THE OMATTA DAHVT TiTHR- A PUTT , f > 7 TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE f ' COUNCIL ULUFTS. OFFICE , . NO. U PEARL STREET Dtllrrrcd \ > T carrier to any r" rl or tin cllr. H W. TILTON , Leisee. TELnrilONES-Uu lnc i oIDca. No. 41 ! night Mltor. No. . MK.\TWXS. Oran < 1 , Council Bluffs. E. P. Clark , prop. Mayno Real Eatato agency , 639 Broadway. Last day nt the book auction ; your last chance to get books cheap. The case of Gregory against Gary occupied 11 day yesterday In the district court and will probably go to the Jury this morning. Thomas V. Kccklcr or Cass county , Ne braska , and Mrs. A. M. Lund of this city were married lu Council Illnfta yesterday. Special mcctliiR of Ktchctah council No. 3 , Degree of I'ocahontas , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. 1) . Parkinson. 1003 Avenue A , this evening. By order of I'ocahontas Alice Russell. A wnyonload of vags were rounded up In Baylies park last evening about 1 o'clogk. They had been loafing about town for two or three days , and had been ordered to leave , but haJ neglected to obey the Invitation. The funeral of Oliver Anson , late com mander of encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Region , will lie held Sunday afternoon at the Broadway Methodist church under the nusplces of the Legion , llev. II. I' . Dudley officiating. Cards have been received announcing the marlage of George K. Camp of this city tu Miss Flora A. Jotters at the bride's homo In Delavan , WIs. , last Wednesday. They will bo nt homo to their friends nt 142 Park venue , Council Illuffs , after May 15. Charles Warren , who until recently was In the chattel loan buelness In this city , died Thursday at the home of his parents , 1425 Military avenue , Omaha , aged 20 years , of erysipelas of the heart. The funeral took place yesterday and the remains were taken to Atlantic for Interment. All ladles who are Intel-ruled In the coining 1'lorson revival meeting ! ) nro requested to be nt the First Presbyterian church this aft ernoon at 430 ! o'clock In order that they may be assigned their places. Hov. A. Y. Plerson arrived In the city -yesterday , ready for nn energetic campaign against sin. Mr. William T. Mllbr , n respected arid honored citizen of Oak Park , 111. , who with his two daughters spent last summer with Ills con and daughter , Kov. and Mrs. Stephen Phelps of Council Illuffs , at their home , died Wednesday , April 21 , of senile heart failure at his home. Mrs. 1'hclps was at his bed- eldo when the end came. Elmer Lane , who blacked both the eyes of S. Chernlss , was discharged by Judge Mcdce yesterday morning , ns he proved ho was acting from self defense. Chernlss had bcn abused by gome small boys In the neighbor hood and , thinking that young Lane was one of them , undertook to take him to jail. Lane told him to release him , and when ho de clined to do so blacked both of Cherntss' eyes In rapid succession. Comrades of encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran. Legion , will assemble at their hail on Upper Ilroadwdy Sunday at 1:30 : p. m. to ettcnd the funeral of Oliver Anson , late colonel of this , encampment. Services at llroadwny Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p. m. Interment In U. V. L. cemetery , Walnut Hill. Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Republic , all old soldiers and sailors , Dodge Light Guards and High School cadets are invited to attend. _ Two desirable cottages for rent. Plenty of money for farm loans. Fire Insuranc ? . Monsy loaned for local Investors on best of security. Special bargains In real estate. Lougee & Towlc , 23S Pearl street. K. O. Hiirtli'tt'ft ' Htatninvnt. Ho says It Is all bosh about gasoline being 10 high , for the Uartlctt Grocery company Is telling C gallons for TOc. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Purcell are In Des Molnen. Supervisor 13. B. Dentlcr of Pleasant town ship was In the city yesterday. Miss Amelia Zlpf left yesterday for Battle Creek , Mich. , to resume bur studies. J. Q. Anderson , secretary of the Council Bluffs Insurance company , has gone to Chicago cage on business. llev. Mr. Aberly of Lincoln , Neb. , has re ceived a call to the pastorate of the Chris tian church In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hunter arrived today from Dado City , Fla. They will so journ during the summer at Neola and re turn to Florida In the fall. News from the bedside of John P. Organ at the hospital In Chicago , where ho has been for several months , Is to the effect that his condition Is now very serious , and there aru doubts of his iccovcry. M. II. Judd , a former resident of Council Dluffs , Is dangerously 111 nt his home in Los Angeles , Cnl. Ills health 1ms been very poor for quite n while past , and his physlcaln Bays ho may drop off now at any tlmo. Mrs. S. II. Raymond , accompanied by her daughter and son , has been visiting her cousin , Mrs. E. J. Sclmorr , 137 Bcnton street. Mrs. Raymond has been spending the winter on the Pacific coast. The party left last evening for their homo In Grundy Center , la. _ From repeated tests at the World's fair nnd California Midwinter fair all other bak ing powders were proven far Inferior to Dr. Price's , _ Ilnd n Millinery Opening. Miss Helen Sprlnk's millinery store on South Main street was entered by burglars omo time early yesterday morning. A pane of glass was removed from a back window and the rear door was opened. Three dress patterns worth about $50 , and a lot of flow ers , feathers , lace and other materials used In the construction of Easter bonnets were taken. The cash drawer was pried open , but the cash had been put into a box and shoved down Into an obscure corner and escaped the notice of the ( helves. Appearances indicated that the thieves had been frightened away before they had completed their Job. fiO.OOO riinslea In Itlooiu. Now Is the time to make selections and plant them. Other plants and cut flowers cheap. J. F. Wllcox , 1132 B. Pierce. Tel. 09. All klcds of plants and flowers. J. It. Me- Fherson , green houses 1250 E. Pierce at. Telephone 244. nlRht or day. Hay for sale , by the ton ur carload , W. A. .Wood , 520 Main itri-et , Ice Nice , clean reservoir Ice. cheap. Mul- tolland , C Baldwin block. Telephone 186. A splendid line of men's suits at Metcalf Bros. ' for J6.50. A splendid line of men's suits at Metcalf Bros. ' for JGBO. _ Largest stock of wall paper In the state. Boston Store. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Bunlar Butler Doesn't Much Like the Official Way of Treating Desperados. HE THINKS IRONS ARE A HARDSHP ( live * Ills Prim to Opinion of the .Men Who Took Him tu the I'mltciitltiry ns Well ns 111.1 IMlnmtn of Judge WuoUnn ns n Jurist. "Spoony" Duller , alias Wilson , the Qrls- v.-oM bank cracksman , was taken to the An- nmosa penitentiary Thursday night for his five years' sentence. All during the trial he main tained his equilibrium lalrly well , although It was clear thnt ho bitterly resented having the handcuffs on his wrists whenever he stirred outside the Jail walls. Hut when he was about to Icnvo tlio jail * for the train and saw the shackles for his legs brought out he exclaimed : "You fellows are a set of cowardly curs. " That made no difference , however , for the leg Irons were" put on and he was led off. In a conversation with some of his Council Bluffs friends at the Jail Thursday after noon ho showed clearly that he was a man far above the ordinary In point of Intellect. He talked In a way that Indicated high edu cation. "I'll bo all right In the pcnltcn tlary , " said ho , "If they'll only lot me have all the books I want to read. I Intend to go through a course of study whllo I am con fined. The penitentiary Is all right ; they will treat you well If you behave yourself. " He would glvo no Information whatever , It he had any to give , concerning Hlley , his missing comrade. He seemed to have some feeling toward Smith because the latter got off with a four-year sentence. "I am glad this thing Is over , " said he. "I got tired of having myself compared with goody goody people. " He gave his opinion of Judge Woolson In a few short sentences filled with vigorous English. "That man. " ho remarkeJ , "has not been on the bench long enough to know that the bench Is no place for calling pcoplo names. I haven't any complaint to make over the way I was treated by the other olliclals , but I do not think that for the judge to heap additional disgrace on mo whllo pronouncing sentence was uncalled for. " The thing the stuck hardest In his craw was evidently the fact that the Judge Im plied that he was not well "onto his Job' as a cracksman. It will be remembered thai Judge Woolson said there was seldom a case where the men who committed a crime made so many blunders , or where the officials were able so easily to follow them step by step. Wilson has as much pride In his pro fesslon aa any doctor or lawyer In Councl Illuffs has , nnd to be called a quack did no go down easily. Smith will probably be taken to Fort Mad Ison this evening. Doctors warn against alum baking ponders ders us Injurious , and advise use of Dr Price's. 1'reibjterlnil Conrnrt. Seldom has any concert given In Councl Illuffs been so liberally patronized or more heartily enjoyed' , If applause counts for any thing , than the one In the Presbyterian church last evening under the auspices of the Society of Christian Endeavor. The Omaha Glee club , directed by L. A. Torrcns , was the principal attraction , Its first selection "Nel lie Was a Lady , " with the solo sung by Dan Wheeler , being beautifully rendered and greeted with an encore. "The Phantom Hand" and "Night Witchery" were also finely rendered , Jules Lutnbard received his usual cordial reception when he sang "The Pirate's Song , " and In response to a demand " for another surprised the audience by slng- "Ing , "Arc "Ye Slcepln' , Maggie ? " The Dud- Icy Buck quartet sang "Estudlantlna , " by Lacome , "Dinah Doe , " by Malloy , and "Come , Love , Come , " by Neldllnger , and had to respond to encores twice. The violin and trombone numbers by Albln Hustcr , and the organ numbers of J. II. Slmms were well rendered. After the concert the performers i and their lady friends were treated to re freshments at llnndlett's by the Dudley Buck quartet. Read the following list of bargains. Every thing guaranteed as advertised. BOSTON STORE. A heavy serge umbrella , "warranted not to fade , " natural wood handles , and worth $1.00 , on sale at 7Ec each. Extra heavy twilled silk umbrella , Acacia handles , on sale at $1.20 , worth $1.75. An nil silk umbrella , worth $3.00 , offered at $1.95. An extra quality of gents' hose In black and tans , worth 19c , on sale at 12' , c a pair. Gents' genuine British hose , worth 25c , at 17c , or 3 for GOc. Gents' heavy cotton socks 5c a pair. Gents laundered percale shirts , collars at tached , worth $1.00 , on sale at C9c and 75c. Gents' fancy Random underwear , worth -lOe. on sale at 25c each. Gents' fine Egyptian lisle underwear , worth 7Ec , at 50c cnch. Ladles' all silk mitts , worth 19c , at 12' c a pair. A regular 40c mitt for 25c. SRE SHOW WINDOW DISPLAY FOR PRICES ON SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. A new line of embroidered Swiss handker chiefs , would be considered cheap at 19c ; our price 12'/4c each. See them. Extra value In ladles' and gents' handker chiefs at 5c each. In ladles' shirt waists we handle the Stand- aid , which guarantees a perfect fitting gar- ment , An extra good shirt waist , perfect fitting , for "Co ; big line of styles and colorings. Sea our line of shirt waists at $1.50 , which Includes plain black , reds and tans. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. s. \vmiiumon Carries the largest stock of high grade bicy cles of any dealer In the west. Also has the best equipped repair shop In the west. 106 South Main street ; telephone , 202. The Peak sisters of Alaska will appear at the First Baptist church this ( Saturday ) even- Ing. They glvo a delightful original enter tainment. Come out and hear them. Ad- mUslon , 15c. Those gentlemen's suits at $0.50 come In all the different colors. Metcalf Bros. Get prices on wall paper at the Boston Store. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap. New York Plumbing Co. Gas cooking cloves for rent and for sale. C. B. Gas company. Urlof tor n Snloonlst. L. II. Blodell , a saloon keeper at Cut-Off , has always caused the authorities a good deal of trouble by refusing to obey the law , and the mulct law does not seem to sull him any better than the old prohibitory law , tidcr which the city was to receive $52.10 Bach month for the privilege of running a saloon. Blodell used to refuse to pay thin amount anl the city ofllclals would have 'heir fingers In his wool about as often as he month rolled atound. Yesterday an In- 'ormatlon "as filed In Justice Vlcn'a court charging him with keeping a saloon , and Constable Baker went to Cut-Off to Inspect ils goods. He found a keg of beer , two bot- les of whisky and three Jugs and three bot- lea of wine , all of which were seized by the officer and brought to the city. Blodell made no resistance. He merely said that business was so dull that be could not pay the tax , ills case may come up for hearing In court today , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( iHKiillno Him Illr. . But It won't stay long. Gasoline stoves ire lower this week than ever. Four-burner , tilgh , only $10. Three-burner , high stove , $ S. CaLinet Reliable , $25 , worth $28 ; nnd $20 , worth $24. Monarch Cabinet , best stove made , no smoke and two largo ovens , $26. At DeVoI's , 601 Broadway. S. M. Wllllminon Sells the Standard and Domestic sewing machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha. 106 South Main street. Best Roman gold for china painting , 45 cents , at Chapman's now art store , 17 Main street. Evans * Laundry Co. , 620 Pearl ; lei. 293 ; thlrts , collars , cuffs , fine work a specialty. Garden hose , big stock , good and cneap. New York Plumbing Co. Miss M. E. Keen , stenographer , IOC S. Main. Dr. Laugel , office 410 5th ave. : tcl. ISO. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Davis , diug , paint , glass nan. 200 B'way. C11.1311IE11S SISTl'.IM .STILE .VlSStffO Are llollovea to Hitvo Met Death In the Itlvrr. PACIFIC JUNCTION , In. , April 2G.-Spe- ( clnl. ) At Hnrtlett , ten miles below here , last Sunday evening , the two daughters of Charles Chnmbers , Lottie nnd Nellie , mys teriously disappeared , nnd It Is claimed Hint they met their death In the Missouri river. During the evening n party of young people nssembled nt the Chambers house hold to hnve n social time. After the com pany hnd depnrteil Mr. Chnmbers went out to the field to feed the cnttle , nnd as soon ns their father hnd left the house the two Blrls stnrted out for a walk. Lottie , the elder girl , was 17 years of nge , while Nellie wns only 10 , nnd in starting out they went toward the river. They were seen by George Huffman , Sam Dallcy , G. II. Estes nnd sev eral others , but nothing unusual wan no ticed about the girls. As they proceeded to ward the river n couple of boys followed them , but perceiving the latter watching them the girls turned bnck , nnd the boys then went home , concluding that the girls hnd merely gone out for a stroll. Apparently , however , ns soon ns the boys were out of sight the girls retraced their steps toward the river. Their tracks were plainly visible , but only up to within ten or twelve feet of the water's edge , when the trncks of the younger girl censed nnd only those of the elder continued up to the wnter. It Is surmised that Lottie picked her little sister up In her nrms nt that point , cnrrlcd her to the wnter nnd then plunged In. Lottie's fascinator was found on the bank , nnd Hint wns all thnt remained to tell the fate of the two girls. The father Is-nenrly distracted with grief , but cnn assign no reason for his girls' de siring to end their lives. The affair Is sur rounded with the deepest mystery , but no doubt Is entertained of the sad fnte of the two young girls. Discriminate nnd Insist upon the best , Price's Cream Baking Powder. lrs Mo'nr Mere-hunts l'"nll. DES MOINES , April 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) C. E. Rlsser & Bro. , general dry goods merchants , gave n mortgage today upon their stock for $29,480 In favor of the Valley 'National bank nnd II. A. Crawford , trustee. An attachment was nlso filed In favor of John U. Farwell of Chicago for $12,010. The Valley National's claim is $12- [ X)0 ) : Tefft , Weller & Co. , New York , $12.000 ; Julln llrotche , J3.3SO , nnd D. I ) . Craig , $600. Other nttachmcnts are expected. Dlsnppnlnttnent I.cndn to Sulcldo. ROCKWELL CITY , In. , April 2C.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) Late last evening Clark How ard , n stock buyer at Jolley , nine miles north of this place , shot himself three times vlth a revolver , the third shot killing him nstnntly. Despondency , caused by losses sustained In the shipment of hog-s , Is sup posed to have been the cause. Well Muppllful with.Vlvo . CEDAU RAPIDS , In. , April 26. ( Special Telegram. ) George Beecher wns nrrested icre today by nn ofllcer from Tnma county on n charge of bigamy. He Is said to have L wife nt Belvldere , 111. , nnd another at Toledo , la. S < SWQ * * 'AS fi Q SS 3WS I find the ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all the others in every respect. It is purest and strongest. WALTER S. HAINES , M. D. Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health. , * isffiss * J3m ® y ia syraa * s Ithubarb Pie. One anil one-halt bunches rhubarb , one ncl one-halt cuptuls sugar. Cut fruit In mall pieces after stripping off skin , cook It very fast In shallow stewpan , with fugar. Line pie plate with the paste ; wet rim ; add rhubarb , cold ; lay three bars paste across , fastening ends ; lay three more across , form ing diamond-shaped spaces ; lay round a rim , wash over with egg , and bake In quick oven fifteen minutes. I'luln llolled Cuetnnl. One quart of milk , eight eggs , peel of one large lemon , one-quarter pound of loaf sugar , Tour milk Into clean saucepan with peel of lemon , set at side of fire 20 minutes , when on point ot boiling strain Into basin to cool ; then stir In powdered sugar and well beaten eggs ; again strain It Into a pitcher , which place In deep taucepan of boiling water , and stir one way until It thickens ; then pour Into glass dish or custard sups. Ohoculnte < usturili. Pour two tablespoonfuls of boiling water over two ounces of grated chocolate ; let It stand near the flre until perfectly dissolved. Put Into pint of milk mixed with pint of crram , pinch of rait , and three ounces of sugar , simmer over flre ten minutes ; then add by degrees yelks of eight well-beaten eggs , and stir to a froth while It thickens ; then pour out to cool. To I'reiervr Mint\vurrrlet. To one pound strawberries , after they have been picked over , add one pound clean sugar ; put them In preserving kettle , over slow flre until sugar ls melted , then boll them pre cisely twenty-five minutes fast as possible- have Jar ready and put fruit In boiling hot- Jar should bo heated before hot fruit Is poured Into It , otherwise It will break Cover and seal Jars Immediately ; set In a cool place. Direction ! for Pro ervln _ Fruit. Preserves should be kept carefully from air , In a very dry place ; If they stand In warm place they will mould . They should bo looked at two or three times In first two months , that they may be gently boiled again If not likely to keep. It Is supposed by somethat cheap sugar will do for preserves ; this Is a mistaken Idea ; the very best sugar should be used ; If ch ap sugar Is used , It lihould be cleansed and tkum all taken off. AFFAIRS AT SOUC OMAHA * ' ir . . - x Trustees of the Associated Oharitios Find Fault with the Officers , NOT STRAIGHT IN MAKING tXPENDITURES Everybody Turned In n Itc lgimtlon but go i'nr Only Secretary Mcllrtdo In Out Next Meeting Looked Turnrnrd to with Interest. A well attended meeting of the executive committee of the Associated Charities was held yesterday afternoon. The five members who were appointed to act as trustees of the late charity ball fund were present. A resolution to dissolve the association at once was lost. It may bs Interesting to a few of the per sons who worked night and day for over two weeks to make the charity ball a success to read the following report Introduced by the trustees : To the Executive Committee of the As- coclatrd Charities : We , the undersigned , repectfully desire to censure the present system of expenditures In the Associated Charities. A system which allows $460 to be expended In one month ( a sum ex ceeding thnt which was spent during the entire winter ) Is manifestly Injudicious. We think It wns the duty of the olllcers to cnll the attention of the executive board to the lavish manner In which the association's money wns being expended during the last thirty days. We recommend thnt no goods be purchased without per mission of the executive board nnd further recommend thnt the nssoclntlon be closed todny. This report wns read by Mr. Walters and was signed by W. B. Cheek , W. S. King , C. L. Talbot , A. L. Lott and J. S. Walters , The reading of the report caused a com motion. Cheek got up to say that the citizens of South Omaha worked hard to get a little fund together to help the poor people here and as a result nearly $1,000 was raised to aid the association , yet In the face of hard times $750 had been spent Inside of sixty days. An auditing committee had been ap pointed at a meeting some time ago , but what good was It. Two weeks ago there was a meeting and this auditing committee , ap pointed by the citizens of South Omaha to see that the money raked by so much labor was properly spent , was confronted with a stdck of bills all stamped paid. When asked about the matter McBrlde failed to make a satisfactory explanation. This fact set the citizens' committee to thinking and It was decided to do a little quiet checking up of the accounts In order to let the public know how President Adams and other olflcers ran things and then resign. And the program was carried out. Every one resigned except Westerfield. In going over the bills after the report of the five members had been read It was found that one pound of peaches cost the assocla tlon 25 cents. For shoes last month nearly $200 was expended. Cressey , a member of the old board , was allowed to make a pair ol shoes that cost the association $6. An Omaha firm sent In a bill for about $80 worth of merchandise. Among the items was flour. A comparison of the blllB for' flour between the Omaha and South Omaha firms showed that the same brand of flour could be bought here for 20 cents less than fhe price paid in Omaha. Walters wanted to know why it was that the association went out of town to buy supplies when the money was all raised right here. McBrlde explained that when the flour was bought In Omaha the local dealers were all out and ho was com pelled to go to the city "for a few hundred pounds. Finally King Insisted upon -a vote on the resolution nnd after numerous objections from the honorable olllcers It- was put to a vote and carried. Adams granted a reconsld cratlon and gave the four women present a vote , though they were riot members of the executive committee. Then 'the resolution was lost. Cheek then read the resignation of Messrs Talbot , King , Walters , Lott and Cheek. This wns another surprise. Wes'terfleld could 1101 get to his feet quick enough to move that the resignations be accepted. > By request tfto resignations were withdrawn for the time being. Then Adams said he had served the association two years and ho tendered his resignation. McBrlde followed. There was no hesitation In accepting McBride's resig nation , but Adams was prevailed upon to hold until next Friday , when new officers will bo elected , _ Curllslo Will Speak ut Memphis , WASHINGTON , April 25. Secretary Car lisle today formally accepted an Invitation to deliver an address on the financial question at Memphis , May 23. Prices Down StifT * Lower. 15 pieces of Japanese Jolntless matting , 12V4c yard. 50c quality linen waVp'iJap matting , 29c yard. ' $4.00 quality chenille portieres , fringe and dado top and bottom , $2.9BJpalr. $5.00 Irish point Ince curtains , $3.66 pair. $1.00 Swiss embroidered curtains , $2.50 pair. $10.00 genuine brusscl net curtains , $5.98 pair. $5.00 Point de Spray lace curtains , with ruflle edge , now $3.50 pair. A big carpet sale ; get'our prices. Our DOc summer corsets , 37c. 3.000 yards all silk ribbons , all colors , Nos. 5. 7 , 9 , 12 and 16 , at Gc and lOc yard ; worth lOc to 35c. Ladles' pure silk vests , 50c each. Ladles' fine Mace cotton union suits , spring weights , COc suit , 36-Inch L , L. unbleached muslin , 3'/ic yard. 8Ac * bleach muslin , CUc yard. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. 40-Inch all wool navy and black French serge , 35e yard , 46-Inch black all wool crepon , was $1.00 , now 69c yard. Largest line of wash dreis goods In the city- Come In and see them. BBNN1SON BROS. Finest table board In the city at the fashionable "Aberlln , " corner Sixth avenue and Seventh street , reduced to S4 per week. Also furnished room * . OUT syt.ttr Sioux City ICnclim I'lnttt Chancel Oirncr on Conrt Order * . SIOUX CITY , April I6.-Speelnl ( Tele gram. ) The filoux City engine Irgn plant wns sold todny under nil execution for $ CS- OW In favor of the bondholders against the plant. The concern wns formerly the Sioux City engine works. In the llimndnl crns h of 1S93 It fatted , nnd n iccclver wns np- ix > lnted. A year Inter the company wnn reorgnnlzed and consolidated with the Booh Manufacturing company. The bondholders ngnlnst the old company ngrced not to foreclose on their bonds , hut n short time ngo the holders of nbout JIB.OOO of Judg ments ngalnst the old company took steps to foreclose their liens. To crowd them out the bondholders foreclosed nnd sold the plant. AB the bondholders arc also the owners of the plant their action leaves the concern In the same hands , but freezes out nil the other Hen holders. Peter Hcltlng nnd Jack King were ar rested today for wholesale cigar stealing from the Tolerton & Stetson Grocery com- pnny. Helling wns nn employe of the coin- puny , nnd Is nlleged to hnve tnkcn enormous quantities of clgnrs nnd turned them over to King , a bartender In the city , to sell nbout town. The stealing hns been polng on for months , nnd goods to n considerable value Is snld to hnve been taken. At n meeting of the citizens' nnd tax payers' committee this evening a subcom mittee , nppolnted to prepare a report on needed changes In the municipal Inw of the state , submitted n report favoring the plac ing of nil executive power of the city gov ernment In the hands of the mayor. It favors taking from the council the power It now possesses of appointing a part of the city olllcers. nnd vesting this power In the mayor. It Is opposed to permitting him to dismiss nny of his npnolntees except for cause. The report will be forwarded to the codification commission appointed by the last legislature to rectify the municipal laws. AllMlnc wllli County rands. DES MOINES , April 2G. ( Special Tele gram. ) C. W. Howe of Poweslilck county Is missing from Montczumn nnd Is supposed to be nbout J5),000 short In his nccounts. An Investigation Is being made. He was mixed up In a vcandal with n woman a short time ngo , nnd was defendant In nn extensive libel suit. He was n telegraph op erator for n. number of years and was sta tion agent for the Hock Island railway nt Malcolm when elected county treasurer last fall. He Is a republican and Is n mlddle- nged man , . lo Fren Sliver .MiMi to Aleut. DES MOINES , April 20. As n result of the outcome of the democratic conference here the free silver democrats have deter mined to call a state convention of bimetallists - lists to meet In this city early In June. Measures are being taken to secure the at tendance upon the meeting of Senator Wol- cott of Colorado nnd other free silver men of national reputation to deliver addresses. Wnmlnrml Aw y While Unuirnteil. FORT DODGE , In. , April 20.-Mrs. Wil liam Miller disappeared from home myster iously day before yesterday , causing much distress among her friends , who feared foul play of some nort. All day searching par ties were out looking for her , and nt night she wns found wandering nlong the rail road a number of miles from town , fahe was found to IK ) completely out of her head and knew nothing ofvlint hnd happened. Dr. Price's Baking Powder Is not a new leavening force. For forty years It has never been equalled either In purity or strength. MUST BEDUCE THE FIGURES I'nrk Maintenance Estimates to Ho Cut nn Much ns rossllilf. At a meeting of the Board of Park Com missioners yesterday afternoon Superin tendent Adams submitted the following esti mates of the amounts which will ba required for maintenance purposes during the remain der of the year : Hanscom park , $3,800 ; Illvervlew , $1,500 ; Elmwood , $1,500 ; Miller , $1.000 ; North Boulevard , $1,000 ; Bemls , $180 ; Jefferson square and Capitol avenue , $420 ; total , $9,700. After deducting the bills for April there Is about $19,000 left In the park fund , of which about $6,500 will be required to com plete the artesian well In Illvervlew park. This would leave a balance of less than $2,000 with which to pay salaries and nil Incidental expenses. In view of this condition the superintendent was Instructed to cut his expenses to the lowest possible figure. The president was given authority to ar- rnngo for the refunding by the city of the $1,500 which was advanced by the board for the sewer In Rlvervlew park. . rrepnrlii ) ; to Slop Jupaneao Trade. NEW YORK , April 26. A special cable to the World from Toklo says : The Russian and French fleets In these waters are pre pared to stop Japanese communications nn less Japan abandons all claims upon territory In Manchuria. O H O n a a ( Ikrvellous Power of It is a well-known fact scrofula and all kinds of - among , eczema , produced for a specific purpose * chemists that certain curative agents wasting diseases. Their combina It is not a nostrum or a cure-all , which have a marked beneficial tion in Ozomulsion not only retains but a reliable specific for all wast effect , when prescribed separately , all their respective virtues in the ing diseases , Consumption , whether often have those same effects very treatment of the distressing ailments of hereditary or accidental origin , materially increased when combined referred to above , but , by the pe scrofula or scrofulous taint. It bined with well-chosen agents having culiar chemical combination ob can be taken for any form of lung ing a similar therapeutic effect. tained , secures effects which are in trouble , colds , la grippe , blood- One of the happiest combinations a marked degree superior to the poisoning , eczema , scrofula , feeble of this character is found in OZO- best produced by separate prescription ness from old age ; in weak , ner HULSION. It is composed of a scription of all of them to the vous conditions arising from over permanent Emulsion of Pure Norwegian same patient. The Emulsion is work or any other cause ; emac wegian Cod Liver Oil combined perfect , and the chemical combina iation , or any wasting disease ; with Guaiacol , and the entire prep tion such as to produce in Ozo angular women , puny girls , sickly aration charged with ozone. Two mulsion the grandest germ-de children. Its effects are immediate of the ingredients Cod Liver Oil stroying , blood-purifying and flesh- and certain. It is acceptable to the and Guaiacol have long been accepted producing remedy of the age. No most delicate stomach , and as harm cepted by the medical profession other preparation approaches Ozo less as pure water. It is the kind as most effective agents in the treatment mulsion. It is an unique , power physicians prescribe. Sold by all ment of all forms of lung disease , ful , positive remedy one that was druggists. Thin , pale women get plump and beautiful on Ozomulsion. a T. A. SI.OCUM CO. , 181 PcprStreet / , New York City , o H For tale by all Omaha druselsU and druccUt * everywhere. supplied by JUchardsou Drue Co. and Bruce & Co. . Omaha , WOVT STANII A 1.II1KU Mntiuructnrer * of Cupp'f Cheer VVIIl-rrose- cute lit Joitloui Trniliiror * . Wo have this day Instructed our at torney to gl\e notice of filing legal pro ceedings against parties for malicious cir culation of the report that Copps Cheer and Herb Tonic , as manufactured by Wheeler & Hereld , Council Bluffs , la. , re- qulro a. government or any other license unless they cease such action at once. We refer the public to Deputy Revenue Col lector J. C , Lange and Commissioner J. J Steadman , Council IJIuffs , for official Informa tion that no such license is required. We are protected by the official analysis and report of the Internal revenue commis sioner at Washington , and give a bond to al our customers guaranteeing them against al trouble in selling and dispensing these goods unless It be the annoyance occasioned by the small would-be rivals. WHEELER & HEREL.D. Council Illuffs. Sole brewers and originators of the grea non-alcoholic beverages , Copps Cheer am Herb Tonic. Do you want any fencing ? If so , don't fal to see the Dekalb wire picket fencing , 45c pe roj , up to TOc per rod. Lasts a lifetime Turns everything. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and U located at 724 Broadway If In doubt about this try U and be convinced , Don't forget name and number. T l. 1ST , CEIJRYJOMPOIIND' ' Best Spring Remedy in tlie World- It Makes People Well , There Is one true specific for diseases arising from n debilitated nervous system , anfl that Is Paine s celery compound , so generally prescribed by physicians. U Is probably the most remarkable remedy that the rclcnllllc research of this country hns produced. Prof. Kdward . . . . . E. , Phelps M.D. , LL.D. , of Dartmouth college , first prescribed what Is now known the world over as Palne's rclery compound , a positive cure for dyspepsia , biliousness , liver complaint ' , neuralgia , rheumatism , all n ° rvous disuses : ind kidney troubles. For the latter Palne's celery compound has succeeded again and again where everything else has failed. The medical Journals of this country have given more space In the last few years to the many remarkable cases where the use -of Palno's celery compound has made people well than to any other one subject. A FACT. . DAVIS'DRUG , PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE Carries a larger stock of glass than all the other drug houses in the city combined. 200 Broadway. Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments ana Gools ; of Every Description. Sclioeilsuch's Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A and 2ith ( St. , Council ItlnllH. Office , 1521 Far nn in St. , Omulia. Send for Price List , When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recovered , and It's a calamity to lose several years. which so many town and Nebraska people have done when they have bought foreign Brown , unnccllmated fruit trees. MENERAY BROTHERS. THE CRESCENT NURSERY. Were born on the lands where their nurse. ry stock Is grown , and years of patient , Intcllgent experiment have tuught them tha best varieties for this climate. Consequently their home grown stock Is as hardy as the forest trees. The/ have a very large stock for the spring delivery nnd every tree la warranted true to name. Orchard , Vlnyard , Lawn , ParklnK Trees and Ornamental stock Make no mistake In your orders. Bend 113 your list of wants for prices. We can plrnse you In prices and stock. References : Council Bluffs Banks , Council Bluffs Department Omaha Bee , nnd prominent business men. Nurseries six miles north of Council Biffs. P. O. Address. MENERAY BRO3. . Crescent. Iowa. MESSMORB & CLEMENT , BROKERS GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCK3 , B03H Uroadway , Grain liamlle.1 In cur load lots. To ] , 20J. COUNCIL , I1LU1FS , IOWA. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves lUfHUNdTON & MO. JlIVIJH.IArrlvca Omahajl nlun Depot , IQili & .Mason .Sia.f Om.Hia lO.lEiam Denver Kxress | ) 9.45arn 4:35iin.lll : ( . Hilln , Munt. & I'uget SnJ. Ux. 4.10pm 4.35im | Denver UxprvaB 40ini ; ! | 0 : ( : > jmi..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4jim : | 8llam..Lincoln : Ixicnl ( except 8un < lay.llSSam ) : 245pm Fast Mall Ifor Lincoln ) Dully. . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO , IIUIILINGTON & Q.Arrives ( Uina aUnlui | Deiiot , loth Ac Mauui St .j Omaha. 4 : < ! pm . Chicago Vestibule. . . " . " . 'JiOOain 9Mum : ChlcaKO Kxpress 4lSpm : 7 : vpm..ChlcuKi > nnd Ut. Luula ICxpri'us. . SuUam : 11:3Jam 1'acltlc Junct on Local 6:10pm : . , . , . , . . . _ „ . _ . . . _ .Fast Hall 2)0pm ; Leaves ICIlfCAGoTMlL. & ST. PAUL"Arrives { OmahaUnlunDepot | ' _ , lutli & Ma onma. _ | Omaha 6:00pm. : . . . .V. . . . .Chicago Limited . .7 9:30am ll:10am : Chicago Kxpreas ( ex. .Sun. ) CMpm : ( leaves ( CHICAGO & NOUTHWKSTN.Arrives ( OniahajUnlun Depot , loth & Ma Eon tila. | Umalia H:05am : Uastein Express C:3 : > 'pm 4OUpm VcHllbulrcl Llmlteil 9:40am : GiSUam Mo. Vidley Local 10:3Jpin : 5:45pm : Omaliq Chicago Special 2:15pm : Leaves I "cj llf-A O O. It. I. & l > ACTi 'Icr [ Arrives OmaliaL'nkm | Depot , 10th & Mason Sta. | Omaha KAST. II:0"am..Atlantic : lxprcs ( ex. Kumlay ) . . . G : . " > ! > nm C.2Spm N'lKlu Kxpress O.0am 4Supln..ChlcaKO ; Vestlbuled Limited. . . . 1:35pm : WKST. C:00pm..Oklahoma : & Texas IJx ( ex Sun.10:35am ) : 1.40iin..Colurailu | Limited lWpni ; leaves I C. , SfTl'TTM. i'o. jArrlves Onmlm ] Depot , 15thana\ _ _ Sir. \ Omaha 3:2--.ain..Nebraska : I'asocnRer ( dally ) . . . . 8l5im : | l:3'pni..Sioux : ' City Kiprets ( ex. Sun..11 ) : ; ram C:10ini : | Bt. I'aul l.lmlleil lu:31ani : Lea\es I K U. & MO. VAL.I.I3V. IA Omaha | Depot , 15ih and Hia. | i 2:10im : Fast Mall anil Kxie.i | 2:10prn.ex. : Hat ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex. Mun. ) . . . Sea : m. . . Nor folk ( ex. Buniluy ) Clim : ( ! | St. I'aul lixinvBa ID.iiam Irfiivt-B | _ _ _ K. _ C. , HIj. . & C.'Ii lArr.veu OmahujUnlon Deiiot , 10th & Mason 8t Jpniah 9 : Wain . Kansas City Day ixpreBS..7.7 ! :10pm : 3:45pm.JC. : C. Night Kx. via U. I > . Trans. : Warn eavesl MISPOL'HI "PACIFIC. lArrlveT Omalia | Depot. ISth and Web ; er Sit. ] O.nithq I0f40am . fit. Louia Exp7etu . clb'Jain 9:30pm : . Ht. LnuU Kkprens . 6OSpm : 5l'pm : . Nebratku Local ( ex. Sun. ) . 9 : 00am leaves | BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ArrHea Omaha I Depol. 15th and Webs er Sin. | O.nuha " ' 7lOpm titr'l'aul Llmltedr. IO:3am : Leaves | BIOUX CITY & 1'ACIF1C. ( Arrives OmahaL'nlon | Depot , loth & Ma on Bts.j Omaha 6Mam Sioux City rarst-neer lo":33pm : I'aul Limited. . . .12:3Ipm : Leavei I UNION PACIFIC ( AiriveS" Oma.'iairnli n Depot , 10th & Ma on BU. ) Omaha 10Wam : Kearney" Express 3:45prn : 2lWpm : Overland Flyer 5:3Spm : Z:00pin.Heat'ce : & Htronutt.'tf Ex. ( ex.Sun ) . 8:4 : pm 7:30pm : ITicinc Kiprcm. 10:55arn : liUprn Fait Mull 4iupm : Leaves I WAIIAHH HAH.VfZT. ( Arrive OmahalUnlon Dvpot , lOtli & Mason Sts _ . | Omaha Bttpm : St. Louis Cannon Uallo.,1235pm ; D n rseUE.L.j , , The Good Samaritan 20 Years' ' Experience. OP DISKASES OI > ' MKN AND WOMKN. PROPRIETOR OF Till ! \VORI.I > ' .S IIICHIIAT , DISl'UN. SAIIY OP MiiICINK. I treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , TUroat nnd I.unus : DIs- cnBCBoCtho Uyonnd Har , Kits and Apoplexy , Heart Disease , Liver Complaint. Kidney Corn * plaint , Murvotin llclilllty. niciitnl lie- pruNHloii , I.OHH of niiiiiltiiod , HCIII- iiiiil WcnUncHH , Diiihutcs. llrliiiit's DIs- c-nso , St. Vltns' Dance , UtictinmtlFni , I'liralysls , WlutoHwoliliKf , Scrofula , Ft-vrr Sores , Tutu- OTH anil I'lHiiilu In mm removed wltliiMit tiiu iciiifc or Irawlnir n tlroiioClilooU. Woman wttli her delicate < > ruaiiH ; retttorecl to lit-altli. nroptty cured wlllloiit lapping. Hpeclal Attention Riven to I'rlvate and Venereal IHneriHCH of all UludH. 8.-io to Ssoofll'nrlclt for any Venereal lUHcawe I cannot euro without mercury. Tape \VorniB removed In two or throe hours , erne pay. Hemorrhoids or Tilt's cured. TIIOSI ! WHO ARU A I' Will nave llfo and hiindieds of dollars by call- Inif onorusiiiK DR. C. W. PANCLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tliu only I'liynlrlnn it-lioriiu loll wluitulll a purKfin u'lllicillliisklliK i ( qili-Mloil. ThciKo ut u dlMiuicn hcnd for Onpntlon ItluiiU , No. 1 Tor iiiun.No. U for \ninicn. All correflpondcnco strictly conlldcntlal. Medicine sent by express. Address all letters tu O. W. I'ANOI.K , m. ! > . , 555 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Enclose lOo In stamps for reply. QISO. P. SANFORD. A , W. IUEKMAN. President. Cashier. Firs ! National of COUNCIL BLUFFj , Iowa. Capital , - - $100,000 Profits , . . . 12,000 On of the oldest banks la the state of Iowa , We solicit your builness and collection ! . Wi pay 6 per cent on time depoilU. We will be plra eU to see nnd lerre you. Special Notices-Council Bluffs CHIMNEYS CLI2ANKD ; VAULTS CLEANED. L-d ' Uuike , atV. . a. Homer * ! , 638 Uroudwoy. Fl'lUIT FAIW AND QAUDEN LAND" FOIl Halo cheap and on caiy term * . Day & lien , 13 I'earl iitrtet. WANTED. MEN TO CHOP WOOD AND 1'LOW un < l lireuk new laml , 3 Milieu from Council lllufTH. Apply to Leonard Everett , Council inurm. lowu. roil SALE , 5 ACHES OK HI'LENDID CJAHDEN land , near Myntter .Springs , on time , ut 6 per cent iJiternl. Apply to Leonard Everett , Coun- ell llluffa , lowa. HOOD HAHD WOOD KOH BALK IN COUNCIL. lllufr . M.OO per cord. Apply to Leunard Uver- ett. 16 1'earl ttrcet. Council llluffe. KAItM LANDS TO EXCHANOE KOH C'lTf property. C. 11. Nlcholaon , t V4 Ilroadway. VACANT LOTH TO TJXCHANCJE KOH HOHBll and IniKity. C. H. Nlcholnon. 63914 Ilroadway. KOHTY ACHES OK LAND , WITH HOUSE AND- itahle , for rent , 3 mile * of city , IW.uO per- nrintli. Apply to Leonard Everett , Council GOOD cooicVANTBD ; APT-L. AT 117 _ l Main ntre u