Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAULY BJ2E : PUESDAY , AJL'llLJ28 , 1805.
After a Wild Spuit at tlio Opjning Wheat
Pluotuatol All Day ,
Broker * Purchased Quid Freely nnd Were
Anxlonniy Wntclilni ; the Market
Tlmt Cereal \Vnn 1'nulcky
Lnto In thu IJuy.
CHICAOO , April 22-After n wild rpuu
At the'opening nnd a slump In the middle
of the session wheat closed l , c higher for
Mny. Heavy buying , largely by shorts ,
caused the advance. May corn closed % o
higher , Mny oats Uo lower nnd provisions
at a slight advance.
Wheat started up with n wild rush , openIng -
Ing trades being at l 4c advance. Every one
wanted to get May at ClVic and July at
62V4c , nnd sellers at such tempting advance
over Saturday's prices were few. Almost
Instantly C2c wns being bid for May nnd
C3o for July , and It was only then that It
wna found possible by the greater number
of the brokers having buying orders to Mnd
plenty of sellers. The on rush to buy had
obtained such an Impetus , however , thnt
C2'/4c nnd KJVic for May nnd July respect
ively were paid before the trading got Into
a regular awing. The last named prices
proved the culmination point of the advance
nnd It took only five minutes from thu start
to reach It. The excitement gradually sub
sided und having done so the crowd began
to look around for Ihe cause of their alarm.
Liverpool sent quotations of an advance
there of from Hid to 2d per cental. Show
ers had visited a large area of the win
ter wheat country since Saturday ; the
northwestern receipts at Minneapolis nnd
Duluth numbered 417 cur loads , compared
with only 178 cars a week ago , and 14j cars
on the corresponding day of the year be
fore. The total of today's primary market
receipts was 215,000 bu. , against 237,000 bu.
on the corresponding day of last week.
Kxport clearances were 300,000 bu. In wheat
nnd Hour together from Atlantic ports. The
visible supply decreased 1,801,000 bu. , against
it decrease of 702,000 bu. at the correspond
ing time of the year before. The hngllsh
visible supply decreased 1,250,000 bu. for the
week ; the amount on ocean passage In
creased 1,920,000 bu. Argentine shipments
for the week were I.HIO.UOO bu. , compared
With 2filO,000 bu. on the week before.
On the Increase on ocean passage and tne
visible supply decrease of about 700,000 bu.
less than had been looked for , the price
of Mny slumped to GOTsIn an Irregular
nnd unwilling style , but buying on n large
Bcale set In again and carried the price back
nnd up to Cl'tc , which wns the price It
closed at , July closing at from G2c to EH4c.
Many million bushels of long wheat , perhaps
ns much ns 30,000,000 bu. , must have been
Held today.
Shorts , where their presence was com-
paratlvely unsuspected , have developed
themselves In the corn pit In large numbers.
The demand for that long-time neglected
cereal wns surprisingly brisk when the mar
ket opened , as nn advance of Ic In May and
July nt the start will Indicate. The Ilrst
prices were W&c and 48c respectively ,
compared with 47ic ! for May and 47c for
July at the close on Saturday. Those prices
were quickly raised to 48c for May and
49V4C for July , and they proved to be the
highest points of the day's range. Subse
quently there was n decline In May to 47Vic
and in July to 48c sellers , but In the end
May hnd recovered again to 48c and July
to 4S4c , both prices being bid as the ses
sion wns closing. _ .
Oats started very firm nnd active. Shorts
were still anxious nnd bought freely. Iho
advance In wheat nnd corn also llgurcd con
spicuously In creating higher prices ear }
In the day May started at 29c and sold
nt isnic. Klcvator people took advantage
of the higher prices and disposed of
lioldlnp * almost regardless. The prcf
dropped and during the decline at the lower
prices buying was resumed und Increased
A wild atid panicky session was passed
from that time on , slacking up slightly at
Intervals , but resuming again with pi-eater
activity. May sold off to 28c. rallied to 29c
and closed at that price. July , delivery nt-
tracted the greater part of the attention.
At the opening sales were made at from
23c to 29M. The decline took the price to
lSc ! , the rally to 28c , where It rested , V c
under Saturday's last quotation. The visi
ble supply showed nn Increase In oats or
Cirj,0001 btif which was quite Influential In
aiding the late weakness. The provision
operators had not n very nctlve day , but
under the stimulus of the big business done
In wheat and corn a moderate demand
BPHogK receipts were 23,000 head Instead of
20 000 head estimated , but for tomorrow s
run only 15,000 head Is expected. Opening
SricoS for pork , lard and ribs showed ad
vances of 15a In pork and 7'c each In lard
nnd ribs. The Ilrst sales brought about the
best of the day. At the close pork
had established an advance for the day of
Cc In May and lOc In July , lard lOc , and
ribs from 7Hc In May to Oc In July.
Estimated for tomorrow : Wheat , 48 cars ,
corn , 32C cars ; oats , 234 cars ; hogs , 15,000
hCThe leading futures ranged as follows
Article * . | Opsiij , | [ fiTh. ' I Low. I Cl'oia.
Whcat.No. 2
April aiH 02 on OIK
May O''W tOV ! (
July on : < 01H
Ecpt 04) ) ! .
Corn No. B. .
April 47 ! < 4R
Mny 41) ) 4 7 is
July. 4111 W' IS 4KH
Sept 4UK til ) 4SH 4UH
OatxXo. 2. . .
May 2BH 20
Juno MO 2WM
July 2UM
Pork perj&bl
May 12 47W 12 47V 12 27 > < 12 37W
July VI 70 12 70 12 61 ! H 12 US
May 0 DTK 7 00 0 05 7 00
July 7 07 7 15 7 07M 7 10
Sept. 727H 7 27H 7 23 7 27K
Short Ribs-
May o 37 ! < ; B 37V 0 324 0 37K
July 0 SI ) II Bl- ! ! I ! in 0 f.O
Sept U 1)5 ) U UO 0 02H
Cash quotations were ns follows *
l-'LOUR Winter patents. JS.60i83.00 : winter
tralKhts , J2.60SJ.75 ; sprlnir patentR. J3.20 3.Co ;
spring atraluhts , J2.254J3.00 ; bakers , Jl.Sj5I2.2o.
WHEAT No. 2 fprlnR , CSfl07Hc ; No. 3 sprlnE.
nominal ; No. 2 red. Cl c. , , , ,
CORN-NO. 2.4sjf4suc ; NO. a vciiow. „ 47 , ic.
OATS No. 2. 29c ; No. 2 white , 32ifi'324C ? ; No.
S white , 32Vi | 32' c.
IlYH No. 2 , CIRCCc.
HARL13Y No. 2 , 53ffi53&c ; No. 3 , 52@3c ; No. 4 ,
FLAX BKUD-No. 1. J1.41U.
TIMOTHY BKBD 1'rlme. J5.W.
1'ROVIHIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J12.3VS'fi
12.50. Uml , per 100 llm. , J6.9W.97V4. Short ribs ,
Ides , loose. JG.3T,4 f6.40. Dry railed shoulders.
boxed , 565Hc ; short clear slues , boxed , JC.5j/
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the Pro-lueo axchaneo tmlay tuo butter mar
ket \VUH linn : creamery , 10jt20c ; dairy , Sal He.
Hceo , tlrmi llUttl'-'Ko. Cliccuo , crcauia , UH3
10 e. _ _
Cloilnc Qu- t tlnn " the I'rlnulp : ! ! Corn -
llKidltlm ami Stikli | < .
NBW YORK , April 12. FLOUR-Recelpts , IS , .
COO bbls. ; exports , 21,500 bbls. ; salts , 26,70) pkgs ,
Strong , with a fair early business that waa latci
checked by higher asking prices , following the
harp rlsa In wheat ; city mill patents , J4,00j
4,15 ; winter patents , j.75j3.25 ; city mill clears ,
13.2303.40 ; winter stinlghts , 13.0083.10 ; Mlmu-
ola patents , 13.20fl3.frO ; winter extras. J2.10JJ
1. 60 ; Minnesota taker * . I2.1083.DO ; winter Urn
cnulca , Jl.70ii2.20 ; cprlni ; low irrades. J1.73O2.O )
sprlnir exttaa , J2.0002.40 , Rye Hour , quiet bul
firm ; sales , 8JO bbls. ; superfine , J3.0J03.2U ; fancy ,
| X20ft3.40. lluckwheat Hour , nominal.
11UCKVVHEAT Nominal nt 49ij35c.
CORN MEAI < Steady ; rain , 2 < JO bbls. . 2 , OX
acks ; yellow western , J1.WJ/1.12 ; Drandywlnc ,
WHEAT Receipts. 9,800 bu , ; exparts. 173,30 :
bu , ; vales , 5i. ' . ' > 5w < ) Im. fulurrn and C4,0 < K > bu ,
upot. SiK > i excitetl ; No. 3 red , In stole and ele
vator , CJHc ; ntloat , C7Sc ; f. o. b. , C7S.C , nlloat
No , I hard. 73Hc , dellvvrvd. Options opened ex-
clteJ nnd 2\io \ higher , with a stampetlB of tin
nhorts and K3od pprculatlve ImyUit ; fur outside
nnd Eum eon account. A quick reaction fo | ,
lowctl , helpv < l nt niwn by H dlgapiwlmlnir mluc-
tlon In the visible und heavy velllnK of luiu
wheat , but n irrudual return of strenKth In tin
afternoon sent prlcru buck ugaln to the hlghesi
point , nnd the clotc was stiont ; at JCJUc net lU
Vance on report * of bad ervp new * frum Oer
many and strong late cable * ; No , 2 rrd. May
64 ll-16UMUr. closed at CJSc ; June , Hf So
closed at CGVic ; July , 65 IMeilOGftc. cloBrd iii
CCKc ; AiiKust , 6 fiCTc , cloved at C6Tic ; September
W 7-1G067V , cloFtxl at 7Uc ; December , ssiiti
M4c. rlutinl at 6S'sc.
CORN Receipts , 12,400 bj. ; cxpattt , 2,000 bu.
nalei , 93D.OOO bu. futures and 21.00U bu. vjiot
Bpot stronger ; steamer mlxrd , & 2 < iR52Vlc ; No. 3
MUC. Option * opentxl excltcil and hlglier Jin re
port * of heavy rain nnd delayed planting am
sympathy with wheat , sold off at nom undei
heavy realizing , but airaln advanced later \vltl
wheat , closlne rtrone at Iti2o net train ; May
tiliOiiHc. closed at MUc. July. W'iOSS c. closet
at Mho , Hri'ti-mber , M mi 34 Vic , clcsrd at Me.
OATS Ilectlpu , M.700 bu , t exports , none
SUOM lu. ruturej and 4J.WO bu. spot
Rf.ol ( troncer ; No. I , llSQUoi No. 2 , delivered.
! 3' ; < nic , Nn. 3 , 3J'ic ' , No. Z whltr , SS'.iOJJc , No.
3 while , M > iUi Uc. truck , mixed wentern , ll'i
Jj:5c , ( rack , while wrstcrn , UUIIc , Option * ad
vanced rarly with active trndlnr , but afterward
declined and falliM lo recover , rlnnlng unchanged
to tic lower ; April cloiwl nt 32Sr ; May , 32HW
Me , closed at * IC ( July , 33tO ! JkC , cloted at
HAY-Itenvy ! ihtpplne , j5.MB5.Mi good to
Choice , J6.000I.M.
HOPS Steady ; , state , common to choice , old ,
3U7CJ 1(94 , UfjIDCj 1'acir.c CCIi 8 1 , old , 3 < i07c ;
, .
HIDES Strong ; wet salted New Orleans , e-
U-cted , 45 to W II" . , 6'ic ; Ihicnos Ayrcf , dry ,
20 lo : i lb § . , isgi3'ic ; Texas , dry. 24 to 30
lb . , Sc.
LliATIinR-l'lim : hemlock i-ole , Buenos Ayrcs.
llKlit to hravy wrlichlB , 17llSc ,
WOOIy-KIrm ! domestic fleece , 16 J20c ; pulled ,
I'lloVlSIONB llwf. stfadys family , Jll.OOO
11.30 ; extra mess , IS.Wtr/O.O ) ; beef hams , WMW
2J.OO ; city extra India mc-ss , JI7.00tfH.OO. Cut
meatx. quiet ; pickled belllc. , : .7. > ffO.S7',4 ; plcklid
hmilileia , ? 1 ; pickled ham. . J9.00ftl2.0u. Lard ,
ilKlicr ; western stcnm cl ? ed at J7.2-i , nominal ;
ales , 2V ) tierces nt J7.2o ; city , JO.CJ'i ; opt'on
aim , 230 tierces May , | i. t. , and 23i ) tierces May ,
7.2u ; April clored ! ? . ? > . nominal ; May , J7.25 ;
uly , J7.45 , nominal. I'urk. active ; new mess. 113.5) )
H14.00 ; family , J13.&OQ14.0) ; short clear , JU.OOtf
IIUTTKR-Dull ; westcin dalr } ' . 5B13'4o ' ; west
ern creamer)1 , 132'ie ' ; western factory. 60Ilc ;
: iKlns , 'inc. ; liiiltntlcin creamery , 0313c ; state
lalrv. lOfllSc ; UnlR crenmrry , 20c.
CHirSB : Weulij large , CffllUc ; small , 7011ic ! ;
iart sklniK , 2 70.
I'HIUS Klrtn ; Mattnnd T'ennsjlvanlo , 1IHW
H4c ; western fresh , 13'if ' < 13lic ; southern , 12O13c ;
receipts , 12,161 pkfrs.
TALLOW Klrm ; clly ( J2 per pks. ) . 4T4c ; coun-
ry ( pkRS. fu-e ) , Cc.
I'lrriini.nfM-Nnmlnnl ; I'nlted closed nt J1.07
null oil ; Washington , bliln. , nominal ; In hulk ,
nominal ; refined New York , J10.73 ; Philadelphia
nnd llaltlmore , J9.70 ; Philadelphia und Baltimore ,
n bulk. JS.'J. '
ROSIN- Steady ; slrnlncd , common to good ,
| I..VWl.r.2l4.
TURI'KNTlNn Firm , 31ijn32c.
Rll'ISteady ; dome llc , fair to extra , 4HW
CJic ; Japan. 431 0.
MOLASSES rilf-ndy ; New Oileatif , open kettle ,
Rood to cliolce. 33 < ff3Sc.
J1ETALS I'lx Iron , qulel ; Scotch. J19.MO
fl.OO ; American. J9.C'fl2.00. ) Copper , quiet ; brok
ers price , J5.73 ; eXfluinRp in Ice , JD.53. Lead ,
quint ; brokers' price. J2.0J ; exchnnKe price ,
tl.'fl'i. ' Tin , * tenily ; Straits , J13.SOiil3.W ; plates ,
dull. Spelter , quint ; domestic , J3.20. Sales on
( .hiinffe , 23 Inns AucUHt tin , 513.70.
CO'rrONSEEO OIL Quint ; pales Inelude 200
iM . prime summer yellow nt 27c and 200 bbls.
) ff yellow at 2iie ; prlm cnide , 23ff2lc ; off crude ,
: n224r ! ; butter K'uJes , 2Sc ; prime summer
vhlte , 3Ic. _
Condition of Trade nml ( Jiintntlnnt on
Stnplo and I'lincy Produce.
EOOS Per doz. , lie.
llutter The receipts arc fairly liberal , bul
choice Btcck Is pcarcc. The demand continues
( rood , nnd there Is no quotable change in
.irlces. Packlns stock. Gft7c ; common to
'air. 7flSc ; fair to rtwid country , lOtfllc ; choice
lo fnncy , 131l."c ( ; Ratherud creamery , ICc ; separator
rater creamery , ITJilSc.
LIVE 1'OULTRY Poultry Is not plentiful , nnd
here Is n stronger niarktt. Hens , Oi'i mixed ,
' ' .iifSc ; ducks , SVbuOc ; tuikeys , lOc ; heavy torn1) ,
ic ; nepflc , 7iif Sc.
7'.4Sc ; ducks , Si/8',4c ; turkeys , lOe ; heavy toms ,
9c ; seese , SOS c.
OAME lllue wing teal , per Cos. , 11,50 ; rrecn
wins teal , per doz. , J1.23iTl. & ; ducks , mlxod , per
loz. , J1OOQ'1.23 ; canvniibacks , J4.OOiT5.00 ; n.illard.i
und red heads , j.Mf3.W.
VHAI < Choice fnt , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted
at Ct&ilTVic ; largo nnd coarse , 3ffl : .
CHEESE Wisconsin full cr.Mm , Younff.iner -
icans , 12V4013C ; twins , 13c ; Nebraska nnd Iowa ,
full cream , lie ; Nebrneka nnd Iowa , part skims ,
fjSc ; Llmburger , No. 1 , He ; brick. No. 1 , He ;
Swlns , No , 1 , 15c.
HAY I'pland hay , J9.GO ; midland , JO.Oil ; lew-
land , JS.DO ; rye Btrnw , J3.DO ; color makes the
price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only
top grades bring top prices.
PldEONS-Per doz. , J1.V001.20.
POTATOES-Wcstern stock , oar lot * , r.CJTOc ;
small lots , 73c ; Early Rose seed potatoes , We ;
Early Ohio seed , J1.10 ; Northern Early Ohio ctnd ,
OLD UEANS Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Ll-na
beans , per lb. , 6l4c.
ONIONS On orders , yellow , per bu. , J1.13 ; led.
CAHHAGE-On orders. 2-H T3e.
CELERY California , SOcJiJl.OO.
SWEET POTATOES Good stock. 52 ; seed , J2.2J.
CAULIFLOWER Per crate of a doz nnd a half
or two doz. , J2.23.
HORSERADISH Per Ib. , 6 7c.
PARSNIPS Per bbl. , J1.75.
IUJTAUAGAS Per lb. , l4c. !
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 35c.
Tt'RNIPS 1'er bbl. , Jl.M.
SPINACH 1 er bbl. . J2.51 ; bu. boxes , Jl.
WATER CRESS Per IC-qt. case. J1.COG1.73.
RADIHIIES-Per doz bunches. , 35c.
OHEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 20Q23C.
LETTUCE Per doz. , 30j33c.
ASPARAGUS , Good stock on orders , EOflGOc
per doz. bunches.
PIE PLANT Per lb. , 4c.
STRAWBERRIES Per 21-qt. case , ? O.M7.00 ;
APPLES Cliolce stock , . 55.50 ; box apples , J2.21.
ORANGES Fancy Washington navels , per box ,
J3.2503.DO ; fancy AVnshlnston seedlings , per box ,
9G nnd 112 size , J3.00 ; choice Washington navels ,
regular size , 53.2. > ; choice Washington navels ,
96 and 112 size , J3.00 ; fnncy seedlings , per Iwx ,
J2.75 ; choice seedlings , per box , J2.50fl2.G'J * ' ; cliolce
BenlllngH , per box , 250 size , J2.25Q2.35.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , SOU size , JI.50 ;
Htrlctly choice leniona , 300 size. J3.75 ; extra fancy
lemons , SCO size , Jl.OO ; strictly choice lemons ,
SCO size , 53.50.
BANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12 13c ; California ,
bags. 7c.
HONEY New York , ICc ; dark , 14c ; California ,
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12.00 ;
Blxby , 5-gal. cans , J3.00.
MAPLE SUGAR Per lb. , 9fflOe.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft-
shelled , 12c ; standards , He ; filberts , 'Jc ; Drazll
nuts , Sc ; pecnns. 10fil2c ,
MINCE MEAT Fancy , In quarter bbls. , per
lb. , 5V4c ; 10-gnl. kegs , 6c ; condensed , per cose of
3 doz. pkgs. , J2.50.
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes. G',4o per lb. ; lard
dates. 9c per lb.
8AUER KRAUT Choice white , pir ! bbl. , J&.GO ;
per half bbl. , J3.00.
CIDER-Pure Juice , per bbl. , 55.00 ; half bbl. ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green
hides , C'.ic ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7c ; No , 2
green salted hides , C',4c ' ; No. 1 veal calf , S to
15 Iba. , SiQ9c ; No. 2 veal cnlf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ;
No. 1 dry nine hides. 809c ; No. 2 dry flint hides ,
67c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 7c ; part cured
hides , He P r pound less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 23J50c ;
each Gil5c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , GiTlOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wnoled early skins ) , No. 2 , each f > c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebrnnka butcher WOD ! pelts , per
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
pound , actual weight , DflSc : dry flint Kansas ami
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 40Gc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4J6V4c ; dr >
Mint Colorado munaln wool pelts , per pound ,
actual weight , 4BCc. Have feet cut off , as It Is
useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow , 4' ; { ?
IHe ; No. 2 tallow. 3Hff4c ; grease , white A. 4j >
4Uc ; grease , white B , 3',4c ; grease , yellow ,
2y JT3o ; grease , dark , 2'.4e ; old butter. 22V4e ;
beeswax , prime , 17W20c ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHED-Flne heavy , C07c ; fine
light , SiTOo ; quarter blood , 10J12a ; seedy , burry
nnd chaffy , 84j9c ; catted and broken , coarse ,
75J3c ; cotted and broken , fine , CfJSc.
WOOL , WASHED Medium. 15iJ18c ; fine. 14 ®
ICc ; tub washed , 16il8c ; black. Sc ; bucks , 6c ;
tag locks , 2&3c ; dead pulled , tUCc.
FURS Bear , black. No. 1. large. J20.00023.00 ;
bear , brown , No. 1 , large , J2 .00J23.00 ; No. 1 me
dium , J16.00 ; No. 1 , small , J12.00 ; bear , brown ,
yearlings , No. 1 , large , J10.OOSfl2.00 ; No. 1 me
dium , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small. JC.OO ; bear , brown ,
cubs. No. 1 , large , J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , JS.OO ;
No. 1 , small , J3.00 ; badger. . No. 1 , medium ,
J15.00 ; No 1 , small , J8.0010.UO ; bear , black ,
yearlings. No. 1 , large , J12. 0 13.00 ; No. 1. me
dium , 510.00 ; No. 1 small. J7.00 ; bear , black ,
culm. No. 1 , large , JC.OOWS.OO ; No. 1. medium ,
J 5.00O6.00 ; No. 1 , small , 54.00 ; bear , black. Mon
tana and Rocky mountain. No. 1 , largo ,
20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , 114.00 ; No. 1 , small , J10.00 ;
t > ear , black , Montana yearlings. No. 1. large ,
J12.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J8.00 ; No. 1 , small , J5.00 ,
bear , black. lontnna. cubs , No , 1 , large , J6.50 ;
No. 1. medium , J1.50 ; No. 1. small , $3.00 ; bear ,
silver tip , No. 1 , large , J20.00 ; No , 1 , medium ,
J12.00 ; No. 1. small , J8.00 ; bear , sliver tip , year
lings. No. 1 , large , Jll.OQ ; No. 1 , medium. JS.OO ;
No. 1 , email. $5 ; bear , silver tip , cubs , No. 1 large ,
Jl.0001.50 ; No. 1. meillum. COc ; No. 1 , small ,
50c ; Usher. No. 1. large , J8.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
J6.00 ; No. 1 , small , J4.00 ; fox. sliver , ns to color ,
according to beauty. No. 1 , large , J100.00 ; No. 1 ,
medium , JOO.OO ; No. 1 , small , J50.00 ; fox , silver ,
pale , according to beauty , No. 1 , large , JW.OO ;
No. 1 , medium , 130.00 : No , 1 , email , J20.00 ; fox ,
cross. No. 1 , Inrge , J7.00 ; No. 1. medium , JS.OO ;
No. 1 , small , J2.00 : fox , red , No. 1 , large , Jl.SO ;
No. 1. medium , Jt.25 ; No. 1 , email , Jl.OO ; fox ,
gray. No. 1 , large , 75c ; No , 1 , medium , 50c ; No.
1 , small , 40c ; fox hits , No. 1 , large , 50c ; No. 1 ,
medium. 49o : No. 1 , small , 30c ; lynx. No. 1 ,
large , J3.00 ; No. 1 , imillum. J2.00 ; No. 1 , small ,
J1.50 ; marten. No. 1. large. J2.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
J1.50 ; No. 1 , small , Jl.OO ; mink. No. 1 , large ,
GOftG5c ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small. 35c ;
mink , dark , No. 1 , large , C5c ; No. 1 , medium ,
No. 1 , mnlluin , GOc ; No. 1 , large , WcWJJ.OO
skunk , black , cased , narrow striped. No. 1 , large
We ; No. 1. medium , 40c : No. 1 , small. 25o ; broai
striped. No. 1. large , 20 j25c : wolverine , N3. 1
large , Jl.OO ; No. 1 , medium. JS.OO ; No. 1. small
JS.OO ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 , large , J3.00 ; No. 1
medium , J2.00 ; No. 1 , small , Jl.M ; wolf , prairie
No. 1 , large. 66 90c ; No. 1 , medium , 60o ; No. 1
small. 40c : beaver , per nkln. No. 1 , large. $5.00 %
( S.OO ; No. 1 , medium , J4.50 ; No. ' 1 , small , J2.00
beaver kits , No. 1 , Inrge , J2.00 ; No.-1 , metllum
J1.54 ; No. 1 , small , 75c ; inuskratt , winter. No , 1
large. 6 10o ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1 , small
7c ; muskrnts. fall , No. 1. large. 4CCe ; No. 1
medium , "e ; No. 1 , mall , 6c ; muskrat kits , 283c.
IlitUlmore Murkct' .
I1ALTIMORE. Ai.HI 2-FLOl'R-Strong ; west
crn super. JJ.10J22i ; extra , JJ.tOOJ.75 : extra
family , J2.85 J3.10 ; winter wheat patent. J3.15O
3.40 ; prlne wheat patent. J3. 0ff375 ; sprlnu whea
slralghls , M35fi3.W ; receipts. 13.118 bbl * . ; ship
ments. S.3CS bblt. ; snles , 1.C50 bbls.
WHEAT I'nsettled ; spot and month , 3'.4O
65c ; May , C5j Vie ; July. 64Hc asked ! ( learner
No. ! red. : * i 33c ; receipts. : ,450 bu. ; itock
140.2.0 bu. j southrrn wheat , by sample , G54J67C
southern wheat on grade , MC66C ,
CORU-flrnwr ; iixjt u > a month ,
Mar , ClURMi.ic ; July , SH4o bldf steamer mixed ,
WWM'.c , recelptK , ZJ.3 < W bu. i stock , 283.4W bu. ;
mien , 94,000 bu. ; southern white corn , EllTUc ;
outhern yellow corn , 6MJ3J',4c.
OATB-FIrm ; No. i while western , 37037Hc |
No. : mixed , 33 > ,4G34c ; receipts , 7,745 bu. ; stock ,
41,954 bu.
RYli-Stronif ) No. I. 63cj slock , 1.M2 bu.
HAY Steady ; demand good ; good to choice
Imothy. JI3. ( > fl3.M.
GRAIN FREIOHTS-Dull ! stenmcr to Liverpool -
pool , per bu. , l d to IHd April ; Cork , for orders ,
ier quarter , 2 < 4d April.
BlHIAIl Kltm ; Krnnunted , tl.20 per 100 Hn.
BUTTER Stendy ; fancy creamery , 21c ; fnncy
mltatlon , Uyi'c ; fancy ladle , 13Hc ; good
adte , liaI2c ; store pnckeil. 8 10c.
EOGS-Stendy ; fresh , 12V4C.
CHEESE yulet ; fancy New York , CO size ,
l Jc ; fancy New York. 35 size , ISttc ; fancy New
York , 20 to 25 > lie , iVR.
Security Market Taken on a Whole Was
Quito htroiiR.
NEW YORK , April 22. The stock market 'to
day , taken ns a whole , wns strong , nnd the vol
ume of business wns quite large. At the opening
of business prices moved Irregularly within n
narrow range , but speculation soon became strong
and nn upward movement wns Inaugurated which
continued In force until about 11 o'clock , when
he market again became unsettled nnd rather
lulet. The coal shares were notably strong and
active , the buying therein being due to ic-
jorts that n basis of agreement wns nearly
enchcd by tha cool carrying roads nnd that
oday's meeting of operators wns likely to rench
a settlement. The ndvnnce In the Louisville ,
New Albany .t Chicago Blocks wns continued
today , notably In the preferred , which sold up
2',4 per cent to 2SVI , closing nt 27'i , nnd the com
mon rose 1 per cent to S',4. ' reacting H IHT cent.
\flcr mlddiy tha general in rkct continued nctlve
nnd buojnnt and some material ndvnncrs were
recorded , but nbout 1 o'clock cnsed off a frnc-
tlori nnd the dealings became quiet. The market
continued In this lone until the final trading ,
when the speculation became steady. The Into
osses were only partial and a majority of the
1st Is up un the day , notably Pullman , 3 per cent ;
Oregon Short Line nnd Iowa Central preferred ,
2'/4 per cent ; Louisville , New Albany ft Chicago
prefened , 1 % tier cent ; Leather preferred , 1 %
ier cent , nnd Lend preferred , 1 per cent. The
osses nre fractional , except for Cordage guar
anteed , which Is down 1 per cent. The market
closed fairly stendy.
The bond trndlng during the day wan strong
and the totnl snles were J3C61,000 , which is the
icnvlest business done In nny one day for more
linn a year pnst. The transactions In Atchlson
Is were 5GC6,000 , nnd a gain of U per cent was
Tiarte en the day. The buying of the bonds waa
induced largely by the action of the English
bondholders' meeting today In announcing the
The Evening Post's London cablegram says :
The markets today generally opened bullish on
lerman selling , following nn Inlluentlal article
n the Cologne Gazette expressing German dls-
Ike to the Japanese acquisitions ot territory.
Recovery followed. Americans were In good de-
mnnd. The continued rise In prices of various
articles of produce Is beginning to Induce more
general buying of Americans. At the Atchlson
meeting of bondholders todny the reorganization
Hchcmc wae unanimously adopted. Atchlsons
were strong nfter the meeting , ns were Ontarlos.
I'rlces nt the finish were under the best , mlne.s
i > oomlng faster than ever. Of a total of 270,000
in gold recelveil nt the Bank of England today ,
il90.000 was described as from New York. The
Chinese loan to be raised In Germany , mentioned
in the foreign telegrams , Is n small provincial
ionn to pay for arms purchased there. Nothing
Is yet known nbout a larger loan.
The following were the closing quotations
on the lendlnR stocks of the New York ex
change today :
The tolnl sales of Flocks today were 255,934 shares ,
Including : American Sucnr , 23.100 ; Atchlson ,
6,700 ; Dnltlmore & Ohio , 6,600 ; UurllnKton , 5,200 ;
C. & O. , 3.WK ) ; Chicago Gas , 21,100 ; Delaware &
Hudson , 3.300 ; Cleveland , Columbus , Chicago &
St. Louis. 3,700 ; Delaware , Lackawanna & West
ern , 4GOO ; Dintllllns certificates , second assess ,
ment paid. 3,400 ; Distilling certificates , third as
sessment pi 111. 7,100 ; Kansas & Texas preferred ,
3.000 ; Louisville & Nashville , 4,100 ; L. N. A. &
C. , 4,700 : L. N. .A. & C. preferred , 3,100 ; National
Lead. 4,700 ; New Jersey Central , 3.300 ; New York
.t New Hnglaml , third assessment paid , 11.700 ;
Northwestern. 8,000 ; Heading , 48,400 ; Itock Is
land , 4,600 ; St. Paul , 11,100 ; Southern railroad.
4.COO ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 3,200 ; United
Slates Leather preferred , 3,000 ; Wabash preferred ,
3,500 ; Western Union. 4,400.
Now York . \lonoy .Mirlfot. ;
Easy at 1V&03 per cent ; last loan , 1V4 Per cent ;
closed at l',4 per cent.
I'ltlMK MKUCANTILR PAI'Cn lfi > 3 per cent.
HTKULINO nXCIIANGE Firm , \sllli actual
business In bankers' bills at * l.S9@l.89Vi for de
mand and at II.SS itJTt.SS'/i for CO days ; posted
rates , J4.8Sy.iGl.8IHi and JI.905T4.OOVj ; commercial
bills. J4.87'.4 t4.S7y .
. SILVER Cl'ilTlFIC'ATES-67i TCS',4c.
GOVERNMENT BONDS Strong. State bonds ,
dull. Railroad bonds , strong. "
PETROLEUM Options strong ; Mny closed at
(2.10 bid.
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
? jS5
7k * S
Week Opena wltbfpnly Eight Hundred
< g ,
Buyer * Indifferent to the Smnll OlTcrlngt
mill lliuliieM nr I ] nil in Might lie
Wliiied-llcici'fjcnrcc , Dull
nnilL6 iTcr.
MONDAY , April 22.
The receipts today were 866 cattle , 1,424
iocs , and 4,610 fhccp , as nKnlnst 350 cattle ,
2,400 hogs nrnl no sheep on Saturday , and 1,982
cattle , 1,475 hogs and 210 sheep on Monday
of last week. It will be noted that today's
run of cattle was less than half of what It
was at the opening of last week. The re
ceipts of hogs were about the same as a
week ago ,
CATTLE There were thirty-live cars of
cattle of all kinds In the yards today , as
against fourteen cars on Saturday. Al-
: hough the receipts were light today and
'ollowcd upon the extremely light run nt
.ho close of last week , the scarcity did not
lave any reviving effect upon the market.
The trade In beef steers was as dull ns
could well be Imagined. There were In fact
not enough fat cattle here to make much
of a market In any event , but the buyers
did not appear to care for the few that
were to be had. The market could not be
called any lower than last week , but sim
ply devoid of life or activity. A string of
Nevada cattle brought J3.90. There was
only about one load of native steers In the
Cows and heifers were In very light sup
ply and there were hardly enough to go
around among the buyers. The supply con
sisted of about two loads of westerns and a
few odds and ends of natives. The market
was steady and the offerings of this kind
of cattle were soon cleared up.
Stackers and feeders were In moderate
supply. There was not much outside de
mand and the amount of trading was light.
Dno bunch of pretty good feeders sold at
M. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 cow . 1030 | 2 00 4 feeders. . . . 815 3 25
17 feeders. . . . SIS 325 18 calves . 203 375
30 feeders. . . .1023 3 90
J. A. Hafdln & Sons.
13 steers . 1007 390 1 steer . 1300 423
Halleck Cattle Company ,
G heifers . 931 390. 72 steers . 1048 430
II. OlraiJot.
Scows . IMG 200 1 cow . 900 350
65 feeders. . . . 947 310 0 cow . 940 SCO
HOGS Only nineteen frenh lotuls of hogs were
reported In the yiinls today , us ngnlnst thirty-one
at the close of the wbek.Although there were
so few IIOES here It Itook' a long time to sell
hem nil , nnil It woa midday before the pens
were cleared. The market' opened with the buyers
jearlsh nnd generally bidding about 5 lower ,
but salesmen did not JTeem disposed to part with
their holdings at the prlcCs bid , and the trade
dragged along all the morning. The hogs kept
going to the pcnles a load or two nt a time ,
and a clearance was at last effected. The prices
paid did not show much dhange from Saturday
and the market could linnliy be quoted' otherwise
han about steady. Itepreevntatlvc nalex :
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. -No. Av. Sh. Pr ,
. . . . . . .
8HEKI' There were plenty of sheep In the
ynnls today. Of the number here ten double-
decks were consigned direct to a packer. Those
offeied on the market consisted for the moat
part of western sheared sheep. Tile market was
about steady nt last week's decline. Fair to
choice natives arc quotable nt from J3.40 , to J4.40 ;
fair to good westerns nt from 13.23 to $5 ; common
nnd stock sheep nt from J2.CO to J3.CO ; good to
choice 40 to 100-lh. lambs at from $3,23 to $5.25.
Representative salts :
No. Wt. Pr.
887 western mixed . 74 1300
> "cbra Uiv Steers lirought tlio Ilcst Prices of
the Dny.
CHICAGO , April 22. Cnttle buyers have held
on for so long that their supplies of dressed
beef have become greatly reduced , nnd , consequently
quently , they were In the market. The result
wan a better demand for good fat cattle , nnd
ns the receipts will reach only nbout 8,000 head
prices were nbout lOo higher than during the
latter part of last week. Common to strictly
choice native steers sold nt from $4 to $6 , and
anything fancy would have sold possibly for
$ G.23. A carload of very nice l,321-b. ) Nebraska
steers ( not fancy ) sold nt $6 , but there were not
mnny cattle good enough to sell very high , nnd
trading was largely nt from J3 to $5.CO ; export
beeves were palablo nt from 13.50 to 15.73. There
was n good inquiry for butchers * and canners *
stuff , nnd cows sold actively , the larger part
going for from } 2 to J4.25. Only nbout GOO Texas
caitlo were received tolay , nnd soles were fair
at stronger prices , trailing being largely at from
13.M to > 4.40.
In hogs the demand Marled In nctlve early
In the day , both eastern shippers and local
packers being goo l buyeis of desirable lots , nnd
although the receipts were 6,000 head In excess of
the number expected , prlcts were strong nnd a
shade higher In some Instances. Later In the
morning , after buyers hud secured the larger
part of the offering , prices were not so strong.
Common to choice , .weighing 200 Ibs , and upward ,
sold nt from 14.75 to 55.DO ; llKht weights weigh
ing 140 to 195 Ibs. , at from $1.70 to (4.95 , and pigs
at from 14.25 to $4.50. In quality the offerings
were very fair for Monday , and the bulk sold nt
from J4.90 to } 5 for heavy nnd nt from $4.85 n
14.95 for light nnd choice mixed , the demand
running largely to choice Inrge hog .
With estimated receipts today of 15,000 sheep ,
there wns a good supply from which to mnke
selections. For desirable lota prices were steady ,
with a good demand from the large local
slaughtering establishments , nnd a very good bus
iness was transacted , but cammoti goods sold
slowly. Sheep sold all the way from J2.00 to ( I
for common , up to from J4.W to $4.65 for choice
export lots , nnd lambs were In demand nt from
$3.50 to 13.50. Texns thcen sold at from $2.50
to $3.75 , the better classibelng In good demand.
Ilecelpts : Cattle , S.OQO-head : calves , 200 head ;
hogs , 2G.UOO head ; sheep. 15,000 head.
Nmr York Hvn MOCK Mnrkot.
NR\V YORK , April i 2t 1IEEVES Receipts ,
two days , 4,202 head ! orn ale , 71 cars ; slow ;
steersi lOfMSo lower ; oxenV bulls nnd dry cows
steady ; native steers ) jpoor to prime , $4 ; corn-
fed Tcxnns , $4.6094.15 ; . dry CJWB. J1.90JT3.50.
European cables quotf American steers at 11 ®
12Hc , dressed weight ? rofrlKfiator beef at 10& >
lO'/te ; no exports today. " * *
CALVES Receipts , "two Oay * . 1,533 head ; fairly
active nnd utendy ; veul . poor to plme , J3.60Q5.W.
SHEEP AND LAMUH-iItecelpts , two days , 11-
013 head ; on alc , 40 ( JOJH , ; sheep steady ; lambs
llrincr ; unshorn sheep , | > < x > r to choice. $2,5003.15 ;
clipped sheep , poor to ctlotce , $3.93 < iH.50 ; common
to choice unshorn IffmbS. $4.5066,00 ; clipped ,
c-wnmon to choice , $3.fJOW3.J2H.
HOClS-Recelpts. l\\f 'l ps , 10.116 head ; Blow ,
barely steady ; Inferior , tn , Choice , $5.00ffl3.50.
St. l.ouls.11JiVe Miiclt.
ST. LOUIS. April -cA'TTLE. . Receipts , 3.400
head ; shipments , 350heaU. . Market unsettled.
Natives , light supplyWinllipoor In quality ; good
to choice steers , S&PMI5IK ) ; fair to medium ,
$4.2JJ4.75 ; light , > 3. ta .W ! feeders , $3.00&4.00 |
Tuxans In good supply unU generally mild lower ;
fed steers , $3,50Q4.W ; Cramers , $2.60Q3.50 ; cows ,
IIOOS Receipts. 2.SOOhead ; shipments , 1,900
head. Market , notwithstanding n light supply ,
went off Cc. Tops sold nt $4.85 ; mixed , $4.GO@4.80 ;
light. $4.40474.75.
SHEEP Receipts. 6.700 head ; shipments , ICO
head. Most of the receipts went direct to
slaughterers. Market slow ; native mixed of 60
Ibs. , $3.85 ; native mixed , clipped , $3.50 ; fed west
erns , $4.35 ; tprlng lamba. $6.
Kuu n City Live Mtnck.
KANSAS CITY , April 22. CATTLE Receipts ,
2.900 head ; shipments , 500 head ; market steady ;
Texas steers , $2.7501.70 , Txa cow * , J2.50B3.2j ;
beef steers , JI.OOU4.95 ; native cows , J1.50JH.CO ;
T. < 3r.
HOO-II03 Union Ave. . Kiniti CHr. Uo.
Mockers nml feeder * . JJ.r.OI . 7J , bulls , J1 KG4.K.
llOOB-Ilecclpti , 4,000 head , shipments , (09
head ; market weak to Co lower ; bulk of nl'i.
J4.GOH.7t ; heavlrs , J4.750S.90 ; packer * , | 4.70
4.9 < > ; lights , Jl.50WI.C5 ; Yorkers , J4.COtfl.G3j pics ,
J3.K' 4.t > 3.
Hlliii'-necelpts , 8.500 hea.lj shipment * , 1,60)
head ; market slow , but steady.
.SUick In .light.
llecanl of receipts at the four principal mar
kets for Monday , April 22 , 1KM ;
. . . Cattle. Hogs , Hhrcp.
Botllh Omaha , HO 1 414 4,610
CMcnKO , . , , S.OOO 29.004 )
Kanoas City , , , . , . . . . 2,900 4iiuO ( , tiO < i
St. Louis 3.100 2,300 5,700
Totals , .15,1C JJ.7J4 II.ill )
New York llrohcri Treittcil to Scenci of 11
Lively Clinrnctrr.
NEW YORK , April 22-Tlie ncllvlty ami
strength In wheat today brought to mind Hie
scenes of other days , when fluctuations of 3c lo
6c nnd transactions In eight flguics were com
mon. The matkct opened 2'io higher nt one
bound on excited trading that ran sales up to
over 13,000,0'W ' bu. by noon , an.l . to 42BS5 , J bu.
for the entire day's business. Locnl shorts whose
margins gave out were the most eager of the
early buyers , but brokers had big outers from
outside speculators nnd European operalois ,
which were all onn way , nnd pi Ices shot up to
CSTlo for Mnyi against C5 ic , the llnal figures
Saturday. No one seems able to explain the ad
vance beyond that It Is n result of ovcitlow of
bull sentiment , with which the maiket has been
charged for two weeks or more past. At noon
the market was lie off from the top under heavy
offerings of long- wheat , but all the stiensth re
turned again In the afternoon , and with Incieased
actlvlly values mo\ed up to the top notcli ng.iln
nnd clo d mrong. The llnal burst of strength
was attributed by some to the great advance In
late continental cablra , coupled with reports of
unfavorable crop news from Germany ,
.St. Louis Ucncnil .U.truot.
ST. LOUIS. April 22.-FLOL'R-Stroni { and
higher , but with restricted business ; patents ,
J3.iWiJ3.15 ; extra fancy , J2.SOff2.DJ ; fanny. J2.51I ?
2.60 ; choice , J2.23W2.45 ; rye flour. J3.23.
\VHiAT Opencd nt He ndvnnce for Mny.
quickly rote Hje more , while July , which opened
l'4c up. went up an additional ic In quick time ;
th realizing sales soon tilled up the buyers , and
a quick relapse of lUc took place , followed by
a rally , nnd nt the close there weie bu > eis al
% advance over Saturday. Dry weather reports
and dullness In cables ciuibcd the boom ; No. 2
rvd , cash , BOUc ; May , Cl' ' c ; July , 60fc. ! ,
CORN Market disturbed by the boom In wheat ,
though not so visibly excited ; May bid up Tic
and July mid Ic higher , closing % c above SiU-
urday for both options ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 45c ;
May , 4514e ; July , IGtte ; September , 4.iff ; I7jc.
OATH Strong on the advances made by wheat
nnd corn , bift speculation wns not much In
creased ; closed "iJfSiC above Saturday ; No. 2 ,
cash , SOHc bid ; Mny , 30Hc bid ; June , 30ic asked ;
July , 2T14C.
RYK Nothing offeiod , spot or to arilvc ; No. 2 ,
east Hack. 62c bid.
CORN MBAIr-J2.l3JT2.20.
I1RAN Scarce nnd held above what buyers
woud pay ; cast Hack , sacked , 67c circled ; I6',4c
FLAX SEED-IIIgher , J1.40.
GRASS HKKDS Steady , nulct ; clover seed ,
poor to choice , J7.&H'8.15 ; timothy. JI.75S5.00.
HAY Easier on Increased offerings ; prairie ,
choice to fancy , J9.23JJ10.W , this side ; timothy ,
prime to fnncy , JlO.OUfj 11.00 , cast side.
I1UTTER Steady ; fancy Elijlns , 22e ; separator
creamery. 18 fl9c.
KGOS Klrm , 10 ic.
WlUSKY-Stoady , J1.20.
LKAD Dull , easier ; J2.S7',4 asked.
PROVISIONS I'ork , standard mess. J12.53.
Lard , prime steam , 16.70 ; choice , JG.62',4. Dry
salt moats , boxed shoulders. J5.23 ; longs. J4.50 ;
ribs , J6.G2V4 ; shorts. J6.75. llacon , boxed shoul
ders , JG ; longs , 16.8714 ; ribs , J7 ; shorts , J7.25.
RECKIITS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 7,000 bu. ;
corn , 13,001) bu. ; oats , 46,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , C.OOO bbls. : wheat , 19,000
bu. ; corn , 42,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu.
Coftrn Murder.
NEW TORK , April 22.-COFFEE Option *
opened dull at 11)015 points decline and
ruled exceptionally dull and featureless during
the forenoon under weak European cables nnd
dull receipts at Rio nnd Santos ; milled partially
In the early forenoon on local demand nnd
scarcity of sellers ; closed Ilrm nt 510 points net
decline ; sales , 9.E50 bags , Including : May. } 13.8'j
13.90 ; July. J14.03Rlt.Ii ; September , $14.09614.10 ,
October , J14 ; December , J13.1)35)14.10. ) Spoi coffee ,
Rio , dull ; No. 7 , J13.73 ; mild , dull ; Cordova. J18.25
{ T1S.OO ; sales , 1,650 bags Maracalbo and 350 hags
Central American , p. t. ; warehouse deliveries
from New York Saturday , 437,000 bags ; New
York stock today , Ii8l ! ) bags ; United State ) ,
stocK , 293.1C1 bags ; afloat for the United States ,
225,000 bags ; total visible for the United States ,
Mi.161 bugs , ngalnst 521,120 bags last yenr.
SANTOS , April 22. Market steady. Good av-
rr.ige Santos , J15.40. Receipts , 15,000 bags ; stock ,
250,000 pkgs. ; cleared from Santos , April 20 , 25CO
Weekly report : Steady ; good overage Santos ,
per 10 kilos , $15.40 ; receipts during week , G2.000
bugs ; shipments to United Stntes , 25,000 bags ;
stock , 2M > , nee bags.
HAM11URG , April 22. Quiet ; H0i pfS. dec'.lnc.
Sales , 4,000 bnKs.
RIO DE JANEIRO , April 22. Stendy : No. 7
Rio , $15.30. Exchange 9Hd. Receipts , 21.000 bags ;
cleared for the United Stntes , 7OW loss ; clenixtl
fur Europe , 3,000 bass ; stock , 243,000 bags.
Weekly report : Steady , exchange standard ,
$15.35 ; exchange , 9c ; receipts during week. 83-
CO ) bags ; shipments to United States , none ; s ock ,
24J.OOO taKS.
HAVRE , April 22.-COFFEE Opened dull , un
changed. At 12 m. Irregular , V4f decline ; at 3
p. m. irregular , ? if decline. Closed Irregular at
5if decline. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liverpool .Muru : > t .
LIVERPOOL. April 22. WHEAT Spot nrm ;
demand moilcrate ; No. 2 red winter. 6s Hd ; No.
2 red spring. Cs 4'Jd ; No. 1 hnrd Manitoba , Cs
4Vid ; No. 1 California , 5s llfcd. Futures openinl
firm with near and distant positions higher ;
closed Ilrm with nenr positions l'id higher , llusl-
nens nbout equnlly distributed.
CORN Spot Ilrm ; American mixed , 4s 3id.
Futures opened steady with near positions ? 4d
higher ; closed Ilrm with near positions ? id nlsher
and distant positions Id higher.
FLOUR Firm ; demand fair ; St. Louis fancy
winter , Gs.
PROVISIONS llacon. firm ; demand fair ; Cum-
orland cut. 23 to 20 Ibs. , 33s 6d ; short ribs , if ,
Ibs. , 31s G < 1 ; long clear , Hunt , 38 to 45 l\i. , 32s ,
long clear , heavy , 55 Ibs , , 33s ; short clear backs ,
light , 38a Gd ; short clear middles , heavy , C5 Ibs. ,
32s Gd ; shoulders , square , 12 to IS Ibs. , 31s ; hams ,
cliort cut , 14 to IG Ibs. , 44s Gd. lieef , extra India
mess , 71s 3d ; prime mcps , 60s. Pork , prime mess ,
line western , 68a 9d ; piime medium , 53s 9d. Lard ,
quiet ; prime western , 35s ; refined , In palls , 35s Cd.
CHEESE Quiet ; demand poor ; finest Ameri
can white , 48s ; finest American colored , 49s Gd.
I1UTTER Finest United States , 70s ; good. COs.
COTTON SEED OIL Liverpool rctlned , 18s.
LINSEED Oily 21s.
PETROLEUM Refined , mid.
REFRIGERATOR 11EEF Forequarters , 4Ud ;
hindquarters , 6Vfcd.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) . 2 10s.
Cotton Market.
NEW ORLEANS , April 22. COTTON Quiet ;
middling , 6c ; low middling , Gc ; good ordinary.
5 11-lGc ; net receipts , 7,114 bales ; cross , 5,195
bales ; sales , 2,150 bales ; stock , 272.035 bales.
NEW YORK , April 22. COTTON Quiet ; mid
dling , G 15-lGc ; net receipts , 850 bales ; gross ,
2,482 bnles ; exports , to Great lirltaln. 100 bales ;
to France. 9SO bales ; to the continent , 2,952
bales ; fonvnrded , 420 bales ; sales , 151 bales ; spln-
nera , 51 bnles ; stock. 211 , 376 bnles ; total todny ,
net receipts , 17,698 bales ; exports , to Great Ilrlt-
nln. 994 bales ; to France. 9SO bales ; to the conti
nent , 2.052 bales ; stock , 725,831 bales.
Slllwuukeu Murliots.
MILWAUKEE , April 22.-WHEAT-IIIgher ; No.
2 spring , G2o ; No. 1 northern , C'Je ; Mny , G2c.
CORN -Firmly held ; No. 3. 4Sc.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 white , 32c \ ; No. 3
white , 32c
11ARLEY Firm : No. 2. 62c ; sample , 61iiff33iic.
RYE Higher ; No. I , GGc.
PROVISIONS Firmer ; pork , $12.25 ; lard ,
RECEIPTS Flour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 18,200
bu. ; barley , 4,8000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , none ;
barley , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hilgur MurKet.
NEW YORK. April 22. SUGAR Raw , firm ;
sales. 6.300 bags centrlfgunl , 96 test , nt 2 < ic nnd
f. ; COO bags centrlfgual , 9G test , nt 3c ; 1,800 bags
Muscovndo , 89 test , nt 2 11-lGc ; relined , quiet.
No. G , 3HO3 11-lGc ; No. 7 , 3 7-lCO3Hc ; No. 8 , 3\i ?
3 9-16c ; No. 9. 3 5-16f3'/ic ; No. 10. 3 ® 3 7-lGc ;
No. 11. 34 ! ? 3 7-16e ; No. 12. 3 l-16H3Uc ; No. 13.
3c ; off A. 3ifi37ic ; mold A , 4 3-16ff.lfc ; nand-
nrd A , 3 I3-1604c ; confectioners' , 3 13-16W4c ; cut
loaf , 4 9-lG@lic ; crushed , 4 9-1CW454C ; powdered.
4 3-16@4Hc ; granulated , 3 13-lCSUic ; cubes , 4 3-10
MlnnMipollsVheiic Mnrknt.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 22. WHEAT Firm ;
April , G3'ic ; Mny. G3Hc ; July , 64Ue ; September ,
CJUc ; on track : No. 1 , G5c ; No. 1 northern , 61 > , ic ;
No. 2 northern , G3' c.
Flour sales are reported good , with foreigners
accepting offers very freely ; first patents , $3.33
ifill.M ; feecond patents , $3.1003.30 ; first clears ,
J2.COS2.60. _
VliilUlo hupply of ( iniln.
NEW YORK , April 22. The visible supply of
grain Saturday , April 20 , as compiled by the
New York Produce Exchange Is as follows :
Wheat , 68,026,000 bu. ; decre-ase , SCO.OOO bu. ; corn ,
11,529,000 bu. ; decrease , 629,000 bu. ; oats , 6.242,000
liu , ; Increase , 135,000 bu. ; rye , 167,000 bu. , de
crease , 46.0UO bu. ; barley , Ul.OOJ bu. , Increase 21-
009 bu. _
1'eorla Markets.
PEORIA. April 22. CORN-Hlgher ; No. 2 ,
16'/tc ; No. 3 , 4Gc.
OATS-Qulet , No. 2 white , SIGSlUc ; No. 3
white. 30'4y ) % c.
RYE Scarce ; No. 2 , 61662s.
WHISKY Quiet ; high proof spirits , 11,21 ; nn-
lihed goods , $1.20.
KHIISIII City Slurketi.
higher ; No. 2 hard , C75Sc | ; No. 2 red , C9ft59'c ;
rejected , C5e ,
CORN-Sllghtly higher ; No. 2 mixed , 43c ; No.
2 white , 45Ho bid.
OATS Slow ; No. 2 mixed , 2SHG2Sc ; No. 2
white , 820320. _
OH Murkot * .
OIL CITY , April 22.-Opencd nt 197 : high , 211 :
lowest , 165 ; cloned , 210 ; sales , 76,000 bbls. ; ship
ments , 131,033 bbls. ; runs , 112,247 bbls.
LONDON. April 22. PETROLEUM Spot , 9id ! ;
10',4CUd. _
Klglii I. utter Market.
ELGIN. 111. . April 22. IlUTTER-Steady ;
rales , 36.9GO Ibs. at 20c ; 4.084 Ibs. at 19 < > c.
TrlncoVhent ljuotutloni.
December , 9TXc ; Mny. > 9jc.
IJuliitli Wheut MurUet.
DULUT1I , April 22. WHKAT No. 1 hard ,
cuh , CCc ; April , C6Hc ; May , CC c ; July , C7H ° i
No. 1 norlliern. rn h , CSHc ; Aptll , SJSe. May ,
KKciluly , 65Scj Nf > . 1 northern , cnsh , C2c , No ,
S imrlhern , We ; rrjectcd , f.C < j , lo arrive , No. 1
hard. 67c ( No. 1 northern , CCjjc.
I'limnrtkl ISotr * .
MEMPHIP , April : i-riearlnE . 53H.87I.
BT. UUIH. April 22. Clearings , 15,5:1,27 ; ; bnl-
nnceii , 7ll'J3i.
IIALTIMOIUJ April CIcarlnKS , } : .322.Ki3 ;
balmicrH , 1111,702.
NKW YOIIIC. April :2.-riearln * , 5T,51J.6Mi
bulnnce * ,
PIIII.AUKLPIIIA , April -Clearings. . 1S.SI5 , .
I'J.1 ; Imlmieeii , II.ISJ.7M.
. . . . April JJ. Today's statement of
thu i-iiinlltlDii f I he Imiiury shltvi : Available
riisli haliincHfl , JlSIOCItl0lj tfuld leocrve , J90 , *
rllll'AdO , April 33.'lriirliig4. . JII.5S1.000. New
Yink r clniiiKe. 7.i premium. HlMllnit , posted
mini , ll.P'IVt. MDIIC ) ' , I | Kr cent on cull ; 0 per
lent on lime. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'nridltn I'ln ini'liil AfTilm ,
LONDON , April 27.--llnr silver lias nilvancfd
to aiiSd per ( Hindi nl S p. m.
linai.l.S' , Afirll 72.-i ; rhnnia ; on tendon , 8
days' rlKlil , 2 > i iiinilin 40 pfK.
I'AUIH , April K.-Threc per c nl rrnlm , I02f
57'io ' fur Hi' iiccuunt. Eiclmngu un Ionian , sf
24c for ilu'cltn ,
LONDON' , Afirll 22. Until Is ( | . nt lluenm
Ayu-s tMlay ( lit stH ; Mailrld , ! M J ; Llsb in , 83.27 ;
Ht , I'clrrsUiiK , 75 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 104.95 ,
Vienna , 103 ,
svritiMiit coititr , sr//.i/ .
Krllch nKnlnst Stale of Nebraska. Error
from Sewanl county. Unversed. Opinion
by Coinnilssloner Hynn.
Under the provisions of sections C2 to DO ,
chapter'xlx , Compiled Statutes , the giving
of oral Instructions In cither civil or crim
inal cases without a waiver of the statutory
requirement that they be Riven In writing
Is reversible error. An oral Instruction over
proper objections having been given In this
case In disregard of thi ) above statutory
provisions , the Judgment of thu district
court Is reversed.
Schrage against Miller. App-nl from
Dodge county , llsversed. Opinion by Com
missioner Kyan.
A requirement In a , lense that the lessee
shall to a speclllcd amount "put cash Into
repairs" upon the leased premises confers
no right of charging sticli repairs , when
made , against the landlord or his prop
erty.Wurnlek against Latta. Appeal from
Phelps county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Com
missioner Kyan.
On this appeal , the only question pre
sented being the sulllelency of the evidence
to sustain the decree of the district court ,
and a full consideration of all the proofs
being found to Justify such decree , It Is
New Home Sewing Machine company
utfalnst Heals. Error from Killmore county.
Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Kyan.
The levy of a writ of attachment creates
a priority over rights reserved or created
by conditions contained in unrecorded notes
given by the attachment debtor for the pur
chase price of the personal property levied
Vaughn against Crltes. Error from Pintle
county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner
Misconduct of a Juror , urged by a party
whom such misconduct , If established , could
not have Injured , Is not available In error
proceedings In the supreme court.
2."An instruction to Ilnd for plaintiff , the
party asking It , was properly retused , where
the effect to bo given certain evidence was
therein misstated and made subordinate to
propositions of fact , with which , logically , It
had no ( relation.
Swindell against Chicago , Dtirllngton &
Qulncy Hallway company. Error from Lan
caster county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Com
missioner Kagan.
Action by an administratrix : against a
railroad company for negligently causing
the death of her husband. The evidence
examined nnd held to sustain the finding of
the Jury : (1) That the proximate cause of
the deceased's death was not the negligence
of the railroad company ; or (2) ( ) that the
proximate cause of the deceased's death
wns his own negligence ; and the judgment
Will against Elwood. Error from Ante-
lopa county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Com
missioner Kagan ,
There Is no question of law Involved In
this case. The evidence examined nnd held
to support the llndlng of the jury ; nnd the
Judgment of the district court pronounced
thereon ntllrmed.
Pearsall against Columbus Creamery com
pany. Appeal from 1'latte county. Af-
llrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Kagau.
This case Involves no disputed question of
law. The evidence examined and held to
support the finding nnd dectee of the dis
trict court , and the judgment appealed from
accordingly alllrmed.
lilachford against Frenzer. Error from
Douglas county. Affirmed. . Opinion by
Commissioner Kagan.
Section 1,023 of the code of civil procedure
The legislature designed by the enactment
of this statute to provide a summary rem
edy by which the owner of real estate might
regain possession of It from one who had
unlawfully and forcibly entered Into and
detained possession thereof ; or one who
having lawfully entered , then unlawfully
and forcibly detained possession.
2. Justices of the peace have original jur
isdiction of this class of cases ; and It was
not the Intention of the legislature that the
rule which requires the pleader to slate the
facts constituting his cause of action or de
fense should bo applied to complaints In
forcible detainer actions.
3. The complaint of unlawful and forcible
detention , to be good under this section ,
need not aver facts which show that the
defendant unlawfully und forcibly detains
possession of the premises. The complaint
is sufficient If It Is In the language of the
4. A subtenant Is charged with notice of
the existence of the tenant's lease and
bound by Its terms and conditions.
Central Loan nnd Trust company against
O'Sullivan. Appeal from Hall county. Af
llrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Kagan.
A material man claimed a Hen against
the real estate of a married woman for
material which he alleged he had fur
nished for the erection of Improvements
on said real estate In pursuance of an oral
contract with the woman's husband. The
Items of material for which a lien was
claimed were ns follows : IS'JO , February 11 ,
17 ; March 3 , C , 8 , 17 , 19 , 22 , 25 , 2G , 31 ; April
3 , 10 , 29 ; Mny 10 , 20 , 27 ; August 20 ; Sep
tember 6 , 1C. Held : (1) ( ) That the evidence
Justified the finding of the district court that
the Items of material furnished between
February 11 and May 27 were furnished
under and In pursuance of one contract ,
and that the material furnished from Au
gust 20 to September 16 was furnished In
pursuance of a separate and Independent
contract. (2) ( ) That the material man by
Illlng in the olllce of the register of deeds
of the county where the real estate was
situate a verllled account of the Items of
all this material , within four months after
September 1C , did not thereby acquire a
lien against the wife's real estate for any
of the material furnished prior to August
20. (3) ( ) That the evidence sustained the find
ings of the district court that the Items of
material furnished on and after August 20
were sold and furnished by the material
man to the husband Individually and not
an agent of his wife , nor on the faith
and credit of her real estate.
2. The mechanic's lien law of the state
should not be so construed as to enable n
material man to tack one contract to an
other and procure n Hen for all the ma
terial furnished under all the contracts by
Illlng In the olllce of the register of deeds
an Itemized account of such material with
in four months of the date of furnishing
the last Item of material furnished In pursu
ance of the laft contract.
Houghn against State of Nebraska. Error
from Cedar county. Heversed nnd remand
ed. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine.
Under section 25S of the criminal code an
Indictment must be found or Information
filed within the time fixed by that section.
U Is not sufficient thnt the prosecution be
Instituted by complaint , arrest or pre
liminary examination within such period.
2. The defense of the statute of limitations
may In a criminal prosecution be availed
ot under a plea of "not guilty. "
Consolidated Tank Une company against
Plen. Error from Hall county. Alllrmed.
Opinion by Commissioner Irvine.
The declarations of 'a former owner of
land nre not admissible us against those
claiming under him when made after he
has conveyed the land.
2. The evidence held sufficient to sustain
the verdict.
Dillon against Starln. Error from Otoe
county , Kevcrsed and remanded. Opinion
by Commissioner Irvine.
In an action for divorce , where the hus
band Is n nonresident , served only by pub
lication of notice , nnd he does not nppnr ,
the court has no jurisdiction to render a
personal judgment , ns foi alimony.
2. Section 18 , chapter xxv , Compiled Stat
utes , providing thnt on dissolution of a
marriage the court make make n decree
restoring to the wife personal estate that
shall have come to the husband by reasons
of the marriage or awarding to her the
value thereof , refers to property which the
law gives the husband by reason of the
marriage , nnd not property obtained by the
husband from the wife by gift or contract.
3. A petition alleging that a certain sum
had come to the husband by reabon of the
marriage ami praying raitit Jti-'n thereof Is
not supported by i > roof of money voluntarily
advanced by the wife to the husband after
the marriage.
Children Cryfot
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfot
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Th t our cndrrfiil remedy "MOTHEnS
rillKNII. " which ] rnAkr * rhlld-blrth f y rnur
i > within the rrnrh of nil we h r rrdurtd the
price to ( in * l > ell r fttr bottle , I ) w re of
lr ud > , eonntirfelti and iiibitltuUi.
. . . Bll.l ) IIV ALL WllHinlKTS. . . .
nrWrlto for book "TO MOTIlF.nR" m ll d
flolo Proprietor * , Allnnta * Urn , <
Ilj purchasing goods msfle at tha following
Nebraska factories. If you cannot find what
you want , communicate with the manufac
turer as to what dealers handle their cooils :
ii.ta.i. inntr.Ai > . .i.vrwixit. .
Manufacturm of all kinds of cotton & burlap
tnR . cotton Hour tack A twine a ipeclalty.
Cl HC-61S S. llih-st.
JtltKAKKtST 1\OI > , Fl.lWIt , YKAST.
Mnnufacturcra of Preaton'i California Flake *
Sickle brnnJ nit Mlslng flour & yea t. Do you
usa Pr ton'i Den flourt
Cat loud thlpments made In our own refrlgcrato *
cars. lllu lllbbon , Elite Export , Vienna L'xport ,
and Family Export , delivered to all parts of city.
Carrlace A Wacon Makers. Carrln es , busrgle * .
phaetoni ft wagons always on hand A made to
order , lili-li IIarney- . . Omaha.
- -
Coffee Itoasters. Bplce Grinders , Manufacture
German Baking Vowder and German Dry HOB
Yeast , 1414 nnd U16 Ilarncy-sU , Omaha , Neb.
S , F. GILM.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. 1
C. E. Dlack , Manager , Omaha.
Manufacturers of parlor furniture. lounges , din.
Ins tables A folding beds. 28th ave. , Iloyd to
Sahler ttreeta.
1VK AX1) C0.ll > .
Domestic * steam coal. We have tr.9 oest. ON
lice 1601 Farnnm-st. Telephone : Office 373. yaroj
17C8. J. A. Doe , ecn'l manager.
\Ianufaclurlng & repairing of all kinds of ma.
chlnery , engines , pvmps ; elevatort , printing
preoses , Imncers , shafting & coupling * . i 0ii.
Howard St. . Omaha
Fire hydrants , water A BBS pipe , ipeclals ; belle
fronts k fittings , street IVy car wheels. Archi
tectural Iron works. Oftlce 307 3. IGtIi-Bt. . Omaha ,
MTr' of Architectural Iron Wolk. General
I'oundry , Machine nnd lllacktmllh Work. En-
glneers & Contractors for Fireproof IlulldlnKS.
Oince and Worki , U. I' . Ry. & So. 17th Street !
Manufacturers o' nuld extract * , elixirs , ryrupg ,
& wines , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab-
lels , plll fi scientific medical novelties. Omaha.
, cunts.
Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Deds ; Jobbe *
Feathers and Pillows. North 14th and Nicholas
Sts. . Omaha.
and Noodle factory , S. E. cor. 16th and Webster.
Successors to the German-American. Aak for
our goods. They are the best.
XKllIT Vt'ATOir , 1'Ilti : SKKI'IOK.
The only perfect protection to property. Exam.
Ine It. Best thing on earth. Reduces lnsuranc
rates. 1301 Douglas-it.
Manufacturers & Jobbon of the celebrated Duck.
ikin brand shins , pants , overalls A duck cloth-
ing. 1101-3-6 Harney-st. Factory East Omaha.
Manufacturetr of men's A boys' clothing , pant * .
thirls A overalls. M2-212 S. lllh-st.
Manufacturer * of all kind * paptr boxes , sh lt sample cases , mailing luDcs. etc , ned.
ding cake & fancy randy boxes , druggist A jewelry
laxcs. 120S-10 Jones-st. , Omaha.
EiclUBlve custom shirt tailor * .
HIS Farnam street. Telephone 90S.
ii rixa
Factory In Louisville , Cans Co Quality of brlclt
guaranteed to be a * good as any mupufacturej
jutilde u ( thU yrate. Henry Uolln.
Cures the effects of
relf-abuse , excesses ,
emissions , Impotency.
varlcocele and consti
pation. One dollar a
box , elx for J5. For
tale by TUB GOODMAN -
MAN nnuoco. . and
KUliN & CO.
Wo lend tr. msn ln French
Rrmeilr CALTHO8 frvr , olid n
lorjal euaranteutlmt I'itTlloi ' will
SI ni > Illiokarcti Kmluloni ,
CtIHKNnrml : , > rUr.\-.rlt/ * Io
aad Ul'HTUItK iMtl Vizor.
L'se ft anil fav tf .atiij'eJ.
A r.M , VON MOH' CO. .
doll lrrl < i U , lt tl U , OKI * ,
X ° matter wlmt booklet
. . ' . .
i'i. i.i\\j ill oil Bpeuulntlon you niuy
rp | > A TlTNlfT liavo roail newl forotirit
1 l AUinu
which KNKW unU COil-
PYPT AINPfl'ljKT'i Itclourlyex-
CAl JwA.iriCLInln.lim
. marKln tradlnr
urn ! DMI'-INEH AMiMAltKKruxprasaluiia. H'
frco uncl will touch you soiiiothlint.
AUI10UAST A C0.,22a TraUorn Ultie. OUlcaiO