B P ' 2js 2 S VP r WU'WSWI ' I THE OMAHA DAILY BE E FRIDAY , MAY 3 , 1895 SPEG1RL NOTICES. Atlrrrtlncrnciiu for tlicso column * will be nkrn mill 12I3O p. ID , ( or the oTenlncnud nntlt B p. m. for tlie mumlng nnd Sunday tuition , A < Jt , rtlrrs , \ > j rrqnmtlnc n numbered tlieclr , can Imvo answer * addressed to n bttnibrrcd letter In rare at 'llio llco. An- iwern no addressed will bo ( Ipllyorcil apon irtncntntlon of the check on IT. llato * , 1 1-Kc n word , lint Iniortlon , lo a word hereafter. Nothing tukeu for leu than SOa tar first Insertion. Ilicse advertisement ! must lun consecu tively. WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED , SITUATION , BY BOIIER AND IN- dustrlous younc man , n * clerk ; experienced In ImokkrrpInK , Kuo4 references. Address J. M. 1'rather , ZM\ and II , South Omaha.AM301 A-M301 4" WANTED MALE HELP. UXPEIUKNCED COACHMAN ; REFERENCES reuuhod. W. II. SlcCord , McCord , llra-ly & Co. 1J-MIG75 WANTED , 1.000 MEN TO WIIITH ME TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free , In plain sealed envelope ) which curnl mo of nervout debility , rxlmustfd vlliillty , etc. Address C. J. Walker , box 1,311 , Kalarnaziy ) . Mich , II M46i _ WANTED , A BUSINESS MANAGER TO PUSH nn enterprise In Inwa ; mutt Invest $ > j > ) .i nnd Blvo a $3,000.00 boml , bo familiar with th < - princi ples of heating and ventilation and tnko Immedi ate charge. Call at 1703 Uoilgo street. I1-.M476 3 WANTED , A PRACTICAL BOTTLER. ME- dt-ssa Mineral Water Co. , 211 S llth st. H Mill 3 * _ WANTED. EXPEiiiENCED OAIIDENER. APply - ply 6312 N. 28th avenue Sunday. H-Milit _ WANTED , COMPETENT CORSET SA too n'll a special Hue of corsets to retail trade. ExclUHlve. contiol of city and adjacent terri tory. Atlresa "Corsts , " lox 1SUJ. Philadel phia. 1'a. 1J-M133 : WANTED , QOO1) MAN FOIl SHADE AND drnpery work. Apply at once. Oich.trd & Wllliehn Carpet Co. II M5I3 3 WANTED l''EM.ALE HELP. ARE YOU HONKST , SOIIER , INDUSTRIOUS ? If BO , engage with us for 1153 ; $303 a month , IS.SOO a yenrj you can make It raiy ; six houis l day Our agents do not complain of mini times. WhyTliey are making money selling our Perfect on Dish Washer , the nnly practical family washer manufactured ; ttnulios , dries and polishes dishes perfectly In two minutes ; no experience necexsary ; n child of S opeuues It easily ; cheap and durable ; weight , thirteen poundi ; made of nr.tl-rust Blieet steel , capac ity. 100 pieces ; $10,000 for Its equal ; every fam ily Wants one ; you don't lm\o to canvas ; as noon as people Know you have It for sale they tend for a dish wns'ioi ; each agent's territory protected ; no competition ; we fur nish sample ( weighs elx poundi ) In nice cafe to lady agents to tnko orders with ; one agent made $214.61 ist ! ten davs. Adilrexs for full particulars Perfection Mfc. Co. , Enslewood. III. C JloiS FIFTY OIHI.9 FOR ALL KINDS nf work. Canadian Employment Oillce , 1 iJ2 Douglas strict. C M103 M22 FIIIST-CLASS GIRLS AT SCANDINAVIAN Y. W , home Olllce 1018 Capitol avenue , Tel. 1217. WANTED-OIRL ron GENERAL HOUSH- work. 2018 Dodge St. C-15C WANTED , GOOD COOIC AND SKCOND GIRL at 1015 Sherman avr. References required. C 121 S' WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR FIRST woik. 2037 Dodge Bt. , opposite Utah school. C ri-3- WANTIJI ) , A GIRL roil GENERAL HOt'SE- woik , except \\iiBlilnK ; inferences required. Call 122 South 39th sheet. Mrs. II. (1. Hurt. C M46I 4 _ WANTED , A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOt'H E- work ; must be Rood cook ; icfvrence requlicd. lira. Paul A. English , 1320 S. 23th street. C MIM S WANTHI ) , GOOD OIRI. TOIl OUNGRAL housev/oik In pm.ill family : good place. Ap ply N.V'r Cor. Mid nnd Dodge slieets. C-IS4-2- WANTCD , OinL , .TO DO OKNKUAI. , I1OUSU- work In small family , 1191 S. 2Sth btrcet. C IS5-2 * outii w A NTI : n COM PHTL-MT r.uu , TOR genehll hoii mtark , "Kooil wilges ; referencen i-o- iulrcd. | | ZKTi llnniey Btioct. . C IS7-2 \VANTII > , A emu. , Foil aiNinAi : : < norsn- woik. Clerman or Doliemliin preferred. 2770 Wcbater Bt. O-M503 3 WANTIJD. IjAUY STllNOdllAI'linil , ONH who la competent to nrctpt position for a laige coriioratlon. Must hn\e had experience and lefercnce * Address O 9 , Iee C M49I C WANTID , COMPITINT onti , ; MUST nn a gixxl cook nnd laundress. Mrs. T. .1. Uocters , 112' ' ) Paik nvenuff. C M502 5 JTOtt KKNT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. 1C DARLINO , 11ARICCU IH.OCIC HOUSES IN AL.L , 1'AIlTa OF TUB CITY. TUB O. F. Davis company , 1503 Farnam. D 126 HOUSES ; UENAWA CO. . JOS N. 1JT1I fc > T. D 127 TOR HUNT. Z113 CAPITOL AVENUII , 11 rooms , modern. The O. F. Davis company. II. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA. D-MBS1 2708 FAIINAM STREET. W. M. Rogers , 1323 Farnnm street. D-M325 FOUR-nOOll BASEMENT. Ell S. S4TII BTREKT. D M13I M23 1'LKASANT DETACHED MODERN S-ROOM houbo : nlco lawn , barn. Inqulie 2C03 Pierce su D-317 ( ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE : 2711 DOUGLAS ST D Mtoa _ CENTRALLY LOCATED , IiMlOOM HOUSE. modern lmpro\ementu. Inqulro 712 N. 19th street. _ D M335 NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1535 SIIEl man mcnuo. $30 ; 10-room modem house , llur- dette , rear Sherman avenue , 123. Byron Reed Co. . B3 South 14th street. D M73S M16 _ VERY DKSIRABLE HOUSES VACANT MAY 1st. J. II. Sherwood , 42J N. Y. Life.Phone SJ8. FOR RENT FLATS AT NORTHEAST CORNER of llth and Ilmvard streets. Newly papered nnd painted. Inquire room 311 , 1st National Bank Hide. "D-S7S 3 NKW FLAT. 6 ROOMS. HATH AND HATH room , gas , water. 1113 8. llth. D MIM 3 TWO C-ROOM COTTAGES. 1 FURNISHED , modern , SOJ So. 30th street. D 22J-3 * FOR REXT 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT , LANOE block , CJO S , 13th St. D M-2W-4 7-ROOM FLAT , IlANdK AND ALL MODEItN conveniences. 701 S. ] < Jth street , ( 'hallos W. lialler. Ml Puston block. D M2S3 M27 FINE 12-R. MODERN HOUSE. 2013 11INNEY ; tanllary plumblns perfect. Wlthnell. ! 07 N. Y. Life. D-MJ03 nbo.M COTTAGE. MODERN ; UEAUTH'UL lawn and bhade. 2124 Miami. D M4Ci ! 0)10 ) MASON ; PLEAS \NT 8-ROOM MODERN lioubLche.ip ; ; line location ; lawn. 02S New York Life. D M313 4 * TO RUNT. FURNISHED MODERN IloU5"ET eight rooms nnd laundiy ; complete ; near llani- com purl : ; May 15th to September I'll ) . Ad- dreH3NCI. _ _ lice. D 313-2 KIGIIT-ROOM IIOfSES. NEAI5 HIGH SCHOOL 313 and tJJ per month. Inqultc 2tilS Capitol nve. D 426 C ONE nvu-nooM HOUSE , ESI s. DSD STREET. MAY 1. FOUR OR FIVE BEAUTIFUL ROOMS ; city and cistern water. CIS So. 2ith nl. nl.D D IJW 1OK HUNT f P.OOMS. TOR RUNT. FURNISHED ROOMS. COI S 13TH E370M3 MODERN ROOM , WITH BOARD. 1'UUNISHED , UNT'SD. ll 203 N. 17T1I. IS JIM-5 * NICE SOUTH FRONT ROOM WKLL FUR- nlslied. private family. CJll 2112 Cuss street. EM2JJ- _ r\ST FRONT UOOMH , Fl'RNISHED OR "UN- furnished ; moafin ; Uounl If desired. MS N. ! 3d. -M3.12 _ _ TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. iMI Fnrnam st. K Kt E NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS ; ALL MODERN com iMilcnccs. 21ui Furnam street. 15 MI60 4 * KL1X1ANTLY FURNISHED KOOMS. (21 SO , 18th street , flat 1) ) . 3rd lloor. R 4S3-8' PINn ROOMS ; CONVENIENT ; cheap ; cocl ; liu o lawn. Mil St. M.uy'x. _ _ E-M4M 4 FUIINISIIED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 minute * wnlk from P. O. Modern , ill ) N. Hth. * _ E-MilO 6 TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. closet and hall , In coltace ; r--aeoiiable to right party. 1417 N. Mll > . E MI9S 3 S UNPl'RNISHED ROOMS FOR LUIHT houcekreplng , near paik ; tultable for man and J wire or two luJItt ; jncnlern. Address O 7. lieu. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD AND llOOlt. | LM WEEIC. IM7 FAR. nun ttieet. F MKJ J * FTTRKI3HED ROOMS AND DO aRD. Continued. WITH HOARD ; riNE LOCATION. 1818 Chicago. F-MJ23 9 _ NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT ROOM , with or without board , 1M4 Douglas. COOL FRONT ROOMS HILLSIDE. 18T1I AND Dodge. F M47I 13 _ ROOM WITH HOARD , J223 DODGE STREET. I * 4795 * UNFURNISHED KOOMS TO RENT FOR RENT , TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1C17 Dodge street. G M130 15 * _ 3 bll I ROOMS , PANTRY AND USE OF CELlar - lar , bnlh , etc. ! partly "furnlihcd If denlred ; private family ; near High school ; very resison- able. Address O 12. llec. O M4'U S * _ RENT a'lU tJ a ANL > OFFIOEd FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDIng - Ing , 816 Farnam street. This building has a fireproof cement basement , complete eteam heating flxtuies ; uat r on all flouts , eas , etc. Apply nt thu imce ot The llec. _ 1--910 WANTED. PARTY TO SHARE OFFICE WITH attorney In New York Life bldg. Address O 11 Bee olilce. , _ 5 Ll. FOR RENT FlRST CLASS THREE-STORY nnd basement brick store building nt lOOj 1 ar- nam Bit ret. S'lltnblo for any kind of business. Inquire room 311 , First National Hank BMg. FOR RENT-AFTER JUNE 1ST , THE FINE Btore room In Ames building , corner llth nnd Howard streets , now occupied by Morso-Coe Slm Co. Either 33tl32 or CCxl32 can be had. The building Is B stories and basement , nnd splendidly cnulpeii with steam heat , clevatois , water closets , oltlcci , etc. , and Is the best lo cated and finest building for wholesale pur poses In Omaha. Rent cheap. Apply on premHes to Mr. Patterson. _ I ( . ,5 6 WANTED TO RENT. , IST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH G. O. WALlace - lace , 312 Brown blk. Have calls for cottages. K 777 STORAGE. STORAGE. FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY BEST BTOUAGE nUILDINO IN OMAHA , U. S. RObondwl warehouse ; household goods storoj ; low.tt rates. 1013-1015 Lenvenuorth. M 131 STO HS STOUED DUniNCI SUMMER. TKL. SCO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Kepalr orks. M 322 AC1FIC STOHACn AND WAREHOUSE CO. Hh t Jonc Sts. .General storage & fonvnrdlng. VANTEITO BITX .VANTED. . A STOCK OK GOODS WOHTII H.WO to JC.OOO. Addims M 19 , Omaha Hee.N N Ma" HQHE3T PRICES 1'AID TOIl SECOND HAND furniture. I. Ilruiuell , MM Dodge 8t , VE WILL I117Y CHEAP HOMES AND HE3I- dence lots nnywhcic In the city. Must be bar gains. KceJ i Selby , Hoard Trade bullamit. WANTED. TO I1UY POU CASH. A B Oil ( i- room cottaRe. Must be about 30 per rrnt on the dollar nr no sale. riJellty Trust company. 1702 Karnntn. N Mm 3 \VANTED \ TO 11UY LADY'S SAPETY. WOOD rlm.i , SS-lmh wheels ; give make nmt lowest cash price to O 6 , liee. N MIC2 I * WANTED. TO IIUY SOME CHIOOIIY SEED. William F. Dermody , Elm Creek , N - FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOIl SALE , BED ROOM Sl'ITS , RUGS. WARD robe , faf'or ' suit , almost new. C21 South 23th street , corner Jones. O M35) 3 * FOR -HORSESWAGONSETC , NEW 2 SEAT OPEN CARRIAGE TO HE SOLD nt cost. JSO.OO ; also good Concord liucUlioard , J70 00. Drummond. P M623 Mil FOK SALE HOO & CHICKEN PENCE. WIRE , 1JKTTER & cheeper than wood. J. J. Leddv. 403 S. 14th. Q-1C31 itaylC WKOMAN PIANOS , DRIDOEl'ORT ORGANS , WooJbrtdse llros. , 117 S. Jitli. Q-131 HARDWOOD COMLINATION HOO AND chicken fence. Chas It. Lee. 3th and pouslns. Q-133 FOR SAI.K. A NO. 1.2ND HAND CO-HORSE power steel boiler , ' aa good U3 new. Address P. O. Dox CS3. Q-MGJO-MU SECOND-HAND LAUNDUY MACHINERY. S13 North ICth. Q-MJjS C THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMErt. NED. , has * 00 tons good baled hay to sell. Q MI72 FOR SALE , 2 THIRTY-QUART ICE CREAM machines. ISaldufT , 1S20 rnrnam. Q M4M 9 KOn SALK , nOLI TOP DESK. DOl'liLV wardrobe , letter pri'ss. chllilV bed , refrigera tor , tables , etc. ; Inquire 1202 Georgia nv < . JERSEY COW. Jt'BT FltEPII. VERY HAND Home , liirpe , rich nnd easy milker nnd ii'gls tered ; m.ik 14 pounds butler -work , fl y ir old. large bag nnd leats , sound nnd perfect , Address O 8 , Bee. U ta'J- ' : FOIl SALE , GOOD SODA FOUNTAIN. PRAC- tlcally new. Must go , Irrespective of price. Max Meyer , Omaha , Q MHO 4' FRESH REGISTERED JERSEY COW AND calf. 3308 California. Q MM ! S FOR SALE , CHEAP , H.OOO PALETTES KOR brick yard purposes nml 2,000 feet of 1-Inch water pipe. Address 2321 Hamilton t.-est. Q M50) 8' ' CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. VtARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , Sth year at 119 N. 16th. SIRS. FRANCIS KEENE. CLAIRVOYANT AND Independent slate writer , Rives advice on al m.ittera of Importance , such aa business , love affairs. inarrlaKes , divorces , lawsuits , etc. , lo cates lost or stolen gwds , reunites the sepa rated , brings speedy marriages , removes uUnn- lillni ; blocks and bnd luck oC all kinds. HJ3 Fnrnain street. 3 M473 3 * MME ? CLAYTON , CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD leader. Heads cards like an open book. Tell your mission on entering. 223 N. llth. S-M307 16 BLflSSAOK UATHb. 'JCX MADAM SMITH. C02 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , eteam , sulphurlne nnd sea baths. T MJO'J 4 * NEWLY FITTED BATH PARLORS TURk Isli and electric baths for ladles and gentle men. Madame Howell , 33) ) S. 15th st. . 2d lloor. T MSDJ M5 MADAME LA RUE , 1017 HOWARD ST. T 035 Mil' MASSAGE , MADAME UERNARD , 1121 DODGE , T M11J 6' TURKISH J3ATHS. TURKISH DATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladlea. tiultc 1C9-110 Uco bide. 133 PERSONAL. MASSAGE. ELECTRO THERMAL DATHS chiropodist. Mme. Post. 313 > , i S. 15th st. U-137 THE 11EI.LE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Tainani street. U-138 VIAVI CO. , S48 I1EE DLDO. ; HEALTH HOOK frcs ; homo treatment , lady attendant. U 133 MISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKING PARLORS 2119 ratnam tt. Prices reasonable. U-7S1M15 B. HAAS , FLORIST , PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS Hanquct , hall , residence and grnvo decorations. 1S1J Vlnton street. Telephone 716. U MM3 PAPER CONTAINING REAL PHOTOS OF ladles wishing to ued mailed for utnmp. Iox 1608 , Denver. Colo. M174 M23 CURE FOU LADIES. lilC CHICAGO ST. U-6U-.M10 * TO MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , lirennan , Love fi Co. . Pa\tnn blk W 112 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMA11. ' propeily. I'Ucllty Trust iQiupany , lii)2 ) Kainan " ' prci-eiiy. W. Farnam Siultii it Co. . 1UJ Farnam \V-1IJ ANTHONY LOAN & THUSI CO. , SIS N.Y.I.ll'E loans at low rates for choice Bviurity In Ne bra > la and Iowa farms or OinalM city property - ' _ MON Y"loTaVN ON 6MAHA "llEAL ESTATL at fi p < r cent. W. D. MelUe , lut Nat. Ilk bid ; \V-11S INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL BT. New York , ufter any part W.0 > W caatern In vestors * names , who hnvo money tu luvrat just compiled. Write for particulars. \V MHI air. * MONEY TO LOAN AT I.OWEbT RATES. THE O. P. Davis Co. , 1IOJ Farnam t. W U3 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS J. W. Squire. Z43 D o bide. W-1H CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , Si ; N. Y. LIKE W 113 IMPROVED CITY LOANS AT LO\\ EST RATES II. H. Hauler & Co. , gniund 11 or , H'O bld w itM _ AQh'NCY t' . S. MOUTOAIH 'O SU11MIT loons t Pusi > y & Thatnan , Cuuncll Itl'jrf * olllc * W-IW MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , honcw , waponi , etc. , at lowest rate * In city ; no removal of goods : strictr ! confidential ; you can pay th * loan oQ at any time or In any tinount. tinount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , t < X So. ICth St. X-150 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry , 43i ) Ramgo block. XU3 r B. IlADDOCtC. Jl6oil"7j7 IIAMOE 11LOCK. X-152 1ONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURN1- ture , pianos , horses , wagons or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back ftt any time nnd In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room. 4 Wlthnell block. X 151 BUSINESS CHANCES. IECEIVEU'3 SALE , FROM THIS DATE I will sell nt private talc all the bar llxtures , refrigerators , bottle cases , nnd otllca fixtures ; also all the unfinished stock , machinery nml shaftlnc. with 2 13 H , 1' . Detroit electric mo tors , belonging to the firm of Wallace & Co. , Incorporated , located at 411 nnd 413 S. 10th St. , Omalm , Neb. , April 23 , 1893. John Jenkins , receiver , tir Wallace & Co. , Incorporated. Y Ml57 MJI FOR SALE. THE 11EST PAYING MILLINERY business west of Chicago. Address room 407 lirown block. Sioux City. la. Y 1ISJ7 3' -O SELL-GROCERY STOCK , GOOD LOCA- lion , cheap , fixtures and stock complete , butcher chop attached. Address , H. E. Uurnaut , 617 N. Y. Life Uldg. , Omaha , Neb. Y-M923-M2U * F YOU WANT TO DISl OSE OF STOCK OF merchandise quick address M 2i ) , Omaha Uee. Y-M54J VANTED. PARTNEtt ; YOUNG MAN Wll'II horse nnd wagon ami seventy-live dollars cash. Cash business. Address O 10 , lice.Y Y MM I S * ANTED. TO EMPLOY A FIRST-CLASS registered pharmacist ; would prefer n ( ? oo < l , In- dustrloui young man who had some moni-y which he would like to put In the drug busi ness , providing business wni satisfactory. Ad- drefci H. S. Green , Dow City , Iowa.YM499 Y-M499 5 FOR EXCHANGE. LOT 60x123 , CLEAR OF ALL ENCUMUUANCES for hoi so and phaeton. Address N 31 , Bee. Bee.551U 55-1U WANTED MDSE. , ANY SIZE. FOR IA. , NEH. nnd S. Dak. farms , Omaha proj rty and cish. Describe stock nnd state fully what you wont. E. r. Ringer , 321 S. 13th St. , 2-2:4-3 * TO EXCHANGE FOR FURNITURE OH UP- rlght piano , fine $500 drug elore llxluics Ad dress N 43. Bee. ZM239 3 "Oil SALE Oil TRADE FOR STOCKS OF hardware. 2,000 acres of South Missouri landi , unlneuinhorcd. perfect title , rare Investment. McNeitl & Smith , Maryvllle. Mo. 52-113 5 V FINE. FULL INSIDE RESIDENCE LOT. clear , for outside property. Ollt edge bink stock , nnd other stock , for ouls'ilp ' clear lots. II. II. Harder & Cv. , ground lloor , Hee blrttr. K K2 13 WANTED , A HORSE IN TRADE AS PART pay on plnno. A. Hospe , Jr. , 1513 Douglas Bt. Z M432 FOR SALE KhAli ESTATE. AUSTRACTS. THE UYRON REED COMPANY RE-133 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMfj cale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. RE 138 WILL SELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS near Omaha , at prices that will surprise you , If tak ° n ultliln 3 weeks. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE-.M72I FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. L. RE-511 M7 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , merchandise. Gaivln Bros. , 210 N. Y. L. RE 155 _ ' DARG'AINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertles and farms. Jtio. N. Frenzcr , opp I * . O. R E-139 WANTED , HARGAINS IN OMAHA PROPERTY nnd lands for sulo and exchange. E. F Ringer , 321S.15th _ _ St. UE aM-J' _ , SNAPS , C TO 6 MILES FROM OMAHA P , O. 40 , SO or 120 acres. Improved , J30.00 per acre ; ZOO acres , J35.00 per acre ; 250 ncrr > s , J40 00 per acre ; 6 10-ncre tracts , (75.04 to J10000 per acre , Must be sold. 910 N. Y. L. bids. Re-M2Il PRETTIEST EAST FRONT COTTAGE IN THE city , bath , closet , pcwer , mantle , funo , trees , paved Htreet and motor line , one block from Hanseom park , 12.200 ; $500 cash. II. II Haider & Co. , ground floor. Hep bids RE 120 13 FOR SALE , FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. $13.00. BEN- ttw.i & Co. . ' REM14j 3 FOR SALE. CHEAP HOMES. llouxen nnd lots from $700 tn $1.000 , and from $1,000 to $1,500 on easy payments. Best list of such places ever offered. If you wnnt a good lot to build on can sell GlVi ft. corner for $ S30 , worth $1.000. or good 50 ft. lots nt $13) to $30) , worth $750 to } XO each. LIST PROPERTY With ua for we have the buyers. In ncre pieces no ono cnn match our B nnd 10-acie pieces nt $150 to $273 nn ncre. Improved and unimproved. For cheap homes we are headquarters. See us whether you want to buy or Bell. AMES REAL ESTATE , 1017 Furnam. RE 435 I * IF YOU WANT A LOT FOR J',30 IN NORTH part of city worth double that price Me F. D. Wead. IClh nnd Douglas. RE 1S3-1 NICE HOME. NEW , COST 1 YEAR AGO $3,500 , for $2,300. East front lot at grade near II. park , $1,050. F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas. R E 4S3-4 SPECIAL-HAROAINN mjaiNESsT NEAR II. & M. freight depot , 33x132 , for $1.300. F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas. _ R E 459-t BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON. 402 N. ICTH. ICO VICTOR BICYCLES. THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omalia Bicycle Co. , 321 N. IGth street. 161 STERLING. BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street. SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Ilelay Special. Will L'arnum & Uro. , 120 N. 13th. 73S REMINGTON AND EAGLE CROSS GUN CO. , 116 S. 15th street. M 731 A. L. DEANE CO. , WHOLESALE AND RE- tall bicycles. 1110 Farnam street ; bicycles soK on easy payments. 1C3 LAWN MOWERS AND BICYCLES. GET THEM In good running order at the Acme , 512 S. 16th. 611-M10 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. , 2116 CUMINO. 661 MANTELS , GitATES AND TILES. WOOD SIANTELS. GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large Doors ; wilte for catalogue. Hilton Rogers & Sons , Omaha.MM MM I DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY , FREK Infirmary ; dentistry at coct. IGth & Cap. rive , 179 FLullIdTS. iOR PANSIES & VERBENAS GO TO J. W. & E. E. Arnold , 120 N , 15th St. Tel , 132. 691 M9 "MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. OELLENI1ECK. BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M109 AWlJ EMBALMERS II. K. UURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer , 101S Chicago St. , telephone 90. 1'1 ' SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO. TEL 1060. K4 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EUUALM er , 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 225. 158 C W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. ICTH ST. 167 CARPENTExtd AfJD BUILDERS. C. E. MORHILL , PAPER HANGING. HOUSE sign palmir.c , brick woiU , plastering ; oft. It. 1 , liaikcr blk ; tcl. 753 ; ship 913 No. Sllh st. 1C3 CONTRACTING & BLILD1NG , CARPENTEP. jobbing and refrlfi-iaior noik a specialty. Lock Box 1S5. Omaha. 11921 \ * COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL ofllca to 203 5. 16th St. , Brown block. 163 THE BESTlsTIIECIIEAPESTr NO SMOKlT No soot. 2,000 pounds of the best Wyoming coal , J4.50. delivered. Just think of It ! You have to pay that for dirty , smoky coal. If you nre IctcresUd In tha fuel question use Sh-rldan coal , fC03 Farnam street MI03 MEDIUMS. DON'T IJK IIUMIIUGGED BY FORTUNE tellers , traveling fakirs , etc. If you are In any trouble send n slump to Mr. Wllltam Garfleld , 133 Sixth av nU5. DOS .Molncs , lowi. the most wonderful medium on earth ; free advice , but ak no ijucitlunf. Locattd far jcari. JtlM 5 PAS1URAOE. WE HAVE 1M ACRES OF BLUE GRABS PAS- lureor horses , board fence , spring water , Ilaiton & Phelps , Gllmore , Noli. or A. W 1'hclpa & Son. iVT N. Y. Life bldg. Tel , 1051. 47S-Ju1y 1 II. 1IAUOWITZ LOANS MONKY. 411 N. 13 ST. LOST/ . LOST , BLACK 2-YEAR-Ot.U HORSE COLT ; white hind foot Ad.jHW. 3610 Oroer strwt. Reward. W. D. Luther. Lost-.M469 S STRAYED. OR STOLIIN FROM 703 CASTEL- lar , bny m re , shot cul ittlltg , Reward for re turn to 315 8. IJth rtreetr" lA > st-MI73 3 IX3ST , I1ETWEEN POTrnTTTON AVIJ. , PA rlilc , Twenty-ninth , and 3 id , small round Mack Hdles * locketb&k , * contalnln ? money , ni > patten or cants. i.U'jvord for return to 709 S. 37th street. ' U t ltO-2 * STRAYED , FROM 020 S. MTII. SMALL-LIGHT lay horse , three white1 f tfnl nnd glossy. Reward. . lo lS62 LOST , ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 1 , nt Kulm'n drug store , ! ( ' $ : bill. Return there nnd set reward. , , , , Lost M508 3 LOST , LARGE SILVER UJINAMENT. PART of a lady'a halivln , Flndor please leave nt room 8 , 21S S. 15th st. ; reward , Iost MI93 3 * DKESSMAKING. MRS. d A. LUCAS HAS RETURNED AND opened parlors nt 1609 Douglas street , where she will be pleased to see her former friend * . M137 M23 L > ItiS3 MAKING IN FAMILIUS. 4516 OltANT it. M1SO Ml * WOtU.D'S KA1H PllKMll'M DIIES3 CUTTING school ; 11.00 Is paJil for any old system the next ten days. Madam A. lllchards. 1C10 Cnss t. M5OT9- STEAMSHIPS. TO EUllOI'E. GAZES' TOUKS. ESTAU. 1541. Hctcct parties semi-monthly. Independent tick- tB , all route * . Hotel coupons , passport * , pro- Errama , free. Monthly Gazette , with mniu. lOc. II. daze & Sons ( L'td ) . McCaeue & Ppaldlns , 1501 Dcilgo street M40C MS * ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTniCAL ENOINDKHS AND CONTHAC- era ( or clectrlo light nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. WCitern Elec trical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard at. H8 BUILDING iSSLOAN ASSOCIATION. SHAKES IN MUTUAL , L. & U. ASS'N I'AY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2. 3 years old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam at. Nuttlnger Sec. HOW TO GET A HOME Oil SECUHE GOOD Interest on eavlnKS. Apply to Omaliu U & U. Ass'n , 1701 lice bldp. O. M. Natlngcr , Sec. 173 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAT.n.D.COil'L , NT'L HK .16 & FAUNAM. SHORTHAND AN i ) TYPE WRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHOUT HAND , N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 173 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESIL.VEUED , 713 N. 18 CESSPOOLS. CESSPOOLS CLEANED. Rl'nillSU REMOVED ; nntl-monopoly pilceft Olllce , 418 So. llth. Tele phone 1173. John Nelson. MIO " DENTISTS. DIl. PAUL. DENTIST , JOM HURT ST. ISO CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET CLEANING WKS. 71S-720 S. 14th St. Tel. C53. Scrvlca guatnnteed. U. 3. Q. Kuhn , Mgr. ; 1'at Ward , foioman. HOTELS. HOTEL DARKER , ISTl JONES STS. 75 rooms at $1.69 per day. " : . CO rooms at $2.00 per da.y Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week of month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. . 171 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COIt. 13th and Dudge. Rooms by day or neek. . , The annual meetlnp ; of 'Stockholders ' of the Fremont , Klkhorn < y llls ourl Valley Itall- road company will btf h'eld nt the olilce of tha company In Oimihai . ( Nebraska , on Fil- day , May 17. 1S93 , at o'clock p. m. , for the election of directors nni for the transaction of such other buslness AA' may come before the meeting RtoMELDi Sec Dated April SO. l 5.'i , - JLawycrs aiid solicitors. SUES & CO. Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advice FUEE. Governor Rufufte * Ills I'crmlt ami the 803- rctnry Is Appealed To. WASHINGTON , May 2. For some time the Interior department has been carrying on a complicated correspondence In regard to the llcensa cf the manufacture of beer In Alaska. Two persons of Sltka , Miss Paulina Cohen and II. H. Wltz , have compiled with all the Internal revenue regulations for such work , and would have had their breweries In operation before now but for the refusal of Governor Sheakley to issue the necessary p'r- mlta. The last letter In the correspondence shows bis reason ? for this refusal , the matter resting entirely In his discretion. He says : "The executive order concerning the sale ol Intoxicating liquors In Alaska for medicinal , mechanical and scientific purposes Is of such a restrictive character as to render Its opera tion almost Impracticable. To llcjnse a brew ery to manufacture beer for these purposes In the village of Sitka , a town of less than 400 Inhabitants , where the beer can only bo sold on prescription of a regular practicing physician , would bo absurd. " In spite of the governor's argument , Wltz and Miss Cohen still desire to start their breweries and have appealed to the secretary of the Interior. No action In the mutter has yet been taken by the latter. 9 Ccnoral MoNiiltn In Ulitcngo. PEOIUA , May 2. Gaioral McNulta went to Chicago last night. He has met with no opposition In gaining access to or using bonded warehous s , and the commissioner ol f internal revenue has ruled tnat th ? regulation requiring consent of securities en former bonds for Mich purpose In case of a change of ownership does not refer to him. The commissioner hoi is that the receivership Is not a change of owners. Cattle nro now being shipped out of distillery barns anJ there was on hand this morning at the three houses of the Distilling nnd Cattlefeeding company 6,032 head. There is the best of authority for saying that all the cattle will bo shipped out by Juno 1 , and distilleries will ba shut down. WR.lTllUU VUKKU.IST. 1'nir , ulth Southerly WliuU for Kobri : ka Toilny. WASHINGTON , May 2. The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska and Kansas Fair ; south erly winds. -f For Iowa and Mlssolirl Fair ; southerly winds , becoming1 variable. For Colorado Fair ; variable winds. For South Dakota-iFalr ; variable winds. I.oo.il Urcnrd. OFFICG OF THE WdATHEH HUUI3AU , OMAHA , May 2. Omaha record of tem perature nnd rainfall , compared v/lth the corresponding' day of.the past four years : Jftj j lgg , lsaj 1&K Maximum temperature. . . , 7fi S3 0) 55 Minimum temperatuni .it : 57 43 3u 47 Average temperature . < : ? . ' CO 07 4S ct Precipitation * , M323 .OT T .01 Condition of temperptwt ! and precipitation at Omaha for the Usy/flnQ since March 1 , 1803 : f KT Normal temperature ) ' ? " & " Excess for tha day , ? . fft- > S Normal precipitation vIS ? . . , , 12 Inch Kxccss for the flay ! $ & ' . . . , 11 Inch Total precipitation sliotjiStarch 1 4.81 Inches Excess Hlnce March I. : ; . . .OJ inch Itrports from Other Station i nt M 1 * . 31 , flB < 2 st * : STATIONS. 72 Or ag f , Omaba , . : . . . . 72 7U Clear. NorthPlatta. . . . . . . . 7aa . 70 .uo Clear. Valentino. a 74 .00 Clear. Uitcaro , 7U 74W. Clear , Si. Louis HO HI ) .00 Clear. St. Pain U4 . : < 4icloudy , § 8 Davenport 74 Oil Cloudy. Kunsai , City , > > 0 84 .00 clear. lleluna. 114 Utl T Clear. Denver OHMl 7(1 .OUjCloudr , Salt Lake City. . Ml crt ,01) ) Cloud ) . lilsmarclc 70 7' ' T'Clcar ' , St. Vincent f.8 70 Cboydimo. . UU ill ,00 Ciuirly. MlleuCity f.S 7'J T Clear KauldClly . . . . . . . IIS , 71 .00 Part cloudy Ualvcoton _ . . 741 "T" Indicates iraca of pre'-lpltatlon ' , K \ULSH. . Observer , \Y1LL \ COM BEFORE AMBROSE Canal Bond Election Mandamus Suit Now Brought lu District Court , HEARING TO BE HAD NEXT THUFSOAY County Attorney Snjn It Mny llo YCIUB Ho fore n Fliml lc tumilimltnn U Hniched Friends of the Schema Iltipo fur I.lttlo Delay. On account of the action of tlio supreme * court In refusing to entertain original Juris diction In tlio mandamus preceding brought lo compel the county commissioners to call a special 1'latto canal bond election n petition was filed In the district court at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The hearing upon the mandamus stilt will before Judge Ambrose upon Miv 9 nt 9:30. : At tills hour the county Is expected to make Its showing- the case or bo per emptorily ordered to Issue the call for an election. The district Judges while passing upon this question are to decide whether they shall have tlio right to appoint a canal board. Owing to the fact that the case was con sidered one of some delicacy the mandamus suit , for this as well as other reasons , was brought before the supreme Judges. How ever , as the supreme court refused to con- sMcr the papers In the first Instance It will only go there now on appeal. "Tho question of the constitutionality of the law , " Judge Stcnberg bays , "will bo the main Issue , though the commissioners desire to have decided whether or not tlio 10 per cent limitation In the canal law Is In conflict with two other provisions of the statute ic- latlnR to the amount of bonds which can legally bo Issued. " Mr. Patterson says that he Is of the opinion that the case can be heard about ns soon as If It took the other course. It Is the liite'itlon to get an Immediate decision. County Attorney Ilaldrlge expressed the opinion 1 ° the county commissioners that It might take three or four years to settle the cate finally. Property owners have signified their Intention to Intervene nnd delay , or de feat the suit. _ _ _ _ IUVIM : HUTS ins DECHKI : , Wife Too Poor mill Far Away to Contest Ills Action fur u Dlxorcc. The "Rev. " Alexander F. Irvine has secured a divorce from his wife , who resides In New York City. Ho will secure the papers making him again a single man ns soon as he pays the court costs. This Is not the first effort made by the plaintiff to secure a release from matrimonial bonds , though heretofore his efforts have not been crowned with the success which met him In his appearance In court Wednesday. Prior to leaving New Vork Ho had begun an action for divorce In the courts of that city , but on discovery that his wife Intended to contest his application he quietly dropped the case and migrated In search of a Jurisdiction where he could secure the decree without op position. This was what led him to Omaha. In the district court here Mrs. Irvine was not present to Oefcnd cither by herself or by attorney and the case was decided for the plaintiff by default. Nine months ago Mr. Irvine first came to Omaha and began to work In the religious field. He abandoned the Presbyterian for the Congregational church and was on February 7 given charge of the Church of the Pilgrim. Only six days subsequently nn action was begun by him In the district court for a divorce from Mrs. Nellie Irvine. Mr. Irvlno had been In Nebraska -almost exactly six months and so he had fulfilled the statutory requirements for residence. The matter was kept quietly suppressed for'some weeks , when It leaked out that he was Intending to take the depositions of eastern parties to prove that his wlfo was guilty of the grave charges alleged In his petition. On Investigation , his wife was located In a New Yotk house , where alio had been earning a livelihood ns a serv ing maid. She Indignantly denied the asser tions concerning herself , but said she ex pected that a divorce would ba obtained , as she had no money to make a defense , tlio distance between New York City and Omaha being so great as to make her attendance at the trial entirely out of the question. Mr. Irvine then dropped the proposition to take depositions of eastern witnesses , according to the advertised notice. Instead , ho had two witnesses Gcorgo McCloud and Andrew Loweny attend the case. On strength of their testimony , his wife being absent , the default Judgment was entered In Judge Keysor's court. Mr. Irvine also enjoined his wife from Interfering with the custody of the children. Minor ( iinrt .V..Uteri. B. A. Brazes sues the county to recover for taxes paid on land In Hanseom place where no taxes were due. He bought the tax lien of 0. O. Wolrath. Judge Keysor allowed the attorneys to flic a $1,000 Buperscileas bond In the Hyan will contest caso. The case was originally tried before Judge Ambrose and the Jury held It void. The city of Omaha has agreed with the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad to allow the mandamus directing the payment cf a portion of the repair money on the Eleventh street viaduct by the company to the city to rest until the supreme court passes upon the case. The National Fenclbles have filed a plead ing In the suit brought by them against the Omaha committee which was re'ponslble for the raising of the funds to pay for the prizes of the National encampment in Omaha several years ago. The Fenclbles take Issue with the claim of the committee that the sham battle was a farce. Even If It was they say they want their money. o Tlio Kvulutton Of medicinal agents Is gradually relegating the old-timo herbs , pills , draughts and vege table extracts to the rear and bringing Into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative , Syrup of Flga. To get the trua remedy see that It Is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading druggists. It Could Not tin Idcntlflod. l ast night nt midnight while a couple of colored women were golnsr through the alley In the rear of the Western Union olilce they noticed a man's form hanging from n telegraph pole In a dark corner. Frightened almost out of their wits they ran out Into the streets with screams and summoned the paseisby. . A crowd was mon gathered about the pole , but no ef fort was made to cut the body down , the ei T."J spending- the time in nieculatlng c\s to who the suicide was. A half dozen messages were sent to the police station announcing that some unknown man had hung himself in the alley. It was found to be a dummy. Noon Iiy ! : Kent Itpncflt. Quite nn audience was gathered In Wash ington hall last night to witness a bright little three-act comedy entitled , "A Lesson In l.ov , " which was given by several prominent young peoples of the city for the benefit of the noon day rest of the Young Women's Christian association. The play depleted the dltllciiltica and embarrassments of thru * men. who each fell In love with the fair maiden , nnd the stratagems of two ether women who each wanted to be loved by one of the men. The parts were taken by Herbert Cook , Miss Margaret McICslI , Thorpe MoKplI , Henry Allen , Miss Mar garet Cook. Airs. Will Townsend and Miss Emily McKcll. I'or Tlirvatfliilim : til Shoot , Harry Mlsclmw , n colored man of con siderable fame In local police circles , was arrested last night for thrcutcnlrg to phoot AllcJ Bmlth. Several years ago Mlschaw nPaily killed the t-amo woman by cutting her throat with a razor , and later shot her , but he waa not prosecuted In either rase , a the woman refused to npp ar against him. He has. however , served n term in the penitentiary for shooting n man. _ Su Llurnint The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county Judge : Name and address. Age. Jesse Freeland , Omaha . , _ 35 l-'nue Madsen , Omaha. . . . 32 AJarn Tomllnson , Dea Molnea , . . , . 40 Minnie Mrade , Omaha , , . . . . . . . 31 Joseph V. Blake , South Omaha . 21 Josephine Kofku , Omaha . IS MILITIA WILL DRILL TONIGHT Kxercliea nt Collinnm to tin I'recniltil bjr o ( Irnml Street ) * nrtd : < s This ovcnlnp at the Coliseum will bo held n military tournament under the auiplces of the Thtmtou Hides. The program will bo : Hecpptlon of the pests of the Grand Army at the llepublic ; drill by the Grand Atmy of tlio llepubllc , Casey's tnctlcj ; Council Bluffs High School cadets , Captain Dtanclmrd commandIng - Ing ; drill by Ancient Order of United Work men , team , Captain Otis commanding ; drill by Knights of Pythias team ; Thttrston Ulflea Memphis drill team , Captain Scharft com- matUlngj I Omaha Guards galling gun at tachment Ii , Captain Mulford commanding ; competitive i drill by four cotnjunles Omah.i High School cadets ( batttllon ) ; Individual competitive ( drill by the mtmbers of the Thurstcn Hides lor the Thurston trophy ; dancing. United States nrrey ofllcers will act as Judges of the competitive drills. Music will bo furnished by the First Infantry band , Ne braska National Guards. Preceding the spectacle at the Coliseum all the divisions taking part will parade , form Ins In the business part of the- city and marching to the Coliseum. The line of march will be south on Fifteenth ftom Douglas to Farnnm , west on Farnam to Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth to Cumlngest on Cumlng to Twentieth , north on Twentieth to Coliseum. The order decided on Is : First Infantry band ' , Omalin , High School cadets , Council niuffa High School cadets , Thurston Ultles , Modern Woodmen , Knights of Pythias , An cient Order of United Workmen , Grand Army of the Republic , Omaha Guards , Omaha Guards gatllng section. The formation will tc nt and cbout Fif teenth anl Douglas sttuots at 7 o'clock and the line will move fifteen minutes later. Lieu tenant I F. T. Van Dew , Second Infantry. United States army , will bo marshal of the parade. ] _ ni.r.iii.i > or Tim oiti > : xT.tr. ir.iit Congratulations Touring Into < Jiipnn Tim Minlcnn l.ltiR Vunn. SAN mANCISCO. May 2. From the Jap anese newspaper , Yokohama llochl , which came en the steamer impress of Japan , U taken the following : "Over 700 telegrams congratulating the Jap anese on the armistice received from the naval and military ofllcers of various foreign powers up to the 3d tilt. " "A gentleman who recently examined the Ling Yuen , the Chinese ironclad sunk at Wcl-Hal-Wol , Informed the Iloclil that the vessel is submotged in water that covers her lower deck , the upper deck only being visible. She was lying on an island with her funnels broken off and all her machinery and other articles on board strewn about lu confusion. A Chinese sailor , who was on the Ling Yuan when she was sunk by a torpedo told the Hochl's Informant that when the vessel was struck by the torprdo everything , Including her heavy guns , was thrown In the air by the shock of the explosion. " Among the passengers on board the Urn- press was J. L. Veitch of Hong Kcng. Whoa interviewed regarding the effect the war la likely to have on commerce In the Orient , ho Bald It would greatly stimulate trade and largely assist in the opening up of China. AT KOCKlOllO 3HStl.Hl. lilll to JMnlio llio I'orioiintioii of the Deity u Mutlomciuior. SPRINGFIELD , 111. , May 2. A bill was Introduced In the legislature today which Is aimed at Schwclnfurtli , the "Rocltford Christ. " It provides that whoever assumes cr pretends to bs the Deity or assumes to possess the attributes of the Deity , or who ever falsely assumes or pretends to bo the son of God , or Jesus Christ , or holds himself to the world as possessing any of the at tributes generally attributed to the Deity , or whoever claims to bo the Incarnation of what Is commonly known and called the saving graces of the Holy Ghost or Jesus Christ , shall bo deemed guilty of n mis demeanor and upon conviction shall bo Im prisoned In the penitentiary from one to.two years. UOCKFORD , III. , May 2.-Motions were entered In the cnso of George Jacob Schwclnfurth and other defendant : ! y'ostcidny to quash pending- Indictments on tlio fcTOUnd that no ctlm- nal olfeiise under the laws of the .state Is climbed , and the alleged offenpo was not committed within eighteen months next lirlor to the ( hiding of the Indictments. It Is also asserted that several of the de fendants were compelled to go before the grand jury and give testimony against themselves against their will , and were subjected to unfair and discourteous treat ment. JiJELKi''S bRVKE'f UO VU3IK OUT Ingredients of tlin Jti-Olilorlilo of ( iolil Ordered to llo Miidu Public. LEAVENWOUTH , Kan. , May 2. Judgi Myers of the district court has made a very Important order affecting the rights of Dr. Leslie E. Keeley. W. R Johnson of Tcpska sues Dr. Keeley for $100,000 damages , the petition reciting that the plaintiff has been made a physical wreck because of the gold cure. Judge Myer In granting petitioner's request rules that Dr. Kceley must make known the Ingredients of his bl-chlorlde of gold compound. The court holds that the cure Is not a property right nor trade secret , It Is unprotected by patent , lias been In use more than two years and there Is nothing to prevent Dr. Keeley testifying and revealing Ills secret. Sirs. I.riiBd'H Senintlnnitl ICvldnnro. TOPEKA , May 2. Mrs. Lease testified In tjis Householder Investigation today and created a sensation. She said the Board of Charities had bought for the Insane asylum butter from Governor Lewelllng that was awful , and so bad that a taste made her sick. Sh8 scored Householder for neglect of duty and wasUful expenditures , and when Attor ney Wedd tried to suppress her denounced him as an anarchist and said he had advised the members of the board to carry axea and hatchets and drive Wentworth out of the Osawatomle asylum. Onrnr V/IMo Figure * nn u llnnlcmiit. LONDON , May 2. A receiving order In bankruptcy wn.i Issued this aftetnoon against Oscar Wlldc. i. j-AiiAtiit.ii'im. C. n. Crozler , Sidney , la. , Is at the Arcade. II. C. Lamb , Denlson , la. , Is at the Mer chants. S. A. Forbush , Ottunnva , la , , la at the Paxton , C. Btittcrflold of Denver Is registered nt the Paxton. Jack Donald of Grand Island Is reglsterei at the Murray , C. S. Morgan , Murray , la. . Is registered at the Merchants. G. J.Vlnter and eon , Rexburg , Idaho , are nt the Mlllard. E. E. Mandevllle nnd wife of Clilcaga are guests at the Paxton. 0. W. Argue and J. W. Scalbert of Chey enne are -nt the Mlllard. Mr. and Mrs. McCuno of Mondamln , la. are guests at the Arcade. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Shefclett of Mound City , Mo. , are pue'.ts at the Mlllard. Mr. J. W. Hill of Denver lias become nlgli clerk at the Merchants , In place of Mr. Cole who liua gone to Chicago. Hon. Alexis Halter of Chicago Is In the city seeklnc a location for n large retal butcher nhop. Mr. Halter was for man } years a prominent citizen cf Lincoln , having represented the First ward In the city coun ell for ono or morir terms. At tlio Mercer : Ira Mallory , DCS Mulnei. W. O. Snwyer , Minneapolis ; Clmrlds Lcey Plumb , G. S. Houghton , Chicago ; C. N Ambrose , St. Louis ; Jerry Wllhelm , DT Chester ; Thomas McKee and mother. Wind son Ont. ; R. O. Miljivan and wife. Nortl Kreedon : M. C. Dlyaton , J. MnOcnougti Broken Bow ; C. II. Breach , Denver ; W. P Tracy. W. S. Caldwell , W. II. Uamtow , St Joseph ; J. L. Harvey , Senard , nt lliu ( Intel * . At the Uellnna W. S. Derby nnd ron Trenton ; It. V. Martin , B.alrj Roy Urllt Plattsmouth At the Arcade-J. C. While , Lincoln ; Mile Warner , Crelghton ; Ovhl I.tmlre. Fullurtnn T. J. Munow , Norfolk , W. II. KnslUli Grand Island. At the Merchants John W. Tunulln , St Paul ; .1. K Clurlte. Patillllon : J C' \\irax Klmball ; J. T. Wiesmann , Lincoln ; U. M Haer , Genoa ; K. Dorothy , W st I < olnl ; W U. Kaslhum , ilroken Uow C , M. llazt , Krc mont. GRADUATION OF NURSES Nine of Thorn Eecciva Diplomas from tbo Dcaccness Homo Association , XERCISES AT FIRST METHODIST CHURCH lij Itcv , I'rnnh Crnnounil Dr. 8 , ( Jllb of ( lie HoMitlnl-I'lrldi to i tlio .Mrnihrm of the UlHAft UII1 (111) Nine young women who linve ilcvotcil tliolr ves to nilnlstorlng to the sick sml poor ere graduated last evening nt tlio Klrst Icthodlst churcli ! > > the Deaconess Homo as- oclntlon of Omalia. At Twentieth and Harney streets the Mcth- illst church maintains n hospital to take II.-URO of the ItullBcnt sick. In connection vltli It n training school In practlonl luirslnn s carried on. In this school the young ladlea f the nrnduatlni ; class of last evening bavo alien the two years of practical work mapped nt In the course. The members of tlio school were present , estly nttlred In gray Rowns , and were neat nps and aprons of white , the dreis of nurse * . ho RrnduatliiR class comprised June Hobln- on , Dwlght , III. ; Susan M. llryan , Wlicnlon , 11. ; Hannah L > . Taylor , Wellington , Kan. ; Vllhelmlna Srhlcti , I0va L. Stewart , Omnha ; 'loroncc M. Savin , Lexington , Neb. ; Kinma ' . DcWolf , Uenlson , la. ; R. Kstello Oman , cliuyler , Ncl ) . ; Cora Parks , Garrison , Neb. Of. these Miss llryan goes to the Mil- aukeo Deaconess Homo , Miss Savin to the Chicago Homo and Miss I'nrks to some for- Ign missionary Held. Miss Taylor will en- In mlbslnnary work In the city. The bal- ncc of tlio class remains nt the hcspltal. Loailiiij ; up to the iiresontntlon of diplomas shoil program was carried out. Addresses ere delivered by Hev. Frank Crane and Dr. V. S. Ulbbs. Mr. Crane spoke of the nltl- uile of Christ toward the lo\vly. All Ills cachings , he said , were suninnd up In the parable of the ( teed Samaritan. Mr. 'ratio also spoke of woman's place , inuln- alnlng that she Is called to da Just such vork us that accomplished by Florence iKlitlngalo. Dr. Muxfleld conferred the ploinas. The Methodist churcli has thlrty-flvo ) eaconess Homes In the United States. Only ilno of them liavo tralnliiR schools nnd hos- Itals. Students are regularly sent by the IcthodlHt cliurch In Chicago to secure the dvant.iges of the rcliool In Omaha. The ; raduates of these bchools live In the larger lllcs at the various Deaconess Homes and ( tend the sick \\ltliout remuneration , tholr vork being entirely ono of mercy. They are rce at any time to leave the work It they \ish. In the couroe of training two lines of work ro laid out , cno being n course to train itirse deaconesses , the other course training ho visiting deaconesses In their work. All the graduates last evening took the course of This consists of t\\o years of the heory and practice of the art of nursing , nd medicine. Hereafter the course will : over tlirco years. The visiting deaconesses if the church arc trained In bible and charity vork for a period of two yeats also , Thi Dliiiior Itjll but n mockery to the dyspeptic. lie icars It , of course , but his stomach does not cspond to tlu call. Ho "goes through the notions" and suiters attunutrds for the small amount of victual ) ho partakes of. Hos- lettcr'a Stomach Hitters alters his condition nto one of ability to cat plentifully , digest ieartlly. and assimilate thoroughly. Malaria , rheumatism , constipation and biliousness nro conquered by this world-famed medicine. O ' MADE AWAY WITH QO D3 Shipping C'.crit nnil Driver Charged with Larceny IIR 1'iilloc , / Late yesterday1 afternoon C. T. Kldrldgo and 13. Baldwin , respectively shipping clork' ami drlvur employed by Allen llros. , who do nisitiess at 1008 Ilarney street , wore ar rested by Chief Detective Haze and charged vltli grand larceny ns bailee. It Is estimated > y the proprietors that their loss Is In the icIgliLorhcod of $100 , but they cannot tell ho exact amount , The alleged larceny consisted In the stcal- ng oC goods handled by the Ilrm. As fclilp- ilng clerk Kldrldge as In a position' to send nit more goods than orders called for and ill that ho needed was a confuderiito to carry them oH. Him ho found lu the pdr.'on of n driveDaldwin. . The goods wete usually exchanged for meal tickets anl other articles , although iGino of tho.n were told A quantity uns found at the homos of the two men , I'lio Ilrm has Ijccn missing goods for the ast three montlis , lut the Iocs could not bo accounted for until Eldrldgo vua suspected , chiefly on account of the opportunity he had. An Investigation dc\elopeJ his guilt and also mpllcatcd his partner. .1 .Y.VO t/A VI' M K.TS , The Llllputlans continue to draw largo liousas at Boyd'a theater , where they present their most brilliant sinctacular play , "Humpty Dumpty Up to Date , " to most enthusiastic audiences. Omalia has never seen a snore brilliantly staged play , and the numerous novel tricks , the unique and gorgeous ballots deserve the applause they elicit. Olant Kalsl ) Is a real sensation , and all the clever little artists , among them incomparable Franz Khert , Solnia. Goernor and agile Adolph Zlnk , display their versatile talentH aa Irresistible fumnaUers to great advantage. Nobody should fall lo see the Llllputlans. as It Is a rare occurrence to see such a show In Omaha. There will b * a matinee on SUurduy , and the last performance will take place on Sunday night. Held for Milnry Oncer * . Yesterday afternoon Captain Moetyn re- celved a telegram fiom. the' sheriff at Sid ney , Neb. , asking that a man , whose de- Boiiptlon was given , be detained If hu ar rived In the city. Detectives Savage ami Dempsey were itsaigned to the case , and later In the afternoon discovered n mai : answering the description on train No. a o ; the Union 1'aclllc , which came In from tfc < west. He was placed under arrest. He r | llrs > t denied that he had ever been In Hie- ney , but later acknowledged that lie lie ! passed through the town. The man who Is wanted Is known ns W , P. AVelKcr , but at the station the man ar rested gave bis name as A. Fi.ihn < > r. On h I peison was lound n ponalderal > ' . quantitj of Jewelry. The charge of KijsplclouH char , ncter was placed opposite his iiume. Tin telegram failed to htutu what the churgii was , but stated that a warrant had been Issued. liohnnr lni ; ( or "Plriiitiimu. : " I'rof. John W. Sherman of " 1'hontasma" fame arrived In thlB city n. few duy.i ago and is rapidly getting things In "hlp-slmpo for th < > enterlalnmpnt to be given at the Uoyd opera house May 13 and 13. None but homo taii-nt will be used for the charac ters , and Depurate rUieareaU i f the parti are being held dally. The llrnt complete rehearsal will bo held next Tudnv at the Flist rrcHltytcrlan church. The linal will be held the following ThurBday In the opera house. If It can lie procured. Mr. illierinnn'a "I'hanluvimi" has met with womlerfnl suc cess nil over the country wherever H lia * been produced , and tlic- Omaha people will have an opportunity of witnessing a novel , beautiful and Hti iking rntertulnment. Tlu Lvcnt will be made a yoclcty one. Morn l'oti ? o for .May Day lloi-l. At the noHtofflee there tire somt ten bush els of May day Iteon held for postas * ' . Many parties who bought papers and sent them away to their ft lends fulled to pay thn necessary amount of postage , puttlnrf only a 1-cent stamp upon the wrapper en closing the paper. This amount was only half enough , n each of th twenty-eight page i.upars iuiuln-8 -J-ccnt Htamp to in- Biiro bring handled by Uncle Sam. iVhen Itaby wattle ! : , wo gave her C'astorb. \Ticn she was a Clill J , she crlitl for Castorl/i. Vrlien she became Jlla , sbo clari to Cat.torU. \V J'in &ho liad Dilldrcn , bho cave th w Costorla ,