THE OaLAHA BALLY /WEDNESDAY : , APIIEL 2-i , 1895. C011JILRC1AL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Turned Sharply and Started Down at a Hot Pace , BEARISH NEWJ ENCCURAGED SELLERS Corn \Vn Weak at tlio Oponlnij Under the Influence of the llrcnlc In Wheat Untilero 1'Hlrljr Actlro Throughout tlio I ) y < CHICAGO , April 23.-Whrat turned Almrply today and started down nt a hot pace. Lack of demand and free selling weakened wheat and the other markets fol lowed. Wheat closed at a decline for the day of lVic per bu. , corn at a loss of IVic , oats He ( lower and hog products llnlshcd nt declines. Wheat started at Hie decline. Shorts had apparently covered to contentment and there wan much bearish news to encourage sellers. The public Liverpool cable giving the opening of the market described It ns utcady at J/id decline. Another Liverpool cable culd that millers were refusing to follow the advance , price M lower since the opening. The Russian phlpments of wheat and Hour for the week were reported to bu 2,100,000 bu. , and an addition of the clearances from all the exporting countries reveals a total of 8,389,000 bu. , compared with estimated weekly requirements by the Importing countries of G.700,000 bu. , or nn excess of 1,689,04) bu. for the week. The receipts for the day nt Minneapolis ) and Dulllth were 2S ( ! cars' , compared with I'M cars on the coi responding day of the year before. An Hem of considerable significance was a ( imitation of J2.Wi for gold ut Huenos Ayres , which Is from 14 to ID per cent higher than the premium , milking Argen tine wheat cheaper to the Kngllsh Importer , Just as the rrcent advance In silver made Indian wheat dearer. An offset against tint matter was anothi r dlsjiatc'i ' from llosn- rlo. which cnld holders of wheat were llrm and stocks light. New York ( Il-patche.s re ported thirty boat loads of wheat taken for exiKirt there yest-rday. and commission lieu cs here had plenty of Innulr es front country miller * for No. 2 red. ' 1 he cash di-mand from country millers was good , but wad not on n Bullirlently extensive scale to offset the efTei't of the rlennlng out of all the short wheat. Homo manipulation of the May deal In Kt. Louis , which ran the prlee thcre up to C3c about 12 o'clock , caused n nervous fecllnir here , and nn advance of lc per bu. over the lowest price July and May wheat sold for tit the opening. Ihe bt. Ixuls scare was quickly got over and the reviving bullish feeling here was Imme diately shattered with the breaking of what IB being styled the St. Ixnils coiner. 'Ihe opening of May was at from lie to We. nnd of July nt from CIVjC to Clc , us com pared with the respective closing prices of Cl c nnd C2c on the day before. A few pales of May were made nt as low as G'JTfco. ' The latter recovered to GO'Jic , and July to 62c before the second break began , and at nbout the bottom of which the market closed. May declined to M'ic and July to roic. The latest trading was at Mvic for May and C0c for July. Primary market receipts amounted to BB.OOO 1m. , aga list 181,000 on the corresponding day of last week , and 221.IXX ) bu. a year ago. Kxport clearances from the Atlantic ports were rqual to I.TU.O'O bu. In wheat and flour. Uradstreet'H statement of the stocks of the world gave them nt 2,383,000 bu. less than they were a year ago. The corn market was weak at the start und'r the Influence of the break In wheat. May. which closed yesterday at 4&Ueyas for sale at the start at from -ii-fic to lijfec , and soli ! ns low ns at from 47'ic ' to * before It had any reaction. It reacted to from 47 : > ic to 47'Ao , but broke from that point gradually at first and then rapidly until It touched 4UTic near .the close , the latest trading being nt 47V > , c. Outs w. re fairly active throughout. To n jrrcat extent reactions followed the course of the wheat market. Hrndstreet's Increase in the visible supply of oats or 3.B.OOO Im. ivas credited with assisting the decline. The feature ot the maiket was the widen ing of the difference between May nnd July. At the opening of the session May was selling nt n premium of > .ic over July , nt the close prices were % c apart , caused by an improved Inquiry for May , while the late buyers of July today were dlspos- Inir of same quite freely. May sod from 2SMc to 28'ic , declined to i&Vnc , and closed nl from 28ic to 2Sc. July ranged from from 2So to . aw , Vj ? 2B' > O to 2Sc , rested ut itum * .uv to lie lower tlmn that yesterday. The provision market was rather quiet , with very little disposition to trade shown liy the Hpecuhitors. neorge Hnldwln tried to wulto up Home feeling on the bull side , lint received very Blonder support and re tired. The decline In wlisitt nnd dullness in the hog market were given as the reason for the apathy In the products. Huctua- tlons were light , und at the close the rc- tluctlona In price wre not homy. 1 orlc , compared with Its value at the close yester day. Is from We to rc lower , lard from 5c to i vie lower and ribs show losses about equal to the decline In lard. KHtlmated for tomorrow : \\hcat , 27 cars , corn. 175 cars ; oats. KO cars ; hoes. 23.WU The leading futures ranged na follows ; "ATUeTnsTT"01' ' ' " ' 'T iTiTh. i I.o'w. I Cla . WheiTT.No. ' . ' April 001 1 Mny (11 July liOU Sept Dili ( I1H Corn No. ' . : . . April * 4RK 40Ji May 47 ? MU 47H July 47W Sept. 48H-UOU 4Ut ! * ? * OntH No. ' . ' . . . May Juno July V8 Pork per bbl Hay 12 40 12 35 July 1'J 65 IS 70 1'J 1311 Lard.lOOlba May 0 03 0 07V < G PB July 7 10 7 10 7 ( )7 ) 7 07W Sept 7 ' . ' 0 7 ' . ' 5 7 a'J 7 l'ii'4 Short Illba Way 027W r n''i 0 27K fl no July. . 0 43 0 fill (1 41 ! ! U 45 Sept , . . C GO 0 IVJ } U 05 0 67K Cash quotations were as follows ! VLOUIl-Wlnter patents. J2.COiJ3.00 : winter Btralghts , J2.6002.75 ; spring patenlB. J3.20 M.Cj , Bprlng straights , J2.2W3.00 ; bakers , J1.8ofJ..i. WHEAT No. 2 spring , CSHJfCIHc ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 led , ClHli59 ! ! c. . . , , „ COHN-No. 2 , 4ClCI7'lc ; No. 3 yellow , 4 ® 4CHr. OATS No. 2 , 2Sytc ; No. 2 white , S2iiiff33c , ; No. I white. 3H4O32UC. c ; No. 3. 4S02c ; No. 4 61c FLAX SRBI > No. 1. tl.4H5. TIMOTHY KKI > 1'rlinr. Jj.20. . , . , . . bbl. . J12.321i 1 rilOVISIONS Mess i > ork. per ! 4i lir'l. peTldO II.8.1 . , JC.90ff8.92H. ( Sbwt Bides ( loose ) , J0.30 0.32i , < . ; fliy salted Blionldei ! , ( boxed ) , J5.37WW5-W ; short clear , Bldca ( boxed ) Distillers' finished goods , per sal. , 11 SO" SltOAnS Unchanged. The following were the receipts and shipments today ; On the Produce exchaneo today tno butter mar ket was ttrm ; creamery , lOSVOc ; dairy , S 18c. Etrcs , linn ; 12U12MC. Cheese , croaiua , UHM NK\V YOIIK OKNKU.VL Quntutlims on tlio 1'rlnclpal Co.n - tnmlltlrt nml Sti iile . NKW YOIIK. April 23. FLOUH-necelpts 17,100 bbls. : exports. 35,000 bbls. ; kales , 27i > N lilgi > , ; market ruled sternly , but the bleak In wheat curtailed the demand. City mill patents J4.00 4.15 ; winter patents , J2.905/3.35 ; city mil clears. J3.35Q3.45 ; winter stnilghts , J3.0uff3.20 Mlnnessta Inkers , J2.15CJ.40. llyo Hour , firm nm blghc-r ; fnle * . 1.100 bbla ; superllne , J3.20G3.30 fancy. J3.35 3. , C"OIIN MKAI Quiet ; yellow western , Jl.lOt J.13 ; llrandywlne. J2.70. lIUCKWHKAT Nonilnal nt 490-Vlc. WHKAT Ilect'lpt * . 3,200 bu. ; export * , o.toj bu. rales. 13.U10.OUO bu. futures , 52 , V ) bu. BIH > I. Sp Irregular ; No. 2 ml. In store iuul elevator. 6l\c nllotit , C6Hc ; f. o. ) > . , CCHc ulloat ; No , 1 hanl 72o delivered. Options were much less active today and decidedly lower. The decline began at the opening , heavy realltlnK canning u shun break , and illsnppMntlng cables and foreign sellIng - Ing adding tu the drprevsloii. At noon prices lini a quick mtly on a large reduction In llrndstrcel'ii worlds' stocks nnd ninpatliy with u squeeze ul May shorts nt St , Lmils , a HUlwequrnt break In the corner leading to a rurreep ndlnr drrp looiill- with a tv > al piivllal iveovery , nnd closing prices below last night ; No. 2 red. May. G3 C3c. cloned GtUc ; June. CUjtiW.ic , clusod July , C4 13-lCijCto , clcied C5c ; AUKU > | , G5H , c cloned Wc ; Septerk'irr , ( > 5Hii9 | 8-lCe , cl lo m C5 > kc ; Dfcember , b71H'5'S4c ' ' , cloned 67ic. COIIN Hecelpls , 4I.U.O bu. ; exports , 17,000 bu. sales. 470.000 bu. future * ) , 19,000 bu. > pot. Hp > weaker ; No. 2 , 5lc Ui dlorv ; steamer mixed , f > 2C H',0 In elevator ; U'UfUViC delivered. Optloni opened lower under moie fuvornble weather and sympathy with wheat , milled shandy ut mlddio on covering , but eventually gave way uguli under realising nnd cloHnl at 'i ( ' c net loss May , SI'.tlOI'iO , cloved tea : July. tS d'i'ic cloned 52Uc ; Keptembi-r. M ? ( { S3Sc. clOBpl .2'ie. . OATH-Iteeelpts , 54. COO bu. ; exiiortB , U bu , sales. lOO.WO tm , futures , S3.VOO bu. spM. ypo steady. No. 2 , iimi32 ic ; No. 2 Ueltvered , UU ( , U c , No. 3. 31 ij3c. No. S white , S6Ur37c , Nf -white. . SCfj track , white western. Jli4lcOp tions said oft with the other markets , but there ; * * Its * pressure , tiud closLnjr v ccs ihowcd only * , c net b r * : ApHl cloned nt 31Vc ; May , 32'iiK'4c , cluicj 32c ! ; July , 31 > 4QUc , claacd 23Uc. IIAV-Stcad > ; slilpplng , BSffCOc ; gooil to choice , MITM. HOI'S 8l idy ; stiile , common to choice , old , 3O7c ; I 4010 < ; I'aclnc ooast , old , ! S7c ; 1891 , SlilOe. IIIUIJS Ptrong ; Huenoii Ayres , dry , 20 to 24 bi. , Ulic ; wt-t willed New Orleans , selected , 45 to fS Ibs. , C < tc ; Texnr , dty , 24 to 30 Ibs. , 8c. J.MATIII'Il I'lrni ; hemlock sole , Iluonos Ayres , Icht to lienvy welRhls , 17Ksc. ( t'ltOVIHIUNH Uwf. steady ; family. Jll.Mf/ I.S-l ; extm MlPfi , JK.riOfJ9.00 ; beef hams , J19.iOft ! 20.UO ; city extra India mess. JI7.OMJH.W. Cut mcntx , ( jillct ; pliklrd belllcB , Jli.75QO.87ii ; pickled shoulders , Gc ; plrkled liiuiu. 9 < 4jfilOc. Lard , dull ; weslern steam cliKr-d nt J7.20 nominal ; city , 6',4cj April closeil at J7.17 nominal ; May , 7.20 num'nnl ; rellned , quiet ; continent , J7.S5. I'ork , active ; new menu , JI3.50 1I.OO ; family , J13.50H14.00 ; short clpnr , jn.MniB.IV ) . IIUTTKIt-Htetidy ; western dairy , SillHUci western creamery , 12Mc ; factory. BSlle ; KlglnB , lOc ; Imitation crenmery , HOlJcj slate dairy. lOifUSe ; creamery , 20c. rilKKaiMarkrt for old steady ; slate , large , Offline ; rmnll , 1C 11 He ; pnrt skims , 2c. KOUH Firm : mate nnd Pennsylvania. 13"4nHc ; westeui . freMi , 13iJW13Hc ; soutlicrn , liiiQUlie ; receipt * . 13.11H pkgs. TAI.I.O\V-Kliin ; city ( J2 per pkg. ) , 44c ! ; CDun- try ( pligs. free ) . 5c. I'KTUOLI-U'M-Nornlnnl ; United closed nt J2.10 l > ld , Washington , In bbls. , J9 nominal ; Washing ton. In bulk , nominal ; refined New York , J10 ; riilladelphln ami llfiltlmnre , J9.95 ; Philadelphia and llnltlninre. In Lulk , J7.I5. HOSIN Ktendy ; strained , common to good , JI.DOftl.52'4. ' TI'ltPUNTINK-l'-Irm , 3Hi J32c. lllf'lJ-st.iidy ; domestic , fair to extra , 4 40 > ti\c ; Japno , 4 4Sc. MOLAKHBS Hlendy ; New Orleans , open ket tle. K ( M ! to choice , 3KJ3CC. ' MI'JTAUS Pig Iron , steady ; Scotch , Jl ! > .00i ? 20.0'1 ; American. J1.M'iJ12.riO. ' Copper , iiulnt ; brokers' price , $0.0214 ; exchange price , J5.C5. Lead , firm ; brokers' price , J2.i5 ; exchange price , J3.074. Tin. barely steady ; straits , J13.855JI3.SO ; Plntrs , heavy. Spelter , quiet ; domestic , J3.2) ; sales on 'rliniice , 25 tons June tin nt J13.83. roTTONSKni ) Oily tlulet , but nbout steady ; sllKhlly Improved In local demand , with pales of OH ) bbls. . Including off yellow nt 25'lc ; prime summer yellw , 2iiic ; , nnd prime crude nt 23c ; prime summer yellow , 2Gic ; , ; nff summer yellow , 2Cli'27c ; prime summer white , 30031c. 0.11AI1A UHNKUAL MAKKCT. Cfiiiilltlnii fif Trailo nml Ouotntloiu on stnplo nml Knncy Produce. The fiellng In the egir market was rather nrm yesterdny. ns the week started out with extrcm ly llKht recelpti" . Ciiuntry merchanls claim that tinnro being offered So nnd In some cases lOc on track. Choice butter Is soiling nil right and at very satlsfactoiy prices. Poultry IH scarce and firm. ncirjij Choice stock , lie ; dirty stock , Bcconils , 9iC. ! lU'TTKll-Pntklng stock , rii77c ; fair to good country , 10ftl3c ; choice to fancy , 145J17c ; gatliered creamery , 16iiT17c ; separator creamery. IS'iflSc. L1V1J POtlLTUY-Poultiy Is not plentiful , und there Is n stronger market. Hens. 9e ; mixed , 7'iff8c ' ; ducks , S'.iQOc ; turkeys , lOe ; heavy toms , 9e ; geese , SQSUc. QAMK lllue wing teal , per doz. , Jl.uO ; green wing teal , per doz. , J1.25 j'l.M ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , Jl.00171.25 ; canvnsbacks , $ t.0005.03 ; mallards and red hefldn , J2.uHlif3.00. VKAIj Cliolce fnt , 70 to 100 Ibs. , arc quoted at f 1.4iff7c ; large nnd coarse , 3ffl4e. ClIKKSi : Wisconsin full cicnm , Young Ameri cans , n'.itf'lut' ; twins , 13c ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , full cream , lie ; Nebinska and Inwa , part skiirls , 7fiSc ( ; Llniburgrr , No. 1 , He ; brick , No. 1 , llct Swiss , No. 1 , lie. HAY Uplnnil hay , J3.60 ; midland , JS ; lowland , JS.r,0 ; rye straw , J5.r,0 ; color makes the price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices. 1'lOrJONS 1'er doz. , J1.00Q1.20. VIXHJTAULES. There appears to lie very little pieplant com ing to this market , though It Is plenty nnd cheap In other mniketn. Quotations : POTATOES Western stock , car lots , G5fJ7ftc ; small lots , 75c ; Early Hose seed potatoes , 80c ; Early Ohio seed , JI.10 ; Northern Uaily Ohio seed , OLD IIEANS Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Llmi beans , per Hi. , 5iic. ONIONS On orders , yellow , per bu. , tl.10 ; red , J1.20. CAllIlAan On orders , 2 iiJDc. H\VIET : POTATOES aood stock , j2 ; secxi , "HOHHEIIADIPH Per ib. , cs7c. PAIISNIPS Per bbl. . J1.75. llt'TAHAOAH Per Ib. , I'.ic. PAHSLEY Per doz. bunches , 35c. TI'HNII'S Per bbl. , Jl.M ) . BI'INAC'H 1'er bbl. , J2. WATIIH CHESS Per IC-qt. case , Jl.COfll.75. HAUIHIIES Per doz. bunches. 35c. OUEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches. 20825c. LITTTrCE Per doz. , 30 25e. A8PAHAOUH White stock on orders , DOQCOc per doz. bunches ; green , 40c. PIE PLANT Per Ib. , 4c. FIIU1TS. A few berries are arriving from Texas , but the mipply Is rather light and uncertain. Shippers In western ArlinnMiB expect to have a few ber ries ready for market by tlio ( list of next month , .luilsonln. In eastern Arkansas , expects to have berries on the market a lltlle earlier than that. .STUAWIIBllKIES Per 24-qt. cnse-Ji ( ; scarce. APPLES Cliolce slock , J5.50 ; box apples , J2.25. TROPICAL rilUlTS. OIIANC1ES Fancy Washlnglon navels , per box , J3.SO ; fancy AVnshlnglon navels , per txix , 90 and 112 size , J3 ; choice Washington navels , regular size , J3.25 ; choice Washington navels , 96 nnd 112 Hlze , J3 ; fancy seedlings , per box , J2.75 ; choice seedlings , per box , J2.25Ti2.GO. LEMON'S Extra fancy lemcfis , 300 size , J4.M ; Btrlclly choice lemons , 300 size , J3.75 ; extra fancy lemon ! ) , SCO size , J4 ; strictly choice lemons , 2GO size. J3.50i83.75. HANANAS Cliolce shipping stock , per bunch , J1.75JJ2.50. MISCELLANEOl'S. FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12S13c ; California. 'llONEY New Yoik , ICc ; dark , lie ; California , 15li MGc. MAPLE SYlU'P-Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ; Illvliy , cans , J3. MAPLE RUGAIl Per Ib. , 9J10e. NlTS ! Almonds. 14c ; Engllnh walnuts , soft- Hhelled , 12e ; standards , lie ; Illberts , 9c ; Ilrazll nuts , Sc ; pernns. lomi2e. MINCE MKAT Fiincy , In quarter bbls. , per Hi. . O'.ic ; 10-gul. kegs , Cc ; condensed , per case of 3 dux. pkgs. , J2.KD. DATES In 61) to 70-lb. boxes , BHc per Ib. ; fard dale ! * , 9c per Ib. SAl'Ell KHAUT Choice white , per bbl. , J3.50 , per half bbl. . J3. CIDEIl-Purc Juice , per bbl. . J5 ; half bbl. , J3. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides. Gc ; No. 2 green hides , 6'ic ; No. 1 giecn salted hides , 7c : No. 2 green salted hides , CUc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 8 < Ji9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 1 dry Illne bides. SfiOe ; No. S dry Hint hides. Cfii'c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 7c ; part cured lildeB , ' , jo per pound less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 2350c ; each FiQlAc ; dry shearlings ( short wooleil early skins ) . No. 1 , each , GSi'lOo ; dry shearlings ( shoit wooled early pkln ? ) , No. 2 , each Cc ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebratka butcher wool pelts , per green nailed shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , pound , actual weight , f.IiSe ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska murinln wool pells , per pound , actual weight , 4JJCc ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per pound , nctunl weight. 406lic ; dr > Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4fjGc. Have feet cut off. as It Is useless to pay freight on them , TALLOW AND IHIEASE No. 1 tallow , 4 .5fl ) 4lic ; No , 2 tallow , 3ft4c ; grease , white A. 4Si' ' 4'c : grease , white II , 3V c : grease , yellow. 2 > i l3o ; grease , dark. 2V4c ; old butter. 2tf2liic ; beeMwax , prime. 17W20c ; tough ( allow , 2c. WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy , C T7c ; nne liKlit , 8i9c ; quarter blood , 10W12u ; seedy , burr } ' and chaffy , Sft9c ; catted nnd broken , coarse , 7 < i9e ; cottcd and broken , flue , CJJSe. WOOL , WASHED Medium , 1301Sc ; nne. 14g 16o ; tub washed , ICftlSc ; black. So ; bucks , Gc ; tab locks , 2Q3c ; dead pulled , t,5Cc. FIJUS , Fl'IlS near , black , No. 1 , large. J20.Wfl25.0 < ) ; bear , brown , No. 1. large , J20.00S25.1-0 ; No. 1 me dium , J16.00 ; No. 1. small. J12.00 ; be.vr. brown , ycnilings , No. 1 , large. J10.004T12.00. No. 1 me dium. JS.OO ; No. 1 , small. J6.00 ; bear. Kiiwn. cubs. No. 1. large , J7.00 ; No. 1. medium , tk.00 , No. 1 , small , J3.00 : badger , No. 1 , medluM , J15.HO ; No. 1 , small , J8.OOfflO.00 ; bear , black vearllngB. No. 3 , large , J12.WO15.00 ; No. 1 , me dium , J10.00 ; No. 1 small. J7.00 ; bear , black , cubs. No. 1. large , JC.0008.00 ; Nn. 1. medium. I5.00i6.00 ; No. 1 , small , 14.00 ; bear , black. Mon tana and Hocky mountain. No. 1 , large. JlS.OOtf 20.00 ; No. 1. medium , J14.00 ; No. 1 , small , J10.00 ; l > ear , black. M mtnna yearlings. No. 1. large , Jli.OO ; No. 1. medium , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small , J5.UO , bear , black. Montana cubs , No. 1. large. JC.50 , No. 1 , medium , J4.CO ; No. 1. small. J3.00 ; bear silver tip. No. S , large. J20.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J12.00 ; No. 1. email , JS.OO ; bear , silver tip , year lings. No. 1 , large , 111.00 ; No. 1 , medium , JtrUO , No. 1 , small , J5 ; bear , sliver tip , cubs. No. 1 large Jt.uOiil.M ; No. 1. medium. COc ; No. 1 , email We ; llnher. No. 1 , large , JS.OO ; No. 1 , medium , JC.OO ; No. 1. ma ! ! , J4.00 ; fox , sliver , ns to color , according to beauty , No. 1. large. Jlfto.OO ; No. 1 , medium , JOl.OO ; No. 1. small. J50.00 ; fox , silver , pale , accenting to leauty. No. 1 , large. J50.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J30.00 ; No. 1. email , J20.00 ; fox , cross , No. 1 , large. J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J3.00 ; No. 1. small , J2.00 ; fox. red. No. I , large , Jl.DO ; No. 1 , medium , J1.25 ; No. 1 , small. Jl.OO ; fox. gray , No. 1 , large , 75c ; No. 1 , medium , Mo ; No. Jl.50 ; No. 1 , small. Jl.OO : mink , No. 1 , large. 60 C5c ; No. 1. medium. 40c : > 'o. 1 , small. Sic , mink. dark. No. 1 , large , 65c ; No. 1. medium , 40c ; No. 1. small , 30o ; mountain lion , perfect head and feet , No. 1 , large , J1.00&2.00 ; Imper- large , Jl.OO ; No. 1. medium. J3.00 ; No. i , small ! medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Cc ; muskrat kits , 2Jf3c ! llnlthnora MurUem. IIALT1MOHE , April 23. FIXL'll-Flrm. un- ehnnged ; western super , J2.tOij2.25 ; extra , J2.500 i.7i ; extra family , J2.85C3.10 ; winter wheat pat- em , J3.lStt3.40 ; vprlng wheat patent , J3.Wfi5.75 ; spring wheat ctralghts. J3.Mi3.W | , receipts. 10.7M bbls. . shipments , 25,764 Ibis. ; sales. 750 bbls. WHKAT Steady , spot and month , UG Hc : May , CStiCSUc. July. lB64Kc. steamer. No ? 2 red , 6S , ti63o. receipts , 9S7 bu. , shipments , 8.0UO bu. ; mock , 117S91 bu. ; tales , 31,000 tu. ; southern vchrat , by sample , Un c ; southern whrnt , on grade. l % 3 ie. COllN-Slendy ; spot , month and May , SUK.Hic ; July , 61 lie bid ; steamer mlxiMl , KOOSOUc ; receipts. 14.W7 bu. ; shipments , 29.8(4 bu , ; stock , 276 , 7 bu. ; snlcn , 29om bu. ; southern white corn , M C2e ; southern yellow , UIIC2V4C. OATS Quiet ; barely Btendyi No. 2 white west- ' bu. stock , , .1 ; , 1M.015 bu. IIYR Klrmi No , 2 , 65c , stock , JI.2M bu. HAY Htendyj demnnd good ; good to choice timothy , i3.un i3..M. OHAIN FHEIOHTS-null ; steamer to Liver pool , per bu. . l"S.d . to IKil April ; Cork , for orders , per quarter. 2'id April. St'fJAlt-FIrm ; granulated , J4.20 per IM . HUTTEIl Steady ; fancy crenmery , 21c ; fancy imitation. ! Clc ; fancy ladle , 13U14C ; good ladle , ll 12c ; store packed , S0ine. EflOS-Steady ; fresh , 12V4c. CHEiSE-Qulet ; fancy New York , CO size , Il&c ; fancy New York , 35 size , l\ \ cj fancy New York , 20 to 20 Bite , 12Kc. STOCKS AM ) 1IUNOS. Upn-nrtl . Movement In Securities Hecclvcil n Tresti ImpetiM Yestnrilnf. NEW YOUIC , April 23.-Thc upward movement on the Slock exchange received fresh impetus today and a higher range of values was estab lished In the gi rater number of the slmrcs dealt In. Speculation was active at the opening of business nnd the first prices made were gen erally higher than lust night's cloning figure * . In the early trading fractional gains were made , except In the coal snares , against which n bear demonstration was made , pending the quotations down 1 per cent for New Jeisey ( Central and n frnctlon for the rest of the ll t. The general market soon became Irregular. Pullman broke 3 per cent nnd Uny Slate Gas advanced 2 per cent , Manhattan lit per cent , nnd others fractionally. Shortly after 11 o'clock prices look an upward turn , New Jersey Central rising Hi per cent ; Pullman , ' 1-ong Island Traction nml llnlllmnre & Ohio Southwestern , 1 per cent ; Duluth , South .Share & Atlantic , 2 per cent ; Duluth , South Shore & Atlantic preferred , 1 % per cent , nnd other shares ' 0 % per cent. Subsequently Chicago cage Gas fell back H per cent , New Jersey Central , ? i per cent , and Cleveland , Columbus , Chicago & St. Louis preferred , 1 per cent. He- fore noon the market had recovered Its tone. In the early afternoon there wns an easing off ot prices , which did not exceed a fraction , except In New Jersey Central , the loss In that mock being1'4 per cenl. The Cordage slmren nbout this time developed strength nnd the common moved up per cent , the preferred Hi per cent nnd the guaranteed 14 per cent. The latter slock reacted Vi per cent before the close. Lncledo Gas also rope 1 per cent. The changes between 1 nnd 2 o'clock were unimportant , excepting ft recovery of 1 per cent In New Jersey Central and a decline of ! * per cent In Manhaltnn. As delivery hour approached speculation grew active and strong , and parllcularly for the grangers. Nmthwestem rose ' ,4 per cent ; North western preferred , 2 per cent ; Hock Island. IH per cent ; HI. Paul , > per cint , nnd Ilurllngtuii , 5 per cent. The coalers were also In good buy. Ing , Delaware & Hudson appreciating 1 1 per cent ; Heading , 1 per cent ; New Jersey C'ential and Lackiiwnnnn , ' , j per cent , and SuEiiuehnnna 6 Western , 1 per cent. The general list n.ild up ! { ? ! % per cent , the latler Pullman nnd Missouri Pacific. At the clone1 the market was active nnd buoyant , with the grangers and olher stocks nl tin- best price of Hie year. The trading In Umds today was again heavy , with a brisk Inquiry for the Heading Issue * nt the close. The aggregate sales weie J3.2I5MO ( , In which Atchlsoil seconds figured for J377.000 nnd the Heading bonds for JIS,000. Tlio Evening 1'ost'n London cablegram says : The settlement In the Kulllrs nlnoibed atten tion today , but the lone generally wns good. Americans were belter nnd firmer , which , on the eve of the settlement beginning tomonow , loaka well. Stock is said to be scarce. Delivers were active nnd strong on silver. The following were the closing quJtutlons on the lending stocks of the New York ex change today : Totnl sales of Blocks today were 301,700 shares , Including : American Sugnr , 1S.SOO ; Atclilsim , 9,0 0 ; HurllnBton , 8,100 : Cnnaila Southern. 3,100 ; Chicago Has , 33.400 ; Cleveland. ColumbUH. Cbl- CUBO & St. IxMil * . 8,700 ; Distilling nnd Cattle- feeding certificates , C.KIO ; Krle , 4,2HO , ; KnnsnH & Texns , 4,100 ; Kimstis & Texna preferred , fi.EO ) ; Long Island Traction , 5.30" ) ; Loulnvllln & Nash ville , D , 100 ; Missouri Pacific , fi,300 ; New Jersey Central , 5.700 ; New Yoik & New England. 3rd assessment paid , 3,900 ; Northwestern , 12,400 ; Heading , 39,900 ; St. I'tiul , 19,100 ; Southern. 10,400 ; TenncHfra Coal and Iron. 3100 ; United Stntes Coidnge , 4.10)Valxish ; preferred , 4,000 ; Western Union , 3,500. 3,500.Now Now York Mit'ioyMurker. . NEW YOHIC. April 23. MONRY ON OALL- Hnsy nt I'ii2 ( per cent ; last loan. Hi per cent ; cloH I. 1 per crcit. rimin MKHCANTILK rAi'i-m-sxes per cent. cent.OTKltUNO OTKltUNO 12XCIIANOH Firm , with nctunl business lu bankers' bills nt )4.89V 04.S9i for demand , nnd J4.SS7s04.SSii for sixty clays ; posted rates , } 4.s,9n.S9V4 mid Jl.UOfl4.90i4 ; commercial bills , } 4.STi < & 4.K74c. SILVEH CLUmi'-ICATES CCKfiG7c. dOVlOHNMENT ItONUS Firm ; utnto bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , strong. Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows : OMAHA LIVE MARKET Eitrcmoly Light Htm ofiCattle In the Yards for futWay , GDC D LIGHT CATlLrtfTTHE BEST DEMAND ( Ircntor 1'ortlon of tlio Offering ! Sold Karlr Hog Market Upauuil iStenilr but JJo- clliictl During tlits u'y ' In Sympathy ivllli Markets iini3wherc. : TUESDAY , April 23. The receipts today were Ml entile , 3,4U hogs , 430 sheep ami 10 horses , us against SGfl cuttle , 1,424 IIORS and 4,010 sheep yesterday and 1,060 cattle , 3,551 hogs and no sheep on Tuesday of lust week. For the week thus far the receipts amount to 1,830 , cattle. 4.8CS hogs and 0.01C sheep , as against 3,913 cattle , 5,020 hogs and 210 sheep Monday and Tuesday of last week. CATTLE There were nil told thirty-seven fresh loads of cattle In the yards , nn ex tremely light run for a Tuesday , nml less than half the number- received on Tuesday of last week. The demoralized condition of the market for the past week or more Is the apparent cause for the small number of cattle now coming forward. While there were only n few cattle here all told , the bulk consisted of beef steers , the larger proportion being cornfed natives. There were , however , a few westerns scat tered through the yards. While there was no great activity In the market , the buyers acted more as if they wanted some cattle and they took hold better. A large proportion tion of the cattle sold early In the day. The prices paid were about the same as yester day , and the market could hardly be quoted otherwise than steady. Little New Jlexlco steers , about 800 Ibs. , sold at $3.53 , and fair 1,105-lb. westerns at $1.03 , and among the natives fair to good heavy cattle , above 1,400 Ibs. , sold at Jo.15ff3.lj , and lighter weights , 1,050 to 1,100 Ibs. , at from $1.50 to There were only about two or three loads of cows and helfero In the yimls , not enough to make u nintkut. The bikers took what there were nt about yesterday's prices. The offerings of stackers and feeders were light , but fully equal to the requirements of buyers. The demand ut the present time appears to be largely for the light stock cattle of good quality , and cattle ol that de scription arc bringing more money than the heavier feeders. Representative sales : liEL'F STEEHS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. l'i. No. Av. 1'r. 1..1170 J3 m > 41. . . , UK ! { I 55 22. . . . 1234 $4 00 1. . . . 7'.0 4 00 1S..1UG t 65 40. . . .1411 6 15 It. . . .1111 405 T0..1IS3 4 G : 19..1IC5 B 25 1..HM 340 18..11W 4 Ml 53. . . .1403 545 2C..1051 4 40 COWS. 1. . . . 730 ICO 1..1100 2.i 1..1020 350 y. . . . IK i M i. . . . 950 2 5o : . : . . . . sji 3 r > o 4. . . . SSI 1 55 2. . . . S73 280 1..10SO 3 SO 3. . . . MM 175 2. . . .1023 3 00 1. . . . 910 3 SO 1. . . . 820 1 IK ) 2. . . . 7U5 310 1..1I70 3 M 1..10'.0 2 IH ) 1. . . . Oil ) 3 11) 1..115) 3 60 1..1000 200 2..11.V ) 325 4. . . .100 } 3 CO 2. . . . SI5 210 1..105I ) 325 1. . . . 720 400 1. . . . 75U 2 liJi 2. . . .1275 320 HEiFHUs. 1. . . . C70 2 CO 3. . . . 410 225 1 . . . . R5J 315 4. . . . r:0 2 10 3. . . . 77G 2 45 3. . . . 400 3 30 3. . . . SS3 2 15 1. . . . CIO -Mil 1. . . . 51) ) 1 10 14. . . . 335 2 15 1. . . . 770 2'73 1. . . . ISO 4 23 3. . . . 423 2 20 3. . . . pS3 3,00 HULLS ? , 1..1CO 175 1..13& ) 3,75 1..H90 3 21 i. . . .1010 210 i..i2 : 75 1..1J90 325 1..1150 225 3..10.Ci3nf : ) 1..1130 375 1..1070 2 CO 1. . . .1250 ,310 " CAIWKS. - 2. . . . 100 1-50 4. . . . 11)7 ) 300 1. . . . 140 100 2. . . . 105 200 1. . . . ISO 3i25 2. . . ' . 120 4 (0 1. . . . ISO. 2(10 4. . . . .182 325 1. . . . ICO 425 3. . . . 290 2 CO 3..flW 3:50 : 1. . . . 140 425 1. . . . SCO S SO 1. . . . IIS ) J 4 00 1. . . . 200 1 BO l.i'90 3 DOI..n20 4 W 2. . . . 1C5 150 STOCKEUS AND/VEEDEUS. 1. . . . ISO 2 W 2..u50 320 4. . . . 3'J2 330 1. . . . 970 255 IS..rK2 , X 20 1.&M 3 G5 1. . . . .VJO SCO 1. . . . CM 320 ' 11. . . .Mi 3 S3- 1. . . . 590 300 2. . . . 720 3 2S 22. . . . 4C'J 340 1. . . . 910-3 10 7.r.aa $ 2J 11. . . . -425 , , ) . ; 6. . . . 433 3 20 , - , - ; MILKEIIS ANDJSl'aiNGEns. 1'milker . $18 CO 1 mllktr/i. , , . . . . . .i . r . . . . . , . . . .3J 00 f iia/iftlsyti&ii&a&M aKbl No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. 1 str , tig. . . . 910 } 2 iO 19) feeders . 874 J3 2) 1 str , tig.l2fl / > Sil'O34 . feeders. . . , SI6 3 33 3 sleeiH. . . . . . fcS3 200 3 a' curs . 116' ) 350 15 fccdeis. . . . S74 275 23 stgv-ra.llQ5 4 U3 CBtl-eis..1001 273 NKW MEXICO. Dcnufs . 6n 210 , 1 steer . 11SJ 353 43 steers , . . . ' . . 7 C 3 CS 1 calf. > ' .v. . . . 130 423 39 stelis . OI 3 55 " > HOGS There weie forty-six loadsot hogs on sale this morning , ns against nineteen loads yepterday , The fluidity ot the hogs 'was about like the- average ivc.-ipts of late. TM mniliet opened steady , but before a cleninnco was ef fected the 'reported dccllu ? nt other iwlnts caused buyers here to lower their hands. As .ti result , the market closed about 5c lower. Good 'medluiu weight und light hogs bold largely nt't4.C3 , with a f'MV loads of the brat heavy hogs in the yards ut JI.75. Hepiesentathe sales : SHBEI' After betnpr dead for pome time the sheep marUet revived today ami considerable business was transacted. There were liberal receipts nnd a ROCK ! demand nt steady prices. Fair to choice natives are nuotnlile at ! 3.254.40 ; fair to coed westerns , J3.00S4.23 ; common nnd stock sheep. J2.2JSJ3.00 ; peed to choice 40 to 100-lb. Iambs , J3.2505,15. Representative sales : No. wt. I > r. i cull 100 j2 ro 407 California wethers , sheared 123 325 SSG California wethers , sheared 122 3 25 120 native wethers (2 3 t5 M native mixed 72 4 00 CIlICACiU L1V12 STOCK. .Small Itecelpts of Cnttla Cnusn I'rlccs to Itnnlllln Ntroui ; nt the Advance. CHICAGO , April 23. paly about 3,500 head of cattle were received bere today , and the small- nesa of the supply { .prevented nny weaknets , prices ruling partlculp5lynetrong for good , fat beeves nt yesterday's ! ndirnnce. There was a fair general demand , arid 'native ' beef steers sold all the way from J4.00tt > JG.10 for very common to strictly choice lot wi'lghlns from 950 to 1,500 pounds. The top price paid , JG.10 , was for a carload of choice Illlrials 1,575-lb. steers , and another carload of fiit , Illinois cattle- that aver aged 1,471 pounds broi/fiUt / 6.05. Few tales were made below JI.73 or o.vey ( J5.75 , and a large part of the sales were atl,9p03.50. There wns a good call for cows ati.J1.73fl.7o , the greater part going for J3.00SI.23 , and , bulls sold freely nt J2.2504.75. They sold/atmnchangcd prices , steers going chiefly at J3.404jf.75. . , The supply of hoB -14 ; running ahead of lost week , the arrivals sCt'taP showing an Increase of about 8,500 head. Thi-re was a fair demand from Chicago packer * ami eastern shippers and a good business was . .transacted early In Ihe day at steady prices ; , , bui later on buyers In. sistcd on concessions , ! .Tills resulted In weak ness and n. fair enure of the day's trading was done at a decline of about 5c per 100 Ibs. Heavy hogs sold at J4.75 5.10 , light weights nnd mixed hogs at J4.704j4.S5 , and ] > lga at JI.25Q4.CO. The bulk of the heavy sold at JI.S5Q-5.oo. and nleniv of good light hogs sold at J4.6&S4.90. Tlie receipts of sheep ore much larger than those of last week , and the lack of a vigorous export demand Is giving local slaughterers an opportunity to depress the market. Today's volume of business wa considerably smaller than yesterday , but prices were generally not any lower. The offerings Included n good many choice Montana sheep , such as are selling around J4.2S. ns well as prime Mexican Iambs worth J5.40&5.CO. Sheep sold from J2.25 to J2.50 ferN N , W. HARRIS & CO , BANKERS , 163-165 Dearborn-St. , Chicago. (5Vallit. . , New York. 70 Statc-st , , Bostr CITY , corjHTr , r s \ IL i rf - \ SCHOOL.WATER tai | - < I 1 | \l I ] V i/IHTR illGH GRAPE LJ V-/ 1 \ L > O Douaht a&d Bold. Corte pon3tnc Solicited. very common. 1111 to J .M for cholc , nnd l.tmb * were salable at USO Jf > .W , Hecclptm Cattle , J.1.00 bend ; cnhen , t , K ) head ; hogi , 17,000 head ; idicrp. It.QOO htad. St. LoilU l.lvn 'Stock. ST. LOUIS , Aptl H.-CATTI.n-Ilccolpti , 3,000 head ; shipment * . 100 head ; nuppr ot tmthpg small nnd mmllty only medium ; beet steers ranged JI.Wfti.M ; exports would bring JJ.7JU6.Wi slockeis snd ftc-lcu , inngo , Ji.iORi.W ; caws. J2.2S O3.M ; foil Texas teer . J0.40JM.75uran steers , JlCOflJ.W ; cuu-s. I2.00in.19. HOOK Hecelpts , 7.EW head ; shlpmentt , 700 head ; market Blcntly and tops hlglitr at 11.03 ; but the close was eaiy ; bulk ot sales , J4. 7084. SO ; llRht. Jl.tKi l.75. SHEEP Hecelpts , 4,3 < .0 head ; shlpmenlt , SOO head ; market quiet ; native muttons sold at J-1.S3 C4.MJ stockers , J3.00 ; llRht Texans , J30'J ' ; l liib , range , J5UO6.03. } _ City Llvn stork. KANSAS CITY , April U.-CATTLE-Itecelpli- . 3,100 head ; vhlpments , 1,304 bead ; matkct Mow but strndy ; Texas steers , J3..101T4.M ; Texas cowj. $2.50 ( rs.M ; beef stccr . J.1.7uf/5.W ; native cows. Jl.Mtf 4.40 ; stockers nnd feeders , J3.latfl.C5 ; bulls , H.Gj O4.M. lioas Hecclpts , 11,100 , head ; jlilpmonts , COO head ; market weak to lOc lower ; bulk of iial" , J4.5504.75 ; heavies , JI.WfH.SO ; packers , J4. ( a4.6'l ' ; mixed , J4.fw5JI.70 ; lights , J4.404.G | ) ; Yorkers , Jl.tS U4.n5 ; pigs , J3.S5U4.55. SHEEP HecelptK , 4,000 head ; shipments , 2,100 head ; market slow but steady. Sew York Ltvit MOCK Mnrket , NEW YOIIK , April 23.-IIEEVIJS-Uecelpls. JCI head ; none on mile. European cubit's < | Ule American nleers nt llJI2Hc , dressed weight ; le- frlgcralor beef , lOtflOftr. SHEEP Hecelpts , l.42f head ; on sale , 750 head ; no trndlng ; feeling tlrm. HOPS Hecelpls , 2.284 head ; llrm nt J5.00 f5.50. . SKiL-k In nlttiii , Heconl of receipts at the four principal mar kets for Tuesday , April 23 , 1VJ5 : Catlle. Hogs. Sh"fp. South Omilia . 9G4 3,411 ; < : n ( "hlcngo . 3.SOO 17Kii ( ) 12.000 Kansas City . 3luO II , 1W 4f)0 ) St. Louis . 3 , WO 7.SOO 4,301 Totals . 10,504 42,311 20.C9G St. Lnuli ( Ijncril Market. ST. LOU 1 8. April 23. FLOUH Again higher. but dull at the advance ; patents , J3.10j3.25 ; extra fancy , J2.5 3.00 ; fancy. J-.J5fl-2.C5 ; choice , J2.250 3.25. Itye Hour , J3.25. WHEAT Opened weak , with such n fcttonK selling picture that n decline of Tie WHH re- eordeil In sboit order , but when It was seen that there was but little of the Mny nptlun for naif a read Ion set In , tlie short * began to cover and the maiket became buoyant , llefore the shoit got over their scare May was 2 ic above the bet , torn , while July only went up % c. A slurp break took place later , when selling became fast and furious , May selling off 3c und July 1'te , rallying Inter , but at the close was Uc luwcr for Mny and ulwut l'4c for July , us compared with ycslciday : No. 2 led , cash , C2c ; May , C0c bid' , July , Win.1 ; August , 6SHc. COIIN The early weakness In wheat extended to tills maiket , which sold off "iff'ic. From th lower opening iherc was % We leacllon , and then lute In the day a lelnpse of lc. The close had buyers , but was about lc below yesleiduy ; No. red , cash , 451i.c ; Mny , I4iiff4lr)4c ) bid ; Sep. tember , 46lSr bid. OATH Dull fioin a fpectilatlve standpoint nnd Inner at tile cloH1 ; hpiit , llrm ; No. 2 , cakh , SOL bid ; Mny , 30c asked ; June , 30jc ! asked ; July , 2Uc nskid. HYE Nothing offered , spot or to arrive ; No. 2 , east ( l nek. i2c ; Mil. COHN MEAL J2.1582.20. 1IIIAN Dull ; little offered ; C6c bid , sacked , east track. FLAX SEED-HlKhcr , J1.40. OHASS SEEDS Steady ; clover , poor to choice , J7.i.0 i8.45. Timothy , seed , J4.75 5.00. HAY Utill ; prairie , prime to fancy , J8.25filO.Ori. this Hide ; timothy , choice to strlclly fancy , JIO.Oj lill.CO. enst side. III'TTEH Scarce and firm ; separator creamer } ' , 1SS(20 ( > . ' ; fancy Elgin , 22c. EOS ! Firm , 10ic. LEAD > -Slow. easy , J2,87,4. SPELTEH Weak nnd lower , J3.C5. PHOV1S1ONS I'ork , higher ; standard mess , J12.GO. I.nrd , prime steam , JC.75 ; choice , JC.5. Dry Mil incuts , boxed 'Mioulders , J5.25 ; longB , JC.50 ; libs , JC.C2" . ; sh irtn , JC.75. Hncon , boxed shoulders. JC ; IOIIKB , 4G.t > 7l& ; ribs , $7 ; Hhorts , J7.2.1. HECE1PTS Fluur , 3.0 * } bbls. ; wheat , 4OuO bu. ; corn , , OW bu. ; fmls , 27 , ( iO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 8 , 1 tills. ; wheat , 29,00) ) bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. l\ool Aliukot. 11OSTON. April 23. Although the Inactivity which has beeu pervading the wool market here lor mine time rnst > tlll ptevnl s. prlCt > 8 ar > - strndj and the llrm tsne of tlie market abroad Is hav ing a. effect In Kir nglhcnlng the maikei liere. The near approach of the new clip la the pilnclpal factor in keeping buyers from making large purchases , ns they me naturally Inclined tu await the arrival c.f new stick before mnkinft any large purclinses. There m a fair supply ot old wool , however , In tlie market , but lots nre iiiuro or ILBS broken , nnd before closing up the old slock manufacturers deslie to know moic -ilKMit the finality and condlllcn of the new clip. The Austinllan wool tiuiket Is steady , with gond lines going Into use from week to week. Al though the offeilngs nre lllieral , valuts hold llrm The following ate the selling piloes for lending descilptlonp ; Ohio and Pennsylvania lleccen. X d ml above. lC'4ftl7e ; XX nnd nbnve , KiUifJlCc , No. 1 combing , 20W21c ; No. 2 combing , l'Jf20c | ; unwashnl wool , Ilifl2c ; Mlclrlgnn. 144(15c ; No. 1 Michigan , combings , Wi20c ; Michigan unwashed , lOSlO c ; New Yoik , New Hampshire and Ver mont , * 14c ; No. 1 New Yoik , New Hampshlie nnd Vennont , 17SjlSc ; Montana , line , ogilc ; scouinl , 30W32c ; norlliurn Califoiiila , spring , defective , OV.c ; scnurcd , r:02Jc ; Aiihtrnllnn combings , tuper. nne , 415Jl2c ) ; Auslrnllim coinblngs , good , SSfilOe , cios.t-breds , quarter-blood , 2Gjf2So. PHILADBLI'IIIA. Apll 23. WOOL Dull , but without Important change In price ; Ohio , Penn sylvania nnd West Virginia , XX nnd above , 17 llC ; X and nlnve , ! Wfl7c ; medium , 20U21c ; quarter-blood , 2H022c ; common , ISijlDc ; New Yoik , Michigan nnd Wise msln , etc. , XX , lCf 17c ; X nnd nbove , 15fllCc ; medium , lOIJWc ; iiuar- Icr-blood , 20f(21c ; common , 17BlSc ; wnshrtl combing n.nd Delaine , fine , ISfjlOc ; medium , 21 ® 22c ; low , 22Q23c ; coarse , 2'lW21e ' ; unwashed , im- dlum , lCSI17c ; low medium , 1761Sc ; braid , ! Cil7e ; unwashed , light nnd trlgbt , line , Ilfl2c ; me dium , l.liiflGe ; low medium , ! C"iJ17c " ; cjarse , 15jD ICc ; unwasheil ( dark iidorcfl ) , llKht , line , tlfilO ; heavy , line. CflSc ; medium. 12ni3c ; line medium , Ilftl2c ; coaife , 11312c ; tcriltorinl and nortliwcsl- ein , light , SJiKIc ; tenltoilal ami noilhwestein , heavy , line. 7if3c ; fine medium , lOJfllc ; metllum , llQ13e ; quarter-blood , 12S13c ; coarse , 10O12C. Liverpool .MiirUctR. LIVEHPOOlA April 23. WHEAT Spot , nrm ; demand moderate ; No. 2 led winter , 5s M ; No. 2 red spring , Cs 4Ud ; No. 1 hanl Manitoba , 5s 4i ± d ; No. 1 Cali fornia , 5s Id. Futures opened steady , with near and distant positions ' ,4d lower ; closed steady , with September 141 ! lower nnd other months > 4d lower ; business about equally dlslilbuled. COIIN Spot firm ; American mixed , new , 4s Id. Futures opened steady nt unchanged prices ; closed quiet , with near and distant position * un changed tu Ud lower ; business about equally distributed. FLOL'H Firm ; demand firm ; St. Louis fancy winter , lis. PROVISIONS Ilacon , Him ; demand , fair ; Cumberland cut , 23 to 30'lbs. , 33s Cd ; Blurt ribs , 23 Ibs. , 34s Cd ; long clear , light , 33 to 45 Ibs. , 32s ; long clear , heavy , 65 Ibs. , C3s ; Khort clear backn , light , 33.1 Cd ; short clear middles , heavy , 65 Ihx. , 32s Cd ; clear bellies , 14 to 1C Ibs , , 34s. Shoulders , square , 12 to IS Urn. , 31 . llama , thoit cut. 14 to 1C Ibs. , 41s Cd. lleef , extra India mess , 71s 3d ; prime mess , COs. Pork , prime mess , line western , Ms .id ; western medium , 63a yd. I ird , steady ; prlmu western , 3..8 ; rcIIntM , 111 palli , 35s Cd. CHEESE Dull ; demand poor ; finest Ameilcan , white , 4Ss ; finest American , colored , 4' ' * . Hl'TTEH Finest United Slates , 70s ; good , COs. COTTONSEED -Llverpool , refined , ISs. LINSEED O1L-21S. PETKOLEl'M Hellned , llUd. HEFHIOEHATOH HEEF Forcquartcrs , Hid ; hlndquartero , GVid. HOI'S At Umdon ( Pacific coast ) , 2 10s. Tlie receipts of wheat during the past three dayH were 7b,000 centals , including 9,000 Amer ican. ican.Tho receipts of American corn during tlie past three days were 30,800 centals. Weather fair. _ Milwaukee .Markets. MILWAUKEE , April 23. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 spring , Cl'.jc ; No. 1 northern. Me ; July , ClT4c. COIIN Higher ; No. 3 , 4814e. OATS Slightly lower ; No. 2 white , 32Hc ; No. 3 white , 32140. I1AULEY Higher ; No. 2 , 524c ! ; sample , C2U0 63 14 c. UYE Higher ; No. 1 , C9c. PIIOVISIONS Firmer : polk. J12.M ; Inrd. C,92'A IlECEIPTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 38,400 bu. ; barley , 13 , COO bu. HUH MENTS Flour , 4,300 bbla. ; wheat , none ; barley , 8,000 bu. _ 1'corla .Miirlluln. PEORIA. April 23-COHN-Flrm ; No. 2 , 45',4c ' ; No. 3. 4Cc. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , 31O31',4c ; No. 3 white. 23V40"9ic. . HYH Scarce ; No. 2. C1QC3C. WHISKY Quiet ; high proof spirits , J1.21 ; Hn- Ished gooils. J1.20. HKCK1PT8 Wheat. 2.400 bu. ; corn. 2C.OOO bu. ; oats , CI.OOO bu. ; barley , none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , COO bu. ; corn. C.400 bu. ; oats , 18,700 bu. ; rye. none ; barley , 1,400 bu. N'uw Yfirk Dry ( ionili .MiirUet. NEW YOIIK. April 23. Agents have advanced American indigo , Inu-igo and gold and Calcutta fancies to 4V4c , Central Park Blilrtlnns 5 per cenl and Crown mills ducks and Osnahurghs 3 per cent. The market Is very strong and more busi ness Is doing In Ihe rpot than Is usual to Tues day. Printing cloths tlrm at 2c for CI squares and sales of 50,0"0 pieces , spot and contracts , Kiinins City .Mar-Hutu. KANSAS CITY , April 23. WHEAT In fair de mand ; steady ; No. 2 hard , 5SHc ; No. 2 red , i'J@ S'JUo : rejected , 55c. CORN Slightly lower ; more active ; No. 2 mixed , 45c ; No. 2 white. 45Vic. OATS In fair demand ; unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 2SV4c ; No. 2 white , 32a32 c. Minneapolis U limit Market. MINNEAPOLIS , April 2.1 WHEAT Weak ; April , C2Vjc ; May. C2Uc ; July. C3We ; September , ClHc ; on track , No , 1 haid , Clc ; Nu. 1 noithern , t i,4c ; No. 2 northern , G2',4c. FLOUH Sternly > llrst patents. J3.35fl3.C5 ; sec- end patents , J3.10jj3.30 ; first clear * . J2. ( ffl2.CO. IJuluttl U'hent 'MilrUet. Dl'M'TH , April 23. WHEAT Ixiwer ; No. 1 hard , cash and April , CITic ; May. K',4c. July , CCc ; No , 1 northern , en I'll and April , W.ic ; May , 64',4c ; July , 65c ; Septemlier , C3Hc. MiiucliB ter Textllen. MANCHESTEU , April 23. Cl4OTHS-Qulet nnd hard to sell , unless at concessions. YARNS Strong , but not very ai tlve. Trlscu Uhcut IJuotHtloin. SAN TOANC1BCO , April 23.-WHEAT-Qulet ; Pecembcr. iCic ! ; May , Wtc , WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Vegetation is Doming Along Well but More Rain is Needed. TEMPERATURE WAS ABOVE THE NORMAL Scuiion tu fnr In from n Week to Trn llnyn Karllrr Tlmn tNiml-Corii Coiiiinciiccd In Miinjr 1'nrti of the State. Weekly weather crop bulletin Xo. 3 of tlie Nebraska weather service , co-operating with the'United Stntes weather bureau , Is sued from the central cfllce , University of Nebraska , Lincoln , tinder direction of 0. U. Swercy , meteorologist of the Nebraska experiment station. The general rnlns of last week , supple mented In most localities by showers dur ing the week just passed , have brought veg etation along well , although In many parts bf 1fVj.stntt' tlle nectl ° { ral" Is beginning to The temperature has been nbove the nor mal , ranging from 2 degrees nbovo the uv- erugo In the southeastern section to 8 degrees above in the northwestern. There has been about the normal amount of sun shine. Several frosts occurred during the week , but no damage Is reported. The precipitation has been less than nor mal , quite Irregularly distributed , nnd over considerable urea entirely wanting. In the condition ot crops and the progress of farm work the season Is from a week to ten days earlier than usual. Corn plant ing Is generally under way In the south eastern section of the state nnd Is begun In scattered localities over tjic state generally , excepting In the western nnd northwestern sections , Small grain continues to grow well , nnd shows n good stand. Grass has grown rapIdly - Idly and Is now generally sulllclent to sup port stock. Alfalfa that was sown In pre vious years has grown well nnd an unusual acreage has been put In this spring. Early planted potatoes are coming up. SOt'THKASTKUN SECTION. Butler Wheat , oats nnd rye doing nicely. High winds have uncovered late-sown grain In some fields , but no material damage. Pastures have many bare spots where grass roots-are dead , otherwise grass looks well. Cass Wheat , oats and rye have made vigorous growth , are of good color and line stand , n'amo grass doing well. JUurly planted potatoes coming up. Some corn planted. Clay Small grain doing line. Clover nbout all killed out. Much wheat ground plowed up for corn. Crops fully ten days In advance of ordinary seasons. Some plantIng - Ing corn. Stock mostly turned out to grass. Quite u heavy frost on the 22d. Klllmorc Seeding- done. Oats look fine. Winter wheat fully half dead. Some corn planted. There will be fully one-third more corn planted than last year. Oago Oats coming up. Corn planting In full blast. Fall wheat and rye suffering for rain. rain.Hamilton Hamilton All small grain up and looking well. Winter wheat , timothy and clover dead. Wild grass good. Jefferson ( Jnod week for small grain. Some corn planted. Oats looking tine. Light frost on the 17th , but no damage. Some wheat being plowed up , but not more than 15 per cent of the acreage. Johnson A fair growing week. Some of the wheat looks a little yellow. Light frost on the 18th. ICarly potatoes coming up. Lancaster Ground In excellent condition. Plowing well along. Early potatoes up. Haspberrles nnd blackberries nbout nil win ter killed or dried up. Nemaha Oats und fall wheat doing finely. Wheat showed some yellow blades , but the rains nnd cool weather have removed the damage. Nuckolls Considerable corn planted. Ground Is moist and warm. Pastures com ing on finely. Otoe Small grain doing well. Some corn planted. Fruit In full bloom. Pawnee Small grain looking well. Ground In fine condition. Corn planting progressIng - Ing finely. Creeks low and ruin needed. Polk A good growing week. Oats look the best for years past at this season. A good deal of flax being sown. Many mead ows and pastures bsing plowed up. Some corn planting begun. Richardson ICverythlng Is growing finely. Many are planting corn. Saline Pastures have come forward rap idly. Small grain , where not winter killed , Is doing finely. Most ground about ready for planting nnd In good condition. Some planted nnd one field reported already tip. Saunders Small grain und grass look fine. Farmers busy plowing for corn. Sewnrd All spring grain looks well. Corn ground nearly ready to plant. Thayer Wheat nnd oats look well. Some corn planted. Fruit prospects good. Many shade trees nnd groves dead. Considerable alfalfa sown. York What winter wheat Is left Is Im proving. Ground In fine condition , but very little corn planted yet. Frost on the 17th nnd 18th , but no damage reported. Cattle living on the grass. NORTHEASTERN SECTION. Antelope Small grain looks well. Stock can get fee'd enough In pastures. All farm work well advanced und ground In good condition. Cedar Seeding done. Plowing for corn under headway. Ground In excellent con dition , Small grain nnd grass further ad vanced than usual at this date. Cumlng Week very fnVorab'.e. Much of the corn ground Is ready to plant and In good condition. Small grain nnd grass look very fine nnd are much abend of the corre- si > ondlng time for many years. Cattle can now pick their living on tame grass. Ulxon Small gialn nnd pasturage coming on lino. A good week for preparing- corn ground ; some farmers planting. Dodge All small grain In splendid shape. Pastures doing well. Some farmers lire ready to plant corn. A large ncreage of po- tntoes planted und some up. Douglas Rainfall for the week 0.31 below the normal. Average temperature 4 de grees above the normal. Holt All small grain nearly all sown , and early sown grain looking green. Some are plowing for corn. Knox Wheat nnd oats doing finely. Rains k.eplng the gioind In g o 1 cond'tion. Light frost on the 13th , but no damage. Madison Small grain never looked better nt this hcason. Plowing for corn well along nnd little planting begun. Sioux City , In. All agricultural work pro gressing rapidly under favorable conditions. Grass bus an excellent start. Yankton , S. D. Wheat nnd oats are grow ing well and show u good stand. Plowing for corn nearly llnlbhed. Grass Is yielding good pasturage. Pierce Crops looking fine , but need more Platte Spring grain In excellent condi tion. Rye not very good. Much winter wheat plowed up to put In to corn , of which there will be u large ncreage. Pasturage becoming abundant. Season five days ahead of the nvcruge. Sarpy Condition of fall grain good. Spring grain getting quite green. Clover not coming out well. Farm work fully ten days In advance of last year. Stanton Wheat and oats ure looking well. Pastures In line condition. Washington Fine stand of small grain and doing nicely. Grass forward for this time of the year. Plowing for corn well along. Small patches planted. CENTRAL SECTION. Iloone Ground In fine condition , nnd praln of all kinds Is looking fine. Cattle are get ting fairly good feed on the grass. Iluffalo Weathcr warm nnd windy. Oats , wheat and grass continue growing well. Preparation for n largo acreage of corn Is In active progress. Cunter A very fair acreage 'bf ' small A SPECIALTY CKASB MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. ff. Gr. JLJCI IWUlkU Onion Are. Kaniu City , Uo. KM I n planted nnd looklnp well. Some corn planted. Potatoes and alfalfa In. Uawfon-Oround Retting Komcwhat dry. but wheat , KriiM and rye arc dolnr fairly well. Plowing for corn has made Bood pro- OreelejSmall grain nearly nil sown nnd part coming up In good shape. Ground could not be In better condition than nt pren-nt. llall-Ornss growing nicely. Small grain looks fine. Kauri-Frost on the 22d , but no dnmncro reported , MeiTlck Some oats up and looking fine. Fruit trees In full bloom. Nance-Small grain and grass looldnjf well. Some corn planted. A larger ncroaga of alfalfa Is being sown this year than last. Shcimaii-Splcndld week for wheat ana oats. Early potatoes coming up. Apples plums and cherries In bloom. Light frost on lowlands on the 17th. Valley-Spring wheat In good condition. homo farmers planting corn. Wild plums und cherries In bloom. SOUTHWEST SECTION. Adams A remarkably good crowlnK week. Everything fnr advanced for thu season. Spring gtaln doing well. Some of the fall wheat plowed up. Chase Ground In fair condition nnd crops growing fairly well. Fanners are busy sowing oats nnd planting corn. Grass com ing line. Uundy High winds on the 15th nnd ICth did some damage. Small grain all sown. Franklin-Small grain growing finely. Some corn planted. Kt antler gome damage from high winds. (5 1 omul getting rather dry. Early sown wheat looks green , but spindling. Fuinas-Sprlng grain and rye are looking fine. Much alfalfa sown and coming up In line condition. Corn planting commenced. What winter wheat Is left Is In good con dition. Gospcr A good growing week. Spring grain Is doing well. Very little winter wheat worth anything , nnd the ground will be used for corn. Some corn planted. Harlan Wheat and oats looking lino. Plowing for corn being pushed and some planted. Ground In tine condition. Freeze on the 22d. but no damage yet evident. Hitchcock Wheat und oats are growing nicely. Need rain , but are not suffering. Kearney Grain sown this spring looks well. Grass away ahead of thu season. Frost on Kith nnd 17th , but did no flam- age. Farmers plowing for corn. Alfalfa growing finely. Potatoes coming up. Lincoln Small grain looks flue. Corn be ing planted , but rain needed. Perkins High wlndi have blown much praln out of the ground. Need rain badly. Sunshine nbout normal. Phelps Spring wheat growing finely. Winter wheat almost u failure. Rye has not looked so well for many years , nor grass bent so far mlvnncod at this season. Red Willow Fall grain about u failure. Spring wheat Is looking green , but the acre age will be short. Grass doing exceedingly well. Webster Oats looking fine. Wheat on now ground Is good , but will be a | > oor stand on old ground. Potatoes nearly all planted. Light frost , but did not Injure the fruit trees. Some corn planted. NORTHWEST SECTION. Hex Rutte Warm nnd dry. Grain nearly nil sown. Gross coming on nicely. Cherry Good growing weather. All crops planted are coming up well. Cheyenne Ground In good condition. All small grain doing well. Large ncreage ot corn nnd alfalfa will be planted. Keith Spring wheat up. No corn planted yet. Weather warm and dry. Rock Not much small grain planted. Some damaging high winds. Good , soaking rain needed to fill up sags and pond holes. Scotts muffs Wheat all sown , but only a small acreage put In. A large acreage ot oats will be sown , for which plowing Is novf being done. Grass coming on slowly. Sheridan Week favorable for farm work. Grain coming up slowly. Temperature 8 deprees above the normal. Sunshlno und precipitation nbovo the average. .lulesburg , Colo. Moisture sufllclent to start grass , but not of much use In u gen eral way. The amount of crop planted la still very small. _ MUnnurl t.rnpn In ( load < nndltlon. COLUMHIA , Mo. , April 23. The weekly ; crop bulletin of the Missouri weather servlco says : Except In a few localities where plowing and cornplantlng were somewhat retarded by heavy rains , the weather con ditions during the past week continued very favorable for farm work. Light frost oc curred In some localities on the 14th , 17th , 18th and 10th , but no damage resulted. The average precipitation was very nearly the normal In the central nnd southern sections and considerably In excess In the northeast section , but In the northwest section It was only about ono-lialf the normal amount. Cornplantlng has been pushed during tlio week , and In some of tlio southern counties Is about completed. Wheat nnd oats con tinue to do well. The prospects for a full crop of fruit continue excellent. < Imiigca In Avntlnhln < lrnln Slnulf. NHW YOU1C. April S3. fpeclnl cnlile nml tcle- grnplilo mlvlces to Ilnulalrcvtii covering prln- clnnl point * of ncfumulattnn In the t'nlteil Ktutcs , Canada and Kurojw , together with mippllca allonl for Uuropo from nil nources , Indlenti * tlio following rlinnRes In nvnllnWc ptoekH hint Hut- unlay , IM compared with the preceding Saturday. Available supplies : Unltnl States nnd Canada , east of tlio H > 'Uy mountains , wheat. dcereiiBe , 2.4MOOi > bu. : tViltr-il Stales , Pacific count , wheat. decrease , IW.Oix ) liu. ; total ilfcreusf , wheat , both CCKI.SIH , : ,5SrtH ( bu. Allfmt for anil In Miircpe , wliea.t , ineiease , IDi.OOO bu. ; totnl tletTcana worlil'B nvallable wheat , S.IM.OOO bu. United Stairs nnd Onnnd.i emu of the Kiwkv mxmtalna , corn ileerease , GIO.OOi ) bu. t'nlleil States and C'annda , enst of the Itnrky mountains , oatu , In- on-line. 3 iWO bu. Leading ilecrfimes of whent last week not ri'iwrtcil by the olllclal vlmble mip- ply Klateimnt , Include 310,000 bu. In northwestern Intel lor elevators. 164 , 00 lu. nt Umlnvllle , 4S.OOO bu. nt Newport News , nnd 33.000 bu. at Leaven- wirth. The only correBpondlnu lnercn o wan 102,000 bu. In Minnesota private elevatois. Oil Miirltuts. OIL CITY , April 23. Oil oprnr-cl nt J2.10 ; blKli , 12.13 low , $2.0'Ji ; cloKwl , J2.10 ; Kales , U.UOO bbl . ; elenranees , 17Gi < 00 bbln. j BlilpmvntB , 95.9U8 Mils. ; I11.1H. 114.6:3 : bblH. ANTWKHP. April ! 3. Petroleum Is quoted nt 28 r. r.lIAMIIt'llO , April 23.-rctrolcum la quoted at ID mark * . HUKMI3N , April 23. I'utroleum , 3 mnrku 75 nfir. nfir.AMSTEUDAM , April 23.-Pctioleum II. riimncbit IsiitcD. r.OSTON. April 23. Clearings , } lCtll8,27 ; bal ances , J157.SD7. 11ALTIMOI11'7. April 23. Clearings , 2,2o7 , 9 ; balances , { 301.900. NHW YOIIK. April 23. Clearings , lll,2:9.C3ll Lulances. GSW,94G. I'HfLADKU'IIIA , April 23. Clearings , ? 12- 39G.IK5 ; ; balances , Jl.Ml.tSI. ST. LOUIS , April 23. Clearing * , | 4,2fM,21S ; bal- n.nces , J597.779. Money , &BG per cent. New Yorlt cxcli.inw. EOo premium. WASHINGTON , April 23. Today's statement of the eundltli n of the treasury tbowg1 Availa ble eash balances , < lb3,370,1Rli ) gold reserve , J1W- 835.809 , CHICAOO , April 23.-nearlngs , 13,978.000. New York exclmnKC , 80c piemluin , Steillntr , polled rates , H.'W'.iSH.KS'.S. ' Money , 5 per cent on call ; C per cent on time. 9ATS Sweet , clenn and fresh. The Pure Article. Always the same. It's for you. Sold only In 2 Ib. Packages , ANIMAL KXTnACTS Cerebrln * . for bmln. Cap. dine for heart. Ovarlne , tic. Jl. All drugg-lita M A Dn IN No "inttor wlmt boolijot . . jl > l.rt.l\VJ li on Bprculatlou you may TO A rilNfi I'l ' o rourt ( .end fur ours which N NKW anil COM- I'LK'i'K. Hclourlyux- and DEI'INKH ALLMAltKKTuxprosslonn. If * f rco and will touch yini t > omulhlii . A U lioo AH I' A co.ttia ; TradorH llldK. Chicago rtCTlhAllCS / Ui'o'reoturM m'd I'lunuf- , HK Ilomliheiln ) 150 p. book foi * * starap. f Johu \Vo.idl.ury , m\r.4MBt.N.V. ! Invanljir Ot WruMibllrv'M facial Hfkfin- >