perhaps a half dozen Omaha men with not moro than three or four from other places. The new rule , which provides that nemberflhlp In the association shall be for feited by any club wlilch falls for two years .n . succession to send at east ono representa tive to the tournament Is likely to work an mprovement In this respect Lincoln Is taking hold of the singles event with considerable enthusiasm The State Uni versity club Is Interesting Itself In the matter and the fact that the competition Is to bo made a feature of commencement week is likely to Inure largely to Its success. Inci dentally the university club is the only one which has so fnr paid Us subscription to the state association During next week letters will bo sent to all the clubs throughout llio state announc ing the formation of the state association and Inviting membership Any club which does not receive a letter nnd wishes to lend Its Influence to the advancement of the game In Nebraska should communicate with the secretary of the Nebraska Lawn Tennis asso ciation , W. Uylea , care of The Omaha 13eo. TUK TISX WMM.IA 1)3112X28. Huffalo Commercial These nro the new commandments ten. Which wives now make for nuirled men ; 1 Itemembor that I nm thy wife , Whom tliou must cherish n.11 thy llfo. 2 Thou shall not Htay out late nt night , When lodge : ) , friends or clubs invite. 3 Thou shall not smoke Indoor or out , Or chew tobacco round about. 4 Thou shalt with praise receive tny pies , Nor pastry made by mo despise. 5 My mother tliou shall strive to plense , And let her live with us In ease. C Itemcmbsr 'tis thy duty clear , To dress me well throughout the year. 7 Thou slmlt. In manner mild and meek , Glvu me thy wages cveiy week. 8 Thou shall not be n drinking man , Hut live on prohibition plan. 9 Thou shnlt not nirt , but must allow Thy wife such fiscdom anyhow. 10 Thou shall get up when baby cries , And try tlio child to tiantiulllzt1. These my commands from day to Uoy , Implicitly tliou shall obey. An Hplscopal clergyman passing his vaca tion In Indiana , relates the New York Tribune , struck on old farmer , who declared that he was a " Tlscopal. " "To what parish do vou belong' " asked thu clergyman. "Don t know nawthln * 'bout cnny parish , " was the answer. "Well , then , " continued the clergy man , "what diocese do you belong to ? " "They ain't nawthln' like that 'round here , " said the farmer. "Who confirmed you , then ? " was the next question. "Nobody , " answered the farmer. "Then how are you nn Episcopalian ? " asked the clergyman "Well , " was the reply , "jou 100. It's this way. Last winter 1 went down to Arkansas vlsttln' and while I was there I went to churrh. and It was called M'lscopnl , and I he'rd them say 'that they'd left undone the things what they'd oughtcr done , and they had done some things whet they oughtcn done , ' and I saya to myself , nays I , 'That's my fix , exac'ly , ' and ever lnco I considered rnysolf a ' 1'iscopalean " The clergyman shook the old fellow's hand and laughingly said "Now I understand , my friend , why the membership of our church Is so large. " An Ohio missionary has discounted Salva tion army methods with what seems to be fair results. He was once a poker player , saya the Chicago Mall , and In his mlsal"n work Hcv. Sherrard Ileatty , for that Is his name , devotes himself to the gamblers. On entering a ealoon Hev. Mr Ileatly will pull out a bunch ot cards , begin ehuflllng them In a manner that ( hews expcrtnesa In handling , and when he has the. eyei of all thone In the saloon upon him he nski " ( lentlemcn , will you take a hand with me ? " He then begins to deal the cards around , one to each person. When they turn the face toward them , Instead ot finding spots they behold the vsurds ; Iloycott the devil ) he doesn't pay living wages. The wages of Bin In death , but the gift ot Qed Is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. On the chips which Her. Mr. Deatty give * out with these cardj li printed ; Seek ye the Lord. Llfo Is short ; death la sure ; sin's the cause ; Chrlst'H the cure. Gamblers are worth saving just as much as oilier sinners , and Hcv. Mr. Deatty may have found the best way ot reaching them. The London Athenaeum club Is thought by Borne of Its Irreverent members to be rather too full of the Episcopal element. When the United Service club Is under repair ) ts mem bers sometimes take refuge In the Athenaeum. When the Athenaeum vlslls Hie United Serv ice It Imparts Its ecclesiastical character to the latter. Once , the first night that the Atlcnacum members arrived there , an aged wairlor descended the stair al midnight nnd went In the bland for his umbrella. It hud vanished , and a thunderstorm was going on , "Gone ! " roared out the fercclous veteran "Of course It Is gone. Tills comes of letting In those blessed bishops. " At a church meeting In one of the suburbs of Chicago tha Inquiry was. made whether a ertaln lawyer of Iho congregation , whoso fii anclal affairs were somewhat Involved , had 'got religion. " To which another lawyer , who knew him well , responded : "No , I think not , unless it's In his. wife's name. " .tl , XOTJIS. Norway Is to have electric ferry boats. In Ireland lace making employs 12,000 filrls. The total consumption of cotton In the vsorll Is 12,000.000 bales a > oor. Ot this amount 9.000,000 arc produced In the United Slates nnd 3,000.000 bales one-fourtli of the world's consumption U produced In Texas. A French railway 1ms recently arranged Its telegraph lines so that , at a prearranged signal the wires are switched from the telc- gtaph Instruments to telephones , thus en abling the operators to cither talk verbally or to communicate by the telegraph code at ill. ill.The The Invention upon which ndlson Is now working with full confidence of success , and which ho hopes to complete T , I thin a year , Is a connection of the phonograph and the klnetoscopo In such a way as to reproduce public performances for both the ear and eye. Ho prediots lhat before many years every village may have grand opera at 10 cents a head , that I'attl may be hoard and seen in one's own parlor ; also the pope and his car dinals , and the president and congress. Volca and presence ! may also lie. to Indelibly fixed by means of these Inventions that the great ones of the present , will exist as now In life , Tor all the centuries to como. BREAKFAST-SUPPER , EPPS'S ' GRATEFUL-COM FORT1NG- . COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK DR. MASON'S PILE REMEDY Is endorsed at home aawell * as abioad. Head what a grateful patient who Inn used It' Bays. Thousands of others say the BUIIH thing. MIHrtOimi VAI.l.KY , IWB , Afrll 1 ! . mi Tg Whom It Mny Concern : I lmx uooil Dr. Mnsti'i 1'lle Horni'.ly , nml inn ray tlmt It nave me Itntnr- dlntn rclli-f. I ran n-coimn H'l ' It to any one01 liclrtR nupcrlor ti dny ncnll ! I'lln Halve * . II RIIVU inn ullff In two linur * nftir firm appllra * lion , nnd only liaetl one-halt bottle until It ciirt-4 me. Very respectfully. O. tl TIUM5. Clerk for I ) J Adlum. Your tlrugclst keeps It or will get It foi you. We will srml you n camplo If you want It. Address DH. U. I ) . MASON & CO. , Missouri Valley , lovva. ! Fnellih Diamond Ilrand. ENNYRQYAL PILLS _ /T. - OrlglnulmnilOnU Umnlne. --,7 1 > K fc. l j iilliuIADII * wk . U O-tnii tioffi'i r r ata < iiuf ju. z > > < , " ' - * " * -fSeniul la llrd M4 C W 6i lU' ! ' M A T&Inautbcr.I < MJj n' i lU'J I-J / } < ( i nlfj < nlal.l lUinciliil. < rI J 4 * . U. -if In lUmin hr IlllkuUrl. lutlni Uli lul It1 i "ll.llcr fur IJiJiff."lil.iur.t , ; return _ V SUII. H .000 T &Mlili * ' i.4 JMf.r. rolilel.i.l.r eiiile lfo.U fUoolJqivr , 5 I4 tj JL 1 DiBjt ( u , I'Ulta . , V .