THE OMAIIA DAILY KEE : WEDNESDAY , APRIL 17 , 1805. S , P , MORSE DRY GOODS CO Muslins and Sheetings from tlio Jaflray Stock on Bale Tomorrow , SEE OUR OTHER AD ON PAGE 5 A. Orrml Army of New ( looiln nt Kitra 'rlcm Tlio I'lclc of tlio ilnfTrny Stock on H.ilo lit Mornb'8. Tomorrow only a special sale of sheeting ? llncnfi , mutllns , etc. Fruit loom miulln Gc. Ivonstlalo muslin Gc. Very finest untileactml muslin Gc. Klne bleached sheeting , 2 yards wide , 13c. 2U yards wldo lEc. 2V4 yards wldo 17'/4c. ' It's Just giving them away at such prices , hut wo want you to get acquainted with this Jaftray stock , and prices are a good Intro duction , JAKPUAY'S HOSIERY. Ladles' silk plaited hose , In all colors , GOc. All colors , stripes , also plain hose , 2'ic. Ladles' extra line cotton black hose , 33c ; 3 pairs for $1.00. Ladles' white foot Blockings 25c. Ladles' black hose 9c. Children's heavy ribbed black hose lie. Also heavy gray hose IGc ; 2 pairs for 2. > c. Iloys1 blcyclo hose In three grades , at 22c , two pairs 40c. TWO UIO DRKSS GOODS IJAUOAINS. Several cases of novelty suitings have Just come In from the Jaffray stock , and not knowing exactly what they are , wo can't de scribe thorn nor give a price , but the ladles can rest assured they are better In price than any ever brought to Omaha. They will bo on ale tomorrow. One lot that wo opened this morning con sists of M-lnch mixed suitings In all colors , that could be readily sold for $1.00 , but we sell them for 3'Jo. Another case of 12-Inch English serges. In all colors and blnck , the COc grade the world over , go tomorrow at 37'/ic. < We are sole agents for llutterlck's patterns , fashion sheets and the Delineator , the only up-to-date dress magazine printed. Sub scription $1.00 n year. You will nnd this department In the ladles' parlor now. S. 1' . MOUSI2 DRY GOODS CO. , Selling Jaffray's stock tomorrow. Auiticur/rimAf. COMMISSION AKDIN so in : MI ; . Appeal to the llrni-io'ciit C'ltlzciu of Onmlm. In response to our application to the county commissioners for money with which to pur chase potatoes , seeds , etc. , they In their wis dom have only seen flt to grant us a donation of four hundred bushels of seed potatoes , on condition that they are to be given only to those who received aid from the county itore last winter. Wo nro therefore compelled on behalf of these deserving families who exhausted their means during the past winter , and who avoided applying to the county for aid , but who are now without further resources , to make this public appeal for donations of money , seed potatoes , garden seeds , Imple ments , and the use of teams for ploughing up the land already received. All checks and donations of money should lie forwarded to Mayor Ilcnils , city hall , and the notice of other donations sent to the secretary , Agricultural commission , city hall , who will send for them. GKOROK P. IJHM1S , President. M. A. M'GINN , Secretary. OMAHA , April 1C , 1833. HniiirNi-nkflrt' t'xviirslnns. On April 23 , 1893 , the Union Pacific system will sell tickets from Missouri river points nnd stations In Kansas and Nebraska to points south and west In Nebraska and Kan sas , also to Colorado , Wyoming , Utah and Idaho , cast of Wclser and south of Heaver Canon , at the rate of ono first class fare for the round trip , plus $2.00. Minimum rate , ? 7.00. See your nearest Union Pacific ticket agent. K. L. LOMAX , General Passenger and Ticket Agent , _ Omaha , Neb. TAKING MASONS HIGHER. Reunion < > r llin SiottlHli into for the Until hern .lurli-illetlon. The Scottish Rite Masons for the southern Jurisdiction of the United States In the val ley of Omaha began the llrst day of their re union nt Masonic hall yesterday morning , for the purpose of conferring the degree work from the fourth to the thirty-second degree. Many guests arrived through the day , the larger part , however , not getting In until evening. Masons are present from Iowa , South Dakota , Minnesota and Kansas , and representatives are expected from most ol the other states belonging to this large Juris diction bcforo the conclusion of the exer cises , which \\lll culminate In the conferring of the thirty-second degree Friday afternoon. At a late hour labt night twenty candidates for degree work had already presented them selves. Fifty altogether are expected to take the work. The high state officials present are : Roberl O. Jordan , thirty-third degree , Inspector general - oral of the state ; Henry C. Akin , thirty-third ilofireo , deputy Inspector general of the state nnd William Cleburno , thirty-third degree deputy Inspector general of the state. The degree work Incident to the lodge ol perfection was followed throughout the daj nnd evening , beginning with the Mounl Morlah lodge at 10 o'clock , followed by tin degrees of secret master , perfect master , con fldentlal secretary and provost and Judge. Ir the evening the beautiful and Impressive cer omonles of the perfect Klu or fourteenth degree greo were conferred , John J. Mercer , thirty third degree , being the officer In charge foi the evening. ENTHUSIASTIC OVER PROSPECTS Btulo 1'alr aiiuiiiKort I'rmllct tlmt tlio .Meet. IIIR Mill lln n Siicrio * . The board of managers of the State Fal association met at the Mlllard this mornlnj and after examining the revised plans o Architect Uolmlorff. accepted the eame am paid a high compliment to that gentleman' ability. A committee of the Manufacturers and Con Burners association called and requested tha a building. Inhlch to exhibit home in a nu factured goods , bo erected with the otho structures. The request was taken wide consideration , and a definite answer will b Given today. Secretary Furnas says that the plans an general arrangsments for the coming stat fair will excel anything ever before given 1 Nebraska , and that the buildings to be crccte will ba the best of their class In the Unite States. All the members of. the board ar enthusiastic over the outlook. , At the afternoon session of the lioaru committee from the Commercial club , cor siEtlng of Messrs. Utt and Dennett , wn heard with relation to arrangements for th local display. It was decided to have all th buildings erected with a vlow to stability. . committee from the Douglas County Fnl association and other local delegations calle during the afternoon and UUeusseJ plans fc various exhibits , Druid Illll School Itoumliirlcj. Previous action of the Hoard of Educs tlon In i cfusing to Ox the boundaries o the Druid Hill ttchool was net aside at th meeting Mondnv night nnd tlio boundnrle were mimed. The line runes from the Intel uectlon of Tlilrty-sl.\th iiml Spruce street east on SpniRue to the Kelt line track ! thence northeast to Twenty-eighth street uouth on Twenty-eighth to I'lnlsney , WUE on Plnkney to Thirty-sixth nnd north o Thlrly-nlxtli to Sprasuc. The cast boun dary line til the Monmputli 1'nrlc school I changed from Thirty-Ural to Thlrtlet street , nnd It In expected tlmt nine ? th boundaries are now distinctly defined th principals of these schools will not he com plained ot as going gunnliii ; after eac Others' pupils. Waul to Hco CtirlstnfTcrtoit , The heirs of Frederick IInns < ? n have ntke Judge Baxter's permission to allow suit t bo brgueht again * ! George Chrlstoffxiso to recover $ < 00 ot the estate's niuy , wh'.c It Is alleged ho fulled to deliver up as mi rntnlstrator when ordered. The will of Alfred H. SnowJeu has bee probated. Snowdrn died In Ur . leaving n Ills evtato to n sister In Mixi-ourl. M t .1 he was supposed to Iwv * no property th will was not probated until yesterday J jJlW be had something. HAYOKN IIIIUS. Itlnek Droii Gooiln from tha I' . B , Jeffrey & Co. Stock. In adding this last purchase to this Im mense stock we can assert without fear of contradiction that It Is the largest and cheap est department In Omaha , 44-Inch black wool grenadine , Jaffray's wholesale price 25c ; our price 12V&C. 40-Inch all wool German henrlcttn , Jaffray's wholesale price 39cj our price 2Gc. 40-Inch all wool figured fancies ; Jaffray's price COc ; our price 35c. 46-Inch all wool Imported serge , Jaffray's pi Ice B",4c ; our price 39c. 40-Inch all wool crepon figured and plain , Jaffray's price S5c ; our price COc. 40-Inch Imported German Henrietta , Jaff- ray's price SOc ; our price COc. CO-lnch Imported clay worsted for capes and skirts , J affray's price $1.85 ; our price $1.CO. 40-Inch alapaca 23c ; 40-Inch nun's veiling 2Gc ; 40-Inch French serge 23c ; Jaffray's price from 37 V4c to COc. Any nnd all goods bought In this depart ment are guaranteed both as to price and quality , Money refunded cheerfully where goods are not as represented. GREAT PURCHASE OF DOMRSTICS. From K. S. Jaffray Co. receiver's sale. L L sheeting 3fcc. . 42-Inch wide sheeting 7.4c. 45-Inch "Mo sheeting 9c. 8-1 uldc sheeting lie. 9-4 wide sheeting 12lie. 10-4 wide sheeting ICc. Cotton flannel 3' , c. Shirtings Gc , Sc nnd lOc. Ticking Re , Sc , lOc , IGc. Wonderful bargains from E. S. Jaffray's receiver sale. One large lot dark ground figured Entities , mostly In 25c grade ; your choice at Gc. One lot 30-inch percales , wholesale price lOc ; your choice of entire lot at Gc. One lot best grade outing flannel , whole sale price lOc to 15c ; your choice at Gc. One lot bleached cambric and muslins ; holesalo price 12'fcc ' ; your choice at Cc. Odds and ends of calico nt 2c worth Gc. Wonderful bargains In white goods and nens from A. S. Jaffray & Co.'s receiver ale. Checks and plain nainsooks at lOc worth ! 0c. New dimities In stripes at 12l&e ; India nous at T'/fcc , at lOc , at 12',4c , at IGc ; actual nine IGc up to 33c. All newest patterns In Swisses at Oc , at Gc , at 2oc , nt SOc. Surprising bargains In table linens , towels nil napkins. We name the lowest prices on silks at 11 times and undr no circumstances win vo be undersold. Colored satin duchcsse , all ellk , In black , rown , myrtle gray , olive , magenta and luettc , worth $1.60 ; our price 76c yard. Elegant taffeta silks for skirts and waists n small designs and colorings go at 49c and 19c yard , worth double. IJlack grcs do londres , neat and pretty iinnll designs , this season's styles , worth 1.23 , go at 8Gc yard. Crepon silks , the new pllsse effect In black , vhlte and garnet , worth $1.76 ; you can buy hem hero at $1 00 per yard. Don't buy any silks without looking over iur assortment. HAYDEN BROS. o A lroiv AitiunltiKi'ft. Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 'aul railway , the short line to Chicago. A lean train , made up and started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to dcstlna- ion. Elegant train service and courteous 'mployes. ' nntlre train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light In ivtry berth. Finest dining car service In he west , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Union ) epot. City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam street. C. S. Carrier , city ticket agent. Iinp3S4llilo to lA\u lii Tlili C'onn'ry Without hearing about the Northwestern Inc's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people WILL talk about Its convenience , ' tastefulness - ness and comprehensive up-to-datcnes t. Omaha , 5:4G : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:15 : a. m. Ves- ibuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte [ liners , Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. No extra cost. Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m. ml 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checked t home ? City ticket offic-1 , 1401 Farnam street. o no.Mi siiiCKiis : ! i.x UICSION. yi April 23. Vni AtcliUiin , Topolm & 1 Snntii To I ! . 1C. On April 23 the Santa Fe Route will sell Ickets to all points In Arkansas , Texas , Okla homa , Indian Territory , Kansas , Colorado , N'cw Mexico , Arizona and Utah at rate of ono faro , plus $2 , for the round trip. Mini mum selling rate , $7. For full Information , call on or address E. L. Palmer , passenger agent. Room 1 , First National bank building , Omaha. RESIGNED HIS CHARGE. I'l } mouth Con&reE' Church FlniU ItKC'lf Without si I'lifttnr. At a meeting of the board of trustees of he Plymouth Congregational church In Kountzo Place , Hcv. J. A. Fisher , the pastor , endered his Designation , and the same was accepted , to tale effect on June 1 of the present year. On August IB , ISO I , Mr. Fisher accepted ; he call of the church and removed from Dwlght , 111. , where ho had formerly resided , at once taking P his residence In this city. Plymouth church has not yet extended a call to another pastor to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation , but will do so In tlio course of the next few days , Mr. Fisher will remove from the city , but as yet he has not decided upon a location. AXXU lULMUXT.t. . Today two performances of Hanlon's bit spectacular pantomime , "Superba , " will bt given at the Boyd a matinee at 2:30 : this afternoon and the regular evening perfornv nnco at 8. Commencing with the matinee this afternoon a sketch from ono of the mosl Interesting cplsodrs In Dti Maurler's great novel , "Trilby. " will be given for the flrsi time. The sketch will Introduce several o : the most prominent characters of the work and great regard has been paid toward i faithful representation of the great artist novelist's Ideas. Miss Delia Muni , the so prano of the "Superba" company , will appeal as Trilby , nnd will sing the ballad , "Her Holt. " The prices of adrnlsLlon for the mall neo have been fixed ns follows : First ffoor 30 and 73 centi ; balcony , 25 and 50 cents. A it the evening performances the prices nre a [ : usual. The engagement will close tomorrov ( Thursday ) evening. The Della Fox part and curl has takei the place of the Psycho knot nnd the Lang try bang In the affection of the ladles o Now York , and nine out of every ten Hdlci of fashionable attlro to bo seen on the Broad I- IIr uay and Fifth avenue promenade wear thel IrII tmlr dressed a la Delia Fox. This fact wll IIi cause her appearance at tlc | Boyd on Sun day , Monday and Tuesday next to be awaltci \sltli unusual Imprest by the Indies. Colone Whiting Allen , a most urbane southern mill tnry gentleman of the old school. Is repro sentlng the Delia Fox Opera company am arrived In the city yesterday. The most wonderful of all of the ate worKs of the great genius Wagner Is th "Parsifal. " The following descriptive nolle of the number to bo heard next Saturda night at the Thomas concert will bo of In tereat. Prelude and Glorification , tram "Par- MfRl" Wngue "Parsifal , " the last of Wagner's musl dramas , was brought to a first hearing o the. 2Glb nt July , 1SS2 , at Bayreuth , and ha formed the principal feature ot each succeed Ing festival nt this place. As yet the wor has not boon heard elsewhere , although con cert performances of the music have bee Klvcn In Mvoral American cities. Its sut mis , "A ConiecratUe Festival Stage Play , nt once bcspcaUti Its religious aim and cliai AOler. Wagner's study of legendary lor covered BO wide a field It cannot be enl that ono work mors ttan pnotber Influence Ufm In his trpatinrnt of tha Jjgeji5 of tli Holy GrRll. and , tl 'siory ot 1'nrslfal , th pure knlgnt , ; ucker of the Grail. "Parsifal i 1" ' "iiy as advanced as any of the drama which pieceded It , and by many U consli ! ered to be Wagner's greatest work , certain ! [ rein the btandpolnt of the poet. Cure , the great cough and crou cure , U In great den ar.d Pocket dze ccc Ultu t\\tnty-flv du , only 25 ce ; ; Chll < lr n lave II , Sold by dtuglgsts. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. tVlintVns Done by l.nwyeri , Judges nnd Jnrlc Vrntonlny , Several additional defendants Interested In the Injunction suit brought by the Universal Co-opcrnUvo association against the sheriff , N. It. Folsom and others , to restrain the ejectment of the association from Us liote'l quarters In the lower part of town , made answer. Among the number Is the Byron Reed company , which acted ns agent for the owners of the property rented by the hotel association. The Heed company brought ejectment proceedings because the concern did not pay rent , getting a judgment In Its favor bcforo Justice Cockrcll , the enforce ment of which has been restrained. Ono of the causes alleged by J. C. Monnlngcr , who has been the head hotel man , Is that false statements \\eto made to him respecting the time when the justice case would bo heard. The Reed company denies having misled Monnlngcr and asks to have the concern re moved. Judge Blair Instructed the Jury In the suit between George Barker and Charles Corbctt and S. R. Johnson , as defendants In favor of Darker , for $15,227.27 , the full amount nskcd. A claim of usury was made and a deduction of $500 of the sum sued for asked on this score. The defendants executed a note for $10.000 In July , 1889 , drawing 1216 per cent Interest. The following November new notes and securities wore taken at n less rate. The question arose whether the new notes and securities did away with the usurious taint. The court held they did. The Baptist General association has been Interested In a little lawsuit against Mary E. nnd Edwin Overall and others for the fore closure ot a mortgage on n tract of land on which a $1COO mortgage rested. The church association won , for the defendants failed to defend. John Kennelly and the Street Railway com pany have fixed up their controversy In con sideration of $ ICOO. This Is all Kennelly gets out of a claim for $25,000 , which he filed In the way of a suit last year. May 0 , 1891 , ho was walking across tlio Intersection of Leavenworth nnd Thirteenth streets and was hit by a passing motor. He did not hear the bell and claimed it was not rung. The bruises were such that ho had to have his left leg amputated. The Jury returned a verdict for $1,108 In the suit by the Fltchburg Worsted company against C. Canan and others. Suit was Insti tuted on a $1,000 promissory note given In May , 1S93. As a defense It was alleged that no place of payment had been written on the note , but that , without authority , there was Interlined the words "payable nt the Omaha National bank. " This defense was held not good. The Jury empaneled to try the Issues be tween William PfelfTer nnd Frank S. Moore found for the plaintiff nnd assessed his dam ages at G cents for the detention of a buggy worth $250. the recovery of which wns the object of Pfeiffer's suit. 0. 13. Shukert , nn export furrier and ono ot the leading witnesses In the arson case against McCabe and Schultz , has been talkIng - Ing of going to Europe. To prevent this the state Is making an effort to Induce Shukert to give bonds for his appearance at the trial. Shukert examined the Schultz store to find burnt furs after the fire. The Globe Loan nnd Trust company Is trying to foreclose a mortgage on a sand pit at South Omaha , owned by E. C. and Mary Lane. The defendants claim It was the agreement that the mortgage need not be paid unless the sand pit on the lot yielded a sufficient amount of earnings to raise the mortgage. Building It is alleged has been poor and the demand for Eand so small that the Lanes nsk to have the suit again dis missed until the said business picks up. Abraham Slimmer and Thomas Martin have been sued by Perry Bros. & Co. , a commis sion firm , because they drew an overdraft of $ C82 , which they now refuse to pay. The de fendants for three consecutive years shipped the commission firm fat stock and all went well until the overdraft was drawn. Srcklns I'orrlcn Cllmo In search of pleasure or business , should be preceded by the purchase of nature's great In- vlgorator , Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , the best and most genial medicinal safeguard in dxistence. Mariners , miners , commercial travelers , tourists , nnd all who travel by lander or sea , speak of It in the highest terms. Ma laria , biliousness , constipation , Indigestion , rheumatism , nervousness and kidney trouble are remedied by It. City 1'rinonnrH .Strike. Yesterday morning five city prisoners who have been sentenced to do work 011 the streets refused to work about the city Jail and barn , claiming that the ordinance provided that they should work on the streets under the direction of the Board of Public Works. It Is understooJ that the police olllclals will get the board to designate the Jail and bam as placea where- prisoners shall work. According to the provisions of the ordi nance the board can designate any place to work. As it has been the custom for years to compel prisoners to work about the Jail , it Is thought that some person Induced the prisoners to strike. Held tlio Annual Kindlon. At the annual parish meeting of St. Barna bas church the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year : War dens J. W. Van Nostrand and Theodore L. miiKwalt ; vestrymen , J. R. Hlngwalt , George V West. J. R. Daly , C. W. Lyman , II. G. Manvllle , II. C. Burr and Will Browne , jr.- treasurer , Theodore L. Rlngwalt ; delegates t ( diocesan convention , J. W. Van Nostrand 0 W Lyman and Theodore L. Rlngwalt alternates , George F. West , A. W. Brock and J. R. Daly. I'.Xt'UKiION Vln the MlMoiirl I'uriilo Hnlhvny. On April 23rd. Round trip tickets at one fare ( plus $2.00) ) to all points In Kansas , Arkansas. Oklahoma and Indian Territories , TPVSS etc Call or write for further In- formtlon to ag nt at depot. 15th and Webster SK or city offlce. N. E corner 13th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Neb. CCLOTHIMG : HDU L We Imve'too many Light Weight Overcoats We arc going to unload and to do so we assume the biggest loss we have made since the Continental opened. All our line $12 nnd $10 . $ .50 Light Weight Overcoats All our flue ? 1S nnd iflo- Llght Weight Overcoats . Alt our line J2i ! nml $20 Light Weight Overcoats All our line $30 nntl ? 1 > S Light Weight Overcoats Sale Begins Thursday Morning Over 1,000 of this seasons' garments in the lot Not a coat reserved. Vicunas , Worsteds , Silk Mixtures , Cheviots. The best overcoat opportunity you've ever had the grandest bargains we ever gave. , .50 ; .oo BEOINS THURSDAY HDUSEL. LOCATB THE UINEllAL. Oliji'ct of n CmninlKRlMii Jim Appointed by tlm ( Jonoriil Lnnil Ulllco. Hon. A. A. Oranc ot Harrison , Idaho , ivissed through the city yesterday en route home. While in Omaha Mr. Crane received notice of hla appointment by the president as a member of the commission selected to segregate the mineral lands lying within the land grant to the Northern I'aclflc railroad. The company claimed that the title to these lands , If odd sections , vested In the com pany Immediately upon completion of the road In accordance with the terms of the act of congress. The people of Idaho and Montana contended that under the terms of the grant , which excepted mineral lands , the company was not entitled to odd sections upon which the precious metals were found. The supreme court of the United States finally ratified the position taken by the people and the ofllce of the commission just appointed Is to determine what are mineral lands , within the limits of the grant , and upon the flllns of plats with the land ofllce of the district In which the mineral land Is located the segregation Is complete , sub ject to the right of appeal by any party In terested. This act of congress will doubt less result In one more great lawsuit , brought to determine what Is mineral land within the meaning of the act , and then the work will soon bo over. Many of the great mines of northern Idaho were found to be located on odd sections , while the grant cut a wldo swath through the mineral belt of Montana. No legislation could have been of 'iiore value to the people of the two states nentloned. Mr. Crane Is a skillful assayer , .uito familiar with the character of minerals In the northwest , and Is In all respects well qualified to protect the miners and pros pectors of his state , while at the same time doing justice to the company. Murrlnijn licmi p < . The following marriage licenses were Issued by the county clerk yesterday : Name and Address. Age. John Holdln , Onmlm 22 Eillth I'arker , Omnha IS Hlllln II. Kelley , S uth Omahn. . . . IS Lillian Van Annan , South Omaha Hlchard 11. Wagoner. Albany 35 Kdlth I * Wagoner. Omuha 23 Henry J lUrhter , Omaha 33 Jennie Booth , Omaha 31 HA 3 GARDEN SEEDS GALORE. btikto Itcllcf Association IIclp % Out on the ( Snrcli'ii Spot 1'lnii. Notwithstanding tlio negative answer re ceived from Washington Monday by John 11. Furay and others Interested In the Omaha garden plot plan. Major Furay thought of another scheme which might bring enough fceeda to the Agricultural commission of the metropolis and aid materially In the plan , as promulgated by the commission In tilling the waste spots of the city and planting them with garden seeds. He sent to Secre tary Ludden a copy of the negative answer received from the Department of Ag riculture with the Inquiry of the relief commission what could be done to aid the Omaha plan. At noon Mayor Heails received the follow ing telegram from Lincoln : "At the sugges tion of Major Kuray I will mall you today six sacks of garden seeds for your Omaha garden spot plan. Seeds leave here on No. 2 liiirlington , nnd should reach the Omaha postolllco at 4:30 : today. In this lot will ba enough seeds for 1,000 families. " The tele gram was signed by Luther P. Ludden. sec retary of the Nebraska Heller commission. Word reaches this ofllce from the mayor that these seeds will be distributed from the rooms of the Omaha association , commenc ing this morning. The association at one of Its meetings decided not to ask the State Relief association for help , upon the theory that It had enough to do to take care of the poor of the state , but these seeds , coinIng - Ing as they do , will be thankfully accepted by the Omaha movers In the garden spot p _ Iinpnrtiint Clmngo In Tlnir. "Great nock Island Route" to Chicago , Pcorla and all points east ; Atlantic Kxpruss leaves 11 n. m. ; Vestibule Limited , 4:30 : p. m. ; Night Kxpress , G:25 : p. m. To Lincoln , Fair- bury , Dellevllle , Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo and all points west ; Vestlbul Lim ited leaves at 1:40 : p. m. ; Texas Kxpress , via Lincoln and Ilrllevllle , leaves at C p. m. Ticket ofllce , 1C02 Farnam atrcct. lUserved seats for Theodore Thomas' con cert now on sale at Adolpli Myers' music store , ICth and Farnam. 3 O20NB. COD IrV03R Oil , . GUAIACOI , . a o Kn 0M H n 0O 9 0O - 9a M O a - u It is a well-known fact among scrofula , eczema.y mnd all kinds of produced for a specific purpose- 9H 9o chemists that certain curative agents wasting diseases. Their combina It is not a nostrum or a cure-all , I. - o H which have a marked beneficial tion in Ozomulsion not only retains but a reliable specific for all wast H U effect , when prescribed separately , all their respective virtues in .the ing diseases , Consumption , whether 8m often have those same effects very treatment of thedistressing ailments of hereditary or accidental origin , 0O materially increased when combined referred to above , but , by the pe scrofula or scrofulous taint. It 26y n O bined with well-chosen agents having culiar chemical combination ob can be taken for any form.of lung ra o ing a similar therapeutic effect. tained , secures effects which are in trouble , colds , la grippe , blood- One of the happiest combinations a marked degree superior to the poisoning , eczema , scrofula , feeble erIc of this character is found in OZO- best produced by separate prescription ness from old age ; in weak , ner DIl HULSION. It is composed of a scription of all of them to the vous conditions arising from over nrk ISn permanent Emulsion of Pure Norwegian same patient. The Emulsion is work or any other cause ; emac rkn wegian Cod Liver Oil combined perfect , and the chemical combina iation , or any wasting disease ; with Giiaiacol , and the entire prep tion such as to produce in Ozo angular women , puny girls , sickly aration charged with ozone. Two mulsion the grandest germ-de children. Its effects are immediate reId r- of the ingredients Cod Liver Oil stroying , blood-purifying and flesh- and certain. It is acceptable to the Id a and Guaiarol have long been accepted producing remedy of the age. No most delicate stomach , and as harm 10 cepted by the medical profession other preparation approaches Ozo less as pure water. It is the kind noii as most effective agents in the treatment mulsion. It is an unique , power physicians prescribe. Sold by all d- as ment of all forms of lung disease , ful , positive remedy one that was druggists. diy Thin , pale women get plump and beautiful on Ozomulsion. A. Sf.OCUM CO. , iSr Pearl Street , New York City. Co. and Drue * Si Co. , Omaha. . lUcUardion Dmg Trade br Vet al by all Omab.1 drussl t and druggist * e yeryvther * enefous Contrac As wo romnrlcotl often "A now pair of shoos gratis or your money bnok" if our shoos don't render absolute satisfnction. No shoo dealer enters upDii such a sonorous contract , but why do woP Simply bocnuso wo Imvo absolute confldonco in the shoo wo soil. A An "nil leather" shoo carefully stretched is bound to wear nnd out wonr nnturnl , nud the nnturnl wear of leather good stock is nil nny * * - , reasonable person could expect. Imitation solo leather compressed paper cannot bo guaran teed. If wo would deal in such , wo couldn't handle enough shoos to satisfy nil complaints. Yet wo sail pure leather shoos cheaper than the nvorngo shoo. A substantial working shoo or $1.10. A full stock dross shoo for $1.05. A splendid calf sho3 for.$2,00. The best American calf Goodyear welt , n shoo of thit calibro retails everywhere at from $3.DO to $1.OO our price $2.60. Not a last , width , to3 or style known to tha modern market but what you nro sure to ilnd hora. Now shades and shapaa in tan. shoos. Postal Card us for a Spring ' 95 Catalogue , It'll raach you postpaid. Disorder. That is the state of your stom- p mach. You know it , you feel it , you show it. The remedy you need'is Ripans Tabules. Safe Sure and Effective , Hlpans Tnbules : Sold by druggists , or by mall , , If the price (10 ( cents a. box ) la sent to Tlie III- i n pans Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce St. , N. V. POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK. ' BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE The Boston Store is famous for its bargain deals. Here is another bankrujpt stock Furniture. Come and get goods at just half price , S-l 03. TOO v.-Mte enamel Iron Ilcila , with extended foot rails , brups knobs , all Blzi'g , uoith 110. 8.52.05. One him Ircd 3-plrcc Hed I' < m sMs. S"llil nak .10x21 IH-M-ILM ! iimnrr , wortli ! JO Pi 80.OO. Solid Anllquo Oak , neatly cm veil , iKs roll * < or , aliuDK and \\cil maUc , wartli { 10. 811.05. Combination Hook Pnno nr < ] Wilt'nfr ' Pcjik , > o | . lit oak , hand cut\nl. lilKlilj i I vhol , Kmich Lev- clt-J mirror , worth Jl'j Tu. U5o. 80.50. Antique flnlih Dining Chair , open caln fc.ut , I'ull rnllim Daby Carriage , uitio1M | rcJ In pluiU , * worth il 10. tni'i ( ry ar LrjcnleU , nine pariuol , Mdttu J1J. I ' BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. IGtli & Douglas I >