Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TUB OMAHA DALLY BE15 : : JSATURDAY , APRIL 27 , 1805.
County OommlBsionors Have Settled Ono oi
tbo Oanal Proposition Questions ,
Meet Thli Morning to UlicuM the Amount
yuciillon of Itonilit far Other I'urposcs
Cnuici UlmiiTrrrnieiit Tramway *
mid Court Homo Addition.
When the county commissioners , sitting ai
A committee of tlio whole , adjourned nt 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon they had ngreec !
upon but ono proposition In relation to tin
issuance of a call for a special election foi
the voting of canal bonds. The member !
according to the most reliable Informatlor
obtainable , have reached the conclusion thai
the canal law Is mandatory and that If the )
refuse to Issue a call they will bi man
damuEcd to do to.
What the amount of the bonds shall be I :
nn undecided question. The commissioner !
adjourned for the purpose of sleeping ovei
this problem , In tha liopo that when they as
Ecmble agnln at 10 o'clock this morning the ;
can reach some more definite- understanding
There has for several days bosn n serloui
disagreement as to how many bond proposl
tlons should bo considered by the peopli
when the special election Is called. One o
the members Is strongly In favor of submit
ting at least two bond propodtlolna for build
Ing two county tramways and developing tin
county by means of electric lines. Anothe
member favors n. bond Issue for building i
court house addition or wing , probably 01
the east end of the present court house. Am
the poor farm lots. In the opinion of one o
two , call for a bond Issue to meet the pros
pectlvo Indebtedness when the Judgments be
gin to roll In to the extent of $200,000 o
ThcEO combined bond Isrucs would neces
sarlly cut down the amount allowed by lav
for canal bonds , as It Is generally concedei
that the 10 per c nt limitation applies to th
Bum total of county Indebtedness. Viewed li
this light the danger Is sighted by the advo
catcs of the canal of being restricted to i
bond Issue too small to successfully Inaugur
nto the undertaking for which the petltloi
When so many people are taking and de
riving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparllla , wh
don't you try It yourself ? It Is highly rec
ommendcd. _
CoinpmiJ Kvlclcntly llmSorno Doubts Abaul
the Story.
CniPPLE CREEK , Colo. , April 26. Th
Denver & Rio Qrando express office wa
robbed of about $1,100 nt Victor yesterda ;
morning. Express Agent Carlln says a pow
crfully built man came Into the depot , an
nfter talking n few minutes , struck Carlln
powerful blow which laid him prostrate on th
floor , where ho remained Insensible for som
time. When he regained consciousness th
holdup had disappeared , the safe door wa
open and the money gone. "I had the key
of the doors leading to the Inside room I
my pocket , " says he , "when knocked dowr
nnd lie must have taken them from m
pocket , unlocked the door and worked th
combination to the safe at his leisure. Th
express and Florence & Cripple Creek official
have kept the fact of the robbery very quit
anil although admitting that the deed ha
been committed , positively refuse to stat
the amount of money taken and who they BU
pect of committing the daring robbery. E >
press Agent Carlln docs not show any cor
tuslons on hl person. An examination c
Ills books Is being made.
TO 00x11 TO
Ex-County Collector Halt Cum 3 to Uinili
mill I. eft , for the Orlont.
ST. JOSEPH , April 20. Ex-County Collei
tor George Hall Is believed to have gone t
Japan. He was sscii In Omaha Monday ulgl
by a liurllngton conductor , and denied hi
Identity. Officers have learned this much an
are trying to have him arrested before sal
Ing. Meanwhile the shortage In his ofllc
continues to grow. It will run up to $ SOOC
or more , It Is reported.
Thomas Rogers and II. P. Drandow , depi
ties under ex-County Collector George I
Hall , Jr. , were arrested today , charged wit
.complicity In the embezzlement of $1S,0 (
from the county. A warrant was also Issue
for Hall's arrest. It was at first thougt
there would be no arrests , part of the shor
nge having been made up by the bondsmei
but now that It Is thought the shortage wl
exceed $25,000 , the arrests were made.
Dr. Price's linking Powder gives perfei
satisfaction when combined In delicious put
ding and dainty pie crust.
A to April- Tool dimly uiul Dint.
NEW YORK , April 2C. Tlllle Rausch , th
6-year-old child , who ate "April-fool" carnl
given her by a playmate , died today. Tllll
had been sick since Saturday , but told he
mother that she ate candy given her by
little friend. The physician who atteude
the child Is not sure that It was the cam ]
that caused the death and the coroner wl
bo asked by the police to perform an autops ;
Important Chungo In Time.
f "Great Rock Island Route" to Chicago
Peoria and all points east ; Atlantic Hxpres
leaves 11 n. m.j Vestibule Limited , 4:30 : p. m ,
, Night Express , 8:25 : p. in. To Lincoln , Fall
bury , Belleville. Denver , Colorado Spring :
i Pueblo and all points west ; Vestlbul Llni
Itcd leaves nt 1:40 : p. m. ; Texas Express , vl
> Lincoln and De'levllle , leaves at G p. n
Ticket office , 1C02 Farnam street.
Via the IlurlliiRton Itotitc.
Tuesday , April 30 , the Hurllng'on Rout
will sell round trip tickets to points In Nc
braska , Kansas , Colorado , Wyoming , Soul
Dakota and Utah at half rates.
Tickets and full Information at 1324 I"ai
num street.
J. IJ. Reynolds , city passenger agent.
78 Hours unit fl Minutes
the time
now made by
the Ilurllngton Route
between Omaha and Seattle.
. 4 hours and 25 minutes faster than an
other line.
Tickets nnd full Information at 1324 Fat
nam street.
Detroit Hoard of IIi > altli Law \allil.
LANSING , Mich. , April 28. The suprem
court today handed down a decision , holdln
that the act passed by the present legislator
authorizing the appointment by the governo
of a new Detroit Uoaril of Health Is con
stltutlonal. The court declares that the ne\ \
board Is entirely warranted In drawing upo
the treasury of the city of Detroit for uionc >
Suit Acnlnnt n City for ravin ? .
rnOIUA , April 20.-In the circuit cour
this morning the Fruln-BambrlcU company o
St. Louis began milt nga.nst tlio city o
rdorla for $60,000 for paving Terry strce
with asphalt last year. Tim clly refuses pay
ment on the Rrouna that the material usc <
was land asphalt and not up to succllka
Curried DutTii Mlth the Moor.
NEW YORK , April 26. A Rang of laborer
Vero employed on the third Hour of the ol <
Metropolitan hotel today when the floor foi
In and the men \\oro carried \\lth the dcbrli
to tbo second floor. Fevcn men wore In
Jured. Michael liagnu U hurt Intcruall ;
nod may die.
Ilcavjr Itnlni In tlia North.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 20.-Speclali to th
Journal from all parts of Minnesota and West
ern Wltcoruln say that a coaklng rain Is fall
Ing and that the benefit to the crops will h
incalculable ,
A Sore Threat or Cough , If suffer-'d ' t
progress , often results In an Incurable thrco
or UIIIB trouble. "Urown's Ilrouchla
Troches" Rive lustant relief.
IIAIOIN : linos.
The Hfninti for ( hnlllei l Here nnrt the
Ntylri nnd Trice * Are nt lluyden't *
Wo show you a handsome chnllli for Sat
urday , such ns retailed lait season At 25c ,
Wo show you a handsome challla Satur
day , worth 20c , for IDc.
Wo show n Imported all wool challls for
Saturday for 39c , worth C5c.
Wo show you a handsome satin striped
wool challls for Saturday for 2Ec , worth 49c.
Wo show you an elegant tine of silk and
vool mixtures for Saturday for 25c , worth
4Sc.Wo show you nn all wool 40-Inch serge ,
black and colors , for Saturday for 25c , worth
49c.Wo show you a 46-Inch all wool striped
sergu , In navy and block , for Saturday for
39c , worth C9c.
Wo show you the finest Imported French
serge , RO Inches wide , for Saturday for GOc ,
actually worth $1.00.
For one hour , 7:30 : to 8:30 : p. m. , we will
sell you a 14 wool figured dress goods at 75c
n dress pattern ; only ono pattern to n cus
tomer. These goods arc considered good
value at 25o yard.
All silk crepes In pinks , blues , ntle , canary
and cream , makes lovely evening dresses ,
waists , fancy work and lamp shades , from
8 to 9 p. m. , Saturday evening , 15 cents a
yard. Nn limit to quantity.
One table cf ladles' and misses' laundered
waists , formerly sold nt from 65c to $1.00 ,
now at 48c. This sale Includes stripes ,
checks and figures , In blue , black , pink ,
brown , heliotrope , etc , sizes from 32 to 42.
One hundred dozen of fast colored print
and percale waists , unlaundered , at 19c , sold
by other dealers nt 40c to GOc.
In addition to the above we have all the
very latest novelties In the more expensive
waists , such as navy stripes or dots , cardinal
with white or black edging , pink , blue , black ,
white , etc. nnd a few of the very latest pat
terns In lawn waists.
We arc slaughtering prices of spring suits ,
capes , Jackets nnd skirts.
Crepon skirts , black and navy , former
prices $12.50 to $15.00 , now $8.90 ; these are
the skirts that nro selling In Omaha at $1S
to $25.
Three lots new fancy nainsook embroideries
at Oc , 121,40. 15c yard ; worth 15c to 45c.
Fancy side combs and hair ornaments , EC
Ladles' handkerchiefs at 3c each.
Ladles' all silk Windsor ties , 15c.
King's 200 yard best spool cotton , 2c.
Special sale on silk belts.
"How Salvator Won , nnd Other Poems , "
by Ella Wheeler Wllcox ; regular price SI ;
our price 7Gc.
500 dozen men's cotton BOX , come In blacks
nnd tans , fast colors , our regular 25c goods
only 12Hc.
One lot of fine shirts , laundered nnd unlaundered -
laundered , fancy and plain white , your cholw
of this lot GOc each , worth 7Gc nnd $1.00.
Ono lot of our regular $1.50 fancy shirts re
duccd to $1.00.
Ono lot of men's balbrlggan shirts ant
drawers , 25c each , worth GOc.
Gents' fancy silk tcck scarfs , worth 25o ti
50c. go nt 15c.
One lot of sea grass tics , the new thing
only IGc , worth 25c.
See display In ICth street windows.
Over 10,000 parasols and umbrellas on ex
Special for tomorrow we will put on sail
500 28-Inch umbrellas , worth $2.50 each , g <
at $1 50.
One lot of $1.50 umbrellas go nt 9Sc.
Children's parasols , 15c nnd up.
Wo nro showing a benutlful line of whlti
parasols at very low prices.
100 dozen ladles' corsets , regular $1.01
quality , go at 50c.
One case of ladles' fast black cotton hose
15c. worth 25c.
Children's bicycle hose , fast black , 12'/4c
worth 25c.
Special sale of kid gloves tomorrow.
I'coplo Who Are In n Hurry
To reach Chicago or points beyond shoul
tnko the Burlington's "Vestlbuled Flyer.1
Leaves Omaha 4:45 : every afternoon.
Arrives nt Clilcngo 7:55 : every morning.
Tickets nnd full information nt 1324 Far
nnm street. Bnggngo checked from resl
denco In Omaha through to destination.
J. B. Reynolds , City Passenger Agent.
IlouicM'tikvrtt * ItxcurfUons.
On April 30 , May 21 and June 11 , 1895 , tin
Union Pacific system will sell tickets fron
Missouri river points nnd stations In Knnsa
and Nebraska to points south and west li
Nebraska and Kansas , ' .also to Colorado
Wyoming , Utah nnd Idaho , east ) of Welse
and South of Beaver Canon , nt rate of on
first-class standard faro for the round trlj
Minimum rate , $7.00.
See your nearest Union Pacific tlckc
agent. E. L. LOMAX ,
General Passenger and Ticket. Agent ,
_ _ Omaha , Neb.
They Did Not 1 1 urn the Liquor.
Fred Kruse's saloon at Thirty-first am
Hamilton streets was entered by burglar
Thursday night nnd $10 In money , notes am
postage stamps stolen , , together with a galloi
of whisky and other small articles.
Yesterday Ralph Hlgglns , Jack Vannes
and William Gibson were arrested for tin
crime by Detectives Savage and Dempse ;
and Officer Larry. The men had endcav
ored to destroy the notes and papers taken
but the half burned remnants wjro dls
Dr. Price's Baking Powder , by creatlni
wholesome food , renders life endurable ti
many tormented with dyspspsla.
Scheme la ItnpUlly Hearing Fruit ami Thor *
Arc . Many Willing Worker * .
The agricultural commission Is hard a
work this week getting the garden projec
Into shape and seed Is now being planted Ir
a number of the garden spots which thej
have marked out. The list of applicants foi
gardens Is constantly Increasing and then
nro now nearly 300 names on the books
Many of these arc women and they seem , I
at ! } thing , more enthusiastic than the men.
Seed has been distributed to about slxtj
famlllCH nnd mcst of this Is already In the
ground. There will bo no lack of seed , as tin
State Relief commission has announced Iti
Intention of donating a further supply It II
Is required , but there Is a prospective shortage
ago of peed potatoes and cash. The count )
donated a lot of potatoes , but It was wltl
the reservation that these should only b <
distributed among tliosc who had been re
ceiving aid from thecounty. . This Is ar
embarrassment to the commission , as there
are any number of families equally deserving
whose names do not appear on the count )
Hit. Further donations of potatoes will be
necessary If nil comers are to be suppllci
and 200 bushels could be used to advantage.
Special Bale of New Purchases in the Men's
Furnishing Goods ,
Iluttcrlclt'a PnttortiH mill I'nitilon Sheets
nnd the Dellncntor for Mny Arc Here
t'ojtn but 81.00 n Yrar for the
Delineator We're Solo Agents.
In this department we arc making prices
.hat . will satisfy the most careful buyer. We
nvlto every reader of these lines to call nnO
compare our goods and prices. Wo give this
department our most careful attention and
our aim Is to make It the most popular In
the city.
33 doz. suspenders , wire buckle and sllV
finish , lOc.
! 7 doz. suspenders , silk embroidered , t
beauty , 40c.
35 doz. all-silk tics In tecks and puffs , 19c
25 doz. nil latest styles , 23c , worth TCc.
75 doz. Windsors , all colors , 15c.
100 doz. men's balbrlggan halt hose , seam
less , lOc.
100 doz. men's black halt hose , double lice
and toe , warranted fast , lOc.
CO doz. men's Imported Ilrltlsh hose , lCc
CO doz. men's night shirts in plain and cm
broldered bosom , for Saturday 60c.
25 doz. men's night shirts , N. Y. mills mus
lln , embroidered front , Sue.
100 doz. men's unlaundered shirts 37',4c
usually sell at 50c.
25 doz. fancy shirts , collar and cuffs at
tached , 49c ; worth 98c.
An elegant variety of summer shirts a
83c , 90c , $1.00 and $1.25.
25 doz. men's balbrlggan shirts and draw
ers , 22V4c.
50 doz. men's balbrlggan shirts and draw
ers , 37' c.
50 doz. men's balbrlggan shirts and draw
ers , from size 34 to 50 , GOc.
10 doz. men's plain white sweaters at 35c.
12 doz. men's sweaters In navy , black am
tan at 75c.
25 doz. boys' sweaters at 35c.
Subscribe for the Dlllneator , $1.00 a Year.
Unit Ituto KzciirsloiM Vln S.intn 1'e
Tuesday , April 30 , tickets can be purchase' '
to all points In Texas via Santa Ke route a
one faro for the round trip , limit 20 days
Call on or address E. L. Palmer , P. A. , roon
1 , First Nat. bank bldg. , Omaha.
to Uvo lu ThU Country
Without hearing about the Northwester :
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for peopl
WILL talk about Its convenience , tasteful
ness and comprehensive up-to-dateness
Omaha , 5:45 : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:45 : a. in. Vea
tlbulcd sleeping cars , chair cars , a la cart
diners. Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. N
extra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m
and 4 p. m. dally. Want- your trunk chcckc
at home ?
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
A Fonr A
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & SI
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago , i
clean train , made up and started from Omalu
Baggage checked from residence to dcstlna
tlon. Elegant train service and courteou
employes. Entire train lighted by electrlclt
and heated by steam , with electric light 1
ovtry berth. Finest dining oar service 1
the west , with meals served "a la carte.
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Unlo
City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam street. C
S. Carrier , city tlcketagcnt. _
] Mi\y lln Unvcrnor of Mnnltolia.
Hon. J. C. Patterson , colleague of th
Canadian minister of railways and prospet
tlvo governor of Manitoba , was In Omaha yei
tcrday , enroutc to California for his hcaltl
Ho occupied the special car Ottawa , owne
by the Canadian government railways. 11
was accompanied by his daughters and t\v
lady friends , _
Do you relish alum In your biscuit ? If no
why not Insist on the purest baking powdt
Dr. Price's.
_ _
PInn to Compel tha City to P.iy a Prlvut
Debt Is Mint ( Iff.
What Is alleged to be a clever schem
to mulct the city treasury was defeated b
the cc"on of Iho finance commlt'ee of the clt
council In submitting a new ordinance 1
place of the ono which was recently Intrc
duced and which provided for the Issuanc
of a lot of district paving bonds In strec
Improvement districts where tbo origin :
bonds haJi run out. In these cases the cit
was paying 7 per cent Interest on the wai
rants which were drawn upon these fund !
while If bonds were Issued the warrants coul
bo paid and the city would only have to pa
the regular rate of 5 per cent.
The authorities conceded that such a bon
Issue would be a clear saving to the cltj
and the ordinance was regularly drawn u
and Introduced. Subsequently It was dls
covered that among the districts Include
was grading district 21 , which Include
Fourth avenue from Bancroft street to th
south line of Grand View addition. Thl
district was graded as long ago as 1882 , an
the Job had practically dropped out of th
memory of the present city officials.
When the ordinance was referred to th
city comptroller ho called the attention o
the finance committee to the fact that whil
district 21 was nearly old enough to vote ,
largo proportion of the special taxes ha
never been paid. For this reason the con
tractors were still holding their warrants , o
which the city was paying Interest. Th
terms of the contracts In such cases'provld
that the warrants are to bo payable as see
as there Is money In the fund against whlcl
they are drawn. If the bonds were Issuei
the warrants would bo payable out of th
proceeds and In default of the special taxe
which had never been paid , the city wouli
practically pay for the Improvements fo
which the owners of abutting property ar
supposed to bo liable.
The matter was thoroughly Investigated b
the committee and the result was the nev
ordinance , In which district 21 does not ap
pear. District 24 was also rejected , but li
this case It was on account of a clerlca
error , by which It was made to appear tha
there was $793.01 In the fund , when. In real
Ity there was only $8.78.
No ugly bugs can live where Steam's Elec
trie Paste Is used ; 25c.
OLIVER T. E. , aged BS years. Funera
Sunday , April 28 , at 2 p. m. , from fa.mll :
residence , 621 South 2Jth st. Interment
Forest Lnwn cemetery.
Over Hook of CftJOpsrntlre Atsocla >
tlon Jnror Spcnncr'a Defennr.
Not long since J. W. 'Logan , a stockholder
n the Universal Co-operative association , the
iponsor for an Omaha betel run on the co-
iterative plan , began , proceedings , assailing
.he association and the manner of conducting
.ho business. He wound up with a request
.0 have the company's affairs brought to a
ermlnus. To this the association objects and
ias filed Its reasons. In the first place
It denies that Logan.i la a bon a fide stock
holder , alleging that the only stock he owns
: io holds as collateral security from J. C. .
Monnlnger , a head man In the association and
the hotel. The company then turns about Ir
Its answer and charges Logan with secretlnt
the books and thus depriving eight stock'
holders of the means to get stock which thej
own and which they have Issued. The flghl
over the possession of the books has been li
court for some time.
Thpr Wnnt the l.anil Iteturrful.
The Mella family , Including the father , twt
sons and a daughter , are all In court , flghtliif
over the possession of part of lot 8 In blocl
135. The father Is made the defendant ant
the balance of the family appear as plaintiffs
The trouble dates back to a time In 18S (
when Mrs. Kate Mclla , their mother , was In
U seems that she was possessed of tin
tltlo to the lot In question , but In 1893
through the Intervention of Michael Mella
the father , a trade was made for land It
Hedlck's second addition , Abram L. Retli
agreeing to swap property. Mella took tin
tltlo In his -own name , although he had at
old judgment standing against him. An at
tempt Is now being made to enforce It. Tin
children claim that the title acquired bj
Mella was In fraud of their own and theli
mother's rights and ask to have the title ti
lot 8 restored to them.
. -ny U Wi\ * Only u Medicine.
According to late developments It may b
that W. Spencer was only taking some medl
cine. He was a juror a few weeks ago dtirlni
the trial of the suit of the First Natlona
bank of Corning , la. , against the Star Unloi
Lumber and the J. R. Davis Lumber com
panics. The attorneys for the defense , wh
lost the suit , have applied for another trla
of the case. In support of this motion the'
Informed the court by means of affidavit
that Spencer had been drinking liquor whlcl
some Jurors said smelled , and said looked Ilk
whisky. Spencer and numerous Jurors , In
eluding some of these who already gave thel
opinions , have filed showings to the cffec
that ho was In a sound mental condltlo :
during the trial. It is claimed by Spence
that the liquor In the flask ho had In th
Jury box was really a mild form of medicine
111 * Act Culleil Into o , lection.
A case Is soon to bo tried Involving th
question of the Jurisdiction of Harrison Hammond
mend , a Pierce county Justice of the peace
He tried a suit brought by Charles P. Gabl
against the New York Life insurance com
pany , but his right to do so under the clrcum
stances has been assailed. Gable obtained
judgment for $113 for soliciting insuranc
and then began to collect It In Douglas count
on a transcript ho had filed. The insuranc
company promptly enjoined the writ In th
sheriff's hands. It alleges that Hammon
never secured Its presence In his court an
had no means of doing so. Gable Is contend
Ing for the authority of the Justice.
I\ Ford Not n Urtcndnnt.
The mention of Charles E. Ford as n dc
fendant in the dispute between the America
National bank and the Ford & Charlto
Music company was an error. Charles I
Ford has no connection whatever with th
case. F. F. Ford Is a member of the de
fendant company.
Minor Onnrt .Mutters.
The oral will of Anton LuUes , by which hi
landlady , Mrs. Nldt , sought to obtain th
proceeds of a life Insurance policy in th
C. S. P. society has been disallowed b
Judge Baxter. '
Ernstlne Mcnalngor has secured a Judgmer
against Gustavus Monslnger for a dlvorc
by default. She claimed that Gustavus wa
totally unfit to take care of his children an
Incompetent to provide food lu sufflcler
quantities for his family.
The court has allowed the case of Hotzi
against IJennett to be revived -against th
administrator , and the suit is to be one
more tried. For some terms past this cas
has had a record of at least one trial cac
term , which has been regularly set aside
It has thus been unable to get to the suprum
Judge Ambrose has been hearing testlmon
In the suit of the Missouri Pacific rallwa
against the administrator of the estate c
George Jay. The company wants the ad
ministration revoked. It Is claimed tha
Clara Jay , who appeared In probate coui
at the time Ralph Goylord was made ad
mlnlstrator and posed as hfs widow , was
fraud. The estate has a damage suit agaliu
Jay and the railroad is interested to hav
the letters of administration revoked in orde
that the damage suit may fall to the ground
An endeavor has teen made to prove tha
Gaylord , with the alleged widow , were to
gether In a scheme to get papers Issuei
without duo authority and the sanction o
the family.
Does your cake get dry quickly ? Raise i
with Price's Cream Baking Powder and I
will keep moist and fresh.
I'niucU In .Sugar Importations.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 26. Concernlni
the alleged frauds In sugar Importations thi
officials still maintain the utmost secrecy
It was announced In the collector's ofllci
that no Information concerning the case :
would be made public and no further actloi
would bo taken by the collector. Upon thi
arrival of General Appraiser Shurtleff , wh <
Is expected In a few days , the cases will bi
turned over to him for a full Investigation
Samples of sugar Imported are now read ]
for analysts and the Information gathcrei
by Appraiser Tucker and the other official
Is In shape for the use of the general ap
pralscr. The government cannot lese any
thing on the cases now under tnvestlgatioi
because the Importers have been compellei
owing to the absence of a consular certlfl
cato to enter the Importations In a pr <
forma manner and give bonds to furnish i
proper certificate and pay all duties nm
penalties that may be assessed.
Charge Muclo l > y aVlfi - .
A complaint has betn sworn out agalns
John Sheehey by his wife , charging him wltl
assaulting her with Intent to kill on Febru
ary C , 1894. Sheehey. was arrested for thi
offense at the time , but the case was dls
missed , as his wife refused to prosecute him
She says that she was afraid that her bus
band would kill her ; If she did so. At thi
present time Sheehey.Is In the county Jail
boarding out a flno at ' $50 for assaulting hli
sister-in-law and his wife has summoned U |
enough courage to prosecute him as soon ai
he gets out.
si 3 tfi ® e s s. > 3s s.
ROYAIhas.the . highest leavening power of any powder examined , and
t a 'IB Pure and wholesome. No other powder gave results so satisfactory.
r " - ' FLOYD DAVIS , M. S. , Ph. D. ,
Chemist of Iowa State Board of Health.
$ SSK a3SWQ $ i SB
rrcp.irlnc ' ruin for
Hell blackberries. moJprately , about six
minute : .
Uoll plums , moderately , about ten minutes.
Hell raspberries , moderately , about E | < C
Ro'.l ' cherries , moderately , about five min
utes.Holl ttrauberrles , wodsrately , about eight
Uoll whortUbcrrlCf , moderately , about five
Hull plant , sllcctl , about ten minutes.
Ho'l llartleU pears , In halves , about twenty
Hell small tour pcara.bole , about thirty
Uoll pen"1icr , ruh'ra , about elslit minutes.
Doll poaciiciholc , about lUUen mlnutea.
neil pineapple , sliced ono-balf Inch thick ,
about nttcen minutes.
Hell Siberian crabapple , whole , about
twenty-five minutes.
Uoll sour apples , quartered , about ten min
utes.Uoll ripe currants about six minutes , .
neil wild grapes about ten minutes.
Pour Into warm jars.
Uoll tomatoes about sixty minutes.
Amount of Sneur to Ouurt Jur.
Cherries C ounces
Strawberries 8 ounce ;
Kasrberrles 4 ounces
Law ten niackberrlcs 6 ounces
I-leld Dlackbcrrie 6 ouncs
Quince , 10 ounces
Sour Pears , Bounces
Wild Grape 8 ounces
Peaches 4 ounce
Ilartlntt Pears C ounce
Pineapples C ounce
Crabapplcs 8 ounce
Plums 8 ounce
Pie Plant 10 ounce
Sour apples , quartered C ounce
Illpa Currants 8 ounce
Cranberries 12 ounce
Cranberry 1'lc.
Paste No. 4 , 3 cups cranberries , ttewe
with 1H cupfuls sugar , and strained. Lln
pie plate with paste ; put In cranberry jam
wash the edges , lay 3 narrow bars across
fasten at e.lge , then 3 more across , formln
dlam nrl chaped spaces , lay rim of Paste E
or of t me , wa-h with egg wash , bake 1
quick oven until paste is c k d.
A Verdict Rendered by the People
ple in His Favor.
[ Tot a Single Dissanting Juryman A
Vcrdiat Unanimous , Ep nta-
nous : and Pull ,
Never before in the history of Omnlia
hns any uliifjle article or prcpnrtlon cre
ated such enthusiasm as has Kirk's ne\v
discovery , "Italn Water Maker. "
When Kirk llrst made his announce
ment to the public of Omaha that he
would distribute at the olllce of the Heo
absolutely free to all who applied a
sample package of u pro-part Ion that
would Instantly convert hard water Into
a soft and velvety water , together with
the other valuable properties claimed
for Kirk's "Haiti Water Maker , " It was
not stnuiKu that his representative was
asked by many people such questions as
this : "Do you mean to tell me , " said
an old jray-hatred man , "that yon pro
pose giving out to the public of Omaha
a preparation that Is Kolnjr to convert
hard water Into velvety , soft water , at
a mere trilling cost , and that the prepa
ration contains nothing that can Injure
the most delicate fabric or a person's
hands ? " "Yes , " said Mr. Kirk's repre
sentative , "that is exactly what I am
here for , and to prove that Mr. Kirk Is
sincere and honest and that his prepa
ration is exactly what It Is represented
to be , we propose making a free distri
bution for two full days from the Heo
olllce and thus prove conclusively to the
most skeptical that Mr. Kirk has at last
discovered an actual harmless water-
breaker. "
The above referred to gentlemen has ,
since the free distribution of Kirk's
"Rain Water Maker" become one of Us
most enthusiastic and stanch friends.
will hold colors from running in printer
Koods. Flannels and woolens washed In
water prepared with this most valuabk
preparation will positively not shrink.
For the bath or toilet It Is Indispensa
ble , making the water soft ami velvety
accelerating the action of soap , Kivhijr
the skin a healthy clew and helping t <
remove any stiperlluoiis excretions that
may adhere to the body.
For the dishes and jreneral washing
purposes it Is very essential , as It saves
both labor and soap.
This preparation is not to bo con
founded with soap powder , as It con
tains no soap , lye , ammonia , borax
lime or any deleterious ingredients.
Kirk's Haiti Water Maker can be ob
tained from grocers price i3 ! cents fein
n 2-pouml package.
.TAS. S. KIUK & CO. : Oentlemon-
We have used your Ilaln Water Makei
In our laundry for a sulllcient length ot
time to be able to say that it Is a prepa
ration of Kreat merit. For laundry work
It has no eiiual , as it not only saves
about half the soap , but it lessens labor
and softens and whitens the clothes
We do not' have to use any bleach , am
since we have been using it have had
no complaints from our customers aboui
their clothes being ruined. We could not
got along without It.
Very truly yours ,
For the toilet and line laundry pur
poses is the latest scientific preparatloi
In the soap lino. It is a soap that Messrs
James Kirk & Co. will stake their rep
ntatlon on. and as the largest manufac
turers in the world , that Is saying con
siderable. "Zoo" soap for line Inumlrj
work , the bath and toilet cannot IK ,
equaled by any piece of soap in the
world's market today. It Is a beautiful
white , floating piece of goods , contain
ing nothing that cannot be eaten ; its In
gredients being composed largely of tht
choicest tallows and cocoanut oil. Wt
simply ask yon to give this soap one
trial , which would mean that you would
use Kirk's "Zoo" soap from that time on
and no other. It can Iw obtained of any
grocer In the I'nlted States. Price "c.
OHDKU A I'ACKAGK of Italn Watei
Maker from your grocer for your NIOXT
WASHDAY. You will never be without
la after once trying It.
Chronic ,
Hcrvons ,
TKUATMVNT 1 V MA1U CnnmiHatloii Tree
Wo euro Catarrh , all diseases of the
Nose , Throat , Cheat , Stomach , Liyor ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or Exhaustion , Wasting Weakness , In
voluntary Lo e . with Early Uemy in young
ana middle nged : lacs of vim , vigor anil weak-
encd prematurely In approaching old age. All
yield readily to our new treatment for log * at
vital power. Call or addres with clamp for
circulars , tree book and receipts.
1410 l'xriiun ' ; :
Dr , Searles aui Omaha Nub
k Chlcheitcr'i rnsllib Diamond Urmd.
Orlelnul and Onlj Genuine.
.AFC , ilwaii relUUe. L onm tik
llruiilit tor Oilcktittn Fnaluk 1'la'J
wondBrantln Hrd KOd Goldpet lUo\
Iboin , it.loJ wlih blue rltitxiD. Take
naolhfr. Xrfuiidangtroui fiib.dfu *
Hint anil < mffaton ! < AI DrunUli , or lend 4r.
la .umpl for particular * , te.llmocliU nl
. "Heller tor Ladle1 * . * ' inltlttr , \ > y return
fT SI nil. 10.000 TfrtlmoBlaU . .Vam.Mpcr. .
rohlchi lerCtemlculCo.ModloiiHQu r * ,
BoUlj ill Local UruciliU. rbllnila. . I'm.
[ Others Picportitnally Lew. t
Adjustable teat & . sprint ; back
215 Wabash Avc. , CHICAGO.
H ° r ° Xh °
Hats are In perpetual motion here , come and go ,
sell and buy , with but a short breathing spell between
Now its advance styles for May. Sooner deal in
advance styles than back numbers. So do you no
Plenly new hats arrived , some exquisite , some
pretty , some only fair. They're of the newest block
though. Pick out our best becoming , we'll be respon
sible for the rest.
Pale brown is one of the new shades. A dollar
and a half , a standard $3 hat , you know'but that's
our way.
Open leaf brim hat in black is another new thing.
Two dollars , same as a $3.50 hat you get in other
Fedoras black and brown 750 , finer ones $1,25 ,
finer $1.50 , finer 53 oo for the best in the land.
Same way in Derbys , same way in soft hats ,
' .J
Boys' Derbys 5oc , Fedoras 45c , cither in blacker
or brown.
A tasty collection of boys' cloth turbans and yacht caps
at 25c , 35c , 45c. Most any color or shade you might wish to
match to. Yacht caps in particular are novelties rosently in
troduced some braided some leather some gold trimming.
Saturdays till 10 Week days open till S.
THE CHICAGO RECORD offers to authors the
sum of $30,000 for original stories written in
English , no parts of which have ever been
heretofore published. The offer is made
upon the following conditions :
Will be paid in twelve 'cash prizes for the best twcly
stories. Hie money will be divided as follows :
First Prize - - 810,000
Second Prize - - 3OOO
Third Prize - - 1,50O
Fourth Prize - - l.OOO
Fifth Prize - - - 800
Two Prizes of 8000 each 1.20O
Five Prizes of $50 0 each. 2,500
g a total of $20 , OOO
Thf > first prbo will bo palil for the story ndjndirod In ho tlio tiont. Iho
socoml nrlzo fonlio story ndjmlffdl the uoxl host , the third prize for tlio
slory mllmlinil to bo tlio third In niprlt , the fourfi prlzo for tlio fourth In
merit , tin ; fifth iflzo for tlio llftli In merit , two pilzus of $000 each nnd
live iirlZL'U of $ , < UU vnch , UIUH multlnt , ' the totnl of twclvo prl/.OH lu $ lUUGU !
additional will be piid at space rates for stories of accept
ed value , but which may not be awarded any of the twelve
cash prizes.
' The stories submitted in this competi
tion are required to be ' 'stories of mystery , "
in other words stories in which the mystery
is not explained until the last chapter , in or
der that readers may be offered prizes for
guessing the solution of the mystery in ad
vance of its publication.
The fitorlcH niUBt reach Thn Chlcatro Reconl at ltn ofHeo of publication ,
181 MaulKon Hlreot. Clilcniro. Ill , before Oct. 1. IHUfl. nnil the awards- will
be niniUi an ROOM after < lntu UH they can bo ruail and Judge
For full Information authors wi
VICTOK F.LAWSON , Publisher The Chicago Record ,
Chicago , 111. . U. S. A.
D "An Ounce E
D of prevention is worth a pound of
D cure. " Ripans Tabules do not
weigh an ounce but they contain
many pounds of good. One tabule
n gives relief. Try for yourself the
next time you have a headache or
bilious attack.
Tabules : Sold by druggliti , or by mill
U the price ( M cent * & box ) li icnt to Thi ni >
p&na Chemical Company. No. 10 Bpruci St. . N. Y.
No Holler. No Kteuiu. Jin Kn lurrr.
IJEST I'OWKH for Corn nnd Feed Mills , Ilallna
JIuy , lUiunlnt ; Separators , Crcumerleu , A.C.
Stationary or Portable.
1 to 120 H. 1' . 8 to 30 II. I .
Fond for Catalogue , 1'rlcen , eta , describing work to be done.
Chlcaco , 245 take
Omaha , 321 So. 15th St. l & \Vuliiut Nt . , IMlll.AIIUM'lllA. I'A.
When In drutI vttit li ute for Nf rrcoi D < l Illly. Ix l of Seiual fewer ( la either
ten. limotcncy. Attppliy , Vaiicacclc anil ether weaknctsefc. from any cauie. via
fccnn fill * . Drjlni check-il and full tlgor quli klx restored , If otrlcclcd. liuh
TT i. i 'A . i . lie MM mull . faiailjr Mined any l > ti . lealeil , forfi.u > i 6 lnc , for | $ oo. . WltS
KeSUlC In 4 Weeks. mrv ri.nUt > rlv a I'val Kiitnnlei to curt < rtfonct lr mm * A < 1.lren
SIIIillMAN & McCONNELL DUUQ CO . . 1513 Doduo street , Oinnlin , Neb.