) rFTTTO rYXlATTA T > A itTTTT'Rn ? ( A"V. AT TTT , nn. 1SOK SPEG1RL NOTICES , /drcrtlscmctitft for lhc o rolumni will b krn until 1BI3O p. m. for the erciiliicmiil nntli 8 i > . in. tar the meriting and Hnniluy dltlun. Ailt-trtlicrfl , by rrqacftllni : " numbered clirclt , inn Imvo nmivrcr * nddrcimcd to a numbered letter In rare of 'llio llco. An * wrrs no nilUriMcd will fan ilrllTorcd upon trim-million of the check on If. Hilton , 1 l 8c n nurd , llrit liiMTtlon , Ion word hereafter. Nothing tnhoii ( or Int than 23o for llrst InMTllon. Hit-no advertisement * muit tun coiuecu * lively. SITUATIONS WANTED , POSITION AS Ct.lMUi IN DRY OOOI > 3. clothlmt or Kcnernl more , } > y nn experienced man ( German ) , Good reference * . AiMrr ? l > x JM. AYuhiM , Neb A MM3 1 * . i i > AKinH : "LOOKING roit A HITI'ATION ; city or country. Apply at 037 8. lltli ulreel. A M334 31 * tt'ANTKD. HITUATION IIV OCX ) ! ) IIUBAD nnil c.ike I'nker. Inquire European hotel , 107 B. 13th Ktrcet , A-M3II * ! _ _ WANTED MALE Hl.ZjP. vVANTitA : PK\V MOIIIJ 0000 to collect nnd noil. Apply 1516 U II 2M-H-3Q BAI.nSMKN IN AND OUT OI- ' OMAHA TO HI our K'Kxls to Kroce . Oootl cornml-wlon or ilnry. Inference required. It. X. V. Co. , tH a. Main street , Ht. I < oul , Mo. II M1I4 ! WANTUI ) . THAvfn.INO MAN IN OUOCCIIY llnei ( itnle experience and reference * . Urn clans Nebraska territory. Address N C7 , Ileo olllcc. II-MJH 1 WANTED , AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. Lucrative position for the right man. Cull Wednesday uftcr ! ) Room 8 , 213 Sn. Uth street. B-M3U 30 WANTED , A BRIGHT , STRONG BOY. WITH two yearn * drui ; experience , not afraid of work. Address nt once. Kuhn & I'u. It M331 1 * STEADY BOY , HANDY WITH TOOLS. WANT- 1. 815 N. Kith street. B-M337 31 * WANTED JUE.LP. ARI3 YOU HONEST , SOBER , INDUSTRIOUS ? If so. engage with us for 1S95 ; $300 a month , $3,600 a year ; you can mak It easy ; six hours a ilay Our agents do not complain of hnrd tlmci. Whyf They arc making money selling our Perfect on Dish Washer , the only practical family washer manufactured ; nablies. dries nnd polishes dished perfectly In two minute * ; no experience necessary ; a child of 8 operates It easily ; cheap nnd durable ; weight , thirteen pounds , made of nr.tl-rust shfet steel ; capac ity , 100 pieces ; $10,000 for KB equal ; every fam ily wants one ; you don't have to canvass ; ns noon ns people know you have It for sale they send for a dlih wnVier ; each agent's territory protected : no cur.petltlon ; wo fur nish snmplo ( weighs elx pounds ) In nice case to lady agents to take orders with ; one agent m de $214.53 Ist ! ten days. Addresi for full particulars Perfection Mfg. Co. , Englewood III. * WANTED , I-IFTY GIRLS FOR ALL KINDS of work. Canadian Emplotment Otllce. 1522 Douglas plrect. C MI03 M23 _ FIRST-Cl7X8S o7llLS AT SCANDINAVIAN Y ! W. home Olfice 1018 Capitol uvcnuc. Tel. 15J7. C 723 3 * WANTED-Oini , FOR GENERAL HOt'SE- work. 291S Dodge St. C-13G WANTED-G1RL , AT ONCE , TOR GENERAL llouscuoil. , small family. 1135 South 31st St. C 153 A LADY WITH THE QUALIFICATIONS OP A saleslady wanted Immediately for n. permanent position. n nl not ln > experienced , but mint come well recommended ; fnlarj * $9.00 weekly. Apply utter 10 o'clock W. T. Marshall , 12 frelghton blnrk -333-23 * A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE , work In small futnlly. Mrs. Ncuman , 2 )9 Doilgo street. C 311-30 FOR BENT HOUSES. HOUSES * . F. 1C DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D IS HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OI- ' THE CITY. THE O. P. Davis company. 1503 Fnrnam. D 128 HOUSES ; BENAWA & CO. , 103 N. 1STII ST. D 127 FOR RENT , 2113 CAPITOL AVENUE. 11 rooms , modern. The O. F. UavU company. II. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA. D-M6S1 1700 AND ZrOS FARNAM STREET. W. M. Roger * , 1323 Farnam street. D M323 rOUR-RCOM IIASEMENT. ill S. 24T1I STREET. D M13I M23 1'LEASANT DETACHED MODERN 8-ROOM house ; nice lawn , barn. Inquire 2003 Pierce st. D-34T l-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 2711 DOUGLAS ST D-1HOJ CENTRALLY LOUATK1J , 10-ROOM HOUSE , modern Improvements. Inquire 712 N. 19tli _ tre t. D M333 B ROOM COTTAGE , C33 SOUTH I7TH AYR. D 3W MZ PLEASANT SIODUIIN C-UOOM 2ND STOHY Mat ; bcautlCul lann and jhaJ'i. 2111 Mhtnl Btrctt. D M71S IJINU-llOOM MOIMIUN IlOUSr : . 1539 31IRII. man avenup , J30 ; 10-ronm modern houte , liur- dettr , rrnr Shermnn nvcnue , J23. Ilvron Heed Co. , 213 South llth street. D M73S Mil. IIOVSKd l-'OK IIHNT , I-'IlOXl J10.00 TO 5 00. See Fidelity Trust company. 1702 I'mnnin B' . D MSO M viiiiY 1'i-iHiHAUU ) nousis VACANT MAY 1st. J. II. Sherwood , 42J N. Y. Life. 'I'lioneTO. roil IinNT FL7lTS VT dlTTlII3ABT COilNnfl of llth nml Howard streets. Newly pnpou-ii I ntul painted. Inquire loom 311 , 1st National 1 Ilnnk IHJff. D-8 3 LIST i-HOPHiiTY ran HUNT. SALR ou i-x- : chnnKo with Equltnbls Investment Co. , 403 N. Y. Life. D & 70 3) unuiTcnn TO ji3.o , CHIAI : > IST AND NKAT\ cst C-rooni cottage with bath lu citv. 3031 Cull- fornJn St. Dm VK-X ) JiouiniN KiGiiT-nooM iiousn , jr i-int inonth. Inquire 2G1& Capitol avvnu . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D 1J2 } wonnux TIX-UOOM norsi : . unicicT aAs' bath , l.iunJrjfurnace ; hard wood tluurs : SM.OJ- kcjs , 1601 Cnpltol avwiue , aJJolnlnc ' I ) MI40 3il rURNIHIIIIU HOt'SH KItOM JUNF. 1ST , TO family without younn chllJren , rufereiiees ie- qulreil. 710 > f. : .M 8t. U ll 3) coni'i.irrn MODIMINIHIIITIIOOM : uuicic In erovu on Shcrwoyil avenue. $ J3 tw Cliolcu modern eight-room brl'-U , No. CO ! North 23ril street. J33.W. Nlcu , lUsht-nxim fnimo residence. N'o. 2217 Spruce ntrei"t , J22.CO. EleKBtit ten mil twelve room modern hrlclc res idences nt souths cst corner 2Jrd mid C.iliroinln very luw tents. ' C. A. Starr. 613 N. Y. Life. . t. u-isa-sj NI3W TLAT. 0 IIOOMS. IJ.VTI1 ANo'lIVTH room. gm . vvnUr. 1113 8. llth. D Jtlft 3 * 1 ItOOM UOrSIJ. NU\VI.Y l'Al"NTI3I)7coilNiil -8th nnu Ilowaril. I.very moilern cunvenlenct- * lorntlon moat ileslnthe. Call on A. C1. Onir rot _ Itoya' thonter. 1) l2l-i ! Toil III3NT. N1NK IIOO5I ruilNIHIIDU lioiifc , im-lern. Will exchange rent for bnanl If ilealml. Per purtlcul.irs enqulio ZC1C St fo * llari'n nve. or mom 47 , lliimswlck hotel. ii-f > 6-ROOJt COTTAOES. ruitNisiiicn. modem. 8D. Ko. : oih street. l > 2SJ-3' FOR RUNT-7 ROOM MODERN FLAT. LANOR liluylU > ! S. IStli Jit. _ -M-24M " FOR MKNT , HoilHra "AN ROOMS. Firil" . nhih-'il or imfurnlslied , ciiitnl. Tlznrd. lit N. ami. , 7-iiooMriAT. , HANOI : AND ALL MODERN connri.nce . 7U1 S. Itith ultvet. Charl-H W. 1 taller. 511 I'axton blo . D M2X.I M27 riNU 13-R. MODERN HOUSE. 2019 I11NNEY , nnnltiiry plumbing perfect. Wlthnell , M7 N. Y , Llfe. D-M30T _ k _ _ tOlO M.VPON ; PLEASANT C-UOUil MODERN houMOt rho-ip ; Iln location ; lawn. M < Ni-w York Life. _ _ I ) M3U TO RKNT. rURNISlIED MODERN clsht rooms nnl laundry ; ruiniihtc ; near ll.in.i- conl park , Sl.iy Uth tj S | itiinibr IJIIi. Ail- ilrera N Cl. lloo. D- FOR RENT. HEVEN-KOOM IIOIiaiC ALL modfrn convenleiu.'c . Iniiulre Gil So. ISth M. rort HH.VT six-uooii noir.sK. KW iJoi-Tii rith street. I.Mi. . . - ; ? LKA.SANT HOL'9i : OP blX LAHCK IIOOMS. VM-ll 1-x-atrU. S31 a. Slsl. -MX 1 < ji ion I-QR RENT. ROOMS. ta. TH _ E-37S MS 60UTII I'RONT ROOM. Z:7I HAlNEY. E-M77I 30 I'LTTASANT ROOM , 1919 DOIX3K. K-575 UODERN ROOM , WITH BOARD. IIO * CAS3. _ _ _ I' MSC.1 MI9 . UNt'SD , $7. JIJ. JU , Wl N. ITTH. U-ftrt-3' rr\\-O FUIINISIIHU ' IIOOMS I-'OIl OKNTLKMU.V In private fqatlly. 81) N. lath K tit-ti * HICK SOUTH FRONT RWtM WELL FUI nUu J. prlTiito faintly. Call ill : Cn strwt , HART PRONT ROOM8. PPRNI HKD OR I'N. funilihfli modern , bourd 1C il < ira t < > 1 N I r i > M-.3 > UBCKEIPINO : ROOMS cov4i larc lawn. J4I1 Bt M ] y > . FOlvWISHED ROOMS AND BOAJID. POR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR without board , In modern detached house. Beau tiful lawn , shade trees nnd flowers , A nice cool place ( or summer. Call 2213 Webster st. F-M200 1" BOARD AND ROOM , KM WEEK. Z297 FAR. nam street. F-MJ 3 SUITE ROOMS WITH BOARD , B1IRINER. 321 H. VAh. FM241 31 * ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2225 DODGE STREET. F-M 5 ! ROOMS WITH HOARD ; FINE LOCATION. 1812 Chicago. F-MJS39' Fl'RNlHHKD ROOMS , \VITII 11OAIID. tJTO- pl , 1721 Davenport street. ' F Mitt 2 HANDSOME LARGB SOUTH ROOMS IN large detached huune , with shady ln n , first- class table ; references. 2)2 ) N. 13th. 13th.PM333 P-M333 30- UNFUKNI8HED KUOMS TO KKNT roit UINT. : TWO UNFURNISHHD IIOOMS. 1S17 Dodcn street. a M130 1C * 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FIRST 1'LOOR near park. Uui Ho. 28th slr-et. O 231 ICKBENT Sl'OKJia AUD FOR HUNT. THE 4-STORY IIRICK IIUILD ? InK , 913 Farnam etreet. This bullilmg has a Ilrtproor cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures : water on all floors , eas , etc. Apply at thuifflce of The Dee. 1-910 FOR RENT-FIRST CLASS THREE-STORY and basement brick store building at 1003 Far nam street S'lltat.le for any kind of bunlnesj. Inquire room 311 , First National Bank Dldg. 1-379 3 DRUG STORE AND FIXTURES. VNEQPALHD condltolns , prlco considered. Tlzard , 221 N. 21th. I M291 ! WANTED TO BENT. WHAT A CALL THERE IS FOR HOUSES ; IV you want yours rented list them with J. II. Parrotte , Douglas block. 1C M233 A3) BMAIr , HOUSE OR COTTAGE OF 0 OR 7 rooms , with fair convenience * . Address L B2 , Bee omce. K 379 LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH G. O. WALlace - lace , 31S Brown blk. Ha\o calls for cottages. Pt'RNITURE COMPLETE FOR 9-ROOM HOUSE nlmost new. to rent. In exchange for l ar < l for one. References exchanged. N , 44 , Bee. KM 232 1 * WANTED. BY GENTLEMAN. NICELY FUR- nMiml loom with or without board In small private ) family ; permanent If suited ; KV ! par ticulars. N 63 , Bee. K--333-30 WANTED. TWO OR THREE NICK ROOMS , with convenience } * . In good location , by two gentlemen. Address O 1 , Ileo. K M1V ! ! STORAGE. STORAGE. FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY. M-13J BUST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. S. go" , bondei warehouse ; household goods stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. M 131 STO"ES STORED DUIHNG SUMMER. TEL. WO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha StO\c Repair Works. M--122 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 9th & Jones Sis. General storage & forwarding. M-574 WANTED TO BIT * WANTED , A STOCK OF GOODS WORTH $4,000 to $6,000 , Addr-ss M 19 , Omaha Bee. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND furniture. I. Bruascll , 1420 Dodge St N-C09 M19 WE WILL BUY CHEAP HOMES AND RESIdence denco lots anywhere In the city. Must be bar gains. Reed & Selby , Board Trade bulldlnir. N-1C2 I'LL PAY CASH FOR A SECOND-HAND folding bed. Address N CO , Bee olllce. N M331 30 FOB SALE FTJBNITUBE. FOR SALE. BED ROOM SUITS. RfGR , WARDrobe - robe , parlor suit , almost new. C2I South Ki street , corner Jones. O M330 3 FOB SALEHORSES , WAQONSETC NEW 2 SEAT OPEN CARRIAGE TO BE SOLD nt cost. $90.00 ; also good Concord bucUboard , $70.00. Drummond. P M623 Mil BEAUTIFUL HAMRLETONIAN DRIVING horse ; tf nte ! ; wclKht , 1.9M ; cullablc for sur rey ; splendid traveler. F. II. Wead , 16th nn' Douglas stn-ela. P M.1il 30 * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOG & CHICKEN FENCE. WIRE. BETTER & cheaper than wood. J. J. Leddy , 403 S. llth. Q-MC31 Mayl WEOMAN PIANOS. RRIDOEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldgo Bros. , 117 S. 17th. Q 131 HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOO AND chicken fence. Clms R. Lee , 9lh and Douglas Q-133 FOR SALE. A NO. 1 2ND HAND W-llORSF power steel boiler , as good as new. Address P. O. Box 653. Q-M620 Mil FOR SALE ? ryitnSH COWS. Ts2ti WEBSTER street. Q-143J OLD LUMBER FOR SALE : "T.OORIXG AND joists In gocxl caiulltlon. Apply nt old HnMIs rhiirch , coiner 15th nnd Das'enport , or the As soclatcd Charities , S07 Honnid street. street.Q Q M2W 30 * SiCVNIirAND LAUNDRY MACHINERY. 813 North 10th. Q-M310 C OLAIBVOYANTS MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE liable business medium. 8th year at 119 N. 16th S-131 WMli CLAYTON , CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Rea < ln cards like on open hook. Tell your mission on entering. 223 N. 14th. MEDIUMS. DON'T HE IIUMRUCIOED BY FORTUNr . tellers , traveling fakirs , etc. If you nro In any trouble send a stamp to Mr. William GarfH.J 639 Sixth avenue. DeB Molncs , lowi , the mos wonderful medium on earth ; free advice , bu a k no questions. Located for years. 11129 i MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. M2 8. 15TII. 2D FLOOR. ROO * 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , f.cam , sulpluirlne and sea baths. T M2 9 4 NKWLY riTTHD 11ATII PARLORS ; TURK lih nnil electric baths for ladles nnil eentle men. Madame lluwell , 3M S. 15th M. . 2.1 floor T-M3Da-M5 MADAME LA RUE. 1017 HOWARD ST. MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1121 DODGE T M1I3 ( ! MRS. Kit. LEON HAS OPENED ELECTRIC massage and bnth pallors as a flrst-clasi In siltuto fur health , refreshing nnd restful , Imur from 9 n. m. to 9 p. m. , tlrst-dass assistant ! 412 N. llth ctreel , near Chicago street. T M3a 30 TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CIT exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 I ! t > bldtr. PEBSONAL. M.VSSAGB , ELECTRO THERM AL BATHS chiropodist. Mine. Post. 319 < i S. 13th st. U-137 THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order frum measure , 1909 Farnam street. . U-133 VIAVI CO. . JW BEE BLDG. ; HEALTH BOoi free : homo treatment , lady attendant. U i MISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKIXG PARLOR 2119 I'arnnm sU Prices riaiaiiatle. U-7S1-M13 * , Itanqiirt , hall , residence un I grave decoratlonf HIS Vlnion street. TeUphjnsJjrc. _ y MWj PAPER CONTAINING REAL PHOTOS O. Lulles wUhhiK toeJ mailed for stamp. Hi IOCS. Denver. Colo. lln M2J WANTED. TO ADOIT A BABY BOY. PROM tu it months ; must Lc healthy : have a s.UI : factory hjme to offer. AddrrM N 12 , Itee. U CURE FOR U.VDIES. ISlt CHICAGO ST. U C1J-MIO * MONEY TO LOAN ttJiAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH. rtal estate. Brenuan , Love A Co. , 1'axton bIK W-1IS MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THI O. F. Davis Co. , 1303 Furnam it. W-ll ) VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS _ J. WjBqulre , " 24 ! Bee UJe. _ W 111 CITY LOANS5. "c. A. STARR , 31J N. Y."LIFE W-r 3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMA1I. prupoty. Pidtlliy Trust company , KM Far'ia W Hi ! LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT ptvycrty. W. farnam Smith it Co. , irj 1'aniam w-u ; ANTHONY LOAN & TRUdl CO. , SIJ N. Y.L1FI. U < an at law rat's ( or clinlco necunty In Ne LrnrUa and lo a farnu or Uiiul : city pr pert \\V-'U Y TO LOAN ONOMAHA REAL ESTATI t C ff.r rent. W , It. ilciklc , lit Nat. Ilkblu ; W-1W MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. Contlnaed. NVESTOR8 DIRECTORY CO. , 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer any part 1W.OM eastern In * vestors' names , who have money to Inveal ; just compiled. Write for particulars W MH1 MK' MONEY TO LOAfi CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , hones , wagons , etc. , at lonest intcs In city ) DO removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at nny time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LO/-N CO. . SM So. Uth St. X-1M MONEY TO LOAN ON Fl'RNITUIin AND pianos. Fred Terry , 430 Ramgo block. X133 B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMGE BLOCK. X VA MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD PURNI- ture , pianos , horses , wagons or any kind of chattel security nt lowest possible rates , which you can pay hack at any time and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUAHANTFS CO. , Room 4. Wlthnell block. X 151 BUSINESS CHANCES. i-O SELL-GROCERY STOCK. GOOD IXJCA- tlon. cheap , fixtures and stock complete , butcher sl.op attached. Address , H. E. Burnam , C17 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. Y M923-M20 * i.OOO TO $10,000 CAPITAL WANTED ; INTERview - view solicited ; new enterprise ; legitimate busi ness ; resiionslble management and 10 per cent guaranteed. N 32 , Bee. Y 143 30 ; F YOU WANT TO D1SIO3E OF STOCK OF merchandise quick address M 20 , Omaha lice. Y MM ) RECEIVER'S SALE , FROM THIS DATE I will sell nt private sale all the bar fixtures , refrigerators , bottle cases , nnd olllcc llxtures ; also nil the unfinished stock , machinery and shafting , with 2 15 H P. Detroit electric mo tors , belonging to the firm of Wallace ft Co. , Incoiporateil , located nt 411 and 413 S. 10th ft. , Omaha , Neb. , April 23 , 1893. John Jenkins , receiver , fjr Wallace & Co. , Incorporated. Y M157 M2I FOR SALE , THE BEST PAYING MILLINERY business west of Chicago. Address room 407 Brown block , Sioux City , In. Y Miff 3 * SPECULATE THROUGH A RESPONSIBLE house and get reliable Information nnd valu able pointers as to the market. Manual on margin trading In grain nnd slock , and dally market bulletin peat free. Our customers are making money by acting on our advice. Stan- sell K Co. , Bankers nnd Brokers , Sulto II. Traders BldR. , Chicago. YM206 S * FOB EXCHANGE. LOT 50x123 , CLEAR OF ALL ENCUMBRANCES for horse and phaeton. Address N 31 , Dee. 'OR EXCHANGE A NICE PHAETON , ALmost - most new , to exchange for a good horse. Must be a good free driver. Fldclty Trust Company , 1702 Pat nam st. 14 1C3-30 SCO-ACRE FARM IN CENTRAL NEB. CLEAR price , $15,000 ; want city or acre property , E. Neb. or W. I.t. land , will ntsutne. 1,600-acre ranch. Central Neb. , good bldgs ; line hay land , prlco $20.000 ; want Omaha Improved property or land near Omaha , will nisume. 1,300-acre farm , 13 miles from Slour City ; prlco $30,000 enc. $3,000 ; wants gen. mdso for eqt.IJrlck IJrlck blk on Douglas St. , near 22nd , price $30.000 enc. $ D.OOO : want need farm , will nssum ? . E. F. Ringer , 321 a. 131h St. Z 2J'-23 ' 1,009 ACRES OF THE RICHEST LAND IN Iowa. 43 miles from Omaha ; price $ S'J.OO per acre ; can take H in real estate or Mds . 210 acres very tine land , 40 miles from Omaha , small house. 100 a tilled ; price $0,000 ; want $3,000 cash , $2.400 trade. 478H ncrei Merrlck Co. , Ntb. ; Improvements cost $2,500 ; this li n tine feeding ranch ; prlco $11,340 : want $3.730 cash ; assume $2.730 ; will take city property , mdnc. , stocks or western lauds for bal. E. P. Ringer , S21 S. 13th St. Z 227-29 WANTED MDSE. . ANY SIZE , TOR IA. , NEB. nnd S. Dak. farms , Ornnha projorty nnd cjst. ! Describe stock , nnd state fully what you wont E. F. Ringer , 321 8. 13th St. , Z 224-3' TO EXCHANGE FOR FURNITURE OR UPright - right piano , line $504 drug c'.ore llxtlirei Ad dress N 43 , Bee. ZM239 3 WHAT HAVB YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR well improved SO-ucre farm In the sugar beet district , near Grand Island , Neb. ? W. O. Temploton , 403 N. Y. Life. Z-M3.I4 M IMPROVED PARM IN PLATTE VALLEY , slightly Incumbeied , near good county seat , to trade for horses. A bargain. Box 9 < > . Ognlalla , Neb. 7. M3I3 1 FOR SAi/E K&AL ESTATE. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY For a small Investment. Better than a savings bank. t:00 lots for only $100 each. $10 cash payment and $5 per month without Interest. These lots lie Just west ot Port Omaha over looking the city. Every young mnn nml young woman In Omiha ought to have cue of them. You cannot poi. lbl > - m.iUe a safer or bcttc Investment than this. You will never mlsi the money and In n few months you v.lll have a beautiful lot paid for. It will be a stnillns point for a fortune. You will spend this much every month an > never know where It goes. No Interest on deferred On two lots to same purchaser will multc discount of S per cent. Now Is the time to buy Omaha property especially when you ran get $300 lots fur $10) o ' such terms as above. They say Omaha properly Is depreciated. That Is so and that U the reason you can get these $300 lots for $100 , but they will sell again for $300 sure as the world. Cut this advertisement out and cum and see us quick. Fidelity Trim Company ; Bolt Agents , 1702 Far nam ilrect. RE-iJ.w EXCHANGES A NO SALES : CITY PHOPEMTY farms , merchandise. Girvln Bro > . , 5U N Y L I.E-IJJ UAIVOAINS.'SALK OR TRADE IN CITY PROl > . trtlu and farms , Jno. N. Frenzer , opn I * o. JIK-1J3 I TOLD YOU SO. Mlrnndy Mantes and Dctcy Swan , Talked on , and on , and on , and ont randy , surely you're not through Your washing , and your scrubbing , too ? " ' Yes ! fire. Swan , two hours ago , And everything's as white as snow ; But then , you sec , it's all because I use the SOAP called SANTA CLAUS. " SANTA CLAUS SOAP. THE H < Ki FARBAHK | COMPANY. Chicago. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Continued. A simnwD iNvnsrott > > ; ' ! It Is a wlso mnn who makca his Investments when there arc ninny nnxlous Boilers ami Imt few buyeri. It Is then they Bet thp WKcest bnr- Kutns nnil the host terms. One should not lie plow In tnklna nclrantaKP o ( these conditions. How forcibly this wns I Hunt ruled n few days ago nnd what nn object lesson we Imil of such an opportunity In the oil market. Oil was then selling at Cl cents nnil no buyers , but when It rr.iched the price of J2 per barrpl there wcra a thousand buyers for one at 61 cents. Who in.irta ho money ? Now this name condition applies o real cstnto today. If you will make n Judlc'.om nvestment at this time In Omaha property jou are sum to double your money. Call ami let us show property on which you can do this. THINK OK THESE. A JI.OOO new cottaKe , all nuxlcrn , for } 3OW. A fj.aio new Home near Hanscom 1'ark for 5 acres sold for $1,000 per ncrc. now only JIOO. A 14,000 C-room modern house cast of Hanscom Park , a big Bnnp , JZ.700. A J7.00) 60-foot lot on 10th near depot. Will take omn trade In this W.SOO. One of the beat lots In Creston addition. Cost owner J2.300 , WOO. 10 acres , beautiful location , sold for $10,000 In SS. only $5.000. One of the hlsiiest bargains ever offered In Omaha. Will lake some tinile. We have a law line ot special harealns. TUL'ST COMPANY , 1702 Farnam St. UK 218-30 WE AIIE SELLING BARGAINS. AND IT means money to buyer nnil seller to see us. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnnm street. ' HE-MG3t-30 ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 133 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM. ; Bale or trade. F. 1C Darling , Barker black. RE 138 WILL SELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS near Omaha nt prlces-that will surprise you , If taken within 2 weeKs. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE M73I SNAPS. S TO 6 MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40. SO or 120 acres , Improved , $30.00 per acre ; 200 acres , $35 00 per acn1 ; 210 acres , $40 00 per ocro : 6 10-acre tracts , $75.00 to $100.00 per acre. Must be sold. 910 N. Y. L. WJg. Re M2J4 WANTED , BARGAINS JIN OMAHA PROPERTY nnd land * for sale nnJ xcliange. E. ! ' . Ringer , 321 S. 13th St. ' Ri : 223-J * FARM LANDS. C. T. HARRISON. 91Z N. Y. I ' ' RE 511 M7f IF YOU WANT TO BUY A SNAP. OR HAVE A barcaln to sell see the Fidelity Trust Company. 1702 Karnnm st. RE 164-30 FOR SALK-CORNJ5U LOT. Ct IT. . JC30. Inside lot. CO ft. , $330. 2-story house , barsaln , $1.5 0. 5-room house , JSOO. 10 acrei , choice. $250 nn ncre : nlfo 6 acres at $150 an ucrc. AM1M. 1017 FARNAM.11L 11L * " ! 5 j-Tj \VH IIAVK 11UYBUS TOR house In north i > art pf city. FOR house In Shlnn's mlditlon or vicinity. FOIl house in Ilansconi place or sw. part or city. FOR lot in western part of city. FOR acrcase within 5 to S mles of court house. FOR farms In ixmtein Nebraska or western Iowa. The above must be snaps for cash. Ilrlnir In the description of your propcity eary. Fidelity Trust company , K02 Farnatn ' 'Kj6JM FOR SALE-HOUSB , 2610 HARNEY STREET , 9 rooms , modern Improvements , barn for four horses , city water , south fiont , low price , , rea sonable terms ; possession Immediately. Apply Robert Cowell. 1101 Harney St. JRE-M903-30 * FOR SALK. ACRE I'llOI-nilTY AT HKNSON for J3.CD per acre. A. I' . Tukey , ' " > - " * " " Life. TIII3 UIGOUST DAROAIN IN KOUNTZE Elegant home on Wlrt s. Fin * building site In Hanscom Place , east fiont , high nnd nightly. 50 , 73 or 150 feet frontage , the cheapest property In the addition. Beautiful 1 east front lot in western part of city at a snap Fidelity Trust Compmy. Sole Agents , :702 Parnam Street. RE-M9C4 1 NEW B-ROOM COTTAGE ; LARGE LOT FOR garden ; no ear fare ; right In town ; 2Isl nnd Claik : call nnd see It ; only $2.300.00 : easy terms. R. N. Wlthn-ll. 207 N. Y. Life. RE M3041 BlCiTCLEa. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. IGTIt. 160 VICTOR BICYCLKS. THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha llicycle Co. , 323 N. 16lh street. 161 STERLING. I BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WE3T- trn Electrical Supply Co. . 1315 How old street. BEE THE VISinLU BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Earnum & Bro. , 120 N. 15th. REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN c6T , 116 S. 15th gtree't. M-731 A. L. DEANTT& CO. . WHOLESALE AND RE- tall blcyclei. 1116 Farnam street ; bicycles sold on easy payments. 163 LAWN MOWERS AND HICYCLES , GET THEM In good running order at Ilia Acme , 512 S. 16th. Ml M10 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. , 2116 CUMING. Col MANTilLS , ORATES AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. CRATES. TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules nn.t large floors : vvilte for catalogue. Milton Rosen & Sons , Omalm.Mi6l Mi6l DKESSKAKINO. MRS. C. A. LUCAS HAtf RETURNED AND opened parlors at 1009 liuutilns street , where she will be pleased to scothen.itormer friends. , v t r < i M137 M23 DRESM MAKING IN FAMU IEa 4316 GRANT st. ? , ' .T M130 M24- D. T. MOUNT HAS J'.KMOVED HIS COAL ofllce to 209 S. 16th st.ti .Ilruwn block , 169 THllEST IS THE Cirft.YjjpST NCSMOKE. No'soot. . 2.UOO pounds of j the b-at Wyoming coal , $4.5) delivered. , , JVit think of Itl You have to ) iiy that for diny. einoky C'ml. If you nro Interested lnihin fuel question use Sheridan coal. 1C 5 Pa rnj m , ulrect _ M413 HOTEL UAUKKU , UT1L AXL ) JONI2S STB. "i'j rooms at tlM per da > t.n t- V > rooms nt li.W per day. Special rates to continental * travelers. Room ami bo.ud byvclc or poiilh. | , Frank IUlJitc'1 , manager. .1 , , ( 171 " " AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. "COR" . 13th and Dodge. Rooms 'f y day or week ' 172 ELECTRICAL. .SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTKAC- om for electric light un motor plants and , n ! kinds of clecirlcal conitruclioiv. Western Ele. ; . trlc.il Supply Co. , 1311 Howard st. m CARPENTERS AND BUIIDER3. C. E. U OH It ILL. PAPER IIANGLVG. HOfSE lun panii-K. Lrlck wuik , plaiterlnz , oit. U I. Uarkvr bll ; . ; tcl. 733 ; she 2211 Izard , ( el 40S. 1(1 CONTRACTING & BUILDING. CARPENTKH ) pitliiir nrd lefiUerator wosk a p c'alty. ' Ixxk _ lox 135. Omalij. Mill 4 * NOl'ICEd ] DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVP.r.KD. 719 D .NTAL GOLL1-.G OMAHA COLLPGK DENTAL St R 1KH\ . PUKE Infirmary ; ricntnlry at cutt. Kiln & C.ip. uv . UNDEBTAKEBSAND EMBALMEBS II. It BURKET , FUNERAL , DIRECTOR AND embalmcr , 1613 Chicago t. , telephone ) . in BWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUM1NO , TUL 1000. 164 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer - er , 1117 Farnam St. , telephone 125. 1C6 c. w. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 013 s. i6Tii ST. 167 STEAMSHIPS. TO EUROPE. GAZES' TOURS. ESTAB. 1841. Select parties semi-monthly. Independent tick ets , all routes. Hotel coupons , passports , pro- prams , free. Monthly Gazette , with maps , tOc. H. Onzc & Sons ( L'td ) . McCague & Spaldlng. 1504 Dodge street. MIOC M5 * MATHEMATHIOAL INSTRUMENTS ALVA J. GROVER. ENGINEERS AND AR- cliltects' supplies. 313 S. 15m street , Omaha. M499 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n , 1704 Bee bldg , O. W. Nattlnger. See. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY 0 , 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam t. Nattlnger Sec. 174 LOST. LOST , RY A LADY WHO CAN ILL AFFORD It , a black morocco nnd farmer satin bag , con taining a small purse , a $ * > nnd $10 bill ; a reward for return to Bee olllce. Lost-M2S6 30 LOST. TURQUOISE SCARF PIN. SET WITH diamonds. Finder will be rewarded by calling nt 1213 S. 2ith street. Lost M347 1" MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M109 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 41S N. 18 ST. 378 CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET CLEANING WKS , 713-720 S. 14lh St. Tel. 635. Service guaranteed. U. S. G. Kuhn. Mgr. ; Pat Ward , foreman. 123 M23 FLORIdTS. FOR PANSIES & VERBENAS GO TO J. W. & IS. E. Arnold , 120 N. 15th St. Tel. 132. 634 M9 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAYR.9.COM'L NT'l , niC..16 & FARNAM. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. 17 $ DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 HURT ST. ISO DOCT SEARLES &SEARLE5 Chronic , Nervous I , L'rivala DIS61S33. TIIUATMBNT 111' MA1U Consultation Proo We cura Catarrh , all diso isea of tha Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN ARE VICTIMS TO NERVOUS Debility or Kxhaustlon. Wasting Weakness , Io- voluntary Losses , with Early Deiay in young end middle seed ; lacg of vlir. . 7lKor nnd weak- cned prematurely In approaching old age. All yield readily to our new treatment lor losi of vital power. Call or addres with etamp for ( Irculars. free book and receipt * . Dr , Ssarles aui S DISEASES WHAKEN fully because they weaken you slowly , gradu ally. Do not allow thU vvunto of body to niaka you apuor , flabby , lmnmturomnn.llcaltli , strength and vigor H for you whether you bo rich or poor. The Urcnt JIudynn Is to be had only from the Ilnil * son Mcillcid ImtltiitP. This wonilorful illvovery wasmndcbythonpcclalhtiof thi'oMf.unonnlluil. son Mcillc.il Institute. It h tha strongest nnil most powerful vltnllzer miwle. It Is no powerful Hint It Is simply wonderful hovvliarmlcnlll * . You cnn get It from nowhere but from the Hudson Medical Institute.Villn for circulars nnd testimonials. This cttrnorillnury llcjuvi'nator Is the most wonderful discovery of the nge. It Ins been en dorsed by tbo leading aclcutlflo men of Europe and America. II HI ) VAN" li pjirely vegetable. IIii ; YA.V Btons prcmaturcum of the (111- charge In twenty days. Curc" LOST MAX- JlOUn , ronstlpitton , illizlneiu , falling ncimllons , nervous tu Itchlui ; of the eyes nnd other parts. fitrciigtticn.i , Invlsor.itcs nnil tones tlio entire system. It Is as cheap ns any other remedy. JIUDTAV curt" ) d'blllty , nervousness , rmlj- tloiu , and dcvclapi and restores weak orpinn. 1'alns In the back , losses hyilayor night Mapped quietly. Over Cf < 0 prlvnto Indortcincnla. Priniaturencss means Impalunry In tlio first stage. It la a symptom of seminal vvcakncu and barrenness. It can ho atopped.In . twenty d.iys by the usa of Iliidyr.n. lluilynn'COT.S no more than r.ny other rcmeOy. Pcn l for circulars and testimonial * . TAIXTKI ) niXOIImpuro blnod due to serloui prlvnto libarJers carries myrlails of sore- produclnBCcrnin. Then comcjr.oro throat , plmpies , copporcolcrctl ipots.nlccrs In mouthoMearesand falllns hair. You can rjvo n trip to lint Springs by wrUlngfor'IJIood BooU'lothcoIil pbynlcUiuaof the IIUllSOX ? riDICAL INSTITUTE , Stockton , Slnrlcct imil f..lli IUs.i CAt. tJai weTt a alft solicitors. SUES & CO. Ucc ; OJIAIIA , Neb. Advlco I-'IIKE , I STR1CRLER WAS QDITE ALONE Ha Was the Only Support of Ills Own Two Resolutions , CHARGED WITH BUNCOMBE BY THi MAYOR I'ollco ConimlmloncM Spend TITO Hours the Subject Iiivol cil-l > U- puto lletvrceu Stiirkoj nnd Sliuo- liuikrr to llu Suttleil , At the regular meeting of tlio Hoard of 1'lro anil I'ollco Commissioners last night Stickler's anti-prostitution resolution was consigned to oblivion by failure to find .1 second. A resolution leaving the regulation of the evil to the .mayor nnd the police de partment was passed over Strlckler's protest , and consequently the attitude ot the city toward the burnt district remains unchanged. Just before the board adjourned Strlckler called up his resolution and nsKed that some action be taken. Coburn raised the point of order that It had never been seconded and could not , therefore , bs considered by the board. A long- discussion followed , In which Mayor tk'mla stated that ho was Individually anxious to have the matter before the bonnl for consideration. It was n piece of buncombe at the best , nnd after Strlckler had used up a couple of hours In playing at the galleries the mayor felt as though he would like to make a speech himself. As the point of order was Insisted on , however , ho ruled that a second would be necessary , anil the resolution died a natural death. At this point Strlckler Introduced a second resolution. Shorn of Its voluminous where- ases , It was simply n brief reproduction of the previous resolut'on , and shared the same fate. Then Smith Introduced a resolution that provided that the laws nnd ordinances relating to prostitution should bo enforced bjr the mayor and the police department , In their discretion , with the same Impartiality anil judgment with which other laws were enforced. Strlckler made a vigorous protest against the resolution , which , he said , left everything to the discretion of the police department and was designed to shift the responsibility from the board to the tiayor. Ho read the sections from the charter , city ordinances and the criminal code touching on the subject ami contended that the waole Intent and purpose of the resolution was wrong. Smith's resolution was then carried , Strlckler alone voting In the negative. Chief of Police Seavey was allowed $100 for expenses In attending the national cin- vcntlon of chiefs of police. A law was added to the rules and regula tions which prohibits nil police ofllc3rs from wearing any part of their uniforms when not on duty , A communication from the Nebraska Telephone - phone company , which stated that the com pany was willing to make a contract to furnish the police patrol tclcphonta at $5 per set , Instead of flG , ns heretofore , was referred. As there are thirty-nine lets of telephones the reduction contemplates a con cession of $300. City Prosecutor Shoemaker was called upon to explain the charges made by OMlccr Starkey thnt he had refused to file n coir- plalnt against Hilly Carter for kitplngr his saloon open on Sunday. Sir. Shrcmaker claimed that the evidence was Insufficient to convict , as the cfllcer had not even tried the door to see If It was open nor had ho seen any liquor sold. On motion It was ordered that Officer Starkey should appear next Monday utght and tell his side of the story. The following leaves of absence were granted : C. C. Frobeo. driver engine No. G , ten days ; Captain O. O. Crager. hose No 8 , ten days ; Martin Ilamge , hose No. 4. ten days ; Hobert Hicks , chemical No. 7 , ten days ; Frank Gardiner , lineman , twenty days ; Detective Thomas Hayes , ten days. Ames McWIlllams was promoted to n permanent position as fireman * on recom mendation of Chief Itcdell. WKATllKIt fUUBVAHT. Sliovrtrs , Cooler anil Varlnblo Winds 1'romUciI for Nclinnka. WASHINGTON , April 20.-The forecast for Tuesday Is : For Nebraska nnd Kansas Showers ; cooler ; variable winds. For Iowa nnd Missouri Showers ; cooler ; easterly wind's , For South Dakota Cloudy ; cooler ; north erly winds. T.ocul liecnrd. OFFIPI3 OF THE WEATHER HUHEAU , OMAHA , April 29. Omaha iccord of tem perature nnd ralnfull , compared with the corresponding day of the past four years : ifcn. Ib'JI. 1893. Ib92. Maximum temperature . . . 75 78 45 63 Minimum temperature . . . . E7 ( M 3(1 ( 4 ( Average temperatuie . M 7210 M Precipitation . 1.85 T .01 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation Normal temperature . 5' Excess for the day . f Normal precipitation . 12 Incl Excess for the day . 1.73 lnclx Total precipitation since March 1. 1.53 Inches Excess flnco March 1 . 12 Inch lU-ports from Otlior Stutliini nt 8 I' . M. STATIONS. RTAT1 Of WXATUCU. Omaii.i 71) 7.1 1.HJ Cloudy. North i'l.itta. , 70 .in1 It.tlnln ? . Valentine. . , . , III ) .t)4 ) t'loudy. Uilcairo r > 4 Ill .0(1 ( Cloudy. St. Louts H' ' SO .00 Clear. St. Tarn SOTl .in Part cloudy Davenport. SO .0(1 ( Part cloudy Kalian * city. . . . HI .on Clear. lltlon.i M < ! _ ' .00 cloudy. .00T Denver III ) 1)4 T Cloudy. ball L.lko City. . 1H nine .01 Cloudy. lllsinuick A ( I no .OI ) Cloudy. M. Vlncont . . . till 01 .00 cloudy. Ghoyenno M nu .02 K.Unlnr. MllcH City BS oo ,00 Cloudy. UatildClty 111) ) (14 ( .III ) Cloudy. OulvuHton 70 .00 Clear. "T" Indicates truce of precipitation. L. A. WELSH , Observer. 1'KltKO.tAI. 1'A HAG It A I'IIS. H. D. Stewart , Charlton , la. , Is n Taxton guest. P. J. Kilns of MIsEoula , Mont. , U nt tlr Paxlon. Dr. L. lj. Barker of Imogene , la , Is a K\\es \ at the Mlllnrd. Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Loader of Chadron nn Mlllard guests. The Lincoln base ball club Is quartered a the Darker hotel. W. M. Ludwlf ; of Modalo , la..Is a gucs at the Merchants. S. n. Morrlssey and A. V. Parker , Harlan la. , are at the Mlllard. W. C. Slrohm , Sheridan , Wyo. , Is regU tercd at the Merchant ! . Mr. and Mis. D. A. Sanders of Qosheii , Ind. are guests at the .Mlllard. 11. P. Grinitli and M. i. . Kvans of Emerson la. , are registered at the Paxton. Mrs. C.V. . Squire * , wife of Ifio clilcf cltrk at tlio Mlllard , arrival 'ront Chicago yeator Oiy with her chlldre.t to Joa ! her liusbam liere. liere.At At the Mercsr : A. Van Ausdale , Chicago R W. Rlchardion and wife , Chicago ; H. II Leech , Chicago ; Charles D. Parker , Chicago E. liroquet , Norton , Kan. ; P. II. Russell Deadwoad , S. I ) . ; C. II. neach , Denver ; O H. Swlngley , H.-atrlce ; Mrs. 11. II. Payne , St I.ouli ; S. H. MumauKh , Portland ; Otto K Tappirt , Norfolk ; U. H. LIvliiHSlone. Platts mouth ; L. L. Spooner , Council llluffa ; F. II Humphrey , llellevue ; Ira Mallory , Des Molncs H. O. McGill , Topeka. .Nelir.MknilH nt thu llotiH. At the Mlllanl-J. n. Schrcclt , Harvard C. C. MeNUhVI ner. At the Paxton Jospph Honjiock , Lincoln 8'imuel Lontf. South Ilend ; if. K. Gatroil , C Chapman , Nebraska City ; O , A. Cooper Humboldt. At the Merchants K. B. Syracuse , R II Tyrrrll , C. K. Millar , T. II. IJunn. Lincoln M A , Uurtlsraii. Muatliifi ; llyron Curntl Hu.slivllle ; I * U. noellner , Urnnd Island Mrs J. II , Joncx , Plattc Center , I. A Pear FOIL I'alibury : Hamuel f'lianiiH-e , llutlc. At the u llone-H , C Howard , C Travl * . A , G 1'inkham. 1' . HaRe , II M Campbell , Orauil It land. CV Cunhelner Mup City ; J C Aid , C. H Jackson , N r f .Sic. . Harry II > ly , IJIalr , P. , A. Uavls , I'r- mont , O H Ji at , Arlington : C. T. DKk itaon , Tcknmnli. OAJIKS or inn tt. lreltcn toln Itresks In on the Winning Htrruk of tlin Lucky IMnitrs , ST. LOUIS , April M.-Ilreltcnstcln pltclictl ninRtilllccnt utune today , kepplng tlic l'l ales down without n run until the Stb , vhen they inndo their first thrcp. Hawlcy vns not so effective nt during thellrst rntne , the llrowns sliiKclnn him right nn < \ eft , scoringnlno run ? . The homo team tipportetl IlrolttMistcln In line style , \vhi ! ho Heldhif ; of the visitors vns not up to he standard. Attendance , 2,000. Score ! t l.oulR 0 2100230 1-9 MttsbtirK 000000032 G Hits : St. I.oul . II ; ritsliurrf , 9. Hrrors : t. Louis , 2 ; PIltsburK. 3. Knrnnt runs ; St , , oul . 3 ; PlttrbtirKr. 2 Two-bim > hits : Con or (2) ( ) Home runs' Hnvvloy. Stolen bases ! Qnlnn , Lyons. Double plnya : Cross , IHcr- nttpr nnil llei'kloy. Kit it bnno on Imlli ! Off IrelletiMt'ln. 5 ; on" lluwlcy , 3. lilt by iUcho < l ballIty Hnnley.I. . Struck out ! ty Ilnwlpy. 2 ; by Itrellcn'teln , fi. llntterles ! trcltciiHtrln nnd Pcltz ; llawlcy , Sugdcn nnil Inck. Titnc : Two hours utul llftou tnlit- tes. t'tnplre : Iloltx. HIMlDltS AT SHOUT AND THIUD. CINCINNATI. April 29 Hverctt's nml ) .thlen's orrorn nnd two i > n p < l bnlls anva hiKrds three runt In the llfth nnd clxtli tmlngs. MllliT. In tryingto score In the lfth. ran Into Orllllth , who wna rnvvrlnR Inplate. . Urlinth Htrnck him , nnd In PI > "oluir lot KO the ball. The Chlengoans . nthcrpd nrntitul the conto.'tnnts nnd dur- ng1 the row Smith scored. Atctndiincc , 2,400. "core : 'Inolnnall 0 0002100 n - hloago 0 0000000 0-0 lilts : Cincinnati , 0 ; Chicago , G. Errors : Cincinnati , 2 ; Chicago , S. Stolen bases : \lllli-r (2) ( ) , Liithnm. First baseon balls ! Off Otllllth , 1. Struck out : lly OtlllHh , 1. aiied balls : Mornn , 2. Hattcrle- < ; Dwyer \nd Merrltt ; Orllllth nnd Mornn. Timer Ono tour and thirty minutes. Umpire Knwllo. ai'iniciis OUT von HABIO HITS. LOUISVILLK , April 2D. The Lotllsvlllos tail three pitchers In the irnmo today nnil he hist otto to go Invi3 lilt harder than iH predecessors. Cuppy kept Louisville n ilts well scattered. Atlendancc , 1,200. Score : .OUlSVlllc 22000004 0-8 Jlevelanil 3 10 Hits : Louisville. 1C ; Cleveland , 20. Krrors : xnilsvllle. fi ; Cleveland , 2. Knrned runs : X5ulsvlllf , 6 ; Cleveland , . First bise on rnirs : Louisville , 2 ; Cleveland , 3. Left on mses : Louisville , 9 ; Cleveland. 7. Vina iast on balls : Oft McDermott , 2 ; off Knell. ; off Wnilsworlh. 2 ; off Cuppy , 3. Struck out : ny MeHermott , 1 ; by Cuppy , 2 , Homo tins : Olnsscofk , Childs. Thrcc-baso hits : McUcrmott , O'Connor , McKenn. Tvvo-baso ills : Shugnrt. SaerlOce hits : McOnrr , Cuppy. Stolen bases : Cote , MeAlcer. Uttr- kett. l > ouble pluvw : ChlldM. MeKenn nnd Tcbcau ; McOnrr. Chllds and Tebenu ; Olass- 'ock. O'Hrleii nnd Luby. lilt by pltcheil lall ; McAleer. Wild pitches : Wndsworth. Passed bnlls : O'Connor. Itnttcrlrs : McUor- nott. Knell , Wnilsworth. Cote nndahncr : "tippy nnd O'Connor. Time : Two hours nnd weiity-two minutes. I'mplre : McDonald. WASHINC.TON. April 2J.-Iluln postponed oday's Wnslilngton-Htooklyn gnttio of buso ' ' 'uALTIMOnK. April 20.-No Uoslon-naltl- nNK\\yoilK.n April -New York-PhllB- lelphla game postponed ; rain. STANDING OF THH TI3AMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct. IttsuurR 2 77.8 laltlmori- cn.7 'Inelnnntt 9 Gr..fl Cleveland -I M.B loMtou no.o .irnoklyn ' ; 50.0 New York j ; 60.0 Wn hliiBton 00.0 lilcago 41.4 .otilsvlllo J 33.3 St. LouH 0 33.3 33.3 tolay"ihlVaUdPhln-at ' ; ; , New York : Tloston at Uultlmorc ; llrooklyn ntixsh - ngton. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 I.OIIID.V CLUIt 1'LACKS A rOUFKIT. Gunrauty of Its Ability to Ilnmllo tbo Cor brtt-1 Il7.'iiiini > in Klcht. NEW YOniC , April 29. Joe Vendlg , mem ber of the Florida Athletic club , has put , up $3,000 forfeit money to guarantee the club's ability to handle the fight between Cornell and Fltzslmmons. The time and place will be named on July 1. Vendlg claims that under the agreement the Florida Athletic club Is not bound to hold the championship match at Jacksonville , but Is empowered to hold It under Us aus pices In nny city where It be possible should the legislature In Florida prevent the fight In that state. It now remains for Corbstt and Fitzilmmons to put up $5,000 each as a guaranty to the Florida Athletic club that they will fight under Its auspices. ST. LOUIS , Api II 2D. Chnmplon Corbctt received the news today by wire from New York that the forfeit of r .000 had been posted for the Florida Athletic club. This , bo Hald , would remove nil doubt that his light with FltzslmmonH will occur. Corbett further stolen that he ngrecH with every thing Joe Vemllfr has fMld In relation to the right of the club under the articles of ngicement to bring off the tight nt nny place It can , giving Jacksonville the pref erence ns n matter of course. Ainntrtir Unto Hwll Uolngs. Mr. C. C. Sundblad of th" Omnha Busi ness college bus otgnnlzed a base ball flub to be known as the "Omaha Dullness Col lege llase llJll club , " which la composed of some of the best players In the city , nnil will piny the Manhattan llase Hull club Sunday afternoon at 2:30. : As both clubs have a good reputation the outcome will bo watched very oloscly. The Vlnton Street Stars would like to col lide with the Tlock-ts next Sunday on the grounds at Twenty-fourth and Vlnton " Ths Wllcov & Draper shoo house unm are now under the management of Frank Itnrkor , one of the holiest llttla nll-aroumi managers In the country , and from thin on they can't lose. Sunday next they play Lieutenant Wright's soldier team at the fort. _ Urn Mitlncs Will lluvn it rnrnilo. DBS MOINE3 , April. 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) The managers ° f thn Ues Molncs base ball club of the Western association are making elaborate preparations for the opening of the season hero next Thursday. State and city olllclnls will nsHlst In the cerfmonle ? . nnd a largo number of business bouses will close dining the afternoon. Hocliford will be HIP opposing foam. There will be nn auspicious parade preceding the game. _ _ _ _ i Oonrl I'rlro for li Ivvo-Veiir-Olil. LKXINOTON , Api II 23. Immediately nfter the last race today II. W. Mulally claimed Dr. Henry AtUlns * 2-ycnr-old chest nut colt , Dr. G , by SobranJe-Lucy. He was entered to sell for tl.liOO and ran H-coml to Hallle Ony. Hi > Is very fant < iml line the making of a Htnkn horse next year. Mulally got hlTi for $1.425 Ho will BO east nftor the l jtilsvlllo meeting. _ llnll HUI | l.linynsUI Mien. CHICAGO , April 29. Joe Choynskl nnd Jim Hall have signed ntllcles to box June 17 for twenty rounds before the club offering- the largest tuirdc. The match Is at catcli weights , and If no decision Is reached In twenty rounds , the ruferco may order an ad ditional ( Ho rounds. _ Hecond < Jnio : Wn * n Druvr , LONDON , April 29. The second game of the chess match between Blackburn anil Von Itardeleben wai played today nt the Urlllsh Chops Hub. The game was n Flan- chetto and rcaulUd In a dtuw lifter llfty- clght moven. _ CorliDtt Will lin Thnro , NI3W YORK , April 23. Champion Corbett has written that ho will bo In New Yorlc on May C to cecond O'Donncl in his light with Kllraln ut the Seaside Athletic club. ( Iniiiluilrlll Idivr IC : > uers , OUILIA , Ont. , April 23. Jake Gaudaur Bays he will accept thp chalk nge of Iloaers , the Saratoga oarsman , find would like to row him at Ilellovllle In July. Gllllin 'I \ltrrnonll. . Omaha anil Lincoln will meet at the ball park this afternoon In the last exhibition game before the opening cf the champion * uhlp season. MurrliiEo l.lrensen. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county Judge ; Name and Address. Age. Tcrrencn O'Hunlon , South Omaha . . 31 Annie McSurley , Omaha . 17 Joseph Htnral , Omaha . , . , . 31 Ilesilc Jitbor , Omaha . I'J Frank L. Scarlet , Omaha . 43 Llbble McNenney , Omuha . . . . . 20 Charles Llndskog , Omuha. . 33 Mary E. Kwall , Omuha . 21 Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfoi Plioher'a Castoria ,