Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    'VWptf '
Golden Wedding of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vaclar
Bandhauer Oclobratod Yesterday ,
Muilc , ltnniiict | nml Tonnl ut NiUtonnl Ilnll
Congr.ittiliilloin from I rlrml * Ncur
anil I'ur .More Tlinn I'l\o
llunilrvil Present.
To few people Is the opportunity given to
be present at a golden wedding , and often not
moro than once In a lifetime , but far fewer
are those whom time permits to celebrate
such an event. Yet such was the affair that
was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Vaclav Band-
hauer at the National hall on South Thir
teenth street yesterday afternoon and even-
Ing. The occasion was made an event In the
Bohemian society of Omaha by the many
friends of the couple who had traveled to
gethcr for fifty years on life's Journey , and
will keep this Easter day green In their
memory until death destroys remembrance.
The celebration was under the auspices of
the Bohemian Ladles' Benevolent society ,
assisted by members of theC. . S. P. S. Mr.
Bandhauer was one of the charter members
of this organization , the first Bohemian so
ciety In the country , when It was founded In
St. Louis In 1831 , since which tlmo lodges
have sprung up all over the United States
In 18CO ho became a charter member of the
Slovanska Llpa , also started In St. Louis , ant
about the same tlmo he , together with other
Ilohcmlanp , founded the Narodiiy Llsty , the
first Bohemian paper In the country. Mrs ,
Bandhauer was an actress In the ilrst play
put on the boards of the first Bohemian the
ater In America In St. Louis , and since that
time she has been prominent in theatricals
In Chicago , among other places.Vlth sucl :
a connection with the early Bohemian soci
ety of this country , the couple have become
well known , and at the celebration yesterday
COO of the most prominent people In Omaha
Bohemian society were present to offer their
The opening ceremony was solemn. The
ladles of the society formed n long double fill
from the door of the hall to the stage , whicli
was decorated with banners and pottei' '
plants. After on opening march by S. 15.
Letowfckl and orchestra the honored couple
walked through the files to the strains of the
same wedding march that led them to tlm
altar fifty years before. Following came
their son and daughter. Frank W. Bandhauer
and Mrs. Anna R. Kallna , the daughter-in-
law nnd son-in-law , Mrs. Bandhauer and Mr.
Kallna , and the grand children , Aggie and
Sylva Kallna , and Emll F. Bandhauer. Judge
Berka received them with words of welcome
and congratulation and then addressed the
guests , giving a brief sketch ot their lives.
At the conclusion the guests sat down to a
loaded banqueting table arranged In the form
of a three-sided square , Mr. and Mrs. Band-
liatier at the head and the children and grand
children to the right and left. When the
guests were seated , Mrs. Joseph Mlchal , In
behalf of the Ladles' Benevolent society , pre
sented n gift to the couple with words of such
hearty wellwishes that tears sprung Into the
pyes of the recipients. Feasting followed ,
accompanied by selections from the orchestra
and the rendition of a musical program. The
latter consisted of piano selections by Prof.
Edward Dworak , solos by Mrs. M. Housky , a
duct by the Mines Vodlcka and a flute bolo
by John SwoboJa , accompanied on the piano
by Miss Anna J. Nach. For some hours after
the conclusion of the banquet , Mr. and Mrs.
Bandhauer received the Individual congratu
lations of the guests.
There were more than DOO people present.
.Among these were : Messrs. and Mesdames
Prank L. ICasper , V. L. Vodlcka , Anton
Kment , John Roslcky , sr. , Walter Brandes ,
II. V. Rlrskowsky , W. Dongres , Joseph
Mlchal , Dr. Rosewater , Dr. Holovtschlner ,
Henry Bolln , J. II. Butler and J. A. Hod-
podsky , editor of the People's Voice of Wahoo.
Letters and telegrams of congratulations were
received from the Glovanska Llpa , the C. S.
I' . S. , and the Ladles' Benevolent iwcletles of
St. Loulu , and from friends at San Jose and
other places. _
Argues lor the KxlHtenco of ( Soil nnd llollof
In Immortality.
At the Knox Presbyterian church yesterday
afternoon Hon. W. J , Bryan gave a short
talk to men on the subject "The Existence of
a Qed or the Immortality of the Sou.1. " Tlie
church was filled long before the arrival of
the speaker.
Mr. Bryan said the existence ot a Qed or
the Immortality of the soul was a , question
which concerned us In this world , as well as
with .reference to the hereafter. The first
question to bo considered was , docs a God
exist , or Is there an Infinite Intelligence- some
where ? A person with but ordinary Intelli
gence could not but believe that a supreme
being existed , or else ho was not candid
enough to admit It , or had not the Intelligence
to comprehend , and wns a fit subject for the
Insane asylum. Robert Ingorsoll , the greatest
exponent of the atheist doctrine , was truthful
'and honest enough to candidly admit that ho
did not know whether a God existed.
The animal kingdom and all nature , said
Mr. Bryan , join In testimony \\1ilcli teaches
that there Is a God. Some people profess to
think It Is humiliating to confess that there
Is a supreme being. It Is just the reverse
and Instead It Is a consoling thought to know
thnt there Is a supreme being. The greatest
minds this world has over known were glad
to acknowledge their belief that them was aGed
God nnd that they leaned on htm for tlielr
wisdom and support. The belief In a God
helps mankind In many ways. The fear ol
being found out In the commission of crime
Is ono of the grcatist restraints from wrong
If the belief In Immortality , he continued
Is an Illusion , It Is the sweeten comforter we
kive on earth. When d ath sernra' s a mothei
from her children It Is a grand thought t'nal
she will , meet them In another world , thougli
perhaps In another form , and It helps to make
the partings In this world less hard to bear
As In tli'j case of the existence of a God , tlu
same proofs can bo applied , and there can bi
no escape from the conclusion tliat there U
on existence In the world beyond. We know
by observing our lives that they are but r
part here. The lives may be viewed fron
Infancy through the years of developmenl
until death , at which the greatness of a mar
in this world has been attained. The Hie :
that all U to end when ( ho body ceases to llvi
cannot be believed. If tlie lives of men an
formed on the theory that death ends all ex
Istence , the lives are then formed on a differ
cut basin anil will naturally not be what tlie ;
should , It formed on the theory that theri
Is on after existence and there Is an unknowi
future , the lives are apt to bo formed nc
cordlngly , and those of this belief will leai
a better life. The man who regards fills llf
as only a eojourn will live the best life , an <
he who believes this life will end all will b
the least happy.
The tiniest particle of matter has cxlstei
in some form or other for unknown age
and cannot bo annihilated , but will contlnu
to exist through untold ages to come. Tli
spirit Is trongor than matter and It must b
admitted that the logic ot Immortality Is con
cluilvo and a man cannot help believing It t
bo a fact. The reason that men doubt th
existence ot a God Is because they wish t
do something which they desire to escape th
penalty which the wrong would entail.
no.Hi.Kir.Kius : :
, April 83 , Viu Atchlion , Topelcn ,
Snntn l'e U. It.
On April 23 the Santa Fe Route will te
tickets to all points In Arkansas. Texas. Okie
tioma , Indian Territory , Kansas , Coloradi
New Mexico , Arizona and Utah at rate cone
ono fare , plus $ : , for the round trip. Mln
mum selling rate , J7. For full Informatloi
call on or address E. L' . Palmer , pustengc
agent , Room 1 , First National bank bulldlni
Omaha ,
Ten Dollar * to elicrlilnu , Wyot
Is the ruto offered by the Burlington roul
Monday. April 15.
Only $17 for the round trip.
A k the city ticket agent at 1324 Farnai
ttreet for full Information.
Clilcunu , Hock UUiul A : Pacific Ity.
Monday. April 16th. S10.00 to D nve
Colorado Sprlugs nnd Pueblo ; $17.00 for U
trip. . Ticket vfflca 1002 Farnam strec
It was nearlng the hour for the Easter
service to begin and the first thrilling notes
of the "Messiah" came from the organ loft
and huslied the whisperings ot the assembled
wonhlperg. The aisles ot the fashionable
church were thronged with people. They were
not of the poor and lowly who welcomed the
resurrection more than eighteen centuries ago.
Their appearance betokened ttioso whom for
tune had treated kindly , and as they passed
complacently to their softly cushioned pews
their fresh , bright colorings vied with the
radiant bloom of the potted plants which shed
their lavish fragrance Inside tlie chancel rail.
There was harmony In the mingling of
bright and dainty colors whicli seemed In
keeping with the melody that trembled on the
organ keys. Flowers , music and well dressed
women , What could bo more fitting on this
day of praise ? What more could dad ask
In His temple ? With tills broad expanse ot
happy , careless faces , of silks and ribbons
and flowers which swayed In sympathetic
rhythm with tlie swelling finale of the pro
cessional , would the Omnipotent look beneath
the surface to see It hearts were unrepentant ?
What mutter It this Sabbath offering cast Its
cliarltablo mantle over the record of a week
of sin when the tribute was so tuneful and
appropriate ?
In all this vista of beauty and fragrance
nothing was sweeter and daintier than two
tastefully dressed young women who quietly
passed down the center aisle and wcro seated
near the center of the congregation. Hun
dreds of eyes were turned toward them as
they reverently took their seats and bowed
their heads In prayer. Just blooming Into
the loveliest maturity , t'nelr beauty blended
with the lilies , and the latter puled In con
trast. Hut nothing could be more uncon
scious than the bearing of these modest wor
shipers. Their reverent faces turned atead-
faitly toward the altar with Its wealth of
Easter bloom , and they seemed too pure for
and worldly thought.
The trembling notes of the organ swelled
Into a "Gloria" tliat filled the arches ot the
sanctuary. They pulsated for a moment
through the flower-scented air , then sank Into
a tender melody. Then one single voice , a
soprano , arose , sweet as the matin of a
meadow lark , first soft and tender as the
first confession of a maiden's love , then
higher and higher until It thrilled the hearts
of the worshipers below with such a har
mony as might b3 wafted from the pearly
gates when angels sing their welcome to
the risen Christ.
Then the melody grew fainter , until It
seemed but a portion of the fragrance that
rose from the languorous flowers. The big
pipes of the organ muttered angrily , then
burst Into their fullest voice. "Peace en
Earth , Good Will to Men. " The chorus rose
with gathered strength , as the full choir
blended with the organ notes. Grandly the
anthem rang througluthe vast building , while
human hearts Involuntarily Joined the prayer.
Then softer and softer , until the last strain
had died away and the great organ stood
mute and motionless again.
The reverently Inclined young women US'
tened with rapt faces , while the audible
closing of the hymn books in the. organ loft
told that the anthem was ended. "Oh , how
lovely , " said one of them , with a long drawn
breath of admiration.
"What , the music ? "
"Mercy , no , don't you see that darling
bonnet In the fourth seat Just across ; tin
alslo ? It Is Just too sweet for anything and
think It Is just a shame that I can't wea
one of those lovely Dutch bonnets. See ,
there are seven of them In that row. An
they are so becoming when one's face Is
broad enough. But there Isn't a bit of Dutcli
about my face and I didn't dare to try It
But If I had known that every woman Ir.
the church was going to wear one 1 would
have done It If I looked like a fright. "
"But they have so many such pretty styles
this spring , " ventured No. 2 , as if to reassure
her much vexed companion , "and I think
there are Just as many Napoleons like yours
as tlio other. And they are ever so much
more dignified , " she added , but the girl with
out the Dutch bonnet was not to be com
"They arc really the only thing , " she said ,
"and they wear them everywhere. I fcaw them
at the theater , on the street and In church
and that broad effect Is so odd wlien one'i
hair Is dressed Justj-lght. But did you eve
see such flowers. They are wearing then ;
more this year than ever before. You can'
see a really new hat without them. All colon ,
and all degrees of profusion. I almost wish
I had liad roses Instead of violets , like that
perfectly beautiful thing over there In the
corner. "
But the minister was pronouncing the openIng -
Ing prayer and the discussion must wait until
the devotional hush had passed. Then No. 2
had a sensation. It was a dainty little fabric
In the end of the pew.
"See , that's a Delia Fox , " she whispered.
"That Is one of the newest tilings. Just a
mass of fancy straw bunched up In the center
and trimmed with mercury wings and violets.
Isn't It too pretty. And that larger one.
That Is a Melba. You can tell It , by the bell
crown , and this ono has the newest fad , the
brilliants lianglng on the flowers. Those are
meant for drops of dew , and they are the
sweetest thing out. "
No. 1 had been silently listening , but her
eyes had not been Idle. "Oh , there are some
new styles. See that lovely bell crown with
the fancy straw and wide rim. It Is the
Marie Jensen and the prettiest thing I have
seen yet. That green edge Just sets off the
white crown with the green ribbons and
Aegrette foliage , and there are dew drops on
It , too. That creation In chiffon with the
plumes and ( lowers Is the Trilby , but I don't
see anything very pretty In that. But lots of
the girls got -them Just on account of the
name. Now I like the Napoleon much better
and It Is moro stylish , too. It Is so odd , you
know , to have a bonnet that goes on slde-
ways. And so historic , you know. They are
made Just like the hat Napoleon wears In his
pictures , only they are made of fancy straw
and trimmed up with flowers and feather tips
and lace wings and'brlght ribbons. They are
In all sizes and the big ones are prettiest In
Leghorn straws. But I am going to have a
Lillian Russell , Just because none of the other
girls have got them. T'ney ore all white.
Wide Leghorn brims with bell crowns
trimmed with white plumes and ribbons. Oh ,
they are stunning , and common people can't
wear them for they soil so easily. I am going
to have a bunch of snowdrops on mine , and
, If I don't "
But the organ spoke again , and although
the reporter listened carefully ho was never
able to find out whether she didn't or not.
Important Cluingu In Time.
"Great Rock Island Route" to Chicago ,
Peorla and all points east : Atlantic Express
leaves 11 a , m. ; Vestibule Limited , 4:30 : p. m. ;
Night Express. 0:25 : p. m. To Lincoln , Fair-
bury , Belleville , Denver. Colorado Springs ,
Pueblo and all points west : Vestibule Lim
ited leaves at 1:40 : p. m. ; Texas Express , vU
Lincoln and Belleville , leaves at C p. m.
Ticket office 1C02 Farnam street.
Ton Dollurf * to llciiTcr.
Colorado Springs or Pueblo. Only J17 for
the round trip.
These are the rates at which the Burling
ton route will sell on Monday next.
Correspondingly low rates to many other
n points.
See the city ticket agent at 1321 Farnam
street and get full Information.
"Clicnp Kzcuriluns to ruluts an the Klk-
hiirn. "
" April 15tli. one fare plus $2.00 for round
trip. Minimum selling rate $3.00. Limit IE
days. Ticket odlco HOI Karnam SI. Depot ,
ICth and Webster Sts. "
Clilciiu | , ICiirk iRliuul & I'ncldc Iljr.
Monday. April 15th. $10.00 to Denver ,
Colorado Springs nnd Pueblo ; for the
round trip. Ticket office 1C02 Farnam ttrect
l.UC.U. JHtariTMKS.
Dr. A. D. Somnrs will give an addresi
under tlie auspices ot the Municipal leagui
'In the Commercial club roome , oq "Publli
Health In Omaha , " Thursday evening.
The literary society of the Omaha
college will give an entertainment Tuesdaj
evening at 8 o'clock. The special feature o
the oveulnu wll | bo a challt talk by I'rof
Q. II. I.ockwooil ,
Word has been received from Vail , lu.
of the death of Patrick Crowe , father c
Steve A. and M. V. Crowe of thti city
He was a pioneer cf the elate of Iowa , am
itood in high eeteom.
A Btlll ularm was telephoned to No. 2 en
to glue house yesterday afternoon and the de
partment was sent to Cotton's Ice home 01
the bottoms In the vicinity of Klflh am
im Webster street * . The flro was In the hay
straw and manure near the ruined tee hous
where the fire occurred same time ago , ;
few of the boards which were uicd as a pro
tcctlon to the Ice which was left from th
he recent fire wer destroyed , but the loss \va
cnly nominal.
Beautiful Easter Services Hold at All the
Churches in the City , > l
Wlicclcr on tlio Monnlngor tlio Upon Tomb
DIIUBOII Argument In Favor of
Imiuortnllty Cclobrntlon at
tlio Uuthollc Churches.
All ot the churches In South Omaha made
unusual preparations to celebrate Raster. The
churches were decorated with flowers anil the
pulpits were hanked with ferns and mosses.
In every house of worship there was special
muplc , and the ministers preached sermons
fitting the occasion.
At the Presbyterian church the pastor , Hev.
Robert L. Wheeler , preached from the text ,
"whom doil hath raised up , having loosed
tlio paina of death , because It was not pos
sible that IIo should be beholden of It. " In
brief , the preacher said :
In one of the old churches In Cologne there
Is n representation In Ivory of the resurrec
tion. Christ with noble face and triumphant
figure pushes aside the grave clothes' ; with
the ecepter of victory In his hand ho rises
majestically from the tomb , ho nscenJs , step
ping up the clouds as If they were hills and
grasps outstretched hand of God held
down from above , takes his position at the
right hand of the Father , as the Great High
Priest of humanity , -who had tasted death
that "He might be able to save to the utter
most all who come unto God by Him. "
Moro deeply engraved upon our Inner life
than the lines of the Ivory picture at Cologne
rfra the characters of hope for the world and
Immortality and eternal life which this
Uastertldo brings us.
In this presence -of profusion of lilies of
victorious anthems of the communion table ,
i'o take on a new courage from the trlum-
hant Christ and our despondencies , the bur-
en of life's care grows less , for the great
robleni of life la solved , and Is brought to
ght In the resurrection of our Christ , of
rhom Peter says In our text , "It was not pos-
Ible that should beholden of It. "
The First Methodist church was handsomely
decorated with rotted plants and the pulpll
fas draped with smllax. A special musical
nogram haJ been arranged and was carried
ut , much to the gratification of the largo
ongregatlon. The pastor , Kcv. C. N. Daw
on , ppoko as follows :
For more than eighteen Imnflred years the
ihurch has preached and believed the doc-
rlno of the resurrection. During the same
ength of time Infidels have tried to disprove
his doctrine. Could they succeed In their
ttempt they would destroy the foumintloi
upon which Christianity Tests. For If the
"ead rise not then Is not Christ raised. Am
f Christ be not raised Christianity Is a
hlmera. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
'mm the dead Is no ordinary event. Upon
his foundation rests the faith of Christendom
Therefore , we have the right to ask for the
ftry best proof of the fact of his resurrec-
Let us therefore examine some of the cvl-
.lence. First , Jesus himself foretold the event
when the Jews asked for a sl n of his Mes-
slahshlp. lie said : "Destroy this temple
nd In three days I will raise It up , " referring
o his body. This challenge was evidently ac
cepted by the Jews , for wo remember that
they applied for a guard to bo placed at His
grave , saying : "This deceiver said he would
rise from the dead. " His sepulcher was
sealed and a guard appointed , lest Ills dis
ciples should come and steal him away.
The question may be raised as to whether
lo was really dead. His enemies were satis
fled tliat Ho was , and to make a certainty
more certain a spear was thrust Into Ills side
from the wound of which Issued blood am
ivater. Those who sought to thwart the de
signs of our Master and His disciples were1
assured that He was dead. Four writers o
he gospel , with Paul added , nfilrm that Jesus
rose from the dead , with Just enough varla
tlon in the written accounts to show Ilia
each wrote Independent of the others. These
writers were eyewitnesses , expept Luke , who
was Informed by eyewitnesses. His disciples
began to preach the doctrine of the resurrec
tion In Jerusalem , where It occurred , Imme
diately after.
Jesus was seen by His disciples after the
resurrection at different times , in different
places , under different circumstances , by one
at ono time , by two at another time , by the
eleven , and at one tlmo by about COO , Ho
walked with them , talked with them and ate
with them. It docs not seem possible that
the disciples were deceived. They knew Him
Intimately for three years , and some of them
much longer , until the very day of His death
and burial. He appeared to them on the
morning of his resurrection , remained with
them obouf six weeks , convincing even the
cool , deliberate , skeptical Thomas that ho was
none other than "the lamb for sinners slain. "
Nor does It seem possible that they were
deceivers , for they died In defense of the
doctrine they taught. Therefore , I believe
that "He was crucified , dead and burled ; the
third day Ho arose from the dead ; He as
cended Into heaven , and sltteth at the right
'hand ' of God , the Father Almighty ; from
thence He shall come to judge the quick and
the dead. "
Uev. J. F. Rbss , pastor of the United Pres
byterian church , preached a sermon on "Glad
Beholding of the Ulsen Lord , " from a text In
John , "Then were the disciples glad when
they saw the Lord. " He said In substance :
The power and the Joy of Christ's resurrec
tion depend upon the fact of the resurrection.
When the disciples saw the 'Lord they were
glad , and In that 'gladness lay the germ , ot
the spiritual power which has made all great
and good things possible tor men. As the
resurrection Is evidently the most Important ,
so it Is the best established fact of history.
To believe It Involves the subljmest reach of
faith , but to reject It leaves us lost without
a clew amid the intricate windings of history.
Were those disciples deceived and did nothing
really happen after the dead Jesus was en
tombed ? Then delusion has been a mightier
factor In human progress than truth. Were
I'ney themselves decelvsrs ? Then behold what
perennial streams have Issued from that foul
and obscure fountain.
For us today qs for those first disciples ,
the fact that Christ has risen if as full of
Joy as of wonder. I am glad to believe this
doctrine of the resurrection In its simplest
and completest sense. While we wish to be
lieve only what Is true , \ve none the less re
joice to find that the truth is no meager ,
shriveled thing , but that It Is full , rich and
Infinitely great. It IB well with us when we
believe In the greatest and best things. Un
belief Impoverishes , while faith enriches the
soul. I am glad to believe In a great God ;
nor do I reverence him less brcaiike I cannot
search Him out Into perfection. I wish to
believe In a great bible , and do not care to
follow those who seek to lit It Into the puny
dimensions ot their understandings , I rejoice
In those truths that ihlne down uponjne like
tan from the vnrtxoxpanse of heaven , So ,
heretorci I rejoice Ux bell eve In n great Christ
and nnd in this rsnrreCtlon from the de-ad a
nest convincing attestation oft Ills greatness
and of thetri'th OB tills stupendous claims.
Many there vero wba did not share the dis
ciples' joy. Glad Itelwldlng of the risen
fesus It possible oAry to him who can say ,
'My Lord and My GotJ , "
The services at St. Bridget's church were
conducted by Rev. Fdlhtr English. Mlllard's
mass was rung by i the choir , and accom
panied by harp oml 'violin. The floral deco-
atlons were hnndtoroej the entire pulpit be *
ng hidden by bankaiof flowers.
At Saint Agnes' church , which Is presided
over by Rev. FatherslMfarlarty and McDeavltt ,
, ho services were unusually Impressive , The.
early masses were celebrated at 0 and 7
3'clock , at which a largo number approached
Holy Communion. At 8 o'clock maw was
celebrated by Father Morlarty , all of the
societies of congregation receiving Holy
Communion. The societies participating at
the services were the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians , the Young Men's Institute , the Order
of Saint Aloyslus , the Sodality of the Blessed
Virgin and the Girls' Sodality of the Sacrcdi
The Sisters ot Providence deserve great
praise for the beautiful decorations of the
sanctuary , which greatly added to the 1m-
presslveness of the scene.
High mass was celebrated by Rev. Father
McDeavltt at 10:30 : , after which benediction
cf the sacrament was glvem The music ,
which was exceptionally line , was furnished
t > y the choir of the church , and was conducted
by Mrs. E. Carey. The sermon nt both
masses was delivered by Rev. Father
buppiMcil Sulclititl Dentil of Vnclnv llrnch-
iiHku I.ust ivrnlt : > K.
Vaclav Brachaska , Twenty-sixth and L
streets , took poison , presumably with sui
cidal Intent , last evening and died about 11
o'clock , before a doctor could 'reach the
house. His wife discovered that his condition
was alarming soon after they had retired.
Ho told her that he was simply not feeling
well and asked her not to call a doctor. The
fact that poison had been taken was not
discovered until after death.
Drachaska worked at the stock yards and
had resided In South Omaha several years.
The widow Is left with one child.
llcllcvc * the Jtflcont J'orin of Notice to Ho
I.rgnl mill Miillclont.
City Attorney Connell was asked to give
his opinion as to the effect of the decision
rendered by Judge Dufllo Saturday relative
to Illegal procedure In levying special taxes.
He does not view the decision with the
alarm which It seems to have created In
some quarters.
"When I went Into office , In 1S92 , " said
Mr. Connell , In answer to a question , "I
had the old form of notice changed with
reference to the sitting of the board of
equalization. Under the. new form of notice
which I prepared I am confident that the
notice given Is ample and sufficient to pro
tect the city.1'
"Superba" returned to Boyd's last night
and met Its usual enthusiastic welcome from
the galleries and more reserved appreciation
from the pit. While the general character
of the production has been but little altered
slnco Its previous appearance , a number ol
new features have been Introduced which
make the performance worth seeing again.
The locomotive scehb in the second act is a
fairly effective piece of stage mechanism , and
some Improvements have been made In the
disposition ot the tableaux. The singing
specialty of Miss Bonnie Goodwin was well
received , while the acrobatic feats of the
Strode brothers were enthusiastically appre
ciated. The tumbling specialty of Mr. Charles
Guyer , .and "ihelxldnclnrt ofithe Flllppl tnmlly
also deserve especial imctitloh.
Of medicinal agents Is gradually relegating
the old-time herbs , pills , draughts and vege
table extracts to the rear and bringing Into
general use the pleasant and effective liquid
laxative. Syrup of Figs. To get the true
remedy see that It Is manufactured by the
California. Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by
all leading druggists.
licit llroko nt Clinrcli Time.
Church goers who were compelled to take
cars on the Twenty-fourth , Farnam or Hnr-
ncy street lines were considerably Incon
venienced yesterday morning , nnd many of
them were late In reaching the house of
worship , where they were wont to ntteml
divine services. Just before the hour of
holding- the morning services In the
churches , the large belt which helps to
force the machinery In the power house nt
Twentieth and Harney streets broke , nnd
as n result all three of the lines were laid
up for a couple of hours. In the afternoon
the break was repaired and cars were run ,
but the number wns diminished by half ,
llcnjiinilii ( Snllticlicr MorlouOy III.
Some ten days ago Benjamin Gallagher
started east on n business and pleasure trip ,
Intending to visit several commercial centers
before returning. Upon reaching New York ,
ho was suddenly taken 111 and continued to
grow worse until last Thursday , when he
telegraphed for Ills partner , W. A. Paxton ,
Br. , who at once hastened to the bedside of
the sick man. Jlr. Gallagher Is at the "St.
Jamea hotel , nnd while his ultimate recov
ery is predicted. It Is thought thnt it will
bu some time before he will be able to re
turn to Omaha nnd engage In the business
In which ho Is the Junior partner.
A I'oiv Ailvnntncps.
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made up and started from Omaha.
Baggage checked from residence to destina
tion. Elegant train service and courteous
employes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , with electric light In
every berth. Finest dining car service In
the west , with meaU served "a la carte. "
The Flyer leaves at C p. m. dally from Union
City Ticket Office , 1504 Earnam street. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
I'Jriiftunt to Tnlco
The Northwestern line fast vestlbuled Chicago
cage train that glides east from the Union
Depot every afternoon at 5:45 : and Into Chicago
cage at 8:45 : next morning , with supper and
la carte breakfast. Every part of the train Is
Other eastern trains at 11:05 a. m. and 4
p. m. dally good , too.
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
Kxtr.ionllnattly Iow.Jlntoi
to Denver. McCook/Shorldan , Broken Bow ,
Sterling , Colo. , and a number of other points
are offered by the Durllngton route Monday ,
April 15.
Ask the city ticket Blent at 1324 Farnam
street about them. Yoir will be surprised and
pleased to leain what he will tell you.
for some women hard work 'for
others. Perhaps , for most Yomenrr
more or less of both. Fix it
to suit yourself. More play
and less work thats ! when
you wash and clean with Pearl- ,
inc. More work and less play that's
when you wash wjth soap in the old back-breaking way.
Better work , too , with Pearline. Little or non of the
rubbing that wears things out. It's something to think
about , whether you do your own worker have it done.
Easier , quicker , better , cheaper and absolutely safe.
Facts about Pearline known by millions of women.
T l | Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocer $ will tell you. " this
| - < / CkXTrOf * / is as ? oed as" or "the name as I'carline " IT'S FALSE
JLVVV C\jL V Pcarlmeis never peddledand if your grocer * cndon * omc-
thing In place ofPearlmc , do the honest Ihinrj tmJit kxt. * 5 JAMES 1'VLC.Ncw Vorlc.
Ilullilfl lip mill inniitiihig tlm vl ill activity
of num. A Blunt anil trusty ulilnlil between
your lioily mill tlio depressing liilleuiicci of
cul < l mill not.
IN nouns OF PATIOUI : .
It dilute' ) tlioblnoil vrimilH of tliu fttiinincli
mill thereby helps ttlgentlnn , urn lien klinrt
work of n coiiKlit mill prevent * e < iMRe lon
ol tlm lung * mill Inlliiniiiinlloii uf tlm thro it
mill pleurisy. SBIII ! fur Illuitriitcil pnni-
plilot to
Gelds , Oouphs , Sore Throats , lufluonzi , Bron-
chit's , Pnoumoiiia , Swelling of the
Joints , Lumbago , Iiiflnminatioas ,
wenty minute * NOT ONE HOUR utter reading
his advertisement need an > one SUFFER WITH
Itiulivay'A Ready Itrl'cf H u stiro Cure for
Kvi-ry 1'nin , .sprain , lircmos , I'aln * In the
llnck , Chest or I.Unix. It was the llrat
nmi i * tlm oniv TAIN HIMII > V.
That Instantly stops the most excruciating
pains , allays Indamatlon , and cures congestions ,
whether of the LunKB , Stomach. Dowels , or other
glands or organs , by one application.
A halt to a tenspoonful to halt a tumbler ot
water will In a few minutes euro Cramps , Spaa *
ma , Bour Stomach , Heartburn. Nervousneii * ,
Sleeplessness , Sick Headache , Diarrhea , Dyea
ery. Colic , Flatulency and all internal paLiH.
There Is not n remedial agent In nit the worW
hot will cure fever niln KUO nnd all other Ma-
urious. nillous and other fevers aided by RAD. .
Chronic ,
Nervous ,
Diseases ,
TKIAT. ENT" Y MAIK con nimtionrro
Wo euro Catarrh , till disqasos of the
Nose , Throat. Ghost , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or Exhaustion , Wastlni : Weakness , In
voluntary Louse * , with Early Decay in young
nnd middle aged : lace of vim , vigor and weak
ened prematurely In approaching old age. All
yield readily to our new treatment for loss ot
vital power. Call or addrcs with stamp for
circulars , free book and receipt * .
Dr. Searlcs and Searbs ,
The only really nuccciiful preventive nnd euro
of pimples , LI.ickhcncl , red , touch
li.inds , falling Imlr , nnd baby Mom.
tehee , Is tlio celebrated CfTlcuiU
BOAT , grtMleft of * Un puriflora
nml beautlficr" , as ell an purrst
and sweetest of toilet nnd nurtrry
BOI : ] ) . Only preventive of clog
ging ot tbo pores , gold exeryuhcro.
* 3.BppOUCE,3 SOLES.
Over Ono Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes arc equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal custom hoe In style and lit.
Thlr wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform- stamped mi loir.
$ i tn S.i ftw < " 1 rvrrrthrr r" vr
A.W. Bowman Co. , N. 16th St.
C.J.Carlson , 1218 N. 24th St.
W. W. Fisher , Parker and
Seavenworth St.
J. L. Newman , 424 13th St.
Kelley , Stleer & Co , . Farnam
and 15th St.
T.S. Cressey , 2509 N St. , South
Write for BankReferencea
No Operation , No Detention from Business
S07-308 N. Y Life Bldg. . OMAHA. NEB.
3d Hour Puxtu
Tnl 1085. Lady attend int. German Spokei
Teetli extracted without pain ritlent remain
Ing conscious. Greatest local anaesthetic eve
discovered. Thousand * Bounding Iti pralie. Uie <
by no oilier dentist In thli part of the t'nltet
States. All dental operation ut lowest retas 1
yean experience. B vm year * In Omaha.
iHUttJ tbo Keaturrs and Heiuuv /
.tin niemltbci.ln I'M p. book tut iianp. f
John II. Woadburr. m W. M Ht. . N. V.
larcotot 'it WovUliurr'j facial Bow.
Single and Double Breasted ,
In ' 92 we sold 450 suits at $11.50.
In ' 93 we sold 600 suits at $10.00.
In ' 94 we sold 800 suits at $8.75.
A wonderful rise and drop , isn't it ? This year they're
$6.75 , and not a ghost of a shrinkage in quality nor
trimmings cither. The same all wool indigo dyed
serge ( fast colors ) , same qualities of linings and trim
mings , likely an improvement in workmanship over
former years , as the age of progress bids
We're ready for 1,000 men who wear 34 to 44 sizes.
If it doesn't fill the demand , a thousand more to come.
A limited portion of Spring Catalogues remain Have rise
for one ? Get in line early. Wo send 'em postpaid.
TVTOW that we arc
launched in the
furniture business and
have a new stock to
show , we want you to
come and criticize us.
we know we can't
make a success of the
furniture business with
out you , so we shall be
under many obligations
if you will come and
tell us how you like our
new stock. We want
to please you and arc coming at it through your pocket-
Good furniture has never been sold as low in Omaha
as it is now marked. You will find a little money has a
\yonderous power in furniture buying.
A Special Sale of short pieces and' remnants of
; ; Brussels Carpets in the basement.
mm CARPET co ,
on DDE
\ *
That is the state of your stom-
mach. You know it , you feel it , r
you show it. The remedy you rax
need is Ripans Tabules. Safe
Sure and Effective. raxB
B !
TUpnns Tnlmlea : BoM by drufulats , or by mall
If Iliu prlcu (50 ( cents a box ) In sent to The 1(1-
D puns Chemical Company , No. 10 tiprucu Bt. , N. Y. n1
e * )
" 456" " 456" " 456"
To Retail Dealers of Cigars :
To Introduce our new brand " 450"- without expense of
of traveling , \vo will Bond you the
Ottiulm Daily Bee for 3 months ( mills
With each thousand cigars purchased. Those clgai-3
are without doubt the finest $35.00 cigars In the market.
A trial order will convince you.
Terms 30 days 2 per cent for cash.
DUFFY & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
A < i Holler. l\'a Steam , ffo 7ii0 < neer ,
Heat 1'ower for Corn nnd Kcod Mlllo , Haling
Hay , lluimlug I'reumorlei , HopunUors , < &c.
Stationary or Portable.
i to 120 a. r. M to son. P.
Send for Catalogue. I'rlcc-i , etc. , rtewrlblnn worlt to te done.
33il & WnliiutKU. . I'lIII.AUKI.IMUA , 1'A.
Chicago , 245 Uic St. . Omaha , 32139,15th St.