Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTI38 ( VMAIIA DA IT.Y infllfls T.m'N'nAV. APiTrr , in. 1RO.V
Delivered ty enirltr lo an > purl of the city.
II W. TILTON , Lessee.
otrke. No. 41 ; nlghl
dltor , No. 2J.
Grand , Council Bluff * . H. T. Clark , prop.
Maync Heal Hslato necncy. 033 Broadway.
An ndj&urneil meeting of the city council Is
booked tor this evening.
The reKiilar monthly meeting of tie ! city
council Is to be held this evening- .
Wojdintn of the World will mo t In their
hall on MMdlo Broad .viy tonlfilit. A full" desired. Visiting members cor
dially Invited.
T1ie annual incttliiR for the election of
vestry of St. Paul's jnrlsh vUll bo held In the
church this ovenlng at 7 30 o'clock. A full
ftttcnduncp of members of the congregation Is
The Imjt rlub will have a mooting tomor
row evening for the purpose of discussing
III in * for lmirou'inints | ! about the boat house.
The tiling will Imve boon finished by the
architect who has the wnik In thnrge and an
lilei of the expense of the Improvements will
be given at that time.
The canning factory will not be operated
this year It Is claimed that there Is enough
stock on hnnil now to lant the entire season
without nny more being put up One source
of einployincnt will be cut off from the
people who hive worked there during the
Eumimr nnd fall monllii.
The Spooncr Comedy company will open a
cok'n cngjgeni"nt at Doliany's opera house
Ihls evening , with "Ine ; , " a Mexican ro
mance. Mies Cecil Spooncr will Introduce In
this evening's performance her transforma
tion dame ' .vltli calcium light , which has
fcecn highly spoken of wherever It has ben
A large number of people visited Manavva
yfstorilny. It being the first day this year
thiil the motors have btcn running. A num
ber of Improvements hive been made about
the place which greatlj Increase Its beauty
and attractiveness. The boats were well
] > atrom/eil , but the water was rather cool for
bathing _
Two declrable cottages for rent. Pl ° nty of
money for firm loans. Klre Insurance. Money
loaned for local Investors on best of security
Special birgalns In real estate. Lougee &
Towlo , 233 I'earl sticct.
In i\nrj1 : liflpnrttimnt.
Our $1 00 quality 46-Inch all wool black
crcpon fur a few days nt 5" . ' yard.
40-Inch all wool black und navy French
serge , 39c yard.
24-lnrh fluffed all black Taffeta silks , was
J1.25 , now 7flc yard. Ladles , examine tills
Ladles' pure silk vests , nice quality , COc
LadlcB1 Jersey ribbed union suits , spring
weights. BOc suit.
Our standard BOc long vvaljt summer corset ,
37c pair.
Ladles , ' fast black opera length hose , 39c
3G-lnch LL mnslln , 3Hc yard.
Standard dress prints , nice styles , 3' , c
3G-lnch dotted curtain Swiss , 12V4e yard.
150 rolls China and Jap Jolntless matting
at 12ic ! , 15c , 20c , 2Bc nnd 2Dc ynrd ,
45c cotton warp mattlne , all you want , 29c
Curtain shades on spring fixture , 15c each.
If you need carpets , curtains or rugs , we
guarantee to save > ou money Give us a call.
Council Bluffs.
Slop null l.nolc
At tl.e flnes.1 display of diamonds , gold
watches , new stjles of Jewelry nnd Raster
novelties In the city. It will pay you to
Inspect our windows. C. B. Jacqucmln &
Co. , 27 South Main street.
. > . ! / . I'.lUAUKAl'Ua.
Miss Lena Fonda has gone to Chicago for a
short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. John P Tlnley are vlsltlnt
their friends In Council Bluffs.
Miss May Crispin anil her mother of Love
land , la. , spent yesterday visiting their
Council Bluffs friends.
Mrs. Charles D Fullen , wife of the United
States district attorney , of Falrflcld , spenl
Sunday with her husband nt the Grand hotel
Miss Kiltie Buchel has been having serious
trouble with her eyes , which resulted jus
tcrday In her having to have an operation
Mr nnd Mrs. Charles D. Pnrmnleo leave
soon for a visit to thu former's old home li
Now Hampshire , where they have not been
for tevcn years.
Miss EllzabJth Pelcrson , librarian of Ihe
free public library , left yesterday for a few
days' visit with friends In Nebraska. Her
sister , Ml s Georgia Peterson , will take her
place In the library.
Mr. and Mrs. D S. Cutler of Guy's Mills
Pa. , have been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. John O
Jones for the pist day or two , on their vva >
homo from a trip around tlio world. The ;
left for the cast last evening.
Wn llnvo < iut -Mire I bins' .
It Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove made that a child can pin ;
with and do no harm. It takes care o
Itself ; can be blown out , left open or turnet
on , nnd there Is no possible way for the
gasoline to Ignite or explode. No smell o
odor , no dripping of gasoline , no burning
your house down or burning your wife or
mother-in-law to death. No misery , no fu
nerals , no deaths or use for an undertaker
It you use the Insurance gasoline stove , as 1
la absolutely tafe. If you donlt bellevo It nsK
any of our competitors , then oak them tc
blow out their stove and leave It open for let
minutes , then apply a match to the stove
as wo do with ours and see what will hap
pen , but be sure to be n quarter of a mile
away before he lights the match , as there It
cure to b" an explosion ; then we would no
get to cell you nn Insurance stovu. as there
would bo n funeral next day.
BROWN'S C. O , P. . Sole Agents.
Thu Iniuriiiirn ( ! uinllii Hlove ,
Introduced by P. C. Do Vol In 1894 , nnd
sold by him this reason. Absolutely safe
Can't explode. No danger. Bo sure you ge
the " "
"Insurance ,
P. C. DE VOL. G04 Broadway.
Cnllril 11 Pnttor.
Ono of the five churches In the city now
without n pastor took mcasuus yesterday
toward securing one. At the close of th
morning service at the Second Presbyterian
a church meeting was held , at which llcv
Stephen Phelps , I ) D. . of the First churcl
acted as chairman. The matter of choosliu
a minister was brought up , and after a dls
cusslon It was unanimously decided to exten
n call to Hew A. L. Snrchot of Quthrlo Center
la. He was Invited to ccmo here a couple o
weeks ago and preach , with a view to locat
Ing here , and ho did so It Is not known
positively whether he will accept the call , bu
when he was here he seemed to bo ver
much pirated with tlie outlook , and It I
thought he will reply favorably In the cours
of the next week. He has been stated cler
of the oCuncll Bluffs presbytery for severa
years past _ _ _ _ _
H. \\llllnminn
Carries th largest stock of high grade blcy
cles of any dealer In the west. Also has th
best equipped repair shop in the west. 10
South Main street ; telephone. 202.
I'raincH unit I'lctiires nt Co t.
To make room for new goods. Chapman'
New Art Store , 17 Main street.
I'rrk'it 1'ulitro drorerr
It the newest and nicest thing In town
Goods clean and new , prices Juat right , de
livery prompt , COO Broadway.
All kinds of plants and flowers. J. R. Me
Pherson , green houses 1250 E. Pierce s
Telephone 244 , night or day.
The Augusta grove No. 1 , Woodmen of th
World , will give an Busier social at Wood
men's hall Tuesday evening , April 16.
Qai cooking cloves for rent and for sale
0. U. Qas company.
Dr. Parsons , oyer Schneider' * , 641 B'wy
Davis , diug , paint , glim uan. 200 B'nar.
isler Attracts Much Attiution from Do-
votit and Thoughtless Alike.
trlcht riiiwiTH , Sneet Mimic nnd Thought *
( ill nhrcitiMO Kvlncc tlio ,1oj of tlio
Clirlitlnii nt tlio IStlilcnco uf
The resurrection was the topic on which
he pastors dwelt jesterday. Easter music
as wafted from the choir lofts , Easter
ermons from the pulpits , and Caster
noughts of the resurrection and new bon-
ets chased themselves through the minds
f the audiences. Nearly every church In
ha city had made special efforts to have Its
ervlcs > attractive , and flowers nnd music
vc-re called In lo help express the Joy felt
t the ushering out of winter.
At the First Presbyterian church an an-
Icnco gathered which filled all the pews
ml the nlsles as well , chairs having to be
rout-lit In to accommodate the throngs. The
iulplt w is banked nrouud with lilies and
minis. Dr Phelpa preached an eloquent ser-
mon , taking the risen Lord as his subject
ho stone which vvas rolled away from the
grave by the King of Heaven was typical
f the barriers that had been removed from
niman piogress by the perfection of th'
divine plan of redemption. The telephone ,
elegraph , railway and newspaper had been
> rought In au agencies for the uplifting of
nanklnd ; rivers had been bridged , mountains
unnelcil and rough plnces made smooth ,
all for Ihe sake of Ihe King , who Is again to
visit the earth In glory. Intemperance , In
fidelity , nnd Sabbath desecration are barriers
which arr > yet lo be removed night hun
dred millions of theearth's Inhabitants arc
still separated from one another by the
larkness of heathendom , but their ejes are
o bo opened to the light of the gospel and
all arc to b ? brought Into the universal
brotherhood of man through the beneficent
nfluenco of the gospel.
"I don't ask you to rally around an empt >
cross or a deserted tomb , " he said. "IJurj
the old cross , with all Its memories of horror
ind woe , and look above , to the throne
where Jesus stands , not expiring In death
agonies , but crowned with glory and holding
Ihe scepter which Is to rule the world for
ever. "
At the close of the sermon two candidates
wire received Into the church by baptism.
The choir , a double quartet , rendered an
anthem In an excellent manner , and Mrs.
W.V. . Sherman sang the offertory solo. In
the evening another service was held , at
which the choir sang "Gloria In Rxcelsls , "
by Cramer , and Miss Hattle Palmer sang
"Tho Hesurrectlon , " by Harry Howe Shel
At the Broadway Methodist church the
morning service was under the ausplcss of
the Sunday school. A program of recitations
by the scholars , Interspersed with music by
the choir and solo voices , was listened to
by a largo audience.
An unusually Interesting program was the
one carried out at St. John's English Lu-
Iheran church. It was quilo largely mu
sical , and the sermon by the pastor , Rev
O. W. Snyder , was appropriate to the occa
sion. In the evening the Sunday school ren
dered an Raster cantata , entitled , "The Calm
and Ileautlful Morn , " by W. L. Reiisberg ,
with Miss Sylvia Snyder at the piano.
At Grace church In the afternoon there
was an afternoon service , with Mr. Cham
berlain as lay reader. The regular service
was carried out , St. Paul's choir s'nglng the
"Magnificat" and "Nunc Dlmlttls , " by E
Dunnett , In F , and "Awake Up by My
Glory , " by J. Uarnby.
Raster services were held yesterday at the
Christian church. The attendance was large
ami the- church was profusely decorated will
flowers. The pulpit , was occupied by Rev
Mr. Haggard , secretary of the Christian asso
The First Congregational church was so
crowded with Raster worshipers that chairs
had to be placed In the aisles. The pulpl
and platform were hidden by a graceful ar
ranging of plants , palms , vines and flowers
The decorations were not confined to Easter
lilies , but numerous other colors blended In
Ihe beautiful combination , while , above all , as
though polling gracefully In mid air , was
the white dove of such symbolic significance
In the church life.
The choir gave tome special music and
rendered It well The pastor. Rev. Dr. Askln
was at his best. His text was from Revela
lions , "I am Ho Ihat llveth and was dead
and behold , I am alive for evermore. Amen ,
and have the keys of hell nnd of death. " In
eloquent , forceful words he urged his hearers
not only to remember the historic Christ , hu
the reigning and glorified Christ. In the
words of the text quoted the speaker rem
the deeper truth that while the risen Chrlsi
was surrounded by all glory , and possessor o
all power , He did not want His followers
to be so carried away with the beatific vlsloi
revealed to John as to forget that He was the
same whom they knew as the man of sorrows
rows , rle wanted the children of earth ti
have a glimpse of His glory , that He mlghi
be to them not only a memory of the past ,
but a help for the present nnd a hope for the
future. A man might know all about Christ
and yet not know Christ. Such a one coul <
not feel the full significance of Raster.
In the evening the Sunday school gave a
social concert. Recitations were lnterspersc (
with several unique exercises , the program
clcstng with quite an elaborate picturing by
song , scriptural selections and recitations o
the lessons taught by the various forms o
Illy life.
I > itiS : * > ( lOOUH-Sll.KS.
Motion Store.
30 pieces all wool French serges , worth 39c
on sale Monday at 25c a yard.
All wool French cliallles , new styles am
patterns , at 39c a yard.
38-ln. all wool suitings , In checks , plaids
and mixtures , worth 50c , on sale at 39c a
Fancy figured nuns' veilings. In light col
ors and tints , nt 45c. worth 62l&c.
All wool French serge , 2Bo a yard.
A regular COc quality flne serge at 35c a
Wo have Just received another lot of ou
4G-ln. French serges , which have been so
popular at 75c a yard , our price now BOc.
Silk and wool crcpons , beautiful effects , a
Jl.OO and $1.39 n yard.
New lot of fancy black goods at Jl-00 am
$1.25 a yard.
Big lot of men's and boys' sweaters at 25c
33c and BOc.
7flc quality gents' lisle undearwcar at 60c
See our line of ladles' lisle vests at 25c.
Council Bluffs , la.
Trilby , $1.15 ; Manxman. 9Sc ; Marcella
$1.38 ; Prince of India , $1.78 ; Ben Hur , SSc
Macauley's History , five volumes. 98c ; Georg
Eliot , complete , six volumes , $1.G3 ; Whlti
House Cook Book , $1.25 ; Family Poets , com
plete , $148 ; forty Handy Volume Classics
9Sc ; at book auction , Elseman building.
> . HI. Ullllmiiimi
Selli the Standard and Domestic scwlnt ,
machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha
106 South Main street.
U hut U III H > ainn t
Everything. If applied to a Har.lman Piano
sold by Mueller Piano and Organ company
103 Main street.
_ _
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good
laundry. " and Is located at 724 Droadnay
If In doubt about this try It and be convinced
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
Trouble for Two.
J. H. Conley and A. Kllgore attended a
dance at Lacy's hall on Lower Main at roc
Saturday night. By the time It was over a
2 o'clock Sunday morning they had put a
quantity of liquor out of sight sufficient t <
make themselves somtvvhat shaky In thel
leg * . Kllgore wa drunk enough to think hi
wai sober , and Conley was sober enough ti
know that Kllgore was drunk. So he caugh
Mr. Kllgore by the arm and marched him of
0 the pctlce station , telling him that he was
under arrest. Kllgorg was coniclous only ot
1 general feeling of delight , nnd raised no
ibjectlon to ( pending the night In jail.
Vhcn the pair reached the station Jailer
'eterson threw them both behind the bars ,
charging Kllgore with drunkenness and Con
ey with drunkenness and Impersonating an
_ _ _ _ _ _
I offer my household goods for sale this
veek , from 10 to B dally. 620 First avenue.
Mrs. R. M. Osborn.
Room for rent , one or two gentlemen. Cor
ner Willow avenue and Sixth street. Apply
o N. M. Pusey.
New line of fishing tackle and sporting
goods ; also line of kitchen novelties tor
ancy cooking , etc. , at Cole's. 41 Main street.
Hay for sale , by the ton lit carload. W. A.
, Vood , 520 Main street.
Evans1 Laurdry Co. , B20 Pearl ; tel. 293 ;
hlrls , collars , cuffs , fine work a specialty.
Ice Nice , clean reservoir Ice , cheap. Mul-
holland , 5 Baldwin block. Telephone 186.
Miss M. E. Keen , stenographer , IOC South
Dr. Laugel , otTtco 410 6th ave. ; tel. ISO.
'cmi.sylviinlu Modi inlui Spelling Home * on
I'nrin * .
There has been a brisk demand during Die
mst summer and winter for farms adjacent
o the city , says the New Castle , Pa. , Guar
dian. This , no doubt , has grown out of the
uncertainty ] | of steady employment nnd the
reduction of wages , occasioned by the In-
lustrlal and business depression which has
irevnllcd. In this city , although our Indus-
rial establishments have run with remark-
iblo regularity under the circumstances ,
hero have been cuts In wages which have
nade the man who earns a living by the use
of his hands very uncertain regarding Ihe
iitnre. Ills past experience has taught him
that further regular employment can not
always be looked forward to , and the reduc
tion In I.Is earnings has caused him more
uneasiness , because It makes It more dllli-
cult for him to provide for n "rainy day. "
A reporter dropped hue the oUlcc of one of
. ; he leading real estale agents , and during the
talk learned that there had been quite a
demand for farms within n few miles of
the central portion of Now Castle. Said the
real estale man"Farm properly In Law
rence counly has been In good demand dur
ing Ihe past fall and present winter. There
has not been much enhancement In values
of real estate growing out of this call for
such property as yet , but It will undoubted ! )
lead to It. Not only are there quite a
number of persons who desire to buy land cf
this kind , but it Is considered Just at present
the best security by people who have mone >
lo loan at Interest. A well known Lawrence
county man Just the other day wanted mete
to loan for him $6.000 to $18,000 on farm
lands. He probably thought It a safer In
vestment than city property. Country prop
erty Is not subject to the fluctuations of
New Castle real eslate by reason of the fact
that In the latter place tlie simt-downs of
Industrial establishment have a marked effect
on the real estale market. I know of n
number of New Castle men who want to buj
farm property adjacent to the city. One of
these desires to Invest $ C,000 nnd nnother
$5,000. Mechanics In all Irades have bsen
here during the past few months getting In
formation regarding farm values. Some of
these , should they purchase farms , will quit
working In our Induslrlal planls , while olhers
want their property near town to they can
continue their avocation here. "
I ho CIcrfcH I'ut Up u < ! ! > on Mini uiul 1'itU1
tor Ilio \t
The examining surgeons of the Slxty-flft'i
rcglmcnl , Nallonal Guard , at Buffalo , N. Y ,
found a Snmson last week. Among the can
didates examined was Bert Bartrnm , a cart
man , about 32 years old < When he had
stripped for the examination ho sat on a
chair and asked the physicians to Eland or
Ills ankles. One slood on each ankle , am
Ihen , apparently without any great effort
lint tram raised his legs until they stood like
parallel bars , and held the doctors In the air
for two minutes. Four Hebrew clerks In the
vvl.olesale clothing house of Warner Bros. & .
Co. found this Samson a week earlier. The )
knew that he prided himself on his strcnKll
and put up a job on him. He gels Ilio
wages of two men on account of his great
A few days ago Bartram was delivering
some heavy cases nt the clothing house am
lifted the cases on and off the dray without
the aid of skids. One of the clerks pointed
to a big c.132 on the floor and asked Bartian
If he could lift It. They told htm It held 700
pounds of cloth.
He offered to bet that he could and agreed
to return as soon as he had delivered the
other packages on the wagon and do th
trick for them. While he was gone the
young men emptied the case , drove four long
nails through the bottom of It Into the floor
and went Into the cellar nnd clinched th
nails. Then they returned the goods to the
bo\ and waited for Dartram. He appearci
at the appointed time , strode over to the cas *
and took hold of II. It didn't budge.
"Sure there's only 700 pounds In It ? " said
The four young men assured him that thai
was all It contained and then offered lo bei
him that he could not lift It. Dartram pul
up $20 against $20 raised by the. clerks
Then he removed his coat , fastened his big
hands on the case , gave a powerful tug am
the case rose In the air with a crackling jj
timber and a cloud of duct. Six square fee
of the floor came up with the box. Ilartrair
pcckeled the money nnd after reproving the
young men for the attempted fraud wen
away. The carpenter's bill of $8 was paid by
the crestfallen clerks.
A Variation.
Detroit Free Press : "If there Is one
thing I don't like about husbands , " remarkei
the older woman to the younger , "It Is the
business of their coming In late at night. "
"I don't like It either , " said the younger.
"Doss yours do It much ? "
"Much more than I like. "
"Well , mine don't any more. "
"How did break him "
ydu of It ? i
"Dy years of persistent objection. But I
took years. " *
"I suppose I naven't been married lon&
enough. "
"How long have you been married ? "
"Five years. "
"And I've been married twenty-five. Does
ho come In late often ? "
"Oh , yes , very often "
"Well , I Just wouldn't have It , " broke
forth the older woman. "A man has no
right to come In always late at night , am
the woman owes it to herself and to th
whole family of human kind to oppose It to
the utmost limit. "
"But he doesn't 'always como In late a.
night , " protested the younger woman , after
the fashion of women to defend the erring
"No ? I thought you said he did ? " and
the older woman sniffed the air In deftancu
"Oh. no , " hesitated the younger , "some
times he comes In early In the morning. "
This time the older woman lost her pa <
tlencs utterly.
_ _
1'oker tint lingo.
A looker-on In Washington says that poker
Is all the rage Just now among the younger
element of society women In Washington ; but
of course. It Is pla > ed under the rose , am
only those In the svv m are permitted to sit a
the green cloth and dally with the seductiv
chlpi. The ladles phy like men that Is , they
put their money up before they sit down , and
cash In their chips at the end of the gan-e
according to the rules and regulations pro
vlded. There has been a good deal of com
ment and goss p recently about the stiff gimea
played by some of these women , and It ls
predicted that If the practice keeps up a scan
dal of hugh proportions will b > the result.
I.nric > c KcKlinrntuI I.OM.
The largest regimental loss on either side
during the late civil war was sustained by
the Twenty.jlxth. North Carolina Petti
grew's brigade , Heth's division. They had
a full quota of 800 men on July 1 , 1S63 , bu
In the single battle of Gettysburg lost CS :
IIIPII , eighty-six killed and 602 wounded , no
Including tha "missing. " of whom Ihere
were 120. According to Colonel W. F. Fox
In one company , clghty-tlx strong , every man
was lilt and the orderly who made out the
list did to while suffering from a wound li
each le& Surely those were times which noi
only "tried men's souls "
, but made heroes o !
those who survived and martyrs of the dead
IJaborcrs Building a StiHt/i / Railway on
Sunday Arrested by the Police ,
Cuinpnny AVn indcnvnrlng : to not It * Iluiul
Completed llcforo Injunction Proceed
ings Could | to Commenced Con-
trnctora CJ.ive llnud r the .Men.
n In
TOLEDO , April 14. ChUrclf' ' goers In the
ewer part of the city were treated to the
unusual spectacle shortly niter 8 o'clock this
morning of the major and chief of police
dashing out of the La Grange street police
station behind a fiery steed , followed Imme
diately by two patrol wagons loaded with
ofllcers. fifteen minutes laler the wagons
were wending their way back to the station ,
liavlng on board twenty-six prisoners street
laborers who had been arrested on n charge
of a violation of the ordinance prohibiting
manual labor on the Sabbath ,
These incidents formed the climax to the
attempl of the Manufacturers Railway company -
pany to lay a line on Water street without
the permission , It Is alleged , of the city en
gineer. The ordinance enfranchising the
company passed the city council after a blt-
tur flghl. and It vvas hinted during the past
week that the company would be restrained
from attempting to put down rails on Water
strccl. At midnight Sunday n big force of
men were put to work on the line and contin
ued until this morning. They expected to
finish the track by midnight tonight , but
their hopes were rudely shattered when the
police arrived.
Blck < t Glenn , contractor ? , gave ball for
the men arrested , and the latter will have
n hearing lomorrovv morning This afternoon
the Toledo Bending company had papers
drawn up asking for nn Injunction lo prevent
further work on the line Unless the con
tractors are restrained they sny Ihey will
resume operations nt midnight At nil events
the franchise of the company will be al-
tacked , their opponents say , and Ihe laller
claim they have n case that will hold.
At midnight an attempt was made to re
sume work on the road , but the police again
Interfered and arrested the laborers a second
time. An order was Issued for the arrest of
also of the contractors , but none of them
could be found.
lYoplciil Sn ihn llnciii red In u ( Itinch nf
liiiiliui is.
Cases of finding tarantulas concealed In
bunches of bananas sent to this market
from the islands of the Cnrrlbean sea arc
by no means uncommon , hut tlio discovery
of a snake of considerable length and of an
unknown variety curled up In n bunch of the
delicious fruit Is rather out of the ordinary
and apt to cause no llttlo excitement Suc.i
a. find was made at a Cincinnati commis
sion . hou'e , says the Enquirer , and ns jet
the wonder and Interest in the strange
vlallor that made the trip successfully from
the tropics have In no way died down.
A grocer had purchased a bunch of ba
nanas from the Ilrm nnd ono of the men
was taking the fruit frqni Jho , store to put
It in the wagon , when he noticed a peculiar
nest or collection of muJ Hear the central
stem beneath the bananas. ' IIo laid the
burden down and proceeded'to ' rake out the
strange looking object , vvhtui he was horrl-
Hcd to ECO drop out of tlioj hiding place a
snake several feet In length , which fell to
the ground nnd lay quite motionless. It
was benumbed by the cold , experienced In
the northern climate , and \vlicn the warm
sunlight shone upon It , for a , short time It
began to writhe and squirm preparatory to
making Its escape. This ivas not to be.
When the surprised mdn' ' came to their
senses they quickly canllncd the strange
reptile , and In Its we.ilj : condition It vvas
placed In a box and measured by n rule
and found to bo five Cept--threo Inches In
length. U vvas imprisoned in a box an 1
tlloneil to regain Its usual f riskiness. When
It had become thawed oAit lt ) made all sorts
of offorls lo get out Its forked tongue was
darted out with lightning-like rapidity nnd
Its eyes seemed to glow with an angry fire.
The snake was given a wide berth by the
curious sightseers , by whom It vvas lookel
upon as a most btrango creature. And In
deed It Is. A long white body , with largo
black spots , give It n grotesque and un
canny : appearance , oven greater than that
usually dlspla > ed by snakes.
The nest that it was concealed In Is of
the most peculiar construction. U has the
appearance of being made from oakum , with
which boats arc caulked , and It Is the sup
position on the part of some Hint this substance -
stance was secured during the trip In the
steamer , where It constructed Its nest , of
the shape and nppcnrnnco of a barn swal
low's nest , and made Its homo for the Jour
ney abroad There Is no one of the com
mission merchants that recalls a similar
strange visitor , and the variety of the rep
tile Is n problem that Is awaiting a solution
by sorno scientist.
t.ri-Ht .Inpllrr , the 'ionllnrao. .
The West Chicago Street Railway company
owns many things , relates t ! : = Tribune , but
there Is one of Us possessions Ihat Is little
noted , almost unknown to fame and scarcely
classified among the assets of the concern.
That Is Jupiter , the low horse of Western
avenue viaduct , and the tallest horse In the
city , if not In America barring , of course ,
the occasional gigantic freaks exhibited lii
sldo shows and dime museums.
Jupiter Is n scraggy , bony , ungainly bay , 9
years old and of Kentucky parentage. Dave
Qulnlan Is his master , and Dave makes an
excellent background or measuring rod to
estimate tne big horse's bulk and stature.
Dave is five feet ten and wears a high derby.
When he stands beside Jupiter the top ol
the hat does not come to the level of the
shoulder. "Jupe Is seven feet from
hoof lo shoulder , " said Mr. Qulnlan , "and he
vs eights about 2,200 pounds
Jupiter Is about as Intelligent as the aver
age tow horse , but possesses tremendous
strength and hauls the cars up the sleep In
cline of Ihe vladucl vvllli as much , ease as
If ho were trolling down hill.
The Clmni ] ) on > cut Woman.
There ls a woman In caslern Maine , says
the Lewlston Journal , who couldn't go to a
picnic when Invited because she couldn't get
time. "I have so much work at home , " she
said "I can't go anywhere. " Yet this saint
woman afterward bent a lot of old rags to a
junk dealer , where she realized a price ol
1 cent a pound , perhaps , nnd every piece ol
them had been newly washed and Ironed
smooth , and was neatly folded up. The thing
was eo funny that the junkman put the rags
on exhibition as the work of a woman who
was short of time. She can now safely lay
claim to the title of ' 'chamtilon neat woman
of America. " ' / '
Credit auA Caxli.
An honest old negrowearing very ragged
clothing and carrying it fine large ham on
his shoulder , was met ; nornlng by some
college bojs In Oxford , < Jla.
"Hello , Undo Ike ! " sald3one of them ; "If
you can afford to buy sqch good victuals why
don't you get some new/slothes ? "
"Ah , Mars' John , " liereplied , with a smile ,
"my back gib me credit , , but my stomlch
deman * de cash. " <
Beecham's pills afe for bilious
ness , bilious hea jitjie , dyspep
sia , heartburn , torpid liverdiz- ,
ziness sick headachebad
, , taste
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss of appetitcsallow skin.etc. ,
when caused by constipation ;
and constipation is the most
frequent cause of all of thorn.
Go by the book. Pills 10 $ and
35 * a box. Book fi' < e at your
druggist's or write B.F. Allen Co. ,
365 Canal St. , New York.
iiiort thin 6.KD OU > boiti.
The Dlicurorj of Argon I'ollotred bjr the
Itnlntlon of llcllntu ,
The detection of the gns argon In the at
mosphere Is being followed by a rapid series
of discoveries of great Interest , says a Lon
don dispatch. Chcmlits have long known ,
theoretically , of the existence of another
clement which has been called helium , and
which was revealed by the tpcctroscopo In
.ho sun's rays. U was not known to exist
n I this planet , 1'rof. Ilamsay a few days
dgo t , In order to find whether there was
something In the world with which argon
would keep company , was examining an ex-
rernoly rare earth found tn Norway and
< nown as clevclte. When this mineral Is
treated with weak sulphuric ncld It gives oft
a gas which has hltherlo been regarded as
iltrogen. The protestor found , by close ex
amination , that It vvas not nitrogen , but
argon , nnd , moreover , there was associated
with It another gas which he found to be , to
use his own words , gas which had not jet
jccn separated IIo submitted It to 1'rof.
Crookes , and the result Is to show that the
gas thus found Is helium. !
M. Bcrthelot , continuing his experiments j
n I'arls , found that In manipulating argon
lie developed at an ordinary pressure a mag
nificent ( luoreiccnt substance , greenish > cl- '
low In color , nnd characterized by a spertrum
similar to that of the Aurora llorralla. Prom i
this ho deducted Ihat the northern lights
arc caused by lluorcscent mutter derived
[ rom argon and engendered through the In-
lucnco of electrical emanations developed
In the atmosphere. i
Still another scientific triumph of the week
Is Ihp llqiicfacllon of lodrogen by 1'rof
Olszewskl of Cracow. Prof. Dewar's rival
He finds that the lightest of all gasscs
liquifies at 243 degrees below zero.
Not might.
An old British admiral , well known for his
powers of exaggeration , was describing a
vojage at supper one night.
"While cruising In the Pacific , " said he ,
"we passed an island which was positively
red with lobsters. "
"Hut , " said one of the guests , smiling In
credulously , "lobsters are not red unlll
boiled. "
' Of course not , " replied the undaunted ad
miral , , "but this was a volcanic Island with
boiling | springs ! "
Tlio IciidlMK nrtMs of tlio
world UM the Klniliall nt nil
thi'lr I'litortaimni'iits.
They InsIM upon It.
TliL'io nu > lint- points In otlior
lilaiux , lull -
TinKiniliiill has thi'tii nil.
Standard sheet imiMc , Ic
A. HOSl'U , 1r.
Music nnd Art ,
1513 Douglas , Omuhn.
President. Cashier
Capital , - $100,00 ! )
Profits , - - 1'J.OOO
Oil ! of tl , oldest linnln In the Hate of Iowa
\Ve solicit jour bualncis and collections. VV
pay S per cent on time if | > osll . Wo will b <
to nee and lerve inu.
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. Ifc is n harmless hubstituto
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
Ifc is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys AVorms and allays
feveri&liness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation nnd ilatulcncy.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
nnd bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cns
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
" Castoria Is an excellent medicine for dill " Cnstorla 13 so well adapted to children thnt
dren. Mothers hao repeatedly told mo of Its I recommend it ussupcrlortouny prescription
good effect upou their children. " known to me. "
DR. Q. C. OSQOOD , IT. A. Ancnnn , SI. D. ,
Lowell , IIa-sc. Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Castoria Is the best remedy for children of " Our physicians In the children's depart
which I mil acquainted. I hope tlio day Is rot ment liavo spuLcn highly of their experi
far distant w hen mothers will consider the real ence In their outsldo practice vtith Castoria ,
Interest of their children , nnd use Castoria In and although wo only have among1 our
stead of thcvarlousquack nostrumswhlch nro medical supplies nhat is known as regular
destroying their loved ones , by forclnsoplum , products , yetwooro free to confess that the
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with
agents down their throats , thereby sending favor upon It. "
them to premature graves. " UMTED HOSPITAL , .AMD DISPFNSIRV ,
Dn. J. F. Kiscnct-OE , Boston , Moss.
Conway , Ark. ALI.KN C. SIIITII , Prei ,
The Contnnr Company , TT Murray Sfi-oot , Now York City.
Tbli great Vegetable
- VIUill7irthopr'SLrin.
tlanof a fonioun Trench pliy5lc.lBii.wlll quickly cure jou of all JUT.
JOU3 or dlvaicn of tlie ecnerntlve dream , suUi ai I. < i8tManhood ,
Insomnia , IMInsIn tliu JlncU.Bemliml Lmlolnn Nrnniii Debllltv !
Plmplri , Unlitncss to Marry , UxImuithiK Urnlns , Vartrocrlc and
Constlmitlon. Itstopiull losses uy day or iilelit 1'ivrvnig quli.U.
ness of dlsclinrcp , luilcli If not checked Ipmli to HpcrmutorrhCDu and
lut-1-ui-it.ANDHt-iL.H ? . " tt'ohorrorjuf Irapotency. UI'IHEMlcleuuststhollvcr , tUj
1 j.ldnoysBnd Din urinary organs of ulUmpurlUcs ,
CUI'iniJNK utrenKtlieninndrcstorPSfmMlweikorBnns.
Tlio reuvjn siKTerprs nro not cured by Jlwtnrs li liocuuso ninety per cent nro troubled with
Prealntlll * . CUPI DEN Kin the only known remed/ to cure wlihout un operation. UWIimlmnnl-
oK A written uunmntpoelvm ami money relnrnul U BIS hnxen dopn not cil'ect u permanent euro
| 1.CO n not , K for $5 0) , by mull , bend for ntisi : circular and testimonials.
/ - T voi , riEmCINi : CO.,11. O.Ilox SOTS , Ban rranclsco.Cal. Jbr Site M/
"vc b , fr , ,
Bold In Omaha t > r Samuaa A McConntU. KUDU 4 Co.
ana by Vlckera a Merchant. Drug-elan
We have 2,000 dusters in stock , which we will sell you at
lass than the cost of the feathers. We have got to get rid of
them , and quote you for one week only for spot cash :
No. 10
IJell Duster ic No. 14 Bell
Duster , , ,
No. 11 Bell Duster >
' ' "
No. 1C
' Bell Duster
No. 12 Hell Duster O
.IGC No.
16 Bell Duster
No. 13 Bell Duster o
iac No. 18 Bell Duster
All klnda of Dyelne
find fi'Mnlns ' done | S
the highest style of
the nrt. Faded and
stained fabrics mnd.
to look as good as
new. Work promptly
done nnd delivered
tn all parts of the
y/JOR ® country. Send for
price list.
'jwnis '
Broadway , near North.
wcitcrn Depot , Council
' lilutrt , Iowa. Tel. 322.
WANGLE , M , D ,
Tlio Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience ,
WOMK.V. riiopiiurron OF THU
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catturli of the Hcnd , ' 1 Uront nnd Limps ; ! ) !
ease or Ilio Hjo uiul liar , I'lls nnd Apoplexy ,
Ili-iirt Hill-use , I.lvcr I'omplnlnl. KIdmT Com
plaint , IScfvoiiH l ul > lilt > . mental I > e-
jiri-HMloii. I.OHH ol niaitliooU. Hem. .1
lual WcaUiicHH , Dhtlictri , IlrlKlifs ! ) ! .
i-aso , SI Vltns' Dance. Kliciuniittam , Pnrnlj ls ,
\\lutohurhlnu' , Stmilulii , IVvcr Soien , Turn ,
urn and I'lHttila In aim rctun\cil
\vltlioiit Ilio Uniro or drawing a
drop ( triiloud. Woman wltli livr
( lollcatu ortrntiH rutttnrutl lo
lu-altli. Dropsy cured -wltlioat
tapping. Special Attention Klteii
to l'rl-\ate and Venereal l > lHenHVH
of all ItlitilH. So to Sjooffltorlclt for
nny Venereal IllMeaae I ciuinot euro
without Merciio Tiipo Worms rcmovod
tn twoiir thttH ) hours , or no pit ) llt'Uiimuoldi
or 1'llcs ciiroil.
Will Mivu IICu mid hundreds of dollars by callIng -
Ing on or uslnjr
TlKMinU riijilrliuiliiicnn loll Mrlmtulla
m ( MM inn n I Hutu tucking u < | iu' llnrt.
TIIIS | nt H ilMimcii xrnil Cur UlloM
Itlnnli , Nn t f < n mon , No. ii for \\iiiiicn.
All torrcppomUnco Rtrk-tly confidential.
Mcdlclno tent bj uxpivt * . Adilrcts all letters
< : . vir. I'ATs'oi.ic. ni. i > . ,
Enclose lUo In Btiunpa for icply.
To the
Readers of
Literature of
every description
free of all charge
save postage
and clerical expenses.
Look at the
Catalogue in
The Sunday Bee.
1,150 Titles.
See the
Printed In
Every Issue ol
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never bo recovered ,
and It's n calamity to losa several years ,
which co many Iowa and Nebraaka people
have done when they have bought foreign
grown , unnccllnmted fruit trees.
Were born on the lands where their nurse.
ry stock Is grown , und years of patient.
Intelligent experiment have taught them the
best varieties for this climate. Consequently
their home grown mock Is as hardy as the
forest trees. They have n very large stock ;
for the spring delivery nnd every tree Is
warranted true to name. Orchard , Vlnyard.
Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornamental Block
Make no mistake In your orders. Hcnd us
your list of wants for prices. We can pleaaa
you In prices and stock. References : Council
h luff a Hanks , Council Illuffs Department
Omaha lice , nnd prominent business men.
Nurseries six miles north of Council Ulfls ,
P. O. Address ,
Crescent. Iowa.
Ilroadway ,
Grain handled In car load lota. Tel. 203.
Special Notices-Council
_ Ud llurke , utW. _ H. Homer1 ! , US Hroadway.
llurke. at Homer * * . MS liroadway.
with ven rooms , aUo ( our rooms adjoining
at C21 Ilroadway , good chance ( or lth r private
family , boarding liuuiu or r'ltuurunt. 13. W.
Jackson. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
vale cheap and on caiy Urnn. Day & Hoi.
89 IVnrl ulreet. _
_ l ( returned to The jlee otllce. _
BtrpfU , < m Ilroodway , ( told croaa , cnirruvtd W
C. M. Lrav * at Ue