Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1895, Page 8, Image 10

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Icderal Officials Will Proceed to Lay Tlold
on Income Tax Delinquents.
Xntnber of I'nrllcg from Whom Collector
North \Vlilies to Ilcnr-Qucitlons Which
Inillvhltmlft nml Corporation * Stint A"-
iwor Resources Unit Arc Kxcinpt.
The time specified by the government for
the return of Income tax blanks properly
filled with Information which the federal au
thorities desire to know has expired. Many
of the people subject to the requirements of
the Income tax law have responded , but a
number have failed to comply , and , as a re
suit , may be forced to pay the penalty.
United States Revenue Collector North of
this district has received 1,500 returns , of
which COO are Individuals and the balance
The recent decision of the courts , deduct
ing real estate , rentals and bonds , makes a
material difference In the assessments and
deprives the government of a large sum of
money. Federal officers are disposed to re
gard the law , as It now stsnds , as farcical.
The following desired Information Is named
In the official blanks :
Gross receipt * , credits , earnings nnd gains
from any business , or arty Interest therein ,
wherever carried on ; from rents received or
nccrued during the year ; from profits real
ized on pales of renl estute purchased since
December 31 , 1832 ; from farming operations ;
proceeds from EalcH of live stock ; proceeds
from sales of agricultural products ; money ,
and the value of all personal property ac
quired by Rift or Inheritance ; premium on
bondc , stocks , notes , or coupons ; Income
from profession , trade , or other employment ,
except stated salary or pay ; from Balary ,
/ compencntlon , or pay for particular services ,
and not Including F.-ilary , or compensation
v received from the United States ; from salary
or compensation received for Hervlces In the
civil , military , naval , or other service of
the United States , Including salary of sena
tor , representative , or delegate In congress ;
from gains and profits , divided or undivided ,
of any imrtnerchlii ; from Interest received
or accrued within the year upon all notc. ,
bonds , mortgages , or other forms of Indebt
edness bearing interest , whether paid or not ,
If good anil collectible ; from Interest or
coupons paid or accrued on any bonds , or
other evidences of Indebtedness , of any
corporation , company , cr association ; from
dividends or Interest paid or accrued on the
stock ) capital , or deposits of any corpora
tion , qompany , or nssoclatlcn ; Income of
wife or minor children computed on the
same basis us this return ; and from nil
Bounces not above enumerated.
The deductions :
Exempt by law. $1,000 ; Interest which has
become due or which has been paid during
the year ; national , state , county , school , or
municipal taxes paid within the year , not
Including taxes assessed against local bene
fits ; amount expended In the purchase or
production of live stock or produce sold
within the year ; necetsary expenses actu
ally Incurred in carrying on any business ,
occupation , or profession , nnd not elsewhere
deducted In this return ; losses actually sus
tained during the year , Incurred In trade or
arising from llres , storms , or shipwreck ,
nnd not compensated for by Insurance or
otherwise , ami not already deducted In as
certaining profits ; actual losses on sales of
real estate purchased since December 31 ,
1692 ; debts ascei mined within the year to
be worthless , nnd not elsewhere deducted
In this return ; cost price of material pur
chased for manufacture or resale , not In
creasing stock on hand December 31 , 1S93
dividends , heretofore Included In the state
ment of profit ? , under paragraph 13 , re
ceived from corporations , companies , or
associations , on which the tax of 2 per
centum has once been paid by such corpora
tion for rents , real estate nnd bonds.
The following questions must also be an
swered :
Had your wife , or any minor child 01
children of yours , any Income last year'
Have you Included such Income or Incomes
In this rejttirn ? Have you kept hooks ol
account ? Is your Income herein estimated
or taken from your books ? What are tht
particular Items of "looses , " and when die
each occur ? Are you a citizen of tlu
United States , and what Is your occupa
tion ? How did you determine that debts
returned by you ns "worthless" could nol
bo collected ? What were the "necessar >
expenses , " and the amount of each class ?
Corporations are subject to the following
returns , properly certified :
Dividends declared or paid on stock
capital , or deposits , etc. ; annuities declarct
or paid on bonds , stock , capital , or pnllclrt.
Interest paid on shares , stocks , cap tul , 01
deposits ; .
undivided profits , over dividends declnrei
or paid , on ( land or carried to the iircoun
of surplus or other fund ; amount of re
profits or Income used for comminution
mnount of net profits or Income used foi en
largement , betterment or permanent 1m
Iirovemcnt of plant ; amount of n > t proiiti
or Income Ubcd for other cxpen lit irt's o
Has the corporation , company or nssoclu
tlon for which this return Is nii'le lup
full , regular and accurate books of account
upon which all Its transactions te on
tercd from day to day for the full j trloi
covered by this return ? Is thla return mud
exclusively from said books ? Huve the lu !
amounts set forth In thl icturn as salnrle
of olllcerH nnd pay to employes lieei
actually paid within the year c'.vercd b
this return to bona Ilile olllceis n d c-m
ployes of this corporation , company or BE
eoclatlon for services actually rundeied
What are th'e particular Items of losse
Included In the paragraph "Operating an
Business Expenses , " nnd when did cac
occur ?
The banks , financial Institutions , fin
marine and lift ) Insurance companies , rail
way ? , etc , me compelled to reply to the fol
Iqwlng :
Gross receipts , credits , earnings and gain
from any business , or any Interest tlierclt
wherever carried on ; from Interest c
coupons , due or paid on any bonds , or tithe
evidences of Indebtedness of any corponi
tlon , company or association ; from illv
< l nii.s or ip.tticst on the stock , capital c
deposits of any corporation , corr
pany or association : irom undlvlde
profits of any corporation , company or in
Hoclatlon ; from premium on bonds , stock
notes or coupons ; from commissions or pei
ccntuge ; from Interest on notes , bonds tether
other securities of the United States , ( xcej
such bonds of the United States the prli
clpal ami Interest of which are eocumi
from federal taxation ; from. Interest n
celvcd or accrued on nil notes , bond
mortgaged or other forms of Imlt'bt dnc :
not Included In the foregoing Items ; froi
profits realized within the year from sail
of real estate purchased since Ueccmbsr 3
1892 ; from rents received or accrued ; fro >
nil sources not above enumerated ( spclfylr
name ) .
Opt rating and business expenses :
Interest paid or accrued within the yei
on bonded or other Indebtedness ; loss .
actually sustained during Hie year ; stat
county , municipal or town taxes accrtn
during the year Ifc'Jt nnd ncttmllv pal
salaries , compensation or pay of olllrers
other persons employed during thj yea
rents , or necessary repairs , but not Inclu
Inir amount used for construction or o
'largcmrut of plant ; actual losses on sal
of real CHto'io putclmsed since December ;
ISM ; cost price of material purclms-d f [
nianufncttue or re-tale , not increasing steen <
on hand December 31. 1&U3 ; other expens
not above enumerated.
Net profits tit Income ovr operating ni
business expenses ; dividends ana gains hei
to fore Included In the statement of proli
under paragraphs 3 and 4 , iccelved from ci
poratlons , companies or associations ,
which the tax of 2 per centum has on
been piild by such corporation , etc.
Amount palil In gnuulex , or other coi
pciisatlon , or pay of olllceip or othrr perso
employed , not Including salaries of me
than Jl.coo.
The Information received Is guarded cai
fully nnd In strict confidence by the c
Jector , who even refuses to give the nani
of those who made returns ,
All delinquents will bo apprehended by t
deputy collectors at work oi\ the Income t
To Vako Pure lllond
There Is no medicine before the people oqi
to Hood's Sarsaparllla. U Is the standf
spring medicine and blood purifier and It p
Bcms * peculiar merit which others try
Vain (6 ( rrsch. U roitlly makes the we
strong , Do not neglect to "purify your bl'
this spring. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla now
Hood's Pill become UIG favorite catlur
with eyery on who tried them. 25o per b
M'COV Archibald , j'i-a. at r <
Jnl o\lee \ lal
-nfown from a motor t
anj Oltd fr
WOmIaf1A > ' . l-Jolin T. of 24SS Dodse i
"fma"- , ut Toledo , Ohio , April WUi , I
, . ' tt u lingering Illness of n arly
interment at Toledo.
April Clothing Snip.
A very few words with you , Triceswill
tell the tale. They will bo sure -winners ;
lowest ever given , a good deal less than
clothing can bo manufactured for. Never
mind the reason for so doing ; ther will bo
sold and that's all you care for. Every E&r-
ment guaranteed as represented or money re
123 good , durable suits In two shades of
gray , not all wool , but the kind you would
pay no less than $5.00 for elsewhere ; hero
all week for $3.TC.
We offer for tomorrow about eighty-five
all wool gray and brown cheviot suits In
straight and round cut sack ] that everyone
will acknowledge to bo IS.GO values , on sale
Thursday at $4.25.
700 extra fine gray and brown clay
worsted suits lined with Imported princess
serge ; also several lines of fancy cheviots
lined with choicest Italian cloth , better
stilts than you could buy for flC.OO In other
ntorcs Haydcn's offer this week at the phe-
namcnal prlco of only $9.IJO.
Children's elegant two-piece suits , sizes 4
to 1C. $ IUO styles at $1.05.
Children's pretty junior suits , all wool
fabrics , every new color. Fifteen $3.00 to
$ S.CO styles at $1.50 to $3.25.
Dluo and black velvet junior suits , silk
braid , satin lining , correctly tailored , $5.00
values at $3.25.
Hoys' long pant suits of stylish all wool
textures , prefcctly made up , sizes 13 to 19 ,
well worth $7.50. This week for $5.00.
Large assortment of knee pants from 15c
to $1.60.
Hoys' bib overalls at 35c.
500 dozen men's cotton sax , come In blacks
and tans , fast colors , our regular 25c goods ,
on Thursday only 12 c.
One lot of flno shirts , laundered and unlaundered -
laundered , fancy nnd plain white , your
choice of thU lot 50c each , worth 75c and
One lot of our regular $1.50 fancy shirts
reduced to $1.00.
One lot of men's balbrlggan shirts and
drawers 250 each , worth 50c.
Gents' fancy silk tcck scarfs worth 25c to
50c go at 15c.
One lot of sea grass ties , the new thing ,
only 15c. worth 25c.
See display In ICth street windows.
Over 10,000 parasols and umbrellas on ex
Special for tomorrow we will put on sale
500 26-Inch umbrellas , worth $2.50 each , go
at $1.BO.
One lot of $1.50 umbrellas go at OSc.
Children's parasols , IGc and up.
We are showing a beautiful line of white
parasols at very low prices.
100 dozen ladles corsets , regular $1.00
( juallty , go at SOc.
One ease of ladles fast black cotton hose ,
Ific , worth 23c.
Children's bicycle hose , fast black , 12'/aC ,
worth 25c.
Special sale of kid gloves tomorrow.
Thursday morning we place on sale three
lots of the finest nainsook , fancy edged em
broideries In the city.
The first lot , worth 20c , go at Oc a yard.
The second lot , worth 25c and 30c , go at
12'&c ' a yard.
The third lot , worth 33c , go at 15c a yard.
100 children's dress patterns In beautiful
embroidered Swiss flouncing , worth 50c to
75c a yard , your choice Thursday at 3Sc a
The finest line of ladles' belts In the city.
First lot at 25c ; second lot at SOc ; third lot
at 75c ; fourth lot at $1.25.
A beautiful belt pin given free with every
silk belt sold Thursday.
Important ClmiiRU In Time.
"Great Rock Island Route" to Chicago ,
Peorla and all points cast ; Atlantic Express
leaves 11 a. m. ; Vestibule Limited , 4:20 p. m.
Night Express , 0:25 : p. m. To Lincoln , Fair-
bury , Belleville , Denver , Colorado Springs
Pueblo and all points west ; Vestlbul Lim
ited leaves at 1:40 : p. m. ; Texas Express , via
Lincoln and UoUevllle , leaves at G p. m
Ticket office , 1C02 Farnam street.
Impossible to 1.1 vn In This Coun'ry
Without hearing about the Northwestern
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people
WILL talk about Its convenience , tasteful
ness and comprehensiveuptodateness
Omaha , 5:45 : p. in. ; Chicago , S:15 : a. m. Vcs.
ttbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte
diners , Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. Nc
extra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : n. m
and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checket
at home ?
City ticket offica , 1401 Farnam street. SIICKIKS i :
Tnodny , April 33 , Via Atchlson , Topckn Ji
Snntn To K , n.
On April 23 the Santa Fe Route will jsel
tickets to all points In Arkansas , Texas , Okla
homa , Indian Territory , Kansas , Colorado
New Mexico , Arizona and Utah at rate o
one fare , plus $2 , for the round trip. Mini
mum selling rate , $7. For mil Information
call on or address E. L. Palmer , passenge
agent. Room 1 , First National bank building
A I'ow
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago , i
clean train , made up and started from Omahc
Baggage checked from residence to destlna
tlon. Elegant train service and courteou
err ployes. Entire train lighted by electrlclt ;
and heated by steam , with electric light I
every berth. Finest dining car service I
the west , with meals served "a la carte.1
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Unlo
n , Depot.
City Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam street. C
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Through Srrvlcr.
The Nickel Plato road , ( N. Y. C. & S
L. n. R. , ) the favorite line between Clilcap
and the east along the south shore of Lak
; Erie , being the shortest line to Cleveland an
or Buffalo , offers a splendid through car scrvlc
Pt to all classes of passengers. Mai
n- nlflcent Wagnsr sleepers and dlnln
npt car dally on through trains 1
e- New York and Boston. For reservations (
Is. sleeping car tpace and further Informatloi
address J. Y. Calahan , general agent , 11
Clark street , Chicago , III.
Kuan ! of Kilnciulon Will rind Its llulanc
ar nu the Wrong side.
The present condition of the school fur
eJ Indicates that the prediction made at tl
id ; beginning of the year by Secretary Gills
ir ; that there would be a deficit of nearly $ CQ
itln - 000 at the close of the school year will 1
les n- very nearly verified. The report of the cl' '
31.or treasurer which was submitted April
erick showed that there was a balance of $52,0
sea In the fund on that date. A part of th
was In special funds , leaving the balan
nd available for the payment of salaries n :
roUs general expenses $4H,4u3. During tie fit
ur- week In April warrants were drawn BKSI
uron gating $34.449 , thus leaving about $9,000 i
ice hand. The April receipts from fines ai
other sources will not swell thla to mo
trims than $12.000. $ The April pay roll will
are quite $30,000 , ttnw leaving more than on
halt of the April and the entire payroll f
May for.
re- unprovided .
Arrangements have been made by t
city treasurer by which warrants can
registered , after which they will draw 7 r
the cent Interest. This Is under the authorl
tax of a law which was passed at the recent s <
slon of the legislature. Uiidcr these clrcui
stancrs the teachers will liavo no dlfQcul
In disposing of their warrants , as the ban
ual and speculators will bo willing to buy cl
ard p"crvhlQli ilraws that rate pf Intere
IO3- This arrangement will relieve thft tcacht
IO3In from all embarrassment , but the rciultlug i
eak flcleiicy will be left over for next year's cc
slJerntlon ,
ItrenU In \\uter Main.
The street department has been h.ivlnf
j great deal of trouble In stopping a break
\viter'main at Thirty-scvenlli ftnd F
nam streets. The leal : la in the service p
leading to the residence of John C. COY
esl- and the water was breaking through li
ler. the street for several days before It v
i-ar , reported. A notice was sent to Gene
Cowin , but lie was absent from the cl
The waterworks company refused to nl
SI . off the water and the street commlssloi
i\vo IX 3. WAS finally compelled to hire n plumber
- | KQ and stop the 'flow. The damage to nottfrJoU .
Placing on Sale the Great Jaffray Purchase
of Ladies' and Men's Furnishings.
Don't BlnUo Any Difference Whether You
Know n Unrg.ilii or Not You'ro
Sato Here , for There Arc Noth
ing but llnrealni.
We mean that you shall know of this great
Jaffray purchase , and If you don't take ad
vantage of It Us not our fault ; never mind
has beens or traditions , It Is now and the
days to come that wo Intend to make you
think of us. We have ready for tomor
row's sale a big list of bargains , none of
which are to be compared In the way of
prlco or quality with anything you've pre
viously known.
Ladles' Ulchelleu ribbed white and ecru ,
12c , 17c. 20c , 25c.
Ladles' vests , ribbed cotton , Be.
Ladles' ribbed cotton vests , 3 for 25c.
Ladles' silk and lisle vests In all colors ,
COo and 75c.
Ladles' silk and llslo summer tights , CBc.
Ladles' mace cotton pants , 2Gc.
Ladles' plain balbrlggan underwear , regu
lar 70c values , at GOc.
Ladles' lisle union suits , Jaffray's $1.00 ,
our price , 7Ee.
Ladles' silk plaited hose. In all colors , 50c.
All colors , stripes , also plain hose , 25c.
Ladles' extra fine cotton black hose , 35c'
3 pairs for $1.00.
Ladles' white foot stockings , ? 5c.
Ladles' black hose , 9c.
Children's heavy ribbed black hose , lie.
Also heavy gray hose ICc ; 2 pairs for 2Ec.
Hoys' bicycle hose In three grades , at 22c ,
two pairs 40c.
Men's balbrlggan underwear , 75c a suit.
Men's natural balbrlggan underwear , COc a
Men's fast black hose , double heel and toe
2 pairs for 25c.
Men's fast black hose , double soles , lie.
Men's mottled stockings , regular made , lOc
and ICc.
Men's negligee shirts , EOc.
The finest lot of men's ties In the city
ties that arc not shown under EOc and 75c
usually will go tomorrow at 2Ec and EOc.
Agents for Dutterlck's patterns.
Selling the pick of the Jaffray stock.
Appeal to the lloiicvolont Citizens ol
In response to our application to the county
commissioners for money with which to pur
chase potatoes , seeds , etc. , they In their wis
dom have only seen fit to grant us a donation
of four hundred bushels of seed potatoes , on
condition that they arc to be given only to
those who received aid from the county Etoro
last winter.
Wo are therefore compelled on behalf o
those deserving families who exhausted their
means during the past winter , and who
avoided applying to the county for aid , but
who arc now without further resources , to
make this public appeal for donations o
money , seed potatoes , garden seeds , Imple
ments , and the use of teams for ploughing up
the land already received.
All checks and donations of money shouli
be forwarded to Mayor Demls , city hall , am
the notice of other donations sent to the
secretary , Agricultural commission , city hall
who will send for them.
OEORGE P. DEMIS , President.
] M. A. M'GINN , Secretary.
OMAHA , April 16 , 1893.
Reserved seats for Theodore Thomas' con
cert now on sale at Adolph 'Myers' musl
, store , ISth and Farnam.
Another Diy : of Choip : Kitten.
Wise travelers will take advantage of th
, low rates offered by the Burlington Route
Tuesday , April 23 , when round trip tickets to
. all points In Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado ,
Wyoming , South Dakota and Utah will be on
sale at Just about half regular tariff.
Tickets and full Information at City Ticket
Olllce 1321 Farnam street.
Tuesday , April 33rd.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific rail
way will sell tickets on Tuesday , April 23 , U
points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory ,
Texas , Colorado and Utah at one fare for the
round trip ( plus $2) ) . Tickets good for return
passage twenty days from date of sale. Call
at ticket office , 1C02 Farnam street.
No Chiinco to Now York nnd Iloiton.
The through service offered the traveling
public by the Nickel Plate road , ( N. Y. C. &
St. L. II. R. ) , Is unsurpassed. The perfecl
passenger service of this road with the well
known excellence' of the West Shore am !
Fltchburg roads recommends Itself to the
traveling public. Wagner palace cars and
dining cars dally on through trains to New
York and Boston. For additional lnforma <
tlon sea your local ticket agent or address
IS J. Y. Calahan , general agent , 19D Clarl
street , Chicago , III.
Via the Missouri 1'iirlllo Itnllwny.
On April 23rd. Round trip tickets at om
fare ( plus $2.00) ) to all points In Kansas
Arkansas , Oklahoma and Indian Territories
Texas , etc. Call or write for further In.
formtlon to agent at depot , 15th and Webstei
streets , or city office , N. E. corner 13th ant
Farnam streets , Omaha , Neb.
J. A. PHILLIPPI , A. G. P. & F. A.
pedal ScMlun to Ulfp * n of n Number of
KouilnaMHstter * .
The Board of Fire and Police Commls-
loners held an adjourned cession at 4 o'clock
esterday afternoon toi finish work begun
asl Monday evening. The business of the
session was of a purely routine character , and
was transacted by Mayor Bomls and Com
missioners Strlckler and Coburn.
Complaints were- lodged by Chief Redell
gainst Michael J. Hnnnon for violation of
ules of the flro department. Hannon be
came Intoxicated on April 14 and became so
abusive at the engine house that he had to
be ejected by the firemen In charge. He
ias turned over the city property In his pos
session and quit the service. He will bo
given until next Monday night to furnish an
Leaves of absence without loss of pay
were granted to members of the fire depart
ment : James Trainer , driver of chemical
S'o. 1 , for twenty days ; Thomas Gray of hook
and ladder company No. 1 , for three days ;
! . C. Troby , driver of engine company No. 6 ,
tor four days.
Leaves of absence to members of th ; polios
'orce were granted as follows : G. 11. Curry ,
patrolman , for five days ; James O'Brien , for
Ive days ; D. D. Tlcdman , patrol conductor ,
two days ; P. Jorgcnsen , patrolman , for three
days ; C. M. Daoley , clerk , for five days ; John
Hathaway , operator , fifteen days.
The appointment of T. N. Shea , Janitor of
the Bancroft school , to serve as special police
man without expense to the city , was con
A warrant for $02 , Issued by the Police Re
lief association for the benefit of Officer A.
II. Burr , was filed and approved.
Thirty-two residents of the Fourth district
of the Seventh ward , In the vicinity of the
Polish church , on South Twenty-ninth street ,
asked for a detail of two policemen to curb
the boisterous conduct of the hoodlums. The
request was referred to the acting chief of
The resignation of S. E. Brown as special
policeman for the district bounded by Twen
ty-third , Twenty-fifth , Caldwell and Lake
streets , was accepted.
The application of G. E. McKray , fireman ,
for twenty days' leave of absence , was granted
upon recommendattcn > of Messrs. Smith and
Strlckler of the committee on laws , ordi
nances and rules.
The petition of the expressmen to be al
lowed to occupy the west side of Sixteenth
street , from Dodge to Capitol avenue , and the
north side of Dodge , from Sixteenth to Sev
enteenth , was denied.
In the closing moments of the session the
communication from the Judge of the crim
inal court In answer to an alleged subpoena
served upon hlrr.i to appear before the board
to give testimony , In the pending Investiga
tion , was brought up. No official action lias
ever been taken by the Fire and Police
Commissioners In regard to the communica
Mr. Strlckler said that he had not yet
been able to ascertain by whoso authority the
subpoena was served.
Mayor Bemls said that ho regarded the
communication as llbelous , and that In his
Judgement legal proceedings ought to be
commenced against the author.
The whole * matter -was deferred for another
On the Cannl Hontl rropoutlon the Coin-
mliMionori Will Act Cautiously.
"We don't want any hospital Job on our
hands , " remarked Commissioner Jenkins yes
terday In speaking of the work of the county
board In reference to the Platte canal propo
The matter now stands before the commis
sioners In the form of several knotty legal
points and It Is pretty generally conceded
by the members of the county board that It
will take at least three weeks to unravel the
difficulties. A session was held behind
olosij. doors Monday "afternoon'at which the
petition signed by 5,000 voters was read.
The board then formulated several legal
propositions which have been submitted to
constitutional lawyers and Is awaiting their
opinions. As these gentlemen virtually pass
upon the validity of bonds , the Issue of which
may range from $1,500,000 to $2,300,000 , no
Immediate response Is expected.
Among the propositions which have been
and will be raised for solution Is the ques
tion as to whether the commissioners by the
appointment of trustees cm divest themselves
of the custody of county property In contra
vention of section 323 , chapter 18 , of the
statutes , which make the county board
guardian of county property. It Is also made
a point that the judges have no authority to
appoint trustees. These and other similar
questions are being prepared for counsel to
pass upon , as provided In the resolution ol
Judge Stenberg of Saturday.
Gun Club llolrts n Meeting.
Members of the Omaha Gun club held a
meeting Tuesday night and electee
the following officers for the en.
suing year : W. II. Hughes , pres.
Ident ; George W. Loomls , vice president
Frank W. Carmlchael. secretary ; Frank S
Parmelee , treasurer. Prior to adjournmeni
arrangements were considered for the annua
shoot and a committee appointed to take
charge of the details. A number of prlzei
will be offered.
Would Work for Undo bum.
A civil service examination was conducted
In the federal court room yesterday bj
U. S. Snyder of Washington , assisted by
Miss Violet Coffin and the local board ol
examiners. There were 120 applicants , elghtj
of whom desire positions in the railway mall
service , and the balance seek places In the
Indian school as teachers , or In other
branches of federal service as clerks , copylits ,
Hats , cockroaches , water bugs , etc. , killed
with Steam's Electric Paste ; 2Sc.
What's Your Life Worth ?
Is it worth a dollar to you ? Is it wortli a dollar f $ .
id * f * ' ' ' * /
to your family ? Wouldn't your friends willingly r.g
give a dollar to save your life ? Can yotumeasure Uf
your life in dollars and cents ? "VVouldn't you give a [ i ' A ? '
dollar to know that you'd get over that .miserable
run-down-all-over feeling ? Wouldn't you clieerfully
give the prettiest ten-dollar bill you ever saw just to
add a year more to your life ? You wouldn't be
human if you wouldn't. How do you feel 9 Are you
tired , overworked , fagged out ? Are you getting
thin ? Are you losing flesh , sleep and money ? Do
| l yoxi hack , coxigh , spit ? Have } 'ou got what doctors
call Consumption ? Maybe you have Consumption ,
iy $
i ! 3
I iff :
common , every-day cod liver oil. It's easy to take ,
docs a person good , builds up sick people , gives
them flesh , appetite , courage and new life.
Thin , pale women get plump and beautiful on Ozomulslon.
A bottle costs a dollar. Drug
OZOMULSION Cures Colds , Coughs , gists bell It. T. A. Slocum Co. , 183
Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , and Pearl Street , New York City , maVo
alt Pulmonary Complaints ! Scrofula , It , and send It anywhere. If it
General Debility , Loss of Flesh , An don't do you good , your dollar Is
aemia , and all Wasting Diseases. yourb again. liFer
For ealo by all Omaha , < Jnifstati and every whtie. Trade aupolltJ by nicharJson Prut
Co. end Bruce & Co. , Omaba.
V n Cnmp'n DninnRO Suit for 810,000
Other title * nn Trial.
Charles L. Van Camp and the Nebraska
Savings and Exchange bank and several of
Ha ofllccrs are In legal controversy over two
damage actions. On Juno 9 , 1694 , the bank
began attachment proceedings to collect the
face of a note for $1,010 , Klchard O'KecKo
and Van Camp being made the defendants.
Dank officials swore that Van Camp was
about to convey away his property and place
It beyond the reach of his creditors. An
attachment was Issued and levied on about
forty lots and houses of the value , so Van
Camp says , of ? 10,000. I'art of the property
was sold by him on the plan of future pay
ments , and thus ho claims he lost vari
ous bargains. He sues for $10,000 damages
and for $2,100 on the attachment bond.
The $8,000 damage suit of John O'Qrady ,
formerly a switchman on the Chicago Hur-
llngton & Qulncy railroad , against the com
pany has been dismissed. O'Orady at one
time settled his claim for damages for $100.
Ho claimed that the company then agreed
to glvo him a life job In holding down a
bench at Malvern as daemon at $40 a month.
This was In 18S5 and soon attcr O'Grady
had been run over by a car and had his leg
smashed. In November , 1S03 , he was dis
charged from his sinecure , and sued. He
now dismisses the action ,
The transcript from police court has been
filed In the district court wherein Julius S.
Coolty Is charged with being guilty of grand
larceny as bailee. Cooley has been In Jail
slnco Saturday.
The Republican Newspaper union and the
Great Western type foundry have tattled
their replevin action over n press by awardIng -
Ing the press to the defendant and the de
fendant paying $ " 6 In cash to the newspaper
The live stock commission of the state of
Wyoming and Burke & Frazlcr are fighting
over the value of $199 worth of cows. There
are eight bovlnes In the case.
In probate court I. O. McClurg has objected
to the appointment of George H. Payne as
administrator of the estate of Sarah E.
Draper. The Draper estate Is worth some
$3,000. It Is claimed that Payne has Judg
ments against the estate on notes which were
themselves procured by fraud and that an
effort will be made to have the Judgment ,
which was obtained In Colorado , set aside.
The- check which was mailed to Hartford ,
Conn. , to pay the Installment due on the life
Insurance policy of George W. Eastman ar
rived four days Irte. In December. 1893 ,
Eastman died , and when his widow , Eliza A.
Eastman , tried to collect $2,000 of Insurance
on her husband's life the Hartford Life and
Annuity company Informed her that the
policy had lapsed. Suit was then brought ,
which Judge Ferguson and a Jury have been
trying. H was claimed that Eastman had a
custom pf mailing his checks on the 1st of
the month , and did so In December , but
owing to a fault of tbo malls this one ar
rived four days late. The Jury was asked
to decide whether the company waived Its
rights by reason of this custom.
IliipllttVOUICH'H .Hooting.
The semi-annual convention of the Woman'u
Baptist Missionary society of the Omaha as
sociation will be held at the Beth-Eden
church , Park avenue and Leavenworth street ,
April 18 and 19. At the Thursday evening
session Rev. W. E. Witter , secretary of the
American Baptist Foreign fillsslonary so
ciety will deliver an address. Dr. Witter
was formerly a missionary In Assam and Is
one of the most eloquent and entertaining
speakers In the denomination. The Mozart
Quartet will sing. An Interesting program
will be given at all the meetings on Friday ,
and In the evening Miss Van Ness will speak ,
Mra. U. E. Sunderland will read and Mr.
Fred Abel will Bins-
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is takenit is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , headaches -
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and acceptable -
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in GO
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Last performance of
derat Spectacular and Trick Pantomime , the new
Bring the children to sec the beautiful farles ,
the funny clowns , the lions und the magnlll-
ctnt transformations.
Thla Is the largest and best production that the
HanloriH lm\c yet l > ut before the public , anil Is
l > i nn J iifw
NlKht prices na usual.
Friday , April 19 , Saturday , April 20.
Theodore Thomas ,
Mrs. fieiievrn-Joliiistou Bishop
Mr. Homer Moore.
Iteservcd Beats 7Bcto.50 |
Now on nalo at Adolph Meyer' * Music Btoro
10th autll'aruam.
As wo remarked often "A now pair of shoos gratis or your
inonoy bnck" if our shoos don't render nbsoluto satisfaction.
No shoo donlor enters upon such a generous contract , but why
do woP
Biniply bocnuso wo have absolute confltlonco In the shoo wo soil.
An "all leather" shoo carefully stretched is bound to wear and out
wear natural , and the natural wear of leather good stock is all any
reasonable person could expect.
Imitation solo leather compressed paper cannot bo guaran
teed. If wo would donl in such , wo couldn't handle enough shoos to
satisfy all complaints.
Yet wo sail pure leather shoos cheaper than the average shoo
A substantial working shoo for $1.15.
A full stock dross shoo for $1.05.
A splendid calf shoo for $2,00.
11\o best American calf Ooodyoar welt , a shoo of that calibre
retails everywhere at from $3.50 tol.OO our price $2.50.
Not a last , width , too or style known to the modern market but
what you are sure to flnd horo.
Now shades and shapss in tan shoos.
Postal Card us for a Spring ' 95 Catalogue , It'll reach
you postpaid.
Wonderful Tliniisniuls
la HH cttlcney. hnto boon cur oil
I'liciKMiiciml In Iliu rn- liy ln ! nta nfit-r i > Iiy. , I
of ItH nctlon. clnns Inn o f tilled lu cure
YOU . AUK NOT flFll. P lh p jroil arotroubM ullti conitlritlon.dlmha-aor rllti ; If nJtrnc.i in.l . i. ln
In the H.1n fior liter ibitomrn rll or Ilia iiomnch , lu ll > ( licit , difficulty ol trrMlilnf. ciupthtl iroulilei
trouble . i llh ojcf , lorcncil . In tin tl.nnl , liol flu. ben , a llrcil feeling , HlfTnoi oMtjojulnli eruption , on it , , .iin
. . . .
rjlmi.leiorci.cte. buHjiufiomiof dlieue. TAKK nHK 1IIMC. It Mill t , leve "
Ucc.tilntomtorojourhc.ltrj. CTYOUR DRUGGIST SELLS if"0"-1
IILAC'IC TOMC MKDIOXK C < C ataniifnrtriwn. NirUnlN. SIo.
Of our Would Be Competitors , both in
We can safely
We can
lliat we've
assert without
done more fear of contra
diction that our
prlcjs have av
eraged from 40
ty 65 per cent
Business lower tlun oth
April 1st than er people are
all other stores asking for sim
in Omaha com ilar goods ,
bined. f
Wo wish to say that wo will never try to make you believe that wo
sell an article worth $75.00 for $15.00. Such methods are always suspicious
and wo know you can't be caught by tricks ot this character. 4
Get the lowest cash prices on any article you want , then come to us
and we will beat It , und should you want time payments wo will ac
commodate you and you wont be a&ked to pay any extras , for we have only
one price to all. 4
We Will Furnish Your House Complete. 4i
Send for Baby Carriage Send for Jewel Gasoline i
Catalogue. St eye Catalogue.
t The Jewel Gasoline Stove is Absolutely Safe.
That is the state of your stom- 3
mach. You know it , you feel it , 3D
c D
you show it , The remedy you
n need is Ripans Tabules. Safe
Sure and Effective.
Tahules : SuM by druggist ! , or by mill
If the price ( H > cents a box ) U sent to The Ill-
pans Chemknl Company , No. 10 Kpruca St. , N.
tfor sa6 ! by all First Class Ocnlors. Manufactured by the
Factory No. 804 , St. Louis , M u