I 1 . * . r 51 c\\v\Tf\ > ATT.V mT7 ! ! . rnmrcm A-V AI TTT. on teen TIIE OMAIIA DAILY COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAUL STHEET Ctilrered by carrier la any port of th * clljr. II W. T1L.TON , Lcuee. TELni'IIONKB-DuslntM cHlce , No. 41 ; night Mltor. No. 21. M/ZUtt 3lli.\TWXS. ! Grand , Council Bluffs. E. F. Clark , prop. Mayno Real Estate agency , E39 Broadway. Norrlfl M. Allen , charged with bootlcggliiK , * as found not guiltby a Jury In the fed eral court yesterday. The Lady Maccabees will meet In regular review at Grand Army of the Ilcpublto nail at 2:30 : this afternoon. All members of Colanthe assembly No. 1 , P. 8. , are requested to bo punctual In at' tendanco nt the regular meeting , to bo held Iho 25th Inst. at 2 p. m. sharp , at Woodmen of the World tiall. The work of pavlni ; Second avenue from Eighth to Eleventh streets Is to bo com menced this morning by Wlckliam Hros. There Is no lack of workmen , ten men liav Ing applied for every job. Bluff City lodRo No. 71 , Ancient Krco and Accepted Masons , will meet In special com munication this ovenlns for work In the third degree. All Muster Masons are cor tllally Invited to attend. J. U. Atkins , sec retary. The Odd Fellows will celebrate the sev enty-sixth anniversary of the founding of the order next Friday evening with a ball at Woodman hall , the proceeds of which will bo used In buying uniforms for the Odd Follows' band. The Union Veteran Legion has decided to cclobrato Memorial day with appropriate Kcrvlccs at the Baptist church. At the close the members of the encampment wll EO to the cemeteries and decorate the graves of their fallen comrades. Ono of the men digging on the lot to bo occupied by the new Kerney block , on South Main street , unearthed some Jewelry yesterday torday that had evidently been burled a. long limp. The workmen nro looking now for the rest of the treasure , and are ex pcctlngwi diamond to be turned up In every shovelful ) . "Owncy , " the one-eyed , but exceedingly popular dog , who has been beating his way back and forth across the continent for the past six ycnrs through the kindness o railway employes , came In yesterday on the Union 1'aclllc fast mall. Ho had Increased his stock of medals and badges by several but was not otherwise changed slnco his last visit. lie will probably leave today fo a southern trip. This evening the union prayer meeting will bo held at the Trinity Methodist Epls copal church. Uov. Conrcy will lead. The different committees are already at work and bcforo the close of this week the pro llmlnary work will bo largely completed Those who are willing to assist In the work may report to the general committee , or ti the member of the committee from th church to which they belong. Two desirable cottages for rent. Plenty of money for farm loans. Fire Insurance. Money loaned for local Investors on best of security , Special bargains In real estate. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street. < insnllno linn III * . Dut It won't stay long. Qasollno stoves nro lower this week than ever. Four-burner , high , only $10. Three-burner , high stove , $ S , Cabinet Reliable , $25. worth $28 ; and $20 , worth $21. Monarch Cabinet , best stove made , no smoke and two largo ovens , $20. A DeVol's. GDI Broadway. 8. \Vlllhuiiirm Carries the largest stock of high grade bloy cles of any dealer In the west. Also has th bent equipped repair shop In the west. 10 South Main street ; telephone. 202. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that gooi laundry , " and Is located at 721 Broadway If In doubt about this try It and be convinced Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. A Fplendld line of men's suits at Mctcal Bros. ' for $ C DO. Hay for saltby tli9 ton or carload , W. A Wood , G20 Main street. Daisy , daughter of H. S. DHnn , Is sick with scarlet fever at her homo , 824 Filth avenuo. A. M. Calhoun and E , H. Holdcn of Atch lson , Kan. , were In the city yesterday , guests of Jack Hughes and Andrew Kastner. Prof. James Q. Gllchrlst of the surgery department ot the loua State university Is In the city , the guest ol Dr. P. J. Mont gomery. Lee Witter , formerly a well known young man ot this city , now lit the electrical bus iness at St. Louis , Is visiting his friends bcro. Ho leaves for homo tonight. Leo Lucas , formerly a Council Blurts boy , tut for several years past living In Nebraska , was In the city yesterday visiting his friends. He leaves tcxlay for a trip to Texas. Prof. H. W. Sawyer returned yesterday from Sioux City , where ho attended the meeting of the Northwestern Iowa State Teachers' association. Ills address on "That Mow Education" was printed In full In the Journal , an honor that was not extended to any other paper read at the entire meet ing. Mr. Sawyer states that he was In formed by superintendents who attended all ( our association meetings In the state- that the actual attendance was between COO and COO , leaving Council Bluffs In the lead by a long majority. The first day , on which the dispatches telegraphed to the papers of the country said there were 1,000 teachers present , the actual enrollment was -GO. Magnificent Is the progress of Price's Bak ing Powder everywhere. No other powder can compare with It In popularity , strength and purity. Sues for Kite naive The suit of Anna Damltz against William DaucrUomper for ? 10,000 damages Is on trial' In the district court. Both the parties llvo In Lewis township , on adjoining farms. Oatiorkemper only visited her once , but that once was enough for him to propose mar riage. and bo accepted. About two years ago the girl had him indicted for seduction , and ho was tried and found guilty. He was sen tenced to tlio penitentiary , but has never served his sentence , for his appeal Is still pending in the supreme court. Now she wants a judgment of $10,000 damages. The plaintiff was on the stand yesterday after noon for several hours. The defendant's mother owns a largo farm in Lewis town- chip , and la comfortably fixed financially. HKNMsUN ItllOS. Trlcoa On\vn Still I.ntvxr. 15 pieces ot Japanese jolntless matting , J2V4o yard. COc quality linen warp Jap matting , 29c yard. $1.00 quality chenille portieres , fringe and dado top and bottom , $2.93 pair. $5.00 Irish point lace curtains , J3.CC pair. $1.00 Swiss embroidered curtains , J2.GO pair. $10.00 genuine brussel net curtains , $3.93 pair. $5,00 Point do Spray lace curtains , with rufllo edge , now $3.50 pair. A big carpet sale ; get our prices. Our COo summer corsets , 37c. 3.000 yards all silk ribbons , all colors , Nos. C , 7 , 9 , 12 and 1C , at Cc and lOc yard ; worth lOc to 35c. Ladles' pure silk vests , COo each. Ladles' fine Mace cotton union suits , spring weights , COc suit. SG-lnch L. L. unbleached muslin , 3Vic yard. S'ic bleach muslin , 6V&c yard. DUESS GOODS AND SILKS. 40-Inch all wool navy and black French ergc , 35o yard. 40-Inch black all wool crcpon , was $1.00 , now C9o yard. Largest line of wash dress goods In the city. Come in and see them. DKNNISON DH03. U'lll Ytenr Illotiiner * . One lady has decided to adopt a rational costume for bicycling. She bought a diamond frame Waverly lait week of Cole & Cole , the first told to any lady In the city. Omaha Glee club , twonty-nvo male solo ists in grand chorus , next Friday night at tbo First Presbyterian church. DvU. dtug , paint , glantn. . 200 D'waf. 1 Itc Hardman , the piano par excellence. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Terminal Company Makes a Mysterious Eunday Night Eurst of Industry , LAID A TRACK ON JOHN W , PAUL'S LAND ConalilarnMo Speculation Kn gen tie roil by the Buililcn Knercy Inhibited In the of Track Lnylag ( Vliencroi Hotlicrcil. Sunday night the sound of sledge bam ncra striking steel rails was heard In the Iclnlty of the cast end of the Terminal Bridge company's brtdgo , and yesterday norulng a now strip of track three-quarters of a mlle In length ornamented the cast bank of the river , extending from under the bridge to the foot of Twenty-fourth street , larallcl with the river lino. The southern end of the trark la on the land belonging to ho Terminal company , while all the north ern portion , which Includes about live-sixths of the cntlro line , Is on the land of John W. Paul. Superintendent Fred C. Harris of the Terminal company directed the move ments of the sixty workmen composing the gam ? . The air of mystery that surrounded the proceeding has proved a fruitful source o speculation. Mr. Paul la now In Chicago , ant there Is no ono hero who Is authorized to speak for him. If Paul had any hand In It however , It Is hard to see why he shoult undertake the work Sunday night , Inasmucl as there \\erc no streets to bo crossed. If on the other hand , the Terminal compel , } dlil Ic , It Is equally hard to sco what rlgh they supposed they could acquire on prop crty belonging to Paul. Without his consen they would be merely trespassers , and when the wiseacres luivo reached that conclusion they have reached the end of their string It Is stated that the new road Is to be uv , In carrying materials for the now lovae to the slto of the Improvements. Till : I'KIOI.8 1IHOKI2.N. llnitnn Store Heprorntntlvn Tnken Aclvnn- IUBO o ( the rirst llr < * : ik In I'rlcon 15 ) n 'JO 1'or Cent havctl. Largo shipments received at the NE\V PRICES. COTTON GOODS GO STILL LOWER. Head the following prices : WASH GOODS. Imperial apron ginghams , were Sc , now 3 a yard. lOo dress glnghnms ( good styles ) , 5c a yard Best shirting prints , 3c a yard. Sc outing flannels , light and dark colors at 4c a yard. The new Jaconet Pllssc , regular price 25c now 17c a yard ( beautiful styles ) . WHITE GOODS. Unbleached L. L , muslin , 3c a yard. EC unbleached muslin , 3'Ac ' a yard. Sc bleached muslin at Cc a yard. Berkley No. 80 cambric , regular price lOc now 7c a yard. 2 cases Marseilles white quilts on sale a 9Sc each : actual value. { 1.50. Big linn of dotted Swiss , extra value , a 2C ! , 33c , 39c and 45o a yard. 0-1 unbleached sheeting , lOc a yard. 20 pieces turkey red table damnsk , former price 39c and 45c , on sale at 25c a yard. NOTIONS. lOo dress shields , No. 2 , at 3o n pair. 15c dress shields. No. 3 , largest size , a Cc a pair. ICc hair curlers , 5c each. Ladles' side hose supporters , Ic a pair. SUE BARGAINS IN LADIES' CAPES. EX TIIA VALUE. AT $2.98. $ .1.75 AND $5.00. BLACK DRESS GOODS. 40c all wool French serge at 25c a yard. 75c quality fine French serge at 48c a yard 40-Inch all wool clay worsted at 5Sc am 75c a yard , extra value. $1.00 line German Henriettas at 59c a yard $1.00 India twill on sale at 07c a yard. SEE SHOW WINDOW FOR PRICES Of. SILKS. HOSIERY. Ladles' fast black hose , 40 gauge , doubl solo and heel , at 17c , or 3 for COc ; ask t sec them. COc quality ladles' llslo thread hose , Ir navys , reds and cream , on sale at 25c a pair. Boys' Ironclad bicycle hose at 19c a pair ; worth 25c. 25c.FOWLER. FOWLER. DICK & WALKER , 401-403 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. WILSON AND SMITH POUND GUILTV. ( irlsiroltl Hunk Itoblura Convicted Q ilcUly In tlm I'cdcrnl Court. The trial of Wilson and Smith , the Grls- weld bank robbers , en me to an abrupt end yesterday morning. The case against bot'i ' the defendants was so clear that the attor neys for neither side seemed to feel the need of an argument. Colonel Dalley , who appeared for the defense , asked the court to exclude some of the testimony Introduced against his clients , but for the most part It was refused. That part of the testimony , however , relating to the finding of thirty stamps under the sidewalk In Atlantic , and to the remarks claimed to have been made by Rlley , the missing robber , was excluded. The case then went to the jury. In ten minutes after the Jury room was entered a verdict was returned , finding the defendants guilty as charged. Smith evidently had an onion In his pockets , for as soon as the verdict was announced ho wept copiously. Both men will probably bo sentenced today. All the beattltudes for baking powders are heaped on Dr. Price's , as It's the most perfect made. To Sot Aslclo T x Uceil * . Rebecca Davis commenced a suit ru the district court yesterday to have two tax deeds set aside. She owned two lots In Voorhls addition , which were sold for taxes , and are now In Ine possession of H. W. Binder and .1 V. Squire , who arc made de fendants. She alleges In her petition I lift ' she was served with no notice to redc-jm the property after the sale , and that lite deeds were procured by false and fraudu lent representations. S. \\imnminn Sells the Standard and Domestic sewing machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha. 106 South Main street. \Vlml In In Nnino ? Everything. If applied to a Hardman piano , sold by Mueller Piano and Organ company , 103 Main street. When asked buy a ticket to the Glee club concert next Friday night. First Presbyte rian church. CO.OOO I'nntlrg In Illooni. Now Is the time to make selections and plant them. Qthcr plants and cut flowers cheap. J. N. WIIcox , 1132 E. Pierce. Tel. 99. Unnip-Joffrlns. George F. Camp left Sunday evening for Dclavan , Wla. . where ho Is to bo married Ohnrlutto Itutie. Two tablespoontuls gelatine soaked In a little cold milk two hours ; two coffffecups rich cream ; one teacup milk. Whip cream stiff in largo bowl or dish ; set on Ice. Boll milk and pour gradually over gelatine until dissolved , then strain ; when nearly cold add whipped cream , spoonful at a time. Sweeten with powdered lugar , flavor with Royal Extract Vanilla. Line died with lady fingers orsponge * cake ; pour In cream and set In cool place to harden. TumpUm I'le. Take large sized pumpkin , firm , of deep color , wash and boll Just as you would po tatoes with skin on ; when thoroughly cooked pass carefully through sieve , clearing It of til lumps , teeds , etc. Take one cup brown tomorrow to Mips Flora Jeffries of that place. They will return to this city Satur day evening , and make their homo on Park avenue , where the groom has a houjj fur nished and ready for occupancy. Special display of pattern hats just re ceived from New York. Don't fall to sco them at Miss Ragsdale's , 10 Pearl street , A splendid line ot men's suits at Mctcalf Bros. ' for J6.GO. Dudley Buck quartet next Friday night , with the Omaha Glco club , at the First Presbyterian church , All kinds of plants and flowers. J. R. Me- Pherson , green houses 1250 E. Pierce st. Telephone 244 , night or day. Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap. New York Plumbing Co. Get prices on wall paper at the Boston Store. Evans' Laundry Co. , G20 Pearl ; tcl. 290 ; shirts , collars , cuffs , fine work a specialty. Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale. C. B. Gas company. HEV. U A. ll.U.IAH bVIKST KFi'OHT. 1'ormer Council UlurT * l'n tor Making MnttiTH Lively InVlchttn. . Church people of Council Bluffs will be In terested In the latest doings of Rev. L. A. Hall , who occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church hero until about three years ago. The prayer meetings during the last few weeks of his stay In Council Bluffs were remarkable for the spirit of devotion which did not characterize them , and the grand climax of his pastorate , which occurred on the night when he called In the police to prevent the members of the opposing fac tion from holding a business meeting after prayer meeting , Is well remembered by all who were so fortunate as to b ? there. Since leaving hero he has been pastor of the Wichita , Kan. , Baptist church , and the latest news Indicates that he has been using the same obstreperous methoJs there. His erratic manners and sharp tongu ? divided the Wichita church , and ultimately resulted. In the church association's withdrawing the hand of fellowship from him. In the mean time the contributions had fallen off , nnd when he Icffthe church owed him quite a sum. Last Saturday night he swore out a writ of attachment and put It Into the hands of a constable , who undertook to servo It on the officers ot the church. The latter pro tested , whereupon the constabl ? took a sledge hammer , brclto Into the church building and took possession of all the church prop erty , down to the hymn books. Those gentlemen's suits at $6.50 come' In all the different colors. Mctcalf Bros. Jules Lombard , the great basso , next Fri day night , First Presbyterian church. Dr. Parsons , over Schneider's , 541 B'wy. Largest stock of wall paper In the state. Boston Store. Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap. Now York Plumbing Co. Dr. Laugel , office 410 5th ave. : tel. ISO. Miss M. E. Keen , stenographer , IOC S. Main. Dan Wheeler , tenor , next Friday night , at the First Presbyterian church. Best Roman gold for china painting , 45 cents , at Chapman's new art store , 17 Main street. Ice Nice , clean reservoir ice , cheap. Mul- holland , 5 Baldwin block. Telephone 1SG. Ifli.lTllKlt Fair nncl \ Vnrniarv.tli "outhorly AVlncI * for Nrlir.Kloi , WASHINGTON , April 22. The forecast for Tuesday Is : For Nebraska Fair nnd warmer In the central nnd western portions ; southerly winds. For Iowa Warmer In the central and eastern portions ; Eouthcrly winds. For Missouri Fair ; warmer ; winds shift ing to southerly. For South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; south erly winds. For Kansas nnd Colorado Fair ; warmer ; southerly winds. I.ocil Itpcnrd. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAIIA , April 22. Omaha record of tem perature anil rainfall , compared with the corresponding day ol the past four years. 1S93. ISO I. ISO. ! . 1S92. Maximum temperature . . . 74 BO 51 CS Minimum temperature . . . . 40 3S 29 S | ! Average temperature 57 4'J 40 47 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .01 Condition of temperature nnd precipita tion at Omaha .for the day and since March 1 , 1895 : Normal temperature 61 Excess for the day 3 Normal precipitation 11 inch Deficiency for the clay 11 Inch Total precipitation since March 1. 2.iO Inches Deficiency since March 1 9 ! Inch Ili'jiorts from Other htutloni nt H r. M A. AVI2LSII , Observer. After every test. Dr. Price's Baking Pow der Is more highly commended by scientists as purest , strongest and best. Anron Mint 1'ny for Ills Kxpcrlrncr. SALT LAKE , April 22. A special from Helena , Mont. , to the Tribune says : Judge lilakc In the United States court today de cided the case of Dell Hlrsclilleld against Anron Hlrschfleld. The case grew out of the famous law suit at Kargo last year , when Aaron sued for annulment of his marriage. The case went against him nnd ono of the judgments was that he should pay plaintiff $1'J ( J for attorney's fees anil other expenses. Aaron refused to pay this and his -wife then < = ned him to compel sat isfaction. Judge Blake decides In her favor , but nt the request of Aaron's attorneys n stay of execution Is granted for ten days. U tints 1'iijr for Her U'oililln ; Tr < > enii. WHEELING , W. Vn. , April 22. Miss Trudle Barnes , a well known young lady of Ritchie county , has brought suit for $20,000 for alleged breach of promise ngnlnst J. C. McGregor , one of the best known business men In the state. Miss Barnes claims that she had her wedding trosseau ready when McGregor changed his mind nnd married another lady. McGregor Is n son of the late Senator McGregor anil Is well-to-do. sugar , one cup molases , mix well together. Beat the whites and yelka of four eggs well together and mix with the pumpkin thorough- yl ; then add the molasses and sugar , pinch of salt , four teaspoonfuls best ginger , one teaspoonful ground cinnamon ; take ono cup milk , mix well altogether. This Is Intended to make tlx pies ; should pumpkin not be a large one add less milk so as not to get too thin. Bake In deep plate lined with plain pastry , Squash pie made In same way. Lemon Sunco. Boil one cupful sugar and one cupful water together fifteen minutes , then remove ; when cooled a little , add one-half teaspoonful Hoyal Extract Lemon and one tablcipoonful lemon juice. . UNION PACIFIC DRAGGED IN . H. Ill ! ' nil Motion to Make it a Party Defendant in the Suit Against Qoulfl atid Sago. PLAINTIFFS CLAIM IT IS UNNECESSARY Without the Granting ot the Million lie- poiulenlB Clnlin nn Adjudication llo Impossible-Court lias Mailo No Hilling us Yet , ALBANY , N. Y. , April 22. In the court ot appeals today Joseph H. Choatc , for the appellant , and Wlnslow Pierce , for tbo re spondent , argued an appeal from an order of the general term alllrmlng an order of the special term , determining that the Union Pacific Railway company and the receivers thereof bo made party defendants In the action brought by the Soldiers' homo ot St , Louis , on behalf of the holders of Kansas Pacific consolidated bonds , against Russell Sago and George J. Gould Individually , and Eduln Gould , Gcorgo J. Gould , Howard Gould and Helen M. Gould as executors and executrix ot the last will of Jay Gould , to compel the said defendants to account for the proceeds of 29.9SG shares of the capital stock ot the Denver Pacific Railroad and Telegraph company , of the alleged value , with Interest , of $11,000,000 , alleged to have been wrongfully withdrawn from the trust created by the mortgage executed by the Kansas Pacific Railway company to Jay Gould and Russell Sago as trustees , dated May 1 , 1SS9 , and to remove the defendants , Russell Sago and George J. Gould , from their trusteeship. Mr. Choato said this was an action to compel the trustees of an ex press trust Russell Sage and George J. Gould , as successors to Jay Gould to ac count for the proceeds ot the trust se curities embezzled by them from the trust and converted to their use. Ho contended that within ten months after the trust was constituted the trustees took the $3,000,000 of stock and appropriated It to their personal use. The bringing In of these defendants , the Union Paclllc company , was unncccs sary , because the action was brought against these two defendants personally , and the bilnglng In of the other trustees was the object sought by the plaintiffs. Mr. Pierce , on behalf of the respondents , held that the bringing In of the Union Pa cific as a defendant was Indispensable , be cause without them a final adjustment of the rights of the parlies could not be had. He held that by a Judgment rendered by the supreme court of New York In 1880 , In the suit of the Kansas Pacific against Gould and Sage , the 29,800 shares of stock would bo adjudged to bo forever freed and re leased from the trust created by the mort gages , and Gould and Sago were directed to deliver the certificates of stock to the Kansas Pacific company. It Is averred Gould and Sago compiled with the order. I'cniHvIv ml.i Itoiitl Heat ttio ICiirord. PHILADELPHIA , April 22. The fastest tlmo ever made between here and Atlantic City and the fastest tlmo ever made by a railroad train In this country for such a great distance , was that accotiipllplled by the spe cial newspaper train on , the Pennsylvania road yesterday morning ! The train pulled out of Camden at SiSGUV'and'forty-five min- utea later came to a sl6p In Atlantic City. The distance by this route Is llfty-elght and three-tenths miles , and th 'average ' speed was Eeventy-slx and one-hilf miles an hour. The fastest mile was made In forty-one t'jconds. which Is an average 6f eighty-seven and elght-tentlis miles an hour. This is the most notable performance In rallr6ad speed which has yet been made. To Fix Iliii Tiinrlit KntP. Rate clerks of the Elkhorni Burlington and Union Pacific went to Chicago last night to attend'a'meetlns of ratp decks at the Rook ery bulding today , called for the purpose of lining up summer tourist rates to those points that formerly took the all year tourist rates like Helena , Spo kane , Ogden and Salt Lake , and also to line up the regular summer tourist rates to points In Colorado , Minnesota , Wis consin , the northwest , and as far cast as Montreal. The work will not consume any great length ot time , the basis of rates hav ing been agreed upon by the roads formerly members ot the transmlssourl committee. Mndd ( Imrtfi'H Imvii l\m \ > f. CHICAGO , April 22. The Canadian Pacific has lodged a complaint with the Western Lines Passenger association against certain Iowa roads. The Canadian Pacific alleges they arc manipulating castbouiid rates In San Francisco. It says the offending lines have made large deals with brokers and are paying them $2 commissions In excess of those authorised to regular agents. Chair man Caldwell has Investigated the matter and ha.3 found that second-class rates are being cut $3 to Chicago through the Missouri river gateway. It is also said that the northern lines have been offending In this manner as flagrantly as any Missouri river lines. Mintn O HiHniHcil ) Its Suit. NEW YORK , April 22. The Atchlson , Topeka - peka & Snnta Fo Railroad company hag dis continued the action brought against the- Mer cantile Trust company to restrain the defend ant from selling G per cent bonds of the Atlantic & Paclllc Railroad company. The plaintiff company contended that Instead of sslllng the bonds by auction the Mercantile Trust company should have foreclosed Its mortgage upon the Atlantic & Pacific road. I'niieht by Hi , , i | hnl < lrn > . NEW YORK , April 22.-13y order of the Mercantile Trust company , us trustee , $1C- 000,000 western division firsts and $2,791,100 central division bands of the Atlantic & Pacific railway were pold at auction today. They were bought by Francis S. Hangs , chairman of the bondholders' committee for $1,500,000. There was no other bidder. A word to the wise housekeeper Is suf ficient. Use the best Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. frnn'or Calliiin I nroute 10 tlio Tour. DENVER , April 22.-Unitcd States Sen ator Cullom of Illinois , accompanied by his wife , his daughter , MM. Itldgely , and Miss Alice Dunn of Springfield. III. , arrived In Denver today. They will remain here until Wednesday as guests of ex-Governor James B. Grant , and will then proceed to the Pa cific coc.st. I'eop'o Mho Are In n Hurry To reach Chicago or points beyond should take the Burlington's ; "Vestlbuled Flyer. ' IT WILL SUIT THEM. Leaves Omaha 4:45 : every afternoon. Arrives at Chicago 7J5S every morning. Tickets and full Information at 1324 Far- nam street. Baggage , checked from rest denco In Omaha through to , destination. J. B. Reynolds , City Passenger Agent. 6 I find the ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all the others in ( every g . It is and . respect. purest strongest. t,2 t WALTER S. HAINES , M. D. [ ' [ Consulting ; Chemist , Chicago Board of Health ; ? ? iSB g3rBga 3rQj g3i&i aMi3ra Jred rrulti for Ilcmertu , Any desirable fruit may be easily Iced by dipping first In the beaten white of an egg. then In sugar finely pulverized , and again In egg , and so on until you have the Icing of the desired thickness. For this purpose oranges or lemons should be carefully pared , and all the white Inner skin removed that Is possible , to prevent bitterness ; then cut either In thin horizontal slices If lemons , or In quarters If oranges. For cherries , straw berries , currants , etc. , choose the largest and finest , leaving stems out. Peaches should be pared and cut In halve * , and tweet Juicy pears may bo treated In the same way , or look nicely when pared , leaving on the stems , and Iced. Pineapples should be cut In thin slices , and these again divided Into quarters. 81171 Them It Nothing In the n ported Trouble * with the Union Paclnp , DENVER , April 22. "The report that the Jnlon Pacific management had determined to abandon the operation of the line- between La Sallo and Julesburg la entirely without foun dation , " said Receiver Trumbull ot the Quit road today. Ho further stated that no meet- ng of the traffic officials had been called , and : hat General Freight Agent Monroe of the Union Pacific was not In the city principally to meet the management ot the Gulf , but to be present at the hearings before the Interttate Joinmerco commission. TALKING OVKIt Till ! Conference lletwrm Union Pnclfio nuil Gulf 1'roplo nt Denver. Freight Traffic Manager J. A. Munroe Is In Denver to talk over traffic matters with officials ot the Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf company , and If possible , to bring about a somewhat different order of things between the Union Pacific and Gulf companies. It Is alleged that the Gulf people have been giv ing freight to the Burlington at Sterling , which rightfully belonged to the Union Pa cific company. This assertion on the part of the Union Pacific Is denied by the Gulf people , although they Insist that their traffic arrangements with the Union Pacific do not stipulate that all eastbound freight must be given to that company. They contend that they sre an Independent line , and as such , are In business to make money and not to Indulge In any sentimental notions of the rights of the parent company to enjoy the fruits of their labors. From talks had with officials at Union Pacific headquarters , .It Is thought that the company will abandon the running ot trains via Julesburg to Denver and will run via Cheyenne entirely. There Is nothing , how ever , In the arrangements between the Gulf and the Union Pacific which will prohibit the former company from operating the line between Denver and Julesburg at a fair rental , to be paid the Union. Pacific for their part'on uf the road between the points named. But the traffic officials are not the only ones of the eastern transmlssourl lines pres ent In Denver. W. R. Kelly , assistant general solicitor of the Union Pacific , and Hon. C. F. Manderson , general solicitor of the B. & M. , arc In attendance upon the meetings of the Interstate Commerce com mission , which began Its hearing yesterday. It will be Mr. Mandcrson's first appearance for the railroad , both the Union Pacific and B. & M. having been made party defendants to the suits brought before the commission against the railroads of the west. Henry Esterbrook delivers the oration at Galena on General Grant's birthday and will take a box of Delia Fox Boo.uets to give him Inspiration. o Itullwnjr Note ] , General Passenger Agent J. R. Buchanan of the Elkhorn Is confined to his house on account of Indisposition. A flro Sunday night totally destroyed a warehouse standing in the B. & M. freight yards at Lincoln and considerably damaged a number of freight cars that stood in the vicin ity. It was thought the warehouse was owned by the B. & M. , but a telegram front' ' Superintendent Calvert stated that the house was owned by other parties , but stood encased [ cased ground. The damage was nominal. Mlrlilcnn 'Vnrntty llnyn limited for IInrol n DKNVKIl , April 22. The University of Michigan Glee and Banjo clubs arrived In Denver today form Colorado Springs , where they spent Sunday. A reception was given In their honor this afternoon , and they de lighted a large audience this evening with their Hinging nnd playing. After the con cert they left for Lincoln , Neb. SATS HIE Afftn.iriT WAS JW/IOJIKV Crriton Citizen Auk * the Federal Court to InvrMlcntP n Qiirrr Cmr. CHESTON , la , , April 22.-Spcclal ( Tele- Krum. ) William Mattocks , n Lincoln town ship farmer , Is Indignant over an Incident Hint occurred In the federal court nt Coiin- ell ijlurfs. Mattocks was n witness for the government ntralnst George Marshall , n cit izen of this place , charged with bootlegging An nllldavlt was read In the court pur porting1 to have been rlgneil by several Crouton citizens , Impeaching Mattocks' tes timony. It now dovflops that the ntlldavlt wns n forgery , nnd Mattocks has requested Judge Woolson to Investigate and find out who the forger Is. There nre suspicions nnd some developments are promised. Oiknloniit I'.dltor Arrntrili OSKALOOSA , In. , April 22.-Speclal ( Tclc- Krnnt. ) Jumea E , Scovcrs , editor of the Times of Oskaloosn , has been arrested , charged with criminal llbrl , at the Instance of Postmaster O. U. McFnll , ns the result of a publication by Seevcrs charging Mc Fnll with olllclnl Ol'honesty while mayor. Uoth men are well known throughout the state. CLINTON , In. , April 22.-Specl l Tele gram. ) Charles A. ItliiKnoii , n traveling salesman for the Illgnnls olgar hou e , was arrested hero today on the charge of em bezzling $1,900 bclonglm ; to the house. The case against him IB strong. Ii-4 Molnx Store Kolibnl. DKS MOINES , April I2.-Spcclal ( Tclc- Krom. ) Some time between Saturday night and this morning the department store of the Harris Emery company was robbed of JSOO worth of BllKs. The thieves' obtained entrance thiough it cellar window , which they closed on IcnvliiK , and the robbfry was not discovered till the clerks of the llk counter went to work this morning. There is no clew to the thieves. Mtirilorrr I'rlcl .Irriilcnnl. SlOt'X CITY. April 2J.-SpecInl ( Telo- Bram ) Jciry Frlel , who shot and killed Michael Schotts In n quarrel yesterday al tot noon , was .arraigned before Justice Whitney. He was granted u continuance until after the Inquest , pending which ho was released on a $10.000 bond. The Inquest will bo held tomorrow evening. llnmlreil * of Acrr uf l.tinil Involved. SIOUX CITY , April 22.-Speclal ( Telf > - Krani. ) The Reliance- Trust company today foreclosed a $08,000 mortgage on several hun dred acres of land near the.city , owned by the Klverslde P.trk Land company. The land company will bo reorganized by the trust company and will bid the land In at Its sale by the sheriff. There la only one first class cigar store In Omaha that dots not handle Delia Fox Bou quet cigars , and he docs not like crowds. limuruiHo .Men Orgnnl/r. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. April 22.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) At a meeting of Insurance men held here today , at which n dozen agencies were represented , a local board was organ ized. Lew W. Anderson was chosen presi dent nnd Ben L. West secretary nnd treas urer. It Is expected ull agents In the city will become members. C i > t lii U' t Delict. DES MOINES , April 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) Captain F. It. West , a pioneer ot this city , died this afternoon , ngcd 82 years. His wife died a few weeks ago. He came to Des Molties In ISM ) and was for many years engaged In the banking business. 1C Hour * unit G3 Minute * Is the tlmo now made from Omaha to Denver by the Burlington's "Denver Limited. " Three hours and five minutes faster than any other train carrying sleeping and dining cars. cars.City ticket office , 132i Farnam street , Omaha. J. B. Reynolds , City Passenger Agent. Cholera Ontlirctik Ht Alcccn. MECCA , April 22. Cholera has broken out her. ; . cr1 Better Good health is belter than dia monds. Health is life. No pleas ure can be taken without it. It is the most precious thing in the world , and many people arc careless about it. They neglect their little ailments they ignore nature's danger signals and run right onto the rocks of disease. All diseases have insignificant beginnings. Consumption is but the fruit of neglected catarrh. A slight cold develops into pneumonia or bronchitis. A little indigestion grows into " liver complaint. " The best way to cure a disease is to prevent it. The next best way is to catch it before it develops to its worst stage. It is easier to uproot a twig than a tree. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine for the whole body. It searches out the weak spots and builds them up. It is a strengthener , a purifier and a cure. It puts the digestive system into an active , healthy condition , purifies and enriches the blood and forces out all poisonous matter. Taken in lime , it will cure 98 per cent , of all cases of consumption. It is a purely vegetable compound that works in perfect harmony with nature. It tones up the whole body and produces hard , healthy flesh. The nutritive , or flesh-making , properties of cod liver oil are feeble when compared with those of the "Golden Medical Discovery. " The "Discovery" does not make corpulent people more fat , but builds up solid muscle. It has cured hundreds of cases of consumption , bronchitis , asthma , chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies , which had withstood the effect of every other medicine. number of testimonial Icttcri nnd photographs of those ANARCH haxc been printed in n Complete Treatise on Catnrrhnl , Bronchial. Throat mid I.uriK diseases , inaLluR n book of 160 pages , 8 which will be sent free. If you will send your address , nlso this coupon 8C and six cents for postage , to World's Dispensary Medical Association , IluOulo , N. V. Or Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser , n book C of over LOGO pages mm 300 illustrations , bound in .strong mauila cov ers containing all the foregoing nutl several hundred pages more of useful information , will be mailed postpaidHRIUJ TO YOU. on receipt of this coupon and 25 cents in one-cent stamps , to pay for pack- in ; * , postage , etc. It Is a complete Family Doctor Hook. More than 680,000 copies of this Hook have been hold in cloth covers at f i 50 each. This great offer of the book 1'KIiU , is gotxl for 30 days only. RESTORE LOS ! ? IGOR . - "i , " ? , f1'1" DtMllly , I.OH of Seiull To.erdn tllher , „ . , . „ , ; - , Y. Atrophy Varlcncele and .lhcr weaknettM , from ny ciu use . . Vi'i" ' . tllctke < 1 " " * f"U > 'zor ' nulcLly resloied. If nccleclcil , tiuh Hesult in 4 weeks. ever * J5 rciiill merrier , ralilly. * e irlvc Mailed a l cal an iiamntcf > here , tcilnl In . ure , for or ji.ooi reftit.O 6 IXJIM ll * tn for neAiMrcti | < uo WHh SIIKUMAN & McCONNKLL DRUG CO. , 1513 Dodtfc street , Omaha , Nub. VL * - m m a m 24,000 POUNDS OF SOUTHERN LEAD was the amount of our first Sprinp order for strictly pure St. Louis Load. Wo are headquarters for everything1 in the lrng , Paint and Glass line. Our Motto : ' 'HOW GOOD , NOT HOW CHEAP , " The Driiff , Paint nud Glass Mail , " 1 Wholesale and Hctnil. iMwSyCouncil Bluffs Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments and Goods of Every Description , Scliocdsiick'a Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A and 20th St. , Council IMulTs. Office , 1521 Far nnm St. , Omaha. Send for Price List , THE GREAT This extraordinary Rcjurcnator Is the most wonderful discovery of tlio HKG. It hns been endorsed by the IciulInRf clrntlticmen of Europe and America. U tt it y n n U purely vege table. Hiidynn ( tops Premattiieness of the discharge - Cures BKFJRC APTKH ( tonstlrmtlon , Dlzilnctn. Fulling Bensntlons Nervous Twitch tig of the * } ca ami other parts. Strengthen ) * , invigorates nnd tones tlio cutho fjntcm. lludynn cures Debility , Ncrvousncii , Kmlsslotip , nnd develops and restores wc lc organs. 1'idus in thti back , ) n. svs by dny ot ulelil are Mopped quickly. O'er 2,000 private. endorsements. i I'rcmnturBUfS'imcnnslmpotenry In the first rinse. It Is a fymptomof > emltml wcRknosHml liftrrcnncFS. It can be slopped in0 days by tbo utoof lludvnu. , The now 'rtiieorery wns made by the CpccUl- IsUoftlioold fanu.n.i Iliulmin filodlonl limit- lute , it la tlioBtronce t vltallicr mnde. Ilia very powerful , but harmlest. Sold for 81.00 n. i ctngoor 0 piickngvs for J.1.CO ( plain scaled boxes * . Written guarantee glen fur a cure. If yoiibuyslxlioxesAnd are not entirely cured , six more will bo tent to you free of nil charges. Send for circulars and tcstlmouliili. Addrcu HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , " 1032 3IAUKET ST. , KSAN FllANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES Chronic , Nervous , Privata Diseases. TltRATMKXT HV MA1U Consultation I'roo Wo euro Cfitarrh , nil disoiso3 : of the Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomach , Liver Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , F'r/ male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and ALL PR.VATE DISEASES OP MEN" . WUAIC IUN Ann VICTIMS TO Debility or Kxlmusllon , Wasting \Veakncen , In * voluntary Lomes , with Early Linuy m young and middle aged : lac ? of vim , vleor and weak en oil prematurely In approaching old nee. All > Icld readily to our new treatment for loss ot vital power. Call or nddres with ntamp roe circulars , free book and receipts. Dr , Searles and Scarlss , Lawyers nnd solicitors. SUES & CO. Boo Building , OMAIIA , Neb. Advice FKED. MPW CflnCC ATlAHUUTCIIAN01Nf It LSI rHUCO tbo rcntiircs uud netnov- UK lllemlslies.tn 160 p. hoolc for a stump. .Inlin II. IViiotllniry , 127\V. < 'J.lHt..N. V. ! Invautur of Woodbury'a 1'ucial When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never bo recovered , and It's a calamity to lose several years , which so ninny Iowa and Nebraska pcopla have done vhen ; they have bought torelga crown , unnccllmatcd fruit trees. MENKUAY UnOTHEHS. , | TIIE CU13SCKNT NUIISKHY. Were born on the lands where their nurse * ry stock Is grown , and years of patient , Intcllgent experiment have taught them the best varieties for this climate. Consequently their home grown stock Is as httrdy as the forest trees. They have a very laige stock for the sprint ? delivery and every tree Is warranted true to nnme. Orchard , Vlnyard , Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornamental stock Make no mistake In your orders. Send us your list of wants for prices. Wo can plcasa you In prices and stock. References : Council Bluffs Hanks , Council Bluffs Department Omaha Dee , and prominent business men. Nurseries six miles north of Council Birrs , P. O. Address , MENERAY I3ROS. , | Crescent. Iowa. ' QEO. P. BANFORD , A. W. lUEKMAN. President. Cash I eft First National Of COUNCIL BLUFFJ , Iowa. Capital , - $100,000 Profits , - - - 12,000 One of the oldeat bank * In tlio itale ot Iowa , We aollclt your builncii and collectlona. W * pay B per cent on lima depoilU. Wo will b * pleated to aee and aerv * you. MGSSMORE & CLEMENT , BROKERS GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOOK3 , SO.Tj II roadw.iy , Grain handled In cur load lota. Tel. 203. COUNCIL ULUFi'.S , IOWA. Special Notices-Gounci CHIMNEYS CI'RANCO ; VAULTS CM3ANED. Ud llurke , at W. S. Homei'i , US UroaUway. AND QAUDHN ivND FOU sale clii'op and on saty terms. Day & lien , 99 I'earl atrcet. KOll ICKNT , 40 ACUES OF LAND. 1IOU815 AND stable , llvu mllea from the poatu'lloe , ] 1- I > er month. Apply to Leonard bverctt , 10 I'earl street , Council Bluffs. rou BALI : , A SI'LIINDID 64A < Acnc KAHM. with threu Rood duelllnga , unly l\\o miles south ot Mlmlcn , 1'ottuunlt.inlo county , 2S mllea eUBt uf Council HlufTs nnd Omii'iu ' ; Mill takn part of the purchana prlco In Council Illurfa city property. Apply to J f..nx-4 Uvcrett , Council llluffa , lima , r67t HA"Li : , A aoon SO-ACHI : KAUM , BOUTII of l.ogan , aliout U mllea north-ant of Council llluffa , In Ilarrloon county , at t5 ) , r ocret will take Homo city propeity In part payment. Apply to Leonard Kvervtt , Council Ilium. Iowa. WANTED. MKN TO CHOI' WOOD AND I'LOW ami break new lantl , 3 inllra from Council llluffa. Apply to Leonard Hverelt , Council IlluffK , loua , BALK. 6 ACHKS OK Sl'LHNDID CIAIIDKN' Inml , near Mynater Hprlnns. on tlmr , nt 6 per cent liilereal. Apply to Leonard Everett , Coun * ell muffs , Iowa. LOST. LADY'B SWOHD 1'IN , ON IIROAD * way. Kundny nlnlit. He ward for ivlurn to Dr. O , W , 1'anifle , Wl Ilroadway , WANTED , GOOD OIHL FOH QENEIIAU fworlc. The Aberlln , corner Sixth avcnu * Seventh street ,