Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    iw.i i
Wheat Turned Short and Closed with
03 l-8o for July ,
Corn Wai Doinluntod by Fnvornlilo Weather
The Cuih Demand Wns Slow An
other Active Par 'or O ll
Block * and Ilondi ,
CHICAGO , April 30.-Wheat turned short
round today and slid down to C3c for
July , closing lc lower than yesterday.
Weak foreign markets and big shipments
from exporting countries encouraged free
selling and caused the decline. July corn
closed ? 4c lower , May oats Uc lower , and
provisions at declines , The bearish features
In the news for two days past , added to
another batch of discouraging Items re
ceived this morning , proved too much for the
bully In the wheat market , The price broke
Ic per bu. ns soon as the trndlng commenced ,
and although May was bought nt the opening
decline , the entire surroundings of the mar
ket were too determinedly bearish to encourage -
courage any heavy purchases. A genernl
showery condition prevailed over the most
drouthy portion of the wheat belt In Kan
sas nnd Nebraska , with a low barometer
nnd conditions favorable for more rain In
the same locnlttlen. Including the exports
from this side. O.SJXOOij bit. was the amount
put ulloat for the Importing countries last
week , and their requirements were only
6,700,000 bu. per week ; thus they were loaded
up with 2,8iiy,000 bu. more than they con
sumed. The Liverpool market was llrst
quoted steady , but later weak and from Id
to Hid lower. The weather In France was
reported to be brilliant , nnd n private cable-
Brain from there Haiti the wheat nnd Hour
market wan rapidly declining. Uerlln was
reported 3 murk , or 2c , per bu. lower for
wheat. The receipts nt Minneapolis nnd
Duluth numbered MO curs , compared with
288 cars on Tuefday a week ngo , nnd
against only ninety-nine cars nt both places
on the corresponding day of the year before.
The total receipts at primary markets were
213,000 bu. , while a week ago 233,000 bu. was
the total received , and a year ago only 175,000
bu. Kxport clearances from the Atlantic
seaboard comprised 119.000 bu. of wheat and
76,000 bbs. ! of Hour , or equal together to
456,000 bu. July opened with sellers nt from
CIV4o to Klldc , and before It reacted nny It
touched ( Mi : . It rose from the latter point
to Cl * c , with a sale or two ns high ns ) &l4c ! ,
nnd then It sagged gradually to about the
lowest llgure made near the opening , and
Kteadled its-elf around there- for a time.
About the time of the receipt of the Ilrad-
ntreet statement the market was In shape
for another break. That statement made
the world's decrease of wheat and Hour for
the week only 2.249,000 Int. ; the decrease of
3,377llOo bu. In this country being reduced by
an Increase In Kuropenn nnd nllont of 1,128-
000 bu. On that the price of July dropped
to C3o. The closing cables from the conti
nent Indicated extreme weakness. The de
cline to C3c was followed by a reaction of
C3Wo bid near the. close on the working of
a 60,000-bu. cargo for export from here.
There was a pressure to cell again , which
crushed the price to G3Uc as the closing boll
sounded , but before the crowd got out of the
pit C3Hc was once more paid ,
Corn was again dominated by the favor
able weather and the slow demand by the
eastern users of corn. Some lots were taken
for shipment , KGS.OuO bu.'freight room being
chartered today , although the cash demand
was generally reported to be slow. The
principal business In the trading was In the
way of n changing over from. May to July.
July opened at lSc , sellers , dropped off
gradually to 47'Hc , recovered to 4S'c ( , and
closed nt 474c. The receipts here were 408
Another active day was passed In the oats
market. Trading was principally In the
way of exchanging. The tone of the mar
ket was weaker nnd values declined. The
cause of the weakness In the May de
livery was the free disposing of the same
by longs , who were encournged to do so by
the good Inquiry from the elevator people.
Then the stocks of contract oats In store
showed nn Increase of 232.000 bu. , which was
also Influential In creating lower prices.
May started nt ffiVic , sold at 28y4c , declined
to 27-ic. sold again nt ! 8c. nnd closed at
27'4c. July ranged from 28'Ao to 28 0 to
27e. resting nt 2SUc.
The provision market was again dull nnd
heavy under the Influence of larger re
ceipts of hogs than have been generally
looked for. The day's run was 23,000 head ,
nnd for tomorrow 1T7.000 head nre expected.
Pork for July declined from $12.30 to J12.17H
nnd closed nt J12.271J , npnlnst $12.I7',4 yester
day. Lard for July closed lOc lower for the
day and ribs 12'/4c lower.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
21 cars ; corn , 276 cars ; oats , 182 cars ; hogs ,
27.000 head.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. I Open. I | Low. I C1Q33.
(12U ( N ( I3U ( inn
GH4 044 ! Hi"
47) ; 47' ' < 4nu
47 > U 47H 4I1U 47) )
UK 48 4'J
28U 27J4
VHH S8i ! !
28)4 )
13 OS 12 03 11 87 > < 11 87V $
July . 12 30 12 17 > { 12 'JO
Sept ' ' P. 03 lH 35 1'J 45 12 45
May 0 77K 0 77H 0 fi7 W 0 07
July II O''K 0 8'JH ( I Hi
Sept 7 07M 7 07M 7 00 7 00
Iliort nibs-
May. . 0 IB 0 IS 0 10
July. . n 3A U 27H 0 7M
Sept. a bo 0 62H 0 45 U 43
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUH Strontr ! Mlnnenpolls advanced 20c.
W1IKAT No. 2 Kprlnp. 660670 ! No. 3 eprlng ,
BHc ; No. 2 red. 61 ifi6c.
CORN No. 2. 47Uc ; N . 3 yellow. 46' ' < , ? 46Hc.
OATS No. 2 , 2tcNo. ; 2 white , 32B33c ; No. 3
White. 31'/SJ2c.
IIYD No. 2. 6c.
1IAHLV2V-NO. 2. SICSlUc ; No. 3 , 4Sa51 < ic ; No.
L nominal.
FLAX BKED-No ; 1. Jl.43',4.
TIMOTHY KRKD I'rlme. J5.40.
PHOV1SIONS Mess pork , per Mil. . J11.87 < 4
12.1714. Lartl , per 100 Ibs. , IC.C7He6.72 < 4. Shorl
HbB. Hides ( loose ) . J .0714 < | C.10 ; dry Kilted shoul
ders ( boxed ) , J5.37i45.50 ; short clear , sldet
( boxed ) . te.60ia.62 > i.
WHISKY Ulstlllere' finished goods , per gal. ,
81TQAHS UnchnnKtxl.
The followlne eio the receipts and shipment *
today :
On the Produca oxchaniro todnv tno butter mar-
let was Htcady ; creamery , ldM17V < ci dairy , 8U17c
I'-ICH , Btcady ; 1'JU.lVHo. ChccHe , cream u , OKU
Cloilng Qnntnttont on the Prlnulpitl Com-
moilltten unit Staples.
NHW YOHK , April 30. FLOUH-Hecelpts , 24 ,
100 Nils. ; export ! " , 27.400 bbls. ; sales. 22.000 pkge.
qulettr , buyers being frightened by the breal
In whent ; to press wile * l 830o concessions wouli
be necessary ; winter patents , J3.WXJ3.M ; clt ;
mill clears , (3.4003.50 ; winter straights , I3.10tf3.31
Minnesota patents , J3.7004.W ; winter extrax , C.5
O2.75 ; Mlnnerola l.akot . (2.70IT3.2 ! ; winter lov
PiuilfS. (2.SJb ! iO ; ; pilng low grades , (2.00U2.40
lye Hour , dull ; rales. 2,4i liMa. ; tjjperllue , (3.4
03.00 ; fancy , (3.cQ4.i5. lluckwheat flour , nom
CMIIN MKAL Haiy ; tsnleg , 250 libls. ; yellov
western. I1.154J1.1S ; Hrandywlne , (2.70.
WltKAT Ilecelpts , 7,10) bu. ; exportH. 1116)
bu. ; Miles , 11,600.100 bu. futures and 157.000 bu
tpot. bpot lower , but demand better ; No. 2 red
In etoro and elevator , nominal ; f. o. b. , CDUc
mlout ; No. 1 hart ) , 75' ' , . c , delivered , Optiuns de
tllinil at the rturt under excited liquidation * b ;
local Fhurts , who bought on the list * yciteitUy
assUted by foreign selling und some realizing c *
weaker Kuropean inuiketB and mlns In the west
Later there was Increased weakness under lowe
clOHlnc rabies and a dlaappolntlng llnulslnet't
followed by a llnul bteudylng on export purchase
In the caul ! market , closing lUfl * > o lower ; No
t K-J. May , 66 15lCi7if. / ( . cltwd 67'kc ; June
67Ht ? 7 c. cloxxl 67Hc ; July. 67 1-KKJC7 13-16C
closej U7 > ie : Augu t. M itffil'.ic. rinsed C7Vic
Beptemlier. C ? 13-16e. c ed 6J c ; Uecem
bcr , SSSyTOHe. clo - l 7lV.
COUN IlecrlptK , M.CW bu. ; exp ti. (9,104 bu.
lal < , 470.WO bu. future * nnd Ul.O1 * ) bu. rpol
Bpot market mnrv nctlve ; stetimer yellow. Mo I
tlevator nnd 53 c delivered ; steamer mUeJ
KHtfUKc. Option * weak at first on free re
celpta and sympathy with wheat , but later I
the day rallied a llltlo on export demand and d
treated Uraddtrel'a visible , closing % c loner
May , W'lUMc. rlowl UKic ; July , W > , fiMU <
rlcvted 53 > , io ; rieptember , SUltiM'ic. clowd M c.
OATS III celptt , C3KX ( ) bu. ; exportH. l , * ) bu.
rales , & 0,0 < JO bu. futuiea olid M.MO bu. i > pol
Hnot , dull und neakrr ; No. 2. 31USl ic ; Nn. ' .
delivered , < lr ; No. 3 , He ; No. ! white. 36H (
No. I white , J. ' " c ; truck , mixed western , K att <
track , white. 3Mj < V. Options lower under guo
weather Hewn nnl > ympalhy with corn , clwln
at a slight mlly. with a net lo of KUUc ; Mai
I1HO32HC , ekxe.1 31 > .c ; June. 320UJ.C. close
tSai July , 32V ll ic , clciwd 52 > jC.
1101'B- Heavy ,
1IIDKS Stroni ; ,
LKATIIKll Htronir ; hemlock tele. Buenc
Hurst to heavy weight * , JOc.
tead/ . Cut mtati , weak
pickled bellle * . li.C09t.7I ; pIcklFd hnmt ,
10.00. I.nrt , wwik nd lower ! western iteam
clm d at ( T , nominal ; city , I , J7'4 ; talei , 2J9
tlerten ; May , R9S. nominal i rtllned , weak ;
tlnc-nt. 17,2 $ : snle , 1,900 tlercti , B. A. , at
. I'ork , ( Full.
IlUTTini BtcaJy ; we lem dnlry. SOUc ! west-
ern cre mry , ISSllJo ! weitern - . 7' ' , ) 'Ollc ;
Eljrtns , I9o ; Imitation creomtry , JJJHCf stats
dairy. lOJHTcj itato creamery , Ue.
ClIEEaC Steady ; rtale. large > , CfiSc ! ( mail ,
CO So : part klm < , JOCo ; full sklm . IBiUc.
EQOB Market > t < ady ; state und rcnniylvnnla ,
UUOll'ioi wtitrrn fresh. 13'ai3'ac ' ' ; southern ,
liaiJc ; receipts , 10,270 ' gf.
TALIX3W Qultt tut steady ; city , 4e ; coun-
T'KTHOl.RWM-Nomlnnll United cloreil nt l&Hej
rertnM , New York , (1.15 : Philadelphia nnd Bal
timore. (9.10 ( ; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore , In
bulk. (5.0) .
IIOSIN Steady ; strained , common to good ,
SI &OI2I & 214
TUIti'KNTIND-null nnd ensyj M',4031c.
HlCUtcady ; domestic , fair to extra ,
CC ; Japan , 434c.
MOLASSKS Btinily ; New Orlcani , open kettle ,
good to choice. 0 2Cc.
METALS Pig Iron , steady : Scotch. (19.003) )
20.00. Copper , Meady ; brokers' price , (9.76 ; ex
change price , (9.80. l < ail , strong ; brokers' price ,
(3 ; exchange price , (3.07',4. Tin , strong ; straits ,
(14.15014.20 ; plaits , market flow. Spelter , easier ;
domestic , S3.15y3.17USales on 'change , 2T > tons
tpot tin at (14.17H ; 10 tons August tin at (14.20 ;
10 Ions September tin at (14.15.
COTTON PKED OIL Firm ; prime crude , 23U
O24c ; off crude , 21I23c { ; prime summer yellow ,
27 27He ; oft summer > ellow , " 6f6'.4c : yellow
butter grades , 2Sc ; prime summer white , 31c.
Condition of Trade nnil Quotations on
Staple nnd Fnncy Produce.
noaS-Cholce toclt , IMic.
lll'TTER Packing stock , CS7c : fnlr to good
country , 10 > fJ13c ; choice to fancy , H5J17c ; gathered
creamery , ISc ; separator creamery , 198200.
LIVE POULTRY Poultry Is not plentiful , and
there Is u stronger market. Hens , 8c ; mixed ,
7',4ifjSc ' ; ducks. 8'45)9c ; turkeys , lOc ; heavy toms ,
"S8c ; gccce , SSS'-Jc. '
VEAL Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , arc quoted at
Cc ; large and coarse , 3S4c.
CHEESE Wisconsin lull cream. Young Ameri
cans , 12U013C ; twins. 13c ; Nebraska nnd Iowa ,
full cream. He ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skltns ,
TjUSo ; Llnibiirgcr. No. 1 , Ho ; brick , No. 1 , lie ,
' HAY Upland"hay. . J8.50 ; midland , JS.OO ; low
land , J7.M ; rye straw. $5.00 ; color makes the
price on hay. Light bales sell the beat. Only
top grades bring top prices.
PIGEONS Per do * . , Jl.00ffl.50.
POTATOES Western stock , cnr lots , 0570c ;
small lots , 75c : Early Rose seed potatoes , 90c ;
Early Ohio seed , Jt.10 ; Northern Early Ohio seed ,
OLD IJBAN8 Hand picked , navy , f2.20 ; Lima
benns. per Ib. , CHc.
ONIONS On eiders , yellow , per bu. , $1.10 ; red
UAHIIAGE On orders. 3c.
SWEET I'OTATOES Uood stock. f2 ; seed ,
ilORSERADlSH-Per II ) . . OS7c.
PARSNIPS Per bbl. . $1.75.
RUTARAGAS Per lo. , IVic.
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 33c.
Tt'RNIPS Per bbl. , J1.50.
SPlNACH-Per bbl. , H.5081.75.
WATER CRES8 1'er 10-qt. cose , JI.COS1.75.
RADISIIES-lVr doz. bunches , KittSc.
GREEN ONIONS-Pcr doz. bunches , 15G20C.
LETTt'CE-Fer doz. , 30fi35c.
ASPARAGUS While stock on orders , 30c pel
01. bunches , green , 25c.
PIE PLANT Per Ib. , IHc.
8TRAWHBRR1ES Choice thlpplnc stock , per
isc ; of 24 qts. , JI.W. ,
APPLES There are no good shlpplnc apples to
e had In the market.
ORANGES Fancy Washington navels , per box.
3.50 ; fancy Washington navels , per box , 90 and
12 size , $3 ; choice Washington navels , regular
ize , J3.25 ; choice Washington navels , 9C and 112
Ize J3 ; fancy seedlings , per box , 52.75 ; choice
eedllngs. per box , J2.25S2.00.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , 300 size , J4.50 ;
trlctly choice lemons , 3UO size , J3.75 ; extra fancy
emons , SCO size , $4 ; strictly choice lemons , 3CO
Ize. J3.WO3.73.
HANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12013c ; California ,
HONEY Now York , ICc ; dark , 14c ; California ,
MAPLE SYUUP-Onllon jugs , per daz. , (12 ;
illxby , 5-gnl. cans. (3.
MAPLE Bl'OAH 1'cr 11) . . 5J10c.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , poft-
hellcd , lie ; stHndauls , He ; lllkerts , 9c ; Brazil
nuts. 80 ; pecans , 10 < iil2c.
MINCE MEAT Fancy , In quarter bbls. , per
b. , D'.tc : 10-gal. kegs , 60 ; condensed , per case of
doz. pkgs. , (2.50.
DATES In 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 5'ic per Ib. ; fard
atep. DC per Ib.
8AUEH KHAUT Choice white , per bbl. , (5.M ;
cr half bbl. , (3.
CIDER Pine Juice , per bbl. , (5 ; half bbl. , (3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 6c ; No. 2 green
lildes , 5Vtc ; No. 1 green salted hldex , 7o ; No. 2
iireen salted hides , 6',4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
15 Ibs. . SilOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ;
o. 1 dry Illne hlden , Sirtc ; No. 3 dry Hint hides ,
107c ; No. 1 diy palled hides , 7c ; part cured
ildefl. He per pound less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green Kilted , each 23ffl50c ;
'nch ' 6t15c ; dry shearlings ( short woolcd early
-Kins ) , No. 1 , each , 5 < i(10c ; dry shearlings ( short
ivooled early fklnx ) , No , 2 , each Cc ; dry * ( lint
JCansns nnd Nebrnpka butcher wool peltg , per
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
l > ound , actual weight , 5Q8c : dry Hint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 4i6c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per pound , nctual weight , 46lic ; dry
lint Colorada murrain wool pelts , per pound ,
ctual weight , 4i6c. Have feet cut off , ns It Is
useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GHEASE No. 1 tnllow , 4'iiiJ'
' ,4c ; No , 2 tallow , 3'.4 ! 4c ; grease , white A. 4 ®
Vic ; grease , white II. 3'ic ; greasa , yellow ,
liOSo ; grease , dark , 2',4c : old butter , 2824c ! ;
beeswax , prime , HJiSOc ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy , 6f7c ; Hne
ight , 8J9c ; quarter blood , 10JT12C ; seedy , burry
.nd chaffy , 8ff9c ; catted nnd broken , coarse ,
'fi9c ' ; cotteil nnd broken , tine , 64JSc.
WOOL , WASHED Medium. lofllSe ; fine. 14C
6c ; tub wnflied , JMJlSc : black. Sc ; bucks , 6c ;
ag locks , Sf3c ; dead pulled. 5/6c.
PUBS Hear , black , No. 1 , large , (20.00(123.0) ;
i > ear , brown. No. 1. large , O.00623.00 ) ; No. 1 ine-
illum , (15.00 ; No. 1 , Email , (12.00 ; bear , brown ,
yeaillngs. No. 1 , large , (10.00012.00 : No. 1 me
dium , (8.00 ; No. 1 , small , (6.00 ; bear , brown ,
cubs , No. 1. large , (7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , (5.00 ;
No. 1 , small. (3.00 ; badger. No. 1 , medium ,
(15.00 ; No. 1 , small , (8.00JI10.00 ; bear , black ,
veurllngs. No. 1 , large , (12.OOC15.00 ; No. 1 , me
dium , (10.00 ; No. 1 finall. 57.00 ; benr. black ,
cubs. No , 1. large. ( O.OOftS.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
(3.00flO.OO ; No. 1 , small , (4.00 : bear , black. Mon
tana nnd Rocky mountain. No. l , large. (18.009
20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , (14.00 ; No. 1 , small , (10.00 ;
Iwar , black , Montana vearllnes. No. 1. large ,
(12.00 ; No. 1 , medium , (8.UO ; no. 1 , small , (5.UO ;
bear , black. Montana cubs. No. 1 , large , (6.50 ;
No. 1 , medium , (4.50 ; No. 1. small , (3.00 ; bear ,
silver tip , No. 1 , large , (20.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
(12.00 ; No. 1. small , (8.00 ; benr. silver tip , year
lings. No. 1 , large , (11.00 ; No. 1 , medium , ( S.CO ;
No. 1 , small , (5 ; bear , silver tip , cubs. No. 1 large ,
( l.OOffl.50 ; No. 1. medium. 60c ; No. 1 , small ,
Ma ; Usher. No. 1. large , (8.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
( $ .00 ; No. 1 , small , (4.00 ; fox. silver , as to color.
No. 1 , small , J2.00 ; fox , red. No. 1 , large. 11.50 ;
No. 1 , medium. $1.23 ; No. 1 , small. Jl.OO ; fox ,
gray. No. 1 , large , 75c ; No. 1 , medium , BOe : No.
1 , small , 40c ; fox kits. No. 1 , large , SOc ; No. 1.
medium. 40c ; No. 1. small , 80c ; lynx. No. 1 ,
large. $3.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J2.00 : No. 1 , small , ; marten. No. 1. Isrge. $2.00 ; No. l , medium ,
J1.50 ; No. 1 , smnll. Jl.OO ; mink , No. I , large ,
00iC5o ; No. 1 , medium. 40c ; No. 1 , small , 35c ;
mink , dark , No. 1 , large , G5c ; No. 1 , medium ,
40c ; No. 1 , small , 30a ; mountain lion , perfect
head nnd feet. No. 1. large , $1.00 ? 2.00 ; Imper
fect skins , JG.U007.00 : No. 1. small , J5.00 ; otter ,
pale , No. 1 , large , C7.00 ; No. 1 , medium. $1.00 ;
No. 1. small , $4.00 ; raccoon , No. 1 , large. C0 70ci
No. 1 , medium , 50c ; No. 1 , large , 50c $2.00 ,
skunk , black , cased , narrow striped , No. 1 , large ,
Wo ; No. 1. medium , 40c : No. l , small. 25c ; brunc ]
striped , No. 1 , large , 20@2Sc ; wolverine , No. 1 ,
large , $4.00j No. 1 , medium , $3.00 ; No. 1 , small ,
$2.00 ; wolf , mountain. No. 1 , laree , 13.00 ; No. 1 ,
nibdtum , $2.00 ; Nn. 1 , small , J1.50 ; wolf , prairie ,
No. 1 , large , C5fl90c ; No. 1 , medium , coc ; No. 1 ,
small , 40c ; beaver , per skin. No. 1 , large , JS.OOii
0.00 : No , 1 , medium , J4.50 ; No. 1 , email , $2.00 ;
beaver kits , No , 1 , large , JJ.OO ; No. 1 , medium ,
Jl.60 ; No. 1 , small , 75c ; muskrats , winter , No. 1
large , MflOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1 , small ,
7c ; muskrats , fall , No. 1. large. 4iCc ; No. 1 ,
medium , Ic ; No. 1 , small , Cc : mutkrnt kits , 2Q3c.
llnltlmnre Mnrk t .
DALTIMORB. April SO.-FLOim-l'nchangeil
receipts , 9.03G bbls. ; shipments , 21,291 bbls. ; sales ,
I.WX ) bbU.
WHEAT Fairly active and lower ; No. 2 red
spot , CSijto'tc : month , GSc avked ; May , C7' , i
C7Hc ; June , 67 o asktd ; July , CG'.tttOOUc ; Au
Kust , COKe aked ; Bteamer. No. 2red , KSCJUc
receipts , 4.7VS bu , ; sales , 140,00) bu. ; southern
by sample , OiVj ; southern , on grade , 03'iJtCSc. '
CORN Quiet and easy ; spot , J2ft33'c ; month
52o ; May , 61 0520 ; July. 52TC53c ( , ; eteamer
mlxeil. TO4fi62c ; July. 62'iOMc : receipts , 10.121
t.u. ; shipments , 10J.OOO bu. ; southern white corn
53ft < Viic ; simthern yellow , MCf > "c ,
OATS Receipts laige ; market steady : No , :
white western , 37f(37Vic. No. 2 mixed , S3'.ii34c
receipt ; ! , 33,0-3 tu.
RYlSteaily and firm ; No , 2 , COc ; receipts
1,000 bu.
Sngnr Market.
NEW YORK. April SO. SUOAR-Raw. firmer
fair retlnlng , 2-Hc ; centrlfueal , 90 test,3 l-10o : ralex
U.WO bass centrifugal , 90 test , first halt May , a
3 9-320 c. and f , ; 10.000 bags centrlfutrul , 90 test
last half May , at 2 B-IOo r. and f. ; 13,000 bagi
centrifugal , at 2 9-32c : molasses , 89 test , a
1 27-3rc c. and f. . and 150 tons Muscovado , K
test ; refined , more active ; No. 0 , 1 'J-lCtf3ic : No
7. 3V4U3 11-lHc ; No. 8. 3 < i < T3 H-lOc : No. 9 , 3 7-lCf
3Sc ; Nix 10. 3HR39-lCc ; No. 11. 3'4T3 7-lOc ; No
i : . S 3-1603\c : No. 13. Sl-ICc ; oft A , S 13-K4
3 15-lCc ; mould A. 4UW4 7-10c ; standard A. 37i (
4 l-10c ; confectioners' . 3t < T4 l-15c ; cut loaf , 4S (
4 13-10c ; crushed , 4M < M 13-16CJ ixiwdered. 4Vi <
4 7-lCc ; granulated , 404 J-16c ; cubes , 4UC4 7-10c
Corfeo Mnrkot.
NEW YORK. April 30. COFFEE Option
opened steady at tt/10 points decline ; ruled Ir
regular and generally weak , under dlrappolntlni
rubles and local pressure , following a diiposltloi
to dlinvard reports of iHjlltlrnl disorder In Urn
ill ; cloiMtl to rely steady nt Iifi25 iwlnu net de
cllne ; sale * . 9.254 l g . Including : May. (14.20 <
U.J5 ; June , (14,70 ; July , (14.U ; August. (14.6 > j
Septembrr , (14.45til4.CO ; October , (14.40014.60 ; D
oember. ( U.40OI4.U. Spot coffee , Hlo. quiet ; No
7. (16 ; held hiirher ; rnlld. quiet but steady ; Ct > r
dove. | U.tieu.M ; ulU , 1M Ui Central Amerl
can , p. t. Wnrehouno deliveries from New York
reoterday , 1,040 1 | New York utock today ,
IU.OM ba i ; United Bl te itock , 262,8(1 bniri ;
0oat for the United 8latt , IIU.OOO bags ; total
rlclblo for the United States , 448,831 bngi , ngnlnit
11 . 100 . ln t yenr.
HAVIIIJ , April 30.-Opened quid , UOHf nd-
vnnce ; nt noon , Irregular , Uf ilecllnei at 3 p. m. ,
Irregulnr , Hf decline ; closed lrrrirul r nt un-
Chanspl lo Ut net decline for the day ; sales ,
SANTOS , April 30. Quiet ! good average Santos ,
(15.90 ; receipts , two day * , 7,000 bng > ; stock ,
320,000 linen.
HAMBURG. April 30-Qulet ; Vt pfg decline to
U pfR rulvance ; rales , 8,0m ) bugs.
RIO DE JANEIRO. April 30. Firm ! No , 7 Rio ,
( IS ; receipts , two days , 80,000 bags ! cleared for
the United States , 8.000 bags ; cleared for Europe ,
none ; stock , 270,000 bngs.
Speculation on the Stock Kxclmncje Shorn
n General Depreciation In Values.
NEW YORK , April 30. The result of today' *
speculation on the Stock exchange. Is a very
genernl depreciation In values. At the opening
trade was fairly active , but price * nn n rule
were lower and In the early dealings a further
decline took place , In which the grangers suf
fered most , the active list receding from U to 74
per cent , while Cordage broke , 2 per cent.
Leather shares were prominent nnd roue 1 per
cent for the common nnd 1V4 per cent for the
preferred. The latter , however , quickly reacted
I per cent. At the end of the llrst quarter of
nn hour a buying movement was developed In
the Industrials , In which General Electric was
most prominent , all the purchasing In this stock
belnir duo to the publlcntlcn of the figures of the
annual report , which made a better showing
than had been anticipated. Oenernl Electric
moved up li per cent , Consolidated Oan 1 per
cent. Leather preferred % per cent , Sugar ? i per
cent and Chicago Ons H per cent. The Improve
ment In the railway list was In the small frac
tions. The advancing tendency wns checked
shortly after 11 o'clock , and the figures contln
ued t move downward up to 1:3' : ' ) o'clock , at
which time the Industrial group had recorded a
decline mnglng up to 1H per cent In Tobacco ,
1'i per cent In Sugar , lid per cent In Leather ,
74 per cent In Leather preferred , 1 per cent In
I -ad , % per cent In Cotton Oil nnd Consol
( dated Has nnd ? 4 per cent In Chicago Gus , In
the rallxvay list the losses were confined to smal *
fractions , except In Delaware & Hudson , whlcli
broke 1 per cent. Northern 1'aclllo preferred
sold up Hi per cent before noon , but reacted
i per cent. Sugar nnd Leather came Into good
buying before 2 o'clock nnd each advanced 1 per
cent. Leather preferred rallied } J per cent and
the rest or the list from U to ? 4 per cent. After
delivery hour speculation again became depressed
and continued weak to the clo . Ilaltlmoro &
Ohio sold off 1 > 4 per cent. Cordage preferred 1VS
per cent , Cordage common 114 per cent , Leather
preferred nnd Wheeling & Like Erie 1 per ccnl
( the InttiT recovering the entire loss ) , and the
general list from H to J per cent. The boni )
maiket V.UB active and strong until near the
rlos > > , when prices enfcd oft In sympathy wltli
the heavlnefs of the share speculation. The sales
were $2,417,000. of which $223,000 were Northern
Paclllo conscl 5s .
The Evening Post's London cable says : The
stock markets were quiet' today , because of the
holiday tomorrow , but tlie tone wns generally
firmer. Americans were nrm , closing under the
Iwat , except for Northern Pacific prefeired , which
was bid for In the street. Tha American Inqulrj
for gold continues. About 120),000 were shipped
by the syndicate last Saturday , and 1500,000 Is
rubnbly golne this week , making fSS.OOO.ooO In
11 since the loan was Issued. After this week
hlpments will possibly again cease for the mo-
lent. There was a sharp fall In French exchange
n the commencement of the Paris bourne pet-
emcnt. The Grand Trunk board having re
igned , the committee will now uppro&f.h Mr
harles Rivers Wilson , asking him to stand for
he presidency of the line.
The following ; were the closing quotations
n the lending stocks of the New York ex
hnnee today :
.tchlson Noruiwcsicrn fl8ft
Adama Express. . . 143 N. W. pfd 140
Alton. T. II 41H K. Y. Central VS <
\m. Express 112 N. Y. AN. E .18 !
Inltlmoro A Ohio. 05 Ontario AW 17 * Pacific. . . . 45M Oregon Imp 11
Canada Southern. . M' Oregon Nar _ is
Jentral Paclnc. . . . 17 O. S. I * A U. N. . . . 7
: iies. A Ohio 18H Pacino Mall 23
Chicago Alton 1411 P.O. A E 41
C. , II. & O. Plttsbur * 167
Clilcnito ( lai Pullman Palace. . 172
Consolidated Oas. llcndlnir 10U
C..C. . O. ASt. L. . . . H , O. W 17
: olo. Coal A Iron. . It. O. W. pfd 41
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . Rock Island UO
Delaware A Hud. . St. Paul U2
Del. , Lack , i W. . . l.VJ do pfd 117
D. Si R.Q. pfd 42 St. P. A Omaha. . . . 83W
U. AC. F , Co 42WS do Ufa 111H
Southern Pacific. . 17 * <
do nfd 24 % Sugar Rafluorr. . . . 100 > (
'ort Wayne 167 Tenn. A Iron.
R. Northern ofd. . . 103H Toxa Pacific "
C. AE. I. ofd OOW T. AO Cont. pfd. . TH"
locking Valley. . . SOJ $ Union Pacific. . . . . "
Illnols Central. . . 01 U. S. Express ii !
St. P. A Diiluth . . . 20 W. St. U A P if Hi
C.AT. ptd 31H dopfd 10i !
Lake Krlo A Went 20 Wells Knrpo Ex. . . 104
do pfd 70 Webtern union. . . . esH
Lake Shore 143W Wheeling A L. E. . 1216
xjndTrust 34 do pfd. . 4'J
" .oulsvllleAN. . . . OSU M I. A St. L
* .t N. A 7M t ) . A II. O.
JiinhattnnCon. . . . 118 O. EL. . . . 33U
Momenta A O 10 L.
illcliUsn Cent. . . . 100l < G'F. A i. . " ; ; ; ; . " . " ; . ' ! ! 5s
llssourl Pacino. . 25r < 3opfd 70
iloblle it Ohio . 18' ' It AT. C im
fnshvllleChat. . . . 00 T. A. A. A N. M. . . . l t Cortlnsro. U T. St. L. AK. C. . . . 2
dopfd OK dopfd 12
N'.J. Central 05
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' '
N. A W. pfU IB 'do'pfdi. . . . . . . . . HtHS
forth Am. Co. . . . 6 Am. Tob. Co 10iH :
Jorthern Pacific. . 4 . doom 110
N'o.Piie. pfd 21K St. P. , M. A M
U.P. . I ) . AG (
The total sains of stock today were 2.M.774
ihaies , Incliidlnp : American Susar , 37.0W ; Ameil-
cnn Tobacco , 4,200 ; IJurllnKlon , C.CO ) ; Chicago
Oa , 16,700 ; D. & C. P. ctfs. , 9,900 ; General
"lectrie , 13.300 ; Kansas & Texas , 4,400 ; L. & N. ,
1.100 ; National Lead. 9.400 ; New Jersey Central.
1.200 ; Northwest , 10.900 ; Heading , 34.400 ; St. Paul.
12,200 ; United States Leather. 18,100 ; United
SlatcB Leather prcfened , 6,800 ; United States
'lubber , 3.COO ; Wheeling & I ikc Erie , 3.900.
Now Yurk Alt ncy Market.
NEW YOniC. April 30. Money on call easy nt
OU4 ; Inst loan , 114 ; closed 1V4SJ2 per cent.
STBIIL1NG nXCIIANGB-Dull nnd easy , with
actual business In bankera' bills at f4-S9 > O4.S9Vl
f > - demand md J4.8SU04.SSU for sixty days ;
posted mien , J4.894.694 ! , and J4.9004.90V4 ; com
mercial bills , J4.87'.4.
OOVEKNMENT BONOS Firm ; state bonds
dull ; railroad bonds easy.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
Blow Market on Oattlo and Not Much
Ohango in Prices.
Dcinnml Pair nnd Tending Kcnionnbly Ac *
tivo at tlio Decline , with Heavy lle-
cclpts No Sheep Received to
Mnka a Market.
TUESDAY , April 30.
The receipts today were 1.908 cattle , 4,701
hogs nnd 431 sheep , compnred with 1,473 cat
tle , 1,115 hogfl and C76 sheep yesterday , nnd 961
cattle , 3,444 hogs nnd 43G sheep Tuesday of
last week.
CATTLE There were eighty-six loads of
cattle In the yards today , of which nine
loads were consigned direct to the packers.
The larger part were stackers and feeders ,
the number of good beef cattle being small.
Hutcher stock was supplied In usual num
The fat cattle market was called from
steady to weak , with J5.25 paid for one car
of good cornfed cattle.
There was very little change In the cow
and heifer market , but the few here were
taken at a little better prices than yester
day , nnd the market was good. Top price
on cows was $1 , and a fine load of heifers
sold for (1.05.
The stockers nnd feeders mostly composed
the cattle offerings today. The prices held
steady nnd closed strong , some good west *
crn stuff bringing } 4 per hundred. The nice
rain of Sunday nnd yesterday morning
made n much better feeling In this branch
of the market , iind the demand was good.
Representative sales :
45 steers 1081 3 C5.
HOGS There were-'slxty-tliree cars of hogs In
today and thQ quality wns called pretty good.
Moat salesmen called--the market 5o lower. All
outside markets h.1d heavy receipts and were
luwrf. After the brenk of lOc yestci-day the
sellers were slow to let go , but when trading
commenced the market became more active nnd
closed firm. The range of prices ran from $4.30
to J4.C7V4. the hitter price being laid for a couple
of very fancy loads. Hulk of sales $4.50 to $4.55 ,
against $4.55 to $4.C5 yesterday. Representative
ales :
s'o. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
7 147 ICO $4 3D 101 191 SO $4 M
A 135 160 4 43 7S 225 320 4 52',4 '
j3 189 4 443 72 217 120 4 52'.i
- IBS 40 4 45 75 211 M 4 5214
184 ICO 445 55 201 . . . 4 62' $
0 140 80 4 45 69 210 2SO 4 5214
0 205 40 4 4. . 63 241 210 4 6214
5 293 2SO 445 Cl 20) ICO 4 53
7 22.40 4 45 C3 217 SO 4 55
8 205 . . . 4 43 112 MS 200 4 55
232 80 44714 C4 21D SO 463
2 3)2 120 4 47',4 67 234 60 4 ST.
4 194 ICO 4 60 74 214 2SO 4 63
1 187 40 4 60 75 223 . . . 4 K
R 203 100 4 60 80 221 2SO 4 53
0 215 120 4 50 62 2S7 . . . 455
3 273 . . . 4 50 80 214 80 4 So
01 203 SO 4 50 79 207 80 4 M
0 193 120 4 60 6 252 . . . 4 65
4 204 240 4 50 83 2W . . . 4 W >
0 224 160 4 60 CO 2T.2 40 4 65
1 400 . . . 460 Cl 240 200 45714
1 202 80 450 01 207 . . . 4 5714
,1 , -MX 120 460 74 2:3 60 4 87V4
1 131 80 460 9 323 . . . 4 57',4
8 213 . . . 4 60 82 210 40 4 CO
7 223 . . . 4 50 31 271 120 4 CO
9 181 60 4 50 80 232 ICO 4 CO
59 207 ICO 450 C8 2T.8 240 4 CO
A 211 . . . 460 5 330 . . . 401)
J 201 EO 460 61 277 100 400
3 1S9 120 450 68 277 . . . 4 CO
65 188 . . . 4 60 CO 283 . . . 4 CJ'4
. . . . . . . . ICO 4 50 60 238 . . . 4 62" 4
2 194 80 4 50 30 321 . . . 4 C2"i
6 245 . . . 450 47 327 60 405
5 242 . . . 4 50 69 2S.3 . . . . 4 05
B 1S4 . . . 4 50 03 247 . . . 4 03
7 Iffl . . . 4 50 60 35S . . . 4 G714
5 239 . . . 460 51 321 . . . 46714
1 no . . . 3 50 11 133 . . . 4 30
14 110 . . . 4 25
SHEEP The sheep on the market were of very
good quality of cornfed western wethers and the
rices were about steady with yesterday.
Good Dunrind for Cattle niut Prices
Stronger Hoes iLoiver.
CHICAGO , April 30. There was a very Rood
ilemand for cattle and prices were stronger than
on yesterday. Common to choice native beef
steers , welshing from 875 to 1M ID'S. , were
salable at from M to 1C , with a good share of
the tradlns at from * 3 to J5.75. Hutchcrln ? and
cannlnu stock was In light supply and In fair
demand at unchanged prices. Cows snld at
from Jl.W to $4,75 , principally at from (2.30 to
} X75 , and bulls nuld generaly at from 12.20 to
J4.23. The recclptB c-f Texas cattle numbered
about 1,00) head and sales wtre fairly large.
With estimated hotf receipts today of 21,000
head , and 8,000 left over from yesterday , trade
stortsd up slowly , and prices were on an aver
age 5o per 100 Uis , lower and In some cases lOc
off , making a fall of 15o In two days. Toward
noon the trade started up and a large part of
the hogs were disposed of , the bulk fetchlnu
from 14.70 to } 4. & . lleiiVy sold at from (4.60 to
J4.90. light at from M.CO to 14.60 , and pigs nt
finrn 14 to } 4.50.
With sheep receipts today of 17,000 lieail or
more , ami a largo humlwr left over from yes
terday , sales were rlotr for the great liulk of
the offering ! ! , which were common In quality , but
good Hocks were slriidy" Bhecp sold at from
Jl.ia to } 2 for Inferior nnd common up to from
14 to 14.60 for goCHltoBJlme , and lajnb found
buyers nt 13.75. Some ijeJIers called prime Mex
ican lambs higher , tthfeluest being scarce and
active at J3.60. Very- few sheep sold higher than
J4.23. . ' ' '
Ilecclnt * : rattle , S.MO Head : calves. 2,500 head ;
hogs. Zl.OOO head ; ghetp , 117,000 head.
St. l.ounrt.rvo stock.
ST. I.OUIR , April JOiCAlTLlnecelpts , 3,20' '
head ; shipments , KO-lHttd. Market firmer anT
steady for both nullvl * and 'wmthweatern. Ex <
| xirt natives wouldi-bring JS.&ofl6.10 ; gocnl tt
choice shipping , (5.&J.S4 ! ; fair to medium , )1.U
( i.VOO ; light and pjtt > f good butcher uteers ,
J1.50fl4.25 ; feeders. I3.t0tri.t0 ; cnws , J2.2JC3.50
fe < l Texans , 1Z.WiH.Mi , fera scrs , J2.60S3.UI ; cows ,
IIOQS necelptu , 10.JOOrhead ; shipments , 1K (
head. Market lOo lower , top price4.60 ; buld
of snleH. (4.03 ; light. (4.504.70.
SI1KKP Ilecelpts. 4.MX ) head ; shipments , none ,
Market quiet ; must of receipts went direct If
rlaughterers. Natives of 130 Ibs. sold (4.4' ) (
cllpp l natives. (3.W ; Tcxnns of 70 IbB. , 13.23 ;
spring lambs , ( S.00i6.00.
Hr. l.oul Live htork.
ST. LOUIS , April 30. CATTLIHecelpt * , 3,20 (
head ; tlilpmenti' , 100 head. Market firm am
steady for both natives nnd southwestern. K
port natives would bring (3.E5 < S6,10 : geol tc
choice shipping , (3.2505.GO ; fair to medium , ( t.X !
< i5.00 ; light nnd pretty good butchers' etecm
(3.50i(4.2J ; iteera. J3.004j4.W ; cows , J1KG3.W ; fee
N , W , HARRIS & GO ,
163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
fS > YaII-t. , New York. 70SUle-tt , , Uostoc
CoreejBondtBO * Solicited.
J3.S04J4.W ! graders. I1500S.M ! cow .
HOCIB Receipts. 10.300 head ; shipments , 1,300
head. Market lOc lower : top price , J4.8Q ; bulk of
sale * . J4.63Q4.7Ci Hunt. M.5004.70.
SHEEP Receipts , 4,800 head : shipment * , none.
Market quletj most of receipts went direct to
slaughterers ; nntlven of 130 tbs. sold nt $4.40 :
clipped natives , $3,60 ; Texani ot 70 Ibs. , J3.M ;
spring Iambi , J5.Q ge.CO.
No IT York Lira Stuck Market.
NDW YORK , April 31 11KBVE8 Receipts , 3S7
head ; none on sale , Kuropenn cables quote
American Meets nt ll'iWli'.ic , drcjscd v , eight ;
refrigerator beef not quoted.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpls , 1,87 head ; on
sale , 617 head ; market ( Inn ; unshorn sheep , fair
to prime , J4.50tfS.2S ! good clipped sheep. J4.23 ;
ordinary unsluirn spring Inmbs , $3.H > 8'4.W.
HOO8 Receipts , 8,308 head ; market ? steady at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( Tool .Market.
BOSTON. April 30.-Thcro Is n slight clmngo
In the volume of sales In the wool market this
week , although prices remain the same ns Inft
week. The supply of old wool Is considerably
broken and the proximity of the arrival of new
wool tends to make buyers purchase t > parlmly
so they can nwiiH the nrrlvnl ot the new clips
before putting In new lines. A largo amount of
wool will be needed In the near future , accordIng -
Ing to reports from all sections. The movement
In fleece wools Is slow , and although Muck *
available arc small , the tone Is weak , in a whole.
Australian wools nre moving freely nnd the mar
ket holds firm. The arrivals In the post week
have been remarkably heavy , but prices Imve
been well maintained. The selling prices for lh
lending dctcrlptlons arc nn follows : Ohio nnd
Pennsylvania fleeces , XX nnd above. lO'itlCHc ;
X nnd above , 16i13 * c ; No. 1 combing , 20Q21CI
unwashed , lUflScj X , Michigan. HttHUc ; No. l
Michigan combings , 19cj lllchlcnn unwashed ,
lOfflOHc : X , New Yolk , New Hampshire and
Vermont , 14c ; Kentucky nnd Maine quarter blood
combings , ! Cffl7c : Indiana nnd Missouri quarter
blood combing , ISfflCc ; Montana line medium and
line , lOiJllc ; scoured , 30fT3Jc ; Wyoming , Utnh ,
etc. , line medium nnd fine , 9Jllc ; scoured , 3 < if
31c ; Atistinllan scoured combings , superfine ,
PHILADELPHIA , April 30. WOOL Dull and
lower ; Ohio and Pennsylvania , XX and above ,
16W17c ; X nnd above. I6'4lG4c ! ; medium , 19 ®
20o : quarter blood , 20 < ] 21c ; common. ISTHJc. New
York , Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. , XX , 14 16c ;
medium , 18 184c : quarter blood , 19145J20c ; com
mon , 174/lSc ; washed combings nnd delaine , line ,
1GIF190 ; medium , 20t2tc ; coarse , D lJlc ; un-
vnslied. medium , 2iX < i21c ; low medium , l.lffllc ;
) rnld , 1GQ17C ; unwashed ( light arid bright ) , line ,
1C12CJ medium , 15016c ; low medium , ICfll'c ;
% oarsf , IHHCc ; unwashe < l ( dnrk colored ) , light
Ine , SBlOc ; heavy flne , 6Sc ; medium , 12f13c ;
nne. medium. Ilfl2c ; course , 11B12C. Territory
vool , sniOoj heavy , light nnd nne , 709e ; line , me-
lluni. 10 < S13c ; nwllum , 11012c ; quarter blood ,
OiTI2c ; coarse , 11H13C.
LONDON , April 30. The third scries of the
vool auction sales for this year opened today.
There wns a large attendance , chiefly Yorkshire
and continental buyers. The demand wn mostly
* rom the home trade. Prices were C per cent
loorer. The number of bales offered wns 13.C03 ,
of which 2,600 bales were wlthdlawn. Following
are the sales In detail :
New South Wnlps , 3,723 bales ; scoured , 71 < .dff
s Slid ; greasy , SdfcSd.
Queensland. 3.741 bales ; scoured , 7',5dSls ' 3Hd ;
greasy , 3idfl8d.
Victoria , 709 bales ; scoured , lldls 2d ; greasy ,
South AnMmlln , 831 bales ; scoured , 10H.d |
rwisy , 3'4dg7d.
Tasmania , 465 Uilesj greasy , 6JdC8 > 4d.
New Zealand , 4,191 bales ; scoured , lklls Id ;
Cape of Hood Hope nnd Natal , 323 bales ;
scoured , 7
Nt. Louis Mitrket.
ST. LOUIS , April 30. FLOUR-Sternly nt the
recent advance. Patents. J3.10r3.26 ; extra fancy.
J3.00JT3.IO : fancy , J2.702.60 ; choice , $2.3382.60 ;
rye flour , $3.23&3.50.
WHEAT Unsettled , but there was more pres-
mre to sell than to buy , and July declined lie
wlow yesterday's close , nnd closed Uo nbovo
he bottom rate. May rather weak early , sold
, Jc lower , but on buying by the shorts advanced
'ic , nnd closed firm ; No. 2 red cash , 03c bid ;
May. C4VJc ; July , GlUc bid.
CORN Based off on weakness In other mnr-
tets , declining HO from yesterday's close , rai
led somewhat on reported decrease In the avail
able supply , but closed weak , with sellers of
July 5ic bejow and May Tie. lower than yester
day ; No. 3 mixed cash , 4ol4c ; May , 4r4c bid )
July 4014046HC nuked ; September , 471JC.
OATS Weak In sympathy with other markets ,
closing Ho below yesleiday ; No. 2 cosh , 2U4c ;
May , 20c : July , 29 ic asked ; September , 2714c
RYE None offered on call , and C5c bid there
'or No. 2 regular.
11ARLKY Steady.
OORN MEAL J2.lf.G2.20.
I1RAN I-'Irm ; C714c on east track.
TLAX SKIOD-Qulct : $1.39.
GRASS SKKDS Quiet nnd firm ; clover seed ,
poor to choice , $7.00118.15 ; timothy , $3.604.2i.
HAY Prairies unchanged ; timothy , firm ; com
mon to fancy , $8.2511.W.
HUTTKR Easier ; fancy Elglns , 20c ; separator
creamery , 1CS17C.
ROOS Quiet nnd lower ; 101.c.
WHISKY Steaxly ; J1.20 for distillers' finished
LEAD Wenk : J2.S5 for chemical hard , $2.8714
ild nnd refused.
SPHLTKR Easier ; J3.05.
PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess. $12.30.
_ .nrd . , prime steam , $0.65 ; choice , $ O.CS. Dry
tail meats , boxed shoulders. $5.23 ; long.t , $6.50 ;
ribs , $6.0214 ; shorts , J675. Hacon , boxed shoul-
lers. JC.OO ; longs , $6.6214 ; ribs , JG.3714 ; shorts.
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000
iu , ; corn , 9.000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 5,000 Mils. : wheat , 24.000
bu , ; corn , 14,000 bu. ; oats , 0,000 bu.
Liverpool .Markets.
LIVERPOOL. April 30. WHEAT Spot firm ;
lomand modernte ; No. 2 red winter , 6a 2d ; No.
2 red spring , 6s Cd ; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 6a
C4d ! ; No. 1 OnllCornto , 6s 2d. Futures opened firm
and closed steady with business about equally
distributed ; May , 6s l' , ' d ; June , 6s l id ; July ,
la 2d ; August. 6s 2id ! ; September , 6s 3d ; October ,
5s 3 > , id.
CORN Spot firm ; American mixed new , 4s
Bud ; futures opened steady and closed quiet
with business about equally distributed. May ,
Is 414 < l ; June , 4s 4)ld ; July , 4s M ; August , Is
Mid ; September , 4s 5d ; October , 4s 6'd.
FLOUR Firm and fair ; St. Louis fancy win
ter. On 3d.
PROVISIONS n.icon , steady : demand moder
nte ; Cumberland cut. 23 to 30 Ibs. , 33s Cd ; short
ribs , 2S llis. , 34 ; long clenr , light. 38 to 4i Ibs. .
32s ; long clear , heavy. 65 Ibs. . 31s ; short clear
nacks , light. 18 Ibs. , 33s ; short clear middles ,
iieavy. 55 Ibs. , 32s 6d ; clear bellies. 14 to 16 Ibs. .
34s 6d. Shoulders , square. 12 to 18 Ibs. , 30s 6d.
Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs , , 43s 6d. Tallow ,
line North American , nominal , lleef , extra India
mess. 77s Cd ; prime mesn , C2s Cd. Pork , piime
mess , line western , Cls 3d ; prime mess , medium ,
as ad. Lard , dull ; prime western , 34s Cd ; refined
n palls , 35s Cd.
CHEESE Steady : demand moderate : finest
American white , 47s ; finest American colored ,
HUTTER-Flnest United 'States , C5s ; good ,
COTTON SEED OIL Uvcrpool refined , ISs.
PETROLEUM Refined , llltd.
REFRIGERATOR HEEF Forcquarters , 4'id ;
hindquarters , O' , d.
HOPS At London ( Pacific const ) , 2 6s.
The receipts of wheat during the post three
days were 133,000 centals , Including S3.000 Amer-
Th'e recclptB of American corn during the past
three days were 70,300 centals.
WEATHER Partially cloudy.
t nttun Mitrket.
NEW ORLEANS. April 30.-COTTON-Futures
barely steady : Rales. 70.300 bales ; May , JS.22 bid ;
June , J0.30&0.31 ; July. JC.3SS .39 : August. J < ) .43
644 ; September , J6.43Si .47 ; October , JC.47flG.4T > ;
November. J6.50fJG.52 ; December , JC.5S C.56.
NEW ORLEANS. April 30. COTTON Quiet ;
middling. 61ic ; low middling. 5T4c ; good ordinary ,
S 9-lCc ; net and gross receipts , 6,313 bales ; ex
ports to Great Rritaln , 1,350 bales ; to the conti
nent 15619 bales ; coastwise. 2,000 bales ; Bales ,
4,6W bales ; stock , 241.S23 bales.
NEW YORK. April SO.-COTTON-Dull ; mid-
dling. 0 15-lCc. Net receipts , l.ZCS bales : gross ,
92G7 bales ; exports to Great Ilrltaln , 5,243 bales ;
to France. 490 liales ; to the continent , 4,000 bales ;
forwarded , 1,037 bales. Sales , 257 bales ; spinners ,
57 bales ; stock , 3,204 bales.
MllirnilUeo Mttrkctii.
MILWAUKEE , April 30. WHEAT Unsettled ;
No. 2 spring. 64e ; No. 1 northein , 71o ; July , C41ic.
CORN Lower ; No. 3 , 471ic.
OATS Lower ; No. S white. 42c.
RARLEY Dull and lower ; No. 2. SllSc ; sample.
RYE Ix > wer ; No. 1 , 65c.
PROVISIONS Lower ; pork , J11.90 ; lard , JC.EO.
RECEIITS Flour. 7,400 bbls. ; wheat , 24,700
bu. ' barley , 16,800 bu.
SHII MENTS Flour , 12.600 bbls. ; wheat , 12,000
bu. ; barley , tQO bu.
Now York Dry Ooodi Market.
NEW YORK , April 30. There was a large
number of buyers In the market today whooe
presence was remarked In all directions. Colorei
cotton of all descriptions received the greates
share In the line , while wool fabrics , llannels
blankets nnd dress goods had the chief attention
It IB a very strong market nil around , Printing
cloths were very lirm at 2 13-lCc , and only emal
quantities obtainable.
Minneapolis \Vhoat Market.
April. CSc ; May , C41ic : June. C3 < ,4 G3Hc ; Septem
ber , C3io. On track : No. 1 hard , C6Vje ; No.
northern , O5'ic ; No. northern , ClHc. Receipt
of wheat , 107 cars. Close , weak.
FLOUR Stedy ; first | tents , J3.WJ3.80 ; second
patents , J3.tOii3.60 ; llrst clears , l2.Mia2.C5.
Knnsas City MurUrt * .
KANSAS CITY. April 30-WHHAT-lc lower
No. 2 hrtrd , C3c ; No. 2 red , C4c ; rejected , COc.
CORN Opened steady , closed ( ib'.ic ' lower
No. 2 mixed. HMtte ; No. 2 white , 4i'i 4Cc.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , SSc ; No. 2 white
S2c , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oil Market * .
OIL CITY , Pa. . April SO. Opened , J2 ; highest
J2 ; lowest , II K ; rlotied. J1.93. Bales , 19,00
bbls. : shipments. 1SS.C17 bbls. ; runs , 127.949 bbls
LONDON , April 30. Spot petroleum. 8id. !
Trlicn Wheat Quotations.
dull ; December , K7 ic ; May. & ) c.
rinunclnl > oto * .
CINCINNATI , April 30. Clearings , 11,9:0,550.
IIOSTON , April 30. Clearings , J18.840.357 ; bal
anctii , Jl./Xt.S J.
BALTIMORE. April SO. Clearings , f2K3,3(0
balances , J24.C93.
NEW YORK. April SO. Clearings , 1111,103,813
balances. 10,175,214.
PHILADELPHIA. April J0.-Clearlng . 112.413 ,
112 ; balance * , J1.M6.130. For the month ; Clear
Ings. j : ! > 8U3C43 ; baluncM. t24,102,4'j9.
CHICAQO , April 30.-Clearingt. J14,4 S.OOO ; Ne
York exchangv , Gu premium. Bterllnif , pontti
ratea. J.KH/4.WU. Money , 6 ptr cent en ca
oed t per cent en time.
lains Htwo Relieved the Dry Fields of the
Antelope Btato ,
Week Jutt Cloned Ha * llrcn it Mnt I'nvor *
blc One and the Crop * llavo Mnde
iiccllcnt : I'rocrcm In All
flection * .
Weekly weather-crop bulletin , No. I , of the
Nebraska weather service , co-operating
with the United States weather bureau , Is-
ued from central olllce , University of No-
irnska , Lincoln , by a. D. Swezcy , meteorologist
elegist of the Nebraska experiment statlcn ,
or the week ending April 29 :
nn nt
f to ;
The first hnlf of tlio week was warm nnd
dry and crops generally wire bgtnnlng to
suffer , but the showers of the last three
clays have relieved this condition and tlio
week closes with prospects very favorable.
Temperature hns been from seven degrees
nbovc the normal In the western part of the
state to nine degrees above In the eastern ,
and there lias been more than the normal
amount of sunshine.
The rain has been generally above the
normal. Nearly nil parts of the state have
been visited during ; tlio last half of the
week by showers , many of them heavy ,
exceeding1 nn Inch over most ot the state
and over two Inches In several localities.
The week has been a very favorable one
for tlio progress of farm work , which Is
now even farther In advance of the season
than It was n week ago , being fully two
weeks earlier than the average.
Small grain continues for the most part
In good condition , but has not grown OH well
ns In previous weeks , owing to lack of
moisture the early part of the week.
A large acreage of sugar beets lias been
planted In various localities. Corn planting
has been general over the state , and the
. early planted Is coming up.
Further reports ns to the frost which oc
curred the last of last week Indicate that
no damage of consequence was done , and
fruit prospects never looked better.
Street right In Chicago In W lilch n Colored
Mini In Mmr by nn OMlcdr.
CHICAGO , April 30. In attempting to ar
rest three colored men at Spring and State
streets late last night Olflcer Golden shot
and killed one of them Instantly , but not
until he himself had been twlco wounded ,
and Officer McDermott had narrowly escaped
i mortal wound In the abdomen. The wounds
were the result of a fusllado of bullets be
tween the colored men , each of whom was
armed , and the officers , which aroused the
neighborhood and created great excitement
tor a Unit. The two colored men who
seemed to be unhurt escaped.
Killed Herself for Hur llutband'g Sake.
DENVER , April 30. Unable to remove
from her mind the fctrange hypnotic Influence
exerted over her by a music teacher , and
suffering from unrequited love , Mrs. Zelle
Vcnnelren , 24 years of ago , fired a bullet
nto her left breast , Inflicting a fatal wound.
[ n a letter to her husband , the writer coolly
nforms him that she loved Luther T. Hall ,
ho music teacher , and It was for his sake
: hat she Intended to take her own life.
Another letter was addressed to Hall , nnd
another to his wife , both telling of a vain
struggle of the writer to control herself and
irevent unhapplness to all concerned. She
vroto that although she had been married
.wlce , she did not love her husbands ; that
Hall was the only man that ever struck the
responsive chord.
Lost In the Wood * In Ilia Winter.
EAGLE IUVEH , WIs. , April 30. The bo3y
of Dr. C. S. Dlxon , a prominent citizen of
Ashland , WIs. , who was lost In the woods
ast winter , was found by a searching party
; oday. _
Paint your chairs with Enameled Paints ;
Kennard Glass & Paint Co.
Try Imogen L. Hamsey's homo made Jellies.
Eat Dalzell's Ice- cream nt your homes , at
your churches or wJien you are down town.
Aug. Seliaefer , pharmacist , 1923 Sherman
ave. , will compound all prescriptions correctly.
Ice cream soda 5c. Sherman & McConncll.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record April 30.
1S95 :
Annie Sugarman and husband to Arthur
Putin , lot 12 , block : 4 , Hush & S's add to
South Omaha $ l.SOO
Fidelity Trust company to 1' . A. Connolly.
41x133 feet In nw ne 9-15-13 1,200
Sanio to L. M. Knox. n 35 feet of lot 35 ,
and s 35 feet of lot 3G , Rees Place 1
Anna Fatikhauser and liuslinml to I' . J.
Wuclhrlch. lot 10. block 16. Hone 11111. . . 300
A. C. Pearson ami wife to 13. M. Heed ,
part of lot IOC , Glee's ndil l.DCO
a. L. Ahmanson nnd wife ttV. . II. Ah
manson , g 3014 feet of w 102 feet of lot
II , Mock 1 , Lake's ndd 1
M. E. Osgood to Mutual Investment com
pany , lotH 1 , S3 , 34. nnd w V4 lot 2 ,
Mock 2 , Hlmebaugh's ndd 1
Mutual Investment company to W. A Pinkerton -
kerton , pnme 1
J. L. Walker to C. H. T. Helpen. lot 4.
block 5 , Ambler Place b
Special master to M. K. Osgood , lots 1. 2 ,
33 and 34 , Mock 2. Hlmcbaugh's ndd C70
Same to National IJank of Commerce. B ft
of lot 3. and n > , i of lot of 4 , block 1 ,
1'erklns1 subdlv 6.000
Total amount of transfers I15.S7S
From early child
hood there are
hundreds who are
afflicted with this
terrible disease ,
which the medical
men and even lIotBprlngsfnll to benefit. 8. B. B.
him made a wonderful record In the euro of
Eczema : even ( Tr&rtB/l / Hftcrevery known
remedy had B JB8 IBM Jailed , this re
nowned blood Bill ! ! ! remedy has re
moved the dieB I IliVIVB caw entirely. You
cannot aflord to risk the barmfull effects ofracr-
curlal and potash
remedies , they are
wono than the dli-
case. B. B. 8. Is
guaranteed purely vegetable -
table , containing no drug
or mineral of any kind.
Bend for our treatise on
blood nnd fkln diseases
CO. , Atlanta. Oa.
Of nil IntTR f.adr Who Wan Cured of Djl.
pepiU Attrt Suffering Tr cntjr-Flre Yean.
From Michigan Christian Advocate.
Mr. . Snrnh A. Sktoli. nn estimable lady ;
residing at Lynnvllle , Jnsper county , town ,
wns for twenty-llvo yenrs a stiftoror from
dyspepsia , and her coinploto restoration to
health In BO romnrknble that wo pretent
tlio facts In tlio cnso ( or tlio benefit of our
readers , ninny ot whom linve doubtless suf
fered In the ( nine ninnnor and will , thcre-
fori , bo Interested In learning how all stomach
ach troubles may b avoided and"cured. . Mrs.
Sheets BIOS : 1 uird only one package of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and I received
such uteat and unexpected benefit that 1
wish to express my sincere KratltudcIn
fact , It has been six months since I took
ths medicine and I hnvo not had ono partlclo
of illstrcsn or dllllculty since. And all this
In the fnco of the fsct that the best doctora
I consulted told me my cafe wns Incurable
as 1 had siilTi-red for twenty-llvo years. I
want half a dozen packages to distribute
among my friends here who are very anx
ious to try this remedy. Yours truly ,
The teason why Stuart's Dyspepsia , Tnbletn
are EO successful In curing Indigestion anil
stomach , troulilo and the reason why It never
disappoints those who need It and use It la
because nothing Is claimed for It except what
It will actually perform. It Is not a cure-all
and no such claims nro made for It. U Is
prepared for the solo purpose of curing Dys-
pepsln and the various forms of Indigestion.
There Is scarcely a patent inedlclno mndtt
li'jt what Is claimed to cure Dyspepsia aa
well ns n hundred other troubles. When ni
a matter of fact a remedy to euro Dyspepsia
must be prepared especially for that ana
nothing else and among all the remedies ,
patent rostrums , bitters , etc. , so extensively
advertised you will find that Stuart's Dys-
pepsln Tablets Is tlio only ono advertised as
a cure for Dyspepsia and nettling elso. The
remedy Is prepared by the Stmrt Chemical
Co. of Martlial , Mich. , andifor sale by alt
druggists at 50 cents per package , and It
you suffer from nny form of stomach < le
rangement or Indigestion a trial will not ills *
appoint you.
off many minds
Beats alfl other kinds
Climax Plug is much
the best chewing tobacco
made. It'sLorSllard's. '
Sometimes nceda n reliably
monthly regulating tnedlcma.
Arc prompt , safe and certain In result. The gcnu *
Ino ( Dr. Peal's ) neverdlsappoint. Sent anywhere
$1.00. Sherman & McConnell Druit Co. , 1513
street , Omaha , Neb.
You ' '
Can't ,
take too much
It quenches your thirst
That's the best of it
Improves your health
That's the rest oflt
A Mctnt pKetftM mtkeiSBkUoui. Boll tverT *
ulitre. > UJ < onl/bjTli lli i.E.lrfit' ] ] . , rhll .
tlaryUyphlllspermnnontlr cured In IS t
35 dnys. Yon can bo treated at borne tot
the same price undermine K'liiruiity. If
rouproferto corao hero wo vrl4 ! contfaH
to par railroad faro and hptot bills , aoil ISO
cbarge.lf wo fall to cure. If you bate taken mer
cury , lodldo rita li , and ( till hnvo aches and
pains. M ucous Put dies In mouth , Born Throat >
I'liiiplea , Copper Odlorcd Hpotn , Ulcers OQ
anrpartof ttiobodr , IlulrorKynlimtrB falllnpr
out , U la this Byphllltlo 1JLOOI ) 1'OISON thai
vre pnarantco to cure. Wo solicit the mo t ol > itl >
nnto ciisca and cliiilloneo tlio woriu fur a
cnsn wo cannot euro. 'I'hls Qlienso Iiua alirois
buflliHl thoHklll of tlio rno t eminent phyil-
cluiia. WOOO.OOO capital behind our uncondl *
tionnl ennrantr. Absolute proof * sent scaled oa
nppllcatton. Addreta CUUK KKMiuV : CO *
307 Ituotllo Teiiiplu , CUICAUU. ILL *
wcncfti'ou 10 8Cvu r/MiLn.j-
Write for Bank References.
r se > = a i . EXAMINATION
No Operation. Ro Detention from Business.
fi07-30S N Y tlfo Bid ? . , OMAHA. NEB.
Clilrhotrr1 ! Kncll.h Diamond IVani.
Orlglnul and Onlj Urnulne.
u fUI lor CkUHtiur'i Xnuliili IHfi
> njllranl | u Itrd n IIMJ nruUloX
iti , x-ilcJ nub tilua rlblnii , Tuko
mother. Xi/uttila j ui ivtilllif
> M onj ( mllnllaiM. At I'rufilili , or > ' ] 4 j
liropi ror l < trtl4altri , tniltuoaUU K0 > i
Kellef for r.u.lli' , " in I'll" . t > J return
BuUtat ; I'hllciu. , l' *
K ° niutlor wliut Ijooklut.
on spi'culiitlon you nrny
imvo rouil HPIK ! foroiiri
wiicli , UNKWund ( JOM-
Pl < KTK. Itclcurlyox-
und DKKINK.S AlJ-.MAUKKToxiros8loiH. | It's
free unil will tuucli you soinutliliiy.
AltltUUAHr CO.,222 Trailers Illil
tiio Keaturei and Iterant
Ing lllcmlihei , In 160 p. book lut a lUuap.
Jolm \Voodbury. . 127 W. < W HI..N , Y.
Innntor \Vwdturj' facial