0 THE OMAHA DAILY KEJSu SATURDAY , APUIL 37 , 1895. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL After nn Ear'y Dip Wheat Advanced Sharply Yesterday , NtW YORK SENT HEAVY BUYING ORDERS Bhorts Ilecnmo Very Much Alarmed by the Ilcimrtcd Cnih Hnlc * nnd Run Wheat Up Scvernl Friicttun * . CHICAGO , April 2G.-Aftcr nn early dip t > f > . * -wheat advanced sharply on reports of heavy buying for export , and with chorls covering vigorously July closed l ! > c higher , corn gained V e , July oats Vic nnd provisions closed slightly higher. The weather map showed moderate raln- Inll , with n prediction of more rain nnd of more gonernl character In the winter wheat licit today and tomorrow. A number of the local fpcculntors wcro waiting for rain as un nsmmince that wheat would certainly lie a sale for Ic per bu , on Its appearance , nnd the contingent of the crowd were free Hellers nt the opening from 4io below the .cloning price of the preceding session. The demand nt the concession surprised the sell- crii , and In n few minutes the latter were clamoring to get their wheat at Uc per bu. more money than they had sold at. There were numerous buying orders nt the open- Ins ; from New York , nnd those were posted In consequence of Blmllar orders received from the United Kingdom showing the for eign mnrkcts all higher. Liverpool bids to Now York exporters were advances from yesterday of lie per bu. , and advices from there were that the movement ot wheat from La Plata was practically over for the eeanon. The latter being very Importnnt If true , nnd It came from a highly responsible source , had doubtless much to do with the strength which ( succeeded the early weakness here. About two hours from the oix-nlm ; Jscw York crowded the wires with dispatches stating that there was a good Inquiry there from exporters , nnd followed that up by ndvlslng'pnlfs nf about 30 boat loads , 20 of them for Liverpool. July wheat , which Hold nt the oponlnp ns low nH COTic nnd had rlfen gradually to Clp , spninn to C2'ic on the export business reported from the seaboard. The downward movement for the day was anything but bullish. The total receipts at the primary western markets were IM.OUO bu. , compared with 193,000 bu. on the corre- ppondlng day of the year before. The At lantic seaboard exports amounted to only 2,000 bu. of wheat and 27,000 bills , of Hour. The number of boat loads taken In New "York was swelled Indefinitely by the rumor lierc before the close , nnd It became known that some portion of the New York sales were lllled here. Norton & Wright worked 00,000 bu' . here for dlicct export to Liverpool , nnd one or two other cargoes In addition to that were reported to have been disposed of , but could not be traced to a confirmation. The shorts became very much alarmed by the reported cash rales nnd ran July wheat up to C2c , and It was still bringing C2i&62Vic The corn market was weak at the opening on account of the heaviness In wheat. The rains were also conducive to the comfort of the shorts , but with the great Improvement In the demand for wheat which so quickly sprang up the shorts began to feel less comfortable , nnd like their neighbors In the wheat pit. they were soon buying back their rainy weather corn nt a loss. Busi ness was rather light , nnd In the end the price of May and July closed at 47'Ac for the former nnd 4Sc for the latter , which was the highest price of the day. Kecelpts today were 2S1 cars. Oats were active and about steady. Early In the session prices ruled n shade lower , Influenced by free offerings. Later , how ever , buying was good , nnd that , with the strength In wheat , caused values to rally. July was especially strong , being wanted principally. May started at 2Sc. sold up to 2flc nnd closed nt 2ST < tC bid. July cold from 2S&C to IS-lic and closed Vic higher at from 28c to "b ic. The provision trade was moderately nctlvc In spots nnd during the remainder of the session. Only 10,000 hops were received today nnd but 8,000 are estimated as the run for tomorrow. Opening bids were at yes terday's closing prices , nnd the first trades were nt the lowest values of the day. After nn advance of l2V4c July pork closed with a net gain of Gc. Lard In the end was un- Estimates in for tomorrow : Wheat. TO cars ; corn , 26 cars ; oats , 230 cars ; hogs , 8,000 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows ; Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR-Wlnter patents. $2.GOfl3.00 : wititei straights. $25 82.73 ; spring patents , $3.20Ijr3.Cj spring strnlRhts , t2.25 3.00 ; bakers , $1.85i2.3.i , WHEAT No. 2 spring , C5T4OCC',4c ; No. 3 Eprlng C5o : No. B red. CUtc.- , , CORN No. 2 , 47iCI7 ! > , ic ; No. 3 yellow , 40'i { JATS No. 2 , ISTic ; No. 2 white , 32&033c ; No. white. 32V4c. % HAIILEY No. Z , 53S53',4 < ! | No , 3 , D0fl32c ; No. 4 tic. FLAX SEElV-No. 1. $1.43H. . . , , TIMOTHY BIJED-Prlme. .30fr5.40. 1'ROVISIONS-MCFS pork , per bbl. , $12.25fll2.IO Jjvrd , per 100 Ibs. , $ C.fc5 G.8 ; > 4. Short ribs side ; > ( loose ) , $0.2M6.2i4 ; dry pnlt shoulders i ( boxed ) tSBJHc : short clear sides ( boxed ) . $6. Ofl6.S2H. WHISKY Dlstillera' llnUhrd goods , per gal. SI 20. SUQARS Cut loaf , unchanged. The following were the receipts and shipment : today : On the Producu exchange today tno butter mar kcl wa Btoady ; crvanicry , lOaiOc ; dairy , 84 18c EcgB , Btcady ; 11HU120. Cheese , croaum , OMC 10 o. > fK\V YUUK UENKKAL .MARKET. U Closing Quotations on the Principal Com. nimltllc * iind Staples. NE\Y YOHK , April 2 . FLOUR Receipts , 13 , SOO bbls. ; exports , 8,300 bbls , ; sales , 22,100 pkgi ItorUot fairly active for n time , but n Into stiffening of prices checked business ; spring pal cnta slow ; city mill patents , $1.0001.3) ) ; wlnte patents , $3.0003.45 ; city mill clears , $3.50O3.9C winter extras , $2,4oig'2.5S ' ; Minnesota bakers , $2. : O3.40 ; winter low graded , $1.8002.30 ; spring lo < jrradtT , Jl.k'H/2,10 ' ; spring extras , $2.05U2.00. Ry Hour , strung ; sales , WO bbls. ; superllne , $3.40 ! 3.M ; fancy , 13.5504.CO. CORN MKAL-Qulet ; yellow western , $1.101 1.13 ; Knmdywlne. $2.70 ; sales , 150 bbls. ; yello .western. $1.1201.14. Ill'OKWHEAT ' Nominal nt 4ff55c. WHEAT Receipts , none ; expoita , n'ne ; salei 1,240.000 bu. futuies and 104.0U ) bu. fiwt. SH | market strong ; No. 2 red. In store and elevate OUiijCC'ic ; r. u. U , CSfiCOVic. ollont , to arrh promptly ; No. 1 hard. 75'ic , delivered. Optlor were more nctlve , with a hesitating spirit , owtn to conlllctlng weather news , but a decldedl etroiur showing later In the day tesultwl In a n < Kaln uf lUlHSc. The ailvnncs was caused I rfMrta of big export purchases and for the ei Kiigctnents at New York , together with unfavo nble news rrgnnllng Kansas crop aad strong ! cobles ; No. 2 red. May , 64 15-1C0C6 6-lCc , clo i uti CdUc ; June , CCGCOHc. closed nt GGVtc ; Jill C5HlC6Hc , clonnl at GGc ; August , MM67 ! , closixl at G7c ; Bcptemh.'r , G6W0G ? 9-lGc , closed i C7Ho : literniU-r. GS 7-16063HC , clcsed at 69c. CORN-Itecelpt > , 1,3-K ) bu , i exp Tts , 6,500 bu Bales , 553,0 > 10 bu. futurm nnd 53,000 bu. * | Bpol market llrm ; hteamer mlxe > l , 52U052Tic I elevator and Me dellverwl. Options easier i first , but quickly responded to th stix-nglh wheat and mlxl firm all day , with fair speci latlve buying , ckw'.ngc net advanre ; May , 52 t2c. clos.xl at 52S > c ; July , 52 1(53 . closed i Wo ; fe-ptember , 62H < l ic. cliwnl nt 5.1 Ho. OATS Receipts , 25.200 bu. ; exports , 2.900 bu Bales , 235,000 bu. futures nnd 37.000 bu. spot. Sp market llrru ; No. 2. 32'S3iu ' : No. 2 white , 3C No. 2 dflvrred. S3H33 c ; No , 3 , Sic ; troc white wnlrrn. 37fcllcCiptlons opened fairly n tlve nnd generally II in' ) with wheat , cloning ' , net advance ; April U > > ! 32)ic ; May , 32i32\ clwr < l S ; c ; June , U0XI < ic ; July , S3HU33U closeil 33Hc. HAY Steady ; shipping , & 50GOc ; good to cholc C5475c. HIDES-Strong ; llucnos Ayrrs , dry , 20 to Ibi. . IJ'iC ; wet railed N w Orleans , selected , to U lb . , GVic ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. . 8c. LlCATHER-nrni : hemlock sole , Ruenos A > rt ' light to heavy weights , 17018C. PROVISIONS Reef , linn : family. $11.00813.1 city , extra India. J17.OOtn9.tO. Cut meats , quit pickled IwlIU-s. J6.7iU C.snk. I-ml. quiet ; weste ttenm clo e > l at $7.10 aiked ; sale * . 250 tlerc nt $7.10 ; city , S'.iliCHc ; April. $7.10 ; cloafd noi Inal ; May , $7.10 nonilnal ; refined , quiet ; co tlnent. $7.45 ; South American. 1,7.80. Pork , quit new mvu. $1X50011.00 ; family , J13.50O14.W , > hc Clear , $13.0&15.&o wc ttru dairy , wntern rrfnmery. 12fI9c ; western factorj * . 8BHc | Hate dairy , lOOH'/ic ; stale cream * try , 19- I'HIJKSK fit'nJy ; new. Mate , large , CfUr , trnntl , GtjsUci part sklmi , " 07c ; full tklms , IKICIS Weaker : stnl nnd Pennjylvnnln , 13tc ! | wcntrrn , fie > h , 11913 ; toutliern , KUUHc ; re " TALLOW Weak nnd lower ; city ( t pr 4 ic ; country ( pltir < . fre ) , Itic , ns to quality. I'ETROI.EI'M-Nomlnnli UnlleU closcsl nl $ ! .05H bid ; WlahlnRton. bbl . , $3 nominal ; Wash ington , In bulk , nominal ; tennrd New York , J.5n I'lillHtlelPhla nml Ilalllmorc , $9.S ; Philadelphia nnd ll.iltlmnri' . In hulk , $ G.9S. ROSlN-'Stendyi attained , common to good , $1.60fIl.K2'.t. ' TUIIPENTlNn-Flrni , 3154 < 13Jc. RICE Stonily ; ilimestlc , fair to extra , 4540 Hc ; Jniian , 4fi4Ho. MOLASSES ( jiilpt : New Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , . METAl.S-1'lg him , quiet ; Scotch , $15.00ft0.00 , American , $19.60. Copper , sternly : brokers' prlc"- , $3.50 ; exchange price , W.C3 < 7.70. ! I id. quiet ; broliciV price , 12 M ; exchange price , J3.07Uf3.10. Tin , tlrm : utrnlts. $14.00811.05 ; plates , market quiet. Spelter , riulct ; domestic , 13.20 ; snles on 'change , 2j tons May tin , $11 ; 15 tan spot t.n , $11 } 1 car spot lorul , $3.v7'.4. COTTONSEED OIL Closed etPady after n mod erate local dem.ind nnd small export Inquiry without lending to much business ; prime crude , ofC cruJc , ! Q23c. CLEARING IIOUSi : TOTALS. at Iliislnost Tr.imnctcit by the AHsnrliitnl lliinl < I.nittVnnV. . NEW YORK , April ! G.-The following table , compiled by Ilruilstrcct's , show the total clearances nt the principal cities anil the per- ccntago of iJicrense or decrease , ns compared with the corresponding week last year : CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York 577.412.15S ] 23.7 Chicago SI,42S,04l ! 3.7 RoBtim 81.1fW,713 4.2 Philadelphia G,729,7J7 11.5 St. Liouls 24 , 74.f,77 28.7 San Francisco . . . . 1L5 Ilaltlmore. 12,731.311 I'lttKbiirg 17,52 < i,879 23.0 Cincinnati 12,218,550 r.i Kansas City . . . . . . a,3i)2,27r ) > 6.9 Now Orleans ' S.5C1.157 H.5 lluffnlo 3.S04.850 12.4 Milwaukee 4i < r . 5e 3.5 Detroit 6,177,31 5.S Ixmlsvlllo . . Mlnnmpolls G.2.'n.05' ) OMAHA 3,140.18 : , 37.5 Piovldence C,152,800 23.3 Cleveland 4G75f81 J8.2 "Houston 4,374,911 9. St. Paul 3IW1.13I 23.4 Denver , 2,5'il.97G ' ' 4.4 Indianapolis 4,067,753 7913 Cnlumbiis , O 23.3 Hattfoiil * , . . , 2,071,226 27.7 Richmond 2,231.810 DS.7 Washington 1S52,50G 8.1 Dallas 2,037,794 4.1 St , Joseph iom,7s.s ' ' 12.8 Piiirla 1MG,3'J2 'is'.i Memphis 1,812,212 C7. Portland , Ore J55.039 Rochester 1.528,707 New Haven 1 2 .GOr , 10.3 Snvnnnah 1,922.561 37.1 Springfield , Moss. 1.15I.4G.1 5.7 Worcester 1,052,710 15.5 Portland , Me 8.5 Atlanta S46.746 3622.S Fort Worth 1.5CG.012 22.S Waco l,7fS,262 7fl.O Syracuse sr.c.nw 12.6 DPS Molncs 1 , IGS , K 23. Grand Rapids , , . 865,195 39.4 Seattle 528.0CS 26.5 Lowell 5 5 570 6.4 Wilmington , Del. 670,802 4.6 Norfolk { .01,603 Sioux City 515,329 20.3 I OH Angeled 1.67,04 13.5 Tncoma Gil 019 19 Snglnnw , Mlc.h , . 342,2)7 41.f Smkanc | 332,3r,8 , 32.0 Jacksonville 21.8 Lincoln 2SO.M1 29.5 New Uedford . . . . ' D29.0IT S.I Wichita 492,922 Rlrmlnghnm 47.6 Topekn 414,870 5.2 Ix'xlngton , Ky. . . . 3W.771 " 21.7 Hlnghnmpton . . . . 317.601 "sis Hay City , Mich. . 217r.'V 2.7 Fall River 6'IS,90(1 ( ! 10.5 Akrwi , O 221 , 1T4 Springfield , O. . . . 16.1.075 Canton , O IGG.SW Sioux Fulls 5'i7.4l4 61.3 Fremont , Neb. . . 72167 20.0 Hasting * , Neb. . . 61 OTS 19.0 Chattanooga . . . . 23.1.001) ) Fargo 158,49 : . Nashville , R27.002 9.0 Oalvestom 4G'J3.720 Salt Lake 1,440,800 Kookford. Ill * > O no- > 14.2 Heltnn B5T.024 8.7 Scinnton 74D.383 Knlnmazno < 21S.OS' "Llttlo Rock . . . 34),54) ) Totals United States. . $ 893.5)0,137 ) Exclusive of New York. 418,021,979 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal 10,111.037 16.0 Toronto . . 6r,61,232 11.8 Halifax . W.GOS 3.2 Hamilton 673.510 4.5 Winnipeg 711.231 22.3 Totals $ 17,931,761 Not InchuUd In total because of no comporl- tvm for last year. "Not Included In total because containing other Hems than clearings. DUN'S WKKKLY GLIMPSE AT ItUSlNKSS Stcntty ItUo Noted In Hpeciiliitllvo Miirlcoltt nnd lu thn Industrie * . NEW YORK , April 20. It. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Ilevlew of TiaJe , which Issues tomor row , will eay : Neither the rising Fpeculnllvo markets nor the steady caln In Industries has ceased , and It la wholesome Hint there nre fewer signs of hesi tation In the productive Industiles th.in In specu lative prices.'QKC strikes grow more numep-us and cause Rome trouble and retail demand lags behind wholesale , nnd Jobbing purchases behind pmductlon in 8nmu brandies , but through many cunlllctlnK n poits the fact ehlncs out that the Industries nre R.ilnlnR , not with a rush nnd n whirl , but more safely. U Is less clear that railroads arc Increasing their earnlncs or that overproduction of cot'on will bo cured by the advance of 14 In price , 01 that cornering short sellers of wheat nil up tht market for tlio larire surplus. Hut revlv.il ol activity In nil these directions" , If i > c slbly ex cessive In eome , helps conlldence to take th < throne tK > lonp held by distrust. Cotton mills nre Kettlntr moro niDney for goods nnd have aulte generally advanced WORM. Con. sumption of noithein spinners nt the maxlinuir would be In eight months 1,3:0,000 bales , but the ) lm\e actually taken 1.950.UOO bales , and have r prom on OW.O'x ) bales controlled of over $ < , oo.000. The consumption Is large nnd ailvancen neeir to bo warranted. Iron jiroductlon , stlmulatei ! t > ecause , ore , coke nnd oil were to In dearer. Is retnnled by shrinking demand foi products , fur on the whole new business Is solo to be smaller than In February or March. Tin structural demand for buildings throughout tin country was never larger , the frenzy In oil ha1 started a largo demand for pipe and sheets nl a alight advance. Halls nre stagnant , though r shade better nt Clilenifo. Wire for fencing , nail ; nnd wire rc ls is so dull as to be scarcely quoted , and bar , though lifted n shade , meets no In. creased demand. Hresemer pig Is lower ant1 sales of southern pig In not them miukes have been .largu at S.1c advance. Finished product ! are nearly nil nt their lowest price. . Wool has sold nt the lowest price on recon this week. ICe for Ohio and 9o for year's Texas and offers to clear out block * before new pup plies come forward tempt manufacturers to pur chase beyond present needs. Sales of foreign o 8,117,300 pound In three weeks of April , ngnlns 9.2)2.600 ) domtfitlc , make the total 17.409.800 ngnlnst 15. ' . ; , ! W In U92. nnd of course less h 1S93 and 191. IX-mand for dress goods continue : large nnd Improving , but uncertainty In men' wear goods continues and Is somewhat Increase ! by more numerous strikes. Cotton llannds nr < So to T.4c lower , and nn auction sale Is to be held nml some Irregularity also appears In prices fo fine fancy goodn. Higher prices for wlitnt , nearly 3o above las wwk'H , tend to check Atlantic exports , which Hour Inaluded , were only 1.SOS.873 bushels for th week , against 2.620,445 last year , though for Ol previous two weeks they were about equal t lout yeiir's. Cotton touched "c , receJIng to Co 9,312,300 bales had come Into sight since l.iat wcel and HrltljOi exports of goods were 13),00),0 ] yards less in the first quarter tills year thai last , With Huch facts the rUc iloea not help t lessen southern acreage. The fiillmvH for the week have In-en 230 In th United Slates , against i9 last year , and thirty seven In Canada , against twenty-six lust , year. IIKAUSTUEKT'.S JIUVIKW OF . TIIAD1 Continued Strength of Sluplri the Fentur of the Wct-k. NHW YORK , April 20. nradetrcet's tomorroi will say : The feature of the week Is the cor tinned strength of prices of staples after th striking advances of the preceding weeks. Thet Is a firmer undertone In nearly nil lines of trad < but at a number of points gains In Industrlf are more nmrkc.1 than < n commercial lines. Th Hurry In in-troleum Is ucceeded tjy n very du market. Woolen di > BO < KU mills have secure a number of orders for fall delivery , which a < counts for the moderate activity In the tnark < for wool. Cotton goods nre Him on the ndvunc In cotton and higher wage * paid eastern ml opcratlvca. i. About the weekly average of exports of whei ot ; Including Hour , from both coa ts of the Unltt Stntea since January 1 Is reported this wel 2,431,000 bushels. Tills Is a decrease froi 1C- the preceding week of 700.W ) bushels. In tl lie fourth week of April one year ago the total c : irort was 2.457,000 bunliels ; In 1593 It was 2 607 f" bushels , nnd In IMS S.Sffl.OOO burhels. In the lit week of IKfl the corresponding total wns 2,300,0 bushels. At the west , with -Tavoroble weather , althous 24 the collections are slow , the tone of business r 4 } mains unchanged , except nt Cincinnati , whei thrro hns been n better demand , und St. Ixaul . where the rtiiuent Is quite active in dry BOM ! milliner } ' and for cattle and hogs. CO ; Hugur .Market. NKW YOIIIC. April -8UOAR-naw , flrn alen. April 23. 2.bx > bogs centrifugal , at breal water , at 2 7-32o nnd f. : April W. one cargo c i trlfugal , riilpmcnt. at SUc and f. : mined , qule No. t. 3H(3 11-16C ; No. 7 , S 7-U83Sc : No. ort 5\C3 9-16ci No. . 3 5-16C3'ic , No. 10. 3'4C3 7-1& No. 11. JHC3 7-lCo ; No. It 1 1 HflJUC. No. 13 , 3 oft A , : ) i033 c , mold A , i 3-HUiHc , taadard j 3 13-lWle , confectioners' . 3 l3-lS04ci cut loaf , 416OI 4c , crushed. 4 9-1MI4KC , powdered , 4 3-l tHHc , granulated , 3 IJ-KUtVic ; cubes , 4 3-1W4HC. STOCKS A.NU J10.NOS. Although Somcnlmt Irregul'tr ' Prices Gen erally Hoc-orilcil Considerable Advances. NEW YORK , April 26. The stock market was moderately nctlvc todny , and although somewhat Irregular , prices In a majority of cases recorded an advance on the day's trade. Speculation was nctlvc nt the opening , nnd gains were made of 1U per cent In New Jersey Central nnd Tobncco and a fraction hi the grangers , the exceptions being Reading , U J ? per cent , and the Cordage * Belling off G4 per cent. The dctircsslons In the stocks were soon communicated to the rest of the list. New Jersey Central reacted 114 per cent. National Lend 1 per cent , nnd the general list ' 4W4 per cent. Some of the specialties were exceptions , Canadian Pacific nnd Rubber gnlnlng 114 Per cent nnd llallimore & Ohio nnd Delaware & Hudson Hi per cent , the latter , however , quickly losing the Improvement , Townrd noon the shorts began to cover nnd the upwn.nl move ment wns resumed and was continued In force during the afternoon with occasional reactions. AH a rule , the lluctunllons In the ncllve list were narrow , the fenluren of the speculative list tielng Manhattan , Leather preferred nnd Tobncco and other of the Fpeclaltles In lesser degree. Heading wns also bought heavily and wild up to IGUc , with a reaction to 15ft , and n final rally of 11 per cent. The market wns decidedly strong nt the clew ; , nnd In the mnln 3HCf3V per cent higher. The latter. Leather preferred , nnd Chicago cage & Alton , Ohio Southern nnd Consolidated ( ias 1 % per cent , Tobncco 1H per cent , Man hattan 114 per cent , Dututh , South Shore & At. lanllo 1U per cent. Sugar 1 per cent , Heading t per cent , New Jersey Ceneral , Plttsburg & . Wmtcrn preferred nnd United Stntes Rubber. The losses above a fraction were In Oregon Navl- gitlon nnd the llrunswlck company , wl' h de clined 1 per cenl. The- bond market wns actlvo and generally higher throughout the day. The Soutliein 1'aclflo Issues were animated nnd higher nnd figured for IWJ.OUO. a total ot J2CM.OO < ) . A blook of JIOO.OOO St. Paul's fours , series A , brought 90. The moie Imiwrtant gains are Richmond mend Jt Danville , equipment fis , 5 per cent ; Kings County Elevated ilrst Southwestern exten sion. 2'A per cent ; Union Pacific. Denver & Gulf lirsls 2 per cent ; Cedar Falls & Minnesota firsts broke to 120. against 128 on Monday. Other note worthy declines were : Dallas & % \ ace os. 414 pef cent ; Union Pacific , Lincoln nnd Colorado llrsts , The Evening Post's London cablegram says : The weekly settlement was satisfactorily con cluded. The payment for mines was enormous ancl money suddenly became scarce and loan * were made by the Hank of England. Most of the. fCOOOOO In gold exporUrl today to the Cape Is In connection with thu ls ue of the city of Johannes- buig loan , and Is a special operation. Oold Is Htlll bought by the Rothschilds In the open mar. ket. The markets were good Americans opened strong with goad buying. Delivers , Chesapeake and Canada Pacifies especially were bought , also Southern railways , whth have risen to 1414 dur ing the past four days. One hundred thousand of these shares ore wild to liavo been marketed here and on the continent. Then ; was a genet al feollng of weakness In Americans later on , but the market closed bullish. South Americans fur. ther Impioved. Consols were easier on the Nlca- laguan news. The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York ex change today ; The total fnles of ftocks today were 21D.267 shares , Including : American Sugar , 82,8'M ' ; American Tobacco , 7,900 ; Chewipeake & Ohio , 2,800 ; Chicago Gas , 3.SOO ; Distilling nnd Cnttle- fwsllng. 12,5 < iO ; General Electric , 3,900 ; Maniinttnn Omnollilat < l , 3,000 ; New Jersey Central , 10.CO ) ; Northwestern , 4,200 ; Itcadimr , 30.SO. ) ; St Paul , 12.SSilver ; Certincntt-s. 20.0'K ) ; Southem Rail road , 10,800 ; Southern Railroad preferred , 3,80) ; I'nlted States Leather , 4.9JO ; Unltnl States Leather preferred , 4,300 ; Wheeling & Lake Eric , 4,000. . Now Ynrlc . > I iuoy .IliirUot. NF.W YORK , April 2C. MONEY ON CALL Easy at 1V402 per cent ; last loan , IVi per cent ; clusrd at H4 PIT cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3&03 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Rarely steady , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.sa',40'4.83i4 ! for demnnd nnd nt $4.SS',4Q4.SSii : for CO days ; posted rates , t4.SS'4frt.S9i , < , and $4.99.0 L90U ; com mercial bills. $4.S5HI.S3y4. . SILVER CERT1F1CATES-C7U 07C. GOVERNMENT I1ONDS Stionff. State bonds , dull. Railroad lwml , strong. I'ETIIOLBUM Options , steady ; closed $2.0d'.4 bid. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : N , W. HARRIS & CO , BANKERS , 163-165 Dcarborn-st. , Chicago. iSVall8t. . , New York. 70 Stalet , UostcL CITY. COnUTT , | \ fIk I | - \ " > SCHOOL-WATER and I C f } | \ | I } * - + "HSRHIGH GRADE LJWl N L-/VJ Boufbt arid Bold , CoTtetponiUnce Solicited. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Continued Light iRcCeifjs Having a Slight Eevlving Infltftrlco on Pricos. TRADE ACTIVE AN A CENTS HIGHER Considerable Advance Over tlio Opoi.lng I'rlces for the Weclt Spcciilrttors hup * piles About lijlrn tcd Hogs Scarce , Strong nn'd Higher. Fill DAY , April 20. There were In the yards todny 879 cattle , 2,053 hogs nnd 1,978 sheep , as against B22 cattle , 2,039 hogs nnd no sheep yesterday nnd 812 cattle , 3.0S5 hogs nml 6,319 sheep on Friday of last week. For the week thus fnr there have been received 4,200 cattle , 16,150 hogs nnd 7,401 sheep , ns against 7,621 cattle , 16,719 hogs nnd 6,093 sheep for the same period last week. CATTL13 The fresh receipts of cattle numbered thirty-four load ? , ns against sev enteen loads yesterday. Of the cattle here , however , there were eight loads which were only halted for feed nnd were not offered for sale , so that the available supply of cattle on the market was not much larger than yesterday. The extremely light receipts of the past few dfiys are apparently having some effect upon the market. There wns u much better feeling prevailing In the mar ket nnd the buyers apparently wanted the cattle. The trade opened fairly active at nn advance of about lOc over yesterday nnd the offerings were all taken nt an early hour. Today's market could safely be quoted :6c to 25c higher than the prices ruling nt the opening1 of the week. One small bunch of l,2SI-lb. beeves sold nt ? 5.16 , with some 1,09Mb. cattle at ? 1 nnd 1,011-lb. cattle nt $1.75. There were only nbout three loads of cows and heifers on pale this morning and prices on this class of cattle experienced nbout the same advance ns those on beef steers. The demand was good nnd everything sold early In the day. There were only n few stockcrs nnd feed ers In the yards , while there was some llttlo outside Inquiry. The Improvement In the beef market has given operators a little more courage and has caused the market to pick up. Supplies In the hands of speculators had been exhausted and as every one wanted n few cattle the market took nn upward turn and can be quoted 25c higher than Monday on the most desirable grades. Quite a num ber of feeders sold nt JJ.50 to J3.75. Repre sentative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 1..1134 )3 90 25..10U2 tl 00 13..1231 j 13 31. . . .1002 4 00 19. . . .1014 4 75 COWS. 1. . . . S20 1 25 2. . . . f > Si ) 1 SO 7.842 2 00 3. . . . ! ) ( ! ISO 1..10.10 20i ) 9. . . . 955 315 o. . . . nn i DO I..IOMI 2M 7..1114 315 1. . . . 9L'0 1 SO 10. . . . ! > S3 2 "l > IS. . . . S.12 3 20 3. . . . 823 ICO I..1100 2 5' ' . ) S..10J3 3 C3 1..1ICO 175 1. . . . S70 2 CO 10. . . . M3 405 1..1000 175 1..1120 275 3..1343 435 HElfKRS. 15. . . . 934 3 21 13. . . . COS-3.40 17. . . . 114 3 C ) 1 , . . . G20 SCO Z. . . . C70 : 3,4' ' ) 2S. . . . HM 3 PS 33. . . . 721 3 SO 75. . . . I.C7 3 M 21. . . . CIS 3 C5 5. . . . CSO 3f5. 1. . . . S7U..3.W 20 WG 375 9. . . . CCS 3 35 ' - MILKERS ANI ) ! BPRINGliltS. 1 springer , . . ; $22 00 1 cow and calf ; . : . . . ; . . ' 22 W 1 cow nnd cnlf . ' . . . . ' . . ' . 2 > 00 1 springer 25 00 1 D-.W and'calf " . . ' " " . „ " . i7 M 1 cow and calf 2300 1 cow nnd calf . : .f\ , 32 00 WESTERNS. , . , , . : . ,7r. .M. Knnpp. ' ' "f ' ' No. Av. I'r. NO. Av. Pr. 1 cow . 1000 J2 W 2 Meers . S35 $3 CO 3 COWB..I' ; . 923 3 M 13 steers . 9SO < 15 HOGS There were thirty-nine loads of hoes counted In tlie ynrds today , ns against thirty- seven loads ycstenlny. The quality ( if the hogs was good today , but the weights were not very heavy. Tlio market opened stiong'.to Be higher and the trade was active nt the ndvnnce. The buycis all wanted a few hogs nnd they were not very long In effecting a clearance. The bulk of the lioss old nt } 4.G3.70 , with a few heavy louda at $1 73. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. IT. 3 . 1I < > . . . . } l 20 . 30 . 2502l (4 Co 2 . 300 . . . 425 K . 213 40 4 05 1 . 170 . . . 440 81 . 211 160 4 65 77 . 171) 240 450 CO . 221 80 465 3 . 203 . . . 455 GS . 221 80 463 S3 . 202 324 455 74 . 202 80 4 C5 1 . 340 . . . 455 42 . 212 SO 4 63 77 . 132 1GO 4 53 73 . 201 ICO 4 C > 8 . 193 . . . 467 C . 210 . . . 403 61 . 167 120 4 57 < 4 74 . 21S 200 4 G3 82 . 193 160 460 78 . 243 200 465 70 . 202 210 460 S3 . 226 240 16714 84 . 193 40 460 67 . 210 SO 470 79 . 19D SO 4 CO 70 . 220 SO 470 85 . 1S2 12i ) 4 CO 61 . 234 SO 4 70 72 . 190 200 4 60 23 . 225 . . . 470 21 . 22/1 160 460 , 20 . 255 . . . 470 4 . 233 . . . 460 SO . 220 40 470 CO . 185 . . . 460 C7 . 243 . . . 470 G4 . 209 SO 460 59 . 216 . . . 470 71 . IOJ SO 4 CO 118 . 217 SO 470 92 . 193 . . . 4 CO 77 . 220 160 4 70 11 . 197 . . . 4 60 50 . 272 240 4 70 71 . 222 320 4 62'/5 63 . 249 SO 4 72'j CG . 1SG 40 4 6214 G3 . 241 . . . 475 40 . 198 40 4 6 * ! * , 61 . 217 SO 4 75 77 . 207 SO 465 64 . 230 SO 4 n 78 . 199 SO 4 65 55 . 2T7 . . . 473 6 . 230 . . . 4 65 72 . 2tu , SO 4 73 SKIPS AND "CULLS. 1 . 2GO . . . 225 1 . 420 . . . 403 PIGS. 7 . 77 . . . 260 G . 103 . . . 410 3 . 10G . . . 300 2 . 130 . . . 413 7 . 77 . . . 300 6 . 126 . . . 440 BIIEEP The receipts were large. but a consld. erable proportion of thi" sheep hero were billed through and were not offered for sale. The mar ket was weak and slow. Representative sales : No. Av. I'r. 210 western mixed . . ICO $3 CS C11ICAUO IAVK STOCK , Market for Cnttln Oponml Stronger , but Closed Wctik with No Advance. CHICAGO , April 20. Only about 3.500 head of cattle were received hero todny nnd prices were stronger , with a good demand from dressed beef concerns. Armour was not buying , however , nnd later on the general demand subsided , leaving prices uliout where they stood nt the close yester day. Supplies of cattle at the four principal cat tle markets this week have fallen much lielow lost week , and are. only nlout one-half n large as a year ago. Native steera sold at from $3.90 tj to. 10 , cows at from (1.63 to J4.75 , and stackers and feeders nt from J2.83 to $4.50. About 20,000 head of hogs were offered for sale today , including those left over from yesterday. There was a good demand from city packers nnO eastern shippers , and trade was active at an ad. vance of 60 to lOo per IW Ibs. , m st of the sup ply being taken early In the day. Today's gales were largely ut from $4. * ) to $5 for heavy , nnil $4. So to $1.95 for light WoTftrlts. the former selling at nn extreme nuigo j > fr m $4.70 to $5.10 , ami thn latter nt from $4.C5 to TS. The greater part of the : 7.000 sheep receive * 1 ' today found ready buyers ) , the demand belnt better for good lots , nnd for such prices wcr < about lOo higher. Local "dressed meat flrmi were only fair buyerij.t itiul anything not goo In quality was hard fri'Sell , Native sheep sole at from $2.50 to $4.73. .largely at $3.50 nm upwards , nnd lambs jver'o' bought at from $3.51 U $5.50 per 100 Ibs. ' ' Receipts : Cattle , 3,0 -field : calves , 200 head hogs , 17.000 head ; gheefr iyl head. St. l.ouls.I. e Muck. ST. LOUIS , April la CATTLU-Recelpts. 1.10 head ; shipments , l.OUO head. Market strong will a good demand. Kxpo t-tiMlves. $5.73 $ .00 ; gooi to choice shipping steers , 15.OOiiS.C5 ; fair to me $2. OOJI3.25. HOGS Receipts , 3 , - MOfcead : shipments , l.CC head. Market active LiJOyr higher ; heavy , $4.SO < 4.95 ; mixed , $4.6004.85flKlrt. . $4.GO4.SO. HHEEP Receipts , WJ Jic/iil ; shipments , none Market firm. Natives. ' $1.6034.60 ; Texons , $3.00 < 3.50 ; lambs , $4.75flG.03. Kuiisan City M.ITO ntock. KANSAS CITY , April -CATTIK-Recelpt 1.8VO head ; shlpm nts , WO head ; muiket stro- : , to lOo higher : Texas steere , 3.fiO 4.40j Texa cows , Jl.WWf3.30j beef fleers , 3. { j3.70 ; natlv cows , Sl.S04i4.44 ; utockcra and feeders , J2.10flS3 bulls , ! 2.kXj4..00 ( HOGS Receipts. 7,100 head ; Ejllpmentx , 1,44 head ; market strong to So hlclier ; bulk of nalei ll.r 4.7S ; heavle , J4.55474.M ; packers. 4.60 4.8J ; mixed. J4.WW4.M ; llchts , H.W04.G5 ; Yorken S4.&K14.U ; I'lKS , (3.2M/4.0. SHEEP Receipts. 3.4W head ; bhlfiments , 3C head ; market sttaJy. otuuk lu nigiu. Record of receipts af'the four principal mar kets for Friday , April 26 , 18M : Cattle. Hogs. Sheer South Omaha " 9 2.9V1 l,9i Chlcaito 3,000 17.000 7.0C Kansas City l.WO 7,100 3,4C St. LouU 1.100 S.3CO M Totals 6.779 30,3J3 IXT Netr York l.l n StucK Market. NEW YORK , April M. REEVES Receipt tMC litaUj fairly active ; itcera , notlve tMT , poor to prlmf , $3.Mff , Kj com fr.1 T * nn , J . ( ! 005.U : ( Urn , $ ! .50tf4. . penn rubles cjuolc American utecrs t drentpd wclRhtx ; n-frlRrrntor beef nt 9H < . HI1KRI' AND I.AMHS-RfH-tlpt . S,213 hrnd , sheep , firm ; Inmlu , etnuly ; unshorn h p , > . rte to prime , $ l. ( Hf5.2I ; cllpixsl. J3.mfTI.BJ'i , un- ( horn lambs , common to good , $ J.12Hf3.3-J , very Choice cllp | > nl lnmb . $3.73. HOGS Receipts , 4,237 hendi active nnj flrmi beet liutis , $5.KOU5.3. OMAHA UIMU L .MARKI ; r. Cnndltlon of Tr.iile unit Qafitatlont on Stnplonnd I'atic.r I'roilucc. nans Choice stock , HVk612c ; dirty ttock , * CC' onilj , lOITllc. HUTTER-PftcklnB stock , MJ7c : fair to KOt.1 country , ICfflJc : choice to fancy , HI17c : gathered creamery , 1617c ; separator crcnmcry , 19'u20c. LIVU POt'LTRY-Poultry Is not plentiful , nnJ there Is a stronger market. Hens , Si/5',4c ' ; mixed , 7iOSc ! ; ducks , S'.itTOc ; turkeys , 10c ; heavy totns , So ; Keen ? , Sfl8'.4c. GAME Illue wing tenl , per doz. , $ l.Wj trrecn wing teal , per doz. , $ I.23J1.W ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , I1.00-JT1.2J ; cnnvaslincks , J4.WS3.CO ; mallnril nnd red hends , $2.50 3.00. VEAICholcu fat , 70 to 1M Ibs. , are quoted at CflCHc : larnc nnd coat so. 3T4c. CI1EEHK Wisconsin full cream. Younc Ameri can ! ) , 12'iW13e ; twins. 13c ; Nebraska , and Io n , full cream , lie ; Nebraska nnd Inwn , part sWrns , 7iSc ; LlmburRer , No. 1 , lie ; brlek , No. 1 , llci Swiss , No. 1 , 13c. HAY rplnnd liny. $9.50 ; midland , $9 ; lowland , JS.tOi rye straw , $5.50 ; color makes the price en liny. Light hales sell the best. Only top graJcs bring tnp prices. P1GKONS Per doz. . $1.00 ? 1.20. VEOETARLES. 1'OTATOE.1 ? Wentcrn stock , car lots , G5S70c ; small lots , 75c ; Early Ros seed i otutocs , 90c ; Enily Ohio seed , $1.10 ; Northern Early Ohio seed , $1.25. OLD 11EANS Hand picked , navy. $2.20 ; Lima beans , per lb. , 5Ue. ONIONS On orders , yellow , per bu. , 11.10 ; red , $1.20. CA1II1AGE On orders , 3c. SWEET 1'OTATOES Uood stock , J2 ; seed , J2.25. J2.25.HORSERADlHIIPcr HORSERADlHII-Pcr Hi. , G07e. PARPNIPH-Per bbl. , $1.75. Rl'TAllAGAS Per lb. , P,4c. PARSLEY Per doz. hunches , 33C. TfRNIPS Per bM. , $1.60. SPINACH Per bbl. , $1.5081.75. WATER CRESS-1'cr 16-qt. cnsc. $ l.t001.75. RADISHES Per iloz. bunches. 33c. GREEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 13f20c. UOTTI'CE Per tloz. , 30iS5c. ASPARAOt'8 Whitn Mock on orders , Me per doz. bunches ; erpen , 30I40 > ' . P1U PLANT Per lb. , 3fi3l4c. FRUITS. The California crop reports Indicate a rather dlscouinglng outlook for deciduous fruits. Apri cots are generally reported In pier condition. Early peaches nre reported In doubtful condi tion In s-inic localities. In the Sncramento vnl- ley frosts liave done conRldernble. damage. Yuba county reports nprlcots Injured by frost and will lie a ] x > or cix > p. ChiTrles , prunes and peiirs Fllghtly above the nvernge. Tchcma county , aptlcots , penis nnd cherries not up to the over age ; iwacliPH nnd nlmnnds latgcr than last year. Nevada county , frost did some dorruige to peaclu-s nnd plums. Shafcta county , peach nnd prune trees heavily laden with fruit. Placer county , nprlcots anil cherry plums not immiln- Ing. Cnluna county , fiult of all kinds promise * .1 good yltld. Solano county , nprlcots not ptom * Islng. Sacrnmento county , nprlcots will be small crop and Ilartlett pears are not blooming satisfactorily. Pun Jmuiuln county , apricots lKx < r nnd almonds nre dropping to some extent. Fresno county , nprlcot prri > ects are bad. Mrr- cc > d county , frost Old some damage to fruit. Mailora county. Innce/ fruit crop expected. Tulnro county , citrus fruit trees putting on a healthy Browlh ; apricots arc a very poor ciop ; rain I ully needed. Krrn omnty , frost did some damage to orchards. Santa Hnrbara county , curly nprlcotn are a failure. Orange county , nprlcotM have rotted nnd falling off since last rains , crop In consequence will be very light. IllvpiBldc ccunty , Inillcatlons nre for a good fruit wop except nprlcots. Sonmna valley re ports fruit prospects fair to middling ! apricots are n good slzo. The const oountles rei > ort all kinds of fruit selling well , but In most dis tricts rain Is needed. Quotations : STItAWIIKUIUKS Per 21-qt. case , $3.50. Al'PLES Choice Htock , $5.50 ; box apples , $2.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Fnncy Washington navels , per box , $3.50 ; fancy Washington navels , per box , 90 nnd 112 size , $3 ; choice Washington navels , regular size , S3.23 ; choice Washington navels , % nnd 112 size , $3 ; fancy seedlings , per box , $2.75 ; cholcu seedlings , per box , $2.23B2.W. LKMONS Extra fnncy lemons , 300 size , $4.60 ; s'rlctly choice lemons , 300 size , $3.75 ; extra fancy lemons , 60 size , $4 ; strictly choice lemons , 360 size. $3.50 3.75. 11ANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch , $1.73S2.60. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS-Fancy _ , 15c ; choice , 12ffl3c ; California , ' HONEY New York , ICc ; dark , 14o ; California , 13M , lGc. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , $12 ; lllxby , 6-gal. cans. $3. MAPLE SUGAR IVr 11 > . . 9 I10c. NUTS Almonds , He ; English walnuts , soft- shflk-d , 12c ; stnmlards , lie ; Illberts , So ; Brazil nuts. Sc ; pecnns. 10J12c. ' JIINC-E MEAT Fancy , In quarter bbls. , per Hi. , 5'iCi ! 10-gal. kegs , 6c ; condensed , per case of 3 doz. pkgn. , $2.60. DATI5S In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 5Ho per lb. ; fard dates , 9e per lb. SAUER KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $5.50 ; per half bbl. . $3. CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5 ; half bbl , , $3. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 6c ; No. 2 green hides , B'.ic ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7c ; No. 2 green salted hides , G'ic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , , 8j9c ; No. S veal cnlf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 1 dry Illno hides , 8ff9c ; No. 2 dry Dint hides , C7c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 7c ; part cured hlileti , HO per pound less than fully cured. SHHEP PELTS Green , salted , each 23Q60c ; each 6C15c ; do * shearlings ( short wouled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5 < I10c ; dry shearlings ( short woolert early skins ) , No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , pound , actual weight , & < 3kc ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4jCe ; dry Hint ColornUo butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4QG&e ; dry Hint Colorndo murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight. 45jCe. Have feet cut off , us It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASi : No. 1 tallow , 4U 4Viic ; No. 2 tallow , 3Vjj4c ; grease , white A , 4W 4Vic ; gi-ente. while II , 3V4c ; grease , yellow. 23o ; grease , dark. 2l4c ; old butter , 2iQ2'.4c ' ; beeswax , prime , 17ft20c ; rougli tallow , 2c. WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy , 6 { 7c ; fine light , S9c | ; quarter blood , 10J12c ; seedy , burry and chaffy , 8i9c ; coiled nnd broken , coarse , 709cj cotted and broken , tine , 6ft8c. WOOL , WASHED Medium , 15fl8c ; fine , I4JT ICc ; tub washed , IGHISc ; black , Sc ; bucks , Gc ; tag locks , 253c ; dead pulled , 5QGc. FURS. FURS Bear , black , No. 1 , large , $20.013023.00 ; bear , brown. No. 1 , large , $20.00j25.00 ; No. 1 me dium. $16.00 ; No. I. small , $12.00 ; bear , brown , yearlings. No. 1 , large , $10.004fl2.00 ; No. 1 me dium. J8.00 ; No. 1 , small , $0.00 ; bear , brown , cubs. No. 1 , large , $7.00 ; No. 1 , medium. $5.00 ; No. 1 , small , $3.00 : badger. No. 1. medium , $15.00 ; No. 1 , small , $ S.OO 10.00 ; benr , black , yearlings. No. 1. large. $12.00015.00 ; No. I , me dium , $10.00 ; No. 1 small. $7.00 ; bear , black , cubs. No. 1. large , J6.00 j8.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $5.00JG.OO ? ; No. 1 , small. $4.00 ; bear , block. Mon tana and Rocky mountain , No. 1 , largp. $18.00 { } 20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $14.00 ; No. 1 , small , $10. 0) ) ; bear , black , Montana yearlings. No. 1 , large , $12.00 ; No. 1 , small , $8.00 ; bear , sliver tip , year lings. No. 1 , large , $11.00 ; No. 1. medium. $8.00 ; No. 1. small. $5 ; bear , silver tip. cubs. No. 1 large , $1.0061.50 ; No. 1 , medium. COc ; No. I , small , 50c ; fisher. No. 1. large , $8.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $6.00 ; No. 1 , small , $4.00 ; fox. silver , ns to color , according to beauty , No. 1 , large , $100.00 ; No. I , medium , $60.00 ; No. 1 , small , $50.00 : fox , silver , pale , according to beauty. No. 1 , larco , $50.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $30.00 ; No. 1 , small , $ W.OO ; fox , cross. No. 1 , large , $7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $3.00 ; large , J3.00 ; No. 1 , medium. 12.00 ; No. I , small , $1.60 ; marten , No. 1 , large , $2.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $1.W : No. 1 , small. $1.00 ; mink. No. 1 , large , GOWGJc ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , S.pc ; mink , dark. No. 1 , laige. C5e ; No. 1. medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect head nnd feet. No. 1 , large , $ LOOf2.00 : Imper fect eklns , 16.HOQ7.00 : No. 1. small , S5.00 ; otter , pale. No , 1 , large , ! 7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , 13.00 ; No , 1 , small. $4.00 ; raccoon. No. 1 , large. C0870c ; No. 1 , medium , Me ; No , 1 , large. Wci$2.04 ; skunk , black , cased , narrow striped. No. 1 , large. 60c ; No. 1 , medium , 4c ; No. 1 , small , 25c ; broad striped , No. 1 , large , 20ff25c : wolverine , No. 1 , large , $4.W ; No. 1 , medium , $3.00 ; No , 1 , small , $2.00 ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 , large , J3.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $2.00 ; No. 1 , small , $1.00 ; wolf , prulrie. No. 1 , large , G5f90c ; No. 1 , medium. 60c ; No. 1 , small , 40c ; beaver , per skin. No. 1 , large , $3.00W 6.00 ; No. 1 , medium. $4.GO ; . .V1. . small , $2.00 ; beaver kits , No. 1 , large , $2.0 < > ; No , 1 , medium , $1.60 ; No. 1 , small , 75c ; muskrats , winter. No. 1 , large , SJilOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1 , small , 7c ; muskrats , full , No , 1. large , 4ftCc ; No. 1 , medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Gc ; musltrat kits , 2Q3c. Coffee Murkrt. NHAV YORK , April 2G.-COFFEB-Optlon opened Irregular at unchanged j > rlct to 10 point * advance and niletl llrm wllh offerings email throughout the serslon and some foreign demand and switching orders ; closed at 15(720 points nH advance ; sales , 14,2'0 bugs , Including : Mav , $13 SC 111 13.83 ; June , $13.SO T13.W : July , $14.1MI4.20 ; All. guat , $14.35 ; September , $14.10 ; Uecemlier , $14.20(1 U.K. Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7. Uc ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , ISUOWc ; sales , 2.34S , bags Rio , 411 bags Central American and HO bags Mar acaltxi , p. t. . Warehouse deliveries from New Yoik yeter day , 6SS5 l gs ; New York stock todny , 1H.1W bags ; lnlle < l States ttock , 38,816 IUIKS ; afl'Ml for the United States , IJr.iWO bags ; total visible for the United Stales , 4U.S46 bugs , against 473- 527 bags last year. IIAVI 113 , April 25. COFI'Ei : Opened Irregular , unclianK" ! to W advance ; nt 12 m. . qukt. 'il advance ; at 3 p. m. , quiet , unchanged to Uf de- Children Gryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfo Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfo Pitcher's Castoria. Very often Nature needs only n little help to Ret over nn bslniction. When a boom of logs is floating tlown n river , nil goes well until one single log strikes some- tiling nml sticks. Then there's n "jam " nnil trouble. It is just so in the progress of food through the digestive organs. Everything goes well till something sticks. Then the process of digestion stops. That's indigestion. That's whnl makes you feel lumps in your stomach in the morning. Unless the impediment is re moved , poisonous putrid matter begins to accumulate. There's n ' 'jam " consti pation , nud trouble. Sick licndnchc , biliousness , sleeplessness , vertigo , heartburn , loss of appetite these are some of the symptoms. Just n little help at the appear ance of tlic first one would end the trouble. Nature is a hard worker , but she needs assistance if too much be put upon her. Dr. Piercc's Pleasant Pellets offer the best and simplest method for furnishing this assistance. They nre prompt and very effective in their action , but they nre not strong nor severe. They cause no violent wrench of the system. They go right to the " log " that is fnst nnd loosen it. Nature does the rest , lly anil by , with a little care in dieting , Nature will do it all. That's one great ndvantagc of the "Pleasant Pellets" over the many strongly cathartic pills you do not become a slave to their use. They really cure the trouble they nre meant to cure. Even the worst kind of chronic constipation disappears with their use. Some designing dealers do not permit their customers to have Dr. Tierce's Pellets because inferior pills afford greater profits. Such dealers are short sighted. They overlook the fact that next time you will go where you arc supplied with what you ask for. Your name and address on n postal card will bring n sample package ( . } to 7 doses ) of the " Pellets. " A trial is nil that is necessary. Address : World's Dispensary Medical Association , 663 Main Street , Buffalo , N.Y. O tiostagc , _ "iMcrcc's "conunou Sense Medical Adviser , a hook of over t.ooo pages nnd joe Illustrations , QuD hound In strong mnnilln covers , contnlnlnc all the foregolnc nud several hundred pages D more of useful Information , will he mailed , post-paid , 1'RUIJ TO YOU , on receipt of this QuO coupon and 25 cents In one-cent stamps , to pay for packlnp , postage , etc. It U n complete O Fnmily Doctor Hook. More than 680,000 copies of this HOOK have liecu sold III cloth coven u at $1.50 each. This great offer of the book 1'REE , ' is good lor 30 days only. line ; closed quiet nt UO'.i' net advance for the ay ; sails , 1C,000 bugs. HANTCW , April 20. Quiet ; good Bverngf Panes - os , } 1.1.CO ; receipts , 1,700 bags ; stock , 2W.O > M bags ; Icarcd from Hantus April 25 , steamship Mexican rlnce , 7,0 ) bags. HAMHL'RO. April 26. Dull nnd unchanged to ' pfg advance ; saleH , 6.0JO bags. RIO 1)E JANEIRO. April 2ti.-Rtca < ly ; No. 7 , llo , tl5.45 ; exchange. 97-lCd ; receipts , 4,000 b.-ws ; leareil fnr Europe , 3,000 bags ; cleared for the Jutted States , 5.000 Kngs ; stock , 2GS.OOO bags. ST. IOU1S , April 26. COTTON Steady ; mid- ling , 6c ; salffl. 100 bales ; receipts. 8C2 bales ; hlpments , 1,521 bales ; stork , 41,673 bales. NEW ORLEANS , April 2fi. COTTON Future * , cry stonily ; tales , 79.SOO bales ; April , $0.23 bid ; lay , JG.43nC.45 ; June. tC.43frC.44 ; July. 6.49p 50 ; August , ) C.55fG.5fi | ; September. tn.57iiO.53 ; November , JC.C2i5C.C4 ; December , IG.CCiSC.GS ; Jan- ory , 10,23 bid. _ HEAVY I'URCHASEHH .omlon liiiylnc ; Onn of the Features of the Muck Mnrknr. NEW YORK , April M. RrnJslreet's tomorrow I'lll say regarding the stock market : A consld- rnble portion of the street has been nailing for x reaction In the upward course of prices. There has been none of any serious character and the market BCCIIIS to be broadening under nn ncces- Ion of public Interest In speculation nnd of for- Ign purchasing orders. The latter fact. Indeed , vns the Importnnt event of the week. The Lou- ton public. It seems. Is BUM occupied with the bull speculation In Katllr mines , the fortnightly account In them Just completed having been one it the largest clnce the movement ! > ccnn , At the lamp time the settlement ruvr-nleil it laigc out- itandlng thort Interest In Amerlonn railroads , vhllc the disposition of the professionals there & to take up "Yankees" as the likeliest specula- ivo thing for a big rise. While the foreign buying of our stocks has not nppronched the character of a large move- nent. It was still sulllclcnt to profoundly affect I ho temper of the market here nnd to offset FCV- ral unfavorable dcvelopmt-nttf. The principal of hc.so was the failure of the coal roads to come o any agreement , while the uncertainty \\hlcrf Btlll exists about the crops nt the west supple ments the unfavorable exhibits of earnings which ntlroads In that section nre making. On the thcr hand , other roads show marked Improve ments In their net earnings for the month of March. At the same time the better feeling In rnde circles which has succeeded the rise In prices of commodities makes Itself felt In the conlldent tone of the market nnd the readiness vlth which professional operators take the bull side of the market not only in the stock list , but n the bonds as well. The movement In lioncls his week has , In fact , been remarkable In char- nctcr , the total transactions running up to no less linn $13,000.000 In par value. It IB aim ) noticeable hat the trading In stocks has been well dls- rlbuted , a number of hitherto neglected secur- tlen Iwlng nmong tlio nctlve features. The com. ilalnt Is still henrd that the market Is an nrtl- iclal one , nnd that outside business Is scarce. The government liond syndicate Is also credited with having much to do with It. On Friday the one was steady In the face of the activity In speculation. _ 15VE FLOUll ADVANCING. llnriet nt Now York ( Jnnlimlly Advancing on Kvlilnnce nf Scarcity of Grain. NEW YORK , April 26. A drcliled advance has been made In rye flour nt this point during the week , prices working higher each day until today's limits on fancy patents were placed nt 14 per bbl. , nn advance for the week of about 10 to CO points. The enchnnceil values nre wholly due to the scarcity of tmppllfs , not only lere , but thcrougliout the rountiy. Only 17.oo . ju. of rye nre held In New Yoik. nnil this , It is said , is onned by a distiller. Chicago Is a llttlo letter off , having C5.0W bu. , against 75,000 bu. lost week , but the entire available supply of rye In the country Is only IC7.WO bu. , against 213.000 bu. lost week anil 371.0UO bu. last year. Thus it lappcns that holders of Hour , fearing Inability to replace their stocks , hesltnte to sell , nnd pi Ices move steadily upward , even though the demand s only fair. The range on fnncy patents today was from $3.M to tl , against $3.20 to J3.40 last Saturday. One of the most prominent rye Hour lenlurH In tlio exchange said that owing to the fact that the new ciin > wait four months off yet tie would not tie surprised to see prices still Higher and possibly equal the t > ems of two yearn aso , whrn rye Hour sold at $ C.1J anil IMIlsbury's RI at $3.65 In the New York market. Liverpool AliirKrtn. LIVERPOOL , April 20. WHEAT Firm ; de mand moderate ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 2d ; No. 2 red spring , 5s 4".d ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 5s 5d ; No. 1 California , ( is l&l. Futures opened llrm at unchanged prices , but later advanced nnd closed firm with June ' ,4 < 1 higher and other months Vid higher ; business nl ut equally dis tributed ; April 6s lil ; May , ta Id ; June , 5 lVld , July , 5s Hid ; August , 6s 2Ud ; September , 5s 2id. CK > RN Hpot , llrm ; American mixed , new , 4s 4d. Futures opened steady nt unchanged prices ; closed llrm , unchanged ; business heaviest on early positions ; April , 4s 5d ; May , 4s 4d ; June , 4s 4'id ; July. 4s 4'id. FLOUR Fair demand ; St. louls fancy winter , "PROVISIONS Ilacon , steady ; demand moder ate ; Cumberland cut , 23 to SO Ibs. , J3 Cd ; short ribs , 23 Ibs. , 243 Gd ; long clear , light , M to 43 II ) " . 32s ; long olenr , heavy , 05 Ibs. . 33s : short clear backs , light , 18 Its. . 33s 6d ; Hhort clear mltlcllen. heavy , 55 lb . . 32a Cd ; clear lollies , 14 to 1C Ibs. , 31s Cd ; Hhouldeis. tquare , 12 to 18 Ibs. . 30s Cd ; hams , short. II to 1C 1I . , 43s Cd. Tallow flue N. A. , nominal. IJeof , extra India mess , 73 9.1 ; prime mess , C2s Cd. 1'ork. prime mesa , line wont- em , Cls 3 < l ; prime medium , 5Js 9d. Lard , dull ; prime western , 3U 9.1 : rellned. In palla , 35s Cd. CHEESl-J-Easy ; demand moderate. ; finest American white. 47s Cd ; finest American colored , 4S Cd. HUTTER Finest Vnltod Ptntcs , (3s ( ; good , 503. COTTONSEED OIL-Ltvcrpoul refined , ISa. LINSEED OIL-20J M. I-KTROLKI'M-Hteaily. REFRIGERATOR 1JEEF Forequoiters , 4id. ! hindquarters , C'.jd. HOI'S At Ixmdtm ( Pacific coast ) , t2 5s. The receipts < if wheat the past three days were 124,000 centals , Including 5I.UOO American. The rece'pts ' of American o-tn were 57,000 centals. Wmither cloudy nnd thrtatcnlng. II iltlinnra .Mnrknl * . I1ALTIMORH , April 2C.-FLOril-Flrm , un changed ; receipts , 12,174 bu. ; shipments , 2,211 bu. ; sales , 1,500 bu. WHEAT Firm ; spot and month. K\c bid ; May. CJiC5T4o ; June. CCo bid ; July. { iG5'o ' , steamer. N . 2 red , C2ttfiC3c ; receipts. 1.315 bu. ; stock , 135.CI3 bu. ; vales. 51.000 bu. ; southern hi-.it , by .nmplv , CliiCTc ; uouihern wheat , on grade. C3'4C6G4c. ' ! CORN Steady ; fpot nnd month. DH. T31He. May. &l'4fcSlV4c ; June. 52V4W53&C : tamer mixed , 5O&&OUC ; receipts , 16,132 bu. ; stock , 223,2trr bu.t sales , 49,000 bu. ; wmthern white cum , tlUJHic ; HJUthom yellow , 52&52HC. OATS Active , steady ; No. i white i\e tern , 37e3T,4c ; No. 2 mixed , 33 > , ifj34c ; receipts , 1I , J1 Ui. ; Htock , 132.400 bu. RVE-qulct but llrm ; No. Z , CCc ; stock , 17.0JO bu. bu.HAY Finn ; g > d demand for choice ; good to prime tlmnthy. 13.wai3.M. GRAIN FREIHHTU Quiet. New York Dry ( lunili Market. NEW YORK. April 26. Agents have advanceil Ijinsrilon nimiumy II 50-Inch bleached cutums to fee , IjintfJun 75-inch bleached collimi to 7c ; Amory pound Bterllnir , 36-Inch brown cottons. ' , ic ; Amory pound fcti-rllnt , W-inch trowa cottwn , Vic. Thete has been a good demand In all ifepartments ot trnilc with the relativelatge ieiitir t for woolen flannels , wltli goo < l salrs having fnllowed. Agents will shortly advance the price of Irish frieze ami western pink mixed flannels. Staple and colored cottons httX'e been doing better , especially bleached nnd colored goods. Printing cloths stiong at : ? ic bid nnd nn rales. At Fall River the sales for the week arc about 300 pieces. St. Louis Unncritl MurKot. RT. LOUIS. April 2C. FLOlIR-FIrm but dull ; patents , )3.15i3.25 ; extra fnncy , } 2.9 W.I.O ) ; fancy , $2.COi/2.70 ; ctiolue , $2.25 2.40. Rye flour , $3.20H > 3.50. 3.50.WHEAT WHEAT Finn ; snles were made at n dccllno of 'lie ; subst-'qucntly the market became firm. though unsettled and nn advance of l ; c.\vnn made , followed by a decline which brought the prlco at the close lUc nltove yesterday ; Noi. 3 red , cash. G2o bid ; May , C2Uc asked ; July , C0i8 ! > WSiO asked. CORN Opened ' 4 ° lower In sympathy with wheat ; later turned I Inner with a better demand , closing Uc above ycsteiday ; No. 2 mixed , cnsh , t'l 4.Yic ! ; May , 45iic ; July , 40110 bid ; September , 47'W47Uc ' ( bid. OATS Easier early , July offering ' , to lower , rallied later and at the close had offering * HO over yesterday ; fK | > t lower ; No. 2 , cash , 29 ? c ; May , 30c ; June. 30'ie bid ; July , 2ie ! ! bid. HYI1 Dull ; C2'.ic ' bid for No. 2 , east side ; ono car No. 2 > Id. to arrive , east truck , nt C9e. CXRN MEAl.-$2.1502.20. IlRAN-Flnner ; C7e bid for east track , with little to be had. FLAX SEED-Qulet , tl.M. ORASS SEEDS Firm , aulct ; clover , $7.50i 8.25 ; timothy , t3.Mfl.Zi. HAY Steady to simile nrnie-r ; prairie , $9.00CP 10.W. this Bide ; timothy , J3.00i ll.SO. fast truck. HUTTER Firm and scarce ; creamery , . 154f20c ; fancy Ilgln , 22c. HOGS Finn , lie. WHISKY Steady ; $1.20 for distillers' finished goods. LKAD Stonily , $2.87H. SI ELTER-lCaslcr , $3.02H. 1'ROVISIONS 1'oik , Btnndatd mess. $12.52 . Lard , prime steam , JC.C5 ; clmlce , SOO. Dry Killed menlEi , $5.2j ; longs. 1C. 50 ; shorts JC.76 ; ribs , $ C.C2i . Racon , boxed sliouldeia , $ C ; longs , $ e.5T > ; ribs , JC.S7H ; shorts , $7. RECEIPTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000bU , | corn. 13.000 Ui. ; oatu , 40.WW 1m. SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbls , ; wheat , 31,000 bu. ; corn , 38,000 bu.j oats , 8,000 bu. Mllwitukru .Murlint * . MILWAUKEE. April 2C.-WHEAT-Lowcr ; No. 3 spring. 62Jc ; Ni > . 1 northern , Ct'ic ! ; July , 63'/4o. CORN Steady ; No. 3 , 37V c. OATS Higher ; No. 2 white. 32 ic ; No. 3 white. :2Hc. : HARLEY Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 , 42c ; sample. RYE Lower ; No. 1 , CSc. PROVISIONSUglier. . Pork , $12.07. Lard , G.S24. ! RlOOKIPTS-Klour. 4,000 bbls , ; wheat , 17,000 ju. ; Irnrley , 2D.WM ) bu. SHIPMENTS-Flmir , 1,400 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000 > u. ; bailey , Z5.0W bu. KIIIISIIH l.lty Miirlci-ts , KANSAS CITY , April 2G. WHEAT Hlgheri No. 2 hard , 59W09V4c ; No. 2 red , GO'.iflClc ; re- ected , We. CORN Steadier ; No. 2 mixed , 4l'iff4Icj ' ( No. 3 white. KiK\ie. \ OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2S'lc ; No. 2 white. 32 < S32',4c. Dnliith AVhciit Market. DULUTII , April 2C. WHEAT Higher ; No. 1 mrd , cash and April , GCc ; May , CGc ; July , i7c ; No. 1 northern , cash and April , Gjc ; May , w ic ; July , CGc ; September. GJe ; No. Z northern , ttifcli , G2c ; No. 3 , CSc ; rejected , COo ; to arrive , No. 1 hard , G7c ; No. 1 northern , CGiAc. M''rl oo Wlio.it ijnntiitloii * . SAN FRANCISCO , April IG.-WIIEAT-Flrmj Ueccmbcr , 9SV e ; May , 914c. ! I'limiiclul 2Sotcs. I1OSTON. April 2G. CJearlngs , $15,001,768 ; bol- inces , J1.C13.C4I. IIALTIMORW. April IG.-Clc-u-n6S | , $2,356,224 : balances , flCIlC . NEW YORK , April 20. aearings , $94,3S3,2Mj balances , $5,301,289. PHILADELPHIA , April 2G.-Clcarmgs , $ IOCI3.- CfM ; Uilanws , $1OG9COO. MK.MPH1H , April 20. Clearings. $272,129 ; bal ances , $119,10) . New York exchange nelllng at par. par.ST. ST. LOUIS , April 2S. Clearings , $3,078,413 ; l > al- ancs , $70Jil > Ii4. Money , BfiG per cent. New York exchange , 90c premium bid. WAHHINC.TON , April 2G.-The day's btatcment of the condition of tlie treasury uliows : Avail able cash balances , $185,353,917 ; gold reserve. $91,170,251. CHICAGO , April M. Clearings , $14,236.000. New York exchange , 70o premium. Sterling , IKMted rules , $4.90',4 for demand and H.fcO',4 for GO day . Money , D per cent on call , 0 per cent on time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foreign I'liiuilvUl AfTuIrs , PARIS , April JO. Three per cent rentes , lOlf Vie for the account. Exchungo un London , 0t 21c for checks. LONDON. April 2fi.lold Is quoted nt Duenoa AyrcH today at Ki.M ; Madild , 12 ; Lisbon , 2t ! % ; St. Petereburg , W ; Athene , 77 ; Rome , 101,95 ; Vienna , 103. No\r York Mlnln < J.intttloni. : NRW YOHK , April aO.-Tha following nra tha cloning miiitnif quotations : Ilillwer. 16 Ontario 1000 Choler CO Ophlr 1111 Crown Point 3.1 Plymouth 15 Con. Cal. A Va. . . . Ibl ) Quicksilver. . . . 330 Deodwood 1)5 ( jiitckallvcr pfu. . .11)40 ) ( ioiild A. Curry. . . 4tl Sierra Novadii. . . . 75 Halo .V Norcrom. . 1 Ui Staiiilanl 2ur Honifhliilco 1UOII Union Con , . V Iron Slhur US Yellow Jacket. . . . a Mexican 73 rs&wwwfX * EXPECTANT MOTHERS. Thit our wonderful rrmnljr "UOTIIEItS ! FItlKND , " which make , child-birth enj maj I' be within th reach of all we haru rrduend tbo I vrlce to line Dollar per bottle. Beware of ( Iraadt , eounttrfettiandiubiUtatei. 5TAKBNOTHINQ BUT . . . . MOTHERS FRIEND. . BULK iiv ALL uncoaisxs. wrltn for hook "TO MnTIIKRD" mailed * fire. TIIKIIIIAIIKIKI.IUtr.OUI.ATOlltlOM J Hale Proprietor. , AII ntB. < ! 7V1 ADnifVJ No matter what booklet i'i/vi\vllli on speculation you nmy have rend send for ours which Is NEW and OOM- PXPf ATNFnllLlPTE- clearly ox- CA1 lwrt.ini-iL iiftn | marKln trading and DKKINF.9 A.U-MAUKKre prt8ilous. It'a free und will touch you hoiiietlilnz. AltllUUAtiT A ( JU.,923 TraUoM Oldg. CblcagO